THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DEOEMBEH 4 , 1898. 01 M J. Local Merchants Hava Another Week of Excellent Busineie , HOLIDAY BUYING IS WELL UNDER WAY Retailer * 1'rcpnre for Mvclr Time * Tfal Mont * and Jolilier * ( JettlUK Ilendr for n Ilrluk Sprlnic Trade Feature * of the Situation. Business last week In all departments of trade waa In most excellent condition. There was no storm , as was the case the previous week , to Interfere , but the weather on moat days was mild and pleasant. Shoppers were attracted forth In goodly number and the downtown retail stores , wcre crowded all the week. The weather was cold enough to stimulate the buying of winter merchandise of all descriptions. The holiday trade Is just commencing and gives promise of being large In volume and of a satisfactory character. Merchants have made great preparations by laying in large stocks of goods suitable to the season. Local manufacturers are very busy and it would bo dlfllcult to point out a time when the future prospect was moro en- couraglng. Consumers nnd retail merchants are -very favorably disposed toward goods of homo production , and that , taken In con nection with the good consuming demand , keeps the manufactories very busy. Down In the Jobbing district only the very- best reports are heard from representative houses. Kvery one appears to be thor oughly well satlslled with the existing con ditions. Pew Change * in l rlce . As usual this season , wholesale grocers report trade ns being active In all depart ments , with the general tonfl of the market firm. Laflt month's wiles show considerable Increase over those of the corresponding period of last year , so Jobbers are all well pleased with the iiroapect before them. There were but few changes In the sched ule of prices last week , but some of the more Important ones should be noted. The market on California dried fruit , especially peaches , apricots and pears , Is very llrm , with pcacnes advancing , and desirable fancy stock hard to obtain. A few sizes of prunes , however , are a trifle easier , but prices on both the large and the small sizes are firm. Fancy evaporated apples , as would naturally be expected as n result of the short crop , are scarce and consequently higher prices prevail than reported a week JjTQ While the market on canned goods Is ad vancing In eastern markets , still prices re main the samn here. Thin Is made possible by the demoralized condition of freight rates , which has Just about offset the ad vance which took place In the east. It is thought , however , that canned goods will have to bo advanced here also before very ° ' Ab'out the only change reported In fari naceous goods Is the advance In buckwheat because of the apparent scarcity and the etrcngth which is developing in the oat meal market since the last advance. Hardware Sellii Freely. ' Jobbers of hardware report a good brisk trade In all seasonable goods , and al though the period of relaxation is not far distant , still business shows but little decrease. October Is usually about the best month hardware men have , but one dealer aid November crowded the preccd.n month pretty close this year , and that was saying a good deal. Continuing , ho said Chat business Is 40 per cent better than it was 'a year ago , and they considered last year's trade very satisfactory. Generally speaking , the market Is firm on practically all lines , although the present condition of freight rates has effected some classes of goods temporarily. Quotations on rope have not been lowered as yet. al though there Is considerable tendency to . weaken. The- general opinion , however , is that a break In the market Is not far off. At this season of the year there Is not much to bo said regarding the wholesale dry goods trade as one week Is practically a repetition of another. There Is the cus tomary demand for all kinds of seasonable i Roods needed to keep the retailers' stocks complete , but aside from that there Is not much being done In the Jobbing houses at tha present time. The scene of activity Is now on tha road , where traveling men are taking orders for spring goods. It Is doubt ful If the outlook for an Immense spring trade was ever more nattering , for coun try merchants are buying freely nnd of the best goods on the market. They are also taking hold of novelties and fancy lines with moro Interest than has been displayed before in many years. Local dealers con sider thews omens very favorable and pro- ' diet nothing but success for the future of Omaha B Jobblnc Interests. The condition of the weather for the last two weeks or so has been of considerable ' 'teneflt to boot and shoe Jobbers as It has made heavy shoes almost n necessity. Re tailers have had a big trade ever since the blizzard and Jobbers are now reaping some benefit. Traveling men ore metlng with food success on the road r nd i-ny trade 's coming much easier than it did a year ago. Indentions all seem to point to a good run of business In the spring nnd Jobbers are making extensive preparations to handle with proptness all the orders that come Rubber goods men are doing a rushing business , ns sloppy weather never falls to make their class of goods popular Orders are coming from every section of the west by telegraph as well an by mall and all are marked "rush. " Jobbers are doing their test to Oil order * promptly , but , of course ome dflays are bound to occur. It certainly looks now as though this Is to bo one of the most prosperous years ever experienced by local merchants and as the demand for rubbers Is unusually heavy all over many Bay they would not bo surprised to sep a general shortage of supplies. "P 'a. ' " * " the winter continues as It has begun. Little ot nothing Is being done by local lumber dealer" , the storm to all purposes having closed their season of activity. are In such condition ns to e market is firm at present quo- tatlons Receipts are increasing somewhat Kit not as much as th-y should nt this Mason oMheVyrat. Dealers say that ever fnco ISM hdeg have been growin scarcer , „ but an increase is looked for In another vear' ' Prnlt and Produce. The commission business , the same as all others , Is In a very satisfactory condition. There Is a ready sale for all staple lines and even some of the more fancy lines are not neglected. Strawberries from Los An- Soles are still on the market and as they 11 d felt again , ns the market Is stiffening up considerably. New York stock can hardly bo quoted under $3.75 per barrel and west erns at J3.2WT3.50. California grapes nro now out of the market , which 1 only the Malagas , which are held nt J7.50fl8.00. Fresh eggs are still quoted at 20c and are very scarce. Butter Is the same as a week ngo. Receipts of poultry fell off somewhat the latter part of the week , but the market fa still flooded as the demand Is exceedingly light. It Is difficult to tlnd buyers for tur keys at any price , but they are being quoted at 7o live and Bffflc .dressed. liens , live , will hardly bring over 4c , nnd dressed 5c. The market on spring chickens Is also way off. live onea going at 5Q5V&0 and dressed BGame fa quite as plentiful as poultry , PO tha market Is correspondingly low. Quail will not bring over JlWl.10 per dozen and prairie chickens $300 Jack rabbits nro plow sale at 75c4 J1.00 and cottontails 25 < i > 80c. Many commission mcn'i'C rfifuslnit rnb- bits. as they tlnd It Impossible to make hem pay express charges. OMAHA C.KNKIIAI , MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotation * on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGGS Good stock. 