Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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Ailv rrtlnrinrnt * for tlicnc foliiimis
irlll In * t niton until 12 m. for the
t'tcnlriK cilltlnn , nml until 8lIO ! ] > . in.
for luurtilitK nml Sunday edition * .
llntca 1 l-Uo n vrortl llrnt lnnerllnn |
Ic n vioril thereafter. .NoHiliur inUcii
for ICNM ( linn S5c ! far the ttrnt Inxrr-
llon. Tlicftc n < lcrtlncmentn niunt lie
run coimcciitli el j. ,
AiltrrtlftcrM , by rraitrittlnjc n nntn-
lioreil check , cun lime nnnncru nil-
ilrrnxcil to n iiuinlirrcil letter In cure
of The Hoc. Aimv cr no nililrcuHCil
will lie delivered an iircctitntlon of
the check iiiilj" .
COMPETENT accountant , business corre
spondent , credit mnn nnd general office
man op'n for engagement , highest en
dorsements , coming from the east Bus-
Incss. N 49 , Bee Ollice A-MV17 21
YOUNG lady wants position ns clerk , saleslady -
lady or oinco work Ha * had exporlcncu.
Box 325 , Council Bluffa. A M987 20
WA > TUO MAI.K nni.f.
WANTED , wo have steady work for n few
Rood hustlers of Rood habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co , 1613 Howard St.
TAILORS , nttend Dyhr's' ' cutting school ,
518 So 13th St B 223
SALESMEN for cigars. J12 ! month and ex
penses , old firm , experience unnecessary.
Inducements to customers. C. C Bishop
& Co. , St. Louis. Mo. V M216
SALESMEN to sell ofllco specialties ; flno
Fide lines : J5 a day ; u ° cd by all mer
chants Model Mfg. Co , box B , South
Bend , Ind. B M403 M3 *
WANTED All who Intend to learn the
barber trade to correspond with us , we
have an eye-opener for you , write for free
catalogue & particulars. St Louis Barber
College of Omaha , cor. Dodge & 14th sts
B-M579 M9
WANTED , llrst class Impllment salesman ,
none but experienced general lineman
nee apply. Address N 24 , Bee B 603
MEN at once to learn barber trade ; we
have 300 positions to 1111 In the west this
sprint ? ; eight weeks completes , students
from a distance assisted In transportation
to our nearest college , Chicago , St Louts
or Minneapolis , which are the only Insti
tutions of the kind rccoRnlzed by state
boird ; our graduates running shops write
to us for help , knowing we furnish skill
ful , reliable barbers , don't try to learnIn
a live-cent shop , you can't hope to be
better than the cheap proprietor. Write
today. Moler Barber College Chicago.
111. " B-M613-23 *
Finn Insurance solicitor wanted. Address
N 38. Bee B 761
WANTED , 10 good harness nnd collar
makers at once. Apply to Buckstaft
Bros. Mfff. Co , Lincoln , Neb
B M700 21
A SOLICITOR of qood address and per
sonal appearance , temperate and re
liable , can find permanent and prolltable
employment by addressing N 41 , Omaha
Bee. B-M7S6 22
COAT MAKER wanted about March 1.
Only steady man wanted. Oust Abrnham-
son , Iloldrege , Neb B MS51 20-
TRAVELING salesmen , n tine side line , no
samples ; big commissions. Sopono Refin
ing Co. . St. Paul , Minn. B-MVi ! 20 *
THREE Rood hustlers wanted at 1620 Cap
itol Ave. H S35 24 *
GOVDRNMENT positions. Don't prepare
for any civil service examination without
seeing our Illustrated catalogue of In
formation. Sent free Columbian Corre
spondence College , AVashlngton , D C
B M372 22'
"WANTED , gardener for vegetable gar
den , care of lawn , etc. Apply to C 32 , Bee
office. " B M1000 20
WANTED , steady youth , about IS years , not
afraid of work. Apply by letter , N 67. Bee.
B-M101 21 *
WANTED , 100 girls , 1524 Dodge. Tel S76
C M227
TWO ladles , over 23. for position * requiring
good business ability. Address N 52. Bee
C M9I4-21
AT ONCE , competent lady bookkeeper ,
with best references , to take charge of
office. Salary , J40.00 per month. N 30 Bee.
C MS28 20 *
BRIGHT , active women to travel as drum
mers on salary and commission. Apply In
perflon. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co , 14 Wnre
block. C-MDS7 F27
WANTED. good girl , general housework ;
references 102.1 Georgia ave. C 945
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city
$5 to J75. Fidelity , 1st lloor , N. Y. Llfo.
HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , IDS N. 15th St
D 226
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storags Co . 1M1
Farnam. Tel. , 1559. D-227
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
7-ROOM house , bath , $14 00. 314 First Na
tional Bank bldg. D 229
8-ROOM furnished house. Enquire at The
Bachelors , 2014 Fnrnam. D 799 22 *
FOR RENT , houses In nil parts of city
The O. F. .Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St.
HOUSS8 fdr rent ; a specialty made of
looking after property of non-residents.
J H. Sherwood , 4J3 N , Y. Life. D-234
CHOICE 9-r , hr. terrace , modern , ea. front ,
118 So. 23th St. 36 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg
MAGGARD'S Van nnd Storage. 115 N. 15th
Tel. J496. D-231
HOUSES. Chas , E. Benson , 310 Rnmga bldg
D-M161 A14
EIGHT-ROOM house ; gas. bath , turn , 2623
Seward. F .D. Wead , * 16th and Douglas
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Brennan-Lovt Co , , 219 South 16th St ,
GOOD barn , 1902 Cass St.
