Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Two Roads Will Run Two Eacb Way Daily
for a Time at Least ,
Straggle of 41ie KorthTrentvrn 4o Se
cure Control of I lie Until from
Chicago ( o Oinnlm Ilrlnjcn
About the Duplication.
The latest development In the fast mall
fight between the Burlington and the North
western systems Is that both roads will soon
place in service fast mall trains leaving
Chicago at about 10 o'clock at night and
arriving here at about 8 o'clock the next
morning , and that they will also continue
their fast mall trains , leaving Chicago at
3 a. m. and arriving here enrly the same
afternoon. This will bring the bulk of east
ern mall Into Omaha In the morning and
will deliver thoChIcago , papers here In the
This was the news given out yesterday
rooming after W. A. Gardner of Chicago , as-
elstant general superintendent of the North
western system , had held a lengthy
conference with General Manager
Dickinson and General Passenger
Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific.
In explanation of the prospective running
of two fast mall trains a day on each road
from Chicago to Omaha , It Is said that the
changes will bo made to conform with the
changes contemplated In the fast mall serv
ice from Now York to Chicago over the New
York Central and Lake Shore railroads. The
now fast mall train from New York , which
eoon will be put on by these two roads , ar
riving In Chicago at about 8:30 : p. ra. , will
not , as at first announced , displace Hie one
arriving In Chicago from New York at raid-
night. It Is said the newspaper mall from
New York to Chicago has grown so enor
mous of late that the Lake Shore train Is
now too heavy to haul In one section , al
though Its epecd Is much less than that of
the Burlington fast mall between Chicago
nnd Omaha. It Is understood that Instead
of dividing this Lake Shore train Into
two sections , another fast mall train
will bo added between New York and
Chicago , the first ono arriving In Chicago at
about 8:30 : p. m. , and the other one reaching
there at midnight , as at present.
Permanency of the Plim In Donlit.
Although It la admitted that the first
Lake Shore train will bring Into Chicago
most all the Ural-class mall that is to com ?
west , It is proposed to run a fast mall train
from Chicago to Omaha as the western con
nection of each of the tuo Lake Shore
trains. This will result In a fast mall train
out of Chicago for Omaha at nbout 10 p.
m. and another at 3 a. m. This Is the
scheme , at least , that la going to be tried
for awhile. Considerable doubt , however ,
la expressed aa to whether congress will
sanction the appropriation of money to run
such fast mail trains so close together from
Chicago to Omaha when one now carries
the bulk of the mall in a very satisfactory
manner. How long two fast mall trains
will chase each other over txJth the North
western and the Burlington lines from Chicago
cage to Omaha Is a mere matter of conjec
ture , but railroad men generally do not
look for such an expensive arrangement of
ecrvlce to bo made permanent.
With the arrival of the overland mall for
the Pacific coast and for the Islands and
countries further west in two sections ,
Instead of one , the great quantity of mall
now taken westward from here by the Union
Pacific in the afternoon will be cut In half.
The mall that leaves Chicago at 10 or 10:30 :
o'clock at night , arriving here at 8 a. ra. ,
will go west on the "Overland Limited"
train of the Union Pacific at 8:50 : a. m. The
rest of the overland mall which leaves
Chicago on the "Chicago newspaper train"
bt 3 a. m. , arriving here nt 2:55 : p. m. , will
go west on the fast mall train of the Union
Pacific , leaving here at 4:35 : p. m. Instead
of changing the mall from the afternoon to
the morning Lain of the Union Pacific , as
previously reported , the new time card will
have the effect of giving each of the big
western trains of the Union Pacific a share
of the mail to carry.
Exact Time Not Yet Fixed.
It was said by Assistant Superintendent
Gardner of the Northwestern that the exact
time for the new fast mall trains has not
been fixed and will not be until the Now
York Central and the Lake Shore operating
departments announce their new time. It
is known the Northwestern will en
deavor to make such a allowing with
Its new fast mall trains that It will wrest
from the Burlington the through mall con
tract from Chicago to Omaha. To do this It
must make a better showing , quicker serv
ice , for seven consecutive days. The prize
amounts to nearly three-quarters of a mil
lion a year , and Is esteemed to be worth
going after at least. The Northwestern now
handles all the Brack Hills mall , which It
transfers to the Elkhorn road at Missouri
Valley , but It wants the overland mall. The
Burlington oinclals pay thnt they feel quite
confident that the "Q" engines can continue
to pull the fast mall across Iirinols and
Iowa faster than those of competing lines.
