Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Local Railroads Prepare to Bring in Mai
Bln < rn AVoxt of IIio Mlaionrl lllv
to Dcrltc Crcnt JU-iu-IH from
the Inlliix or Men Who
Conic to liny farms.
Extending the limits of the homcscckcr
excursions by the Northern Pacific nnd tl
Great Northern roads Is not causing ar
anxiety to the passenger officials of tl
roads centering In Omaha. The oxtenslc
will bo met by these roads In time for tl
next excursion , March 1 , and there wl
probably bo no effort In the future to restrl
the Hold to the original llmltfl. H Is m
anticipated that any rate war will follo\ \
unless the northern lines , again dlssatlsfU
with their share of this business , seek to It
crease It by making n lower rate , which
cousldered not likely.
By Including Pacific coast points wlthl
the operation of the homcscokors' excursioi
the northern roads have really done whi
the southern lines would have thorn do.
Is n concession the latter would have boc
pleased to make could It have been dor
without danger of disorganizing the trafll
but now that the extension has rome fro
other quarters It will bo gladly met and tl
new order of things made permanent.
"U IB Just what wo want , " said an Omal
passenger man. "Thorn has never been
more favorable year for bringing homi
Beckers from the east to the agriculture
grazing and mining lands of the west nt
the roads In tali part of the country wolcon
the opportunity they will now have to coi
tribute to the further settlement of th
Hcctlon. When a man can go to Florida ar
buy an orange grove , paying for his tram
portatlon nt the rate of $25 for the rour
trip from Chicago , nnd when ho can go i
Texas and other southern points and bt
cotton lands at about the same rale , thoi
is no good reason why ho should not all
be privileged to go to the far west and set
a homo there.
"Some roads cxprctfl n fear that the 03
tension of these excursions will Increase tl
field of operation by the scalpers , but thi
Is all bosh. By the use of the Schastln
ticket the work of the scalper can bo he !
douii to u minimum. Out of our hca\
business in this line last year the numbi
of tickets which paraed Into the hands i
the scalpers was Inflnltcsimally small. V
liavo no fear on this score under the no
order. Wo will meet the extension mai
by the northern roads In time for our ne :
oxcursloit nnd will do what wo can to brlr
the renters from the eastern states out <
the plains of the west , whcro they can hi
a homo of their own nt a small figure.
"Thrio isn't a state west of the MRSOU
river which cannot accommodate thousam
of immigrants. It will take several yea :
of active work before even the states ai
joining the river can bo said to bo ful
nettled. Then , why shouldn't the rallroai
make a low rate to homoseokers and gi
them out hero ? If they do not desire 1
locate In Nebraska or Colorado let them j
to the states farther west. It nil helps i
1mlId up the transmlssourl country and wl
indirectly benefit this state as well ns a
the railroads doing business in this Beetle
of the country. "
A larger number of harvcet excurslonls
passed through on the morning trains tha
for some time past. These excursions starti
Tuesday , and , while some passengers wei
carried on the afternoon trains of that da
the hulk of them went through yesterday , tl
afternoon trains also'carrying a goodly nun
her. The Burlington did a good buslnei
nnd the Union Pacific had to put on c
extra car to accommodate them. The Ro (
Island traffic was also largo. The Burllngtc
passengers -were going to the central ar
north-central parts of Nebraska , with son
for Colorado points. The Union Pacific tot
Us passengers to western Nebraska and
number to Colorado and Utah points. Tl
Itock Island tratllc was largely for Kansi
nnd Oklahoma.
df ) IIIK- Depot CroiiiulH.
The few old buildings which stood <
the block Just north of the now depot of tl
Union Pacific road are being moved awi
In readiness to have that tract of groui
graded. The rough work of the gradli
will 0)0 done nt once , and It will bo llnlsln
after the depot Is completed. There will i
u good deal of filling In , and that can :
done now. The ground will bo sloped dev
from the depot building to Jones strei
mid after staking off n part of It for a coi
modlous driveway to the depot from Nln
street , the rest will bo beautifully parkc
making nn attractive oasis in that desc
of railroad tracks and wholesale UOUB <
About one-third of the block extending fro
Ninth to Tenth streets will bo used f
parking purposes.
Iliillivay AntfN ami I'rrxonnli.
J. F , Anderson , general agent for t
Georgia rend at St. Louis , is In the city.
J. P. Barrett of Coucordia , Kan. , travell ;
freight agent for the Missouri Pacific , ta
liho city.
