Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Senate Gets After Ornel Oolonel of Firs
Nebraska Regiment.
CltUen * Fortnnlnte 1'ctltlon to the
Secretary of War AnkltiK that
StatucnherK He InvcMlKiited '
anil I'unliilied.
LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The al
leged misconduct of Colonel Slotacnbcrg of
the First Nebraska toward his men has nt
latit been taken up by the legislature. Sen
ator Crow of Douglas offered this resolution
today :
Whereas , H Is common report coming from
itho sons of Nebraska parents serving their
country In Manila , Philippines , of unjust
and tmsoldlery treatment of the men In the
First Nebraska regiment by Colonel Stot-
senberg , and
NVherena , Thess charges have been oftl-
clally filed with the secretary of war , and
Whereas , The humblest private \olunlccr
soldier , whether at home or 10,000 miles
away , In entitled to the full protection of
every right , therefore ,
IteiinentN StotHcnherK'n Removal.
Resolved , That our senators and represent
atives In congress bo requested to urge tha
honorable secretary of war to detach Colonel
Stotsenbcrg from 'tho First Nebraska vol
unteers , U. 8. A. , and return him to duty In
the regular army ,
Resolved , That upon the return of the
Flrrt Nebraska regiment to America , where
testimony can bo heard , that these charges ,
BO universally believed by the friends of
the men of this1 regiment , should be fully
Investigated and such punishment Inflicted
as the case , If proven , deserves.
Resolved , further , That the secretary of
war be also requested to hear and dctermlno
all charges now on file In the office of the
adjutant general of the army against officers
for violation of army regulations toward
volunteer soldiers from tno state of Ne
Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions
shall be transmitted to the secretary of war
at once.
The resolution was passed under mispcn-
Blon of the rules , Halo of Madison recording
the only "no" vote.
YORK , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Spnclal. ) There
IB a rising wave of , Indignation In all parts
of the state where there are friends of the
First Nebraska boys against the reported
cruelty of Colonel Stotsenberg at Manila.
The complaints that have reached this place
from tlmo to tlmo have found popular ex
pression in the following petition from well
known citizens. It has been forwarded to
the secretary of war :
YORK , Neb. , Jan. 11. To Hon. R. A. Al-
gcr , Secretary of War , Washington : We ,
the undersigned , representing the parents ol
the boys constituting Company A , First reg
iment of Nebraska volunteers , now at Manila
would respectfully represent that they have
for a long time learned of the harsh and
tyrannical treatment of the boys by Colonel
Stotsonbcrg , the commanding officer of sale !
regiment , and take this means of remon
strating against his cruel acts.
Under the strict rules of military discip
line a soldier has very little hope of rellel
from the unjust oppressive sway of a su
perior officer , and If that officer sees fit tc
exercise his authority to the point of entail
ing unnecessary suffering and hardship upor
men there Is little to prevent It unless th <
friends at home can Interest those in au
thority ,
Wo' will not attempt to specify the nu
mermiB acts of tyranny of which Colone
Stotsonberg Is guilty. Wo would call youi
special attention to the recent remonstrnnci
of the friends of the Thurston Rifles o
Omaha men of the same regiment. Wi
have examined their charges therein se
forth and can elate that complaints of thi
same nature have frequently come to u :
from our own soldier boys.
We , ! therefore , beseech the nami
of ; these , we hold dqar" to remove this mai
from command of 'said regiment and thu :
prevent further indignities against the help
less volunteer who Is making so great a sac
rlfice for his country. Wo have no nc
qualntance with Colonel Stotsenberg and
therefore , have no personal motive In mnk
The public him long felt that the nr
of curliiR Hcxnal decay , Impotent1-
lost manhood was one of the most un
certain of sciences. No two physician
could agree OH to the treatment , am
the public justly became dlsgustc !
with physi
cians in gen
oral. IP h i
most n ul urn
resultA II :
that weal
in e n , seelni
r.o chance o
.obtaining re
'lief from th
regular prac
rltloners llei
fcYi- help t
t li e larg
H r m y o
quacks , wli
emptied the ! ]
pockets an
frequently li
d a mage d
their himltl
Electricity I
today t h
only know
cure for Sqj
ual Weal
nesses , and
guarantee a permanent cure when Klci
trlclty Is applied through the niedlui
which Is the greatest and grandest dl
covery for the upholding of the hone
and glory of man. Boneilclal resuli
are noticed from the very first ( In ;
Failure Is Impossible. You must hav
electricity In the system ; Nature wl
not furnish It. for Nature has been In
posed upon. The gentle , sure and m > '
er-waverlng current of Electricity gei
erated by my Belt feeds the brail
making new tissue , strengthens all tl
cells by supplying them with vlvllk
blood that Is perfectly pure and health ;
It feeds all the muscles of the hod ,
strengthening and hardening them , :
no drugs on earth will. The prices t
my belts arc only 8 and $10 and .
cure Is worth more than money to yoi
It Is worth life Itself. To married me
middle aged or advanced In years wl
Buffer from want of power I assure
speedy and permanent relief ; you en
begin treatment with my Belt with tl
name confidence of a cure as fm
would be to a starving man to satlsl
hunger , With old men the effect Is
happy one the power and vigor <
youth being restored.
t Guaranteed to cure Kidney , Llvi
and Bladder Troubles , Ilhcumatlsm ,
every guise , Constipation , etc. lit
poft , silken cimmols-covored spong ;
flectrodon that cannot burn and Mist
ns do the bare metal electroiles used c
nil other makes of belts win be renew *
when worn out for 75 cents no otlr
belt can be renewed for any pri.ce.
