24 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY , KOTEMBEB 13 , 1898. MAY BE NO MEETING MONDAY Spnnlftli I'rnrc CeiiiinilKlon T * Arc ( llnny In I'rciinrnditn of Tliclr CllMP. PARIS , Nov. 12. It Is now believed that the next meeting of the Peace commission may he postponed until Tuesday next , though nothing definite has been arrived at on the subject. The Spanish commission- era nro busily engaged In the preparation of the documents which they will submit nt the next session of the commissions , and It is thought their presentation will cover matters which render their careful prepara tion unusually Important. Some at the original papera and transcripts necessary for the next presentation of Spain's case will probably not nrrlvo hero until too Inte on Monday to permit a mcctlnR that day , which , of course , would necessitate thu postponement of the next meeting of the commissions until Tuesday. The health ot Judge Day , the president of the American commission , was much Improved this morn- Ing. WASHINGTON , Nov. 12. A special cabi net meeting was held today to consider a dispatch received from Judge Day nt Parts , in which ho Informed the president thai the Spanish commissioners bad asked for additional tlmo to prepare their reply to the propositions mibmltted by the United States. Although the president and hlJ cabinet ad- vlflera are exceedingly anxious that the ne gotiation ; ) should proceed as rapidly as pos sible , the request for additional tlmo will be granted and the Spanish commissioners ntven until next Tuesday to prepare their reply. The State department Is uninformed offi cially that Judge Day la 111 In Paris. A long report was received by cable from him this inornlug relative to the work of the commission , but It made no mention of the physical condition of the sender , whence the department Infers that hu Is not seriously ill , arid It Is supposed that ho la elmply in need of real. It Is believed that at the next meeting of the Joint commission the Spanlarda will yield ono Important step , namely they will at least tacitly begin the argument of the question , recede from their refusal to allow the question of the sovereignty eignty of Spain over the Philippines to bo questioned. If this surmise Is well founded , then the two commissions will be brought face lo face with the adjustment of the details of proposition for tlie transfer of the Philippines to the United States , suffi ciently complex to warrant the expectation that several more sessions of the Joint commission - mission will be required for Its adjustment. The attitude of the Insurgents In the Phil ippines has given the administration con siderable uneasiness , for It IB feared that If these Insurgent * are allowed to continue tholr hostile activity there may be protests which wo shall be compelled to regard. The dlfllciUty In the situation la that the Insur gents are operating nt points outsldo the island of Luzon , where the United States has never been In actual possession and where It would bo difficult to place troops to main tain the status quo. Nevertheless , It Is be lieved to bo Incumbent upon our government to do something In this direction , and the military and naval authorities ot Manila will be so advised. NATIVKS LOOT Tim MAHI.V TBUESA. Carry Awny KvorytliliiR Mornlilc cm tlu > SfnuuliMl Ship. NASSAU , N. P. , Nov. 12. The tug Potomac mac , from Santiago do Cuba , which has been visiting the stranded cruiser , Infanta Maria Tereaa , off Cat Istand , haS arrived here In order to obtain a permit to work on the ship. It will return to Cat Island. The cruiser Is lying one mile off shore and Is In two fathoms of water. The natives have de stroyed the temporary deck and have car ried away everything movable. flcrmnn I'mier' * Vlt-w of tlic Cn e. BERLIN , Nov. 12. The National Zeltung referring to the subject of Lord Salisbury's American allusions In his Guild hall speech cays : It may bo assumed that England persistently alms at the acquisition of the Philippines or a portion of them. The American attitude toward this British am bition will afford a fairly accurate test ot the strength of the Anglo-American friend ship. Kmiieror