TTTE mrATTA DAILY IVHE : SrNDAV , FRmUTARY 10 , 185)0. ) SPECIAL JBJICES till rrllftrntrnlN for ( limp column * rtlll IIP itikfii iindli \ in , fur ( lie rtnnliik rdMloti , mill until Slllo II. III. for inoriiliiic niul Snnilny rilltlonn. Itnlcw 1 J-3c it nnril flr ( Inncrlloiit Jc 11 v enl llipronftrr. VMIiliijr Inkpii fur II-SN Minn " . > ! for tin * llril Inner- < lon. 'Ilinno nilvcrllNcineiidi tniiNl lie run C'oiiNi'Ciilli i-l > . \il\ i'rl ( rrfi | liy rrf | "l""K n mint" liproil i-lire-li , e-nii lin c nnmtrrs nil- Irrnxril fii a ittiliiln-rpil loUt-r III rnic of Tlic HIM * . Aiitmcru no nililrpddott Tilll Inlullv cri'tl on iire-seiilntleiu of tlic eliocU onlj. .SITUATIONS MAN of good business ability wants cm- plojment , li a first-class bookkeeper and i Illco manager ; Rood roiercnces. Address N 40 , Bee A-MSOG 19 * _ COMPETENT accountant , business corre- npondcnt , credit innn and general olllco man op n tor engagement , hlghr-st en dorsements , coming from the tnst Bus iness , N 4J , Bee olllce. A-MS37 21 WANTED , position , ai companion or nurse for old lady or to mind chlldtcn , whllo p.ircntH away , terms reasonable , best reference erenceN 67 lice A-SfaC 19 * _ STEADY work wanted four or live days a week. bv tlie p re-tent Sirs Charles lilako- mull , 3713' ' $ Cumlng Bt. , prefer to BO out A iffi IS' YOUNG ladv want * position as clerk , sales lady or olllco work Ha * bad experience. Box 323 , Council Bluffs. A-M087 20 WANTED , wo bavo steady work for a tow good bustlers oC good bablts and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1010 Howard St. B 2J2 TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cuttlns school , CIS So 13th St. 15 223 SoTlClTORS for fraternal society ; bettor contracts to agents Hum others e in give. L EC. Hoc. 13-720 F19 SALESMEN for cigars , $125 month and ex- pens-M , old llrm , experience unnecessary : InUiic'uments to customers. C. C Bishop & Co , St Louis. Mo. U-M21G SALESMEN to soil oIHco specialties ; nno Hide lines : $5 a day ; u'cd by nil mer- rbants Model Mfg. Co , box 13 , South Bend. Ind B M403 M3 * WANTED All who Intend to learn the barber trade to correspond with us , we li ivn an eye-opener for you , wrlto for free catalogue . "i " , pirtlculars St Louis Barber College of Omaha , cor. Dodge & llth sts. B-M579 MS WANTED , flr't class Impllmcnt sal ° sman ; none but "xporlonced lineman nco apply. Address N 24 , Bee E COS MEN at once to le-xrn barber trade : wo have .100 positions to fill In the west this spring , eight weeks complete * ; students from a distance assisted In transportation to our nearest college , Chicago , St Louis or Minneapolis , which are the only Insti tutions of the kind recognls-ed by state board our graduates running shops write to us for help , knowing wo furnish skill ful , rellabl" barbers ; don't try to Icirn In n five-rent shop , jou can't hope to bo liPttor thnn the cheap proprietor. Write today Molcr Barber College , CHc-ago , III " * J-MG1S-23 Finn Insurance solicitor wanted. Address N 3S Bee. B 701 WANTED , 10 good harness and collar makers at once Apply to Buck ° taff Bros Mfg. Co. Lincoln , NobBM7DO B-M7DO 21 A SOLICITOR of good address and per sonal appearance , temperate and ro- llablc , can llnd permanent and piolltablo employment by addressing N 11 , Omaha. Bee B M7SG 22 COAT MAKER wanted about March 1. Only steady man wanted. Gust Ab-.aham- pen , Holdiege , Neb B M < > 31 20 * TRAVELING salesmen ; a nno sldo line ; no Hamples ; big commissions. Sopono Refln- Ing Co. . St. Paul , Minn. B-MS33 20' THREE good hustlers wanted at 1020 Cap itol A\c. B S3G 21 * WANTED , correspondents everywhere to "wrlto up" Items of general Interest : also good mss ; enclosa stamp Illustro-Llter- nry Register Co. , Chicago. B S72 10 * BALEMEN , $47BO weekly , selllnpr brand new Gaslight burners for k'roseno lamps sam ple free. Perfection Mfg. Co. Cincin nati , O. B-S71 10 * WANTED , > oum : man , stenographer , book keeper , Homo knowledge of piano : state wages. Collins Piano Co. B S70 19 * WANTED , four experienced sal ° smen , capable - blo of earning J200 ptr month and cx- jionscs : no cash required for samples Ad- drc'.s Easier Mfg. Co. , Manhattan Bldg. , Chicago B-SCO 19 * WANTED , shoo Salomon , Apply at 9 o'clock , 1517 Douoglas. B SG7 19 * WANTED , drug clerk. Address Lock Box &S , Aubum , N b. B S73 19 * WANTED HaJcsmon to carry line of goods In i pail > demand In Jewelry , hardware , dry goodH and genornl stores : llbrril terms Address II. P Smith , Mfg. Co , 231 E. Madison St. , Chicago.t B S7B n * KNEnOKTIC Salesman ; School supplies , oountiy work : J100 salary and extras II O. Evans and Company , Chicago B-S75 39 * WANTED , salesman , 100 , traveling , expe rience unnecessary ; $03 per mo. , and ex panses references required , r. W Glen , Mgr , Bloomlngton , III. B S74 11 * SALESMEN Reliable ; for new , fast-selling money-lnbor-s'a\Ing noLessIty Every store and ofHcn requlrca It. I'ermanunt , lucra tive positions. I. 311. P , Mfir Co. , 3.0 ! Bioadway , N. Y. B-026 19 * WAN or ladv to travel and appoint agents. Established llrm ; $30 per month and all expenses to start. Mfr. , Box 82(1 ( , Chicago , 111. 11 921-19 * JIHLI * for Undo Sam. Thousands of ap pointments to bs made to government positions In customs , postolllcc. Intern il revenue , railway mall and government printing sonl'es and departments at Washington. "Prospects for 1S91 , " giving full particulars , published by Nat'l Cor- icspondcnto Institute , Washington , D C , Btmt free to readers of Tim Bee Wrlto for It today , Examinations soon to beheld held In Omaha. B-922 19 * WANTED Al traveling man to sell candy on the road : salary or commission In- dopcndont Oiidy Makers' Assn , 1013 Monmlnoclc Block , Chicago , 19 * WANTED-Salesmcn to soil to dealers. JO ) to JIM monthly mid expenses ; experience unnecessary. Wrltn for partlfubirs. Acme Cigar Co. , Chicago. B 9:0 19 * SALESMAN who has had experience In art goods and room and picture frame molding. Expenses advanced and a liberal commission paid the right man Now line of up to date goods , Koin Picture Co , , Chicago. B-91S-19 * RRPHESENT us In your vicinity ; make * $40 weekly. Snap for hustlers. Send for par ticulars , F. W. Williams , 191 N Union St. , Chicago. B-919-19 * $ J PER DAY ; If you would like to cam n fair and sure dally Income by light , i-us > work respectable and respet ted wrlto tome mo and I will put you In the way to do It ; this Is no visionary "Klondike , " but a simple , prat'tlcnl opportunity by which any one man or woman , boy or girl nmy steadily earn from $1.50 to J3 every day ; othera nrt doing It ; why not > ou. ' Ail liters \ \ ' . A Leach , 110 Longworth uncet. Cincinnati , O , B-19 * SALEM AX. Lending Detroit bouse selling drv K""ids , notion- and general trade , will add five m n to tholr roroo of travelers UiU venr. Applicants must have success ful record. Box 231 , Detroit , MichH9CO H-9CO 19 QOVBRNMKNT positions. Don't prepare for any civil service examination without Feeing our illustrated catalogue of In formation , Sent free Columbian Corre spondence College , Washington , D C. WANTED , by manufacturr. salesmen for ink advertising sotg and typovvliter MIP- piles ; permanent ; local and ( ravelin * . 