THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1808. Senatorial Candidate ! Want Legislaton Declare Themeelvei. OPPOSITION TO THE THOMPSON BO Editorial In the Lincoln Journal 1 fleet * the Sentiment of the Ai plrnntN Who Want the Mat ter Openly Decided. LINCOLN , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) The sc torlal situation continues to bo the cl topic of conversation * among the polltlcl who drift In and out of Lincoln. The i cusslon now seems to , turn on the quest whether or not the different candidates agree to go Into a caucus at the outeet. Is Intimated that n combination may formed to refuse to join In any caucus prc tltlon that does not protect tbo weaker c dldjites by requiring a two-thirds or thi fourths majority to make the action of caucus binding. The Interesting phase of the local sltua IB the growing belief that D. E. Thonif has a grip upon the whole Lancaster coti delegation. This Is emphasized byan i torlal article In this morning's Journal which that paper , although nolorlcusl ; Durllngton organ , warns republican meml against supporting any one directly or It rcctly connected with the old ring , cause of this outburst , although no no are mentioned , Is taken to be the grow candidacy of Thompson. The article Is as follows , under the ( tlon , "The Next Senator. " There Is a great deal of discussion gen < on all over the state , pending the meci of the legislature , concerning the senate campaign , and republicans In every coi are taking more than the usual interes It. It is the conviction of the republic everywhere that the future of the party pcndn largely upon the character and ab of the man that t'hall finally be selectci succeed Mr. Allen. Hn must be a man who has the res of the l/irty at large and \vho o record been clean and whose canvass shall bo al P / rnpioach. He must not bo directly or motely connected with scandals that hav IA the past brought the party to disgrace caused its defeat. Ho must have c hands and be a recognized political lea n inun altogether competent to rcprpsei Ki-rat state in the higher court of the tltm. tltm.Every republican In tbo legislature Is atoustlilo to his district and thu party the manner In which ho parts his vote lha motives that prompt his selection < candidate. If the great mass of rcpublli lu the Btate , the peep ; who have no i to grind , no personal favors to BO ] should be disappointed In the outcome o ( senatorial election , the prospects of fu success at the polls In the present c elate of voting will bo exceedingly sr So much ilcitads ) on the vlsdom of choice next month of the republican eai that It la uot lit all to bo wondered at there * is much unrest and ntixlety. It will bo well for the merabers-clec declare themselves as. early np posalbli lellevo this n-nxlety and to relieve th selves nlso of Iho suspicion of waiting bids. When a man makes up his mind declares It while he Is In touch with rouBtltucuts , in accordance with the opinions of thopy who clocle-d him , he nv a great deal of the criticism that la ar follow him If ho doesn't know whom h for until the last moment , just soon em to cast his ballot. Many members 1 - doubtless clone ho , but there are sMd ti nthors who. . elon't expect to know What ore going to do until they get Into cau tireene'n Peculiar Method * . The popuKsts of this locality are narlly glad to see Congressman Grecni the Slxj.h district , as he represents a Mnatjtand | ! _ a style -politic * that has h tofore been much In-favor among the t radical members of the party. But natural liking for Greene has been cou with the belief that be Is a statesman Mas losing no opportunity to serve state. In the recent coinpalgn , ho we On-ene dropped somewhat In the estlma of hla former admirers and the largo crease in his majority Indicated that jieopfe of the Sixth district are gettlr little tired of him. Today the rcfon here were both surprised and dlsgu to sen Greene walking about the stt buttonholing other patriots In the Intel of a candidate for a state job , when were quite sure that he ought to bo Washington occupying his seat In the 1 of congress. They are just beginning awaken to the fact that politicians of Greene stripe get elected Just In orde draw the salary , leaving the real wor be done by others. This appearance of the Sixth district gressman In Lincoln when he shouM 1 been in Washington calls to mind an cldent that happened during the campi Greene and Brown had been going It t rncr and tonga In their joint debates , cursing the war and other matters , \ George Fred Williams came Into the i with a brand new Issue. This was a hi change for Greene and he at once i