Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1898, Image 13

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The sleigh bells of Santa Claus are growing more distinct as his fleet reindeer draw nearer and nearer to Omaha. The Big Store is busy clearing up the
regular stocks to make room for Holiday goods and is slaughtering the prices as never before. Some big special spot cash purchases are also being run off at about
l/3 their value. The choicest and most seasonable merchandise in all lines at special reductions , Holiday goods are already arriving. Agents for the Butterick
Patterns. Attend the great sale of men's clothing.
The Leading
Dress Goods
of the West.
Over 30,000 Styles alwnys on hand. The
house in the west where you can get
everything that is manufactured for this
Special Sale on
Black Crepons For Monday Only.
All Coutler's , Walker's , Sir Titus
Salt's , Coullaldt's and other manufac
turers' Crepons , that sold from $5.00
to $7.00 tier yaril on Monday only all
will go In one lot at
German Cropons , English Crepons and all other Crepons , that sold at $2.03 and
$2.GO , will goat $1.75
Crepons that sold at $2.25 , $2.50 , $2.75. will go at $1.50
Crcpons that sold at $1.60 to $1.98 will go at $1.25
Cropons that are sold everywhere for $1.25 will go at GOc
Crcpons , worth $1.00 , will go nt 59o
Black Dress Goods , lOc , l&c , 20c , 25c , 29c , 39c , 49c. up to $0.25
Colored Dress Goods
All Wool Dress Goods , worth 50c per yard , will go at 9e
All Wool Dress Goods for children's school dresses , In dark colors , good serv
'i iceable goods , at 15c , 19c , 25c , 29c
OQp All Wool French Serges , In all colors and black ; all wool Ladles' Cloth. 60
< v\j Inches wide , all colors and b'ack ; all wool Henriettas , 40 Inches wide , all
colors and black ; all wool 30-Inch wide Dark Mixtures these goods are actually
worth from 50c to 60c all go at 29c.
OQp Silk and Wool Imported Novt-ltles , All Wool Henriettas , All Wool Black
J 7U Fancies , 40-Inch All Wool Servos , EO-lnch Coverts , 40-Inch French Plaids
for waists and dresses goods worih up to 75c at 39c.
ACkp 200 pieces of Imported Wool and Mohair Black Fancies , 100 pieces of Silk i
t/- ' amj Wool French Novelties , 100 pieces of French Flannels for wrappers and
dressing sacques-goods that sell up to $1.00 per yard all go at 49c. |
> Qp 10 ° Pieces Frpnch Flannels , in stripes and figures , for making shirt waists ,
* JfiS\j goods that sell for 75c ; 46-Inch Imported French Silk and Wool Novelties , i
worth $1.00 ; 200 pieces Aurthur's English Jacquanls , worth $1.00 per yard ; 100 pieces
of Broadcloth , all colon ; 4G-ln2h All Wool Henrietta , In all colors ; 50-Inch Sergts , In
all colors , and goods that sold up to $1,00 , only 59c.
SPECIAL SALE on Coverts , Poplins , Suitings , French Flannels , Astrakhans ,
Cloaklngs , Cheviots , high grade Noveltlei , etc.
MAIL ORDERS The abivc apccliH are for Monday only , but we will Oil mall
orders for our out-of-town patrons until Friday. If you leave selections to us , we
will guarantee satisfaction.
Omaha's Largest and Most Popular
Silk Department
Ten Times ns Many Silks to Select from as You Will Find Elsewhere.
Our Silks are the Finest Our Silks are the Newest Our Silks are the
Best. 27G3 Pieces Black and Colored Silks on Special Sale.