Eight bricklayers employed on the Unli
Pacific depot became dissatisfied with thi
conditions hero and throw up their Jol
They \\cro brought here from Chicago 1
"A Ten Pound
Boy. "
Many womer
seem to hav <
been denleil th <
\c.c\w& \ gift o (
niotlicrhood lie
'f cause of sotni
weakened con
'dition ' of tin
special organ
i s m w h i c 1
uiaVes mother
' Ahooil possible
' //ff but in the urea' '
majority ol
cases such
difficulty is nol
Uby any mean !
incurable. In thousands of instances Dr
rierce'a I'avorite Prescription , by restoring
the natural , healthy condition of the organ !
distinctly feminine lias been the means ol
conferring upon childless women the out
inestimable blessing.
A Gconrla clergyman , Ker. O , II , AkrldKC , ol
rclham , MltcheU.Co. . Ga. , lu a letter written tt
Jr. ) I'lcrcc , wy : "We lind been married Mi
years without ofTsprinK' . when tny.vile com
uiciiced takiuK Dr. 1'icrcc'i 1'avorlte ' 1'rekcrlp
tlon. I theu mote to you fur advice , ruiJ > oui
Instructions were to give ' r.oldeu Medical Iis
covcry'nUematelj'willi the 'I'avorlte Frescrlp
tlon. ' Tills \re did. The result is restoration ol
my \ > lie to good health anil a ten pound boy. Ir
Iionor of the vrorld-fumed Dr. I'lcrce , 1 havi
named lilm I'ierce. 'I'avoritc I'refcrlptiou' ii
certainly the medicine for Invalid women. "
The vast experience ud skill which Dr
Pierce has acquired during his tbirtyyears
practice ns chief consulting physician tc
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
of Buffalo. N.Y. , has made his name Vnowt :
anil his medicines recognized ns standari :
remedies in every civilised country on tht
globe. His great thousand-page illustrated
book , the "People's Common Sense Med
ical Ailviker" has had the greatest Dale of
any medical work in any language , A frc <
edition has been published and a paper
bound copy will be Rent to any family ab
Bolutcly without charge except the mere
cost of mailing which is ai onc'cent stamps
Semi these with your address to the
World's Dispensary Medical Association
Uuflalo , N.Y. , or if preferred send 31 stamp :
for a heavier cloth-bound cony ,
A man or woman who neglect * constipa
tiou Miffers from slow poisoningPoctoi
Pierre's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa
tiou One little "Pellet" is a gentle laia
live , and two a mild cathartic. All tuedi <
uuc dealers.
the contractor nnd have returned to thn
city. Thtlr plows will bo filled by brick
layers from Omaha.
W , H. Oarrctt , assistant general frelgl ;
agent of the Union Pacific , has returne
from n trip to St. Paul.
W. O. Carr , contracting freight agent fn
the Krlc , has returned from < \ trip to Chi
cngo and other eastern points.
T. n. Calvcrt of Lincoln , general supcrln
tondcnt of the H. & M. , pawed throng
Ornnlia on his way home from Chicago.
( Seneral Charles F. Manderson and Mn
M undersoil have retlliiucd from Ihc4r aasl
orn trip after an nbaouco of several week * .
J. A. Tuttle , formerly of the Union Pa
cillc general ticket office In thla city , bti
now of Duivor , 19 n Usltor at Union Pa
elite headquarters.
W. T. Savdge , general freight agent fo
the Plntit system at St. Loula , la making hi
last trip through this territory. He has hu
his headquarters transferred to Cincinnati.
The City Passenger association hold nn
other meeting Tilmdny afternoon , nnd Secretary
rotary Munn Jollied all the agents by In
forming them the market was clear of smug
gled tickets.
H. A. .Inhnson of Denver , until rccontl freight agent for the Union Pnelll
nt that point , nnd now filling a similar pa
sltlon with the Colorado Southern , pasaci
through Omaha on his way west.
A man was found lying at the east end o
the Union Pacific depot at Lexington by on
of the trainmen. Little could be learned n
hlfl Identity or how he came to be there
He HP Id ho had fallen from No. i > , the west
bound paraeeigcr train. U was not knoni
whether ho had received any serious In
The Burlington weather report docs no
show any jwirtlcuhr change except along th
AVyomlng division , where It Is much colilet
At the different points the thermometer rcg
Inters from 2 to 10 degrees below zero , wit !
a light snow In many places. The Klkhon
yo rcportH KHOW along that line In th
The Delaware & Lucltawanna held its an
nual election of blllcora In New York Tucfl
day , and all the present directors and ofll
clnls were ro-clectcd. It marked the thirty
fifth year of the presidency of Samuel Sloan
who will ictlre next month , to bo euccecde
by W. II. Truesdale , who goea to that roai
from the Hock Island.
