THE OMAHA DAIfcY BEE : SUNDAY NOVEMBER 27 , 1898. 11 Dr. Dix Tonic Tablets Make Sick People Well Glad Tidings for who are Weak , JVer- vous and Run Down A. Message of Nope to delicate Women , Puny Children - f dren and weak Men. A. New \Va.y to Tint P&le Gheoks with the Glow of Health New Life for . : Weak STOMACHS , WeakNBRVBS , ak KIDNEYS. Weaker , paler , thinner , day by day , no appetite or strength , no desire , for work or recreation , nervous , peevish , sleepless , sick of heart and sore of limb these are the conditions of countless numbers of half sick men and women anxiously awaiting some message of hope and cheer. . .There is no excuse for most people being sick. There's a medicine that will cure them. A medicine that goes right to the roots ot the causes of nearly all sickness , The name of this good medicine v is Dr. Dix Tonic Tablets. They put vitality into weak bodies makes people strong , quiets the nerves , restores ambition , drives headache away , gives you an appetite , sweetens the stomach and breath , and forever removes the thousand and one distressing ills. \ \ Dr. Dix Tonic Tablets , first of all , aid the kidneys. Next they purify the blood , getting into every big and little vein in the body , driving all impurities out of the system. Finally they regulate the t liver perfectly , making it perform all its functions exactly as nature intended. In doing these three things , it removes the'cause of nearly all the ills cf men , women and children. i If you are suffering from excesses of any kind overwork , intemperance etc. If you are tired and don't know what in the world ails you if you are dizzy , weak and food lies badly in the stomach if you- belch , feel nervous , have hot and cold spells alternately your life is in danger , but Dr. Dix Tonic Tablets will quickly put you on your feet again. No difference what you think your disease may be no difference what the doctors call it , this medicine is what you need. Ten minutes after you take the first tablet you'll feel better. Dr. ' Dix Tonic Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50 cents a box. T T T F1 box.OA We want to introduce them to every reader of this paper , many of whom need such a remedy. For a limited time the , & Coon , 324 Hull , , . proprietors Hayes Building Detroit Mich. , will send a trial package free by mail to all who will send their name and address ( enough to convince the most skeptical of their great merit , ) * Send at onee and be well and happy again. Tell vpur friends and neighbors about this most liberal offer.