EDITORIAL. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 17 TO 26.MTO ? ESTABLISHED JUXE 10 , 1871. OMAILA. SUNDAY MORNING , XOYEMHEtt 20 , 18)3. ! ) SINGLE COPY CENTS. DRESS GOODS SILK SAC The indiscretion of an eastern firm's dress goods and silk buyer , entails a loss of over fifty thou sand dollars to his house. Be bought twice the quantity he was authorized to , with the result ci an immense overstock , which had to be turned into cash IMMEDIATELY to settle the bills , regardless - less of the sacrifice it might entail. OUR IMMEDIATE. QUICK , SPOT CASH OFFER TOOK THE LOT. ALL GOES ON SALE TOMORROW AT HALF PRICE. English brocade cashmere in illu- mlna ed colorings , 25c quality , on I'orcnlonnd HIJCCC lined wrappers , triminod with braid , all now patterns , tegular { Jl.oll wrap pers , on milo at $7.50 Silk Waists $3,98 , 400 samples of Q new silk waists in tatTuta , plain and 3 changeable , plaldsi and stripes , on sale ut. . . . $5.00 Beaver Cloth M MM Jackets , new style M sleeves , black and navy , on sale at. , Plush capes , edged - ed with Angora , either plain or jetted , at All the § 1.00 silk velvets , all 25' colors of the ' rainbow , at , All the $1.00 quality fancy feathers in black and colors , on sale in the millinery tdcpacJuiont on bar gain square , at . . . . . . . n r " r * " * > j Ik/ * lies wool plaid waists , all' ' nice , dark colors , c worth $1 00 on sale at , Irridefcent passi- menteries and dress trimmings , worth up to 50c yard , all go at 50c quality la dies' strictly all wool flno cuslitnivo gloves , gauntlet style , goat 85c quality la dies' Jersey ribbed 15 bed , fleece lined underwear , at. . 75c quality heavy weight Egyptian am ! nat ural gray union milts , flocco lined , 29c butt > n across the chest go at 1,000 plain and fancy bordered , 25 ready made , all eilk veils , up to $1.00 goat , . . 25c quality fine , im ported Swist * hand- korchinfs , lace and em broidery ocged , also hem stitched , all go at 10,000 , yards extra heavy , best qual ity corduroy skirt binding. . . . GOSSIP AIIOUT NOTED Cornelius Vanderbllt , Jr. , employed as a mechanical engineer In the New York Cen tral railroad , has designed a freight engine that U DOW being tested with results which promise , BO far , to be highly satisfactory. U Is said to be capable of handling loada greater by 20 per cent than those handled ty any of the older locomotives , and while It consumes more coal It saves , by drawlnp more cars , the wages of a certain number of engineers and Bremen. Sherman Hoar , who died of fever con. traded at Santiago , wrote hit own epitaph five years ago in one of the few bits of bit verse that have been published. The first tanra reads : "God. Rive unto Thy servant restt Who , tin diner sorrow all around , lava of his strength , until he found He'd given till of U ho had To mnki ) the sorrowing UHB gad. Ye ? , gl\o unto Thy servant real ! " When Jenny Ltud first sang In Lolpslc , she Appeared at a Gwanbaua concert , under Men- deUtohn's direction. Naturally , there was great demand for tickets , despite the fact 16th and Douglas Omaha. ILNUDEISHOIS PROPRIETORS- 3Bc for SI Dress Goods. Yard and half wide pure wool cheviot , plaids , silk and wool nov elties , Bayadere novelties , -black novelties , every yard worth § 1.00. From this enormous purchase , on sale at 39c. 59c for $1,25 Black Silks 80 pieces high-grade black silk and new staple plain and fancy weaves , including Peau' de Soie , Armour .and fancy cords , brocades and Pekins , every yard worth. ' $1.25 , in this sale at 59c 49c tor $1.25 Novelties. Black goods , plain and fancy weaves , strictly all wool , camel's hair , cheviot novelties , two and three toned mix tures , silk and wool , all worth sl.25 , every yard 50-inch wide , on sale at 49c yard. NOVELTY DRESS GOODS ON FRONT DAR6AIN SQUARE. 