Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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    - - - - - -
IJ - T IL E : pflIDAY , F13TTATtY1199 '
¶ :1IQIt : iiTLTh.
lIamIlton'p shoe stote , 412
bavl se glass.
2Tooro's food Idlis worms arni taUcns.
C. L' . Alexander Ca. , picture frames.
IarteI & MI1ler 100 t3'wny , give
Iowa FtirnIturL & Carpet Co. , 407 B'way.
3. C. I3Ixby. hcaUn. plumbing. TeL 103.
Frank Ilihuitch , nlbt clerk at the Cirant
i'te1 ' , Is Hick.
MIR ; Dell Iohany IS eonflncd LG her homo
Iti ) the ; rlp.
, sv. C. Ilendricka reltirnel from Joplin.
21o.C. . . Ii. Jnaqiiemb & Co. jewelers and op-
ticlans. i7 South Main atreet.
IyrLIc odgo. Degree if Honor , will meet
In regular He3ioTk this evening ,
John 'I' . Stowirt , second , left laRt. evening
for a Hhort % islt ii } Cn11as City.
\IIbs \ Lena Ittuk Is able to he out. agHtil
nftcr a severe ttnck of the grip ,
( Jot your soTk ilono a.t. the popular Enio
] nundry , 724 flrou1wny , 'pliono 1&7.
1tii Carrier F'rct Johnrendt , who haH
1)een iii for omo limo past , baa resumet
1lH duties ,
drH. Elizabeth llarcoiirt will arrive thu
: uorning rr.o m Coinratlo and will ho the
gtie't of her iicn , William Ilarconrt of Cook
The lire departrnent was called out Inst
evening ahoilt G o'clock to a house on South
StwiiItli street , where a snokliig chimney
liiicl alarmed the eccupiutta ,
( 'hairinan E , F. Test has called a.
for tomorrow night n the city oouiwl1
chamber at 8 o'clock of the Board of Trade
committee recently appoiuteI by the mayor.
Tue tratisfer of ( 'aptain G. M. TIniloy from
tim leda1 ti ) ( ho hranch Postoffico , at the
transfer has caused the proinotksn of Sacob
TIdompou , Iiuse 1)OHitlOfl It turn has been
tilled by Henry Frohardt.
: lrs. John M. Matthews has been called
to hiawatha , Ian. , by the aerlona Illness
ot her father , A. N. flattello. Mr. } lattello
vas for many years a resident of thiH county
and a member of the Iloard of Supervisors.
Members of the \Voodmen o the World
AthIutic asodntion md Lhnse desiring to
jol ate requested to 2ncet tonight at Wood-
malt lmll. when ofllcors will be eleetd and
the association ptaced on a permanent. toot-
County Treasurer Wililnin Arnd , Forrest
Smith and G. % V. Upe returned yesterday
unornhuug from Jopliui , Mo , City Engineer
5mm Etnyre , vlio was one ot the party , Is
vhltIng in Icansui City before returning
Mrs. Piuiltham , 'the ' young woman wh was
( loscrte(1 by her liusbauid lust week at the
Ogden hotel , is considerably Improved. No
woM 1ia he'n received tron I'Inkhain , nor
has any further 'Information beci secured
as to lila ivhoreabuiuts.
The case of Mrs. May Molrahn , who wns
accused by Mrs. Jennie Wililauns of stealing
her trunk and clothing , was disnulased In
Justice Ferrkr's court. yesterday on motion
Cf the ussb1tant county nttrney. The coats
were tarned to the county.
The oliowiuug cases of measlee were re-
POCLNI yesterday to the Board of Health :
Mitchell chIld , 240 South Sixth street : Edna
Murphy. 1501 LIt.tlo Deaten Street : Weaver
child. 8t Seventh avenue ; E. A. Marsh. 718
Ninth avenue. Eva. Sutherland , 1718 EIghth
avenue , wts reported. to have diphtheria.
Mrs. Fredericka Ilunnig ordered discharged -
charged from St. Bernards hospItal yesterday -
day by time omraIss1oners for the Inauuic.
She ras sent there Ioceuiubcr 31 for ober'n-
Lion , cci lumformatloum charging her with be-
tog Insane having been filed , She was
turned over to 'the ' custody ot Willinmn Lewis
of ICansaui City , her son-tn-law.
No catimate of the 1ous incurred by the
Iuncan Shoe counpuny by the flre Wednesday -
day nIght can bernauIunttI an Inventory ot
the stack is taken. fthe most of the dam.
ago to the etock was caused by smoke mind
i amply ewered by Insurance. The stock
invoiced $5,3Oi lu first of the year and was
Insureul for $4,000 rhe , damage to thtpulld-
lug , wideli is oot by John Bennett , does
not eXCtNI hetwon $2O and 3OO and lum
covered by tnsnranee. Ecaminatlon of thd
prenulscs yesterday , Bhowed that The lire
originated In the hack part of time store In
the apartment mused us a rpatr shop.
N. Y. PlumbIng company. Tel. 2O.
Snap Shots all go at 10 cents each at the
Council Bluffs olUce of The Bee.
Remember the exposition by getting some
copies of Snap Shots at the Council Bluffs
ornco of The lice , Ten cents each ,
1)eiutli Itecord.
Nrs. Mary Jane Irons. wIdow of the late
E. Irouis , tiled yesterday at. her residence ,
310 North Second atrcet , aged 50 years. The
funeral will ho held touuiorrow afternoon at
o'clock from the First Baptist church , of
which deceased had been a life-long meni-
ter. Interment will be In Falrvlew cern.-
tory. Ieceased leaves one son , Ernest. who
Is a student at the University of Chicago.
FrederIck Christorfersoim died 1.Vednesday
afternoon at lila ruIdcnce east ot the city
on tim Crescent City road , aged 72 years ,
The funeral will bo held this afternoon at
o'clock from the 1)anielm Lutheran church
auut Interment viil ho in Fairvlew cemetery ,
Elalut P. ChrIstensen , the Infant dnugh-
ter of ? dr. and Mrs. Chris Christensen , 1927
South avenue , ilied yesterday morning , aged
2 months. The funeral 'wIll be held from
'time family resIdence this afternoon at 2
o'clock , The services will be conducted by
11ev. flonsen mnd inte nent will be In Fairview -
view cenietery.
