8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 27 , 1808. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. SIIMMI Mnvriox. Hamilton's shoo store , 412 Broadway. Btockcrt Carpet Co. , 203-207 Bwy. Moore's food kills worms and fatten * . Window glass. Davis , 200 Broadway. Dell G. Morgan , drUKS. 142 Broadway. Charles i : . Taylor of 904 South Sixth strco Is on the sick Hsu Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. L , . Kerney , 72 Sixth avenue , a son C , 11. Jacquetnln & Co. , jewelers and op tlclans , 27 South Main street. City Treasurer Heed Is expected horn from Maryvllle , Mo. , this evening George L. Wilkinson , postmaster of Ncola was In the city yesterday visiting friends. 8. F. Evans of .Minneapolis , represeutlni the 1'i'HVoy elevator Interests , Is In the city Miss Halbert of Chlenijo has uucceeJei Mrs. Anna S. Richardson as society cJI'.o on the Nonpareil. Joe Nnsh left yesterday for Kearney , Neb , whcro ho Joins a party of friends for n llv < day.1) ' hunting trip. J. W. Jascpk , a former resident of Ooun ell Bluffs , but now located In Denver , Colo. Is In the city visiting frtom's. ' The ministerial association of the clt : will meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 : o'clocl In St. John's English Lutheran church. J. C. Blxby , boating and sanitary unglneei Plans and specifications for belting , plumb Ing and lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluffs Sheriff Shelton of Harrison county passei throtiRh the Bluffs yesterday on his way ti the asylum at Clarlnda with an Insane pa tlcnt. Don't you think It must be a pretty goo laundry that can please o many hundred of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle,1 724 Broadway. James A. Ore and Minnie Lumpklns , botl from Elgin , Neh. , were married In this clt ; yesterday , Justice Ovldo Vlcn performlni the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Barr , who have beei Bpendlng ThanKsKlvlng with friends In th < lJluff < t , returned to their homo In Ml- sour Valley yesterday. Annln Nielsen , a 1-year-old child living a 1814 South Eighth Btreut , was reported t > the Hoard of Health yesterday as sulferlm from membraneous cioup. The funeral of the late Mrs. Cathorlni McDcnnott will be held from St. Francl Xavler's church this afternoon at 3 o'clock Interment will be In the Catholic cemetery A now tlmu table KOCH Into effect today 01 HID Hock Island road. Train No.I wll leave the local depot on South Main stree nt 11:10 : a. m. Instead of at 11:55 : , as hereto fore. Ft. H. Perrlne of Oregon , 111. ; Joseph Per tlno of Chlcapo and O.V. . Perrlne of Soutl Omaha nre visiting their brother , Charle : I'crrlnp , of this city and City Attorne ; Wadsworth. The case ngalnst James Starrier , chargcc With assaulting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wills et for hearing yesterday In Justice Burke1 court , was continued by agreement untl pecember 2. Mary E. , the 2-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. George A. Woodward , 1304 Elghtl avenue , died yesterday morning. The fu neral will bo held from the residence thl nfternoon and Interment will bo In Walnu Hill cemetery. Postnint'lM : and Mrs. I. M. Treynor hav Rene to Cedar Rapids , where Mr. Treyno IR a delegate from St. Paul's church to th diocesan convention of the Episcopal church wnith meets there- this week. The othc delegates from St. Paul's and those fron Grace church will leave tomorrow. Christian Science service nt room 403 Bapp building , at 10:45 : this morning. Th BUbjcct to bo taken up will bo "God th < Only CauBc and Curator. " The evening meet Ins will bo at 7:30 : o'clock , when the Hubjec will bo "Tho Path of the Just. " Testlmon ; meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. : "Undo Josh Spruceby" will be at the Do bony theater tonight. The play Is full o wit and humor , suggestive of the down eastern rurallte , and Is sure to please thos yho llko a real lively , mirth-provoking en tertalnment. The same attraction drew , well filled house last evening nt the Do hany and the audience was highly pleasci vlth the performance. . Tbo two entertainments given by { he re Ilef committee of the Women's Christian as eoclntlon nt Odd Fellows' hall Friday nigh and yesterday afternoon netted $61.44. Thl amount will be devoted by the nssoclatloi In providing relief for the poor of the city The attendance nt the entertainment yesterday torday afternoon , owing to the counter at tractions , was not nearly as largo as th Ulght before. _ The Vlavl homo treatment removes neces elty for surgical Interference. For tnforma tlon call or address 326 Merrtam block. K. Y. Plumblns company. Tel. 250. "Only ono oyster In tbo soup" Is an eli boarding houao saw. Got your oysters a Bulllvan's and the punster will have to g out of business. Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp bll Collections made everywhere In U. S. Those desiring copies of the Jubilee edl tlon of The Dally Bco can secure them i lliu Council Bluffs otllco of The Bee. Fiv cents a copy. for Divorce. In the district court yesterday Mrs. Zel lab Bellows filed a petition for a dlvorc from Matthew A. Bellows , to whom she wa tnarrled In Johnstown , N. Y. , on July - 1600. She alleges Inhumane trcatmen whereby her health and life were ondon Korod , and desertion. She says her husban left her In the fall of 1896. Mary A. Rollins commenced proceeding ngalnst J. A. Musselwhlte and others t foreclose a mortgage for $650 on lot 3 , bloc 1 > , in Street's addition. Just because Sullivan Is selling loti e oysters Is no reason he doesn't do as bl business as usual In fish. Ho never lots u on fish the year 'round. Local man wanted for collecting. Goo chance for right party. Call at room 3 ; Baldwin block. _ O oy oys oyst oyste oyster oysters , all yo want at Sullivan's. _ Get III Your Gnenn. The Council Bluffs people are privilege to make guesses and send them In to th Omaha Merchants' Bean club. All guesse must bo on The Bco coupons , Including th advertisement of the merchant whose bea jar you place your guess upon. Dr. Roller , osteopath , Reno block. DeLong. the printer , 529 East Broadway. Ladles wanting fine medicinal wines an liquors call Jarvls Wine Co. . 225 Mai Btrect. upstairs. Lady In attendance. Now mouldings , C. E. Alexander & Con pany. Itrnl i : tntp Traimfrri. The following transfero were filed yestci day In the abstract , title and loan office < J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street : Afa Phllpott and wlfo to W. E. lloane , lot 1. block 31 , Ferry add , \v. d $ * Ann Kenn to Albert Venn , > & aero In a" . BW % nw& 2-74-10 , w. d linns N. Hanson mid wlfo to Reorgan ized Church of Jesus Christ of Lat ter Day Saints. M ncro so corner of so } ; swVi II-7C-13 , w. < 1 Irfirs C. Peterson nnd wife to Leonard Kvnrptt , lot 2 , block 1 , Howard's add , w. il S Wo.ih L. Lnndls nnd wife to Omaha ItrldRO nnd Terminal Hallway com pany , part lots 21 and 22 , block 12. Howard's add , w , d Totnl five transfers $ 1.5 Ilor Rent 7-room cottage , North Sco it. ; modern Improvements. J. C. Dellavei The celebrated Diamond Bluff flour comi from the great north wheat belt , St. Peter Minn. Bartel & Miller Keep It. 100 We Broadway. The Ceramic club will give Its annual c : hlblt and sale Thursday. Friday and Satu day , December 1 , 2 and 3 , at the art en purlum of Alexander & Company , Ma treet. JEFFERIS GETS JODGJIEN1 Superior Court Awards Him the F M of Hi Warrant * with Interest. MEANING OF THE NEW MOVE IN FINANCI It Will Prnlmlilr Clrcnmrpnt < ln HnltN ItrniiKht lir .1. J. Hhen and Mar Hcln the City to Get Unto a Solid Haul * .Sooner , Edmund Jefferls was given Judgment In tbj superior court yesterday against the city o Council Bluffs for J4.954.S6 on eleven war rants Issued by the city and held by bin .on which payment had been refused for wan of money In the funds on which they hai been drawn. Four of these warrants an on the water fund and seven on the genera fund. They are classed as outstanding war rants and were Issued prior to the curren Jlsca ! year. The city made practically m defense beyond entering a general denla to Jcfferls' claim , whlchv compelled him ti prove up his claim Instead of taking a judg ment by default. Originally Jefferls brought suit agalns City Treasurer Reed to enforce paymen of the four warrants on the water fund but a few days ago amended his petition b ; withdrawing his prayer for a mandamu ; and Instead entered a straight suit agalna the city on the four water fund warrant and seven others that he held on the general oral fund. Shortly after Jefferls filed hi original petition Attorney J. J. Shea cnterei Into the suit by filing a petition of Inter vention , In which ho asked that the cour declare the warrants sued on by Jefferli to bo Illegal and void , as having beei Issued beyond the constitutional limit of tin city's Indebtedness. This being the case 1 was generally expected that Shea would ap pear at the hearing In the superior cour yesterday and resist Jefferls In securing i judgment against the city on warrant which by hla several Injunction suits agalns the city he has maintained are Illegal issues For some reason known only to himself