Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1899, Image 1

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Battle Line of Anisrio&t Bwf * pE Oonntrj
of Btltek.
Ohr of Paslg It&f , laic the HandE of
General Wbeatca't Oolaaa.
Twsatj-Socond oafl Twentieth
Twentiml ZaneaE Sndei Losass.
lArtlllrrr nnd Gnnhoat * Shell the '
JunKlro und Intnntrr I'ouri. Vt.llrj I
Alter > oiler Into tlie K > nk >
of the Iletrentlnsr Toe.
MANILA , March 11 Noon At 7 a m. . i
bearing the iniiurcentE' bugles soundinc
Bcotrfc battery dropped three cshrapncll
l.hallc Into the -woods on the left of the
Panic ; -church.
No reply was made , and at V < JS the
Twenty-second rt gular Infantry advanced un
til they encountered D number of vollejE
This fire was returned with interest.
Tbe line then wheeled towards Pateros in
tbe following order- The Oregon volunteers ,
the Tw entleth regulars , the WaBhlni ton vol
unteers , a cavalry detachment , the Twenty-
rifoond regulars , and reserve orailerj
The troops followed the roads while the
punboots Oerte and Laguna de Bay attested
in suppressing the re on the left Hack
Three rebel canoes -were captured on the
cior. .
The rebel sharpshooters at Calooctn continue - ,
tinue active , but no more casualties are re-
CnnnaltJe * of the Dny
NEW TORK. March IS. Following IK the I
Journal's revised list of the casualties , in toj j
fiuy'e fighting at Manila.
TnentJetn Infantry- .
T-W eiitj-Second lKf&ntrj-
T-nentletb Kannam.
Tirentletb lufnutrj.
Corporal Chris Thompe n
Private L Folper
Private Charles IX.
Private Thomas Miller.
Private R. Piper.
Private C. Sumner
Private Matthew Sharkey
Tw entSecond liifnnlrj- .
Private -Charles Eacley.
Private Theodore Misner.
PrJvtSe John Blniek.
Prt atc Wiffiam O'Brien
Priratfe T\T eit Hurmon. ' f
3'xlvate "W alter ln-lne. regiment not given. ] I
I2arlier Rej ort * . j I
MANILA. March IS. 11:55 : a m. At day-i I
Jight toduj Brigadier General Lloyd ,
Wbeiiton's divisional brigade. consisting of'
the Twentieth fulled States infantrj the
Tw untj-second infantry , eight companies of
the Washington volunteers , seven companies
of the Oregon vp-steers ) thrne troops of the
Fourth "United States cavalry tnd a mounted
battery of the Sixth artillery , was drawn up
on a ridge b"hlnd San Pedro Macati , a mile
couth of the town
The advance was sounded at 6 80 a m. . the
cavalry leading the column at a smart trot
across the open to thr right eventually'
ruachlng a clump commanding the rear of
Supported by the Or gen men , the advance
force opened a heavy flre on the rebels The.
response was feeble and desultory , apI
jiarently corning from handfuls of men in
every covert While the right column w as
Twinging towards the town of Pasig the left
balanced pouring volleys into the bush
A small body < f rebels miioe a determined'
ptand at Guadalupe church , but the enemy
tras unable to withstand the assault
At " : il a m a river punbnat started to-
nvard Pablg. The rebels w ere first en-1
countered by the vessel in the jungle near
Guadalupe. Steaming slowly , the gunboat
i poured a torrinc fire from Its gatlinc guns
into the bruth For all of an hour the
w birring of the rapid-fire guns alternated
with the booming of the heavier pieces on
rtillerj OJeari. tbe War.
In the meantime. Scott's buttery ashore
"vas shelling the trrnrn s and driving the
fnemy back The artillery then advanced to ,
the ridge of bamboo and drove a few of the ,
enemv F BliarpBhooters awsy Vlth volleys
Jrom their carbines The artillery then ad
vanced and met with little opposition
In the meantime tbe infantry had been
rant forward in extended order the Wash
ington regiment resting : on the btnk of the ,
river , each regiment deploying on reaching
lit. station , end furnishing UK own support
Tbe ontlre column then wbeelwd towards tbe
rivw , driving the enemy towards its sup-
jiprtf and then advanced an Guadalupe
The artillery moved to a ridge command
ing Pairfg and Parlnros
Sr this time the enemy was In full flight
pinup a line ever a mile long and th firing
van dlBOBirtinued temporarily. In order to '
plve the troops B rwn before making the
uttucl ; on Pasig.
Tbe enemy's Ices was believed to be
* , but only eight Americans were
At this htoge of the engagement It was
raining htiavHy.
7-68 p. m After t short rest General
\VhnMBn resumed thf attack on Pusig
Snott'c battury , supportwl by r i com-
paiiter of the Twentieth rrgimeut ndvaneed
on OuadUupe l > } the road tlanf the rUex
bunk , the renialneler of the Twentieth regi-
Bifmt and the Twsnty-sttoonfl retiairnt Jol-
lewlcc with tbe resent of tht OreRon
roluatt-nrs At 11 HO a in the column
i-a f in centaot with tbe onfmy aud & run-
boat BtfunDud te tbe firing Hue und olcared
tbe jungle on been bldat , wbtt * the batturj
ipgk up a position on a Huff at tbe right
Rebel * In RSordcrl > riicbl.
The hrst Bhot Iwim tbe Ameriean field
r tcmt at 1.2W yard * jmape dtelodpud c KUD
oJ tb * ti ai } M Pusic Aftar the town |
h d t > Htc utmJlttd tht' TwunUeih rupiment
liiwd up u th * ulur mud the Twontr-flweond j
utoi up a > u itioa MI tbe Ittft ctf the pleat ?