1' ilmer & Co , 1SJ East Randolph st . ChN i vo K-Wi 1'J * MAN't'K\CTURER wants a \\"o tiaveln to take his p clal produu- lui n \-poods on commission for spring ( rod Box Mil , Philadelphia H-)2i 19 * nita In cnuit demand by U S government. Splendid chance- for book- n also. Full purtlcularo free on re- by Nitlonal Cor. institute. AVanh- b. C. U SX > 13 * i : - 1llil5 HUM ( i ontinuctl ) S-T-K-N-O-O-H-A-P-INY THI3 HOME OP IIOVLES' SCHOOL Is In thu 11KE BUILDING. The lowM , llnett , best appointed nnd bf t known building in the city , and Is provided with every appliance fin * the convenlpnce of Itn occutmntn , such ns steam heat , eleo trie lights llrBt-clnws elevator Rervlc" , sta- tlnnary wash stands , elegant toilet rooms Hi The building Is practically a palace , having a bentitlful court In the center. The situation cnnnot bo excelled All street car lln s pass within two blocks of the entrance Tim noms nt nil well lighted and the ventilation perfect The school rooms are provided with an electric motor ventilation , keeping every portion sttppll d with fresh , pure air. The building Is lire- proof and the premises absolutely safe This Institution has had a remarkable growth and the reputation of the cnool has be n maintained by the. ability and success of Its graduates Every one has been secured a. good paying position None have failed B-SCS 19 * LEARN sign painting In two hours ; good pajlng business , no fraud , samples In- Htructlons. etc . 10 cents City Sign Co. , SprlliEllclii. Ohio. 11-910 19 * ADVERTISING man , who can control old business and secure new business for com- moiclal law publication bv bank examiner. An original and taking canvass foi secur ing sub'crlptlons Sells to bankers and erodlt mrn $3 , $10 All states. Commer- eal Publishing Association , C9 Wall wt , New York. B-D2S 10 * WANTED. Salesmen on a side line , all dealers keep ; samples not needed , eimmls- slon liberal Box 431 , Westlleld. MTK B-027 19 * GOOD men to distribute BOOOOftO pieces adv matter big wages , Inclose stamp. Mfrn. Adv Co , Dcpt. A E. . 114 W. 34th St . New York. B WANTED , men and women In every town to woik for us at their homes : $900 to $15.00 weeklv ; no \nvasslng. . 'plcndlil op- jiortunltv. wrlto at once. Standard Mfg. Co. , 142 West 23d St. . New York Cltv. WANTED , engineers and firemen send 2Sc for a 21-pigo pamphlet containing a Hat of questions asked by an examining board of engln ers Address Geo. A Holler , bookseller. 13 S. 4th St. , St. Louis , Mo. Mention Use. B HUM * . J I WANTED , 100 girls , 1521 Dodge. Tel 870. C-M227 WANTED , ladv of good address to assist manager In city ; small salary from first to right party. Address N 43 , Bee C MS03 19 WANTED An I'vpeilenced izlrl for general housework. 2225 Tarnam St "C S53 19 TRILBY , the great foot remedy , good seller. Pamphlet free. Lady agents wanted every where Chinese Foot Co , Cincinnati O C SCO IS LADIES everywhere , to mall circulars , sam ples and copy letters at nome , r plv with stamped envelope. Peerless Co , South Bend. Ind. C 878 19 * LADIES to do worsted work at home , whole or spare tlmo. For mUerlal and price" address Id = al Embroidery Co , 121 Liberty St. , New York. C S77 19 * WANTED , a girl for general housework ; Kood wages to competent girl. 2010 Blnney st. C 971 19 LADIES , buv 'flic for crazy work. 15 > ards In yard lengths , all different colors , cent to jour address , postpaid , on receipt of 10c Star Silk Co , Dcpt. S. N. , Box 128 , Bloomfield - I field , N J C-933 19 * i I BRIGHT young ladles to travel : business remunerative , no canvasc1ng Call Mon- ' dav p m between 4 and C , parlor Murray hotel C 912 19 * LADIES , we will send sample piece of zephjr work free of charge to your home. If our terms for making are not halKfac- tory return It Cannot promise big wages , but pay Is sure ; materials ! furnished , no canvassing ; honest tieatment Send ad- i ( Iios&ed envelope , John Pavy , 23 Duane St. , . i New York C 931 19 * | TWO ladles , over 23 for positions requiring good business ability. Address N 52 , Bee. C-M9U-21 GIRL lor general housework ; email family. 257rt Manderson St C 910 19 WANTED , competent girl for general housework ; family of two. Applv 3212 Popploton ave. C 933 19 * i AT ONCE , competent ladv bookkeeper , with best rcf ronces , to take charge of ofllce. Salary , $40.00 per month N iiO Bee , C MS2S 20 * 1 BRIGHT , active women to travel as drum mers on salary and commission. Applv In person. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co , 14 Ware block. C MOS7 F27 WANTED , peed girl , general houspwork ; I references 1023 Georgia ave. C 94 > WANTED girl to assist w'tb house work ; joung girl preferred 231. ! So. 12th st C 970 19 * TOR HEAT CHOICE houses and cottages ull over city $3 to $75 Fidelity 1st floor. N. Y Life D-225 _ _ _ _ - HOUSES. Benevva & Co. , 103 N 15th St ' D 220 ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos Omaha Van & Storage Co , 1511'A Farnam Tel. , 1539. D 227 HOUSES , stores. Be mis , Paxton block. D-228 7-ROOM house , bath , $14 00 , 314 First Na tional Bank bltlg. D 229 8-ROOM furnished house. Enquire at The Bachelors , 2011 I'arnam. D-799 22 * FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city The O. r. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam St D-233 HOUSES for rent , a specialty made of looking after property of non-residents J H Sherwood , 121 N Y. Life D 'C4 CHOICE 9-r. br. terrace , modern , ca front 118 So , 25th St. 30 U. S. Nat'l , liank Bldg ! D-235 MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 115 N 15th Tel , 1430 , D 231 HOUSES. Chas , E. Benson , 310 Ramge bldg D-M4C1 A14 EIGHT-ROOM house ; gas. bath. barn. 223 ( ! Seward. F .D. Wcad , 10th and Douglas ; D-740 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city Brennan-Lovi Co. , 219 South IGth St D-23S GOOD barn. 1902 Cass St. D-8C3 * SEVERAL. Inq. 30 U , S. Nat'l. Bk Bldg D-237 S-R FURNISHED house ; central F. D. D-M5S. ! 23 PpR RENT , steam-heated flat In Davldge bldg , opposite city hall : strictly modern JOHN \V. ROBI3INS , 1S02 Farnam SI : D-413 FOR RENT , 10-room house , IGth and Yin- ton sts. , with barn , largo yard , desirable ' < r So , Omaha man. $25.00 per mo.j deslr- able house near Hanscom i park , bam. $45.00 $ per month. George ic Cornpiny. 1G01 1'ainam st D-M813 19 SIX-ROOM brick house , all modern , 1011 Kyncr , 4-room apartments at S10 S 22nd. 11-ROOM brick. 1029 So. 30 av * . , every mod ern convenience , hardwood lloora and finish , laundry and full collar. S-room de tached , 1735 ParU ave. , very pleasant lo cation and all modern , W. D. Mead , 1031 So CO nv e. D-M827 19 * MODERN ' S-room cottage. Inquire 2152 St , Mury'a avenue , D 602 22 * ELEGANTLY furnished hous- near Han- scorn park to rcAponslblu parties : no chil dren. Address N 42 , Bee. D MW1 10 * 5'J9 ! ° .M COTTAGE , modern improvements. M)7 ) 8. gUli. D-S58 19 5210 CASS street , C rooms , also bath roomT laundiy room with hot ami cold water excellent condition , $19. George Forgan 315 N. Y. Lllo lildg. D-MSiO 19 * 9-ROOM house , modern , at 1125 So 3Ut st 10-room house at 1930 So , 33d Bt. ; line prem ises 9-room modern house at 2201 Spencer Bt. , $30. R C PETERS i : CO , 1702 Farnam st. n o D-SS5 19 ( Continued ) AE have the following modtrn houses for rent- 2S13 Woolworth ave , 7 rooms , $ te. 3W7 Chicago , S rooms. $ .10. B62 S. Mth 3t . C rooms , $3U. 2213 Howard , 11 rooms , $30 , 43H rnrnnm , S room1- and barn , $23. / 2019 St Mary s avf , 10 rooms , $15 ' 2023 SI Mary's nve , S rooms , furnished , $40. $ Also smaller hoti ej at lower rentals. Rlngwalt Bros , Barker Blk. D-S79 19 * 6-11. FLAT , 82 and Lenvcnworth , $7 GO. 7-r , n'r Hnnscom park , $14 8-r , n'r 20th and St , Mnry'9 , $2S. 9-r , n'r 20th and St. Mary's , $35. 9-r. , n'r 2C > th and Dodge , $35 Several at $3 to $9 each 33 U. S. Natl. Bk. bldg. D-30S 19 FOR RENT-50C S. 21st Ave. ; 12 rooms , modern and barn , $30. Brennan-Lovo Co , 219 South 10th St. D-919-19 NEW brick store room , suitable for drug store , also C-room lint , all modern , 2th ! ) and Cumlng , Apply to J. H Parrotte D-M9JS A NICELY furnished house , S rooms , or one floor , with or without piano , reasonable. Call 2oOt Blonde st. D-931 19 * I--OH unvr ruiiMsiiun noons. LARGE south room , with alcove ; modern. 25SO Harney street E 713 20 * ROOMS , 19M Cnpltol ave. E-MSOI 23 * FURNISHED room , $3. 191G Fniimm. E-V21-19 * UP-TO-DATE fu-nl'hcd rooms ; reasonable , S12 No. 10th , Fiat 3 E MSI1 20 * NICELY furnished rooms. All modern conveniences. References required 2101 Farnnm. E MS25 19 * HOUSEKEEPING , from $1 to $10. 1541 N. 19. E-S5J 20 * THREE furnished rooms for hou ekHCplng ; man and wife ; rent taken In bo ird 319 N 17th E-S52 FOR UENT , furnished rooms ; modern con veniences. 019 N. 19th St. E-SS2 19 * 1SOS California st. , 2 furnished rooms E-MSSt 20 * 3 FURNISHED rooms , modern , for light housekeeping , $12 00 , no chlldn n 2022 Ciililvve.ll. E-M970 21 * FURNISHED rooms , all modern G15 S 10th , second Moor. E M905 23 * ELEGANTLY furnished room ; modern con- venlences. best location In city ; rent rea sonable. Apply 1005 Dodge , So. tide P. O. E-951 19 FRONT room , with alcove ; central ; for man and wife No other roomnrs. Re-nt v cry low. N G3. Bee. E 978 19 * TWO front rooms , steam beat and bath ; also rooms for light housekeeping 707 So. IGth St. , top floor. E-093 19 * FURNISHED room for one or two gentle- m n All conveniences. New. 201S Far- nani. E-992 19 * IIOOMS AXD IIOAHD. NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free bath $1 50 per week and up. Klondike hotel , IGth and Webster Sts. F 241 UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport. F M5S9 BEAUTIFUL rooms reasonable. T5S1 Harney F75319 THE BACHELORS-2014 Farnam St. , the best $1 50 houss Jn state ; good weekly rates. F 705 M14 A VERY desirable front room with al cove , 2nd floor. Hot water , heat , 212 S. 23th st. F 21S ELEGANT steam heated rooms ; tine table brfard. 1909 Capitol avenue. F 776 21 * THE BACHELORS. 2014 Farnam largo double room , suitable for man and wife F M371 M2 THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Avenue . F-M703 F19 * VERY desirable single rooms with board ; steam. 202 N. ISth F M830 10 * ROOMS and board In private family. 1302 So. 2Sth street. F MS02 19 * DESIRABLE front room ; modern conven iences ; private family. 702 S. 29th st. F S37 20 * NICELY furnished front rooms , with flrst- class board. 2305 Douglas street. street.F F SSI 19 * SOUTH front room , with bay window and aldovo ; with boaid ; ten block = from post- olllc : small private family ; references re quired. N 01 , Bee , F SS3 19 * SPECIAL rates for two young men : also other rooms 1711 Dodgo. F MSb5 20 * ROOMS and board , steam heat. Midland F M9SO M18 GLE-NCAIRN , transients $125 a day 1(09 ( Douglas F M274 ROOMS , single or en suite , with board , at The. Glencalrn , 1009 Douglas. Transients accommodated. F 9J1 ] 9 rou HUNT UM-im.wsiicn IIOOMS. FOR gentlemen , walking distance , near rarnum car. modern. I 33 , Bee G-241 2 FRONT rooms for light hous ke < > plng. 1C03 Leavenvvorth st. G M791 21 * 4-ROOM fiat , modern ; gas stove. 1312 So. 2Sth St. G MS 13 21 * TWO pleasant south rooms for light house keeping. Rent reasonable. 2211 Douglas G 079 19 * i-oii itr.vr STORES AND orricns. 3-STORY and basement brick store buildIng - Ing 1003 Farnam 22x100 Inquire 314 First National Bank Building. 1 214 AGiVl'S WANTED. M'DONALD'S extracts give satisfaction ; agents wanted in country towns. 