10 THE OMAHA DATLT BEE : SATUBDAY , DECEMBER 24 , 18D8. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL FroTliiona Take the Lead in the Speculative Market * on 'Change. ADVANCE FROM TEN TO THIRTY CENTS Wheat Advance * Flve-Klnhths at Cent , Corn TUree-ElKhtlic and n Half and Ontii Fourth of a t'eut. CHICAGO , Dec , 22. Provisions today as < umcd the leadership of speculative mar kets on 'chanse. Advances ranging frort JOc < o 30c wcro scored In hog products , with trading thu most active In weeks. The. dis position was strong In all markets to steer clear of the short side over the holldii } season. Wheat advanced 5-So , corn 3-SQ'4c and oats Uff3-8c. For half an hour following the opening In wheat trailing was so slow as to suggest en abandonment of speculation by the prin cipal traders pending the holiday season , News at first rather favored sellers anc ] this , coupled with the natural Inclination to even up sales over the holidays , caused n rather easy fooling. Opening trades In May ranged from 6S l-8c to CSVlc , and before any support of any consequence was given the market had declined to CTftifiGT 7-Sc , Cables were Indifferent , foreign markets Bhowlng little change , either way. North western receipts were fairly liberal , Mlnne- npolls and Dultith reporting 7&G rars , com pared with fl)5 ) last week and 701 a year ago. Chicago receipts were 159 cars , two of contract grade. Jlore favorable weather was reported In Argi'fltlna and weather con ditions In the United States were also bet ter. Nearlng the decline liquidation by bulls was prominent. Moderate , covering by phorts at the decline soon caused a reaction In May to 6SJJ6S l-8c , where the price hung for u time. Hut before 11 o'clock the marKet - Ket had grown strong on evidences of a renewal of the foreign demand for Ameri can wheat and before noon the trading was broad and general. The seaboard reported sales tor export aggregating over fifty loads. New York advices also told of the leading of wheat there and at Qalveston for Spain. Sicily and Trieste , to ports that usually draw from Russia. Liverpool re ported HiisHlnn wheat dearer and said that the Argentine harvest would be very late. Atlantic port clearances amounted to 825,000 bu. As prices advanced the buying demand became very heavy , shorts covering and sellers of weekly calls buying to protect those privileges. The disposition to .ret away from the short side of the market pending the three days holiday was pro nounced , and nt times offerings were almost altogether lacking. May ilnally rose to ti9c and closed at CS7-8c sellers. A good business was done In corn. Earlv the market was easy with wheat and on the Improved weather west , which caused some liquidation by longs. Prospects of Increased Blocks were also a factor. Offerings * , how ever , were readily taken and under strong cables , good export demand and the strength developed by wheat the market rallied easily and remained strongto the close. Leading bull Interests were buyers on the rally. Ilecolpts were 336 cars. May ranged from 34 K-Sc to 33 l-8c and closed 8-80 0 higher at 37V4c. The market for outs was firm without much Independent feature. There was lit tle yielding early with corn and bright weather , but when corn advanced oats fol lowed at once. Elevator Interests sold mod erately. Shippers were more bullish on account of lack of Russian offerings. The cash demand was good and samples were higher. Receipts were 290 cars. May ranged from 20 7-S JC7o to 27'/ic and closed Vi@3-8c higher at 27 3-Sg27Hc. Provisions were very active and showed more strength than for weeks past. Hog receipts were light and yard prices higher. This caused good buying at the start and as the session advanced trading became broad and general , outsiders and prominent local traders buying heavily. Small esti mates of hogs for next week helped the bull sentiment. The market was utrong to the close. May pork closed 27VM 30c higher lit J10.20 , May lard lOo higher at Jo.23'and May ribs 13c higher nt $5.05. Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 98 cars ; corn , 600 ears ; oats , 275 cars ; hogs , 1S- 000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. Open. Hlfh. Low. Clot * . Yes'd'j Wheat. 1)80. . . . USVi 6 * 6J7 ( < May. . . us < * < 4 n 67H-08 CR' < July. . . 67U OOH 07 00M3 * Corn. Dec. . . . Mav. . . 37U July. . . 37 < tH S7M8M 37 I7HH 37H Oats. May. . . 27 37W 26J4-27 27M ! 4 27H July. . . 7M 35M S6N Pork. Jan. . . . 957)4 ) 880 S7K 15 May. . . 091 1020 BO'Jfc 1020 902 Lard. Jan. . . , 680 S20 May. . . S4f BCD B42H Bibs. Jan . . . 47214 47214 485 472H 402K 807 505 4UO No. 2. Cash quotations wore as follows : FLOUIl Firm : winter patents. W.50W3.60 ; BtrnlBhts , J3.203.30 ; spring specials , J4.00 : spring patents. J3.2W3.60 ; straights , $2.SO < 8 B.OO ; bakers , $2.20(02,40. ( WHEAT-No. 3 spring , 62065' c ; No. Z red , . COUN-No. 2. 36 io ; No. 2 yellow. 27c. OATS-No. 2. 26W > 26io ; No. 2 white , 2Sc ; No. a white , 27MF ! ! SV4c. RYE-NO. 2 , 5435440. BARLEY No. 2 , f. o. b. , 37H48\4c. PLAXBEED-No. 1. J1.10 ; n. w. , J1.1BV4. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , $2.30. PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per bbl. . $ S.B ! QS.C5 , Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.16irG.30. Bacon , hort ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.80 5.00. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.2534.37 % ; sliorl clear sides ( boxed ) . $3.00 5.05. WHISKY Distillers' ttnlshed goods , pej fal. $1.26. SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.95 ; granulated , $5.33 , The following were the receipts.and shlp > dents for toaay. On the Produce exchange today tha but. ter market was steady : creameries , 14 i SO'.io ; dairies. 12U@17c. cheese , dull at 8 } CflOc. Eggs , fresh , 20 > 4 S21V4o. NEW YOHK CK.NKHAL , MARKET Qaothtlonn for the Day on General Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-FLOUR-Rocelpts 22.034 bbls. ; exports. 12.182 bbls. ; quieter , bui maintained Its strong undertone ; wlntci BtrulBhtB , $3.60 3.55 ! Minnesota patents V3.50vi4.00. COUNMEALi Yellow western. 7SQ79c firm. firm.UAiRJjET MALT-Flrm : western , DSft70c WHEAT-Recelnts. 272.600 bu. ; 'exports 841,640 bu. ; spot , ilrm ; No. 2 red , 78ftc , f. o b , afloat. Options were dominated entlrelj by the bull sentiment today ; owning wai teady on the favorable news from Liver pool ; advanced actively on good contlnenta export demand and large clearances , reach 1ng top point on the present bull move tnont ; the close was Ilrm at HO ic net ad . , . ' 6V4C ; March , 75 S-8W7C 3-Sc , closed at 76Vic CORN-Recelpts. 136.500 bu. : exports , 165 , 003 bu. ; spot , nrm ; No. 2. 43 7-Sc. f. o. b afloat. Options eased off at first undo reallilnif , but quickly swung Into line will wheat and developed positive strength ehorto and outsiders furnished the demand closed MW-1-So net higher ; December close < at 42Uc : May , 41 5-8JN2\4c , closed at 4 ! c. OATS Receipts , 46,700 bu. : exports , 2,6S bu.j epot. quiet ; No , 2. 