Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIEE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : TIirRSDAV , ] ( ? , 1890.
Authorities in Havana Publish Warning to
Inhabitants of the Island.
icniTnl llr < iiil > U AnllinrlviMl l j
U'liKlilimlon tn DlnxnUi * tlir HIliH-
IITJ Cnlinn Jllllfnri ANNPIIIII ! } '
UN He * SITU I'lt.
HAVANA , Mnrch 15. ( Jeneral Gomez Im *
decided lo proceed with the pinna agreed
upnn for distributing the $1,000,000 to Cuban
troops on disbanding , ns though the mili
tary nasombly < 1I < 1 not exist.
Ho conferred for two bourn toilny with
floncral lirooko ns to details. General
Iirooko asked Washington several days ago
whether In case ho dissolved the assembly
his notion would * oo approved. The cabled
reply authorized him to dissolve that body
If. In his judgment , such an acl was ncccs-
wiry. Ho hopes the assembly will soon
ccnso of Us own accord to hold Its sessions ,
hut should sessions disquieting to the pub-
lie mind continue , ho will Intervene.
Havana Is much more quiet today and
lem excitement Is noticeable This Is partly
duo to the fact that the assembly held no
meetings. Humors are current that Its self-
dlssolutlon 14 a matter of the early futuio.
At n mooting this morning the Cuban gen
erals , Hlaz , Mobontt , Nodarso , 1'craza , and
other * decided to Join with General Pedro
Iletnncourt , commander of the Cuban troops
In Mntan/as , In n public declaration of their
Will StllC llll flOlllrr.
I.i Discussion understands that they will
slilo with General Oomc/ The papers con-
tlnuo to print letters and telegrams from
all points declaring adherence to the veteran
patriot's cnusc.
There are numerous fresh calls today for
the icslRiiatlon of CIUI Governor Mora and
Chief of 1'ollco Mcnocal because of their
attitudes , the result of misunderstanding or
otherwise , toward Sunday's parade In honor
of General Gomez , and the names of their
successors are already suggested.
The United States military authorities
publish this statement
"Wo are officially authorized to say that
the president of the United Statcfi will not
rocognbo any obligation Incurred by the
body known as the Cuban assembly , and that
all ropoits to the contrary are absolutely
untrue. "
This Is perhaps duo to a story published
In HI Hecontrado to , the effect that n rep-
rcHontutlvo of an American syndicate , In
cluding Senator Hanna , Is now hero with
a view of making n loan to the assembly.
There have been six resignations from ttio
assembly elnco Sunday Generals and Se-
uores Cespcdcs , Montengudo , Munez , Lolra ,
Mol.x and Tainayo.
Another Di-nioiiNlrilllon for CoinrT.
This afternoon's demonstration in favor
of Gomez , inwhich nil the patriotic clubs
ns well as many women and children took
pirt , was better organized than that of
Monday , though not so spontaneous. Sov -
cral thousand people paraded to General
Gomez's residence. He made his appear
ance nnd addressed them and the proces
sion' did not return until after nightfall.
Archbishop Chapelle , the npostollc dele
gate to the West Indies , discussed wltti
General Mrooko today the situation of tbe
Ilomnu Catholic church In Cuba. He ns s
nothing except that the church be allowed
to retain Its property , Jurisdiction and
rights as a corporation under the Spanish
law. To this General Ilrooke scea no ob
jection , though there are some titles In dis
pute that may hn\e to come before the
courts. Ttio church will continue to con
trol the cemeteries and In cases where
thcso have been taken Into the municipal- ,
itlos the latter will bo ordered to ghe them
back. Tbo archbishop realizes that a cer
tain nmoimt of distrust Is felt regarding
the church In Cuba and ho may suggest to
Homo bomo plan to "Cubanlzo" the church ,
gradually recruiting the hierarchy from the
Cubans themselves and giving the local
Spanish element less authority.
The First Texas nnd Second Louisiana
regiments will go north as soon ns trans
portation can bo secured , which will prob
ably bo next week.
Duel Uot-N .Yot Mnlorlallrc.
It is sild on good authority that the seconds
ends of General Alejandrao Rodriguez , chief
of staff of General Gomez , nnd Colonel
Itaoul Arnngo , a mounted Inspector of po-
Ileu. who was called u coward by Rodriguez
on Monday for clubbing a woman while dis
persing a portion of the parade In Itelas-
coaln street , nnanged a duel between the
two principals , to bo fought with pistols
today , but the military assembly sent a
notification to General Rodriguez nnd Colonel
nel Aiango last night forbidding the duel ,
which was consequently declared off.
A number of newspaper sellers gathered
this morning nt the olllco of a Havana paper
which had not criticised the action of the
military assembly on Saturday In terse
terms sufficiently strong to suit the people ,
and they requested tint todaj's Issue con
tain an article showing that the paper B hi oil
with the people ; also notifying the manage
ment that the newspaper sellers would re
fuse to sell this paper It the request was
not complied with.