241S N. 17th St , Omaha. J 51833 F21 * PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' Homo Journal and the Saturday Lvcnlng Post Good pay for good work. Wo want ogcnts tovork thoroughly , and with buMncs.i systcii , to ro\er each sec tion with our Illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter. How well Bomp of our aginte have succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to send you portr.allH of some of our best agents , with the story of how they made It pas The Curtis Publishing Co Phlln- dulDbla , Pa. J MS3C A18 * AGENTS on salary or commission ; the gie.atcst agents' seller ever pioduced ; overj user of pen and Ink buys It on Bight ; 200 to 500 per cent prollt ; one ) agent's sales amounted en $020 In six davs , an other $12 In two hours Monroe Mfg Co. , X 1C. Lacrosse , Win. J-MS31 19 * AGENTS , do mall order business , mfg your own articles and make money easy , honorably and rapidly For partlculais write Gust SJolander , Stromsbuig. Neb J-MS30 23 WANTED Agents In every county to t-ell family memorials ; good ptolltH and work , Sample mailed , Me Ad dress Campbell A : Co. , 207 Lovell St. , ElBln , 111. J-S9I 19 * SALESMEN $100 a month and all expenses guaranteed selling to merchants Arctic Refrigerating Machine for cooling rofilg- erators , guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than ice. Exclusive terrltorv assigned. Arctlo Refrigerating Co. , Cincinnati O. J-S91-19 * AGENTS Can sell everjbody ; direct from manufactuier ; now process ; magnlllccnt glass medallions ; nlso Immense line of subjects In sheet pictures ; beautiful sam ple case free. Excellent opportunity. Wrlto quick Marshall Manufacturing Co. , 120 Randolph St. , Chicago , J-S9S-19' $3.00 DAILY Guaranteed greatest combina tion kitchen utensil ; 9 articles in one. Sample free. W. Forshee Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio , J-W2-19 * AGENTS $7 dolly Introducing our glazed non-absorbent bread and pastry board and rolling pin , most wonderful kitchen artlcleb ever produced. Sell at sight to hotels , restaurant ? , private families. Ex clusive territory , freight prepaid , sample free. H. Central Supply Co. , Cincinnati O. J-S90-19 * $5650 WEEKLY introducing splendid light- giving burners for kerosene lamps , per fect light ; steady employment ; no ex perience necessary. Sample free. Luther Mftf. Co. , Cincinnati , O. \nuvrs ( Continued ) ONLY perfect bnth cabinet. 1/atost jmtent. Greatest seller. R , M. Irwln , St. Ixmls. Mo. J-SW-19 * OUR mn m kP $16 to $50 weekly , our goods sell themselves ; reliable agents wanted , oxrluMve tcrrltoo , simple furnished Urlte. Ohio Suspender Co , 22 , Cincinnati , Ohio. J-S37-19 * WANTED Agents In every city and town ; only those- capable of earning large sal aries , to handle the best selling nrtlclo ever sold. W. B. Herbert , Oneonta Bids : . , Chicago. J-SSS 19 * AGENTS , we will pay $10000 per month and railroad expenses to any man who will faithfully re-present us In tak ng older * for the most reliable portrait copying house In the world. We pay strictly "alary. Ad dress G. E. Martcl Dept , 4IJ , New York. J-OJI 19 * SALESMEN $ irOAMONTHI WANTED. $1BOAMONTHI $150 a month carntd by all our active men taking orders for our Popular price made- to-measure clothing ; eheapest line In the United States : TROUSERS FROM $1 H ) UP. SUITS FROM $1 93 UP Also complete line of men and women s mackintoshes We furnlKh a handsomely bound book containing large cloth sam ples , complete outfit and advertising mat ter. No capital required send us the orders and wo express the garments to your customer COD , collect your nell- lng price and remit jour proIH weekly. No charge for the outllt , but to protect oufselvcs against people wanting It to buy their own clotnlng , but not to take orders , the applicant must icinlt $1 OH evidence of good fault which we refund when his orders amount to $20 , Wo manufacture the turnip blcvclo ( long ) pants , convertible In ono inlnuto Into Knee pants and back again without taking off. You make big prollt on them Valuable premiums given to salesmen. Stewart & Co. , 50-C2 5th av , Chicago. J STREET men and agents make $5 to $7 per dav selling Jnpxnesc , Transparent Photo Pocket Mlirors , a picture hidden from all eves except ynur own Sample. 10 cents G S. Terry Mfg Co. , IS V cst Randolph Street , Chicago. J WOMEN earn money selling our now tfoods ; quick sale-B , big profits ; be llrst. Ladles Supply Co , 103 Wabash Ave. , Chicago 111 J $3 TO $ S per day to experienced traveling salesmen by n reliable old established house ; references icquired. American Novelty Co. . Cincinnati , O. J AGENTS send us this advertisement for sample new article ; sells In every home : you can positively clear $1 an hour all winter easily Manufacturer , Dept. .A GO Broadway , N Y. J AGENTS Big monjv ; genteel employment , steady work , handling Veneer-one , the wonder : Just out Samples and circulnifl free. Rozclle , Station N. . Chicago j VMO iy AGENTS , men or women , make $ o a day selling our celebrated non-alcoholic fruit flavoring powders , something new , better and cheapei than liquid extracts , every homu jour Held ; exclusive territory , write tit once. W. 11. Balrd & Co. , 31 East End , Plttsburg , Pa. J WANTED ; old established house wants ca pable men and women to travel and ap point agents , $75 month and expenses ; some for local work ; excellent opening for ambitious people ; send reference. Butler & Algcr , New Haven , Conn. J i ) TO KENT. WANTED , to rent , a store bullldng on Far nam st , between 13th < . IGth sts. R C. Peters & Co , 1702 Farnam st. Bee Bldg. 1C Min9 1'J GOOD furnished hotel of 2i to 40 rooms In town In eastern Nebraska bv experi enced hotel man. Address D. V. Robln- f > on , Russell , la. K 777 IS * YOUNG Married coupl' deslro a small house or cottage ; must be modern ; nelghbothood of park or Sheeley's preferred Address N 51 , Bee. K-S9G 19 * WANTED To rent a 4 to G-room modern cottage ; good reference. N 51 Bee. | K 9j 19 * FIVE or six-room house , city water , nearer or north of Lake ; references furnished : will give lease ; good tenant. Addiess N 61 , Bee. K 900 19 * A MIDDLE-AGED ladv would like board and room In private family with modern conveniences ; would pav J3 or $150 per week Address at once , Mrs. N 51" South 2Gth street. K 900 19 * WANTED TO HUY. I IF YOU are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; thev will bring j'ou what you wont. N S07 BEST and cheapest stoves and fuinlturo sold At "small prollts , hlrhost prices paid for good goods. D Btodkey , 110 B 14th. N 217 ANY size lots 2d hand furniture ; highest prlc6 paid. Transmlsslsslppl Store. IGth & Davenport. N M5S7 SECOND hand safe for cash. 114 So. 13th. N S72 HIGHEST prices mid for all kinds of household goods. Lewis. 