Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1898, Part II, Page 22, Image 22

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AdrcrtlNcmcnti for the e colnmtm
% lll lie tnken until 12 in. for the
CTcnltiR and until SiSO for niornlim
nd Snnilnr edition * .
Hntm , 1 l-'c n irord flrnt Insertion |
la n word tlierenfler. Nothing taken
for lend ( hnn a.lo for the flmt limor-
lon. ThcKC ndtcrtlienienla iuu t be
rnii conitcuiitlvcl } ' .
AilvortlNorn , by renncnilnit n nnm-
lirrcd check * cnn hnve minwera Ril-
drmril to a. numhcrrd Icnttcr In cnrc
of Tlio Hue. Aiitwrrn no nclilremtoa
M-lll lie delivered on iirc eutntlon of
th check only.
STENOGRAPHER of experience and thor
oughly competent wants position ; young
man with best references. Address t. 10 ,
Dec. A 218
STsTENOGRAPHER. when you want one
please rnll 1111 the Remington typewriter
ofllcc , 1819 Farnam at. , telephone lo < 3.
IA ORAOUATE nurse would like. to travel
with Invalid ; references. Address i Q * . ' ,
A-1C3 lu
Uo i.
WANTED a position to do hotel " ( lice
' work ; can Keep books. Addrosr Itox lAi ,
Arcadia. A-201 IT
. Neb. _ ,
iVVANTEb , situation by registered pharma
cist : 20 years' experience ; understand' )
wall paper and side lines ; single ; ri-fet.
untc. Address JO. M. Baker. St. Paul ,
Neb. A MM 15
.TAILORS. attend Dyhr's cutting school.
618 So. 13th Bt . D 93 > P2
_ _
SALESMEN for cigars ; $125 a month and
cxpcnsm ; old flrm ; experience unneces-
nary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
11 632
[ WANTED , we have steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 621 So. 16th St.
B 2uU " *
\ .
, WANTED. energetic man or womaji for
outside work ; good pay weekly. Hawks
Nursery Co. , Milwaukee ,
SALESMEN to sell office specialties ; fine
sldo lines : $3 a day ; used by all mer
chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box . B. South
Bend , Ind. B Mo92 Is 29 *
DMAHA representatives of. Molcr system of
Barber Colleges , 11 Crelghton Bldg. , 15th
ft Douglas Sts. , olTera free transportation
to Chicago. St. Louis or Minneapolis for
unyono wanting to learn the barber trade.
This special Inducement Is made to ap
plicants from country to get enough
students to cupply demand. Wo have con
tracts to furnish 300 hospitals with bar
bers JGO.CO monthly : 8 weeks completes ;
wo furnish constant practice ; no C-cent
barbers as Instructors. Call or write at
once. B-S26
.WE want to engage 3 first-class paper
salesmen. Western Paper Co. , Omaha.
B 010 14
IYOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only G
to 8 weeks required : we give our gradu
ates employment till they receive In
wages as much as they pay for tuition
and expenses learning. St. Louis Barber
college , Odd Fellows' bldg. , Dodge and
14th. Omaha , Prof. Randolph , Instructor.
B M956 D9
WANTED , Gordon press feeders. Address
Osborne Co. . Red Oak , la. , today-
.WANTED . , bricklayers. Apply to Rowles
& Moore , Columbus , Neb. B-MMO 13 *
( WANTED. 100 carpenters. Armour & Co. ,
South Omaha. B-M909 13
JUAN or woman of energy and business
nbltlty to travel for established tlrm ; $30
n month and all expenses. P. AV. Xlegler
& Co. , S22 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111.
WANTED , trustworthy persons to travel.
Salary $780 and expenses. References.
Kncloso self-addressed st impel envelope.
The Dominion Company , Chicago.
[ WANTED , taylor. Steady employment for
good , all-round man. Apply Immediately
to Matt Schon , Hawardcn , la.
B-M12G 17 *
WANTED , salesmen ; salary paid weekly ;
experience unnecessary. Permanent.
Brown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B
GOOD men to distribute 6,000,000 pieces adv.
matter : big wages : enclose stamp. Mfrs.
Adv. Co. . Dept. A. E. , 114 W. 34th St. ,
New York. B
WANTED , reliable men and women In
every town to work for us ; neat , steady
employment ; good wages ; no deception ;
no delay : send us your address and wo
will pond you work Immediately. Ad-
drssH Standard Art Mfg. Co. , 142 West 23d
St. . New York City. B-
WANTED. engineers and firemen send 2ti
rents for a 24-pige pamphlet containing
u list of questions asked by an examining
board of engineers. Address Geo. A..el -
ler. bookseller. IS So. 4th St. , St. Louis ,
Mo. Mention this paper. B
BALKSMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers ;
$100 monthly salary and expenses ; experi
ence unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co. , St.
Louis. Mo. B 150 13 *
WANTED Energetic salesmen to sell best
belt dressing on earth to factories in
Om-lha and other manufacturing towns ;
big pay to right men ; sold with guarantee
to plcuso or money refunded. American
Olelto Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B-151 IS *
.WANTED Names of ruptured people : we
euro rupture free , to Introduce our meth
od. Dr. Spelrs , CO Main St. , Wustbrook ,
Maine. B-152 13 *
'UD Salesman to sell Imported and
domestic liquors , principally tine Ken
tucky whiskies and blends , case , and bar
rel goods , to jobbers and saloon trade ,
Good chance to the right -man ; nalary 01
commission. Addrero R. S. Strader &
Hon , 09 and VI E. Water St. , Lexington ,
Ky. B-153 IS *
DRY GOODS salesman wanted on commls.
slon : country trade ; must carry otliei
lines to make It pay. Chestnut. Penn &
Street , 209-13 Ionic St. , Philadelphia.
B 149 13 *
( CO A Month guaranteed agents. Send foi
circular. Franklin Book Co. , Pnllnda.
n-us 13 *
GOVERNMENT positions Don't prepare
for any civil service examination without
seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Information
mation ; sent free. Columbian Correspondence -
pondenco College , Washington , D. C.
B-173 13 *
' EXPERIENCED salesmen wanted to sel
mir lubrUiitlr.g oils and greases : coin'
mission or salary. Merchants Oil Co.
Cleveland. O. " B-172 13 *
COAT maker wanted. S. Larsen , 315 N
ICtli St. 11-170 IS *
KEN Reliable , to tack signs ; $12.50 pei
week and expenses ; steady work : sem
lOc for postage , sample , etc. Vnunj
Medicine Co. , 2129 N. Colorado St. . 1'hlla
dolphin , 1'a. t 11-171 13 *
GENTLEMEN can earn money at home
can ilt voti whole or part time ; no etui
vusslng. html stamp for particulars. Nov
city , box 1531 , Boston , Mass. H
WANTED Salesmen for Nebraska , havlni
general road experlenco to carry side llnu
no Hellenics ; good commissions ; reference :
required. Columbia Jewelry Co. . Imvi
City. In. B-174 13 *
WANTED , salesmen. Most extensive lln
of signs , feliow cards , price marks am
window tickets In U. 8. ; rare opuor
tunlty : monopoly. National Novelty Mffi
Co. , Dayton. O. B-211 13 *
FIRST-CLASS salesman wanted to Intro
due ? and appoint ugontH on article fo
household use- : rolls at eight ; profits large
pxrUislvo territory given to right nun ;
C. M. A. Mfg. Co. . Chicago. B-232 13 *
WANTED , men and women to work n
home. I pay $8 to $16 per week for mak
Ing crayon portraits. Now patent metlim
anyone who can read or write can do th
work nt home. In spare time , day or even
Ing. Send for particulars und work a
once. Addref * . H. A. Grlpp , Germu
Artist , Tyrone , Pa. B-27'J 13 *
WAITED , a registered , pharmacist who I
n practical jeweler. Address A. D. Noi
Ilnir. Lltchficld. Neb. B-M215 16
WANTED , a thoroughly experienced r.lctur
frame maker ; none- but those having ha
experience- large- picture frame house
need apply. People's Furniture and r u
B-253 11 *
pet Co.
( Continued. )
ALESMAN wanted ; smart , Intelligent ,
energetic , to call on doctors only ; also
ono outside city to represent best known
llrm In the trade ; position permanent.
Good Income. Address It. , P. U. Box 1552 ,
Philadelphia. B-212 13
VE WANT to engage three experienced ,
first-class paper salesmen. Western Paper
Co. , Omaha. _ B-M2I8 17
VANTED , A No. 1 steamfltters and plumb
ers. J. Morrlssey Plbg. Co. , 319 Ho. 15th.
B-M228 15
IANAGER wanted In every large county ;
strictly lawful ( nickel ) slot machine for
drinks and cigars ; wrlto for territory.
P. O. Box 721 Chicago , III. B-23J 13 *
WANTED , 150 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76.
C-M1S8 N20
WANTED , cook. 3620 Farnam.
C-M066 13
VANTED , a good cook ; also a housemaid ,
nt 511 Bo. 29tli Avc. C-976 1G *
} IRL for general housework. 7i > 2 South
29th st. C-MM213 *
URL for general housework. J. L. Hill ,
270C S. 13th. C-100-13 *
VANTED , girl for general housework. 2107
Spencer. C MI21 13
GOOD , strong girl for general housework.
1817 Jackson. C-M120 11 *
VANTED , girl for general housework.
Mra. W. C. Prltchard , 3702 N. 21st st.
C-M112 14
VANTED , cook by Mrs. Lyman , 200S Burt
street. C-14t 13 *
5OOD girl for second work. 618 N. 19th.
C-13S 14 *
jADIES wanted for profitable home work ;
no canvahslng ; easy , fascinating. For
particulars send stamp to Novelty , box
1531 , Boston , Mass. C
, ADIES to maks sample patches at home ;
$ fi to $10 weekly ; no canvassing ; reply en
velope for sample and particulars. Foster
Machine Co. , C25 West 29th St. , New York.
C-156 13 *
LADIES to do embroidery work at home ;
good pay : experience unnecessary ; reply
envelope for particulars and sample. Man.
Embroidery Co. , Pearl and Bcckman Sts. ,
Now York City. C 157 13 *
\ BRIGHT , energetic lady as retail sales
lady In this city , for old established house
on rpeclal attractive offer : $0.00 salary
and commission. Address , stating experl
enco and reference. Box 1991 , Boston ,
Mass. C-153 13 *
jADlES to embroider ; good paying , easy
work sent to your home. Addressed envelope -
volopo for sample and material ? . Em
pire Embroidery Works , 23 Duane St. ,
New York City. C 139 13 *
LADIES wanted everywhere as literary
correspondents to assist In compiling our
register ; wo can use good mss ; enclose
self-address'd envelope. lllustro-Llterary
Pub. Co. , Chicago , III. C 153 13 *
LADIES and gentlemen as correspondents
for a New York magazine ; will not Inter
fere with present business ; highest
prices paid ; experience not necessary :
send stamped envelope for terms. J. II.
Wllday , publisher , 100 Park Row , N. Y.
C-164 13 *
WANTED Two first-class dining room
girls , laundress and chambermaid ; wage *
$3 per week ; permanent employment for
the right parties. Houston hotel. Goth
enburg , Neb. C M176 14 *
WANTED A peed girl for general house
work. Mrs. W. R. Lumry , S410 Jones st.
C 175 13
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city ;
$5 to $73. Fidelity , first floor. N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St.
IOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and 13-
room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block.
A FEW cottages. 436 Board of Trade.D638
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 15111/ .
Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-G38
BEiNEWA'8 residence to rent , 3230 BurT
HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1602 Farnam.
COTTAGE on easy payments. 604 Bee bldg.
HOUSES. Chas. E. Benson , 310 Ramge bldg
D M782 J13 *
TOR RENT , 10-room modern house and
barn , with largo , shady grounds.
John W. Robblns , Agt. , 1S02 Farnam St.
D M188
MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 121 N. 15th.
Tel. H36. D M311 N22 *
8-ROOM house : bath , furnace , cemented
cellar ; $2U. Inquire 439 Board of Trada.
MODERN 8-r. , 70S So. 35th. 604 Bee Bldg.
D 754
9-ROOM brick house and barn , 2003 Blnney ,
$30 ; also furnished house and barn ,
Kountze Place. 'J. ' J. Gibson , 614 First
Nat. bank. D-921 13
MODERN 7-room house , near park. 1509
South 2Sth St. D M930
6-ROOM house ; 6-room flat. Inquire 2702
Dccatur. D M957 13 *
1803 OHIO st. . 9-room house ; all modern
Hxcept furnace ; large barn. Fidelity. 1st
II. N. Y. Life. D-M118
6-ROOM houso. 2352 Spauidlns St. . $12. T.
II. Fell , 3 Brown Blk. D-M128
FOR RENT , a modern 8-room cottage.
Enquire at 21st and St. Mary's Avo.
D-142 14
8-ROOM modern house , S30 So. 22nd St.
D-143 13 *
FURNISHED house , 7 rooms , very cheap.
603 , Bee. D M180 15 *
11-ROOM brick residenceNo. . 1029 S. 30th
uve. , all modern , electric bells , hard wood
finish , laundry , etc.
9-room. detached , modern , with or without
burn. No. 1471 Park ave.
Inquire of owner , No. 1031 S. 30th ave.
D-179 IS *
ELEGANT ten-room brick , modern. 2601
Capitol avenue. Dr. Swartzlandcr.
D-176 13 *
FOR RENT 7-room cottage , 2514 Burt St
Inquire of A. M. Anderson , 3202 Cumlng st
D 177 13 *
CHOICE S-r. detached , 70S B. nsth : large
lawn. 604 Bee Bldg. D M22-4 I ?
FOR RENT , elegant 10-roorn modern house
down town. Brennan-Lovo Co. . 219 8
ICth St. D-M219 13
1SOS Corby , G-r. house. $12.CO.
1(115 ( Manderson , 5-r. house , $12.50.
3rt15 Charles , 6-r. house. Jii.CO.
IfiOJ uoward , G-r. fiat , $2000.
03 N. 16th. ntoro room , $15.00.
GARVIN BROS. , 1613 Farnam St.
D-220 13
MODERN eight-room house , with barn
largo lot. In Kountzo Place. Inquire 72
N. Y. Life. D-2S3 13 *
ELEGANT twelve-room house. Worthing
ton Plncc. modern and heated by furnace
Price , $15 per month. Apply to J. A
Scott , In the Omaha National bank.
D-229 13
FOR RENT , modern st am heated flat
Davldco Bldg. . opposite City hall.
John W. Robblns , 1S02 Farnam street.
SEVEN-ROOM furnished cottage for th (
winter. 4000 Soward. D M2I5 15 *
HOUSE , also cottage. 601 Bee Bldg.
FOR RENT , several desirable houses. J
H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D M248 1
VERY desirable steam-heated front rooms
transient or permanent. Enquire t fla
t > . Davldgo Bldg. , corner 18th und Far
naiu Hta. Good reference required.
( Continued. )
ITEAM heated rooms , reasonable. 2009
llarncy St. E-395-Nov.-24 *
'IIRED nice- rooms , housekeeping. 1112
South llth. E-CC1
VELL heated rooms with or without
board , for families and single gentlemen.
Franck's hotel , 220',4 N. 16th street. Rates
reasonable. E 493
FOR RENT , nice furnished rooms. 2412 Cass
E M651
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St !
Mary's avenuo. E M91712 *
fQR RENT , Suite of 2 furnWied rooms for
light housekeeping. 1702 Webster St.
E-M610 N30 *
IOOMS , housekeeping , 1712',4 Jackson.
A FINE room , south hay window , furnace
heat , for $7.00 per month. Sft ? N. 42nd ;
quiet family. E-M962 12 *
'LEASANT front room for ono or two
gentlemen ; modern conveniences : desira
ble location ; references. Address G 12 ,
Baa. i E-M9CO 13 *
3LEOANT rooms , furnished or unfur
nished , with furnace , heat : no objection
to light housekeeping , at 2212 Wlrt St.
E-MP9S 13 *
BURNISHED rooms , modern , 257S Ilarney.
E M09D 17 *
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms : fine
location. Price reasonable. 120 North 23d
E-Hii 13 *
Ave. -
"URNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2(23 ( St.
Mary's Avo. E 147 10 *
TOR RENT , to ono or two men , large
furnished room , convenient to board. COS
So. 27th St. E-133 13 *
} NE east front , ono north front , steam
heated , with bath , hot water , etc. South
west corner Farnam and 20th Street.
E-133 18
TOR RENT Furnished front , room with
heat ; $5 per month. 825 S. 21th street.
E-184 13 *
PO RENT 4 rooms , furnished or unfur
nished ; modern. 1312 S. 28th strept.
E-M1S3 1C *
jARGB front room , with bay window ;
furnace heat , gas , bath , for two gentle
men ; car at door ; $3 a month. Address
G Gl , Bee. E 182 13 *
CICELY furnished warm rooms , cheap and
right In town. 1623 Dodge St. , up stairs.
E-1S1 13 *
TEN MINUTES from city hall , single room
for gentleman ; modern : rent moderate.
Reference Ml South 20th St. E-230 13 *
3ESIRABLE front room , modern conveni
ences. In quiet family , to gentlemen only.
2303 Douglas st. ' E-M233 15 *
PLEASANT front room , nicely furnlrhed ,
for ono or two gentlemen. 2017 Dodge St.
E-210 13
FURNISHED rooms , $3.00 per month. 623
No. 21st. E M244 15 *
2 NICELY furnished rooms , ono with al
cove ; bath : south and cast front. 1914
California st. E 223 13 *
NICELY furnished rooms , steam and bath ;
also rooms for housekeeping1. 707 So. IGth
St. , top floor. E 264 13 *
FURNISHED rooms , steam heat , all out
side rooms , $2.00 to $3.00 per week , with
telephone. 313V4 North 15th st. Flat L.1
E M2G3 15 *
FURNISHED room with heat for two ,
$10.00. 842 3. 18th St. E M24G 19
FOR RENT , one or two elegant rooms
In private family : best neighborhood ;
modern house. 118 , Bee. E M2S5 15 *
FURNISHED room for light housekeeping.
2310 Douglas St. x E M2SO 15 *
FARNAM Terrace , furnished rooms for
gentlemen ; all conveniences. 2033 Far
nam. E M27G 19 *
3 OR t NICE rooms for light housekeeping" .
Heat , bath and gas stove. H 7 , Bee.
E-M275 14
TAKE down that "for sain" or "for rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In u day than vlll pass your
window in a month ; and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F-865
THE MERRIAM. first-class family hotel.
25th and Dodge Sts. F 642
FURNISHED rooms with board , 2576
Harncy. F MS24 N14 *
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
baths , $1.50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , 16th and Webster sts. F M627
BOARD and room , J4 up. 614 N. 19th.
F M938 DS
NICELY furnished southeast front room ;
private family. 702 S. 29th st. F M991 16 *
NICELY furnished rooms , with or without
board. In private family. Address G 53 ,
Bee. F 104-17 *
YOUNG couple with comfortable home ,
Kountzo Place , will take young couple
to board for the winter. G 59. Bee.
F 140 13 *
NICE , single front room with board for
single gentleman. 1722 Dodge. F 139 15"
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Ave. , refitted
and reopened by Nov. 13. Apply on
premises. F 138 15 *
VERY desirable rooms , hot water heat ,
all modern conveniences. 212 So. 23th St.
If i"t
ROOMS and board for two gentlemen Ir
private family ; J15 per month ; walking
distance of business center. G 6G , Bee.
F 231 13 *
WELL furnished room , good board , rea
sonable. 518 N. 19th. F-137 14
AN UNUSUALLY lar e corner room foi
rent ; two gentlemen preferred , ( i 64. Bee ,
F 1SG 13 *
NICE furnished rooms , with board , all
modern. 1703 Dodge. F M1S3 19 *
LARGE flouth front room , alcove , with 01
without board , to man and wife ; nrlvate
family ; references. Address G 53 Bee.
F 187 13 *
LARGE furnlsh'd room for 2 or 4 parties
reasonable * price ; private family. 2211
Douglas St. F 188 13 *
YOUNG couple with nice , comfortable mod
ern home , woulrt like man and wife t <
board ; will muke terms very rcasonabli
as wo desire their company. G < n. Bee.
F-M214 15
FRONT rooms. 2384 Harney. Cor. 2Cth.
F-M231 18 *
IN private family , nicely furnished alcovt
room , also one small room. H 5. lice.
F-SI241 14 *
PLEASANT well furnished room wltli
board ; all mod. conv. : on car line , neal
Hanscom park. Address H L' . Bee.
F-M2I7 14
WANTED. 1 or 2 ladles , with or without
board. 3112 Woolworth Ave. F M270 13
WELL heated roims , furnished or unfur
nished. 201 S. 23th Avc. F M2CS 17 *
< OR 5 CIIO1CG locations , one floor : prl
vate bath ; references necessary. C. 30
Bee. . G 613
S CHAMBERS convenient for housekeep
ing to a man and wife without children
3 blocks from poatofllce. 319 N. 17th St
6 ROOMS. 70S 8. 17th. G-M719 D3 *
FOR RENT , sulto of three unfurnlshei
rooms , with light and heat , for Ugh
housekeeping. 2222 Farnam St. G-23rt 13 *
FOR RENT , two unfurnished rooms. 71
So. 16th St. , Hat 4. Cull Sunday.G190
G-190 13 *
FOR RENT , 2 unfurnished rooms Ugh
housekeeping man and wife ; large , sunn ;
south room and rmallcr room with t > ;
basin and gns range , closets , etc. . In prl
vate family. 2628 Charles Bt. O-M257 15 *
UNFURNISHED room at No. 9)5 N. 24lh
G-M269 15 *
UNFURNISHED and furnished room ;
with board ; suitable for light houiokeep
Ins : all modern , Prices reasonable. 221
Howard. U 28113 *
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk.
1-644 '
NICE ntore , corner 21th nnd Hamilton. Ap
ply 251SCaldwell. 1-645
3-STORY nnd basement brick store build
ing , 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. I-M617
STORE , with living Teem In back. Flrst-
class chance for good drersmakcr , dry
goods , notions , etc. Address 2631 Sherman
Ave. I-9S3 13 *
RENT Two choice rooms In N. Y.
Life at half price. Address G 51 , Bee.
I-10C-13 *
FOR RENT , 3 elegant now store rooms for
drugs , groceries and meat at 40th und
Cumlng sts. ; best location In the city.
Apply to Dr. S. D. Mercer , room 206 ,
Ramge block. I M1000 DIO
'FINE store for meat market. Fidelity ,
1st floor N. Y. Life. 1-141 19
AGENT for city business. Energetic man ,
well acquainted. Standard Accident Ins.
Co. First Nafl Bank Bldg.
AGENTS on snlary or commission : the
greatest agents' seller ever produced ;
every user of pen nnd Ink buys It on sight ;
20.1 to 600 per cent profit ; ono agent's
sales amounted to $620 In six days ; an
other $ .12 In two hours. Monroe Eraser
Mfg. Co. X 16 , La Crosse , Wls.JM122
J-M122 13 *
AGENTS make $1 nn hour selling our
economy fire klndlcrs ; handy harness
rlvlters and other specialties ; sample
klndler , postpaid , 15 cents. Phoenix Mfg.
Co. , Dopt. S. , Hlllsboro , III. J-
AGENTS for Perfection Self-heating Hair
Curler : elegant holiday gift ; fast seller ;
largo profits : sample 60c ; for circulars and
exclusive territory write Standard Speci
alties Co. , Times Bldg. , New York.
? ORTRAIT agents save big money getting
our wholesale prices on portraits and
frames" . The Grove Art Co. , 295. Fifth
Ave. , Chicago. J
LADY AGENTS If you want the best
money maker you must have Our Hygela
Llectrlo Corsets the standard for twenty ,
years. Address Western Corset Co. , St.
Loulti , Mo. J
WE DO not want boys or loafers to write
us , but men of ability. $200 to $800 per
month ; salesmen and general agents ; sal
ary or commission. Racine. Fire Engine
Co. , limited , Racine , Wls. J
'PORTRAIT agents , crew managers and
photographers will do well to get whole-
Bale prices on portraits and frames from
Denver Fine Art Co. , 22 Tabor block , Den
ver. j _
PLAYS , wlf ? , ' whiskers , paints , etc. , for
masquerades and stage makeups ; tricks
and novelties ; Illustrated catalogue free.
Address Charles Marshall , Mgr. , Lockport ,
N. Y. Agents wanted. J-162 13 *
ACTIVE solicitor ? wanted- everywhere for
"Th ? Story of the Philippines , " by Murat
Halstead , official historian of thn AVar
department ; written In army camps at
San Francisco , on the Pacific with Gen
eral Merrltt , In the Insurgent camps with
Agulnaldo , on the deck of the Olympla
with Dewey , and In the roar of battle
at the fall of Manila ; bonanza for agents ;
largo book , low prlcss , big profits ; freight
paid , credit given , outfit free. Dominion
Company , Dept. H , Chicago. J 160 13 *
WANTED , agents everywhere to handle
our specific ? , cough cures , female reme
dies , blood purifier , pile cure , etc. ; agents
other places make $16 to $30 weekly ; we
advertise you at home ; you can build up
permanent , profitable business ; remedies
guaranteed. K-I-B-O Company , P. O. Box
672 , Chicago. 111. J-161 13 *
AGENTS , do you want to make money
quick ? Sell the "Story of the Philip
pines ; " everybody Is Interested , people
want Information , the story of Dewey ,
the story of oppression , the story of
freedom ; a gorgeous array of Illustra
tions , ns captivating as the most charmIng -
Ing romance , as accurate as the dic
tionary ; written by Murat Halstead , U.
S. gov. historian , and America's most fa
mous author ; write quick : outfit free ;
credit given : freight paid. The Patriotic
Pub. Co. , 120-122 Randolph St. . Chicago.
J 243 13 *
AGENTS and canvassers We have just
completed a new line of glass medallions
for the holiday trade : handsome , cheap
and quick sellers : agents making1 $200.00
per month. Western Glass Advertising
Co. , 807 Van .Buren St. , Chicago.J240
J-240 13
AGENTS , secure territory free , giving you
monopoly on a patent article ; 200 per cent
profit. C. N. Johnson , Rockford , 111.
Ilk J 193 13 *
SALESMEN , $5 to $8 dally selling wrapping
paper and advertising novelties to mer
chants throughout the country , conven
ient side line : samples furnished reliable
men. The Kemper Thomas Paper Co. ,
Cincinnati , Ohio. J 192 13 *
AGENTS to Fell our cut price Christmas
publications ; BOc book ISo ; $1,00 book 25c ;
$1.50 book Me ; $2.50 book 75c ; credit given ,
freight prepaid , outfit free. Ferguson
Publishing Company , 1130 Vine St. , Cin
cinnati , Ohio. J-191 13 *
AGENTS , new burner , fits all kerosene
lamps : makes Its own brilliant gaslight ;
no chimney , wick or dirt : cheep : won
derful tuccsss ; outfit free. Perfection Gas
Light Burner Company , Cincinnati , Ohio ,
J 198 13 *
ONLY perfect bath cabinet , greatest seller ,
R. M. Irwln , St. Louis , Nashville , Tcnn ,
J-197 13 *
SALESMEN , four flrstclass salesmen to sell
best merchants for holiday trade ; $5C
weekly and expenss ? . Address with refer
ences , 1611 Manhattan Bldu. , Chicago.
J 103 13 *
AGENTS. $150 monthly selling Marvsl
Water Proof Shoe Polish : every person
buys ; If you need good wnges write ot
valuable free samples and circular. Hoi-
Inday & Co. , 182 Dearborn Bt. , Chicago.
J-19613 *
SALESMEN visiting confectionery , drufi
and liquor trade to handle excellent aide
line : quick sales ; liberal commlffllons. D ,
C. S. Co. , 466 Jackson Ut. , St. Paul , Minn ,
J-194 13 *
COUNTRY agents wanted , big money made ,
Address Pralrlo Farmer , Chicago , III.
J 216 13
AGENTS WANTED Why not make from
$20 to $40 per week for the next ten
months ? Ltvo men and women can do II
easily handling our Christmas novelties ;
all goods guaranteed. Mutual Manufac
turing Co. , New York. J-27S 13 *
WANTED , to rent a good hotel or4ostau-
rant or R. R. eating house In some Uve
western town by parties of 20 years' ex
perience ; reference If required. Address
Henderson hotel , Omaha. K M959 16 *
BOARD WANTED-Man. wife and chil
dren. 5 nnd 3 years old. Private family ,
near Webster Street depot. Will pay good
board for nice homo for winter. Address
G 44 , Bee. K M9S8 13 *
YOUNG man and wife wont nicely fur
nished room nnd alcove , with first-class
board. In private family. State location
and terms , G 48. Bee. K-MSS6 13 *
FURNISHED house , or 4 or 5 furnished
rooms , by responsible party. No children ,
Kountze Place preferred. II 4 , Bee.
K-237 13 *
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping , with private family ;
must bo good location ; state price. Ad
dress G 57 , Bee. K-189 13 *
WANTED , by man and wife , sulto of rooms
( unfurnished ) , with board , strictly prlvati
famllv ; must be In good location and best
of references required. State price. O 60 ,
Bee. K 199 13 *
TWO or three steam heated rooms for light
housekeeping by parties without chlldrer
who will bo permanent. H S , Bee.
K 265 13 *
WANTED , house 7 or S rooms by respon
sible party ; reasonable distance from
court house ; mcxlorn ; state location and
rent. Address E. M. , 2305 Douglas St.
K-272 13 *
MR. AND MRS. MORAND. 1310 Uarn * >
St. , now open : lessons for children am
adults. For terma please call. Always open
JIORAND'S assemblies every Wednesday , I
p. in. ; opening assembly November 2 ; yoi :
are Invited ; new dances , orchestra ; ad-
mliislon , 2Sc : private | p on day and
evening ; waltz and 2-step guaranteed , 15
1 7 N-JO
F YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N S67
THE BEST HOME ; $2.000 will buy on easy
terms. I am no agent. X64 , Bee ,
ALL kinds of household good * , hotels , etc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co. , Tel. 2020. 1406-8-10 Dodge.
N-M453 N27
WANTED , to buy a two-seated extension
too carriage ; must bo In good condition ,
Address H 1 , Bee. N 238 13 *
I WISH to purchase , for cash , established
lire * Insurance- agency In Omaha. Address
C. L. Harris , P. O , Box 879. Lincoln. Neb.
N-2D9 13 *
WANTED , $10.000 worth furniture. Trans-
mlsalssilppl furniture store , cor. 16th and
Davenport. N-M260 D12
WILL pay cash for partly paid up expo
sition stock. Byron R. Hastings , 212 S.
14th St. N M273
DEBT nnd cheapest stoves nnd furniture
sold at small profits ; highest prices paid
for good good * . D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th.
O 174
FOR 30 days you can buy best and cheap
est carriages , buggies and phaetons , newer
or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge.
P M225 N22
FOR SALE , gentla family horie. 309 S. 17th.
FOR SALE Cheap , span of horses ; gentle.
Apply 607 North 19th St. P-761
FOR SALK , horse , harness and buggy. Q
41. Bee. P-946
4 TOP buggies , 3 open road wagons. 2 nice
carriages , 3 phaetons , 2 good milk wagons ,
worth looking nt. Drummond Carriage
Co. , opp. Court House , 18th and Harney.
P-M630 N30
FAMILY horse and phaeton , bargain If
taken nt once. H 6 , Bee , or 2021 No. 21st.
P 253 13 *
OAK boards , $16 per m.j also cheapest slat
cribbing. 901 Douoglad street. Q 649
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. , mixed paints.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513
Dodge street , Omaha. Q M121 N18
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 VInton St. , Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or cjcpress promptly filled.
Q 650
2ND-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlght , 1116 Far'm
Q-M331 N2i !
HOG poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best. Wire Works , 14th and Harncy.
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.B. for 6 cents ,
at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 652
2ND-HAND typewriters cheap. 1116 Far'm
Q-M332 N22
BUFFALO horns , Indian relics. 1114 Fnr'm
Q-MD30 N22
WOOLF ZACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plan
ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.50 to
$40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-M887 Fb24
FOR $5.00 pawn ticket for diamond ring :
cost $40.00 ; In pawn for $11. E It , Bee.
FOR BALE , aawlng machine. Domestic
cabinet. 2101 Douglas. Q MM1 15 *
FOR SALE , nsw piano cheap or will trade
for printing1 or laundry work. G 64 , Bee.
Q-M116 13
IF RATS and mice annoy you write 8. S.
Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. , for sure exter
minator. Q M124 13 *
KIMBALL upright piano cheap. 2S13
Dewey Avc. Q 134 13 *
FOR SALE , milk wagon , almost new : a
bargain. Inquire Leachcy 2S03 Leaven-
worth. Q-202 13 *
FOR SALE. Edison's mimeograph , good
order , cheap. Address G 58 , Bee.
Q 261 13 *
FOR SALE. Cheap. English setter bitch ,
partly broke. T. G. Hymer , Neha.'ka ,
Neb. Q-200 13 *
FOR SALE cheap , one steel hotel range
and carving table ; also kitchen utensils.
Apply to M. J. Franclc , Midland hotel ,
16th and Chicago. Q-M2S4 15 *
RANGE and base burner , good condition.
Inquire 4318 Farnam. Q 271 13 *
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish navies , naval cummanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
.wltfe a large map of the East and West
IndTos. nt the otllce of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha Bee. R 870
FOR BALE or rent , one 2-firo hotel range
and carving table. Apply to M. J. Franck ,
Midland hotel. R-497
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. cleans cess-
. privy vaults at reduced prices ; dead
orses & cows removed free. 621 N. 16th.
R M613-N-30 *
NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand
furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices
by carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture
Co. . 1406-8-10 Dodge. R-76 J5
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th.
S-MS.01 D13
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years here , 1411
Howard. S-11600 N13
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge.
S-M444 N3
ANOTHER wonderful seance will bo held
at Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by
Milton , the medium , Sunday night at S
p. m. : ske-ptlcH , scoffers and know-alls es
pecially Invited : collection. lOc ; private
sittings dally ; all affairs of life , business
and disease ; catsfactlon or no charge.
1623 Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8
. m. : open Sundays same hours ; readings
E. y mall. . S-M114 U
So all Omaha rpraks of the famous
READER. This marvelous woman has
the power to lift the mystic veil from off
the future , to expose the hidden mys
teries of the past. In the simple lines of
your hand she sees your entire life ; can
toll you things that have been , that are
and are to be. Her advice , based upon
this knowledge , Is of Incalculable ) benelU.
Consult her In strictest confidence. Mmc.
Gylmer has been hero more than n year ;
the public knows her , the press Indorses
her. She Is no stranger no fakir. Money
refunded If not satisfactory. Hour * , 9 to
7:30 : : Sundays , 10 to 4 p. m. Parlors. IGv3
Dodge , opp. new P. O. S 258 13
MME. SMITH , Room S , 118' $ N. 15th Street.
T-393 N2I *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203
Douglas block. T M9GS J9
MADELINE WARD'S Bath Parlors. Mas
sage and magnetic treatment : attendant.
110 north Thirteenth st. T M893 13 *
LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag
netic treatment. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , upstairs.
Attendant. T 221 N21
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; resiful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T M222 K *
LADIES desiring valuable Information con
cerning their ailments should send or call
for "The Vlavi Message" at 318 Bee bldg ,
A LARGE map of the world , ono of Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies ,
( mowing Cuba , Porto Rico , Hayll , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cento , at The Bee
office. By mall. 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 868
| 30 RLPTURI3 cured for $10. No detention
from butlneis ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Ruptura
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-171
LACE Curtains cleaned ; .ill work gu < iran-
teed ; references. J. Zlrgler , ifcCi Califor
nia. U-C2 2g *
( Continued. )
TEETH should not bo neglected : they
should be * given prompt attention , Sec \v.
N. Dorward , Dentist , room 4 , Continental
block , 15th and Douglas Sis. Tel. 130
PRIVATE hospital tor ladles before n nd
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians In attendance. 1136
N. 17th St. , Omaha. U-R54
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic balhu.
New Hygienic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
Tel. 1716. U-655
LADIES' Turkish bath * . Mme. