Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE ( TMATIA DAILY BJ3E : l IUDAT , MAHCIT 10 , 18 0 ,
Ohasa Instills Brother in Hotel and Latti
Wife Clings to Property.
llMntrrrnloil Act li Not Allow oil
IlrliiK I'lniiiielnl IOHM I | iun Hi
I'crformer nuil ll < * PlnilN u
Hotel on Ills llnmlit ,
ClinYRNNR. Wyo , March 0 ( Spcclnl
An important decree ami opinion by Ju
Hallett was handed down In tlu > bill
States tonrt here this ufttrnoon. The
crco dismisses the Bull or Mary R Ch :
widow of Jolin Chase , ngnlnst Kihvard Cli
of Denver. 'Ihe opinion , In part , bulng
Mary K. Chase , ns the widow of J <
Chase , aoscrtB n homoBiead right to
Inter Oocnn hotel property In the city
Chuycnne , nnil linings thin bill to BCI ni
u deed for ono-hnlt Interest In the propc
inado by John Chase October Jii , IbSo ,
thu rcHpondcnt , Hdvvard Chauo.
The bill charges thai Jolin and IMvv
Chase , brothel 8 , boughl the property
December , ihSl , und paid for It $1G
each paying one-half or Ihla amount S
titter thlH date John und Mary Chato t
up their residence on the prupoily In
fall of 1SS7 the leHldciae of Mury GhaBO
the properly was Inlernipted by n visit
the city of New York. After she left J
Chase brought unit aKainst her for dhu
\vhlch was granted Ft-bruaiy 8 , IbSS '
parties were icnuvrrltd November 2 ! ) , 1
vhen Mrs. Chase returned to Choyennc
resumed hur residence on the property
tier her Hccond marriage
In rtferonco to the Intel cut of the br <
era In the propel ty Cd\\urd Chase avers I
lie negotl.ited the purchase of the propi
from Chillies and Kiastus tlallcck of i :
ver with the view to set up hi3 brothel
business. Ills brother Is said to have I
of profligate habits and ho desired to
iilau him a way of making n living Uf
purchase money ? r > ,000 was paid by Rdw
Chabo and notes signed by John and
ward ChatiU and secured on th" property v
given foi the remaining $11,000 John Cl
vvitH to IIUVH thu management of the b
HUBS. If all went well the notes were ti
paid out of the i.rollts of the hotel
when puld John Chase was to be cntltlei
u one-half Intel cst In the propotty.
was to pay nothing to his brother
the use of the property and In the em !
John should be ublo to pay thu (11,000 f
the Income , ho would receive u half Intel
John ( iels Into nillleiiltluN.
On October 19 , 1896 , when John convi
to Rilwaid his inteiest In the hotel , a. ci
had arisen in John s alitilrs Ho was Lu
lu debt and his creditors thieatcncd to
led their dues by process of law To a
closing thu business It was necessary
transfer the hotel to Udward. The In
tlon to keep John's Interest from the ei
r tors may have been In the minds of
parties when the transfer was made. J
afterward told his wife that they had
purpose In view Edward bays the dcei
October 10 was made In satisfaction of
purchase money and because John
. The Into
failed to piy any part thereof.
to prefer Rdvviml In respect to the pure
Is not Inconsistent with other
lonlUms In the mind of the giantorV
ever the fact may be as to the tredl
that Ed' '
there Is no reason
Intended to deprive complainant of
homestead right and ho was apparently
posed to treat her falrlj at all times
A homestead right arises only upon
title In the claimant lu equity as well si
circumstances dlbcloscd In
law. The
record do not show that John Chase
acquired an Interest In thu property in
Uoversy. The property was conveyei
him Jointly with Edward , but he did not
the vendors as he agreed to. The dee
Kdwald of October 10 , 18SG. was mad
satisfaction of the purchnbo tiiouuy pal
the vendors by Edward and tUerefoio it
Millif aiftt utfeUuat without thctjrignatui
complainant * , , ! /
The decree of the court dismisses the
. The al
at the coat of the
notice o
for the complainant gave
appeal from the decision of Judge Unlit
M2\v roii
Council Determine * to Tut the '
Metioiiolltun IUNM. !
on n
LEAD , S. D. , March 9. ( Speclal.- )
though Lend U a city of nearly 8,000 In
Uants It has no sewerage sjbtem and
drainage is ariowed to run down the sti
and nllojs. The city council has now v
fn put In one of the- beet sewerage sjs
la the state. Estimates of the cost '
been made by Engineer Uosowater of Om
who places the figures at $2fl,000. The coi
will pay more than that for the sjetem
fore It Is complo'e < l , probably not less
ifCO.OOO. Honds will be voted for Ide m
sary amount and they will be taken ui
the business men of the city. The rlgr
way is being secured through the sti
nnd alleys. It will bo a busy time for
laboring men of the city a < ul it Is lute
of the E
to pay the standard wages
Iliiirlneer anil Flreimiii Hurt.
CIIRYRNN'R , Wjo , March 9. ( Sp
Telegiam ) Union Pacific westlwund 1
wrecked near Piedmont stt
No. 3 was
tally this morning by being run Into I
llflit pusher engine. The two engines ,
nnd baggage cars were derailed. Kngl
Hamilton and Firemen Mitchell and O'l
Grip Hangs On.
