Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    o THH OMAHA DAILY "MONDAY 18 ! ) ! ) .
talnnl unlmpnlrcMl nn thn floM of naltlo free
( Mini nil i ilnjiromlBP kee pin ? tinniitlmi fc
linnor * potl < 5is
As for HIP real. an n iln err mnn , 1 ton-
feM 1 tlmnk Ihciu n < > cnu e thoj ipllcvo me ot
it : cat pollilcnl obligation * .iml almi lenvo mete
to return lo my nlmn loned home , which ,
during thirty jt-ara of continual trlte for
the Rood of tills countr ) ( lint I love BO much ,
lias been my onn aspiration Foreigner an 1
nm I did not coma lo serve Mils country by
helping It to tlefcnd KB Jusi cause OH a mcr-
ccnnry soldier anil coii oqucntlj , slnto the
opprtwdvo power of Spain linn withdrawn
from this land nnd left Puba In freedom , 1
have slicnthcd my sword , thinking I Imd fin-
Islied the mission which I hftd olunr rlly
Jinposud iijon | in } elf I nm owed nothing
I retire contentnd mid natlsPtd at having
done nil 1 could for thu 'jcncllt ' of my brother -
or . "Wherever destiny rules that I male
nil homo there cnn the Cubans depend on a
Governor Urooko was notlflod last
night of the deposition of Gomez nnd when
teen this morning ho was much interested
to learn thn details of the assembly's pro-
rredliiKiJ llo anld lie could not oxpreis nn
opinion as lo the effect ot the assembly's
action upon the future rolnttoiiH
Oenoial aomez and the United States , par
ticularly In the matter of disbursing the
$3 000,000 offered by Washington to the
rnban trnopi ns n condition of dlsbnnd-
tncnl , but the Impression scema lo bo among
the American authorities that as the assem
bly hna n\ti boon olllclallj rocognl/r-d by
the United States gov eminent Its action ,
so far ns Washington Is conc-erne-d , will not
amount to inoro than tin- resolutions of anv
other body of Individuals The assembly
Is being strongly ccnsineil by Cubans on all
Hides and there were popular demonstra
tion ! ) thli afternoon In favor of the deposed
the crowds shouting
cominfuider-lii-tlilef ,
"Long llvo Oomcz" and "Death to the as-
during the day received numerous
visitors all of whom assured him of thtlr
affection and loyalty and that the declara
tion * by the assembly on hate er subject
could not represent even the army , as the
elections which gnvo Its members their present
for illegality
ent positions are really notorious
gality and political Jobbery There Is no
doubt that a majority of the people support
him as against the nsscmblj. The local
nrtss will probably attack the assembly , urg
ing Us dissolution as the best thing tint
can happen and Insisting that there Is no
reason why the United States authorities
should not continue to treat with General
Oomcz In the matter of the payment ot the
s said on good authority tint the pa >
rolls Oomcz Is preparing to hand C.eneial
lirooko arc most complete and fair and the
general sajs ho can aid the troops In piocur-
Inc { 3,000,000whereas it is problematical
whether the assembly can obtain anything. Is lltUe doubt as to the Rile the
aimy will take The l' ° ° Ts im > tlml
Iho ntl.1 . and Insultlclent food and the indications
would disband en
dications are that they
the receipt ot the H 000,000 , unless de
ceived by the promise ot a Hrger amount
by the assembly
Ooncral Gomez has the conlhlence ot the
American military authorities and says he
la glad of hU new-found llbertv lie Ins
always Insisted that an active sh.ire In uls-
trlbutlng the money would fall to him and
there secnib nn good reason why ho cannot
continue ) to act as Ceneial Uiooke's ad
viser and helper
The question ot his successor as com
mandcr-in-chiof Ins not } ct ibtcn conrld
ercil 'but ' Ocneral Mavia Hodriguc/ the
next in comnnncl No doubt Oeneial ( Ionic ?
technically cxceedoil his authority In acting
Independently of the assembly His course
was certainly calculated to arouse Jealousy
In that ( body , nut It Is becoming more and
more apparent that the assembly's action
waa largely the result cf personal spite and
a deslro to a\cngo slights It li well known
that there 1ms long been tiouble between
Gomez and certain mcmbeia
The patriotic clubs have decided to abolish
ish the Junta I'atilotlca the members of
which are. elected by them , and to establish
a Patriotic league In its place General
Gomez , it is said , will ho asked to accept
the prebtdcnc } ot the now organization
MeMliiciit oil Pout tit Miiko tinKn -
IIIOIIM Minimi n ( J" rriiincnl
I'm U mill CoiiH'tci > .
SANTIAGO 1)E C'tTBA , March 12 A
movement Is on foot here to persuade the
United States government to purchase San
Juan hill to bo used as a public paiK ' 1 lie
Idea is that a certain portion could bo FCI
np-ut to bo used as an American cemetery
and the slto of a mortuuy chutch A few
Iliousand dolluis spent upon the rest would
make a beautiful recreation ground. Includ
ing a half-mile race track , a base ball diamond
mend and tennis grounds.
General Leonard Wood , military govoinor ,
and other prominent Americans fa\oi the
project , believing If the land can bo ob
tained nt u reasonable flguio the suggestion
should bo cairlcd out in memoiy of the
heroic charge of the American troops
Senoi Uncardl , inayoi ot Santiago , today
planted n tree of liberty in the IMa/n
Dolorcn In the presence of more than ! l,000
children ic-prcsentlng the dlfterent hdiools
of the city , as well ns n largo concourse
of cllUens lie spoke of the glorious deeds
of Cuban pitrlots during the last thirty
yeais and of their btrucglo In tlio face of
Immense odds. Do pilfl a wann tribute to
the good work elono by General Wood during
thu American occupation and glowingly
phophe'sled regaullng what will bo done
when the Cubans manage their own country
without assistance.
