TTTT ! fVUATTA TIATT/V STTT HAV. TlT'nTi'.TVf mfll ? IS 1 SOU. FINANCIAL. SOMETHING new In stock nnd bonds : pays 800 per cent per year on Investment , any amount ; Investors secured , payable any * time ; no speculation ; best references. Write for particulars. Investors' Trust , 1221 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. HALLS FOII iinvr. IMPERIAL Hall , formerly Orpheus Hall , 1313 Howard street , for rent to lodges , balls , social : , etc. Inquire at hall. 652 18 * MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. VALISI & ANGELA , mandolin orchestra , plnno-mnndolln nml guitar school : tele phone 11201810 Chicago St. 5S6 IS4 WA.Vrni-TO HOItllOW. t'OO-tw AT 7 per cent for 3 or 6 years , to ha used toward building a C-room modern house on 21th fit. , near Mnndersfon : Int worth $1,000 , now clear , good party. 1C 14 , _ I'ee. ' -C07 IS VIOLINS ltCI > AIHI2D. C. A. CASE , violins repaired , 41C Shcely blk. 326 Feb-14 STAMMKIUNO AND STUTTKIIINO. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. Vaughn. 3 % N. Y. Life bldg. 438-D-18 IlICYCLES. LOUIS FLESCHER , bicycle repairer , removed - moved to 1022 Cap. av. , opp. new P. O. . 9C3 J2 STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th. Phone 1025. Write for catalogue. 504 D19 EI'PEIILY COHSET. ROOM 10 , Crelghton Blk. , 16th and Douglas. 503 D-22 % MATTIIKSS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. . S48 MlltUOIt FACTOIIY. DAMAGED looking glasses rcsllvered. 703 N..16th. ' % -239 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , Ramge Bldg. , 15 and Harney. r ' - ' -IBS Janl9 TAILORING. LADIKB1 JACKETS cleaned and altered In latest stylo. .Max Fogcl , 307 S. n.h. 306 D20 SHOE HIJI'AIIIING. SHOES half soled. 33c. 211 No. IGth St. . . . St.404 FENCING AND UOXI.VG. . ACADEMY at 1212 Farnam ; reduced rates ; end for circular. Col. Monstery. 4G2 J14 LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Ofllce of Lee-Clarke-Andrcesen Hard- warp.Co. . Omaha , 'Neb , December 10. 1&98. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of tie Leo-Clarkc-Andreesen Hardware Co. that the annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the company will be held at the olllces of the said company , 1219 , 1221 and 1323 Harney street , In the city of Omaha , in the state of Nebraska , on Tuesday , Jan uary 10. A. D. 1699 , at 3 o'clock p. rn. , for thp purpose of , electing a board of direc tors for the company to serve during the ensuing year and to transact such other business ns may be presented at such meet ing. H. J. LEE , President. W , M. GLASS , Secretary. Dlld3ot STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Omaha & Elkhorn Valley Railway com pany. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha & Elkhorn Valley Railway company for the.elcctlon of seven directors -and the transaction of such other business as may lawfully como before the meeting , will bo held In the Office of the general solicitor , Union Pudllc building , Omaha. Nebraska , on , Wednesday the 4th day of January , Hn uat 10 o'clock a. m. The stock transfer books will bo closed ten days before the data of the meeting. , ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. Boston , Mass. , December 14 , 1S9S. D 14-to-J.-4-E & S. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The Omaha & Republican Valley Railway company. Notlco Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Btockholdors of the Omaha & Republican Valley Railway company for the election of .saven illrgctors and the transaction'of such other business as may lawfully como befora the meeting , will bn hold In the Olllco ot the general solicitor , Unlan Pnctllo building , Omaha , Nebraska , on Wednesday the ,4th , day of January * 1E99. between the hours of 10 a. m. and C p. m. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days before the data of'the meeting. ALEXANDER MILLAR , Secretary. Boston , Jiass. , December 14 , 189S. . D 14-to-J.-4-E & 8. . . STOCKHOLDERS' MEF.TING. Union Elevatqr Company of Omaha : Notice Is hereby given that the annua' ' meeting of the stockholders of the Union Elevator company of Omaha , for the pur pose of electing seven directors nml such other buslne a OH may properly como before the meeting , will be hold nt the officp of th general solicitor , Union Pacific building Omaha , Neb. , upon Tuesday , the 3rd cluy of January. 1S99 , between'tho hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. rn. The stock transfer books will be closed ten , . (10) ( ) days before the date of the meet ing. " ALEXANDER MILLAR , ' Secretary. Boston , Mass. , December 12 , 1S98. Des 13-Jan 3-e-S STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Union Land Company : Notice Is hereby given that the annua meeting of the stockholders of the Union Lnml company for the election of live di rectors anjl the transaction of such other business a may lawfully come before tlu meeting will bo held nt the office of the general solicitor , Union Pacific building Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the 9th day of January. 1S59 , nt 10 o'clock a. m. The stock transfer books will bo close < ten days previous to ths meeting. Boston , Mass. . December 15th. 1898. ALEXANDER MILLAR. Secretary. D-lSd 22t E and S When driving greatest com- Carriage and Sleigh Heater ! Dnimmond- Carriage Co , , SUES & CO. PATENT UNVHBS AM ) SOLICITORS Bee Bldg. , Onabi , Neb. Bend fur free Inxcntur'c Guide. Tel. 16JJ. RAILWAY TIME } CAItll. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Ilallroad "The Great Hork Island Itoute. " City Ticket Ottlce. J32S Farnam Street. Telephone 478. Depot , Tenth and > i Mason Streets. Telephone " ' lea. _ . . . Leave , Arrlve. Des Molnes Local. . . 7:15 : am 11:25 : a.ra Chicago Kxpress . . 11:15 : am 8uo : ram Chicago Fast Ex- ram pre s * 5:00 : pm 1:23 : ran Bt. Paul Fast Ex press 6:00pm : 11:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo and Weii , . 180 ; pm 4:25 : pm De Molues , Uock Island anj i- cage . . . . . . . . 7l5pm : 8:50 : pm I Colorado Flyer . : io pm 8:5o : tn i , t Dally. Dalley except Sunday. I RAILWAY TIME ! . \lin. 3UHMNOTON & MIS- sourl Hlvcr Railroad "The Burlington Route" General onices , N. W. Corner Tenth and Far- narn Btreets. Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam . , „ . , „ . . . . . Street. Telephone , 260. Depot , ienth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone i3t Lincoln , Hastings Leave. Arrive. and McCook 8:33 : am 7:40 : pm Lincoln , Denver. Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound 4:3 : $ pm 1:0 : $ pm Lincoln local. . . . . . . . . 7:0) : pm * 9:35 : am Lincoln Fast Math 2:55 : pm 11:40 : am Denver. Colorado TJtan , California & Pucct Sound ll:60pm : 6:30 : am Dally. Dally exc ot Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Offlce , 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , lig. Daylight Chicago Arrive. Special * G:40 : am 11:50 : pm CInuiijo Vesllbuled Kxpress 6:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Expreps. . . . 9:45 : am 4:16 : pm Chlc.ij.-o & fit. Louis Express. . . . 7:45 ' : PR ; S:10 : am ' ' ' 'aclllc J'c't'n ' Local 11:65 : am 6:45 : pm 'not Mall. ' 2:50 : Dally. * * Dally except Sunday. pm KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs fltii Rallroad-'IThe Burlington - ton Uoute" Ticket Office , 1602 Farnam Street. Tel. ephonc , 250. Depot , Tenth ana Mason Streets. Tel. ephonc , 123. Leave. Arrive. Cansns City Day Express * 9:06 : am 6:45 : pro Kansas City Nffrht Express 10:15 : cm 6:30 : am 'Exposition Flyer" for St. Joseph and Bt. Louis 4:55 : Dm 11:30 : am Dally. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Rr.llway City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , - - Tenth ana Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spjclal. , 6:40 : am 11:55 : pm Mo. Valley , Bloux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis 5:55 : am 11:00 : pm Mo. Valley , Bloux City 7:45 : am 9:06 : pm -urroll Loral . . . . .v " 5:25 : pm * 9:40 : am Eastern Ex , , Des Molncs , Marshall- town , Ceilar nap- Ids ana Chicago. . . ni:06 : am 4:05 : pm Atlantic" Flyer. Chi and East. . . . 4:55 : pm 4:05 : pro Mall , Chicago to Omaha 8:15 : pm Northern Express. 6:25 : pm 8:40 : am Omslm-Cnlcago Spe cial 7:06 : pm 8:23 : am Dally. "Dally except Sunday. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railway- * General Offices. United States National Bank Bldg , _ Southwest Corner Twelfth and Farnam Btreets , Ticket OfTce , 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 14S8. i ave. Arrive. Black. Hills. Dead- wood. Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Wyoming Casper and Douglas 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Hastings , York , Da vid City , Superior. Geneva , Exeter A. Seward 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont * 8:15 : am * * 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : am Fremont Local 8:15 : am Dnlly. Dally except Sunday. * Bun- day only. * Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MIN- neapnlla & Omaha Railway General Offices , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. City Icket Offlrt. 1491 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Norfolk Passenger. . 6:00 : am 7:00 : pm Blair , Emeison Sioux City , Ponca. llartlnrton and Bloomtlild * ioo : cm ni:56 : am Bloux City , Man- kato. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:45 : pm ; 10 am No. 2. Twin City Limited 6:45 : pm No. 1 Omaha Lim ited 9io : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. BIOUX CITT & PACIFIC ' Railroad , General Offices , Urtlted States National Bank Bulling , S. \ \ . Cur. ner Twelfth and Farnam i. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 5fl. Depot , Tenth and Mason 1 Streets. Telephone , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. I I 1 Sloix ) Cltv. Mar - kato , St. Paul , 5:55 : am 8:40 : am ' Minneapolis 6:25 : pm 11:00 : pm Sioux City Local. . . 7:45 am 9:05 : pm : Dally. i I UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Route" General I Olllcos. N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office. 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629. 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Halt Lake and wcsi- ern points * 1:50 : am 4:46 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. 11:65 : pm f:40 : am Fast Mall Train for Denver , bait Lake , Pacific coast and all western points. 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice & Strornsburg Ex. . . 3:45 : pm 12:30 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Island and North Plntto 4:35 : pm < pm Columbus Local . . . . 6:50 : pm 9:40 : am Grand Island Lo cal 9:00 : am North Platte Lo cal . , 6:30 : South Omaha Local Pass Leaves a. m. : 7:00 : a. m. [ 9:10 : a. m. : 3:05 : p. m. Arl rives. 10:30 : n m. : 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 5:55 : a m 6:40 : a. m. ; 6:60 : a. m. ; 7:40 : H. m.j 9:40 : a. m' 10:30 : a. m. : 12:30 : p. n. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p in ! 4:5T : p. m. ; 6:25 : p. ml ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 7:20 a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m :00 : a. m. ; 9:40 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. 3:45 : n. m. ; 4:20 : p. m. ; 6:15 : p. m. ; 6:55 : n m. : U:30 : p. m. ; "esSO p. m.j 9OS : p. in. ; 11-63 ' Dally. Dally except Sunday , OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- r > ad Omaha , Kansas City & Eastern Rallroad-"The - Port Arthur Route"-Tlcket OfJIce e 1415 Farnum Street. Tele i. phone 32J. Depot , Tenth and Masnn Strents. Telephone 623. Ijtitve. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express 4GO : pm 11:30 : am Kansas City & Qulncy Local a. . . ( :50 : am 0:06 : pm Kansas City Ex- prees 7:41 : am Port Arthur , Express - press 8:30 : pm Dally. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE _ St. Paul Railway City Ticket onice. ' 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone ? 2S4.oS got. Tenth and Mason - Streets. Telephone , 629. LettVe' Arrlv * limited Express 11:00 : am 4:15 : pm Sioux City and De " Molnea Express , . " 11:00 : am 4:15 : nm > Dally. Dally except Sunaay. MISSOURI TACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Office , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Street * Telephone. 104. Depot. 