33c ; No. 2 white 84Ho bid : options , were quiet. BUTTER Receipts. 3.753 pkgs. ; marke firm ; western creamery , 15 < 021c ; Elglns. 21c factory. 12tfl4Hc. COTTONSEED OIL-FIrm : prime crude ITVWiSp- December yellow. 2222Ue CIIEESE-Recelpts 3.9S7 pkHS ? ; marke toady ; largo white. lOHc ; small white. 10-1 < fllc : large colored. 10'ic : small colored Krtiyiic. EGGS Receipts. 5.280 pkgs. ; market firm western , 26c ; southern , 2225c. RICE Firm. METALS Tin continues to climb upwar on growing demand and scarcity of offer Inrs. At the close the Metal pxohane called plr Iron warrants flrm at $7.60. Lak copper was unchanged at $12.85 bid an 113.00 asked. Tin waa firmer with $18. : bid and J18.37H asked. Lead was firm wit $3,8214 bid and $3.S5 asked. Spelter was du at < $5.25 , nominal. The flrm fixing the settling price for leail Ing miners and smelters at the west quote lead at $3.60 and copper at $12.75. Mlnnenpoll * Whrnt Mnrlcrt. MINNEAPOLIS , Doc. 23.-WHEAT-Mai ket ilrm ; December , CJc ; Muy , G6 l-SflCCUi July. 665-8c. California Drleil Krulli. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-CALIFORNI , DRIED FRUITS Apples , steady ; oth < frulti. generally flrm ; evaporated apple common to good , 7W8c ; prime wire tray , 8\o ; choice , 8J9Mc { fancy , lOo ; prunes , 10ft 10V5o ; apricots , Royal , llWMc ; peacho , unpeeled - peeled , 8 < 12 > ic ; peeled , 1S820C. OMAHA C2E.\EnALi MARKET. Condition of Trnilr anil Quotations on Htatilc anil Fancy Produce. EOGS Oood stock , 20c. BUTTER-Common to fnlr. MJrttVSe : choice , UplCc : separator , 20c ; gathered creamery , 17/lSc. POULTRY Hens. live. 4 < 4c ! dressed. 5tya 6c : old reenters , live , 3c : dressed , 45r4V4c ; spring chickens , live , Bd SUc ; dressed , 6cj ducks , live , BVtQOc ; dressed. 7c ; gee e. live. 7c ; dressed. 7Q1Vic ! turkey1 , live , 70 8c ; dressed. 910c- OAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing. $1.60 ; mixed , $1.75 < f .25 : prairie chickens , $5.60 ; ( | tiail , per doz. , $1.0frT1.10 ! ; jackrabblts , $1.23yi.60 ; cottontails , 7r > cifJ1.00. PK1KONB Live , per doz. , C0c VIJ A L Choice , tf/Sc. / OYSTERS-Bulk Standards , per gal. . $1.10 ; Mediums , per cnn , 15c ; Standards , per can , 20o ; Extra Selects' per can , 23c ; New York Counts , per can , 30c. VEGETABLES. CELERY-Cnllfornla. good stock. 23c : choice , .Too ; fancy , 60c ; extra large , 76c. ONIONB-Per bu. , 40-550c. BEANS-Hand-plcked , navy , per bu. . $1.30 ( T1.40. POTATOES-Choice , sacked , 46@50cj poorer stock , 40c- SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , $2.60. CABBAGK-Per lb. . crated. Hie. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS-Cnllfornla , fancy , $4.00 ; choice , ORANGES-Mexicans , $3.60 ; Navels , fancy , $1.75 ; choice , $3.60 ; seedlings , $3.25. BANANAS Choice , largo stock , per bunch , $2.X ( > 32.25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.75 2.00. FRUITS. APPLES Western Ben Davis , Ocnltons nnd Wlnesnps , per bbl. , $160 ; New York Baldwins , Greenings' and others , choice , per bbl. , { 4. PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the market ; other \'arletie , $2.25. RTRAWHERRIES-Per box. 30c. ORAPKS-Mnlaga , per bbl. , $ S9. CRANBERRlES-Bell & Bugles , per bbl. . $7.60 ; Jersey , $6.2. > ( ff6.50 ; per crate. $2.25. MISCELLANEOUS. CHRISTMAS GREENS Trees , 4-5 feet. P r doz. , $2.00 ; 6-8 feet , per doz. , $2.60 ; 7-9 feet , per doz. , $3 60 ; 8-11 feet , per doz. , $4.60- extra larg ? trees , for school and church purposes , 12 to 24 feet , according to slee nnd beauty. $2.04 to $3.00 each : evergreen wrcitnlnjr. Ir. cells of 20 yards , per coil. $1.00 ; holly branches , In cases , 2x2x4 feet , about 60 Ibs. , $ .50 ; In bbls. , per bbl. , $2.00 ; wreathes , crosses and horseshoes , per dor. , $1.60 ; long needle pines , 3 to 5 feet long , per doz. , $3.60 ; mistletoe , In boxes of about 23 Ibs. , per box , $3.73 ; In smaller quantities , per lb. , 20c. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , per lb. , 010c ; English walnuts , per lb. , fancy , soft shell , 12c ; standards , lie : filberts , per lb. , lie ; pecans , polished , 7 < ffSc : cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.60 ; peanuts , raw , C@eV4c ; roasted , 7 < & 7Hc ; chestnuts , SQ9c. MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. can. each , $2.60 ; gnl. cans , pure , per doz. . $12.00 ; half- gal , cans , $6.25 ; quart cans. $3.60. FI'IS Imported , none ; California , 10-lb. boxes. $1.50. HONEY-Cholce white. 12'13c. DATES Hallowce. 60 to iD-lb. boxes , 69 6Hc : Salr , 5V4O6c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , lOo. CIDER P r half bbl. , $3.0033.15. BAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. . $2.00. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , & < /4a ; No. 2 salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 16 Ibs. , 8e. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. J , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2V4c ; rough tallow , ! V4c ; whlto greflsc , 24w3c ! ; yellow and brown grease. H 2'.4c. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 16 ® 76c ; grc-en salted shearings ( short.wooleU early skins ) , each , 15c ; diy shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c : dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctunl weight. 4ft6c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 t4c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4J5c { ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 34c. FURS-Mlnk. Mvg75c ; bear ( black or brown ) , $3.00t20.00 ; otter , $1.50S.OO ; beaver , $1.00f6.00 : skunk. ISIi'SOc ; muskrat , 3Sl7c ; raccoon , 15ii50c ; red fox , 25cfiJ1.25 ( ; gray fox , 2u@50c : wolf ( timber ) , 25c$2.50 : wolf ( prairie ) , coyote. lOQSOc ; wildcat , 10@25c ; badger , 5@40c : silver fox , $50.0075.00. St. I.oul * Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 23. WHEAT Options strong , l-2Ji:7-8c : higher ; spot , fraction lower. No. 2 red. cnsh , elevator , 70c ; track/ 70 l-2c ; December , 70 5-Rc bid : May. 72 l-8c ; July , 60 3-4c ; No. 2 hard , cash , 6667c. CORN Option" and snot , fractionally higher ; No. 2 cnsh. 31 bid ; December , 33 l-4c ; May , 23 7-8c askol. OATS'-Dccembcr l-4c lower ; May , l-4c higher : spot , higher ; No. 2 cacti , 27c bid ; track , 28c : December , 27 l-2c bid ; May , " 28 l-4o bid ; No. 2 white. 33c. RYE Lower , 62 l-2c. SEED-Flaxsecd , lower , $1.04 LI. Prim * tlmothv Reed , sold $2.30. CORNMEAL $1.6501.70. .BRAN Firm : sacked , east track. M l-2o. HAY Timothy , steady , $7.50@8.60 ; prairie , weak. $660Jj > 7.00. POULTRY Quiet ; chickens and turkeys , 8ii { l-2c ; geese , 6@5 l-2c ; ducks. S l-2@6c. WHISKY $1.26. BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 18@22 l-2cj dairy , 1418c. EGOS Quiet , 19c. METALS Lead , higher , $3.70. Spelter , dull. $4.90. PROVISIONS Pork , higher : standard mcfs , jobbing , old JS.65 : new , $9-80. Lard- Higher ; prime , steady , $3.10 ; choice. $7.17 1-2. Dry s alt meats and shoulders , $4.25 ; extra shnrts nnd ribs , $4.75JT6.00 ; shorts. $5.00@- 6.12 1-2. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $4.75 ; extra fthnrts , $5.12 1-2 5.25 ; ribs , $5.50 ; shorts , $7.62 1-2. RECEIPTS Flour. 2.000 bbls. Wheat. 79. . 000 bu. Corn. 88.000 bu. Oats , 32,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 100 bbls. Wheat , 31,000 bu. Corn , 151,000 bu. Oats , 35,000 bu. Kantian , Cltv Grain and Provision * . KANSAS CITY. Dec. 23.-WHEAT-Mar kot flrm : No. 2 hard , 6264c : No. 3 6962c ; No. 2. red. 69o ; No. 3 , 62g 6c ; No. . ' spring. 60 63o : No. 3. eSftCOc. CORN-Market steady ; No. 2 mixed , 33c No. 2 white , 33Hc ; No. 3 , 32V5c. OATS Market steady ; No , 2 white , 27iTi < 5 2SHc. RYE Market flrm : No. 2 , 60c. HAY Market steady , unchanged. BUTTER Market steady : separator , Me dairy. 16e. EOGS Market steady : fresh , 22c. RECEIPTS-Wheat , 63,600 bu. ; corn , 11,301 bu. : onts. 7,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 70,800 bu. ; oats 5,000 bu. Ttaltlmore Market. BALTIMORE. Dec , 23.-FLOUR-Qulel and unchanged ; receipt 14,753 bbls. ; ex > ports , none , WHEAT Firm : spot and month. 72 1-851 73VSc ; receipts , 13S.681 bu. : exports , 242,61 ! bu. : southern wheat , sample , 6973V4o Bouthera wheat , on grndp , 70fJ73c. CORN Firm : spot. 42ff424ic : month , 42o December , now or old , January and Ftb' ruary , 41WGlll 3-8c ; steamer mixed , 38V4(5 ( 3Sic : receipts , 191.103 bu. : exports , 201,141 bu. ; southern white and yellow corn , GSVi 41'ic. OATS-Flrmer ; No. 2 white. 33@33Vic ; No 2 mixed , 3UiQ32c ; receipts , 7,957 bu. ; exports none. Grnlii llooelntH at Principal Market * MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 23.-Recelpt8 Wheat. 659 cars. DULUTH , Dec. 23. Receipts : Wheat , 12 cars. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 23.-Recelpts : Wheat 74 cars. CHICAGO , Dec. 23. Estimated cars foi tomorrow : Wheat. 93 ; corn , 600 ; oats , 275. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 23 Recelpts Wheat. 106 cars. Receipts nt Primary Markets Wheat 1.050.903 bushels ; corn , 709,470 bushels ; oats 30,784 bushels. Tinnlnttntt Market. CINCINNATI. Dec. 23.-FLOUR-DU11. WHEAT-Steady : No. 2 red. 70o. CORN Firmer : No. 2 mixed. 36Wc. OATS-Flrm : No. 2 mixed , 29c. RYE-Steadv : No. 2. 67c. PROVISIONS Lard , firmer at $4.55. Ba con , steady at $3.75. WHISKY-Stendy at tl.M. BUTTER Dull. BUOAR-Flrm. EGGS Steady at Me. Toledo Market. TOLEDO , O. . Dec. 23. WHEAT-Future : were active : No. 3 cash and December 70'4c : May. n 5-Sc. CORN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed 36 6-8c. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed RYE-Unchanced : No. 2 cash , B4c. CLOVERSEED-Dull ; prime Decembei $4.60 asked. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 23.-WHEAT-Marke quiet , unchanged to Hd higher : Decembei 69 HUd : March , 5s 10d : May. 5s Stid. CORN Market steady , unchanged to U higher : December. illld ; March. 3s lOTid May , nominal. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 23. WHEAT- Higher : No 1.northern , 67Hc ; No. 2 north ern , ffiiffl6ic ; No. 2 spring , 64o ; No. ; Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 2J.-WHEAT-Mai ket higher ; No. 1 northern , 67Hc : No. ' . northern , eSTiWHo ; No. z sprlnfr , 64oi No , * * RYK-S'ieadlcr ; No. 2 , 63i06 t4c ; No. 2 , > 3Hc. iiAHLEY-Qulct ; No. 2 , 48H@49c ; sample , OPBItATIONS IN STOCKS AJ D 1IOMD9 , Market Move > In Irrennlar Wnr , tint Xo Great Chanijeii Arc necoriled. NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-The stock markel moved In an Irregular fashion , but nc changes , as a result of the day's operations were fractionally In favor of the advocates of the long account , a very unusual thine on the eve of a Christmas holiday. The activity and breadth of the market were well sustained. London was a buyei In the early dealings , but later took proiltt on the rise here. The action of the govern ment In calling for the $8,000,000 of Unlor Pacific payments now in the depoMtorj banks , which 1s to be paid In 10 per cent tn < stallmcnts , failed to cause a ripple In the money market. The speculation in Federa Steel Issues was on a tremendous volume ol business and both common and preferred rose very sharply , but In the afternoon or free liquidation and the withdrawal of some of the usual support the stocks broke , leadIng - Ing to a moderate reaction In other shares There was good buying , however , of Fed' cral Steel on the dip and this steadied the general list. Sugar , Leather , Tobacco and American Steel and Wire showed consid erable strength. Rumor had It that there would be favor able developments announced In Brooklyn Rapid Transit before Tuesday , and th ( stock rose. 2 points , but did not hold the extreme rise. The close was on a rise. The market this week continued almost every day on an upward rise. The move ment In a general way verified the street proverb , "As go movements , BO goes the market , " The upward trend In the governmenl mortgages resulted In some record prices nnd the general market for stocks and bonds was likewise strong. Two othei street maxims were not berne out by the course of quotations. London's early prices ore usually an Index to the trend of the market locally , and to "copper London'e trades" has not been regarded the part ol wisdom. Then , too , the public was content to enjoy the Christmas holidays without realizing paper profits and the "reaction before the holidays" which Is according to precedent , failed to materialize. Conditions permeating the financial fabrics continue wonderfully favorable to this nation. Boun tiful crops sell abroad at remunerative and steadily Improving prices , while the greal iron and coal Industries are getting a grip on the world's market. The congestion of surplus capital due to America's enormous trade balance explains the Investment of same $75,000,000 used In discounting foreign commercial bills , which must be paid In gold or In securities unless the United States assumes the roll of a creditor nation and gives oar to the re ported propositions to float foreign govern ment loans here. The return flow of money from the. south and west Is about due and the banks gained on balance at the sub- treasury. To meet the January dividend re quirements money has shown the slightest hardening tendency and last Wednesday a flurry In call money resulted In Its bring ing the market up to 4V4 per cent for a small loan , but enormous offerings quickly brought It back to 2ft per cent. The railway transports gave substantial foundations for a rise In some direction * and nei-med to warrant the introduction of many dormant securities to the speculative and semi-Investment public. Small reac tions and Irregularity due to bear tactics kept trading rather healthy and frees irom the danger of a too sudden Inflation. Scale orders to buy nt concessions rallied prices after each period of depression. This held