Call upon or write mo today sacred
confidential get symptom blanks , boo ]
and literature. Consultation and ndvl
without cost. „ ! > ELECTUICAL SI' '
PENSOUY for the cure of the vnrloi
weaknesses of men Is KHEE to eve ;
male purchaser of one of my Bell
Sold only by
20 anU Ht , Donida * muck , Kltlt at
Dodgr Stu , Ontalin. Open from Ni'lO
in , to 8iHO p. m. Open all day Suiidn
If roa will , ylrMo Mention the Bee ,
Ing this complaint , It In done solely on be
half of the young men whose welfare and
happiness nltall ever be uppermost with us.
J. A. KCL.SU ,
Woodmen ofortli I.onp Give tin
Oiien MeetltiK.
NORTH LOUP. Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
On Monday evening , January 0 , the Mod
ern Woodmen of America gave one of the
moat pleasing entertainments .the citizens
of this town have ever had the privilege of
The occasion was the dedication of their
now hall In the brlclc block erected by the
North Loup Improvement company during
the last summer. The plans of the Improve
ment company contemplated the erection ol
a one-story brick and the Woodmen society
Is responsibly for the change In the original
plan to that or a fine two-story and baec-
ment building that would do credit to any
town In the state. The society made a
proposition to rent a hall from the company
at * 100 per year If It would build the addi
tional story required. The proposition was
accepted and the original plans changed.
The exercises at the Woodmen's celcbrn-
tlon consisted of music and recitations , the
principal feature being an address by Rev ,
Moces Anderson , state deputy head consul ol
the state of Missouri. After the program
was rendered the consul announced that th
banquet committee reported an Immense
supply of eatables was on hand at the tnwr
halt and Invited the entire audlcnco to re
pair to the hall and partake of the bountlfu ;
feast. Two hundred and fifteen people sal
down to the spread.
Knritiern About Central Cltr
it Deicree of Pronpi-rUy.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Spc
clal. ) About 15,000 cattle are being fed her
this season , to say nothing of several thou
sand head of sheep and hogs. Farmers ar
realizing good prices for their grain am
hay , and largo quantities of oil , meat am
corn arc being received to supply loco
Central City Is alive with new enter
prises. A now lumber yard Is In course o
construction , a new Implement house Is goln
up , besides minor Improvements of varlou
kinds , and a busy season Is anticipated I
all branches of business. Old establlshc
business men are enlarging their building
to accommodate Increasing demands an
others are moving Into larger buildings.
Two creameries In the vicinity of Centre
City are running full time and are shlppln
butter weekly to eastern markets.
Ice Is being harvested hero this wlnte
and a good supply Is being stored by dealer
Farmer * llnve Plenty of Money nu
Much lliillilliiK In IlelnK Ilone.
BURWELL , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) 1
any one doubts that permanent prosper ! !
has come they should take a trip out amen
the farmers and country merchants. Tb
merchants say that tbelr salw hrvo ! r
creased wonderfully and that the farntei
are invariably paying cash for what the
buy. The Implement men report that id
last season's soles were double the prevlni
year and that nearly all bills have been pali
About , fifteen farms have changed han.l ? I
this county In the \aai \ sixty days. A n
sume of thi ; building done In Burwell In 4t
last year iliowa that ovei $15,000 has bee
expended In permanent Improvement
Bailey & Kroetch are now erecting an el (
vator at this point , which will give t > \
largo elevators besides the mill. More in
provements have been made in the last yc :
than in the three years previous.
n , Two Democrat * Succeed Republican
9 In Oriinnlintlon.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special.- )
The Board of Supervisors for Platte count
convened yesterday at the court house , tl
several now members taking their seats ar
those whose terms had expired retlrln
The board this year Is decidedly democrat !
republicans from two districts being sui
ceedcd by democrats. The board was du
organized and standing committees ar
pointed for the ensuing year. Peter Bei
ider from Humphrey was chosen for chal
s man. He has been a member of the boai
d for a number of years. The official pape :
for the county will be announced soon , all
some contracts made for printing and oth
1- supplies. J. W. James was again given tl
o contract for another year to look after tl
llH county's Interest at the poor farm.
h Chnrlc * IllKRlnlinthuin Consent * (
Iletnrii to Inwn.