roenced to discuss the McCleary bill , evening be desired to prove to the audl that the republicans In congress were anxious to paw the currency bill am produced a copy of a telegram dated < time during the summer and addresse himself at Kearney. This telegram ported to be from McCleary and In stance urged Greene to come at one Washington to assist In passing the Browu had no ready explanation of poser and Greene's stock as a debater a decided rise. The next night , hovi Brown produced a copy of the CongressI He-jord , showing that at the time Gr pretended to have been In Kearney recel telegrams from McCleary he was reall Washington , being recorded as votlnt some measure that was before the hi ' Thli exposed ihe fraud and the fake gram was no longer used In the joint bates , nod Smith Turned Down. One of the most valuab'.e friends Greene has been Rod Smith , his pr secretary , who has stood by him thr thick and thin , and has often been hus wh ' his chief was Incapacitated for v Everj-ono Is ready to admit that Sm r.-lcw have been very valuable and CURE FOR ASM IHicoverr of Lending Phyalcli A public t t wll be mndr tot roTT nt Kuhu & Co' drug Bture. All day tomorrow tree sample pacV of the celebrated "Schlffmann'e As Cure" will bu Riven awajat K'Jbn' & drug ( tore , 15th and Dougrag street * . The doctor want * each suKerer from J ma , Hay Kever or Urouchltls lt > this cl call and get one. Wnen asked regai his reasons tor giving his reiaedy awn this manner , he ualcl : "People are natu skeptical about an asthma remedy , when you cocslder the number of to-c 'cures' on the market you can hardly b them. Now I clilm that my Cure c 11 will Instantly relieve the most vl attack. It hu permanently cured tt ands who had been considered Incur It I did , not belleva It why should giving It awayl The suB rer who g < simple package can tell In two mil whether tt Is as I represent It , and It dc cost him a cent. That Is fair Isn't It It certainly dors not seem that anyl could be fairer. Those Kv'.ng out of can get a free sample by writing their : and addrer * ( only ) on a p < m card aJdr Ur. R. Bcblffmann , SIB Rosabel Strwl Vaul , Minn. , up to Dec. 15th , not latei It has been through hln untiring efforts t ! Greene was able to como before the d trlct for a second term. The so-wl statesman showed bis Ingratitude for this a few days ago by Informing Sm that his services were no longer r qulr The announcement came without prevl warning , and while Smith was getting personal affairs In order for the Impend trip to Wdfihlngton. Greene's only cxc for dropping Smith Is that he "has a re tlvo who has to be taken care of , " and liad juat aa well glvo the relative the ] It Is said that the new private secret Is to be a son-in-law of the congrcssm who at present resides In Lancaster cour Mnny of those who have worked ea and late In the ranks of the popocratlc pa have heretofore relipecd Into periods of trcme disgust when the best things at command of the leaders were handed out a favored clique. This disgust has shov Itself every time the Campbells and Te Ings and Gondrlngs have been given ad tlonal plums , and the hungry O'Sheas < Hlldebrands and Fultons have growled cause the good things were not dlstrlbu more evenly. Thla hungry class will not overjoyed to learn that J. N. Campb having finished up hie last piece of polltl pic , Is ready for another one and has Icctcd the suporlntcn.lency of the Instl tlon at Kearney as about the proper i of his next reward. The question natun arises , "Just when will the men who m aged the recount business get all the wards they are entitled to , so that some tentlon can be paid to other workers ? " T la a question that will ombarran Secret Porter nnd others when they get out usual to hustle for Campbell. N'ormnl School ! Prospering. Dr. J. A. nattlo of the State Nor : school was In : ho city a few days ago , gave reports which Indicate that the pi ent session of the school Is a very prosj ous one. The enrollment for the fall ti thus far la 442 for the Normal school prc anJ f-r the school as a whole , Including practice department , the enrollment Is In the normal department the attcndanc about sixty more than It was at this t last year. Forty-seven counties from braska are represented and there are pu from Pennsylvania , Iowa , Missouri , Kan Colorado , South Dakota and Wyoming. ' John W. McClary of Norfolk and Dr. r dcr of Grand Island have been authorlzei organize companies for the new Second r ment of the Nebraska National Guard their towns. Instructions are given the i who are to be favored In the cnrollmcn members : First , these honorably dlschai from the United States