THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 23 TO 32 , ESTABLISHED JU TE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY M.OBKINGDECEMBER 18 , 1898. STXGT.E COPY FIVE CENTS. THE MERRY CHRISTMAS ! OpenEveni rgs BEST From Now Unlit Xmas. FINEST , Grand Ccrceiis LARGEST Tomorrow is ths opening of the Greatest , Most Wonderful Every Evening. AND Real Live MOST GRANDEST HOLIDAY SALE Santa Glaus VARIED Wonderful Turk , STOCK OF Dancing Girl , TOYS European Automatic Figures IN THE WEST. liveries , perfect elevntor service , large , broad aisle ? , wide stairways will make your Xmas shopping here a pleasure. Toy Novelties 16th and Douglas Omaha. PROPRIETORS. $1 VEILS 25c , 5,000 hlph USEFUL PRESENTS , ffl 1000 pair 1 sidles' real French HOLIDAY NECKWEAR. All the ladles' silk and satin grade plain and fancy lace 1,000 extra line moquo to i [ KID GLOVES , including all 2,000 fine silk velvet and silk Jabeaux In lace effects , fancy edged \olls in black and all Christmas ruirs , each one done the latest atvlo colors for the corduroy lidlos' chiffon box\s , fronts with re colors , bought especially for up in a beautiful box , just the- liollditvs , , In t\voclr\M ' > nnil Kcwtt't's , stock collars , in all colors , veres in many styles and patterns the holiday trade , thing for Christmas presents , Noth Inco hook with pmb'il backs ovorv , worth to $1.50 , ing Micro nrcutnblo or nioro useful . worth up to 3o cents terns up . each pair KUar.m cod and fitted to the all go at. tlinti these J2.GO rupK , at , each niiml It de-tired , worth up to * - go at , each go at 25o and : ill no at 08o pilr. SILK and DRESS GOODS PATTERNS FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS And what will make a more npproprlato and welcome present to thousands of moth ers , wives , daughters and sisters ? Special sale for Monday , and longer If they last. $1,98 for entire dress pattern Containing seven yards of strictly all wool and silk and mixed , two-tone d , changeable suitings ; pure wool Henrietta , bliu'k and colors. These goods heretofore - toforo sold at BOc yard but for this Holiday sale at 11.98 for the entire pattern. $3,50 for entire pattern o all wool Bourette , German Henrietta , black and colors , rough novelties , 50-Inch pure ellk and wool Unyndera effects , all of these goods worth $1.00 yard entire dress pattern for $3.50. . . . Silk Waist Patterns- of plaids , ' checks and stripes , making an entire silk waist at $1.98 $2,75 for entire pattern Of 41-Inch black figured brllllantlne , each pattern containing seven yards ; also ladles' " 'cloth ' , all colors , silk and ( ft f\ rl * wool novelties , dark nnd llsht grounds , Illuminated 2.75 checks , goods actually worth up to 73c yard the . entire pattern for $2.75. . . . PURE SILK DRESS PATTERNS g7.5O for entire dross pattern of heavy black satin duchcsse , our regular $1 quality , each pattern 7.50 containing 12 yards , in silk department . at $7.50 $1,25 for an entire taffeta \ silk waist ] in changeable and plain colors these jjooda have heretofore boon 1.25 ! sold UP to 75o yard- entire waist puttein . | at 81.23. I FURS AND CLOAKS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS 500 Collarettes to ehooso from inJJ ( combinations of furs , pcrslan Iamb , jn inarrcn , seal and krlmmor , either ' light or dark combinations , trimmed with tails. Ions tabs or plain collar- for this sale Real Mink , Persian Lamb , < D Alaska Seal and genuine V marten GollareffCSi on eale at § 9.1)8 ) and up to $25 Genuine Alaska Seal Jackets exery ono guaranteed the latest style , lined with extra heavy brocaded bilk , all sizes , on Hale at § Ladies' ' ready-made Suits- Over 300 to se- lect from , guaranteed best workmanship and latest - ' est style * on sale at $12.50 and $15.00 , reduced from S2.J.OO. The greatest display , the largest stock , the finest stock of Men's , Women's , Boys * . Misses and Child's Shoes and Slippers in the whole west , on sale tomorrow. The shoes and slippers that took the Medal at the Exposition and thousands of others equally as good at just about half price. Wo carry the most complete line of candy in Omnha. It's alwujs fresh and our prices the lowiut. Chocolate Creams , 20c. Cream Car amels , 30c. Cream Wafers , 30c. Butter Scotch Wafers. 