369 pieces PLAIN SILKS , In all the new ,
bright colors , very desirable for fancy
work , In lengths from 1 to 12
ards , worth EOc. 60c and 75c ,
o'n sale at "
pieces In cream ground , with small , neat
colored figures , worth 7Cc
on sale at
275 pieces , In all the newest and most pop
ular shades worth 75c , S5c and
$1.00 sale price
FANCY SILKS Plaids , stripes , checks ,
brocades , Bayaderes and all kinds of Nov
elties , worth up to $2.00 lyFin
sale price I OC
MONDAY SPECIAL 30 pieces Flihars ,
two-tone silks very desirable for lining-
blues , reds , greens and browns IQ/t
special JL 7U
COLORED PONGEES 100 pieces , 21 Inche ?
wide , all colors splendid quality , OQf
a bargain at special price & < O\J
CADES l&O pieces
Black Satin Day Monday.
: r 500 pieces from one of the foremost manufacturers enables us to offer these
able values
59c , 69c , 75c , 85c , 89c , 98c ,
Worth from $1.00 to $1.75.
Special at $1.00
only V1 *
VELVETS ( All colors and black $1.00 grade on sale 75c
ord r business In the west. SATISFACTION or money REFUNDED.
Carpet Sale
As the end of the season
approaches we are offering
special inducements to get our
stock to the lowest point. For
a cheap carpet we have an art
Ingrain at 25c a yard ; heavier
quality at 80c a yard ; best
half wool Union Ingrains , 35c
a yard ; extra super Cotton
Chain carpet , 45c and 50c a
yard ; very best all wool In
grain , GOc a yard ; floor Oil
cloth , 18o , 20c , 25c and 30c a
yard ; Linoleum from 45c a
yard up.
. < New Furs
Having recently purchased
the finest line of trimming furs
ever brought to Omaha ,
bought nt 50c on the dollar ,
we will begin Monday by
< soiling mink , ermine , beaver ,
marten , angora , lambs' wool ,
astrakhan , etc. , furs at half
regular prices.
Sheet Music
All the very latest shee.
music always on our counterst
We have several of the very
latest selections we can sell
you at 15c per copy. Take
Good Care of My Little One , "
"Miss Phoebe Johnson , " "A
Hero All For Love , " "Anglo-
American Two Step , " "Organ
Grinders Serenade , " "All For
the Love of a Girl"by Harris ,
and many others. We also
carry two nice catalogues of
cheap editions sold at 5c and
lOc per copy.
Bed Comforters
Hayden Bros , carry the
largest stock of bed comfort
ers in the city , at 75c , 81.00 ,
$1.10 , 81.25 , 81.39 , 81.50 ,
82.00,82.25 , 82.75 and home
made at 82.00 and $2.50.
Exposition Sale
of Pianos
For the next two days we
offer the remainder of our Ex
position Pianos for one-third
of their actual value. Here
are only a few of the bargains
included in this sale :
1 fine Upright , mahogany
case , $80.0 O ,
1 fine Upright , walnut case ,
1 fine Upright , ebonized
case , $98.OO.
1 fine Upright , mahogany
case , $120.OO.
1 fine Upright , walnut case ,
1 fine Upright , ebonized
case , $135.OO ,
1 fine Upright , oak case ,
1 fine Upright , walnut case ,
$195 OO.
Also fifty other high grade
pianos included in this sale.
Large assortment of Chicker-
ing , Steinway , Knabe , Ivors
< fc Pond , Emerson , Vose &
Pianos rented , tuned , moved
and repaired.
Wall Paper , Paints
and Brushes
Our regular line of 6c and
7c white blanks on sale at 5c
and Gc ; 9-inch borders 2c
yard ; 18-inch borders 4c and
5c yard. Filled glimmers ,
regular 12ic goods , at 8c and
lOc roll ; 9-inch borders 3c and
4c yard ; 18-inch boiuers 6c
and 7c yard. Heavy varnish
ed gelds in dark and light
colors ; worth 20c , 25c and 35c
our prices 15c , 20c and
27 c. 18-inch frieze , regular
price lOc , 12.\c and 15c yard
our price 8c and lOc yard.
Best ready mixed paints $1.00
gallon , 55c half gallon , 30c
[ quart. Gerstendorfer's wood
1 stains for all kinds of wood
15c half pint , 25c pint. Ger-
stendorfer's enamels beautify
everything in white and all
colors one-quarter pints 20c.