Oross earnings of the Northwestern fo
the month of January aggregated $2S29t > fl $
as compared with $2i > Glr > 55 for the corre
spending period of last jcar , an Increase n
$268,043. From Juno 1 to February 1 grost
earnings were $25,981,810 , ns compared wit !
$21C13,3ir far the corresponding period n
the previous fiscal year , nn Increase of $1 ,
It 19 reported from New York that thcr
was n prlvnto Bale of Union Pacific com
mon stock Inst week amounting to Severn
millions of dollars. The sellers took I
plnco of the Unl'Dn ' Pai-lfie stock Orego
Short Line securities. The buyers nlread
nro supposed to bo the largest holders
though not nominally represented in th
Contractors have commenced work n
Iluntlngton , Ore. , nn the construction of
line from that point to the Seven Devil
country , which is said to bo a part of th
Denver & Illo Grande. They will bull
about seventy-five miles down the river t
a point opposite the Seven Devils , which wll
require a year's work. A tunnel 2,250 fee
long will have to bo run.
W. A. McAllnster , land commissioner o
the Union Pacific , expects the resolutlo :
affecting the lands of the company , whlc !
nro to bo sold March 6 , will bo reporte
to the state senate today with Instruc
tienis to indefinitely postpone. Mr. McAl
laster appeared before the committee severe
days , presenting arguments against the reso
lutlon , and is gratified at the show fo
success of his efforts.
The Burlington now has under construe
tlon at the Baldwin works two big locomo
lives. These engines are of the "Atlantic' '
typo nnd differ somewhat In constructloi
from nny locomotive now In use on the Bur
llngton. Their boilers are larger than thos
of the class II engine , and the Hue surfac
Is considerably greater. The diameter o
the drive wheel Is seven feet that of .190-
but In other details -the two now engine
are somewhat larger than this one. The ;
will ultimately bo placed in the fast mui
JnniPH A. Cliirlc Cimiimiiy Ilenlt'.s Cor
iii-rlnu1 the lioriil KKK ) Supply.
In speaking of the sharp advance in th
price of eggs , Mr. James A. Clarl : saM ( ha
lie had not cornered the e g market , n
claimed , but had simply been looking afle
the Interests of his shippers to the best r
his ability by getting the highest price pos
slblo for all eggs consigned to him. Con
tlnuing , ho said : "For several days I hav
been expecting n rise and was ci nvlneed c
the fnot when I came to .011 some lieav
orders and found how scarce eggs rrall
were. Having sized up the situation In tha
way I acted accordingly and was nulw to eel
the eggs shipped to me at a good price. "
On li I or of Omnliii Hiiad Ilclinc le
tiitneil nt n Hotel FrlonilH Hope
to .Settle SIiortiiKo.
Thomas II. Cooley , cashier of the Chlcagi
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road , wh
was nrrestodi nt Red Oak , la. , has bee
brought back by Inspector F. B. Lord t
the National Surety company , nnd Is boln
kept at a local hotel. Ho Is accompanle
by several friends , who are endeavoring t
do nil they can to get him out of th
trouble Into which he has plunged himsel
Cooley was turned over to Inspector Lor
by the Red Oak authorities. Ho was e
weak he had to bo assisted to the can-lag
and later from it Into the train ,
Frlendf. of Cooley have Induced him t
toll Just where the discrepancy would I
found in his accounts In order that the
may locate it nnd lenrn the exact amoun
It Is understood that he snld nt first thr
ho had taken money from ono account t
meet the discrepancy In another , an he wn
the cashier for the Chicago , St. Paul , Mimic
apolls & Omaha , Chicago & Northwester
and Fremont , Klkhom & Missouri Vnllo
roads , Jointly. While this would have bee
possible when completing hla monthly reports
ports , the auditors Insist It could not hnv
been done when they were checking hlr
up , as a representative of each corapnn
was present whenever n check was made
Auditors are working now and expect t
have the check of the office completed in ;
few days , when it will be possible to tel
exactly the amount of the shortage , nlthougl
It U believed nt present that It will no
exceed $2,000 ,
Ililiilo mill I'ulillu ( Hllcrx CloNf , liu
lIiinliifNH C flic rill I-
( iOI'H ( ) | | ,
Washington's birthday was but llttlo ob'
served by the business -world of Omahn
None of the big towntown stores closed a1
all. Few of the dorks expected a hoi Ida )
and they wore not dlsappolntoj when It wai
announced that there ttould ho no carl )
closing. This lias boon the rule amont
the Omaha business houses for the pasi
several years. in the wholesale district
a few bualnres concerns shut up nt noon
but the great majority < lld not , though t
few allowed their men to go homo nt !
