Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1898, Part II, Page 22, Image 22

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    oo < u < 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 18 , 185)8.
Adrertlnrmcntii for these column *
vrlll he taken until lit m. for the
venlriK edition , unil until H3O | p. tn.
for morning nnil Sntidnr edition.
lint , 1 l-2o n word first ln crtlon |
lo n word thereafter. Nothing tnken
for leu * Jinii S.-e for the lint Inser
tion. Throe advertisements mait be
run coiiMrcntlvcly.
AdvcrllMcm , liy rpqaentlnn a num-
hercd rheck , cnn have nnmrrer * ad
dressed to n nnmlicred letter In care
of The lice. Aimn-cri no nddrcmied
trill he delivered on presentation of
the check only.
A STENOGRAPHER , when you want one
please call up the Remington typewriter
afllce , 1019 Farnam St. , telephone. 15.3.
A o90
SITUATION na salesman for contractors
and builders' special supplies for the
Btutcs of Iowa and Nebraska , well ac
quainted with trade. Address I Go , Bee.
t > ! U *
WANTED ? situation. In office or as collcc-
tor ; married man ; thoroughly understands
Blnglo and double-entry bookkeeping ; best
city references. Address K 7 , Hoc.all
A -all Is *
A GOOD seamstress desires work In private
family. Address K 9 , Bee oHlcc.
SALESMEN for cigars ; JUS a month and
expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces
sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , Bt. Louis , Mo.
B 190
WANTED , we have steady work for a few
peed hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. . 624 Bo. 16thi St.
B1 * * 11313
HELP. Empire Rupture Cure. 932 N. T.
Life Building. Send for circulars.
TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school.
G1S So. .VUh St. B-So6
SALESMEN to sell office specialties ; Una
sldo lines : ? 3 a day ; used by all mer
chants. X'odel Mfs. Co. , Lox B. South
Bend , Ind. B-M143 J3 *
MEN to learn barber trade. St. Louis
Barber College. Omaha. Neb. , corner
Dodge and 14th ats. Investigate this
school. A thoroughly practical Institu
tion for teaching the trade and not a
"system" or set of fake schools filled
with victims caught by advertising snares
ich as offers of situations for years , out
fits , transportation , wages , etc. Prof. S.
Randolph. B-M291 J9
"YOUNO MAN , we furnish free transpor
tation to Chicago , St. Louis' ' or Minne
apolis for any one wanting to learn the
barber trade ; also donate complete out
fit of tools and pay wages Saturdays
from start ; eight weeks completes ; po
sitions guaranteed ; have places for 300
graduates : no Janitor work or 5-cent
nhop ; an Institution where constant prac
tice , expert Instructions and lectures arc
given. Call or write while this offer Is
pood. Moler Barber College Represent
ative , 11 Crelghton block , 15th and Doug
las streets. " B M42S IS *
WANTED , assistant shorthand clerk , west
ern Nebraska town ; wages $5. Address
K 4 , Be < \ B-M497 13 *
TRAVELING salesmen to sell lubricating
ol\i \ and greases Salary or commission.
For particulars address The Eono Oil Co. ,
Cleveland. O. B M494 IS *
SALESMEN to sell perfumes , toilet soaps ,
etc. , to dealers ; $100 monthly and ex
penses ; experience unnecessary. Plumer
Perfumery Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B.
GOOD men to distribute 5,000.000 pieces adv.
matter : big wages ; Inclosn stamp. Mfrs.
Adv. Co. , Dcpt. A. E. , 114 W. 34th St. .
New York. B
WANTED , engineers and firemen send 25
cents for a. 21-page pamphlet containing
n list of questions asked by an examining
board of engineers. Address Geo. A. 55nl-
ler. bookseller. 18 S. 4th St. , St. Louis. Mo.
Mention this paper. B
WANTED , reliable men and women In
every town to work for us ; neat , steady
employment ; rood wages ; no deception ;
i\o delay ; send us your address and wo
will send you work Immediately Address
M Standard Art Mfg. Co. , 142 West 23d St. .
\ ( New York City. B
f GOVERNMENT position ? , don't prepare
i for any civil service examination without
: . seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Infor-
11 matlon ; sent free. Columbian Correspond
ence College , Washington , D. C.
B-M52S 20 *
WANTED Men to sell clothing for n largo
wholesale clothing manufacturer of Chl-
, cago. Men wanted who will devote part ,
' or all of their time , to selling goods to
the consumer. A reasonabl ? commission
t vrlll bo paid. Will not ontcr Into contract
1 unless agent Is reliable , competent and
I can furnish A No. 1 references. For
1 further particulars ! address X 2 , care Lord
' & Thomas , Chicago. B 519 18 *
WANTED , salesmen to Bell to dealers ;
, $60.00 to $125.00 monthly and expenses ; ex-
perlenco unnecessary ; write for particu
lars. Acme Cigar Co. , Chicago.
B-5CS 18 *
$5 AVORTH of fun ; light your cigar with a
pleco of Ice ; this Is the very latest and
easily done ; send lOc. W. J. Klein , Her-
culancum , Mo. B 5SO 18 *
200 TIEMAKER8for Arkansas 25 coal
miners Mlshurl , 20 railroad teamsters
Wall Lake , Iowa. Esberg , 1023 Farnam.
B-S93 18 *
WANTED , competent girl for general
housework : no other need apply ; good
salary. 4823 Davenport St. C MS70
WANTED-150 slrls. 1524 DodgeT Tel. 876.
C M556-D20
WANTED-Lady ngents In Omaha and sur-
roundlng towns to sell Priventlno nnd
Preventive Douche Syringe : best remedy
known for womnn. Call and consult our
i physician or address , In confidence. Pre-
, ventlne Medical Co. . 316 Ramge block ,
Omaha , Neb. Telephone 2270.CM733
C-M733 J28
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
118 No. 39th. C M430
i _
WANTED , Good girl ; 3 In family. Apply
( 3963 Pacific. C-509 18
i GIRL for General house work. H24 N. 26.
] C-512 19 *
' ! LADIES' and gentlemen as correspondent's
for a Now York magazine ; will not In
terfere with present business ; highest
prlcus paid ; experience not necessary ;
end stamped envelope for terms. J. H.
Wllday , Publisher , 106 Park Row , N. Y.