800 pieces colored novelty dress "goods , many of them 40 inches wide , in all the latest colors , two and three toned effects in tufted jiovelties , silk and wool rough effects , Jamestown checks and plaids , including silk Bayadere stripes , yard and a half wide these goods are actually worth up to 75c yard , and on sale on front bargain counter , 29c yard - $1,50 Peau De Soie Silk 75c 40 pieces , 24-inch wide , extra heavy , black Peau De Soie silks on sale in-Bilk depart ment at 75c yard. $1.50 Crepons at 75c Yard Rich black Crepons and novelty designs , every piece imported this fall , .and actually worth $1.50 yard , in dress goods de partment 75c yard. BLACK GOODS AT 25C. 100 pieces of black Satin Burbur , figured , large and small designs , for skirts and entire suits , imported to sell at 50c yard , on sale in dress goods de partment , 25c yardI Novjlty Sifts at 79c 60 pieces novelty silks , in exclusive patterns , striped , fancy taffetas , so stylish for w.aiets or entire dresses , all of-them worth double * on sale in silk depart ment , 79c. Several well- known brands of porfeot fitting cor C sets , ul way H bell at $1.00 , on sale at. $1,50 Imported Dress Goods 5Sc 40 pieces of yard and half wide pure silk and wool imported dress goods , all IIOAV fall combinations of colors and actually worth § 1.50 yard , as displayed in our largo window , on sale at 59o yard. 20c quality extra heavy , plain and derby ribbed , llccco lined hobo , . Indies' ohildien'band bjys' at 300 pieces of exception ally fine 44-inch black brilliantine in largo and small brocades and Bayadere stripes' imported to sell at s-1.00 'yard in dress goods department 39c yard. 50c Silks 150 Yard 75 pieces fancy strip ed silks , including plain chinas , checks , all of them worth 50c , on sate * * < ) * * * - " * bargain square at 15c yard. $1,00 $ Silks 50c For Monday on silk bargain square , 10,000 yards genuine taffeta , stripes , plaids and checks allen on u'tsx sale at 50c yard Antither Shoe Sale. A New Deal THIS TIME IT'S A DEAL OF NEARLY 5.0OO PAIRS OF NEW UP-TO-DATE , STYLISH-EVERY PAIR WARRANTED , SHOES WHICH WERE MADE SUBJECT TO ORDER OF A NUMBER OF WELL KNOWN FIRMS-BYTHE NEWH M-L SHOE CO. OF BOSTON-THEY WERE TO RETAIL IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO FG-R UP TO $3 A PAIR- [ They go on Sale Tomorrow , * 1.25 11.39 For the $ 1 On our main floor , at . . youth's shoes. Bargain Squares Filled Up Again with Men's and Women's Fine $3 , $4 , $5 and $6 Shoes from the Goldsmith-Rosenbush and Levi Chicago wholesale shoe stock , all at $1.98 a piir. That were made to retail for § 3 , for $4 , for $5 , for $6 including French calf , box calf , willow calf , cordo van , cnltskin , kangaroo hhoes , in single , double and triple tolos , i.i $1.98 drill lining and leather linings all sizes , all kinds lace or congress- . all now styles. Your choice of this entire lot of men's bh > os for Including th § finest of hand turn and welt shoes of Rochester make in blacks and tana , in all kid and fancy silk vesting tops , in all sizes , in all widths all the newest and latest and prettiest $1.98 styles . none worth less than three dollars , and from that up to six del ' . . lars'n. pair. All on bat-gain squares your choice of all these ladies' $3 , $4 , $5 and 0 shoes for 20c quality extra sateen fancy silesias , at that the prices nero raised ; It was therefore decided that the students of the Couserva- torlum must waive their usual right to free admission to these concerts. Dut the stu dents objected with vigor. They were as anxious as anybody to hear the "Swedish Nightingale. " A protest was made , and young Otto Goldschmldt , aged 16 , was the student deputed by the others to Interview die authorities. In the end he won the day. He little thought then that In half a dozen years he would be equally successful In winning the singer herself. Joseph Jefferson says that while acting lu the nest one evening ho received a note , the writer of which stated that he was so overcame hy Mr. Jefferson's performance that he felt he muit let the actor know how he had appreciated it. The letter closed : "My name Is Blank , and I am tha Inventor of Blank's spring beds. I would like to send , as a token of my gratitude , one of my brds to you far your family. 