FREMONT , Neb. . Jan. 11. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Charles Hlgglnbotham , who Is sa
to bo wanted In Harrison county , Iowa , f
" criminal assault on a 14-year-old girl , wi
arrested at the Merchants' hotel here ted :
by Deputy Sheriff Lydlck. Hlgginbotha
acknowledged his Identity and agreed to i
10 back without requisition papers. He wi
registered at the hotel under the name
_ Charles Hughes.
Firemen' * Fnlr n Snccen * .
WYMORE. Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
The firemen's fair , which Is in progress
tbo opera house this week , Is drawing lar
crowds. The fair Is given by the membe
n of the Wyraoro volunteer fire departme
and the success U is having leads the mei
k- bers to believe that the profits of the we
I will be a big help to them In buying nc
uniforms , for which purpose the fair Is b
c- ing given. The fair started Monday nig
m and will close Saturday night. Thursd
1' . night will be known as "city official" nlgl
at which tlmo the department will give
or banquet to the city officials , their wiv '
ory. and the press. Dancing is the prtnclf )
y. mode of amusement and on the closing nig ;
k'O a number of valuable prizes will bo glv
ill away.
nv Sewnril KnlKht * of Pythln * .
vn - SEWARD. Neb. . Jan. 11. ( Special.- )
nn , largo number of people accepted the Invl !
lie tlon of Seward lodge. No. 78 , Knights
Pythias , last evening and witnessed the I
stallatlon ot officers. The installation w
performed by S. S. Weatherby , deputy gra
chancellor commander , assisted by a cot
oj of representatives of grand lodge ofllce
„ The following officers were Installed for t
. . ensuing year : J. F. Gereke. C. C. ; '
' Luchmann , V. C. ; Charles Paradis , P. ; W
Ho llam Iloycr , M. W. ; H. A. Graff , H. II. n
Hoa S. ; W. D. Bowen , M. P. ; W. E. Langwortl
M. E. ; J. T. Mcssman , M. A ,
lie Revival Meeting * nt Wyniore.
ud WYMORE , Neb. . Jan. 11. ( Special. ;
ryu Two revival meetings are being held
u Wyniore , ono at the Christian church , cc
of ducted by Evangelist Lemon of Lincoln , a
the other at the Methodist church. In chai
er of the pastor , Rev. Woodcock. The me
In Ings at the Christian church have been
aso progress for three weeks and as a result
o , the evangelist's efforts many accessions i
er being made to the churches. At I
on Methodist church the meetings have be
eil running a week and here also much Inter
er is being manifested.
lly Temperature nt Dnvld City.
ks DAVID CITY , Neb. , Jan , 11. ( Special.
ce A fine mist has been falling for the 1 ;
'S. thirty-six hours , freezing on the trees n
' sidewalks and other places where it fi
ry The temperature has been hovering arou
ts. the freezing point. A slight wind from I
south , however , has shaken most ot the
from the trees.
„ Hold on Charier of Ilorc Stealing
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan , 11. ( Special.
G. Lord , who was arrested for dealing
horeo and buggy from N , V. Eckels on the
night of December It ! , had his preliminary
hearing before County Judge Bowen yes
terday and was bound over to the district
court In the sum of Ji'OO. He failed to fur
nish ball and was placed In the county jell
to await the next term of court.
Ilcnpcrntc Attempt to Ilrenk Out of
ColumliiiN .In 11 FnllM.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The four crook confined In the
ounty jail Martin , Waters , Hayes and
I'cast exploded a dynamite cartridge In
nc of the cells this evening In the hope
iat the ceTl might bo ruined and they could
make their escape In the confusion that
ould follow. Martin and Waters were
adly Injured In the face and eyes by the
Three of these men are held on the charge
t shooting Officer Brock with Intent to
111. The other Is held for burglary. They
re undoubtedly the toughest crooks that
vor struck this town and an extra guard
as been placed over them. A few weeks
go they were discovered in an attempt to
aw out. Their trial will be called next
cck , when they will undoubtedly get long
crms In the penitentiary.
Ilnil Weather nt Went Point.
WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
A heavy fog with drizzling rain has been
anglng over this section for the last two
ays. Indications point to a spell of bad
Private William Welsner , late of the Sec-
mi Nebraska regiment , who has been 111
with typhoid fever for the last two months
nd was s/owly recovering , has been .consld-
rably worse during the last few days.
Corporal John Jacobs of the Twelfth regu-
ar Infantry leaves for Manila on the 16th
.Vo Subject for the Coroner.
FAIRMONT , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
The county attorney and Attorney Dams-
horp and coroner came up from Geneva
yesterday to hold an Inquest on the body of
Vallaco Scott , the man stabbed by Bruce
MadUon in a poker dive here thres weeks
go tonight. They found him a very lively
: orpse. He has been very low for the last
wo weeks , but seemed to take a change fcr
he better Monday night and Is said to bo
much better this morning.