C-521 18 *
LADIES to embroider ; good paying , easy
work sent to your home ; addressed en
velope for sample nnd materials. Empire
Embroidery Works , 23 Duane St. , New
York Git- . C 323 IS *
MARRIED ladle-3 and glrhi to do fancy
work for us at homo ; $3.00 to $6.00 per
week ; write with stamp. The Standard
Mfg. Co. , 56 5th Ave. , Chicago.
C-522 IS *
WANTED. Woman over 25 , who can em
ploy half her time with a city firm. Ad
dress K 5 , Bee. C M530 19
. WOMEN to do plain sewing at home ; $1.60
I 1 a day ; four months' work guaranteed ;
send stamped addressed envelope tor imr-
1 tlculnrs. R. W. Hutton & Co. , Philadel
phia , Pa. C-529 18 *
LADIES can earn $10 weekly at home workIng -
Ing for me ; new plan ; no canvassing ,
darning machine or art work. Send stamp-
'd , self-addrissed envelope for application
blank and particulars. N , Dusmhery. 21
Third Ave. , N. Y. C 620-1S *
TOUNG girl , 12 to 14 years , to assist In
hounoworl ; ; can go to school. 2S24 N. 26th.
C-590 18 *
COMPETENT girl to cook and do general
housework. 313 N. 20th st. C-M657
LADIES everywhere to mall circulars , sanv
pies and copy letters at homo ; reply with
stamped envelope. Peerless Co. , Soutl :
Bend , Ind , C-564 IS *
WANTED , an American lady between 23
and 40 for special work ; must be ener
getic nud persevering and of good address ,
K 12. Bee. C-576 15 *
WANTED , reliable woman na nurse , tc
care for two aged people and do house ,
work ; small town. Mr . Frances MU
niaugh , 618 Paxton block. C M616 20 *
WANTED , competent Rlrl for general
housework. 2718 Howard at. C-M605 20
WANTED , experienced salesladies In toy
department at Boston Store. C C01 IS *
JHOICE houses and cottages all over city ;
$5 to $73. Fidelity , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life !
lOUSES-Bcnewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St.
D 7D2
IOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 151114
Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-796
JENEWA'S residence to rent. 3230 Burt.
IOUSES , stores. Bobbins , 1802 Fnrnam.
IOUSES , Chaa. E. Benson , 310 Ramge bid * .
D-M7i2 J13 *
802 OHIO St. , 9-room house all modern
except furnace : large barn. Fidelity , 1st
floor , N. Y. Life. D-SOO
miCK hotel building , In good condition ;
11 rooms. $25.00 per month. Omaha Loan
& Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D 295
"OR RENT , Dec. B , 7-room cottage In good
repair , on California st , , near 22(1 ( , $23. In
quire 506 N. Y. Life bldg. , or 607 N. 19th st.
MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 115 N. 15th.
Tel. 1496. D-M59S D22
-ROOM house ; bath ; $14.00. 314 First Na
tional Bank bldg. D 722
THE "Normandlo" and "Wlnona" apart
ment houses are now open for Inspection ;
beautiful fiats , steam heated , with shades ,
ranges , telephone , polished hard-wood
floors , walls decorated In colors to suit
tenants. Janitor services free. Strictly
first class ; references required. Fidelity
Trust Co. , agents. N. Y. Life Bldg.
li M747
TLAT for lodging or boarding house. 10th
and Jones. Inquire 1523 Jackson.D
D M264
EOYER , real estate , rentals , 22d & Cumlng.
D-SS7 D29 *
STORES , one $6.00. one $10.00.
447 S , IB , f.-r. , $20.00.
112 Nicholas , 7-r. , $15.00.
416 Langdon Court , 10 rooms , $40.00.
123 Leavcnworth. 3-r. flat , $10.00.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Doug
las Sts. D-295
roil RENT , three new , modern six-room
cottages , $20.00. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1605
Farnam St. D-M436 20
FOR RENT , 8-room house , No. 618 S. 17th
St. , 2 % squares from court house. Call
at room 300 City Halt. D 306
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam Street.
D 113
626 So. 20th St. , 8-r. , $28. 604 Bee Bldg.
D M373
. . 963 N. 27th.
3-4-6-ROOM cottages , $5.00 up.
D M850 D28 *
9-r. terrace , choice location. 604 Bee Bldsr.
S-r. detached , modern , nearby. 604 Bee Bldg.
7-r. cottage near Hanscom Pk. 604 Bee Bldg.
KOUNTZE Place house , 9 rooms and barn ,
$23. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Natl. Bank.
D-M45S 24
MODERN FLAT at 703 S. 16th St ; good re
pair. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l.
Bank Bide. D-472-18
MODERN S-room cottage. Inquire F. D.
Weal , Bifshman block. D-511 20 *
ROOM furnished houseIn exchange for
room and board for two. F. D. ,
16th and Douglas Sts. D M531 20
'OR RENT. 7-room .house , city water , cor.
21st and Clark ; $13.00. D M563 20 *
MODERN seven-room cottage with largo
yarc and stable to let. Gannett , 504 Brown
bide . D-M5S3 20 *
9-ROOM house , modern , 602 S. 35th rt. ; 9-
room house and barn , modern , 2913 Hick
ory ; 8-room house , city water , 2574 Doug
las ; 7-room fiat , 812 N. 16th. J. IT. Par-
rottc , Douglas blk. D 591 18
H17 nURT. 4 room ? , $10.00.
171S So. 26th , 7 rooms , $10.00-
831) ) So. 19th , 5 rooms , $12.00.
:703 : Mandcrson , 5 rooms , $12.60.
i709 Mandsrson , 6 rooms , $15.00.
2122 Wlrt , 9 rooms , modern , barn , $26-00.
Storeroom , 1619 Howard.
2-STORY house and barn , large hall , bath
and furnace , 1002 S. 20th avo. , $30.00.
7-roo.m houijo and barn , 2109 S. 34th St. , $20.
9-room house , hot water heat , at 1525 S. 26th
St. , $23-00. Key at 1527 , next door.
9-room house , now , all conveniences , at 1125
S. 31st St. , $40.00.
12-room house , fine premises , steam heat ,
at 1936 S. 33d St. . $30.00.
2-story house , 8 rooms. 2105 Mlama st. , $15.
7-room hou'Se. at 2533 Spruce St. , $18.00. Key
next door cast.
