Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Local Rallroid * Meet th Ores
Northern's Out ,
Uncrrljiln i < < I'nltirr II *
Millx , Sonif I'ri'illi'lhiK n
J'iirJi ( "r l > i'iiii nill liiK < <
illtlnn I'.rr I.onu.
Uvcry day Is excursion day , not by and b
but right now.
llPKlnnlng Wednesday , the Burlington pt
In i ho dally rate of $25 from Omaha to Porl
land for a second-class ticket. This wl
ninct the rate now In force on the Grer
Northern road. One may go to i'orllan
cither by way ot Hillings or Denver , but t
Seattle and Tacoma the route will bo b
way of Hillings. The rate will apply to a
points on the Hurllngton lines In the sta
west of Omaha and Lincoln , except town
on the Concordla line , where the local rat
to the nearest Junction point is added.
TJio action of Hie nurllngton was not un
expected , as It was predicted when th
Orcat Northern announced at the transcon
tlnontal line meeting In this city
neck ago that It would put
puch rales on March 13. Whllo th
Ilurllngton' Is the llrst ono of these south
ern lines to tnnko the cut It will not bo th
only one. All the other roads will meet 1
That Jins ( been understood , although tli
others have Ix-cn waiting until the concln
nlon ot the mooting In St. Louis. The Unlo
fl'aclflc especially has shown conHlder.illo
lor the deliberations of the St. Louis con
ifcrenco by holding off Its announcement t
the cut rate , but when that meeting ad
journs ami its action Is officially com
anuiilcalpd to this road It will at once mei
the lead of lla competitors. The Elkhor
will also put In the same rates from a
< owna on Its lines within the prescribed tei
altory and turn the ibuslncss over to th
Ilurllngtoti or the Union Pacific , to the ferment
nt Lincoln and the latter at Omaha. A
the olllco of the Hock Island notlco Is ex
period at any moment authorizing the an
iiouncemont of the rato. The Missouri P.i
tlllo will probably not put In the rate froi
Omaha , but it Is understood the road ho
already the nile cffcctl\o from Kan
cas City.
Jlnr Continue 11 I.ntiR Tlnip.
It Is Impossible to tell how long thes
rates will remain In force , but rallroa
snen as a rule bcllo\o they will continu
during all the spring months , if not longc
The Orcat Northern lias a long stretch c
territory along its line which is sparsel
Gotllcd , nnd to Induce Immigration to thl
country Is given as the reason why the rate
were put In. If this was the real cause
will prevail six months from now a
strongly nn It dooa today , for the unlvei
al application of the rates to all tli
Iransmlssourl territory will Tirevcnt tli
Great Northern from getting any more tha
the usual per cent ot tills class of bus !
The regular second-class rate to Portlan
la $10 and the now rate represents a cut i
$15. Thla Is believed to be BUiriclcnt of
reduction to cause many travelers who -woul
otherwise take a first-class ticket to fores
the few extra privileges obtained and tali
ono of the tourist tickets. The addition !
fact that the tickets will ho on sale over
day is an advantage , and while the tfavi
will not bo bunched as on the ordlnat
Hiomeseckers' excursions , there will undoubl
odly bo a heavy traffic e\cry day.
The cut will not atop at points In Wasl
ington nnd Oregon , but will extend to Cal
fornla points. The local oftlco ot the Mil
fiourl Pacific has received telegraphic a <
vices that next Saturday that road will mal
n late of $32.00 for a second-class tlcki
Bond for southern California points. Th
new departure into the Held of cut rati
will also bo followed by the other roads ha\
Ing California connections , and the end
not yot.
ItiitrN jlluy ( i I.uwrr.
There Is moro uncertainty In the passei
per rate situation In the w , t Just now tha
ihero been for several years. Whl
passenger men pretend to bollevo that tl
rate < will stand as they are , underneath tl
surface there Is a strong belief that the cu
ting has Just been commenced. So fi
the rates apply only to the goli :
trip. Similar rates for the return are prc
dieted as ono of the things of the ftilur
The condition- ) leading to the dlsorganlzj
ilon are so complicated that an early sol
tlnnot _ tlio difficulty will he almost an In
possibility. U Is not the action of ono llr
lighting for special recognition , but thei
nro several elements lnvol\ed , and on ea
Ihero haiigs a principle for which the coi
tending line will fight until the point
won or the road unmercifully whipped In
biiBtnosH sense ,
The interest the public Is taking In tl
contest Is shown by the number of Inqulrli
at tlio city passenger olllces about the tlel
ol . Many who contemplated taking a tr
to the northwest later In the year are no
planning to gohllo these low rates are i
force. They want to know how long tl
jxosent conditions will exist , and whelhi
tlioro Is prospect of a lower rato. Ncltlr
ot thoBo questions can bo definitely ni
nwcrod , ono agent saying It IB like deallr
In options. Travelers may make money 1
waiting , and there Is a possibility they mi
lose. Unless all signs fall the rates will I
lower. Omaha passenger men say so.
