OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUXE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SATURDAY MOKNJXGDECEM15E11 17 , 1898 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEXTS. KILLING CHRISTIANS Chinese Babels Continue to Do a Thriving Basinets in That Line , FIVE THOUSAND OF THEM RUN AMUCK They An Determined to Bid the Empire of All Foreigners , PROPOSE TO STAMP OUT CHRISTIANITY Twenty Thousand Native Believers Already Rendered Homeless , SIXTY-TWO LIVES HAVE BEEN TAKEN Bevornl European Mlloiinrlc * Are AIOOIIK Tlione AVI HI lint c Ilccn ain * acred Two of the Victims , Catholic * , Lone Their Head * . TACOMA , Dec. 16. The steamer Empress ft Ii.dla brings news from Chung King , China , via Shanghai , that business Is still paralyzed throughout the western province of Szechuen because of the depredations of Yumantze and his band of 5,000 rebels who are thoroughly disciplined and wear a uni form , having for Its distinguishing feature the Chinese character , meaning "Avenge. " They are determined to rid China of all foreigners and stamp out the Christian re ligion. There are 6,000 Catholic refugees In Chi Kung , and the property destroyed by the rebels Is estimated at 60,000,000 taols. During their raids they have rendered 20- 000 people , mostly native Christians , home less , and sixty-two lives have been taken , Including several European missionaries. Yumantze recently beheaded two Catholic missionaries , which the city of Yuln Clumn gave up to him as hostages. He offered them their lives If they would renounce their religion. They refused , J. Fleming , an English missionary , has been killed by natives and soldiers at Tslng Ping. Franco demands 5,000,000 taels damage for the destruction of th ; French , missionary property. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 16. On board the Gaelic , which arrived from the Orient to day , was Rev. If. W. White , a missionary. lie brings news of a terrible condition of affairs existing In the Chin Chow Fit prov ince , a section 150 miles long and seventy miles wide , inhabited by over 4,500,000 people ple , mostly farmers. Owing to two suc cessive drouths the crops have been fail ures and the people of the province men tioned are dying by thousands from star- ration , and the outlying provinces and the government are doing llttlo to help the suf fering. The people of Shang-Tung prov ince arc also starving. In some of the vil lages of the latter place there are hundreds of deaths in n. week's time. In Chtn-Chow- Fu there have been as many as 180 deaths la ono day. _ , MANY FRIENDS SAY FAREWELL American Communion Receive * OVntlon nil It * Train Leave * the Pnrl * Depot. ( Copyright , 1S93 , by Press Publishing Co. ) PAIUS. Dec. 16. ( Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) President Day and Members Davis , Frye and Gray , with their ladles and the creator portion of the commission's staff , left tonight. At Garo St. Lazare , which they left to catch the St. Louts at Southampton , a largo crowd of friends of several nationalities was pres ent on the platform and the train moved tiway with the accompaniment of much cheering. Naval Attache Slmms represented the American embassy , a representative attended on the part of the exposition au thorities and a French attache was present on behalf of the French foreign office. It Is learned that Acouclllo , the rep resentative of Agulnaldo , the Philippine leader , has lodged a strongly worded pro test with the commission , which thus be comes part of the records. It begins with saying that "tho very noble and gallant general , Agulnaldo , president ol the Philippine republic , " had honored him with "tho post of official representative to the very honorable president of the United States. " Agonclllo then reviews the case at length , saying that at the time of "Im ploring the armed co-operation of Agulnaldo and the other Philippine chiefs both the commander of the Petrel , Captain Wood la Hong Kong , and the American Consuls Gen eral Pratt in Singapore , Wlldman at Hong Kong and Williams at Cavlte , acting as the International Agents of the great Ameri can nation , at a moment of great anxiety offered to recognize the independence of the Filipino nation. " TRAVELING IN REGAL STYLE Lord mid Lndy Carcon Snll for Their Future Heildcnce lu Knit India. ( CopyrlKht , 1S03 , by Press Publishing Co. ) MARSEILLES , Franco , Dec. 16. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ; Never before has there been so much care bestowed on two girl babies as sur rounds the heiresses of Lord Curzon o Kedleston on his long Journey to tbo vice regal homo In India. Lady Curzon sud denly changed her plan to avoid the over land Journey and met Lord Curzon here at the dock. She is accompanied by six maids , two of whom are nurses for the .babies. The suite of the Curzons consists of twenty persons , Including Colonel San- bald , chief of the viceroy's military house- bold ; two lieutenants and officers of ord nance , Mr. Lawrence , first secretary ; two under secretaries and two members of the civil household. The English consul here and high French officials waited on the viceroy and Lady Curzon and attendee their departure on the steamship Arabia at noon , which was held for their arrival No less than fifty trunks and sevent ) traveling bags and valises comprised tin baggage of the party. Four cabins have ticen reserved for Lady Curzon , the bable and nurses. Sir Horatio David Davles former lord mayor of London , also leaves on the Arabia. A large crowd watched the embarkation of the viceregal party and alt honors were shown by the French au thorltlffl. llrltliili Coniul nt Ilavunn. LONDON , Dec. 16. The Pall Mall Ga Kctte says Lionel ! E , Garden , Urltlsh