service ; second , I from other companies who have honor discharges ; third , old members of the Gi who can take the requisite physical exam tlon. tlon.The The members of the Wymore battery called to meet on the Sth of Decembei elect a captain , Murdoik'e commission ex Ing on the 15th. The State Banking boanl has Issued a for the state banks to scud In report ! their conditions at the close ot business December 1st. The suit of the Farmers' Mutual Insun company of Lincoln against the State DCS Molnes to recover various amount ! unearned premiums on forty-nine pollcle the Iowa company Is up before Jt Cornish today. The Mutual has dlspli these policies by Insurance In Its own c pany , taking as part pay the uneai premium which under the state law Is from any Insurance company when a pc Is canceled by request of the parties sured and which may be paid to their I representative. The State of DCS Molnes up the defense that Its policies become ' upon taking out other Insurance on the s property , hence there Is no unearned i mlum due the party , who cannot assigi the Mutual what he has not. The ilutu ; also accused of securlnc the cancellatldi these policies by misrepresenting the-stc Ing , solvency and Intention of the State. The mortality report for the mouth November snows the death ot fifteen ; sons , fourteen white and one colored. Sc were males and eight females. The nun of deaths Is less than half as many as curred In November last year. Union Veteran * Support Hnyvrnt The Union Veterans' club met rast n and passed resolutions pledging Its sup for Judge M. L. Hay ward for Un States senator. The legislature Is ca upon to carefully consider the justice reasonableness of the old soldiers' cr ; It la pointed out that unless a soldle selected In the place of Senator Allen this voting element In Nebraska will unrepresented In congress and the i united on Judge Hay ward as the man the place. x At a meeting ot the management of Lincoln Normal It was decided to dlsi tlnue school after Wednesday morn The president and faculty received scv propositions to continue the work , but t decided that considering the almost c plcte loss of apparatus It would be be to discontinue than to lower the chara of work done. A mass meeting of the < zens ot Normal was held and resolution sympathy with the president and fac In their losses passed. Undivided sup was pledged It the management could the way clear to continuing the work. The case ot Delilah Graham'against Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance comi was up before a jury In Judge Tut court yesterday and was decided In fet ot the defendant. The suit was to rec $700 , alleged to bo owing by the Insuri company on goods burned In storage on which Mrs. Graham claims their a had agreed to give a poHcy. No policy Isted and Mr. Richards , the agent , de having made even a verbal agreement ' the plaintiff relative to Insurance , case baa been tried before four dlffe Juries and taken once to the supreme c ( It was reversed through the efl of the attorneys for the Insurance c pauy. The plaintiff still asserts that r bers ot witnesses were Introduced to p the agency of Mr. Richards , that such was proven In spite ot the decision of Ji Tuttle and that a motion will be Died a new trial. Omaha peopTo at the hotels : At tbo dell J. J. Uarr , J , M. Macfarland , A Churchill , H. L. Day. E. M. Browcrs. the Lincoln J. H. C. Hart , L. S. Hlgi C. C. Hughes , H. C. Mahanna , W. Moaber , E. E. Spangler , A. A. White SUGAR. FACTORY HAKES GOOD C Shorter Crop Thnn Uiunl , but K * lent IUulU Are Obtained. GRAND ISLAND. Neb. , Dec. 6. ( clal. ) The sugar factory closed dowt the end of the week after a succei though short run. The beet crop was cellent , but the acreage was much am , than last year owing to the dlfflcultlps countered at the opening ot the season tween the Beet Growers' association President Oxnard In regard to the Hawi i clause1. Gage County MorlROae Record WYMORE , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) lowing Is the record ofmortgage3 ( Died released In Gage county for the mont November : Number of farm mortgages filed , fc poven ; amount ot farm mortgages filed. 236 ; number farm mortgages released , I eight ; amount of farm mortgages re lei J67s:2 ; number city and town mortg filed , fifteen ; amount ot city and town n gages filed , JO.773' number of city And i mortgages released , thirty-live ; nmoun city ami town mortgages released , 132,29 County Taken Up It > lloudi. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Specla Twenty years ago the county bonded I i to obtain the surrey ot the Omaha ft publican Valley railroad. Since then th Interest his been collected by taxation cac year with an additional sum to apply o the reserve. The full amount , I6B.OOO , ho now been raised and tbo debt will bo dis charged. CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION MEtJT ! Annual fltntp Boftnlnn Attended h 1'ronilnoiit Spenkem , FREMONT. Nob. , Dec. 6. ( Special.- ) Thn Young Men's Christian association c thin city held a reception at Its rooms las evening. An excellent musical prograt wan rendered and a gymnasium exhlbltlo was given under the direction of Frc Brcltllng , physical director ot the asrocla tlon. The organization has a good member ship and U In prosperous financial con dltlon. The annual meeting of the stat Young Men's Christian association will b held hero this week , commencing Thursda evening. A program ot much Interest ha been prepared and 160 delegates nnd visit ors are expected , Among the speakers wh will bo present are Chancellor MacLean c the State university. Dean Fair of Omnh and G. F. Bldwell , general manager of th Elkhorn railroad. The meetings will be hcl In the Congregational church. SUPREMK COURT lit IN SESSION Omnhn Mayoralty Mny He Decided r Thin Sitting ; . LINCOLN , Dee. 6. ( Special Telegram.- ) The supreme court hap been In session tc day , engaged with routine work. Cast that may be passed on at the present all ting are the ones relating to the Bartle bond and the Omaha mayoralty. Child Rnrncd by LEIGH , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) The ' year-old son of C. R. Kurth of Leigh \vhl playing about the kitchen Monday found cup containing a quantity of liquid lye ar attempted to drink It. The cup was take trom him before he could swallow any ( the contents , but his tongus , mouth and 11) ) were terribly burned by th liquid. Rev. Snvlilp-c nt AVnJioo. WAHOO , Neb. . Dee. 6. ( Spi cal. ! ) Re C. W. Savldge clrsed his revival mcetlm In this city last evening and , with the B ck went to Lincoln to hold services there. Tl sermon Sunday afterno n on "gambllnt was one of the most Improji'.v * over dell' ercd in this city. Flrcmon fJlto n Fair. WYMORE , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Spsclal. ) Tl Wymore volunteer flro department decldi at a meeting held last night to glvo a flr man's fair at the opera house In this cl for one week , beginning January 9. Tl object U to ralso money to purchase ne uniforms for the members , who numb about fifty. Potty Prldoner Kncnpeii. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Dee. . ( Sp clal. ) Bob Walker , colored , who was In tl city jail on a twenty days' sentence , mat aged to escape yesterday. Ho has left tl city and the police department Is not at c anxious that ho come back , as be Is a chron vagrant. mind Woman Regain * Sight. AINSWORTH , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Special T egram. ) Last Friday , after a total bllm ness of twelve years' duration , Mrs. Palme an old woman living a few miles southwe of Alnsworth , suddenly regained her slg ! and now .seems to see as well as ever. fievr Telephone Syctera Installed. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Dec. C. ' .Speclnl An Independent telephone system with 2 connections was opened In this city toJa Very gcod results are obtained and the sy tern Is well patronized. . Short Beimlnn of Court. BLOOMINGTON , Neb. . Dec. 6. ( Special Judge F. B. Beale opened district cou here yesterday. There being no'yii'rV"trl the term of court closed tonight. ConsMpatlon prevents the body from rl < ding Itself of waste matter. De Witt Little Early Risers will remove the trouh and euro sick headache , biliousness. Inactl' liver , and clear the complexion. Smal sugar-coated ; don't xrlpe or cause nausea. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAS Fair and Colder ; NorthvreiitVlni the PrumlHp for Iowa nnd NehrnMka. WASHINGTON , Dec. 6. Forecast 1 Wednesday : For Nebraska and Iowa Fair ; colde northwesterly winds. For South Dakota Fair ; variable winds. For Missouri Fair ; colder ; wester winds. For Kansas Fair ; colder In extr n northeast portion ; variable winds. For Wyoming Fair ; colder ; varlat winds. DAKOTA IN LIQUOR BOS1NES ! Experiment with State Dispensary Oauie Oonfusion. LAW WILL PROBABLY BE REPEALEI Fnet ( lint the Stntnte In In Dlnfnvo May Prevent KxpcnnlTC Prepara tion ! Neecmary for State Control. YANKTON , S. D. , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) Th state dispensary law , which was adopted b the people of South Dakota at the rcceti election as an amendment to the constltu tlon , and which Is a subject of much ills eusslon at present throughout the etatc , wl probably be repealed before