the market In t , ) lte of continuous hammerIng - Ing and enormous liquidation , and when It was found prices would go down , manipu lation ensued. Toward the close of the week there was a disinclination to bo short over the three holidays and there were large covering purchases. Much Interest was manifested In the divi dend declarations of the week , but there was no changre except the Increase to 2 per cent In the Denver preferred disburse ments. The over-sanguine predictions cur rent as to the probable dividend declara tion met some credence In particular cases , owing to the favorable reports of earnings. The grangers and the Pacifies were In keen request at periods and gained substantially. A number of hitherto Inactive stocks made considerable progress upward , prominent among which were Baltimore & Ohio , Lake Erie & Western. Minneapolis and St. Louis and Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis. Besides the much- mooted Alton deal , there were various rumors ! of traffic alliances of many roads which served to keep unabated the Investment demand. Talk of the prospect ive settlement of the Central Pacific's gov ernment obligation and a subsequent re organization helped that stock , In view of the- beneficial results of similar rehab ilitations of railway properties. The resig nation of a prominent officer and director of the sugar company brought forth much bear activity In that stock , which subse quently recovered Its loss. The prosperity of the Iron and coal Industries was re flected In pronounced activity In the secur ities of allied Induntrles. Powerful Interests at times supported such stocks as Federal Steel , the common making an extreme of 11 1-2 , while the preferred touched 84 5-8 , a rise of C 1-4 point * , but both lost about 2 points on their advance. The week's bond market was less active than the preceding1 week and the dealings were devoid of such a pronounced tone of strength. Irregularity was very conspic uous In operations , but the general under tone nevertheless was very substantial , many Issues Improving to the best price ever recorded for them. United States * new 3s and 4s advanced 1-2 , the old 4s , coupon , 3-8 and do , registered , 1-R In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram : Today's was the bus iest house and the largest attendance seen In the stock exchange here on the eve of Christmas for a very long time. Prices were generally steady. The American mar. ket was active , closing at the beet. Den- vors and Norfolks were th features. Othei changes on balance were slight. Coppei stocks were flrm. There were further large borrowings from the bank. The following are the closing quotation ! of the leading stocks on the NO.W York market today : Atchlson . IS ? ; Hook Island IlHi | > ft 51. Louis & 8. P. . . 8ij Baltimore & Ohio. . C9 do pfd 6'j ' Canada Pacific . . . . SHi do 2d Pfd S3' , : Canada Southern . . G6 St. Louts & S. W. . 7Vi Central Pacific . . . . 42'A do prd 17 * Ch a. & Ohio . 2tti St. Paul . . . / 118 Chi. & Alton . Wau do pfd 163 Chi. , n. & Q . H1H St. P. & Om Dl'x Chi. & } . Ill . 59 do pfd 168 do pfd . HOVt St. P. . M. & M..17 ! Ohl. O. W . HH So. Pacific 32 Chi. . Ind. & Ii. . . . Southern Railway. . 10' ' . do Dfd Vt do pfd Chl. N. W 141 % Terai & Pacific . . . . 19 do pfd 166 Union Pacific . 431. C. . C. , C. A St. L , . . 43U do pfd . 73' , ; do pU 53 U. P. . D. & Q. , . . 12' ; EM. & Hudson . . . .104 Watrash . 8V Del. . L. & W..150 do pfd . 23 Den. & Rio 0 20 Wheel & L. E. . . . 47i Oo pfd eSU do pfd . 27' . Erie ( new ) 14H Adams EttprcM . . .103 do let r > fd / . . \ . 37U American Express. ,14 < Fort Wayne 175 United Stales . 51 Ot. Nor. pfd 133 % Wells Fareo . 120 Hocklns Valley . . . 3\i Am , Cot , Oil 33Vi Illinois Central . . .llittj do l t pfd 87V Lake Erie & W. . . . 2 < Ha' do pfd ,171 do pfd 73H Am. epir'ts 13 ? Lake Shore 2014 Am. Tobacco . , . .1C' , : 19 Wrst. Union do l t pfd 47 Fed. Steel 47V R. Q. W K do pfd 82' do pfd 64 " 2d nsst. paid. 4th asst. paid , offd. Total sales of stocks today were 873,40 shares. Including 3.890 Atchlson. 17.120 Atcht Bon preferred. 3.213 Centralla , 6,350 Centra Pacific , 3,023 Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 6,902 Denver & Rio Grande preferred , 15,11 Louisville & Nashville , 10.620 Manhattan 15,140 Minneapolis & St. Louis , 32,050 Mlssour Pacific , 3.575 Missouri , Kansas & Texas pre ferred , 6,815 Northern Pacific , 14.120 Rock Is land , 22,930 Union Pacific. 13.810 St. Paul 7,150 Southern Pacific. 5,600 Southern Paclfl preferred. 1(9,910 Union Pacific preferred 5,135 Wnbash preferred , 3.810 Wheeling i Lake Erie. 4,800 American Paper , 8 014 Amer lean Spirits. 9.010 American Spirits pre ferred. 14.220 Tobacco. 140.220 Steel , 63.3 Steel preferred , 64.450 People's Gas , 7,31 Colorado Fuel and Iron. 12.470 Pacific Mall 32.2SO Sugar , 22,215 Tennessee Coal and Iron 20.120 Leather. 85.270 Leather preferred. 4,43 Rubber. 3.635 St. Louts & Southwcsteri preferred , 14,090 Chicago Great Western. Foreign Financial. PARIS. Dec. 23. Prices on the bourse to day were- firm , but coie:1 ! easier. Rente WPTO favorably Influenced by the repor that the revenue project of M. Peytrnl. th French minister of finance , would be re Jectcd , Spanish 4s re-lapsed on realization ! prompted by adverse advices concerning the health of Senor Sacastu , the Spanish premier. Rio Tlntos were firm. Spanish 4 45.SO. Three per cent rentes , leif 72c for th ( account ; exchange on London , 25f 23c tot checks. BERLIN , Dec. 23. Money1 was scnrco nl 7 7-8i8 per cent on the bourse today for tin settlement nnd business opened dull undei apprehension of dearer monoy. Later there was a better feeling. Spanish 4s were easier. Americans were quiet. Canadian Pacifies were weak and local securities were easy. LONDON. Dec. 23. The market for Amer ican securities fluctuated somewhat after c ppendy period on operators taking profits , but later Improved nnd closed Ilrm. The demand was moderate. Turpentine spirits , 32s 7d. Sugar certificates , 11s 6d. Spanish 4 ? . 43.50. Netv York Money Market , NE.V YORK , Dec. 23.-MONEY ON CALL Nominal at 2124 ! per cent , PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 3JT3V5 ler cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady. with nctunl business In bankers' bills nt $4.SIU2 4.814 for demand , and nt $4.81- > 45f4.82 for sixty days ; posted rates , $1.8214 and $4.85V2i commercial bills , J4.81. SILVER CERTIFICATES-59H060HO BAR BILVER-69c. MEXICAN DOLLARS-46c. GOVERNMENT BONDS Irregular ; 3 , lOfift ! new 4s , reg. , 128- % : coupon , 12S i : 4s , llli ; coupon , my4 : 2s , 99i,4 : 6s , reg. , 112H : coupon , 112H ; Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 102T& . U. s.nnw J . 103 N. C. 4n . 104 U. 9. now 4n. reg.,128H No. Pacific UIS..117H U. f ) . do coup . 1284 No. PaclHi : 3d . Cttli U.S. 4srrc . 111H No. Pacine 4s . 10-JN tl. S. docoup . llfl'4 N.Y. C.ASt. L. 48..1l n U. 8. Udi. rcr . BOW N.V. . Os . lH : U. S. fii.rer . ll'JH N. W. Coniols . 