con eul at the City of Mexico , has been ap tvalnted British consul general at Havana Mr. Carden occupied the same post In Cub fifteen yeara ago , where he married an American woman. Mtiernllati' Krureti to llnreonrt. BIRMINGHAM , Eng. . Dec. 1C. At < h mooting today of the National Liberal fed ration Spence Watson moved a resolutlo deep regret at Sir William Yer on Harcourt's resignation of the leader- hip of the liberal party , tendering him eartfelt thinks for his brilliant service nd expressing pleasure nt the fact that He vlll continue to dcvoto his prominent powers o the cause of liberalism. An amendment sklng Sir William to reconsider his de- Islon was defeated and Mr. Watson's reso- utlon was adopted almost unanimously. A motion to consider the leadership of tne beral party was withdrawn. RARE COIN FOUND IN ROME tear * on It * Vucc Whnt .Vumlxmntliiln Pronounce to lie n Picture of Chrlnl. LONDON , Dec. 1C. ( New York World Ca- legrum Special Telegram. ) The Stand- rd's Paris dispatch says a Frenchman amcd Tloyer d'Agen discovered a curious ironzo medal amongst a number of old coins or sale In a curiosity shop at Romo. Ho > ought It for 10 centimes because ho bought ho discovered on It Hebrew charac- crs dating back from primitive times In the Jhrlstlan era. On close examination It has > ccn declared that It bears the effigy of osti9. The portrait is in profile with the head llghtty Inclined from the forehead , a high osv , rather long , slightly pointed at the tip ; moustache rllghtly marked and beard olnted ; hair long and curly. The physlog- omy , taken ns a whole , cannot bo called egufar , but Is extremely fascinating. On eturnlng to Paris Boycr d' Agen showed the icdal to numerous numismatists , who pro- ounced It to bo at least of the greatest ( in iquity. A Hebrew Inscription It bears on .lie reverse side translated into English is : The Messiah. The King will como In peaco. le Is the light of men , Incarnate and llv- ng. " Duplicates In bronze and silver are being truck. SAMHIIUUV fVOUEIGN POMCV. SnKKentM Need of Forelirn Itclntlon * Committee to Confer With. LONDON , Dec. 1C. The marquis of Salis bury , the premier , at a banquet given this \cnlnc In hla honor at the Constitutional lub devoted his speech , In reply to a toast o his 'health , to homo affairs and to the general principles for the conduct of for- Ign policy without direct reference to any articular question , "The government , " ho said , "should not bo Judged on Individual terms , but on sue- css of a policy as a whole. If a minister goes to war on a trivial matter he may find ilmself without the support of the people. This should be considered when people ask why wo have not pushed to the point of war omo secondary conditions. Before con- iemnlng us for not going to war , they ugtot to bo sure there are no other compil ations In view compelling us to economize ho forces In hand. As the empire extends t Is the more necessary to Judge matters rom this standpoint. It is dangerous to et rhapsody 4ako the place of calculation. Our strength must bo used unfailingly , but prudently. " Referring to the "difficulty of taking the people into a government's confidence In matters of foreign policy , " ho said : "I have often felt the want of such an nstltutlon as the United States foreign re- atlona committee. It ts possible hero , but t must bo a great advantage for a minister o meet persons not of his own political opinion and to explain to them-tbe reasons or ibis action. " ' UIOS FIHKS A PARTING SHOT. American ! He Sny Do Nat Know MU- fortune or Defent. LONDON , Dec. 17. The Paris correspond ent of the Times , M. de Blowltz , telegraphs his morning a long Interview with the president of the Spanish peace commission ers , Senor Montero Rlos , in t'ho course of which ho represents the Spanish commis sioner as complaining that the "Americans mve acted as 'vallquers parveners * who do not know misfortune or defeat , " Senor Montero Rlos remarked that "when ater they also have suffered reverses , they vlll bo less Inflexible to those who have suf- ercd defeat. " The Spanish commissioner contended , ac cording to M. de Blowltz , that the Philip pines are still unconquercd and that their conquest would not bo accomplished quickly. What most pained him , however , appears n have been "America's attempt to deprive Spain of its honor by refusing to arbitrate regarding the Maine. " * Ho asserted confidently that the Spanish government was In no danger from Carllam. M'KINLKY ASSUMES PROTECTION. Provisional Government * Will Not He Allorred to Donpoil Convent * . LONDON , Deo. 17. The Rome corre spondent of the Dairy Chronicle says : In response to the Vatican's Inquiry on the sub ject , President McKlnlcy has sent an assur ance that th Catholics In Cuba and the Philippines will enjoy the same ample lib erty ns the Catholics In America. The Washington government has also promised the pope that measures wilf bo taken to prevent provisional ! governments despoiling convents or securing ecclesiastical property. The pope has sent his warmest thanks to President McKlnley. GKT INFOIIMATION I1Y TORTURE. RpniiUh Authorities Endeavor to Learn of Cnrllt * ' DoInK * . MADRID , Dec. 16. Count Casa Sola , brother of the Marquis Coralbo , in an Inter view , has Bonflrmed the reports of savage cruelties similar to those inflicted upon the anarchists confined In the fortresses of Mont- Julch , at Barcelona have been applied to the Carllstfi arrested at Bllboa in order to extract Information from them regarding the armament and designs of the Carlisle. It Is apprehended that these tortures will Food to terrible reprisals should the Carllsta take the field. Permit the ( iyiiNnm Kin * to Dock. ST. THOMAS , ( Danish West Indies ) , Dec. 