ss tlio poisons deposited In
. by tlio nt-rins oC Ui Oilppo
quickly nnd thniounlily driven on
tin1 boRlnnliiK tlu-y will continue to
iliu vitality nnd vvnste the nerve reef
of the body until the strength s
away nnil the victim IH oveicoinc
nervous prostintlon and colln
Ancient methodb of ( leatineiit nu
donner recosnl/ed as competent to t
this tenneiotiH disease , but theio
remedy wlili'h never falls to Klve i
NO long as Ihete K vitality enough
to build on. It Is Dr. Miles' Ncnlv
nerve food and vitallrer of nneiiu
Miluu In all oases of Kilp or Its ten
after eflects. Headache , bacUn
nervousness , dl/zlness , loss of appt
Inability to sleep and nervous pie :
tlon all yield befoie Its womlinful K
liu , Htreii thonliiK and vltiill/.hi } , ' 1
"l < a Orlppe left me tonlbly aflll
with neur.ilBla , sleeplessiuss
Htomaeh tiouiilehlch BUUII develi
Into Vervous piohti.itkm and 1 > \i
comiileto wiecU. When our home
hlelnns failed to help mo I uen
{ inuid Uaplds for help , but they ;
me up to die , Itcgan taking Dr. M
Ncrxlnu mill was benellted fioin
Hist doho. In u fe\v v\eeks. I wns
and now I can do as much \\Qrk 01
farm as I over muld "
JOHN P. MlSN'nil Splines , Ml
A trial package of Dr. Miles' ia\
tieatment for the gilp , eonsKtlng ol
Miles' Netvlne , Ir Miles. ' Anti-
I'llls and Dr. Miles' Nerve and I
J'Hlh111 be bent absolutely fie
cost to nny IKMUJII sending ; name
addiess on a postal oaid , u'ljui'stliu
tt.imple and mentioning the name of
paper. Addiess , Dr. Miles Medical
LIUnut , lud.
nor were badly injured. All travel was < 1
la > ed live hours
At't oT ( ' ( ilini < " > H HPCOM | | lloin
tloailiT * from Donlilc I'miiicnl.
CHAMHEUI.AIN. S I ) , March 0
( Special ) The sundry clill bill , pained
congress at tin la t moinPiit , contained
clmi r that Is rf vltnl Interest to this si
tlo'i of tbo stnto The paragraph referi
to provides t'mt all pc : < PIII vsho may hn
hcretnluir settled upon ti ! t portion of t
great Sldix losprvnilon which was opened
to settlement by virtue of tin nc passed
March 2 , ISsl , may sccuro pntcntj fc" t
lands embraced In their cnt : > upnn mihl
the paymen'n rctjulrcd In fccllon 21 of ss
act , and that no other picymcnl shall bo i
( lulrcd of snld claimant ! Several jcars n
the commissioner of the general land oil
ruled that settlers upon the ceded Bio
lands would have to pay $1 Ji" per acre
the lands , the regular homestead fee , In s
dltlon to the fee awarded to thu 1
dlans foi the liit.d , thus making
double charge This action of cougn
waives the payment of the $1 25 homosU
fee declared by the commissioner to be i
nnd 1cmes but the one chaigc against I
land , saving (200 to each claimant. 1
ruling of the commissioner that the dou
charge was due has discouraged ECttlenn
and the present action of congress v
naturally relieve the whole situation
Molorinnii of Iliilxtcnil strrot C
imiri It from n IMiuiKc Into
the ChlciiKo till or. _ _
CHICAGO , 'March ' 9 Htty people m
rowly escaped death tonight In nn accldi
to a Halstead street electric car at No
Halated street brlilge
Approaching the bridge at a rapid rate
speed , the motownan ot iho car failed
notlco that the bridge was open Wl
within a few feet of the Hver lie suddei
discovered the dinger and put on I
brakes , at the same tlmo endeavoring to
verse the electilc current. In spite of
efforts the front part of the car ran do
upon the abutments of the bridge and hi
One foot further nnd It would h :
plunged into the river thirty feet below , c
ns It was Jammed with p-isacngers the 1
ot life must have been frightful. The mot
nmi , thinking the car wns doomed , v\nn
the passengers nnd then jumped Into
river. The tipping of the car on the ah
mcnt , accompanied by thn motorma
warning , caused n panic among the p
sengers , nnd they made a wild stampi
for 'the doors During the rush lor saf
four of the passengers were Injured. TI
are :
Albert nose , ankle sprained.
Mrs. Mary Tarnsworthprostrated
Charles Ulchter , ankle sprained.
Mlnnlo O'Houllhan , cut by falling gl
from the windows of the car.
The motorman , after jumping Into
river , managed to clutch some piles i
keep his head above water until ho 1
dragged out.
ltll < - e Under Cniitulliui Ilule i
Tow -\Voulil Hi * tin * Center of
Trade ( or < lie Interior.
SEATTLE , March 9. The citizens of 1
'Wrangel , Alaska , are said by late arrli
from the north to be drawing up a pctll
asking the joint high commission to c
their town to Canada. This Is one of
oldest settlements In Alaska. They dei
to bo the center of Canadian travel to
mines of the Interior nnd think a changi
flags would help their business chan
The only excuse they offer for their deslr
get from under the American flag Is that
principles and laws for which that
stands are not In effect In Alaska. T
claim that the territory has been aht
and neglected and that the present laws
unfit to live tinder.
Fort Wrangel Is the starting point for
Interior by the Stlckeen or all-Canat
trail It proved a dlemal failure last 3
and the Canadian government has at
given up hopes of getting to the intoilor t
way. It Is doubtful If Canada would act
Wrangol as the British entrance.Vrnt
Is one of the oldest settlements In Ala
and has about 500 population.
The A II of It.
A kidney education starts with : I3r
ache means kidney ache , lame back me
lame kidneys , weak back means weak I
nojs , cure means Doan's Kldnay Pills. li
about the frco distribution In this paper ,
call at Kulm & Co , pharmacists , corner ]
and Douglas , Omaha , Neb , , on Satun
March 11th.
KI pi 1111 ; Iinlteil to ICmiMiiH City
KANSAS CITY. March 9. Rndyard I
ling has been Invited to Kansas City to j
a reading on Queen Victoria's birthday , !
24. The Invitation was sent thiough 1 *
Uurroughe , the Ilrltlsh vice consul , and
extended In behalf of resident subjects ot
( luceu. Elaborate ceremonies are planne
Iliilu In Knntern Nelirnnkn ) Snow r
Colder In AVeNloni
WASHINGTON , March 9. Forecast
Friday :
For Nebraska Itnln In eastern portl
rain or snow and colder In wastern portl
variable winds , becoming northerly.