Cold l.iiol.N for Committee.
WASHINGTON. March 13. The committee
which was appointed yesterday by the Cuban
military assembly at Havana to come to
Wellington to secure recognition , It can bo
stated will not bo recognized In any official
j-5 Tins COST
j |
Rich Cream
g with
® Grape-Nuts
& 3
A charmliiK dish.
VAM i : op
An riiiupiirtMl * > lh ( Mi-nl.
Olio of the most valuable Items In one's
Ulotry Is good , rich cream. The remark is
frequently made that "cream Is too expen
sive to use freely. " Some pcoplo think they
must have meat every day at 10 and 25
rents per pound and do not realize that Ei
cents worth of pure cream for breakfast
will do more to put on ficbh than 25 or 30
cents worth of meat ,
An ideal portion of breakfast is that ob
tained from say , four teaspoons of Grape-
Nuts and u llttlo , pure , thick cream either
cold or hot
This Is one of the most delicious dishes
Imaginable and Is served without cooking or
trouble of an ) kind and cannot bo equaled
In point of food value for the human body.
Made by the Postum Co , at Battle
? reeHMich. .
The Grape-Nuts , consisting largely ot
rupo sugars , have passed through processes
similar to the first act of digestion aud are
therefore inrnt easily digested , and In com
bination with cream , they render the cream
itself easy otillgestlon.
Grocers sell drupe-Nuts , _ _ \
The Wnr department officials ere
nctunted by a conviction that they nro bound
by reasons of sound policy to avoid carefully
any official recognition except to such a fully
representative body as shall bo created by
all of the Cuban people through the exercise
of the right of franchise.
In making the payments to the Cuban sol
diers which have been arranged for by Sec
retary Algcr the personality of the Cuban
commanders will play little part. The sol
diers are to bo dealt with Individually and
the money will bo handled only by the
United States army paymasters , rccefpts be
ing taken from the Individual.
i.M ; < H i : TAIIATHS i.POHTO uico.
Mn < 1'nlnt nnil
I'nilcr IViialtj- .
( Correspondence of the Associated Press )
SAN JUAN , Porto Uico , March 4. The
treasury , or Department ot Finance of
I'm to Illro , which has In charge the col
lection of taxes In the Island , has provided
a now system of taxes on property.
Compared with the mcldod ot assessment
lu vogue In the United States , It seems a
most complicated affair. Heally It Is n Just
j method of taxation , according to the Porto
Itlcan standard. In onme respects It Is
somewhat unique. Owners of city nnd town
property In Porto Hlco must whitewash
and paint their buildings regularly under
penalty of n fine. After July 1 brick kilns are only and exclusively destined to
brick making for the construction of buildIngs -
Ings arc exempt from taxation. Limekilns
established with the same object ns tnc
Irrlck kilns above described shall pay no
Houses shall pay only 8 per cent of the
clear rent which cadi produces , deducting
from the gross rent 23 per cent for repairIng -
Ing expenses and other ubntemonts. As to
houses Inhabited by their owners , their
tent shall bo estimated nccoidlnn ; to sim
ilar houses In the same ntrcet.
One-half of Ibis tax shall bo paid Jnto
the offices of collectors of Internal revenues
for the central treasury and ( Uo other half
Into'the depositories of the municipal coun
cils , as municipal Incomes , Houses whoso
owners live nwny from the Island shall Do
sin taxed RO per cent over this tax.
Country scats shall not pay any tax , as
the rural estates where they are built upon
pay them already.
Village huts whcro the poor reside shall
not pay taxes If owned by their dwellers.
Houses situated In first rate streets or
location shall pay D cents for every square
metre , those In second rate streets or lo
cations 2'4 cents and those situated In tlilrd
rate streets and locations 1 cent for every
square metre.
Unbuilt ground lots , whoso owners live
away from the Island , shall bo surtaxed CO
per cent over this tax. The proceeds of
the tax on thcso properties are to bo divided
ns Is the tax on dwellings. No tax shall
bo collected from physicians , lawyers , ar
tists , craftsmen or artisans for the practice
of their professions or the prosecution of
their work ns such.
Happy Is the man or woman who can eat a
good , hearty meal without suffering after
ward If you cannot do It , take Kodol Dys
pepsia Curo. It digests what you eat , nnd
cures all kinds of Djspepsla and Indigestion.
Linen .Meetordi -
vru Pnoillo nml Great > orth-
crii CutN.
CHICAGO. March 15. The Chicago-Mis
souri river lines have decided to meet the
$25 one-way colonist rate made by the
Oreat Northern and Northern Pacific roads
from St. I'aul to North 1'aclflc coast points
via the Missouri river gateways. The
through rate from Chicago via the Missouri
river to North Pacific coast points will bo
$30.50 on second-class business , Hie same as
the rate from Chicago via St. Paul. This
action will affect the rates to all Utah
points , as no higher rate can bo charged
to Intermediate than to through points.