16. The United States quartermaster's steamer , Gypsum King , which arrived hereon on Wednesday last from Porto Rico , In order to be docked and which was prevented from so doing by the Danish government officials , who took the ground that It would bo a violation lation of the neutrality lane to permit it to do so , has now been permitted to dock by orders cabled from the authorities at Copen hagen. HevolutlonUt * Proclaim Federation. LIMA , Peru ( Via Galveston ) , Dec. 16. Advices received today from Lapaz , capital of Bolivia , announce that the revolutionists have formally proclaimed a federation Scnhor Severe Fernandez Savero is still at Gruro at the bead of the government troops He has declared a state of siege. IOWANS ARE READY TO SAIL Mliin Mvn ka and Hounianla Arrive at Su\aniiah to Carry Soldier * to Cnha. SAVANNAH. Ga. , Dec. 16. The transpor Chester sailed today for Mariano , Cuba carrying the headquarters staff of the Second end division of the Soenth army corps and the Fourth Virginia regiment. The transports Mlnncwaaka and Rou mania arrived from Havana today. They will take aboard the Forty-ninth Iowa am the Sixth Missouri regiments tomorrow am will probably eall the next day. HOUSE REJECTS BANK BILL nteraational American Bank Measure is OTsrwhelmingly Defeated. N THE INTERESTS OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY Dill to Extend Ciintoni * nml Itcvcnuc Lavrn of United State * Over Hawaiian Inland * I * Panned. WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. The bill to In- orporato the International American bank vns defeated by an overwhelming adverse majority of the house today. The debate upon the measure , which opened yesterday , was concluded today at 3 o'cloclt. Mr. Ding ey , the floor leader of the majority , made an argument in Its support. The other leakers today were HIN of Connecticut , In ts support , end Messrs. Hell , populist of Colorado ; Sulzer , democrat of New York ; ilaxwcll , populist of Nebraska ; Maddox , emocrat of Georgia , and Swanson , democrat of Virginia , In opposition. The vote by \hlch the bill was defeated stood 103 ayes o 148 nays. The bllf to extend the customs and revenue aws of the United States over the Hawaiian stands was passed without opposition. The ) lll , Mr. Dlngley explained , carried with It he civil service laws relating to appoint ments In the customs and revenue service n Hawaii. Mr. Newlands , silver of Nevada , said ho was In general sympathy with the purpose of the bill , although he believed trade de veloped with our South American neighbors depended more on facility of transportation than on facility of exchange. Mr. Tawncy , republican of Minnesota , gave notice of an amendment he would offer cm- lowering the directors to establish eight branch offices In the United States. Necenmiry to Develop Trade. Mr. Dlngley , the floor leader of the ma- orlty , said ho had not had an opportunity to examine the details of this bill , but he decided to present certain facts In support of the general proposition. At a session of ; ho Pan-American congress , which he at- .ended , the South American delegates all recounted the difficulties attending trade with the United States on account of the fact that merchants In their countries were obliged to buy London exchange at a cost ) f about 1 per cent premium. The unan- raous opinion expressed at that session was : hat the establishment of an International bank In New York was necessary to de velop trade between North and South America. Mr. Maddox , democrat of Georgia , In op posing the bill said It would create a money trust In all the largo cities which -would crush out all smaller Institutions. The committee amendments were adopted. An amendment to reduce the capital stock of any International bank authorized under the proposition extending the privilege of the bill to others than those named In the bill from $5,000,000 to $500,000 was defeated by 106 to 107. After some further remarks by Messrs. Maxwell , populist of Nebraska , and Swanson - son , democrat of Virginia , In . .opposition- ( the 'b'ltl , 'Mr. , HHl.-Tepubllcan-cii : Cbni cU- cut , In charge of the measure , 'closed the debate. He argued that present facilities of exchange were totally Inadequate and quoted a statement of our minister to Brazil that our trade with that country suffered an annual tribute of $1,000,000. Ho con cluded with a glowing appeal to the house to pass the bill In the Interest of American commerce and American industries. An amendment offered by Mr. Crum- packer , republican of Indiana , providing that the property of the International bank should bo taxed the same as the property of na tional banks , was adopted. The Barrett and Tawney amendments were defeated as was the Rlddley substitute. The vote on the final passage of the bill was taken by yeas and noes. The vote re sulted In the defeat of the bill , ayes 103 , noes 14S. , The senate amendments to the army and navy deficiency bill were non-concurred in and the bill sent to conference. Messrs. Cannon , Barney and Sayers were appointed conferees. Extension of Itcvenue l.nirn. Mr. Dlngloy then called up the bill unani mously reported by the ways and means committee not to extend the customs and Internal revenue laws over the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Dlngley explained "the " necessity for the Immediate passage of the act. In order to protect the revenues of the United States. Mr. Bailey , democrat of Texas , said his own Idea was that the customs and revenue laws of the United States were extended over the Hawaiian Islands when they were annexed. But the annexation act specifically declared not. He thought the declaration in that act was unconstitutional. As this bill simply