Trophy enamels in all colors
one-quarter pints 15c. Bath
tub enamels in white and col
ors one-quarter pints 20c ;
one-half pints 40c. Varnish
crushes 5c , 8c. lOc and 15c.
2 cases fancy bed blankets ,
at pair , 65c ; 2 cases 11-4 silver
gray bed blanketsat pair 75c ;
case wool bed blankets , at
pair , 81.35 ; 1 case extra heavy
wool brown bed blankets , at
pair , 81.50 ; 1 case all wool
ofrey bed blankets , at pair ,
$2.98 ; 1 case all wool 114
? rey bed blankets , at pair ,
83.98 ; 1 case all wool white
and grey , at pair , 83.50 ; 1
case 11-4 all wool white bed
blankets , at pair , 84.50 ; 2
cases all wool red and i'ancy
plaids bed blankets , at pair ,
Special for Monday 150
pieces all wool flannel , fancy
stripe and checked ; regular
price 40c a yard ; Monday 25c.
White wool flannel at yard
15c , 18c , 25c , 85c , 40c and
50c. New lot of outing flan
nel , at yard , 8ic , 5c , 6Ac , 8c
and lOo ; 12Jc cotton flannel ,
at yard Monday , 6ic ; 1 case
remnants of storm flannel , at
yard , 7Ac.
Jewelry Dept.
Special prices in silverware
this week.
Sterling silver tea spoons ,
49c each.
Sterling silver cream ladles ,
sugar shells , olive spoons , etc.
regular $2.00 articles , go at
98c each ,
Butter diphes , sugar bowls ,
pickle castors , celery holders ,
cracker jars , cake baskets , etc.
all hand engraved and
quadruple plated , regular ,
82.50 values , sale price 81.25. !
Gents' gold filled watches ,
warranted to W'jar 20 years ,
Elgin or Waltham works , a
regular $15.00 watch for
Ladies' and gents' gold
filled hunting case watch , fine
Elgin or Waltham works ,
cases warranted 20 years , a
regular $20.00 watch for
We are receiving daily large
shipments of all the latest nov
elties in sterling silver mani
cure articles , rings , brooches ,
scarf pins , stick pins ,
cuff buttons , lorgnette chains ,
opera glasses , toilet sets , etc. ,
everything that is desirable I
for Christinas giits. '
Special offer in Optical de
partment this week.
Solid gold eye glasses or
spectacles , with first quality
pebble lenses ; your-eyes tested
by a-first class optician , are1 *
gular $6.00 bargain for
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Don't miss it.
Special Sales Monday
Grand clearing sale on em
broideries. January is the
month for new embroideries
and to make room for our im-
mence new stock. We must
clear up every piece of em-
broiderie now in stock to do
this , we will sacrifice every
yard in the house from one-
half to one-quarter of the
actual value. 5c embroideries
and insertions , 2ic yard ; lOc
emborideries and insertions ,
6c yard ; 15c embroideries and
insertions , 7c yard ; 20c em
broideries and insertions , 9c
yard ; 25c embroideries and in
sertions , 12c yard and all
other priced goods at same
Do not miss the sale.
Special prices on meats
Monday California hams , 5c ;
dried beef , 12c ; good salt
pork , 5c and Go ; No. 1 sugar
cured hams , Sc ; fresh spare
ribs , Go ; Polish sausage , lOc ;
pickled tripe , 3Ac ; 3 pound
pails lard , any brand , 20c ; 5
pound pails lard , any brand ,
3f > c ; bologna sausage , 5c ;
Peerless lard , per pound 5c.
Visiting Cards
Grand Bible sale ,
Grand Book sale ,
Grand Stationary sale at
our book and stationary de
partment Monday.
The Chicago Keeord prize
cook book only 59c Monday.
There is nothing that Las
gained in prominence and
taken such a hold on the pub
lic like the Iron Bed as we
now have it. The ungainly ,
high and stuffy wooden bed
has been relegated to the
same oblivion as the sickle
and scythe , and given place
to the handsome , airy , clean
and healthy Iron Bed. Not
long since the rich only could
invest in a Braes or Iron Bed.
