Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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u i. . . . . . . . i . . „ i *
- _ . . .
Davis sells glass ,
Moore's food kills worms and fattens.
C. E. Alexander & Co. , picture frames.
Iowa Furnlturo te Carpet Co. , 407 H'way.
J. C. Illxby. heating , plumbing. Tel 193 ,
C II. Jacquemln & . Co. , Jewelers nnd op-
Uclans , 27 South Main street.
del your work done nt the popular Eagle
laundry , 724 linuilua ) . 'phono 157.
Harry Mott , Elliott street , was reported
to the Hoard of Health yesterday ns having
the measles.
City Attorney Wadsworth nnd wlfo left
eBterdny for a trip to New Orleans nnd
other southern points
Harmony chapter , No. 2' , Order of Eastern
Star , will hold a special session this evening
tor Initiation of candidates.
Mr. nnd Mrs W. It. Dofford left last ovon-
Jns for I.oa Angeles , where they will rnako
their future homo with one of their ions
ridcllty council , No. 156 , Hoynl Arcanum ,
will mtct In regular cession this evening ,
when ovrry member of the degree team Is
expected to bo present.
The rasa of Jack Hoblnson , charged with
the theft of a valuable dog , the property of
JJr. Carter , vras continued In police court
jcsterdny until next Thursday.
,1 II Strock , who has been seriously 111 nt
the Woman's Christian Association hospital
for the last two months , was able to bo re-
inovml to his home on Eighth nvcnuo > es-
C K. Dlxon nnd A. T. Bailey of Cherokee ,
la , Interested In grading contracts on the
now Tort Dodge ft Omaha road , were In the
city jesterday consulting the company's en
The Woman's Christian Association hos
pital will bo pleased to have Its friends
brlnx In old sheafs , pillow cases , gowns , etc. ,
ns It Is badly In need of such material for
Cloths to bo used In cases of emergency.
1 ho commercial committee will meet to
night nt the city building , when Chairman
Test Is anxious that nil members be present ,
co that a report can bo formulated to prn-
bcnt to the , city council at the meeting next
Monday night.
With the exception of the painting the re
pairs on the bridge nt Broadway nnd Thir
teenth street have been completed and It
was opened fully to trufllo yesterday. The
north side of the bridge had been opened to
traffic for several days.
Ill Joidan , the Broadway barber charged
With assault and battery on Robert Marble ,
n boy emplojed In his shop , took a change
of venue veatcrday from Justice Farrier's
court to that of Justice Vlon , where ho was
fined ? 1 and costs. Jordan admitted striking
the boy nnd said ho did so to "jog his
Inomory. "
William Held , 2101 Twenty-first nvenue ,
tiled Wednesday night nf pneumonia , aged
40 vears. Ho lea\os a wlfo and four children.
The funeral will bo hold Sunday nfternoon
nt 2 30 o'clock from St. Francis Xnvior's
chinch Ths son Ices will be conducted by
Rev rather Smyth nnd interment wilt bo
In the Catholic cemetery.
Mrs. Jane C. Smith , wife of J. L. Smith ,
died jcaterday afternoon nt the residence of
G. F. Smith , 121 South First street , after
three hours' Illness , from a stroke of
paral > slH , aged bti years She leaves n hus
band nnd three grown children to mourn her
loss. The remains will bo taken today to
Monroovlllo , Mo. , for burial.
City Engineer Etnyro has completed a plat
showing the full scores of the Central Whist
league tournament held in Omaha last
month. The task was n most laborious one ,
us the plat contains n vast among of llguies.
The scores of e\ery hand played In the pair
contest for the DCS Molnes trophy nnd the
free-for-all contest nro shown In the con
test for the Richards trophy only the scores
of the clubs are shown. .Mr. Etnyrp is tak
ing n number of blue prints nnd will send
ono to each of the contestants nt the tourna
The meeting of the Woman's Sanitary Re
lief commission yesterday afternoon was
largely attended. Reports of the various
committees showed that the entei tnlnmcnt
for the benefit of the hospital fund of Com
pany L was going to bo a big financial suc-
CCHH. The committee on decorations IB In
need of lings and other embellishments of a
patriotic character. The executive commlt-
tco wishes the report that more scats had
been sold than the opera house holds con
tradicted. Tl'o seats will bo placed on KUO
next Wednesday moi ning at the box office of
the theater.
N. Y. Plumbing company , Tel. 2CO.
A I'rettj Con lent.
The Bee's wheel contest for the boys and
Bills of Council Bluffs , which opened on
March 1 , ( g the Interesting topic of the day.
The little fellows nro working llko heroes
nnd each one Is confident of success. There
is quite a little army of them working and
the way thoj are > hustling makes the race
the more interesting among the contestants.
There is tlmo yet for others who want to
enter thu contest nnd got n pick of any make
of wheel they want , but they must get
nround pietty soon There Is no llmo to lose.
Come to tl'o ofllco and register your name
and get mimplo copies.
The more people who enter The Bee wheel
contests the easier the wheels will bo won.
Btart In early and jou can get n wheel.
Heal Kxtiite TrnilNfer .
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , title nnd loan office of
J W Squire , 101 Peail street-
Enill llngibooek to Charles Vossler.
lota e.1 2.1 nnd nK si , block C. Town
of Cnison , w d . . . , i 75
" ' ' 1"11 ° ! A5a\ln'u ' Rlnk ° J c ° k Stein ,
< * n'l.V1 4 IlnylHs' I'lrst ndd. .