D-S63 *
SEVERAL. Inq. 30 U. B. Nat'l. Bk Bldg
S-R FURNISHED house ; central V. D
Wead. D-M5S. ! 2J
TOR RBNT. stenm-hented flat In Davldge
bldg , opposite city hall : strictly modern
JOHN W. BOBBINS , 1502 Farnam St
SIX-ROOM brick house , all modern , 161
Kyner ; 4-room apartments at t6 \ 8 2nd
D-S23--0 *
MODERN 8-room cottage. Inquire 2152 St
Mary'u avenue. D fcb. 22 *
NEW brick store room , suitable for drut ,
utoro ; also 6-room fiat , all modern , 29th
und Cumlng , Apply to J. II , Parrotte.
CARPENTER work , will rent 9-r , house
Dundee , to carpenter that will repair
house nnd pay rent In labor. W. L. Selliy
334 Board of Trade. D 79t IS
LARGD south room , with alcove ; modern
I5SO Harney street , E 743 20 *
ROOMS , 1908 Cnpltol avo. E-MiOl 23 *
UP-TO-DATE furnished rooms ; reasonable ,
SIS No. 16th. Flat 3. E-MSI1 20 *
HOUSEKEEPING , from $4 to $10. 1541 N. 19
E-854 20 *
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping
man nnd wife ; rent taken In bouni 31 !
N. nth. E-S52-
1SOS California at. , S furnished rooms.
E-MbSl SO *
3 FURNISHED rooms , modern , for Ush
housekeeping , 112 00 , no children iu
Cftldwell. E-M970 21 *
FURNISHED roomi , ulfniodcrnTeu sfieth
aeoud Hour. K M9u5 i5
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , fret )
bath. $1.50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , 16th und Webster Sts , r 811
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport F-M539
THE BACHELORS-2014 Farnnm St. , the
best il 50 housa In state ; good weekly rates ,
A VERY d-slrftblo front room with al
cove , 2nd floor. Hot water , heat , 212 S.
23th * t. F-21S
ELEGANT steam heated rooms ; fine table
board. 1909 Capitol avenue. F 776 21 *
THE BACHELORS , 20H Farnam largo
double room , suitable for man nnd wife
F-M571 M2
3ESIRABLE front-room ; modern conven
iences , private famllj' . 702 S 29th st
F-S57 10 *
SPECIAL rntes for two young men , also
other rooms 1711 Dodge. P MSS5 20 *
IOOMS nnd board , steam heat. Midland
GLENCAIRN , transients $125 a day. 1609
Douglas F-M274 _
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol nvonuc
F-M999 M19 *
"OR gentlemen , wnlklng distance , near
Tarnam car , modern. I 33 , Bee.
FRONT rooms for light housekeeping.
609 Leavenworth st. G M791 21 *
-ROOM fiat , modsrn , gas stove 1312 So.
2Sth St. G-MS43 21 *
3-STORY and basement brick store build
ing 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National Bank Building , 1-244
M DONALD'S extracts glvo satisfaction ;
agents wanted In country towns 2418 N.
17th St , Omaha. J MS33 F21 *
PROFITABLE work offered npcnts In
every town to secure subscriptions to the
Ladles' Homo Journal nnd the Saturday
Evening Post. Good pay for good work.
We want agents to work thoroughly and
with business system to cover each sec
tion with our Illustrated little booklets
and oth r advertising matter How well
some of our agents have succeeded Is
told In a little booklet we would like to
send you portraits of some of our best
agents with the of how they made
* l f" 11 4 I , story
It pa > : The Curtis Publishing Co. , Phila-
delnl : , Pa. J-MSSfl A1S *
AGENTS , do mall order business , mfg.
your own articles and make money easy ,
honorably and rapidly For partlculnis
write Gust Sjolander , Stromsburg- , Neb
J MS30 2S
WANTED room for manufacturing pur
poses , about 20\100 or 40x60 feet , give
price and location. N 66. Bee. K M100 26
IT YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N S67
BEST and cheapest stoves and furniture
sold .at small profits : highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S ] 4th.
ANY size lots 2d hand furniture ; highest
price paid Transmlsslsslppl Store. 16th &
Davenport. N M5S7
SECOND hand safe for cash. Ill So. 13th.
"W S72
HIGHEST prices nald for all kinds of
household coods. Lewis. 104 S. 14th.
N M333 F2S
STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortennon ,
404 N ICth. N-M394 M3
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , tc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. , tel. 2020 ,140(5-8-10 ( Dodge
N 514 m 5
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash.
Antiquarian Book Store , 151D Farnam.
N M7S2
ron SALE runxiTtmn.
VISIT our new location , we have a com
plete stock of second hand furniture ,
stoves , etc. . cheap. J. Lewis. 104 S. 14th.
O M334 F28
C20 N. 16th st , has changed hands and will
offer at a bargain this week : Bedroom
suits worth $1000 go at $7.50 : suits worth
$13 50 go at ? D 30 ; suits worth $15 00 go at
$11 50. Spsclal bargains In Iron beds , brass
rings , knobs and rail ? , worth $1300. this
week , $8 50 , Iron beds , brass knobs , worth
$4 00 , go nt $2.73. Also household goods In
proportion. O M890 21 *
SMALL driving or working mare. 2314
Marcy. P MS40 20'
WE SHALL sell four cars of driving , draft
and business horse-s at the Union Stock
yards In our auction sale on Wednesday
p. m. this week. Walworth-Proctor Co.
P M934 21
SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hog
fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney.
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. , Tel 77C ;
plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filled
FOR SALE ten R.I P.A N.S for 5 cents , at
druggists ; ono gives relief. Q 253
SECOND hand safe cheap , in So. 13th.
1,000000 BRICIC for sale. J. P. Weaver 6
Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Q 861
AT GREAT sacrifice , flno upright piano :
good as new ; tone excellent. Address N
11 , Bee ofilce. Q-4S9 M4
SECONDHAND sewing machines , J5.00 up.
Neb. Cvclo Co. , 15th and Harney
RESTAURANT outfit for storage charges.
Om Van and Storage Co. . 151U4 Farnam
street , Q 48S
2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam ,
NEW and id-hand typewriters sold , rented ,
repaired , ribbons cheap. Derlght , 1116 F'm.