1'oivr scoiir.n nv Tun UAIMIOAD
hulll ( n Illivc Out tlio lli > Mt of
Itnnril of Trmlc ,
Loral freight trafllc men have been wotc
Ing with Bomo Interest the proceedings b
fore the Interstate Commerce commission
Chicago , which were Instituted by the Doa
of Trade In that city against the rallroat
alleging dlscrimlnallon. When the now o
port rates on grain were inaugurated
couple of months ago tlio rate on coin fro
the Mississippi rher to the Atlantic con
wa niailo l.'IVii cents , while that from Cl
cage was 10 cents. The Hoard of Tra
charged that this was discrimination inl
liitlon of the Interstate commerce law , wh !
the railroads maintained they had in ma
the difference to meet competition by gt
lines ,
The feollns among freight men in tl
city Is thnt the Hoard of Trade men fall
to make a case , as they in no install
PUNE ( inure CRtAM or TARTAR rowocrt
DR ;
Superior to all others iu iiurlty ,
ill-linen * Hiul leinfiilm ; MrniRth.
Highest Honors , World's Fair
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair
showed where the difference In ratff dim ;
trously afTflcU the btislnwi In tlint city , will
on the other hand It Is * nld the railroad
made a strong caic for themselves , and
prediction Is mnde that the commission wl
decide the Hoard ot Trade has no caiNc ft
Another feature of the hearing which
considered of some Importnnco was the lei
tlmony by nn officer ot the Illinois Centra
which has a direct line to the gulf , that on !
n small portion of the corn shipped froi
along thru line nought nn outlet on the gul
This olllcer argued that gulf competition wr
a. myth , and that up till the present tlmo
had not affected the general course of cor
! MPi ivnMivi's nv mititv HOM
Train Sln'ili ( it Hi * Coiixtrm'tccl t1
XVi'liitrr * > lr 'rt loint. |
Patrons of the Webster street depot wl
have been put out iby having to expo ;
themselves to the w wither In going froi
the depot to trains \\lll bo pli'ased to tear
that this condition will bo remedied who
thr > weather settles sufllclcntly to perm
building operations. Tliu tracks there ni
to bo covered by sheds which will cor
nect with the depot building , making a coir
ploto protuctlon from rnln nnd stoim. Th
plans hnvo been drawn by the Omaha roai
but have not yet been forwarded to tli
It Is contemplated to cover four tract
which will nccomodato all the trains whlc
will bo at tht > station at any one tlm
One- largo shed will cover all the open plal
form In the rear of the depot , making
pcsslblo for all business connected wit
passenger tratllo to too transacted umlc
cover. An apartment will bo conRtructc
hero for the use of the express buslnes
making it moro convenient than It la t
present. Settees will too placed under tli
protection of these shcdt for the use of paf
scngcra during tlio wnrmer weather , whlc
will relieve the strain on the nccommodji
tlon of the depot waiting rooms. It Is m
known definitely when work upon thcf
Improvement * will ibo commenced , but r. .
the olllco of the company It Is promised thr
It will , bo completed before the cxposltlo
opens next July.
Chicago , . ' \tlM\iin ) . < > < A. m. 1'ntil Wll
Mnku nxteiiMliiii.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. , March 1C. Tl
Dally Wisconsin says. The Chicago , Ml
wnukoo & St. Paul Railroad company
planning to build a direct line from St. Pate
to Duluth us nn outlet for the big whc
belt of the northwest , and giving the roi
pnny a cheap water route by the gre
wheat shipping center to the cast.
Charles W. Sheldon of this city , one
the civil engineers In the employ of tl
road , left this city with a survcjlng par
to make the preliminary survey for tl
now line.
The object of the St. Paul line In buildti
this line Is evident. It wilt glvo it
shorter and cheaper route from the nortl
western wheat belt. At present the Gre
Northern and Northern Pacific carry tl
greater quantities of wheat grown In Minn
sola and the Dakotns to Dulutb for shl
incut to eastern points by the lakes ,
the proposed line Is constructed the St. Pa
will be able to enter Into competition wl
these roads for this lucrative fieight.
Soldier * M 01 Inn AVpst.