I Alma a , the little laughter of Mr. and
1dr. . .1V , Johnson , 290C Avenue E , , died
yesterday morning of lung trouble , aged
3 years , No arrauigenionts have been uuiade
us yet for tIme funeral ,
The funeral of Mi s Anna Eleanor Falk ,
tlaughter o Mr. and Mcs. Anders Falk of
223 Harmony street , svIli be held tomorrow
afternoon at. 2 o'clock , Instead of this of-
tcrnoon , as pre'iousiy
Clumurles Joseph , the Intaut son of Mr. and
Cdrs. J. S. Bejuna , : lsii South Thirteenth
street , ( lied yesterday niorning of congestion
of the lungs , aged 2 months. The funeral
'vlil iO held tomorrow morning from the roe-
idenco. 11ev , Father Sinyth of St. Francis
iuvIcr's church v1Il conduct time services
and Interment will ho in Umo Catholic cuun-
etery ,
fluff City Iaundry ph000 314. Satisfac-
tloum guaranteed ,
Trade where they give "Stars , "
Plain sewIng. tniiorluug in repairing
clothes. Mrs. U. ii , Baker. 146 VIne street.
Davis ache drugs ,
I II A rtletie
The concert given under the auspices of
the piusiciul nuxiliary of tIme Council Bluffs
; Woman's club at. the First Congregational
church last uuight was a success from an
nrtistlc Point of view , but not front attend.
nnco. Tim severe weather undoubtedly kept
many from attending end outside the mcmii-
tiers of the club there were few present.
Holmes ( 'owner , the Chicago tenor , was in
plenuiIt1 voice , as was Mrs C , 1. Ely. The I
concor was es musical treat ,
Bears the Iha Kind Yru Hits Always Bought
flears the Tha Icild You IIao Atats BouLht
) 'Beire the Ihe Kini You ai Away Bought
Ncw OrtI1nane that Will Catch Rich 98 'Well
as Poor.
l'ravlsIole of i'e CIIy Luw " . 'IIl flu
lnii to Conform to Szute Stnl-
luteN Iii 'tlntter of PIt
Titx ,
City Attorney Wadsworth acting tinder
lastructions of the city council 'Is preparing
and amended "poll 'tax" ordinance amid will
report the same at the meeting on February
20. Time ordinance at present. n force Is
detective , as It contains loopholes , enabling
a large percentage of thoee who are liable
t4i the tax to evade it8 payment. According
to the poll tax collector , the greater number
of those who manage to avoid payment of
the taz are the persons who , as a ruie , are
tue boat able to pay
One of the weak spots of the present or-
dlnance which will be remedied In the
amended measure Is Its provision for no-
tlce to the taxpayer. Under the presmt ordinance -
dinance the collector gives the party subject
to the tax notice that be must pay the tax
within three days or appear at a specified
place and work It out. A large number of
stilts have been brought to enforce the pay-
mnent of the tac and Judgments have been
obtained in the beaT courts of the justices
of the peace , but in every case where the
suit has been takcn to a. higher court the
party sued has won and the city has been
loft to pay the costs.
Ely one of the decIsIons the notice furnished -
nished by the poll tac collector has been
held to be insumelent because the state law
says a taxpayer shall have three days' no-
Lice. whereas the notice from the collector
says ho must pay it within three days.
During the last year a large number of
persons who were clearly Iiabfe to the payment -
mont of the tax availed themselves of thIs
loOIhOiO and laughed at the collector when
he attempted to enforce the col1ectoa of the
The drafting of an amended ordinance is
duo to an investigation made by Alderman
Christensen of the working of the present
measure. He found that close to 50 per cent
of those who should pay the tax mnnage In
one manner or anether to get out of doing
so. Alderman Christensen , when calfing
for an amended ordinance at the meeting of
the cIty council last Monday nIght , said :
"The ordinance we now have permIts the
rankest kind of injustice. Somehow or
other the rich man with a bank account
can avoId paying the tax , but the poor man
has to get out and work on the street.a or
else pay the $2 from his hard earned and
scanty wages.
"It Is surprising on looking over the poll
tax list to see the names of the men who
do everything they can to get out of paying -
ing a tax , the amount of whIch they never
would miss , Some of them , rather than
pay tile $2 go to the length of paying an at-
tnrney all the way fron $10 to $25 to find
loopholes in the ordinance for them to crawl
through and thus deprive the city of the $2
which they are legafly entitled to pay. The
ordinance as 1t now stands has a number of
defects and the man who has money to fight
It always manages to avoId paying the tax.
1 want to see an ordinance that makes the
rich man pay as well as his 'poorer fellow
citizen , or else I do not want to see any
ordInance on l'e books at all. "
MlClTlNO jj : ; 1'2tRK COMMISSION.
floes Not DeeldeQuestion of flight of
Va' 'l'Iirougli the I'am-k.
The Board of Park Commissioners met In
adjourned session last night for the purpose
of considering the request of the Fort Dodge
& Omaha. Railway company that it be granted
a right of way through Lake View park and
across Big Lake. Time proposItion of the
raIlroad company was that the commis.
atoners should deed to it a. strip 200 feet.
wide througb the park and 100 feet wide
through the lake , In consIderatIon for which
the railway was to give 1. This proposi-
'tioji ' did not meet with favor at the hands
of the board last night , as the members
were doubtful as to 'their right to deed
away any portion of the park. The patent.
from the government to the city of the
land comprisIng the park forbIds the "alien-
ating" of any portion of it. The commis-
sionerui , however , are perfectly willing to
grant the road a right of way such as it
asks through the park and across the lake
on certain conditions.
On the advice of Attorney A. S. Hazleton ,
who is acting as counsel for the park board
In this matter , the commIssIoners will grant
this rIght of way by adopting a resolution to
that effect , This resolution will provide that
the railroad in constructing its right of
way shall not interfere with the water course
and shall' keep suitable crossings at poInts
to be designated by the board to permit free
access by the public into the park.
It is understood that the railroad has
effected a settlement with Gilbert Bros. ,
who hold 'a ten year lease of the Ice prlv-
ileges on the lake , but it will be required to
give the board an indemnifying bond
against all damages that may arIse by rca-
son of Its layIng its tracks across the park
antI lake.