The banks nnd public buildings won
closed all day , except the postolllce. Then
the morning delivery uas made and tin
carrlnrsnere given the rest of the day off
The public schools were closed for the day
the anniversary having been celebrated 01
Monday afternoon. The usual exercises
consisting of patriotic songs , addresses am
recitations , -wore held at most of tin
The city hall was deserted , the entln
company of city ofllclals and most of tin
employes having gone to Kuneas City ti
participate In the opening of the big nudl
torlum there , in the court house n fov
clerks were busy , but they quit work earl
and took the afternoon off. None , of th
court rooms were occupied ,
American nnd Kuropean expositions hav
a\\ardci premiums Cook's Imperial Chum
pagiie , for its excellent qualities.
H.vvnn.v imos.
liver ? H"T.
Pretty ombro stripes , good clmngeab'
'ta ' detail ; spcclnl sale nt 49c.
N'cw corded taffetas , latest out , whlto nc
all pretty brlpht shades ; eo them.
Plain and changeable tAlToUis In nil tl
now rods , cerlces , blues nnd other shade
BOO plcecn , 76c nnd 8Bc grade at 69c.
Our Immense stock of hlgh-grado drcs
goola J now optm for Inspection.
Nice , neat checks for children's ncho <
dro se , half wool , 25c , 39c , 49c , 60C.V
show a line of novelties that cannot t
equalled In this or nny other city.
At TUP wo nro showing n , line of covcrd
Venetians and novelties In all wool 611
nnd wool , etc. , that no other house In Omah
can show for less than $1.00 ; at $1.00 nn
$1.25 wo nro showing a line of French no ;
cltlfg. German vlougcaux , English Venetian
whlpoords , meltons , broadcloths , golfln
clolhs , bleyclo cloths and all goods that f
to make up a nice spring garment , nt $2.6' '
M.on. $1.25. $ r > .oo , Wo aim
the largest line of tailor suitings west <
Chicago. The celebrated Prlestly's crcpor
are I ho lenders the world over. Como I
and examine them ; Coutlcros * celebrate
Fretioh crerrons. Sir Titus Salts black Biel !
Inns and nwhalr. Wo have & 2 now uprin
shades in Lnn&down.
AiMnntiiKo of ClroiiniNtniicc
nnd Koror l > rti > i-H Amiy Up OH
ThcllIMiiiliivlx. .
The egg market has gene clear out t
sight. The advance wfilch began on Salui
day last still continues and yet rccclpl
seem to decrease nithcr than Increase. Th
Mgh point Wednesday , so far as knowi
was -10 cents per dozen nt wholesale , but I
cents was paid for several casas nnd I
cents was the common price. The goner ;
opinion se'oms to bo that If the cold wcathc
continues the market will ho more apt t
go up than down. .Many commission me
are looking for eggs to go to DO cents pi
dor.en. There Is not n scarcity of eggs i
this market alone , but nil over the wes
Lfcal dealers Kay they have telegraphed t
KaiiFas City nnd St. Louis , hut the markol
nro na barren there ns Jiere. Chicago per
pie are ruling cgga shipped from Cnllfornl
and aio paying good prices for them , toi
Reports received from several Nobrasli
points that usually ship n good many cast
a day say there are scarcely enough eggs t
supply the homo demand. There Is but on
conclusion and that Is that the hens hav
quit laving and consequently people mm
do 'Without ' eggs , for u few days nt least , c
pay fabulous prices for them.
The present condition of the mnrkct lir
made commission men rather lomlntscen
One man said ho had 'been In business 1
Omaha for ton years nnd never saw egf
as .high ns they are now. The next tun
inmdo about the same remark only raised th
former llvo years. Another dealer ncro ;
the street said : "Well , this Is rather n
unusual condition , but I have scon egg
higher than they uro now. I came hero I
1S77 and n couple of years or so nfter tin
I romonlbor a man by the name of Hoser
feld selling eggs at Easier time for 60 cenl
per dozen. "
Walter Parker ami I. on DoiiKlan Tak
1'urt In n
Walter Parker nnd Ix > n Douglas , tw
colored men , became Involved In a fight j
311 North Thirteenth street Tuesday nlgl
about 11:30 : , nnd Parker was stabbed in tl :
left breast so seriously that thcro is doul
of bis ultimate recovery. Douglas escape
from the house nnd has not been seen elnci
The fight occurred at a gathering of youn
colored peoplo.