The great middle class had to
pass them by ; now they have
been brought within the reach
of all , and the high standard
of the work , the excellence of
the design and the strength of
the whole finished article has
been maintained. We have
just received a large shipment
of Iron Beds , and you can get
a bed for $2.50 , § 3.50 , $3.85
up to § 25.00 , in white , green ,
blue and mahogany enamel.
How about an Iron Bed for
Christmas ? Sleeping or waking -
ing they would think of you.
China Dept.
Bought from the American
& Son works from New
York , their complete sample
line of lamps and bronzes ,
over 2,000 lamps and bronzes.
We will retail them for less
than they sold them for by
the gross.
Complete lamps from 25c up
to 850.
100 pieces decorated semi-
porcelain dinner set $8.49.
Decorated toilet sets $1.95.
Cut glass at just half other
stores' prices a fine 5 inch
Jubilee cut French bowl ; reg
ularly sold at § 18 , our price
§ 5.25.
Silver top cut syrup jugs ,
regularly sold at § 3.50 , our
price 75c.
$1.50 sherbert mugs , square
and star cut 50c.
§ 6 strawberry and fan cut
sugar and cream , our price $3
per pair.
Full size cut tumblers , from
lOc up to § 1:50 : each.
Cups and Saucers , 2c each ; Plates , Zftc , Me ,
each ; Tumblers , 2c each ; fancy decor
ated Tea Tiles , lOc ; fancy China Cups and
Saucers , from 5c up ; full line of Havlland
French Dinner Sets.
$1.50 and $2 Underwear a !
Ladies' , gentlemen and chil
dren's underwear , worth § 1'.50
and 82 , in this sale for 50c.
This is the entire line of sam
ples of one of the largest mills
in the country and the finest
line of underwear made.
Men's 75c and $1.00 underwear at 3Sc ;
men's $1.50 and $2.00 underwear at GOc ;
men's $2.00 and $2.50 underwear at 75c ;
ladles' 75c and $1.00 underwear at 35c ;
ladles' 50c underwear at 25c ; ladles' $1.00
and $1.25 underwear at 50c ; ladles' $1.50
and $2.00 underwear at 75c ,
Men's wool half-hose , north 25c , at 12c ;
men's wool half-hose , worth 35c , at 17c ;
ladles' wool hose , worth 35c , at 19c ; ladles'
\\ool hose , worth COc , at 25c ; children's
v.ool hose , worth 25c , at 15c.
Men's gloves and mitts at 25c , SSc and
50c ; ladles' wool gloves and mitts at 12'/4c ' ,
23c , 35c and 50c.
Men's regular 50c suspenders at 25c.
Ladles' wool shawls and fascinators at 35c ,
50c and 75c.
Meu'fl wool sweaters at 75c , 98o and $1.23.
Jackets ,
Suits and Waists.
Struck it Rich.
hnvo just purchased the three entire stocks of Jackets , Ladles' Sulta nd
WE Waists of three of the beat manufacturers lu Now York City houses that
make their garments under personal supervision In their own factories. No
awcat-shop work. This purchase Is one of the beet wo have over made , as the goods
are all from medium grades to the best. We submit with perfect confidence the at
tractions provided for the first sale of these goods , knowing , as only merchants can ,
that every Item presented Is at a lower price than It was over offered Xor before
250 Tailor-made Suits.
Fly front , box front or tight-fitting Jackets all silk lined skirt *
straight or flounced percale lined In stylish Covert Mixtures , Chev
iots and Broadcloths every thread all wool the suits regularly sold
from $15.00 to $18.00 for this sale , only $850
250 Women's Jackets
Of All Wool Kerseys , Bouclcs , Frlezee ,
Coverts and Cheviots In navy , tan , black ,
greens and royal blues strapped seams-
cither fly or box front with the new dart
sleeves lined with fancy taffeta positive $650
ly north $12.50 In this sale , only
150 Jackets
The cream of the season's creations In the
long and short styles end all the newest
shades braid trimmed lined with Skin
ner's satin the greatest values ever produced -
ducod worth from $25.00 to $35.00 your ( Li O50
choice plA
175 Capes
In plain black Kersey , close curl Boucle
and Silk Plush Thibet trimmed on collar
and down front 30 Inches long would be
cheap at $7.50 at this sale , only .