There is also another matter that the
board wllr 'insist ' on beIng straightened out
before time right of way Is granted. Voorluls
Spring , which i located In the Stewart
tract purchased by the Fort Dodge &
Omaha road , has for forty years past been
a jrincipal feeder to Big Lake. In eon-
structing its grade across this tract the railway -
way company diverted the course of time
water from this spring , ThIs , It is clninied ,
It had no right to do and It. wIll he required -
quired to redlvort. it again to Its former
course ,
Attorney Baird of the firm of Wharton &
BaIrd of Omaha , represented the Fort Dodge
& Omaha Railway company before the park
commissioners lust night and at his request -
quest the board will meet again next 'lucs-
day night when it is expected final action
vIli be taken , The board will meet tonight
at. the oflice of Attorney Iiazl010n to draw
up a suitable resolution granting time right
of way ,
Wanted-Board and room In private fum.
ily , central to business center. State ( ermB ,
Address 14 , H. , Bee Office , Council Bluff.
Iteni Isate 'FritliNferN.
The following transfers were filed yester'
day in the abstract , title and loan allies ol
J , \v. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Ohio Knox and vito to John l3ono ,
lot 14 , block 2 , Wilson Terrace add , ,
( I , ( ' . d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
v. 1(1. Thomas and wife to ' J.
llatch , e'4 niv 41-76.49 w , ci. . . . . . . . . . 3,2O
George 13. Folsom to Robert V. muss ,
lot 21 , block 26 , Railroad add. , w , it. .
Three traiu3fers , aggregatIng . . . . . .
Miuor Miillcrs In ( uurt.
JLmdge Ayiesworth of the superior court
yesterday assigned the bearing of the re-
pievin suit of the Antigo ManufacturIng
company against F. II. Steviek for tomorrow -
row , In this suit. the platnt1s seek to
recover possessIon of fourteen "novelty ma-
chines" seized by Steylek in 1895 wlwu he
filled the positIon of constable , The plain.
tiffb set up the value of the machines at
$9g and they also ask tiounages In the sum
of $100 for their alleged unlawful detention.
Stevtck in his answer says the "novelty
machine. ' In question were "slot machines"
and ss such came under the la prohibiting -
ing gambling devices.
The salt of Charles Gregory against Attorney -
torney John LImit and others to recover
,1oo on proinisory notes was set for Feb-
mary 16.
Juudgo ( tylosw'orth announced that he
would make an assignment of jury causes
on u1onday morning.
to the district court yesterday the Mere-
ditli Village Savings bank counnueneetl tore-
closure proceedings against Josephlmie Ii.
Boson , WilOW ( 'of the late Christian Boson
nnd others on a. $2,000 mortgage , Etizo A.
Ames commenced suit against 3' . fl 111cc
and 'others to foreclose a $500 $ mortgage on
lot 11 , block 4 , in Prospect i'lace ,
Ill ; It t4i'IiinI CutI ( ' ts iIeorgnnIe.
The reorganization ot the 111gb school
cadets Into a battalion of two companies was
effected yesterday. The cadets now form a
battalion composed of Companies A nnd 13 ,
with the followIng commissioned and noncommissioned -
commissioned officers :
Major unit commandant of buttallon , 0. U.
Compnny A-Captain , Maurice DeKay
first lieutenant , Edger Dyar ; second liouton-
nut. H. Mitchell ; first sergeant , 11. 11.
Carla : second sergeant , Ed Welch ; third
sergeant , Leo Baldwin ; fourth sergeant , Ha-
bert 1-licks ; fifth sergeant , Eugene Peterson ;
corporals , Arthur Sanford , Ernest fliekman ,
George Crane , Fred Johnson anti Robert.
McPherson ; musician , Clnudo Howard ,
Company 13-Cuipinin , Mac Hancliott ; first.
lIeutenant , T. B. Lmiccy ; secoxd lioutennnt ,
'r , Welch ; first sergeant , C , 5 , Cimanibcrliii ;
second sergeant , Albert Norcrne ; third ser-
gennt. Fred Gould ; fourth sergeant , Barrett
Linkey ; fifth sergeant , Clarence Emnpldo ;
corporals , S. Cimilds , Forrest Rutherford ,
Millard iloagland and Howard Ainsworth ;
musician , 11 Roscumfeld ,
First Lieutenant Edgar Dyar of Company
A will act as battalion adjutant and First
Sergeant H. I-I. Cavin of the same company
will act as battalion quartermaster , All the
sorgemuits will rank the sanie excepting the
first sergeant.
Conipmtny A wIll drill Tuesdays nail Thurs-
( lays and Company B on W'cdnesdays and
Fridays. A new constitution will ho adopted
to meet the requirements 'of the change in'
the organization and Captain Hanchott , 5cr-
geant Cavin and Corporal BaldwIn wore
appointed a committee to draft one ,
All Quiet In SIunllpx CirOleM.
There were no developments of any importance -
portanco in the smallpox case yesterday and
the authorities feel confident that they have
the discaso well in hand and do not anticipate -
pate any further cases except those that
may arise in the Beckwith family. Mrs ,
Beckwlth was reported yesterday morning
to bo shoiving symptoms IndIcating that she
has time mallpox , but this was later denIed
by Dr. Stephenson , who is attending
Miss Mcintosh , the principal of Avenue 13
school , notified the authoritlos yesterday
that she luat taken the precaution , under
the direction of City PhysicIan Lacey , to
send the children of the Anderson family
home to avoid the possibility of infection ,
Miss Anderson , the servant in time Beckwlth
family , has several young brothers and sis-
tern who attend that school , and as the
young woman was visiting at home Monday
Miss McIntosh deemed It best to be on the
safe side , as the children had undoubtedly
been exposed to infection.
Several false reports of smallpox eases
were reported yesterday , but on the city
physicIan investigating they all proved to
I be measles ,
Vomusn Accuseti of Murtleriner 1Iu-
Jianti 'I'iuIa 11cr Part flrn'cI- .
MASON CITY , Ia , , Feb. D.-Specinl ( Tel-
egram.-Mrs. ) Lottie M. Hughes is today undergoing -
dergoing a severe cross-examination under
the direction of D. W. Hard , So far she
has made no serious contradiction to her
dIrect testimony. She is bright mind apparently -
parently has grit and wit. equal to the emer-
gency. She has acknowledged twice being
alone in the room with Jesse Goudo , but
without thought of secrecy or Improper con-
duct. Her testimony abounds in direct contradictions -
tradictions to vary essential statements
made by the state's atar witness , Goudo ,
and If her story carries full weight with
the jury the motive for the crlmo-lnfnt-
uation for him-Is completely wiped out ,
In establishing these facts she has been
ConulOiled to contradict a number of die-
interested witnesses and the veracity of
her story I hard to judge. Some facts
favorable to the state have been brought out
and opportunity will be offered In rebuttal
to bring out sonic facts they are anxious
to get to the jury.
Town IdItor1n1 Couiunieni.
