20 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1898. Merchants' Bean Club. Hu-Can Guess Our Bean Jars ? 1\ \ Some Things That You Should Know : 1 That you must UBQ a coupon cut from this paper. 2 That you must bring them to the store. No mailed coupons filed. 3 That you can vote as often as you have coupons. 4 That you should file your coupons us early as possible. HU-CAN ? HOSPE'S ART DEPT. 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. We have more styles of picture frame mouldings , more special designs and the largest factory west of Chicago. Bring your picture in early and select while all our lines are complete. To the person making the successiul estimate of our bean contest a handsome picture valued at $30 will be given. Con test closes Monday at 6 o'clock. A. HOHPP' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of bean * ID Jar No. 10 Is Name Address Tlilo advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? CANDY PERFUME SOAP. This week the successful Hu-Cancr at our store will receive : 1 pound Lowney's Chocolates and Bon Huns 50 1 ounce bottle Verona Violet'Extract. . .50 1 Porfumo.Atomizer tilled with Mag nolia Cologne 2.60 1 caku flne French Soap 50 Total $4.00 Now remember , you must hand In this coupon at the Middle of Dlock Drug Store on or be'foro Thursday evening , December 8th. at 6 o'clock. The prizes will be awarded Saturday following. Hutnember wo sell 1.000 kinds of Per fumes. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go 1513 DODOE STREET. Pharmacists nnd Perfumers. ( thermal ! A Mi-Council Draft Co. ' * MEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 24 is Kama. . . . . Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our storo. IIU.CAN ? Special Millinery Sale Twenty per cent discount on all Trimmed Hats. The nearest estimate to the number of beans In our jar receives an elegant hat. Contest closes December 5 , at 6 p. m. FRED KERN , 1408 DonKia * Street. Fred Kern' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 26 is 4 Name Address Tbla advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU-CAN ? Think of taking their prescriptions any where else than to Kuhn's Reliable Phar macy , where they will be prepared prop erly nt lowest prices. You can touy there : a > o Jtromo Quinine ISc 25o Packer's Tnr Soap 15c 23o Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills 16o LTic liorivted Talcum Powder lOc $1.00 Pc-ru-na 75c $1.09 Lyilla Plnkham Compound Too $6.00 Shoop's Restorative $5.00 $1.00 llottlo Perfume EOc 50o llottlo Perfume 25c On Saturday , December 10 , we will give away three $4 bottles flne perfume to the tlirco persons estimating the nearest num ber of biuins In our jar. Kiihti & Co. , Druggists. 15th and Douglas. ICulin A Co.'m BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 6 Is Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must bo handed lit at our store. HU.CAN ? How Many Beans ? Wo give to the person estimating tbe nearest number of beans In our jar a beau tiful $0.00 Jardlncre , finished like tbe famous Rookwood pottery. To the eecond nearest estimate , $3.00 worth ot tea and coffee. Contest closes 6 p. m. Saturday. OMAHA TEA & COFFEE GO. , 1407 Douglas St. Annual reception D cen > ber 10 all day. Souvenirs to the ladles. Hat lie Creek Health Foods served free all week. O in nh it Ten * Coffee Co. ' * IIKAN CO.M'KST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 2 is Name Address , , . . . This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our ttcre. / HU.CAN ? SKATES SLEDS COASTERS A big line of nnrney A Berry and Wlnnlovr Sknten , from HOc to fU.OO. Sled * and Coaateri , from 25c np to Elegant' new 1808 design * In ChnN I HIT Dlnhei , Five O'clock Tcnn , Carv er * , Pocket Knives , Sotnvori , Ilnxnra , Star Safety nasom. That you may call at our store and see our beautiful line of Christmas goods we are going to give away , on December 24th , a beautiful Monitor Steel Range , 6 covers , with high warming closet , valued at $45.00 , to the person estimating the nearest the number of beans In our jar. MILTON ROGERS & SON , Cor. Farnam and Fourteenth. Milton Roger * A Son * ' BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 27 is ' L Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Portieres Our stock of Portieres Is entirely new , stylish and wide In variety. It will be to your interest to see what we have to offer you before you make your purchases. See the beautiful 112.00 Portieres in the window that we give to the one estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. Contest closes Tuesday , December 6th. OMAHA CARPET C05 , 1513 Dodge St. Omaha Carper Company' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 25 1 Name Address. This advertisement nnd coupon must bo handed In at our store. I1U.CAN ? NO.2 CYCLONE Takes a picture 3Hx4U : any one can oper ate it so as to secure a picture every second complete with 12 plato holders , only $6.00. Make your selection early while we have a complete itock. Estimate our bean jar and get a $7.50 Monroe Foldlnc Camera. Contest closes Friday. 