Q-719 M13
COAL , hand-picked Burlington egg , $1.00.
'Phone Harmon & Weeth Co.
Q-MT2I 27
COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly ,
25c. Middle of block , Omaha , NebQ050
A FINE match sorrel carriage team , 7
years old. Call 214 So , 15th Q-M94S-21
TOR SALE , steam boiler and engine , also
lot of wood working tools , A. C Troup ,
& 37 N Y Life bldg. Q-SJ917 21
FOR SALE. Hunt , top buggy. Apply M J
Franck , Midland hotel Q-M9S1 20
FOR SALE , all the shelving : and ofilce
desk , with bundle counters , all In prime
order ; also on * small safe n they now
stand In the shoo store , 1517 Douglas st. ,
of A. D , Morse Q M&93 20 *
NOTICE to country dealers ; second-hand
furniture and stoves gold at lowest prices
by carload lots or less , Chicago Furniture
Co. , 14CW-8-10 Dodg * R 515-m 5
TOM RANCE , bicycle repairing , enameling
and cleaning a specialty , llth and Capitol
R-AI93S 25
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th
VIENNA fortune teller , IS years here. 14U
Howard , S 256
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge.
S-M34 ! > A3
( Continued )
ALKX HOFFMAN , ctalrvoyant and palm
ist , tells jour full name , in fact tvery-
thing lou wish to now about your friend * ,
enemies , wives , husbands and sweet
hearts , locates lost articles hidden leis
ure removes evil lnllumce , etc , thoi f In
trouble call nnd Ret Instant relief Par
lor 4 , Midland holftl , S-MS13 20 *
MAY WILSON , massage , baths R 15. 302
N 16 T M493 Ml
MRS TLO BERRY , bath and massage 119
N. Ifith St , room 12 , 2d lloor. T-715 T26 *
MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 11S14 No 15th.
T-311 20 *
MME. AMES , R. 6 , 507 S. 13 , massage baths.
IIATTIE LOUIS , massage , baths 13J4 Cap
itol ave. T M512 MI7 *
MRS DR LEON , electric Mth , parlors ,
first-class assistant. 117 S llth. upstnlrs.
T M9S2 MIS *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee
Bldg. U-237
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 31914 S. 13th.
LIEBEN , costumcr , 1313 Howard : cata
logues sent. U 260
DR. ROY , chlropodl't , corns removed , 25c
and upward. Room 12. Frenzer block.
U M323
SUPERFLUOUS hair. wrlnKRs , moles ,
warts , freckle * , blackheads , pimples removed
moved forever by electricity ; bust de
veloped : neck , arms , cheeks mode plump.
Mme. Kavno'a lialrdresslng pallors. 2Jul
Leavenworth Tel. 1S63 , U M569 MS
PILES cured In sevA to ten days , liy ona
treatment No pain , no knife , no danger.
Rectal diseases a specialty Emplro Pile
Cure. 932 N. Y. Life Building , Omaha , i
U-M ! > 31
ZERKOWSKY , violin teacher. R. 20 321
S loth. U M377
BOOKBINDING. Burkley Printing Co.
HOW undergraduate doctors , dentists ,
pharmacists , lawyers can soon gradu.ito
Box 1US. Chicago. U M35S M10 *
RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ,
babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha. Tel ,
} j 2233. U-262
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during confinement , babies adopted 1116
N. 17th , Omaha. U-263
MASQUERADE suits. S. Sack's , 3318 S. 20th.
U-M723 M13 *
Osteopathy , Dr. B. J. McRae , Paxton Blk.
U 766 M-14
W. H. CHARLTON will hear som thlng to
his advantage by calling on or writing
the Bank of Hlckman , Neb
U M7S5 21 *
$33 RUPTURE cured until May first for
$ * 5. No detention from business. 1 000 pa
tients cured In Nebraska. Seven years in
Omaha. Call or write. Empire Rupture
Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Building. U MS32
WATCHES and alarm clocks sold on easy
payments. We- give a working man a
chance. No extra charge for wafting Our
prices are 30 per cent lower than Install
ment houses. Jensen & Moshor , 701 N.
16th. U M74S-M-14
COLUMBIA or Rambler bicycles. $4000 Neb
Cj cle Co , 15th and Harney. U S61 M17
100 business or visiting cards , "book form"
nnd beautiful aluminum card case with
name , hand engravtd , 50c ; agents winted.
607 Bee Bldg. U M903 21 *
SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles
permanently removed by electricity. Con
sultation free and confidential. All work
guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1721 Dodge
U M907 25 *
I WILL do jour clalrvojant work free If
you tack up tin cards for mo in prominent
places. Send lull name , date of birth and
"tamps , with particulars of ca e. John
Barnes , Divernon , 111. U M957 20 *
Large decorated cakes made to order on
short notice and sent securely packed to
any address $5 and upwards. Balduff ,
Omaha. U M99S
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R. C.
Peters & Co , 1702 Farnam , Bee bldR.W261
$100.00000 special fund to loan on first-class
improved Omaha property , or for building
purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.W265
w PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
W 266
$1,000 AND upwards to loan on Improved
city property nnd farms W. Farnam
Smith & Co. , 13JO Farnam St. W 267
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvin
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 20S
$ oO,000,000 CHEAP money for investment ;
agents wanted. Investors lists for sale.
Investors Directory , N. Y. W 269
WRITE us If you want a loan on vour
farm In lown , eastern Nebraska or Mis
souri , it will pay you. Anthony Loan &
Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Life. W 270
$100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas '
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co ,
219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 27"
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co , , 219 So 16th.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block
FARM loans quickly made Low rates.