witii tL ecvftlrr U tbe t < v tr. irbweupan
UK totemr rvtreturtl to the tows. Thejpuu -
bflkt U * B niov d into a bond owtotUle ua4 B
bat IM ui tte nttol nnnKfam * M&JII-
ftkui * tbe wboto tmnrtrnr Mae matt ] I
. m. wb ti prapumuMtt w-er < < tutAf
V tW KCUkCt At I f DMT JWUlMUll t
Httirtvd it ! urf.u ( ' ihf eurm } fc urrnetl
ILC Uas. ng r I. thr Ikie
* reirv
- I.g u- r * cht
8 ak tatt tb * Twpntjeth rpphBoutWM aovefl
to t > ontmrncdlng rldrc
Tl ' t'twilft were e : op7 ttle Piiteros tnrt
the rtieaijtmlte * Thirty of the rrt > "U
VT- " kill e A an fclrp dy cMilefl Klctwtti were prjionp-s and th ? Aaiericunt , lot ntx
aiii wnund'-a Tbr whol * A-nwlena Mae
an t o cli k About TOV rub ls
te lie isarchinr aorthwarfl a
lew aiil > f to the wmthwest
Tlf Spanish gnobnaU , El Cauo. Sorn&r ,
S. r ru > . T'ar ietiirR AMtcyo. CalamlutieB ,
Ordeuota. BtiheK Gnrfionue Pamto. Ma&Ueno ,
Mtihon > and Maravalec. , lying ht Smatboapn
iRlatii ; off MinOankD have < t > ees nolfi berr to
Set Fmactepe Reyes for 301,112 Mexican
floIltrK They will probrtdy \ > e resoW to
the tipb Ri btdder o * they may tie trans
formed into meThantaiun
Mrml.r nf the
nfnntrr to Hr-
IS Penprol Otis
department BE fol-
MANILA Marrb IS Adjutant General
Washinrton Casualties San Pedro
Wounded. March T Private Warner Mar
shall , First Washington , thumb , slight
March 10. Captain Edward Smith , First
Idaho Companj D. leg. slight.
March 11. Private \ . B Seigenthaler
Twenty-second infantry. Company C , rib ,
Near San Felipe March T. Private John
i McConnel First Wyoming. Company C.
ankle. Blight.
Near Ctloocan March 11. tilled , PRIVATE
OSCAR G THORNE. Twentieth Kansuh ,
c Company F
| i Wounded Comporal William H Rlembly ,
.Twentieth ( Kansas , Company I , hand , mod
, March 12 wounded. Private Arthur C
tHowe Twentieth Kansas. Companv C ,
shoulder. t > trere OTIS
, 1 LKt of I > rntli in I.nut Tlirt-r Dny *
ncf * < * Hid from Otih.
MAXILA. March 12 Adjutant General ,
Washington Following deaths since last j
weeklv report
March S. Private Alexander R Chapline , '
Company M , Fourteenth infantry , accident
ally shot. j
March S. Henry OSahery Company L , Second
end Oregon Edward J Fulcane , Company I ,
Thirteenth Minnesota variola
March 30 Albert W Hartrigsen Company
E , Fourth cavalry accidentally shot.
March 11 Louis E Wnstphal Company E ,
First California dynenten
Died of wounds received in action Marrh
9 Private Spaeth Company G First Wyoming - i
ming OTIS. I
Allrjrrd 51ayr > . of Colonrl rountuln. j
tbe Cattlr Knt-tlf-r * " Foe. Arc
in Cnnoclj.
DEXTER. Colo. . March 13 4. special to
the News from Santa Fe N M . says j
Oliver M Lee and William GUHland of i
Lincoln -county , charged w Ith the murder j
of Colonel A J Fountain of Las Cruces and j
his Tittle son on rhe White Sends of the i
Sa-cramentos in February , 1KPT surrendered j
this morning to Judge Parker at Las Cruces |
These men have defi d the officer * for the'
ttifijffi itt * ' * * ' nc ! - < ii-Q@ iffevu3 * ! Ptf' ' ft
jr'hBving | Deen "knTed while trying -to arrest |
them. Governor Otero assured the wanted '
men through their friends that thev would
be prott-cted Irom mob violence if they Bur- >
rendered , tout when the legislature ad
journed the entire power of the territory
would l > e used to capture them if they did
not give up Otherwise the men would hire
to leave the country for peed Lee has large
property interests and could not afford to
abundon the same and Gilliland rode nto
Rin-on and > wi ed Judg < Parker at Las
Crtitef thevwere coming The men were
BO changed in appearance that even Sheriff
I Garrett c * Las C-mes who was on th - i
] i fame tram lulled to iwocnize them The
'Fountain ' murder was supposed to < b" the
1 result of the colonel s p-osecution of cattle
I ' Cotton Mill * Announce Increase * 1
{ i Miner * * -trike for Better - ! !
j 1 ter Pnj. | i
I | ' MANCHESTER. N. H- . March IS The I
management of the Manchester cotton
I | mills bos decided to raise prices for weav-
I i ing in No 1 mill 10 per cent , to take effect
j j Ap-il S All reductions in wages that went t
into efiect January 1 , 18BS , ore to be ret [ t
stored. '
] i WORCESTER , Mass. , March IS The
I j West Boyleston Manufacturing company
will return , April E , to the scale of vagee
1 before the cut in January. IBSlS
j SYRACUSE , N T. . March IS The Syra- '
i i cuse Tube company , which employs 3ftO
I i workmen , hus posted a notice to thf effect
j that wage * of all employes will lie ad\anced i
i in per cent , taking place on Saturdiy of j
j this week i I
i BLOO7.IINGTON. III. . March IS Three '
' hundred miners employed by the McLean '
County company struck todas tor the scale i
| of wages agreed upon by the Springfield
convention j ,
j PITTSBtTRG March IS The eterf wort - I
' ers strike was settled tonight and the plant
will tic in Jul ! c.jierntian tomorrow The ,
firm conceded an advance of IB cents u day
to all employe * and twenty-four hours' shutj j
doTrn on Sunday I
Engineer and Plremnn and Illlnd
I H ttruK - Tonrint tre
BL PA5O. Tex . March IS < A freight
train on the Teita * & Pacific railroad be
came derailed today at a point eighty mile *
east of EJ Paso Three men -mere killed :
JOHN FR.EBD of Pennsylvania , a one-
armed tramp , who was stealing a ride.
'Qrtkemun ' Winltnd received a broken leg
Tiie engine turned completely around and
Fireman Urtrt wu caught under the
wrticUage The wreck was caused by a
broken flange on the pony truck of tbe
I engine
Uudnrd KIi > lliic Will Aot Go to Mexico
ice and \ \ III .Not Remain In
NEW TORK , MartJh II Though Mr Klp-
I ling bug niudi110 de&nite plans lor the
I future , an intimate Xrland said
i tbte nioTEiuE nit visit to this country will
1 probably lit a tburt one 5 * soon as he
1 1 * < u ng eueugb he will fte HrulUwbojc ,
Vt for c * ww efcu. in aU prt4Uitj be
I wtll return ic Bngltuid arly in tht fcpriBE
j H * H ill iiiii pi te Mexico
t . . _
, I.i t in the ClieuoK T > lre.