6 p. m. ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , 1508 Farnam Aloe A Penfold Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. t li Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must b handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? NEEDS NO GUESSING When a "doc" Insists on you going to a certain drug etoro to have your prescrip tion lilted or sends them to your house you don't need to guess why he send& > you there. It's a fact and has not been denied by any of the 2x4 pets that they pay a commission nnd ofllce rent besides to these docs for plugging for them. We've no use for plupxcri ? . On Saturday , December 24 we will give away to the person making the nearest estimate on the number of beans In our Jar a hnndiiome ladles' toilet set. Cut Price DrusRlst 16th & Chicago. Sohnefer' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beana In Jsr No. 28 li Name , . , t Address This advertisement and coupon must handed In at our store. 5 That in case of a tie the coupon filed first will receive the prize. 6 That no one knows the exact number of beans in a jar. ; 7 That each jar contains beans and beans only. 8 That the advertisement must be cut out with the Coupon. HU-CAN ? ENGRAVED FiINE Wedding Stationery ANNOUNCEMENTS , ETC. , engraved to order , $10.00 for first 100 , $3.50 each 100 after. Special attention given to engraving line Business Cards , Letter Heads , Envelopes. Elegant Initial Monogram Stationery- would make a line Christmas present. Estimate our bean jar and you will re ceive a ladles' watch-"O" size , 14k solid gold hunting case , diamond or nementa- tlon. with W'altham Full Jeweled nickel movement , valued at $45 contest closes De cember 24th. C. S. Raymond Co. S. E. Cor , 15th and Douglas. C. S. nnymona Co. ' * IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 33 U f " " Name Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? On Thursday and1 Saturday of each week we will give to the person estimating the nearest to the number of beans In our jar a pair of our One $3.00 Shoes. Wm , N , Whitney , 107 South 16th St. Wm. N. Whitney' * IIEAN CONTEST COU * ON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 7 ll Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store. HU-CAN ? The Way to Win a Woman Has been man's most Interesting but exclusive study since Adam sighed for Eve. We make a business of supplying the helps. Tell any woman she may have her pick from ono of those beautiful diamond brooches or rings that we are now showing and see how quickly she will be won. Next Saturday we give away a beautiful $6.00 Sot Ring to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. ALBERT EDHOLM. Jeweler. 107 N. 16th St , Opp P. O. Albert Edholm' * IfEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 15 is ) Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. IIU.CAN ? Lamps In order to Introduce to the public our handsome and complete stock of Lamps we have joined the Merchants' Bean Club and will on Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday of each week give to the person estimating the nearest number' of beans in our bean Jar a handsome Lamp valued at $3.00. When in the store look at the new Christmas Lamps ) Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Go , 1414-16-18 Douglas. Orchard A Wilhelm Carpet Co.'m HE AN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number ot beans in jar No. S 19 Name Address. This advertisement and coupon muse be handed in at our store. HU.CAN ? Wo are displaying an unusually beautiful line of Neck Dressings in the latest weaves and patterns desirable for Christ mas presents for gentlemen. An early call Is advisable before the holi day rush. All the beet makes of Imported and do mestic underwear. PEASE BROTHERS. 