Prefer * to lie Uiilcnown. nEYROUT , Nov. 12. The emperor and empress ot Germany sailed from hero at G o'clock this morning on board the Hohen- zollern. The yacht will first call at the island ot Rhodes for dispatches and will then eall for Malta. The emperor will ob- tervo the strictest Incognito throughout lib return Journey. OH Men Srlf-Convlctcil. COLUMUUS , O. , Nov. 12. A special to the Dispatch from Lima , O. , says : The taking of evidence In the Buckeye Pipe Line oustci proceedings came to nn abrupt end at noon today. Officers of the Buckeye company and Solar Refining company admitted that they hold Standard Oil trust certificates , but claimed to have purchased them in the open market at current quotations. Attor ney General Monetto ended the examination. Hare Root print It' . CaUrrlml treatment In all forms onlv { 3 month : absolute cures , at Draper Medical Institute , N. K. cor. IGth and Douglas sis. 18-k wedding rings. Udliolm , opp. P. 0. Next excursion to points In Kansas , OKla- bema , Arkansas , Texas , etc. ; also to points In the southern uud Houtheastcrn status will leave Omaha , via Missouri 1'aclflc railway , Tuesday , November 15th. Call nt Depot , 15th and Webster , or Company's new olllce , S. E. corner 14th mid Douglas streets. THOMAS P. GODKRHY. P. & T. A. J. O. PIIILLIPPI. A. G. P. & P. A. Trail I n x Stump * . are bare to stay. Buy coal ot Victor White nd get them. The Mlrtwny 1'lnnni. We have cleaned up the pianos from the Midway and offer them to * ho public at net cost , adding only freight and drayase. Such ridiculously low prices prevent us from giv ing either n stool or fcarf. Soiio 'f these Instruments can hardly bo distinguished from the new ones. One Rosewood upright piano for ? 6i. Ono large-size upright piano for $115. Another upright piano , little bettrr. $127. Another fine upright piano , carved front , good as now , mahogany case , $147. Ono elegant standard make In oak caw , beautifully polished , upright piano , $172. Ono extra large lze solid oak upright piano , only $217. Any of these bargains at terms cash , $15 and $ S per month. IILUI'V TRACT PIANOS. The Instruments , \\hlch wpro new five months ngo. used In the State building ! ) . One Colonial mahogany piano you will re member was offered nt $550 , goes nt $3CS. Another ono In oak , Jho highest grade piano , upright , which was our regular $400 piano , for $270. Another In oak , upright piano , only smaller , our regular $325 size , for only $215. Another largo mahogany , ns good ns the newest , our regular price $330 , now only $2.13.Two Two others In French walnut finish , the highest grade , which had severe handling , only $2C3 each. There are three others from $175 to $275. All the pianos from the state buildings will be sold on terms of $25 cash and $10 per month. We also put In this lot three square plunoa , a Fry piano at $40 , an Emer son square at $90 nnd n Knabo square for $110 terms , $10 cash nnd $5 per month. A. HOSPE. 1C13 Douglas St. Remember wo nre solo agents for the gold modal Klmbnll piano. Visit the Chinese Bazaar , 207 So. 14th at. A Winter If sick you can find ho ) p. If crippled with rheumatism , you can bo cured. If tired you need rest and the place to go Is Hot Springs , South Dakota. The expense Is less than you Imagine. "Tho Northwestern Line" has announced special excursions , certain days this month at cheap rates. The Kvans hotel will remain open an' this and all other hotels and boarding lin'inca nre giving good service with low rates dur ing the winter. Round trip rates : Omaha , $16.40 ; Missouri Valley , $18.55 ; Sioux City. $14.80 , and corresponding spending reductions from other points west. Climate , water , scenery nnd hotels are un excelled. Thirty days' time allowed and nny ngent P. , E. & M. V. R. R. , or J. H. Gable , Tr.iv. Passenger Agent , Denlson , Iowa , can tell you more about It. 4 The next date will be November 22 , 1893. Visit the Chinese Dazaar , 207 So. 14tb st. Two Trains Dally , via UNION PACIFIC , for Denver nnd Colorado points. "Colorado Fnst Mall. " Leave Omaha 4:35 : p. m. today , Arrive Denver 7:35 : a. m. tomorrow. "Colorado Special.1 Lenvo Omaha 11:55 : p. m. today , Arrive Denver 2:55 : p. m. tomorrow. City ticket olllne. 