Kill * n Wolf.
BLOOMINGTON , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Spe
cial. ) Charles Wamsloy , while driving to
own yesterday , killed a largo wolf 200 yards
away with a 38-callber revolver.
The Modern Woodmen of America lodges
met here yesterday to hold their county
convention to elect delegates to the state
convention , electing C. E. Moffct and M. E.
Medder. There was a large attendance from
all parts of the county.
Geneva Note * .
GENEVA , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The
county congress met and organized yester
day with Jchn Ward as chairman.
The Fraternal Aid association , Geneva
council No. 103 , installed officers last night
and enjoyed an oyster supper.
1C Dr. George Mozce is still suffering se
i- verely from Injuries caused by his fall.
irs There are a few cases of measles In town.
' CoiunilNHloner * nt Ilnrrvell.
\a \ BURWELL , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
The county met in regular
session yesterday w'th two new members.
S. L. Reason , .Ciiuolican , . represents the Sec-
end district and was elected last fall and F.
M. Key was appointed to fill the vacancy
caued by resignation. This makes the board
two populists and one republican.
For Selling Liquor to Minor * .
YORK , Nob. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Mrs. Joe
Williams swore out warrants for the ar
rest of Jones & Adams , proprietors of the
S. saloon at McCool , this county , charging
them .with felling intoxicating.Hquqr8p0her
eon , , who is a. minor. The case * has been
continued until February 10.
State nunUInu Donril.
LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
The State Banking Board today reap-
polnted the entire , working force of the
office , Including Secretary Hall , Examiners
Reuben Llpp , J. F. Coad , E. H. Luebhart
and V. E. Wilson and Clerk Henry Mat-
Rnlii at Central City.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Spe
cial. ) A light , drizzling rain fell here early
this morning and still continues at Intervals ,
A sleet storm is feared from present Indica
Telephone Line Completed.
WESTON , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The
Nebraska Telephone company has com
pleted its line through this place connect
toe ing with Wahoo and It Is now in operation ,
e- CnrncKle Ruy * n Plate Mill.
eId BETHLEHEM , Pa. . Jan. 11. The plate
or mill of the Bethlehem Iron company ha ;
been sold to the Cameglo company , &od II
will bo moved to Homestead. The mill hat
been Idle for a year. The purchase price if
not given.
RrliiK KiiKllh Gold.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. 11. The etcamei
Marlposa , which arrived today , brought $2-
500.000 worth of English sovereigns for loca
and New York banks.
Threatening 'Weather Will Contlniu
In Neuraaka , Accompanied by
Variable WlniU.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Forecast fo
Thursday :
For Nebraska Threatening weather
southerly winds.
For South Dakota Threatening weather
with snow in extreme western portions
03 southeasterly winds.
al For Iowa Threatening weather , wltl
ht light rain or snow In northwest portions
southeasterly winds.
For Missouri and Kansas Thrcatenlnj
weather ; variable winds.
. For Wyoming Threatening weather
variable winds.
ot Local Record.
in- CMA1IA , Jan. 11. Omaha record of tcm
neruturu anil ralnrall compared wit ]
ivl the corresponding day of the past thre
Governor Sends Hia List of Nominations to
the Senate.
Committee on Judiciary of ttii Itonno
IlccommcndB election nciclMratlan
lnn Urlnt of 11111 * In lioth
llrniiclie * .
PIERRD , S. D. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) In the senate this afternoon Lawson -
son presented a petition ( ram the citizens
of Drown county for an appropriation to
pay premiums awarded at state fairs In 1S'J3
and 1S94. A bill was presented far per diem
and mlteago for members and was consid
ered under suspension of the rules. The
most Important committee recommendation
was that recommending the passage of a
bill substituting the railroad commissioner
for the state treasurer on the State Hoard ol
Dills were Introduced today as follows :
Dy Gundcrson Memorial to congress for
the payment of taxes on Indian lands.
Dy dundcrson To prevent membars of the
legislature from using passes.
JJy O'Drlen Requiring posting of copies
of mortgages on mining claims.
Dy Ileed Making It the duty of railroad
companies to furnish cars for transportation
of freight and suitable places for receiving
and handling same.
By Arncson Defining liability of Inc
keepers for personal property of guests.
A resolution was Introduced ordering the
appropriations committee to report a general
appropriation bill not later than Februarj
6. After considerable discussion tbo resolu
tion was Indefinitely postponed.
Nomination * ! Taken Up.
A message was received from the governoi
containing a list of nominations and the
senate went Into executive session for thi
consideration of the same. The message
was made a special order for January 18
The list Is : Doard of regents , John Suther
land , Pierre ; board of charities and cor
rections , Burr Lien of Sioux Falls and Fred
M. Brown of Lead City ; public examiner
Marls Taylor of Huron ; trustees of soldiers
home , C. S. Palmer of Sioux Falls and O
E. Dcwey of Watcrtown.
The Doucke resolution to adjourn In thirty
days came up for discussion and was warmlj
discussed. Loomls moved to amend that tin
members cease to draw pay after thlrt ]
days , but remain as long as was necessarj
to transact the business of the session. Ot
final vote the resolution was defeated.