200 Collarettes
In all the latest styles electric seal with Persian yokes astrakhan
monkey trimmed and combinations of different kinds tuo grandest $498
assortment ever shown In Omaha worth $10.00 and $12.00 , at .
275 Collarettes-
worth , $30.00 , $40.00 , $50.00 and $60.00 on < t | E fiflfl
500 Silk Waists
In plain , plaid and striped Taffetas In blues , reds , greene , pink * ,
royals and blacks nowhere else at less than $6.00 In this sale . "
50 Imported Silk Waists < > - OQ o-n/1
Worth. $10.00. $15.00 and $20.00 , at . EPOj IPO CtUU
100 Ladies' Imported Silk Underskirts
The finest ever brought to Omaha worth ( II Q ( tk1f l Cltf-trf
$10.00 , $15.00 and $18.00-on sale at . IpOi ipl Vf OOtl
Hardware , Stoves
and Housefurnishing
Yon Might Just ns Well Make up Your Mind-the Winter
Has Co mo to Stay
We have a few more of those RADIANT
BURNERS regular $45.00 our price $84.60.
very fine bas burner , with all the latest
improvements a regular $35.00 atove our
price * 28.50.
CORAL OAK a very fine 14-Inch heat
ing stove , for coal or wood 46.95.
A very nice No. 8 2-hole Laundry Stove
Can eell you a nice heater for coal or
wood $4.95.
fieater $2.75.
COAL AIR TIGHT keeps fire 48 hours
A very nice No. 8 6-tiolo Cast Range
with reservoir largo 20-Inch oven regular
$18.00 our price , $13.95.
Large No. 8 Cook 18-Inch oven regular
$14.00 our price , $9.95.
Sleds Sleds 19c. Boys' or Girls' Sleds and Clipper * onlr
Two thousand pairs of Skates Just re
Skates Skates ceived. We have them In all elzea and
prices. Come and wo will qave you money.
Prices lower than ever.
Housefurnishing Dept.
All Iron frame Wringer $1.09
Bread Box z"c
No. 8 Copper Bottom Boiler /39c /
Dover Egg Beaters Co
Largo package Tooth Picks 2 c
Many good things to ert *
Fancy sweet oranges , per
dozen , 15c.
Bright red cranberries only 7Hc.
Now condensed mincemeat , package , 7'/4c.
Bulk home made mincemeat , 6c.
Fancy mixed nuts , per pound , 12e.
Solid packed oysters , per quart , 25c.
Strictly fresh eggs , guaranteed , 17c.
Fancy assorted cakes , per lb. , only lOc.
Grape nuts , the new food , package , 9'/fcc.
Small Sweet Pickles , per quart , 17c.
Small Sour Pickles , per quart , lOc.
Real Imported Swiss Cheese , pound , 26c.
Domestic Swiss Cheese , pound , 16c.
Fancy Full Cream Cheese , pound , 12V4c.
Willow Clothes Basket 370
6-foot Stop Ladder 450
Wood Flbro Palls 21o
Royal Shoo Dressing go
500 Sheet Package Toilet Paper
New Valencia Raisins , per pound , Ctfc.
New Grecian Currants , per pound , 7c.
Whole Fruit Preserves , glass Jars , only
Citron , Orange or Lemon Peel , halt
pound , 13c.
2-pound cans sweet Sugar Core , 6Vic.
3 pounds solid packed Tomatoes , 71,40.
2 pounds tender Early June Peas , 9c.
Chicken , Mock Turtle , Vegetable , etc. ,
Soups , one can makes six times IU quantlt ,
Country Roll Butter , 12Hc.
We received nearly two tons nice fresh
Country Hell Butter , worth 16c to 18c pound.
You can select all the butter you want forte
to lie.