For South Dakota Cloudy ; probi
snow ; colder ; winds becoming northorl
For Iowa Cloudy ; probably rain ; cas
north winds.
For Kansas Increasing cloudiness ; pi
ably rain , colder In western portion ; v
able winds.
For Missouri IncrcBHlng cloudlm
probaibly rain , easterly \vlnds.
For Wyoming Snow and colder ; m
l.oc-nl lleroril.
oFFicn OF THU wuATiinn nunn.
OMAHA. March 9 Om lliu recuiil of t
peiaturn and rainfall coinpau d with
corresponding day of the lust three > ear
uo' ) . isis is > y7 :
Maximum temperature . IiS 57 37
Minimum tempt r.iture . : i'i .id 2' )
Average temperature , 17 II JI
I'reilpltatlon 00 .00 T
Record of temperature and rainfall
Omaha for this da ) and since March 1 , 1
Normal for the day
llxctsb for the da >
Accumulated drtldenry flure March t
Normal rainfall for the day 011
II ilclini } for the CHV ! . . Oil
Total -alnfall slnre March 1 .02 I
l > c > tlpleiu ) plnco March 1 31 I
D llcli ncy for cor pprlod , 1S95 15 1
Di'llclency for cor period , 1 > 37 201
Iti-inrlN from htntlonn ill N p. i
Omaha cloudy 52
North 1'Iitte , iloudy 01
Salt l.aUe , snowing 51
riievmne , cloud ) 1 ? | 52
Hnpld City , cloudy 4b h
Huron , cloudy : u SG
Wllllulon. sno 24 2C
Chicago , char .12 SJ
St Louis , clear 66 U )
Bt I'aul. cloudy , I 3JI ;
Duvfiiport paitly cloudy ( 44 61
lit Una. cloudy ' 2. | Jl
IC.insus CMty partly eloudy. . . I W tiO
Havre , nowlni ; . ' . . . . 10 > -
IHsmarek eloudy . , 2S W
CJalv eston partly clpiidy _ J C21 w
T Indicates trace of precipitation
Local Forecast Oftlcl.
England's ' Lord of Admiralty on the Na
Estimates for the Year.
t'nltrd Sin I I'M , Utixnlii , I'rnnpc n
( eriiinii ) llti-ve -U..IKIK TOIIM Hot
of AVnr Shllii I mli-r Coiiitrnc-
tlon ' 1 linn
LONDON' , March 9 In IntroducliiB
navv cellmates lu the House of Commons
day the first loid of the namlraltj , the HI
lion Ooorge J Uoaehen , said never !
estimates been submitted under m
unique circumstances Ahoid was the c
ffirence foi Intel national dUarmament , wl
behind were the IneKlonts of list Novcml
and while a compaiUon of the naval stren
of the \arloua countries was In everboc
mouth the most striking confidence
shown In British preparedness to meet
The continental powers , he said , were i
turbcd by the allegation that Orcat Urll
was preparing with n particular purpose
aggressive action , but , the minister
sorted , the idea never cnteted the mind
the government. Ho then pioccedcd to
tall the naval program.
Mr. Goschen said her majesty's govc
ment proposed to make Wei-Hal-Wel
war port on the northern coast of the Sh
Tung peninsular a secondary naval has
pointing out that It would bo a most vt
nblo anchorage and of the gieatost Imj
tance In anj operations lu Chinese \vnt
nnd adding tint it was proposed to c\p
1,300,000 on Wel-IIal-Wel during the pi
out ) car and Cl.fiOO.OOO next jear
Continuing , Mr Ooschen Informed
House thai the personnel of ) for
coming ) cnr would be Increased 1,250 , n
making n total of 110.G40 , at a cost of J
I'a > of I'ernoiinel.
Comparing the pay of the personnel
CJoschen said tb't while Great Britain j
j : 7.000,000 ami France 3,000,000 Ru
paid only 445,000. Ho could not uni
stand how that was , but that was all
estimates revealed
Referring to shipbuilding he said the ci
Ing program had been framed after c
sldeiatlon of the programs of other powi
After n study of these programs he poll
out that It was not reassuring The Un
States , Russia , France , Japan , Italy
Germany had under construction 683
tons of war ships , or 223,000 tons more t
was contemplated In the piesont cstlma
This had forced the government to d
up a new program. Excluding last ye
supplemental program It provided for
Ironclads , two armored cruisers and tl
snnller cruisers of a specially high spee
The money lequlred , therefore , for
coming financial ) ear was CuuO.OOO , and
total under the shipbuilding vote , Inclm
the liabilities for last jcir's original
supplementary programs , would bo 12,5
000 , an Increase of over 2,000,000.
total estimates were 26f > S4,000.
For armament Mr. Goshen asked an
crease of 101.000 , ehlell ) for the const :
tlon of guns , but also for more ammunl
for practice , which he asserted was a n
ter of enormous Importance as shown by
late war.
-\VlIIIiiK io Moillf } Armament.
After speaking of the necessity for
Increased shipbuilding -vote , he said tl
were the votes required by the present
"But , " he added , "would that the nc
of other nations resulting from the c
j ing International conference could mak
I possible toe us to dlmlolcd or modify
i program , while of course malnUlnlne
| standard and relative position. "
l Mr. Goschen then announced In behal
her majesty's government that if the o
great naval powers were prepared to dli
Ish their program. Great Britain was
pared to modlf ) its own. Hut If the ci
hopes were not realized , the program w
have to stand and Mr. Goschcn oxpre
the hope that those who were proposlni
attack the country's expenditures would
attempt to dissuade the people from b
ing the taxation necessary to carry on
duties of the empire.