15th and Wtbster St . Telephone 1158 * Leave. Arrive. . Bt. Louls-Kan a * Neb. Limited - 3:00 : pro 12:55 : pro Kansas City & tit. Louis Express . . , , 950 ; pm 6:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water . . . - - 6:00 : pm 9:45 : am Dally. Dalley except Sunday. - . . - - ! W A B A 8 II RAILROAD- < - . - . ? < ! Ticket Otllce , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 892. De pot , Tenth and Mason Btreeti. Telenhone , 629. Leave. Arrive. .St. Louis 'Canon Ball" Express 4:50 : pa * UM : a I RELIGIOUS SERVICES. IlnntlM. DKTH-EDEN CHURCH , S19 SOUTH Twenty-ninth Avenue , Rov. C. B. Allen , Jr. , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m.j Sunday school at noon ; B. Y. P. U. , 6:30 : p. m. CALVARY CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH and Scward Streets , Rev. Thomas Andcr- BOH , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. ana 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , THIRTY-FIFTH AND Farnam Streets , Rev. T. L. Kctman , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 8 p. m. : Sunday school nt 11:45 : a. m. ; Junior union , 3:30 : p. m ; B. Y. P. U. , 7 p. m. ; Mission Sunday school Twenty-eighth avenue and Farnam , 3:30 : p. m. GERMAN CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH nnd Seward Street ? , Rev. August Holler , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt 9:15 : a. rn. GRACE CHURCH , TENTH AND ARBORi Streets , Rev. J. O. Staples , Minister Services nt 10:45 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sun day school nt noon : gospel meetings. Wednesday ovtnlng ; Young People's meetIng - Ing , Friday evening ; reading room open every evening. IM MANUEL CHURCH , BINNEY AND Twenty-fourth streets. Pulpit supplied temporarily : services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : u. m. ; Sunday school at noon. MOUNT PISQAH CHURCH. TWENTY- sevnth and Cnss Streets , Rev. Robert January , Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.t Sunday cohoot at 12:30 : i , . m. ; prayer meeting , Wednesday evening ; Young People's meeting , Friday evening. OLIVET CHURCH. GRAND AVENUE nnd Thirty-eighth Street , Rev. A. J. Flem ing. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt noon. SWEDISH CHURCH , 618 NORTH EIGHteenth - teenth Street , Rev. P. Swartz , Pastor ' Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.i Sunday Bohool nt 9:30 n. m. , ZION CHURCH , 2215 GRANT STREET , Rev. T. T. Ward , Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:30 : p. m. CurlMlan. FIRST CHURCH , CORNER TWENTIETH Street and Capitol Avenue , Rev. J. M. Vnwter , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 12 m. ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor - deavor nt 6:30 : p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 : p. m. GRANT STREET CHURCH. TWENTY- slxth and Grant Streets , Rev. Charles Taylor , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. WALNUT HILL CHURCH , 4420 NICHO- Ins Street , Rev. Joseph Nichols , Pastor- Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. Cnngrpirntlonal. CHERRY HILL CHURCH. SOU NORTH forty-second Street , Rev. L. S. Hand , Pastor Services at 11 a , m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , NINETEENTH AND Davenport Streets , Rev. H. C. Herring , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a.'m. ; Y. P. S. C. E at 6:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. HILLSIDE CHURCH. THIRTIETH AND Ohio Streets , Rev. Jacob Flook Pastor- Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.i Sunday school at noon ; prayer service ( Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. PARK VALE CHURCH. 2944 CASTELLAR Street , Rev. Frank H. Anderson , I'astor Services at 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. ; Christian Endeavor at 8 p. m. PILGRIM CHURCH , 102 NORTH FORTY- ftrst Street , Rev. Frank D. Jackson , Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p , m. ; Bundav school at noon. PLYMOUTH CHURCH , TWENTIETH and Spencer Streets , Rev. Howard Mac- Ayjal , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Endeavor society at 7:15 : p. m. ; grayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. ; unday school at noon. ST. MARY'S AVENUE CHURCH. Twenty-seventh Street and St. Mary's Avenue , Rev. 8. Wright Butler , D. D. , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. SARATOGA CHURCH , TWENTY-FIFTH Street and Ames Avenue , Rev. L. S. Hand , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. BpUcopnl. ALLSAINT'SCHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH and Dewey Avenue , near Farnam , Rov. Thomas J. Mackay , Rector Holy com munion every Sunday In the month , except the first , at 7:30 : a. m. ; sermon at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Bunday school at 9'f > n m. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD , Twentieth and Ohio Btreets , Rev. George Edward Walk , M. A. , Rector Services at : 8 a. m. , 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m , . ; Sunday I school at 9:45 : a. m. I BT. ANDREW'S CHURCH , CORNER Charles and Forty-first Street * , Rev. C. ' H. Young , Priest Services at 7:30 a. m. , 1 11 a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. ; Bunday school at 10 a. m. . Fridays at 7:45 : p. m. BT. AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH , THIRTY- thtrd and Francis Streets , Priest in Charge , Rev. W. B. Howard Services at 4 p. m. ; Sunday school at 3 p. m. BT. BARNABAS' CHURCH. 61 * NORTH Nineteenth Street , Rev. John Williams , Rector Services at 7:30 : a. m. , 11 a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. : Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. . ST. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH and Franklin Streets , Rev. W. S. How ard. Priest Services at 7:30 : and 11 a. m , , and 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. : dally services at 6:45 : and 7 a. m. and 4:45 : p. m. ; Wednesdays at 7:45 : p. m. ; Fri days at 7:30 : p. m. ST. MATHIAS' CHURCH. 1423 SOUTH t Tenth ( Street , Rev. L. F. Potter , Priest In I Charge Services at 7:30 : a. m. , 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at 10 n. m. ST. PAUL'S ' CHURCH , 3211 CALIFORNIA Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; serv- Ices at 11 a. in. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m. ST. PHILIP THE DEACON CHURCH , 1125 North Twenty-first street , Rev. John Al bert Williams , Rector Services at 7:45 : a. m. , 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m. : dally morning prayer at 9 a. m. : evening , 6 p. m. TRINITY CATHEDRAL , CAPITOL AVE- ntio and Eighteenth Street , Rt. Rev. ' George Worthlnpton , D. D. , Bishop , Very Rev. Campbll Fair , D. D. , Dean Holy communion , 9:25 : a. m. ; litany , 10 a. m. ; morning prayer , 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school , 12 noon ; evening prayer , 7:45 : p. m. ( Evnnirrllcal. EMANUEL CHURCII , 2602 MARCY Street , Rv. G. J. Strelcher , Pastor I1 I Services at ' 0:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:30 : a. m. FREE CHURCH , TWELFTH AND DOR- cas Streets , Rev. F. H. W. Bruechert , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p , m. : Sunday school at 2:45 : p. m. SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. 