Council Bluffs , w d 1500
Edward N Muxlldd nnd wlfo to Emma '
H. Mnxilcld , lots 1(1 ( and e' < " . IS , Jud-
Hon s niniulvlew ueld. to "Town of
N ola , w d gjo
Jt D. neison . I/ . ' / PaikH . . ' / . . to . . / Thomas . . _ . . . J Young.
"w'i w'i w'i se'i nee 21. w > 4
nnd sou nw'i , w > 4 ney , mv'J. noli
" " . nw" nnd ' ' , , .
"j" . , ' t 4'i acres In inimi.
nil In toxui 7-1 , raiiKo 40 3Jiv > acres
moie or less , w d 14000
Prank a Haas mid wife nnd Will F
Hledentopf nnd wife to Cornelius
Twonic' } lOOurr'H In 5-7G-4I. M e. el . IBO
Blniy A Seholield te > Joseph H Bcho-
llofd. li'i swV , " 7-75-3S , w. d. . . . . . ; . . . 3,000
Ce > rnellus Twomey lo II. C. Jensen
100 neies in 5-7i-4l ( , B w. d . . . . . .
John Bonn to Carl BIIHKO , IM\K 10-
iC-)0 , w d . , 7,200 ,
! . W. Hnjllss nnd wife to MIchneM
Flnneity , iJ nct"s In 10,77-41 , w. el . C50
Henry Knlckman to Conrad Knkk-
mnn , np'i seU 17-74-42. w d . 2.000
John Knlckniaii to same , nwV4 sen 17-
i4-12 , w d . . ' ° ' 300
. ' find wife to _
. . .
- - - - , - - , - ' -
It I1' ' „ ' " "W "i"-1 A.-7G-i
" - * - - , w d . 3,800
rrank II Can and wife to same , ne > i
swV * aj-7C-J3. vv. d . .icoo
"William T TudgH nnd wife to Charles
W M ir hall , uV4 nU7iJ.3S , vd . 2,700
D.ivld Campbell and wlfo to Jaapor N
I'rotlUt , i\j iie > 4 sw l 2-77-11 , \ \ d . 500
Same | o same , part of svVt sw'i 2-77-
4) ) , vv. d v > - ,
J. 11 Joh.eniiHeil nnd wlfo to O
Mosher , ii nnVi 3l-"il-3 . w. d . . . ' 3,100
J. II. Henry and wife to same , w'.i noU
3i-7G-3S , vv d
Cornelius Twomo > to Frank 8. Haas ,
acretlon * ndjolnlng S , 5 and 4-7C-1I.
Q. P. el . . . . . .
Ii. Blnd Iinan to Merchants' National
bank , Omaha , lots 9 and 10 , block 1
nml lot S , block 4 , Sackett'a add
rouiieii iiiurrs , u. c. d
tWllllnm Htadelinnn to same , lots G and
7. block 1 , Sac-let It's add , Council
HHilTs , ii , e , el
Kuto U. Sickett and husband to same ,
lot 14 , block C , Saekett s udd , Council
Bluffs , n. o , d
tW H. Chilels to Thomas J , Johns , se'i
jinW D , e's nw'i and vv'.i ne > i 8-75-3.1 ,
9 , 0o
Twenty-three transfer * , total
Par Infants and Children.
Tito Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
g'.guatura of
Relatives Oems Into Court and Ask for tb
Contenil < lm ( AVlieii Ddruinent AVn
HIIIM ! llruiieudilnn I'riipiTty to
the IV. C. A. Tcdtntrlx Wim ot
Unnonnil 'Mlnil ,
The will of the Into Sarah J. Ballard o
thin city , who died last January , la not ti
be allowed to stand without n contest. ;
number of the heirs filed a petition In tin
district court jesterday , asking that tin
probate of the will be refused and that tin
Will Itself bo set aside and held for naught
The contestants are Lulu llnndall , Mallt
Everett , Virginia N. Martin , K cno Rob
inson , Fred W. Robinson , Irwln Robinson
Prank K. Hoblnson , Benjamin Howe ! ! , Mam
Howell , executor ot the estate of Fannti
Howe ! ! , deceased. Lulu Randall , Mam
Everett , Virginia N. Martin , Tred W. Rob
Inson , Frank K. Robinson , Uugcno Itobln
son nnd Irwln Robinson are the children o
Virginia Roblnaon , deceased , daughter of thi
testatrix. Uenjnmln and Maud Howell nn
the children and heirs at law of Fnnnli
Howell , deceased , a daughter of Mrs VIr
glnln Robinson. Mrs. Howell died on Fobru <
nry 17 , subsequent to the death of Mrs. Dal-
lard. Mrs. Virginia Robinson and 0. R
Uallard , who are now living , were the onlj
children of Mrs. Uallard. Mrs. Robtnsot
died on August 1 , 1897.
AH grounds for setting aside the will the
contestants allege In their petition thai
Sarah J. Ballard was at the time ot the ulgn-
Ing and execution of the will , January IS
1898 , Infirm nnd feeble both In mind ant
body , nnd without sufllcleut mental cnpnclt ]
to make n valid will. It Is further allegcc
that while weak , emaciated and prostrated It
mind nnd body she was Influenced and per
suaded to make and execute the will In ques
Mrs. Ballard by her will loft all ot hei
property with the exception of the bequest
to the Woman's Christian association to be
divided "share nnd share alike" among hci
grandchildren , the children of her daughter
Mrs. Virginia Robinson , nnd of her son , O
R. Ballard. A clause In the will provided
that In the event of any of the heirs hav
ing made any attempted sale or assignment
of tholr expectancy or prospective share It
the estate , whether as heirs at law or de
visees or legatees , they should receive noth
ing , and tholr shares should be divided share
and share alike among the others. Whethei
It Is this clause that forms the bajls foi
the contest or whether the petition filed U
only a preliminary step in an attempt tc
set asldo the bequest to the Woman's Chris
tian association can ouly bo surmised , ns the
contestants fail to state in their pleading
why tuoy aie dissatisfied with the will.