Write B. M. Webster & Co. , 941 N Y. Life
\V-M993 F.S
$10 TO $10000 TO LOAN ON
etc. at lowest rates in
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs
No removal of goods , strictly confidential'
you can pay the loon off at any time or
in any amounts
OMAHA. X 293
NAM STS TUL. 2J93. X-296
MONEY loaned on pianos furniture , horses
cows , jewelry. Duff Gretn , r , S. Barker
blk. JC-297
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc , C , F. Reed , 319 a 13 '
X 295
DIAMOND loan ofilce , 1315 Douglas , unre
deemed diamonds , watches.etc , sold cheap
holding permanent positions with respon
sible concerns upon their own name , with
out seeurltj , easy payments , Tolman.
R. 706. N Y Life Bide , X-300
FOR SALE or trade , manufacturing
plant with trackage , Including house ,
barn , scales , boilers and engine pumps ,
stone grinder , good stock feeding- plant ,
also Remington typewriter , good condi
tion. Room 403 , N. Y. Life
HERD of 15 head registered Jers'ys Clos
est living relatives to "Huffo Countess"
of World's Fair fame , for whom owner
refused $1,600 ; Hanna's Duke No. 32365
only living son of "Hugo Countess , " at
head of herd Also daughter , 2 grand
daughters and half slbter of "Hu o
Countess , " Cash. Would consider good
farm In western Iowa or eastern Ne
braska. Address owner. L , E. Williams.
Glenwood , Iowa. Y MJ79
FOR SALE , furniture and lease of the Met
ropolitan hottl. 12th and Douglas. 45
rooms and 50 beds ; the right place for the
right man. Y MS09 20
FOR SALE , good millinery business , low
figures , county seat. Addrtss N 4 * . Bee.
Y-MSIG a *
lit IMSS m v > riv.
( Continued
FOR SALK. nt ft bargain , the only brick
plant In Atlantic , Iowa , n town of ov-pr
5000 Inhabitants , capacity of works from
IS 000 to 20xw ( pf r da > , 17 neres of Inn I ,
house nnd barn , one Severol s brick mil-
chine , one Brewer brick und tile machine ,
one 25 h p online and 30 h p. holler , one
Swift pat kiln and one common clamp
kiln , shed room for 100,000 green brick , all
necessary tools for operating said plant ,
a Rood opportunity for the right mnn ,
poor health of the manager ren on for
s lllnif. For further Information addresser
or call on F H. Cromble or II J , Cnvcn-
augh , Atlantic , Iowa. Jones Brick Co
Y-MS14 3)
TOR SALE , two stocks of general mer-
chnndl e. one nt Dow City , the other nt
Arlon. Crawford countj. Iowa to the
highest bidder for ca'h at public auction
In bulk. Sale nt Dow City , takes place nt
2 o'clock , and sale at Arlon at I o'clock In
the afternoon of the 2Sth day of Februar.v
1SW ) In the store buildings ronnlnlng the
poods In said towns V. C Sherman mis-
tec for creditors of Mnx 11 } man Dated
Sioux City , la. . l"eb 1C , ISM. Y MS43 J7
FOR RENT Hotel In Omaha 120 rooms
all modern. Brcnnan-Love Co , 219 South
16th St. Y-S03-24
WELL enabllshed jobbing business for
sale , stock $1,50000 , good chance for
active man wth some mean" to do peed
trade For particulars address N fii Bee
olHce. Y-M961 21 *
THE CIlANClfof a lifetime Paris In 190o !
round trip from Omnhn. second cabin on
ocean ste-innrs. ono week at hotel In
Paris , two tickets to tb1 Exposition ,
puidos and Interpreters , w > da\s return
limit on tickets. alPfor $1GO Enij pay
ment plan , monov refunded If vou einnot
px > Write for partlc-ulars ParN Exposi
tion Tour Co. , 631 P.ixton block , Omaha ,
Neb Y-MOtO 21
UNUSUAL opportunity , Invest $200. serur-
Ing large perimnfnt Income : capital safe
profits Mire , H , Grlflln , 1150 Broadway ,
New York. Y-M102 M14
230 acr s good pnilrle land , clear , to ex
change for merchandise. A r. Ballah ,
Elgin. Neb. Z-MS29 2J
IMPROVED SO-ncro farm , Oto ; county , to
exchange for clear residence In Omaha.
N 60. Bee. X M909 21 *
HAVE you some lots to acll' Now Is the
time to dispose of them , let the people
know that you want to dispose of them
The Boo reaches the people who have the
money. RE S66
FOR SALE , my homo In West Omaha
Those wishing to purchase will address
Henry D. Estabrook , S13 , 1S4 La Salle St. ,
Chicago. RE-M378 M2
LIST your property with us for sale. We
have the customers The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th Street. RE 579
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also
flro Insurance. Bcmls , Paxton Block.
RE 302
WE HAVE cash customers for genuine real
estate bargains Submit propositions to ua
at once. Fidelity Trust Co , N Y L Bldg
RE M116 T2SJ
Over 2,500 acreo of Douglas county land for
sale cheap. Prices tange from $20 per
acre up Will pay jou to Investigate.
The Byron Reed Co , 212 S. 14th StRE
RE M939
FOR South Omaha business ana residence
property or acre tracts call on George
& Company , 1601 Farnam st , Omaha , or
new city hll bldg. South Omaha
RE M491 28
THIRTY choice , rich , productive farms ,
large ana small. aKo ten finn stock
ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for
sale very cheap and on easy terms Some
of these linds ran be traded for good
general mdse. . dry Roods , hardware or
furniture For particulars address Geo.
W. Huttcm. Coleridge , Cedar Co . Neb.
RE-M336 F28
C. F. HARRISON-Farms , 913 N. Y. L
V RE 775 Mil *
9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Izard.
Brick block on 24th st , $6,00000.
96 feet , 24th St. , near P. O. , $120 per front foot
Corner 21th and B sts. , cast front , Jl.200.00.
Lot 24th and D sts , east front , $1,20000
16 acres , elegant Improvements , between
Omaha nnd South Omaha , $4.00000
O'Nell's Real Estate Agency South Omaha
Neb. RE M213
BARGAINS In housss. lots , farms ; sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opposite old P. O.