The Durllngton passenger office has bee
advised that at least two trains bearln
soldiers from eastern posts tq San Fran
clsco will pass over that line. Ono trat
will bo carried from Chicago to Denver an
there turned over to the Rio Grande Wester
for the haul to Ogden , and the second trnl
will be carried from Chicago to Omah :
where It will bo delivered to the Rock Islan
for the haul to Colorado. These trains wl
carry the troops from Sackctt's'llarbo
which only form n portion ot the troops I
bo transported. From the advices receive
hero the trains will leave Chicago some tin :
during Sunday , passing through Omaha tl
next day. It Is believed hero that In tli
letting ot contracts for transporting tli
troops an equal distribution has been mac !
and that all the lines will receive n shai
of the business. The prime motl\e for th
distribution Is to prevent a congestion <
traffic and to facilitate the movement , whlc
Is a largo one.
Siiuliorii C'luitlrniN I , mid Sale.
Judge Sanborn has confirmed the title <
Iho lands of the Union Pacific recently sol
under the sinking fund mortgage In tl
possession ot the now Union Pacific con
pany. Action upon the master's report i
the sale came up for a hearing at St. Pa
Wednesday , and the attornejs for all tl
Interests wore present. II. 0. Burbank , fi
the protcstants against the sale In Ni
braska , had n Tiearing , but ho wan eve
ruled by the court. Other llttlo matte
were brought up and disposed of , nnd tl
master's iopoit was approved and the sal
in the four states woio confirmed. This ill
poses of the land question , and the land d
paitmcnt of the road will take steps nt on
to put the property on thn market for tl
benefit of settlers. W. II. Kelly , goner
solicitor for the Union I'aUflc , and G. 7
L.unbcrtHon , attorney for the receivers , r
turned from St. Paul this morning.
lIlllHmorr .V Ohio Sin toiiirnl.
IULTIMORE , March 10. On account
the severe storm which swept over the casern
orn portion ot the Haltlmore & Ohio ral
road during robruary , and which pract
oally closed the road for live days , tl
gross earnings for the month ot PVbrunr
1SOD , were J1.702.Si81 , a decrease ot $119 , IS
The net earnings show u decrease of $288
COO oiused by extraordinary expenses In r
moving the enow and other impedlmcn
from the tracks during the storm and
Improvements that nro being made fro
the Income. The gross earnings for tl
eight months of the flHcal year 1S97-08 we
518,719,38 : ' . , an increase of $042,182.
Third Vli-i' I'rrxlilcnt
tit Hook Inlnn
NEW YORK. March 16. The directors
the Chicago , nock Island & Pacific llallw
company today elected J. M Johnson till
vice president. II. A Pnrker was elected
director for the unexplrcd term of W ,
Tniesdalc , resigned. The unexplroa term
David Dow s , deceased , was filled by t
I election of Tracy Dons.
ny > uti > N ami iVi- .
General Manager ( Joorgo F. indwell of tl
nikhom has gone to Chicago.
W- I'Von Horger of Chicago , tick
auditor of the Northwestern , is an Omal
The military court of inquiry came
from Chicago this morning o\or the Ilo
Island and loaves tonight over the Mlssot
Paclllo for Kansas City.
II S. Jaynes , superintendent of the N
iirn&kn dhlslnn of the Omaha road , aceo-
ponied by Mrs. Jaynes , has gonu to Cli
cage for a week's recreation.
Thomas O'Connor , father of Mips ii
O'Connor , nn empoyo in the freight clal
department of tlm Union Pacific , ill
Wednesday night at his homo , 319 Sou
Twelfth Btreot. lie was an old settler
The hoard of appraisers appointed to co :
oemn property for the Union Pacific dor.
Jm * reported on lot 4. block ? OI. Boutheii of Iea\enwortn rjid Tenth stree
ana ten feet adjoining ou the west. T
> aluo placed upon the propnity 1 * til , ] !
Surah M Stanwood Is the ownci.
The following marrlago license was lean
by County Judge Baxter > esterday :
Name and Residence A (
C'aud i : T. Sorentieii , Ilonion , Neb .
Annlo M Somifcfii. Onnlm .
TinI'nriNt Itrrr
la the kind you want to use in jour lion
The \ nhuuBorIlusrh Drew Ing Ass'n ma
tholrartous brands of bet r of barley-mi
anl hnpmn < Hly purw beer , 110 corn
aJuUfra'lon. '
Grand N w Lot of Ituportod DrcS ! Good
Ends that Match , 19o Yard.
3lniiiifnt > ( tifcr'ii Untlrc Aectimtilnilo :
ItrmnntitN unit hhort llndn Illicli-
ciil < Jrnilp Plain nnd Pniu-j- While
Worth U | to ru Toiln > ,
Just received the grandest lot of big
grade , Imported , novelty dress goods cud
wo have over shown , they weru purchase
direct from the custom house , ami ther
are from three to fho to match. They gen
on two bargain squares today nt 19c an
35c each.