1 am entirely disinterested In the matter , and all I ask you to do will be simply , when you wakeup In the last act , to say you 25c .quality caline French per- 10 wouldn't have felt eo bad If you had been sleeping on one of Blank's spring beds. " Captain Paratler , the Trench explorer , who recently returned to Paris from Africa , Is a diminutive , slightly built man * whose juvenile appearance was Increased , before his last trip to Africa , by a pale face and a scarcely visible moustache. This youthful aspect caused him to be the subject of a very disagreeable experience three or four years ago. He was walking about the streets of Algiers In mufti with the red ribbon of the Legion of Honor displayed In his buttonhole , when a police ofll.-er sud denly stopped him and tersely remarked : "Off with that ribbon , you young rascal. Decorations are not Intended for boys like you. " Baratler , of course , was frantic with Indignation , but It took some time to con vince the minion of the law that be was dealing with a gallant oltlcer and already dlstlngulsher explorer. "Pew men , " says the Philadelphia Press , "were fonder of their Joke than was David A. Wells , the economist , who died atNor , wich , Conn. , recently. His latest story vaa this , which he told to a Philadelphia ac quaintance : "An Irishman named Dugan was brought before a Dublin magistrate on the charge of stealing a goose. It appeared that Mickey was < iguorant of the warning of Herrlck , 'No man at one time can be wise and love. ' The bird had belonged to bis mother-tn-law. The act had been seen , and there naa nothing to do but pronounce sentence. 'And Is It upon the oath o' thlm two witnesses that yer honor's going to condemn me ? ' said the prUoner. 'Cer tainly , ' said the magistrate. 'Oh , murther ! to condemn me on the oaths of two spal peens nbo swear they saw me take the bhlrd , when I can bring forth a hundred who will swear they didn't see mo do HI1" COVMJUIAMTIKH. A Jersey couple were married In the dark not long ago , a match belug struck to light up the signing of the necessary record. It costs $30 to be married In the Philip pines. This tax U not burdensome to the natives , however. They escape the burden by not Incurring It. Because of the splendid record made by a Kokomo ( Ind. ) man la the Santiago cam paign his dlvoiced ivlfo has declared her Intention of going buck to live under the sumo roof with him. A Long Island wife seekn legal freedom from her husband ou thu specific ground that for weeks past ho has gathered all the stale CKPS hn roiild find ID tbr village and amused himself by bombarding her. It was probably his playful way of owning up that thla marriage was failure. The houses of n'yron and Bulwer will be united by the wedding In London of Neville Lytton , the younger of the late earl's two sns , and Miss Judith Blunt , the grand daughter cf Byrea'i "Ada , sole daughter of my house and heart. " Both are very young and the bridegroom will not bo 20 at the time of the wedding. One of Roosevelt's Rough Riders has proved himself a V3d table Loch Invar. Vlr- ell Ramsey eloped with Elsie Mullen at Everly , Ky. , and the two rode on horseback forty miles to catch a train for St. Louis , pursued by the bride's father. They were married In Jerfersonvllle , Ind. , just before the angry parent arrived W. T. Clifford , who jumped Into the sea and Ineffectually tried to save the life of Barney Barnato , the diamond King , has been i rewarded by his bravery by Mrs. Barnato , who has settled an annuity on him. His deed of valor won a bride for him also