1302 Farnam street C sterling teaspoons , $3. Edholni. Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe nnd grill room. Cor. ICth and Howard. The Immense stock ot fine imported furs exhibited nt the Trnnsmlsslsslppl Exposition by George do Sosnowsky of St. Petersburg and New York city has been transferred from the Liberal Arts building to No. 321 South Fifteenth street , where Mr. Sosnowsky has made a permanent location for the sale of ladles' capes , cloaks , fine rugs , etc. This Is considered the finest line ever brought to the west. Edholm , Jeweler , op. P. O. , Is showing a splendid chafing dish for $5. Snm'l Burns , 1318 Fnrntim , is selling a beautiful banquet lamp , $1.75 , formerly $8. Visit ihe Chinese Bazaar , 207 So. 14th st. Go and see the Beautiful Chrysanthemums at Hess & Swobodn. Florists. 1411 Farnam. Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and magnetic physician , has moved his office to the Tlznrd block , 224 North 23d street. Spe cial attention to all long standing or linger ing diseases nnd to diseases ot women and children. Buy your shoes of Cnrfrlght's and get Trading Stamps. Prescriptions About the only place in the city where you can got your prescriptions filled exactly as the doctor has written it. No cheap Imita tions of expensive drugs. No substitution- prices always reasonable. 35c Castorla 2."c 50c Electric Hitters 40c nef Gargling Oil 20c ' "ic'Humphrey's - Humphrey's * Specifics 20c $1.00 Hosteller's Bitters 75c 51.00 Jnyno's Expectorant T5c 2.'c Plerce's Pills . . . . . . . . . .i 20c COc Fozzonl's Powder .lie r,0c Pond's Kxtract 40c . $1.00 Steam's Wine of Cod Liver Oil. . 75c j DOe Williams' Pink Pills 40c Conn's Rheumatic Remedy ( guaranteed to cure ) $1.00 Plate Glass You can't afford to buy without getting our prices. Window glass , all sizes , any quality. Leaded Art Glass , bent , beveled , enameled nnd colored glass. French plato mirrors , tihocks and skylight glass , paints , oils , brushes , varnishes , floor oil , floor polish. J. A. FULLER & CO. , Cut Price Druggists , 'Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. ( Open nil night. ) % % % - * % % " " i. ' "ri' * * & ? A Big Saving in the cost of reaching the principal cities and winter resorts of the South Is made by taking advantage of the Hurling- ton's winter tourlat rates. They apply to almost all points outh. These for example : Augusta , Ga. New Orleans , La. Gainesville , Fla. Savannah , Ga. Havana , Cuba. St. Augustine , Fla. Jacksonville , Fla. Tampa , Fla. Mobile , Ala. Best train to take south Is th Exposition Flyer leave * Omaha at 4:30 : p. m. dally. Ticket Office : New Depot : 1502 Farnam St. I0th & Mason Sts. Telephone 250. Telephone 128. i * MAGMTIOKXT UtAIlff. Omahit in Chicago , The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rill- wax has Just placed In service two mag nificent electric lighted trains between Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally nt C:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m. and leaving Chlcngo 615 ; p. m. and arriving Omaha 8:20 : n. m. Hnch train Is lighted throughout by electricity , ban buffet smok ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , din ing cars and reclining chair cars and runs over the shortcut line nnd amoothcst road bed between the two cities. Ticket ofllco , 1504 Farnam street , and at Union depot. flood watch , $2.60. Edholm , op. P. O. We trade linck You , < nUe no rink Every day H bargain DIAMONDS. It yoo pnrohnne n diamond from a * and become dlNiatliflod vre 3111 refund yon 00 per cent of the pnrehniie price nt anr time trithin one year So that It irlll cent yon hot 1O per cent to rrcar diamond * . A DODGE Ileyn'B ChrlMtnmi Offer. In order to bring people early for Xnms work , thereby giving them nnd us plenty time we've again decided to give free from Nov. 5 to December lit with ench dozen platlno cabinets or Inrco photos n beautiful high class Roccoco frame. In Itself n hand some Xmos gift. This Is decidedly the finest souvenir we've ever given. See samples In street cases. We were awarded gold medal by expert Judges nt 189S Nebraska State nnd Inter state Photographers' convention. HEYN. THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 313-15-17 So. 16th St. Thirty days , Ireland ID Pictures bound for 15 cents. A. I. Root. 1C09 Howard St. Music boxen reonlred. Edholm , opp. P. O. House Gleaning Things May Interest you nt this time , whether they do or not we mention a fan * items you might noed. Step Ladders The bent nnd * m.tr t Mop ladder erer Hold In Ihe oily. We liuve exclusive atcciicy. FI.OOH IIIIOOMS CHAMOIS SKINS , MOPS- COTTON AND MNHX In fuel cverr thlnK needed in home clean I UK. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. , 1511 DODQE STRBET SOROSIS THE NEW SHOE TOR WOMEN. The trouble with a woman's feet Is that fiho does not treat them properly They Bprcnd without nny necessity for so doing. At 20 she wears twos or threes nt 30 fours nnd nt 40 fives. Her feet do. not grow but they have been shod In the wrong wny , , und they have spread. She has worn un natural shapes in shoes which have di rected her feet muscles In wrong direc tions. Since women wore shoos , they , the Hlioos. have been built on lasts that were scientifically wrong , nnd It Is only recently that a great Hhoo concern had the cour- ugo to start In the right direction. Strnnga us It may seem the first people to appre ciate this Innovation , was a body of the most stylish women In the country. So the shoo was chrlstenred In honor of their society , the SOROSIS. Today half the fashionable people on cither side of the Atlantic , are wearing shoes made on this pattern , and the other half nro fast getting into line. Since Fashion has set her stamp of approval on the SOROSIS shoe , ns the Kstremo of Style and the Perfection of Comfort , the manufacturers have spared no effort to make this shoe 'thoroughly ' llrst-class In every respect. The material used Is the best that can be procured ; and the workmnnshlp and finish nre unsurpass ed In nny nhoe on the market. Made In black , or tan , lace or button , and In all widths and sizes. The SOROSIS shoes hnve nil the good qualities of a custom made shoe costing $0.00 our price , $3.50 Hayden Bras. Shoe Dap ) . ViW Get Ready for Thanksgiving. Pretty things of the potter's nrt can bo found hero In great profusion. Things that will brighten up the dining table and give special flavor to the thanks giving dinner. For Monday' * Special Selling 25o for Havlland Cups and Saucer * In six decorations , stippled with gold and gold traced handlcn. 25c for Havlland plates In six decora tions , with gold tracing ! . 98o for steel sclmetcr bloded carving knife and fork sets , with stag handles. Our Kcononiy Iln rment. Is overflowing with useful kitchen helps Ornnltownrc 'tinware and woodenware , We are getting ready for wire goods etc. , etc. , little things at little prices. Christmas , 1519-1521 Douglas Street. Special HAYDEN Inducements in Men's Fine Suits. The big store is offering special inducements in men's fine suits this week. Elegant garments , stylishly made up in the newest patterns and best fabrics. A large and beautiful assortment to choose from. Six different shades of cassimere suits , all wool , well made , this week at $5. A neat depend able suit , brown or blue worsted , never sold before at less than $10 , this week for $5.75. High grade worsted and line cheviot suits , perfect fitting , nicely finished , regular $12.50 values , on sale this week for $7.50. A special offer ing of-the newest and swellest suits in satin lined worsteds at $10. These are beattifully made and perfect fitting , equal in fit and finish to custom tailors' work. At $12.50 and $15 we show you elegant suits in heavy clay worsteds , worsted cheviots , high grade cassimores and fancy worsteds , and a great variety of other carefully selected cloths , artistically and scientifically tailored ; modelled to lit the figure ; ' shape holding garments ; worth from $22.50 to $25.00. Our price this week $12.50 and $15.00. For the most exacting buyers we are showing some splen did suits at $18,00. Only the finest English and American fabrics in the latest patterns are used. They are guaranteed correct fashion , absolutely satisfactory