The property which the Woman's Christine
association received by the death of Mrs ,
Bnllard consisted of her homo on First ave
nue nnd other lots and was conveyed by o
tnibt deed to AV. H. M. Pusey on Decem
ber 28 , 1897 , nearly a month previous to the
date of the will. i f *
Another Bee wheel contest opens the
minute the first closes. If you don't get the
first wheel , try for the second. You choose
any mako.
The Co-operatlvo Premium association has
moved to 337 Broadway , one door east ol
Its former location.
Object to Dividing tlic .Inillelnl Dln-
trlctH of IOTIU.
A special meeting of the Pottawattnmlo
County Bar association has been called for
10 o'clockthis morning at the court room
In the federal building. The meeting Is for
the purpose of taking some action in pro
test to the proposed rearrangement of the
United States circuit and district courts of
the Southern district of Iowa as contem
plated in a bill now before congress Hon.
Smith MoPhcrson , congressman-elect from
the Ninth district , has promised to bo
present at the meeting.
The contemplated rearrangement of this
district is prompted by the politicians of
the eighth congressional district , who de-
slro to have a United States circuit and dls-
tilct court located at Creston. The till nt
present before congress , providing for the
reairangement of the southern district of
this state so as to give Creston a Unltod
States district and circuit court and creating
another district , IK being pushed by Mr.
Hepburn , congressman from the Eighth dis
trict , and It Is said that a number of prom
inent politicians from that district and Creston -
ton are now In Washington lobbjlng for the
The southern district at present is. divided
into three divisions the western division ,
with court at Council Bluffs ; the eastern
division , with court at Keokuk , and the cen
tral division , with court at Dos Molnes.
Under the proposed rearrangement the east
ern division Is not changed , but counties
comprised in the central and western divi
sions will bo token to form the now
division , with couit nt Creston. The cen
tral division comprises twenty counties and
the western fifteen , Under the proposed
new arrangement the central division v\IIl
comprise fourteen counties , the western but
eight counties , while twelve counties will
bo given to the now division , to bo known
as the Creston division.
Trom the central or Des Mnlncs division
It Is proposed to tnke the counties of Adalr ,
Clark , Decatur , Lucau nnd Wayne , nnd from
the wcetorn or Council Bluffs divisions the
counties of Adams , Fremont , Montgomery ,
Page , Rlngold and Taylor. Members of the
bar nnd others having business In the fed
eral courts are strongly opposed to the pro.
posed rearrangement of the district They
say thorn IB no necessity at all existing for
another division in the district ; that there
Is no congestion of business in the circuit
courts and that It would entail a largo
amount of extra expense to establish a
court at Creston. The formation of another
district and the establishment of n court at
Crc'Ston such ns Is proposed In thu bill no\y
before congress would mean the require
ment of another deputy marshal nnd possi
bly two , a deputy clerk and other ofllcers
of the court.
The members of the local "bar ore unan
Imously In favor of making every effort pus.
Bible to prevent the passage of the bill.
The W. O. W. Athletic association will
Blve n dance , followed by a Juvenllo cnko
walk and athletic exhibition , on Saturday
night , March i.
Bee bicycle contests. You cheese any
Attend the grand opening of Treynor &
iiorhaiu Saturday evening.
C. 0 Parker of Honey Ortek and Miss
tMlllle U. Moss of Cre e nt secured a license
In this city last Tuesday and were to have
been married Wednesday evening nt the
home of the bride's mother In Crescent.
The wedding did not take place nnd baa
now been Intkilnltely postponed. All prep
arations had been made for the wedding
Oil amons the guests were * . number of
friends from this city. It was Intended thft
after their mnrrlngo the bridal coupl
Rhnuld go nt onro to Mlnnoiirl , whore Sir
Parker had prepared n homo for bin bride
The guests were nmeinblpd , the bride am
groom had taken their plncos and the of
flclntlng minister , Ilov , Mr. Mclntosh , wa
about to speak the wordn making them niai
nnd wlfo when the mother of the bride
. Mrs Hnlej Moss , suddenly tainted , Irclni
1 overcome with grief nt the thought of part
Ing trom her iliiunhter. 8hu refused to b
comforted and the wedding was postponed
Mlsa Moss olcctlug to Rtny with her mother
wlillo Mr. Parker goes lo his future homo ii
The Interest In the big cnndlo guosslni
contest nt llnmllton'n shoo store Increase :
dally nnd hundreds of guesses have bcei
filed. The first correct guess Is what counts
Oet In > our guesses OB early ns possible.
> oten of tli Court * .
The criminal docket was taken up In th
district court yonterdny morning nnd Samtio
Barnes was placed on trial. Barnes wa
charged with burglary and stealing chick
ens , the chluf witnesses against him belni
the two small bojs arrested nt the sann
tlmo as Barnes ns being Implicated In thi
stealing. The attorney for the ilofcndnn
urged the Jury not to place any reliance 01
the testimony of the boia. , claiming tha
they had been promised leniency by the po
Ilco If they would give evidence agalns
Barnes. The Jury was out but n fov
minutes , when It brought In a verdict of no
This morning a second trial of John Wai
lace , charged with maliciously cutting am
destroying harness belonging to Scavenge !