20c. BUTTER-Common to fair. 10O12c ; choice. 14016c ; separator , 22c ; gathtred creamery , JOG21C. POULTRY Hens , live , 4c : dressed , Be ; old roosters , live , 3V4c ; dressed , 4Hc ; sprlnc chickens , live. MTBUc ; drcxsed. 606V4c ; ducks , live. EijSHo ; Jrensed. 7&7V-C : geese , live. Cl406c : dressed , 74JSc ; turkeys , live , 7cj rtwuei. . GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.5 ; ; green wing. $1.50 : mixed , J1.76UJ.25 : prairie chickens , (5 ; quail , per doz. . $1.00ffU0 ; Jack rabbits , 76cfil. ; cottontails. 25Ii30c. PIQE NS Live , per doz. , 60c. VE Mr-Choice , 8fi9c. VEGETABLES. ONIONS-Per be . 15045c. UEAN8 lland-plcxed. navy , per bu. , $1.30 01.49 POTATOES-Choice stock. 4550o ; sacked : , iSO dc : poorer slock. 35ft40c. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl. . $ ! .60. CAHUAGE-Per lb. . cratod. IfllSic. CELEHY Per bunch. 2ia30c ; Colorado celery. % ROpCAI < FnuTa LEMONB-Callfornla. fancy , $4.0004.60 ; choice. $3.7SSj400. ORANHIOS Mexicans. $1.00 ; small slics , JJ.75 : Navels. $4.K > ; seedlings , $3.60. iJANANAB Chulcu , largo stock , per bunch , J2.0032.23 ; medium sized bunches , $1.762.00. FRUITS. APPLES Western Ben Davis , Gcnltons and Wlnesaps , per bb ! M.25 3.50 ; New York Baldwins , Greenings and others , choice , per bbl. . 1X75. PEARS-Uartlett. California , out of the market ; other varieties , $2.25. STRAWBERRlES-Pcr box. 30fi33c. ORAPES-Malaga. per bbl. , $7.50U8.00. CRANBKRRIES-Bell & Bugles , per bbl. , $7.60 ; Jcrtcys , $6.00 ; per crate , 42.25. QUINCE * Per box , $2.00. % , _ MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. . 16Jfl7c : Brazils , per lb. , DfllOc ; English walnus. pr lb. , fancy soft hell. 113120 : standards , lOc ; filberts , per ID. , lie : pecans , polished , 'if 80 ; oocoanuts , per 100 , $4.60 ; peanuts , raw , C0CHc ; roasted , 7S7V4c : chestnuts , S39c. MAPLE SYRUP-Five-KBl. can. Jach. $2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , XII ; lialtUl. . cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. FIGS Imported , none ; California , iw-lb. boxes , I1.60Q1.7& . HONEY-Cholce white , 12HO13c. DATES Hallowec. CO to .0-lb boxes. CHcVSalr , 6H36c ; Fard" , 9-'lb""box s , fJIDICR-Per half bbl. . $3.25. SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. , $2.00. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDESNo. . I green hides , /c / : No t green hides , tc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8ic ! , No. 2 salted hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 3 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE. S/fC.-'la.loW , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Vic : rough tailorIHc ; white grease , 2Hd3c ; yellow and brown grease , U4JJ2 l-4c. SHEEP PELTS-Orcen saltud. each , Kit 75c ; green salted shearings ( short woolta early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry * ne ° rntr.i ! { shut wool'd early skins ) . No. 1 , eaj.i , Sc ; diy flint , Kansas and Ntbrasku batcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4i5c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , JiMc ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@5c ; dry flint , Colorado mur.uln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3y4i. FU US Mink , _ 10@.6c ; bear _ ( black . wolf ( timber ) , 23c@.50 ; wolf ( prnlrie ) coyote , lOJ/Wc / ; wildcat , 1023o ; badger , 5340c ; silver fox. $30.00fc > 75.00. NEW YORK GENEHAlT HAHKET. Quotation * for the Uny on General Commodities. NEW YORK , Dec. 3.-FLOUR-Rccelpts , 28.0S9 bbls. ; exports , 11.S39 bbls. Market quiet but steady ; winter patents , $3.8033.85 ; winter straights , $3.43Q'3.65 ' ; Minnesota pat ents , $3.9JM.iO ; wnter extras , $2.8503.00 ; Minnesota bakers , J2.S033.10 ; winter low grades , $2.40J12.70. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western , 75 RYE Steady ; No. 2 western , 69 0 , t. o. b. , alloat ; 65Uc , c. I. f. , Buffalo. BARLEY lIALT-Steady ; No. 2 western , WHEAT-Recclpts , 421,623 bu. ; exports , 75,700 bu. Spot steady ; No. 2 red , 77c , f. o. b. . afloat. Optons opened easy , under bear ish cables , rallied on covering , but weakened again , through dullness and closed 1-Sc lower ; January , 74 S-Sfifa 6-80 , closed at 74 3-8c ; May , 71 1-8(7 ( ( > 71 3-Sc , closed at 71 l-8c ; Df comber , 71 3-8IW3 l-16c. closed at 73Hc. CORN Receipts , 134,350 bu. ; exports , 20- 700 bu. Spot steady ; No. 2 , 41c , f. o. b. , afloat. Optons quiet but steady all mornIng - Ing on cables nnd light offerings , closed l-8c higher ; May , 39 6-8 < ZM9c , closed at 396-8c ; December , 39 l-8i 39&c , closed at 39UC. OATS Receipts , 73,200 bu. Spot steady ; No. 2. 31 032c. Options dull. 1696 . . 19021c , _ _ crop , ll < g > 13or 1898 crop , 19021C , WOOL Steady : fleece , 17@22c. BUTTER Receipts , 3.S32 pkgs. ; steady ; western rreamery , 16S23c ; Elglns , 23c ; fac tory , 12t144e. CHEESE Receipts , 6,195 pkgs. ; steady ; large , white , 910c ; small , white. 10(8 ( > lOVic ; large , colored , 9&10c ; small , colored , * 008 Receipts , 4,779 pkgs. ; steady ; west- 6rn 26c SUGAR Raw , firm : refined , dull and nominal ; crushed , 6c ; powdered , 8c ; granulated. 64c. . TALLOW Neglected ; city , 37-16c ; coun try , 3 3-8(33 ( 6-8c. , , RICE Fair to extra ; 4y56Vic. MOLASSES-Steady ; New Orleans open kettle , good to choice , 29if ? > 34c. METALS The firm fixing the settling price for leading" miners and smelters at the west quotes lead nt $3.43 : copper , $12.7o ! rusting copper , $11.75. The Metal exchange Issue no report today. COTTONSEED OIL Dull but steady ; prime crud ? . 17H@lSc ; prime crude f. o. b. . mills , : prime summer yellow. 21W iff22c : butter grades , 25@27o ; prime winter yellow , 27@23c. _ _ St. LonU Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 3. WHEAT Futures closed eas ly at the lowest quotations of the day nnd fractions under , yesterday : spot , atcady ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 70Jc bid ; track , Tlo ; December , 70Hc asked ; May , C9WOC9 3-8o : No. 2 hard , cash , 64c. CORN Futures were dull and fractionally higher ; spot , higher : No. 2 cash. 32Vic ; De cember. 31 > .4o : May , 32 7-Sc asked. OATS Options lower ; spot , lower : No. 2 cash , 28c ; track , 28Hc ; December , 27o bid ; May. 27 7-828c asked ; No. 2 white , 30c. RYE-Nomlnal at E2c. SEED Flaxseed. higher at SGVfcc ; prime timothy seed , nominally $2.30. CORNMEAL-$1.D5 1.GO. RRAN-Flrmer ; east track , sacked , 6514 HAY Steady to firm ; prairie , $6.60J7.60 ; timothy , $ S.XVJffl.OO. COTT6NTIES-65C. BAGGING PAWc. WHT8KY Hlener at $1.28. BUTTER Market steady ; creamery , 19 ® 24c : dairy , 15Hf20c. EOGS-Qulet nt 19c. METALS Lead , lower at $3.50 ; spelter , nominal at $5.15. PROVISIONS-Pork , steady ; standard mess. Jobbing , $8.00. Lard , lower : prime Hteam , $4.90 ; choice , $5.00. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , J1.25 : extra shorts , $4.76 : ribs , $5.1214 ; shorts , $5.25. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.00 : extra shorts , $5.25 ; ribs , J5.C2V4 : PhortH , $5.75. RECEIPTS Hour , 6,000 bbls. : wheat , 69- 000 bu. : corn. 104.000 bu. ; onts , 12,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6,000 bbls. : wheat , 89,000 bu. ; corn , 72,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu. Knnaan City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 3. WHEAT Firm : No. 1 hard. 63W63',4c ; No. 2. 