Shei backed down , and Just prior to the casi being called yesterday morning withdrew hi petition of Intervention. It Is believed b ; many that Shea will commence Injunctloi proceedings to restrain the city from pay Ing this judgment. Around the city hall It Is the general opln Ion that a number more of holders of out standing warrants will follow the cour si adopted by Jeffcrls and at once commenci suits to place their holdings In Judgmen against the city. There are several reason given why this IB likely. In the first placi owing to the Injunction proceedings com rhenced by Shea , the city has decided note to Issue refunding bonds at present to taki up the old outstanding warrants , and then seems at this time to be very little pros pcct for the holders of these warrant ! getting ting their money. Then again these war rants draw 6 per cent Interest , but th < holders by placing them In judgment no only get 6 per cent Interest on the prlnclpa represented by the warrant , but also on th Interest that has accumulated up to the titn < of securing the judgment. As for Instanc In the Jefferls case the warrants sued 01 amounted to $4,342.36 , to which was adde < 6 per cent Interest from the date of Issue making $4,954.96 , the amount for which n was given judgment. From this on untl the city satisfies the judgment Jefferls wll draw 6 per cent Interest on $4,954.96. Unlo 8 there Is sufficient money In tn Judgment fund next year it Is very probabl that the city will not be able to pay Jefferli judgment until 1900. The levy will not T > made until September next and the ta : will not bo collected until 1900. Oysters are all the go now. See Sulll van , the grocer , for the best ever sold li Council Bluffs , With prices to suit all , we can show th finest stock of pianos ever shown In Counci Bluffs or Omaha. A piano'for a Chrlatmn present will fill the heart of any one will good cheer. Mueller Piano & Organ Com pany. Diamond Bluff sounds familiar. Yes ! Tha good old flour that mother used before th war. Bartel & Miller have It , For oyster * see Sullivan. Remember the exposition by getting ram copies of Snap Shots at the Council Blufl oflice of The Bee. Ten cents each. Write tha Bluff City laundry for full In formation regarding laundering a shlrl They're easy on clothes. SOCIAL EVENTS OF LAST \VEKH Coming of Winter Set * the Wliet-U I : Motion Once More. With the arrival of winter , society 1 Council Bfuffs baa emerged from the dold ruma and the last week has been notice able for a number of minor functions , Ir respective of the usual Thanksgiving < cMl Ities. Whist has become very popu'.n among the swell set and a number of club have been organized which during the win ter will meet weekly at the housce of th different member * Mrs. W. F. Sapp entertained the member of the Women's Whist club Tuesday aftei noon at her home on Oakland avenue an the same afternoon Mrs. Victor E. Bende entertained the HamlRon Whlat club a her home on Third avenue. The Hamllto club will be entertained next Tuesday b Mra. August Beresholm. The Owl club , which was such a popula social organization last winter , has been re organized and was entertained last Thuri day night by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Js Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Arkwrlght entertained their home on Mynater street Friday nigh a number of friends at progressive big five. five.Dr. . and Mrs. A. P. Hanchett attende the golden wedding celebration of Di Hanchctt's parents at a Porte , Ind. , Thanks giving day. There were over 200 guest present. Mr. J. O. Meyer and Miss Susan L. Kill wore married Tuesday afternoon at o'clock at the residence of the bride' brother , F. It. Ellis , on First avenue. Re > J. W. Wilson , pastor of the Congregation ! church , officiated and the only witnesses c the ceremony were the Immediate rela tlvca of the contracting parties. Mr. an Mrs. Meyer left the same evening for Ch ! cage. They win reside In Ashland , Neb. Helen Drake celebrated her eighth blrtt day last Wednesday by entertaining a num ber of her young friends at tea at th home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. ( Drake , on Second avenue. The tea w quite a swell affair and the dining rooi was beautifully decorated with roeee. Mrs , Victor E. Bender entertained th "Jolly Forty" club at her home on Thlr avenue last Wednesday night. Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs. Dougla N. Graves entertained at dlnn r Blshc Graves of L > aramle and Rev. L. P. McDoi aid. aid.Mr. . and Mrs. W. C. Eatep of Oaklan avenue entertained at dinner Friday nlgl Mr. and Mrs , T. E. Cavln. Mrs. Octavl Stephenson , Miss Maude Shane and Mr. an Mrs. Oeddls of South Omaha. The C. C. C. C.'s celebrated Thanksglvln with a "bobbin" party. They met at tt residence of Mr , and Mrs. F. A. Blxb ; where they were Joined by the members < the Apollo club and spent the evening In sleigh ride around town , winding up at th Keellno residence , whcro they were enter talned at supper by Miss Edna Kcellne. The swell sot turned out In force Wcdnea day night to the "turkey dance" at Cham hers' hall. The "turkey trot" was substl luted for the grand march and proved most amusing Innovation. The followln comprised the committee In charge : Hcnr Haas , George S. Wright , W. L. Dougloj George S. Mayne and James Fonlon. The leading event In local musical circle this week will bo the concert to be give by the women of St. Paul's church nex Thursday evening at Hughes' hall. Amen those who will take part In the prograr are Mlsa Robinson , Miss Burnham , sopram Mrs. Sadie Uowen Young , contralto , and Mi Hlgglns , basso. The High school cadets will entertal their friends Friday night , December 9 , wit a Jance at the Royal Arcanum hall , follow Ing their Inspection by Lieutenant Campbel of the Twenty-second United States Infantry stationed at Fort Crook , The members of Augusta Grove , Woodmc : of tbo World , gave a social and card part ; Wednesday evening at the homo of Mn Jane Pepper , on Fourth avenue. Miss Chloe Brldcnsteln Is spending th Thanksgiving vacation with friends In SI Joseph , Mo. Mrs. McMenomy IB preparing to go south where she will make her homo with he mother , One of the moat pleasant evenings durln the last week was the mualcale give Wednesday evening at St. Francis' acaderaj Miss Helen Mathls of this city was mar rlcd last Wednesday at Pueblo , Colo. , to L S. Chambers , formerly of Council Bluffs. The main event In Catholic circles th coming week will be the social to be glvei by the ladles of St. Francis Xavler'a churc ! at Odd Fellows' hall next Tuesday evening when Mr. Ed Wack of Omaha will re cite. cite.Miss Miss Grace Rlley entertained Wcdnesda evening at her home , 61G Seventh avenue In celebration of her eighteenth blrthdaj about twenty of her young friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burkley of Omah took Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Burk ley's parents , Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Wlckham The members of Hazel camp , Modcr : Woodmen of America , entertained at a car party and dancing party Thursday night a their hall In the Merrlam block. Miss Anna Dodge Is visiting In Chtcagc Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Raymond will apen the winter In Los Angeles , CM. The Council Bluffs dealers nro going t have a heavy Christmas trade. Dourinu has already sold several instruments to b delivered about Christmas. Customers buy now can have the first pick of his vcr largo stock of the finest mandolins , guitars violins , pianos , organs , talking machines etc. , etc. 325 Broadway , where the orga stands upon the building. Baked oysters , fried oysters , oyster stei or any other kind of oysters are fine catln this time of the year. Go to Sullivan's afte 'em. There Is something going on at Mueller' music store. He Is going to give away $40.00 music box on January 1 , 1899 , an with every purchase of 50 cents , excep piano or organ , a copy of sheet music gee free , with a prospect of getting the must box In the bargain. Red River Valley district grows more goo wheat than any other section In the nortl Diamond Bluff Is milled there. Bartel < Miller have U for sale. The report that fruit Is scarce Is Incor rect. Klein , 112 Broadway , always keeps flno assortment of all kinds of fruit. Snap Shots all go at 10 cents each at U Council Bluffs oflice of The Bee. Snow Still Cuiiilicm the WnlU . Despite the assertions of Chief of Pollc Blxby that the city ordinances governln the removal of snow from the sidewalk would be enforced , nothing has been don In the matter. On some of the main street there are places without number almce where no attempt has been made to clea off the snow that fell a week ago and whlc are dangerous to walk over. The snow ha boon tramped down until It has become Ilk a sheet of Ice and just as slippery. Com plaints have been filed at police headquai ters , but BO far It does not seem to have ha any effect. Along the principal buslnci street * there are big banks of snow alone ( Continued on Ninth Pago. ) Extra Fine 5-Cent Cigars Sold by the best retail tradi throughout the west. John G. Woodward & Co Distributors , Council Bluffs , Special Announcement. 