10-room house , modern , northwest cor 17th
and Blnney sts. . $35.00.
3-room house , 1626 N. 21st St. , $6.00.
R. C. Peters & . Co. , U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg.
D-693 18
FOR RENT , 9-room house , 1914 California.
Inquire John E. Wilbur , office Omaha
Savings bank , 13th and Douglas.D
D 61718
7-ROOM modern fiat. 1609 Howard , $18 ; 6-
room house. 4617 Chicago , $5 ; C-room cot
tage. 2572 Spauldlng , $11. T. H. Fell , 313
Brown blk. D M.60S
THREE nice rooms , housekeeping. 1112
So. llth St. E C61
WELL heated rooms , with or without
board , for families and single gentlemen ;
Franck's hotel , 320 % N. 16th St. Rates
reasonable. E 801
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319
N. 17th. E-297
STEAMHEAT rooms , $2 wk up. 2009 Harney
E-M739 D26 *
ROOMS $1 and up per week. 1321 Douglas.
E M761 D26
ROOM for gentleman ; ref. req. 1910 Cap. nv.
E-MSS1 D29
MODERN brick , warm rooms , $1.50 up. 614
N 19th. E-M938 D 28 *
PLEASANT furnished rooms. 624 So. 26th
Ave. E 925 J2 *
FRONT rooms. 25S4 Harney. E M464 21 *
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St.
Mary's. E-M469 18 *
NICELY furnished front rooms , well
heated , all conveniences ; rate reasonable.
Ill So. 18th Btr. E-M484 18 *
3 DESIRABLE rooms , private family. 2412
Dodgo. E-M493 19 *
FURNISHED rooms , modern. 62m S. 19 Bt.
E M505 18 *
FOR RENT , Nicely furnished rooms : steam
heat. 2313 Douglas St. E-M532 20 *
PLEASANT , largo and small , warm rooms :
all conveniences ; board If desired. 1713
Chicago st. E-M556 20 *
THE whole or part of one floor , furnished
for housekeeping. 2C03 Dodge st.
E-M618 19 *
LARGE front room , suitable for two or
three ; good heat , gap , bath , $12 month.
620 N. 19th. E-619 18 *
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen ; all
conveniences ; reasonable. 2033 Farnam.
E-609 18 *
VERY modern , for 2 or 4 gents. 820 8.18th.
E-603 20 *
FURNISHED room , steam heat , suitable
for one or two gentlemen. 707 16th st. ,
top floor. E 697 18 *
FRONT room , nicely furnished , warm ,
quiet , flrst-classi In every way. S036 Far
nam. E-699 18 *
TAKE down that "For Sale" or "For Rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window tn a month ; and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F C5
THE MERRIAM. first class family hotel.
25th and Dodge Sts. F-02
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
bath , $1,50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , 16th and Webster Sta. F-MS03
DESIRABLE ; private family. 2565 St.
Mary's avenue. F C32 D24 *
HOT water heat , all Improvements. 212 B. 25.
F-M110 JS *
ROOMS AND BOARD. One or two nicely
furnished rooms with board ; all modern
conveniences ; on car line near Han Boom
park. I 61. Bee. F-U292
( Continued. )
PRIVATE parties , owning brick 2 blocks
north of Hanscom Park , will rent 2 large
front rooms well furnished and heated to
two slnglo gentlemen ; first class 6 o'clock
dinner If desired ; references. Box I 69 ,
Bee. F-M378
NEWLY decorated , heat , gas , homo table.
1512 Davenport. F-M468 19
ANGE HOTEL , 604 S. 13 ; best family hotel
In city ; modern ; steam heat. F I77-J14
BOARD and room , $4.50 up : steam heat.
Pracuo Hotel , 13th and Williams.
Board & room , $3.50. Mr. Jeas , 1718 Williams.
F-M601 JIG *
NICELY furnished southeast front room ;
private family. 702 South JTtti st.
st.F507 2G
VERY desirable rooms with board. Terms
reasonable. 120 South 25th street.
street.F615 23 *
NICELY furnished front room , with alcove ,
near town ; well heated ; bath ; gas ; first-
class board ; also single room , Address
K 8 , Bee. F-631 IS *
ROOM and board , with private family ;
modern house. 2106 Locust , F M5.13 21 *
FOR gentlemen , walking distance , near
Farnam car , modern. I 3 ? , Be .
THREE rooms , 708 South 17th street.
G M265 J8
2 OR 3 Warm rooms. 608 North 13th.
G 455 IS *
FOR HENT. two. three or four unfurnished
rooms. 2601 Dodge st. G 611 18 *
3-STORY and basement brick store build
ing , 1003 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National Bank building. I-MS03
U. S. Nat'l B'k Bldg. . $8 up , and 310 So.
12th ; Mcrch. Nat'l bldg. Inq. 604 Bee bldg.
WE have permanent work for men. women
and girls at good wagei. Hlxenbaugh &
Co. , top floor Ware block. J M503
AGENTS , start a mall order business at
home ; $30 weekly If you follow our In
structions. Write for particulars. Bum-
ner Mfg. Co. , Hartlngton , Neb. , Lock
Box 22. J M460 la *
AGENTS WANTED , portrait agents every
where ; quit "crayona ; " try washable en-
amcllnes ; no glass ; don't rub ; cheap ; par
ticulars. Family Portrait Co. , Chicago.
J 189-18 *
AGENTS on salary or commission ; the
greatest ngents' seller ever produced ;
every user of pen and Ink buys It on
sight ; 200 to 600 per cent profit ; one
agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days ;
another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg.
Co. . X 16 , La Crosse , Wls. J-M49G 18 *
WE DO not want boys or loafers to write
us , but men of ability , $200 to $800 per
month ; salesmen and general agents ;
salary or commission. Racine Fire Engine
Co. , limited , Racine , Wls. J
STREET men and agents make $5.00 to $7.00
per day selling Japanese Transparent
Photo Pocket Mirrors ; a picture hidden
from all eyes except your own ; sample ,
10 cents. G. S. Terry Mfg. Co. , 18 W ,
Randolph St. , Chicago. J
SCHEMES and fakes. A new book for the
agent , mall order man and fakir. Post
paid 25 cts. C. D. Varel Publishing Co. ,
Dept. 40 , Racine , Wls. J
LARGE profits to you , selling Indispensable
office specialties ; postal scale ; stapling
machine ; check perforators. Wesley Mfg.