Ono thousand copies of the dispensary bll
were ordered printed.
O. C. Llndekugel of McCook county wai
appointed on tbo engrossing force.
Mcnunrea In the Hoime.
In the house the committee on judlclar ;
recommended the passage of the electtor
registration law and several unlmportan
A resolution of praises for and pride li
the South Dakota volunteers was adopted
A motion that the ways and means commit
tee draft a revenue bill was debated. Mem
bers of the committee opposed such a move
holding that It was imposing upon the com
mltteo and It would take a great deal o
preparation. Wooley desired a revenue com
mission for such purpose to prepare a bill ti
be presented to the next session. Dwlgh
desired to know what had become of thi
report of such commission appointed undo
the order of the last session. On a vote thi
motion was lost.
Bills were' Introduced as follows : By Nel
son To provide the manner of election o
civil and township officers' .
By Kinsley To proyias for a state boart
of embalmers. ' 'Jj. < ' '
, By Pusey Maklngr"the .setting of.pralrli
fires a felony.
By Packard Asking for on approprlatioi
of $50,000 to establish an insane hospital a
By Foley For the protection of game am
the appointment of game wardens.
By Ooddard To regulate the practice o
dentistry and license members of the pro
By Harrington To make taxes a perpetua
Hen against property.
By Hanson Deducting amount of lam
taken for railroads and highways in llstlm
for taxation.
By Glass For a normal school at Water
By Holdrldge Appropriating $26,000 fo
a dormitory at the Madison Normal school
By Davlson Giving preference to gradu
ates of the state normal schools In the em
ployment of teachers.
By Wllmarth Giving property owner
r. lien on effects of tenant for rent.
By Resell Requiring guaranty bond fret
managers of warehouses.
By Dwlght Requiring foreclosure of chal
tcl mortgages by publication.
By Hurlbut Abolishing the ofllce of In
surance commissioner , placing his duties o
the auditor's office.
By Brass Appropriating $187 for de
flclency in salary of George Johnson as rail
road commissioner.
By Hawgood Fixing salary of mine In
specters at 11,200 per annum.
By Purdln-Providlng for a committee e
three from the house and two from the ser
ate to visit state Institutions.
Representatives Dwlght and Myron wer
added to tha committee on appropriation !
The speaker appointed G. H. Hopkins an
Daniel Mack In members of the cngrossln
Relief I * 'jthat Gnrrlnaton Will G
Verdict of Imprisonment.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. . Jan. ll.-Spccli (
Telegram.-poubtless ) owing to the fallui
of the attoraey for the defense In the Gai
rlngton casejto shako the testimony of Wl !
Ham West , pen whom an
attempt was mad
_ . .
to '
fasten th murder „ ,
cross-examl atlon of the witness was nc
resumed th morning as expected. Takln
i " - * 'v. * lanin
or tcstlmon- the case was complete
The grea T part of tomorrow will I
taken up w i attorneys' arguments. State
Attorney E tea will make the closing ai
ftument as eon as the defense is througl
which will robably be'some ' time tomorro
10 afternoon , hen the case will B0 to tli
D. R. D : ey , for the defense , argues I
substance at the
murder was the resu
purely of i allce and was an act of an it
sane man. He ridicules the claim of tl
prosecution that robbery was the raotiv
The belief I that the Jury will not Impos
the death i enalty , as In the former
, , .I " ' - * * w iui-1 trla
but will bnbg In a verdict of life Imprisot
State La I Department of Dakot
liven Out \otlccH.
PIERRE S. D. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tel <
gram. ) T state land department toda
sent out n tlco of sales and leases of stal
lands. Sa 3 will be maJo this year In tl
counties o Bon Homme. Brooklngs , Brow
Colllngton Dcncl , Grant , Klngsbury , Lak
McCook , Innehaha ,
Moody , Turner an
Yankton. ales will be made between tl
ICth and th of March and leases on < l
To Air Oun Are Deadly.
DEADtt OD , S. D. , Jan. 11. ( Special-
The small people of this part of the Blac
Hills have a craze for the toy air Runt , tl
weapon b og considered a harmlesi to ;
The gun e ots buckshot with force enoug
to penetn a bait-Inch board. Several AI
I cldents have occurred , the most serious ons
being a shot fired by a llttlo girl , at Terry ,
at Fred Sknllngcr , n hr.ikemnn on the ore
rain. The shot penetrated the flesh of th
check and flattened on the bone , nearly de
stroying the sight of the eye. The matter
vlll probably come before the city officials
and an attempt made to prevent children
roni playing with these guns.
Otilcnt Paper In the State.
YANKTON , S. D. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
The Press and Dakotan of this city takes
exception to the press dispatch that the Da
cota Republican of Vermilion Is the oldest
weekly newspaper published In the state.