LOTS on 26th , between Chicago and Cass ,
fronting east , on grade , any size , full
depth , at $25 per foot. A. P. Tukey , Board
of Tnde. RE 771
50X130 , EAST front , cor Gee nve , $1,500 00
N E. cor 27 and Woolworth , $7M
53 feet on 10th , near Center , $900
fi rooms , 4703 No 40th ave , $150.
5 rooms , on Wth st. near Lake. $1,500
6 rooms , on 22nd , near Lake , $2,2cOOO
10 rooms , modern , 23d nnd Chicago , $5,00000
W. II. Gates , 618 N. Y. Life ; 'phone 1291
RE-M967 21
PECK & CO . agents nnd dealers In city
and farm prop'y , loans , rentals , 101 S 15
3016 SEWARD STREET. 4-room house. ,
barn , lot 2ixl3J feet , neat place , snap , $ SOO
South front lot. 60x128 Franklin St. , between
21th and 25th Bts , $1 150
S W. corner 21th and Franklin sts , 64x120
feet , price $3,000 ; next lot south same slz ,
N. W. corner 2Ith and Bristol sts , 132x123
feet , paved street- price $3,000
2S22 Seward St. , lot 30x132 tcet , 5-room house ,
02 and 904 South 20th st , 3-room houses ,
pays 12 per cent gross on pricj of eai.h ,
$1.500 35th and Pewnrd sts , good 7-room
house , corner lot , 60x121 feet , price $1 SOO
Three stores and three fiats on South 16th
st , can be made to produce $ U)0 ) per jear ;
prlo > $1,200
20-room brick house , divided Into two 10-
room apartments , pays 12 per cent gross
nn $ i > ,000
Finest 160 acres In Douglas cpunty , S-room
house , bath room , orchard , etc ; prlco per
acre. $15
C'j miles wc-st of Omaha postofflce on paved
street , 160 acres ; prlo > per acre , $ nn
John N , Frenzer , opp old P O
DESIRABLE lands in Perkins Pliolps and
Greeiej- counties for sale on part cash
nnd ( Imo payments , or will exchange In
part for newspaper outfit furniture , gen
eral merchandise or other desirable prop
erty. Address Lock Box M Harvard ,
Clay County , Neb. RE-M937 22
FOR SALE , cheap , 160 acres In Ford Co , Inquire W. II. Rushcl. 616 New
York Life. REOS1 *
LADIES , a never falling , harmless monthly
regulator free. Mrs B , Rowan , Milwau
kee. WlB. -2iU FiS
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Price. 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
-3S9 M3
DR MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has
brought happlneas to hundreds of anxious
vNomen , have never had a sinRlo failure ,
longest cna relieved In two to five days
without fall , no pain , no daiiKcr. no in
terference with work , ny mall or odlce ,
$2 All letters truthfully answered The
Mansfield Remedy Co , 167 Dearborn St ,
room 614 , Chicago. 111. 937 2S
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 CO per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St Telephone. 12 4 308
WE rent and sell the best typewriters
made , largest stock of supplies In Omaha
United Typewriter & Supply Co , 1612
Farnam. 309 I
CUT prices on ribbons. Derlght Tel 353
793 M15
A , C. Van Sant's School , 717 N Y Life ,
AT OMAHA Bus. Cpllege , 16th & DouRlns.
BOyLES' school ; court reporter principal
Secures positions for students , 401-S-5-7
Ilee B Id's 533
HAiinwooo i.omnn.
OMAHA Hardwood Lum T Co oak. hlrk-
ary , ash , cypre-s , popular , etc lltn & Calif.
W n CHAMBERS. Crelghton Theat BUlg
> > w < lns es forming , pilvnte lessons ,
coaching , hall for rent , 294 F2S
Prlvnt' . rla1" * and ta e. llrst les'ons In
prlvat" . assemblies e\erj Wcdne da > , ad
mission 25c. S59 MIT
SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia
2 VauRhan , 305 N. Y. Life bldg. 313
LOST , bunch of kt\s Tinder will bo reWarded -
Warded by leaving same at Bo office
Lost-M9 < iS 25
NEW wheels $1350 up. 2ndhand wheels $5
up Omaha Blijcle Co 797
EAOLK Loan olllres , removed to S W cor
13th and Douglas We are now readj for
business and we promise to continue our
reputation as has alwajs been known ns
the most reliable and accommodating In
the ilty All arc cordially Invited to In
spect our new store. Sol Brodkj , prop
9SS T27
TRY the Henderson Hotel , board and room ,
$4.00 per week , gas , stiam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnam Ht . 319
os'rnor VTIIY.
TIIH Johnson Institute. Gld E Johnson ,
mgr , Mrs Alice Johnson , D. O. . grad
uate American school Klrkvllle Mo J
W Dill , M D DO. consulting physi
cian. Suite , 515 N Y. Lite bldg. 929
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & . Storage , 1511M. Farnam. Tel 1539.
rn VTIIUK ui-vt > VATisG. :
707 Bo. 16th t. Tel 7S1 375
snco.MJ-iiAM > nooics.
BOOKS bought and sold. 707 N. 16th
877 F23
SCHOOL or ij v\GiAGn. :
FRENCH. Gorman , Spanish. $2 per month.
Prof Chatelain. 301 Bo > d theater 317
I'l VMl \CTOnY. .
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
alwajson hand. C Sommer , 321 ° " . 10th
M. S. WALKIN. 2111 Cumlng. T-l. 1331.
ELLA DAY , Ramge Bldg. , 15 and Harney.
BICYCLES & sundries plated. 1302 Far
nam 135
C A. CASE , violins repaired. 41S Sneely blk.
747 M16
Bee Bldg , Omaha , Neb.
Send for free Invent-
ura' EUide. Tel 1623.
Notice la hereby given that the regular
annual meetlnc of the stockholders of the
South Platte Land company will be held
at the ofilce of s.ald company at Lincoln.