Four skeleton keys wore found In a yat
ut 2828 Dodge street nnd turned ever <
the pollco. The party who picked them u
said that ono of the mon whom Office ]
Glesoko nnd Cunningham chased nnd fire
at Monday night jumped over into the ynt
and lay in the shadow of the fence unt
the search ended. It is supposed that 1
dropped the keys.
The proprietress at Frank's hotel com
plained to the police that a man entere
the ofllce Tuesday night and tried to hav
some counterfeit money changed. Who
she called his attention to the fact that th
money was not good ho eald the govern
ment permitted him to use it and showe
n largo roll of currency ns conclusive cvl
dence that his statement was true. Who
lie loft ho carried an alarm clock with bin
George Heflln , nrrestcd on complaint <
his wife , -who lives at 302 North Slxteent
street , ou a charge of assault and batter ;
will not hear what will bo done with hli
for thirty days , as Judge Gordon reserve
his decision. .Mrs. Hofiln testified that he
husband struck her with a screw drlvei
Her husband stated that they had separate
nnd ho wont homo after his clothes. U
admitted that ho may have struck his wll
with the Implement , but did not romembc
having done so.
O in a liu to Chicago.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two mag
nlficent elecrlc lighted trains betwec
Omaha nnd Chicago , leaving Omaha dally i
5:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : n. n
and leaving Chicago 0.15 p. m , and arrivln
Omaha 8:20 a. m. Each train is llghtc
thoroughly by electrlci'.r , hns buffet emokln
rs , drawing 'room sleeping cars , dlnln
cars and reclining chair earn and runs ovc
the shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed between
tweon the two cities.
Ticket office 1501 Farnora street , and r
Union depot ,
on all
Fast Trains for the West are
Low Ilatea Fastest Time.
City Tlckrt Olllcp , 1802 Farnam St.
n < * IVKiitefl of Omnliii Onlrnl I.nlin
Dillon , Attention !
A special meeting of the Central body 1
hereby called ( according to the law ) fo
Thursday , Fob. 23 , at 8 p. in. , at Labo
Temple. W. II. DELL ,
IU > | > iilill < MiiiH Mcol.
DETROIT. Mich. , Feb. 22. The reports o
olllcers Mibmltted this afternoon to the an
mm ! meeting of the Michigan League of II o
publican clubs eh'ow that Michigan lead
all Ktates In the number of nctlvo member
of 'the league. A total of 12,000 active mem
bcrs was reported. Ohio , Indiana , Ponnsyl
vanla nnd Now York como next 4n ordoj
President Grant Fellows reported havlni
perfected the plan of organization of league
by school districts , counties and tounshlne
William A. Hurst of Detroit was clectci
president of the Micnlgan league. Thi
Michigan club rooms and the hotels wer
crowded today with republicans who bai
como to participate In the annual Washing
ton's birthday love feast and banquet of th
Michigan club.
In millions of homes Dent's Tootliacln
Gum is n welcome remedy. Druggists , 15c
County Jtidgo liaxtcr 1ms Issued the fol
lowing marriage licenses since lust pub
llcjtlon :
Name and Residence. Age
Arthur Flgg. Gretna. Neb . , . 2
Agnes He-yne , Omalm . . . . . . . . 2
Ilolllo L. U'.rb. Omnhu . 2
Lulu Rarton , Ilrewuter , Nch. . . . , . 1
John O. Ilrown. Omaha . S
Mary W. II. Wilson , Omaha . 2
Horsforti's Add Phosphate
quiets the nerves , and induces
Sleep. Take no Substitute.
Dr , Crummer Discusses the Proposed Sani
tary Legislation.
( Mllrlnl * MitNt HeClolliiMl with An
tlmrlty to Plm-o IiifiH'tlonn 1)1'-
I'ntltT ' Aliiolutc
Dr. B. K. Crummer , secretary of the Slat
Hoard of Health , In dlscussiiiR the propose
sanitary legislation explains thu 1)111 ( H. 1
351) ) appropriating $1GOO for the use of 111
hoard to provlilo for expenses Incurred dm
ing the present epidemic of smallpox said :
"During December citizens of Nc
brankn C'lty appealed to the govoruc
State Hoard c
as a member of the
Health for assistance In stamping on
smallpox. Wo had no funds for the put
pose , but the governor . ilvlsod that wo talt
suoh steps asvo could lawfully to quc
the threatened epidemic. Dr. Towno wa
appointed health Inspector for the state nn
bpent six weeks in different places , tryln
to enforce proper sanitary regulations. 1
\\as found that the expense already Incurrc
could not bo met with an ordinary hcalt
Mil nnd Its accompanying appropriation , n
it could only apply to the future , hence th
passage of an emergency bill. This enioi's
oncy bill becomes a law without conforrln
sanitary powers on the board. Wlthoti
sumo mandatory law wo can only ailvla
sanitary measures and have no power to
their enforcement.