The Press and Dakotan , In Its last Issue ,
stated : "The Press and Dakotan , as the
iVeekly Dakotan , appeared In Ynnkton In
lunc , 18G1 , and the Republican made Its
Irst appearance In September following.
The only record of this fact and date l
contained In the 1861 files of the Dakotan
of Yankton. T. Edward Clark , afterward
second lieutenant In Company A , Dakota
cavalry , was the editor of the Republican
about that time , and either he or Majoc
Jell , a prominent pioneer politician , founded
the paper. The Presa and Dakotan Is the
oldest newspaper In the state and the old
territory. "
Another change has occurred In the man.
agemont of the Dally Independent of this
city. F. N. Potter , who recently sold out
ho Spcarflsh Register , has leased the plant
from the Independent Printing company.
Huron College I'
HURON. S. D. . Jan. 11. ( Special. ) There
are now lie students In attendance at Huron
college and this number will likely be In
creased to 150 within the next few weeks.
Every department of college work
Is progressing nicely and students
are energetic and enthusiastic. The
vacancy In the faculty caused by
the death of Dr. Blackburn has not yet
jeen flfled , but will be as soon ae the trus
tees find a suitable man. His work has
been distributed among the remaining teach
ers. On Sunday the Presbyterian congrega
tion contributed $810 to the current expense
fund of the college and this will be In *
creased to $1,000. This contribution Is In
addition to the amount already subscribed
for the college building.
Die * While In Search of Health.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
Word was received here yesterday morning
from the superintendent of the Santa Fe
' railroad that Dr. Rufus Elmer had died that
morning on the train. The doctor left here
last Saturday morning for Arizona for the
benefit of his health , ho having lately been
taken with consumption. He died near
Wlnslow , Ariz. The body will bo returned
to OsceoJa and the funeral held at the Meth
odist Episcopal church next Sunday. The
doctor was a member ot the Masonic , Modern
3 Woodmen of America , United Workmen and
the Knights of the Mnccabeee , and each of
these fraternities will participate In the
funeral ceremonies.
J. R. ICenncy of Wahoo.
WAHOO , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) J. R.
Kenney died at his home In this city yes
terday afternoon of paralysis , aged 44 years.
Deceased leaves his wife and daughter. Fu
neral arrangements are not yet made , but he
will probably be taken to his early home
at Philadelphia , Pa. , for Interment. Mr ,
Kenney has lived In this city a great many
years , and was highly respected , has held
several positions of trust and was a member
of the Methodist church in this cltv.
Father of Illlnol * University.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. A telegram to the
Post-Dispatch from Jacksonville , 111. , says :
Prof. J. B. Turner died at his home in that
city last night , aged 03 years. He was a
visitor to Chicago when it was a collection
of log huts. Ho was the father ot tbo , thefirst professors
of Illinois college , a men of great culture
and ability and was Intimately associated
with the great men ot the state in its early
at days.
Voted AKnlnnt Sccennlon.
NEW YORK , Jan. 11. Colonel George P.
Webster , a well known lawyer and a promi
nent member of Tammany ball , died at hla
home In this city today. He was born in
Connecticut , but early in life went to New
port , Ky. He served several years in the
Kentucky legislature and was one of those
who voted against secession. Colonel Web
ster entered the union army and was as.
slstant quartermaster.
E. I. . Trne , Formerly of Schnylcr.
SCHUYLER , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
Following very closely upon reports of his
serious illness came a telegram announcing
the death of E. L. True at Saratoga , Wyo. ,
where he located some two years ago to take
charge of the branch store of Cosgrlfl
Brothers of Fort Steele , Wyo. Mr. True
was one of the pioneer settlers and mer
chantmen ot Schuyier , widely known ani
well liked.
Mr * . Woolley of Scvrnrd.
SEWARD. Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Speclal.- )
Mary Ann Woolley , one of Seward county's
oldest settlers and a well known pioneer ol
the state , died yesterday. She was 88 years
old. Mrs. Woolley ; anu to Nebraska in
1856. She will be burled Thursday.
. Mr * . Snnford , Tecnmaeh.
i- TECUMSEH , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
Mrs. M. E. Sonford died Monday ol
consumption , aged 40 years. Her husband
died three years ago and a large family of
children Is left parentlcss. The funeral was
held this afternoon.
Well Known lloremon.
NILES , Mich. , Jan. 11. Jess Delong , the
well known horseman , died today at his
home near here of grip. Mr. Delong wat
the owner of many celebrated running horse :
and was known on nearly track cost of the
France * I3veret.
Three-year-old Frances Everest , who was
burned by overturning a lighted lamp upon
n herself at her home at 2G31 Parker street on
Tuesday evening , has died as a result cf her
Mr. Harry C. Cox and Mlaj Hattie A.