In conclusion the first lord of the ai
rally said the estimates were simply
embodiment of llie feelings of a peace-
ing , detcrm'ned ' nation. ( Checrfl )
Mr. Goschen emphasized the purely
tensive ideas of the navy , but in vlev
Iho construction by rivals of fart cruli
with the avowed purpose of prclng on
nation's commerce , and Great Britain's
supply In the event of war , Eng.'and
forced to build five now cruiseis , part
larly swift , In order to circumvent t !
pchomes He also said that the four arm
cruisers now being built under the orlg
program would bo the most powerful s
In the world.
1'iinllMt Fiitlierv Itc-i > l > ( n Ili < - > < >
vllcnl Hecpntly IxHiieil from
NEW YORK , March 9. The follow Infi
flclal statement as to the action of the r
1st fathers upon the publication of the
cent letter of the pope on American
which touched upon the teachings of
late Father Isaac T. Hecker , the foil
of the congregation of missionary prlesl
St Paul , the npoatle , as Interpreted In /
Klein's French translation ot bis life
Issued today
As soon as the pope's letter to Cnril
Gibbons had been published In the r
! paperb the I'aullst fathers sent a telegrai
1 Cardinal Kampolla assuring him that
! entliely acquiesced In the teachings of
hoi ) father and that they would Bin
bend a letter cxpiesslng this more f
This was Immediately picpared and sen
I makes a detailed statement of the absr
obedience of the Paullbt fathers to the li
I and spirit of the pope's teaching , quc
1 their lulo as to the. thorough sphit of ol
once and lo > alt > to Homo prescribed for
When a new edition of this "IJfe of Fn
Heckei" Is prepared-It will emphasize
pope's teachings and conform to his j
ment In ever ) respect.
None of the members of the I'aullst <
munlty would give any further details
corning the letter sent to the pope , prt
ring that any future publication regar
it should be made from Homo. Folln
Is n copy of the cablegram leferrcd to at
which was sent to Caidlnal Hampolla
medlatel ) upcn the publication of the pi
encyclical , by the Very Hcv. George Ves
superior general
I "Tho I'aullst fathers about to dlspat
letter of adherence , fully embrace
teachings of Leo XIII "
Ht 1'ri'NNiire lleni'lieil IN ! IO
I'linmlN , tiltheloi'll > of , ' 1,1)01 )
1'uet I'ei Sreonil.
HEADING , 1'a , March 9 An official
eminent test of tie Urown segmcntal
wire gun took place today nt lllrsl
where lift ) of these guns are being bull
tbo government The gun U live-In h
Icr , weighs three and one-half tons ut
nineteen feet long
The tests were under the supcrvlslo
Captain Ira McNult of the Ordnance del
racnt and Edward M Gage , governmcni
gpeclor In charge cf the leading and tlrli
The highest pressure reached WBD over
000 pounds , with a velocity of nearly
feet per second Thcso tests will bo co
tinned for some das co far the ) have be
highly satisfactory to the Imcnlor J
Drown , and the governmcni ofllclols.
Terrorl hiK InlinliHniiti of rillnli
Mllaue "Who ! ' " ' * < 5 Hinthl c
MANILA , March 10 1125 n m Het
Incendiaries landed at the village of 1'and
can last night for the purpose , it Is allege
of lerrorlzlng those of Iho Inhabitants w
do not Bjmpnthlzo with the insurrection
number of houses were destroyed.
The United States transporl Grant , will
sailed f i om New York January in having
bonul Major General Law ton , the Fourth I
fantry and n battalion of the Seventeen
infantry arrived ihis morning
With the exception of San Pedro Maca
where Filipino sharpshooters Incessantly n
noy the American troops , matters arc u
usually quiet along the line
The weather Is much cooler today.
A.linlrnl Knn Mild < o Aetli
tinier IiiNtmetloiiH < o llcnlurc
KlnK of Siimoii.
CHICAGO. March 9. A special to t
Chronicle from Honolulu , March 1 , via S ;
Francisco , March U. says
"Concerning the Samoan situation
stirtllng report wns given out by nn ofllc
of the cruiser Philadelphia to a friend he
Just prior to the sailing of the flagship f
Apia According to the olllccr Admli
Katltz Is instructed to uphold all of the r
cent decisions of Chief Justice Chambc
icspectlng the election ot a king In Sam
and matters growing out of It. Ho is to c
operate at once with Iho American ai
British consuls and declare Malletoa Tan
Iho rlRhtful and legal king
"Mnlletoa will be placed In author !
under the protection of American n
llrltlsh marines. Mataafa , who now li
ascendancy , will be called upon to su
render. Should he refuse to do so Admli
Knutz Is Instructed to proceed by force
necessary to reinstate the duly-elected kli :
Malletoa Tanus
"It Is believed there will bo a strugg
.Matnafa Is brave. Ho thinks ho has the I
dorsement of , and will be supported 1
I Germany It Is not believed tint Admli
Kautz will attempt to follow him furtli
] than his present stronghold , some sK ml !
from Apia , In which case our sailors vvoi
not be endangered , except from bus
whackers Dut Mataafa himself may bo t
aggressor. "
Tour of ' 1 eiith IIIIIIIIIIICN Thrum
houlli Cnrollnii MnrUiMl l
lUotoim Conduct.
RALDIGII , N. C. , March 0. The tour
the- Tenth immunes through South Carol
was marked by drunken rioting and shoot :
at people , houses and cattle along tbo ri
j road
During the few minutes tint the tr
stopped here there were drinking and ills
dor among the men. Several shots w
! fired at the ground or Into the air.
.along the route their conduct was the sai
j A dispatch from Henderson tonight sa
"The Tenth Immunes. negro troops , pas
here today over the Seaboird Air Line. Tl
shot at private houses and school chlldr
Several men were wounded. The officers
the regiment seemed to have no con )
over the men. "
> ell lliirei'NH Ileclnren IIIniNelf llnr
runt ; MnliUIIION , $1O4O.MM ISut
u Wnrilrolic Left.