Tbo Atchlson road has announced that
It will put Into effect a second-class rate
of | I2.50 to California common points from
Chicago and $32.50 from the Missouri river.
The rates will become effective March 18
and will remain In effect until further no
Ttio rates are made as an offset to the
second-class rates of ? 25 by the Great
Northern and Northern Pacific.
Annual Stntoinciit of Tcxim & 1'uclfle
NEW YORK. March 15.-The annual report -
port of the Texas Pacific Railroad company
for the fiscal year ending December 31 ,
1898 , states that the earnings reflect ex
ceptional prosperity In the southwest.
Gross earnings wcro $8,006,504 , an In
crease of $117,855 ; operating expenses and
taxes , $5G43C71 , an Increase ot $234,462 ;
net earnings , JS.SST.O'JS , an Increase ot $183-
313 ; surplus after fixed charges , equipment
expenditures and miscellaneous outlay , $31-
153 ; decrease , $410,815.
The report culls attention to the fact that
business was much Interrupted for two
months by yellow fever , that both freight
and passenger business increased , especially
the latter , which contributed two-thirds of
the grobs receipts. The report gives figures
to show the ph > slcnl condition of the prop
erty was well maintained by an Increase of
$ . "j ! 0,3SO in expenditures for equipment. The
balance sheet shows :
Cash on hand , $751,919 ; due from agents ,
$ S14.34C ; geneinl liabilities , $302,958 ; equip
ment obligations , $249,499 $ ; bills payable ,
SordiiTii I'lii'lllo I'lnilH ( lit *
r.i.uni'Nlonn Surd-NX fill.
ST PAUL , 'Minn. , March ir. A few days
ago the Northern Paclfle coast lines an
nounced a $25 second-class rate , that Is ,
one-half of the first-class limited rate , to
Pol Hand , Tacoma and Seattle and other
North Pacific coast points , same rate ap
plying to intermediate points , where the
regular second-tlaas rate was higher , TbU
rate was made for the purpose ct Inducing
emigration to the northwest , and the re-
suits have been no tiitlsfactory and the
publication of the rate excited no much In
terest that the Northern Pacific has de
termined , commencing March 21 , to maKe
a correspondingly low second-class rate to
points In Minnesota , North Dakota , Moil-
tana and eastern Washington.
CLUVnLAND. March 15 The Laku
? here and Nickel Plate company today de
cided to follow the heavy cut to the north
west on second-class tourists ratca and
maKe them a basU for their onn rates into
that territory. U Is believed others will do
tha same.
] > rotoHi n Drill in lloiuli ,
NEW YORK. March 15. Reports lu Wall
street today araertcd that the Missouri Pa
cific < would shortl ) Issue an offer to Texas
& Pacific bondholders to give them new
Missouri Pacific collateral trust 4s for C2H
per ceutH 2s , Texas & Pacific. So far as is
known , however , Shu proposition is urged
chlelly by the bankers Interested lu the
2s Other bankers , thoroughly conversant
with Missouri Pacific affairs , today said that
so far as they know tbe question had never
come .formally before the Missouri Pacific
board at Us meeting.
Nr\v Iloiiil Kner
CHICAGO , March 15. A traffic arrange
ment was perfected today between the Santa
Fo nnd St. Louis , Peorla & Northern by
which the latter has secured an entrance to
Chicago and will be henceforth an active
for all Chlcaco-St. I/ouU
competitor - / busi
ness , Under this arrangement trains will be
run between St. Louis and Chicago without
Destniotivo Work of the Hessian Fly in the
Grain Fields of the Country ,
HrftiiltN of nil Kxlemtcil Study of ( lie
1'cnl , lionIt Opornlfn mill
.Menu * of Umtrnctlnn I'lrc
n .Snfe Cure.
WASHINGTON , March in. ( Corrcipond-
enco of The IJee. ) An Insect that Is able
to do a million dollars' worth of damage
to the farmers of the United States In a
single year may well bo regarded ns one
of the most dangerous and destructive or
the many foes against which the agri
culturists of tills country are compelled to
fight for a living. This Is the record or
tliu noted Hessian lly , which Is second to
the famous chinch bug In the destruction
of crops throughout more than one-half ot
the grain-growing districts of the United
States and its ravages in the wheat fields
In other countries have long been known
nnd experienced. Hence the Department or
Agriculture lias for some time past made
this subject a serious study and will soon
Issue a bulletin , giving an Important
treaties that will bo much sought for by
the tillers of the soil.
At present the Hessian fly has n very
wide distribution throughout the grain-
growing region of Uuropo and America.
There Is evidence of It having existed from
prehistoric time In the countries of soutti-
orn Kuropo adjacent to the Mediterranean
sea and was introduced Into this country
near Now York City , on Long Island , by
Hessian soldiers during the war of tlio
revolution In 1776 and 1777. The pest In
fested tlie stiaw used for the soldiers' bed
ding and soon spread from their camps.