Webster were united in marriage Wednes
le day noon by Rev. Allen , pastor of the Beth-
Eden church. The ceremony occurred at the
home of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs ,
W. D. Webster , 3316 Burt street. The
house was decorated with palms , roses and
carnations , the parlor , where the ceremony
occurred , and the dining room being espe
cially pretty. Miss Webster was attended by
Miss India Bartlcy of Lincoln and Mr. Cox
by the bride's brother , R. F. Webster.
The Immediate friends and relatives to
the number ot perhaps twenty-five were the
guests. At the conclusion of the ceremony
these participated In a delightful' luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Webster left at S o'clock
for the cant. They will make their home
In this city , where each haa a large circle ol
friends. Mr. Cox Is manager of the Ameri
can District Telegraph ,
Weiitern Itnllroml MiiRiinte.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. A telegram from
Bloomlngton , 111. , to the Post-Dispatch says :
David O. Dodge of Denver , vice president
and general manager of the Denver & Rlc
Grande railway , was married here at noon
today to Mlsi Nannie Smith of this city ,
The wedding was a brilliant affair , guestt
being present from all parts of the country ,
Ex-Senator IlulioU-Whlted.
CHICAGO. Jan. 11. Ex-Senator Fred
Dubols of Idaho was married today to Miss
Edna Maxflcld Waited of Dolan , S. D. Thi
There Is no denying the serious fact that
here Is a great amount of sickness from the
grip ; that over-worked men and nomcn now
suffer more than nt any other time of the
ear from lassitude , headaches , slight chills
and fever and other symptoms of Imperfect
lealth ; that people fall sick more readily
now than at any other tlmo of the year ; and
hat whenever an epidemic does appear It
nvarlably plays havoc with those who are
run down and out of condition.
The utmost caution should bo taken to
ccep the blood pure and the nervous system
n healthy tone.
There Is no more excuse for the preval
ent symptoms of stagnant , Impure blood In
the body than there Is for the barbarism of
llthy streets In a city.
The relaxed and sluggish action of the
excretory organs loads the body with waste
material that poisons It and brings on
leadachcs , rheumatic pains , sleepless nights
and profitless days , due solely to the cir
culation In the blood , or deposit In the tis
sues , of these waste matters which Palno's
celery compound alone will quickly drive
When the arms , hips or back feel the
twinges of acute rheumatism it Is high
tlmo to relieve the kidneys and bladder from
the strain that so often brings on Brlght's
disease , gravel , dropsy and complications
of diseases with other organs whoso health
depends upon the purity of the blood.
Prompt use of Palne's celery compound
will save the weakened parts from yielding
to disease.
In its peculiar ability to Invigorate the
body , to make new blood and to regulate the
nerves , lies the great value of Palno's celery
compound In all wasting diseases and dis
orders of the kidneys , liver and stomach.
Patne's celery compound rescues shaky ,
enfeebled nerves from prostration and removes -
moves that feeling of utter exhaustion that
causes so much despondency among so many
worried men and women.
It makes flesh , blood and strong ; nerves.
Palne's celery compound is not a palem
medicine ! It ii not the discovery of some
quack doctor of whom his profession never
heard ; It is not a concoction put up by some
man who first invented a name , and then
Remember the Doctors of This Institute Can Cure You.
Specialists for Diseases' Men and Women.
The wonderfully successful treatment of the specialists of this Institute comblna
the two greatest fnctnri of the lin.illng urt known to the muHlcal professions
ELECTRICITY nd MEDICINE. It In the lurgost , most thormiRhly und completly
equfupLd institute , both uiuctrlcallv nnd medically , over Datablliliml In thu wont for thu
ttuatmrnt and absolute cure of all nervoui , chronic and private dUotnos of MEN and
NERVOUS DEBILITY ? 0urr c ° Sb& Blenc.VSMeiSfi ?
. . ,
. , ,
UWl 1U AllllUiriS MAnnonit. The awful effects of Indiscretions la
youth , self-pollution or excesses In after life and the effects of neglected or Improper-
1 ' treated caies , producing lack of vitality , sexual weakneiB , undeveloped or
shrunken organs , pain In back , loin and kidneys , chest pains , nervousness , sleepless
ness , weakness of body and brain , dizziness , falling memory , lack of energy am *
confldfncf , despondency , evil forebodings , timidity and other distressing symptoms.
Such cases. If neglected , almost Invarlablr lead to piematuro decay , Instanlty and
lutely cured by this tieatment after all other means have failed. | |
If you cannot call at our ofllco for treat ment , semi to us at once for our ELEC <
TRO-MEDICAL UELT. The first and only combined electro-medical belt ever made.
It Is the product of the competent and ever progressive Specialists of the State-Elec-
tro-Medleal Institute , which Institution Ktanil.s far ahead of any In the matter of
scientific , Hklllful and successful methods o f treating and curing the nick and suffer
ing. Our belt will give you at once the bo nctlt of both electricity nnd medication.