14J4 U.S. 3s , coup . ll'JH N.w. Deb. n . nnv < Olntrlct 3. OSs . 118 Ore. N. Inti . 114 Ala.clHRS A . 10S Ore. N. 4i . 100 Ala , , clans n . 108 O. S.I , , Cut. r . l'J H 0 O. S. L. on t. r . 1105 < Ala. , Currency 100 Pacific 0 o ! 85 . 102 ! AtcliUon 4s 100 Keadnr4 ! ( . ? HH Do. adj. 4 70 n. o. w. uu'h Canada So. 2d 1104 St. L. A I. M. con G * 104 Clil. Torma. . 4a 86V , St. I. . A3. r. Qeu. 0.124 4 C.&O.fin 118 at. P.CoiiHoU . l 'i ! < C. H. 4D. 4Hs 104N st. P. c. ftp. iBt . .rj'j D.Att. O. Utft lot ) St. P. C. A P. OS. .131 D. A. R.Q. 4S 102 So. Ry. 6i . lUi i KaatTenn. Ists 107l < S. K. AT.Cfi . 87H ErlnOen. 4s 76 * Tenn. new let 3i. . . U4H P. W.A.D. Uts. t. r. B t T. P. L.O. l t . 110 Gen. Elec. Cs 103 T. P. ItrMs . 4UH Q. II. AS. A ( ! * 1012 U , P. D. & O. Uts. . 7 (3. H. AS.A. Ids. . . 103 Wab. 1st 68 . 113M II.fcT. Cent. fi > Ill Wllb. Vdl . n < ! t H. AT. C.con. On..Ill . W. Shore 4a . 112 lowaC.lnts 104 Vn. Centuries . S'JH La. New Con. 4B..107 Va. oeferrcd . 7 L.AN. Unl.4 7H win. cent. uts. * . . nm : Missouri Us 100 U. P. 4n . 134U M. R. AT. 2ds. . . . 074 O. K. N. pfd . 72 M. K. AT. 4s Dl Pnclflo Coast . 44 K.Y. C. Uts 117W Colo. Southern . 7 N.J. C. As 115 Utpfd . N. C. 6s 12f Vnrt pfd . 10 llokton Stock ftnotntlonn. BOSTON , Dec. 23. Call loans , 203 per cent ; time loans , 3@4 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares' AWh. , Top. & 8. F. 18W1 | . Central 1U Am. Sugar 126 lEd , Dlec. Tel 196 do pfd 111H Gen. Elec. pfd. . . .1M Bay Slate Gas , . 3 15-16 Atoh'son pJd C0 i Bell Teltlphon * . . . .276 Atch. MR 1-S14 Host. & Albany . . .246 Allouez Mln. Co. . . . 6-H Boston & Maine . .171 Atlantic 31 Roston L , Ki ! Host. & Mont lo ( Ohl. , Bur. & Q Ilulte & Boston . . . . 81 Fltohburjr Calumet & Hecla. . . .C25 Oen. Elcc M'4 Centennial 30 Mex. Central f > % Franklin 19'-i N. Y. & .N. Ens. . . . 99 Old Dominion . . , . 33 Old Colony 1 S Osccola 764 Ore. Short Line . . . 41'4 Qutnci' 140 Rubber 44Ji Tamarack 171 Union PaclHo 43 > i Wolverine S2V4 West End S9V4 Porrott 31 \ \ > stlncti. Elec. . . . 3S',4 ' Hunvboldt 214 do pfd 62 Ran Franclxcn Mlnlnpr Quotation * . SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 23. The official closing quotations for mining stocks to day were as follows : Alta 7" [ Hale & Norcross , .I5S Alpha Con , . . 3 Justice 14 Andes 4 iKentucky Con 8 Belcher 17 Mexican 27 Bout & Belcher . . . . ZZ O Hfl nUil Con . . . . SS Dulllon 2 Ophlr 40 Catalonia 20 Overman 7 Challenge Cert 15 1'otosl 14 Chollar 14 Savnse S Conftclencc 0 .aerra Nevada . . . .78 C. . Cola. & Va. . . .100 Union Con 12 Crown 1'olnt IS Utah Con 9 Oouia & Carrie . . . . 21Yellow _ Jacket . . . . . 22 Silver bars , 69Uo ; Mexican dollars , 471/i @ 47c. Drafts , sight , 15c ; telegraph , 17V4c , London Stock Quotation * . LONDON , Dec. 2J. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money N. Y. Central Consols , ncct . UpK Pennsylvania. Canid'on Piu.'lflo . . 8 ; 14U Union Pacirw . TB do 1st pfd . rSSH Atchison . 1 > H lllln-olB Central v. . . 11714 & K . 6 tt Nor. Pacific pfd . . . 79 Grand Trunk . 714 St. Paul . 12314 _ BAR SILVER Stagnant at 27 3-8d. MONEY-3@S % P r cent. The rate of discount In the open markel for short bills , 3 7-1&S3U per cent : foi three months' bills , 3 7-lC-i3',4 per cent. New York Mining Onntntloni. NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-The following ar the closing quotations on mining stocks : Choi lor 12 Ontar'o DOO Crown Point U Ophlr 45 Con. . CHI. & Ve..lOO Plj-mouth 10 DeacJwood 50 Quicks Ivor ICO Gould & Currle . . . . M do pfd 400 Hale & N'orcrosa . . .160 Sierra. Xevado. 70 Homesutke 5.000 Stondanl _ . Iron Silver 73 Union Con 17 Mexican 27 Yellow Jacket 16 Financial Notri. OMAHA. Dec. 23. Bank clearings todnj were $1,324,614.10 ; balances , $54,034.58. One year ago the clearings were $849,802.41 ; bal ances. $121,921.23. Increase in clearings $474,811.69. NEW YORK , Deo. 23.-The Imports ai the port of New York for the week were Gold , $384,156 ; silver , $41,428 ; dry goods , $1.931 , 972 ; general merchandise , $5,775,493. The ex ports of specie during the week amountec to $499,749 In silver and $236,906 In gold. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 23.-Clearlngs $12.000,143 ; balances , $1,415,153. BALTIMORE. Dec. 23. Clearings , $2,822 , 213 ; balance * , $471,644. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-Clearlngs , $176,651 , 405 ; balances , $8,237,614. BOSTON. Dec. 23.-Cl arIngs. $21,714,261 balances , $2.336,313. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 23. Clearings , $1 , 931,111 ; New York exchange , bank , par commercial , $1 discount. CINCINNATI , Dec. 23. Money. 2H@6 pe : cent ; New York exchange , 25o discount clearings. $1,771.000. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 23. Clearings , $4.920.476 balances , $719,092 ; money , 407 per cent ; Nev York exchange , lOc discount hid ; par asked CHICAGO. Dec. 23. Clearings , $23,280,654 balances , $1,640,800 ; New York exchange par ; posted rates. $4.82 > / @ 4.S5. Stocks ac , . u * yt 4 r > 0vui vt | iiuiuttw4. * "J721 IVltlttlum Mutch , 145 ; Lake Street L , 12H ; West Chicago cage , 93V& . Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23-COTTON-Fu tures steady ; December nominal ; January $0.0105.02 ; February. $5.0735.08 ; March , $5.1 < S3.11 ; April. $5.1695.17 ; May. $5.21 < f/a.22',4 June , $5.2655.27 : July , $5.30 5.31 ; August $5.3036.32 ; September , $5.2305.25 ; October * o.251(5.27. Spot quiet ; sales , 3,350 bales ; or dinary , 3 l-16c ; good ordinary , 4 3-8c ; lor middling , 4c ; middling , 63-16c ; good mid dllng , 513-16c ; middling fair. CB-lCc ; re ( .elpts. 12.152 bales ; stock , 495.318 bales. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-COTTON-Steady middling. 67-8c ; net receipts , 229 bales gross , 3,928 bales ; sales , 546 bales ; stock 89,651 bales ; exports to the continent , 39 bales. Total today : Net receipts , 68,49 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 3,766 bales to France , 14,785 bales ; to the continent XI 07 bales : stock , 1,336,904 'bales. Consoll dated : Net receipts , 360,635 bales ; export ! to Great Britain , 162,957 bales : to France 46,577 bales ; to the continent , 77,372 bales. Coffee Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-COFFEE-OptIon : opened barely steady , 6310 points lower further cased off 5 point * under disappoint Ing European sailing and bear hammering decline arrested later by firmer ruling o Brazilian markets , liberal warehouse do liveries and buying on reaction theory ; pro 1 nounced strength of spot also tended ti make shorts cautious. Closed quiet , , wltl prices 10315 points lower. Sales , 9,220 bags Including January at $7.75 ; March , $5.90j : 5.95 : May. $0.05 : June , $6.10 ; July. $6.10 ; Au gust. $6.15 ; September , $6.20 ; October. $6.25 November , $6.30 ; December. , 1S98 , $6.90 Spot co/Tee / , Rio. flrm : No , 7 , Invoice , $7 No. 7.Jobbing. . $7.50. Mild , flrm ; Cordova Wool Market. BOSTON. Dec. 23.