Observations showed that a spread from
that section into the adjacent territory was
approximated at the rate of twenty miles
per year.
The fapts concerning Its distribution
throughout the United States arc of great
importance In connection with the wheat
Industry , as each year of Its spread added
continual and greater losses. From Uic
time of Its introduction Its distribution fol
lowed the expansion of the wheat districts
associated with the development and set
tlement of the Mississippi valley. Us east
ward spread &ccms to liavo placed Its c\-
trcmo limit In Maine , at Dangor. South
ward It has gone as far as tha northern
part of South Carolina and In Its extreme
southern limit In Texas It reaches nearly
to the Gulf. Westward it occurs through
out a good pcttlon of Kansas , the eastern
part of Nebraska , and northward , accord
ing to Webster , the noted entomologist , It
has bccu fouud in North Dakota and Min
nesota. On the Pacific coast it has rav
aged the wheat crops of California nnd Oregon
gen to some extent in late years. Scien
tists believe the dispersal of this insect ,
pest In the wheat-growing districts o ;
Idaho , Washington and other points , where
wheat culture Is carried on In isolated dis
tricts , will bo fortified against by reason
of the extended ranges of mountains or
stretches of arid land.
MulcliiNT lift 1'reseneo Known.
The only way In which the presence or
the pest is recognized Is by its charac
teristic breaking down of the wheat after
the plant has grown to some conslderabio
height. In feeding upon It the fly punc
tures the blades and the stem or reed of
the plant at its base , which causes It to
break and die. During the late fall tne
fly deposits its eggs upon the stubble wTicat ,
on grasses and upon the ground. The
larva , having wonderful vitality In extreme
cold sections , lies until the middle of April
or first of May , when It hatches the spring
brood. It Is this brood that plays havoo
with the spring wheat , as they mature \ery
soon after hatching. This brood lays Its
eggs on the stalk and by the tlmo the win
ter wheat is reaching maturity they ha\e
transferred their operations to it. Trie
Hessian fly presents arlatlons , not only sn
number of broods , from one to possibly flvo
or six , depending upon latitude , but by re
tardation under conditions peculiar to cncn
year. It has long been known that this
pest flourished best when the chinch bug
flourishes least , that Is , the wet weather
favors it. Moisture favors the well-being
Of the larva stage and drought docs It no
Dcsldes doing vast damage to the wheat
crops each jear the Hessian fly prejs upon
crops of rye , barley and various varieties
ot grasses. It has been noticed only during
the last two years that this pest feeds on
grasses nnd Its attacks 'ha\o ' been confined
exclusively to California , where much ha\oc
was played. Prof. Webster says the Hes
sian fly need bo no longer a source of loss
under a proper system of agriculture. The
best preparation of the farmer , however ,
to contend with the Insect Involves for
him a thorough Knowledge of the condi
tions favoring or obatructlng the action of
the Insect and to this end ho should ho
particularly familiar with the conditions
of acceleration or retardation of de
velopment as affecting the time of appear
ance of the various broods ,
McitHiire of IlcNtriivtUin.
In harvesting the grain In July and Au
gust It Is recommended by the government
that It bo cut quite high and the Infested
stubble fired , ns n measure to destroy the
puparla before It hns reached Its matured
state. Along with the burning of stubble
the chaff and screenings after threshing
should likewise bo destroyed. In vet
weather , when the burning of stubble Is
Impracticable , then It should bo plowed un
der and the field rolled. Hy turning and
compacting the eartfi In this manner the
Issuing of flies , which may develop from
the puparla In the earth , Is prevented. Vol
unteer whjat at this tlmo should bo also
plowed under , as it furnishes food for the
Insect when all other sources of food are
exhausted ,
In the winter wheat rcglors , when early
sowing Is piacttcal and the crop shows
evidences ot being Infested , It should l > o
plowed under at once and another crop
put In. Late sowing of fall wheat has been
one of the principal resources against Hes
sian Hies and the Investigations of the leadIng -
Ing entomologists show that they agree in
a strong recommendation of this policy.
Webster says "If farmers In the extreme
northern part of Indiana and In southern
Michigan can sow their wheat with safety
about the middle ot September and these
In the southern part nt Indiana delay
son Ing until after the ilrst of October , there
will be a retardation of the fly's fall brood.
This may be used to od\antago throughout
the Intervening territory. Starting In
southern Michigan about the middle of Sep
tember and paiilng 4 degress south of
the vicinity of Kvansvllle , Ind , the same
condition of the Hessian fly Is expected
during the first week of October. Taking
the 'latitudes mentioned as a guide , the
farmers of the winter v hcat belt through
Illinois , Missouri , southern Iowa , Nebraska
nnd Kansas can determine pretty accurately
as to the proper tlmo for seeding.
