OJt rV\rATTA TkATT/V fflTOTS CJTT-Wr * AT rkKilT71rT in-r 10 lana HTOHU MI3.VS MCKWiAH. To m err oir Mont HptiKntlotinl Hnle of MCII'H ! 'Inc > eck Tcnr tlvpr Hold. The stock of on entire men's neckwear factory , embracing everything In the place nnlslicd fts well ns unllnlrlicd botiKht from A. Friedman , Now York , at one-fourth Its value , and andON ON SALE TOMOItnoW. Men's COo silk neckwear , IGc , Men's 7Ge silk neckwear , 25c. Men's 11.00 silk neckwear , 33c. Men's $1.60 silk neckwear , C > 0c. Men's Jl.CO Oxford municrs , EOc. Men's fine full dress chest protectors In cllk and satin ; men's all silk mufflers and men's silk and wool manners , go at 25c , 50c , 75c , 98o and $1.2 : . . Men's 2ic ! suBpcndcrs. 15c. Men's COc silk embroidered suspenders , 25c. Men's $1.25 hand embroidered satin sus penders , fiOc. SMOKINO JACKHTS , nOBHS. Men's JO to $9 smoking jackets , $3.48 , Men's $9.00 to $12 00 robes , $4.98. Men's $15.00 smoking jackets , $7.CO , I10STON STOHU , OMAHA. Open every evening now. J. I * DRANUinS & SONS , Props. , N. W. corner ICth and Douglas. Christmas presents at Frederick's , hatter. Fur caps and gloves , hats , caps , umbrellas. Blank book and magazine binding. A. I. Hoot , printer , 1C09 Howard street. Tel. 1604. Jardcntcrs , fern dishes , palms , rubber trees , ferns , cut flowers and floral designs. Btowart , 119 North 16th street. An T'lcrtrlolnl Mnrvel. What wonderful power there la In elec tricity over the Ills of the human body Is being demonstrated at the New Hygiene In- Btltuto , where , In one Instance , a severe case of lumbago was permanently cured in thrco boursf treatment ; In another case eclatlc rheumatism of six months standing was conquered In one hour. Rheumatism In the feet of six years' standing disappeared In the fourth treatment. Nervousness Is tnndo n thing of the past through the mag netic forces penetrating the body. Head aches and colds vanish like a fog for the Btm. Thousandx of ladles from all parts of the United States have already been treated for all sorts of ailments with sim ilar results. The apparatus Is on exhibition nt 220 Dee building , Omaha , but only women are admitted. It is the Intention of the pa ten too to put Institutes In operation In the principal cities of the United States , for which purpose sums of money have been ottered him by eastern capitalists , and In all probability a fortune will be made out of the affair. F. C. Johnson's sweet older , Ask your grocer for It Free glassware with every $2.50 purchase or more ; nJso 1 bottle of wlno free with each gallon. Neb. Liquor House 523 N. 16th at. $142 buys flue upright piano. $5 mon. pay- tnents. Schmollor & Mueller , 1313 Farnam. Fur rugs , swords , lace curtains , draperies , fancy furniture , bric-a-brac this week only nt your own price. Shafer-Dundy stock , 1212 Douglas. ASSOCIATED CHAIUTIE9. DcninntU Upon the Amoclntlon for Coal. The trustees , on account of an empty treasury , are compelled to appeal to our benevolent citizens for funds to purchase 200 tons of coal to distribute this cod ! sea- eon amongst the aged , sick and worthy poor of our olty. The applications are numerous and pressIng - Ing and require Immediate attention. The board , therefore , hopes to have a llber.il ntid early response to their necessitous appeal. Checks payable to the "Associated Cbnrl- tles" will bo thankfully received nt 1S10 SI. Mary's avcnua. JOHN LAUOHLAND. Secretary. THOS. L. KIMnALL. President. A 10-word want an coats you but 85 cents ( or 7 days In the Morning and Evening Bee. Everybody skates on the lagoon. Two Trains Dally , via UNION PACIFIC , for Denver and Colorado points. "Colorado Faat Mall " Leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. today , Arrive Denver 7:35 : a , m. tomorrow. "Colorado Speelr " Leave Omaha 11 i p. m. today , Arrive Denver 2:55 : p. m. tomorrow. City ticket office , 1302 Farnam street. Everybody skates on the lagoon. Her drain ! European hotel now open. Ele gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grill room. Cor. 16th and Howard Watch work by skilled workmen at Hubcr- tnon's , 13th and Doug. "No come backs. " To Motliern. Call at the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway city ticket office , 1601 Farnam street , for set of Baby Rhymes for the children. Surprise your wife with an elegant mantel clock from Edlrolm's , 16th St. , op. P. 0. Tnrklnh Unit Hnle. Mr. O. T. Pushmnn will hold a ipeclal Halo of Turkish rugs In our store , cora- tnenclng Tuesday morning , Doc. 19. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. Osteopathy. Dr. B. J. McRae. Pnxton Blk. Good skating on the lagoon. A diamond or set ring from Edholm. IIOMK.SKKICIJHS' KVCUHSIONS Via the \Vnlmnh n. R. On December 6 to 20 the Wabash will sell tickets to nearly all points south at one faro plus $2. Tourist tickets to Hot Springs , Ark. , and all the winter resorts of the south now on sale. For routes , tickets and fur ther Information call on or write O. N. Clayton , N. W. P. agent , room 302 Kar- bach block , Omaha , Neb. A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; baggage - gage delivered. 1302 Douelas St. Tel. 177. Doll ' dressers , 24 cents , worth 48 cents. People's Furniture and Carpet Co. Balduff'i Chocolate Bon-Dons awarded gold medal nt the Omaha exposition. Call 1941 Dlllenbeck for carpenter repairs. Gunther's candles at Myers-Dillon ! Drug Co. Xmas orders taken now. I -i MBV , Violet , the French perfumer. Complete line In bulk and fancy packages at Myers- ' Dillon Drug Co. Chas. D. Thompson , newspaper and Maga zluo advertising agent , 314-315 Karbach block , Omaha. Advertisements and write- ups prepared and placed In any newspaper or magazlno in the world. Write or Tel. 1240. The library cars on the Burlington's 6:40 : a. m. train for Chicago and 11:60 : p. m. train for Denver are > erltable club houses on wheels. If you want today's paper , the monthly magazines , the Illustrated weeklies , a cigar or a bottle of Aoolllnerls , press a button the attendant does the rest. TICKET OFFICBl 1502 Farnam St. Telephone 250. NEW DEPOT ! 10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 123. MFKGIALS FOU XMAS. Grtntent I'lmio Clcnn-Up of < h Whole Yrnr. Preparatory to taking Inventory w have decided to clean out our piano and organ stock and wo are making prices that will insure a speedy sale of eighty-five InstrtiC merits. These consist of Knabc , Klmball , Kranlch & Bach , Hogpo and Howard pianos , together with a number of sample Instrut aents. Pianos ranging In price from $40 up on easy terms or cash. There arp Concert , Baby cabinet and square grand and upright pianos. We "HI eel ) $1,200 pianos for $ ST5. Wo will sell $1,100 pianos for $750. We will sell $1,000 pianos for $650. Now pianos for $165 $15 cash and $8 n month. High grade ptanoa for $15 cash and $10 a month. Wo have high grade pianos at $185 , $195 , $215 , $225 , $250 , $276 , $ .100 , $325 and on tip. About twenty-eight organs at from $15 up to $110 on $3 payments , $4 payments and $5 payments. No rcasonabe offer refused , as we propose to clean them out this week. A.HOSPB , 1513 Douglas street. Buy your Christmas presents at Huber- mann's Jewelry store and know that you get the right quality at Inside prices. All his customers during thirty-two years will tes tify to this. The location since 1866 Is at Thirteenth and Douglas. IlomcucpkrrV Excnmion * Via Missouri Pacific railway , at very low rates , to points south and southeast , on Tuesday , December 20. For Information , rates , etc. , call at company's new offices , S. H. Corner 14th and Douglas , or Depot , 16th and Webster Sts. Gld , E. mid Allco Johnson , osteopaths. Suite 615 , N. Y. Life Bldg. Murray Hotel , Omaha. Rates , $2-$2.50. Nat Brown , Prop. Rich cut glnss at Edholm's , op. P. O. Have Root print It Huberraan , Jeweler , est 18C6 , absolutely reliable , lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug. See John Uudd for all the newest novel ties In the Jewelry lino. 115 South 16th St. Christmas canes and umbrellas. Ed F. Pickering , east side 16th street , three doon south of Dodge. Big stock : low prices. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and magnetic physician , has moved his office to the Tizard block , 224 North 23d street. Spe cial attention to all long standing or linger ing diseases and to diseases of women and children. Good skating on the lagoon. Tickle Him Once We moan the old man you can do It by giving him a box of cigars. We have them put ui > In Christmas boxes of 25 In a , box nil the leading brands : Dlx Tonic Tablets 40 and SOc IX'yptiun Lotus Cream 10 Blrney's Catarrh Cure 40 Laxative Drome * Quinine . , 15 Palne's Celery Compound 75 Hood's Sarsaparllla 75 Williams' Pink Pills 40 Wlno ' of Cardul $1.15 Plerco'B Remedies 75 Miles' Remedies 75 Kilmer's Swamp Root 75 Warner's Snfo Cure 90 Vln Kolafra M Duffy Malt Whisky , 85 Costorla 25 Pyramid Pile Cure 40 CUT PRICE DRUGGIST , Corner 16th and Chlca go. HOLIDAY SHOPPERS Will snve money by making their cut lery purchases at our store. We have received a upeclal line of RAZORS singly or In cases. SCISSORS SHEARS- CARVERS for roasts or turkeys. CARVERS for game. . CARVERS-for steak. KNIVES-for table or kitchen. SLICCRS-for hotel use. William Roger's Silverware , Table Spoons , Soup Spoons , etc. Pocket Knives ; from 5c to $10-00. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. , 1511 DODOB 9TRBET MAGNIFICENT TRAINS. Omaha to Chicago. The Chicago , Milwaukee A St. Paul rail way has Just placed la service two mag nificent electric lighted trains between Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at C:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. and leaving 1 Chicago 6.1C D , m. and arriving Omaha 8:2u : a. m. Each train Is lighted throughout by electricity , has buffet smoking cars , drawing room sleeping can , dining cars and reclining chair cars and runt over the shortest line and smootheit roadbed be tween the two cities. Ticket office , 1604 Farnam street , and at Union depot. Stove repairs of any description , 1207 Douglas , Omaha Stove Repair Works. Original Allegretto chocolate creams at M > ers-Dllloo Drug Co. Only Xmas orders taken cow at Chicago prices. A. D. Hubermann. diamonds. Own Import. iChristmas [ Gifts. Our business has never wit nessed nn Xmas offering. We _ are making an extra endeavor to show a complete and up-to-date J line of Xmas Slippers and Sboei for mamma , papa and the babies. A Our line of Ladles' Dress Shoes como in patent leathers , one- strap ; also southern ties and high shoes. Morning Slippers In kid , one-strap ; quilted satin In I colors ; also fur trimmed and low cuts In plain goods. Warm Slippers - ' pors for the llttlo ones. Tor the Men A line of very fine Black and Tan Nullifies $1.50 , $1.76 , $2.50. Gents' Low Cut Slippers In all the pretty colors $1.00 , $1.25 , S $1.50 , $1.75. S Ring the bell and we refund the J money. IHOWE- TALMAGE SHOE CO , , i 1515 DOUGLAS ST. Perfume Carok Our annual Perfume Carnival commences Monday morning and continues e nt i r e week. "We challenge comparison as to as sortment , quality and price. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 1513 nodire St. - Omaha , Neb. MIDDLE OP BLOCK. h Men's Women's l Men'sShoes Shoes Shoes Christmas Shoe Greeting Shoes and Slippers for everyone in the family. Novelties for present giving and the old reliable keep-your-feet-dry shoes for all times of the year. Shoes at G5c shoes at $6.00. We can fit all kinds of feet and pocketbooks. We are the recognized headquarters for styles and dependable footwear. C. P. Cart wrigbt $ , $ N. . Corner 16th and Douglas Sts. Misses' Open Evenings. Boys' Shoes Shoes Hayden Bros. Christmas Slippers are Here. Leathers , all qualities , styles and colors and velvet embroidered , An immense assort ment awaits you. Picture in your mind what a world of comfort all the winter through that devoted father , husband or sweetheart will get out of your Xmas investment made in our slipper department. Mens' fine box calf , Winter tan and blacks , extension sole , lace shoes , regular $4 value , at $300 Men's Slippers. Men's Velvet Erabrol1 dered Slippers . 05c Men's Velvet Embrol- dorod Slippers . 