10-t 8. llth J" I\I333 \ J' 23 STAMP collections bought , sold Morfnson. 40t N 10th N-M311 M3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , tc. , In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur niture Co , tel 2020 1IOC-8-10 Do ge N 514 m 5 SECXDND-HAND books bought for Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnam N M7S2 WANTED , to purchace , a peed ro d wason , for ca-h , If cheap N 55 , Bee N 879 19 * WANTED , location for bakerjor will buy business , country town. Iowa , or Neb. Ad dress Wm. Manning , Crete , Neb N 061 10 * WANTED , to buy a nice modern home. 7 or S room ; all cash. Address P. O Box 706 , Cltv. M 916 19 WANT to buj' . one or two lota near Farnam car lln , spot cash. N 04 , Bee N 977 19 * FOIl SAI/U r VISIT our new location , we have n com plete stock of secold hand furniture , stoves , eic. , cheap. J. Lewis. 104 S. Uth. O MS3I F28 PARTIES leaving city will sell all or part furniture Including piano. 209 So 36 ; house for rent. O MSll 19 * HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale , Including gas stove and heater , 4308 Ersklno St O-S93 19 * THE SIXTEENTH STREET FURNITURE CO C20 N. IGth st , 'has ' changed hands and will offer at a bargain this we < k : Bedroom suits worth $1000 go at $750. suits worth $11 f.O go nt $150 , suits wurth $1500 go at $11 fO , Special bargains In Iron beds brass rings , knobs and iall- . worth $13 CO , this week , $850 $ ; Iron beds , brass knobs , worth $100 , go nt $275 Also household gnods In proportion O-M910 21 * rou .s.un nousns , WAOOV.S , ETC. SMALIj driving or working mar . K Marcy. 1' MS40 20 * WE SHALL sell four cars of driving , draft and business horses at the Union Stock jards In oui auction sale on Wednesday p , m. this week. Walworth-Proctor Co P-M95I 21 rou SAI.R aiibcniLAMous. SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hos fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St G-219 HOG , poultry and lawn fences , all wire ; is best. Wlro Works , 14th and JlarnejQ231 Q-231 B HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ; plants , cut llowets , boquets , hall resi dence , wedding and grove decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly illled. O. , ! 32 FOR SALE ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , nt druggists ; ono gives relief. Q 233 SECOND hand safe cheap. 114 So. 13th. Q 873 1,000000 BRICK for sale. J. P. Weaver. 6 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Q-SG1 AT GREAT sacrifice , fine upright piano ; good as new ; tone excellent. Address N 11 , Bee otllce. Q < S9 M4 SECONDHAND sewing machines , $3 W up , Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. i oit .HAM-uisint.iY > roi s. ( Continued ) RKSTAURANT outfit for storage charges. Om Vnn and Storage Co , 1B11 < 4 Fnrnam street , Q-48S 2ND-hand safe cheap Derlght , 1116 Farnam , Q-24S NEW and 2d-hand typewriters sold , rented , repaired ; ribbons cheap Derlgbt , 1116 F'm , Q-719 M13 COAL , hand-picked Burlington egg , $1.00. 'Phono Harmon & Wccth Co. Q-M724 27 COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jelly. 23c. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q230 Q-230 rOR SALE Incubator , brooders , bone cut ter , wlro fencing , etc. 2915 S. 21th St. Q-S19-19 * I'OR SALE Fine 2-year-old Jersey heifer , fresh Room 200 , City Hall. Q-S65 19 H1CYCL13 Reliv , special llyer : gooil condi tion , little used , $10 Apply 315 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Q-W9 19 * FOR SALE , fi handsome , extra large big- bone , big-headed , rough-coated St Ber nard pupple.s ; bv the king of the west. Aristocrat. Jr. ; Fludern Cora , sire weight , ZH Ibs ; dam , 175 Ibs Wistern Mascott Kennel , Wnhoo , Neb. Q 900 11 * A FINE match sorrel carriage team 7 jpirsold Call 214 So 13th. Q-M94S-21 FOR SALE , steam boiler and englnn also lot of wood working tools. A C Troup , 817 N Y. Llfo bldg. Q-M9I7 21 FOR SALE" light , top buggj- . Apply M J. Franek , Midland hot'l. Q-M9S1 20 FOR SALE , all the shelving and olllco desk , with bundle counters , all In prime order , also on small safe as they now ptand In the shoo store , 1517 Douglas st. , of A D. iilorso. Q M 3 20 * Miscni.i , NOTICE to countrj- dealers ; second-hand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices by carload lots or less , Chicago Furniture Co. , 140G-S-10 Dodge R 515-m 5 | TO51 RANCE , bicycle repairing , enameling and cleaning a speclaltj' . 14th nnel Capitol , i R M91S 23 CI.AIIIVOYAVI'S. MRS. FR1TX , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th. S-23 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 j-ears hero. 1411 Howard. S 236 MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge. S-MliS A3 MME. GYLMER , THE RENOWNED PALMIST , who has been In Omaha M > long , Is still at the old stand and can bo consulted on anything vou want to know about Don't bo skeptical until jou see Mine' . Gylmer , for she. ean positively con vince jou that your life can IMJ lead by the lines In the palm. Of course you have been faked If jou have consulted nnj * other /-.Imlst i than Mine .Gjlmcr In OmaTfl iccentlj , for Omaha has been overrun with "fake fortune toiler ! ) " and so-palled palmists SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or no charge. Parlois. 1003 Dodge , So side new P. O. S 330 19 ALEX R. HOFFMAN. Tells your full name without asking n. question ; In fact , tells jou of everj thing In lire's welfare If vou arc Interested In business , speculation , l.iwsuItH , Investm ntsi of whitevcr nature , wills , deeds , mortgages , lost or absent friends sickness , deaths , changes , travels ; If vou care to know what j-ou should dote to be successful , w here j-ou should go and whom to avoid. If you desire to have jour ! dome-ilic troubles removed , your bitterest I enemies converted Into staunchest friends | and want to gain the heait and hand of i jour choice , call on this gifted man , who by the aid of his clairvoyant power Is able to guide aid direct jou to happiness and w nlth Olllce hours , 10 to 8 Parlor 4 , Midland hotel. S-9S3 10 * UATHS > , KTC. MAY WILSON , massage , baths. R 15. 