CnnUM Mill lli-iioNlli-il at Iin < > ri > iit
I'olntn tei Di-le-i inliif I\HCIU'C ; | | ol
Clre'iiiiiiiiiliir Mri-nin.
SAN FRANOISCO. March 12 A task
vvhlch has been undertaken In the Interests
of both science and of commerce Is to bo
begun this week In the \oago of whalers
from Snn Finnclsco tn the Artie ocean to
te-at the Arctic curientH The effort to B
euro facts nbout the currents and es
of the oxiste'iico of u circumpolar current
was Inaugurated b } the Ocogiaphlcnl so
ciety of Philadelphia , hacked b } the United
Stated government Fifty patent casks of
( i peculiar shape have been constructed In
San Francisco and will bo sent out on the
United States revenue cutter Bear niul on
the -vessels of the Pacific steam whaling
fleet and on those of Ltebcs & Co , to bo
distributed In dlffeient parts of the ocean ,
then to be picked up b } vessels which pass
theim Inter , and thus It Is hoped to do-
tormlno the currents of the Arctic and the
theory of an open passage around the polo
from the Atlantic to the Pacific
The first five casks will bo taken to the
north by whalers of Llubes i C'o , to start
during the piesent week Tvvent ) more will
tie taken by the vessels of the 1'nclflo Whal
ing compaii } within the next month and the
remaining tvvent-tlvo will be taken on
board the Bear
riiiciiKii ti'r'ti'N IIIMII
HAMPTON. Vn , March IS The ciulscr
Chicago arrived In Hampton itoads tl Is
morning fiom Havana It will go into tho.
ihlp jard at Newport News for results To
night the transport Meade airlvd In the
Uoads The Mcaeie Is bound for Oulu to pay
3IT the Cuban soldiers ami v.'ll ' call tumor-
Cure nil liver IIU , bilious
n < ti , headache' , suiir stomach
ach , Indigestion , cemstlpn
Xou , The ) net e-uilly. llli
rau t
Several Candidates for tin Position J 3t
: Made Vacant by Death ,
> orrl * llr < i\tu , JiiilKr llniiu-r mill Sen
ator Curries llriiilillcniiN | , a ml
.ImlKO SiillUiinV. . I ) . ( Ililliniu
MJCCOhN , March 12 ( Special Telcgrrun )
Tho"lcnth of Congrcfisnmn . L. Qrcpno
of the Sixth district raises thus early Iho
fuestlon | ot flllitiR the vacancy Those who
first ( llscn sod the inattrr toilay figured that
the governor vvotiht appoint a mnn' to till
the place until the next general election ,
bnt thn uonstltuUon of the United Stains
being consulted , the following provision ,
section of article 1 , was found
" \Vhon vncnnclei happen In the icpro-
sontallon from any tnto , Iho cxccutlvo
nuthorjty thereof shall 1'Suo writs of clcc-
Uejn to fill such vacancies "
The tailing of a special election would on
lull much extra expcnsn , while on thu other
hand to wnlt until November would depilvo
the succeraful candidate of nt least sU
months' Hnlnrj It Is not known at this tlmo
which course Iho governor vvlll fiver
1'oitlblo caiulldates iilrt.idy mentioned on
the republican side are > Norrls Hronn nnd
r O llamor of Keirnoy ami Sena
tor Cnrrle of Urokcn llovv Those mentioned
on the fusion lde nro Jurtpe H. M Sulli
van of UrokPii llovv , W I ) Oldham of Kcat-
ney nnd M. r Hairlngton of O Nclll ,
ItlMllllltlH of OUUI ( NNIIIIIII ( ilM'I'lU-
TnUrn to K < 'iiriu'i , , U'licritlie
l-linrriil \ \ III lie * Held.
, Nob. March 12 ( Special
Tulcginm ) The icmalns of Congressman
Greene arrived hero this afternoon In charge-
of an escort and were met at the elepot by
luombcrs of the Kearnej Inr nnd a largo
crowd of sjmpJthlzlng citizens A funuial
procession of cnrrl iges several blocks In
length followed the remains to the homo of
the > fnmll } The Hags in public and privito
bulldlnf-s arc floating nl half mist The
Kcnrncj bir met at noon nnd appointed a
COTiimlttco to confer with the famllj In
reference to the funeial arransements and
also a e ommlttco consisting of tWudges
Ouslln , Hnnior. Sinclair and uMr. Mnraton to
ilruft icsolutlons of condolence to bo pre
sented at the session of court March 20
The funeral services will bo held Tuesdaj
afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence of
the deceased State offlclils , members of
congicfls and other
prominent olllcKils are
A delegation consisting of Norrla Drown ,
John T iMill.illou , r W Hoxle. C H
Scott and B O Hosteller arrived enrlj
Sunday morning from Kearney to act ns nn
escort , for the ron-iini of the late Congress
man W. L Greene , who died on his way to
the Burlington depot in this city Saturday
Upon their arrival hero the old neighbors
of the deceased commenced
arranging for
ihelr Immediate return The remains were
lellvercd to Mr Scott by Coroner Svvanson
and the party left ut 8 - > 5 Sunday morning
in their return Jonrncj
Do jou want a high grade wheel1' If yon
have no money , get one in The Ueo blcvclo
contests at Fremont. You choose any make.
liMcrlj'K HIM ( o ItfKiilntf tlio Kin-
Hloj nu-iU of ( lilldr.-u in Tnetorlcs
IlllH I'llNNL-ll till ! IIOUNC.
