Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Hamilton's shoe store , -(12 ( Broadway.
( Uockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Moore's food kllli worms and fatten * .
Window glass. Davis , 200 Broadway.
Dell G. Morgan , dnua. 142 Broadway.
C. B. Jacqtiemln & Co. , Jewelers and op
tlclans , 27 South Main street.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell returned yestenla ;
from a visit In Lcavenwortli , Knn.
A marriage license was Isiued yesterdi
to P. J. CallaRhan , aged 22 , and Mrs. JesJl
I'erry , aged 21 , both of Omahri.
Council Bluffs lodge. No. 270. Anclen
Order of United Workmen , entertains It
members tonight with a "smoker. "
J. C. illxby , boating nnd sanitary engineer
rinna and specifications for heathy , plumb
Ing and lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluffs
.Monday night Robert Downing will appea
nt the Dohany theater. The event Is lookci
forward to with considerable interest b ;
Don't you thlnh It must be a pretty goot
Inundry that can please o many hundred )
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle,1
724 Broadwav.
Bluffs company , No. 27 , Uniform Ranli
Knights of Pythias , will meet this evenln
in Concordla hull , when every member 1
urged to he present.
Mrs. M. F. Osborne , who has been th
Kiicst for the last two months of her nephen
Officer Charlea Stockdalo. and family , re
turns to her home In Leon , In.
Frank Rohrcr. vho ts at the Women'
Christian Association hospital sick with ty
lihold fovpr , was reported to be somcwha
better yesterday and the physicians hnv
strong hopes of IIH ! recovery now.
The race against William Dunlap. chargei
nlth the seduction of Mamie Muchlenweg.
IC-yuar-old girl , \vap dismissed In Justlc
Hurku's court yesterday for want of prose
culton. The girl refused to testify agalno
Dunlap and' he promised to discontinue hi
attentions to her ! and Mrs. Muehlenweg , th
ijlrl's mother , agreed to a dismissal of th
case.Tho funeral of the late Mrs. 0. W. E
Westerdahl will lie held this afternoon n
2:3U : o'clock from at. Paul's episcopal church
of which Bho was a member. Interment wll
be In Fnlrvlew cemetery. All friends wish
lug to review the reinalnn arc requested t <
call before 2 o'clock nt the family resldenci
on North First street , as the casket will nebo
bo opened at the church.
The Vlavl homo treatment removes news
fitly fur suiglcal Intel furencu. For Informs
tion call or oddresB 320 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Pi'imblns uotupnny. Tel. 260.
Dleniltcr * Attree tlint War Tax ot
OiecUN linen Not Affect Iliinlncnu.
Group No. 1 of the State Bankers' asso
elation held a meeting yesterday afternooi
in the league room * at the Grand hotel
Mhlch was attended by bankers from thi
following eleven counties comprising th <
group : Audubon , Carroll. Cass. Crawford
Fremont , Harrison , Mills. Montgomery
I'ago. Pottawattamlc and Shelby. Hon. L
F. Potter of Oakland , chairman of the group
presided and matters of Interest to the as
aoclatlon were discussed. S. C. Campbet
of Carson read a paper on "Tho New Fed
era ! Bankruptcy Law as It Affected Banl
Credits. " The opinion < of the banken
present was ctlint It wni unfavorable to the !
Interests and tended to restrict credits. t
The war revenue law also came up for die
cusston. The experience of the member
present was ( that , tlip , tax on checks am
drafts had made little , it any , difference ti
the number drawn1 that people drew a
ttttch * kjiinc6i'.tho l-centfuix vnis im
\ jjoscd "ayb'efor6. 'ChairmanlPotter"expecl
to call another meeting of .the group In th
near future. , ,
A fine riding pony for sale cheap. Brad
ley's Blue Front grocery.
20 per cent-cut cm Cast Iron Ranges til
nfter Baking Crntest , November 23 , 25 , 26
lit Colo's & C-lo'e. Also some second
hand bargains In beaters traded in fo
Colo's Ho' Blasts. 110 little girls hav
entered coutctt to November 17. Cole I
Remember the exposition by getting pom
copies nf Snap Shots at the Council BluR
olllco ot The Bee. Ten cents each.
At CJrncO Cliiireh Thin EvenlnR.
The eervlccs at Jracs church this oven
< ng , which will be conducted by Dean Fait
will partake mrre ot the nature of thanks
giving rather than mission services. Th
women of Un'ty guild have this week com
plctcd their last payment Into the bulldlu
and loan association and will draw ou
52,500. which will b applied on the churci
'building debt. There will be no meeting o
the guild this afternoon and all member
are expected to attend this service in
The mission services conducted by Dea
Fair ycstciday were well attended and hi
addresses were listened to with much In
tercst. At the first service he _ delivered a
address on "Communicants and Their Rec
i-catlons. " At Ihe 10 o'clock service n
epoke on "The Four Great Colors Illus
tratlvo of 'Church ' Eojtrlnes. " The dean wa
unavoidably absent at the evening servlc
and the rsctor. Rev. R. L. Knox , dellvcre
n very InlerestlnB discourse on , "Why I AT
a. Churchman. "
ThOBO dcslrlnir conies if the Jubilee odl
tlon of The nallv Bee can securr them
the Council Bluffs ofnre f The Bee.