sought to do what he believed had , in fact , been done by the act of annexation , It was proper that it should pass and pass promptly. Mr. McMlllin , democrat of Tennessee , used the bill as a text for some remarks upon the Dlngley revenue law , In which he claimed that the revenue provided by it was insufficient to meet the expenses of the government. Mr. McHao , democrat of Arkansas , of fered an amendment designed to extend all the general laws of the United States over the Islands. Ho said there were other laws In Hawaii which should bo abrogated be sides the customs and revenue laws. Among them were the labor and the land laws. Mr. Dlngley begged Mr. McRae not to compli cate the bill. The committee on territories was not considering the extension of the general laws of the United States over the Hawaiian Islands. The amendment was ruled out on n point of order. Mr. Moody , republican of Massachusetts , offered an amendment to extend the laws of the United States relating to appoint ments in the customs and revenue service over the Islands. Mr. Livingston , democrat of Georgia , wanted to know if the amendment was de signed to Introduce the civil service into Hawaii. Mr. Moody agreed that It was , but upon the representation of Mr. Dlngley that the bill as drawn accomplished all the amend ment was Intended to accomplish , he with drew It. The bill was passed without di vision. The house then , at1:20 : p. m. , adjourned until tomorrow. CARE OF EX-CONFEDERATES 11111 Introduced to Grant Them Ad mittance Into National Soldier * ' and Sailor * ' Home * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 16. Repreeentative Rlxey of Virginia today Introduced a bill In the house for the admission of confederate as well as union soldiers , to all eoldlera homes and government Institutions main tained by the govaernment. Although some what In line with the president's suggestion in hU epeech at Attxnta , this referred to gov eminent care of confederate cemeteries wheiaj , the RU y bill refers to living ex confederatea who are "maimed , crippled or needy. " The text of the bill follows : After the passage of thla act all soldiers' Inmes and other Institutions maintained by the government for the maimed , crippled end needy soldiers and sailors of the United States shall be opened to all soldiers and sailors of the civil war of 1361-65 , upon the Mtno terms and without discrimination as to whether they vero enlisted upon the side of the union or the confederacy. DEFENSE GETS A SETBACK Telltale Letter and Handkerchief til Ilotkln I'olnoiilnfr Trial Po l- tlvcly Identified. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 1C. The defense In the Botkln murder trial today received thn worst setback It has experienced since tbo case opened. The evidence of two of the witnesses examined today was of such a convincing nature that the chagrin caused by Its Introduction was plainly written upon the faces of the accused woman and her counsel. Tha evidence clearly showed that Mrs. Botkln wrote the anonymous letters sent to Mrs. Dunning from this city , apprising Mrs. Dunning of the alleged misconduct of her husband and Informing the dead woman that she had grounds for commencing a suit for divorce. The handkerchief which was en closed In the box of candy was proven to have been purchased In this city by Mrs. Botktn another link In Uie chain of the prosecution. The first Important .witness was Miss Grace Harris , who was employed In the City of Paris dry goods store during May and Juno of this year. Miss Harris told of the purchase of the handkerchief and Identi fied the article which she sold and stated positively that Mrs. Botkln was the pur chaser. She was certain of the Identity of the woman for the reason t'hat Mrs. Botktn so resembled MUs Harris' own mother that the similarity caused her to winder. Sne was certain of the handkerchief because It bore a price mark Which she herself had stamped the article. upon Cross-examina tion rather strengthened her evidence than otherwise , as It brought out the fact that Miss Harris took Mrs. " Botkln's address , which the purchaser gave as the Victoria hotel , whore she resided up to the time of her arrest. Mrs. Rouff , an aged woman and a resident of Stockton , Cal. , told of her acquaintance with the plaintiff , which' was that of an In timate. She also knew'Dunning very well. Mrs. Rouff said that on one occasion when she called on Mrs. Botkln at her rooms , the defendant showed her ft handkerchief , ask ing her if It was not a beautiful one- , for the jirlco. Mrs. Rouft recognized the hand kerchief sent to Mrs. Dunnlng's daughter as being exactly like the one Mrs. Botkln showed her. The witness then Identified Mrs. Botkln's handwriting in the anonymous letter sent to Mrs. dunning. Mrs. Rouff was familiar with Mia.'Botktn'e writing and pointed out Its peculiarities. When shown the note , which was enclosed In the box of candy. Mrs. Rouff stated 'that ' she , be lieved it to have been written , by Mrs. .Bot kln. She discussed the aamplea of writing- shown her with the ability" Of an expert. She recognized the language of-the letters aa being that of Mrs. Botkln also ; , Witness then told of a conversation she .had with the defendant their auallflcatlonavW' Mrs. Iotk lu' was"iakqn > treatment discussed poluons with her phy sicians. She thought the action of strych nine was too Jjnrsh and spoke of arsenla as being mild in its action and seemed well Informed upon its other symptoms. She told of another visit to her Stockton home. It was made short ! 