NEW YORK , March 9 Nellson Burgi
better known by his stage name of I >
Uurgcss , the actor and stage manager , to <
tiled a voluntary petition in bankrupt
! His total liabilities are $104,059 , all un
cured , no assets and not even a wnrdrobi
llrlilKf DnllilerH Adjourn Coiiicntl
PITTSBURO , March 9. The fourth :
nual convention of the National Assoclat
of Bridge and Structural Iron Work
1 ended today with the election of ofllcers
i the ensuing year ns follows Presldi
John T. Butler of Buffalo ; secretary-tre
I urer , J W Pryael of I'lttsburg , vice pri
dent , W. E Barry of New York ; genf
I organizer , W. J. Hyan , Boston The mnl
i of nlllllntlon with the Federation ot La
nnd the National Building Tiades com
1 was referred back to the local organbatit
.TevniN Vnlentliiv'N Ilenmrlinlilo
loiiee of Plftj learn. Then Dc-alh
Ta strangest character tlat over dv
within the confines of Brldesburg Is dc
icports the Philadelphia Telegraph. He >
Jeems Valentine , who lived at 13 Hed
street , and with him paused away the ca
fully kept secret of bis life. Tliat there '
a romance 'o it there Is no doubt. Brid
burg was a village of a tow scattered hou
when Valentino first arrived ther .
came from no ono know positively wh <
Hn was cheerful enough In thoea days , i
was an excellent neighbor. This was ye
before the civil war.
Suddenly a change canio over 1he life
Jcoms Valentine. It was about five ye
before 'tho rebellion broke out , and sevc
new houses had sprung up within sight
the ) oung man's homo. The people w
dered why Valentino did not speak vvben
met them on the street , and tbelr wend
menl changed to amazement as the ye
passed nnd the young man vv nt about
tomb. The matter 1
duties as silent as the
soon forgotten , however. Many of the yoi
fanners marched away * o the war. never
i return , while Valentino , broken-hearted i
dejected , moved Into the little Hedlcy sti
house when that thoroughfare was opened
I the public.
I Forty years passed Sergeant Albert n
gin of the Brldesburg police station v
I sitting rtn his ofllco last Wednesday nl ,
' when the town bell rang 12 o'clock '
sound of iho last btroko had scarcely d
| awuy when a belated pedestrian rushed I
the roll room and with whiteface i
tremulous voce cried out
"My God , sergeant , old Valentino's Bill
In his fronl room all frolhlng al the moutl
Sergeant Bergln immediately rang
station house gang and Policeman Fn
Glmbel wna senl away on the double-qu
to Investigate Glmbel soon reached Y
cntlne's house al 13 Hedlcy street. Push
open 1(10 front dcor , the policeman cute
the crily living room In the house , U ]
the mantel burned a single tallow cam
bhedtllng a dull , uncertain light , while sea
In an old arm chair , his eyes fixed upon
opposlto wall , wns Jecnis Valentine '
old man's white hair fell dawn over
shoulders , and tbo policeman cried o
"Come , Mr Valentine , what Is the matte
Valentino never cnswered , and Glmbel t
that tfio old man was dead
Looking upon the spot on 'the ' walltvvh
the dtnd nun's eyes nested , the patroln
beheld the picture of a young woman ,
hah arranged In the quaint style of li
ago Who the young woman was vvh
picture had charmed Valentine's dying g
will nvvci bo Inovvn , as the man had
BpoKen to his neljCiborB for well nigh (1 (
yiMis , and no ono View the story of his p
i ( ( tiiii Inn line ,
Chicago Post. The bov WUH try Inn
tpulf ) when a certain thlnit hinp neil
1 ' 1 IK nlyht that you dldn I tome hew
ho bcean , addiesslns his remarks to
"That Iscr ) Indefinite , " broke in
w Jinan
Tli man had nothing to say He ki
that thf best thin ! ; he could do was io i
lend to lake it M hla wife's llttlv joke.
Bermnn Scientist * Locate Source of Yell
River in Darkest India.
( ieouruphlenl Infiirinnllon
Ohtnlneil Tout-flier with Iniiior-
tnntooliiKlonl anil Ce
enl Collei'lloiiH.
VAXCOUVKH , B C. March 0 AdU
1) ) the steamer Umpress ot India pay : Th' '
arrived in Shanghai recently two dlst
iululled ; tiavolere , Prof Futtercr of Knr
lithe , geologist , and Or Holterer of Lorn
In lladen , who have Just crossed northea
arn Thibet from Turkestan , discevorlng I
source ot the Yellow river and cnterl
China by the northwest , reaching Hank
jiid civilization by the Han river The p
Feseor hn.s left for hrme via Japan and '
United States. The delegation left Germt
Dli November lit , 1S ! > 7 , nccompiuled by
[ Surman servant Reaching Suchou , Iho i
ilorers went to Slnlngfu , which ihcy read
In the middle of last July.
It was from there that the two selentl
imngeil to start on nn expedition , havl
Tor Its object thc.explorallou of the Yell
river south of the Kokoncr. At this po
Lhelr servant deserted Ihcm nnd the trav
ors were swindled by natives. They 1
Lionkor on August 6 and went over couu
never bcforo traversed by foieigners. W
them were two Cossacks and eight Chine
In the upper Tahonlley the pirty w
attacked by about thirty robbers , ono-li
at whom Kept up a lively tusllado wh
their companions raided the animals of
expedition The explorers loUtrued the :
and wounded scveial of their assailants.
Reaching Tachou , where some Ainerli
missionaries were met. It became cvldi
thai the country In Ihe west and Bouthvv
was full of robbers , so traveling there 1
to be abandoned Accordingly the pa
went on Io iManchou. Ping Liang nnd Sli
mi f u , which latter place wns reached
Christmas , then down Tan river in
couple of boats to Han river , which t <
them to Hnnkon on Januar ) 4. lr F
tcrer made -valuable geological collect
besides taking careful observations for r
teorologlcal and map-making purpo'
whilst Dr Holterer more particularly
terested himself In zoological matters , g
ting together an Important collection.
Victoria' * Trli to Southern I'rinii-o
3In < le the Sulijeet of IJvtrnor-
illiiar.i 1'reeiiiitloiiN.
LONDON , March 0 The fiieen _
postponed her departure to the south
Franco until Saturday next In conseque
of the storm In the channel The postpo
ment of her majesty's departure is n sti
ing Illustration of the extreme care anil
the precautions with which she Is surroun
nnd the enormous amount of machln
which Is necessary when she travels
stead of going In her own yacht to Cl
bourg , as usual , she decided to avoid
long trip and go from Folkestone to Boulog
Sur-Mer In a special passenger boat , wl
has been entirely changed for its clgl
minutes' trip All sorts of staging
platforms had been erected at Folkesli
where Rear Admiral John Fullciton , aid-
camp of the queen , who has been In ci
mnnd of the royal yachts Victoria
Albert since 1SS4 , nnd a host of court oflic
have been superintending the arrar
ments. Two trial trips have already J :
made and everything was in readiness
At Boulogno-Sur-Mer. In addition t
large force of gendarmes and custom h <
officials , two battalions of Infantry v
In readiness , while the entire railroad
to Nice was guarded by soldiers postec
Intervals , supplementing the usual forci
railroad employes detailed for duty In a
emergencies. The French governmen
taking unusual precautions on account
Ihe supposed hostility of a portion of
people to the queen. All these arrangem
In France were upset by a dispatch f
Rear Admiral FUllerton postponing
journey on account of the weather prev
Ing in the channel , classed as a "slot
whereas only a moderate sea was runulnj
Hln I'nriitnoiir HeiiiiNtN Her I'm
O run n to He llrmiKlil to the .It
AVnntN to I'lllj Dentil Ser lee.
Samuel I'arslow , who was to bo hanged
Mrs Cordelia Polrlere tomorrow for the r
dor of the latter'H husband , tried to ca
la jt night and had actually got out of
cell when the guards detected him.
Mrs Polrlcr , who was the oiganlst al
Canut church , has asked as a last favor
her parlor organ be bioughl Into these
so she may play and sing the musical'
of her own death service.
MONTREAL , March 9. At the rcqucs
the Catholic priest It has been decider
hong Sam Parslow and Cordelia I'olrlen
St. Scholastlquo tomoirow back to back
with a heavy black curtain between thei
E.NfihAM ) WII.I. hi I'l'OIlT Clll
No Power Will lie Permitted to 1'ti
niNMiiIiillon of Coiitrni't.
LONDON , March 0. In the House of C
JIIOIIH today , replying to a question on
subject , Right lion John Brodorick said
majesty's government had not modlHe-l
undertaking to support China agalm
power committing aggression in China
cause thn latter had granted British i
Jccts permission t < make or supporl a i
road or public work. But , he added ,
government did not anticipate that a n
tlon of this description would arise
icspcct to the British contiact for the no
ern railroads
The foreign question and answnr a
from the Russian piotest against the fi !
nillrcad contract and the statement of
Ilrltl&h minister nt Pekln , Sir Claude
MitUonnld , that any attempt to ropuil
the contract will be regarded as a breac
faith meriting retilbutive measures. H
the Bnme time recalled Lord Salisbury's
suiances of support for China If aiio
power attempted to force It to repudiate
rniiilltlnn of ( ineen llenilette.
BRUSSELS , March 9. Pessimistic rui
regarding the condition of Queen M
Henrietta continue. A bulletin Issued
this evening says she had a serious rel
| during the afternoon , but afterward
i proved.
I.lhernlM InereiiNe 'I heir llnjorll
LONDON. March 9 In the election
tciday in the Inland division of the A
Riding of Yorkhhlie for a successor
Paillamenl to Thomas Wayman , liberal ,
Bean the
< 5 gnatnro
Bears the
Bean the
signed , Mr Charles P Trcvelyn liberal
wa successful ibv ix majority of isl \i
the lasl elMtlon the llbonl majnrltyvij
II UP. TDK LOOKS IIP lll.l IU 0\T * > ,
\ineilenii MtlilltM * < > et n < IIIIIHIIn
i\rrclnc : on Iho iNlnitil of Inltn.
VAL1ITTA , Island of Malta , Miroh ' . -
The I'nltctl States transpoit Sheridan from
New York on February 19 for Manila ar
rived here1 yesterday morning Uy pormlssloi
of HIP governor of Malta , General Sir Arthui
James Lou Frcmantle Iho American troops
consisting of 2,000 men , landed today an' '
the governor , attended by his staff Iti'poeti-i !
them on the Florlnn parade ground Sub
sequently the Americans marched past and
created n splendid Impression
Admiral Sir John Oni'miiney Hopkins
commamler-ln-ohlof en the Modltennncat
station , and Major General I < ord Congleton
commanding the Infantry brigade , with tholi
staffs , were present. Them was also r
large attendance of naval and mllltaiy mei
and an Immense' concourse of spectators
Thc troops rn boird the United Stati <
transport Hherldr.n consist of the Twclftl
t'iilti-1 Ptnti-s Infantry and n bittallon o
the Seventeenth Infnntrv The detachmcnl
Is commanded by Colonel Smith.
Toulon 4'nrti liliti'N Vre n .loUe.
PARIS , March 9 The Gaulols says the
dynamite cartridges found near the Toulon
arsttiaf weio placed there ns rt practical
Joke and adds that tdey contained a harm-
IIPS blasting powder The Gnulols may be
correct , but the real truth will not be Known
until the olllclnl Inquiry is concluded
MutlnoiiN < "on > letH SmipreHii'il.
MADRID , March 9 In a conflict today
between the Spanish soldlciy nnd a numbei
of mutinous convicts nt Santona , slxtccr
miles east ot Santander , the fllte of an Im-
IIDIHint arsenal and ot several mllitan
maRii7lncs , ono convict wns killed and sev
eral wounded
storm ThreiileiiN I'earl PNlu-rM.