Snap Shots all go at 10 cents each at tli
qouncll Blurts office ot The Bee.
Don't bo prejudiced , but try an up-to-dal
concern and patronize the reliable Bluff Gil
laundry. They're easy on clothes.
Ituv. I , ; I * . Mi'lloiimld
llov. L. P. McDonald , rector of St. Paul-
Episcopal church , bus "tendered his restgni
tlon to Hon. 1) . C. Bloomer , chairman c
the church vestry. The determination <
llov. McDonald to sever his connection wtt
St. Paul's church Is Indirectly the result c
the controversy over the election of a blsho
< o succeed the late Bishop Perry. Mr. Me
Donald fiom the start declared hlrasel
openly as opposed to the Election of U
Green of Ci-dnr Rapids and when at b
meeting a few daysiagi ot the vestry , whe
delegates to the convention were elected
icsolutlon was adopted Instructing the del
cgates to vote for Dr. Green , 1 | < ? decided t
tender his resignation. Rev. L. P. McDon
" nld assumed the rectorship of St. Paul1
} church lu September , 1895. _
or Infants and Children.
TUB Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
Signature of
B M § th
o .a. m v
B w § th A 1 h * Mid Ycu H3i8 Atoars Bcoshl
Board of Supirriiors Offers a Eonni ft
Encouragement of Prwpectort.
Offer ! Made to Induce the Fartnei
to Try to Locate a Vein that
! BappciNcd to Exl t
Ever ? man who owns an acre of land I
PottawatUmle county ban now an Induci
meat tn put In his spare moments proi
peeling fur coal with the possible coi
tlngont result of earning a good slz *
bounty. The members of the Board i
County Supervisors are Inclined to the hi
lief that bituminous coal In paying quai
titles underlies the nurfaco of this conn
and that all It needs Is to be proapecti
for and when found , developed. As an ii
ducmnent to start the farmers boring fi
coal the board at its session yeaterdt
passed * resolution offering a bounty '
$2,000 to any person who will locate
three-foot vein or $1,000 for a two-fo <
vein of marketable soft coal. The offe
lion ever , has a string tied to It , it belr
made conditional that a shaft shall 1
sunken and In working order and the mil
developed In full operation reaching an ou
put of twenty-flve tons per day. Membo
of the board when asked if they knew
any places in the county where there we :
indications ot coal said that personally th <
did not , but they had been Informed th ;
there were and they naw no reason wl
Pottawattamle county should not prove
productive coal field , the same as other par
of the state. There Is no harm in tryln
and if successful It means the opening i
of A great and raluablo Industry for tl
In the matter of adjusting salaries <
towu and townihlp assessors for next yei
the board adopted the following reeolutto :
Resolved. That the assessors' salaries 1
fixed as follows for the year 1899 , and th
In addition thereto eabh assessor shall 1
allowed and paid from the county trcasui
on the authority of a certificate from tl
town clerk or township clerk , as the ca
may be , $2 a day for each day's1 attendan
before the local board of review as r
quired , provided that continued attendan
by him at such sessions of said board 1
not occasioned by his neglect or failure
the performance of duty. In the towns
Avoca , J100 ; Carson , $40 ; Council Blufl
$1,800 : Hancock , $25 ; Macedonia , J2i : Mil
den , $30 ; Nerla , $70 ; Oakland. $70 ; Walni
$70. In the townships : Bclknap , $6
Boomer , $70 ; Carson , $50 ; Center , $70 : Cre
cent. $70 ; Garner. $90 ; Grove. $70 ; Hardl
$70 ; Hazel Dell. $70 ; James , $70 ; Kane ( ou
Bide ) , $20 ; Keg Creek. $70 ; Knox. $65 ; La ;
ton , $65 ; Lewis. $75 ; Lincoln , $70 ; Mac
donla , $65 ; Mlnden , $65 ; Necla , $65 ; No
walk , $70 ; Pleasant , $70 ; Rockford , $70 ; SI
ver Creek. $70 ; Valley. $65 ; Washlngto
$70 ; Waveland , $70 ; Wright , $70 ; York. $1
The allowance of the foregoing amoun
Is conditioned upon the proper performan
of duty by the assessors In the correctlo
of returns of assessment * and of statist !
required to be furnished the county audltt
The petition for a bridge In Grove towi
hip1 "was referred to Supervisor Vluld wii
power to act. The matter of immedla
repairs to the county court bouse was r
terred to Supervisor Baker and Audit
In the afternoon the members of tl
board visited the Women's Christian assi
elation and St. Bernard's hospitals and li
spected the condition of the county patient
Wanted to rent , a house with at lea
eight or nine rooms , centrally located , mo
ern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. R.