Another recommendation Is the selection
of resistant varieties of wheat , which are
claimed to bo "fly proof. " The varieties pos
sessing these qualities are such as have
coarse and siliceous stems , that are not
easily penetrated by the pest. Tbo under
bill variety has been considered a favorite
for nearly a century. The Mediterranean
wheat baa been held In high repute In the
UulUd States , as also the Ked Cap and
Hed May. L. W. THAVIS.
Mmlt of Kiillntinriit
WASHINGTON. March H. An order has
beeu issued by tbe War department Increas
ing the nge limit of enlistment from SO to
35 The youngest "K' ' " at which a man < an
bo enlisted Is IS > otrs The results BO far
of the enlistment of troops are very en
Itr-r.HtiililUliinoiit of Cnnip Mrmlr
llfililrllon of ru-rlc-nl i'orre lit
Wnr l
WASH1NTGON , Mnrch 1 * The reestablishment
lishment of Camp Mcade , near Mlddletown.
I'n . for the muster out of volunteer troops
is going rapidly forward. Today Major
Harry Wllklns , chief commissary of sub
sistence at New York , was ordered to Camp
Mcade to purchase and have on hand sup
plies to feed the troops when they reach
Camp Mcade.
There win a heavy reduction In the cler
ical force ot the Wnr department today , 120
clerks being reduced In grade and fifty-nine
being discharged from the government serv
ice. The reason was the reduced state of
appropriations for their cmplojment.
A party ot postal officials , comprising
Postmaster General Charles Emory Smith ,
Tourth Assistant Postmaster General HrlB-
tow , Chief Heavers of the salary and al
lowance division nnd Claroneo 13. Daw son ,
secretary to the postmaster general , left
hero this afternoon for Cuba , via Tampa.
Frank A. Vnndcrllp , assistant secretary
ot the treasury , after several weeks' ah-
stnco on account of sot Ions Illness at his
homo In Chicago , returned to his duties
today , greatly Improved In health.
Llculemnt Vltnle , military attache ot the
Italian embassy , has been granted permis
sion by the War department to accompany
troops to Aiar.lK nnd to remain with the
array during the campaign In the Philip
pines. Ho desires to study the American
method of land and sea transportation and
to observe campaign methods.
No selection has > et been made of repre
sentatives of the United States nt the approaching
preaching pcaco conference nt The Hague.
In addition to some delegrftes chosen from
among the American ambassadois In Europe ,
the honor of In part representing the United
States probably will be conferred upon some
distinguished American.
Postmaster Gordon nnd Alexander H.
Ilevoll of Chicago and Comptroller of the
Currency Daw es , constituting the committee
on Invitation for the Chicago day celebra
tion at Chicago , October 3 , today formally
Invited Secretary ot the Navy hong , Post
master General Charles Emory Smith and
Adjutant General Corbln to attend. All ac
cepted nnd Secretary Long agreed to speak
at the banquet.
United States Consul Roosevelt at Brus
sels has forwarded to the State department
a copy ot the decree Issued by the Belgium
government relative to the Importation Into
llelglum of American fruits and plants.
The decree to go Into effect today nnd It
declares that lu view of the fact that San
Jose scale has been found on American
fruits , the Importation of such fresh fruits
and parts ot plants can take place only at
Antwerp , Ghent and Ostend.
FOR wnyrnux vr
rN of Hie Clill AViir Itoiiioin-
liort'il liy Ihe ticnvral ( litrriinniK. .
WASHINGTON , March 1G. ( Special. )
The following western pensions have been
granted :
Issue of March 1 :
Nebraska- Original Luther T. Gaylord ,
Lincoln , ? 12 ; Thomas H. Ashton , Syracuse ,
$10 ; Tartus L Glen , Madrid , ? G ; Edward I ) .
Vnllette. Alinn , $ C. Additional William r
Uzzell , Davenport , $1 to $ G. Restoration nnd
Increase Geoigei4K Slade ( deceased ) , Pal
myra , $10 to $17. Increase Giorge W. Putt ,
Beatrice , $17 to $30.
Iowa : Original George W. Iladloy , Winton -
ton , $6 ; Charles , II. Sawyer , Central City ,
$ C. Additional Henry A. Stlerwalt. Sandy-
ville , $4 to $6 ; George W. Albert , Dubuque ,
$0 to $10. Incicase John A. Ransom , Reels ,
$12 to $17 , James Poujson , Ira , $14 to $17 ;
Alexander Powell , Pacific Junction , $1 to $ G ,
William Schwyhart , Stuart , $10 to ? 14 Or
iginal widows , etc Ellsba B Stratum
( father ) , Early. $12 , Delilah McCoy. Hamil
ton , $8 ; Helen Carson , Blockton , ? 8 ; ( In
crease ) , special , March 2 Rebecca Otis ,
Manchester , $20.
South Dakota : Increase ( Special , March
2) ) , Ell M. Couch , Abeidccn , $6 to $10. Or
iginal widows , etc Johanna Johnson , Lily ,
North Dakota : Original John B. Oren ,
Llbbon , $6.
Montana : Original Edward M. McGrath.