LINCOLN , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
One of the bills that hab parsed the lioi e
a II. U CS , by Beverly of Douglas , to rog-
jlato the emplojment of children in fac-
ories and other
establishments Iho
islons of the bill amending the present law
read as follows
Settioii 2l3nn That any male or female
tuna nmiet tue age of 10 > cars shall not bo
Linploveel In any rnanufactuihis mechnnlcnl
tr .nerc.nuile cbtabllshment
Sec Jllbb That any male 01 fcmnln child
undei the ago of H jenrs shall not bo eni-
plojcd In anj manufacturing , mechanical or
moicantllo establishment , except during Iho
uicntion ol the public schools , unless elui-
mg the jear next piece-ding such emploj-
mtnt he has ful at least twenty weeks at
tended homo public or pilvate day ecluol ;
nor shall such omplojmtnt continue , unlesi.
suth child shall iu each and every vear at
tend school ns herein provided and no child
shall be so employed who does not picbenl a
"oitllicale Hignod by the president and secio-
lary of the School Hoard of the school district
in whleh lie resides o his comp'llnnco with
the icriuliemcnts of this section Not shall
any ovvnei , superintendent or overseer ot
any such establishments , parent H ui guard
ian iniiFent to or penult the employment of
miy child contrary to the provisions of this
See 215cc Any ovvnei , superintendent or
overseer of any Mich establishment shMl ic-
quire and keep em file , open to the ) Inspec
tion of the public , u certificate of the iigo ,
place of birth and residence ) i/f over } nmlo
and fomnlo child undei 10 yeais of ago
emplo > ed therein , so long as such child Is
BO omplo > ed , which certilloate shall also
slate , in cute ) the child is under 11 > ears of
age , the amount of bt-hool attendance dining
tlio next > ear piecedlng his employment und
Buch ccitlflcato Bhall bo signed by Iho presi
dent of tl'o School Uoniel of Iho school dis
trict In which sneh child lesldes and the
forms of certificate herein referred to shall
bo appioved by the attorney geneial of thin
Sec 245dd Anj person who shall bo con
victed of u violation of any of the provisions
of this net shall pay for evoiy such offense
n line of not loss than $ . ' 0 noi moie than $ r > 0 ,
such fine when collected shall bo paid ovei
to tlio treasurer of the bchool district of the )
city , town or school dlattlu wheioin such
cunvletion is had lei the use of the public
schools of such city , town or district. 1'fo-
vldeel , howovei , that no conviction shall be
had under this net , unlcM the proceedings
therefor ahull bo commenced within sK
months after the oflensu shall havu been
Sec iMSeo U ls hereby made the duty of
the ilfiiuty laboi commissioner of this state
to Inspect any and all establishments to
which this act applies , nt least oncu in o\ery
nix months , and ascoitain whether aiij of
the piovlbloiiH of this act have been violated.
Whenever It shall como to his knovvledKo
that any of the pinvlsions ot this act have
lu'c-n or lire being violated , it shall bo his
duty to cause the bamo to bo enforced
Provided , how over that nothing in this sec
tion contained shall 1 > construed to pre
vent any other person from causing the en
forcement of the piovlslotm of this act.
To lli > li | ltnll n > nmplo ) CM.
Another bill that has passed the house Is
II H 1S3 , by AVIlcox of Lincoln , to rcgn-
late the working houis of railway employes.
The bill Is nn outgrowth of the general
proepcrlt ) of the country , which has in
creased the business of the railroads BO
much that many of the employes have been
compelled to work double time The friends
of the bill Btato that under the democratic
administrated ( hero was no call for such a
law The bill reads as follows
Section 1 That no company , corpora
tion or person operating a inllroad ,
in whtilo or in part , within the slate
of Nebraska , shall permit or require
an > conductor , engineer , fireman , braKe-
mnn. telegraph operator or nn > train
man , who haa worked in his rcbpectlve ca-
piuit ) foi eighteen eonsecutlvo haun > . ex
cept in ease of casualty , to again go on
duty or perform any work until he has had
ut Ic'iibt eight hours for test
Sic 2 An > compan ) , corporation or per-
on who shall \lolato or permit to bo violated
lated any of the provisions of the foregoing
beition or nti ) olilcer , agent or emplojer
who violates or permltb to bo violated any
( if the provision * of the fieo ling scition
shnll ho fined tint IP than $ " 'i nor inoro
than $200 for cneh and evervlilnion of
thin net provided , however , that the pro
ceedings to enforce the ponnlty , ai provided
| In this net , shall commenced within six
rnonthA from the date of the vlolatioi of
the snmo.
i niin'ir 'to A ni'i'\tt'i'rn .UIIIST.
llnr of I'liiMe * < " ( iinit > HnloKtrcM the
Iate.Inline tlniMmll.