Co. , Times Bldg. , New York. J
AGENTS wanted for our new styles of
Roman gold clocks , Onyx tables and nov
elties. W. M. Friedman & Co. , manufac
turers , Martlnsburg , Mo. J
AGENTS , just out , Beau Ideal handker
chief holder ; thousands of ladles waiting
for agents to bring It to their notice ;
sample 15c. Greater Novelty Co. , 312
Willis Ave. , New York. J-C26 IS *
$23.00 PER week easily made by good hust
ling ngents of either sex : new article of
merit used In every household , store- fac
tory or office. Write for particulars or
Hand 15 ct'i for sample by mall. Perfect
Chemical Co. , 3527 Grand Boul. , Chicago ,
111. J-525 18 *
RELIABLE man to handle ngents for tele
phone tablets and specialties ; pays $3.000
n year ; Inclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co. ,
Cleveland , Ohio. J-624 18 *
AGENTS. $8.36 dally , selling nickel-plated
Brilliant Gaslight Burners ; fits kerosene
lamps ; no chimney : cheapest llgh known ;
free sample. A 92 , Enterprise Mfg. Co. ,
Cincinnati. O. J 536 18 *
$7.00 DAILY , selling specialty soap ; sample
outfit free. Leas * Soap Co. , Cincinnati , O.
J 535 18 *
ONLY perfect bath cabinet ; latest patent ;
greatest seller. R. M. Irwln , Nashville ,
TennSt. . Louts , Mo. J 512 IS *
AGENTS , big money selling our fireproof
home and buslnesn safes : $73.40 cleared one
day by new agent ; capital or experience
unnecessary : write for special terms and
catalogue. Alpine Safe Co. , Cincinnati.
J-511 18 *
PARTIES wishing a "fate agency for a
practical fuel saving device will do well to
address J. G. Coleman , Corning , Iowa.
J-539 IS *
AGENTS to sell our lace curtains on easy
payments. Ormond Co. , dept. 53 , Chicago ,
III. J-591 18 *
AOENTS-$150 monthly selling Marvel
Waterproof Shoo Polish ; every person
buys : If you need good wages write for
valuable free samples and circular. Holla-
day & Co , , 182 Dearborn St. , Chicago.
J-563 IS *
AGENTS WANTED. "S. S. " guaranteed to
exterminate and drive every rat and
mouse from any house or place within
three days : not poison , nor will It kill or
harm anything but rats and mice ; great
est money maker ever handled by agents ;
boys and girl ? make $12 to $15 weekly :
write quick for terms and territory ; wo
also want hustlers to take state agency.
S. S. Mfg. Co. , Chicago. 111. J-5G7 IS *
ROOM In some building where I can work
for payment of same. Thomas O'Connor ,
318 S. 12th st K 518 23 *
6-ROOM modern house. K 13 , Bee.
K-692 18 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 1559.
IF YOU ore In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they wilt
bring you what you want. N S67
OMAHA school and city warrants wanted.
R , C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l bank bldg.
N 574
STAMP collections bought and sold. Mor-
tenson. 404 N. 16th. N-M914 D30
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In large or 'mall quantities. Chicago Fur
niture Co. Tel , 2020 , 1400-8-10 Dodge.
N-M1I8 J3
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash.
Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnam.
BEST and cheapest stoves and furniture
sold at small profits ; highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th.
$10.000 WORTH furniture. Transmlsslsslppl
furniture store , cor. 16th & Davenport.
WANTED , span good mules weighing 700
or 800 ; must be cheap for each. Address
914 North 20th st. , S. Omaha.
N M492 IS *
WANTED , three to five acres Improved
land with fruit trees on. Marlon A.
Harvey , Plerson , Woodbury Co. . Iowa.
N-M493 18 *
SECONDHAND safe. Address K C. Bee.
N-M543 20 *
FIXTURES for real estate ofllco cheap for
cash ; also sideboard. fXH Bee bldg ,
, GENTS clothing bought. 307 S. 17th vtreet.
I N-558 J17
( Continued. )
WANTED , to buy for cash , fuir lot. with
small house : must be located between
16th and 19th at. Inclusive and north of
Dodge st. ; lot must be large and deep ,
with alley If possible ; trend full descrip
tion at once to K11 , Bee otilce.
N-678 27 *
FOR SALE , a snap bargain If taken within
6 days ; furnlturo and complete outfit 5-
room cottage , nothing reserved , \4 cost ;
privilege rent of cottage ; party going to
California ; price $ S3.00. 4S07 N. 24th st.
O-M498 18 *
HOUSEHOLD furniture. Apply 116 North
26tll St. O00 19 *
PLAIN box , four-hole Garland cook stove ,
In good condition , cheap. 610 North 17th
street. O-610 IS *
FOR SALE , cheap , high-grade oak bed
room set , oak sideboard nnd six chairs.
Inquire bet. 2 and 3 p. m. Tuesday , at 1938
S. 33d st. O-600 IS *
SAWDUST ; hardwood cribbing and hog
fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St.
SHERWtN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1313
Dodge atrcot , Omaha. Q 812
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. , Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mal1 or express promptly fllUd.
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; nil wire ; Is
best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney.
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.8 for 5 cents , at
druggists ; one gives relief. ( J--815
TOYS , dolls , every variety of Christmas
goods : all new , cheap. T. Murray. 18th
and Harncy. Q 439DU *
BUY and sell 2nd hand safes. Tel. 752.
Q-M5GO D21 *
2 sewing machines. JIarowltz , 418 N. 16.
GENERAL store In live Iowa railroad
town within 30 miles of Omaha ; $30,000
annual cash sales ; 1,000 population ; $8,000
stock : splendid opportunity. Bemls , Paxton -
ton blk. , Omaha. Q-M275
FOR BALE , cheap , a fine double sleigh : also
a pair of strong bobs. Apply at 607 North
19th street. Q-M397
2ND-hand saf cheap. Derlght , 1116 Far'm.
A FINE upright piano for cheap. 27G2
Grant St. Q-M467 IS
WHAT am I offered for almost hew Voso
piano ? K 3. Bee. Q-4SS 18
NOTICE. Woolf Zacharla will reopen as
soon as secures another building. Res.