' CHEKOA in Xancb 18 A eb rr d boij
' u toUBd t day IB tbr ruiiu ol tbe Qa ue
wtuh was burnnd Sundav Jt
h i a IP b tliU' Piiroes " 'B r a fff er
tncwr c r rrn i w j = I. u s. Tb mat ,
T ' n has v a K&L g j , --f 'Lr t't scJ
U is bt 11 ed b hus be n lu'iiti f >
Attczpt to PifTBBt ? opt3fcr
i to General
l > pinon trntlon Gork On. "nTiHp t JSt
Crrro tbCnlian Al rnll lJ Drnnrt
More "Trnltor and
in "VVlia 7 alii.
HAVANA. March IS Freflerirc Mora
civil governor of Havana when he learneO
thlf morning oJ the preprtion lor an
outpouring of } > eople to give a. popular
demonstration in tionor of &enfi1 Gomet ,
directed the police to prevent the } > trafl
Thej tried in MJn to So co
Tht committee herinr the demonstration
in charge a > Ved General Ludlpw to revoke
Senor Mora orders General Ludlow re
plied thu he would not do no. General
B ooke was then called upon and asked by
the committee lor permission to parade Be
sent a message to General Ludlow saying
that if the jirneesglDn war orderly he could
tiee no objection. Meanwhile the polic
tried to prevent the demonstration. Chief
of Police Mcnntml with tls mounted inspectors
specters and policemen by two and three *
attempted to turn back tlie various sticle-
tles which were marching toward Quliita
des Molln 6 the residence of Gomel.
At first little attention was paid to these
efforts. When a policeman eelzed a flag or
made an individual arreet. the others In
the line would simply march on jeering
and yelling 'Down with the police , ' "Long
live Gomez " "Death to the assembly "
Intimidated the PoHre.
Colonel Raoul A-ango. an inspector took
a flug away from an American who was
parading Being Immediately r.urrounded
by a menacing crowd he clubbed one of
the demonBtratcrs until the blood flowed
and then dlsmaved by the savage yell T
the wounded man P companions he with
drew to another point
tThaef Menocal was -mocked by the crowd
in the Tueon wtlh "When near Quinta d"F
Molinef the people began to shove the po
licemen. pulling their coats and attempting
to take away their clubs
There were mort than 100 policemen
within tea blocks 'but they did not act
together Indeed , they were thorouglily
fnchtened One policeman ran to Central
Park , where the Tenth regulars -weie en
camped The regulars were sent ct double
quick to protect tie policemen and charced
down upon a crowd of l.ODD Men. women
and children tumbled over each other in
their efiorts to get awuj. Two minutes
luter the streets were cletred for blocks.
but not a pereon was hurt tiy tht repulore.
But TUcy firrrt thr -nrral- -
Eventually , without lecard to the police ,
an immense crowd collected in front of the
residence of Gomec the summer palace ,
wa ing more than COO Cage and banners.
Genera ] Gomez accompanied ( by many
notable persane. soon made his appeuaare
on the balcony und was greeted by long-
continued cbeermc Scores of bnquets we-e
thrown at ilin. < He made a 'brief speech-
Slang lh J'tjf of Ills nrjied to tne
, pressed his gratification at each an expres
sion of approval.
While hundreds of Cuaanswere demon
strating today m honor of Gomez , parading
the streets surroundlnc the summer palnce ,
listening to a speech by him and vooiier-
ously cheering hiE utterances with com
mingled cries of "Dtmth to the AspncrUy. "
this body in a cucrded "house " at El Cerro ,
two miles aivsy , continued the Uradw ; oi
Generally Sangullly. amid applause , called
attention to the l ttnrt of Gomez published
jesterday , torhndmc them ' deliberate liesi. " n. Gnnrd.
All this morning rumors were in circula
tion to the eCen that there would be trou
ble at todnj's session. There -were stories
of cngrv crowds already 'MBiecing ' the
hou'tet ctf Cuban leade-s who had offered to
compel the assembly to dissolve by force of
At 1 o'clock a heavy Cuban guard was
placed near the house and the road * leadi
ing to it were 'watchefl 'by ' Cuban ctvtlry
Jor the purpose of preventing the collection
of large bodies.
The assembly opened tt 2 .SO General
Lacret deplored the presence of the arnmd
guard , Bsying that the assembly had nothing
to fear from the people of Cuba and that U
the people -wanted to do its members icjury
the ehame was theirs
A letter was then read from General Mayl
Rodridguez , supporting Saturday's action
Then a moticn vas .made declaring Senor
Gonzalez de Quesada a "traitor to the as
sembly" and an "accompllct of Gomez" und
ahldnt for his expulsion Itwas carried by
n viva voce vote
A committee was tbea appointed to draft
an address to the Cuban people , with In-
strucuons to report at tomorrow's pension
Then followed speeches by heveral members
repeating the charges made against Gomez
n Saturdnj.
The genr-al effect of the irstertncmi war a
jUHtlflcation of Saturdoy's procedinp a
claim that 'thf ' uhBeml > ly wat acting solely
wnh a view of obtaining recognition of thr
Just deserts of the Cuban Bold-tern All the
speaKe-s deplored ' try mlujudgment at ih .