59ffl 2'Ac ; No. 2 red , G6 < if < T7c ; No. 3. 64Q Ga ; No. 2 spring , 61'X.c : No. 3. 6760Hc. CORN-Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 3l@SVic ; No. 2 white. 31Hc ; No. 3. 31c. OATS St-ady ; No. 2 white , 28H@2te. ( RYE-Hlgher ; No. 2 , 4Sc , HAY Steady nnd unchanged. BUTTER Steady ; separator , 20c ; dairy , 16c. EGGS Steady : fresh , 20o. RECEIPTS AVheat , C4.200 bu. ; corn , 9,600 bu. : oats. 4,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 111,000 bu.j corn , 4,600 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu. Rnltlmore Market. BALTIMORE. Dec. 3. FLOUR-Qulet , unchanged ; receipts , 18,839 bbl. * . ; exports , 3,933 bbls. WHEAT Steady : spot and month , 71W ® 71ic ; recHpts , 12S.778 bu. ; exports , 114.9M bu. : southern , by sample , 6S72Uc. CORN Firm ; spot nnd month. 337-80 > 39c : mlxrd , Bteamer. SSQ'SSl-Sc ; receipts. 129,080 bu. ; exports , 2,293 bu. ; southern white , 37 © 3)C. OATS Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 white , receipts. 15,189 bu. ; No. 2 western. 3SV4c. RYE No. 2 western , 43&c ; receipt , 21,371 bu. Clnelnnntl Market. CINCINNATI , Dec. 3-WHEAT-Steady ; No. 2 red. 70c. CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , new , 3IV4e. OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed. 29c. PROVISIONS Lard , steady nt $1.90 ; bulk meats. $1.75 ; bacon , easy at $5.S7K : . WHISKY-FIrm nt $1.26. BUTTER-Qulet. EGGS Firm nt 19c. Toledo Market. TOLEDO. Dec. 3. WHEAT Lower nnd weak ; No. 2 cash nnd December , 70Vlc ; May , 703-c bid. CORN Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed. 34Uc. OATS Dull unchnnced ; No. 2 mixed. 27c. RYE Dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , 61c bid. CLOVEHBEED-Dull. higher ; prime cash , $4.72 * . _ Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 3.-WHEAT-Mar- kct steady ; December , C23ic ; No. 1 hard , 64Uc. FLOUR Firm : patents. $3.70 3.75 : second patents , $3.15Q3.55 ; tlrst clears , $2.o > 32.70. lliilutU drain Market. DULUTH. Dec. 3. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 69c ; May , ftjiic bid : No. l northern , cash , CoV-c. Receipts , 645,400 bu. ; shipments , 293.100 bu. CORN-321-SC. OATS-S7HC. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. S. WHEAT Ea y ; No. 1 northern , 67ff67l4c : No. 2 northern , 66c. RYE Steady ; No. 1. 531l63'4c. BARLEY-Knslcr ; No. 2. 49 4a 4c ; sample , OVjc. Phllndelphla 1'rodut-e Market. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 3.-RUTTER- Unchanged ; fancy western creamery , 23 { l-JOGS Firm ; fresh western , 25c. I'eorln Market. PEORIA. Dec. 3-CORN-No. 2 , 33 > io. OATS-KIrm : No. 2 white , 27Q2IC. WHISKY-Firm : $1.24. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Extreme Dullness of Speculators in the Fit Militates Against Wheat Prices , PROVISIONS TWO TO SEVEN CENTS LOWER Week' * Clearance * of Wheat nnd Flonr Drake All I'revlotm accord * , AmuuiitltiK to 7ISiOOO : Umb el * , but Trade U Dull. CHICAGO , Dec. 3-Extreme dullness of trade again militated against wheat prices today , nnd although the week's clearances worn the largest on record , closing prices showed > ; o decline from yesterday. Corn shows no change. Oats declined 1-SQ-Uc. Provisions closed 2',4Q714c ' lower. Considering that Liverpool showed closing declines of % 6'3-Sd and northwestern re ceipts gave no s-lgns of falling off , the openIng - Ing In wheat was stronger than might have been expected. Hey started only a shade under yesterday's closing price at 663-8 ® GGV4c , and after a few moments hesitation , advanced under a very llttlo buying to 66 6-Sc. For about an hour trading was moderate In volume , but scattered , and con fined moktiy to room traders , commission houses having almost no outside orders cither way. Uhe week's clearances of wheat and Hour from this country broke all previ ous records , amounting to 7,413,000 bu. , but even this fact failed to stimulate trading to ' any appreciable extent , and before 11 o'clock the market began to suffer from the lack of Interest and prices slowly de clined. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 1,432 cars , compared with 1,400 last week and 860 a year ago. Chicago receipts were 13 ! ) cars\ eleven of contract grade. Total primary receipts were 1C23,000 bu. This wau 700,000 bu. over the same day last year. Cables noted a continual Increase In the stocks at Russian ports. Atlantic port clearances for the day were not so heavy as of late , but were sufficient to prevent any sharp break from lack of support. These amounted to 605,000 bu. An increase of about 1,250,000 bu. In the visible supply was looked for. Shortly before the close , May touched CO 3-Sc. This was about put price and some buying to protect privileges gave a better tone to the last few minutes of trading , the market closing fairly steady at 681ic. There was a good trade In corn and the market for most of the session was quite firm , December particularly. The chief bull influence was apparently the heavy ship ments. Clearances were fair and shipping demand good. A heavy decrease In stocks here next week was looked for. The market eased off late in the day on colder weather west nnd prospects for a freer country movement. Receipts were 404 cars. May ranged from 34 3-8c to 315-Sc , and closed un changed nt 34 fi-8c. The market for oats was rather weak throughout. Warehousemen and the coun try offered liberally and the demand was poor , prices suffering somewhat In conte quence. Sympathy with wheat was an In fluence. The range was narrow. Receipts were 324 cars. May ranged from 26Hc to 26 ic , and closed l-S ® > yc lower at 26Wo. The continued heavy receipts of hogs fccted provisions and the market showed weakness for the first time this week. Packers sold liberally , the support coming mostly from the outside. Prices tended slowly downward and closed at about th < bottom. January pork was 7Uc lower u' ' $9.17 % . January lard was 2H@Bc lower a $5.10 and January ribs 60 lower at tt.w , Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat 130 cars : corn , 420 cars ; oats , 3SO cars ; hogs , 60,000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows Article ! . open. Hlch. LOW. Olott. Yeid'y Wheat. Pea. . . . 66W ecu BH May. . . 6GK01 * ecuH ex Corn. D < o. . . S3U May. . . 34 H 34H 34V * Jan . . . 3 36) ) , 36 36 16 Onts. 320W Dee. . . . 20W 20N May. . . UOH Pork. Tire , , . . 70 700 790 787H Jan. . . . B27K 917 * 917 * 826 May. . . B47W 947.4 940 940 947k Lurd. Pec. . . . 4971 Jan. . . . 615 615 610 6 10 6 IS May. . . 6 SO 632H 686 630 Ribs. Pec. . . . 446 447U Jan 40'H 4 HO 4C > 0 406 480 482 * 476 476 4 BO Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , $3.50ft 3.CO : straights , $3.1503.30 ; spring specials $4.00@4.10 ; spring patents. JJ.iiOy ; ; straights , $2.flO3.10 ; bakers , $2.2 < W2.EO. WHEAT No. S spring , 62'365c ; No. 2 red 70c. 70c.CORN CORN No. 1 , 33 7-8O34 1-Sc. OATS No. 2. 27Vi 2b 4c ; No. 2 white , SOVio No. 3 white. 28V4S23VjO. ( RYE-NO. 2. KMC. BARLEY No. 2 , f. o. b. , 41'f5L1c. ' } SEEDS Flaxseed , No. 1 , $1.00 ; prime tlm othy seed , $2.20. PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.9 @ > 7.95. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , J4.95 3.17'4 Bacon short ribs sides ( loose ) , S-I.GiVii 1.70. Dr salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.2504.37V. short clear sides ( boxed ) , $4.S5 < j4.93. WHISKY-Dlstillers' flnlshed goods , pe gal. . $1.26. SUGARS-Cut loaf. $3.89 ; granulated , $3.3 Following are the receipts and shipment for today : ARTICLES. Receipts. Shipments Flour , bbls. Wheat , bu. , 154.0DO 9100 Corn , bu. . . . 2JB.OGO 920,110 Oats , bu. . . . 377.000 246,00 Rye , bu. . . . 29.0CO 1,501 Barley , bu. , _ 54.WO 17,00 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm ; creamoilc ? , OPERATIONS IN STOCKS AND BONDS , Activity on 'Chanico U Confined 1 the Specialties. NEW YORK , Dec. 3Therewas no much change In the character of the mar ket today from that which has prevails for several days past. Activity was for tl most part confined to the specialties an the extreme rar.go In the price of man leading railroad stocks did not exceed 1 ® U point. London was a seller of Americans again though the rate for money wns easier a that center , in spite of an additional with drawal of over $1,300,000 in gold from thu Bank of England , presumably for ship ment to Germany. London's offerings of stocks hero were fairly well absorbed , but there was no Increased demand. The grangers were remarkably dull nnd slug gish In spite of the St. Paul statement for the fourth week In November , showing sra level of earnings , notwithstanding the bad weather prevailing , never before exceeded , except In 1892. There was a slight re of realizing sales In Northern , Union id Central Pacific , but in the case of the : latter there was a subsequent rebound of 16-8 points. Sugar .dropped . a sharp frac tion at the opening on rumors of further reduction In the price of the product , but this specialty afterward moved strongly upward on covering of shorts. Pacific Mall was also a strong feature and moved up to 403-8 on good business outlook for the company. Metropolitan Street Railway continued Its upward course above all previous high records , while Manhattan iroved In a contrary direction , the move ment being the result of traders' interpre tation of the revived talk of n rapid transit system. There was a resumption of the upward movement In Federal Steel hoe ferred and apparently sympathetic ed vances m Tennessee Coal and Colorado Fuel. The Increase In surplus reserve nato shown by the bank statement was duo to Increased requirement on account of the deposit Increase. The Increase In loans Is attributed In large part to the resumption of lending money abroad ; a process which Involves borrowing on sterling exchange col lateral as an Incident. Perhaps the slight reactionary tendency toward the close of the week Is fostered by fears that traffic returns for the fourth week In November , to be publltshed next week , will show unfavorable effect from the stormy weather. The events of the week In the International exchange market ; have given new nnd convincing evidence of ths. , strength of this country's llnanclal po sition. The decline in discount rates abroad ; early in the week wiped out the margin of profits between the InUirst rates abroad and those prevailing here. The heavy contracts for steel rails Indi cate a coming period of railroad Improve ment and extension and there are numer ous schemes for consolidation and organi zation of great Industries being floated In Wall Street. Among those for the week are corporations In silver plating , thread , tlnplate , llmecd oil. photographic cameras , etc. , requiring many millions for the pro cess of financiering. In the bond markst prices have been con- stunUy upward on a largo and well-dls- trlbuted volume of business. United States 2s and 4s and the new 4s and the 6 , reg istered , have advanced 3-8 per cent and the 4 * and the 6s , coupon , U per cent in the bid price. The livening Post's London financial ca 1 blegram fays' The stock market hero opened dull today , notably Americans , but the latter , with the exception of Central Pacific , closed at a slight Improvement , Nearly 2,000,000 was repaid by the market to the Bank of England today , but money was easy notwithstanding this and the London market rate , was 33-S per cent. There wns a further heavy gold movement from abroad. It wns not known , however , during business hours and will cause sur prise to the market. It Is generally be lieved that , although gold Is going to Ger many , much of the present .withdrawal on German account hiis really entered re cently Into various extensive llnanciul schemes with Russian companies for whom Germany has specially contracted to sup ply a certain portion of the capital In gold. This Is now costing Berlin dearly. Total sales of stocks today were 191 .00 shares , Including : Atchlson preferred , 4,200 ; Central Pacific , 3,750 : Louisville & Nash- ferrcd. 13.SSS : American Tobacco , 3,020 ; Fed eral Steel , 3,000 ; Federal Steul preferred. 11- 511 : Pacific Mall , 16.0SO ! Sugar , 27,239 ; Ten nessee Coal & Iron , 13,620 ; Rubber pre ferred , 3,195. . . . . . , The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today : Atohljon . ICtt Hock Island do pM . } i St. L. & S. F . SH Baltimore & Ohio. . Wh do ufd . ec\ C tiaJo I'aclflo . . . . S do Id pfd . 32 Canada Southern . . MW St. U & S. W . itt Central 1'ittinc . . . . 33,4 do pfd . H4 ! Chesapeake & Ohio 2JU St. l'au I . 114 OI caKO & Alton. . .16J do pfd . ! C2\i C. . U. & Q . " J St. P. & O . S3 Chicago & E. L. . . " ' / do pfd. ' . . 1C3 do pra. . . . . . W * St. P. . M. & M..163 Chlcaco Q. W. . . . 111 ! . Southern I'acftte . . 2SVI Chicago. 1. * L. . . . 'Mi Southern lly . 10H do pfd . 41't Texas & 1'ncinc. , . . UV. Union Pm.lflo . 47'1 do pfd . C9i U. P. U. & G . 12 > i 1X1. U & W. . . . . . . do pfd . 21U Denver & W ° ° ' " * W. & L. E . 4H do pM do pfd . : ui BrU ( new ) . . . Adam * Expres * . . .103 do tel PM . . American x . 143 Fort Wayne . } ' ' U. S. KxprOM . R5 Ot. Nor. pM " ' , Wells-Farico Ex , .12S Itocklns Valley . . " A. Cot. Oil . H Illinois Central . . . 1H do pfd . S3 Lake Erie & W. . . American Spirits. . . UH do pfd do cfd > . 31 Ijke Shore American Tobacco. . IS1" I. . Vt t M . . . . . . . . . do pfd . 15 Manhattan ! Consolidated Gn . . .lM'4 ' Met. St. RV . j Cam. Cuble Co . 170 MIch'Kan Central. Col. F. & 1 . 24 Minn. & St. I > do Pfd . 77 do 1st pfd 04 General Electrio . . 84 % UUwMri I-acllfc Haw. Com. . Co . V ) Mobile & Ohio tnfn't Paper . Mil M. . K. & T do Pfd . 91U do Pfd Ixiclede Gas . (3 N. J. Centrnl 93 N. Y. Central. . . . . .115W do pfd . 111H N. Y. , C. & St. L. . Nat. Lin. Oil . 12Tt do 1st pfd 71 Pacific Mall rte ! il Pfd IVoplc'a din . lOO'.t ' Nor. & West Pullman Palac * , .13 ! > .No. Am. Co Silver Certificates. . CO',4 Northern Pacino . . 40U Standard H. & T. . do ptil 70 % Sugar . 127'i Ontario & W 1"T4 do pfd . 112 Ore. n. & N W Tennessee C. & I. . S1H Oro. S. L , 36 U. S. Leather . 6-1 P. C. 1st pfd 76 do cfd do 2d pfd 06 U. 8. Rubber . PlttsburR 172 do pfd Itaadlnit Western Union . . . . 93 < i do 1M pfd Federal Steel . 31V4 n. a. w do pfd . " do pfd Brooklyn It. T . 63 Second assessment paid. "Fourth as sessment paid. Neir York Money Market NEW YORK , Dec. 3. MONEY ON CALL -Steady at 2V4 per cent. PRIME M ERC NTILE PAPER-2 03 Dcr cent. STERLING } EXCHANGE-Stcady , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S4V @ 4.84 % for demand , and at J4.S1H0 i.81for sixty days : posted rates , J4.82yiiH.SjVi ; com- BAR SILVER-59V4C. MEXICAN DOLLARS IG c. GOVERNMENT DONDS-Flrm ; 3s , IOC new 4s , reg. , 127 % : coupon. 