SIout City Journal : No rooster baa taken
the politIcal platform to crow about the
Iowa lien , as Bryan has for the silver in-
dumutry. but all the same tlmo egg and poultry
output of the Hawkoy'e state is greater than
the gold and silver output of the richest
mountain commonwealth. Tli hen is intl
to do her own cackling and she does It over
an annual egg output estimated at a value of
ooooOOo to $12,000,000 , saying nothing of
time delicious meat she furnishes fr the
table. She Is only seccnd to the cow , wimlch
in Iowa produces more dollars than all tim
gold and silver 'mInes In 'the country , In
usefulnesi nntl value ,
Creston Gazette : Time name of lion ,
Thomas M , Fee of CentervIlie Is being mentIoned -
tIoned frequently amid by leading republicans
in onnectiomu witim the nounlnntion for judge
of 'time supreme coui't by the state republIcan
convention , No better selection could be
made , Judge Fee is one of time most cmi-
font jurists of Iowa and his reputatioum as a
jumdgo is state wide. Judge Fee line been cii
tIme bench in tlm Second judicIal dlstrle.t
several years mind 'the record ho has mmmdc
while presiding over 'tIme ' courts in that dIgu.
trlot Is a hIgh tribute ( ii his abilIty as V.
jurIst and Interpreter of law. His decisions
statuS time 'test in tIme supreme comirb and his
grout Impularity svith members of tIm bar
and 'time people of his dIstrict is ovidemico
of his high standIng as a citizen. Of
splendid character , brilliant attainments
I and an excellent record at 'time ' bar and on
the bench , he is just that sort of man fitted
to occupy time high IealtiOn as a member of
the supremimo iunt judiciary. JUdge F't'e
will be a formidable candidate lieforo time
convemmtieu and it Iowa republicans see
ill to nominate lmim be wIll be an honor to
I time great slate of Iowaj which ho will servo
s'lth time same fidelity that line chaarctortzed
imle judicial life in the Second judicial die.
Cedar Rapids llepublican : Those who a-re
opposing 'time Stto Board of Commirel's re-
cclii order , as to the insane , are in favur of
'mad ' houses instead of lmospilals for time
mentally , dieeased , " .Vo hope there wIll not
be another coimnty insumie "pen" built in
Iowa , Eyen the larger counties can better
afford to let the state provide for their in-
sane. Boards of Supervisors are cbbuiged
almost every year. They are dot elected ( Os'
the purpose of looking after the welfare of
the Insane. They arc not elected because
they Imave any flimmess to give scientific attention -
tention to auth la'tittmts , The avormge
county Insane ward is BlmnpIy a "pen" into
wiuieh the unt'rt.unates are thrown to shift
I for ibommiselves , 'l'lme county that pernits
' atmclm treatment 'to be accorded to its insane -
sane is crlmninal. The state is the emily
imarty that. is competent to give adequate
care to 'the insane. The state can provide
I because tt has irnmny immeano to provide for
I and many resources to draw from , When
I the state learns to look otter all its insane
' there vill be use ( or the four ltspita1s now
I built or in process of building and there will
be use in addition of a large central farm or
place of detention for all the lucurabies.
epiepties and so ems , That would be time
humane way and , 'isa the long run , the cheap
way , If cheapn&s must be considered , to
care for tILO insane.
Retail flardware Men of rowa i1ect Ollicers
and Ju1joura
lcmIi'e t1i 'Ennetmeni or ft 1auv V1i
lug limo Miniuimimul % Veige for
' ( IiIeii iisutl ( illillircik iii
'I'li&dit lIupsIit'S's ,
DlS tIOINES , Fob. 0.-Speeinl ( Tele-
grarn-Timo ) retail hntdvaro amen of Iowa
completed time organIzation of their associa-
tins imere today and adjourned to macct iii
Des Moines next year when time lnmplcnient
Men's association meets , ltesoiutions were
0(101)10(1 askIng time legislature to correct
abuses Connected with the employment of
women anmi children by retailers in this
state and recommended that the legislative
committee try to secure time cumactnietlt of ii.
In's- fixing a nmunlniunt wage for this class
of labor to correspand with the wages of
men in the same employment. Time lcgis-
lativo committee is also instructed to secure -
cure a law making deceptive and false ad-
vertislng illegal on the part of the dealer ,
C. M , Doxea read a paer before the musso-
cintlon coiilemning fence anti biliboarmi ad-
vortisemnent , nmlvcrtising by posters and
cards and cumdorsing newspaper advertising
as time only legitimate kind ,
The following oillccra were elected by the
executive commIttee , which i tim directory
of the assocIation :
Secretary , Mrs. Henrietta Kupper , Bar-
ilngton ; trensurer , Charles Swaune , Council
Bluffs. arici'aaen committee , L. H. iCurtz ,
Des Molimes ; Il. Ft. I'errium , Burlington ;
George Meader , Sibley ; E. II. Norris , Cedar
RapIds ; ti. C , Ilillnman , Grand Junction ,
Legi siuitlvo comnmmmlttee. C. W. Brelesford ,
Villisca ; II. M. Vaughn , Newton , mind C. M.
Doee , Algona ,
Nine firemen are suffering from frozen
feet. They fought sl fIres yesterday and
suffered nnmch. The departmemit has been
demoralized since last night , when time
Preuty-Bowler Soap works 'burned at a loss
of $23,000. The hose avas so frozen it
practically faIled to work , The fire committee -
tee of time city council held a meeting this
morning and telegraphed to Chicago for
1Ooo feet of new hose.
The jury in the case of A. C. hail against
the Rock Island railroad failed to agree tb-
day after being nut fifty-fIve hours. This
broke the record for Polk county juries.
The jury stood ten to two against the rail-
road. Ball lost both urine In an accident.
He sues for $40,000 and got $23000 on a
former trial. The verdict was sot aside because -
cause the evidence of a brakeman was admitted -
mittod as expert testimony. The trial Just
ended is the seeond.
Building Beoni at PcrrT ,
PERRY , 4t , FflO. : i.-Speclai--.Perry
'will have the biggest boom In the way of
building this year or any since time Milivau-
kee road located its shops here. A new
and handsome bank building will be erected
for the accommodation of the new bank
which was recently organIzed. Allen Breed
has the material on the ground for the
erection of his 150-foot front store building ,
three stories high. B. F. Elliott also has hIs
materIal ready to 'be put into a two-story
50-foot front store building. Dr. E. It. Mkcn
will probably build a two-story 50-foot store
anti office building. L. D. Gambel is having
the debris cleared off his lots preparatory
tc the _ erection of' fine store building.
