THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 18 , 1898. 31 Merchants' Bean Club. Hu-Can Guess Our Bean Jars ? Some Things That You Should Know : 1 That you must UEO a coupon cut from this paper. 2 That no person can deposit more than three coupons with any one merchant each day. 3 That you must bring them to the atore. No mailed coupons filed. 4 That you can vote as often as you have coupons. HU-CAN ? A. Hospe's Art Dep't 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. Hospe's Wo give another $30.00 picture to the successful gucsscr on our bean Jar this week. Don't forget we huve more pictures , frames , medal lions. calendar * , and art novelties for Xmas than any other store in Omaha , and our prices arc right. Contest cbses at 0 p. m. Monday. A. Hoipc'a DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of bean * In Jar No. 10 la . Name -yf I Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store. IIU.CAN ? Carvers The finest line In the city at prices from 76c to $10,00. Pocket Knives SCISSORS RAZORS All the best warrant ed brands Barney & Berry and Kllpper Klub. Skates SLEDS COASTERS A big line of new patterns. CHAFING DISHES 5 O'CLOCK'TEAS. Toy Stoves and Ranges , handsome patterns from GOe to $10.00. To the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our bean Jar we will give on December 24th , that beautiful $45 Monitor Steel Range MILTON ROGERS I SON , Cor. Fnrutim and Fourteenth. Hilton Roger * < t Son > ' MEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 27 la Name , , Address This advertisement and coupon handed Iti at our store. IIU.CAN ? Cameras for Christmas We are adding new goods every day to our stock ot Cameras and PhotoRrnimlc supplies. Sco the 3',4x3 > 4 Tourist Pocket Camera , that we will give to the llrst one estimating the number of beany In our Jar. Contest closes December 23d. The Robert Dempster Co , 1215 Farnam St. The' Ilobcrt Demiinter Co.'n I1EAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number ot beans In ' Jar No. 31 la , Name > Address This adver"sement and coupon must ba handed In at our store. RUSH1N' ' THE 'BUTION BOX Weird Christmas Jollification of the Andras Island filaoki , PRIMITIVE WORDS AND MERRY MUSIC Warm Danoe mid Cake Walk While thu Contribution llox U Going ! ( Hound * A 8euil-llor- Iittrlo Ceremony. One of the queerest of Christmas ob servances Is that In vosuo among the na tive * of Andros Island In the Bahama group , " says George Ueno , who served throughout the Cuban war as a special messenger - senger between the Island and the United Statej , "To an American the celebration and all Ita surroundings are as unlike his homo Christmas as anything could well bo. It was my fortune to spend the Christmas ot 1897 with 'the wreckers nnd conch divers of Andros and to witness this strange Christmas ceremony. "In company with General Joaquln Cos- tlllo I lhad sot out from Cuba with the In tention of spending Christmas In Now York City , but fate. In the shape of wind and weather , and Incidentally Spanish gun boats , prevented our departure from the Cuban coast at tbe time appointed , so that Christmas found us at one of the least known and moat out ot tbo way spots. In the world , Little Golden Cay. a densely wooded coral rock , standing at the entrance ot Middle Dight , Andros Island. "The great festival of tbo year was at hand , but wo were on foreign shores. We set to work to maVe the nest of It , and each lent a ihaud In preparing for the Christmas dinner. For many weeks we had had noth ing to eat but the tough boiled beef and green plalntaln of the Insurgent army , and our limited amount ot cash was Invested at John , Oodlo's store on Andros In the ma terials for -the luxurious feast. We bad chicken , sweet potatoes , cocoanuts , sugar cans , rice , plutlnas and coffee. "After dinner , while the party sat about under tbo clear tropical sky and llitcned to the soft sound of tbe waves lapping the beach , there came from Andros Island , three miles across the water , the sound of many < > | CM chanting. Bam , the old Bahama pilot , * rello of the ten years' war , at once HU.CAN ? Portieres This week we are going to give to the one estimating the number of beans In our jar a pair of beautiful RENAISSANCE POR TIERES that are great value at $12. We Invite you to call and see our elegant new draperies. They will make handsome Christmas presents. Contest closes Monday , OMAHA CARPET CO , , 1515 Dodge St Omaha Carpet Company' * DEJAN CONTEST COUPON. . My estimate ot the number ot beans In jar No , 2S Is Name. . . . . . . . . Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Christmas Presents Are Ripe Now at th'e ' BUSY JEWELERS 152O Douglas St. On Saturday , December 24 , we will give away to the person estimating tbe nearest number ot beans In our jar an elegant $6.00 Sot Ring. T. L. Combs & Co. , 1520 Douglas St. T. It. Comb * A Co. ' DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans la ' jar No. 18 Is . . , Name . > . . . Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our store. Imparted the Information that this was the music of 'the fallers , ' who would have A great Christmas night Jollification. "In lieu of Santa Glaus and the tradi tional Christmas tree the fallers seemed to otter some entertainment , and the party was rowed over to the scene of the semi- barbaric and altogether grotesque Christian celebration. "Long processions of men and women , singing and chanting weirdly , were already winding their way along the beach to the meeting house where the 'fallla' ' was to take place. The parson stood on a raised platform at the end of a room about forty feet long. In front of the platform was a table supporting a contribution box. Each gaily bedecked buck selected his partner from tbe gorgeously gotten up women and then the 'rushln' ' commenced. A CbrUtniiui Cuke-Walk. "It was a species of religious cakewalker or galop , to a time and tune resembling Johnny Get Your Gun , ' and the shuffling of many feet and tha clapping of handa as tbe bucks and wenches circled about the room , accentuated the downward beat ot the measures In the emphasis peculiar to the sons of Ham. .vi m In arm tbe perspiring , ewaylng , singing crowd swung around the room , leaving the center clear. As each couple passed the contribution box a small coin was diopped in , the 'rusher * loudly chant * Ing In weird tones and with rhythmic ca dence to the muslo indicated berei THE CHANT OP THE "FALLER3 , " Re produced by A. de Baeslnl ot tbe Italian Opera Company. "Oh. my Lawd , an' you. Mister I'a'son , See dat silver fallln' In de box It'll save dem souls what need salvation. An' keep us nlggahs from fallln' on de rocks. Hnra we come to do arms of Jesus , Jus , make way fo' he chosen ob de land 8e my gat wld a bran new ribbon , She'll make an angc | . Grab tier by de hand- Listen to our wln&s de way dey'a shakln' , Dat's de way wo git de power- Hurry up. black man , stop dat quakln * . De debbll done git you In tie hour. " "Onward , circling around the room froea right to left , the crowd kept swirling , ever/ 6 That you should file your coupons as early as possible. 6 That in case of a tie the coupon filed first will receive the prize. 7 That no one knows the exact number of beans in a jar. 8 That each Jar contains'beans and beans only. HU.CAN ? WE CARRT THE LARGEST LINK OF Toys In Omaha Immense display on Main Floor. Notice our north window. On New Year'e eve w will give to the parson estimating the nearest number ot beans In our Jar a fine Sewing Machine valued at $75. People's ' Furniture & Carpet Co. . 16th and Farnam. People' * Fnrnltare A Carpet Co.'a BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 13 Is Name Address. This advertisement end coupon must bo handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Gas Fixtures Fancy Globes \Va want the public to know that we have the only complete line of New Gas , Electric and Combination Fixtures In the city. We have no second-hand stock. Besides what we loll you la regard to our fixtures you can rely on we never misrepresent things. Call and see us. Wednesday we will glv away to the per son estimating the nearest number of beans In a Jar a handsome portable gas lamp. J , MORR1SSEY PLUMBING GO. 81O S. 15th. Tel. 720. Open Nights. J. Morrluer Flnmblac Co. ' DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estlmata of the number of beau in | Jar No. 19 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Lucky One Gets Belted ' Costs nothing but a guess and It-Is not a belt from John L. Sullivan , but a. nlco belt from our stock. HENRY COPLEY. Wares of Gold and Silver. 