handb of th - Cuban people '
General Sanpuillv said thjfl Gomt had
done w rong in accepting Mr Porter e propo-
Eftlon Tutil thtt moment , ttid the speaker
he acted in tiie bte-1 inLert ts of tt - CubttnK ,
but at that momem h - WTO * ov > r to the Bid *
of the VnUfd States negletrung Cuba
Cnlmn Popnlnrr Eiprrifir * Jx DlHB ] > -
] ir tul of Hit. Ilcntotal b >
Military Ak
HAVANA Mach IS 10IB a m A pub
lic msniUfcUition upon the pan of the tJif-
ferunt patnotii olubt. in which the- general
public will RBBlst. but been culled far 4
o'clock this afternoon Thf peopl * will marct
w-Jth music and bacnert to Quinta. where
they will express to General Comer their
adherence to btmtelf and ttietr disupprnval
of thi action af ihe Cuban astemmy in n
mtvinc him from the office of general-in-
chief of the Cuban army
There were oheurfc last night far GenBral
Gomwr in Central park and rrles were rai&ei
{ .gainst the Cuban milltB'y assembly In the
evuniug tt the tiieater the public Tocif r-
ouelj uppJaud d Gsnw&l Gomez and Cuba
The feeliag upainpl tit assembly is still
Th uiir&ing there were Bjpst ei
excitement whtrb may find ernreMBior
at thr gatherings of this adtirneiut. Thf
&M miily rnstUf thic afterooon at c'oloci
and a liveiy Hweion if expMt A
Should & jwrticc of the Cuban s.rny sap-
jion the wlUtarjusttimUly is rejtieticg the
Goroei-Paner stgrtifliueut uiid in rufuaiup to
ditband wiUtoul i larger IHU& than JX.diUi.lMK )
s. forcible dw&rmaaieiu in UKopiuiuc of
American * vttll qu .lind to judpt would
f 11 < Tt if he on'v ' gravt far' m ai
. = ( r l"fit Cg M3UC ne f E tJtT B
tr ej S'js es .s " t t * r .
to 'Jae trrancfuneuU juadt ty Ecben
r port ? " -rttti * iMnd < * ( , W * tfcc
of Owtriinittra tt ftgisra e The op | > f -
of Cubte oj-rlhan * H ttmt t. oneeid-
portiBfi ot till Culnni tracf. probably
U * larpw ptirt. upw 4 Onw l Omnet in
hie pimtrwit. and tbeTatare tt AntertcBti
military irflrttatBtmthiii > rtw no other
eonrw O | TI tksti tfep ft rtM arniinp f
Wiy fwtlon trf A ? Calmii iwep * . which
Ving flttly Tiarne * jibnaMl yflr tal In
It If * di Ut-a to Itenfl iVhat Tliej I'ur-
nicrir OtA -rrlth o l Bodlt-ik.
SANTIAGO MB h n - JlMft cscltement
prevails in SmntlBgo owing t ibr action f
the military awernblv in dt alt i c Q ner&3
Ooaiet from tiie pn Of J milip md < 'r-Ili-
chief 1 cSatw * pf Cab wfllate the
kBnembly'R proce-ftlng * , flwdbsSnc that it
flt > es not represent the nUoaal demand ,
snd that no att nU n Is XM ks act tr
the Americans
Snme of the Cuban" ctalM Ai < umcmblr
should read the lisMrr el | 6iRlanfl during
Oliver Cromwell E time arf ee what ttiey
Aid with parlimnenu ThbK-pwu ral rpinion
is that the assembly's aot Ja f t > en tbr
severest Wow dealt to the * e tttmn.te u pl-
rationB of the Cubans since the American
occupation , which actirn ptsve tt > the world
the impreHRinB thtt they arS incapable nf
Indian Itl lit * AN-.orlRtlon Cull" n
the Interior I > r-j > nrtmrnt tu
Tlilx M
WASHINGTON , Ma-eh IS. (5clal ( Tele
gram ) The Indian Right * awtociation has
filed papers with tlie . c ! tary of the in-
terinr urging the ElKilinhmlnt of tht agency
atSlsowton SI1 H Is olnmed that the
lands * at this plwe huv * Ix-en allotted with
the exception of 100 awes , wlilch constitute
the reservation proper The BisociiLtioa
say , that tbe only function of the agent is
to disburse lundt , which can be flone at lis
I expense * > y a special anent thiui "by main
' taining an agent snore fur that purpnte
Officials of the Indian office Rem ftvora-bly
disposed to the idea , Eithoucb it has not
jet been formally canstflered tn this con
nection it may bt utatud oc irood authority
that Agent Johnson wiH not continue long
at SlsM-ton Hi , administration is unsatis
factory to the department , and this , w-ith
the pressure brought to < be .r for hifi re
moval , makes his tenure -very unc rtain. It
Is stated that action will a > t taken In the
matter when the president returns to Wash-
The comptroller of the currency has been
lidvlflfd of chances in officiate of northwestern -
western banks as follow * : Iowa First National -
tional bant of Sioui * Jity. James FTov ,
j j president , in place ol Thomas G Stone , A
Greeninger. rice president , T A. Black ,
cashier , M. J Gotthelf , ofisiiitant cashier
Cedtr Falls Natlanal bank , nn wcand Tice
president South Dakota First National
bunk of Aberdeen. F. B. Gannon , president ,
in place of C F Eaton ; J. H Suttie , aESiBt-
aiit cat-hier. fmon { National bunk of Sioux
Falls Louis Caille , cashier , in place of B. H
Kegua , no assistant cashman pUce of
Louis Caille
Pcatmobters appointedSoua : Dakota
Jobn G. Dre-Mlrr at St. Eernert , Edmonds
ua j-aPeter ; SkartMB * * l Itlo , Campbell
If y"rwib' " * TL. Jr. at I > un- .
* u . - -v-r ) "a. fjiontnger at
Gclvin. Marshall cwunty.
The Continental National bank of St Louis
WHS today approved as .reserve agent tor tiie
Merchants' National 'bank ' of Omaho.
iv SEUJtcn or GEORGIA sr\snrvn.
President MrKln nnd Party 5tnrt
< n Snnlb * ru jHuart.
"WASHINGTON , Marcb IS President uod
Mrs. McKialey and a parry of friends left
the city at f 40 o clock tonight for B vaca
tion of two w-tfks Thomarville , Ga. ,
where the train IB scheduled to arrive at 4
o'clock tomorrow uftflrnoon. The trip is
made VIL th * roast line and the
Plant system , a-hoarfl o splendid tram of
PulJmtnarr , perfect in Tjuipin < 3l. with
1every 1 provision f r ttie comfort and saf y
| | of the party. The jiTesident occupied th *
I | magnificent pnvase Pullman obfrprvatioo car
1 ! lolantlie to.U > e rwu of the speoial trtin ,
. the remainder o ! which was made up of the
t compartment ctr HOI-J--IO the el-seper Cl
i i matlh. tht dining cur Abflfhn aatl the eom-
bmution biaociug tmd baggage ca-r CtesiuK ,
J1 bun Bomrty fined out for the accommo-
' catlnc of the 61frt.inguiDli d travelert Tn
m.cut - befor j crala iime tbe president and
Mrs McKmley reucbed the station , wtj rr
a. number of people had atBt-mbled , and
were , aboard th - tniiB and greeted tho&p who
ttcrompini d thm on .A * trip Tiiene ic-
clutlrd t ! ; rirjprefiidnnit and Mrs Hoirt !
and Matter Hob Jt Sf Ea or and Mrz Banna
Miss Hunnu and Mise Phelj > and Dr J N
JUxry Secretary Alpe- Postmaster General
Smith. , General Conbln uid others went at
the station 10 bid tht party larewefl
rirn-o\E MW i n sEL ' ron rxio.v
t-lntvi. ifV .rU fin Thocf fi.drr Cun.
trnff iciu ffir tl f \MVJ.