fit , and the finest pos sible workmanship and finish. Men in the habit of paying $35.00 and $40.00 for made to order suits should see these. Alterations made free of charge until the fit pleases you. Special sizes for short or tall , stout or slim men. You save money by buying fine suits at HAYDEN BROS , Selling the Most C Jot hi tig in Omaha. Attrntlnnt Dnnluli Itratlirrhnndi All members are requested to meet nt Washington hnll Sunday nt 1 o'clock to at tend the funeral of the Into brother , Ncls Peterson of 1011 N. 23d street. ' I1Y OlinEll OP 1'IinSlDUNT. Huberman , Jeweler , est. 1S54 , absolutely reliable , lowest prices guaranteed , 13 & Douc. A. D. T. Co. : menencers furnished : bag- gngo delivered. 1302 Oouclns St. Tel. 177. Beautiful alamandlno rings , JtO. Kdholui , Stove repairs of an ; description. 1207 Douglas , Omaha Stove Repair Woiks. Do you know Balduff ? You certainly hnvo henril of nalduft's delicious candles. If wo thought we could purchase better candles east \vo would do it but wo know we can't and that's our reason for currying a complete line of his roods. Iwixntlvo Hromo Qulnlno . . . . l.'c I'liiHUd's ICati de Qulnlno . 3Sc , 7Hc Ozormilslon . . . S3c Jtooller'8 Cod I.Ivor Oil . < "C Wln'o of Mnrhinl . Sl.'t ) Fellow's Hypophosphltea . ? 1 "tf Warner's K.ile Cure . 90e Duffy Malt Whiskey . NSo Vine Kolnfra . Me Ulrney's Catarrh Cure . * KJ Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil . 75c l.ydla I'lnkham's Compound . T5o H S. S . 7Sc Plcrco's Favorite Prescription . 75e Wlno of Carilul . T5c Pint Bottle Cod Liver Oil . Me Peruuu . " > c DRUGGIST 10IU and Chicago. nir.n. DEHO Clmrlps. ngod 3.1 years , November 12. 1S9S. Kunpral Monday , November H , at 2 11. m. , from family rcsldcncf. fiU Mnrcy street Interment Fori'st l.nwn cemetery. Diseased WHS n im-mbcr of licnch ramp No. 1131 , Modern Woodmen of America. Friends Invited. PI. Imil * titiil Hi-turn. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets to ! 3t. Louis ntcry low rates on No vember 19 nnd 20. For Information call at company's new oflk-cs , S. H , Cor. lltli and Douglas streets. Monday . We Will Sell Perfume and Talcum Powder Foreat Flower , now , worth 75c , at 40c ; Daybrooka Pari sian Koses , Parisian Violets , Parisian Pink regular price 75c our price Monday 25c ounce. Highly perfumed Talcum Powder 5c per can. A Chamois Skin free with each box. These prices for Mon day only. BOSTON STORE DRUG DEPT. PLEASE REMIT la a sentence we never have to make use of. We buy nnd sell footwear for spot cash ; $1.00 'In ' good American money will go as far In our establishment as $1.50 will go In ninety per cent of the shoe stores of the state. If our money can buy shoes worth $2.00 a pair at the manufacturer's cost at $1,00 , wo sell you the same shoe nt $1.25 n pair , nnd these opportunities nro constantly placed before us. Wo do not carry everything In footwear , but what wo do offer you wo guarantee to bo strictly correct and reliable In every way. A visit to our establishment will readily convince you that your money has n greatly Increased purchasing power on footwear. Wo give no credit , wo keep no books , and said In the , " remit" ns we start the sentence "Please Is something - thing wo never make use of. Ladles' shoes , small sizes , 4Sc , CSc , OSc. Popular Price Cash Shoe House. Howe-Talmage Shoe Co , , 1515 Douglas St. SIRRON SHOES What's the name ? Norris' Shoes And the price ? $1.50 , $2 , 2.50 $3 And the place ? 1413 Douglas Street We carry a fine line of Hand-Made shoos , to soil the trade who generally have their shoes made to order. These shoos are made from the flnest selections of leathorb perfect in fit , and wo only aak $5.00 not # 8.00. T. B. Norris , Mail Orders. 