$100 DUESS GOODS , 10(2 , 150 , 2CC YAIU
Ono of Now York's largest dross good
houses , that cater for only the finest tradi
closed out to us all their short elide , rein
Hants , waist and drees lengths ot high grad
dress goods at a fraction of their real valui
we place them on sale today iu thrc
lots , at lOc , 15o and 25c yard.
Today wu place on sale for tbo firs
time a grand lot of long remnants , dres
lengths , waist patterns , etc. , of new , big
irado silks , worth $1.00 and $1.25 yard , I
two lots at 39c and -I9c yard.
3f > C WHIT13 GOODS , S' C.
The entire accumulation of remnants c
one of the largest white goods mills Iu th
United Statis , including leiigthn from 2 t
30 yaids , and consisting of the Tory lines
quality plain white and elegant check :
Htrlped , corded and plaid white goods , als
lace effects , In fact they include almos
every class of white goods made ; they gen
on float bargain square today all none
ono price , 8lic yard.
Remnants of nil kinds of dress lining , in
eluding plain and heavy twilled sllcsIa , a :
colois In plain nnd molred French , percH
line , all co on bars-iln square at 6c yart
worth up to 20c.
I'SC KMimOIDERir.S. S < AC AND 60.
10,000 > ards remnants of all widths fane
colored and white embroidery , go at 3' ,
and Cc yaid , worth 25c.
2SC LACKS , 3 iC , 5C AND 60 YARD.
Two immense lots remnants lace , runnlu
frnm 3 to 10 yards , Including silk laci
Valenciennes and the finest torchon lace , a1
CO Iu two lots at 3 > , < jc , 6c nnd Co yari
Two eases yard wide allUollno remnant
go at 2V4c yard.
2,000 > ards calico , yard wide percale , etc
in short lemnants , go at 2c yard ; woith ute
to lOc.
2,000 yards calico in long remnants , a ,
new spring patterns , go at 3VsC yard.
Three cases muslin including the ver
best quality , such as Krult of the Loon
Lonsdale , cambric , etc. , all go at 5c yard.
5,000 > .irds best grade table oil cloth 1
remnants from 1 > ,4 to 5 jards , go at 8 %
Ono immense lot of plain India liner
nainsook , etc.worth up to 12VjC , go at 5
Extra fine quality dimity , nainsook. Indl
linen , etc. , worth up to lOc. go at SV c yari
10,000 > arils 30-inch percale , in all th
newest spring patterns , worth up to 12V4
In long remnants , at EC jard.
Many thousand jards chambray an
zephyr gingham , 12b yard , go at G',2c yarc
10,000 yards shirting prints , in long rein
nants , go at 2V c jard.
Two cabcs pique , in plain and fancy col
ors , go at CKc yard , worth up to 35c.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
ivo ) ? r ( ciii-i-u UICT nitcii.
OMAHA , March 10. To the Editor of Th
Ileo : In the trial of Mr. Sudborough on
ot the witnesses testified that a check fo
$50 had been given to the Ancient Order o
Hibernians by the Pacific Express com
pany. The only check , money at dona
tlon of any kind that the society ever re
celved from the Pacific express company , a
far as we have any olllclal knowledge. Is
check for $3 , roccl\cd May 2 , 3S94 , and slgni
"IJ. M. Morsman , Pres't. " This was gKc
as a contribution to a fund raised by Hi
good citizens of Omaha for the purpose c
properly entertaining the national conven
tlon of the aforementioned order. Is
possible that the canceled check , after It ha
been returned by the ibank ( without M :
Morsman'fl knowledge , ot course ) , wn
"rataed" ? Trusting that a thorough invest !
gallon of ithls seemingly trivial matter wl
bo made , wo remain ,
Leaving Omaha dally at S.EO a. m. ,
Will land you In Portland
And at other Puget Sound Points
Tourist Sleepers are attached
To this train "very day
City Ticket Ofilco , 1302 Farnam Street.
on Liui Sine Tlnii * .
Businessmen can now have a full day I
the city and use the now dining car enroui
to St. Paul and iMInimapolls on the "Twl
City Limited. " Train leaves Webster strei
depot dally at E:5C : p. m via C. . St. P. , A
& O. Ry. , "Tho Northwestern Lino. "
DlnliiK Cnr SITX li-i- .
Dining car is now run nn "Twin CM
Limited" for St. Paul and Mlnneapoll
Train leaves Webster street depot 6:55 : p. n
dally via C. , St. , P. , M. & O. Ry.