Blley 1flobinson.dUohn Shorthy , IV. F.
PhilbriclrGeorge . : E. Leonard , John Mitclm-
elI and Arvia Th6rnbiurg arc all fIguring on
commemmclng the creation of atoro buildings
as soon as the weather permits. John Mitch-
eli has already begun the erection of his
new brIck livery stable. Dr. A. L. Brown
has had the old buildings 'which occupied
his lots torn dawn , to make way for a
handsome new oufici ? building , whIch will
be as fine in its finish and equipnxen as
money can make it , There Ia also .contem-
plated the erection of a new city hail , in-
eluding a jail , fire engine house , council
room , city offices , etc. In addition to these
there will probably bo the largest nmouumt
of residence building there has been In
Perry for yearn. The Milwaukee has made
known Its intention to construct new and
improved coal chutes , alan to add to their
already large yards several miles mere of
sidetrack. It has been rumored that they
Intended to erect repair shops , but nothing
can be learned to verify time authenticity of
the report.
Crcston II11)eCtM t'iuljIIe fliui1dIng
CRESTON , Ia. , Feb. 0.-Spocial.-In ( ) the
list of favorably reported PUblIC bulkflng
bills before the house committee of time whole
Creston is included for an appropriation for
a $50,000 building. In anticipation of the
government building time citizens of Creston
are feeling elated. They think that with
Congressman Mercer behind the scheme it
will win and proper credit Is also given
Coumgressman Hepburn ,
1lils' Cozui'tuiiIohi ,
SIOUX CITY , Feb. 9.-Special ( Pole-
gramn.-In.llcntions ) point to Cedar Rapids
being selected as the nicetlng place for time
state convention of time lodges of Bike in
low-a. State Deputy \V. II. fleck of Sioux
City has receIved the result. of tIme vote in
many of the leading lodges , tending to show
that Cedar Rapids instead of Des Moines or
Waterloo vlll get. time convention ,
ltubbers F's , rt' ( ' ( ) jie'n a Sn fc.
MASON CITY , Ia , , Fob. 9.-Special ( Tel-
egram.-Burglurs ) entered time geimoral mer-
elmandise store of Levi Helm last night at
Rock Falls , blow open a large sale and
alpropriated the contents , The force of the
explosion was so great as to blow out the
side of the building , The Brady gang now
operating cxtensiveiy in this section is
thought to be connected with the robbery.
Jleliiiomut boNes llcnvll ) ' .
FORT DOlGE , Ia. , Feb. 0-Special ( Pole-
gram-Tiue ) town of llelniond has suffered
sovoi'ely from time fire disaster that occurred
there yesterday. TIme 'buildings burned were
among the flumest in the city. A conservative
estimate piaces time damage at $40,000 , more
tlmaim hmahf of which was a total loss , Time
total insurance amounts to $15,000.
is'lIn J"roZCiI * 0 Jeiitli.
OSlc/LOOSA , Ia. , Fib. 0.-ilenry ic.
Fortune , a resident of Mucimeklnock , umear
tlmis city , was frozen to death last umight ,
It was 30 degrees below zero.
IC e' I 1 ey-l'u I ci e
\VYMOI1E. Neb , , Fob , 9-Special.- ( )
Last evening at. the home of the britle's
parents in this city occurred time marriage
of ] dward ICehley to Miss Ida Paisley , 11ev.
Franklin of the Christian church officiating.
Pho wedding ivas attended only by the rel-
atlves anti inumnetliate friends of time con-
'tracting parties. TIme bride 'imas grown to
womanhood in this city , where she' enjoys
a large circle of friends , Thu greens is a
prosperous young farmer , whose paremmts
are among the prominent pioneer residents
of Gage couuity ,
1Io'1 c-Nc v I as.
NE' YORK , Feb. 0.-MIss Catherine
Peering Novins of East Orange and Nicholam
Boyle of Wexford , Ireland , were married in
St. John's Roman Catholic church in Oraugu
today. The coremoay was performed by the
rector of the church , flee. Ii. P. Fleming ,
Miss Lillian Esther Nevint , a sister ot the
bride , was married yesterday to John l ,
Nester of Detroit , The bride of today ian
maiti cut honor at her sister's vedthlng yes'
terday and was nttende.1 today as mtid of
honor of Miss May \'inCemmt Jackson , who
% i.ili shortly become the bride of Thomas A.
Noi'ins , a brother of tIme bride. The brides-
11151(11 ( , MIss Mary O'Reilly of Orange nn'l
Miss Annie Dyer of Detroit , acted In the
same capacity for Miss Lillian Nevin's wed-
( hog yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle niitl
Mr. and Mrs. Nester will go on their wedding -
ding trip together. The britles are time
daughters of Thomas Neviuis , a millionaire
i s-A a ml c rs 9 U.
RAPID CIT % , S. I ) . , Feb. ft.-Special.- ( )
Herbert II. Lewis of Gordon , Nob. , was mar
rkml Moumday to Mrs. Mar'tlma Anderson of
timls oily. They will reside lucre.
Flrcmeui % % 'ni'lc Uiiiier 1)Iflh'ulfleM Iii
EsIinjuuImlsiuig a li'stritule
Illuze Iii Nt'i Y ( Irk.
NEW YOltl'C , Feb. ti-A fire which causel
a loss estimated at from 609,000 to $1,090,000
and which threatened to destroy num entire
hlock started in time bag factory of Waiter
& hell and at I ammil 3 Front street , a five-
story brick building , early today , The lire
soon spread to C , antI thou to 26 Moore
street. A large number of girls wimo nro
employed In the bag factory building rushed
flowO tiio stairs In a panic , shrieking for
help. A firemnan wimo happened to ho jiass-
big and several clflzoaa succeeded in comm.
tag the girls and getting thou out to the
street safely.
Sparks blown by time wind ignIted I amid 2
Soimth street , a tour-story building occim-
Pied as a storage warehouse by J , II. Meyer
& Co. , and threateimed the entire block
boimmuled by South , Fi'ent 011(1 Whitehall
streetm. No. 5 Front street , occupied by
Auarguuutdau & Raniro , dealers In foreign
fruits , burned rapidly. The firenmen worked
anther great difficulties , owIng to the intense
COll , Bernard C , Blair , it flronmmtmi of the
fireboat ] tnbert. A. Van Wycic , fell from a
ladder and fractured his skull. In the rear
of the bag factory were rows of small build-
lags filled with.hay , grain , feed , cotton , jute
and bagging , All were ablaze Iii an iumstant
it Scenieml and the flanmea gathered headway -
way as they leaped to the larger structures
in that stock.