COLt'MUL'S , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
A committee which had been appointed by
the t'latto county bar to prepare a memorial
to the memory of the late Judge Marshall
submitted the following upon the opening of
court Saturday morning
To Iho Honorable District Court of 1'latlo
Count } , Nebraska. You committee , hereto
fore appointed to present n suitable
memorial on account of the death of Honor ,
able William Marshall , late- judge of this
court would report ns follows
\Vllllam Mnrshill was born at Now Hum.
ley , 0 , July 29 , 182S , and spent his boyhood
dns vvlili his parenis upon farms In differ
ent parts of the stnio of Ohio At the ago
of 25 ho commenced a colleglnto course of
education , nt last graduating from the scien
tific course nt the Michigan unlvendt } In
the } CMI 1S3D After graduating he rotuined
homo and began Iho stud } ot law , which ho
completed nnd was admitted to thi' bar In
1S01 , Iml the chll wnt having already broke
out , ho raided a company nnd wont to Iho
front ns captain nnd In Iho spring of 18C3
was promoted to the olllco of Iknito.iant
colonel which olllco ho held until mustered
out In ISbl on account of plijaluil disability.
While In Ihe War ho saw and experienced
much hard fighting In ISGo ho ngnln en-
toied the Michigan nnlverslt ) nt Ann Arbor
and gridunted from the law elepaitment in
1S06 He located nnd first practiced law nt
Mo union Ui , 111 , and remained there until
lS7i5 , When he located In thu clt } of 1're-
mont. Neb , where ho continued to lesldo
until his death , which oecuired December
21 , 1SDS
In 1S71 he was elected to the state sumto
from Dodge count } nnd vvns honored by Hint
bodv xvlth the ofllco of president piei ti'in.
In the senate ho was nn able mlvocato mid
careful thinker. Ho aided In pnssl-is many
important bills , among which was ono e-
duoing the rate of Intelest chatted on
mono } , also the law abolishing the -axatlon
of attorneys fees ns put of the cons of n
case In iss1 ! ho was elected district tvlior-
noy foi what was then the old Tomtit Judl-
clnl district nnd was re-elected In US5 and
served until the olllce was abolished In 11 > S7.
The law having been changed li j ii-7 to
Increase the numbei of Judges to i vo in Ul9
judicial dlstilct , hens appointed ly the
governor to 1111 that Important olllco and In
the fall of IS'll ' nnd again In * V"i ) he was
elected to the oflico by laigo iiaJiiltleB and
ho served continuously In thai inpaclty until
the tlmo of his death H was while on the
bench that we learned the man tliorou nly
and can testify to his merits , for Hio icla-
lion of lawor and judge Is such tnnt thu
true spirit of the man ia exhibited
Coming to the bench with long prat fee ,
good education and his obsorvatloas end ex
perience , and above nil , with ability nnd an
linlnclblo determination to caiefully weigh
all legal matteis piesented lo ' 1m , pre-
eminpiilly fitted him foi what no was ono
of the ablest and best judges tint thin blato
ever had
No lawsuit was ever carelessly disposed of
by him , no < iuestlon worthy of coiuil > rUlon
cvci escajied his caiclul scrutiny and no
litigant was even lienleel with -lisrespect by
him The voung men ot this m as vve'll as
those of others in this district will even
have a Vlndl } feeling for him on account of
his attention to them and consideiate liout-
ment which so often helps and encourages
the beginner. He was an incessant worker
nnd alwas anxious to do a thing well nnd
the many cases appealed to the supreme
court and the few reversed only boar evi
dence of the logical disposition of the cases
ho tried Ho never hastily disposed of any
legal pioposltlons , but reasoned out the
problems presented with almost mathcmtill-
cal pteclslon.
Socially he was the best of men. His
hand was ever read } to grasp that of his
fellow man no matter what his position In
life might be The farmer , mechanic or
professional man vvoio all tieated alike and
few public men wore better loved by nil
classes than was ho. In the death of Judge
Maibhull the state of Nebraska hab lost one
of Its best citizens , a man whoso life re
flected ciedlt and dignit } on the bir nnd
judiciar } , a man whose actions and llfo
emphasize the xaluo of industiy , Integrity ,
aggressiveness nnd the determination to do
his part to elevate the profession of the law
and Ibo digutly of Ihe bench by his own
The messenger of cletlh came at a mo
ment v\l'en not expected , but like the hero
ho called foi no quarter , made no complaint ,
found no fault with the invincible law ot
the Supreme Law Giver , but qnktl } laid
down the burden of long years of toll and
usefulness nnd was forever gone Let us
hope thai those who follow In his work may
ever strive to emulate his good traits.
Your committee recommend that this re
port bo adopted as the expiebslon of the Icel-
Ings of tl o court and bar nnd that it bo
spread at large upon the rccoid as a mc-
moilal to Judge Marshall and thai u copy
bo furnibhed the family a brother and two
sisters as a mark of icspoct and ns tesll-
mony of our syuipnlhy foi them.
Bee blcde contests begin nt Fremont
Match IS You choose ) any make
irii ( > i > or THU i , VTIJ s > ow STOIMI.
i Illl/Tiiril llnKi-H 'lliliiKH riirnm-
loitnMc In Ni'ln nxUli.
WAHOO , Neb , March 12 ( Special } A
severe snow storm struck ibis clly } ester-
da } moinlng early and teen developed into
the most blinding blizzard of the winter
Iho storm eonlinucd without abating until
after midnight last night when it ceased.
Vbout sl\ Inches of hiiow fell , but the
warm March sun is taking It away rapidly
today. At no time elm Ing the btorm did
tlio mercury drop below zero
rAinilUilY , Neb. March U ( Special )
The snow fell nearly all day yesterday nnd
an the ) wind blow hard fiom the north It
drifted moro than an } previous storm this
w Intel. H Is warm and pleasant this morn
ing. eo the snow will melt away without
an } lces of stock nnd the winter grain will
be benelned.