BlllSBANi : , Queensland , March 9 1 In
northeasl coasl Is now being swcpl by n s > e
vere hurricane. Already there has beei
much loss of life nnd property and Borlou :
fears are entertained regarding the safety o
the pearl shelling licet , which employs 1,001
Iniiiierfiite to ItepreNent
LONDON , March 10 The Dally Graphl
says this morning It understands thai SI
Julian Pauncefotc , British ambassador n
Washington , has been appointed to repre
sent Great Britain at the forthcoming conference
ferenco for the limitation of armaments.
Ileiiort of Set/lire Denied.
PBK1N. March 9. The report that tin
Italians hove seized San-Mun , on San-Mui
bay , province of Cho-Klang , which the Ital
Ian minister , Slgnor Martina , had dcmandci
as a naval base and coaling station , la ofll
clally declared unfounded.
MiiHtuehiiNcttN DeiilerNVorUlnu' U |
Jiiterent In a 1.outlier
NEW YORK , March 9 A special dls
patch from Boston to the Commercial Ad
vertlser says : The shoe and leather men o
j this city and the shoe towns of the state ar
greatly Interested in n proposition that ha
I been made to form a national boot and she
trust. It appears that the matter wa
broached to manufacturers by Smith i
Ryan of Chicago A small unecting wa
held , but no action was taken. The meet
Ing adjourned with the Idea thai Ihe trad
should be canvassed and the result bo re
ported at a later meeting. There scorns I
be a decided difference of opinion. Th
largest manufacturers generally throw col
water on what they call feeble attempts t
form a combination. The project for a
upper leather trust Is being actively puahei
I'lnj iiiuteH' I'll ( nl ( luiirrel ,
PCTnilSBURG , Ind. , Match 0 This evenIng
Ing Fred Limp , aRed 14 , and Dee Fnttdgoi
aged 12 , gel Into n quarrel over some trtttln
affair. When they llnally came togetl. <
Limp drew a knife nnd cut Patterson u f-jai
tul gash In the throat. The boy llngcrc
until U o'clock , when ho died.
l \vl.e 'Ionic
.Marvellous Results in cases of
\ \ lliili01H SI 119 fill I'FS Port
nits niul inlniiiiii nts free MAU1AM
. \ . I O NHVX
Ir. ItiMinptt'c Kleelrlc- licit M Ilir
Dull Due In the U in lit Vliniilutel )
Ciiiir-jnlcril to Cine In I2\er >
t IIN < I Will PiunUli fell Von o
If Mj Holt Mill Do.MI > o lluoil.
\\hpn liunhond ch-ir-vot rUt'o ' energies
have been dissipated bv vtilous eourxcs ,
i'\ce < Sts. nVPlwork ele. Kit cti Icily In the
only sure and pptmanout ouic Any con-
m lontlous physician will tell you this
tliogp obstlnnto niui
DriiR-s i innot cure
mortify IIIR dl iMius they simply te > mi > or-
urlly stimulate- they oppose not aid ua
Hue SfKiml ImpoUncv S mlnnt Weak
nosH Vnrli'ociK' und \\nstlni : nnd Shrink
Inc may hn radii ally and iwrnmnrntly
overcome by the proper IHM'IU ndnii of a
good "troim stcadv , nr\tt wnverlmt i > cn-
otratlnr current of Hlfctrlilly Through
you Ret Just such a
run cut my Hell
Mi | > i > IUv IClecti Icily
In lt < piiit-st form
It docH not loll i > 'ir
jar ax do KIIV ! into
imtlorli" ' , and docs
not bum and mis
ter as do tht > burn
m e t n I electiodM
u d on Hll ether
iimke's of ek'itrlc
belts I have en-
/ , ; , . . > , , / . t I l fil v ovi re'otno
tht < < "utnliiK atJ3
C \ - VI
V Y ' ' ' I / atlll Hi ) licit -will
Kl\e about four
time" m o i t > I'lee--
trlclty direct Into
Ihe BVstetn t li a u
nnv other h e 1 t.
Him soft , ollkin ,
electrodes that keoii open the pores
ol the skin nnd allow R all tbo current to
lienctrnte with other bolts the cut rent Is
reta'ned ' upon the surface hence Ihe bi.ni3.
1 world ! hud and Htiullnl for yrars to
liorfi'ct mv niictrlc Hell , and I know ex
actly vvlnt It will do 1 thf-refnro unhi'Sl-
t.itlnclv Ktiar.intop u cure In \oi ) cnso
Micro 1 recommend
MIP IrPitmcnt of mv
Selt If It will do
y on no Rood 1 w 111
frankly tell ) ou so.
1 have not nor will
not haveu dls mtls-
tied patient 1 abso ,
lutel ) Biin'mitcw m
bi It to ctiru all form
ot SOMI il \ \ tf ikne-s-
es In either box , re-
more HhiuiiUen or
Undeveloped UiKans
and Vitality , euro
Hhoumatlsm I u
t\ei ) KUlsc , Kldmiy ,
l.lvcr nnd liladdcr
tl louhles W o a k
Back , Chronic Con }
Btlpatlou , Dynpep u ,
uu l einale Coniil.vliHs | ,
belts as well as Imtteils" will burn out
In time If they Klvo a iiiirent So will
mine , but my bull onn be renewed foi only
75 cent' no other belt tan be lehowed lor
any price and vrhcn worn out Is worthless
My Electric Suspeimory for the perma
nent euro of the various wcaknesros o (
men H FItl'i : to every male purclun'r ol
one of my Belts 1 consider mv tiiHpeu-
sory fully us pleat an Invention ns my
Belt , and certainly Is a boon to buffering
manhood It , lll.e my belt , will not burn ,
A cure Is Kiiaranteed
Write or call upon me toduy do not
put It off dolav are danKooun ) our cusa
may ranch the Incurable tn e Uefore you
know It If you live oui of HIP cltv I will
send > ou my Now Book Aboul Klecti'cll ' ) .
symptom blanks und otlui literature.