Peter Iiartmnn'a hotel. the lastern hotel
and the Whitehall hntel were included iii the
sweep of time flames. Fortunately few guests
ivero In the hotels at the than.
'l'Iuirlrcn I1niIlings ' 'Iiel Omit.
NEW YORK. Feb. 9.-Firo today swept
through the block of buildings opposite
Battery park , bouxidel by Front , Whitehall ,
South amid Moore streets mind destroyed
thirteen buildings , entaIling a loss of about
$700,000. One fireman , Bernard Blair , qf
the fireboat Bernice , was overcome and
while being brought down a ladder slipped
from the arms of his conirado and feli to
the ground. fract'uriimg his skull , Several
cthcr firement 'were overeonme by smoke and
cold , and a eorps of ambulance surgeons
was kept busy attending to the iire-ilghuters.
One hundred and fifty girls employed in the
bagging cmtctory of Waiter & Bell , en
Front strcot became panicatrielcen and a
score of theni , on the fifth floor , were cut
off by the smoke , They were rescued over
the roofs of other 'buildings. '
1lfe LOMt ilL FIre at Saratoga ,
SARATOGA , N. 'Y. , Feb. 9.-Time Delaware -
aware & Hudson depot , Sweeney's hotel ,
the Saratoga company's annex and Schaet-
for's cafe were burned todaY. Dwyer's saloon -
loon , the Sheridan ho-use , thm Spencer
bouao and Rourke's alley were damaged.
James V. Snyder , a night watchman employed -
ployed by the , Delaware & Hudson rail-
way' , was burned to death. The loss is $60-
000 , Fartly covered by immeurance.
Firemen Stiffer sit Work ,
AKRON , 0. , Feb. 0.-.The flume residence of
1st. C , Neil , a leading dry goods merchant ,
was burned this morning , entailing a loss of
$20,000. The firemen worked , four hours
with the temperature 15 degrees below zero
and nearly all of them had their hands , ears
and feet frozen. One of the firemen , named
Scott , is in a critical condition and may
hot recover ,
Ilcrluigtois licasily lnmnumged.
HERIN&TON , ICan. , Feb. 0.-The busiumess
portion of Herlngton , including the Hotel
lferington , hughes' drug store , Regnler's
jewelry store , Elliott's Racket store and
Swartz & Co's. livery barn , was destroyed
by fire early 'today. Loss estImated from
$75,000 to $100,000 ; Insurance light. Twenty
degree below zero weather handIcapped the
Fire sit ( riindy Ceuuter _
ST. PAUL , Feb. 0.-A Grundy Center , Ta , ,
special says : A big fire started in the
furnace flue of the imotel sample room early
today and destroyed the three-story hotel
building , the Herald priating office , a large
lmarnctus store , a furniture store , Grant's shoe
store and .two millinery stores , Leas , $50-
000 ; insurance unknown.
Sti IiuiNIiieNM IlhcIs Itt " , Vlillnuiis.
'WEBSTER CITY , Ia , , Fob. 9.-Withi time
mercury down to 24 below zero a dlsastromms
fire broke out 1mm the town of Williams , fir-
teem : mIles cast of this city , last night. Before -
fore the flames could he controlled , six
business blocks In thin heart of the town
hind been reduced to aches. Loss , T,000 ;
Immsurance , one-fifth ,
Nit rrov I1uI ps o f Cli I Iii re II ,
CINCINNATI , Feb. 9-Fire in the Tenth
district school on Elm street today threatened -
enod the lives of several hundred children ,
but by the cool work of time teachers and the
general chiscipiino of time school nil time cliii-
droum got out safely , ,
I'rI'viste , . ( , , ' , . .
Private 11. G , Livingston or Guy , as ho
i'as known among lulmi classmates at college ,
was a young attorney In Plattsmnouth , lie
was a son of General It , It , Livingston ,
for ninny years cLiof surgeon of thu ilmir-
lirmgtou roaml antI was 20 years old at time
time of hula ileatb In Manila , Doctors Then-
doro P and Robert Livingston of Phatts-
mouth mire brothers. Guy Llvingstoum was
a graduate of Ann Arhor and has several
ckussimmates iii Ouaaimmi and Lincoln. Wheum
tim young mmmcmi of time University of Nebraska -
braska wore talking last spring of organizing -
izing a regiment of heavy artillery to be
' commanded by Colonel Dudley , Guy Liv-
ingaton took a prominent part In ( ho mnnve-
macnt. The refusal emi time part of ( lovernor
Iloicomb to recogmuizo time boys resulted in
Livingston's appearance 1mm LIncoln one
day to make application ( or euullatment in
the First Nebraska volunteers. lie bad a
flue physique and was just such a manly
' looking maim as an oillcer would select for
I a soldIer , so he was a niember of time regl.
meat before he kaew it. Scores of political
and personal friends througimommt the state
mviii be sorry to hear that his name has been
added to time list of yoming Nebraskans wimo
will mmci'er return alive to their native coun
try ,
tris , An.irev
\\'edaeaday evening Mrs. Andrew Smith ,
I wife of Andrew Smith , who for thirty years
tins been almost constantly employed by
time Union l'aciflc railroad , died at time tam-
lly residence in this city. Time funeral will
be from St. John's church Saturday morn-
I lag , Mrs. SmIth was taken iii December
23 'with nervoUs prostration. For a time
I she improved , but during the last two
weoke she failed steadily and on Monday
last all hope was bandond , She asscd
peacefully away. urrotmntlcd by her eons
amid htubnut1. She leaves three eons. . S.
Smith , it resident of Omnnhn ; Edward A
South , limo is at Preseult stuiying law it
Iowa ( 'ity , anti Thonmas J. Smith , a macamber
of time Jesmuit order , stationed in St. Lottie.
Mrs. Smith was it pioneer of tIm city , lmnv-
lug lenmaved hero in the early 00g. She waft
well nnd favorably known 1mm Catimollc irclea
in tIme city , beiuig particularly kumnaim for
her practical charity and devotIon to time
iumterests of time poor.
l.ui-'yer , uuu'8I r ,
Sl'IthNGFiEfl , uio. , 1'eb. tt.-Major J. C.