It becomes op cratlve. "The manufacture and sale of In ' .oxlcatlng liquors shall be under cxohislv ttalo control" Is the wordlnR of the constl tutlonal amendment and it 4s construed t nean that the state must manufacture a the liquor It dispenses , hence the enormou ixpcnse attendant upon the necessary equlr ncnt. But the amendment does not ca or any auch construction. It Implies th ; all of that liquor which la manufactured I the state shall bo under the. control of tt state. It does not mean that the brewerU or distilleries shall be owned and operate by the state ; elmply that they shall be ur dcr Its conlrrl , presumably as they are no under the control of the revenue dopari mcnt , only , perhaps , under more strlnget espionage. It Is true that there IB no available fur for the purpose of getting the business ci tablUhed , but there are hundreds of llqw firms who would be willing to advance a the needed stock. It Is well understood th : the pe-ple of the state do not deslro tl state dlspencary system. Less than om third of the total vote was polled upon th question and In view of this It Is propose , after It shall have been duly declared law , to submit a proposition to the peep at the next general election for the repc ; of the statute. It Is understood that the populists wl fight for the dispensary system because Involves the appointment of 300 Inspector who will bo appointed by Governor Lee , seated. The republicans are on record : favoring and supporting the present blf license liquor law which was adopted tw years ago and which has given very got satisfaction. The framing of a liquor law In conformli with the state dispensary amendment wl undoubtedly call together the largest lobt of liquor men which has ever attended legislative session. In reply to a queatlc as to what he thought -the legislature wou do In this direction a prominent brewer sali "What If the legislature falls to frame ar law ? Woufd 4t not be better to let tl matter rest In this way for two yearn ' give the people another chance to expre their desires , rather than Incur an expeni of $500,000 to put Into operation a la that will probably bo repudiated two yea hence ? The present law Is a good om there are no 'blind pigs' In the state ; tl state derives a largo- revenue from llqui licenses and there la no .demand for tl repeal of the taw exce'pt by a few proh bltlon fanatic ? , who blclevo that * man appetite may be regulated by law. " Poialble Content on Governor. Hlnta are made that a large number < ballots bearing only the name of Ooverni A. B. Leo and stamped with a counterfe official rtamp have been found among tl ballots In a number of precincts In th state. If this be true an average of thri such ballots to a precinct1 would accompli ! just such a condition ' { affalre as now e : Ists and which will probibly result in Kli O. Phillips , republlcan"contcetlng the ele tlon for the governorship. Quite a numb of such ballots have been counted by tl judges and clerks of election , but ha' been marked and set aside In case of contn versy. It la on the strength of these ballo that the republicans hope to show that Go' ernor Lee lacks a great many votes of b Ing re-elected. As an Indication that fraud wae prat tlced by stuffing the ballot , It Is allegi that It Is known who had the counterfe official ballot stamps made and where thi were manufactured. Another conclusl' evidence of fraud Is the discovery of mo ballots In the box In two precincts th : were delivered to the clerks prior to ele tlon , while In other Instance * whole pacl ages of blank official ballots are mtsslt and could have been distributed In adjoli Ing precincts for the purposes of fraud. Accidental Death. ARMOUR , S. D. , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) : the coroner's Inquett held over the b def of George Stafford , who was found dta near Scotland Saturday night , the Jury re turned a verdict of accidental death. Slat ford was A farmer living about two mile , from Scotland , In good circumstance * , bu unfortunately addicted to the excessive us of Intoxicating liquors. Saturday ho was 1 town and Imbibing too freely started fa home early In the evening. Two hour Tatcr he was discovered not over halt mile out. Ills team , In turning a cornel had thrown the wagon over , the edge r the box falling across Stafford's tempi * Life was extinct when he war found. Th unfortunate man leaves a wife and thre children. Hunter Badly Hurt. WORTHING , 8. D. , Dec. 6. ( Speeli Telegram. ) O. K. Brown , canhler of th Lincoln County bank of Canton , was ace ! dentally shot through the wrist of the rlgr arm this morning , six miles northwest t this