127& : Is. " : cou pen , imi : 2s , reg. 09H : 6s , rug. , cou pon. 112V4 ; Pacific ds of ' 99 , 102Vi- No. 2 , U.S. new 3a 1UU N.Y. C. Uta 110 U. S. new48. roe . . .V. 8 N.J. C. fil 114Vi U. 8. do coup 1Z3H N. C. On 129l < U.S. 4areir lllb N.C.48 104 U.S. do coup 113 No. Pacino UU..117 U. S.'Jdi , rer 99H No. Puclflo S8 17. U.S. D , rer mH No. Pacific 48 101H U.S. 88 , coup 113H N. Y. C.\St. L. 4S..100 District 3.U6B 118 N. * W. 68 123 Ala. , class A 1104 N. W. Coniola 144 Ala. , class U 1U8H N. W. Dab. r.i 117W Ala..clns9 C 104 < m > . N. 1st * 114 Ala. , Currency lua Ore. M. 4a Ofl AtchlBOn4 > ( W4 O. S. L , Gst. r 1 0 Do. adj. 4s 7DH O. S. L. fis t. r Ill Canada So. .Ms HUH Paclflo 08 of 05 102M C. & O.-448 89H Kcadlnr48 B Chi. Terms. , 4s 02 R. O. W. Kta 90 0. &O. 6 Ill * St. L. & I. M. con 5 1U014 G.H.&D.4HB 104H St. L. A3. F. Gen. 6.12i ! > i D. &tt. G. Uts KIH St. P. Conholi 1U2 D. 4. K.O. 48 100 St. P.O. > tP. I8t8..120 EnitTcnn. lots 107 St. P. C. & P. Ca. .110 ErlnOen.48 74V4 So. Ky. 5a 11M F. W. &D. lats. t. r. 77 > S. B. &T.OS 70 Don Elec.58 ll Tenn. new set Sa. . . H3V O. H. & 8. A On 10.1 T. P. L. G. Ista 107 O. H. AS.A. 2d8. . . 102 T. P. Kg. Uda 44 H.T. Cent. 3 110 U. P. D , & O. Intl. . KG H.iT.C.con.U . . .110 \Vab.lHt fia 112 Iowa 0. lets 1U3H Wab. vda ( O La. New Con. 4S..100M , W.Shore 4a 112 UAN Unl. 4s 5H Va. Centuries 87V Missouri Us 100 V . auferred 71 M. K. iT. 1MB. . . . l)5X ) Wla.Cvnt.lata O''l M. 1C. AT. s BO U. P. 4s 1U1M Bo on Stuck auotntlon > . BOSTON , Dec. 3. Call loans , 233 pc : cent : tlmo loans. 301 per cent. Closinff quotations on stocks , bonds und mining shares : A. , T. & s. F 1C lloston L. 77 American Sugar . .127 C < I. Klec. Tel 195 do pfd H3ij Atchbon pfd 46 Bay State Qua 2s Atchlson 4s $7 Hell Telephone . . . ,20 Allouez Mining Co. &t ( lioaton & Albany..217 Atlantic 39 Boston & Maine..IK Hitlon & Mnnt..tJO C . B. & Q 119J4 Ilutte & Boston. . . . 50 FltcJiburjr 1MS4 Calumet & Hecla..610 Illlnola Steel 170 Centennial W , Mexican Central . . f > Franklin 16 % N. V. & N. E M Old Dominion 32U Old Colony W O3cn > la 07H R ' .ber 47 Qulncy 131 Union Pacino 37Ti Tamarack 1CA West F.nd W Wolver'ne ' 3ltf do pfd HO Parrott SO Westlrjfhou e Elec. 37 * * Humboldt SV > do pfd MV > San FrnncUco Mining Quotation * . SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 3 , The official closing quotations for mining stocks to day were as follows : AHa U Julia 1 Alpha Con 5 Jusfce IS AnilM 5 Kentucky Con 6 Bolcber 33 Mexican 19 nest & Belcher 39 Occidental Con C.'i Bullion 4 OpWr 69 Challenge Con . . . . 10 Overman 3 Chollar - * > Potoal 28 Confidant. " 0 Savnire 19 Con. Cal. ft Va 133 Sierra Nevada 130 Con Imperial . . . . . . . 1 Union Con 27 Crown 1'olnt 18 Utah Con II OnuH & Currle. . . M Yellow Jasltet IS Halo & Non > rn . , .l53 _ _ Standard 10 Sliver bars , D9 1-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 4714 ® 47ic. Drafts , sight. 15e ; telegraph , 17Vic. Tifvr York MlnliiK Qnotntlon * . NEW YORK , Dec. 3. The following are the closing quotation ? on mining stocks : Choler 23 Ontario 475 Crown Point It Ophlr CO Con , Cnl. & Va..iu Plymouth 10 Deadwood 4i Quicksilver 1/5 / Qould & Curry 15 do pfd < W Hale & Norcro99..1tO Sierra Nevada ll. " Homeftnke f > 0'X ' > f'nndard ISO Iron Silver 74 Union Con 21 Mexican 30 Yellow Jacket 13 Iionilnii Stock Quotntlnnn. LONDON , Dec. 3 , 4 p. m. Closing : Oon "l , money,110 11-16 N. Y. Central 122 Cansola. account . .110 % I'enneylvanla MH Canad'an Pacific. . . 87VI ICeadliur O'.i Erie KU. U. I' , nfJ 714 Hrle pfd 37 Atchlson 17'A Illinois Central . . . .1111 ; L. . & N G3 N. Pacific pfd 774 ! Grand Trunk "li St. Paul 117 % ; BAR SILVER-Steady. 27id. MONEY-2HK4 per cent. Discount In the open market for short and three months' bills , 33-8 per cent. Financial \oten. OMAHA , Dec. 3. Hank clearings today were $1,180.447.41 ; balances. $122. C2.39. One year ago clearings were $503,020.14. and bal ances , $77C32.27. Increase In clearings , $ ilid 427.27. For the last six days clearings and ccmparsons are : 189 * . 1897. Increase. Nov. 2S.$1.30.1,7CS33 9S6.25 39 $ 316,912 nt Nov. 29. . . 1,3M.OS4 79 S73.413 49 491,671 SO Nov. 30. . . 1.12B.402 52 939.495 M HS.t-CS 96 Dec. 1 1,144,008 73 SOil.WO 95 250.461 78 Dec. 2 1,121.305 74 1,031,573 84 $9,731 W Dec. 3 1,180,417 41 905.020 14 276.427 27 21Is" Total . , $7,243.077 52 $3.029.875 37 $1.613,202 Is" NEW YORK. Dec. 3. Clearings * $173,553- 3 718 ; balances. 19611,854. BOSTON. Dec. 3. Clearings. $22.13U40j ; balances , $2 116.928. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 3. Clearings , $1- i , 828,505 ; New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial. 75c discount. CINCINNATI. Dec. 3. Money , 2HSC per cent : New York exchange , par ; clearings , $1.921.430. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. The exports of specie from the port of New York for the week amounted to $29.000 in cold and $1,091 1- W7 In silver. The Imports were : Gold. $158 , 24 ; Oliver , $33,401 ; merchandise and dry goods , J7.25 > . $60. ST. LOUIB , Dec. 3.-Clearlngn , $1,398,184 , ; > alanccs , $ GS6,9SO ; money , 4S | per cent ; New York exchange , lOo discount bid , par asked , CHICAGO , Dec. 3.-Clearlngs , J1S.9J3.000 ; inlances , $1,793,171 ; New York exchange , 5c discount ; posted rates , $1.82 4.$514. Cable stocks very active nnd strong. West Chicago cage advanced sharply- Alley L , 76 ; Ills- cult , 45i ; Biscuit preferred , 104 ; Diamond Match , 14m ; Lake Street L. HH ! Norlh Chicago , 23H ; Strawboard. 3JV4 ! West Chi cago. 104 : City Railway , son. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. S.-Clenrlngs , J1S.- 90.CIC ; balances , J2.CJ1.23 ; for the week , clearing ? , JS3.S1G,51S : balancrs , J11,43SC71. BALTIMORE , Dec. S.-Clcarlngo , J4.4J6- 2S4 ; balances. JI42f > 03 ; for the week , clear- ng9 , $23,080,774 ; balances , $2,993,497. Forclicii IMnnnolnl. LONDON , Dec. 3. The market for Amer- can securities wns active nil day , closing vlth the demand generally neglected. Gold > ars are quoted nt 77s llid. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Bunk of England on balance today wns 2GOOu ) . J punish 4s closed on the Stock exchange today at SO 9-1C , against 41 > i , the closing price of yesterday. Gold premium at Bue nos Ayrea , 111 , PARIS , D c. 3. Business on the bourse today was fairly active nnd prices were itrong early in the day , hut afterwards nislncss was quiet , though prices were maintained. Turkish and Portuguese se curities were particularly strung : . Spanish 4s were not so much favored. Rio Union showed partial recovery. Spanish 4s clc&cd at 41.72V4. against 41.90 , the. closing price ot r'esterdaj' . BERLIN , Dec. 3. International securities were firm on the bourse today nnd closed vlth Improvement. Bank shares were llrm , ndustrlals advanced and Americans were weaker , owing to the undecided tone of the Now York market , which caused realiza tions , Exchnngo on London , 20 marks 44H pfes. for checks. BERLIN , Dec. 3. The weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany nho R the following changes as compared with the previous account : Cash In hand , de crease , 7.KOO.OOO marks ; treasury notes , de crease , 440,000 marks ; other securities , de crease , G,3SO,000 marks ; notes in circulation , Increase , 3oSMX ) ( > 0 marks. Weekly