9Sc Men's Tan and Black Goat Slippers , 1.25 Men's Faust Slippers . 1.48 c ( c Men's tan and black goat Everett J Slipper . 1.50 < Men's hand turn tan and black goat Everett Slippers . 1.75 Men's hand turn seal goat Everett Slippers , chamois lined . 1.90 Remember We are Headquarters for Christinas Slippers. HAYDEN BROTHERS. Holiday Gifts Silver Glove Cases. Silver Handkerchief Boxes. Silver Jewel Cases. Ink Wells. Cut Glass Powder Boxes. Atomizers all kinds. Tobacco Jars. Clear Jars. Shaving : Muss. pon-Bon Trays. Baking Dishes. Silver Cigar Boxes. Tea Bets 4 to E pieces. Pocketbooks. Manicure Pieces. Fancy Clocks. Stiver Matchsafes. Opera Glasses. Set Rings. Diamond Rings , etc. W have hundreds of pretty things for pit IB. Come In and look at our stock. stock.Geo. . W. Ryan & Co. 1O9 8. 16th St. The Jeweler Cigars Are the Thing We have hnd made specially for us a line of the flncat KEY WEST and DOMESTIC CIGARS , put up In neat boxes of 12 and 25 , for Christmas gifts. No nicer present can be. given. Our stock of fine MEERSCHAUM and BRIAR PIPES Is the best money can buy. All the different brands of Smoking To bacco and at reasonable prices. Don't for get that we are headquarters for SMOIC- ERS' ARTICLES. Paxton Block Cigar Store , Jacob Jaskalek , Proprietor. 10th and Farnara. PERFUMES No house In the west carries as full and complete a line of perfumes as us from the finest Imported to the medium price domes tic. Regular Our I'rlce. Price. Colgate's Triple Extract SOc 3Qo Eastman's Perfume GOc 33o Uabrook's Perfume 75c 40o Pmaurt's Triple Extract 75o 50c Hudnut's Extracts Too COc Lazell's Extracts BOc 40c Fiver's quadruple Extracts.$1.00 75o Rlcksecker's Perfume at big bargains. Hubert's Forest Queen Is the latest perfume - fume on the market ; regular retail price Is $1.00 per ounce ; In this grand sole we will sell It for 45c per ounce. Brown's Extracts , regular price 50c to 75c our price 40c. DellettTcz Extracts. Imported , regular price $1.00. our price 75c. BOSTON STORE DRUG DEPT. Reliable Dentistry at Reasonable Cost , People who try to get something for nothing usually get left. You can not get first-class dental work any more than any thing else for less than a reasonable compensation for it. , Painless lixtr.iction SOc Silver Fillings $ 1.00 Gold and Plated Fillings 1.00 Pure Gold Fillinns 2.00 up Prucul.tin Crowns 5.00 Gold and Prucclain Crown 7.50 GolU Crown 22k $5.00 to $8.00. Set Teeth 5.00 Best Teeth , S. S. W 7.5O Debt Teeth , p.itont thin plate 10.00 Aluminum and rubber plate 12.50 llrldco Teeth , per tooth und crown. . 5.00 Gold P..ite. $155.00 to $45.00. ContinousGuiu Plate $50.00 to $75.00. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. BAILEY 15 years experience. 11 years in Omaha. T8L. 1085. 3rd Floor Paxton Block , 16th and Farnam Streets. Lady Attendent. Exa'g nation and Advice Free. THE SOROSIS. The new shoo for women are the extreme of style and perfection of comfort , have all the good qualities of a § 5.00 shoe , Price $3.50. LADIES'SLIPPERS. 1 \ t Ladies' ' Knit Slippers . 75c Liulios' Velvet Oporn , Slippers . 98 j Lsitlio. ' Beaver Cloth Slippers . $1 00 Ladles' Beaver Fur trimmed , Fiuist Slippers . $1.25 Ladies' sain : quilted. Fur Trimmed Slippers , in red and black . . * . $1.75 OVEKGA1TERS AND LEGGINGS. Ladles' Fine Ovorjjatters , 23c Ladies' Pine Jersey Leggings 1.25 Misses' fine Jersey Leggings 05c Children's Jersey Leggings . . . . . . 75c Grand Pre Inventory Cut Price Clothing Sale To give people a chance to buy holiday gifts in clothing at low prices , we have marked our overcoats , ulsters and suits at less than manufacturers' cost. We hold our pre- inventory clothing sale just in theright time for buyers. Men's $15 blue , black and brown , find kersey overcoats , lined with skinners' satin yoke and sleeve lining , $9.0O fancy backs , on sale at . Another lot of our celebrated $12.50 blue , black and brown kersey overcoats , skinners' satin sleeve it'T % O lining , raw edge , go on sale at M * * -J" $25.00 chinchilla and Metcalf beaver overcoats , fancy backs , in blues and blacks ; elegantly