Burk , will bo commenced ,
The trnnscrlpt for the removal to thi
federal court of the null of William Arnd
county treasurer , ngnlust The Union Paclfl
Railway company to enforce the pnymen
of taxes on the east half of Its brldgo ncrosi
the Missouri river , has been prepared. Thi
court has not yet ordered the transfer of thi
The will of the late Cord Holnrlch Brii'
nlng of Taylor was admitted to probate > cs <
Judge Woolson haa overruled the motloi
of the plaintiff in the suit of Mrs. Jessli
Kerr against the Modern Woodmen o
America in the United States circuit cour
to transfer from the law to the equltj
Sheriff Morgan and wlfo went to Forl
Madison yesterday to bring back Lulu Fry >
son , the ncgrcBS sentenced last December tc
eighteen months In the penitentiary for rob
bing a white man named John Hamilton
She will be put on the witness stand tc
testify at the trial of her husband , Frani
Fryflon , Indicted for complicity In the same
The Globe Publishing company has gar-
nlsheed E. J. Day , administrator of the es
tate of the late George Metcalf , to secure s
Judgment for $715 against H. L. Henry
whoso suit to file a claim ot $1,390 against
the estate has Just been heard by Judge
Thornell in the district court.
Think ! If only thirty people start In on
the first Bee wheel contest the average num
ber of subscribers they have to get will only
be ten. Of course more will start , and II
you nro ono of them why should you not
get a wheel ? You ohooae any make1.
Attend the grand opening of Troynor &
Gorhutn Saturday evening.
Davis sells drugs.
Republican CancnHeH.
Republican caucuses to select delegates to
the convention to nominate two candidates
for the Board of Education will be held at
8 o'clock tomorrow night In the different
wards as follows :
First ward : First preolnct , Wheeler &
Hereld's , five delegates ; Second precinct ,
McRobort's blacksmith shop , .corner Broad
way nnd Stutsmnn street , six delegates.
Second ward : First precinct , city hall ,
seven delegates ; Second precinct , patrol
house , seven delegates.
Third ward : First precinct , Ovldo Vien'E
ofllcc. Pearl street , six delegates ; Second
precinct , hose house. South Main street ,
five delegates.
Fourth ward : First precinct , Farmers'
hall , court house , five delegates , Second pre
cinct , Peterson's store , corner Sixteenth
avenue and Seventh street , four delegates.
Fifth ward : First precinct , county build
ing , seven delegates ; Second precinct , five
Sixth ward : First precinct , Culver's coal
ofllce , six delegates ; Second precinct , Blodcll
block , one dclegato.
Kane ( outside ) . Clark school bouse , two
Bluff City laundry. 'Phone 314. The
cheapest because the best.
Attend the grand opening of Treynor &
Gorhnm Saturday evening.
When you rldo a wheel why not rldo the
best' Bee bicycle contests March 1st. You
cheese any make.
\o One Clulinn the Iloily.
The body of Frank Kroner , ono of the men
killed Tuesday morning nt the Wlckham
Brothers' dirt bank , still lies at the under
taking rooms without having been claimed
or Identified by friends. Kroner had been
In the city but a couple of dajs when hemet
mot his death and nothing Is known nbout
him beyond that ho either cnmo here from
Lenveuworth or AtchlHon , Kan. Entries In
a small memorandum book found lu his
pockets would Indicate that ho had been re
cently In Broken Bow , Nob. , nlso In Omaha.
Entiles In thin memorandum book also load
to the bollof that ho had a brother or other
relatives In Austria. Ho had a small sum
of money , $3 , In his pockets and carried a
sllvor-casod watch The body will bo kept
for a few days longer In the hope that It
may bo claimed when , If not. Wlckham
Brothers will see that It Is given n fitting
burial. C. P. Reed , who suffered a fracture
of the leg , la at St Bernard's hospital nnd
Is doing nicely Ills Injuries proved to be
confined to the broken limb
Wanted , girl for general housework. Mrs.
O. Keellno , 618 South Seventh street.
Arllelen of Iiieoriiorntloii Filed.
Articles of Incorporation of the Smith
Refining company were filed yesterday with
the county recorder. The company Is headed
> by A. B. Smith of Hastings , who has de
cided to remove his sorghum plant to thl
city The cnplfal stock has been placed at
J25.000 nnd the following local capitalists
nro Interested In the new company : B. 0.
Brulngton , II. Searlo , C. 0 , Sounders , D.
Stuart , C. Mnyne , W. Rlgby and A , S. EUen-
sperger. The officers nro : President , II. A.
Senrlo ; vlco president , B , O , Brulugton ; sec
retary and treasurer , A. L. Smith ; general
manager , A. B. Smith ; board of directors :
A. B Smith , A L. Smith , C , 0 , Baunders ,
A. KUetisperger nnd II , A. Scarle. The
company will raise sorghum , manufacture
syrups , Jellies , vinegar and kindred products
that can be made from sorghum.
IllneU I.nlil to IteHt.
The funeral of John B. Black , ono of the
victims of the accident ut the Wlckham
Brothers' dirt bank Tuesday morning , was
held yesterday afternoon from the Second
Presbyterlnn church , The services , which
wore conducted by the pastor , Rev , Alex
ander Lltherland , were largely attended by
friends and uyropathlzers with the bereaved
family. Many beautiful floral 6ffet ngs
graced the casket , among the number being
two handsome pieces from the pupils of the
Washington avenue and Pierce street
schools , where thu children of the deceased
attended. Short services were hold at thn
family residence ) before the bqdy was taken
to the church.