O'CONNOR Thomas , nged 73 years , aft'
an Illness of 8 days , of pneumonia , at tl
residence of his daugliter , IblG Kyner S
Funeral Saturday irwrnlim , March IS , i
S a in. slmrp. from IfilD Kynor St. to H
Phlloniena's church , Ninth and Harnc
Btrceta. Interment , Holy Bepiilchcr cen
Mr. O'Connor haR lived 45 years In Omah :
W.IH flr t reglHter of deed * of Omaha an
held the ollk-e six yeais. Wan also membi
of first city council and re-elected tw
terms In succession.
WILDBRMAN Mrs. Kmma R. , wife <
Hobert 13. Wilderinan , on March 15 , age
G. ! years. Funeral from family resldonc
250i Hurdctto ftreot , Friday , March 17 , i
7 SO a m. Intel nient at Gknwood , 1
15 1 tlinore , Jld. , papers please copy.
MrLAIN Olive May , M arch IGth. daughti
of the late C. F and Oni McLaln , at tl
homo of her grandparents , 2il4 Wlrt strcc
l"uneral at 10 o'clock Haturday mornlr
from 2214 "Wlrt street.
MUI LINS Mrs AV B , aged 28 year
formerly Miss Ella Hurley , dlo < l at S
Joseph's hospital Thursday morning. Fi
Moral from residence. Twenty-second ar
I streotH , South Onwha , to Holy Sepulrlu
cemetery , Saturday niornliiK at 9 o'clocl
Chicago. St. 1x1111.4 and Philadelphia j > ,
pcr pletise copy ,
and tell the truth It may cause trouble-
bait It's better in the end. You hurt no 01
when you say
Is the best beer brewed nnd lias the nio
delicious flavor , is wholesome , pure at
nutritious. In fact everybody who has ev
tried It , pronounces It far above the ave
ago boor the llavor U to delicious. Nothlt
commonplace about it
rituii KHM. uiti\vi > n ro. ,
Tel < 20. 1007 Jactsou Strcc
Our Inn-Tnllorril Suit" Arc thr Tail
of the Touti.
Kmbraclnt ; IBO styles , demonstrates wit !
force our linluctplo position In this Held
Cheviot suits , fly front. Jacket silk lined
skirt percnllup lined , at J69S. Ladles
tailor made suits , made of elegant alt woo
Mctina cloth , In Kton and half tight fitting
Blnslo or double-breasted , Jacket silk lined
skirts jieictillno lined , at $1000. Ladles
tailor made suits , In broadcloths , Knells'
Milling ? , In checks nnd plaid * , claboratol ;
braid trimmed , Jacket talfetn llucd , wortl
} 2fi.OO , for $15 00.
Ladles' Jaunty Jackets , artistically tailored
with swell silk llnlups , at $500. $7.50 un
$1000. Our ehlldien's reefers are as cut
and as plcasliiR as the wearers thcmschep
Koefers made of twills and flannels , In al
colors , at OSc. Heefcrs made of all woo
novelty cloth , doublo-brcasted. braid trim
med , for $1 CO ; others at $200 , $2.00 am
Win. Head , solo manufacturer of Lans
downe , writes : "OwUng to the great do
maud for Lansdowne for linings b ) the Not
York customers wo will be unable to fll
vour order for at least 30 days " AUaj
look at the board and see the tlamo ; it 1
also used for wedding dresses nnd gradual
IIIR dresses. Priestley's crepons. Coulter-
crepons and Coulladt's are strictly couflne <
to us for Omaha , they arc branded on th
selvedge with the name on every f > yatdsam
no gods are genulno without this brand. Al
thcso goods are strictly confined to us fo
Omaha. Head Sundaj's ad on dress goods
nils Is what } ou ha\e bean waiting foi
The finest line of challlc-s iu Omaha at inuc :
less than other houses sclll these goods.
75 styles in new fancy silks , pretty nov
oltlcs , pretty stripes , for waists , worth $1 2 > "
at only 75c. 10 plecus white habutla , yar
wide , wash silk , particularly appropriate fo
underwear and children's di eases , $1.0
value , special at G9c.
Just rccehod , 2.1 pieces of Winslow tal
fcta on which wo were compelled to pay th
advanced prlco. Wo still \\i\\o \ \ a llmltc
quantity purchased before the adumco whlc
wo will sell at $1.00 , but wo predict tha
they will all bo sold before April Isl
Wlnslow taffeta Is 27 Inches wlflo ; all olho
talfetas are only 19 Inches wido. } { . yar
of Wlnslow taffeta equals twol ; yards o
other taffeta Winslow taffeta does not cu
or crack and IB cheaper at $1 10 than an
other taffeta made. It Is us-cd by all th
leading dressmakers. Special basonicn
bargains In silks at 19c , 2ic and 3Dc.