town , while hunting wolves. He wl lose his hand , It not his life. | sKoMAMNEvvTj Last night's session of the city cour ell was a dreary sort of an affair , the routlt business being rushed through without d < bates of any kind. It was the first moetlti In the new quarters and perhapa the bai walls and dilapidated furniture had a di pressing effect upon the members. An ordinance creating a grading dlitrli for the alley between Twenty-oecond or Twenty-third streets and I and J stree was read for the first time nnd referred \ the judiciary committee. Treasurer Broai well reported a balance In the treasury c November 1 of 138,239. After the usual monthly reports of hea < of departments had been read and placed c file Clerk Carpenter read a rommuulcatlc from Manager Dlcklnnon of the Union Pacll and Manager Kcnyon of the Stock Yari company In relation to repairing the L strc viaduct. The companies notified the counc that they would commence at the east or of the bridge and repair 344 feet ot approai and commencing at the west end of the we span the approach for 4uG fert would be r < paired. A request was made that the cl engineer furnish specifications for this wor City Attorney Montgomery suggested th specifications for the repairs for the elitl bridge be furnished with a view to Imhicli the railroads to repair the whole structur Acting upon this suggestion a resolution wi offered and parsed directing the engine to prepare specification's tor the who bridge. A letter from Patrick Hlckey was rea In which he offered to settle his $5,000 pc sonal damage claim against the city , for $4C The communication was referred to tl finance committee. Blllti and salaries for November were o lowed and the clerk was Instructed to dra warrants for the same. Mayor Ensor called the attention of tl council to the bills for charity which B beginning to come In. Last month $43 wor of coal was given to poor people. Tl mayor thought that the charity commit ! ought to use great discretion in dlspensli charity , as the available funds at this tlr. would not warrant much of an expcnditu for this purpcse. Adjourned until December 19. Mayor Lectnrec the Police. Mayor Knsor took occasion a few evei ings ago to line up the members of the p lice force and give Lh-cm a good talking t This action on the part of the chief exeoi tlv was forced upon him by the action aevortl members who had upon one or mo occasions refused to 'obey the orders Chief Canoil.Thee * members ot the for had * Intimated1' In etrong terms to Carre that ( hey did not llko bis way of doii buslucsr and threatened to tell the troubles to the mayor. In his talk May Ensor a-saured the policemen that John Ca roll Is chief of the department and that ft orders are to be respected. He furth stated that If the members ot the for have any complaints to make they shou see the chief. In conclusion Mayor Ens said that In the future If members of tl department came to him with their troubl without first going to the chief they wou be discharged. Mayor Ensor's stand In tt matter may be the means of bringing abe a much needed Improvement In the disc pllno of the police force. The men bccau slack In their duties when Tom Brenn : waa chief and they continued In the sari i old rut after Carroll was appointed. Cam I tried to Improve the service but was hand capped by the lack of authority and the d termination on the part of certain membe to Ignore orders. In his talk the mayor sa that h was not playing any favorites MAKES SICKJEOPLE WELL. Glad Tidings for All who are Wiak , Nirvous and Run Down A Message of Hope to Delicate Women , Puny Children and Weak Men. i tUw Way to Tint Pali Chaaki with ths Glow off Health Niw Lift for Weak Stomachs , Weak Nervis , Weak Kidneys , Weaker , paler , thlnnsr , day by day , no appetite or strength , no desire for work or recreation , nervous , pcevUh , sleepless , sick of heart and sore of limb thes : are the conditions of countless numbers of half sick men nnd women nnxtoucly awaiting lomo nieHsngc of hope and chcrr. There Is no excuse for most people- being nick. There's a medicine that will cure Ihcm. A medicine that goes rlclit to the roots of the causes of nearly alt slcknetitt. The name of this good medicine Is Dr. Dlx Tonic Tiibl'-ts. They put vitality Into weak bodies mnke people strong , quirt the nerves , restore nmmtlon , drive head ache awny , give you n appetite , sweet en the stomach nnd breath , and forever remove the thousand und one distressing llH. llH.Dr. . Dlx Tonic Tablets , first of all , nld the kidneys. Next thfy. purlfv the alood , get ting Into every big and little vein In tlio body , driving all Impurities out of the