122 S. 16th St. On December 9 we will give to the per son making the nearest estimate to the number of beans In our jar a $5.00 KNOX HAT. Peae Urn * . ' J1EAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 21 is Name Address. Thla advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our store. HU.CAN ? Guarantee Clothing Company , Capitol Ave , Near 10th St. Hoys' Knee Pants 19c Hoys' Capo Overcoats $1.10 Men's Shrunk Mittens 6c Imitation Camels' Hair Under wear 19o Walters' Jackets , black or white 33c Whlto Aprons , with or without bib I ISo laundered Whlto Shirts 45c Large line Winter Caps.19c and ISo Brown Check Overalls , with bib 40c Men's low cut Rubbers lOc 4-nlv Linen Collars "lie Heavy Kersey Men's Pants $1.00 Oray Storm Ulsters $3.75 llluo heavy serge Suits , satin faced $10.00 IF YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN SEND US YOUU NAME AND WILL SEND YOU A CATALOGUE FHOM WHICH YOU CAN PICK AS WELL AS IF YOU WEKE IN OUR STORE. On December 24th wo , will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar a fine S3C.OO Fur Over coat now exhibited In our Blrow window. Vote plenty mill often. Guarantee Clothing Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estlmata at the number of beans in Jar No. 23 is , Name Address . This advert'lsement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? We Make Shirts The beat workmanship and the largest variety of patterns. We wilt give away to the person esti mating the nearest number and the next nearest number of beans in our Jar each two custom made shirts worth $5.00 Con test closes Saturday at 6 p. m. Albert Calm , FINE MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 1322 Furnnm St. ' Albert Cnhn. BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 5 is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. . v HU.CAJN ? lucky One Gets Belted Costs nothing but a KUOSS and It is not a belt from John L. Sullivan , but a nlco En ameled Belt , set with jewels. HENRY COPLEY. Wares of Gold nnd Silver. 215 S. Kith St. , PaxtoH Blk. A fine $6.00 belt given away Saturday , December 10 , to the person estimating the nearest number of beans in our jar. Henry" Copley's DEAN CONTEST COUPON. . My esttmaU of the number of beans in jar No. 14 la Name AddreM..i This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU-CAN ? To introduce a new shoe we offer for $3.00 a ladies' vlcl kid flexible sole , coin toe shoo that would sell easily for $4.00. We give away on Wednesday a pair of Woman's $3.00 Shoes on Saturday a pair of Man's Tan $3.GO Shoes , to the person estimating the nearest number of beans in our bean jar. Those having tickets for glassware will please bring them to the store at once. A. D. Morse , 1517 Douglas St. A. D. Morse' * MEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estl nate of the number of beans In Jar No. 12 la Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must he handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? THE BUSY JEWELERS 1 I52O Douglas St. Urtre you to buy Christmas Presents Now and have them engraved. On Sat urday , December 10 , we will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of beana in our jar a tine Silk Umbrella , beautifully mounted. T. L. Combs & Co. , 1520 Douglas St. T. L. Comb * A Co.'m 1IEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 1C li Name Addrers , Thla advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our storo. 9 That the jars are changed and refilled after each contest. 10 That you know as much about beans as your neighbor. 11 That if you don't estimate correctly this time , you may next time. 12 That every article offered is exactly as represented by the mer chants. HU.CAN ? A Few Days More will end the great sale of Mack intoshes. Will you not nvnll yourtiulf of this opportunity ? Just think of It , a Mackintosh for A tlrst class Mackintosh for ? 3.75. A nobby Box Coat for . $4.05. This will answer for a winter coat. A woman's flne Mackintosh , all wool , for $2.50. An extra Hue quality of silk and wor sted for $1.75. The nearest estimate to the number of beans In our jar will receive that line ? UO Mackintosh we give away on De cember 14th. OMAHA TENT & RUBBER GO. 1311 Farimm St. Omaha Tent & Itntthrr Co. DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estl.TKite of the number of beans in jar No. 23 li Name Address. . This advertisement and coupon muht bo handed In at our store. HU'CAN ? More REGENT $3.50 SHOES Worn than beans In the jar. All kinds , colors , shapes and styles. Your choice for one price $3.50. Mall orders. Regent Shoe Co. , 205 South 15th St. Saturday , December 10 , we will give away to the two persons estimating the nearest number of beans in our jar a pair of $3.50 Regent Shoes to each. Regent Shoe Company' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 20 Is Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our store. HU.CAN ? Two Pair of Shoes Valued at $3.00 each the kind we have been selling so fast at this price and the kind the men want will be given away each week to the ono estimating the nearest number of be ns in our jar. .Contests close Tuesdays and Fridays at G p. m. T. B. 'Norris , 1413 Douglas T. B. NorrU' BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 1 is Address Name This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? On December lOth We will give away a handsome $18.CO Now York Trimmed Hat to the ono estimating the nearest number of beans in our bean jar. Mrs. R. H. Davles 1511 DonKia * Street. Mr * . R. II. Dnvle1 BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 8 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Tkey Melt In Yonr Month. BALDUFF'S DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES BALDUFF , 1D20 FAIINAM ST. Saturday , December 10 , we will give to the 4 persons making the nearest estimates of the number of beans In our Jar , to the first. n 5-pound box of candy ; to the eecond and third , a two-pound box each and to the fourth , a 1-pound box. BaldnlT'N IIIMN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of trje number of beans In jar No. 22 Is Name , , , Address This advertisement and coupon mint be handed In at our store. I1U-CAN ? Stcin\vr ivstandari ( ° f thc w ° rd | § Also a complete line of Ivors & Pond , Voso , Emerson , Steger , Graham & Singer Are now offered at unheard of prices to mnko room for our new holiday stock. ChlckcrltiK , Rood condition , only $110.00 Another dickering 150.00 Knabe Grand * 125-00 $400 Sample Plnno. only 187.50 / Another Sample Piano 1CS.OO Used Pianos and Organs $25.00 , $45.00 , $ G5.00 nnd $55.00 Instruments rented , tuned and exchanged. Telephone 1625. Easy payments If de sired. J J. S. CAMERON and FH. GUTHUIE , Traveling Representatives. & Mueller , " STEIN WAY A SONS UKI'HKSi : VI'ATIVES. lain Fnrnnra Street. I.nrgent Mimic Denier * In the West. On New Year's eve wo will plvo away to the person estimating the nearest num ber of beans In our jar a new lOmerson mnko piano vnlncd at $ , .50. SCHMOLLEIl * MUELLEirS IIUAN CONTEST COUPON. My cstlmato of the number of beans in Jar No. 17 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must b o handed In at our store. I1U.CAN ? Gas Fixtures Fancy Globes We want the public to know that wo have the only complete line of New Gas , Electric and Combination Fixtures In the city. We have no secoiuMiand stock. Besides what we tell you In re gard to our fixtures you can rely on we never misrepresent things. Call nnd see us. Wednesday we will give away to the per son estimating the nearest to the number of beans in our jar a handsome $5.00 onyx top brass table. j , MORRISSEY PLUMBING CO. 319 S. 15th , Tel. 720. Open Nights , J. Morrley Plnmlilnir Co.'m BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans n jar No. 19 la Name Address. Thle advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Cameras for Christmas We are adding new goods every day to our stock of Cameras and Photographic supplies. See the 3'4x3'A Tourist Pocket Camera , that we will give to the first one estimating the number of beans In our Jar. Contest closes December 10th. The Robert Dempster Co , 1215 Farnnm St. The Robert Dempster Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 31 is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In nt our store. IIU-CAN ? You Don't Think Bat If yon do try to think of onr Bean Pot nnd estimate the nearest to the number of benn * in it on December 14th we Trill Slve yon a f 12.0O Umbrella anil Cane. J. H. EVANS. Nebraska Shirt Company Exclusive Custom Shirt Makers , Tel. DOS. ir.17 Fnrnnin. Ncli rank a Shirt Company' * IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 18 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our store. HU.CAN ? OMAHA 8POBTINO HOODS COMPANY , l.'UH For li u in Street. Try our band loaded nitro shells , $1.70 and up per hundred. On Monday , December 12 , we will glvo away to the two persons estimating the rearest number of beans in our jar a pair of $3.00 skates each. OMAHA SPOUTING HOODS COMPANY , Kuril a in St. Omulia Sporting Good * Co. ' * IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 4 Is . Name . . . . Address . This advertisement and coupon uiuat be handed In at our store. IIU.CAN ? WE CARRY THE LARGEST LINE OP Toys f IN OMAHA. ATTEND OUR GRAND TOT OPENING TOMORROW. MUSIC IN THH EVENING. On New Year's eve we will glve.to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar a flue Sewing Machine valued nt $75. People's ' Furniture & Carpet Co. . IGtli and Farnam. People' * Fnrnlture A Carpet Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in Jar No. 13 Is Name Address. This advertisement nnd coupon must ba handed In at our store. You can win prizes in the Hu-Can Bean contest only by filing estimates on coupons cut from Subscn be for it. Delivered by carrier. Per week 15 cents. \