-The Boston Commer. cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the woo market : Trading has continued very active The chl-if business has been transacted It territories , while Australians have found i ready market. AuHtrall.in washed fleecei and territories are steadier , while quotabls unchanged. The aks of the week are 4.- 300.000 Ibs. domestic and 2,071.000 Ibs. for- elin , a total of 6,371,000 Ibs. , against 6,317,001 Ibs , last week and 8,853,000 Ibs. for the puir.t week last year. The sales to date show t decrease of 301,828,800 Ibs. domestic am 129,323,200 Ibs. foreign from the sales to th same date In 1897. The receipts to date shov a decrease of 243,017 bales domestic and S22 , . S23 bales foreign. OMAHA LIVE STOCK JIARRE1 Light BeceipU of Cattle Continue the Halt Local Feature , NOT ENOUGH HERE TO ESTABLISH PRICE ! Ilnyorn Pity Stonily Flgnrci for Al tlint Arc Offered 1I < > K * Coming Fairly Plentiful , Selling Very Clone to Chicago Price * . SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 23. _ . , , , Cauls. HOBS , dheep necelpta today 1,297 iorxl ) 25 Ofllclal Monday 62s 6.73S 1,5'j ' O'c ! al Tuesday 2,2.12 11,70. ! 6l > Official Wednesday 1,402 12,222 1,61 Official Thursday 1.4DJ i > , t > 07 Sti. Five days this week 7,145 49.770 4M > ; Sumo days last week..10.111 6S.643 9,35 Same dii > n week before..10.3G2 47,162 10,87 : Same three weeks ago..14,373 33,050 10,01 Average price paid for nogs tor the las several days , wltn comuarlKons : | 1893.1S37.1S3S.1SJ3.1S94.1893.1S92 | | | | ! | Indicates Sundav. The ofllolal number of cars of stool brought In today by each road was : , . . Cattle. Hog * . Sheep. H'r's C. , M. & n. . P. Ry. . , . 1 19 O. & St. L. Ry 3 Missouri Paclllc Ry. . 22 12 U. P. system 8 16 C. & N. .W. Ry 1 10 F. , E. & M. V. ft. R. . 5 23 S. C. & P. Ry i C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. 5 7 B. & M. R. R. R. . . . 4 26 C. , B. & Q. Ry 1 10 K. C. & St. J 5 C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , E. . . 7 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W. . . 3 Total receipts . . . . 63 143 1 The disposition of the day's receipts wai as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co 10 613 . . G. H. Hammond Co 149 2,193 11 Swift and Company 100 1,098 12 Armour & Co 109 2202 1 Cudnhy Packing Co 112 1,615 R. Becker and Degan. . . . 46 . . . . Lehman & Co 45 . . . . W. I. Stephens 33 Livingston & Schaler. . . . 9 . . . . Hamilton & R 81 . . . . Armour , Sioux City 793 Hammond , Kansas City. . 104 . . . . Swift , from country 42 . . . . Omaha , from K. C 48 621 Cudahy. Kansas City. . . . 346 902 Other buyers 66 Totals 1,300 10.437 25 CA1TLE The very light receipts of cat tie continue and there are hardly cnougt on sale to really establish prices from daj to day. All this wek the situation ha ! been practically the same , that Is. llghi receipts , a good demand for a few cattle of all kinds , and a gradually strengthenlni market. The few loads of cornfed cattle it the yards today were all sold , and buyen were back In the house again before 11 o clock. There was nothing very gooc among the offerings , the cattle for the mosi part consisting or warmed-up and half-fai stuff , such as are selling at about $4.70 anc under. Some pretty good stccra sold up U $5.15. All the prices paid looked stead ] with yesterday. There were a few betwlxi and between cattle here today which hac been warmed up a little on corn , anc which were neither fat cattle nor feeders Receivers found It very difficult to get i bid on such cattle as no one seemed t < want them. Cows and heifers were In very fair de mand , so that the few small bunches or sale were soon disposed of and at steadj prices. Some good shortfed steers and cows brought $4.75 , ipretty good cows and heifers $4.00 , and others not so good , $3.S5 , whlcr will give an Idea of the way good stuff 1 : selling. The most of the cows received this week have been decidedly on the com' mon order , so that while the actual salei have not looked so very much higher , II Is safe to say that the market Is reallj 103T20c higher than a week ago. Bulls stags , etc. , sold In yesterday's notches. A few feeding cattle were wanted thli morning and as there were very few or sale everything that was available sole early and at strong prices. Some commor to fair western cattle brought $4.00 , an < another bunch that was a little heavlei and not quite so desirable sold at $3.90 Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5. . C06 335WESTERNS. WESTERNS. CALIFORNIA. No. Av. i-i No. Av. Pr. 41 feeders. 795 $3 SO HOGS The market opened 2Wc higher 01 heavy and mixed hogs and fteady on Huh weights. Under the Influence of an nctlv demand the most of th ; hogs were soon ills posed of. Heavy hogs sold largely at $3,3 : with only a few rough under that price Mixed loads running to good light brough $3.37V4 { or the moat part and prime Ugh $3.40 * < * wlng to the very good demand am the favorable advices from other selllni points the market closed strong at the ad vance , or about 5o higher than yesterday. It will be remembered that the marke at the close of last week was at the lot point of the month , excepting only th ; firs day of the month. Since la.it Saturdtr there has been a gradual upward move rr.ent each day until the hogs sold toda' as high as any time this month , Anothe fact that will bo brought out by a com parlson of prices Is that hogs sold here to day within SSTOc of Chicago. Yesterda' one of the largest packer's droves bough on this market cost only 3c less than i corresponding large drove bought on th Chicago market. A glance at the table of receipts at heai of column will show that today's receipt were not much different from yesterda' or the week before , but that there has beei a very heavy falling off for the five day of the current week as compared with th corresponding days of last week. There Is one thing that shippers shouli give especial attention to and that Is thn the spread between light and heavy ho hap closed up very materially this wei > u While heavy and mixed hogs have bnei gradually working upward , light hogs havi stood still. Today they sold nt $3.40. AI far back as Wednesday choice hoers sold a $1.40 and today they ttold at the name price so that the market has been stationary fo three days , while heavy and mixed loml have advanced In the meantime 6c. Rep reaentatlve sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh , Pr. 12 326 40 $3 30 41 305 80335 67 205 80 330 62 261 40 3 37'A 13 S51 ICO 3324 C3 216 40 3 37',4 ' 49 399 . . . 335 C5 274 0 3 37"A 72 H3 . . . 335 61 217 120 3 21V. 44 313 40 335 66 266 . . . 3 373 ! 76 745 2 < 0 335 70 2M ICO 3 3T.4 63..3So io 335 76 230 10 3 371 * 61 2.V. 240 3K 63 296 80 337)4 ) DD 31C , 40 3.15 61 219 . . . 3 3 < U OS 345 240 3 r > lS 200 . . . 3 37'.4 70 223 160 335 28 Ill . . . 3 37J4 77 220 200 335 61 2M 40 3 37Ji 01 304 40 3 35 7S 217 . . . .1 37U M 326 49 3 J 6D 2R7 40 3 37 < i 75.232 160 335 66 2SO . , , 3 3iU 60 309 120 335 fiS 2 5 40 337V * 60 SI * 200 3 3Ti 67 277 200 3 37 > 4 M 307 3.