DUNDAH , Neb , March 12 ( Special ) A
neiitliwcbt wind accompanied by a heavy
snow raged till da ) , drifting quite badly.
This Is one of the worst storms in Maich
that has \Islted this section for many
} eais
WKST * POINT , Neb , March 12. ( Spe
cial ) Snow commenced to fall about noon
on Saturday ami was accompanied with a
high wind During the afternoon the storm
developed Into n howling bll/zard and con
tinued without Intel mission until midnight.
About six inches of snow foil , most of
which In now In drifts. This morning broke
line and clear , and the snow Is melting rapIdly -
Idly Whilst the snowfall is undoubtedly
beneficial for sjwlng * eedlng the latencfes of
the season nnd the great depth of frost
In the ground will canto the faimors serious
inconvenience In planting their crops In
I'RKMONT. Neb , March 12 ( Special )
The fall of BUOVV } esterday afternoon and
last evening was the heaviest this season ,
A strong wind sprung up last evening und
it drifted badly delaying the HlUioru trains
The more people who enter the Fremont
He > e wheel contests the easier the wheels
will bo won. Start In early and you can
get a wheel
f Ci > iillilltli'l > lit lli'iitrli'r.
, Neb , Alaith 12 ( Special. )
Senators Steelc , Allen , Ilocke , Aronds and
Sdiaal , members of the finance ways and
means committee and of tlio committee on
public lands and buildings , spent n half
day here } estrd ( ' visiting the Institution
for feeble mlnde > d Ihe } were accompanied
by Clerks Weeden nnd Home The mem
bers were bus ) every moment of their stay
and examined inoro in detail the operation
and management of the Institution than has
ever been done by a legislative committee ,
becurlng much data and Information that
will br uf value to the committee In deter-
ulnlng what buull bo given the Institution.
They found many largo nnd pressing needs
nnd It IB bellened will recommend n liberal
appropriation for buildings nnd repairs
The members \voro nhovvn Hint while there
nro over 200 persons being rnrcel for at the
Institution there are on fllo 300 applica
tions for adtnlcelon which cannot be taken
care of until now buildings nro constructed
The members were rojnlly entertained dur-
InK their stay by the superintendent. Dr
Sprngue and wife , assisted by the teachers
rreiiulMO of ( Jrcilt niitlitinliiNtn lit Trr-
tiiiuit Otor the > I're-c lle'e-
The popularity of The Dee wheel con
. tests at Council Bluffs haa led The nee to
ntirt a similar contest nt Tromont No
dnubl It will bo enthusiastically received
| ' i Every boy and girl In rrcmont will wnnl
lo ride a wheel this spring and The Uco Is
going lo glvo you a chance lo get ono In n
very simple vvny. What Is more , It Is going
to let jou pick out any make wheel > ou
want , for It Knows } ou nil want a certain
make , "which Is the only malto on earth "
Now let us tell ) on how wo nro going to
glvo Iho wheels away. Wowant n lot of
new subscribers to The UeoAs soon ns
250 orders have been banded Into t our olllco
the contest closes nnd wo vvlll nvvard the
wheel lo Iho ono bringing Iho mosl orders.
Just see how easy this Is. Sa } only twen-
ly-flvo girls and "boys stnrl out on March
IS lo get subscribers. They only have to
average ten apleco lo make Iho total , so
the winner will not have to get very many
orders , jou see You want to start In early
nnd hand In j-our orders ns soon ns possible.
Now about the orders I3ich order must
bo for an actual now subscriber. Each sub
scriber must take The Ueo for nt least ono
month and pay for It in order to bo counted
It is better , but not necessary , to pay In
advance , on ! } no order will bo counted until
the subscription Is paid for. If the sub
scription Is paid for In advance It will
count ono on joui score for each month for
which It Is prepaid. Tor example If n sub
scriber pas In advance for three months. It
counts 3 , If he pajs for six months. It will
count 6 , and wo make the special offer that
If ho pays for one year , It will count 20. On
orders which are not paid in advance It
vvlll count only one on jour score , no mat
ter how long ho continues to take It.
There , that is plain isn't If Now- see
what jou can do. The first contest begins
March 18.
N B Call at The Dee offlce , 114 East
Main street , to register and get sample
copies. No one connected -\vlth The Hoe
will be allowed to entei this contest.
Hi'ixilillcun I'miiT holil.
IMPRHIAL , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
Thursdays Issue of the ChabP County En
terprise will be Its last as n republican
paper , the plant having been sold to A. C
Clajburg , editor of the Chase Counly
Tribune , n popullsl shcel at Ibis place , the
transfer being made Trldaj. This leaves
the republican party in this count } without
a paper at the county seat and with but ono
paper in the county , namely , the Wauneta
Breeze , at Wauneta , twenty miles cast of
There have been sixteen carloads of cat
tle shipped Into this county within the last
two weeks , many of them being cows , which
have been sold In lots of tvvcnt-flvo to 100
head to the farmers of the county. j
The farmers of this county are busy now
putting in wheat. The largest acreage is
being put out for jears , man } farmers put
ting out from 100 to 300 acres. The ground
is In fine shape for spring work.
I.ICI'IIHC fllNO bl'tl < ll.
WYMORE , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
The case of the City of Blue Springs against I
The Blue Springs _ School Board , which 1 i
grows out of the "Plsar siloon case , has
been decided In favor of the city , and the
school board has boon oidorcd to pay $176
oi the ? 500 they received back to tlio city ,
which means that Plsar will get ( lie money
ho has had tied up in this case for almost
a year. The school board refused to refund
the money voluntailly but expressed Us
willingness lo let It go into a judgment.