Nebraska , at 11 o'clock a. m. on the first
Wednesday In March. 1899. being the first
day of the month. By order of the board
of director C H. MORRILL ,
A B MINOR. Secy. Pres.
Lincoln. Neb. Jan. 28th. 1S99.
The annual meeting of stockholders of
The Bee Publishing Company will be held
at their office , corner Seventeenth and Far
nam streets , In the city of Omaha , Neb , on
Monday , March 6th , IS'fl , at 4 o clock p m
for the purpose of electing a board of di
rectors and such other business as may
come up for consideration. By order of the
president GEO B TZSCHUCK , Secretary.
Omaha , Neb. , February 16th , 1S91)
F-16-M , : E-d-10-t
termaster , Sheridan , Wyo , Feb. 12 Sealed
proposals In triplicate will be received at
thlo ofilce until S p m , mountain time ,
Februarj- , 1SD9. for construction of tempo
rary barracks near Sheridan , AVyo. U. S ,
reserves right to reject or accept any or all
proposals Information furnished on appll-
rat'on ' at this ofilce nnd to the
Department of the Missouri , Omaha ,
Neb Envelopes containing nroposals to be
marked "Propo = als for Construction of Tem
poral y Barracks , " and addressed to the un
dersigned. MARION M'MILLIN. Con
structing Quartermaster. F-13-d-ll-t-M
InnJ Route" General Offices ,
N E Cor , Ninth fc Farnam
Streets City Ticket Office. 1303
Farnam Street Telephone ,
316 Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629
Leave , Arrive.
"The Overland Limited'-
for Utah , Idaho , Mon
tana , California , Ore-
con and Washington
points a 8 Mam a4:45pm :
The Colorado Special
For Denver nnd all
Colorado pplnts . . . all.55pm a 6:40 : am
Pacific Express for
Dinver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific coast and nil
western points . . . a4.33pm .a 6:10 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Strom burs Ex . , b 4.35 pm b2:20pm :
Fremont , Columbus Norfolk -
folk , Grand Island
nnd North Platte . . . .a 4 35pm b4:15pm :
Columbus Local b E 30 pm b2:20pm ! :
North Platte Local a 6.15 um
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6.15 a.
m . 7.00 a m , 10.10 a. m , 3.05 p m. Ar
rives. 10 15 a m. ; 3.15 p m ; 4.15 p m , ;
C p m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5 55 a. m. ;
6. 40 a m , 6 50 a m. , 7.40 n. m , ; b 10.45 a.
m 12.20 p m , 2 15 p. m. , 4.33 p. m , 4.55 p.
in 5 25 p m , 5.55 p m ; 6-20 p. m ; 8-20 p.
inm 10 30 p m Arrives , 6.i a m , 7.20 a.
m 15 a m , 8.45 a m ; 11 20 a m. , 3 05 pin
m. 4 06 p m ,5.15 p m ,5.39 P m , 5.55 p.
m.p 6 30 p. m ; 905 p. m. ; 11.00 p. m. ; 11 55
p m.
St Paul Railway City
Ticket Office. UOt Farnam
Street Telephone 2SI De
pot. Tenth and Mason Sts.
Telephone. 629
Leave Arrive
Chicago Limited Cx . a 5 15 pin a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex bll.Wam b 4.00pm
Sioux City & Des Molnes
Express bll.OOam b 4.00pm
a Dally b Dally Except undjy.
I f" " " ' " " "SOMAiiA & ST. LOUIS
" " Railroad Omaha. Kan
aas City S. Eastern Hail
road "The Port Arthur
Route" Ticket O > 4te. 1113
Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone. 322. Depot. Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , ti2J ,
. . , , , , . L ave. Arrive ,
„ T „
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : are
Kansas City & Qulncy
Local a 6.DO am a 905 ; pm
a Dally.
Tlcket Office. 1415 Farnam
Street Telephone , 892. De
pot. Tenth and Mason
Streets , T-lephone , 629
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon Ball"
Czpreas , a 1 50 um all:30 : ara
( Continued ) .
woMern Railway "Tho
North * estern Line" City
Ticket Ofilce. 1401 Fnrnnm
Street. Telephone. 661.
Depot. Tenth nnd Mason
Streets. Telephone , G29.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spc-
cfal .a 40nm all:55pm :
Mo Valley , Sioux City ,
St Paul & Minneapo
lis . . . n B 53 nm nil 00pm
Mo Valley Sioux City a 7 45 nm a 9 10 pm
Carroll Local bi.25ptn blO.lOam
Easfrn Express , DCS
Molncs , Mnrshalltow n ,
Cedar Rapids nnd Chicago
cage . all:05am : a 4 05pm
Atlantic nr. . Chicago
and East a 4 55 pm a 4 05 prn
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha . n 2 45 pm
Northern Express a 5 23 pm a 8 40am
Omaha-Chicago Special a 7.05 pm a 8 ID am
Fast Mall . . . S 3 am
a Palls h Dnllv except Sunday
& Ml ourl Vnlley Rail
road "The Northwestern
Line ' General Office" . ,
United States National
Bank Bldg. Southwest
_ Corner Twelfth nnd Fnr-
n m Streets. Ticket onicc. 1401 Farnnm
Street Telephone 561 , tjenot , 15th and
\ \ ebster Streets Telephone , WS.
_ Leave. Arrive.
Black Hllis , Deadwood ,
Hot Springs . . . .a3:00pm : a 5.00pm
Wyoming , Casper und
Douglas dSiOOpm d 5:00 : pm
Hastings. York , DavK ;
City. Superior Geneva
Exeter nnd Sewnrtl. b 3:00 : pm b 5-00 pm
Norfolk , Vordlgre and
Fremont . b 7.30am blO:45am :
Lincoln , Wahoo ami
Fremont b 7 30am blO 45am
Fremont Loral . .c 7 30nm
a Dally b Dally except Sunday c Sun-
day only d Dally cxccpt Saturday
Railroad "Tho North
western Line" General
Otllces , United Btat-H
National Bank Building ,
S. W Corner Twelfth
nnd Fcirnam Streets.