and I 85c quality gent's fancy cashmere wool half hose , at next mon'.h ho will wed Miss Gertrude Rod ney , a South African heiress , who was on board the ship from which Barnato luu.ped Into the Atlantic. There was "a hot time " In that section if Milwaukee known as Jonrn' island recently all day and night. "Governor" KansU , ruler of the Island , WHS mairled In the morning to Mist. Valcntlna Budwlcz In SI. iStuniblaiiB1 church In thu presence of a great throng of his sublccts anil friends. After the wedding patty had been phstogrnpbe'l tbt members returned to the Island a-id Ilii- fortuities were begun , The "governor" lu-pt open houhe ( ind no one had to ank for a glass of the bovrago "that made Mllv.-au- lieo famous. " The unique part of the fes tivities , known as the bride's dance , wim started during tlio afternoon. In this func tion It Is bjpected that everyone who dances with the bride will drop a contrlt-itlon In a box conspicuously placed for that purpoec. At will be seen , the bride's dowry depends much on her strength and ability to banr fntlguo. Mrs. Kanskl was st'll ready to meet nil partners and the box was well filled. She sot her limit ut COO partners be fore the dance began. Miss Beatrix Hoyt , who has now for three , successive years woo- the women's coif1 championship of America , Is a granddaughter of Chief Justice Salmon 1 > . Chase 10,000 yard extra good quality silk- olino , regular lOc grade Extra heavy un bleached muslin , 36 inches wide , worth 7c ; go at. . 1,000 yards best standard calicos , none better at any price 5 cases extra good quality bleached muslin , would be cheap at 7c , go at. . . 10,000 yards outing flannel , regular lOc grade , go at One immense lot swansdown flannel in all the new patterns , regu lar 25c grade , go Monday at 10,000 yards light and dark outing flannel , none better at any price , go Monday 100 full pieces drap ery Swiss , would be cheap at 15c yard , on Ir- - * I big lot of art sateens , suitable for com forts , fancy work , drapery , etc , regu lar 25c quality , at One immense lot of Chambray & Zephyr Gingham , worth up to 15c yard , go at. . 10,000 yards apron Check Gingham at 10,000 yards fleece back flannelette , regular 15c grade , on sale Monday. . . Men'sSOc nat- tural wool un' derucar , shirts mid drawers , all shea Immense lots misers' , children's and : hoys' fleece lined , camel's hair , jersey rlb-I jbod and natural gray underwear , worth ( up to 50c , go at All the 85c , and OOo qual ity wet embroideries 7c and IQc All the wet embroideries that sold up to 25c yard go at THE OII > -TI.MiHM , David Kabnwcller , the Inventor of the 'cock jacket life prcservorlio died In New York l.vt week , lost n fjrtuno sffvcral times and made It again by new Inventions , amen ? which \\crc a milling machine , a meiullia life raft and a cash cairler a > atcm for usa In largo stores. He was born In lUvarla and was 72 jears old. i Prau Chnrlct o Embden , the only surviving sister of Hclnrlcli Heine , mm Ju > t cilehrat'd ' I her 88th birthday , aho rrrrlwd miny COM- RratulallcDS , Including prwn t of lloweia and hundreds of letters unJ illipillira , The emperor of Austria Bert her n photograph ot the late empress and rciu/iict .1 tollpciln. ) of the pool's letters which Frau Kmbdcii i bad presented to her majesty In lt > 02. 1 Mrs. Lucy Alexander , bel.t-tcd to bo tha oldest person In the state of Iowa , rtl'il at Kcokuk , la. , last Monday. Her death W < M duo to the Infirmities cf old age. Sue sai 1 that she was 10 years old at the close n ! the revolutionary war. The best obtainable reeordu place the year of her birth us 1771. She secmod familiar with the details of rev olutionary history and the constructive period of American history. Her hearing ami ( eight were unimpaired and she hud orm tooth remaining. She way of full Afrlc u Mood , her grandparents Mag brought ovw I iik Klavei from Africa.