system. Finally th / rcculatc the liver perfectly , making It perform al Its func tions exactly as nature Intended. In tlolnR these three things , It removes the cause of the police department and that If a man could not attend to his duty and obey tht rules of the department he would bo dropped from the rolls. Side Improvement Clnb. President J. J. Broen of the East Side Improvement club has called a meeting of thu club for Thursday night at his office in the Singer block. Twenty-fourth and N streets. Letters are to be sent by Mr. Brecn to members of the South Side Improvement club of Omaha requesting their presence at the rm tlng. At this gathering the question of street car facilities for the Bast Side will be taken up In conjunction with the effort now being made by the South SUU club of Omaha. An extension of the Thir teenth street line Is desired and arrange ments will be made at this meeting for plac ing the demands of the east and south aiders before the directors of the street cat company. It Is asserted that the extension of the Thirteenth street car line to Mis souri avenue will assist materially In build ing up that part of the city and afford ac commodations to those living there now who are compelled to walk quite a distance In order to reach a street car. As soon as tht transportation problem Is settled the club will take up the question of better fire and police protection in that section of the city. H is asserted that a policeman Is never seen east of Twentieth street and flro hydrants are few and far between. Every member Is urged to attend this meeting. Pattlna In New Mala * . Yesterday the Omaha Water company completed the work of laying 1,000 feet of sixteen Inch main * about the Cudaby plant. In addition to the&e new mains standplpes j were placed on nearly all t > f the buildings be forced by steam ( o that now water can flre engine pressure to any part of the plant. This Is in addition to the extensive system of pumpa nd mains maintained by the 'CuOatiy'company. . . , ' It is expected that the water company will commence today th laying of 1,500 fcot of eight Inch mains at the stock yards. | These pipes are to be laid In the new Texas division of the yards and the work will be pushed aa rapidly as the weather will permit. Six Covered Hog Pen * . Six of the big covered .hog pens at the stock yards were completed yesterday. Each of these pens are 196x32 feet. It Is es- ' 11 ma ted that the now pens will bold sev enty-five cars of hogs. Covered pens are appreciated at this tlmo of the year by shippers and commission men alike and it Is the intention of the stock yards company - pany to continue the erection of roof * over the pcna so that stock of all kinds may ba placed In sheltered positions during bad weather. Milk ( or Sick. Milk Inspector Montague Is Issuing In structions to milk dealers In connection nearly all the Ills of men , women mna If you'arp suffering from excise * of any kind-overwork , Intemperance , etc. If you are llrrd find don't know what In the world nre dltzy , weak and food nil * you-lf you fe l tieleh. lies badly In the sUoinarh-lf you nervous , have hot and cold fpellj a.- nattly your life In In danger , but Ur. DU Tonic TiiblctH will quickly put you on your feet npaln. No difference what you think what dlneane may be no dlffercnco your llio doctors call It. this medicine IB what need. Ten minute * after you take lh von nrst tablet you'll feel better , pr. pix Tonln Tablet * are for sale by all druggists at CO cent * a box. , . Wo want to Introduc * FRK13 TO At.l * thorn to every reader of this paper , many of whom need such a remedy. For a limited tlmo the proprietors. Hayes & Coon. MS Hull BiiliaW , Detroit. Mich. , will ncnd > trial package free by mall to all who will * nd thtlr name- and address ( enough to convince- the most skeptical of their great merit. ) Send at one * and be well and happy again. Tell your friends and neighbors about this most liberal offer. with the delivery of milk to families where contagious diseases exist. According to the lustructlous Iwued by the. Inspector milk 'or places where contagious disease signs are exposed must bn delivered in special cana and not poured from a general can Into n dish or receptacle furnished by the household. This precaution Is taken In order to prevent the possibility of a spreading of the germs. Every precaution Is being taken by Inspector Montague to stamp out thn disease and all places where diphtheria ex ists are rigidly quarantined. It Is stated that the dlseare this year Is more scvern In some Instances than formerly , but by prompt action the health department hopes to prevent an