80 acres In Harrison county , la. , for ale , $1,200 ; 40 acres in cultivation. No buildings. 120 acres In Harrlfon county , la. , for sale at $2,500 ; 40 acres In cultivation. No buildings. A fine stock farm of 420 acres In Harrison risen county , la. , for sale at J31.EK ) per acre. Farm of 160 acres 10 miles from Council Bluffs , ' $30 per acre. Wo have everal houses for rent In desirable locations. We have for sale a 7-room house In desirable location. A bargain If taken at once. Three small fruit farms for sale at a low price. Now Is the time to Invest In a homo If you want one. Real estate values are low , but are picking up with. Increased sales. We have a number of small residence properties that can be bought nt low prices. Remember that we are making loans nnd writing fire Insurance at as low a rate as any one else , and we would bo pleased to bo favored with a share of your business. LOUOEE & LOUOEB. No. 102 South Main Street , Council niuffs. la. Telephone 312. A Croup Cure , No need to te > ' nvnintoms , for ever ; body knows them. Most parents hav heard that croupy cough and felt tin deep dread of coming danger. Ho- quick the disease works , no time I spare. No wonder It Is so muc dreaded , yet with prompt nnd propt treatment It Is easily nnd quickly eve come. Hundreds lu council Bluff Omaha and elsewhere who hare use Foster's Croup Remedy can testify I the truth of this statement. It is i non-poisonous prearatlon and can I given lu any quantity with safet ; Keep It on hand and give with lln symptoms and you will say with othei It Is TUB CUOUI * CUKE. Price oul I 'X ceuts. For sale by druggist * Dissolution Sale BOSTON STORE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Dissolution of partnership , Mr. A. Wbitelavv , junior member of the firm , to retire. An immense stock of new and seasonable merchandise , being sacrificed. Hundreds of shrewd buyers taking advantage of these opportunities. New List of Bargains for This Week. Dress Goods , Full line of colors in all wool ladies' cloth only 25c yd. 50 pieces fine French serges and Henriettas , in all the new est shades also black , worth 45c , only 25c a yard. GOc and 75c novelty dress goods , to close at 37Ac a yard. Fancy dress goods worth up to $1.50 , now GOc. French Flannels , 39c yard. Prints and Wash Goods.1 % Big lot of standard prints at 2ic a yard. Black and gray and turkey red prints , 4c. New fancy prints 3ic yard. 36-in. percale reduced to 5c yard. Outing flannels in light and medium colors at 4c a yard. 15-in fancy flleeced flannels 8c a yard. Checked apron ginghams , 4c Fleece lined dress goods at and 5c. . 5c cotton batts now 3 0. lOc cotton batts , now 7c. Cloak Department Spe cial Bargains for this Week Lot of ladies' jackets worth up to $4.50 , at $1.98. Ladies' jackets in latest fall styles , in black , blue , brown and tan , were $7.50 , now $3.50. $10.00 jackets at $5.98 , Children's Jackets at Special Prices. $1.98 for jackets worth $2.75. $2.98 for jackets worth $4.00. $3,98 for jackets worth $6.00. Fur Collarettes. $2.25 for a collarette worth $4.00. $4.50 for a collarette worth $7.00. Stone marten collarettes at $5.95 , $7.50 and $9. New stock of real rmrteti collarettes at special prices , $10.00 , $15.00 , $17.50 and $25.00. Choice of our entire stock of plain and fancy figured denims , worth up to 33c , at 17c a yard. 100 pieces fine silkolines , worth 12 c and 15 , at 9c a yard , Winter Underwear. FOR MEN , WOMEN AND CHILDREN. One third to one half less than their actual value. This stock is entirely too heavy and must be reduced at once regardless of the sacrifice. White Goods and Linens. Heavy unbleached muslin at 5c and 3c a yard. Yard wide bleached muslin , soft finish. 5c a yard. Hill muslin , very soft finish , 8c quality , now Gc. Special values 7c and 7ic Fine soft finish cambric 7c. Very white Shaker 4c yard. 2 cases extra largo crochet bed spreads , $1.25 quality , at 79c each. Heavy twilled crashes at 4 c , 4c and 34c. All 1 inen crash only Heavy linen crash fie. 18-in all linen crash 12 ic linen crash at 8 l-3c a y ard. v Turkey red table damask I 19c a yard. f 62-in white table linen only Iflo yard. Silo cream dnttmsk atJWe. ( > S to 71 inch cream tublo linen , was Cflc to 7oc , at 50o a j ard. CO inch puru blenched damask 45cyd. 7no bleached damask Goo yard. 85c and 9oc dainujk , 72 inches wide , tit 75c. Choice of our entire stock of flno dam. ask worth up to 1.60 , for OSo yard. FOWLER , DICK&WALKER , Council BluffsI I BIKING CONTEST Today at COLE'S HARDWARE STORE , for Klrls , 14 years and under. A little RUCK'S RANGE to winner each day "Wednesday , Friday and Saturday after 4 p. m. All parents Invited. The prettiest fight ever seen In Council Bluffs. 