1413 Douglas Street. WE ARE not going to bother you with a long shoe tale just simply want to eay we can more than satisfy you in winter shoes our shoes are worn by the poor the middle class , the well-to-do and the rich all because we give the same style in the ยง 3.00 shoes as in those at $6.00 our prices jog along at $8.00 , $3.50 , $4.00 , $5.00 and $6.00. No , the shoes are not worth $6.00 , $7.00 , $8.00 , , $10.00 and $12.00 but they're worth our price. price.t P. Cartwrigbt N. E. Corner 16th and Douglas. "The only coal receiving honorable mention at the Exposition. " SHERIDAN COAL leads them in sales. We think nothing of putting out 150 tons a day in Omaha alone. Best coal mined in Wyoming. VICTOR WHITE , 16O5 Parnain St. Telephone 127. Thr ! V MV Mcrrrr Hotel. Wo can board you this winter cb p r than you ran Keep house , l.lcctrlo light , stcnm heat , fifty baths. Chest Protectors Wo hnvn Just received n splendid nsnort- mcnt of Chest Protectors , ranging In prlcn from $1.00 to $2.00. Wo have some for 50c. WE ARK CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS. $1.00 Wlno of Cartful , wo pell 730 23c Packer's Tar Soap , wo sell luo Banltol Tooth Wash r > 0c Sanitol Tooth Taste 230 Sanltol Tooth Powder 2So UpyFerlto Soap EC and tOo 50c Malted Milk , wo soil lOc $1.00 Malted Milk , \\e sell SOa $3.7.1 Mulled Milk , wp soil $3.13 $1.00 1'lnkham'n Compound , \\o sell . . . 7ia ! $1.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey , we sell . . . . S5o 23o Ruby Pearl Tooth Soap , wo sell. . . . Ho $1.00 Mitdamo Ynlo'n Goods , wo sell , . . , T.'u $1.00 bottle Port or Sherry Wine , wo sell COo Good Atomizer , wo tell . . , . . , , , COo Good Family Syringe , \\o sell COo One-hnlf pint cans bert Pnlnt made , w sell Ifio Flrst-clasa 2-quart Fountain Syringe , we fell , 76o Good Supporter for ladles , wo soil . . . . $1.00 write or Call for Catalogue. Sherman & McDonnell Duj : Go 1513 DODGE STREET. Middle of Block. Onmbn. Neb. Gas Fixtures Fancy Globes Don't bo swindled Into buying second fixtures when you can get new aud late de signs nt half the price at i I j J. Momssey Plumbing Co. , 319 South 15th Street , Incandescent Gas Lamps , 85c , ' Wo employ no agents or solicitors. OPEN NIGHTS. Telephone 720. , . ) The Acorn Oak. If you are Interested In soft coal heaters wo ask you to examine the Acorn Oak. See. the finely ground Joints nmlMUtlngs , the lever handles that draw the doors ttRht , the screw drafts , the Inrgo deflecting ring , and many other new features of merit. The Acorn Oak Is absolutely nir tight nnd holds lire easily twenty-four hours. Acorn stoves nnd ranges took highest award and gold medal over all competitors at Transmlsslsslppl Kxpo- sltlon. John Hussie Hdw , Go , , HOT CUMING ST. Solo Agents. "Doubting Thomases" Never enjoy the good things of this world because of their doubts. While waiting nnd doubting , the other fellow walks oft with the prize. When wo first began advertising our \ TIVE CENT JERSEY CIGAR There were * ome people who doubted our statement tlmt the Jersey was equal to 1 moHt lOc cigars sold but they doubt no more. These doubting Thomases have all tried the Jersey and they arc our best cus V tomers. Paxton Block Cigar Sfon , 10th aud Fiirnuru. Jacob Jnnkulok Prop. TEBTH EXTRACTED 25 CENfS. PAINLESS DR. MASON , DENTIST UXTRACTION 4th Floor Brown Blk. , 16th and Douglai Gold Alloy riding $1.0O Cold Filling $1.00 and up Gold Crowns $5.0O Set Teeth $5.00 Best Te in $7.50 WE DON'T CLAIM to be the only dentist on earth , but will do you a peed piece of dental work at a reason able price , and will stay right in Omaha to back it up. Some of the half price exposi tion offices have found and filled more than twice the number of cavities we could find in BA/L& a month. But we don't believe it's economy " \ o have this done. Wo can find all the de- ay in a set of teeth , and have never made a practice of filling teeth which did not need It. ( from actual cases. ) For good reliable work tfo to a per manently edtablUhod dentist. If you don't want to pat ronize us bo < ; ; uiio wo advertise , or for other reasons , go to hoiuu reliable dentist wit > Inn been in Omaha for Kovoral yours and IB not af aid to ran liU businchs In his own name. Wo are n it In the hubli of dopi'uulatin ? the ability of any other person In our profoHBlon , but don't lllcotot-oo the pub lic imp'Hcd upon , and will wtuiul by the established demists of Omaha , to too that it la not done without sounding-a note of warning , 3rd Floor Paxton Block , 16th and Farnam Streets Telephone 1085. Lady Attendant. German and liohcmiau Spoken. Ulcvun years iu Omaha.