epidemic. Wont Street" Opened. William Rubin , Gcorgo Hoist John Neuraan bavo united In a protest to the council about the lack of facilities for reaching thcJr homes in the eastern pn-l of the city with .wagons. H Is asserted In- ths complainants that aldewalks and fences have been built along Twentieth streat be tween G and K streets , thus shutting oft a cross-lots road which was used by the people ple living east of Twentieth street. A peti tion la now being circulated among prop erty owners asking1 for the opening of some of the lettered streets In order that the people ple living between G and K streets ami Fourteenth and Eighteenth streets may not bo Inconvenienced. Roral Arcanum Officers. Knoxall council , No. 1064 , Royal Arca num , has elected the following ofllcera : Herbert Broad well , past regent : N. B. Mead , regent ; W. H. Jones , vice regent ; C. L. Clapp , orator ; A. H. Murdock , secre tary ; S. B. Chrlstlo , collector ; O. Ihnen , Jr. , treasurer ; J. 'B. Aane , chaplain ; J. C. Carley , futd ; Philip Krauw , warden : F. G. Wallweber. sentry ; Denna Allbery , trustee for three years ; J. B. Smiley , or ganist ; Denna Allbery , representative ; J. ' " * ti. Martin , alternate. Mnitlc Citr tmfl N , l Mrs. Miles Welsh , Twenty-third seriously ill. A son has been bom to Mr. and Mrs. R. B streets. and Twenty-seventh A. Byrne , The brick scale hoMso In the Texas di vision at the yards is rapidly near lug com pletion. Rev. John Williamson is conducting1 evan gelistic meetings at the United Presby terian church this week. The charter revision committee meet * Thursday night at the council chamber. AH taxpayers are Invited to attend. Mls-s Etta Thompson , a member of the governmental microscopical force at this place , Is quite 111 at her home In Omaha. There will be a smoker at the South Omaha club tonight. Whist will bo the order of the evening , with refreshments after the games. The explosion of a gasoline atovo nt Fred King's residence , Twenty-fifth and K streets , yesterday called out the flre department. Tbo loss was trifling. si ey n- ner er tlot irt er ee ty Hail Dr. Bennett increasing demand in this section for Dr. Bennett's he The vast and constantly 3'S ay World Famous Electric Belt has made it necessary for him to open one of his principal or afflicted man or woman , and have been If are an offices in Omaha. you cipal 'er ' ce drugging yourself with "patented nostrums" which cannot cure and only help the ad Swift. Safe and Tear Down Your Constitution there is only one of Dissass to nt Dragon human flesh is heir and that which to xed Sure Cure for the various chronic diseases ed when Electricity is applied through th is electricity and we absolutely guarantee a cure he nt the medium of rt mve tn nm ict - , DP. Bennett's Electric Belt ge lor Backing our claim for your consideration we offer the evidence of 10,000 Cures of the following diseases : nS. . The Deadly Vericocele , Impotency , Seminal Weakness , Losses and Drains ; S.At , Restore Shrunken or Undeveloped Organs ; cures Rheumatism in every guise ; 18 S. Kidney , Liver & Bladder Troubles , Constipation , Dyspepsia , Female Complaints. IN. Prices of Belts $3 and $1O. 1- that can be instantly felt of ELECRTICITY FORFEIT if this belt does not generate a genuine current $1,000 belt earth. HAS SOFT nt than any other electric upon four times stronger by the patient , and guaranteed (4) ( ) tul and Blister the Patient NOT and WILL NOT Burn CHOMOIS-COVERED ELECTROl ES that C.\N NOT , DO SILKEN - IX- electric belts made in the other used in all ler ' do the Eare Metal Electrodes exclusive as ( Dr. Bennett's patent ) ' in another exclusive of Dr. Bennett's ) and may be Cells ( patent world. This Bell has Interchangeable Battery te tend renewed when burned out for 78 cents. No other bait can be renewed at any price and when burned out are an useless. DR. BENNETT'S ELECTRICAL SUSPENSORY , for the euro of the various weaknesses and ailments of men , is given absolutely Dlnd FREE to every male purchaser of one of his belts. ndof . Get FREE Symptom Blanks ( for diagnosing your case ) , Books , Testimonials of Call or write today do not put it off delays are dangerous. and other literature. All consultations and correspondence sacredly confidential. J.ty - Rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas Block , ty- I' Sold DR. BENNETT ELECTRIC CO. S ixteenth and Dodge Sts. Omaha. rift ; es by only . . , ( opposite Haydan's. ) . ft n nof If you have an old-style Electric Belt or one that is burning you or is worn out and cannot be renewed , until Decumber 20 , we will take it as half payment for one of Dr. Bennett's. M m