302 N. IG. T-M493 M4 MRS. FLO BERRY , bath and massage 119 N. 10th St , room 12 , 2d floor. T 715 F20 * MME. SMITH , Room 2 , HSi4 No 13th. T 611 20 * MME. AMES , R. 5 , 507 S 13 , massage baths. T M792 Mir , HATTIE LOUIS , massage , baths , 1324 Cap itol av e. T M842 M17 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric bath , parlors , first-class assistant. 117 S. llth , upstairs. T M9S2 MIS * 1'EHSOJVAL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 340 Bee Bldg. U-237 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post. 319'/4 S. 15th. U-25S LIEBEN , costumcr , 1313 Howard ; cata logues sent. U 200 DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 2Go and upward. Room 12. Frenzer block. U M32S SUPERFLUOUS halri wrinkles , moles , warts rreckl&s , blackheads , plmalcs re nio pil ferever by electricity ; bust de veloped , neck , anne , cheeks made plump. Mme Favne's halrdrcsslng pal lot a. 2J01 Leav enw orth Tel 1SC3 U M5bJ MS PILES cured In seven to ten daj'fl. by ono treatment No pain , no knife , no dangvrr. RectuI diseases a specfaltj' . Empire Pile Cure. 933 N. Y , Life Building , Omaha. U Mb3t ZERKOWSKf , violin teacher. R 20 321 S 15tn. II M377 BOOKBINDING. Burkley Printing Co. U 201 LOVE'S Dancing academy , 635 Paxton bile. U-C93 F1S HOW undergraduate doctors , dentists , pharmacists , lawyers can soon graduate Box 100 , Chicago. U M508 M10 * RITTER hospital ; confinement c ises taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha Tel. 2 3J. U-2C2 PRIVATE hospital for mdles before and during confinement ; babies adopted 113G N. 17th. Omaha. U-263 MASQUERADE suits"S. Sack's , 3318 S. 20thT U M723 M13 * Osteopathy , Dr. B. J. McRao , Paxton Blk. U 7oC M-14 W. H. CHARLTON will hoar something to his advantage by calling on or writing the Bank of Hlckman , Neb U M7S3 24 * $53 RUPTURE cured until May llrst for $33. No detention from business. 1,000 pa tients cured in Nebraska. Seven years in Omaha. Call or wrlto. Empire Rupture Cure. 932 N. Y. Llfo Building. U- WATCHES and alarm clocks sold on easy - pajmentH We > give a working man ull chance No extra charge for waiting. Our prices are 50 per cent lower than Install ment house's , Jensen d Alosher. 704 N , loth U-M74i-M-H COLUMBIA or Rambler bicycles $1000 Neb. Cycle Co. . 15th and Hurnoy. U-fcGl M17 GENTLEMAN of means , 45 , 0 ft. , weight 190 , clear complexion , wishes acquaintance of congenial ladv. 0 to 43 , fond of travel Address Mr , B , GIG Vine st. , Cincinnati O U-905 19 * MANUFACTURER , CO , high socially , in- eome $16,000. tired of bo-called society ; would marry. Happlnct > n ,1J2 East B9 et. , N. Y. C. U-MH 19 * 100 business or visiting cards , "book form" and beautiful aluminum card erisc , with nameyhand enuravid , SOc ; agcntu wanted (07 ( Bee Bldg U-M903 21 * CULTURED , elderly handsome gentleman , 59.000 a > ear. would marry gnlalladv "Devoted , " BOJ. 9 , 20 Lexington avo. . N Y U-Mi It" _ _ _ AMERICAN gentleman of Independent in'nii3 , fine phjslque , generous disposition , seeks his nfllnltv "Admiral , " 312j Forc t Ave' . , Chicago , III. U-Ml 19 * mJPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently removed b > c'leetriclty. Con- HUltiitlon free ntiei confidential All work guaranteed. Ml s Allendcr , 1721 Do < l e U-M90I 25 * HYPNOTISM , the Icy to health , wealth , eminence' , happiness ; full particulars , lo- irc'ttii'rwlth handsome magazine free , nil- Has , 218 La Salle. St. . Chicago U 906 IS * S ELr-MADE business man. 4S , worth $ S3- 000 , Is Kc-rloiiily contemplating matrimony , dealt a sincere lady correspondent. All lt > tturfl niiBVtrod. Mr , Earnest , 172C Ollvo St . St. Louis. Mo. U MS IS * I'EltlONti. . ( Continued ) PRETTY eastern women with means want huibnnds. select descriptive lists 2c ; best method. Mutual Exchange , Kansas City , Mo. U LADIES , cull at our ofllce and fee the best remedy for women ; lady attendant , tele phone 2270 Preventive Medlclno Co 31G Hitmen Block U MISS ETTA DRINKMAN , formerly with Omaha Hair Baenr , will wall on her cus tomers and patrons nt their homo. Ad dress 2117 Sherman nve U 9 i 19 * I WILL do jour clalrvojant work free If Jou tack up fii cards for me In prominent places Send full name , date of birth and tamps , with particulars of c.a e. John Barnes , DIvernon , III. V Ml'37 20 * 1MI STANTON'S specialties. Famous Fe- mallne , the positive cure for all female , troubles ; has never failed ; all ord rs promptly Illled I adv agents wanted Mrs J. B. Webster , Stale. Manager , 2501 Blonde st. U 936 19 * MOMJV TO l.OAN-UUAI. ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and cltv loanR. . C. Peters & Co , 1702 rnrnam , Bee bids W-201 $100.00000 special , fund to loan on ' improved Omaha property , or for'uitlhilhg purpose ? . Fidelity Trust Companj. W-2C3 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk. W-2CG $1,000 AND upwards to loan on Improved clt > propel t > and farm ? . W. Farmm Smith & Co , 13 Farnam St. W 207 C PER CENT cltv and farm loans. Garvln Bros , 1G13 I'arnam St W 208 $ oO.OOO.POO CHEAP money for Investment ; agents wanted Investors lists for sale. Investors Directory , N Y. W 269 WRITE us If jou want a loan on > our farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis souri. It will pay you. Anthony Loan A : Trust Co. , 313 N. Y. Life W 270 $100 AND up , r D. Wcad , IGth and Douglas. W-271 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms , lowest rates. Brcnnan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 10th , Omaha. W 272 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Lovo Co , 219 So IGth W-272 MORTGAGES. Wallnco , 213 Brown Block" W 273 FARM loans quickly made. Low rates. Write B. M. Webster & Co , < I1 N Y. Life W M993 F2S MONEY TO IOA > CHATTELS. $10 TO $10000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES , WAGONS , AND CAR RIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. etc at lowest i.ates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods : strictly confidential' you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 3'JG SOUTH IGTH STREET THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONL'Y INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-203 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLK HOLDING PERMANENT POSITIONS ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WITH 1 OUT INDORSEMENT ; LOW RATES ; EASY PAYMENTS. ROOM in. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG , IGTH AND FAR NAM STS TEL 2295. X 290 MONEY loaned on pianos furniture , horses , cows. Jewelry. Duff Green , r. 8 , Barker blk. X-297 MONEY loan d on plnnos , furniture , jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S 13 ' X 29S DIAMOND loan otllce , 1315 Douglas ; unre deemed diamonds , watchesetc. sold cheap X-299 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with respon sible concerns upon their own name , with out security ; easy pajments. Tolman , R. 70C. N. Y. Life Bldg. X-300 lltISI.\iSS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trade , manufacturing plant with trackage , Including house , barn , scales , boilers and engine pumps ; stone grinder , good stock feeding plant ; also Remington typewriter , good condi tion. Room 403 , N. Y. Life. Y-590-27 HERD of 15 head registered Jerseys. Clos est living relatives to "Hugo Countess" of World's Fair fame , for whom ow ner refused $1GOO ; Hanna's Duke No 32303 , only living son of "Hugo Countess" at head of herd. Also daughter. 2 grand daughters and half sibter of "Hugo Countess. " Cash. Would consider good farm In western Iowa or eastern No braska. Address owner. L. E. Williams , Glenwood. Iowa. Y MJ79 FOR SALE , furniture and lease of the Met ropolitan hotel , 12th and Douglas ; 45 rooms and 50 beds ; the right place for the right man. Y M500 20 SALE , bakery , confectionary and restaurant , doing a good business In a town of 2000 population ; cheap for cash onlv Address K. Renner , P. O Box 212 , Griswold , Iowa. Y M01I-1S * . FOR J SALE , at a. bargain , the only brick plant In Atlantic , Iowa , a town of over 600" ) Inhabitants , capacltv of works from 15 ( XX ) to 20,000 per day , 17 acres of land , house and barn , one Sevcre'l's brick ma chine , one Brewer brick and tile machine , ono 23 h. p. engine and 10 h p. boiler one Swift pat Ulln and one common clamp Kiln , shed room for 100,000 green brick nil necessary tools for operating hold plant ; a good opportunity for the r'ght man , jraor health of the manager reason for Hilling For further Information addresser or call on F. H Ciomble or II J. Cnven- augh , Atlantic , Iowa. Jones Brick Co. Y M814 20 FOR SALE , two completely furnhhcd Omaha hotels with bars at great sacrifice R. C. Patterson , Omaha Y M751 19 I FOR RENT , good dairy farm thre-o miles east of Omaha ; good house , stable , wind mill. Other good farms for rent , low rentals Apply to Leonard Everett Coun cil Bluffs , la Y-M71I 18 * FOR SALE , two stocks of general mcr- ' clmndhie , one at Dow Citj" , the other at Arlon , Crawford countj' , Iowa , to the highest bidder for cash at public auction In bulk Sale at Dow Cltj- , takes plnco at 2 o'clock , and sale at Arlon at 4 o'clock In the afternoon of th28th day of February , It , " } In the store buildings containing the goods In said towns V C Sherman , trustee - tee for creditors of Max Hymen Dated , Sioux Citj' , la , Fob 16 , IB-JO Y MS 15 27 FOR SALE good millinery business low figures ; county seat Address N 4" Bee. Y-MSI6 23 * WANTED , young man to lease World- Herald route. Fine chance for good per- win Speak quick. It. W. Ernest. 1710 83 20th. Y-MS2C 19 * NEWSPAPER subscription agency for sale Handling COO dally and 1 000 Sunday. Splcn- d'd ' clmncc for a wld'awnko news man to make ISO to $100 per month , AddreK * N 63 , Bee. Y id 19 * UPON our plan and Insld ; Information on certain ntocks on tbo Now York Stock Exchange - . change you ean more than double jour / money < iv < ry month , any amount Invented Write us for particulars ROSH & Com pany. 201 N 3d St . St. Louis , MoY Y 9,3 , 19 roil RENT Hotel In Omaha , 120 rooms all modern. Brennan-Lovo Co. . 211 Houth IGth St. Y-SK-ai WELL established Jobbing business for sain ; stock $1 COOO , good chance for I active man wth some meant' to do good trade. For particulars address N C2 , Bee olllce. Y-M6C4 21 * MAKE your money earn money , the money-making chances In stocks , wheat , cotton find bonds are better and safsr now than ever before , there arc no louses under our plan , and a stipulated Income on your capital Is guaranteed , ovcrv fa cility for Hiicccrsful Investment IH offereil our clients : write for free advice und literature , showing how you may Increase your Income without rick. C. E. EIacl > ey & . Co. , 9 Wall St. . New York. Y THE CHANCE of a lifetime , Paris In 1800 , round trip from Omaha , second cabin on ocean steamers , ono ween at hotel In Paris , two tlchertB to ths Exposition , guides and Interpreters , : x > da > s return limit on tickets , nil foi $100 Easy pay ment plan ; money refunded If > ou cannot go. Write for pirtlculaw I'ari * Exposl- tlon Tour Co. , 031 Paxton block , Omaha , Neb Y M940 21 UNUSUAL opportunity ; Invest $200. ufcur- Ins largo pe'rman'nt Income : capital Hafe , iirontu Burn. II. arlllln. 11SO Broadway , New York. Y-MiW MU rou I\LH\MM : . S36 ncivs Rood pmlrle land , clear , ( o ex change for merchandise. A F , IMllah , KlKlti , Neb K-M5S9 2 * WANTED A salesman for Nebraska. I > - tabliBhcd Hue Salary and expenvs gtiar- nntocd PcTtnanent jrosltlon for llrst class man. N 68. cnro Bee. tt 917 19 * CLEAR lot on pa > c < l strt'ct , and cash , for small house and lot , close In : give locution and price. Aeldrcfls N 5S , Bee. K-910 19 * IMPROVED SO-acro farm , Oto ? county , to exchange for clear residence In Omaha. N GO , Bee. y-M9 21' roil SAM2 U1JAI. KSTATi : . HAVE > oil som ? lots to icll ? Now Is the tlmej to dispose of ( hem ; let the people know that > ou want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money RE SG6 rou SALE , my home In West Omahit. Those wishing to purchase will address llenrv D. Estabrook , S13 , 1S4 La Salic St. , Chicago. RE-M378 M2 LIST jour property with us for sale. Wo have the customers The Byron Reed Companj' . 