"What wo need Is that the board have th
power to enforce. Its demands , and provide
penalty for these refusing to comply wit
them. We found this necessary after ou
experience at Nebraska City. Many peopl
would not pay any attention to the rcguln
lions of the health Inspector , and wo coul
not enforce them.
"Wo need in this state a sufficient appro
prlatlon to omplay a state Inspector wh
will keep the records of the board , compll
statistics , and bu always at the call of local
Itlcs whcro unusual epidemics of any kin
occur. With this and some funds for print
Ing and disseminating literature on saiilta
tlon and public health the amount of sick
ness In our state could bo much curtailc
and many lives saved.
"Tho supreme court of Georgia rocentl
decided that the legislature of the
may , in the excrclsu of Its police power !
confer on municipal corporations of th
state authority to make find enforce ordl
nancca requiring all persons within thel
limits to submit to vaccination whonovr
epidemic of smallpox Is existing or ma
bo easily apprehended. However , fc
municipal corporations to compel vaccinn
tlon , the court holds they must have ex
press authority from the legislature.
"Therefore It would seem that If wo ar
to have any power sufficient to absolute !
control a baxl epidemic wo must have sue
authority as the health bill now bofor
the house will give. "
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures sere throa :
hoarseness and coughs. It 'Is the speclfl
for throat and cheat affections. 25c.
Announce in < n < * .
"Tho Prisoner of Zenda , " which will b
given at Boyd's theater Friday and Saturda
nights and Saturday matinee by a special !
selected company , under the management c
Daniel Frohraan , Is now In the fourth yea
of Its successful career on the road. Mos
plays are considered fortunate it they las
for a period of two seasons with a profil
but this romantic drama by Anthony Hop
and E. E. Hose seems to bo Ijreaklng al
"Yon Yonson. " that unique and dellghtfii
comedy-drama by the late Ous Heege , come
to Boyd's theater oo Sunday next , rnatlnc
nnd night , being given with an cxcollen
company , including Ben Hendrlcks , the gren
delineator of Swedish character. "Yon Yon
son" has become a standard attraction an
will doubtless continue Us successful caree
Indefinitely. The scenic display will be th
same as upon Us former visit hero las
Washington's birthday yesterday brougli
out , despite the raging blizzard , the larges
number of people that ever attended
Wednesday afternoon performance In th
history of the Orphcum. Propitious weathc
would doubtless have repeated the congestlu
of last Sunday afternoon. Next week's bll
is fully asl strong as thin week's and as en
tertalnlng. It will contain eight acts , eom
of foreign importation. The peerless Llllia
Uurkhart , the famous brilliant comedicnm
and her own supporting company will hea
It. The Wednesday performance of nox
week will bo known as the Burkhart sou
vonlr matinee. Bach woman attending wll
bo given an elegantly bound book contalnln
an interesting story of Mlsa Burkhart's hoin
and professional life , profusely illustrate
with half-tone cuts.
Ad.-iiHon , A. O. V. IV. Xo. IS !
The officers and members of Omaha lodgt
No. 18 , A. O. U. W. , are hereby notified *
bo present at the funeral of our late brothel
L. M. Davis , to be held from the famll
residence , 934 North Twenty-sixth atrcei
Friday , Feb. 21 , 2 p. in.
CIIAS. H. COLIJRR , Uecorder ,
A 10-word want ad cosis you but 85 cent
for 7 days in the Morning and Evening Bet
Her Grand Hotel Turmsn naths now open
Mercer hotel , 12th and Howard Bta ,
Omaha , J2 per day. F. J. Coates , Prop ,
n inn ,
PARKER S. P. , nsed SI years , at the resl
dcnco of his Hon-ln-law , W. II. Alexander
1302 So. mat St.
Funeral Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m.
PATRICK Mathowson T. , February lst
aged GS yearn.
Funeral Thursday , February 23. at
o'clock p. m. , at Trinity Cathedral. In
terment private. Friends requested not t <
send flowers.
DAVIS L. M. , Wednesday , February 22 , a
1:55 : n. m , , of consumption , after an Ulneai
of fourteen mouths. Leaves \vlfo and oni
son. Funeral from residence , S31 Nortl
Twenty-sixth street , Friday , February 24
nt 2 p. m. Friends Invited. Interment li
Prospect Hill cemetery
Macon county ( Mo. ) papers please copy.