827 S. 24. Q-MS87 F24
WATCHES. Jawelry , cut glass , beautiful
figures , art china , at Hubermann's , 13th &
FOR SALE , Two young thoroughbred Jer
sey cows ; fresh and all right : will sell
at bargain. Hart. 63d and Center Sts.
G-M538 19 *
FOR SALE. Cherry bark counter ; steel
chest ; large siife , with ftecl chest ; vault
front. Address Button Exchange Bank ,
Button. Neb. Q M537 la *
FOR SALE , one of the largest and oldest
laundries In Chicago ; will pay 35 per cent
on Investment : prosperous In every way ;
will stand fullest Investigation ; corre
spondence Invited. Address O 33 , care
Lord & Thomas , Chicago. Q 561 IS *
REPAIRS nnd parts for every machine
manufactured. Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and
Harney. Q-M573 20
FINE upright piano cheap. 214 8. 18th. opp.
City Hall. . Q-M603 24
FOR SALE or rent , one 2-fire hotel range
and carving table. M. J. Frank , Midland
hotel. R-S16
NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand
furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices
by carload lo's or lers. Chicago Furniture
Co. . 140C-8-10 Dodge. R876 J5
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Cc. cleans cess
pools , privy vaults at reduced prices ; dead
horses & cows removed free. 621 N. 16th.
R M964 J2 *
Tenn. A couple of hundred dollars In
vested In a vineyard , orchard or truck
farm will bring you a large annual In
come for life ; high healthy location , easy
terms. Call or write. S. E. Ockcrlund &
Co. , 69 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111.
R E339 18 *
SECOND-HAND Singer sewing machines ,
$5 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney.
R-M574 20
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge.
8 M14S J3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th.
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411
Howard. S-M461
ANOTHER wonderful seance will be held
at Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by
Milton , the medium , Sunday night at S
p. m. ; skeptics , scoffers nnd know-alls
especially Invited ; collection , lOc ; private
sittings dally ; all affairs of life , buslncxs
and disease ; satisfaction or no charge.
Materializing seances Wednesday and Fri
day evenings. 1623 Dodse , cor. 17th
Hours. 9 a. m. to S p. m. ; open Sundays
same hours ; readings by mall.SM500
S-M500 IS
FULNESS are the proclivities of the re
nowned MME. GYLMEH. The fact of her
having been In Omaha 2 yrs. without a
dls.oatlslled patron verifies the above
statement. MME. GYLMER docs not post-
as u gypsy , but she guarantees satisfac
tion or no charge. Proplo who ure In-
vmtlgatlng palmistry should patronize a
palmist who la permanently located and
ono whom you can know to be refined.
Mmo. Gylmer Is highly educated and has
thoroughly mastered palmistry and has
yet to fall to convince a single patron that
such Is true. Hours , 9 to 7:00 : ; Sundavs ,
10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Parlors 1C03 Dodge , So.
side , opp. n w P. O. Send $1 and six ques
tions answered. S 570 IS
Is In Omaha for a few days only. She
has been In all the principal cities of U.
S. , also many foreign cities. She Is here
by special request. Juanlta Is of Gypsy
parentage , born In 1S70.
Although she never went to school she
could read and wrlto at the age of 4
years. From that period her great gift of
SEEING , that I ? , predicting future events ,
became developed , and sh ? Is now the
most wonderful woman on the face of the
Besides bolng endowed with the remark
able gift peculiar to her race she
has made Palmistry a life study. She
has studied under Sir Henry Onequl. Prof.
Germain and graduated under PROF.
CHEIRO. the World's Greatest Palmist.
Juanlta Is a lady of unusual refinement
and Is recognized as such by the leading
citizens of. the various cities she has vis
Juanlta can be consulted dally at her par
lors , 212 N. 17th. Hours-9 a. m. to 9
P. m. ; Sunday * , 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Prlcts 60o and up. S 191 19
EDNA E. LONG , the well known spiritual
medium , has organized a society In
science. Those Interested In natural
science and mental theropentlcs are cor
dially Invited. Class meet * Wednesdays
nnd Saturdays of each week , at S07 N.
20th. S-572 J17
MME. SMITH. Room 2 , 11S& N. 15th St.
T-B3Q D24 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203
Douglas block. T-MSC8 J9
CABINET batha and massage. 1411 Howard.
FLORENCE WINTERS , massage ana
baths. 119 N. ICth , R. 12 , upstairs.
T--M579 D22 *
MRS. F , WINTERS , massage and baths.
119 N , 16th , R. 12 , upstairs.
T-M579 D22 *
MME. AMES , R. 5 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths ;
attendant. T-4S6 J1S *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; reatful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstulr * . T-662 J17
V1AVI la woman's way to health. 3lfi Bee
Bldg. U-MS9S
TEETH should not be neglected , but given
prompt attention. Sen Dorward , dentist ,
K. 4 , Cont'l blk. , 15 & Douglns. Tel. 110.
U-S62 D2X
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba ,
and another of the entire West Indie ? ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , Ban
Doming'1 ! Martinique , and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee
olllcc. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. U &CS
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during confinement ; babies ndopttd ; ex
perienced pliyclclans In attendance. 1138
N. 17th St. . Omaha. U-S1S
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths.
Now Hygienic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
Tel. 1716. U-S19
TALENTED lady amateurs will be given
an opportunity to appear In high-class
local production ; those who sing and
dance preferred. Address K 15. Bee.
U-615 IS *
BATHS , massage. Mmc. Post , SlD'i H. 15th.
BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co !
U-600 D22
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , law
yers , undergraduates can noon graduate.
Box 196 , Chicago. U-M6GO D23 *
LADIES , If you can't tell a doctor your
troubles , address box 89 , Omaha. Neb.
U S1654 D23
RUPTURE CURED. Empire Rupture Cure.
932 N. Y. Life Building , Omaha ; circulars
rent. U-726
THE Corresponding Matrimonial club has
attractive list of members ; marriages sat
isfactorily arranged ; write for particular ! ! .
Stamp. 1701 Webster. Allle Tunioy.
U M53S D19
LACR Curtains cleaned : all work guaran
teed ; references. I. Ztcgler , 1SOS California.
U-975-J2 *
MME PAYNE removes superfluous hair ,
facial blemishes by electricity. Hairdressing -
dressing , manicuring parlors , 2301 Leaven-
worth. Tel. 1S63. U-156 J5
WANTED , white cake walkers , lady and
gentlemen amateurs ; free Instruction. Call
535 Paxton bldg. today or any evening
during week. . U 614 IS *
A DRESSMAKER , who can cut and fit ,
would like sewing In private families.