9 after the per petration of the crime. Mrs. Botkln was greatly excited and talked about poisons , anonymous letters and made other remarks that puzzled Mrs. Rouff. On ono occasion Mrs. Botkln talked to the wit ness about bleaching hats and remarked that she had beard that arsenic was used for that purpose. Defendant became agitated when Informed by Mrs. Rouff that she would have to give her name when she purchased the poison. The court then adjourned until Monday. BURIAL OF CALVIN S , BRICE Service * Will lie Held In New YorU , tvlth Interment In Family Plot lu Lima , O. NBW YORK , Doc. 16. The funeral serv ices of ex-Senator Calvin S. Brlee will bo herd at noon tomorrow in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church. It la expected that Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcllffo of Washington will conduct the services. There will proba bly be no pallbearers. After the services the body wlir be taken by the Erie railroad to Lima , O. , where It will be Interred in the Brlce family plot In the cemetery neur that city. Among the messages received by the family today were telegrams from President McKlnley , Secretaries Day and Alger , Sena tor Hanna and Governor Bufihnell of Ohio. STARTS FOR PASTURES NEW Kantian Cnttle Pliuitfor , Glllett , with III * Attorney , SnlU for South America. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 16. A special to the Re public from the City of Mexico says : Grant C. Glllett , the absconding cattle plunger of Woodbln , Kan. , and his attorney , C. E. Troxel , left hero today for Vera Cruz , where they win take a steamer for South America. Their ultimate destination is the Argentine Republic , where , QINett says , he will go into the cattle business. Glllett and Troxel have been here three days , being registered at Hotel CoMeeo under the names of Willis F. Wilder and George E. Fisher of Frulta , Colo. , but both admitted their identity. TRANSPORTS FOR MANILA Blohnwk and Mobile Selected to Go and Each Will Carry Eighteen Hundred Men. NEW YORK , Dec. 16. The transportation department of the army was today notified by the War department to get ready two transpo'rts to leave here as soon as possible for Manila via the Suez canal. The plan had been decided upon some time ago , but It was r.ot until today that Colonel Klmtmll was notified what vessels had been agreed upon and what troops were to be sent. The transports Mobile and Mohawk have been selected. They ha\e" been ordered here for preparation as soon as possible. For this trip they will carry 1,800 men each. FOR CANADIAN MARRIAGES Ceremony Performed hy Mlnlnter Iteoldent In United State * Aero * * Uorder Not I.eRiil. BROCKVILLE , Ont. , Dec. 16. The attor ney general has sent to the town registrar an answer to the question as to the legality of a marriage ceremony performed in Canada by a foreign minister. The opinion given Is "that a marriage ceremony performed In Canada by minister resident In the United States la not legal. " Two cases have como to light during the present year , which , In view of the forego ing opinion , are Illegal marriages. SOCIALISM IN LABOR COUNCIL Absorbing Topic Before Delegates to Federation's ' Convention , GOMPERS SAID TO FAVOR ITS CAUSE SoclnlUt * I'lenHcrt with Slight Atl- vantnno Gained niiil They May PoBitlbly AVlu on Vote. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 1C. Socialism was ho absorbing topic today before the convon- Ion of the American Federation nf Labor. The socialist delegates made a determined effort to Infuse socialistic doctrine Into the aw of the Federation. Probably they will not succeed , for there Is a majority against them , but the socialist orators hcM the floor nearly all the afternoon and they will con- .Inuo their argument tomorrow , for the Issue md not been decided when the session ad- ourncd this evening. The socialists claim to be pleased with the developments of the day and they say that for the first time In the history of the Fed eration the question was discussed with dig nity and toleration on both sides and with apparent understanding of the Issue. This , they say , marks an epoch of advancement of soclurism among the trades unionists. So great was the interest In the discussion and BO general the toleration that the flve-mlnuto rule of the convention was not enforced against several of the more socialist orators. Delegate John F. Tobln of Boston created something of a sensation when , In the course of an Impassioned speech , he declared that ho had been given to understand that President Gompers Intended to vote with the social-democratic party and "to recommend al ? ho should coma In contact with to do likewise. " Mr. Tobln urged that what the president of the federation thought good enough to adopt the federation need not fear. Pres ident Gompers did not deny the assertion of Mr. Tobln. Immediately upon the opening of the con vention after noon the socialist question came up. The first and most Important so cialist resolution was that offered by the Cleveland Central Labor union , of which Max Hayes , the socialist , is the representa tive. The gist of this resolution 'was to the effect that the constitution of the federation be chanced so as to admit of the endorse ment of no political party except that "bearing on the class propaganda for aboli tion of the wage system. " This Is socialism pure and simple. The committee on laws did not concur In this resolution or In a second resolution en dorsing the social democracy. It recom mended the widest scope of discussion of all economic questions bearing upon the system of trades unions , but called attention to the fact that the federation had always refused to endorse any kind of politics and recom mended that the rule be closely adhered to. When It was seen that the socialist resolu tions were .to bo defeated Max Corey of Chicago asked to be allowed to offer a sub stitute resolution , carrying with it the es sential points