Cravetme , aged 61 years , ii curator of time
Unit'ersity of Missomiri and a vrornlnent
lawyer amid politician , died at 1ml imoumic hero
tomlay after a brief ilhimess. lie served
through' time civil war 1mm tIme couufederato
OIIcM * I iuliui tulttiii I ii ( iii ii I r.
T1IEXTON' , Nob. , Feb. 9.-Speclal.----A. ( )
Enmersomm , agcl 04 , amid time oldest inhiumbitamit
of the county , (110(1 ( this imioruming frommm olil
age ammul tli gnu at time resltcumet ! of his
son-in-law' , Captain J. Q. Wlmeckr , three
ummiles cast of this town ,
Mlii ili's I ii f hIM Ii $ , 'IuIIuII
S\'itACUSE , Neb , , Feli , 9.-iSperial
\'cstcrdmmy nfterumeou from time Limtlmemnmm
einmrcli ( uceturred time fuumeral of George Lo-
remiz , a pmmpii of ( ho niimthm grade in time
111gb sclmoal. Ills class attended km a imoily ,
Comi-veli I hub H 0 I'nui ) ii tin ' ilci
I1lr's ( tilleem's n.I 1 , ( ( ' S III
McCrrmm'I.'n's , tlircsa , ,
'TAM l'Fbi , , Feb , 0.-The National Mill-
tumry couuventlamu vits orgamilzed ( nilmmy iytlde ,
QlCCtlOii of thm following officers : i'm'eshlomit ,
Daniel Btmtter1llcl of New 'ork ; vice iresl-
deimts , 0. 11. Chase , Michigan ; ( 'oloumei J.
Antimony 1)yer , Rhode Island , anti ( leumeral
.ioimn C. tlnderwooml , loum tacky ; secretary ,
Jmmrnes ' 1' . Viison , Florida. Time following
committee on resoltmtlomis aims milldoldmted ) by
time chmaim' : General ( 'hmarlcs /tndersomm ,
Virglumia ; Coloumel'unfield Scott. l'roskey ,
Florida ; General Appleton , \'cst Virginia ;
Lleutcuinimt W. II. Stmtherlarmmi. Uiuitc'd Statea
imavy ; General T , 1V. Floyd , Somitim Carolina
Major Joe Harper , Florlla ; Coloiici W. S.
Sheppard , Georgia ; Colonel ( 'imambem lain ,
Mnssaclmtmsetts , and Captain Audrows , New
'York , ( Ionerul Andersomm was nmado c'imuir- ;
iminn of time coaimnittee.
iajor Thoummpson , in eonmnmaumd of time
Toronto Cadets , was nmade an imoimorar' xnc'mn-
her of time congress. A number of resohu-
tiomis pertaining to some netiomm by congress
to provide for clotimimig and developing state
militia and naval reserves were referred to
the committee out resolutions without de-
bale. They will be incorporated in one gcum-
cml resolution to lme presented to time con-
'vouttion at a future osslon.
1)r. McCracken , cimancellor of Now York
university , was introdtmccd by General illox-
ham and delivered an address oum "Militia
Action in Public Scimools. " Time conventloim
then adjourned until 3 o'clock tomorrow
IJrIft 11015)1CN5I'lOWfl Stream imuiI
Fears Eiulcrtuuincd it. ) iny
lie H Wreck ,
NAShVILLE , Tenn , , Fob. 9.-The steamer
ID. . Staggs , Captain Douglass Jones , was
badly wrecked at the bridge over the To-
umessee river at .Tohmmsonvllie , Tenmm. , at mid-
night. In attenmptimmg to go ummder the drawbridge -
bridge the boat "sheered" amid struck time
bridge , knocking the piiothmouse amid smokestacks -
stacks off. The boat then drifted helplessly
doWn the stream , wlmiclm was swollen by
rains and snow. It has not been heard from
since , It is valmied at , $10,000 , ammO was in-
mired. The cargo is vmmhucd at $1,0OO.
Several men citing to the piers of the
bridge and wore saved. The fate of the rest
of the passengers is unknown. It is teared
time steamer will burn or ho wrecked.
Among those on board were : W. C ,
Green , St. Louis ; Mr. Brandomi , T'aducalm ,
father-in-law of Captaumm Jones ; Mr.
helium , Evansville. relreSemmtlng the Evmtn-
yule Grain and Tie company : Mr Herring ,
Louisville , tobacco house ; Mrs. Jones , wlfo
of the captain ; Gims Thomas , head clerk ;
Bob Scott , second clerk ; A. J. Bucimimnaum ,
third clerk ; Mr. Daniel , imeaci cook ; Billy
Smith , l'aducah , aim extra pilot ; Captaimi
Rollins of Paducahm , arm ox-pilot and awell
known fur dealer.
Elect IOu ) of Ofik'erszi u.S l'aprrs Itmill
at Closiuig Izm"M SeMsioli ut
MILWAUKEE , Feb. 9.-The oommvontlen
of the National Association of Builders
closed today , Time following officers were
elected : President , John ii. Stevens , Phii-
adelphin ; first vice president , G. J. Tapper ,
Chicago ; second vice president. Charles A.
Cowea , New York ; secretary-treasurer , W ,
H , Seward , Boston ,
The next PInCO of meeting ihas been left
to 'the ' executive board for future selection ,
At todny's session a number of papers 'wore
read , Ex-l'rcsideumt John Stevens of PhIladelphia -
adelphia SPOIdO en the work of the associa.-
tion. The report of the comnnmltteo on rose-
lutions , whulclm was adopted , ordered that
all salaried services and all publications Iii.
i'oiving expeuiso 'ho abnndoned and that of-
Ilcera of the association sbould be clectel
who ore faimmiliar with time w'ork of the' as-
-soelatiomi ,
All out Hound IOst'uipc } Tceit Clii'
Sieiiii CU-rk ii liii t4e'v'ruII
N/tSllVlLLE , Trim. , Feb. 9-Time steamer
I' . D. Stagga , wimicim collided s'itim the rail.
road bridge at Jolunsouivilie Just night ,
drifted four miles ( lawn time river oumml
burned , There were sixty people on board
tile steamer , hut their fate is not yet known.
Assistance has been sent and definite imows
Is expected iii 'a ' short time.
A telegram from Danviile states that allen
on board were tiitVCl except Second Clerk
Robert Scott and six or eight rousiahiouts.