215 S. 16th St. , Paxton Blk. Two fine $3,00 belts given away Saturday , December 24 , to the two persons estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. Hearr Copley' * DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the numbir of bean * in Jar No. M It Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. moment growing warmer , nolser , and 'closer to de Lawd , ' as one old three hun dred-pound exborter expressed It Before many minutes had passed the bottom ot the wicker contribution basket was covered and tuppence by tuppence a pyramid of silver and copper pieces commenced to grow In front of the parson. If some doubtful darkey , with more courage than coin , was caught In the act of dropping In a wire nail or other substitute , or 'rushln' ' too many times with out the grace to ante up , be was promptly stopped and oalUd to account. " 'You tricky nlggab , you tlnk dat you can fool dls church wtd yo' train ! I'so got on my long distance specks an * If yo' could fool me yo' can't foot de Lawd. He knows a ten- penny nail from a tuppence Jus1 as well at any storekeeper on Andrea Island. What's mo' 'e won't atan' no bumbuggln' . Yo' go down In yo' pocket to * do right kind of casher or surrender yo' pa'tner to a proper gentle man what respects de requirements of de Almighty. Now , my good breddrln and sis. torn , go on wld dat rusbtn' an' let de spirit ob de Lawd an * de pure silver oh salvation po' fo'tb. ' "The rushln' was resumed. On swept the dizzy throng of black and brown bucks and beltes again , their voices raised a note higher and the eklrts of the women uplifted as they shouted and shuffled around the church , Lit tle by Uttle the excitement grew more In tense. Some , the older and stronger ones , whirled , swayed n < J sang In the middle of the room. The parson hlmselt soon came 'under de Influence , ' but he kept a sharp eye on the pyramid of coin , as it rapidly assumed promising proportions. Here was a new start from Nassau In sight already. 'Sing , ob , sinners , an * let yo' souls hab free com- munlon wld de Holy Ghost.1 and they SMS ; . The Flret FalUr. "Suddenly a big , bouncing wench threw her arm * aloft , gave a theological shriek and flopped flat on the floor. ' "De Holy Ohost hib entered de do' of de meetln' house , praise Oawdf solemnly announced the parson. "I looked toward the door , but saw no one save'Sam , the six-foot pilot. Then my eyes in wonder wandered to the fainting fe male. Kind friends of both sexes drew her from the outer 'rushln' ' circle path to ( he center of the room , which was compara tively clear , and there ehe lay flat on her back , apparently envied by the entire as sembly , but Dtace and quiet were not In her soul. She shouted and groaned , sang and struggled. "With shoulders , elbows , heels and back she huiched along the floor. Sometimes she IIU.CAN ? On January 1. 1898 , we will give .way an elegant drophead ball bearing $ (5.00 Davit Sewing Ma chine to the person making the chwest estimate to the number ot beans In our Jar. Second-hand sewing machines from $5.00 up. For $2.00 wo will put anti-rust on your bicycle and store It until spring. We have recently taken the agency for Che celebrated Col umbia and Rambler bicycles. Neb. Cycle Co. 15th and Harner. Nebraska Cycle Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number ot beans In Jar No. 83 is. . . , | j y Name , Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our etore. UU-CAN ? ENGRAVED FINE Wedding Stationary ANNOUNCEMENTS. ETC. , engraved to order , $10.00 for first 100 , $3.50 each 100 after. Special attention given to engraving fine Business Cards , Letter Heads , Envelopes. Elegant Initial Monogram Stationery- would make c flno Christmas present. Estimate our bean Jar and you will re ceive a ladles' watch "O" size , 14k solid gold hunting case , diamond or nsraenta- tlon , with Waltham Full Jeweled nickel movement , valued at $15 contest closes De cember 24th. C. S. Raymond Co. 8. E. Cor * 16th. and Douglas. O. 9. Raymond Co. ' BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number ot beans in jar No. } 1 is Name . . , , , , , . , i , . . > Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. tacked to starboard , sometimes to port , then with a cetacean flounder she would wriggle away under a fair wind. Two en- tbueed souls of the mala sex followed and tanned her with their straw hats , while several women stood close by singing praises to Oed for 'annuder sinner saved. ' "The woman's name was Betsy Prltchard , and she was the flrst 'taller' of the even- Ing. It was not many minutes , however , before another glory ebout sounded from near th * platform. It