-0 335 61 212 SO 3 37ft 66 407 W 3.15 81 2S5 2 0 3 37Hi 66 297 200 3 35 78 277 210 3 37 < 4 31 304 ttO 33 > 48 3SO SO 3 37 < 4 35 310 80 3.15 68 230 160 3374 * 60 327 200 3 35 79 203 . . . 3 37U 69 344 5 > 0 335 66 2S5 140 3 .lt'4 ' 65 230 200 335 S3 244 120 3 37 < 4 62 291 120 3.15 63 20 320 3 37iJ 61 301 SO 3 35 66 274 . . . 3 37'4 ' 65 3.11 60 335 B3 275 200 3 37U CO 34S 120 3 33 68 271 SO 3 37W 31 2.V , 40 335 78 268 Ml 3371,4 61 297 160 335 66 2CO 40 3 37 > 4 72 309 120 3.15 69 27S 120 3 17U 70 336 160 335 67 2-vl 40 3 375 57 320 . . . 3 y , 69 .157 200 3 37V4 63 322 120 335 62 265 . . . 3 37 < J 45 328 160 335 B2 315 . . . .1 37'4 67 261 120 335 5 314 40 3 37Vi 74 237 120 335 61 2)S 120 3 37H 64 318 120 ,135 71 25S 40 3371,4 69 326 120 335 5S 308 40 " 62 3M 2bO 3.15 65 314 SO 69 300 320 335 SS 200 40 67 323 160 333 63 TM 400 3 37',4 63 304 2SO 3 35 74 2S3 SO 3 37'j 60 30.1 IdO 335 51 .111 ! 40 3 37 > ,4 Co 295 ICO 333 72 2S6 210 3371,4 79 213 240 335 57 226 SO 3 37V. 67 266 SO 3 35 88 177 80 340 84 248 200 3 35 4 < i 237 120 3 40 72 2-U 2SO .1 PS 79 206 . . . 340 56 314 . . . 335 86 191 . . . 340 S3 2.1.1 120 335 70 266 120 340 67 ,10ti 120 3.13 67 201 40 340 49 3.17 210 .133 4(1 ( 181 . . . 340 So 138 . . . 333 69 22S SO 340 67 SOU 40 336 76 21G . . . 340 13 146 . . . 335 79 1SS . . . 340 68 318 360 3 35 74 215 40 .1 40 f > 8 232 SO 3 33 93 193 SO 340 66 315 120 3.15 f,3 254 SO 'n f,9 , 35S SO 3 35 79 1SS . . . 340 SS 201 160 335 76 210 . . . 340 SO 306 120 33 ? 102 218 40 340 WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 1 340 . . . 200 8 151 . . . 335 1 360 . . . 200 8 225 . . . 333 2 300 . . . 200 6 314 . . . 337 % 1 310 . . . 260 SHEEP There was only one double decl In the yards today. It was made up o lambs mostly , with n few yearlings , ntu sold at J4.C5 , which was Just about stead ; with yesterday. As noted yesterday ntu for some days back , there Is very little li the sheep market to Induce shippers to sciv In sheep at the present time. The marke all over 1he country Is In a very unsatlH factory condition nnd commission men al most without exception are advising th holding back of supplies until after th holidays. Quotations are : Good cornfed westen wethers , $3.7&S3.85 ; fair to good , $3.60fj3.76 good to choice Mexican yearlings , $4.25'i 4.35 ; choice western yearlings , $4.15@4.2 fair to good western yearlings , $3.90y4.15 fed ewes , $3.25'33.50 ; good to choice lambs $5.0035.16 ; fair to ( rood lambs , $4.50174.76 feeder yearlings , $3.75$73.S5 : feeder lambs $4.W4.40 ( ; rull shop , $2.001f3 00 ; cull Iambi $3.00@3.60. Representative snler : No. Av. Pr. 1 nattva ram 260 $3 25 1 western ewe SO 3 50 9 native owes 184 376 119 western lambs and yearlings. . 78 4 65 119 western lambs and yearlings. . 79 4 65 8 native Iambs 103 525 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong , Hog * Higher and Shee ] Ilarely Steady , CHICAGO , Dec. 23. There was a bette demand for cattle today than Is usual ! : witnessed Friday. Prices were strong an < In some. Instances higher. Commonrade of beef steers sold at $3.90574.95 ; good t < choice brought $5.00@5.65 , while a few fane ; droves chanced hands at $3.70@5.80 ; stock crs and feeders averaged from $3 to $4,40 cows sold well , few going below $2.30 ; calves were unchanged. HOGS The market for hogs developei unusual strength , prices ruling B'fflOi higher ; not more than 2,000 were carrlec over from yesterday , and there were toi few hogs to meet the demand. Sales wen largely at $3.37V4@3.50 hors selling at at extreme range of $3.2033.55 , while pig ; brought $3.003.25. SHEEP The demand for sheep and Iambi was email and prices were barely steady Sheep were salable at $2.00 (4.25 for Inferloi to prime , sales being largely at $3.404.00 yearlings were wanted at $4.0094.50 ; Iambi were salable at $3.75 ( 6.30 for poor to prlmi flocks , the greater part Belling at $5.00i6.60 } heavy sheep and lambs were neglected. Receipts : Cattle. 2,000 head ; hogs , 23,001 head ; sheep , 7,000 head. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Supply of Cattle Caa e Far' 1h "r Advance la Price * . KANSAS CITY , Deo. 23.-CATTLE-Re celptF , 2,700 head ; light supply caused fur ther advance In prices , all grades selling ac live at higher values ; heavy native steers $5.15 5.50 ; medium , $3.40@5.15 : light weights $4.25 5.20 ; stockrs and feeders. $3.25 4.50 butcher cows and heifers , $2.65 ( 4.40 ; west crn steers. $3.1504.50 ; Texas steers. $3.00g ( 4.45 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.65(33.25 ( ; can nlng stock. $2.0032.60. * HOGS Receipts , 10,330 head ; demand foi good quality packing hogs good and price : were again advanced S@10c ; pigs , too largi supply ; slow. 5Q10o lower ; heavies , $1.40 $ 3.5214 ; mixed. $3.3033.46 ; light , $3.10ir3.40 pigs : $2.80i3.10. SHEEP Receipts , KO head ; supply con tlnues very light and demand very brisk all desirable- qualities selling readily n flrm prices ; lambs , $5.005.60 : muttons , $3,8 , 44.60 ; feeding lambs. $3.80fl'4.20 ' : fcedlm sheep , $3.25 3.75 ; stockers and feeders , $2.2 ! @ 3.60. Pt. LfiTilx Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Dec 23.-CATTLE-Recelpts 1,100 head , including 300 Texans ; shipments 1,000 head ; market steady for natives ; 10. . highpr ; fair to fancy native shipping ant export steers. $4.005T6.6B : bulk of Bales , $4.3 Ofi.30 ; dressed b af and butcher steers. $3.5 (1-5.25 : bulk of sales * . $4.40fi6.00 ; steers unrte 1,000 Ibs. , $3.00 ? B.OO ; bulk of sales. $3.60J 4.50 ; stockers and feeders. $2.304.BO ; bull of sales , $2.BO@4.00 ; cows nnd heifers , $2.0 4M.35 : hulk of cows , $2.25 3.60 ; bulk of heif era. $2.75Q3.7B ; Texas and Indian steers $2.906-4.30 ; bulk of sales , $3.005H.05 ; cowi nnrt hpfrp | , $2.2B3.30. HOGS Receipts , 6.900 head ; shipments 2.700 head : market BWlOc higher ; pigs am , lights. $3.25fJ3,30 ; packers , $3.3033.45 ; butch ers. $1.43 T3.50. | SHEEP Receipts. 800 head : shipmenta 100 head : market steady ; native muttons $3.50 4.00 ; culls and bucks. $2.00W3.75 ; stock ers. $2.00f2.75 ? ; lambs , $3.75iff6.00. The Merchants' exchange will close 01 Saturday and Monday. New YorK Live Stork. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-BEEVES-Re celpts. 2.200 head ; good cattle In light sup Cly and flrm ; common to fair , dull anc arely steady : bulls were active and i trtflo firmer ; steers. $4.2505.40 ; tops. $3.50 oxen and stags , $ .1.w3j'4.40 ( ; bulls , $3.75 4.00 cows , $1.80tJ3.76 ; cables wore slow ; exports 811 cattle ; tomorrow , 732 cattle and 7,0 < > quarters of beef , CALVES Receipts , 868 head : active nm flrm ; veals , common to good , $5.0i > g6.00 ; m choice hers ; barnyard calves , $4.00 ; one cai of southern calves , $3.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 3,67 ! head ; sheep , very dull nnd lower : lambs steady to lOc lower ; common to prlm < sheep , $3XXXg4.25 ; fair to choice lambs. $5. 