Montgomery , 605 Third street.
Part 4 of The Bee's photogravures of t' '
exposition is now ready and can be had
the Council Bluffs office.
Two nurKlnm Plnul Gnllty and G. .
Sentence * of Tire Yearn Each.
In the district court yesterday Theodo
McDonald nnd Thomas Lynch , again
whnm the 'grand Jury had returned indlc
ments on the charge of burglary , entori
pleas of guilty and threw thfmselves on tl
mercy of the court. Judge Green sentenci
them to two years each In the penltentla
at Fort Madison. McDonald and Lym
robbed the residences of M. Boyle , 1513 F'f
avenue , and Mrs. C. W. Noonan , 1315 HI |
street. September 21 last. .
On the application of Georgia Taylor , 01
of the three negroes indicted on the chari
of .robbing John Hamilton , a Kansas farms
Attorney Emll Schurz was appointed by tl
court to defend her. Attorney Gable w
appointed to defend John Lewis , Indliti
on the charge of attempting to steal hog
the property of Nelson Lewis. Both Lew
and the Taylor woman Informed the cou
they had no means to secure the services
an attorney.
Bert Haney , over whose head two Indlc
menta are hanging , was arraigned and toi
time to plead In both cases.
In the suit of Jesse M. Smith again
W. F. Sledentopf , administrator , the plal
tiff yesterday filed an amendment to t
petition. In It ho s U up that the n
which wan filed with the estate of Wlllln
Sledentopf. deceased , and on which 1 ;
Judgment was obtained was given for t :
purchase price and i represented the balan
due on the purchase price ot the uorthwe
quarter of the northeast quarter of sectli
16 , township 76 , and range 44 , In Pottawa
tamlo county. That by reason of the prct
hes ho has a vendor' * lien on said proper
for the balance of the unpaid purcha
money as against the defendant and tl
general creditors of the estate of the la
William Sledentopf. He asks the court
j establish and affirm his vendor's Hen on t :
( property for the amount of the Judgraei
Interest and costs , obtained against the e
tat ? of William Sledentcpf and that
have an order for special execution for tl
sale of the property to satisfy his vcndoi
lien and for costs.
lu the superior court the trial of the su
of Attorney John Llndt against the Sehll
Brewing company was completed and tl
case given to the Jury about 3 o'clock ye
torday afternoon. The Jury , after being 01
less than on hour , brought In a verdict fi
Llndt for $515. Llndt sued for $517. wll
Interest from May , 1894 , for legal servlc
alleged to have been performed for the di
fondant In the matter of the purchase i
some property and the examination of al
etructs In connection with the same. Tl
Sc-hlltt company set up the defense thi
Llndt had accepted a commission from th
party from whom the property was pu ;
chased. '
The trial jury was discharged subject I
call , but It ts not thought there will bv an
more jury caws at this term.
After Illxbr'N Property.
The eult of the Sterling Manufacturln
company against Chief of Police Frank /
Blxby , Its former manager at this point , !
up for" another round In the district cour
At the October term the Sterling compau
secured a Judgment against Blxby for $1 ,
379.50 and $ S2 costs. So far all the Sterlln
company has got baa been the JuJrfmen
as the sheriff has been unable to dlscovi
any property belonging to Blxby to satlst
It Yesterday the Sterling Manufacturln
company filed an application In court asktn
that Blxby , be examined as to bla pro [
erty. In Its petition the plaintiff compan
assort ! that Blxby ehould have In his pea
session money belonging to It which wa
received by him while In the employmen
of the company as Its agent and which h
has failed to pay over to It. The coui
It asked to Issue an order directing Btxby t
appear and submit to an examination I
relation to any facts calculating to elio1
the amount of his property , the dlcposltto
which he has made of It , the disposition h
has made of the money of the pralutlfi l.n
any other matters which the court ma
deem relevant and material to the sublet
matter of such examination.
A well known music teacher and bar
leader of Weston has been offered $50.00 !
cash for * violin , which was presented '
him and bought a short while ago for aboi
$12 at Bourlclus * Music House , 325 Oroai
way. but refused the offer. It pays to trae
at Bourlclim' , as ho la an expert It It com <
to tone nnd quality of musical Instrument
nnd he knows where to purchase the vei
best grade of goodit and his prices are a !
ways the lowest , quality considered.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Reno block.
Huibatid nnd Wife Are CIinrRpd wit
Flarlnff Stolen Property.