came from the Plentiful lips ot a young candidate , and the parson himself being near , caught hr' in time to break the fall and his best go-to- meetln' spectacles at tbo eame tlmo. She , like her predecessor and all other 'tollers' was dragged to the center ot the room and laid cut for 'de visitations pp. ds Holy Ghost. ' "After the second 'taller * bad succumbed to 'de power , ' the contagion spread rapidly , .Women , and occasionally men , commenced to drop around promiscuously on benches or any old place that happened to be handy. Some fell on the steps , and some with more presence of mind strolled out and dropped in the sand under the coacoauut trees. Sev eral sensible females fell Into the arms ot thilr beaux , but I learned that the etiquette ot the sect was that the novitiate should le retained In these arms only until the proper resting place for one In the throes of a spiritual attack could b * found , Juat what caused this mental and physical collapse of equilibrium was putxllng. Dr. Castillo pronounced It 'a combination of warm air and religious frenzy upon cerebrums not over well-balanced. No Reiterative * Allowed. "When the flrst victim dropped , our Bob , ran for bucket of cold water , but her attendants would not have It. 'You mustn't try to humbug de power ob do Holy Ghost , man , Mis' 1'rltahard doan want no water ) she Jus' wants salvation. ' "The 'ruehln' ' continued. It was a wild , wlerd scene. Without a bright tropical moon WM coming up out of the 'tongue ot the ocean , ' throwing the shadows of the little stone church and Its whirling devotee * into sharp relief. A gentle land breeze from the west Just stirred the graceful plumes ot the palm tree * , "Long-legged golden * stood upon the smooth , sandy beach craning their necks In wonder at the sounds which came from the mooting houeo. Within the ebony.hued crowd wae etlll singing , ewaylng and swirlIng - Ing past the grand stand and Its contribu tion box. The pyramid of silver and copper had gradually grown to a foot or more la 9 That tlio advertisement must bo cut out with the coupon. 10 That the jars are changed and refilled after each contest. 11 That if you don't estimate correctly this time , you may next time. 12 That every article offered is exactly as represented by the mer * chants. IIU.CAN ? Guarantee Clothing Company , Capitol Ave , Near 16th St. Open Evenings Until Christmas. All Wool Clay Worsted Suits $5.75 Pure Silk Mufflers 50c Ftfncy Embroidered Slippers , COc Velvet Causi for Men 35c Extreme line Kersey Overcoats $8.00 Warranted Dress Shoes . . . . , . . . $1.60 Beautiful Neckties 25g Initial Handkerchiefs , 3 for 23c Elegant Link Sleeve Buttons 23a Fur Overcoats as low as $ S.80 Double , Sleeve Shirts i. . . 46c Fancy Half Hose 15o Fine Covert Cloth Overcoats 7.60 Zlua Trunks $1.50 On December 24th we will give awayto the persons estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar a fine 136.00 fur. over coat to the first and to second nearest a fine silk umbrella , and to the third nearest eight silk handkerchiefs. VOTE PLENTY AND OFTEN. Guarantee Clothlns ; Co. ' * MEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 29 Is , Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. IIU.CAN ? Holiday Gifts Muffler * , Sanpeiulcm , Neckwear , Gloves , Handkerchief * , HoHlcry , Night Robe * ( Pajamas ) , Umbrella * , etc. The nicest stock at reasonable prices. We wllf give away to the person esti mating the nearest number and the next nearest number of beans In our Jar each two custom made shirts worth $5.00 Con test close * Saturday at 6 p. m. Albert Calm , FINE MEN'S FUHNISHINQS. 1322 Farnnm St. Wo make Shirts. Albert Cnhn. BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate ot the number of beans in jar No. 5 is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our etore. HU.CAN ? OMAHA SPORTING GOODS COMPANY , 1810 Parnam Street. We carry the finest line of Ice Skates in the city. Price , from S5o up. On Monday , December 26 , we will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar an elegant Striking Bag ; retails for $6.00. OMAHA SPORTING GOODS COMPANY , 131O Farnam St. Omaha Sporting Good * Co.'a BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 4 Is Name , , , , , , . , . . Address This advertlsomsnt and coupon nmat be handed in at our store. height , and the parson looked upon It with approval. The starched and varl-colored decorations ot the