Consultation and advice wlthoui coal. Rc-
niembor. If my belt will not cure- you 1 will
tell you so If you tire thlnkhij ot buying
some other belt , write 01 call first I hu
nil mal R of belt ? , so you < -.m compare
thorn 1C vou vvunt to iry onf f ihe nihrrB
1 will loan you one. M ) hell Is not t-old
In diuu stores nor by agents , enl ) by
Company ,
UOOIIIHO nnil 21 nniiKliiH Ulnet ; ,
Oinnlnlrlir. . . Kith mill Iloiltto .Streets.
Olien from SiltO 11. in. to < l p. ill. l"en -
IIIKH , I1ni. . Io SiIIO p. in. Sii
IO n. in. tn n 11. in.
nofercncecHi IU3ST 1IAMCS AM ) lj\lI.M ; ItlSINUS.S of thlN City.
lie who loses that Is wrecked , Indeed Is ) our health falling vou. your strength , ambi
id tion vl/or or vitality w istlns aw uV If so io to the Kri-ut STATH ihii"ntO-MiiJI- :
CAI INSTITFTi : wheio mo alck and ulllld d nui rcce'vo tieatiiunt In the future as
they < have In the piHt from the abk'st and moat uctcsnf.ul HpcelnllstB of the ago Homo
doctors fall becaiibe of tro.itliiK the wroiirf d'riam otlurs from not knowing the right
NO FAII.l'ltl.d
treatment NO MISTAKFS llIIUi : AND
In Beeklng treatmcnl the following qualifications should bo talon Into confederation :
Ability , experience , xklll nnd an established reputation for
ts All of which are posscs ed by the HpcclullstB of this " Institute , and are necessary for
a the successful nnd satisfactory ircalminl of an )
c- and nil of HH Cured by their how method
cfa NERVOUS DEBILITY ultondlng nll- without knife , truss 01 do.
fail mcnts'of yoUNCJ , .MIDDJ.n-AGi : ! ) and tciulon from work- painless , sure and pei-
ilho OI.D AIRN. The- awful eft Us of ncKhitcrl inuiu'iit cure
ho or Improperly tH'ated ( .isos , causlnir dialn , HftEHPnPCI R Ilydrocclc , swolllnt' nnd
s- weakness of the body and brain , dUzlms" , UHnSltUUElLI : iciidernrHS of the Klands
sth fiilllnK meiiinry luck of c-ncrK ) and tuntl- tri'iitri ] with unfailing HIKCCSH
de'iice , pjliin In the hul : loins and kIdni'S
h- and many otlu-r d str hMlns symptoms un- UUriTAGIOUS BLOOD POiSOK
IHtliiB OIK for Html ) , bullies or enjoym'iH and all dls ani's of tlu ) ) lood promi > Hv and
of life Our HjicN 'al trcatmi'iit will cure you , IhorcniKlily Hired und evuy truee of thu
sh no mailer who or whal has failed. polh n iiadkultd ftniu tin hjHl.-tn foiuvoi ,
"UK In ultli and pmlty
heM WE AW CflCM I'ost ' ( Jor " d vitality re- ATE DIS aSES K " " '
lTiJf \ tilr.H Htored to vviuk mi-n Or
to etc whleh. If iitfUUl or lnu'rou
b weik-
which i -
of the body have n
Kann tr itnl I rmk down tin > hiiin nnd luuse
of intd or fhrunki'n throuitn dlheases , ovir- ntly rand
( ti
kidney dim IMC peiruaiu
IndlscriMlons mereston d
al w irk , oxcpsbfb or
In Its most Improved
ueiiKth nml vluor by tlic-lr
to full power
red lit
3- I mm udmlulst
of treatment
3ei BUec BSful ttybtem onneetlon with HPLI ! ; il mrdlcil treatment.
heirs AVrltc If you cinnnt tall Letters ( and HHHV , < ircl In nil laiiKUu is
They have th most suenasfnl home tuatiiu-i t known u the infdlial iirofi HSI n und
tliouHands who wcic un ihh > to call at olllei have been cuied at home by th Ir com
bined elcctro-tn trentmcnt
irs KRE.B1.
( tin : 1,1n vvnii ) i\iit\ : t \M :
> te Oprn N ii , in , to , * p. in , , ( I : ! ! ! ! to S p. in. Siimln ) M ) u. in. to I n. in ,
Electro-Medical Institute
State - ,
1JI ! > 8 1--AHNA.M hT. , OMAHA , NKH.
Si-nd It vilh your order lor four dill quarts ol our i > > car.old Kve ( or $3 IB ,
F.Xl'KKSS PUKi'AIO. and we vvdl fend ; ou I'KI.IC OK C1IAKOK two sampfu
lioUn.3. cue u anil one olil Kvc. acorlc tcicwauda yold tlppcil whisky ilro3 ,
\\uiunVu yuu this oiler slmjily to cet you to try the goods Vie also lia\e this tame
brand H years old. i.lucli we will dispaso ol at $3.50 per gillon , In 1 ot ol two or inoro
eallons at one shipment \Vu aluo nlvo ramplt tOttUsHl.if > and cork fccrtvv with
tticbc L'omU If cpods are not satisfactory vou can return them at our expense mid
wo will HirrUKN YOUK MONUV 'i O you lliesc Roods are ( hipped direct ' from
the liUtllllni'company , which guarantees tliclr purity and taves inladlo incn't proliU
Kclereiiceanyexprek8 company as they handle thousands ol ourjiackat ; " '
14th and Main Sis. , K AN5A5 CITV , HO.
NOTE Orders for Arl . Colo. Calll , Idaho. Mont , Kev. N.Mex. , Ore.
Utah , Wash. , Wyo. , roust call for Incnty quarts by freight , pit-paid.