Address or call , Room 8 , 1623 Dodge st.
U-M179 18 *
LEIBEN , cosiumer , 1313 Howard : cata
logues sent. U 487
DR. SPRINGTEENS M. R. Remedies for
women ; Omaha-testimonials ; nurses' reg
ister here. Sprlngteen Med. Co. , Branch
office723 N. Y. L. Bulldlnff. U 517 IS *
LADIES , call at our office and see the
bowl remedy for women. Lady attendant.
Telephone 2270. Preventlne Medicine Co , ,
316 Ramge Block. U
THOSE ugly hairs on face , etc. , perma
nently destroyed or monsy refunded ;
complete cure only $3. Physicians For
mula Co. , Box 2126 , Station A , Philadel
phia , Pa. U
A. NUDE art. taken from nature ; 16 beau
tiful colored pictures , nil nude , 23c.
French Art Co. , 219 S. 6th St. , Philadel
phia. U
TALL , handsome , stylish lady , 25 , elocu
tionist , artist , musician , highest family ,
fnr'al Mand'ng. ' not poor ; will marry
genial gentleman. True Companion. Box
9 , 30 Lexington Ave. , N. Y. U-C18 IS *
AMATEUR nnd Juvenllo cake walkers In
tending to compete for prize medals at
Volled Prophet ? ball and cake walk leave
name at 633 Paxton bldg. U 613 18 *
HITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ;
babies * adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha.
Tel. 2234. U-M547 J17
YATES , the healer , Shenandoah , la. , will
curu you of any disease In your own
home without a dose of medicine. Par
ticulars free. U 546 18 *
ORPHAN has $5,000 annually , but lacks a
protector : would marry honorable mana
ger. Country Maid , No. 209 E. 51st St. ,
N. Y , U 515 18 *
ORPHAN children ; home wanted for two
orphan girls , slstere , ages 8 and 11 , to
r"mnln together. Child Saving Institute ,
604 So. ISth St. U-M5II 19 *
COLEMAN'S combined stove damper nnd
ventilator , will save Its price In ono
mouth or less. For particulars write J.
G. Coleman , Patentee , Corning. Iowa.
U-510 IS *
SECOND-HAND Singer sewing machine ,
first-class condition cheap for cash. Neb.
Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. U M573 20
LADIES , send 4 cents In stamps for our
book and find out all about yourself : ex-
n'nlnfi evervthlnir fully. Provcntlne Medi
cine Co. , 316 Ramgo blk. , Omaha , Neb.
U-571 J17
I WANT an envelope , self-addressed , and
I'll tell you how to euro drunkenness
without patient's knowledge ; don't send
money. Mrs. Mary Hnwklns. Grnnd
Rapids , Mich. . Lock Box 131 , E. T. U
WANTED , lady to do halrdre. slng , mani
curing ; also assistant In bath parlors.
Mrs. Porter , Douglas blk. U-5S2 18 *
RESERVE balcony swts ( without extra
charge ! for Veiled Prophets ball and < * ako
walk , December 31. Apply Crelditon h'i | | ,
U-612 IS *
FEMALINE , the famous female remedy ,
nevfr falls to make permanent euros ;
send for sample and circulars. State De
partment , 1C10 Davenport St. ; Mrs. J. B.
WcbPlrr , manager. U 601 IS *
WANTED Choice farm and city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$100,000.00 special fund to lonn on flrt-f-class
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 122
5V4 per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W S2I
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Farnam St. W-S25
MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown block.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th.
FIFTY million : cheap eastern money for
western Investment : responsible agents
wanted. Investors' Directory , N. Y.W .
W 669
"WRITE us If you want a loan on your
farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis-
Blourl ; U will pay you. Anthony Loan He
Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. W-S26
$100 and up. F. D. Wead , 16 & Douglas.
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Bronnan-Lovp Co , ,
219 S. 16th street. Omaha. W-M427
$10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In any amounts.
305 SOUTH 15TH.
NAM STS. TEL. 2293. X-M71S
MONEY loaned on furniture , rigs , bicycles ,
diamonds and watches on payments ; un
known to friends. Hergers , 309 Brown
blk. . 16th and Douglas. X-S34
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C.F.Reed , 319 8. 13.
holding permanent positions with respon
sible concerns upon their own name , with *
out Eecurlty ; oisy payments. Tolman , R.
70 . N. Y. Life Bldg. X-t.32 .
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
Jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room S , Barker blk. X i33
DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas ; unre
deemed diamondswatcher , etc. , sold cheap.
PIONEER Homo1 for rent. 318 B. 12th ; largo
Inquire on premises. Y 424 IS *
FIRST-CLASS meat market , good reason
for selling. Inqulro 2403 Leavenworth.
' Y-43219 *
_ _ _
THE manufacturers of a typewriter of
established reputation have an opening
for man as manager of grneral agency In
your city. Previous experience not re
quired. Salary $ COO per yuar and good percentage
centago additional. Must have $600 cash
to carry slock of machines. No bond ac
cepted. Address "Secretary , " 358-361 Dearborn -
born St. , ChluaKO , 111. Y
YOU can make money quick with small
risk In wheat , stocks and cotton ; we have
never lost a cent for a customer , nor
called for additional margin ; profits paid
on demand ; open an account with IB nnw
and double your money In a week ; wrlto
for free udvlce C. E. Mackey & Co. , a
Wall St. , New York. Y
FOR RENT , clear creek roller mills , ca
pacity. 60 bbls. ; water power ; house , bam ,
etc. , nearly new. R , B. Kummer , Colum
bus , Neb. Y 549 IS *
FIRE Ins. ngt. desk room , telephone , etc. ,
In bank b'ld'g ; cheap ; can turn some
business. Inq , 601'Bco bldg. Y M4S2
TO EXCHANGE 200-ocro grain and fruit
farm In Wright Co. , Mo. , near Hortvlll ,
choice land , well Improved , good frame
house , 4 acres orchard , all clear ; price
$1,000. Also a choice 120-acr ; farm In
Howell county , Mo. , well Improved , all
choice smooth rich soil ; price $ J.OOO ; clear.
Titles from government. Will trade
cither one or both for good farm In east
ern Nebraska or Iowa. Give description.