About two weeks ago a well-dressed an
handsome young woman pledged a dlamon
earring for $40 at Snyder's pawnshop o
Broadway. The transaction was duly rt
ported to the police and on Investigation
developed that the jewel answered the de
scrlptlon of ono stolen from the residence <
Mrs. S. Newman In Omaha some six week
ago. At that time diamonds to the vafu
of $ SOO were stolen from Mrs. Newmai
among the articles being a pair of valuabl
earrings. Detective Weir was detailed o
the case , but he failed to secure any trac
of the young woman who pawned the eai
ring , Yesterday the mate to the earrin
waa pawned at the s\mo place by the sam
young woman and the.matter reported I
Chief Blxby , who at once went to work c
the case himself , fearing that DctectU
Weir might again be baffled. In the shoi
course of half an hour he had the woma
located and she and her husband were take
to police headquarters , where they wci
questioned. They gave the nara of Watsc
and said thy came here about two montt
ago from Louisiana , where Mrs. Watso
claimed she had purchased the diamonds o
the Installment plan. Mrs. Newman wi
sent for and Identified the earrings as her
but In the face of the young woman's pr <
testatlons and until the police investigate
further she was loath to file an informs
tion. Mrs. Watson and her husband wei
then released. Mrs. Watson gave as an ei
cuse for pawning 'the dlamrnds that she dl
so to get money for her husband , who hn
been elck. The earring answered the d (
scriptlon exactly of those stolen from Mr
Newman. The setting of one Is from a dlt
mend ring and the other from a dlamon
stud and consequently there is a markt
difference between the two earrings. Tl
Watsons will be kept under p1 lice aurvel
lance until the. story of her purchasing tl
earrings In Louisiana Is verified.
School Children Will Contribute i
Fund to OiilM New War Ship.
Today will be observed as , "American Boy
battleship day In the public' schools of th
city. Patriotic exorcises5 will be held 1
every school room in , the city except at tl
High school. The cMIdren will be aftorde
an opportunity to contribute toward tl
building of the battleship that' is intended I
replace the ill-fated Maine.
The stars and stripes will be unfurled 1
the breeze from every schoolhouae and evei
pchool room and corridor In each of tt
buildings will be decorated in style beflttlri
the occasion. In fact the rooms and corr
dors are already decorated , the work havln
been done yesterday under the supervlsln
and assistance of the teachers and Colon
B. R. Fonda. Invitations have been Issue
to the parents to bo present at the ekerclsi
which will be held In the afterncon an
veterans of the Grand Army of the Republ
will be present at each school and mal <
short patriotic addresses to the chlldret
Superintendent Haydcn In sending out h
Instructions to the teachers for today
oxerclses was careful to Impress upon the )
that the contributions from the pupils I
the battleship fund were to bo purely volur
tary and that there should bo no cause i
embarrassment to those children who wei
unable to subscribe anything. There wl
be no set program , but the exercises In eac
room will consist of patriotic songs , rc-cltr
tlons nnd"addresses. . The occasion Is d <
Rl niHl to Inculcate Jn the children patrioi
Ism and a love of country. The music f <
the exercises has bctn specially arranged t
Miss Luclle Porterfteld , the supervisor <
Those deslrlnc conies of the Jubilee ed
tlon of The Dallv Bee can secure them i
the Council Bluffs ofTioe of The Bee.
Ladles wanting fine . wines ar
liquors call Jarvls Wine Co. , 223 Ma !
ftroet. upstairs. Lady In attendance.
Oiierntloim on Fort Dodge nnllvrn :
Tha Fort Dodge & Omaha railway hi
commenced the work ot building Its road bi
tween this city and Fort Dodge. The cor
tract for grading the track between hei
and Loveland has been let to James H. Ml
Shane of Omaha and ho has his outfit hci
and a large force of men ready to begl
operations. He expects to have his portlc
of .tho road ready for' laying the rails b
April 1 of next year. The engineers an
surveyors of the company have establish
an office at Twelfth street and Avenue I
where the employes in chirge of the varlov
departments of work make their headquai
ters.The work of rlprapplng the river ban
north of the city where the proposed lln
ot the road runs close to the Missouri ts al
ready under way and J. C. Hollenbeck <
this city , the contractor , has a large force c
men at work. A camp has been establishes
northwest of Big Lake and the bank ha
been graded and other preliminary wor
done. Several carloads of material for th
rlprapplng are on the ground.
Sprinter * nt DrlvInK Park.
Between 200 and 300 sports gathered t
the Driving park yesterday afternoon t
witness the foot race between P. AwPulle
of this city and James Newell of Wet
Point , Neb. The race was a 100-yard das
for $100 a side. Pulley giving the man froi
Nebraska a two yards start. It proved
pretty contest and. unlike most such event !
was on the square. Pulley caught up t
Newell at forty yards and at seventy yanl
was bllhtly In the lead. Newell suurte
at this point , but failed to overtake Pulle )
who landed ahead'under the wire by al ou
twenty Inches. Time. 9 4-5 seconds. Con
Mdcrable money passed hands , as the Wea
Point peoplu backed their man for all the
could get. In fact , they bet the local sport
to a standstill.
Pulley Is matched to run W , H. Copple o
Bancroft. Neb. , Sunday a 100-yard dash fo
S100 a side.
If you want a bargain lu a fine range
t It during special sale at Cole's & Cole'
till after the Baking Content , November 2 :
25 , 26. 20 per cent off on nil cast Iroi
Walter Jjhnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp bll ;
Collections made uverywbora iu U. S.