The More that Enter the Contests , the Easiei
the Wheels Will Bo Won.
H'rt So Simple null Knur tlmt
Ciilinall IlltifTn Ilojor < Jlrl mill
Oilier I'eonle , Too , Will lltii-
tlc In tlic
Every toy ami girl will \\nnt to rldo i
wheel this sprins nnd The Dee Is Rolng tc
glvo you a uhnnco to got one In n vcrj
simple way. What Is more , It Is going tt
lot you pick out any make wheel you want
for It knows you nil want a certain make
"which IB the only ranko on earth "
Now let us tell you how The Hoc Is Roliif
to glvo the wheels awny. Wo want a lot ol
now subscribers to The Ilco In Councl
11 luffs. As soon an the first 300 orders have
boon handed Into our office , the first con
test closes nnd wo will award tha wheel tt
the ono bringing the most orders out ol
this 300. Then Contest No. 1 closes nnd Con'
teet No. 2 opens on the next 300 orders.
Just see how cnsy this IB. Say only thlrtj
girls nnd boys start out on March 1 to gel
subscribe ) . They only have to average tec
apiece to mnke the total , so the winner wll
not have to get very many orders , you BOO
You want to start In early and hand In youi
orders as soon ns posslbro.
Now about the orders. Enoh order must
bo for an actual now Council Bluffs sub-
acrlber. Each subscriber must tnke Tim Bee
for nt least three weeks and pny for It Ir
order lo bo counted. It Is better , but not
necessary , to pay In ad\nnce , only no ordei
will bo counted until the subscription It
paid for. If the HUbscrlptlon Is paid for Ir
advance It will count ono on your score foi
each three weeks for wnlch It Is prepaid ,
For example : If a subscriber pays In ad
vance for six weeks , It counts t\\o ; If lu
pays for twelve weeks , It will count four ;
If he pays for ono year , It will count so\en-
teen. On orders which are not paid In advance -
vance It will count only ono on your score
no matter how long ho continues to take It
There , that Is plain , Isn't It ? Now sec
what you can do. The first contest begins
March 1. Slnrorely yours ,
Council Bluffs Department.
N. B. Call nt The Dee office , 10 Pearl
street , to register and get sample copies. Nc
ono connected with The Bee will bo allowed
to enter this contest.
Do you want a high grade wheel ? If you
have no money , get ono In The Bee bicycle
contests. You choose any make.
Remember the exposition by getting some
copies of Snap Shots at the Council Bluffs
olllco of The Beo. Ten cents each.
I'renclier-Thlcf Is Apparently Lowing
Ilia Ilennoii llend Snlilicrn Will
lie Drought Home.
DES MOINES , March 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) There now seems to bo home ques
tion as to the sanity of Rev- William N.
Ooffey , the man W'ho stele ? 500 from his
landlady , Mrs. Magart ; confessed the crime
and was yesterday sentenced to servo tlirco
and a half yearsi/U 'tSio penitentiary. A
large crowd of pooplo.feathored In the corri
dors of the county Jail this afternoon , de
manding to see the man who stele Mrs. Ma-
gart'e gold and hod the distinction of being
engaged ito three girls at one time. De
mands mndo to the jailor to produce the
man were finally acceded to and he was
brought out Into the Jail corridor. Ho
mounted a ohalr and commenced a short
talk , thanking his auditors for paying so
much attention to him. Later on in his
address ho stated : "You do not come hereto
to see Dickens' Curiosity Shop , but a man
who has sinned. " jAfter a few short re
marks he was led back to his cell. Several
persons in his audience weio phrenologists
nnd they wont there to make ns clcsc an ex
amination of him as possible. A physician
present declared that Coffey Is insane. His
actions of the last few dajs iind lento this
and men in the Jail say tie is acting more
unnaturally every hour of his confinement.
Adjutant General Byors this morning re
ceived an order from George W. Huklcson ,
nssfstant adjutant general United States
volunteers , wild headquarters at Omaha ,
stating1 that arrangemouts have been made by
the quartermaster's department to disinter
the bodies of dead officers and soldiers of
the regular and volunteer array buried at
Manila and Honofulu nnd to send them In
sealed caskets to the places of residence of
tholr parents or relatives. This will be done
by the government without cost to the rela
tives or friends.
The order states that skilled persons are
now on their way to Manila to superintend
the work nnd from there they will go to
Honolulu. The lown War department Is
naked to furnish the quartermastoi's depart
ment with a complete list of all deceased
lonans In the Fifty-first regiment , either
these who died from disease or wounds or
were killed In battle- . Steps will bo taken
at once to furnish tills information.
The republican state central committee
mot today to make the preliminary arranga-
incuts for the republican state convention.
Charles E. PIcltett of Waterloo waB chosen
ns temporary chairman of the convention ;
Howard Tedford of Mount Ayr , secrulaij !
A , D. Proudfoot of Indlnnoln , reading clerk ,
and Colonel J. W Evans of Wyoming , ser-
gcant-at-arms. The time and place for the
convention will bo settled tomorrow. It
was thought nt first that the convention
would bo hold in Juno In order to provide
for a long campaign , but the pnrty seemed
to 1)0 against It nnd it U now qiilto certain
that the convention will not bo held until
August. The campaign , therefore , will bo
short nnd fierce.