30c. Itallian Chocolates , 35c. Chocolate BOD Bens , 35o. French Fruit , 1-4 pound box , ISc ; i-pound box , Uou ; 1-pound box , COo. $23,000 * * - TOYS SACRIFICED It is an almost unprecedented thing for a retail store to offer at this season of the year TOYS AT LESS THAN 50c ON THE DOLLAR But we do and this is why we are able to After great trouble and much figuring we have just concluded the greatest toy deals ever undertaken in the west. We have bought the TWO ENTIRE STOCKS OF TOYS OF TWO OF THE LARGEST WESTERN WHOLESALE HOUSES at a remarkable low price ON SALE TOMORROW ON OUR THIRD FLOOR. All the 25o kid All the $1.25 kid jody dolls , open and body dolls , sewed shut eyes , po at wigs and open and shut eyes , . some of them 18 inches long , all in. one oig'lot at All the large jointed dolls , worth up to 81.23 , go at Immense table of all kinds of dressed dolls , worth up to § 2.50 each , go at All the china dressed dolls that generally retail for 5c , by ° "r All the books from this purchase that generally sell at 25c , 35c and 50c , many of themMcLaughlin's Cp | flp | Rft linen books , all go at Jbj lubj luU | All the fine bound books , 61-00 JCp lOc the 50c kind , go at books fcvw All the Iron trains , steam boats , engines , etc. , that generally retail from $1.25 to J2.50 , go at 50c each. All the smaller Iron trains , 15c each. All the tin toys that generally letall up to 25c , go at 6c. Tool Chests at ISc , 23c and BOc. All the musical toys , worth 25c , BO at lOc .each. I Fur dogs and woolly animals , worth 23c , 'go nt lOc. AH the blocks that generally retail at ! 5c , some building blocks , borne square blocks and some embossed blocks , all go at EC box. All the china limb dolls , wholesale price as high as 50c , for 2c , EC , tOc , ISc each All the mntrlc lanterns , worth as high as $360 , BO at 25c , 60c and $1.00. All the pianos worth up to $10 00 , go at 25c , $1.00 und $250. AH the wood chairs , 5c , lOo and 29c each. All the doll bugsles at Ioc , 75c and $1.25. All the Hnost shoo Jlv rocking horses , worth up to $2 50 , go at 75c. All the Iron express wagons , worth up to $300 , all sizes , at $1.25. Children's flat Irons , the BOc kind , go at lOc. Immense barpalns In all kinds of toilet casts , work boxes , manicure sets , glove and handkerchief boxes from 50c up to $500. Jewelry , Watches , Silverware The largest line of jewelry in Omaha , the low est prices anywhere. A special bargain sale for Monday. An elegant line of gent's and ladies' ' , btick uud scarf pins nothing more suitable for a Christ mas gift no where Btioh a linu to select from , at. 39c 49o 69o 98o Gent's 18 size , open face 14k gold filled watche . fancy enproved cases , Guaranteed to wear 20 years , Eljrln or Waltham movement , hinged back and Bevel Inside cap , full jewel , fancy or plain dial , actuullv worth &IO.OO , here ' for 12.50 Backgammon and checker Doaras , an kinds , worth 25c , at 6c each. All the tree ornaments , 3c and Bo each worth up to BOc. All the children's china dishes , worth uj to $2 DO a set , K at lOc , 2oc and 50c a set. All the children's dishes , worth more than $ - fO n set , and some worth $5 00 , al go at $13 a FCt. All the children's pewter dtshe * , lOc and 23c.orlh BOc. And hundreds and hundreds of other ar ticles too numerous to mention , but ull at about lOc on the dollar. Silverware Samples 1,000 samples of all kinds of silverware , tea pots , pickle dUhcs , celery dishes , nut bowls , cake baskets , bon bens , etc. , at 98c each , worth $2.50. Ansonla , 8-day , large m&rbloizod iron , mantle clocks , striking hour and half hour , cathedral P ° n ? , guaranteed time piece , worth 615.00 , on sale to morrow at S4.98 Solid gold filled , pearl pend ant brooches , set with genuine pearls , very fine white cut imita tion diamonds , worth $8.50 , at SI.49 Ladies' enamel , jeweled and rhlnestone buck les , nothing more fashionable , noth- . ina : would please 'f a lady moroworth : ! * up to $3.00 , at FV39c.49c,59o , 75c and 98c 'All the china doll heads at . . Bisque doll heads at . . Children' * gold lined drink lux cups , 25e each , wortn 75o Itljrh grade auadru plo plato , four-pleco tea sots , handsomely ensraved and burnish- gold lined , lurgt 812.60 size , worth , $6,50 $ go at. , Triple plato four plecs tea solo , $3.50 , vtorth $650. I'laln 14k ( told filled wed dins rln < i , narrantud to we ti 10 yeari. at 06c. worth t-.50. Oent't solid Rold studs , la wlitt J atones , very rloli