"WASHLNGTON March IS. Rear Admiral I
Hichborn chiaf constructor , in hit Btate-
ment ofvurk uccomplisbei ! on the vesBbls
now building for the new navy , shows that
there ore no actually under construction ,
or tlre&dy contracted fur fifty-one vessels of
various ! types ranging from battleships to
torpedo boats Thu d gre of completion of
the battleships is as follows1
At Ntfwpurt Newh Kewsarge , EC ; Ken
tucky , TB. Illinois , C3
Ai Crampfc Alabama " 6.
Vnion Iron "Worhf Winconaln. ex.
The MainJUissourl and Ohio have not
Ixten started at tht date of report. The
i.beatbed cruiser Albany purchased in
England nn the Rtwks is advanced BO per
tent toward completion Of the torpfflo
the Dahlgren at Bath , Me. , mauds $4 '
cent and the Fox at Wolff & Zwickers.
ct S < per icent , the Craven at Bath , at liO
j > er cent , and the othere range til the way
down to nothing The submarine t > oat
Plunger stands at sr per cent , and two tugs ,
the Fenuonnk and Pawtucket. at New Tnrk
and Mare Island , respopuvely , at 95 per cent.
Two Nuiurd a Llrutfnuiu * .
WASHINGTON March IS ( Special Tele
gram ( The appointment of William B
Cowin. WHS of GenerU J C Cowin
of Omaha. to 1 fioctmd lieu
tenant in the regular array , * was made t&-
day tj- the president Coufilnd with his
cuae wac that of Samuel Miller Taader-
v-oon. win of P ul Vanflarvoort , Tooem-
jnendetl by S nutor Tbuiwtiiu. Mr. Tburs-
ton had upward a ! twMity naame Biraiu i
fur DoiiBidflruioii but in a majority ef easae
th * ludlv-idual * were over the prescribed
limit ixt-d in the army tiill Iwrwtisa the
gw at 1 and " " It wae ths lat-tr age
which preventHd the nomiaation ttt Walltuie
J. Broateh to 1 * Beeeai beiaeuust , which
d * d d UJJOB u uu at the
ti > go m to m kr up Kt-brask * t-
of 10 under tht- r.ornuilaeiDii bill Bu -
util Mliler Vanlervoon twrv Jwitii tb
ittcofid Ntiuruski and ww > mu&arut out. ut.
i-trit-e Mi t etn.
MARIETTA O IrUrafc 18 An oil I
'jclur ; ( i tt 31 * 'tTe'r ft Q8 wae
wi nr-ie * w * of * i' ' T tucis
e ' K < - n us'a jr r rif i
' - fs tr "bt wis iiie ii-rt dei }
4 < ese to tbe c ty.
Those in Gnbu ; 8 rric * Mart 3s Jlstterefl
Oat 3sforE KBJ 1.
Quarantine neirnliitlnni. nt tlie South
ern I'ort * MnV-f Tnl Action
nrj Cntnji * t Be
WASHINGTON. March IS Thr War flr
pftrtment h f determine to tn er out nd
brine homr all the vojMnuiers la Ctfba with
the exception of the v ui t ! r vnirtiwrrB
end immunes Tic npe Btty for immediate
action ha * Ix-en ibrought tn the att ntloti
tot tbe Wic department on itoconnt trf tbs
Quarantine recul Uani. i gainst Cttbft which
go Into effect about tbe Itt * May Una
whlrb are especially strict at all southern
When the tronps are .brought . to this
country thev must under the lew , b * mus
tered out in trailed States catm * aafl they
no doubt vlll be ibrougbt to camps near
est their bm&rs. It iB desired also to have
them brought to places -where fumigating
can l e done and it is po sH > J * that troupe
for northern states may be brought to Mont -
t uk and Camp Wikoff again Sie established ,
although the present intention IB to have
iill northern troops neat to Camp MeaSc in
The troops of North Carolina South Care
lina. Louisiana aufl Georgia will profoably
i be brought to Savannah the Tesas troops
j to Golveston anfl the Tennessee Kentucky
j and Virginia troops to Old Point Comfort ,
> uinl > er T Inrlurtrd In tlie
L1M Transferred to "VeT * HOM-
jiitnj nl Sataunan.
SAVANNAH Ga March IS Following
Is a list ol the Invalid officers and men
1 brought here tin the transport Missouri Irom
, Cube and now in the hoi-pita here
Officers Captain Janw E Eastman , Second
end a'-tlllery. Second Lieutenant Marke !
Averlll , Seventh cavalry A E Stir , acting
assistant surgeon , volunteers. Second Lieu
tenant Harry E. Reeei > . Third engineers.
i multriu. Lieutenant ColoneJ Edgar Jndwln ,
Third engineers , dyfrentery
Forti-ninth IOWB Corpora ] Huwley Com
pany F ph-anyngiti * Privates Schancli ,
j D fracture Golden , dysentery , Horkman.
[ , E. anastiteu. , right ler Fletcher , neuralgia ,
j Reed. C typhoid. Nichols. E diabetes
"Wagoner Gould , G. pneumonia , PreUe. E ,
rheumatism Smith. D , dysentery. Matth
ews , M rheumt-tiEm , B"nnincer , G. hernia ,
recovered. Burlingame. L , appendicitis ,
Deppert , pastritib
Second Illinois Corporal Scheduler , 1 ,
Privates Huohy , F malaria. Fare , A , MUSJ-
cian Kamln L , djsentery
Ninth Illinois Sergeant Garrison , L , gas
tritis. Private Harjier. K , malaria.