The convention will bo held In Dos
Molnos. A poll of the members of the rom-
mltteo showed that seven out of eleven are
In favor ol this city , it now being certain
that the new auditorium will bo built In
nmplo time for the convention. Chairman
Hancock of the First district nnd E. II ,
( McCtitclicon of the eleventh district are In
favor of holding the convention at Sioux
City , nnd H. O Weaver of the l-'lrst district
with C. AV. Phillips of the Second district
Is In favor of Davenport , but It now seems
very certain that all will later agree on
DCS Molnes.
of riourliiK
MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , March ( Spe-
clal ) The contract for the erection of Edge-
comb & Deur's new flouring mill was let
jestertlny to the E. P. Allls company of Mil-
waul.eo , The capacity of the mill will bo
100 barrels a day and the machlnoiy will
bo of the latest and best pattern. The con
tract callu for the completion of the mill
In ninety daye.
llrlulc MnkiTH ni.Tl OfllcerH.
SIOUX CITY. March 2. ( Special Tclo-
giam. ) The joint convention of the Iowa
and Nebraska Brick 'Makers' association
closed this afternoon , The next meeting
probably will bo held ut ' .Mason City , la.
Officers were elected aa follows ;
Iowa association : O. E. Dcnnlson , Mason
City , president ; D. W. Townsend , Cherokee ,
vice president. K. A. Stevenson , Webster
City , treasurer ; Robert Goodwin , llcdflcld ,
Nebraska association : J. P. Smith , Omnhn.
president ; J. Edllmaln , Hooper , vlco presi
dent , J. K. Stockwell , Lincoln , treasurer ;
W. H. Bushncll , David City , secretary.
Resolutions were adopted by the Iowa
meeting calling for experiments and test ol
the clay of Ion a , to bo carried on nt the
Ptnto Agricultural college at Ames , for n
furtherance of a development of the In.
Crent InloreM Miouii In CtiiionliiK
riiltlriiiiin of State Ciiintiilflee ,
DES MOINES. In. , March 2. The hottest
fight In the history of state politics on chair
man occurred nt the meeting of the repub
lican state central committee , which met at
2 p in today. Senator J S Junkln of Red
Oak , Judge M. H Tow nor of Adams count >
Charles I'lckett of Waterloo , Editor Payne
of Story nnd C. G. Saunders of Council Blurs
nro candidates for chairman. U Is a closu
race ns to Townor , Junkln nnd I'lckett , with
the chances of the first named seemingly
good. The commtttco In In favor of a late
convention , between August lf > and Sep
tember 1. Des Molnes , Sioux City nnd Dav
enport nro bitter opponents for the place
Big delegations nro present from the latter
two , but Des Molnes may win nt tomorrow's
meutlng. Chairman Hancock said he fa
vored n two-day stnto convention , though It
is not probable the plan will be adopted thli
Bee bicycle contests. "V'ou cheese any
Murder mill .Siilelilr.
CDDAR RAPIDS , In. , iMnrch 2. ( Special
Telegram. ) Frank Metala , a man 40 years
old , who has been 111 of consumption for the
last two years and for whom there was no
hope of recovery , late this evening fired two
bullets Into the body of his year and a hall
old eon and then 11 red two bullets Into his
own heart. They wore alone In the hou-vj
at the llmo nnd when finally discovered he
was sitting dead In a chair , his clothing
almost burned off , while the baby was Ijlng
on the bed a few feet away also dead. He
left a letter explaining why ho had com
mitted the net nnd saving ho killed the
child because It was sickly.
ContFMt for .tliijor.
MISSOURI VALLEY , In. , March 2. ( Spe
cial ) The names of E T. Glddlngs , J. S.
Dew ell and P. M 'Dance nro prominently
mentioned ns candidates for mayor on the
republican ticket. The present Incumbent ,
E. P. James , will doubtless be ronomlnated
by the demociats. A spirited content Is In
Will you rldo a free Bee blcyclo contest
wheel ? You cheese any mako.
Bee blcjcle contests begin March 1st , You
choose any make.
DcdiIIs of ( lie Inlpi iiatloiinl Conten
tion 111 Detroit Next July
Are Aikiioniiceil.
BOSTON , March 2. Secretary John Willis
Baer of the United Society of Christian En
deavor has announced some of the details
of the program for this year's International
Christian Endeavor convention to be held at
Detroit , Mich. , July 5 to 10.
July C will be given up to business meet
ings , with the opening session in the evening ,
at which the u ual words of welcome will be
spoken , followed by a reception.
July C the convention will listen to Presi
dent Clark's annual address , the general sec
retary's report and the sermon at the morn
ing session. Denominational rallies , which
will bo a now feature , will be held In various
halls and churches , and at night there will
be two great lent meetlnga.
Friday morning's tent meetings will be
followed by two gieat schools of method In
the itent , instead of the usual committee con
ferences In churches. On Saturday after
noon a grand outing to Belle Isle lias been
Saturday evening will bring the old-time
reunion by states.
On Sunday , sermons , "Sabbath Observa
tion" services , evangelistic meetings for men
and women nnd consecration meetings will
bo held.
Monday evening , after meetings In tents
in the morning and junior rallies In the
nfternoon , there will bo at least two great
farewell meetings.
Secretary Baer says this joar's convention
will glvo a greater variety of meetings than
ever before.
of OrRiiiil/.atloii R
by One of UN KouiulerH Caia
in Several Mutm.
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 2. Captain Wilson
I. Davenuy of Chicago , commissary on the
staff of Brigadier General John H. Wiley ,
who is proceeding to Washington under
orders for muster-out , explained to a rep
resentative of the Associated Press the
objects of the new society. "Tho Ssrvice
Men of Uio Spanish War. " Captain Davenny
gajs the idea is almost similar to that of
the Spanish-American War Veterans' as-
loclntlon , to organize which a convention
has been called , and that the Service as
sociation has been In existence since last
Movember , and the organization has been
ncorporated under the laws of Kentucky
and a constitution formulated and adopted.