efftcts , 73c. Ladles'solid gold , 14k , Marquise rings , tfJt with turquoise , emuiuld , Biiph ire , oto. worth 310 , Holiday Handkerchiefs 10,000 all kind * of plain white and fancy bordered Handkerchiefs , nil < jo at 3ic each , worth up to 16o Thousands of dozens of ladles' and gents' very fine India lawn plain and fancy bordered hemstitched and Swiss em- broldereJ Handkerchiefs , all go at Gc and 7V4c ; worth up 5C and to 25o 75c and $1.00 quality of all the finest Imported Swiss and hand embroidered real linen Handkerchiefs , go In three I5c I9c 25c lots at lEc , 19c and 23e ; worth up to $1.00 , , 3c and 35c quality hand drawn thread hemstitched , lace 'dged ' and many styles of fancy Imported Swiss Hand and kerchiefs , go at lOc and 12' c each One bargain counter with many hundred dozen hind- somcly embroidered Japanese silk Handkerchiefs , go at I5cand 25C 15c and 25c each , worth up to 7Eo Immense lots of ladles' and gents' finest Initial linen Handkerchiefs , In all widths of hemstitching , all letters to for 63o Initials , go In lots at lOc , ICc and 23c each , worth up IOC , I5c , 25c Three big bargains In largo size best quality Japanese silk Handkerchiefs , hemstitched and all hand embroidered nltlata , go at 25c , 39c and 49c each ; many In this lot 25c 39c 49c worth $1.00 , , 5,000 fancy boxes , containing all styles of Handkerchiefs for misses , children , ladles and genta , go at 25c and tOc a and 50.c box ; many In this lot worth 11.00 . A Now York manufacturer's entire earn pie line of high grade and latest novelties In Infants' and children's Caps , Hats and Bonnets , In every Imaginable shape , style and color , will be sold In three lots at 39c , 49o and 75c ; worth $3.00 each. IX SALE < ART GOODS All the samples of fancy Art Goods from the Campbell , Metzger & Jacobson stock at less than 50c on the dollar. JFinest line of Art Goods in New York drummers' samples- over 75 trunks full and bought by us at less than 50c on the dollar. On Sale Tomorrow on Second Floor , It will be Impossible to exactly describe this Immense lot of goods , but suffice to say It Is sample line of ono of the largest wholesale Importers and manufacturers of fine art goods , such as Stamped Linens nf all kinds from the small all linen Doylle which wo sell at lc , to the large , hemstitched Irish linen Table Cloths at $15.00 each. ' In Dnttenburg Lace Tidies there Is every Laundry Bags , Shoo Bags , Brush aud thing , from the little Dojllc , which we fell Comb Bags from Cc up. at 15c , to the large 36-Inch Pillow Shams at Immense line of Table Covers at 50c , 75o $12.50 each they wholesale at $25. and $1.25 each. In Sofa Pillow Tops , everything from 15c Heal Battenburg Lace Tidies at 15o each. to $5.00. Stamped Linen Doylies at JQ Ready mode Sofa Pillows , some of them Stamped Linen Doylies at Za band worked , others of tapestry , some Stamped Linen Doylies at no frilled , some fringed and some corded , at Center Pieces ioc all prices from 25c to $50.00. Splashers JJQ The now Printed Panels , all sizes , at 7fc Tray Cloths Go Largo size and $1.25. Battenburg Tidies 750 Large size Spatchcl Tidies jj.'e Pincushions _ , . from , fie up. Battenberg Patterns , from lc to irc There are hundreds and hundreds of other articles too numerous 1o mention , but all 111 be found In our second floor Art Department , on sale at leas than 50c on the - B B China and Crockery Sensation Never be fore in Omaha was there a time when fine China , Glassware and Japanese ware were so nearly given away. Lai go t-izu , extra line quality ! [ ilates. go at 19c. Very handsome and creams , hundiedo of jdJlTercru fatyles , 15c each , Largo nlu = b fruit dishes Very linu c a.aa after din ner Cups and Saucers , Cc. Hand somely decorated ! China Cups and Saucers , Very fine Japanese Choc- 1 elate Cup * and Sauceri , 15e , Very flno large size dec orated China Plites , gilt edge , at 10" saeb , worth 25c. Largc , bea\y , very fine Imitation cut glass Water ritcbers , 35c each , Kit- act Imltatiuil of the $25.00 article. very nno china Piatr that generally sell at BOc and 75c , like above cut , go at 25c. - Hand painted China oupi and saucer * , Urge sire , beautiful designs , regular 3.ric kind , go at 15c. Fine Imitation cut glass handled Olive DUhes , Ee each. Look like th $5 ar ticle. Finest quality largo And heavily gilded China Cu * and C ucera , l s.