F , D. Bteen is Re-Elected President of low
Mutual Insurance Association ,
Probalilr the LnrRtut Verdict for Pet
Bonnl Dtintnitc * Ever Awarded
la Dei Molnei in Secured
by C. E. Ilnll.
DES MOINE3 , Nov. 17. ( Special Tel
gram. ) The Iowa Mutual Insurance ass <
elation , a farmers' organization with 1
branches throughout the tate , conclud
Its annual meeting hero today by re-electli
F. D. Stcen of Mcuto us president ami
E. Gordon of Sao City as secretary. Tl
association has been In session hero thr
days discussing Insurance matters and la
Ing clans of action for the ensuing yet
The Associated Charities does not I
tend to abandon the charity ball , set f
December 29 , regardless of the eentlnic
of the Mlnlstrlal association , expressed In
Monday In resolutions. The ministers ha *
not yet officially notified the trustees of t !
Associated Charities of this resolution , b
It came to their knowledge through tl
papers. One of the board said today th
for his part he would not feel like abando ;
Ing the ball , which Is planned solely
secure money unless some other means
the same end werp forthcoming. He sa
the ministers as a society had not concern
ttumselveg particularly In the work of t
Associated Charities ; that heretofore t !
ministers , have not objected seriously , ai
now that preparations have been made a ;
a lot of tickets sold , he would object
dropping the ball. The trustees or executl
council of the charities will meet torao
row to transact general business. Th
will consider this matter of giving up 1
ball , too , but besides their meeting the
will also bo a meeting of the members a :
supporters of the Associated Charities
the same place at the same time. From tl
mass meeting It la hoped will come cor
emphatic expression as to what the exec
live council ought to do In the premises.
Large Verdict for DuntnKC * .
0. E. Hall was awarded $23,000 damag
for personal Injuries received from an ace
dent on the Rock Island railroad. T
case has been In progress for the last we
and was very warmly contested on bo
I sides. Hall sued for $40,000 for Injuries r
celved last spring. Ho was a 'brakeman ' ai
was making a coupling between two ca
! when , It Is alleged , the cars were kick
back by' ' the engineer , while ho was botwe
thorn and no chance whatever for htm
sec a signal or avoid the cars. The ca
| were kicked against him , throwing hi
partly under the car and crushing his ar
and otherwise Incapacitating him from pe
forming almost any kind of labor. T
verdict awarded Is , perhaps , the large
ever given against a corporation In D
Molnes la a , personal injury case. The Ju
went out yesterday afternoon and did n
agree upon a verdict until 7 o'clock tl
Attorney General Remley today render
to the governor an opinion to the effect th
the executive cannot resort to cltlzensh
men convicted for violation of the laws
the United States and sentenced to imprl
Her. Theodore Ji * Morrlnon In Pr <
poaed an a Candidate Afrnlnut
Dr. ThomuH Green.
OTTUMWA , la. , Nov. 17. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Rev. J. Holllster Lynch , rector
Trinity Episcopal church of this city , h
put forth as a candidate for the Eplscnp
bishopric of Iowa the name of Rev. The
I dore N. Morrison , rector of the Church
j the Epiphany , Chicago , as a Candida
against Dr. Thomas Green of Cedar HapU
about whom so much has been publish
since his election by a bare majority
two as bishop and his subsequent action
declining the election and asking that 1
annual convention to be held at Ced
Rapids on Tuesday , November 29 , vlndtca
him by re-election.
Since the general convention held
Washington last mrnth there has be <
much talk against Dr. Green and his pe
slstency In keeping himself before the dt
cese of Iowa as a candidate when he mu
know the feeling there is against him.
is said that every larger parish in Iowa c :
cept Cedar Rapids , 'his ' home , Is against I
Green for bishop.
Dr. Green was the leader of a factli
against the late Bishop Ferry and on tb
account the church has been divided. :
his letter to the churches of the state , pu
ting forth Rev. Morrison for the oftlce
bishop of Iowa , Dr. Lynch publishes Ic
ters from a number of prominent clergymi
emln lnK him for the position , among the
being a strong one fiom lit. Rev. Wlllla
E. Moltren , bishop of Chicago. The cand
dacy of Rev. Morrison has nroven to be
strong one and his election over Rev. M
Green Is practically certain , should no oth
candidates appear.
Ootnfronnrlnn Serve * n Ycnr for Di
fending II In Home and IIc-
< uniM to Die.
