12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , NOVEMTCEH 27 , 180S. TOMORROW THE GREATEST AND MOST STARLING SACRIFICES EVER MADE BY V I Sacrificing goods to nmko room ( or Sacrificing goods to make room ( or 16th and Douglas OUK oun II TOY AND HOLIDAY Omaha. IOY AND HOLIDAY BAZAAR UBRMDEIS&W PROPRIETORS. BAZAAR I $50,000 Sacrifice Sale of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS Which were sold to us by a prominent Eastern firm , whose buyer overstepped his authority and bought twice the amount ho should havo. 39c for $1 $ Dress Goods \ard and half wide pure all wool cheviot , plaids , silk and wool novelties , Bayadere novelties , black novelties , every yard worth $1.00 , from this purchase , on eale at 39c. 59c for $1,25 Black Silks. 80 pieces high grade black Bilk and new staple plain and fancy weaves , including Poau do Sole , Armour and fancy cords , bro- f\ cades and Pekina l _ I In % JI every yard worth $1.25 , n 1. in this aalo if | J V at 600. Extra heavy white or gray SHAKER FLANNEL at. yard $1,50 $ Peaii de Sole Silk75c 40 pieces , 24 inch wide , extra heavy , black Peau de Soie , silks on L sale in silk de- paatment at 75' 75c yard. Grand Special Sale BLANKETS Special sale in J Cotton Blankets , A full size , large and 'I heavy , at 15c each I worth up to $1 J pair. Extra heavy , soft and dow ny cotton BLANKETS tt 75c 93c and $1,25 Pair , j Strictly all wool white or gray BLANKETS , $2.98 , $3.98 , S4.98 , $5.50 pair , worth up to $12 , 49c for $1.25 $ Novelties Black poods plain and fancy weaves , Btrlotly all wool , camel's hair cheviot novelties , two and three toned mixture , silk and wool , all worth 49c 81.25 every yard , fiOo Inhes wide , on sale at 40o yard. Novelty Dress goods on Front Bargain Square , 800 pieces colored novelty dress poods many ol them 40 inches wide , in all the latest colorB , two and three toned olTccts , In tufted novelties nilk and wool rough effects , Jamestown checks and plaids Including silk Bayadere stripes , yard and half wide these goods are actually worth up to 75c yard , and on sale on front bargaia counter , li'Jcyard Extra heavy ; dark colored , OUTING FLANNEL , worth 7 c , af yard. . . . Grand Sale of Furs and Sealskins Sold to us by a Now York manufacturer of ( ur garments. Retiring ( rom business. On Sale Tomorrow at About Half Price $1.50 $ Grepons at 75c Yard. Rich black Cropons and novelty designs , every piece Imported this fall , and actually worth 91.10 yard in dross goods department Too yard. BLACK GOODS AT 25c , 100 pieces blnck satin Berber fig ured , largo and small de signs for skirts and entire suits Imported to HO 11 at CUc yard on aalo in dress good * dopart- montat.2 < 5i ! vard. Novelty Silks at 79c , 60 pieces novelty silks in exclusive pat terns , striped fancy taffetas , so stylish for waists or entire dresses , all of them wyjth double on sale in silk department , 79o. $1.50 Imported Dress Goods 59c 40 plocos of yard and half wide pure silk and wool imported dress ( roods , all now fall combination of colors and iictually worth 81.50 yard , as displayed In our largo window on sale at 59c yard. $1,00 Dress Goods , 39c , 300 pieces of exceptionally line 44 inch black brilliantine in largo and small bro- cado-t and Bayadere stripes , imported to sell at $1.00 vard in dress goods department 39o yard. 50c Silks at I5c Yard , 75 pieces fancy striped silks , includ ing plain chinas , checks , all of them worth 50c , sale on CCIIV3JIL bargain square at ft 15c yard. Best quality OUTING FLANNEL in light stripes and dark plaids , worth 12ic , at , yd $1,00 Silks at 50c. For Monday on silk bargain square 10,000 yards genuine taffeta , stripes , plaids , and checks , all on sale . P at 50c H11P JUl yard , $1.00 FLOOR OILCLOTH I5c YARD AND LINOLEUM , ; We will offer to sell Monday morning 3,000 yards of all grades of Floor Oilcloth and Linoleum , worth up ' to $1.00 , at 15c a yard. * * * These are the remnants , odds and ends and half pieces , ranging from one yard up , that accumulated in | eix months in one of the largest oilcloth manufacturies in America. There is every grade , every color , every width , every style , all at one uniform price , 15c a ytird. Call early as there will be a big rush for these. * Best grade Erench COMFORT SATEEN , in long mill remnants , at , yard 11,000 OVERCOATS , ULSTERS and SUITS BOUGHT FROM BENEDICT CO. , OF MILWAUKEE , At 43c on the dollar , and on sale Tomorrow , at half wholesale price Overcoats and Ulsters Buys man's chinchilla or fine Beaver Overcoat That wholesaled for $5 $190 Buys a man's 3 OVERCOAT OR ULSTER That sold at wholesale for $8 scoo Buys a man's 5 OVERCOAT OR ILSTER That sold at * wholesale for $10 $750 Buy's a man's 7 OVERCOAT OR ULSTER That'sold ' at wholesale for § 15 Buys a man's 9 OVERCOAT OR ULSTER That sold atwholesalo for $20 Buys a man's SI050 12 OVERCOAT OR ULSTER That sold wholesale for $25 SJ.5O $2.98 For Boys' For Boys' heavy Chinchilla Chinchilla Reef erOverc'ts Storm Ulsters. $1.98 $3.50 For Boya' For Young Men's Heavy heavy Chinchilla Storm Ulsters. Storm Ulsters. MEN'S SUITS Buys a man's ALL WOOL SUIT That Fold at wholesale for eight dollars. | J % Buys a man's ID ALL WOOL SUIT That sold at wholesale for ten dollars. | } Buys a man's ID ALL WOOL SUIT That sold at wholesale for fourteen dollars. | % Buys a man's 10 ALL WOOL SUIT That sold at wholesale for twenty dollars M 0Pfl Buys a mans' $ 1750 ALL WOOL SUIT H mm That sold at wholesale for $21 Boys' Knee Pants and Long Pant Suits. Boys' All Wool Knee Pant Boys' All Wool Long Suits. Ages 3 to 15. Pant Suits , Ages 13 to 18 $2.98 $ , $3.98,14.98 $ , The Milwaukee Wholesale Clothing. Stock of Benedict Co. , 11,000 OVERCOATS , SUITS and ULSTERS Bought by us at 43c on the dollar. Th8 Chicago Wholesale Shoe Stock of GOLDSMITH , ROSENBUSH & LEVIB , AND TWO OTHERS HY CASH PURCHASES. ALL ON SALE TOMORROW. Illgh grade silk Jackets velour jackets , plain or edged with Persian lamb , olabora cly trimmed with cut jot , actually worth , < ? jO.OUon bale tbmonow at half prlco § 2.50 all wool Boucle Jackets , black only ; the very latest style , double breasted , high velvet storm collars , would bo cheap at $5 ; calo price 2.GU Persian Jackets cloth jack ets , extra line curl , box front , lilirli Htnrm rolliir , llni'il with oxlin tiunvy Skinner's siilln , uliolusulo price f.M 00 , In this sale ut Ladies' Melton Hundreds of Jackals Jackets or Kersey Jack tailored jackets , ets , made in the latest style , strap seams , kersey , melton plain or braided , and cheviot , $ wholesale price either the new of many of these s Prince Albert coat length or short nobby jackets , in up to $25.00 , I tan , garnet , royal and in this sale black , plain or plaid lin ing , special bale at price All the low priced cloaks from this immense purchase are Sale in the Basement 500 Plush Gapes Ladies' ' Extra Long , Children's ' Jackets Cure Fancy Collar- mi o fittes wort s braided and trim Cold Weather Jackets , All ages , made in up to $10.00 sB med with jet , edged Heavy , plain Beaver the latest style , with largo of assortment furs , with thibjt cloth , with the fll cape or Q A Q Q on sale at fur , whole new sleeve , \ sale price wholesale U 1 plain , usual 0 1 UU $2.00 , price SILoO price § 3.00 , on sale at 25o < on sale on nalo in 39o and 50o at. basement. . . . on sale at. , each. For Monday only we will place on sale 1,000 Mo- quette Rugs which are selling in every store in Omaha at $2.50 each , at $1.59. These were bought especially for the holiday trade by one of the largest western car pet houses , but they failed before the goods arrived , The goods were sold to us at such a remarkably low price , that we will sell them all tomorrow at $1.59 each. Fleece back Domet WRAPPER FLANNEL , at , yard Lonsdale or fruit of the loom Muslin , every piece branded , worth Tie , at , yard Capes Capes < > f Kuplish Melton Cloth , .T2 tn HO inches lonff , lined throughout with heavy satin , solid marten collir , apuclal price Ladies' Persian Cloth Capes , 30 to 3(1 ( inches lonpr. trimmed with marten or thlbot , on sale at and S7.50 S5.00 . $19 Flush Capes 810 100 fl Ladies' $ ' assorted long plush capes , 30 to 36 in. in lonsrth , trimmed with real marten fur , special prlco i Braided idtrhn $750 med plush capes , all lengths , on sale at . . . . I Grand Special Sale COMFORTS Nearly a car load of COM FORTS just received. Fine , hand knotted sateen comforts , at $1 ; $1,25 , $1.50$1.98 each. These ure filled with the best quality cotton , hand knotted , extra large size. This is the biggest comfort sale that ever took place in Omaha. 10,000 yards of all wool eiderdown flannel worth 35c and 50c yd , on special sale Mon day only , at 19c a Yard Full ten yard Dress Patterns per pattern . . , Good quality. _ Comfort * ] ( \ f Calico , at , yard , More More Shoe Sales In addition to our sale of the ChlcaRO wholesale shoo stock of Goldsmith , Rosonbuah & Levlo , which Is now In full awing , w place on sale tomorrow 1,800 pairs boys' , youths' and little gents' shoes , from the N'owhall Shoe Co. ; also 3,000 palra ladles Rochester - ter end Lynn make turn and welt shoes , sold for necessary reasons , by the owners la Chicago. GOO cases men's , women's and children's rubbers and overshoes and a lot of SHOES THAT TOOK THE M-DAL AT THE TRANSMISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION TOMORROW'S ' SHOE SALE IS BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT ever held in OMAHA MEN'S SHOES Your choice tomorrow of all the Men'1) Sheen from the Goldsmith , Kosenbush As Levle , ChlciiRolinlesnlo Block , thnt were mndo to retail at J3CO , tl 00 anil J3.00 pair , Inr'udlnR ' Trench calf , willow calf , cordo van , colt skin nnd kangaroo shpcs , In sin gle. double and triple soles , In drill llnlntf nnd leather lining all sizes , nil stylrs , lace and congicss , your choice of this entire new block of men's shoes on bargain squares at Men's fine , full dress , patent loatlier shoos , llexiblo , welt Eoles , very latest and newest styles , ' Your choice of all the Ladles' ShOCS Ladies' in the Goldsmith , Ilosenbush & Lovio stock , inoluilin ? the finest hand turn Slices and \\oltHhors of Rochester make , in all kid and fancy vest ins : tops , all blzos , all widths , the no weal nnd prettiestStyles none worth less than $3 , and from that up to 0.00 , on bargain square at ' Your choice of all the boys' , youths' Boys' and little gents' calf skin , box calf , viel kid and colts skin shoes from the Nowhall Q purchase , that were made to re-tall up to 83,00 , K ut il.50 , 1.3 ! ) and In tinIrisoincnt. . In llm hiicinont , In tlin Imseinont , In the Insemont l.adnictlcs , llnjh'itiin Clilliln n's \\.iriu Uonii'ii'ii mini ) \MIIIII I. it > 1 , llni'd. lienvv 1 lied , liuuvy lltivil cuinfort bucUU i bucUccI Arctics LiuulilccI A re tic J liuuso bllppors \ 69c 69c 23c 50c In the basement In the bnnrnii-u In the basement - In the mentVo - 000 tulr ludliM.1 mont 600 pair basement | ) | tin mill i ; oth niun'8 tncn'd calf Men's vesting top button i nil top tan lace lucu aliouH , u bhoos on bar Plain for Men's heavy bhocs bargain wiu.iroa gain bquuro Kubbora warm lined $1.00 $1.25 $1,25 39c Arctics