California hams , 6c ; bologna sausage. He
ulcklcd pigs feet , Cc ; potted ham , 5c can
3-pouud c.ins lard , 22c , No. 1 hams , sug.i
cured , Sc ,
Oinnhn < o Cli
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just placed In service two mag
nlflcent electric lighted trains betwee
Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally a
r > :45 : p. in , arriving Chicago at 8 25 a m ,
and leaving Chicago C 15 p. m. and arrivln
Omaha S 20 a m. Each train Is Hghte
thoroughly by electricity , has buffet smokln
cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dlnln
cars and reclining chair cars and runs o\o
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
twecn the two cltlea.
Tlckot ofllco lf > 04 Farnam street , and a
Union depot.
Frre TlrUrln.
those who Join the POUT AUTHOR. EX
CURSION. Leaving Omaha 6-50 a m. ani
I 50 p. ra. . March 21st. Leaving Kansas Clt
March 22d. Round trip rate from KANSAi
Remember the date. For all informatloi
1415 FARNAM ST. , ( Paxton Hotel Block ,
Or write Harry E. Moores. C. P. & T. A ,
Omaha , Neb.
Her Grand Hotel Turmsn naths now o ?
Reserved scats for the Tlssot lectures ca
bo secured at Chase's book store and a
Thompson & Uelden's dry goods store ; n
extra price 50 cents.
To persons giving information rcsultln
In the recovery of the $ .1,000 lost on Marc
10 a reward of 10 per cent of the money re
covered will be divided pro rata.
ninth PilfH HlH He-port.
Special Master S. R. Rush has filed wit
the Unlti'd States court the report of Georg
E. Barker and B. E. Balch , who wor
selected to appraise the property known n
the Bachelors' Quarters in the foreclosur
proceedings brought by the Northwester
Mutual Life Assurance company against C
M. Hitchcock. The property is valued s
$120,200 , with taxes aggregating $1 151 C
standing against It. Hitchcock's Interest I
therefore placed at $118.015.37. A provloii
appraisement was set aside by Judge Mun
ger on the representation of the defcudnn
that It was too low.
Happy Is the man 01 woman who can eat
good , hearty meal without Buffering aftei
ward If you cannot do It , take Kodol lyt
pepzta Cur It digests what you ant. an
cures nil kinds of Dyspepsia and Indlgrstioi
Until further notlco the Burling
ton's rate to Portland. Scattlo
nnd Tacoma will bo
I Twenty-five Dollars ,
Take train leaving Omaha 4.25
p. ra. dally , and you reach Puget
Bound points half a day ahead
of the man who selects any other
lino. Through tourist sleepers
every Tuesday and Thursday.
Tlckot Office , iBurllngton
1502 Farnam. ltSln0Bn0tr ( { ! < &
Tol'phono 25oJt < 5l ! 3io ?
T1IIJ bT. I'.VT 111 fU..S 1)\\ ;
1'iir.ide can n > 't <
pans by on <
Fifteenth streel <
- between 1'ar-
n.ini and DOUK- <
Ins without <
Seeing tllO biff 4
oje HlKii of Dr 4
McCarthy 1)104 )
t-yo speclallitl 4
To biu this Btgn <
i lo beu a r.iy 4
of hope , for U 4
liolnts the way <
to a speedy rci -
Ulkatlon of all <
tlio uyu trouhles <
by .1 fpuclallal
that succeed * '
wbcn otlicrs
fall OlUbees
furnished by <
Pr Mi Carthy
art ) absolutely <
correct. '
TIN : i\i3 .si'iciAiivr.
KAItUACir HLOCK. Examinations
in , OIK ) llo > V mill < MlilN I.1 Inn SultM
lloiinht from rrnlltiiri of
On sale Saturday
nosrox sToun , OMAHA ,
Once tiioro U is proven that no lot Is too
largo for us to buy , nor any quality too fine
for ui to handle , provided the price la right.
Hero wo bought 12,000 bo.\a' and llttlo fel
lows' milts In ono lot , and nil of the
highest grade nnd prettiest etjlcs to lo
worn this spring.
Ho > s' confirmation suite.
Uojs' tine dicse suits.
Hoys' Hastcr suits.
Boys' school suits.
All of which will go on sate
n\actly halt the prlco
Thfy were made to sell for ,
Sec tomorrow's paper for further and full
N. W. Cor , loth and Douglas.
A n unit iu < t > turn In.