Mlcket utfice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 661 Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
' ' . "ave. Arrive.
Sioux City. Mankato , St.
1 an ! Minneapolis . .a 5o5 : am a 8.40 am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & SlouxClty.a 5:25 : pm all.OO pm
Sloti\ City Local a 7.15 am a 9.05 pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Ra.'waj "Tho North-
westein Line" General
Offices. Nebraska Di
vision , 15th and Webster
Sts City Ticket Office ,
HOI Fnrnam St. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts.
_ , , , Leave Arrive.
Norfolk Passenger . . .a 0.10 am a 7.00 pm
Blair Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponc-n , Hartlng-
ton and Bloomfleld .b ! pm b2.15 ! pm
No. 2 , Twin Citj L I'd a 5.55 pm
No 1 , Omaha Limited a 9.00 am
a Dally b Dally except Sundaj" .
sourl River Railroad
"Tho Burlington Route"
General Offices , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Far
nnm Streets Ticket
Office. 1502 Farnam
_ Street Telephone , 250
Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings and
McCook a 8:43 : am a 7.10 pm
Lincoln Denver , Color
ado , Utah California .a 4:23 : pm a 3 53 pm
Lincoln , Black Hills ,
Montana & Puget
Sound a 4 25 pm a 3.00 pm
Lincoln Loral a7rtXpm alO.35 am
Lincoln Fast Mall a 3.00pm alO 35 am
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
California all:50 : pm a 6:30 : nm
a Dally , b Dally Exccot Sunday.
i Quincy Railroad "The
Burlingt'n Route" Ticket
Ofilce , 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 250. Depot , Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 6.40 am
Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..a 5 03 pm a 8.05 am
Chicago Express a 9 23 am a 4.00pm
Chicago S. St. Ex..a 7 43pm a 8.03 am
Pacific Junction Local..alO:43am : a5:43pm :
Fast Mall a 2:45 : pm
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
senh & Council Bluffs
Railroad "The Burling
ton Route" Ticket Office ,
1502 Farnam Street. Tel
ephone , 250. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tel
ephone , 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex . . .a 9.23 am a 5.45 pm
Kansas City Night Ex.alO.15 pm a 6.30 am
St. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph and Ft. Louis.a 4:55 : pm all:30 : am
a Dally.
road- General Olllres and
Ticket Offices , Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Sts
Telephone , 101 Depot. 13th
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
. . . . . Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis-Kansas &
Neb Llmltec a 3.00 pm a2 ! 55-pm
K C. St L Express .a 9.50 pm a 6.00 am
Nebraska Local via
"Weepmj Water , . . , b 5:00 : pm b9:45 : am
a Dally , h Dally Except Sunday.
aml & 1'a.clflc Railroad
"The Great Rock Isl
and Route. " City Tick
et Office 1323 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 128.
Depot , Tenth & Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629
Leave. Arrive.
DCS Molncs Local b 7:15 am bll:25am
Chicago Express . . bll:15nm : a 8 00 am
Chicago Fast Express a 5 00 pm a 1 25 pm
St Paul Fast Express..a 5.00pm bll.25 am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs ,
Denver , Pueblo and
West al:30pm : a4:25pm :
Dea Molnss. Rock Isl
and and Chicago ' '
a 'llpm aS'SOpm
Colorado Flyer . . a 6-20 pm a 8.50 am
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday
/rro AVcndu-r Eiilxoilo.
Pedestrians on Fifth nvenuo last Friday ,
relates the Chicago News , were treated to
the unique spectacle of a bugo policeman
carefully ladling spoonfuls of hot coffee onto
the outstretched tongue of a very small
newsboy who stood with bis face pressed
close to nn Iron 'handrail ' and woke the
echoes with his screams. It was all tbo re
sult of a "Joke" on the part of two small
companions of the boy , they having told
him to lick the iron "to ECO bow funny It
feels. " H being below zero weather , of
course tlio tongue stuck fast and the boy , by
vigorous use of bis lungs , became the center
of a. crowd in less than no time.
All sorts of suggestions for relief wore of
fered arid rejected , till the big policeman
brought a cup of hot coffee from a neigh
boring restaurant and "melted him loose , "
as hu explained it. A contribution for the
sufferer w.os in progress of collection when
the disunion was effected , but before It
could be presented the boy had broken
through the crowd and was hotly pursuing
tbo ono who had been his adviser In the ex
periment with the expressed Intention of
"mauling the life out of him "
IllriU nml IIIIlM ,
Detroit Free Press "There's something
\\ron ; ; with the bill , " said the young
married man to the milliner who has Im
ported Parisian prices as well as styles.
"It U correct in every Item , " after lookIng -
Ing It over.
"Bight dollars for that bird , no bigger
than ray fist ? "
"Yes , sir , and cheap at that. "
"All right , madam , I'll settle , but It's
robbery Wo had our first anniversary
yesterday and I bought a ten-pound turkey
for $1.25 , "
Per Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Phases of Washington's Career as Fanner ,
Business Man and Official.
loim Hcunril ( or the Merit S > '
trill In Pithllu Oilier The AVnuh-
liiRlnii i : tntc I.nuaUtor-
1'rovnkliiK Incident * .
Washington ns n business mnn , a farmer
and a public official arc the subdivisions of
an Instructive historical paper by 1'rc.ildent
tcnry Wade Rogers In Sclt-Culturo for Feb
ruary , from which the following extracts are
CUlcf Justice Marshall opens his "Life of
Washington" with the statement that , n §
'his patrimonial csUto was by no uieuna
considerable , his youtU un cmplojcil In
UBuful Industry. " Washington's father was
man of largo possessions , and when bo
died , In 1743 , left his children v\ell provided
tor. But they were rich In land. They had
Ittlo ready Income , nnd wore obliged , there
fore , to cultivate the virtues of Industry
and frugality. In the end George Washing
ton became a rich man , the property ho ro-
celvetl from his father having been much
augmented by what ho received on tbo death
of his brother Law mice , which occurred In
1762. Washington's marriage with Mrs. CUBs -
. \s \ was alto of material benefit to him , Mr.