05.80. HOGS Receipts. 2,770 head ; market 10 < lower nt $3.403.eO. Storti In Following are the receipts at the foui principal western market 1'or December 33 Cattle. Hogs , Sheep Omaha . 1/.97 10.001 2V Chicago . 2,000 2.1.000 7,00 Kansas City . 2,700 10.330 B& St. Louts . 1,100 6.900 30 Totals . 7,097 60,731 luff St. . ! o epli Live Stock. ST. JOSEPH , Dec. Speclal.-CAT- < ) - TLE Receipts 400. Market strong nnd act ive. Natives. $ .16006.15. Texas nnd Went- erners. $3.004.60 : cows nnd heifers , $1.75- 4.00 ; rtockf-rs and feeders , $1 OOW4.25. HOOS-necelpls. 4.000. Market. 5mOc higher : selling. $1.32 1-2 3.50 ; bulk. J3.rfi3.45 , SHEEP Receipts. 100. Market steady. I Cincinnati Live Stork. CINCINNATI , Dec. 23. HOGS-Strong ai $2.8 > Q4.35. r-ATTLE-Steady at $2.50 4.75. SHEBP-$2.2S ; lambs , steady at $4.008 $3.25. $3.25.No session of Chamber of Commerce un til Tuesday , Oil Market. OIL CITY , Pa. . Dec. 23.-Credlt balances $1.19 ; certlflcatcH , no bid ; no offerings ; shipments. 66,871 bbls. : runs. 45.SK8 bblu. WILMINGTON. N. C. . Dec. 23.-OIL- Turpjntlne- . firm at 416414c. ! Rosin , noth ing doing. Crude turpentine , flrm at $1,303 2.30. Tar. active nt $1.19. SAVANNAH. Dec , 23.-OIL Turpentine flrm at 41Hc. Hoaln , flrm. Quote : A , H , C D , E , F , $1.00 ; O. $1.15 ; H. $1.30 : I. $1.40 ; K $1.65 ; M , $1.C5 ; N , $1,75 ; W G , $2.05 ; W W , $2,30. _ \cvr York Mry Huodi Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-In the dry goodi market today the demand for the general run of cotton goodn has been quiet , but the strength of the market Is an fully pro- nounccul as before In both staple and fancy lines. Storks In first hands nro small ana In most directions the market Is hanvlly oversold. Print cloths mild largely , yet with manufacturers resolved srllcrx on the b.isli of 2 3-Sc for regulnrB. There has been a fair reorder reported for men's wear wool ens nnd worsted fabrics nnd for dress good ! with the demand rendlly met nt previous prices. Orlennn Martlet , NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23.-PROV1SION8 Steady. Pork , standard me * " , IS.7tiJf9.00. Lnrd , refined tierce. $ S.87I4 ; pure , $3.621,4. Boxed meats , dry Halt shoulder * . $4.S7H : Bides , $5.12H. Bncon , clear rib side * . I6.o6 6.1214. Hams , choice cured. $8.73K9.60. COKFEE Strong ! Hlo. ordinary to fair , 7 6-SQilc. RICE Steady ; ordinary to good , 4if6c. FLOUR Extra fancy , $3.20W3.25 ; patent * , $3.701M.75. CORN.MEAL $1.76ffl.80. HRAN-64Ti65c. HAY Prime western , $10.0012.00 ; choice , . . . CORN No. 2 sacked , old. white. 41os mixed , 4lc : yellow , 41fl42c ; new , 2c higher , OATS-No. 2 sacked , 33 4iS34c. Suunr Markel , NEW YORK. Dec. 23-SUGAR-Rnw. Ir regular ; fair refining , 3 7-Sc : centrifugal , 96 text , 4 3-Sc ; inolu-ses BUsar , 3 5-Sc. Refined , unsettled ; crushed , 59-16c ; powdered , 63-16c ; granulated , 6 l-I6c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 23.-SUOAR- Steady ; open kettle. 3t3 9-18c : open kettle , centrifugal , 3 5-S 4 l-16c ; rentrlfucr.nl , gran ulated , 4 9-lCJi4 6-8c ; whites , 4i-itf4 ( 9-16c ; yellows , 45i5 5-16c ; seconds , 2 7-8 < if3 1B-16C. Molasses , steady : open kettle , 20JHo : cen trifugal , S'ul8c. Syrup , steady at 25827c. 1'oorln Market * . PEORIA. Dec. 23.-CORN-Flrm , higher ! No. 2 35c. OATS-Flrm : No. 2 white. 21c. WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.26 for finished goods. HEALTH IS WEALTH. DR. E. C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , THCORIGPMl , AIL IB * old under poiitlre Written Guarantee by autlioi'lzml artuts only , to cum Wcak Memory , Ulzzlnr RR. Wakct ilnoHB , FUR , Hysteria , Quick- ucrB , Nlf lit Loasen , Dvll urv iun. Lnck of Conn * dcnce , Nervousness , ' /.nMturtft , nil Drains , Youth ful Errors , or Kxcoss. e USB of Tob.icco , Opium , or Liquor , which leads to Misery , Consumption , Infinity and Death. At store or t > y mall , * 1 a box ) MX for f& ; with written guarantee to euro or refund money. Sample pack age , containing nvo clhvs trHHinmnt , with lull inatrtictloni , 'JS cants. Ona sample only sold to each person. At store or by mall. Red Label Spc- iclal Extra Strength. 'for Impowncy , Lout of. Ponor , Loit Manhood , SterllUr or Darrenen , " . a box ; six for $5. vrlth rrltton guarantee ! .j euro in 30 aavs. At ; stnre or by nmll. Dillon Drnir Co. , Sole cent * , lOtk and Farnnm , Omaha , Neb , adway's Purtly vegetable , mild and reliable. Be- ulato the Liver and Digestive organ * . Tn safest and belt medicine in the world ( ol th CURB of ill disorders of the Stomach , Llrcr * Bowli , Kianoy , Bladder , Nervous D10- ta es. Lt H o' AppetlU , Headache. Con stipation , Costlveness , Indigestion , Bilious * ness , Fever , Inflammation of the Bowels , Piles and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. PERFECT DIGESTION will bt accomplished by taking RADWAY'S PILLS. By BO doing DYSPEPSIA Sick Headache. Foul Stomach , Biliousness will be avoided , as the food that Is eaten contributes Us nourishing properties for the support of the natural waste of th body. Price 26 cents per box. Sold by all drug. clcts or sent by mall on receipt of price. KADWAY A CO. . Dn Elm St. , Nevr York. McMUNNS * ELIXIR OF OPIUM Is a preparation of the Drug by which 1U Injurious effects are remoYftd , while the val uable medicinal prop rtlei are retained. It possesses all the sedative , anodyne and antispasmodic - spasmodic powers of Opium , but produces no sickness of the stomach , no vomiting , no costlveneBg , no headache , in acute nervoui disorders it is an Invaluable remedy , and . ' recommended by the best physicians. E. FERRETT. Agent- 372 Pearl St. , New York. MADE ME A MAN For sale In Omaha , Neb. , oy Ja. Forsy 202 N. 16th ; Kulm & Co. . 15th and Douglas : In Council Bluffa 1:7 O. B. lirown. Drug'su Sexine Pills Imbue men with more bodily and tnentit vigor ; banish weakiies , cure nerrous debil ity , lack of confidence , varlcocele , insomnia and mind wtddeting. They help you main tain self-control and enable you to think clearly. AlUflerts of patt mistake * removed and drain * and losses FOREVER checked. Jt.oo per box , 6hoies _ ( guaranteed ) $500. book frr" . Kulm & Co. and Economical Drug Co. , Omaha. Urtm McGREW , SPECIALIST , TrttttdlFormiot DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE _ UYurainOmtlu. idoiiiluiiaa Frw. Bttifrt * 0 Blot MthFarnim Sti CklebMUi'ii Cx U b IM mtt Bru4U Pi ENNYROYAL PILLS Oricf ! a 0 ly CM. I. * . * P , ftlwftj * ftU4M . LDK tlfe Druffiit for CTttrJutttn fntlltk / > < mn44r'in < fn U4 w4 Cvi4 nrultU | ISM , 94i4 ii wiu bii * rlbb i. Tat noothrr.U ianf ru4 ulHik if4m An4 < mifafrn4i. ( AtPri1itarMl , li MM . "Ulfffa JAMES E BOYD & C0f Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOAHU OH TRADE. Dlrt't nir * < lu Clu-jia" nu , , ' w Tork. Corrtiponilrntii John A. W rr n A Co. TKI.KPIIOJfE IOSa. H R. PENNEY & CO. , nuom 4 , .V. Y. Life III die. , Omaha , Ne StocksGrainProvisions. , , . Direct Wlr < - Ken York , ChlCBKo BB < 1'oUt * .