of socialism coptalned In tne ' President Qgmpenr at a.t * the 'RubstHute ) WQuM * lfl In oittcr' until thn oi'lginal'"rioluJons'whAd ( been disposed of. Then a discussion arose. S. B. Donnelly of New York supported tlio commltteo's report , declaring that politics and socialism should _ _ have no place In the deliberations of the federation. Isaac Mac- Cowan of Cleveland defended socialism ve hemently , arraigning the systems of poli tics and society. John F. Tobln of Boston introduced this resolution as an amendment to the report : Resolved , That this convention , believing that the labor problem will be solved unly when the lands and means of production and distribution and exchange are held as com mon property , and that the trades unions , acting together on political class ) lines , ore the best methods to reach this end , wo therefore commend trade unionists t > > vote only for such political parties as stand tor the principles enunciated herein. The readlug was greeted with an outburst of applause. There was excitement In the galleries. Mr. Gompers stood up , reG- faced , through a cloud of smoke and smote the table violently with .his gavel. He saia that the visitors must not applaud or they would bo asked to leave. Eugene O'Rourko of New York delivered a stirring address upon the power of the bnllot and pleaded with his fellow unionists to break away from the old parties and sup port only those principles which stand for the betterment of the laboring masses. He was applauded at every enunciation. TRADES COUNCIL'S NEW OFFICERS. Kann * City Mini In Defeated for President liy OS to Jill. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 16. The annual con vention of the National Building Trades Council of America came to an end today after the convention had elected officers and decided to hold the next convention In Mil waukee during the second week of Decem ber , 1600. Edward Carroll of Chicago was elected president over Theodore S. Jones of Kansas City by a vote of 68 to 32. Mr. Jones Is the retiring president and a peculiar feature ol the election Is that only three months ago he succeeded Mr. Carroll by vote of the ex ecutive committee , which removed Carroll on the ground that he did not take enough Interest In the affairs of the council , because the Chicago building trades were not at that time favorable to the national council. Other officers were elected as follows : First vice president , John P. Healy , Wash ington , D. C. ; second vice president , J. B. O'Mally , East St. Louis , III. ; third vlco pres ident , J. E. Harvey , Milwaukee ; fourth vice president , W. G. Hlgglns , Omaha ; fifth vlco president , A. A. Llselskl , Kansas City ; sixth vlco president , John Morgan. The debate over the socialist resolutions continued almost to the close , of the day's proceedings and wiB be resumed tomorrow morning. The trouble among the painters was dis posed of before adjournment , the followerB of Barrett being declared seceders , and all organizations affiliated with the Federation were notified to treat them as auch until they consent to amalgamation with the Bal timore branch. MINERS WILL GET OFF EASY Vlrden Itlnter * to I'lend Guilty and Pay 311 n I in u m rinrN Indict ment AKnliiHt Tunner. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 16. A special to the Re public from Carlinvllle , 111 , , says ; State Attorney Vaughn is busy arranging to proresute all the persons Indicted for par- tlclpancy In the Vlrden riot. The rases will come up at the January term of court , Judge U. B. Shirley presiding. William Mooney of Jollet , attorney for the United Mine Work ers' union , was In conference today with State Attorney Vtughn and It was agreef that the miners charged with simple rioting be allowed to plead guilty and escape with minimum fines , The indictments of Governor Tanner for palpable omission of duty , of Manager Lukens and the Thlel guards , charged wl'h manslaughter , and of those charged with the attempt to kill J. E. Eyster , the Climax storekeeper\sill bo taken to trial. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER forecast for Nebraska Tartly Cloudy : Southerly Winds. DEWEY TAKES HOPEFUL VIEW Viltnlrnt Relieve * Friendly Keeling of Filipino * for Ainerlen In Stead- lly IiicrennlMK. MANILA , Philippine Islands , Dec. 1C. Rear Admiral Dovvoy , when a correspondent of the Associated Press called on him today , courteously , pleasantly , but absolutely de clined to discuss the political situation In the Philippine Islands , on the ground that his sphere was purely naval. The admiral seldom goes nslioro and suggested that bla Interviewer was In a better position to iicqulro Information than himself. Ho then proceeded to cross-examine the correspond ent about everything ashore. He was glad 'to hear the Insurgents were releasing the sick Spanish soldiers they held prisoners , notwithstanding Agultinldo's grandiloquent refusal to do so. This proves that the Insurgents are very conciliatory , In splto of their defiant talk. Admiral Dowcy always believed that the insurgents were friendly , especially slnco the war ships of our fleets have visited the different ports of these Islands and since some of our offi cers have made tours Inland , carefully In vestigating popular sentiment , with highly satisfactory results. A few Influential Filipinos , In an ambitious attempt nt sclf- ailvaucemcnt , are clamorous for inde pendences though unable to realize Its true weaning. They arc utterly Ignorant of the difference between the name and the reality. The agitators hero Invariably admit that they would bo unable to stand without American protection. But , In splto of this , they continue their meaningless outcry for Independence , and may possibly