Address owner , A. Pertz , 712 McOeo St. ,
Kansas City , Mo. Z 530 IS *
MILLINERY stock and fixtures , Invoice
$1,250.00 ; exchange for farm , city realty or
furnished house or flat. Box 367. Teka-
mah , Neb. Z 551-1S *
FOR EXCHANGE , clear vacant lot , 61x130
feet , on grade In good locality , for six-
room house nnd lot , western part of city
preferred ; will pay cash or assume small
mortgage for difference. Address for full
particulars , K 10 , Bne ofllco. 55 577 27 *
HOUSES , lots , forms , lands , loans ; also
flro Insurance. Bctnls , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to s'cll ? Now Is th
time ( o dispose of them : let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RK-S60
BARGAINS in houses. Iota , farms ; sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opposite old P. O.
RE S37
Dcslraljlo business and residence prop
erty. Improved nnd unimproved , also
acres near South Omaha for sole.
Potter and George Company. 1601 Farnam
St. RE-M908 D30
HERE Is a phenomenal bargain 2 lots , 33
ft. front by the usual depth on 22d at. ,
near Clark , eaat front , on grade , for $550.
These lota are within walking distance of
the U. P. and Mo. Pacific shops and rail
way tracks , P. O. , depots , etc. They
originally sold for $1,600 each. The- owner
must have money and Instructs us to sell
them at once for $ .550 each , $50 cash and
$10 per month. We will furnish the
money for building on either of these lota
to a purchaser.
Fidelity Trust Co. , New York Life.
FOR SALE , a bargain. One of the most
desirable and highly Improved stock
farms In the state ; 240 acres , located
within one mile of Beatrice , In a high
state of cultivation , with largo orchard ,
tame grass , and all under fence. $5,000.00
residence , large barns and cribs , hog
house , system of water works , scales , etc.
Must bo sold within the next sixty days.
An offer of $20,000.00 has been declined for
the property. Can be purchased now for
a fraction of the above. Address F. H.
Myers , Box No. 25 , Omaha ,
RE M463 18 *
FOR fine alfalfa ranch lands in California
and cheap homes address J. A. Klng-sbury ,
Perrls , Riverside county. California.
RE-M466 24
$1,500 buys 2 house * and largo lot K milt
south Union depot. F. D. Wead , 16th &
Douglas. RE 17C-21
PRICES 20 yearn ago
4S feet E. & S. front , 24th and Davenport ,
paving tax all paid , for $1,000.
50 feet , E. & N. front , 24th and Chicago.
$1.000 ; five-room cottage and lot , south of
ally , on 24th , between Davenport and Chi
cago. $1,100 ; 2 33 feet lots , east fronts , south
of above , at $630 each.
Lot 31x140 , on Dodge , west of 26th street ,
for $630.
A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE > 513 18
BARGAIN ; offer ; 7-room house and
lot ; Inquire on premises. 2415 Emmctt.
RE-M437 20
FOR SALE , or trade for Omaha residence ,
vicinity Hnnscom Park , 940 acres well Im
proved land in Shelby county , Missouri.
For particulars write or call on John T.
Frederick , room 225 , Exchange Bldg. ,
South Omaha. RE 490 20
FOR SALE , five-acre tract , with house ,
barn , fruits , etc. , or will rent after Feb. 1.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam st.
RE-M499 26 *
TWO fine lots north end 24th street car line ,
near new car hou'c , $375 each If taken by
Wednesday. Double corner near Walnut
Hill line. $180. Ono acre close , $150. Five
acre tract , 19 acres Improved nnd set to
fruit , 15 acres on paved street , all In
fruit. For anything In real estate come
and see ms. Lyman Waterman. N. Y.
Life. RE 354-18 *
FOR SALE 320 acres highly Improved
farm , four miles from Grceley ( county
seat of Grceley county. Nebraska ) ; one
half mils from church and first-class
school ; price $30 per acre ; peyments rea
sonable ; Investigate this. Joseph J. Kelly ,
120 North 12th street , Lincoln. Neb.
RE-553-18 *
FOR SALE-43 feet on jpOth , paved street ,
near Center $000
Eight-room house nnd lot , 25th and Hamil
ton $3,000
Fifteen acres , well Improved , close In.$2,623
$3.000 to $10.000 cash and clear vacant prop
erty for Improved Inuilness property.
10 acres west of city , with good Improve
ments , for house and lot.
John W , Robblns , 1S02 Farnam Street.
5-ROOM housn , full lot. Central park , $250 :
5-rooni house , full lot , 30th and Llnd"ny
ave. , $430 ; 5-room house , full lot , S029
Emmelt. cheap , $700 ; 5-room house , mod
ern , 1703 Mnuderson , bargain , $1,100 ; ! )
room house and barn. 1914 Oak , $1.800 ; 9-
room hous ? , modern , 4315 Farnam. $2,000 : 9-
room IIOUHO and barn , 502 S25th , $3,500.
J. H. Parrotte , Douglas blk. RE-690 18
MAKE an offer for lot 4 , block 5. Shull's 21 ;
10-room house and 6-room cottage ; must
be sold. J. H. Parrotte , Douglas blk . 16th
and Dodge. RE-595 18
NEAR 26th nnd Burdette , 6-r. liouTe. $ SOO.OO.
On Corby. paved street. 6-r. house , one blk ,
from car line , cheap , $1,500-00.
Near Hanscom park , on paved street , nice
home. $1.000.00 , and good cottage and 60-ft.
lot. $3.200.00.
Kountzo Place , modern house , 8 rooms ,
Walnut Hill , elegant place. $3.000.00 ; alto
good 7-r. house and 6ft-ft. lot , $ moa
Vacant corner , 60-ft. , paved streets , near
Hanscom park , decided bargain , price
Lot. paved street , near park , $1,000.00 ; an
other $700.00.
Near Llth nnd Lake largo lot. $33000.
fl-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4012 Izard.
THREE good lots. 1 block from Walnut
Hill car terminus. $100 fnrh ; 17 outside
lots , $10 each , or all for $550 : best corner
this side Hanscom park , $1.00Q ; several
good well locatnl houm-s. $1,000 ; one as
low as $330. Stringer , 1712 Farnam nt.