Captain Dnvenny said :
"Tho parent camp. Camp Henry Clay No.
1 , nt Lexington , ily. , has been organized.
The plan provides for local nnd state camps
mil a national camp , to bo constituted by
representatives elected annually In the local
camps. Camp Henry Clay IB the supreme
) ody only until the first assemblage of the
representatives to the national encampment.
"Though the charter list bears only the
lames of officers , the constitution of the or
ganization provides that every oincor army
nr navy commissioned between the date of
the declaration of war nnd the signing of
he treaty of peace nt Paris , nnd every en
isled man honorably mustered out of the
seivlco , is eligible to membership In the or-
Bant/atlon Camps nro being organized In
several states , "
One Mini IN Killed anil Tno Hurt In
Heml-Uml MertliiK of TrnliiM
Nrnr ClileiiKO ,
CHICAGO , March 2 The heavy fog which
oveihuiitf the city today waa Indirectly the
cause of a head-end colllnlon between two
relght trains on tl\p \ Burlington railroad at
Blue Island avenue , which rcsultid In tlio
death of ono man nnd the Injury of two
ethel s
The dead :
HERMAN SCIIOMUEHO , 35 years old. liv
ing in Hawthorne , was crushed lo death and
burled under the debris of the wreck. His
body has been recovered.
The Injured :
John Dwjslln , living In Hawthorne , legs
crushed and Internal injurkw may die
August Tucrngessey , shoulder dislocated
uul head tut , taken to hospital.
Itleli ANHII > of Sniiil ,
CHICAGO , March 2. An assay of black
iand found In the Kntallnqua river , Alaska ,
nade by Dr. WIlllB E , Everett of the Smith-
> onlan Institution , IB said to BUOW that ono
on of It contains $770 worth of platinum , bo-
itdes Iron oxldo , gold worth J10J.SI , two
loundH of tin , two pounds of copper and one
roy ounce of trldosmlno. The great value
s said to bo In Its yield of platinum , which
B extensively iifced In electrical construction
ind dentistry. Platinum Is found only In
he Ural mountulnu of Russia , from which
t Is exported to this and other countries.
M * * * " - t
been gathered so successfully In this tonic as to
rcndor It the most effective Malt Extract in
the market.
Invaluable to sufferers from dyspepsia and
sleeplessness. Hostoresdigestionsoothes
the nerves and InvlKoratcs the ontlro
Fcr Sale by Folcy Bros. , Wholesale Dealers ,
1412 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb. Tel. 1081
is here.
Are you trying
for & wheel ?
the pla.n of the
Bee Wheel
You choose
Word In AuxlouHlj A vnHeil of tlie
Arrliul of 1'ort Tlcl
Croft mill AlK < > ' .
NEW YORK. March 2. Much anxiety Is
felt regarding the National hlno freighter
I'ort Melbourne , which left this port Janu
ary 27 for London. It usually makes the trip
in thirteen to fifteen da > s , but no word haa
been received of it. The \essol carried a
crew of about fifty men. It had a cargo of
general merchandise.
Another vessel upon which the rale of
Insurance ) has been Increased Is the British
fitcamcr Croft , which loft New York Janu
ary 29 for Lelth.
The steamer Algoa , which left Hamburg
February 1 for New York nnd sailed from
Sunderlnnd February 5 , has not arrived
Other vessels overdue nro the Dora Fester ,
which sailed from Savannah for Liverpool
January 23 , and the Luaghton , which left
Now Orleans January ID for Copenhagen
The Arena sailed from Portland January 27
for London. It has not jet arrived.
AVcelc GUeii the DefeiiNc llefore Mak
ing Plen I'rUoncr OITern
a Hold Front.
NDW YORK , March 2. Roland B. Moll-
ncaux , .indicted on the charge of murder in
the first deereo for the killing of Mrs. Kath-
orlne J. Adams by sending poison to Harry
Cornish , was arraigned today The court
room was packed when Mollnenux took a
position beside his counsel , Messrs Weeks
nnd Battle. Mr. Weeks asked that time
should be given to the defense before plead
ing and suKsested about a week.
District Attorney Gardiner protested , but
was overruled by Recordei Goff , who set
next Tuesday ns the day for pleading
The proceedings In court ouly consumed
about six minutes. After a colloquy be
tween Hr. Weeks and Colonel Gardiner re
garding a possible motion to examine Into
the records of the grand jury Molineaux
was led out of the court room. He shook
bands with some of his friends In the rear
of the court room and appeared to bo per
fectly nt oase.
Stiuiiliiril Oil I'eoplc I'roneeuleil AV.
II. Clurlc far ISmbe/trlemeiit After
lie Leaven hcrv lee.
NEWARK , O. , Maich 2. Attorney General
Monnott continued his l yBtlgatloiiB In the
Standard Oil case hero toda > . W. II. Clark ,
the ex-ngent of the Standard company , con
tinued his testimony. Ho was not pel-
mlttcd to answer questions as to whether the
company had a monopoly , nn objection being
made by the defense. Ho testified that Man
ager Mathews of Columbus had sworn in n
case hero that the company's books wore
bunicil there last fall. Many questions vvoie
ruled out on objection of the defense CluiK
on croBS-exnmlnatlon said that he had been
arrested for embezzlement by the Standard
Oil company , ( but that the charges were not
mndo until after ho had loft tha conipan > 'a
Bcivlce. Two of the charges were dismissed
and a third is pending.
roueliex Cnrrleil liy SlamConeli Vre
Oneneil mill Content * f'nr-
rleilvn > .