devotees bad sadly wilted In the heights of their fanatic seal. The room was hot and the pace wax hotter. None but the ebony-eklnned Amazons ot Andrea and the hardened spongers and conch divers ot the Bahamas could stand it. "Tho dim glow of two ships' lanterns vied with the moon In shedding an almost un canny fight over the strange scene. It was essentially foreign , African , wild , weird , savage , from the Anglo-Saxon point ot view. Some old-timers were there , men who had been slaves and served masters In different parts ot the Bahamas. There was a strange fascination in It all , Tbo faces of those who fell gradually became more or less fixed , and it was eald that this comatose condition frequently lasted for several days. Stranger still , Rev. Father Matthews ot the Church of England , la authority for the statement that during these periods of trance or cataFepay the subject frequently tells of events which are taking place on Islands tar removed and separated by hundreds ot mile * of ocean. Dates and happenings thus described bad been verified many days afterward by vessels that brought what was supposed to bo the Brit tidings. "Accidents , storms and wrecks In distant parts ot the Bahamas have thus been , not foretold , but apparently pictured upon the rotlna of the eye that could not possibly Took on the scene by any physical means. The truth or falsity ot thU phase of the phenom ena , It was Impossible for us to verify , though the statements are vouched tor by eminently respectable white residents ot Andros Island. " The Hot BnrluK * of Arkaaia * . The National health and pleasure retort : owned and controlled by the U. 8. Govern ment. Elegant hotels , Park , Eastman. Ar. llngtoa. Oolf. For information and booklets - lots apply to T. F. Godfrey , Hth and Deut > las Sts , , Omaha. OUT Of TUB ORDINARY. Boston's cot debt is $54.537,078. Prof. Kltrldgo of Harvard Is said to be the isnly man living who can read Eliot's Indian bible. Tbo value of the world's product of me tallic nickel and nickel oxide In 1897 exceeds , U Is said , $1.800.000. The world's corn crop approximates 2,000- 000,000 bushels annually , of which America produces 82 per cint. One-half the buildings In Dawion City are without window glass. A small light , 10x12 snehei , readily brings $2.60 to | l. Walter glrU in some of the large Munloh IIU.CAN ? UPRIGHT PIANO $142.00 $5.00 MONTHLY. New Stein-ways , Ivors & Pond , Vose , Emerson , Stcger < 6 Singer Pianos on easy payments. New pianos for rent- One years rental allowed if purchased. Instruments moved , tuned and exchanged. Telephone 1025. Schmoller & Mueller , STEINWAY * SONS REPRESENTATIVES. 1313 Farnam Street. Inrne t Mu lc Dealer * In the West. On New Year's eve we will glvo away to the person eg noting the nearest num ber of beans in'our jar a. new Emerson make piano valu > at 135ft SCHMOLLER A MUELLER'S DEAN CONTEST COUPON , ' My estimate of the number ot beans In jar No. 17 Is. , Name , Address This advertisement and coupon must b e handed In at our store. HU.CAN. Save Money STERLING by buying Bicycle for Xmas You can save from $10 to by buying now. New wheels $15 up. Omaha Bicycle Company , Cor. 16th and Chicago Sts. BICYCLES Ed. T. Heyden-Mgr. On January 1st we will give a ladles' or cents' High Grade" Stormor Blcycla to the party estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. OMAHA BICYCLE COMPANY'S IIBAN CONTEST COUPON My Climate of the number of beans In jar No. 34 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. UU.CAN ? How Many Beans ? We give to the person estimating tbe nearest number of beans In our jar a beau tiful $4.00 Jardiniere , to the second nearest a $3.50 Jardiniere , to tee third a $1.60 Illy bowl , finished like the famous Rookwood pottery. Contest closes 6 p. m. Saturday. OMAHA TEA & COFFEE GO. , 1407 DouRlus St. Omah * Tea & Coffee Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 2 U Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our itore. cafes receive no wages , because they get as much as $3 or $4 a day In fees. The world's largest farm Is situated In northwestern Canada and contains 100 square miles , 45,000 acres being under cultivation. A young Frenchman named Coustantln Is now being exhibited In Farts. Ha Is just eight feet tall and Is well proportioned , though his kneea are rather weak. The giant Is but IB years old. In Manila moat of the houses and offices have tiny window panes