create trouble. The admiral , however , be lieves this to be Improb able at the present Juncture , though every trifling Incident counts. However , every day that -passes without a conflict means so much gain , because the friendly feeling Is steadily Increasing , the Incipient roughness Is dlsappearng and tlio agitators are weakenng. The nouHpapere of Manila ore doing particularly valuabfo work In the simultaneous publication of conciliatory arti cles printed In Spanish and English. This course Is looked on ns being certain to elimi nate the friction which has existed hero. The admiral Is greatry Interested In the movement among the American volunteers to obtain their discharges here and engage In pioneer enterprises. Ho believes there Is a practically unlimited fiord for planters , farm ers and miners hero. To the suggestion that If the natives prove to bo obstreperous , per haps they might be handed over to the Ger mans or other ungentle land-grabbers , the admiral said ho beHeved the Germans now have entirelyrabandoue 1 ( h'tlr design In the Philippine lalaudi ; tkxri fl ; formerly , he tflfl. Jla Ojynliit ) ' ' rtiif.JdoTberc * badvftioaeil him Indescribable anxiety/ ' . ? According to-recent Information received here , the Filipino Insurgents are endeavorIng - Ing to maintain a brave show for the pur pose of securing the best terms possible from the Americans. It Is the opinion of our ad miral that It would be advisable for the United States to pay Insurgent troops their arrears of wages. The wliofo amount would bo a comparatively trifling sum , and the payment of the troops would have a valuable effect and might save Incalculable trouble. Admiral Dewey was strongly conclnced that the Filipino Insurgents deserve acknowledg ment. Ho Is a believer In the practicability of liberal measures in the direction of local autonomy. Regarding the possibility of International complications , Admiral Dewcy said : "Prior to the arrlvar of the monitors , I felt uneasy , but now I am ready to hold this position against the whole earth. " FRANCE TO RESTORE THRONE Petition ClrculntliiK In Ilonolnln for I'uriioNu of SeenrliiK : Interference In l > rcneiit Government. SAN FRANCISCO , Doe. 1C. The steamer Gaelic arrived today from Hong Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu and brings the fol lowing news from the latter place under date of December 9 : Three candidates the beln ? persistently mentioned for the governorship of the Islands. They are S. M. Damon , Harold M. Sewall and President Dole. Each candidate has a host of supporters. A petition Is be ing circulated among the natives praying President McKlnlcy not to appoint to the po- faltlon of governor any person connected with the recent revolution In the Island. Another petition of a startling nature Is about to bo circulated asking France to interfere with the present government and to restore the monarchy. President Dole will soon leave for Wash ington to be present when the Hawaiian commission presents Its report to congress. W. A. Kluney will sail on the 27th for Washington to represent tbo Hawaiian plant ers during the debate upon territorial mat ters In congress. Ho goes purely as an at torney and not as a lobbyist In any sense. At a meeting of the Planters' association held yesterday on Important labor problem was discussed. It came from a eoclety In Finland and offered to settle hero a colony of a religious sect resembling the Quakers , natives of Russia. The colony , of which 7,000 men , women and children are available for Hawaii , have been practically hunted to earth by the Russian authorities for years. An Important clause In their creed forbids taking life for any reason v.hat- soever. This unfits .them for duty as sol diers and the Russian government has been unable to Induce many of them to bear arms. Tha society which addresses the local planters was formed in England for the cx- preea purpose of taking these Quakers away from Russia and giving them n start In some other country. A colony sent to Cypress did not succeed. It Is stated that there Is J2,1,000 on hand to aid the colony of 7,000 souls in reaching a desirable home. While no action was taken the proposi tion was thought well of and there Is every prospect that it will bo followed up. From reports It Is quite evident that the people will bo very desirable laborers and citizens. Janitor llelnt * Riven Up. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 16. Otto Helntz , the Janitor who stoln { 42.000 of negotiable bonds from the ofllce of J. C. Nelson , a St. Loultt millionaire , will probably not he pros ecuted for the crime. Helntz weakened to day on the arrival of Mr. Nelson from St. Louis and consented to deliver up the $28WO 'In bonds and notes that are rtlll missing. Movement ! ! of ( luenn Vemelii , Deo. 111. At Movllle Sailed Anchorla , for New York. At Copenhagen Failed Hekla , for New York. At Gibraltar Arrived Ems from N ? w York , for Naples and Genoa. At Liverpool Arrived Urltannlc , from New York. At New York Arrived Lucanlo , from I.lvornunl. LEE EATS IN HAVANA Takes Breakfast at Hotel Inglaterra First Time Since the War. HEARTILY WELCOMED TO HIS OLD HAUNTS Citizens Cheer Lustily as They Recognise His Familiar Form. OCCUPIES HIS FORMER SEAT AT TABLE Presence of the Noted Southerner Fills House with Good Oheor , HORRIBLE CONDITION OF HAVANA'S POOR Thlrtr Thoimnnil People Arc Prac tically Destitute anil In Cryliitf Need of Food a nil Medical Attendance. ( Copyright , 1SJS , by Press Publishing Co. ) HAVANA , Dec. 16. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) General Fltzliugh Leo came to town from camp to day .ind for the first time since the war had breakfast ut his old hotel , the Inglaterra. Ho went to the table ho always used to oc cupy and took his accustomed seat near a window , Residents of Havana recognizing him cheered lustily as his familiar figure was soon from the street. The Spanish troops will not bo nbla to evacuate Havana by Christmas , as was ex- pectod. Although the Holdlers have been withdrawn from the suburbs the city will ho held until the last moment agreed on by the commissions. General Arolas sold today : "The Spanish government will try to retire from all mili tary possessions by December 28 , but It will not be possible for the Americans to take charge until the specified time. The Amer ican officials will go Into the custom hou o before that date , but Spain will still retain control and be credited with the receipts until the end of the year. " General Grecno was called upon today by many Americans , who voiced regret that he has resigned and hope that ho will recon sider the matter. Ho has Impressed every body with his ability to deal with the pres- ant critical situation In Havana and from all sides come expressions of regret at hln decision. The general said today : "I came to Havana in an entirely military capacity without any Intention of remaining here , when pence was finally concluded. My business affairs are going to pieces In my absence and on this pertonnf ground I have resigned. I had offered to mo a flattering proposal to bo governor of Havana , but while In time of war 1as ready to offer my services to my country , now that the work Is merely the organization of a government , I feel that my private claims should have more consideration. Tla'ro-"nro many" men1 i competent , for this position. General Lud- low Ui an j.cellcnt man and no bettor ap- # % rwamtd b-s&aJK" ' ' ' , - ? > " ' - oile.force ( if Cauani. | A force of' Cubans will police Havana tern' porarlly. Colonel Moulton of the Second Il linois will have command and the officers will bo Americans. Most of the men will bo required to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. Many Spanish Holdlcrti and some officers have exprcesed a deslro to enlist In the service of the United Stalest and probably will bo accommodated. Bx- Pollce Chief McCullagh of New York la here to Took into the feasibility of establishing civil police. IJy order of Governor General Castellanoa the public lotteries will bo suspended on and after December 21. Surgeon Jolllffe , formerly attached to the English Infantry nt Huntsvlllo , will establish hero an American hospital. Many com- pTalnts have been made of the treatment of Americans during the yellow fever crisis by Cuban surgeons and Dr. Jolllffe has received Influential backing for his undertaking. Richard S. Howland , who came here ns the representative of sundry relief associa tions , sailed for home today. Ho has thor oughly Investigated the conditions of the poor in Havana and will report with a view to supplementing his Red Crate work. His Inquiries revealed a terrible elate of affairs. At least 30,000 people are practically desti tute , living In horrible hovels and oflllcted with all kinds of loathsome disease * . Msdlcal attention Is needed before oven food and the segregation of those suffering from contagious complaints Is imperative. Yellow fnver Is rampant In th lower part of the city. These cases are without medical attention and the first tank of the new ad ministration will be to remove the sick and burn their present habitations. Iliul Condition ! ) Ill the Went. WASHINGTON , Dec. ,18. The terrible state of affairs existing In the -western province of Cuba is shown In this dispatch to the War department from General Davis : P1NAR DEL KIO , Dec. 14 , Adjutant Gen eral , Washington : Arrived hero last night ; troops comfortably encamped ; have all re quired supplies ; have been received with greatest enthusiasm and rejoicing. Civil government left province when Spanish troops retired. The alcalde called and ten dered hU services. A small Cuban force U In town as police. Good order prevail ! everywhere. Shall raise flag tomorrow in presence of troops and citizens. Treasury empty and the only means of replenishing It Is a system of taxntlon , almost on the vert ; * of confiscation. No custom house In this province. The country Is of great fertility and beauty , but ravaged almost to destruc tion. Am assured by responsible citizens and foreigners that onc-lmlf the former pop ulation has been killed or starved to death. Colonel Soyburn with two battalions Is at Guanajay. Ho is ordered to occupy Marie ! with a detachment. No sickness. HAVANA , Doc. 1C. A Cuban applied to day to Captain Chadwlck of the cruiser New York for asylum on board that vessel. Ills request was refused and he was told that If ho felt Havana was dangerous to him He Hhould go outsldo tbo city. The policy or the American representative * Is not to seeic to Intervene for the purpose of protecting Cuban chiefs in this city , but to send them out of town. This dlspleaues tbo Cubans. Cen orlilii Exercled. MADRID ( via Bordeaux ) . Dec. 16. The government Is considering the question of arresting the principal Carllaln. The most rigorous cenHorshlp of telegrams Is main tained and all messages relative to Carllat movements are stopped. Accounts of the recent disturbances In Havana are strictly prohibited. Ivl Heraldo this morning , painting B gloomy picture of the financial situation , ebows that the Interest on all the public debts amounts to 635,000,000 pesetas , whllo the revenue is only 8CO.OOO.OOO pesetas. Of this revenue the civil list , civil pennlons anil other charges absorb 74,000,000 pesetas , leaving only 107,000,000 pesetas available for the army , navy and all other demands. In view of this situation El Heraldo urges an equitable reduction in the interest on t U bU. _