At their second appearance last evening In
vaudeville at the Crelphton-Orphoum the
'Misses ' Swearlngcn and Miss Lillian Katiblc
did their Bailer hornpipe and society dance
and delighted their friends. They will bo
seen again nt the special St. Patrick's day
matlneo this afternoon The Sohrode
hrotheis , whoso droll acrobatics have seemed
so funny to the children and so dlfllcult to
the older folk , will repeat their act at the
special St. Patrick's day matlneo this after
noon nnd also tomorrow. The Anbeys , high
class Illustrators of living statuary , and tlio
Wlnslow sisters have come In for a largo
share ot commendation In this city. I'aplntu
Is coming Sunday and also la petite Lund.
The wonderful Tiiaot picture * \\hlcli
are to bo shown by the aid of the stere-
optlcon this evening In the Young
Men's Chilstlan association halt will In
terest not merely the believers In
Christianity , who are desirous of knowing
all they can about the founder ot their faltb ,
but they Interest also the Jews and other slu-
dents of history who dcalro to understand
this epoch more fully. The objection raised
by some that Jesus acemi so human wilt be
considered as pralso by others. When
these pictures were exhibited In Paris in
ISOt and In London two years following thov
created a great sensation and their effort
in the United States will bo no less remarka
ble. " The slides of these famous painting
pictures como direct from the Ait Institute
of Chicago by special custodian and the de
scriptive lecture will be by Prof. K. Warren
Clark , but recently returned from the Holy
To the Public : I nm pleased to acknowl
edge the receipt of draft for $5,000.00 on
Law Bros. , managers the Hoyal Insurant i
Co. , by D. D. Welpton , adjuster , being the
full amount of said company's policy co\-
erlng on my dNW'llliiK bouse recently burned ,
Issued by Wheeler Wheeler , agents , with
out discount or waiting sixty days.
The adjustment of my loss has been ef
fected without trouble or expense on my
( Signed ) GHOnOB L. MILLER ,
Via "lloclc Inland Itontc. "
To points In Utah. Idaho , Montana , Wash
ington , Oregon and California. Call at clt >
ticket office , 1323 Tarnam street.
Mercer hotel , lUth and Howard sts. ,
Omaha , $2 per day. F. J. Coates , Prop.
iti Prescriptions
A broader term than appears at fli. 1
slcht. It moan * more than meie correct
dispensing ot the siiecMttfd drugs , welghtH
inrt measure ! ! , for that la onlj a p.ut ol
accuracy. Tlio requisite \ quult >
In the component Darts. Unless the varl-
oua medicaments b ° . pure and rapalile oi
exerting the desired therapeutic effect , meie
technical accuracy can bo of but little me-
mjinnRCK'S CHEMICALS are synony
mous with purity and reliability Thsj
are largely -prefcinnl by lending practition
ers , for the thouKhtful pby-lclan and th'
exact pharmacist know that quality ol
chemicals has much to do with the real
accuracy In prescriptions
Wli dispense MHRCK S and SQUimiS
preparation- could do no moi * for pur
patrons In the way of excellence of Quality
We do as much In the safeguards which ar
placed about our prescription detriment
In the w-iv of skilled phaimarlstn nnd ever -
or > lJ.uulty for careful
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb.
1) pima ) isic AvcmmNU nixas. (
; -1
3 >
The following Sterling !
Silver Goods. < ?
' ? X
i1 Hat Pins. IBc. ,
Thimbles , JGc hr
: Cold Croim Jars , sterling top * , lOc ( )
Friendship Hearts , 2Jc. ( Engraved g
V Triinsmibslsalppl Souvenir Coffee Jg
x ; Sitonni , gilt bowl * , 30c. X
. Hair Uiushes $175. ft
* IJoautlful $1.50 SteKinff Back Combs
( f , for $1.00 ( i ;
X Dumb Ball Link Buttons , 2oc.
v" NetherHoW Bracelets , $1 00. ,4 ,
rCut Olabs Salts und Popper1 * , Bterl-g
Si Inti tor , pair , $1 00 g
Six Head PatlPin Te.i Spoons , $2 ; . > ( ft
S > Heal Ebony Tooth Uiiifh , HteillngT
( ft trimmed , a bf-autj , Vii. , , < )
h. We carry the l * -t assorli'il stock In .
fa the city of rino Dlimond Hlnqs , Svm-I ( )
X bumts and Loikets RU h cut glacs , .
Clocks and line ( J )
( t ) Sterling Sllv-r ,
riilcMiK i > t hi. Pnul llj' .
nifi-lrlc l.lKlilfd TraliiM.
Dliilnu III-B , 3Ii-iilH n In Cnrtf.