2222 DAVenport - enport Street , Rev. F. O. Hultman , Pas tor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:80 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 3:45 : p. m. ZION GERMAN CHURCH , 2622 SPRAGUE Street , Rev. Ernest Mehl , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:30 : a. m. Lnthernn , DANISH CHURCH , 819 SOUTH TWENTY- eecond Street , Rev. I. C. Poulson , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m , , ex cept last Sunday In the month , when there are no evening services ; Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. EMANUEL SWEDISH CHURCH , NINE- t-enth and Cnss Streets , Rov. P , L. Svard , Pastor Services at 10:45 : a. m. and 5 7:45 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , 1005 SOUTH Twentieth Street. Rev. E. J. Frese. Pastor Services at 10:15 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sundav school at 2 p. m. , KOUNTZE MEMORIAL CHURCH. Six i teenth and Harney Streets , Rev. A. J. Turkic. Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. GHACE CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH Street and Woolworth Avenue. Rev. Luther M. Kuhn ? , Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:15 : p. m. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH ; 1316 North Twenty-sixth Street. Rov. J. N. Anderson. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:15 : P. m. PKLLA DANISH CHURCH. 2215 NORTH Twenty-sixth Street Pulpit supplied tern- porarlly ; services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. ' m. : Sunday school at noon. ST. MARK'S CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST and Burdette Streets , Rev. Leonard Groh. Pastor-Services nt 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : P. m. : Sunday school at noon. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH. FOURteenth - , teenth and Center Streets , Rev. A. J. Turkic. Pastor-Sunday school at 3 p. m. ST. PAUL'S GERMAN CHURCH , 2725 Parker Street , Rev. John F. 8. Her. Pastor - tor Services at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 2 p. m. ; evening , sec : end and fourth Sunday In each month at 7:30 : p. m. I SALEM EVANGELICAL SWEDISH Church. 3219 South Twenty-third - v * < uuithll * "WUVJ-HM * * * Street * , Rev. C. B. Klvlng , Pastor-Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. TJ. ; Bunday school 1 at noon. Melht iUt. FIRST CHURCH. TWENTIETH AND Davenport Streets , 1 iv. John McQuoid , D. D. , Pastor Service , at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Bunday scho 1 nt noon. FIRST GERMAN CHUK ! H. ELKVRNTH and Center Streets , Rev Otto E. Krlege. Pastor Services at 10:30 : . . m and 7:30 : p. m. : Sundav school at nee . HANSCOM PARK CHURCH. TWENTY- nlnth Street and Woolworth Avenue , Rev. F. M. Slsson , D. D. , Pastor-Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. MONMOUTH PARK CHURCH. THIRTY- fourthiStrcet and Larlmore Avenue , Rev , F nniioious SKHVICF * . ( Continued. ) - Frank W. Bros * , Pastor Services ot 11 n , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 1 i . noon. I ' NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH , I 1(13 North Twenty-sixth Street , Rev , I Rasmus Wllhelmsen , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m.i Sunday school at noon. BT. JOHN'S AFRICAN CHURCH , EIGII- teonth and Webster Streets , Rev , James C. C. Owens , Pastor Services at 10:45 : n. m. and 7:30 : p m.i Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. ; Epworth league every Sunday evening one hour preceding preaching ; prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 : : class meeting every Friday at 7:30 : t < . m. SEWARD STREET CHURCH , TWENTYc i second and Seward Streets , Rev. A. C. I Welch , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m , nnd I 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. BOUTH TENTH STREET CHURCH , Tenth and Pierce Streets , Rev. George A. Luce , Pastor Services nt 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school nt noon ; Junior I league , 4 p. m , : Epworth league , 0:30 : p. m. SOUTHWEST CHURCH. 5123 HICKORY Street. Rev. R. M. Henderson. Pastor- Services at 10:4j : a. m. and 7:30 : p , m. ; Sun day tcliool nt 11:4R : a. m , SWEDISH CHURCH , 615 NORTH EIOH- teonth Street , Rev. Carl O. Karlson , Pns- tor Services nt 11 a. m and 7:30 : p. m. , . Sunday 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. at the I rooms at 114 South Thirteenth street. WEST OMAHA CHURCH , TWENTY- ' seventh and Marcy streets , Rov. James Haynes , Pastor Services nt 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon. TRINITY CHURCH. CORNER BINNEY nnd Twenty-first Streets , J. W. Jennings. D. D. , Pastor Sorvlces 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m : Epworth League , 6:30 : ; Sunday i WALNUT2"HILL , FORTY-FIRST AND Charles Streets , Rev. C. N. Dawson. D. D. , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : i p. m : Sunday school nt noon , J , M. Glllan , 1 superintendent ; Epworth league at 6:30 : SOUTH OMAHA. FIRST CHURCH , Twenty-third and N Streets , Rev. J. A. , Johnson , Pastor. ALBRIGHT. REV. J. Q. A. FLEHARTY , i Ph. D. , Pastor. " Presbyterian. | \ AMBLER PLACE CHURCH , FORTY- seond nnd Marlnda Streets Pulpit sup- 1 piled temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a , m. ; Sunday school at 11:30 : a. m. BEDFORD PLACE CHURCH. 302S LALK Street , Rev. Knox Boude , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday sohjol at noon. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY- fourth and Dodge Streets , Rav. Alexan- der Gllchrlst , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. CLIFTON HILL CHURCH , 4338 GRANT Street , Rev. James D. Kerr. Pastor- Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , SEVENTEENTH AND Dodge Streets Services at 10:30 : a. w. and S p. m. : Sunday school at noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , 81J NORTH Eighteenth Street , Rev. Daniel Grledar , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY- flrst and Emmet Streets , Rev. Frank B. Foster , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon ; Chris tian union meeting nt 7 p. m. GRACE MISSION CHURCH , 607 WIL- llam Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Bundav school at noon. ONTARIO STREET CHURCH , 1820 ON- tarlo Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt rmnn PARK AVENUE CHURCH. PARK AVB- nue and Jackson Street , Rev. Edgar Mac- Dill , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. LOWE AVENUE PHE8BYTKRIAN Church. Corner Nicholas and Lowe Avenue , Rev. T. S. Hawley , Pastor- Preaching at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. , and Endeavor meeting at 6:45 : In the evening : Wednes day evening , lecture at 8 oVf-V SOUTHWEST ? CHURCH , TWENTIETH and Leavenworth Btreets Sunday school at noon. Ante Room Echoes At the annual meeting of the Grand Coun cil of Select Masters , Thursday , December IS ; , the following officers for the ensuing year were elected : John J. Mercer , G. M. ; : D. H. Wheeler , D. GM. . ; Alfred M. Olson , P. : C. W. ; John S. Harman , Tecumseh , O. T. ; W. R. Bowen , G. R. ; J. D. Stlres , Columbus , G. C. ; J. A. Grlmlson , Bchuyler , O. C. O. ; Charles H. Wlxson , G. C. O. ; George J. Spohn , O. S. ; Jacob King , Paplllion , G. S. In the morning a special meeting of the state organization of the Scottish Rite Ma sons was held for the transaction of busi ness and In the afternoon the nnnual raeet- ing of the grand chapter opened. It closed Us session with the election of officers. John J. Mercer , deputy grand high priest , presided In the absence ofthe grand high priest. In the evening the Veteran Masons of the state held a special meeting which was at- tended by about thirty members. The time was spent largely In a social way , relating reminiscences , eating lunch and smoking cigars. The Omaha council also held a meeting , at which several candidates were taken through the degrees. The grand chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Nebraska concluded its annual meeting and adjourned Thursday afternoon , Decem ber 15. The session was comparatively short and not specially well attended. There was no business to transact of particular Interest - est , aside from the election of officers for the ensuing year. These were as follows : John J. Mercer of Omaha , grand high priest ; James Diusmore of Hebron , grand deputy high priest ; John S. Harman otTocumsoh , grand king ; James W. Maynnrd of Omaha , grand scribe ; William R. Bowen of Omaha , grand secretary , and Lucius D. Richards ot Fremont , grand treasurer. These officers were installed that afternoon. Modern Woodmen of America. Beach Camp No. 1,454 gave an entertain ment In its lodge rooms Friday evening , December 16. After a short secret eesslon of the camp for the transaction of regular routine busi ness the doora were thrown open for the entertainment of all. The program of toasts was as follows : "Our Team , " W. M. Thomas ; "Our Early Days of Camp Work , " William MacDIar mid ; "Walnut Camp , and What We Inner Ited , " A. F. Johnson ; "Beech Camp Jn Society and Politics. " J. W. Holder of Co- lumbui ; "Our Newer Members , " C. H. Hollenbeck ; "Our Sick and Dead , " A. H. Vosburgh ; "Why We Meet In Weekly Ses- slons , " John L. Pierce ; "The Local Physl- clan , " Dr. W. O. Henry ; "The Five Hun- dred , " Frank Whltnmrsh ; "The Work Ahead , " Charles L. Hopper ; "The Moral Ef- feet of Fraternal Societies on Civilization , " T. F. Sturgess , Tbo toaatmaster of the evening was W. F. Chapln. In connection with the toast "Our Team" W. M. Thomas presented the camp with a picture of the team. It showed the boys In groups and individually , and also contained the pictures of the officers of the camp. I ' This was a complete surprise to the camp \ i but was none the less appreciated. The team U one of the features of the organization and l Is the pride of every member. It captured I . * ' the 'first prize at the exposition on Modern j Woodman day from a field of eleven com- petltora. J. C. Page Is captain of the team. Those in charge of the entertainment and to whom Che credit Is largely due for the success of the celebration were : H. P. Leav'i 'i Itt , C. L. Hopper , John S. Kins. R. C. Hompblll , W. F. Chapin , L. B. McCown , P. H. Cook , A. A. Smith , A. H. Vosburgh , C. H. Long. F. Whltraarsh. J. L. Plercu , J. C. Page. C. H. Hollenbeck , J. E. Hlmpe and J. W. Houder. Abe Lincoln camp No. 1,061 , Wlsner , at a ' meeting Monday night , after adopting one stranger into the mysteries of woodcraft , I elected the following officers for the en- I lulng year : Dr. D. Boswell , V. C. ; A. Dor- , mann , Jr. , W. A. ; William Armstrong , E. E. Schaclemann , W , ; A. Hatislng , 8. ; L. S. Strain , manager , and Drs. D , Boswell and H. Prttcnard , camp physicians ; delegates to county convention nt West Point , F. C. Evans and L. C. Krlngel ; alternates , Dr. D. Boswell and H , J. Malchow. Installation of officers-elect will occur Monday night , Jan uary 9. Mead camp No. 2011 faeld its annual elec tion of officers Saturday evening with the'I following result : C. , W. J. Lehr ; A. , J. T. Smith ; D. , Thomiu Ostanberg ; , C , , C. V , netman ; E. , Herb McElfrcsh ; W. , William EgglMton ; S. , Robert Murray ; P. , J. O. Stone ; board of man Ker , W. W , Dean , M. Shires and Chris Panso. Mr. Shires was' elected delegate to the county convention to bo held at Wahoo , January 10. The Mod ern Woodmen have been doing good work and the members now In good standing numbers sixty-five. i The two Modern Woodmen camps of Co I lumbus . . , Neb. , have consolidated , Silver Cross camp No. 664 surrendering Us charter nnd Columbus camp No. 299 continuing un der the consolidation. Officers for the en suing year were chosen nt the first regular meeting and the following were elected : Carl Krnrner , V. C. ; B. P. Dussoll , advisor : ; Henry Rclder , clerk ; Louis Held , banker ; A. P. Hell , escort ; Hugo Schaaa , watchman ; J. S. Hatfleld , sentry ; Prank Matthews , manager ; Drs. Voss , Geer and Evans , physical examiners. The county convention of all the Woodmen camps tn the county will be held here January 10 , at I which time delegates to the annual state i meeting will be selected. By the consollda- I tlon t the oamp 'hero ' , Is one of the largest and . healthiest In this part of the state , hav ing over 140 members. I Monday evening , December 11 , the Mod- I ern Woodmen lodge at West Point , Neb , , elected the following officers fcr the next year : Harry S. Radler , V. C. ; Joe Koupal , W. ] A. ; A. A. Peterson , B. ; Peter Peelot , C. ; Barney O. Herman , E. ; Chris Hlrschmnnu , W. ; A. L. Krause , S. Thursday , December 8 , nt their regular meeting the members of the Humboldt camp , No. 943 , elected a new corps of offi cers for the ensuing year as follows : V. C. , J. W. Bash ; W. A. , T. M. Murphy ; B. , C. J G. Carter ; Clerk , P. R. Butterfleld ; E. , Al Hnlcs ; W. , T. W. Games ; S. , Vint Chaflln ; M. , F. Hummel ; P. , Drs. Morris and Wil- llqmson ; Delegate to state oamp , H. P. Marblo. Silver Star camp. No. 909 , Cozad , elected officers Tuesday night as follows : V. C. , W. L. Dovlno ; W. A. , Fred Maryott ; 0. , J. 3. I i Good ; E. B. , R. J. Parr Is ; E. , S. C. Brady ; I W. . , George Anderson ; S. , C. Ralston ; M. , i J. W. Barnard ; delegate , F. P. Corrlck. This lodge has a membership ot seventy * flvo and several now applications. At the last regular meeting of the North ' Loup camp , No. 936 , the following wera . elected as officers for coming year : V. C. , I B. H. Alvord ; W. A. , J. B. ClemenU ; B. , E. ] , A. Hutchlns ; C. , S. L. Clements ; E. , W. D. Barnhart ; W. , Claude Hill ; S. , V. W. Robblns. J Ilornl Arcanum. Royal Arcanum brothers in Omaha are notified of the death last week in Denver ot Brother I. C. Schrelver , formerly of this city. While Brother Sohrelver still kept his membership in Union Pacific council ot Omaha , the Denver council will attend to all matters relating to the funeral. As the next meeting of Union Pacific council occurs on December 26 there will bo but l a short business session and the In itiation | of new members and other special | , business ' will come up at a special meeting to be held Wednesday evening , December 28. All members should be present to wit ness the new side degree and take part U > consideration of new quarters for the council. At the regular meeting of Union Pacific council No. 10C9 , Royal Arcanum. Monday evening , December 12 , Dh following officers were elected : Regent , C. A. Orimmel ; vice regent , Edmund Burke ; orator , Q. W. Shields ; past regent , E. H. Perfect ; secre tary , A. P. Brink ; collector , J. B. Reynolds ; treasurer , C. H. Weeks ; chaplain , Rev. T. J. Mackay ; guide , N. F. Reckard ; warden , H. B. Morrlll ; sentry , M. E. Larson ; trustee , three years , F. L. Weaver ; representatives to grand council , E , R. Perfect ana W. M. Gilder ; alternate representatives , J. W. Maynard and C. S. Powell. After the meeting there was a social ses sion In which members ot the council and their friends participated. Refreshments were served later In the evening and all present had an enjoyable time. Independent Order of Foveitar * . At the last meeting of Court Alt-Sir- Bon the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : II. C. Hartry , C. P. ; T. H. Perfleld. V. C. P. ; Dr. Charles Rosewater - water , P. C. P. ; T. R.Houston , P. S. ; E. E. Nusbaum , R. S.'H. ; A. Hanaen , T ; L. C. Vogt , S. W. ; M. J. Conley , J. W. ; J. W. Donley , S. B. ; 0. H. Reed , J. B. ; E. G. Braybrook , D. ; Dr. W. O , Henry , Dr. W. E. Mack and Dr. Charles Rosewater , pby- slclans. The installation of officers 'took place Friday evening , December 16. An encampment of Royal Foresters was Instituted at the Mlllard hotel Friday evenIng - Ing by Brigadier General A. E. Stevenson of Chicago. A large charter list was se cured and orders were placed for uniforms. The Royal Foresters Is a branch of the In dependent Order of Foresters and the en campment was composed of the members ot Courts Ak-Bar-Ben and Omaha. The fol lowing officer * were appointed Saturday by General Stevenson : H. C. Hartry , I. F. C. ; Dr. W. O. Henry , L. A. ; T. R. Huston. I. A. ; E. G. Brabrook , I. C. ; C. H. Buck , I. O. ; J. Mulr , I. M. ; H. A. Hansen , I. C. ; B. E. Nusbaum , I. L ; L. C. Vogt , I. S. ; Henry Hornungard , Louis Flescher ; I. O. G. , Ira Nusbaum , I. O. O. F. The Odd Fellows of North Loup gave a grand banquet and oyster supper at their hall at the last regular meeting. Several distinguished visitors were present. The members ot Humboldt , Neb. , lodge , No. 34 , Monday evening elected officers for 1899 as follows : N. G. , George T. Mor- burger ; V. O. , L. C. Williamson ; S. , J. W. Scott ; T. , R. K. Davis ; T. , George L. Lewis. ' Cozad lodge , No. 55 , elected officers last' ' Monday night as follows : N. G. , W. H. i FolTenberger ; V. G. , L. M. Arnold ; 9. , A. S. ' , Harris ; T. , W. A. Conloy ; T. , A. T. Griffith. ' The following officers were elected by the Odd Fellows at Dead wood : R W. Lewis , , noble grand ; W. H. Ward , vice grand ; H. A. ' Cable , recording ( Secretary ; P. McDonald , P. S. ; C. F. DeMouth , treasurer ; Peter Blackburn , trustee. of the Maconueei. Mnrkey tent No. EG elected ofi'cers last Tuesday night , as follows : P. C. , R. Davis ; C. , John R. Sailing ; L. C. , E. E. Cook ; R. K. , " C. C. Caley ; A. T. Griffith ; S. , Joseph Zook" ; M. A. , R. C. Roe ; F. M. Q.T , Chap man ; S. M. G. , P. S. Griffith ; P. B. , P. Sell. Sell.Tho The following were elected as officers for Albion tent No. 61 of Boon * . Neb. : S. Z , . Williamson , C. ; N. P. Simons , L. 0. ; W. W. Johnson , R. K. ; H. J. Loughran , P. K. ; J. C. Botsford. C. ; Dr. J. II. Smith , P. ; C. C. Pettlbone , S. ; R. H. Griffiths , M. A. ; P. W. Mojiris , F. M. 0. ; N. W. Allen , S. M. G. ; ' William Mclchcr , S ; J. Armstrong , P. or Ivy lodge No. 62 , of Ashland , at Us regular meeting Tuesday evening , elected the following new officers : J. Warren Coon , C. C. ; William N. Becker , Jr. , V. C. ; Merrill Johnson , P. ; Charles F. Klrkpatrick , M. of E. ; Loren W. Lewis , M. of F. ; William Eller C. Becker , K. of R. and S. ; Levl Mays , M. at A. ; Edward E. Marshall , M. of W. ; James L. Warbrltton , I. Q. ; John J. 1 Ryan , O. G. ; J. Warren Coon , A. J. Sanger and Loren W. Lewis , T. Cozad lodge No , 153 last week elected the following officers : C. C. , Charles Ward ; V. C. , H. G. Allen ; P. , J. B. Hughes ; K. R. S. , E. E. Cook ; M. P. , C. C. Farrcll ; M. E. , Qeorge E. Blade ; M. A. , M. H. Brown ; M. W. , Ueorge O. Brown. Nebraska lodge No. 1 has elected Jhc following officers for the ensuing year : O. C. , M. Wulpl ; V. C. , W. 0. Matthews ; P. , George A. McKay ; M. W. , C. A. Zollcr ; K. R. and S. , John W. Pyle ; M. P. , Mel H. Hoerner ; M. K. , H. B. Irey ; M. A. , A. D. ' ' F tterman ; I , 0. , James P. Hayes ; 0. 