MARSHALL-TOWN. la. , Nov. 17. ( Sp
clal. ) Bowed down with hl four scqre
years , L. . H. Sutherland , for many years
resident of Boone , la. , arrived In this 9 !
today from Anamosa , having been pardoni
from the penitentiary and brought here
spend what few days remain to him ,
the Soldiers' Home hospital. ' '
Sutherland had always lived a quiet at
Inoffensive nte and Ills Imprisonment d
not occur until a year ago. At that tlm
while a resident of Iloone , he discovered ,
man attempting to enter his house at nlgll
Procuring a gun ho shot him and was afte ;
wards convicted of manslaughter and sen
enced to serve two years In the prison i
Anamoea. Several months ago he was a
tacked with disease and later , austalric |
a ssvcre fall , his condition became critlc
Because of bis ago and the circumstance
surrounding his alleged crime Uie .prlso
officials Interceded with Governor Shaw 1
his behalf and after an Investigation 1
was granted a full pardon. When his pai
don was handed him , Sutherland was E
overcome that he was confined to his be
for several days. Chaplain E. G. Bycrs <
Anamoi-i prteon accompanied him hero.
Money ItnUeil for Clinton Soldier * .
CLINTON , la. , Nov. 17. ( Special , ) Yes
terday the young women of the city ncte
as conductors end took charge of the Stat
Klecttlc line. A prominent female florls
of Lyons , assisted by others , gave a fin
chrysanthemum show , and last night tb
German association at Lyons presented
play , giving a dance for the benefit of Com
pany L. Forty-ninth Iowa , now with Gen
cral Lee In Georgia. The net result 1s
large sum for the boys. The city U gayl
decorated In honor of the event.
lliirKlum Mnku Poor
LADORA. la. , Nov. 17 ( Special. ) Tw
burglars ent red the general store or Henr
Godo & Ilros. hern last night by way of th
front door , and did a neat Job wltli th
safe In the rear of the building. They bio ?
the door completely off , damnglng man ]
goods and blowing a halo In the tloor. Tbi
safe contained only $6. Ftvo dollars ti
the cash register remained untouched nm
no goods of any kind weremissing. . Thi
front door ot Whltlock & Field's bank wai
found pried open , Indicating thnt the cracks
men bad first Intended that as a mark , bu
weakened for some reason unknown.
Memorlnllxc CnnRrcm to Admit Hrnvi
lownn to AnnniiollH.
DES MOINES , Nov. 17. ( Special Telo
gram. ) Chief Boatswain's Mate Dclgnai
was banqueted hero this evening by th
Grant club before leaving on his rcturi
to the Resolute at Brooklyn. The club
which IR Iowa's foremost organization o
business men and state officers , adopted i
memorial to congress requesting the pass
age of a special law to admit Dclgnan ti
When Delgnan left his homo at Stunr
this forenoon , the L. L. O. club girls. wh <
captured and kissed him on his arrival
were there to bid him farewell , also a grca
crowd. After ho hnd b'ardcd the train h
stepped off for one luat hdndshako' with M's
Veronica Rynn , th vice president of th
club , whom ho has shown special favor dur
Ing his short stay , leaving Miss Hackthornc
his old aweetheart out In the cold. Oolgnai
spent part of th day at Valley Junction
whcro ho was given a big public rcccjitloi
at the school house. When he arrived li
Dos Molnes 1,000 people were at the trail
to meet him. He left on the Rock Island a
9.10 : tonight and will roach Chicago at
tomorrow , leaving at 8:30 : on the Lak
The memorial adopted tor Delgnan fol
lows :
To the Congress of the United States : Th
people of the United States have recognize
with universal enthusiasm the heroic survlc
to the nation of the brave crow that nsslate
Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hobson on th
morning of Junex3 In taking the * ftteamr
Mcrrlmac , amidst a ball of shot and slid
Into the mouth of the hnroor of Santiago < 1
Guba for the purpose of blocking the egret
of the Spanish lleet. The coolness , and ski
with which the attempt was made astonlshc
the world and exalted our faith In th
courage and patriotism of the youth of tli
republic. It IH with pride , therefore , thi
the people of this state can say that the ma
who steered the Mcrrlmac was a son <
Iowa Osborn Warren Dclgnan of Stuar
We will not attempt to add to the praises a
ready bestowed upon him nnd lilt , associate
Our national government grateful for the :
services has promoted them to higher rani
In the naval service. Their fame Is occur
Llko the typical youth of our fntr land , Oi
born Delgnan wishes to rise higher In tl ;
ranks of hlo profession. Ho wishes to entt
that splendid training school where the fn
mous sons of our navy havu been educate *
the Naval academy of the United States f
Annapolis. Ills advancement In the navj
service of bla country depends upon his pos
session of a certificate of graduation fret
that Institution. But the oge requlremen !
now enforced prevent bis admission to th
Therefore , we , the members of the Grnr
club of the city of DCS Molncs , Join with th
citizens of his native city In urging upj
the congress of the United States the passag
of a special act permitting Osborn Warre
Uelgnan to enter the Naval academy of An
nnpolls. where he may obtain the editcatio
ho BO much desires.
And wo respectfully request the membct
of congress from the state of Iowa to use a
proper means to secure the passage of sue
an net ns a partial recognition of the herol
services of Osborn Delgnan for our natlo
In the hour of Its need.
Otvnornfilp In the Vjfnlnncc.