RE-566 IS *
$4.500 buys modern residence near Went
Farnam : cost , $ S,000 : large lot ; the best
bargain In the city. Enquire D. C. Patter-
on. Hi-M55i
( Continued. )
FOR SALE , good 160-acro form three mile *
north and ono mlle west of Hamburg , In
Fremont county , lowu ; 75 acres In culti
vation ; small house and Improvements ;
now , rich land ; prlco $30.00 per acre ; It
deilrM will divide the quarter section Into
SO-acro farms.
Wilt take Omaha , South Omaha or Council
Bluffs city property In part imymcnt or
will take $ SUO.OO worth In good , strontr
work horses nt fair valuation ; balance
purchase money tn annual payments , long
Apply to Leonard Everett , Alt y-al-law ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa. RE M3SS 24
A CHOICE Investment , int do property ,
.veil Improved , steady Income , $1SOO per
annum ; must bo sold ; only $15,000.
Finn residence- , Hnnscom Place , water ,
sewerage and gas , tUono sidewalk , only
Nice lot , east front on 19th near Leavcn
worth ; nice 8-room house ; ale good 4-
room cottage , rental $ ISO per annum , for
Good 6-room cottage , only $950.
Gilt-edged property on Farnam street ,
rental $ ltn ) , price $16,000.
Big lot , with two cottages , near Hunstora
Dark , rental J3f,0 , prlru $3.250.
Cheap land adjoining Omaha :
6 acres , for poultry place , $630.
10 acres , 5 blocks from motor , $1,750.
40 acres , adapted for sheep ft-odlng , $4,400.
40 acres , rk-ijant fruit farm. $3,000.
SO acres , farm , macadamized street , $5,200.
Hicks Real Estate Co. , 325 Board of Trado.
RE 602 18 *
FOR SALE , cheap , nice cast front lot In
Glses' add , near 24th st. ; also lot In Ames
Place add , close to oxpoMtlon grounds ; 5
lots In Pullman Plaeo , South Omaha.
These lots will be offered for one week at
exceptionally low figures. Many other
bargains. J. A. Lovgren , 942 N. 'Y. Life
bldfr. RK-579 27 *
RUSSET leather grip , containing miscel
laneous surgical Instruments , vaccine , etc.
Returner rewarded. Dr. W. H , Christie ,
Room 43 & 49 , Barker Block.
Lost-M503 18
LOST , Friday , Roman striped ribbon belt
with gold and blue unamel buckle ; ( largo
fleur-de-lis on It ) . Kindly return to this
office. Ix > at-610 19 *
LOST , Between 22d and Douglaa streets ,
and 16th and Fnrnam streets , aeal Boa.
Return to 2209 Douglas , and receive suit
able reward. Lost SIS 19
LOST , in vicinity and within five blocks of
29th and Leavenworth. a lady's gold
watch ; reward at 1034 S. 29th at.
Loat-581 18 *
LOST , dark bay mare. 4 yearn old , white
ntar in forehead , 1,000 pound * ; return to
306 Woolworth ave. Ohrl . Tautkus.
Lost-M584 !
LOST , dark sable collie pup dog , 2 month !
old : white on breast , toea , mouth and
neck. Forgan , 2707 H at. , So. Omaha.
Lost-S60 18
RUPTURE CURED. Empire Rupture Cur
932 N. Y. Life building , Omaha ; circular !
sent. 727
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
-139 J3
PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dis
eases ; no poisons used. 1711 Vlnton street ,
Omaha. M426 27
LADIES ! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) arc the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
by return mall : at druggists. Chlchcstcr
Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.
VANSANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night
school from Sept. 20. 833
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglaa.
SHORTHAND. Up-to-dat * . taught by court
reporters. Boyle's School , 403-E-7 Bee bldg.
SHORTHAND , private instruction , lady
teacher. SOS N. 42d. 366 18 *
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St. ; telephone 12S4. 841
WE rent and sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far
nam. 842
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies. 1619 Farnam St. 843
21st & L avenworth , $3. Inq. 604 Bee Bldg.
CHAMBERS' Dancing Academy , Crelghton
Theater Bldg. Now open. Hall for rent
on disengaged dates. 407 D 17
MR. AND MRS. MORAND'B. 1510 Harney
St. , glide waltz and 2-step guaranteed , $5 ;
superior methods ; quick results ; assem
blies every Wednesday at 8 p. m. , 25c ; or
chestra ; latest novelties & Dewey 2-step :
new claraes for beginners , chllldren and
adults now forming ; call ; always open.
MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S. 1610 Harney ;
private and clasa lessons ; assemblies
Wednesdays , 8:30 : p. m. ; 25c. Call for
terms. Always open. 508 J16
M. G. Byers Is lo bo at the Palace Sta
bles , 17th and Davenport streets , Omaha ,
on Monday and Tuesxlay , December 1
nnd 20 , to buy stylish , sound horseu , 15 > 4
to 16V4 hands hlgn , 5 to 9 years old , for
driving and carriage use ; best market
prices paid. N-M409 19 *
DOLLS FORM IP UP TO $7.50. Magic lan
terns. 19c up to $7.50. Slightly soiled dolls ,
worth up to $1,60. choice 25c. Steam en
gines , 45c up to $4.60. All kinds of toys ,
games , blocks and gents' furnishings.
210 N. 16th st.
M209 22
EAGLE loan office , 1211 Douglas ; oldest es-
tabllshod , most reliable , accommodating ;
business confidential ; selling $40,000 stock
unredeemed diamonds ; big bargains.
MONEY loaned at 6 per cent. B. Wolf , 520
S. 10th. 260
FRENCI. ' , German , Spanish. $2 per month.
Prof. C\atelaln , 301 Boyd theater.
6S2 D22
MME. LAHURE , Parisian. Teaches French
language and literature. Wlthnell Blk. , 16
& Harnoy. -v94 D22
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619.
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , ftr. $09
SKATES sharpened and plated , Omaha
Plating Co. , 1302 Farnam , under U. P.
office. 324
HELP furnished to all who employ labor
and positions procured for everybody who
wants work. Tel. 1112 ; office , 119 N. 16th.
-144 J3
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. . oak. hickory -
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13th & Calif.
W. COY , removed to 1716 St , Mary's ave.
II 871
TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room.
! , ° ° J'er wepk , : Kn- steam heat and baths !
Ninth and Farnam Sts. 573
v. ;
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand planog
always on hand. u. Bommcr , 321 Bo. 10th.