I I4'stl4'Ilt ( ' $ Slut r DII 1uistu'luur ,
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 9.-Tbe ollico of time
state nil inspector In St. 1.rniis imu now hemng
Investigated by the semite Lexow comimmittee.
henry C. r.renner , irealdeumt of the Inland
OIl comumpafly and collector of ustoimis In St
1..ouIs , testified that the consumnermu or coal
oIl pay time fees i'lulcim go to make mmli time
: For Infants anti Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
: ' :
$10,000 income of Ihi vii1 oil inspector lIe
further testified timni liii , ( 'O2uiihiI1i i.alit the
coal nil inspector nt time rtutt' ' f 12 cents a
barrel for iesttng tatuks of oil. lie hue I
never hemird Of oil Lmeiumg rejeoted by the
Itmepector ,
Itt-li. ) ri " C hat I % 'sIlunhl ( ' tire I Iiiiii ( I
, tloussr l'c'l It I -l-r l'ro t.
' , IIC
lflMONTON. N. W. T. , i'd ) , 0A corre-
epommdcut of ( lit' Associated l'ress w riling
imuiuier date of Novcmmmbcr 1 at Sliac'ktomvmi.
forty niile from the amomutim or ltmt river.
says : Time muajorily of mmiiners who ven1 imp
time Peel river are retumrmilng very munich die-
eoumm'tgrtl , TIut' m'aume is true of those ivlm
itent imp Ili Laird river. Time ricim strikes
reporteul to ita't' beoum ummatie on tit ihmuiTalo ,
Ilny. Lairti , fli'avri aunt Peel rivers lost 'ear
exist only Iii iummaglmialion. All these rivers
lmavm Ueemm thoroughly lrospectNt , ( lila year
5,11(1 ( 11mm' eiiiy umielal of 'alute tomilimi I' itS copper
ore iii tIme Gravel river. A rmummmor tlmnt a cli-
'or ore strike Imad bremm mantle on Great Slate
lake bout a niummilmor of ummen tlic're , hut I
unmlcretamul there uas tie foutmmdatloui for time
rei.mrt. 'rime ' 'gold umumggete' that t hue in-
dinims brumiglmt iii occasiomuilly Proved to ho
copper ore.
K d I
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what 'you eat.
ttartiflcluUydIgcStttlCfOQd and nids
Nitttiru 1mm streiigthenhimg and reCoil'
structing the cNbiltlStCL cllgostlvc 01"
galls. It , Is the lilt est.dmtcovcred dIgest'
iiiibtnd tCI1ilC. No other preparation
can aflptOitCul It , in ciliclency. It in-
utantty relinvefi and pernmanlY cures
1)yspcp'imt , I mU gestAon , Ilcarthurhi ,
Fiatncnce , Sour Stomach , zill6cfl.
0kHcdaclmeGflStra1g1flCrafliP8al ,
nfl other rnaults ( i f I imlperfert digestion.
Proporcd by E. c. DeWitt A Co. , CbIcago.
- \ .
Best Dining Car Service.
Only Depot In Chicago on Ihe Elevated Looj
M.btim'rs ! t1llllt-re Mutlorpil !
iIrs. Winslow's Sootlming Syrmip has hm'en
used for over ( lily years by millions ei
n'othmcrs for timi'ir clmildren while teetiming
ivitim perfect smuecoss. I -oohmes time vimiid.
softens time gmmmns , tmliay . . ulI iumlmm , euire.s
wind colic amid Is the best memecly for
Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists 1mm every pan
of mime world , lie sure nimd ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing S'ruip' and 'ake no
oilier ] cimml. 2 : ; comm is a bottle
- - - - - -
The science of osteopathy was discovered
by Dr. A. T. Slili of l'Cirksville , Mo. 1)r.
Still reasoned Ilmat a natural ilow of blood
is lmeaitlm ; and discese is tile effect of local ( mc
general ( ilsturbance of time blood ; that to
excite nerves causes muscles to contract and
compress venous flow of blood to tIme heart ,
and the bones commld lie used os lovers to
relieve pressure on nerves , veins and or-
A slIght stralum or a sudden Jolting many
easily cause a displacemeumt of hone , muscle ,
temidon or orgaim , and a coumsequment pressure
on the nerves. thus breaking the nerve wave
between time brain amid the Part iajured ,
and wo then may have as a rosimit any of
the numneromis allnmeimts caused frouic lack
of imervo supply to parts. Seldom 1mm timern
a permanent cure until time machInery is
righted. hence we treat headache ( all
kinds ) . weak eyes , catarrim. hay fever , cim-
largod tensile. goiter , asthma , bronchitis ,
deafness , irregularItIes of the imeert , neu-
'malgia ' or rimeunatlsmmi ( of aumy pail ) , spInal
curvmtturu ( all kindle ) , dIslocation of joinhi ,
all Iliad of stoummimclm , liver , kidney , bowel
end soicen trouhies , bladder rind urotimu'al
tromuliles , uterine , female irregularItIes. as
painful , suppressed or excessive meimstrus-
lion , ieucort'iioea. nmilk leg , etc.
"I have been in invzmill for ton years ;
imat'e been to emma of tIme best imoumpitals in
Chicago mind one 1mm iowmm anti imave been
treated by sonic of time best doctors in both
states for kimiuut'y nimd imladder trouble , hamt
did not get mmny better , so as a last hope I
thought I would try osteopathy. Dr. Al.
-V. Bailey gate mime emmo nmoumtti's treatment
emmd I nun feeling better in every way ; has' .
gained iii flesh , caum sleep better and feel (
tlmat I have been benoilteil by oatcopetby
11115. ANS.t IIOXIIII. f -
AlIiii , : lcuuii-oi ( uiiit ) , Iusa.
Wife of Simeriff John Dormer.
'DRU M1 W. BAftEY ,
( ; i'tuihuuiiC ( ' Ut Clue , t IiI'I'l'il ii School ,
IIrIu a vI I Ii' , . t1o.
Rootmis 805 , Hi ) ( Sair' lilock ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
( 'all or ms'rlto for ( murtlier iiufoi'mnutiOfl.
i1rm ill : : Engines.
. ' / '
- . - - 'I
ItiS ( ' ( 'ii COIl IIIi ill tilts , iiuuj Oflmn liii ,
Rates Fleasonimble , Hatiafactloq Guaranteed.
Council Bluffs oiilce , tie. B North Multi
street. Telepluomma ITt. Omaha tililce removed -
moved to 32 : South Fifteenth street , Pole-
ymimnno 1308.
tonnections made with outb Omaha 4
' 'That is truth whicli nil iiien say. " 1e
recoiiimend the Toni Moore cigar. Joliii
6. Woodward & Co. , distributors , Couti.
cii Bluffs , In.
C )