Soldiers' Home , Flathead , J8. Original
widows , etc ( Special , Mnrch 2) , Anna E.
Patterton , Kallspcll , 8.
Coloiado- Original William W. Jones ,
Trinidad , $8. Increase Henry II. Ross , Den
ver , $11 to $17.
OHDKHS roil > rvnvrji i.M-\\M'nv.
Will TiiU < > SdillmiH In Place of Xlndi
anil Slvlcciitli Iiifiinlrli-N.
WASHINGTON , March in. Four compa
nies of the Seventh regular Infantry have
been ordered to take stations vacated by
the Ninth and Sixteenth Infantry , which
regiments nro under orders to proceed to
the Philippines as soon as the transports
are ready for the trip from San Francisco.
The movement of the Seventh infantry has
been arranged as follows- Company C , from
Fort Wayne , Mich. , to Plattsburg barracks ,
N. Y ; Company I , from Fort Wnyno to Mad
ison barracks , N. Y. ; Company K , from
Fort Sheridan , 111 , to Fort Porter , N. Y. ;
Company L , from Fort Sheridan to Jcffer-
bon 'barracks ' , Mo.
III I'orto Hlco ami f'uliii.
WASHINGTON , March 15. The following
dispatches have reached the War depart
ment :
Adjutant General. Washington : Private
Thomas A. I'Hleghanr , Company B , Nine
teenth Infnnliy , died In goiioial hospital
March U. HENRY , Commanding.
GUANTANAMO , March II Adjutant General -
oral , Washington : Artificer George Green ,
Company B , Third volunteer Infantry , died
March 12 at 5 p. in. of lobar pneumonia In
right lung. KAY , Colonel.
IVrtllllllllU < 0 I'ONtollllM-N.
WASHINGTON. Match 10 ( Special Tel
egram. ) Postmastcifi appointed : Ne
braska David B. Btislck , nt Chase , Chase
county , vice W. II. Bjnl , icslgned. Iowa
H. II. KelBo , at Slam , Taylor county
South Dakota David J. Davis , at East
Pierre , Hughes county. An order was Is
sued today establishing n postolTlco at lion-
haw , Taylor county , Iowa , with Perry L. E.
Shipley postmaster.
Coiiillllon of AVVII KIIIMMI I'ntlrnlN.
WASHINGTON , March in. Senator Jones
of Arkansas had a quiet night and his phy
sicians say ho Is progressing steadily.
Ex-Governor Fletcher of Missouri Is still
lu a critical condition , with no change from
iiifii Will InsiMTt dinnl.
CHICAGO , Marc > > 15. A special to the
Journal from Washington eays A parly of
Eoino blxty members of congress , senators
and representatives will accept tha Invita
tion extended by the gentlemen reprmnnting
the Panama canal Interests and will Inspect
the Nicaragua and Panama canal works.
The party will leave New York Man-h 23.
This body has nothing to do with ttio
Investigation which will bo made by the
commission to be appointed by President
UrKlxli sti-fimcr ( ! III > \Nliori * .
BALTIMORE , March 15. A British steam
ship which stranded at 3 o'clock this morn
ing off Capo Henry life-saving station , proves
to be the British steambhlp Brator of Lon
don , bound from Baqulrl. Cuba , for Spar
rows Point , Md. , with a full cargo of 3,000
tons of Iron ore. It went ashore dm Ing a
dense fo ? and its position Is regarded as
dauccroua ovUiie to the blub winds and sea.
m ta o o Agonies of
ra cured
raH raH Rheumatism by ran rau
o a
n n < >
M worst cases of Rheumatism In every form < o
CROUP It hns . ' ' trent-
O ; In every city where Hot Oil ' has been In been dlt ovorod tint W
H NEURMC traduced. It has fulfilled Its wonderful work menti i < -sso < iq mpcrbumnn inllucnce over Kl O
H SCIATICA People who could not rlo o their hands , pnlns nnd Inil.immatlona That Is one reason *
O SMUINS some who could not bend their limbs some why "HOT-oil. " alwa > s cures because ei
SWUUNCS who could not tncu stand nil wcro II IN niMiltcil hut It actually NtonniH eitt
UMCHESS fluniilii IIMIIJ. it K00 , straight to the ttM
SORLT1UOAT bone , Boothlng nnd strengthening. Acts on o
Why do jou suffer' Have jou not con the nerves nnd starts a healthy circulation. n
fidence enough to Invest - " for a bottle If vou cough or have sore throat or rae
which will almost Instantly relieve you of pnln or tlshlness In chest then "Hot-Oil" ran ran
your sufferings' will cure vnu Hub It on chest before ro- o
We ask > ou stranger to lr > It You will tlrlni ; and feel like n new being lu morning. n
PNEUMONIA not i egret It II VV I' VOI Mil UAI.m V
or x * prnln swelling or Inmeiip's , or a burner
In lla first singes can bo cured or liruliior TutifllltK or Croilp. Then ute n
by MJVN iioT-ou , " Hot-oil. It vvlll not cute ev erythluif. but nO
It will poMltlve y and ! guaranteed to tl
"HOT-OIL. " In n Coil-sciul In ti lie r cr * . euro above
Just try ouo bottle. That Is ONE BOTTLE WILL nil 9 J'1 ' Ilow f"r " " ' nl vour Drimglsto. a o
III " 'Inv not Tiv a bottle nnd bo
nil nsk. The steaming I *
wo THE STORY. I [ II \irnl Ifriur drugglit dors not
qualities of Hot-Oil docs the A ic. . IliilMf ! ! ! relieve I I I I ken. ) It senil"u' for maniple or Hu
U I L. fi"1' f > f Inter bottle to llorru-
work. A ruiu. llottlc tvlll cure. IMIII Hoi-nil ro nimlrii , N Y u
Unlit \Vlilch IN Worth Million * Vlxttn
litirfti * I'orlloii of ( In1 Stalu
I'roNtr | < 'lN Arc l'ln < > >
SAN FRANCISCO , March 15 The drouth
which was threatening the loss of millions
of dollars to the state has been broken by a
lain storm which promises to continue for
several days Nearly an Inch of moisture has
already been distributed over the Sacramento
valloy. Reports ehow that both grain and
frultcrops are in excellent condition through
out the big valley , nnd the present storm ,
with the usual spring bhowcrs , will Insure
abundant harvests.