Sixth Missouri Corporal Pertee. heart af
"I > ia.le t i Tlf r id un. Trcn j ort.
TVASHBC6T-OK' , March t = . Th NBJTJ de
partment has ncreed to loan the fine steam-
i ship Dixie , lormerly of the Morgan Ituf to
! the War department for use as a troop
transport The vessel IB no-w at Philadelphia
aud will be immediately Bent to New York
to .be . supplied with bleeping arrangements
It IB said it will carrj no less than 1.200
troops It is to ply between Cuban and
Parto Eican ports and the Dnlted States.
j The navy will provide a complement of .
I officers to worl. the ship
I Drntfa Ilfjiorl from Hevnim.
I BrooVre at Havana reports ttE iollows under
I Date of March 12
j tesrh ) report March 11
{ Camp Columbia Private Ole Lundstrtnn ,
I Company H Forty-ninth Iowa , typhoid.
Pueno Pnncipt Private Edwud C. Trapp , ,
Company D. Eighth cavalry , typhoid. Pri-
| vim Benjamin C Anthony. Company D ,
Fifteenth inlantry. typhoid
H - Uf rif-ucbff , GlJirnltitr.
iCopyncht 1KB ! by Pres i Publishing Co.t
GIBPvALTAa. British Spam. March 13.
( New York World Cablesram Special Telegram -
gram > The steamer Relief , the United ,
Sials hoapital ship uhuh left New Tork
Alarrh r for Mm lu with a year s medical
nrpTihes for 2f. nee troop * and eight trained ;
women nuiset "has ar'ned here and is coal-
lie All aboard a e reponed to he well.
tiee l : . .ciiilr | i of vt. l.onli.
Will Lend > orthei.t Settler * tea
a New Territory.
ST LOUIS , March IS Alf Eshendrup , tbe !
Swedish and Norwegian vice consul in St
Louis is perfecting n scheme for colonizing '
the vacant lands in Missouri w-ith Scandinavian -
navian emigrants. His iCen is to arrange
with the various steamship companies to | '
make this city their southwestern iead-
quarters , tbe some as Chicago is thf headquarters -
quarters for tbe northwest. -
"The Scandinavian people are nol satis
fied in the northwestern states , BE the 1
climate is too set ere and tlir-r are too many
, crop ftilureE. " wild Mr Essendrup. "The
climt.t ! of Missouri will just about cult them I
and there kre bout r. 000,000 ncres of vacant L
land * , in this state which arc available for
agricultural purposes
i' ' "The wiole of the northwest U pretty well I
settled and then it very little vacant land I
left for the jVurpphes of colonization The
little that remains is not In large tracts , but
it scattered "
, ,
i _ _ _ _ _
Co-O ] > eratUe Cone-em nt St. Louie
Will Deliier Product on Elce-
irir Ilefrlcerutor Cnri > .
ST LOD1S March IS A company w-itb j
a capital of ? &n > 006 has b < * m organized in ,
this city to operate a new brewery on the
Bo-operative plan The cemjiwiy will tie
Ijiown at. tne Gael Brewing tiompuoy , and
ground will t once be broken lor the wee-
tiun of a lug * brick building
The plant will liave a tupuctiy of 7S.O 0
barritlc a ywir and will be operated by olw-
tr taty thi-ouffhout The umnpany will iiuve
a number of electric refrigerator cars con-
Btrucmd which will be tbe firtt eier u d
on any stretft railway la ny city in toe
world and disjienalng with teuvj hauling
Ofhrt-rs tittle uot bt-ec elected
Covert , Interehted iu "WeMern
ufctnei. > I5iite.rpirefcf S
Puuud Itead.
TOKK. Marcb IS S or | * Covert , a
ceairnctor resitliiif in Braofcl-n aud int r-
-co JL bus ucs. l-Il urB .L tht wes- bus
t f LE Ufav : o _ i- b i : tii >
-r.-'f a - - 61' t -
h.s lun. y itnli , -j rm L m he
For c * l for Nbm' > K '
(3 ( irTmV < r l *
Teini'erntare at Omnlii
Hour. Bea. H * ue.
5 a. n I- 1 I'"i S2
< ! a. in 17 - ! * *
7 a. m IT. X J . m XT
S a. n 1 -4 i > . m 9"
Ma. tn Z & t > . in. . . . . . 87
31' n. m. . . . . . O ji. tu. . . . . . XT }
11 a. m - T ) i. m RT I
12 in < W * l > . m. . . . . . XI |
0 11. in.
WM in Kanm CJiv msifl tber flid ftot knew
of his return until iti'ornn-fl of the fliifttnp
i of hlf cn-pnc Bus Le * . rnere art pup- (
tr. liBVf ] 0 tt > hir r.niude |
i Hflirl * I'lniUly Urln Hark , but 51ot
of Them I > rai Fl c Hnii-
lrd ofTlit-ni KHJt-il.
I TACOMA Ma-ch IS The Weanifchlr Vlr-
ttr-iu tiringr new from Nankin that 1B.WB
Chinese rebelt have tr-owcd thr AnTttui
. borders -nto Honan ioininc the reliels thnre
' their combined forcet , nutnbe-lnc over 20 -
OOQ. Thus combined they marched nculni-t
nnd captured Shnuchun , thr j.nconfl my of
lUe Anlui prpvinrr Iwflly defetUng GetM ral
Kue and thr imperial forres Tiej < rurBd
large quantities of arms and havt scnl * ut
a body of raiawr Into Houan te nerure na-
' jnunlUtin The telegrap * lines in North
! i Anhul hove been cut und tlie Imperial
' troops are gradually 1 > lnp hemmed In The
Intter have re-otsfupied but not captured
. Kuvang. Five irundred relfle and many
. soldiers were killed in the battle in Nortb
| Kiangsi. betw een the mlicU and the com-
I i bined forces of Gennrulf. Kuo Wu and Lin
1 Sevend rel > l lendens were tahen , but tht
' main boflof th - rebels escaped and utarted <
for Anhul I
HISSES roit THE rnovriv rnrvris. i
Gnftnf. n - cnt ofor nj. lrc a
' l"n llliid < - of Sno bnllfc.
I CHRISTIANA Norwnj March IE There
I was a popular demonstration here last even
ing against Crown Prince GUMU ! duke of
i Wwmland. who was recently appointed regent -
' gent on uccount of the illness of hif- father ,
King Oscar II. The prince was returning
I from the military rlub when be met a crowd
of people who hooted him , hisurd him und |
pelted him with snowballs The crowd was '
dikpemod bj the police and several trrests 1
were made Tbe Norwegian papers condemn
the demonstration
In trwfonndlniid Cnliinct i
' Continue * Ken. . I
' ST JOHNS N F. March IS Tbe politl- !
1 cal crisis continues The premie- Sir Jamer
j Winter. IE negotiating with Rob rt Bond
1 for a coalition with the regular opposition.
! The premier expects to secure c dissolution -
! tion und to win tlie general election. i
Dlsensicn in tbe colony it. very keen
and troublesome times are expected.
Italinn Government Snld to Huve IJI
on ed SlarnoT Marttnorti iu '
He ic R'-eHUed. .
E.OME March 13 The Tribuna asserts
that Italy ias not dfliver > d an ultimatum to
China On the onntrn-y the Italian gov
ernment has disavowed the ation of Signer
Martine regarding tht San-Mun hay affair
nnd has recalled him confiding Italy s in
terests to the British minister at Peirln until -
til the successor of Martlno arrives there.
* ROME. March 13 The news of S4gnor
Martlno s recall came BE a complete surprise
to the public. It is understood that his note
asking China to reaccept the first Italian
note was retarded by the Italian govern-
i ment as too conciliatory , but the general
i belief is that China will interpret the recall
, as a sign of weakness.
1 Count O.-fini the Italian minister at Tokio ,
i will be appointed to succeed Signer Martlno
Connie * * Ru fc-IIV Stncc I > eliut.
Copyright ISSiJ bv Press Publiblmig Co l
i PLTMOUTH. Marcb ir. ( New Tork
I World Cablegram Special Telegram H-Cu-1- 1
' osity to witness tbe debut of Coun'ess 1
Russell -erov/ded tbe Theuer Royal at Plymouth - ,
mouth tonigit Although naturallj nervous.
ebe made a good imprenslon and promises
to develop into a fine actress She moves
albaut the stage with ease and grace and
though at times indistinct , hue , n soft flexi
ble voice , which she used 10 advantage
The little dancing of the part was lightly
and prettily done. Her dre es were effec
tive and in the third not she wore a lot of I
old lane and jewels At Uie close of the '
1 performance the wnfc railed before the cur- 1
teen cn-d enthusiastically cheered Ivan
CaryH. compctsr of the music , superintended -
| tended the rehearral this morning , -when the
, counteBS met the rompcny for the first time , i
and was at the performance in the evening |
i IloMiltul Mil ? ut Gibraltar. I
GIBRALTAR. March IS The 0nitfd I
States hospital i > hip Relief , from New Tork
, on March S for Manila haf arrived here j
i The Relief , whirli is commanded by Captain -
tain Harding has on board medical rupplies ]
j sufficient to ia t an army of 2ODli men u
i year The expedition IB in charge of Major
A F Bratley , b-igad < surgeon r S V
Eight women nuines accompany Major
' Brniley.
j Oi er Pnnr flnndred Droivm-il.
) BRISBANE. Queensland , March 13 A
search Etearner which IIBB Just returned herr
) from Cooktown. cm the Endeavor river this
] colony reports that ttiree schooners and
oiphty luggeri were lout and that 4GU col-
, ured persons and eleven whites were
drowsed dunng the recent hurricane that
swept the northeast coast of Queensland.
\orweiffuxi Strainer LOKI.
ABERDEEN. Sootland , CMan-h 13 A
steam trawler wh. oh hst juw reached here
has lanflefl two engineara and a seajnan > * -
i longing to the Norw-nsms ntewnw Idrat.
hailing from &tavacier ; ttmind to Pwrreji
) which founded in the South re March JO
Tw rve other meinltr6 of the crew c-f the
1 Idrai are eupiiOhed U > bsvc jisrishcfi
Selrurtlij Oreut Hrlluiu.
LOKDO.V March 14 The Shanghai oem
upondent of the Dial } Mail etjt The
bare report that Gruat Britain hoe
the XiRO-Tac islands , oppuKlte Port Arthur
ic tlie tra.a ef r'0-C.hl-Ll ttnd north of
Teap-Ciiau-ru. in tb jiortbw M pornop nf
th ahan-Tung
Sliftin CMIIHOI j > Ieet Rnn oin.
MAE RD MRreh 18 Tbf portion of tb
SpamHi prinobem in tb PiiUippuie i las4 *
It IB arnounci : d tort. IB a gutwuoc win oh
wu t ronutlD In i MyuiMsf tu tbr tiinom de
muid d by ApHloaldr ifc u > suarmow ; ibtt
tbt go rnm it c nacn cimto a
fere today at CSB Baor wtti MM Culirrtnt-
Marltu agol Kwiu , t.uiou Ud by HBiobr.
Villiaw Mwlm lr win wa * badly lojurttd
about tbe btwd and fuot bv falling from a
W.II.KW viftlit rMi F tr ehrttittnc1 fruit
i. * t.r < " i- ri. f n n- ht
* a . < ' * is "itf nt i h -
Tffl Tfitc Up Tfaslr Bacfcn Oact
) L rt for tbe rinal Piffl.
Petting in tit Time Tisiucg
Bonnie it Litulj to Ayjioiot c Sifucg
ConraiKee Thij Weik.
nnd Ilrirnnr Mattrr Both
1 > r in n lid I ndivlUrd Attrntton fct
Br Aftrr.
LINCOLN , March 18 ( SjuioiaO Thr
legislature will resume bunlnmt tomorrw
aftar , a receu * Dl three working dttys. "While
nearly ; all the merabert. returnrd to tbelf
homes ; during the adjournment a few ha f
stayed , in Lincoln Reports from the ra-ipus
state , institutions that htve beno
visited by the senate connutttee * a1--
unanimous io picturing tht rovu
goofl ] time tht committees liave Vret >
given ; and tbtt the member * therra *
ure , "nnaaimous in their approval of aJl ap
propriationc UfUefi Jor' l > y thr hnudt. of tbe
Institutions As yet the m mbrrr of tbr
eommitteeb hate nol Biudi- such f wy OB
stRtnmeuth. however The committees w rte
to Grand Island this moriilnc From thp-c
they go to Kraruey and then tr Hast ine
Memberh of the senate are lonUlnc fo *
ward wiLb same intcreM to thr appointment
cf a sKticg committet this wpcU Mem
iters art Inclined to hold off the naming
of t hii committee until the last momrc
as It always playt havoi with * large num
1 > er of Mils. , bui with only ten more pmmp ;
days the&d th - inevitable must oome Sin
ator TaSbot had a motion prrp refl for irt
inp the lireath of life to a Rifting crrmnn
mittee Thursday Just prior to udjoummen'
and consulted with several memft ) rs < nr >
ceralnr the name. For some unknown ' ee
son he did not present "hit. motion at tha
time , but it is looked Jor earlj this wrrt
"Whether tht naming of this important ron
inlttee will be left to the chair or noi ie
in doubt As xtbcrr will be ( ouRldernble
Etrlfr among the republicans to get a pla < e
on th committee and thr standing comn > t
tecs , have been named by the republican c&u
CUE the same course mcy be purnuefl in
this matter \ motion naming the < -nn >
mittee without u caucus agreement lie
hind it might meet with opposition trom
the disappointed ones
ln * nrnnt * < ' Mnttfrit.
The insurance rommittee will "havf no
Important mission to perform the latter pan
of the week when the "Weaver insurance bin
w/ll come telore it lor us coiifclteri
tlon The coznrolttee has already given i
out in advance that it will act promptly
upon thlb measure The reason it has
not acted upon 5 F 74 Senator Talbm s
bill which is identical witli Mr "Weuvpr s
as originally introduced is tiecau i
knew the "Weaver lilll was Jurther advcn" > < i
in the house and Bpe 3irr results coula be
obtained" bv ttUng prompt action ujmn 'hat
Iblll when it reaches th wsnate The tilU
will proaably reach the committee "Wuanes-
Senator Prout of the revenue comsjlt'ee
wtll Btill be hampered tiy reunon of hit tv
ties upon the investigating fntcmitthf , whi h
it , still taking tefitlmonv concerning tit
charges against Auditor Cornell No rupon
has been cgre d upon for S F 210 Senator
Van DuHfln's revenue bill , while the Poiliyd
bill has not tieen touched The revenue
nominittee will find it difficult to giTe TUt
Pollard bill the consideration so Importai
a measure deserves
S F 302 , introduced py Senator Ttlbi"
was placed at the head of the gennr&J fl >
seme time Ego upon motion o-f the urrt
flucor. althonsrh rhe menkbers mem to huvt
-forgotten that loct This is the Iblll fix
ing the salary of the governor * pr < < i.t
6M-retary at J2 ODD HO that he shall no loiter
be required to ibccome tn nctlvr lotibvim
in order to draw that amount. An attempi
is made every session to reduce the prlvaif
beiTftary'K Balary , but ii ends the same way
he holds hlfc own
S F 302 fixes the salaries of all ihf
Htate ofbcert' deputies The salary of tin
deputy auditor le plared at I1.6UI' The
deputy state treasurer Jl.TnD , dejiuty ano-
ney general tl.SUO , deputy land coisime-
fclonrr fl.COO. deputy secretary of the
Numerous bills are introduced each tut-
Hion relating to state bank * Sncator Spohti
j is the father of one thut ha * Sieen roc-
eronieiidud to pass b > the heuutr i * j , * ,
i comes a law .bunks . will be compiled to
Include n thutr report * how much money
they have loaned to the offlCM-b. dlrctom
employes and BtoLkholders of tbe bant Thr
bill Jurther provides that
ail eommnrnu
paper uot in process of collection eix mootht
past due shall nol be included in the fctsle
" " The bill reiulh a follow *
1 The reports 'idnd
pro for 1 >
_ „ of this uct shall taut- the amount
loaned upon said bonds and mo-tg g" *
amount iounwd upon notee bills of et to. ' re
overarnfth nnd other purs mil m-ru- . ti-t
with the urtutil value of '
rut 11 > * ' i *
amount cf rediscounts 'aid < > : canimar. tt
na | i past dm the amount urcmi.i . & , .1
t8&te ( , Bi ng the cum . , f HIP timr if
. amount of cahh on bund niifl on depoH t rn
I banks or trust obiupunler with thmr uani g
. and the amount depofeiittd iu uauh he
| amount of ail aifu ji < n Bumeratrd . i. < v-
ulW ) tbe amount loaned to tb oairprt d > -
rj-ctoris , cmpUiycH and surckholder * of ncid
i onrjiorstion urulcr ctioo SC , rhapirtr tiu
CuRjjilud Stmum § if NebrBttku lorSD" tno
such other information BE tbe Stati "lin t ig
I board tutt require
ProUdwd That oommfirolij ptpar not IB
preettsi of uullectian sli mijntht puat due
with interpw unpaid ahall not bt itiiluded
in the rwiiurt of the uufefitu of uph corjicrj ,
j tioji , ptrtaerbbip , farm or individual Ew-n
report t-ball Btate tmob r-Bnurtus and 111.
I bilitlrB nt tbe rlone of tiutilucm , on BJJ pun'
' day by the State Haul Inr board vv&
hhall t > e transmitted to such board wi't-n
fire it ) dByt afler th - receipt of u requiK
tie tiwrnfor And a. KUaimary of purb ri-
port * n. the turni prtcriln d bj tbt Bit. r
SauUlup iKi&rd nbull bt ublifch d ILre
HHvupkiK-r publtah d ic Uu plane whnrr u-i
banking buraurBt a truunbctcid. or if there
i bo newtifiupar in tlie j. > lu < t lh B ic fc
publlitbod 'in tb < Raaw ciunty nt tbr s
peiiw of such back oorporauot tirni or 'T
dividual and proof of tturfa iiubHuatinc thu <
be trtBHffiltltid u > ibf Ptun- BuLking board
wlthiti tweutjW ) ) daye Irtum tb < date fixed
far Bucb rwort
A * to Free Itldefc.
Tw yuatt 6B intrr > .
a bill u > prohllilt "truf free
water tr-ut .ttuiibout u r ' uli Amour tie
hie * ,
ffi" s
tnr-wi ufc - F be t
iu6 boct-mfc a liw c ilr alifwu *