IIank Statement. NEW YO1UC , Dec. 3. The weekly bank statement shows the following changes : Surplus reserve , decrease $1,239,626 Loans , Increase 6,327,000 Specie , decrease 19,200 Legal tenders , Increase 45S.700 Deposits , Increase 6,796,600 Circulation , Increase 103,300 The banks now hold $17,097,930 In excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. Wool Market. LONDON , Dec. 3. At the wool auction Bales today 10,104 bales were offered , which Included a large selection of New South Wales and Queensland merinos. Home buy ers secured a large proportion of Russian wool and a few suitable greases. During the week 7,000 bales were sold. The with drawals amounted to 1,000 bales dally. The market was strong with a tlrm demand , ex cept for low heavy crossbreeds. Following are the sales In detail : New South Wales , 3,100 bales ; scoured , 9Hdifls 6d ; greasy , 4 > 4 © lid. Queensland , 3,700 bales ; scoured , SVitl 4tls BVfed ; greasy , CfHOd. Victoria , POO bales ; scoured , Cdflls Sd ; greasy , lOfftld. New Zea land , 1,900 bales ; scoured , Cd&ls 3'&d ; greasy , 4l4tf6i4 l. Cape of Good Hope and Natal , DOO bales ; scoured , 9d < 01s 2d ; grcnsy , GU 734d. The arrivals for the. next series , which opens on Januitry 17 , amount to 18,912 bales. The Imports during the week were : New South Wales , 2,475 bales ; Melbourne , 1,75 $ bales ; South Australlat 25 > bales ; New Zealand. 24 boles ; Cape of Good Hope and Natal , 4,144 bales ; Marseilles , 843 bales ; clsowhero , 8S2 bales. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. S.-COTTON-Fu- tures were steady ; December , J4.95 bid ; January , $5.00ft5.02 ; February , $3.00T3.03 ; March , J5.11JG.12 : April. Jj.lC5.18 ; May , t5.22gS.23 : June , J5.2705.29 ; July. $5.3106.32 ; August , $3.31@5.33 ; September , $5.33 asked ; October , $5.31 asked. Spot , steady ; sales , 3,860 bales ; ordinary , 3 6-Sc ; good ordinary , 4 3-lCc ; low middling , 4 9-lCc ; good middling. 6 6-Sc ; middling , fair , 0 1-Sc ; receipts , 17,411 bales ; stock. 3GS.02S bales. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. COTTON Dull ; middling. 5 6-Sc ; net receipts , 1,322 bales ; gross , 3,742 bales ; Bales , 378 bales ; stock. 101.555 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 600 bales ; continent , 2,816 bales ; Franco. 464 bales. Total today : Net receipts , G2,8 : bales ; Great Britain , 52,532 bales ; France , 11.23S bales ; continent , 23,573 bales ; stock , 1.253.977 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts , 62,832 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 62,5:12 : bales ; France , 11,233 boles ; continent , 28,573 bales. Jicvr York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. In the dry goods trade today the demand was of a full aver age proportion for Saturday In both cotton and woolen goods. Prices continued firm for brown and bleached cotton. Print cloths ruled tlrm on the basis of 2 1-Sc for sixty- four squares. Cotton yarns are occasionally quoted rather higher , a number of spinners - ners showing more Ilrmness than of late. The demand Is moderate. Table , stair and shelf oilcloth manufacturers have advanced prices materially. Rivals 4-4 bleached will be advanced Monday 1-Sc to 5-8c. Poor Brothers have advanced their Saxon nnd Herman thirty-slx-lnch percales 5 per cent. Some narrow General percales ore tending upward. Market. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 3. SUGAR Quiet ; open kettle , 3Hc ; open kettle , centrifugal , 3 6-8@4c ; centrifugal , white , 4 7-lGTf4 6-Sc ; yellow , 4-54 5-16c ; seconds , 2 7-SCT3 7-Sc. Mo- asses , steady open kettle , 20030c ; centrif ugal , Bfc-lSc. Syrup , steady at 2. ° , $ j26c. NEW YORK , Dec. 3.-SUGAR-Raw , drm but quiet ; fair refining , 3 15-16c ; cen- : rlfugal , 96 test , 3 3-16c ; molasses sugar , 3 11-lSc. Refined , dull and nominal ; mould A , 6Hc ; standard A , 5 1-Sc : confectioners' A , 6 l-8c ; cut loaf , 5c ; crushed , B c ; pow dered , 5 3-Sc ; granulated , 5 Vic ; cubes , 5 3-Sc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 3.-COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices , ruled Inactive , with scarcely 5 points variation from last night's prices , cables from Brazil being fcaturelessi and trading confined en tirely to local operations , selling checked by small Brazilian receipts ; closed easy , net unchanged to 6 points lower ; sales , 11- 250 bags , Including : December , $5.40 ; March , $5.70 ; May. $5.80 ; June , $5.90 : July , $5.93 ; August , $6. Spot , Rio. steady ; No. 7 In voice. 6 3-Sc ; No. 7 Jobbing , 67-bc. Mild , eteady ; Cordova , S@15c. Grnln Receipt * at Principal Market * . ST. LOUIS , Dec. 3.-Recelpts : Wheat , S3 cars. cars.MINNEAPOLIS. . Dec. 3. Receipts : Wheat. C9C cars. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 3.-Recelpts : Wheat , 101 ears. DULUTII. Dec. 3.-Recelpts : Wheat , 736 cars. CHICAGO. Dec. 3. Receipts : Wheat , 139 cars ; corn , 404 cars : oats , 324 cars. Esti mated cars for Monday : Wheat , 130 ; corn , 420 ; oats , 3SO. California Dried Frnltn. NEW YORK , Dec. 3.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Quiet. Evaporated ap ple ? , common , 7OSc ; prime wro ! tray , 8J &Hc ; choice , 9Q9'4c ; fancy , lOc. Prunes , 48 > lOHc. Apricots , royal , llftHe : Moor park , 14W17c. Peaches , unpeeled , SV&QISlic ; peeled , JOgiOc. Textile Falirlcn. FALL RIVER. Mass. . Dec. 3. The mar ket for mill stocks is reflecting the activity In the cloth market and sales have not been so large. Sellers are firmer in their de mand than heretofore. The print cloth market is firm at 2 1-Sc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 3. WHEAT Easy , ' ,4 ( [ Kid lower : December , 6s % d ; March , 6s 9',4d ; May , nominal. CORN Quiet , VfUd ( higher ; December , 3s 94d ! ; March , 76-Sd ; May , nominal. Cincinnati Lire Stock. CINCINNATI. Dec. 3.-UOGS-Actlve , steady : $3.10-03.40. - CATTLE Steady : $2.50ft .75. SHEEP Steady , $2.23'T4.00. ' ! LAMBS-Steady ; $1.0004.25. Revenue from Incorporation I'er . CHBYENNR , Wyo. , Dec. 3. ( Special. ) In his annual report Secretary of State C. W. Burdlck calls attention to the Increase In revenue of the state derived from Incor poration foes .which were fixed by the last legislature. During the years 1S95 and 1S96 the fees received from this source were but $569.50 , being almost a nominal rate. Between February 25 , 1897 , the date when the new law became operative , and Septem ber 30 , 1898 , the amount received was $12- 35S.75. The Increased cost of organizing an Incorporated company In Wyoming has not Interfered or prevented the organization of a single legitimate enterprise. Hulclile of Veteran Kniclneer. DEADWOOD , S , n. , Dec. 3. ( Special Tele- gram. ) Richard G. Anderson , the oMest civil engineer In the Black Hills , died last night from the result of stabs In the throat Inflicted , by hla own hand. He was tempo rarily deranged. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week of Good Business in Beef Steers Closes Strong to Higher. EVERYTHING IS WELL UP IN PRICES Drniniul Good nnd Trade Generally Active UOKN Show More Sign * nt Strength Under Itiijltiit 1'rcn- ure Micrp Steady. SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 3. _ . . . Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Receipts today 4S7 6.535 400 Olllclal Monday 3,142 3,425 2.0V3 Olllclal Tuesday 4.0S4 8,503 71S Oinclal Wednesday 2.0S2 9,039 2.2S6 Olllclal Thursday 2,603 10,070 2,100 Ottlclal Friday 2,437 6,9)1 2,814 Total for the week l SGO 43 585 10,841 Week ending Nov. 20..11,207 46,820 9,730 Week ending Nov. 19.15,7C7 50,277 16,003 \\eek ending Nov. 12. . . . 14,322 39,670 2S.3I3 Average price paid for hogs for the last several days , with comparisons : | 1S03.1897.1S90.1S95.1S94.1893.1S92 | | | | | | , Nov. 23 3 3S 3 30 .116 .1 461 I 6 3u 6C3 Nov. 2ii 3 23 3 24 3 21 3 601 4 25l 5 69 Nov. 27 3 25 32 ; 3 43 4 30 621 Nov. 2S 3 20 3 32 3 37 4 40 6 16 6 6 ! ) Nov. 29 S 19 3 30 * 6 14 6 7li Nov. 30 3 21 3 21 3 3S 3 40 4 39 5 69 Dec. 1 3 23 | 3 23 3 19 4 41 ] 6 29 5 70 Dec. 2 3 281 3 25 3 03 3 35 6 19 6 7B Deo. 3 3 29 | 3 19 3 23 3 42 4 47 Indicates Sunday. Holiday. The Olllclal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road wns : _ Cattle. Hogs. C. , M. & St. P Ry l O. & St. L. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 18 1 Union Pacific System. . . . 2 16 C. & N. W. Ry 4 P. , E. & M. V. R. R 1 13 S. C. & P. Ry . . C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. . . . 6 B. & M. R. R. R 2 25 2 C. , H. & Q. Ry 2 If C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east. . . . fi C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. . . . 1 Total Receipts 21 91 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 18 233 G. H. Hammond Co 42 1,026 Swift & Company 44 1,807 20 Cudahy Packing Co 1 1,493 Armour & Co 34 1.1S9 433 Hamilton & R. . 2 Hammond , K. C 89 250 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C 302 Other Buyers 19 Total 6li 6,073 453 For the second time In two weeks the market found Itself under the Influence of a heavy snow storm. It being a Saturday the storm did not cut much of a figure as there was very llttlo stock In the yards , but It made everybody late In reaching the market , nnd it wns late before vnry much business was transacted. When the market did open It was not long until the yards were cleared. * CATTLE About the usual number of cattle for a Saturday were reported In the yards , but out of the number there were sixteen cars consigned direct to packers so that there wns very little on sale , In fact not enough to make u market. What there wan changed hands at prices that looked about steady with yesterday. Fat cattle sold well all this week. The receipts were light , while the demand was of liberal proportions nnd In excess of the offerings , so that the situation was decidedly favorable to the sellers. Toward the latter part of the week desirable corn- fed steers showed considerable strength nnd it would be safe to say that the week closed with the market at least Btrong to lOc higher , as compared with the previous week. Even half-fat cattle , sold well con sidering the quality , though it is to be ex pected that buyers will always discriminate against them when there Is un opportunity. Western grassers were very scarce during the week and there were hardly enough to admit of comparisons being made. It might bo worth mentioning , however , that pome of the same cattle that brought $4.00 on Tuesday sold at $4.15 on Friday , as show ing that the tendency was stronger if anything. Cows and heifers brought good prices all the week , but the market haa reached such a high point , owing to the small supply and the large demand , that packers took to shipping In a good many from Kansas City , where they were cheap , with the result that this market wan depressed to ward the latter part of the week. It Is safe to say that for the week killing cows are 10S16c lower , but canners suffered the most and they are anywhere from 162oe lower for the week. Bulls and stags were good sellers all theweek. . Toward the latter part of the week some of the regular buyers took to the bear side and their bids were generally a little lower , but the market still had good support and the actual sales did not show much change from last week. Veal calves sold well , the best going at $ G.50 < ff6.75 , which was not quite up to the top price last week when $7.00 was jiald. The feeder market was very low and mean the early part of the week and on some days It was very difficult to unload , especially so If the cattle' were a llttlo on the common order. Toward the latter part of the week there seemed to be a llttlo better country demand nnd the feeling was better on the good killing , nnd possibly prices were a little stronger , but not enough to quote. Right good cattle , de horned and well bred , sold at $3.95 on Thursday nnd it is safe to say the same cattle would hove brought $4.30 quickly when the market was good , which will give some Idea of the present condition of the feeder market. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 610 $2 75 0. . SIR $440 18..1238 $4 SO 1. . fc60 370 7..1037 470 COWS. B. . 700 215 1..1170 285 1. . 930 310 2..1050 250 1..1410 290 1..1015 315 1..11CO 2 EO 1..1320 300 4..1175 320 1..1170 2 05 1. . BOO 300 1. . 710 340 1..1020 275 1. . 780 300 1. . 70 SCO 1..1220 275 HEIFERS. 1. . 410 4 00 BULLS. 1. . EGO 250 1..10SO 290 1. . 470 3 T5 1..1000 2 M 8..1130 360 1. . 640 T76 CALVES. 3. . 163 500 L. 300 600 1. . SO 6 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . 490 275 1. . 730 3 Co 1. . 640 400 WESTERNS. WYOMING. Swan Land & Cattle Co. Scovs 733 225 Scows 916 325 24 cows 7SO 225 21 e. Sr h. . . . 910 323 LATE YESTERDAY. WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. Richards & Calrncs Co. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10 cows 870 52 40 S3 cows 855 $2 80 C5 cows 907 250 23 cows 922 300 84 cows 900 275 2S cows 931 325 HPGS The market opened with sixty- seven loads in sight , and with twenty-live icported back. Thla was lomethlng of a disappointment , especially to buyers , as everyone had been calculating upon a. big run consequent upon the improvement In values on Thursday and Friday. It was possibly all the better for the Kellers , as the moderate receipts stiffened upon the market somewhat , so that the hogn brought a llttlo stronger prices than on the close yesterday , though not quite UB good aH yesterdays early market. Heavy packing hogs sold very largely at J3.27V4 , with a few good heavy at $3.30. Medium weight and mixed loads brought $3.30 very largely , with some light and butcher weights at $3.3iJH't73.33. nnd a very choice load of light weights at $3.37V4. The market was reasonably active at pre vailing prices , and the curly arrivals changed hands in good Benson. It will bo noted from the table of average prices at the head of the column that there lias been quite a change' In the market this eek. The week opened with the market a shade lower , and It was ngnln a little off on Tuesday , which proved to be the Jew day of the week , and the lowest point touched by the market since December 11 of last year. On Wednesday there was a very slight Improvement , which was followed by a more marked change for the better on Thursday and Friday , The week closed with the market lOc higher than the low point and EC hlcher than the close of the previous week. The demand on the part of packers was good all tlu week , and there was - no trouble In ( Hiding buyers for every- thing received ut current prices. The prices uald were peed as compared with other markets , and packers cheapened up their week' purchases by buying largely In Kau nas City. Ueoresentatlve sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 86. . . . .137 40 3 07H 127 304 800 330 91..199 . . . 