SIOUX CITY , la , , Nov. 17. ( Speclal.-
Under the decision of the supreme court o
the United States the principal ownershl
In the Sioux City & Northern railway passe
Into the bauds of Kennedy , Ted & Co. o
New York , and that means unless the Cred
Ita Commutation , company of Sioux City re
deems It for nearly , $3,000 the line wil
eventually pass Into the handsiof the , Gr'ca
Northern. Shr-'ld this be the case Slou :
Rlty would be nothing but a way ctatloi
Instead of the headquarters of' ( the road , a
at present. No decision has been rcachc
as to what action will be. taken. A slmlla
fate , confronts the Sioux City , O'Neill i
Western Railway company , r
Meteor Fall * Ncur Wnterloo.
WATERLOO , la. , Nov. 17. ( Spocial.-
Tuesday night nt about 11 o'clock a num
her of people at Waterloo had the prlvlleg
of witnessing a large and very brllllan
meteor which appeared to fall almost dl
rectly toward the earth , at no great dls
tanco northwest of this city. The meteo
looked like a large ball of flro , and th
rushing sound made by Its passage throng !
the air was distinctly audible. During th
few moments In which It was visible th
mysterious visitant from outer space shci
a brilliant light by which ordinary prln
might have been read.
AlmmloiiN the Silver IHMIIC.
OTTUMWA. la. . Nov. 17. ( Spcclal.- )
Captaln S. B. Evans , the high priest of 1
to 1 In Iowa , announces In an editorial in hi
paper abandonment of the silver Issue. H
announces his "belief that the democrat !
party has put too much faith In en
principle. After all , he says , sliver shouli
only be treated as ono of the details of th
great principles of democracy. He holds ou
the olive branch to sound money democrat
in the shape of a new platform. In whlcl
the money question Is subordinated to tnrlfl
state rights , etc.
XCTV KnterprUen nt Dnlniqne.
DUBUQUE. la. , Nov. 17. ( Special. ) Ai
a result of the late elections there will bi
several 'now enterprises opened up horo.Thi
Scrlber & Conchar Co. , will erect and op
crate n foundry , employing forty men. /
packing house , employing seventy-live men
will open up on December 1. Two mor <
packing houses of large capacity are man
Ing arrangements to open at an early date
The A. A. Cooper wagon factory Is prcpar
Ing to. branch out , and other manufacturing
Industries are reaching out for new bust'
Dnhiuiue Ship Yard
DUBUQUE. la. . Nov , 17.f-Spcelnl.- ( )
There will probably be another- launching
nt the Iowa Ironporks , ship yard this week
The hull of a tow boat being built for A. F
Lronard of Natchez. Miss. , will bo com'
ploted 'if this favorable weather continues
This will make tti'o second launching wlthlt
thrco weeks and ; will bo 'the ' fourth thi :
season. The governmrnt'tow boat1 launched
thrco weeks ago Is nearly completed' ' and li
Is expected to have U out of Dubuquc
under Its own steam inside of another week
Aortliern lovrn Poultry Show.
| HAMPTON , la. , Nov. 17. ( Speclal.- )
The Northern Iowa Poultry association will
1 hold 1U fifth annual show here November
I 22 to 26. The Indications are that the show
will be a great success. The entries art
! already numerous and the competition for
awards will be lively. Among other at
tractions will be Incubators In the hatching
process. W. S. Russell of Ottumwa will
pass on the birds.
New Plntat for Sioux Cltj- .
SIOUX CITY. la. . Nov. 17. ( Special. )
.Every effort Is being made to secure some
packer to take the plant In this city form
erly occupied by the Sllberborn Packing
company. It was understood the Credl's
Commutation company , which Is tbo owner of
the local stock yards , is figuring with a num
ber of men and It Is thought that cro loug
Its efforts will bear fruit
Hood Klitnvlnir of lucreaxe.
MARSIIALLTOWN. la. . Nov. 17. ( Spo-
cial. ) The .approximated . freight warnings ot
the Iowa Central railway for the second
iveok of November wore { (3,705.16 , an In
crease of J4,316.53 over the same week la t
year , when the earnings were J39,181.U3.
. a
Why the sun never sets on
Its sale extends around the Globe , and every
where it goes it carries the sunshine of satisfac
tion with it 1 You cannot buy a better chewing
tobacco than Battle Ax. More men are chewing
Battle Ax plug at this moment than all other
kinds. Do you chew it ? Why should n't you ?
Is there any good reason ? JOc. will pay for the
trial piece at any tobacco store. Try it to-day
Remember the name
when you buy again.
Whenever a firm plops handling a certain line of
Underwear it is bound to have the remnants of that line
left on its hands. There will either be a full line of
shirts , in all'sizes , without the drawers to match , or just
the opposite the drawers without the shirts. Now we
are just in that fix. We have on our shelves a quantity
. of shirts without drawers to match.
When the line was full these shirts sold at § 1.50 ,
$2.00 and $2.50 per garment. We will close these
, out&t $1.OO lipiece ,
. This is an opportunity for those who vrant good
Main and Pear ! Streets , Council Bluffs.
Joe Wolverton Arrested at Maynard , Keb.
for an Old Grime ,
Locnteil After Two Yenrw * Sciirch nt
XcbrnsUa Town I.lvltiu llu-
U-r tlic .Ulnu of
OTTUMWA , la. , Nov. 17. ( Special Ttle-
grain. ) Joe Wolverton , who on the night ol
Ucscmber 26 , t o .years ago , Is said to have
murdered Mrs. Mary GillOllan In cold Licod ,
la 'now ' safely behind the bars of the CUrl :
county jail. He will bo tried for the murder
at the December term of the court. ,
Mrs. Gllinilan left her husband at Brad
ford , 111. , and came to Osccola , In. , in
October , ISflG. She was a pretty woman
and soon bad scores of admirers. Among
thcao was JooWolverton , a young farmer
living near thcro. Ho went with her for
several months. On-tho night of Deccmbar
26 , 1E96 , 'she had an engagement with him
and they went walking toward the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy pump house. An hour
later Wolverton was seen coming from the
direction of the pump house alone.
The next evening the dead body of Mary
Gllinilan was found In the pump house with
'a ' bullet hole In her tomplo. Her Jewelry
was not dlsturbsd , showing that robbtry
was not the object of the murder , and there
was nothing to Indicate suicide. Wolverton
iwas Indicted , but had left for parts un
known. A reward of $500 was offerffJ for his
capture and a number of detectives were em
ployed on the case , but never Jocitcd him.
A week ago , through the postmaster of
Cambridge , Story county , la , , Sheriff Lukln-
bill located Lewis Wolverton , a brother of
Joe's , on a farm near there under the nsma
or Morgan. Morgan's mail was \\atchcd
anfl It was learned that he was receiving
letters from a brother In Maynard , Neb. ,
living there on a farm , under the name of ,
Groitt. Sheriff Luklnblll went to Maynard
and recognized' Groatt as Joe AVolverton. He
was brought back from Maynard toJay. Ho
stoutly denies his guilt.
lown XOWM Xitten.
Incold's elevator at Spencer was destroyed
by fire.
Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoffman of Oskalooaa
recently celebrated their golden wedding an
I'cter Johnson of Pomeroy was fined J25
for breaking the false teeth of his neighbor ,
Mrs. nclbock.
Somn patches of tomatoes grown around
Pclla brought as hlfih ns $100 per acre nnd
the average was $50.
MUs Nellie Urcakcy ot O'tu-nwa committed
suicide Monday nfternopn by drinking a
'quantity of carbolic acid.
James Howlo of Duhuquo is thn first man
In Iowa to como out of the bankruptcy court
with a clean score to commence life anew.
Walt II. Butler , ex-mcmbcr of congress
from the Fourth , dl'trl-t of lown , U In WashIngton -
Ington trying to establish himself QH u news
paper correspondent.
It appears that the ynuns men around
Burlington are using the rural mall boxm
as tarKetB when out hunting. The federal
authorities aru now nftcr them , and it U
Extra Fine 5-Cent Cigars
Sold by the best retail trad *
throughout the west.
John G. Woodward & Co
Distributors , Council Bluffs ,
Dohatiy Theater
Jas. Harrington , lessee and Mgr.
Monday , Nov. 21 Engage
ment Extraordinary ,
and His Admirable Company ,
PRIGES-75C 50c 35o
, , and 25c ,
"ptwtMMi Council Illnnr * niul Onmlin.
Rates Reasonable. Batlsfactlon Guaranteed.
Council HlurfH olllre. No 8 North Main
itreet. Telephone 12S. Omahu olllco re'
moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Tele-
Mono joO $ ,
Connections mndo with South Omaha
firoposed to make an example of two now lu
- UBtody.
Odman Johnson , an Insane man being
; aken to the nuylum nt Independence ,
iscapert from the oincers at Kldora and was
ecaptured at Abbott.
lU-nl UHtnte TrniiHferH.
The following transfers were filed yes
terday in the abstract , tltlo and loan offlco *
af J. V > ' . Squire , 101 1'earl street : . *
Henry misHcll nml wlfo to Thomas
.Meredith , lot ' . ' , block 17 , Meredith's
cdd to Avoca , w U j ( 73
W. S. Carter nnd wlfo to KrnticlH
Trlrkey , lots 13 , 18 , 20 , 21 and 2i , block
IB , I.ufuy tin ndd , w 1 i
[ 'Hindu TrlcUey to lloland H. CJelutt.
Hiime , d * l BOO
Frederick Schiol to IxjoimrU it
AVanur. nw'i nf > ij 21-71-1 : . n c d i
lennlo Itucord to Henry l-V Pliunor
t"j nw'j ' ' "i-71-n , t o d ' i
Mary A Kearney to John Hlumerv'v. .
H\V , IC.77-39 , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . „ ' ' )
btu-rlfC to W. K. BMtzer. lot S , hlocl't's !
hxaiifc' independent Hildgc urtd , g U W7