They olio Intimate that the first day the
Northwestern cuts down Its running time
from Chicago to Omaha the next day the
Burlington will make a cut that the North
western , or any other line , will have con
siderable difficulty In equalling. Both roads
re In the fight for the big purse to a fin
ish , and western railroad men are looking
for some speedy runs on both roads during
the coming month.
More Hock Inland Change * .
There will be more changes In the pnssen-
gen department of the Rock Island road on
December 1 , 1898 , than have been at any
one time for fifteen years past. In addition
to those previously announced the follow
ing minor changes win become effective on
that date : J. D. Slpo will become agent at
Glload , Neb. vice J. A. Govo. S. P. Haas
will be agent at Pawnee , Neb. , vice G , M.
LawrenceChurleu Kllngcr , now day tlckel
Route -
Three Trains
a day
to St. Louis
leave Omaha at 9:45 : a. m. , 4:55 :
p. m and 7:45 : p. m.
All good all fast all comfor
The 4:55 Is the train we par
ticularly recommend. It is the
newest , finest , fastest , best
train from Omaha to the South
Through sleeper and t chair
1502 Farnam SU Telephone 250.
10th and Mason Sts. Telephone 128.
agent at the DCS Molnra station , will go to
Chicago at assistant city ticket agent , suc
ceeding Frank Barnes , who Is already In
stalled an city passenger agent at Lincoln ,
Eziioiltlun n Bljr Thlnir In Thin I/lnc
nnd ItcltiK Followed Ui .
"It Is my opinion that the exposition did
more to advertise Nebraska than could have
been done In flvo years In any other way , "
writes Immigration Agent King of the Bur-
Ington to a B. & M. ofllclali The Immtgra-
lon man expresses' the hope that there will
jo another exposition held here In 1699 ,
as in his opinion still better results In the
way of immigration into thla state can
thereby be secured.
The advertising department of the Bur-
Ington here IB following up the exposition
by sending out an Immense amount of lit
erature booming Nebraska. Over 12,000
icople left their names and addre&pes with
.ho attaches of the Burlington exhibit at the
exposition and to each one of these 12,000
s being sent a scries of Nebraska ad
vertisements. The work has kept quite a
orce of clerks under General Advertising
Agent Campbell busy at local headquarters
ever slnco the exposition closed. Most of the
icoplo who .have . reft their names for Ne-
irarka literature reside In otatcs east of
vilssourl , though qulto a number live In
Missouri , Kansas , Oklahoma and Texas.
About 2,000 names are of persons living In
owa. Illinois is almost as numerously rep
resented. Indiana and Ohio are on the scroll
with about EDO names each. The eastern
states , especially New York , Massachusetts
and Pennsylvania , have contributed a num-
> cr of names.
The railroad ofOclaTs say It Is all a guess
how many of the 12,000 people may be In
duced to move into this commonwealth and
settle hero , hut a determined effort will be
made to Interest every one of them In Nc-
jraska's rich resources and its attractions
or settfers. To each person who has regis
tered Is being sent an Illustrated pamphlet
on Nebraska , written especially for this
mrpose by ex-Governor Furnas ; a book
.hat gives more detailed Information about
the state's agricultural , horticultural , live
stock and beet sugar Industries and a copy
of the last Issue of the Corn Belt ,
To secure further literature for this pur
pose the Burlington road has offered $100
north of cash prizes for the best written
articles on Nebraska , the copy to be sent
o General Passenger Agent Francis of the
B. & M. by February 1 , 1899. The first
irlzo Is for $25 , the second for $15 , the ,
bird for $10 and ten prizes of $5 each. To
all who compete for the prizes will be
given a six months' subscription to the Corn
Rear End Collision on the licit Line
Hill Ofcnr * Dnrliiir a FOR.
The Kansas City and SU Louis express
on the Missouri Pacific road , which is due
o arrive in Omaha at 6 a. m. , waa wrecked
on the main line of the Union Pacific at a
point just south of W street. South Omaha ,
yesterday. A heavy fog overspread the
lottoms and made It difficult to see any dls *
ance ahead at that hour. The passenger
rain ran into the tall end of a freight train
and piled four freight cars up In a heap.
3oth the freight and passenger trains were
> ound north , but the puBsenger train trav
eled so much faster than the freight that It
overtcok the latter on a grade. The freight
rain was what,1s called a "Qllmore special"
and consisted of eighteen freight cars pulled
> y Union Pacific switch engine No. 1173.
The train was too heavy for the en
gine , and consequently ' the run was
made on slow time. _ No one was
njurcd , although the engineer and fire
man of the passenger engine were > badly
shaken up. Not one of th't cars left the
track , but one bos car Is piled on top of a
car of wheat , while- coal car was smashed
nto kindling wood. The platform on the
mall car was broken , but no other damage
was done to the car. Another engine was
scut for and the train , with the exception of
the mall car , was hauled to Omaha. No
progress had bc-en made toward clearing
away the wreck up to noon , for the reason
that the wrecking crew Is at present at
Osceola. Traffic on the line was not delayed
o any extent , as incoming and 'outbound
rains used the east track between South
Omaha and Gllraore.
Union Pnclflc Mixed Train Turn * Over
the Damp , Injuring Seven.
Seven men were Injured in the Union
Pacific wreck between Genoa and Woodvllle ,
Neb. , on Tuesday. Train No. 74 , which Is
a mixed , train , was thrown off the track
jy the spreading of the rails. One coach ,
ono baggage car and one box car left the
track and rolled down an embankment about
twenty feet. Two other box cars left the
track , but did not tip over.
The seven who were hurt were riding In
the coach. Only one of them , James Jack-
eon , was badly hurt. Ho was brought to
this city and given medical attention.
The following were slightly Injured :
Theodore Mayer , Fremont , Neb.
C. A. Carlson , Omaha.
A. S. Andrews , Syracuse , Neb.
William Murr , Grand Island , Neb.
J. M. WesterHeld , Omaha.
B. S. Streeter , Omaha , bruised on leg and
James Jackson , Munroe , Neb. , Injured in
stomach. Ho was brought to Omaha.
riani Snld to Be Making far Trans
fer nf Stock to Union Pnclflc.
NEW YORK , Nov. 30. plans are reported
to bo making for the exchange Into Union
Pacific railroad common stock of the out
standing shares of the Oregon Railway and
Navigation company. This operation , aa
previously contemplated , would assure to
the Union Pacific the perpetual control of
the Oregon Short Line and more direct
guidance of Its affairs. The Oregon Short
Line company owns the majority of the
Oregon Navigation company's common stock.
Insuring an outlet for the Union Pacific
railroad to the northwest coasU The ex
change may he put through in a short
Terminal Company Ilenily to Start.
General Manager Webster of the Omaha
Bridge and Terminal company was a very
busy man yesterday. Arrangements are
being made to take advantage of the city's
permission to run a line down Fourteenth
street just as soon as It can be done. The
present season is unfavorable for track
building , but General Manager Webster eays
advantage will be taken of every open day
this winter until the work Is complete. He
Is of the opinion that the extension could be
bulft in sixty days , if open weather pre
vailed , but at this period of the year It 1s
difficult to tell how long a time may be
needed to do the work.
Union I'nclflo Channel.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Patrick Stack , a traveling lo
comotive engineer for the Union Pacific , has
been made foreman of the company's shops
at Larnmle. William Daley , for the las1
five years assistant train dispatcher at Lar-
amlo , resigned today to take a position on
the Norfolk & Virginia.
VIn the Wnhaih R. R.
On December 6 to 20 the Wabash will sell
tickets to nearly all points south at one faro
plus $2. Tourist tickets to Hot Springs
Ark. , and all the winter resorts of the soutt
now on sale. For routes , tickets and fur
ther information call on or wrlto G. N
Clayton , N. W. P. agent , room 302 , Kar-
bach block , Omaha , Neb.
till Greater and Grander Special Balei of
Spot Cash Purchase * on Sals Today.
7Ro SlIkH , Ida Ynrcl ) ft Silk Velvet ,
14c ( 75c Ijntrinuneil Had , Be ) tllnu-
keU SIRa GOa Caihmcre Glare * ,
lOo | 35o llandkerch'fi , 7 l-2o.
Thousands of yards of silk moussolln da
ole In plain colors , light and dark grounds ,
n lloiul designs , polka dots and many other
ew designs , suitable for ladles' evening
mists , neckwear , millinery trimmings ,
anoy work , doll dressee and hundreds of
itber useful purpoies. These come in short
engchs , but many to match , and actually
worth $1.00 yard , on sale on main floor
largaln square at 26c yard.
760 SILKS , 150 YARD.
Extra heavy china silks , checks and
plalus , also surahs , for trimmings , fancy
work , doll dresses , etc. , all on sale at 15c
$1.00 SILK VELVETS , 140 YARD.
Your choice of thousands of yards of silk
velvet , great variety of colors. Just the
hlng for fancy work , sofa pillows , dress
rimming , etc. , all on sale at 14c yard.
Your choice of two large bargain counters
ontalnlng fancy wings , fancy feathers ,
ancy breasts In all colors of the rainbow ,
o close them out quick , at 5c each.
Ono large table of ladles' , miss * * ' and
hllilren's untrlmmed hats , black and colors ,
all of them this season's shape on sale at
c each.
$1.50 TRIMMED HATS. 260.
Hundreds of this winter's new trimmed
allors. trimmed cycles , trimmed walking
hats , in black and fancy colors , trimmed
with ribbons and feathers , worth $1.50 , In
millinery department at 25c each.
$1.50 KID GLOVES 250.
All the $1.00 and $1.50 kid gloves that arc
n any way slightly mussed or soiled , prln-
Ipally small sizes. In lace , hook and two-
lasp , black and all colors , go ut 25c pair.
All the ladles' all wool cashmere gauntlet
loves , worth 60c , RO at lOc pair.
All the ladles' fine Imported swlss em-
iroldered and gents' large size finest India
awn plain white and fancy bordered hem-
tltched handkerchiefs , go at 7 c each :
worth up to 23c and 35c.
Ladles' 35 quality medium and heavy
weight Jersey ribbed vests and pants , all
lies , go at 15c each.
Ladles' ready-made veils , 75c quality , all
Ilk with plain or fancy spots , all go at 25c
Very heavy cotton blankets , extra large
Ize. at 25c each ; worth $1.25 pair.
All colors best grade embroidery silk ,
ozen spools.
Crochet silk , regular 15c quality , at
Strictly all wool eiderdown flannel , We
Indigo blue calico , 2&c yard.
Long remnants fancy white goods , Kc yard ,
Heavy double napped gulna flannel , 3V4c
ard ; worth lOc.
Best grade shirting prints , 2c yard.
45 Inches wide slightly imperfect long
loth and mull , worth up to 15c yard , go at
c yard.
Full dresa patterns , 10 yards to each pat-
ern , new wash goods , go at 39c pattern.
16th and Douglas Sts.
Look out for Grand Opening and Recep-
lon of A. Mandelberg Leading Jeweler.
F. C. Johnson's sweet elder. Ask your
rocer for It.
Announcement * .
The policy to be maintained at the Crclgh-
on-Orpheum theater , which opens Sunday
fternoon as a high class vaudeville theater
n the presentation of acts , Is to give a unl-
ormly good show every week and to fulfill
very promise made In the papers aa to the
ota to be presented from time to time.
The people will not be misled In the an-
ouncements. The usual method employed
> y theatrical managers upon their assum-
ng the control of a theater , particularly In
he vaudeville field , la to open the theater
with an exceptionally strong show and
maintain it for a few weeks and then drop
o the most commonplace of bills. As will
> e seen Sunday the standard of excellence to
e set-Is very high. Subsequent weeks will
how a fulfillment of the promises made.
The majority of theater-goers are familiar
vlth the names of stage celebrities and
avorltcs and they can readily see in the
nnouncements of the program what they
can expect No names will bo announced
unless the person named Is to appear.
Saturday's matinee will terminate the en
gagement at the Trocadero of that chanti
ng ana very popular little artist ; Miss
Bessie Bonehtll , and women and children will
> e especially Interested In her part of the
rogratn. Hereafter no refreshments will
ie served or smoking permitted at Thurs
day and Saturday matinees. The bill this
week presents to the Trocadero patrons the
amous minstrel , Frank McNInh ; Miss Rosa
Albro , contralto and change artist ; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Budworth In their tremendous
uccess , "A Royal Visitor ; " the Century
quartet and many other high class refined
Mr. Willis Collier begins a three-nights'
engagement at the Boyd tonight in "The
Ion from Mexico. " a farcical comedy of
continuous and unfailing mirth , whose suc
cess In New York and other cities deter
mined Smyth and Rice , Its managers , to
lupply it with the best possible cast for the
present season , comprising the following
well known names : Thomas Wise , Adolph
lack son , M. L. Heckert , Dan Mason , L. J.
iheehan , George W. Parsons , Louts Bishop
{ all , Julia Bachelder , Miriam Lawrence ,
Leslie Haakell and Louise Allen-Collier.
Rossini's "Stabat Mater , " so successfully
iresented a couple of years ago by the choir
of St. John's Collegiate church ( Crelghton
college ) , will be repealed In sacred concert
Sunday evening , December 4 , at the church ,
assisted by the following eminent soloists ;
mo. Clementine DeVere , soprano ; Miss
51 Minor e Broadfoot , contralto ; Mr. George
Mitchell , tenor ; Signer Augusto Dado , basso ,
and Mr. John A. Schenk , organist. A chorus
of sixty voices will assist under < the direc
tion of Slgnor R. Saplo.
At Germanla ( Turner ) hall Sunday even-
ns. December 4 , a moat Interesting enter-
alnment will bo given. The German play ,
'Ehrllche Arbeit , " will be given by a com
petent local cast and In addition. Messrs.
[ Jado. Groff and Mitchell and Miss Elcanore
Broadfoot of the late popular International
"Jpera company will be heard in vocal num-
jers ,
Leave CbleaKo for the Sonth
over Pennsylvania Short Lines on 10 a. m.
[ turret Parlor Car and Coach train , or on
8:15 : train , which has Compartment Sleeping
Cora and Coaches to Cincinnati and Louis
ville where through connection Is made for
winter resorts In Florida and the South. For
particulars address Thos. H. Thorp , travelIng -
Ing passenger agent , 1201 Farnam , Omaha ,
The Netv Mercer Hotel.
We can board you this winter cheaper
than you can keep house. Electrlo light ,
steam beat , fifty baths.
Look out for Grand Opening and Recep
tion of A. Mandelberg Leading Jeweler.
A 10-word want ad costs you but 85 cents
for 7 days In the Morning and Evening Bee.
Murray Hotel , Omaha. Rates , | 2-$2.60.
Nat Brown , Prop.
ISAKSON Ulrlka. aped 91 years , 3 month"
26 days. November 29 , 1S9S. Funeral Frl
day , December 2 , at , 2 p. m. , from the
rcsidenc ; of her son , August Isakson , 922
South Twenty-tlfth avenue , to Forest
Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited.
SCHNEIDER Kva J. . daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. II. J. Schneider , uped 5 years , 8
months , 27 days , November 30 , Ii98.
Funeral Thursday. Dec. 1. at 2:30 : p. m. ,
from the residence , 4120 N. 24th at. , to
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Harden Hro . SIlkM.
Juit received , another shipment of UIOBO
and changeable. See the now shades. Wo
have exclusive Bale of these wldo silks for
city of Omaha. Best silk that Is made ,
Big Bale on plain Bilks and satins for
ancy work , all bright shades , at 29c , 39c
Look out for Grand Opening and Recep
tion of A. Mandelberg Leading Jeweler.
Local Market Glutted , Demand Light
and Price * on the Dovrn Grade
All Around.
Judging from the receipts of poultry the
country must be Just recovering from the
effectsof the blizzard , for while there was
< ome shortage at Thanksgiving ttmo there
a now an over supply. On Tuesday trains
began coming In loaded with game of all
kinds , as well as with poultry , and slnco
hat time there has been no abatement. One
commission man remarked that he did not
suppose there were so many chickens in
: hls part of the country and that there arc
enough on hand at the present time to last
For several days If not another pound were
received , but unfortunately Indications are
favorable for continued heavy receipts. Not
only is the supply large , but the demand
seems to be correspondingly light , aa most
people had their fill of game and poultry
at Thanksgiving and are now apparently
taking a rest so as to be in trim again by
Christmas. Dealers say the price at which
stock is offered seems to make but little
difference In the amount consumed , so the
disposition of the present supply is quite a
problem. It Is a difficult matter to give very
accurate quotations when the market is In
Its present condition , but the following
wholesale prices on live poultry are as near
correct as can bo obtained : Hens , 4 %
cents ; roosters , 3 % cents ; spring chickens ,
5 to 6H cents ; geese , 6 % to 6 cents ; ducks ,
5 to 6V4 cents , and turkeys , 8 cents. Dressed
stock is quoted as follows : Hens , 5 to 5 %
cents ; spring chickens , 6 % to 7 cents ; ducks ,
7 to 7 % cents ; geese , 7 to 8 cents , and tur
keys , 8 to 10 cents. This , It will be seen , is
a drop of 1 to 2 cents per pound all around.
Game has suffered fully as much with the
exception of ducks and prairie chickens ,
which remain at the same price. Quail
cannot bo quoted over $1 to $1.25 , and rab
bits will hardly sell for enough to pay for
their freight. Jacka are slow sale at $1 to
$1.25 and cottontails , 40 to 60 cents.
John Flett , Who line * Armour' * Name
on Worthier Check * , IB Under
Arrest In Wisconsin.
Quick work was done by the police Tuesday
night In apprehending John Flett , a book
keeper until recently In the employ of the
Armour Packing company at South Omaha ,
wanted for forgery and uttering forged
paper. Flett left South Omaha Monday. His
crime , with a minute description of htm ,
was given Chief White. After an hour's
Investigation the chief wired to the police
of Madison , WIs. , a description of Flett and
ay 6:30 : received an answer that the man was
In custody there. .
Flett will be brought hack to South
Omaha by a special Armour officer sent
there from Chicago. He waived his right
to requisition 'papers. Until his disappear
ance Monday Flett was a clerk In the pay
master's department of the company and
had a wide circle of acquaintances. On his
friends and others he passed a large num
ber of forged checks , using the Armour sig
nature and forging' " the name of several
prominent men I'as endorsers. The amount
of money BO" Secured , it is thought , will
reach'several3 hundred dollars. Dut $75
worth" of' ' fhe-Tjad paper has turned up so
far. > "
From New Zealand.
vr REEFTON , New Zealand.
I am very pleased to state that since I
took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines
the sale has been very large , more especially
of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have
sold more of this particular remedy than of
all other make * for the previous five years.
As to its efficacy , I have been Informed by
scores of , persons of the good results they
have received from It. and know Its value
from the use of it in my own household. U
Is ao pleasant' to take that we have to place
the bottle beyond the reach of the children.
Omaha to Chicago.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just 'placed In service two mag
nificent electric lighted trains between
Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at
5:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. nnd
leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8:20 : a. m. Each train Is lighted
throughout by electricity , has buffet smoking
cars , drawing room sleeping cam , dining
cars and reclining chair cars and runs over
the shortest line and smoothest roadbed be
tween the two cities.
Ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
Two Trains Dally ,
for Denver and Colorado points.
"Colorado Fast Mail. "
Leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. today.
Arrive Denver 7:35 : a. m. tomorrow.
"Colorado Special. "
Leave Omaha 11:55 : p. m. today ,
Arrive Denver 2:65 : p. m. tomorrow.
City ticket office , 1302 Farnam street.
The First Dose Helps
the voice and bronchial passages. It stops
th "hacking , " chronic cough as easily and
quickly as it does the more recent one-
coughs , colds , bronchitis , wheezing of the
breath , "tightness" about the cheet , hoarse
ness and sore throat. All yield quickly tea
a few doses of this remedy. Prices 25c and
50c , Samples free ,
FOR COLD IN HEAD use Sherman's
Catarrh Jelly. For Hay Fever , Sherman's
Eucalyptus Catarrh Jelly. When your head
aches ( from cold ) use Sherman's Eucalyp
tus Catarrh Jelly. When you cannot
breath through the nose use Sherman's
Catarrh eJlly. If you have never used it ,
call and get free sample. You will know
then that It's the beat catarrh nnd cold
medicine made. Made and sold by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ,
1513 Dodge St. Omaha , Neb.
( Middle of Block. )
With his wife and family than to sneak
off quietly to obtain
There's more real enjoyment In ulttlng
down at home and sipping a small glass of
it than standing up < o a bar with a crowd of
"good fellcws , " where each one thinks it
necessary to pay for a "round" before quit
ting. The effect is bad consequences
worse. Insist upon your husband keeping
the gold medal kind at home. It's the kind
. he wants and a little of It will do you good
as well.
fred Krug Brewing Co. ,
- 1007 Jackson
Tcaephone , 0 -
Boms Special Bargains in Ladies' and
Misses' Shoos.
For the llnlnncct of Thin Week We
llnYe Sonic .Special Fine Ilnr-
lit Iiiiillcii' mill
Shoe * .
Ladles' best quality patent leather shoes ,
vesting top , turn soles , coin toe , at $3.60 ;
regular price , | 5.00.
Ladles' vtcl kid shoes , extension soles ,
cither button or bals , at $2.25.
Ladles' box calf shoes , heavy extension
soles , coin toe , at $1.98 ; regular price , $3.00.
Ladles' fine vlcl kid shoes , hand made ,
In welt or turn soles , cither button or bals ,
kid or cloth top , at $3.00.
Ladles' best quality Tlcl kid shoes , In
turns or welts , at $4.00 ; regular price , $5.00.
Misses' fine kid bals with extension soles ,
row round toe , at $1.50 ; sizes , 11 % to 2.
Mlsccs * box calf shoes , in bats , sizes 11 to
3 , at $1.60 ; regular price , $1.76 and $2.25.
Misses' cloth top button shoos , extension
soles , Philadelphia toe , at $1.50 , cut from
Misses' dongola kid shoes , coin toe , either
button or bals , at $1.45 ; sizes , 11 % to 2.
Ladles' best quality lamb's wool soles at
Farnam and Fifteenth Sts.
Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grill
room. Cor. 16th and Howard.
In mat i liable
( At
Scofleld's )
Pretty , stylish Winter Coats and
Capes , In all the popular shades and
materials $5.00 , $7.50 , $8.05 , $10.00
and better.
Imported Jackets and Capes
In velvet and broadcloth handsomely
embroidered , jetted , braided and fur
trimmed at remarkably low prices.
Special for This Week-
Astrakhan Fur Coats-
sizes 32 to 40 . .
We Invite you to call , as It is no
trouble to show goods
1510 Douglas St.
Our Award at the Transmississippi
Exposition Exclusive ,
Award on Beer
Reads our diploma a positive distinction and
above all other awards. In addition to the
above wo also received the gold medal.
Is the leading bottled beer in Nebraska.
More of it sold than any other , which fact
proves Its superiority.
Omaha Brewing Association ,
Telephone 111(10. (
Furs !
Furs !
The entire exhibit of RUSSIAN FURS
from Transmlsalsslppl and International Ex
position , Liberal Arts Building , which re
MEDALS for excellent quality and best
workmanship Is now being closed out at a
Ladles' fashionable 'Fur Carmen's , Cares
Collarettes , Jackets , Muffs , Scarfs etc. , in
latest styles and all kinds of furs.
Also magnificent assortment of Fur Rugj ,
Carriage Robes , mounted beads and fur lin
Mail Orders Filled.
, de Sosnnwski ,
321 South ISIb Street.
Of tba Head. None. Throat. Lungs. Eyas , Deaf.
nesa , L Urlppa and ABthma , Medlclnn nud
TreatmentONLY $3.003 MONTH.
Nervous and .Special Diseases of MEN and
WOMEN. Diseases of the Eye , Uar , Lnntte ,
Kidneys , Bladder , SUln , Blood , Rheumatism
and Cancer. Our facllltlr fur treating all
form * of Ouronlo Diseases nro unlimited and
our remarkable success has never been ur-
Low Fee System
The popularity of our small charges for treat
ment IB fully dVmonBtrated by the great num
bers making dly ! application for oar treat *
Home Treatment
Our Home Treatment by Mall la uverytblng
that could be desired Inr all canes. Uooli Free
Hand for Symptom Blanks. C * . O. Box 425 , ox
The Draper Modloal Institute.
tf. K. Cor. l lh * DoivUa SU. , Omalia , Ntfr
Nor. 10 , 1JJI.
77S3oys' Ulsters.
Today we to tell you about a purchase of
boys' ulsters , in sizes from 10 to 15 , that means real
four dollar value for two dollars and a half. That's
just what it means. Itwasanend-of-tho-season deal by
our eastern buyer and while wo didn't need the goods
the opportunity was too tempting to let it pass by.
This morning wo put them on sale. Not many , only
77 garments all'told , but there are just 77 mothers in
Omaha who will feel happy over the lot. Long , full
size , full finished ulsters. Made from heavy black
frieze , double breasted , of course , and lined with
heavy plaid cassimere in the body , and iron cloth
sleeve linings. They will stand wear andtear. They
are made for rough knockabout purposes , made to
keep out the cold and wet and made to last the
roughest boy a whole season through , and with just
ordinary usage they ought to last longer than that.
Remember we have them only in black color and in
sizes only to fit boys 10 to 15 years.
! Boy's ' $3.50 Storm ;
S Ulsters at $1,75
Never such a showing of boys' ulsters and overcoats as
the Big Store is making now. An eastern manufacturer
closed out to us two large lines of storm ulsters at about 50c
on the dollar to clear up his stock. They are absolutely the
best ulsters made. The first lot will be put on sale at $1,75
They are strongly and warmly made up and are equal in ev
ery respect to the regular $ , ' 3.50 storm ulsters.
The second lot comprises a very hand
some assortment in 8 different patterns of
warm and durable chinchillas , meltons and
freizes. in browns , blacks , oxfords and blues ,
and were made to sell at $5 , you can take
your choice while they last at $2.75. These
ulsters we have in the sizes to fit boys from
6 to 15 years old , and we guarantee them
worth § 3.50 and $5 each.
We also have three special values in ul
sters for youths from 16 to 19 years at $2 50
$3.98 and $5.00. They are made up
from finest selected freizes and chinchillas ,
and will look well and wear well.
880 boys' long pant suits , in single or
double breasted styles , a beautiful assort
ment , will go on sale Thursday at $3.95.
Be sure you see these.
250 boys' long pant suits , strictly all wool , 18-oz. black
clay worsteds and fine selected cassimeres and cheviots , go on
sale Thursday at $5 00 , They are regular $8 50 suits.
Our line of boys' suits at $6,50 and $7.50 are as
good as you can buy anywhere for § 10 and $12.50. In all
sizes to fit boys and young men from 12 to 20 years.
Men's Hats and Caps.
Derbys and Fedoras in all the i blocks , in black and
brown , on sale at 75c , $1 , § 1.25 , § 1.50 and up to § 8. Winter
caps at 15c ; 25c , 35c and 45c. We save you one third to one
half on hats , See our 16th street window for great Saturday
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
You y have * eoursa of medical
1 treatment for
of all kinds at the
| S&epard Medical institute
> New York Lift Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
DUnees of th Lungs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. Reference -
ence , by permission , to 6,000 cured
patients The largest medical offices
and practice In the west. The Omaha
Bee , leading dally , nays : "The Shepard -
ard Medical Institute Is entirely rella-
ble in a professional and biulneei
way. Dr. Shepara mid his associates
have gained and fully maintained a
leading reputation In the treatment
of chronic disease * . The public may
safely trust them. "
WRITF r ° r testimonials from
VV 'i ' I I L. ministers , teachers , bum-
nns men , farmers , etc. , telling now
they were cured at horn * through th
Mall Byotem.
RllfiK T"Th < l Neflr Treatment ;
DUUrN How It Cures. " Is sem free
to all who write. It Is a clean mttdlcal
work for the wholn family to read
and Is of rreat value to all who Beck
better health. Rook and Consultation
Blanks sent frea to all Inquirers.
.Medicines sent everywhere. State
your case and end for opinion and
lowest terms. Char ires low. Con-
tatlon free , personally or by letter.
MtiiHim it fa r *
The Flavor of Coffee
depends upon retaining the aroma , which U
dissipated by too much boiling.
Squirrel Coffee
properly boiled is delicious because tba blend
Is perfect. Some coffee blonds are Dot good
oven If inado right. Of grocers.
St. LouU , Mlnnourl.
A Breakfast Delicacy.
Swift's Premium Brand
Breakfast Sausage
In one pound cartona only. This Is th
highest grade pork sausage thnt can bo
produced ; tnado from the choicest lean
pork trimmings and seasoned Just right. i
Alt first-class dealers carry it in stock.
Made only by
Our Name on Ever ? Package.
Sec thnt Yon Get the Genuine
South Omaha , Neb.
4tb Ifloor Brown Blk. , leth and Douglts
GoldAl'oy liLiog $1.00
Gold Filling $1.00 and up
Md Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
BestTUh. . . . $750