3ustls having left an estate of more than
1100,000. Washington became ono of the rich
est men In Vlrglula , and therefore ono of
the weal'tilest men In America. That ho waa
very sagacious man of business , giving
attentlcn to every datall and exceedingly
shrewd at a bargain Is well known. Ho wns
a close student of agriculture nnd ever ready
: o take advantage of Improvements In farm-
ng Implements and the manner of working
iU laud Ho wished to bo thought the first ,
farmer In America.
At the tlmo of his death ho wns supposed
lo bo the largest landholder In the country ,
jelng possessed of 51.3DG acres , exclusive of
Iho Mount Vernon cetate , his 'town ' proper
ties and the real estate of his wife Ttie value
of his property ait his death , again excluding
the Mount Vernon estate and the property
of his wife , was estimated at $330,000 The
estate at Mount Vernon Included 8,000 acres
In Tord's "Washington" an account Is
given of the stock on the Mount Vernon
property. It appears that in 1783 Washington
iiad fifty-four draft horses on the- estate , 317
ticad of cattle , 634 sheep and "many" hogs.
Ttio live stock v\as valued at his death at
$35,000. In addition to the draft horses al
ready mentioned , lie had In 1799 "two cov
ering jacks nnd three joung ones , ten she
asses , forty-two working mules and fifteen
younger ones " Mount Vernoa was a com
munity In Itself , Including some 300 persons.
Washington had his own blacksmith shop ,
his own brickmaker and masons , his car
penters , shoemaker and weavers. We can
readily understand how It was that whllo
honns president ho was continually think
ing of Mount Vernon.
"vViixhliigtoii nt n runner.
The manner In which farming was car
ried on In Virginia was very unsatisfactory
to Washington and he did what ho could !
to Improve It. In ono of his letters , written
in 1787 , ho sajs : "I must observe that
there is , perhaps , scarcely any part of
America v\here farming has been less at-
tendqd to than In this state ( Virginia ) .
The cultivation of tobacco has been almost
the sole object with men of landed property
and consequently a regular course of cropa
have never been In view. " He goes on to
say that there are several farmers , himself
among the number , who are adopting the
English system of rotation of crops. In
1785 ho was writing Lord Fairfax to make
Inquiry in England "whether a thorough
bred , practical English farmer , from a part
of England whore husbandry seems to ba
best understood and is most advantageously
practiced , could not bo obtained and upon
what terms ? " He adds that ho has no doubt
that such a man might bo had for very high
wages , "as money wo know will fetch any
thing and command the service of any
man , " and ho is very careful to say "but
with the former I do not abound. " That
was a tlmo when ho was feeling land poor ,
as he did not infrequently , being sometime ! )
compelled to borrow and at others to sell
some of his land holdings. Ho also appears
to have experienced difficulty at times In
getting proper returns and many a farmer
today will sympathize with Washington
when ho wrote to ono of his farm managers ,
In 1799 , as follows : "It Is hoped and will
be expected that more effectual measures
will be pursued to make butter another
jear ; for It is almost bejond belief that ,
from 101 cows actually reported on a lata
enumeration of the cattle , I nm obliged to
buy butter for the use of my family. " This
reads very much like some of the results
achieved Ijy Henry Ward Beecher and Horace
ace Greeley in their attempts at farming.
Washington cultivated his farms , however ,
with much foresight and tbo Instructions
which ho Issued to bis managers would
constitute even now a valuable farm man
ual. These instructions show his great fa
miliarity with all the processes of farming
and stockralalng.
WnNliliiRtnit nnd tlir Civil Service.
In making appointments Washington wai
governed by three considerations- First
The ntness of the person to nil the office.
Second The comparative merits nnd
" ( sufferings in Bervlce" of the respective
candidates. Third A regard for the geographical
graphical distribution of the nfllcrs , to thn
< < nd that there might bo a distribution of
appointments In as equal a proportion ai
might -be to persons belonging In the differ
ent states , In 1795 , ho stated In a letter to
Timothy Pickering : "I ehall not , whilst I
have the honor to administer the govern
ment , bring a man into any office of consequence
quence knowingly , whose political tcneU
are adverse to the measures which the general -
oral government is pursuing , for this , In
my opinion , would bo sort of political sui
cide. " At the same tlmo no man has over
regarded political parties as more perilous
to the country and his warning In the fare
well address against tbo spirit of party
would do credit to the moat pronounced
mugwump of modern times In 1790 ho
writes1 "I Iia\o never made an appoint
ment from a desire to crvo a friend or re
lation " Again , In the same year , he de
clares : "I can defy malignancy itself to
ascribe partiality or Interested motives to
any of ray nominations , " So determined
was he that no act of his should give occa
sion for calling in question the disinterest
edness of his motives that he laid It down
as a rule of conduct never to give an ap
pointment to a relative , Ills successor ,
John Adams , protested against what ha
styled Washington's "hyper-superlatlvo
public virtue" In this matter. In the
opinion of Mr. Adams a president should
not be Influenced for or against a candidate
by any consideration of his relationship.
Jefferson adopted the principle Ia5u down
by Washington and wrote : "Mr. Adams
degraded himself Infinitely by his conduct
on this subject , as General Washing Vli
had done himself the greatest honor " Mo < ( t
of our presidents , it can bo said to their
credit , have followed the Illustrious exam
ple bet by Washington. The conduct of
General Grant In this particular occasioned
avast amount of criticism , which waa by no
means confined to the party of the opposi
"Give me a liver regulator and I can regu
late the wjrld. " said aigenlua. Ths dru-siilat
handed him a bottle of TJC Wl't's Little Kariy
Risers , the famous little pills.