The belt has a patent regulator , so that yo u can regulate the current , making It
strong or weak as the case may require. 1 1 has also an Improved Rcrotnl electrode
which will carry an much current Into nnd through the sexual organs as can be tel
erated. The medicated part of the belt IH Interposed between the electrodes and comes
directly In contact with the Burfacc of the body ; the medicinal virtues are taken ui >
and absorbed into the system by "OSMOTI C ACTION. " Hence you get at once and
the same time the full effects of both elect rlcal nnd medicinal treatment and the ben-
eflts you will derive will be TWO-FOLD , relief will 'be distinctly felt at onto nnd
the results desired will be doubly satlsfac lory.
OPEN Dally , from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
State ISloctro-Medicnl Institute ,
ccremopy was performed by the bride's
brother-in-law , Rev. Hanson , at bis resi
dence In this city , where the bride haa been
visiting. The affair was very exclusive , only
a few of the Immediate relatives of both par
ties being present. After an extended wed
ding trip through the south and east the
newy married couple will return to lllack-
foot , Idaho , where Mr. Dubols owns one ot
the finest ranches In that state.
1,1 f < > I.oHt III the Flanien.
NF.W YORK. Jan. 11. Fire tonfht | de
stroyed the three upper floors of iseven-
story brick building at 144-150 Franklin
street , occupied by the Cook & Bernhelmef
company , dealers in and manufacturers of
whisky , cordials , liquors , etc. Kmllc E.
Vincent , a Frenchman , the chief compoundec
of cordials In the establishment , became ex
cited and made his way toward the roof and
was burned to death. Thirty-five men were
working on the fifth floor at the time and
all escaped safely. Loss , $100,000.
Inr ie Ilnrn Destroyed.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
At 6 o'clock this morning flre totally de
stroyed the large barn belonging to John
adopted n preparation to fit It ; It Is not
secret remedy.
But It Is , first , the result of the lifelong
study of the greatest physician America has
produced , a man ft hose reputation was
world-wldo years before he had ever arrived
nt this formula which has done so much
good ; a man who has received the highest
degrees from the best colleges , who was at
the time of his discovery a professor at Dart
mouth and a lecturer In other universities ,
a scholar , a member of a family which haa
made Us mark In every department ot public
llfo In America. It Is a remedy the formula
of which has been furnished to physicians In
good standing al'.vajs , and which physicians
were prescribing long before the present
manufacturers put It up for public distribu
tion ; it was discovered by Prof. Edward E.
I'helps , M. D. , LL. D. , nnd was first pre
scribed with wonderful success by that emi
nent group of practitioners who have made
American physicians known the world over ,
nnd of whom ho was then as now , undoubt
edly the most famous.
The best test that can bo applied to
I'alno's celery compound Is to use IU
It ono Is "run dawn , " feels without en
ergy , lifeless , useless , fretful , take this
great remedy , and note the change. Con
stipation will no longer give ono a disquiet
ing thought ; the appetite will como back ;
sleeplessness and headaches will be things
of the past. This Is the experience ot men
and women In every part of the country.
General good health depends upon the
perfect action of the nervous currents , the
vlgor of the circulation nnd the quality of
the blood.
The history of Palne's celery compound
ha sbeen made familiar to every Intelligent
household in the land. In the clearest
and most direct manner conscientious men
and women have told of their rapid recovery
from disease by the use of this remedy.
Palno's celery compound Is unapproachcd
by any other remedy for restoring the ner
vous system when broken down or Im
paired from over-exertion of. mind or body ,
' sl'rclagtheps ' th1 , digestive powers , renews -
news the blood and acts In the vitalizing ,
curative , thorough manner that makes It
the grandest help to suffering men and
women the world ot medicine affords.
Hoffman. The flre started from the explod
ing of a lantern while Mr. Huffman was
feeding his horses. He Is a retail oil dealer
and had several tanks of kerosene and gaso
line in the barn , but managed to save them.
Although there was much adjoining property
the firemen confined tbo flre to tlio ona
building. Loss , about $300 , fully covered by
Sunnr Trim ! Kleeti Director * .
NEW YORK , Jan. 11. The annual meetIng -
Ing of the American Sugar Refining com
pany wao held in Jersey City at noon today ,
Elwcll M. Palmer was elected a director In
plucu cf John E. Searlea , who had declined
a re-election ; John Mayer wan ejected to
'succeed William Dick , resigned , and John
E. Parsons was elected 'to succeed himself.
I Frederick Hclcko of Jcroey City was elected
secretary pro tern. It was "Resolved , That
the accumulated profits , ks3 dlvldendti de
clared up to January 3 , bo reserved a a
working capital. "
Shipper Miint I'uy Tax.
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 11. Judge Arnold.
In the common plean court 'today , in u suit
brought to determine whether the chipper
or tbo Adams Express company should pay
for the war revenue stamp attached to the
bllla of lading for express packagca , decided
in favor of the expnus company und that UK
shipper must pay for the stomp.