110 Rlrls have entered. Coffee and cookies served. 20 per cent discount this week on nil cast ranges nnd stoves. COJ/B < e cor/B. Hydrangea Compound This preparation la guaranteed to every user. As a remedy for the Liver , Kidneys and Urinary Organs It excels anything on the market. It relieves the burning sensa tion produced by scalding urine In a few hours. It tones and strengthens the whole system and thus acts as a tonic and blood purifier. It In pleasant to take and gives quick results. Price , large bottles , $1.00. For sale by druggists. To whom It may concern : For years my kidneys have caused me a great deal of trouble and at my age (77 ( years ) I de spaired ever obtaining any permanent re lief. About six months ago I commenced using Hydrangea Compound , and after using but two bottles all my kidney troubles disappear , and today I am free from It. J. L. Kllday , Council Bluffs , la. Music in the air From a French harp to the finest piano in the world. From now till the holidays we will have some Snap Bargains in Pi anos and Organs. And it means money saved if you buy of us. We always have bargains in smaller instruments every day in the year. We can supply you with anything you want in Sheet music. See the Organ Bargain in our window , /I1 / BOURICIUS MUSIC HOUSE , WHERE THE ORGAN STANDS ON TOP OF THE BUILDING. \H/LM/i/MMlM/l/l/l/iM/l \ M/MMM MH/tM. Mffl/tMlttM THE NEUMAYER JACOB NBUMAYBR. PROP. 101. 206 , 20 ! ! , 210. Broadway , Council Bluffs. Rates , $1.25 per day ; 75 rooms. Flrat-clasi u eveiy respect. Motor line to all depot * , local agency for the Celebrated St. Loulj A. U. C. Beer. First-class bar In con * nectlon. "WHEW ! HOW COLD ! " In the bltinp November storms of the pnst week we have heard this expression many times. It Is nil old snylnp , but very expressive. There Is 110 reiibon why n man should be cold If lie would Just save half the- money he squanders nnd spends for clothing nnd underwear. AVc nre olterliiK underwear nt prices never before known. We do not advertise big clearing sales , but we do sell the best wool garment lu the city nt $1.00. In our clothing depnrtmcnt we have suits from $5.00 to $20.00 , but as we have often told you , our suit at $7.f > 0 Is the ono which will lit your purse and person. It Is the best value we ever offered. Don't understand that these suits at $7.50 nre all the same. We never flood the city with suits of one pattern , and you run slim chnnccs of meeting your neighbor In your clothes. Then our overcoats. Wo have them in all weights and sizes. In kersey cloth , chinchilla nnd Irish frieze ; In prices from $ : ! .50 to .f'JO.OO. Our overcoats nt $ .1.00 arc the snme coat you paid $10.00 for last year. Our Christmas goods nre lu. Metcalf & Metcalf , 17-19 rear ! Street. 18-20 Main Street. Our Art Department Is filled with a line of the prettiest pictures you will ieo anywhere In the west. It Is an emporium of beauty In art , style anil nno workmanship. We bought these pic tures especially for the holiday trade , this season , and purchased them at such low prices that we sell them so everybody can decorate their home at a reasonable cost. IP YOU WANT YOUR PICTURE FRAMED we are prepared to do the work In an artistic manner , and we have the frames that will suit you. Come In and look around. C , B. PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. , Masonic Temple , Council Bluffs , Our Will come in the next week or two , and we want to be prepared for it. People will then be buying their holiday goods and we will be kept on the jump. All Our Remnants Must be cleaned up by that time and if you feel like saving some money on carpets and .ngs , now is the time to buy. We have been selling lots of remnants , some thing of excellent value , at extremely low prices , and will continue to do so until the. last remnant disappears. In lace curtains , portieres , window shades , | oil cloths , mattings , etc. , we have something that will please you , both in price and fancy. For a carpet , bring along the measure of your room. Treynor & Gorham , ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE , Council Bluffs. JAS , HAKK1NGTON , DOHANY THEATRE Lessee and Manager' SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27 , Uncle Josh Spruceby A down eastern comedy-drama full of wit and humor. A MOKAL SHOW. Two big bands and concert orchestra. Watch for street parade. Night prices , 15c , 25c , 35c and 50c.