0. , John N. Dennis ; T. , 0. P. Thompson. The second and third ranks will be conferred on several candidates Monday evening , Decem ber 19. I At Central City the new officers for the ' Knights of Pythias arc : J. K. Pyle , C. l C.I Peter Jorey , V. C. ; Al Oresseugcr , prelate ; Thomas Goodman , C. C. ; John Wolmouth , M , of W. ; D. E. Mulltns , recorder ; John Gllroy , M. of E. ; J. F. Barry , financier ; P , J , Johns , J. P. Barry , representatives1 to grand lodge. Imperial M > 'Mlo Legion. Windsor Castle wilt hold Its last regular meeting for the year In Royal Arcanum hall Monday night , December 19. At this time officers will be elected , several candidates Initiated and there will be a social with a short program and light refreshments. An enjoyable time is expected nnd It Is hoped that every member will nttend. During the past week Supreme Regent Aklu nnd Supreme Secretary Packard as- slated tn the organization of a large castl nt Dell Rnplds , S. D. These officers , with Supreme Counsellor Carr , were ID Sioux Falls upon business and attended a special meeting ot the Sioux Falls cnatle. The new work was exemplified , a program of much merit was given and the members nnd in vited guests to the number of nearly 100 sat down to the banquet Interesting re marks were made by Supreme Regent Akin , Supreme Counsellor Carr , Supreme Secretary Packard , State Regent Duggan , Mystic Mc Donald of PIpestone , Minn. ; Secretary- Treasurer Mundt of Hartford , S. D. , nnd Mystic Kerr , the newly Inducted candidate. About eight months ago publicity was given by some of the South Dakota papers to the fact that suits had been instituted against the Imperial Mystic Legion by two former deputies. One of these cases woe on trial In Sioux Palls last week before a referee. , The decision will be rendered ns soon as the testimony can be written up and . the written arguments ot the attorneys filed. After one case had been gone through with the other was settled at about the actual coat of going through with ths case. The testimony being practically the same tn both cases , tb.6 inference as to the prospects ot being successful In the latter case Is plain. A curious Incident in the organization of castles of the I. M. L. is that Del Rio , Tex. , will probably contain the castle num bered next after the one organized at De3 Rapids , S. D. A oastle will be instituted during the week at Atlantic , la. , by Superintendent of Field Work P. M. Rlegel. It has not been de- termlnsd to name it Pacific Castle , although It Is conceded that it would be appropriate. A. O. V. W. The Past Master Workman association met Friday evening , December 9 , In Myrtle ball and elected the following officers for the ensuing year : William Turner , P. ; J. T. Smith , V. P. ; C. W. Miller , South Omaha , S. ; L. Searlo , T. ; M. Q. Edwards. S. A. The next meeting will be Decem ber 23 ( at tlho lodge room of Union Pacific lodge No. 17. A large attendance ot state members Is expected. Ashland lodge , No. 119 , elected the fol lowing officers at their last regular meet ing. December 7 : P. M. W. , A. W. Way- bright ; M. W. , J. H. Granger ; P. , J. J. Blodgett ; O. , J. J. Bryan ; P. , Will A. Fowler ; R. , N. J. Wnltermlre ; O. , J. W. Moon ; I. W. , J. A. Recce ; 0. W. , N. L. Whlder ; T , , J. W. Reasoner and O. A. Derleth ; M. E. , G. W. Meredith , A. S. V. Mansflelde and C. P. Klrkpatrick. The members of Humbolt lodge , No. 6 , held Its annual election of officers Decem ber 9 , with the following rsstrtt : P. M. W. , B. A. Tucker ; M. W. , L. C. Williamson ; P. , J. J. Thompson ; O. , T. B. King ; R. , H. Barg ; P. , W. H. Till ; R. , C. E. Nlms ; O. , S. P. Willis ; O. W. , ' W. Kins * ? ; T. , George P. Mnrburger. At their laut regular meeting the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Weston , Neb. , elected tine following officers for the ensuing year : Sam D. Mauok , M. W. ; N. C. Pedcr- sen , P. ; P. O. Llndon , O. ; M. 0. , Norvall , R. ; R. C. Carpenter , P. ; Anton Novak , R. ; Peter Campbell , O. ; Prank Novak , O. W. ; H. C. Stevens , I. W. ; Olf Bengaton , T. ; D. A. March , P. M. W. Bohemian lodge No. 314 at a meeting Wednesday evening , December 14 , elected the following officers : Vac Kubec , P. M. W. ; Frank Bvojtek , M. W. ; Vac Engelthaler , P. ; Joseph J. Mlkulas , 0. ; P. W. Band- hauer , R. ; J. V. Vocek , P. ; Frank Lang- paul , R. ; John F. Knezacek , G. ; Anton Drapallk. , I. W. The following officers have been elected for the coming year by Deadwood lodge No. Bl : Charles McAllister , P. M. W. ; Charles Swanstown , M. W. ; J. E. Baker , P. ; J. Meckler , O. ; P. Dennis , R. ; A. J. Mossman , P. ; P. Zlpp , R. ; Mike Elwood , G. ; John Elwood , I. W. ; J. Matson , O. W. ; Sol Star , T. At the regular election of Omaha lodge No. 18 last week the following officers were elected for the ensuing term : Dr. H. Wor- ley , P. M. ; William B. Broadfleld , M. W. ; H. Lancaster , P. ; Charles Rlepen , 0. ; Charles H. Collier , R. ; George W. Lower , P. ; Lymnn Searl , R. ; Frank Barrowclough , G. ; Donald Monroe , I. W. ; L. D. Hulett , 0. W. ; Thomas Marten , T. Barber lodge No. 320 elected officers this week ns follows : M. W. . J. P. White ; O , , W. E. Hart ; R. , W. J. Neuens : P. . George P. Cnln ; P. , W. H. Poffenberger ; R. , L. M. Arnold ; O. , J1. A. Thompson ; I. W. , B. F. Sells ; 0. W. , P. A. Hess ; T. , A. H. Bain ; E. , J. H. Fochtman. Social lodge No. 102 , Degree of Honor , elected these officers for the ensuing year : Flora Patten. P. C. ; Mae L. Kelly , C. H. ; Llllle Ilenzle , L. H. ; Mrs. R. N. Dodson , C. C. ; Luella H. Hoff , R. ; Kate C. Glider , P. ; Emily B. Lancaster , R. ; Mrs. A. Cramer , U. ; Ada Spencer , I. W. ; Mrs. Mattle Clark and Mary E. Sllngfcllow , T. ; Dr. E. E. Womersly , M. E. ; Lucy Miller. M. Social lodge will give a grand holiday ball on Tuesday , December 27 , for which elaborate preparations have been made. The following officers have been elected by the Degree of Honor lodge , Rapid City , S , D. : , .0. of H. . Mrs. C. Dilger ; C. H. , Miss Lottie Ingersoll ; C. C. , Mrs. Nellie Boyd ; R. , Mrs. M. J. O'Nell ; P. , Clayton Havelln ; R. , Mies Galena Rick ; U. , Mrs. James Boyd ; 1. W. , Mrs. Lewis .Jester ; trustee. Robert Boyd ; representative to grand lodge , Mrs. O. M. Dilger. Woodmen ot tlic World. The following officer * have been elected by the Woodmen of the World of Lead. S. D. : C. .0. , Ed Harvey ; A. L. , Sam W. Sweet ; B , , A. E. Danlelson ; E. , John Davis ; C. , Abe Fink ; S. , Pat O'Hanlan ; M. , J. J. Freer ; Dwlght Casner , William Tonkin ; R. , J. W. Jones. The election of officers In the various city camps resulted as follows : Columbus camp No. 69 : C. C. , Frank Swoboda ; A. L. , Prank Sennln ; B. , V. G. Nopodal ; C. . P. J. Title ; 13. , Anton Novak ; W. , Joseph Soraec ; S. , Vinccnc Soukup ; P. , Dr. Louis Svoboda and J. W. Karten ; Mgrs. , Vaclav Blazek , Hunlelaw Beranek , J. P. Krevacek. German-American camp , No. 104 : P. c , C. , Joseph Brown ; C. C. , Philip Hauth ; A. L. , Philip Daniels ; B. , James Sclmelder- wind ; C. , Henry Jensen ; E. , Herman ; W. , Carl Welseraann ; S. , Herman Nackenholz ; P. , Dr. Holovotshlner ; M. , Joseph Baxter , C. 8. Strtube , Herman Drehsen ; D. , Joseph Brown. Seymour camp , No. B : P. C. C , , R. E. Wlnkleman and J. W. Harpoon ; C. C. , G. A. Qochs ; A. L. . A. R. Cresraan ; B. , L. L. Lahnes ; C. , E. T. Lowry ; E. . T. B. Potter ; W. , C. W. Lentt ; S. , 8. S. Kent ; P. , H. B. Wilson. D. P. Teter , S. H. Smith ; M. , I. Hewelbcrg. T. J. Lowry , J. W. Harpoon. Omaha camp No. 16 : P. C. C. , W. N. Dorward ; C. 0. . D. W. Marshall ; A. L. , E. H. Farrar ; B. , C. 0. Fuller ; C. , H. E. Bllllk ; E. , A. W. Williams ; W. , G. W. Whit- lock ; S. , L , O. Hosteller ; P. , Dr. W. A. HoatcttPr I ; M. , W. W. UnnleJ , P. IJesea , W. Krebs ; Delegates , A. H. llurnot , W. N. Dorward and E. II. Frr r. Alpha camp No. 1 : P. 0. C. , W. Y. Teet. zel ; C. C. . U. E. McKelvcy ; A. U , I ) . J Sinclair ; B. , R. H. Walker ; C. . J. P. Lnllr E , , J. P. Lynch ; W. , A. J. BrticRtnanni S. . R. Church ; P. , Drs. Hauohctt , Rosewater - water , Clausen , Wlcie nnd Wormsley ; M. N. J. Weller , J. W. Gross , S. J. Vnnderback Alvln camp , No. 119 , held Its Annual elec tion of officers Wcdncurtay evening , Decem ber 14 , with the following rmult : C. a C. . H. Nlcgh ; A. L. , T. J. McCarthy ; B. John 0. Gibson ; C. , H. E. Bryan ; E. , L. E Chlrchlll ; W. , L. A. Bourk ; 8. , acorn Woods ; member Bc/nrd of Managers , L 4 Johnson ; D. , C. H. Nigh. Alvln hs nol yet completed Its first year's growth , but nt the present time numbers seventy mem bers iu good standing , The Woodmen of the World held a meetIng - . Ing nt Waahlngton. Neb. , December 10 nnd j the following officers were elected : C. , N. Peterson ; C. C. , J. W. Pitch ; B , , Hani Hausen ; L. A. , Bernhnrdt Gottsch ; E , , Otto ( lottech ; W. , John Donaeker ; 0. , P. Kllllon : Ml l > { O. S. Love ; M. , Hanes Lnmp , O. Johnson , D. Kruce. The camp decided t send Charles P. Gottsch ns a delegate to Topeka. Kas. Camp No. 32 , nt Fremont , Neb. , elected the following officers : C. C. . A. A. Worts ; A. L. , J. A. Haughn ; B. , J. A. Mathews ; C. C. , R. Schaeffer ; E. , W. J. Hardenhrook ; S. , John Roush ; P. , Drs. Lenke and Kocr- ber ; M. . W. O. Phillips ; D. , A. A. W t and J. A. Mathews. FmterttBl Union of America. Mondnmln lodge met tn regular session Monday night and initiated even new mem- borfl. They also balloted upon several ap plications. This lodge Is showing grent progress. The members plan to give a New Years ball January 2 , to which members ot tin order and friends nre Invited. Election of officers will occur Deccrooef 2 and all members nre urged to be present Supreme President P. F. Reese Is In Denver. Banner lodge ( held an enjoyable meetlni Thursday night. Attendance was large. Th degree work was conferred In a creditable manner , especially as it was the first ex perience of some of those participating. A substantial contribution was received for * frntcr in Iowa who was reported In dis tress. Prater Cora B. P. Rlcker related Inverse verso "Tho Experience of a Bean Oueuer. " The election of officers for the ensuing year will be held December 22. Invitations ore out for a masquerade party < to be given Jan uary' B. A lodge of the order was organized at Ne- hawka , Nob. , December 8. Home lodge No. 182 of Union , Neb. , attended In a body and a good time was had by all. Refreshments consisting of an oyster supper were served. DnnKbter * of Itenckah. The following officers were elected by Dakota ledge No. 1 , Lend : N. O. , Mrs. Allco Wilkle ; V. G. , Mrs. Mlnnlo Hendrlcks ; sec retary , Mlea Lillian Davis ; treasurer , Mrs. Mattle Fleming. On Christmas evening tlio women of Ruth Robekah ledge No. 1 will have a Christmas tree for the member s nnd their families and Odd Fellows and their famines at Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows' hall , Four teenth and Dodge. Iloyol Oaten. Rlverelde Grove was organized last week at North Bend , with a strong charter list The members were among the best people In the town. The grove begins with pros pects for a large membership. The officer * are an progressive. NotvM. The first annual ball of the Union Vet erans' union , held Wednesday evening ID Patterson hall , was a complete success and its continuance as an annual event Is as sured. The American Loval league will hold a special , meeting at Patterson hall , Seven teenth and Farnam streets. Monday evenIng - Ing , December 19. All members are re quested to bo present. At a recent meeting the Sons of Veterans of Osceola , Neb. , elected ths following of ficers : C. . Robert McBeth : F. L. , Arthur Vanhoosen : S. L. . H. U. Webster ; F. S. , O. D Eaton ; Q. 8. , Charles C. Btull ; D. , H. U , Webster : A. , Andrew Begar. A meeting of the amusement committee of Olon Gordon No. 63 Order of Scottish Clans , will bo held Monday evening , De cember 19. to make final arrangements for the festival that will be given Wednesday evening , January 2B , to commemorate the 140th anniversary of the birth ot Robert Burns. Burns.Swift's ' Premium IS THE BEST TRY IT. DON'T TRY TO DRINK. A cose of beer In one day. Be moderate and you'll soon see beneficial results. It's nourishing and health-slvlng-that Is , tin pure kind. Adulterated beer is injurious. KRUG CABINET BEER Is made of nothing but the finest Bohemian ( Imported ) hopes mind you , NOT DO MESTIC Bohemian and the beHt selected rrmlt. Nothing else ! rnat mak'a pure liter. And the kind that has to much nourishment. You can feel yourself crow strong under Its beneficial influence. KruK Extra Palo Beer Is very light and can bo used as a bsver.iije , while Cabinet Is heavy and strong. Telephone 420. WINTER EXCURSION If sick you can find help. If crippled with rheumatism you can bo cured. If tired you need rest and th place to BO la HOi SPRINGS , SOUTH DAKOTA The expense Is less than you imagine. "The Northwsptcrn Line" has announced special excursions certain dayi Uils month at CHEAP RATES. The Evans Hotel will remain open and this and all other hotel * and boarding houses uro giving good service with low rates during the winter. Sioux City . 14.80 and corresponding reductions from other points wot. Climate. Water. Scenery and Hotels are unexcelled. Thirty days' time allowed and any agent F. . H. & W. V. R. It. , or J. H. Gable , Traveling-Passenger Agent , D nl- ton. la. , c.n tell you more about it. The next date will be DECEMBER 2O , 1808. J. R. BUCHANAN , General Passenger Ajioi.