Salt Lake
San Francisco
And all principal
westtrn points are best reached via thi
Now Pullman Palace Sloopora.
Now Pullman Tourist Sloopors.
Finest Kver Uullt.
Steam .Heat. PintBch Light ,
No snow blockades via this route.
City Ticket Office. 1J102 Farnnm SI
IB the n ime of the best
cigar that -1 nickel overbought
bought , Bold by
Allen Bros. Go , ,
Omaha , Neb.
Tluit Cnti lie lone WIHmtil
Mtioli TrjIiiKT.
It Is cnsy to bo cheerful when ono ha ?
nil ho wants.
It Is i-iisy , by n ctireloss word , to shnttoi
a reputation , but licnv hard It Is to make
proper nmcnds.
It la cnsy to criticise n work of nrt , mucli
cnsler tlmn to prodnco one. Thnt la one
reason why critics nro BO plcnUful.
It Is cnsy to toll a man not to worry when
his mind Is burdened with a thousand cares ,
The fellow who makes the suggestion does
not hnvo to carry the lond.
It Is eaey to innko a list of remedies foi
the boillly troubles Incident to winter , lull
It Is not so easy to select these that arc
tenlly worth buyliiR.
It Is ensy to arc why Duffy's Pure Mnll
Whiskey Is so highly prized , nnd Is a stand'
by In the family.
This wonderful preparation has saved the
lives of thousands and It nmy snvo yours ,
It Is today preserving the health of count-
Iras Individuals. The Government ndinltt
that It Is the only medicinal whisky , because
It Is the only whiskey which the Govern
ment Insists upon uHlxIng a rcvcnuo stamp
to. thus certifying that It Is n medicinal
whiskey. No other known whiskey IB so re
Wo have thousjnds more at an low prices
negulnr our
rrii-e. 1'rlce
$1,00 Palne'a Cel ry Compound . . . . TSv
$1 00 Plnkhum's Compound . . . . 7f <
E0r Syrup of Kips 4H (
$1 flO Srotfs KinulMloil 7ri
COe Sfotfs Kmiilslon me
Jl.OO AVIno of Cardul Tfit
$1.00 I'criina T ;
$1.00 Hoflctlcr's Stomach Hitters 75i
Jl.OO Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 7Bi
fiOp KIlinrr'H Swamp Hoot -lOc
$1.00 Dr. Jlllcp1 Nervine 75 <
$1.00 nr. Miles' Hi-iirt Cure 7Rt
BOc Clmmlmrliiln'H CoiiKh Cure l ( <
2."ic fhamberlaln'M CoiiKh I'uro 20. .
-Tic PIso'a Consuniptlou Cure 2m
$1.00 Maltlna PrepariitloiiB SMI
Jl.OO Ozomulslon fc.v
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets wic
GOo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets -ID.
Kic CnMlorhi 'J.V
$1.00 aialtPrt Milk 75i
fiOc Malted Milk 40i
$100 Warner's Safe Cum ifli
"aa I > axUlvo ( Hromo Qulnluo ] V
2ic Carter's Little Liver Pills IBc
$1 50 Fellow's Comp. Syrup of Hypophos.Jl a
$1.00 Pierce-'s Favorite Prc crlpllon . . . . 7.V
$1.00 Plerce.'s Medical lllm-overy 7c
$1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla 75e
$1.00 Ayer's Cbcrry Pectoral SOi
DOc Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 40i
25c I > a Grippe CoiiRh S > rup 2T
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
ir.llt loiln < - Street. Onmliii.
is singularly i'reo from curves
and grades. Track is in splen
did condition. 'No matter ho\v
great the speed , cars ride
Trains at 4:25 : and 11:50 : p.
in. J. 13.
City PansenKti Agent.
Tlokot omcc , 1CCC Famam ft. Tel r > 0.
ntirllrtEton Station , lOili nnd Mason Sts. , Til. 310.
Just received the very latest styles Ir
LADIES' SILK WAISTS many colors to
select from at the following low prices
34,95. S5.95 and $6 75.
Wo also have a choice selection of EX
CLUSIVE styles In evening waists.
New Spring ; Jackets
and Tailor-fitede Suits
Is the coming motive power. 'Twill do away
wltli electrlcty , but nothing can bo found as
n tonic , stimulant or appetizer to equal
Ingor beer. It's a great bullder-up. Women
llko It better than Krug Extra Palo beer because -
cause Cabinet has strength and nourishment ,
nnd a small glassful before meals accom
plishes wonders with frail peoplo. Doctors
recommend It In such quantities. Wish a
case delivered ? Extra Palo Is more defllra-
blo as n beverage , for some.