finished garments , on sale at A $15 fine light colored covert overcoat , $7.50 box style , on sale at . Our men's suits now on sale at $5 , $7.50 , $10 and $15 are positively sold elsewhere at $7.50 to $25. We're closing out all smoking jackets and bath robes at half price. Giving away free with every boys' knee pants suit or reefer , a fine pair of leggings or an extra pair of knee pants. Hats and Caps 100 dozen men's and boys' yacht caps made from good all wool material , at less than cost to make , 20c. 50 dozen men's A No. 1 cloth caps , fancy silk and satin lined , one- half real value , 45c. 20 dozen men's first class caps , plush , fancy lining , worth 1 to $2 , at 75c and 50o. Fancy light plush cap , yacht style , 45c. 25 dozen men's and boys' Fedoras in black , brown , and cedar , not one worth less than $1.50 on sale at 75c. 10 dozen Derbies in new shapes , black brown , worth up to $2.50 , at $1.75. $1.75.We We have a full line of all leather suit cases at lowest prices. Our trunk line is complete. Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. * THE "TIMES" EXCURSION AWAII Will leave Omaha January 6th , 1890 , and Seattle January 10th. Rate for entire round trio from Omalia Is only J2C5.00 which sum Includes evcrytlilnK railway tickets sloeucr berths , meals , baggage transfer , berths and meals on palatial Eteamer "Garonne ; " all carriage cx-penses , guides , horses and hotel eipentoa on trip to volcano , hotel expenses at Honolulu , and nil expenses on side excursions and amusements In and about II ( ) > ( lI.ClU. 7110 entire trip will j cover about "o da > s. I Reserve cholco state room nt once. Bend $25.00 forfeit , * SPICI.VI , it.vTUS KIIOM poivrs WEST ov OMAHA. For further Information apply to I i Excursion Director Minneapolis Times , Min j I 1 Or J. T. CI.AUKC , 21 Ilnnrd of Trade , Oinnlin. D A Contented Woman the last , best work , the noblest gift of heaven. You'll find her in every home where SHERIDAN COAL is used. Best coal mined in Wyoming , absolutely guaranteed and absolutely without a peer. VICTOR WHITE , 16O5 Farnam St. Telephone 127. Highest for men only footwear We don't say we have the best shoe shown in Omaha but we do eay that we have the best shoe for $2.50 & $3.50 you ever heard of and it is only that we are the fac tory agents that we can af ford to give such value a $5.00 and § 6.00 shoe for $2.50 and $3.50. These celebrated shoes come in all the latest styles and best of leather in cluding r Patent Leather Cordovan Kangaroo Enamel Vici Kid Calf end Tans And the prices never change 02.60 and 23.50. Any shoe in our north window $2.60 pair south window 93.60 pair. Christmas Presents. Do not forget that In & hardware store such as ours you will find some of the most desirable as well an most useful presents. Nickel and Sliver Plated Tea and Coffee Pots , fine Carv ing Sets , Plated Knives and Forks , Carpet Sweepers , line Cutlery , oto. Also a largo line of Skates and Sleds , and ' , wo may add , that an "Acorn" hea'ter or steel range ( the sold medal kind ) would be a very suitable pret- cnt from husband to wife. John Hussie Hdw , Co. , 2407-2400 Cumins St If you buy It of Ilusslo It's right. I NEW I'UHMCATIONS. Don't ' go " " " to Church -INSTEAD OF IT , READ : Pantheism , the Light and Dope of Modern Reason by C , Amryc. A moit remarkable book. Only a f w copies of the soon rare flrst edition left. Progressive , deep , but clear and easily com- prohcnded by any man or womnn of high school grade. Throws a flood of light Into many dark caverns of thought. Dignified , reflncd. exalted , optimistic , grand. It IB the modern gospel of clearest , most clean-cut reason. No cumbersome verbl- ago of a Spencer or flippancy of an Inger- mil. Details on Inquiry. No more ap- predated Christmas present than a copy of this epoch-making work. C. MAYO , 104 V. Ilundolph St. , Chicago , III. TEbTH EXTKACTED 25 CENIS. PAINLESS DR. MASON. DENTIST EXTRACTION 4th Floor Brown Blk. , 16th ted Doufla * Gold Alloy Filling $1.0O Gold Filling $1.00 and np v Cold Crowns $5.00 Set Teeth $5.00 Best Teeth . $7.5O