made of translucent oyster shell Instead of glass. An average window six feat high by four fe t wldo con tains 260 shell panes , which temper the heat and light of the sun and prevent blindness. Lord Kitchener's punishment for drunken ness , which has passed Into a British army proverb , Is to tog out the culplrt In full marching equipment , a matter of sixty pounds , and compel him for six hours to march , carrying a flfty-pouud bag of shot In either hand. The late William B. Smallrldge- dlen- vlllo , W. Va. , a veteran of the cl\-ll war , carried a bullet In bis huart for tblrty-fevou years. His death was due to the presence of the bullet , and In fact bo never suffered any Inconvenience from It. Before his death ho asked his physician , In tbe Interest of science , to make an autopsy In order to find the bullet The physician dd | BO , and found It embedded In the heart. Miss Lucy Withers , a pretty school teacher of Golden , Kan. , made a wager with Harold Owens , a young ranchman , of 1,000 klmea against $1,000 worth ot live stock that Jerry Simpson would be returned to congress. Mr. Owens | a going to receive his kisses at the rale of twenty a week. This will finish up the payment In time to make a new wager on the presidential election. The Son Francisco papers claim that the water supply of that city Is now the finest In the world. While this claim may bo sotaewhat exaggerated , U must be cunccdod that few cities. If any. can make a better showing In that regard. The supplying of San Francisco's water bos been a marvelous feat ot engineering and has cost the enor mous uum of $30,000,000. So comprehensive and ample Is the water supply ot that city It Is Bald that with Its system of artificial lakes San Francisco could face a drouth of twenty-four or even tbtrty-elx months ( the normal consumption bdnu 750,000,000 gallons lens a month ) . And this Is In a city , the Scientific American reu rks , "in which , In the memory of ItvlnK men , drinking water was sold in the. streets at $1 a bucket , " Booklea'i Arnica loir * . THC BE3T SALVE U tbe world ( or Cut ) , Bruins , Sores , Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively ctres Flits , or no pay required. It Is guar- antetd to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale y Kubn 4 Co. IIU.CAN ? Beat These Prices Dufty'B Malt Whisky S6 > a. S. S 760 Laxative Brome Quinine 156 t'uliiu's Calory Compound 76o Vine Koln fpa 85o Molted Milk 40c , TEc. J3.J5 I'e-ru-na TSo On Saturday , December 21 we will give away to the person making the nearest estimate on the number of beans In our jar a handsome ladles' toilet set. Cut Price Dru gl t 10th < fc Chicago. Schnefor'B IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans la jar No. 28 la Name , t Address , , This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our ( tore. UU.CAN ? On Wednesday and Saturday of each week we will give to the person cstlmaitng the nearest to the number of beans In our jar a pair of our flno $3.00 Shoes. Win , N. Whitney , 107 South lOth St. Win. N. Whitney' * IIEAN CONTEST COU ON. My estimate of the number of beans la jar No. 7 is Name Address This ndvertlsern'nt and coupon must bo handed In at our store. IIU.CAN ? * ' Ten More Christmas Presents. Colgate's "Younjr People's Perfumes" small box with 4 bottles , 25o box. Very pretty banket with KQld cord decor , atlons ' nnd mnall bottle extract , \cry neat. > cents. Pretty box containing cake p'rfumed soap small bottle Haclvet jmwder and nlco bottle perfume , per box , 3Sc. Very "Juvenllo" box with small euko per. fumed soaji und small bottle good perfume , per liox , KP. Small bottles of extract with sprinkler top Htoppor , In crab apple , vlol.n. whlto rose , eta. , per bottlo. lOc. Small boxes 3 cukes Kirk's Juvenllo Soap. 10o per box , Colgate's Vlorrls Soap , small cake , per cake , Cc. Long green bottle Violet Water , sprinkler top , a bargain , 2Sc. Pretty envelopes flne Sachet Powder , lOo each , Ono fancy Atomizer filled with perfumei price $2.20. ALL THE ABOVE TEN PERFUME BAH- QAJN3 , amounting In value at lowest ca h prices to $1.00 , will bo given to the suececs- ful KUesser on our bean bottle. Ilomemb r coupoua must be handed In at our store by Thursday , 6 p. m. , December 22. Sherman Jt BlcConnell Drnic Co , ' IIUAN CONTEST COUPON. My estlmato ot the number of beans la jar No. 21 Is Name , , Addreis This advertlscmint and coupon must handed In at our store.