FIII2I ) KHUO IllimVI.Vfi CO. ,
Tel. 420. 1007 Jackson St. , Omaha.
$40 and $50
There are none Junt as good The
SterlingIs uliHolutely thu hlghust
Krade wheel made.
$32 Cash-S35 on Time ,
The bout wheel on earth that sells
less than ( DO , ami better than most of
the wheels sold for { 30 ,
Omaha Bicycle Co. ,
Cor. 16th and Chicago.
ICd. T. Hoyden , MKT.
M. & W. Tlrea. W.'JG per set
Use , Feb. 13. 'f > 9.
* / * , , o
That's good. It shows your good judgment in
trading with a reliable hatter. It shows that you
appreciate real hut values and styles. It's the same
old story once a customer , always a customer. ISlet
a handfull to select from , but a housefull. Every
thing in hats , complete that sums up the now stock
of the biggest and best appointed/r / store in the
west. That's all.about hats today.
The weather m tji's a friend of ours , yesterday wo
advised you regarding spring ( op coats , many of you
no doubt said , oh , Til wait a , few days , but this
morning he's reminded yon how necessary it is to
have one in case a cool smip'comes , so he's turned on
the cold faucet and chilled the air just enough to
bring you to time. Will yon or will you not ? Spring
overcoats at fij.oo and up as high as you euro to go.
We'll take just as much interest in pleasing you in a
low price coat as in a high priced one.
AVhalever the need this store is always handy in
the use of having everything ready to wear.
Wo have tnkon every blue , black brown and
oxford gray overcoat and nlster in our store and
marked them down 1o half price
83.50 overcoats and ulsters at $1,75 /
85.00 overcoats and ulsters at $2.50 /
87.50 overcoats and ulsters at $3.75 us/ /
$10.00 overcoats and ulsters at $5.00 V
§ 12.50 overcoats and ulsters at $6.25 13
$15.00 overcoats and nlsters at $7.5O
818.00 overcoats and ulsters at $9.00
820.00 overcoats and ulsters at $10.00
822.50 overcoats and nlsters at $11.25
There will not be any disappointment
in this sale.
As we have included every blue , blackbrown
and oxford overcoat and ulsler. in all sizes from 84 to 50 , in
cluding stouts and extra sixes. Any garment picked with
your eyes , will prove a remarkable surprise to you. It will
more than pay yon to buy an overcoat now at this price as
you can get good service out of it for this season and lay it
away for the next.
Never have we made a more
tempting offer.
And we advise you to abide by the old maxim , "The early
bird catches the worm. "
You know everybody knows that all of our clothing
is of the highest standard.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
afford to drink
anything but the best ? Our
beer , which received the HIGH
EST AWARD at the exposi
tion , is recognized as the lead
ing DRAUGHT BEER in the
Our famous BLUE RIBBON
is the most popular beer on the
market. Better beer may possi
bly be brewed at some future
time there is , however , none
To ! . 1200.
Our Eye
Tests !
Are tborouph '
mid oxaut if ;
ytn\r \ ( jhifison i
don't lit you , -
cuinoin mid yet'
our upinion <
it's entirely ;
free !
' M A N Lr FA C'J' U It I NO O I > T ICIA N :
i Koduks , Cameras und Buppllca ,
r.irr TIII : < ; KM
Swift's Premium
Put nil In 1-iKMiml Curium Only.
Never Sold III llulK-
I'ure I'nrk Dellrlounly Hfimonril.
The Hunt Tliut Money full 11 ur. ,
All of the pop
ular and de-
Eastman Kodaks
Promo Poco Adlnlce
Vive Diamond Cyclone
and New Karona Cameras
Rlusa plntoa , films , chomlcaU ,
mounts , oto. developing und
printing prices right ,
AmateurI'liotograplito Supptttt ,
1408 Farnum. OMAHA
llowell's Anti-'Kawf'
will rnllovo Instantly will cure
t permanently thousands have ,
tried It und are now recommend
ing it to their friends why
don't you
I'rlco 25c und 50c. <
T All Druggists sell Antl-Kuwf ,
Wholesale at U. 1C , liruco & Co , and
lUcbardDon Drug Co , <
4tli Floor Ilroun Dlk. , 16th and Douxlai
Gold Alloy Filling $1.00
Cold Filling $1.00 and up
Gold Crowns $5.0O
Set Teeth $5.00
Best Teeth . $7.5O