Tli'Ufl Olllff , IHOI I'll r u u m Rt. Oiilllllll.
rilling Teeth
with anything and In anywaj Is not my
wa > my bu-inps-s has not breri built up
nlono l > y adv rilKlng but by dolnt ; just as J
advertise 1 wlll-2.k KU'.I ! in all our < ruwn
and brldiff work \Vc Ruaranteo our irouna
iu hu of this kurrat ( > uld cr.wns $5 W , Jb 60.
} ,7 00 and Jj.O1 } ai-iordlng to UIIIUUIH of cold
Bailey , the Dentist ,
3rd Tloor Paxton Illk ,
IGth and Farnam Sts Ti'lcjihoiie 10S3. Lad )
Jlce , Mar.
ore is
The store is full of riht things for right buyers.
Tlioro arc inuny rensons for it first Iho slock is enormous -
mous ; soeond the trmlo continue without letting up
next wo want your trade wo inako it an imlnctMiient to
bring yon hero by saving you inonoy on your clothing
\vo sell Iho best clothing made at the least possible profit ,
] ) o you know of any other house that does as much for
you as " 7//C * Nebraska ! "
Do you find any other house offering Sli.50 and 67.50
suits for tfj.ooS Do you ? Do you find any other house
offering you 88. f > 0 and $0.50 suits for $7.50 ? Do you ?
Customers who come hero toll us that our clothing is the
best for t lip money to bo found do you believe it ? K
you're in doubt visit us once it takes very few minutes
to prove that The Nebraska leads now always did
always will. Our line of nidi's ' boys' ' and children cloth'
ing is opening up with great possibilities. We're proud
of it. So will you bo. It's the top notch of high class
ready-to-wear clothing at the lowest possible price , for
goods that are guaranteed.
francisco ,
Bow rate of
You can leave Omaha today via the Union Pacific ,
and arrive in San Francisco sooner than if yon had left via
any other line yesterday. Through Tourist Sleeping cars
Daily on the Overland Limited , 8:50 : a. in. , and the Pacific
Express , 4:35 : p. m. City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street.
favorable Comment
concerning our line of wheels this season
seems to be universal.
cern so auspicious nn omen thus early.
MAY WE GET your opinion today ? Most
happy to show you the \arlous wheels and
point out their several merits.
BARNES $10 and ? 30 ANDRAE ? 25
and ? 50. MONARCH $25 , ? 35 and $50. Two Typewriters
Olive ? 35 , ? 40 and f.'O. Crawford f25 , The Williams and Jcwett
$36 and $50. Our special $22.50. Cash or
easy payments. Embodies all that Is best In type
writing -
Hall's Safes Visible WiitlntT Dliect Inklns No
lifting of r.urlaKe Clean Cut Print
are the best ing \Vrito fnr catalogue.
That's our reason
for earryinpr n
full line of both
now and second
liniul wo sell rn
easy payments.
Hotter look us up
when you want a s.ifo.
1116 Farnam St.
We have just taken tinvrniorn agency
foi the M inhiittan , Typewiltor The only
standard ma < bine oold fur $7r > 00. Hotter
sco It
ON : : :
your choice Friday and Saturday of all our boys' long
pants suits , sixes L'5 1o 19 years , that have sold up to $10.00 ,
( excepting only plain blacks and blues ) for $5.00.
Long pants suits that sold for § 4.00 and $5.00 go on sale
: it $2.95.
Long pants suits that sold for $6.50 to § 7.50 , on sale
Friday and Saturday at $3.95.
1,500 knee pants , sixes 3 to 1C years , in-
colliding pants that are worth and have sold np
to $1.50 , on sale Friday and Saturday only at
15c , 25c and your choice of the entire lot for
50c pair.
Closing out all heavy and medium weight
boys' long pants suits , sixes 13 to 19 yearn , at
75c , $1.25 and $1.75.
Men's All Wool Cheviot
PatltS Tn all sixes from 31 to 50 waist
nnd from 29 fo 80 lengths real 82.50 and § 3
values cloying out sale price to make room for
new spring goods , $1 , 25.
All our men's hea\y weight pants that have sold at $5
bargain price Friday and Saturday at $2.25 and $3.25.
All the men's corduroy pants , worth from § 2.50 to § 3.50
closing out prices , $1.50 and $1.95.
Great Bargains in Hats and Caps
For Friday and Saturday.
Wo will place on halo a complete lia o of Men's Derbies , redorae , I'aehaa and
CrusheiH , In all < oluis jour ciiolie , GUc
Also a complete Imo of bojs' and m en a Caps- your choice , 2tc
We will altit > lm\u on calu 00 dozen tutn s and hoya Ilatu , la oddfi and 1'iids I
worth from CC/t / to $2.Cl > your choice at 25c
Selling the Most Clothiiia in Omulm.