ST. LOUIS , Maich 2 A special to tho' '
Post-Dispatch fiom Qulncy , 111 , su > s Ham |
Hughes , driver of thn Qulncy Kingston i
stage , which ho icpuitml was lobtud of
eglstcred moll by two negroes m-tir Ntn\-
on , has boon nricstfil by I'nltoil States
Marshal Summers Ho ronfesnoil that tiia
tirolher , Jack Hughi'd , tut UJHMI the mnll
louchca and look out it' U fount mall Thu
sheriff has ROIIH tu llinoil ) foi Jack
\Vretelieel snnltiitlon nml
IIiuirN ol l.nlieii' I'oiiuel to llvUt
In Mieiij MUlrlcln ,
NEW YOUK March S I ho Iloaid of
Health nt thin elty la enjruKi'd In the In
vestigation eif "muuit Bhupn " Thus fur of
jvcr 300 liwonmnt-liouse. tittups uvumlnoil 200
nivo been found In auclt bael sanllury condl-
lon ( hut thu tumid httH been linked to order
radical alturatloiiH In thu Italian quarter
ho Inspeotom found IIUMI , wunion and cbll-
Iren workliiK from ( 30 In thu morning to
11,30 nt night , und ( ho lilKhfttt wagtb was 45
: ents u dn >
Worl > < ( I nlon lleforinerH.
CINCINNATI Murcli 2 The general con-
erenco of ilu > union reform party was pro-
eeled today by u meeting of luo newna. .
lonal eixucutlvu coinnilltee , of which R. S
'honiBon | ) of KprinKflold , 0. was made
hulrinun. Aflur outlining divisions of the
v-ork. the committee adjourned to meet at
iuffalo June 29. In the general conference
Loans on Improved farms In Iowa , 5
per cent , with n small commission , or
5'i per cent without commission.
Loans promptly closed on approval of
Eccurltv nml title.
Interest nn-1 principal payable nt our
office I'artlts now p.ijlng C per cent save inonw liv dealing with us We
have several fnrnm for said at low
oriees In western Jowa. > *
two fiult farms close to Council .Blurts
for sale cheap.
For ale. houxe of n rooms In fine con-
d'tion niyl good location , with stable ,
city water , etc , $1,300 , also house of 7
rnom-i , well located , modern conven
iences. st.ib'c , etc. , J3 DOO ' .
A large list of improved city' property
for sale cheap Now Is the time to pur
chase a homo on easy toiina at a low
We write lire Insurance in the Htronc-
est companies nnd nt. rates ns low ns
nnj agent lopresentlng Hound companies.
" "
Loun E n & - UG ran ,
No 10' South .Main Sticet ,
Council Bluffs , In. Telephone. 312.
Guarantee Hog Cholera
Cure and Preventive.
Efple ] under an absolute
Runrantee Tr > it and
save youi hogs Agents
r ) wanted everywhere.
f Write us.
Guarane3 { Hog Cholera Cure Co. ,
'M. 200 , : o , 210 , Broaawny. Couni-11 Bluffs.
Hates , fl 25 per dny , 76 rooms rirnt-clas
li oveiy i cancel Motor line to all depots ,
local uscncy for the CelPbrated St. Loula
Any Beer. Flrat-clnbs bar in con
Bess Dining Car Service.
Only Depot in Chicago on the Elevated' ' oc& >
MoiiieiH ! it'OUT * : : .MiMiMTn'.i :
Mrs Wlnrlon B Poothlnsr Sjrup linn bfen
used for over llfty jenrs by millions ol
rrothorn for thIr children while teething
with perfect suCS3 ( It oothes the child ,
soffiis the KUIIIS , nllnjs nil pain , cures
wind colic 'in 1 Is the brut icrnody for
Dlanhoen Buld by ditisiflHts In every part
of ttio vvcrld Ho sun and n k for " .Mrs.
Wlnslnw's Sontiiintr Syiup" and Mike no
other kind. 3 cents a bottle
I'homas RnUllffo of Illinois , Sheridan Web-
tor of Mladonil and As.i Taj lor of NubiaHKa
irnsented Ihieu separate rupoitu fiom their
nmmlttio and plaint of permanent party nr-
; aulzntlon Tin l < n-porlB all iclated to the
injunction cif local leferendum clubs nnd
tutu leamies The conference spent most
if the nun nine In commit U'o of tbo whole
them three reports.
llntlier mill Pour ( lillilien All- Min
i-lit CUM ) llulcliiTiMl In I'mnlly
CL\Y f'ENTIJR , Kail , March 2 A nuln-
uplo miirlur was dlgcovored thta afternoon
ii Atuelatnno township , this county. When
neighbor drove John Gilbert' * hogs home
e wim horrlllud to II ml Mrs Gilbert and
ur four children murdered. Thu boy was
year * old and the three girls 3 , 0 and 7
cars , ri'spectlu'l ) The family had not
ten scon Hlnco Tuesday night. The door
as found locked and the husband mlsaln .
'mien Hill In MUNOiirl Milken Helling
or dliliiK Attay of tliu I. Idle
n MlNileiiieunor ,
ST LOUIS , .March 2 , A special to tha
ost-Dlapatch from Little Rock , Ark. , says :
i the house today the Yudun antl-clgarotto
111 , making the sale or giving away ot
Karcttua to minors under nay clrcum-
: ances a misdemeanor , finable at from MOO
> $300 , was panned
Take Dr Bull'B Cough Syrup In time ; for
> ld and cough breed consumption.
> I