3S2V4 5 > 228 40 3 JO C2 3 7 160S25 71..TO 80 3 30 i8 203 1DO 325 49 273 160 330 87 2 0 120 327V4 64 200 330 GO 320 40 3274 64 277 160 330 81 278 320 3 27'/4 Cl 270 . . . 3 20 47 344 120 3 27 < 4 6J 274 80 3 30 46 353 160 3 27Vi 74 318 160 330 64 302 100 S 27(4 ( 43 300 80 S 30 61 307 160 3 27ii 6U 333 . . . 330 73 276 80 3 27H < t 22 < 3 3D 43 3W ) 80 3 27V4 49 231 120 i 30 1 291 ICO 3 27V4 72 284 80 3 30 73 319 ICO 3 27S 61 23.1 SO 330 4 303 120 327V4 27 rM . . . .130 DC 333 80 3 27H 63 ,279 49 330 59 316 80 3 27U 70 303 120 S 30 77 259 160 327'4 63 * 73 M .1.10 69..i..279 160 3 27 62 303 100 .130 12 30i ) . . . 3 27H 69 232 . . . 330 SHGEP There were only two fresh cars f sheep In the pens so that there was not cry much to make a test of the market , ut they sold In about the same notch na estcrduy. A bunch of western nnd Cnll- 'urnla wethers , good many of them thick lelted and on the common order , sold ut 3.55. A small lot of fancy native lamb * jrought } 5.o. } , the best price and the best nmbs of the week. Some ewes that be- onged to the sama lot as the lambs sold t $3.75. The market on * heep and lambs has been ad In ( he east all the week and there has ieen very llttlo encouragement to be de rived from that source. In fact , shecp- uen are talking Hint It will not bo ma- Improved until nfter the first of he year , as mutton Is always more or ICKH luitltcted for poultry during the holiday reason. At this point the receipts have 1 een light and that one thing has been .really to the advantage of this market , ns t has enabled salesmen to bolter maintain prices. The market here has been close up .o Chicago all the week nnd on some kinds ally ns high. Quotations nro : Good grass westerns. 4 iKfl.lO ; fair to good. $3.CH > ff4.00 ; rholco fed I.OOfM.lO ; fair to good , $3.90H'4.00 ; choice 'CHrlliiRs , $4.2Vf4.40 ! ? ; fair to good yearlings , I.OOfM.lS ' ; good to cholro lambs , $5.0&35.2ii ; 'air to good-lambs. $ UMf5.00 : feeder weth ers , 2-yiar-olda and over , $3.65r3.85 ; feeder yearlings , $3 W4.00 ; feeder lambs , I4.S5Sf4.6S ; cull sheep , $2.005(3.00 ; cull lambs , $3.50ff4.00. Representative sales : o. Av. Pr. 03 breeding ewes 90 $325 9 natlvi- ewes 164 375 11 native lambs 112 5 35 KANSAS CITY LIVK STOCK MARKET. Prleei of flood Grade * Strong , Hoga In Ciioil Driiiiind Sheep Steady. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 3.-CATTLE Re ceipts , 610 head ; prices unchanged ; good de mand this week , but buyer- * were exacting ; strength confined to the best grades ; finished drcsued beef nnd butcher steers , Texas and Indian butcher stock and good butcher cows were especially active and ad vanced 6015c , while common stock was about steady ; Improved demand for stockers - ers and feeders the last two days , the lurga accumulation In the early part of the wccK being well absorbed ; no fancy dressed beef fltcers offered ; fulr to medium steers , $4.351 ? 5.00 ; light weight steers. $4.00ig6.00 ; stack ers nnd feeder" , $3.0004.60 ; butcher cows and heifers. $2.65 1.85 ; western steers , $3.00 ® 4.S5 ; Tuxns steers , $2.904.85 ; cannlna stock. $1.7562.60. HOGS Receipts , 8,660 head ; steady prlccsi good general demand nil the week , but the supply wns too largo to fully sustain prlcew ; heavles$3.304T3.45 _ ; mixed , $3.23fi'3.40 ; lights , $3.20 3.3o. SHEEP ' Receipts , 620 head ; steady : thla week's supply very light and Inferior quality ; desirable Hocks In good demand ; llrm prices' while common bunches were slow sale nnd shade lower : lambs , $1.75116.25 : muttons. $3.855)4.2 ) ! ; ; feeding lambs , $ J.30irj > 4.25 ; feeding sheep , $3.2303.75 ; stackers , $2.25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. * Offering * of Cattle Taken nt Good Prleea Sheep and HOK Active. CHICAGO , Dec. 3. There was a little bet ter supply of cattle today than la usual at the end of the week. All offerings were taken nnd the market ruled strong , nt about yesterday's range of prices. A few fancy cattle ofd for $4.90. Ths bulk of the cattle were disposed of at $4,35T4.5. There was a fairly active demand for hogs and prices did not show much change , sales were made of common to prime lota nt $3.20tf3.b7H. the bulk of the hogs crossing the scales ut $3.32V < Q3.40. Pigs sold prin cipally at $3.U5B > 3.26. Trade In sheep nnd lambs was fairly ac tive , at about yesterday's range of prices. Offerings were not large. Lambs sold from $3.5006.60 , and sheep from J2.508-4.33. Year lings brought $4.00fi'1.75. ( RKCEIPTS-Cattle. 600 head ; hogs , 29,000 head ; sheep , 300 head. St. Loiil * Mvc Stock. ST. LOUIB. Dec. 3.-CATTLE Receipts , 600 head , Including 350 Texano ; shipments , 700 head ; market stcudy ; fair to fancy nn- tlvo shipping and export steers , J4.OOyo.2T > : bulk of sales , $4.2.Vi'5.20 ( : dressed beef nnd butcher steers , $3.76@5.00 | ; bulk of sales , $4.25U-i.7& ; steers under 1,009 Ibs. , $3.00fi4.65 ; bulk of sales , $3.200-1.60 ; stackers and feed ers. $2.801/4.DO : bulk of sales , $3.90ft4.25 ; COWH and heifers , $2.00j4.35 } ; bulk of cows , $2.35i3 > 3.40 ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.7D1/4.65 ; bulk of sales , J2.WXy4.15 ; cows and heifers , $2.40 < 33.00. HOGS Receipts , 6,200 head ; shipments. 2,200 head ; market steady : yorkers , $3.1E t4 3.25 ; packers , $3.20Q3.35 ; butchers , J3.3/KJ 3.CO. 3.CO.aHEEP aHEEP Receipts , none ; shipments. 609 head ; market dull and nominal ; natlv muttons , $2.35g4.UO ( ; lambs , $4.005.26. . New York Live Stoek. NEW YORK , Den. 3. BEEVES Re. cclptd , 1,008 head. No trading , market steady. Cables steady , exports , 877 cattla and 3.496 quiirtere of beef. CALVES-Recelpts , 111 head. Very light businessVeals , common to fair , $4.6JV4 © 7,00 ; grnssers nnd westerns steady. BHGEP AND LAMHS Receipts , 2.233 head. Sheep , 15 < Jf25c lower. Lamba , dull , steady to lOc higher. Sheep , common to prime , $2.30tr .30 ; culls , $2.00 ; lambs , $5.00 # ' ° 6'l IOas-RecclptB , 6,334 head. Market dull , at $3.35Q3.75. St. Joicph Live Ntook. ST. JOSEPH , Dec. 3. ( Special. ) CATTLE Receipts , 700 head ; market steady and Inactive ; natives. $3.90-35.10 ; T xans and westerns , $2.80gi.SO ; cows' ' ana heifers , l.eOtiN.lO ; stackers and feeders , $3.00 74.25. HOGS Receipts , 4,800 head ; market ac tive and weak to 5c lower ; selling $3.27& 3.40 : bulk. $3.3MJ3.37V4. B1IEEP Receipts , none ; demand strong for good killers. Stock In SlKht. Following nro the receipts at the foul principal markets for December 3 : Cattle. HOUH. Sheep. Omaha. 4S7 6,535 80C Chicago 600 29.0W 'M Kansas City CIO 8,660 2 St. Louis COO 6,000 . . . ° Totals 2 ,097 48,193 1,720 JAMES E BOYD & CO , . Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OF TRADE. Dlro-t wln > to Cnic go nnd Ntw York. Corrtipondfntu John A. Warrtn A Co. TELEPHONE H. R. PENNEY & CO. . Room 4 , N , Y. I.lfe Hide. , Onmlin. Neb. StocksGrainProvisions. , , . Direct Wlf-n New York. Cltlcmgo and ( Veaterw Point * . HOW TO WIN IN WALL STREET , i Just published by a successful speculator. Full of valuable hints , free for stamp. PUBLISHER , P. O. box U6 , New York. Locations for Industries at Chicaog , Industries located ) fc&.IWteMl' riejfi' on the Belt R" , > of Chicago , have ) Parties contemplating the ratabtlsnmcnt of Industries near Chicago are Invited to correspond with II. THOS1AH , Pres. & Gen. Mgr. . Dearborn Sta'n Chicago 145-117 HUte HI. , Cltlcmgo , Ilk