This "was money paid b } Plsar for a saloon
llcenso In Blue Springs a ) enr ago , the
license being revoked after ho had run
twelve dajs
Bee bicycle contests begin nt rrcmont
March IS. You choose any make I
IIiiii < | iie > t to ' e'liiitor Hi
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb , March 12
( Special ) Prominent Otoo county repub
lican. ! , who nro fi lends of Scnator-elect-
Hujward , will tender a public reception to
the republican members of the Nebraska
legislature next Wednesday evening at the
Grand Pacific hotel In this city An elab-
oiato banquet will follow the reception.
< : e > liiKT Into tile Mi < M' | > IliixIiK'SN.
GORDON , Neb. , March 12 ( SpecIU )
The Nlobrara Land and Sheep company of
Gordon was organized this week This com
pany Is regularly Incorporated with $100,000
capital stock , $10,000 of which Is now pall
up The officers are O H. John = on , piosl-
dent , Tred Hoyt , secretary ; Mor-
rlsoti , treasurer J M Iliulo gitiernl man
ager The affairs of tht compnii ) will he
nifliinRed by a bonrd of five dlreotnrj ns
follows O H Johnson , Edgar Meirrlsnn ,
J. M Bnrto , 1'rotl Hot nnd N W Hollley
The company hns bought nnd lM od Iwo full
townships of litul , extending from Gordon
to the Nlobrara rher The ) expect to stock
this land with shrev , employ men and
teams to plant and raise fodder nnd other
rough fcetl , and engage In sheep raising on
nn extensive scale They are sanguine of
success Mr Uarto , the general manager ,
has made a comfortable fortune In the sheep
bt.slnws In the last five jcnrs and he PX-
pects to dispose of all Ma personal Interests
and give his entire tlmt > to the lute-rests of
thU gigantic enterprise Wo shall have
moro to say of It later on.
reihiinlitm I'ouit Nolci ,
COLUMBUS , Neb , March 12 ( Special. )
The case of Jeiinlo C Brewer against the
Northwestern Llfo Insurance company came
to nn abrupt termination In the district
court hero jesterday All the evidence was'
In and the case nbout to bo argued when
after a brief consultation by the nttornpvs
a stipulation was filed whereby the defend
ant agreed to pay all costs and also $250
to the plaintiff Mrs BrovveT vvn suing to
recover on a policy held b } her late hus
Judge Hollenbpck sentenced Eagan , who
was convicted ot shooting Policeman Nel
son with Intent to kill. He gave him three
} cnrs In the Lincoln penitentiary nt hard
labor. Jack Hajcs , who was also convicted
nt this term of court ot robbing riynn's
store , was sentenced to three jears and
two months , also at hard labor.
Splrlli-il < MI > Cniie-iiN.
CHADRON , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
One of the most spirited preliminary cau
cuses in Iho history of Chadron municipal
affairs was held last night , nt which tlmo
the citizens' caucus nominated city olllcors
and members of the Board of Education ,
The principal fight was over the majornlty
and 13 D. Satlerlcc , Iho well known pro-
prletor of Iho Blnlno hotel , was nominated
Other ofllqera nominated weio Trensmer ,
Charles C. Jameson , clerk , A. Rockwell ,
engineer , James Cobb , mcmbeis Board of
Education , Allen It. Julian , Mrs. Mary
Smlth-Haywnrd and Caplnln Alien G.
risher , councllmen. William S Glllam ,
Charles Torgesen and William Agnevv.
\ssfHKliirn ( oil tlie * Miu'lvlioMcr * .
NELIGH , Neb , JInrch 12. ( Special )
Receiver Whltmoro , under Instructions eif
the comptroller of the currency , has made
an assessment of 100 per cent against the
slockhohlers of Iho Tlrsl Nnllonal bank It
Is due nnd made paable on or before March
23 , ISflD The receiver Is , however , author
ized by the comptroller to grant an exten
sion without Interest to stockholders who
pay 23 per cent of the assessment on eir
before that date , and who will give a writ
ten obligation satisfactorily guaranteed to
p.iv 23 per cent additional on e > r before
Apiil 23 , ISO'i , 25 per cent on or before iln )
J. ! , ISO' ' ) , and the remaining 23 per cent on
or before June 23 , 1S9D.
The more people who enter the rieinont
Boo wheel contests the easier the wheels
will bo won Start in earl ) nnd jou con
get a wheel.
Ill lltlll < M > ( lcil ( tlU'lvt'llN .Stolon.
BEDrORD , Iu , Maich 12 ( Special1) ) At
torney r. L Aithand , a local chicken fanclei ,
has for some tlmo been missing some of his
fancy Buff Cochin fowls and has been en
tlie lookout to locate the thieves Prida } Mr.
and Mrs. William Underwood were arrested
on the charge and taken before Justice Gia }
JOT ej > amlnatlon and weio bound over to the
grand jury under $500 bonds It seems that
'these ' fancy fowls , which nro worth from $2
to $3 apiece , were taken to the poultr ) pack
ing house at Clarlnda and sold at the same
rates as common hens. Fortunately most of
the chickens were recovered before they lost
their heads and were re-turned to Mr.
I'f'cnlliir CiiHe * of DiMii | > ] ) t'iiriimek.
mUMONT , March 12 ( Special. ) A case
of somewhat peculiar interest was begun
yesterday In the county court. Mrs r.
Kern , who rcbldes In the western part of the
count- , filed a petition for the appointment
of an adminibtrator of her husband's
estate. In October , 1891 , Kern purchased a
tlcKet nt Rogeis for Fremont and took the
train , but has nev < ; r been seen or heard of
since. Seven jears having elapsed and no i
Information of his whereabouts having been
obtained the law presumes him dead. Ho
had some propcrt ) in tills count ) .
| ( * ( * or No License.
TECUMSEII , Neb , .March 12 ( Special )
A cull for a mass meeting of the -voters
of the city has been Itsucd over the signa
tures of Ma ) or C E Ferguson and City
Clerk C. E Smllh for Monda ) night A
general oxpicsslon of the best mnnnei to ar
range the preliminaries of the annual
municipal election Is called for. It Is qulto
probable that but cue ticket will be put in
the field and the Issue of license or no
llcenso voted on direct.
Injure'il Mm DuliiK IVi-ll.
LINCOLN , March 1. ( Special Tele
gram ) The four men hurt In the wreck
on the Burlington nt West Lincoln } ebter-
day are doing well today nnd Delaney ,
Emerson and ( loodwln are sure to re < over
Sohenks has n double fracture' above the
Knee and Ihe doctors are unable to deter
mine wtirlher the leg will have to bo am
putated 11io bodies eif Bore , 1)0le ) } ami
( Irnhani are nt the undertaker's awaiting
the Inquest.
' " '
1li > % Mnl MrrtliiK * ut Srmirel.
SFAVAUI ) . Nrb , March 12 ( Special-- )
The union revival services began Monday
evening , March C fpur churches and pfl < -
lors co-operating , namely , Hev Knox Boudo
of the Prcsbterlan church , HcV K F.
Bowers of the United Brethren church. Hen.
J F Kemper of the Methodist Episcopal
chnrch and Hcv P C. Berhini of the Con
gregational cliur h Thic'e FCtvkts nro be
ing held each dn } A chorus mndo up from
the singers of nil the churches hns the mini
In charge. Uov Charles \V Savldge cf
Omnha Is preaching every evening to Inrgi
nnd attentlvt'coiiKre'Katlnns ( Ireat Interest
( Is being manifested in the elt } The Innl-
inc I < > 8 men of the plnco have closed their
'place's ' of buslnrss eneh evening during the
iweok i nnd will do so while the meeting lasts.
Thirty business house's have signed n con
tract to do so nnd nil the saloons In the city ,
five in number , have done the same nnd the
patrons of business nnd the saloon keepers
are attending the meetings The meeting
Is gaining In fotce and powe > r every day nnd
bids fair to bo ono ot the grandest revivals
over known In the state.
Bco blcclo contPstH begin nt Fi onion
March IS. You cheese any make.
> ( 'eintont.
ALBION , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
The declamatory contest of UIP High schoo
was hold lasl evening In Iho Congrfgntlonn
church The following persons took part
Eugene Culver , Minnie Pallet-son , Mar
' Lane , Ella Pelllbone , Angle Starke ) , Flier
man Mitchell , Bowman Lille ) , We-ndpl
Priest nnd Anna Armstrong The Judge-
i deflated n tlo between the two first nnmci
contestants nnd n referee was called I
] which resulted In n decision for Eugcn
Culvo , ' ,
1't oMporoiiM Illtcliooi-U reiiiutt.
TRENTON , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
The full wheat Is In the bc&t condition OVP
known In this countr ) . A deal o
spring wheat has been already sown nm
the Indications now are that the largcs
ncrcago ever sown in this section of th
state will bo put In the ground this year i
great many new people arc coming In , value
have nn upward tendency and the peop.o gen
ernll ) are very much encouraged ,
The moio people who enter the Frcmon
Bco wheel contests the ouster the wheel
will bo won. Start In early nnd ) ou cai
get a wheel.
TonoluTt * In.stKeltr.
WAHOO , Neb , March 12 ( Special )
two elas' teacheis' Instltulo was hold In th
city Friday and Saturday The session
were of special Interest and laigely nt
tended by teachers from all parts of th
count ) and also people who were not ell
rectly Interested in teaching The lectur
on Friday evening was highly cnlcrlninln
ns well as Instinctive.
MiiA - > rM In the * I'li'lil.
FONDA , la , Maich 12 ( Special ) A
party ot ten Milwaukee surveyors came U
jesterdav from DCS Molnes and will begli
1(10 ( survey of the extension from hero to
Spencer ofthe DCS Molnes , Northern &
Wcstein Friday e-venlng a special Irali
brought in the officers ot the MllvvauUes and
nlso of the D M , N. & W , who are on n
tour of Inspection.
JoliiiNoii County Toacliekrft.
TECUMSEH , Neb , March 12 ( Special
Thr Johnson Counly Educational nssocla
tlon held an Interebtlng session in this citj
jesterday. The very disagreeable condition
of the wcnthei Interfered with the allend
nncc. However , those v.iho wore on ham
proceeded to carry out the program ncail )
ns originally planned.
When jou ride a wheel why not ride the
bosf Boo blcclo contests begin at Fremont
mont March 18 You cheese any make.
' 1'i'ciiinse-li'N Ilonil l > I < M > tloll.
TECUMSEH , Neb , Marcti 12 ( Spec ! il
The cit's bond election will bo heli
next Wednesday The $21,000 of watc
bonds mo to bo refunded nt a lower rate o
intcicst If the bondb carry which ttie ) prob
ably will. The bonds are now drawing C
per cent , nnd It Is proposed to reissue them
at 4'i pel cent
I'nrniorH' liiMtltiiti * .
AVAHOO , Neb , March 12 ( Special ) i
successful farmers' Institute was held In thl
city last Friday and Saturday. Owing t
the unfavorable weather the attendance wa
small , but those who were present vvei
Interested nnd enthusiastic Live subject
were discussed by speakers from abroad and
by homo talent.
AVork of Ca tile TI | | < MI-H.
ALBION , Neb , Mnich 12 ( Special )
Eleven head of cattle belonging to the
Clough Cattle company of Sioux City , la
were stolen from the Union Pacific } ards
at Albion the night of the 8th No trace ol
them has been founil nnd n reward of $50
has been offered for ttio apprehension of
the thieves
Robbed an Old Lady.
l'iov Inrolowti , Mils1 * . , wa loiently sot
i In nn by the tviiort that one ut
j IN eltl/.cns , Mis. Thankful t'linpiuan ,
I , i 71 JIMIN old nnd 11 native' til tlio town ,
had boi-n tinMetlm of a bold and ag-
giesshe lobber. Several unsuccessful
attempts woio made tt ) discover tlio per-
liotinlur e f tlio crime nnd iccover the
stolen propoity , but It WIH
be'foro his Idonttty was Hilly
llshed. Iu llio moan Him- his vlollni
stiffening gioally both In body and mind
and It was fcatod she \vonld not Miuvlvo
tlio shook. In speaking of hot1 condition
lit tlio tlmo Mis. riiapnian says :
"I snlloiod ovlionio iiwoiisnesq for
some time ; cotild not slct'ii ; but would
llo night after night losslnir and i oiling
about tinlll \\onld bivomo coinplololy
\\oin out. At spoils my mind win
gtoatly confused , ami Mimt'tliniN u
luiiiibncssotild .scttlo down over mo
and I oolild not m.o. . Then I began
taKlng Dr. Miles' Not vine and the very
Hist night I sle > ] ) t like a babe' . 1 geit
liettet1 from that day on and am now
onjojlng e\cellenl health. "
Itf , Miles' Nervlno Is gtlp's gteate'st
onein.v. It dilves out the poisonous
gut ins , le'iilenlshes the neivons loico- ! ,
ove'ieeimes till ? e\e-esslvc waste e > f tllu
s.vsk'in. and toplaeos all that ellt-easo has
nibbed It ot. It feeds nnd cities.
A tiial paoKago eif Dr. Miles' finoilte
ticatniont tor the giip , consisting of l > r.
Miles' Not\lne , Dr. Miles' Anti-rain
I'llls and Dr. Miles' Ne-ive and lilvor
PUN , vvlll bo sent absolutely fiou of cost
te > tiny poison sending name and ad-
diebs on a postal c.uel , reiinesting the
sample , and mentioning tlio name of
this paper. AddiessDt Miles Medical
C'o , Ollvlinit , 1ml.
Searles & Searles
AVc nncut-infiill } ( rent nil
of iiicn nnd iioiucn.
SEXUALLY cured for life
Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hyi
flrocele , Vorlcocc'le , Gonorrhea , Glcot , Sjphl
Ilia , Stricture. Plies. Fistula and Rect J
Ulcers , Dlo-beics , Brlght's Dlseaso cured.
ut lioms
by new method -without pain or cutting ,
Call on or addraia with itamp. Treitmsnl
by mall.
Best Dining Car Service.
Only Depot In Chicago on the Elevated' ' oc0 >
f.uked lo th" Doors llundreels Turned
Awnv t-peiire bents Larl > for this
Mammoth Vaudeville Show.
WATSON , IHI'irillM.S anil ii > WAUI)9
" 'Ihe Dramatic1 Agent. "
-i iiitnm : nitos ,
Acrobats and Mlmlc" .
HIM , ) \ IN
The Famous Burnt Cork Entertainer.
Iii "TUP ( Broker nnd the Typew liter. "
i.i\v HOSI :
Allmlc , 1'urodlst and Yodler.
Tin : \sinn h
Illustrator * ) of Living Stalnary.
Itcllntel lTi-to-Lite | Spi c lillty.
/.i : > s. Kui , unit yj.v ; >
KlngH of the Air
Siu-e-lul Ma 1 1 II.MSf , I'ntrlclc'n lluy ,
Murcli IT.
PrloeH Nevei C'lmiiKlnK EvfnliiRS , 250 and
Oe , Kiilleij , 10c .Matin cs , mi ) se-at , 2. > o ;
hllilren , lk (
sn\i AM Tiiriisn.vv ,
M tlltll 15M ) 111.
ponlng with Baigaln Matinee Wednesday.
Any Seat In the House 2.r > Cents.
John mi : iti s niniiiii
nd Their Now York Company , in Their
Howling SuctcbS ,
Night Prlecs Lower Floor , $1 00 , 75c and
iOe , balcony , 35c und Me gallery , 2Cc.
Mil 11 el a > anil Tiif ilii } , Miiruli 1II-1-I ,
DeWolf Hopper
\iiel u ( oiuiiiiii ) nf IteniMV iit-il Cumc-
lllllllH mill \IICIlllKlN ,
In a New Souga C'omlo Opera ,
Music by John I'hlllp Bouau.
Hook by C'lmrlfca Klein
AIV nvHiuois HIT i\i3uvwiinnn.
Beautiful Sicnery Ija/zllnir Costumes
Imimlmj MMc and BUrring Comedy. '
'Hif'ES- Lower Floor , 41 DO and SI iini
con ) , 1 , 75c and tVc ) , CJalliry 2Cu
1.1th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha
jr. U.
ao.fropa ,