212 3 Uth Street. RE-579 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also ( lie Insurance. Bemls. I'axton Block , RE 502 AVE HAVE e'nsh customers for genuine real e tate bargains Submit ptoposltlons to us at once. Fidelity Trust Co. , N , Y. L. Bldg. Rli-M146F2S FARMS' FARMS ! ! FARMSIll ' Oser 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for nale cheap. Prices range from $20 per acre up Will l > uy > ou to Investigate. Th Bjion Reed Co , 2l2 S. 14th StRE RE MS39 FOR South Omaha business anel risldenco propTtj or ncro tracts call on Gcorgo & Companj , 1001 Fnrnam 8t. , Omaha , or new city IIPII bldg. , South Omaha. RE-M491 28 THIRTY choice , rich , productive farms. larg ami small nlwi ten ( Inn stock ranches nil In northeastern Nebranka , for sale v 6-y i heap and on easy terms Some ( if thcf.o lands ran be traded for goort general incise , drv goods , hardware or furniture For particulars address Geo. W Hutton. Coleridge , Cedar Co , Neb. RE-M330 1-23 C. F. HARIUSON-F.irms. 91.1 N. Y. L RE 775 M14 * 9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Iznrd. RE-303 POUTII OMAHA BARGAINS- Brlck block on 21th st $000000 $6 feet. 24th st. near P. O . $1JO per front foot Corner 21th and B sts , east front , $ l,2fXOD Lot 24th and D ets , ease fiont , $1,200.00 1C acres , elegant Improvements between Omahi and South Omaha , $4.00000 O'Ncll's Real Estate Agency South Omaha N b. Ri : M213 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farm : sale or trade. J , N. Frenzcr , opposite old P. O. RE 301 LOTS on 26th. oetwecn Chicago and Cats , fronting ca t , on grade , anj size , full depth , at $25 per foot. A P. Tukev , Board of Timo. ] RE 771 TWO fine lot ° , 2 < ith and A streets. South Omaha , C0\150 each suitable for 4 dwell ings , nnv reasonable offer accepted If sold quick N 27 , Bee. RE M753 19 * FOR SALE , trade er rent , three acres of garden land , two louses and two out- buildings , one mile south of Ruser's park. Inquire of Mrs. F. G. Urluu. 970 N 25th Ave. RD-S22-19 * UOOM 30 , U S. BANK BLDG. TO THE HOUSEWIFE ; 2 beautiful cot tages , plans In mj" olllce ; will build on nice lots , sell at jour own price and terms and have them ready bj- spring hoiiso ( leaning lime : nice neighborhood , So. llth , en. front , 5 minutes' walk from depots and Farnam st. ; want only a "good faith" payment while building and will loan back the deferred amount at 5\s per cent , which jou can p ly mo like rent ; must bell , sec plans at once. 30 U. S. BANK BLDG. RE-9C9 19 50X150 , EAST front , cor. Geo. nve , $1,50000. N. E. cor 27 and Woolworth , $700 51 feet on liitli. near Centei. $900. G rooms , 470J No. 40th ave , $330. 5 rooms , on 19th St. , near Lake. $1.500. G rooms , on 22nd , near Lake. $ J,20000 10 rooms , modern , Sid and Chicago , $3,00000. W. H. Gates , CIS N. Y. Life ; 'phono 1291. RE-M907 21 8-ROOM modern , 19th and Locust , $1,730. S-room modern , 19th and Corbv , $1COO. 2 house19th and Buidctte , $ iOOO. 4-rootn , good barn , fenced , 27th and Bur- dette , $ GnO. 5-room , 31t and Ames ave , $ " 50. Fine lot , llth and Williams. $050 Full lot , 25th and Spencer , $ , " 00 Fine lot with shade trees , "Oth and Mander- fen , nil on time If purchaser will build ; $350. Bedford Place lot , paved street. $175. Full lot. 42nd and Douglan , $330 A. F. CONNOTT , 902 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 903 19 * PECK & CO , agents , and dealers In city and farm prop'y ; loans ; rentals : 101 S. 15 RE 9I1-M-18 , 3010 SEWATID STREET , 4-room hou = o. , barn , lot 2"xl32 feet neat nlace ; snnp , $ SOO. South ' front lot , rO\2S. ! Franklin st , between 2)th ) and 2ith ats , $ l.lfO S. ! W. corner 24lh and Franklin sts , 04x120 feet price $3,000 , next lot south same slz" , $2EOO N W corner 21th and Bristol sts , 132x123 feet paved stree-t price $3,000 2S22 Peward st , lot 30xlJ2 feet , 5-room house , $1.000. 02 rind 001 South 20th st , froom houses , pavs 12 per cent gross on prlos of each , . $1,500 Near 33th and peward sts , good 7-room , house , cornrr lot , fOx2l feet , price. $1M > 0 Three stores anil three flats on South IGth st , can be made to prr luce $000 per jear ; prle" $1 200. 20-room ! brick liouse , divided Into two 10- room nnartments , pajs U per cent gross on Finest J 100 acres In Douglas countj' , 8-room house , bath room , orchard , etc ; price per acre.$4r G',4 < miles WOT ! of Omaha postolllco on paved etreet , 100 ncies : r > rle per acre , $ ro John N , Frenzer , opp. old P O. UE MOM ) PECK & CO will sell modern house , H . rooms on P.ark Ave , $8,500 , cost $17,000 Bargain , In Wilnut Hill , house , 7 room % corner lot $2600 , tcrnr easy. Choice ' Vi acres north of city $00 per acre ; two-thirds under cultivation Finn 1 business lot , 40th and H-imlltdn. $ m Sn.ip. f house , 7 rooms , 18th and Charles , 101 1 South 15th UE-911-19 FARM 1 hands. 010 acres Ore ley county ; $1.50 per ncro ; ICO acrcfl , Lincoln countv , $2iOOO ( , ire a'res In Sbciuiaii county $17" : 100 ncrrH In Cherry conn I v , $15000 , 100 acres In Holt county , $173(0 : KO acrea In Wliwler county $150 ( X ) 40 ocrui Missouri fruit land , $7500 ; omo small fnrms In Iowa within 20 to 40 mllen of Counc'l ' Bluffs : I havn farms In almost v cry county In Ne braska Plca o state whnt vou want and In what countjLymnn Waterman , R22 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha VACANT business lot In countv seat : Neb : rented 20 jeirs at $10 a month , brings It again , If Htoro bulldlnc Is erected thereon ; Ion : : time. Address N 45 , lift * RE-912 19 * OKLAHOMA la all rhlit , healthy climate , good water , rich oll. eaii raise good corn , wheat , oats , rye barlej- , abundance of fruit Wo have 392 Improv d farms ut $160 to $12 per acre surrounding Newklrk , Ponc.i City , Pcrrj' , Orlando , Guthrle , Ed- mend , Oklahoma City , Norman and Moore Fall wheat sowed goen with farms If bought now full or write for price list. Excurs'on tlckttH can be had from m ? to KO to Oklahoma t any date , Join our ex cursion February 21. and Mcirch 7. C. O. Edllng , G19 North 10th street. Omaha Neb. RE-013 19 * KEITJrfl Homo Builder ( monthly 10c. ) gives ( en of my latest studies of mod- crate cost homeii every month , examples of which arc published by Larllcs' Home * Journal ; costs guaranteed by bonalldo bids , $1 00 per yenrj all news stands , W , J Keith , architect , 101 Lumber Ex , , Min neapolis , Minn. HE TWO PROPOSITION BARGAINS North of H.mscam park , a desirable 7- room house , good city water , Bovver , cel lar , good barn , shade , 60-ft , front lot. Price. $2,100. Smull caib payment re- qulrcd Near Kounlzo Place , an 8-room house. , city water , furnaces M-ft. lot , property In ex cellent condition ; cost owner $ IOW , Price , ' ' G'AUVIN BROS , 1C13 Farnam St RE-971 19 siTu. a. NAT'L BAWK BLDG. I'or a fortune or for home ; ue rts In town ; eacrlllce. sale. 30 U. S. NAT'L BANK ULDG. HE-i52 IB