A light precipitation Is reported from
Stockton nnd other points In the San Joaquln
valley , with Indications of n generous down
pour. The same conditions exist In tbo
Santa Clara valley. In both sections rain
Is badly needed. Solnno and Sonoma coun
ties report a goodly visitation. The crops In
these sections are In excellent condition and
bounteous harvests of fruit and grain are
Only a trace ot rnln has fallen In the
southern coast counties , but , as elsewhere ,
indications point to a big rain storm , where
It is needed more than In any other part of
the state.
Pnrewt lleer
Is BUDWEISER , made only by the An
heuser-Busch Brewing Association. Barley ,
malt nnd hops alone are used In its prepara
tion. No corn. Output over COO.000,000
bottles to date.
Condition ( Hoot * .
NEW YORK , March 15. Rudyard Kip
ling passed a good night and continues to
-CimlcM. I
Heneath the stars and stripes of their
country , Jesse Noble Martin am ! Miss Ce
cilia Cowlcs pledged vows of fidelity to each
other Wednesday evening at the homo of
the ibrido's parents , Mr. and 'Mrs. ' John
Cowlcs , 2321 North Eighteenth street. The
ceremony occurred at 9 o'clock In the
presence of the relatives and immediate
Jtrlends of the contracting couple.
The bridal party entered the parlors to
the Inspiring strains of ' Lohengrin , " ren
dered 'by ' Miss Anna Clove. The brldo was
accompanied iby her maid of honor , Miss
Bertha Martin , while Guy Bralmcn was best
man. Little Maud Grebe , becomingly nt-
tlred , bore the wedding circlet , nbllo Rev
W. C. Browcr of Farragut , la. , performed
the ceremony. At its conclusion and after
the tendering of hearty congintulatlons by
all the guests , the newly wedded couple led
tbo way to the second floor of the dwelling ,
where plates had been laid for tbo guests , .
The tables were prettily decorated with car
nations , lilies of the valley , Jonquils and
American Beauty roses , while festoons of
smllax hung from the celling to the corners.
The walls furnished a becoming background ,
largo American flags almost concealing them
from view. They were tastily draped and
the bright colors blended harmoniously with
the other decorations.
The guests present from out ot the city
were Mr. and Mra. Wynne of Council Bluffs
.ind Mr. and Mrs. George Stage , Hallatln ,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin will lie at homo at
2235 Charles street after April 1.
Minx AVlifi-lor I.ONUN HIT I1 a rue.
Charles B Smith made a social call on
Fanny Wheeler at Fourteenth and Lcaven-
wet tb She was carelet.8 enough to leave
him nlono In a room with her purse lylw ?
In easy reach On her return Bho missed
Chatles and the contents of the purse ,
amounting to $3. Acting on the assumption
that they both wont together , she lodged a
complaint of theft against him. i
Tuo llotli-N of VVIilNK > Stolen.
W. J. Sbrader , druggist nt 1C02 North
Twenty-fourth street , icports the theft of
two bottles of whisky by two joung men ,
who cntno Into his store lust night and nftcr
making a trifling purchase purloined the
bottlcH from a showcase on which they vvcie
AVnnlccI ( o Carte I1U AVIfc.
T W Llndley of 2408 Capitol avenue Is
In charge at headquarters accused of at
tempting to kill his wlfo with a carving
And all other forms of this common and
often dangerous disease icndlly cured with
out pain or Inconvenience.
Thousands of men nnd women nro af-
Illcted with some sort of piles , without either
knowing the exact nature of the tioublo , or
knowing It. sire careless enough to allow It
to run without taKlns the simple tncaim
ouVied for n radical cure.
The failure of sahes and ointments to
permanently euro piles IIOB led many to be-
llevo the only euro to bo a burglcal opera
Hurglcal operations are dangerous to Ufa
and moreover not often entirely suctessful ,
and at thin tlmo are no longer used by the
best physicians or recommended by them
The safest and surest way to cure any
cnsu of plleu , whether blind , bleeding or
protruding , Is to use the Pyramid Pile Cure ,
composed of healing vegetable olla and ab
solutely free from mineral poisons and opi
ates The following letter from a Pitts-
burg gentleman , a severe sufferer from
bleeding piles , gives some Idea of tbe prompt ,
etfectual character of this pile cure Ho
writes :
I tiiKo pleasure writing thcso few lines to
let > nu know that I did not sleep ( or three
months , except for a short tlmo each night ,
been 11 BO of a bad case of bleeding piles. I
was down In bed and the doctors did me no
coed. A good brother told me of the 1'jru-
mld Pile Cure and I bought from iny drug
gist three fifty-cent bottles They cured
mo nud I will soon be ublo to go to my
4fi St. . Cotton Alloy , Ilclow Duller St.
Plttsburg Pa
The Pyramid Pile Cure is not only the
naftst and surest remedy for piles , but Is
the best known and moat popular. Kvrry
physician and druggist in thu country
knows U and what It will do.
Send to Pyramid Co. , Marshall , Mich , for
llttlo book on cause and cure of piles , de
scribing all forms of piles nnd the proper
treatment ,
The P > ramld can bo found at all drug
eloies at 50 cents per package.
hin 'Jhi A A7 YWH&RB
(9 (
a For 25 new subscribers
1n 1
Read the rules carefully. ra c
V )
First. nm
JSach must be an actual new subscriber to o
o tbe Daily and Sunday Bee , and paid in ad
vance for one year. n V )
nM nH
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We will accept twelve subscribers prepaid (21
for one month ; or six prepaid for two months ; 8
or four prepaid for three months ; or two pre 5a
paid for six months , in place of one prepaid. 5o 5M
Third. a o
We will accept twelve prepaid subscriptions o u
to The Weekly Bee for one year , in place of s
one to the Daily for one year. u
Fourth. M O
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O Fifth. tl
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ta sent in , slating that no one on the list is tak
§ ing the Bee of him. a _ ,
mo 6
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nim any make. taG
o G
Address all letters to
Bicycle Department , Omaha Bee. M O
HIa vonino 'lncl Sunday or , Morning and M o
u u Sunday , by mail § 8.00 per year ; 70o U U
Id © per monih ; by carrier 15c per week.
Ida Weekly Bee , 65 cents per year. u
FOR MEDICINE , nvr rms our.
Sum ! It vuli viitir order lor four full I quarts of our to-irar old Ilje fur $3.18 ,
rxi'KrcS ' 'HI I'MD , Btid . fend 'on Kill K.OK CIIAKGIS two saniplo
cork sircw
thcsecronds If coorls art'nnt satisfactory vou r.m return tliein at our expense and
wo wllf KKTUKN VOUR MONKY ' 1 O YOU Tlieso Roods mo shinned direct liom
tliod stilluitf company , wlncli guarantucstheir pur tv and E < Uis middle men's profit.
KUcieuccs , anye.iprciscoinpari ) ns thcyliumllu thousands of ourpackaKca ,
1-jth ami Main Sts. , KANSAS CITY , HO.
NOTK Orders for Arlr. Colo. , Calif , Idaho Mont , Nev , N Me * . , Ore ,
Utah , Wash. , W/p. , must tall lot twenty quarts by freight , prepaid.
Truti ill forms of
12 Vein in Omjlu
Consultation Tree. Ilockfrer ,
OrflcelllhiFarnam Sfi
Box 766. OMAHA. NE3
LHO UIK 1 } fur iiimattii 1
ili i lurct * tiiHaiitniiiliuii
irritutluiiii ur ul rulio.i.
Of III IIC u UK Ililllllirilll * !
rulnlcx , mi I i tl uitni.
K * ' ! ! ! OF IKjUullbUB.
Sulil 117 I > ruirsl > ti >
cr nt In ( lain urHtfir
) 'l HI Ul iMitllVl' '
( ucuur nui uu [ ijutit.
Use Use
Woqdbtiry's & * . Woodbiiry's
Facial Soap Facial deam-i
Sea'p dlscum * fullliiK balr baldnem , premature -
mature Kr.ijrit'HH quickly rured , and tbe
lustre , natural growth and color reRlnriri i u
JOHN U WOfSnUI'UY K3 Btnlo Ht . C'li
taco , and 3iK > C'lu inli 4l Ulilv St. Koul >
Send . 10 . . tuntu for Jleiuty . Hook und receive
Oj B0uj , anJ ( frvVt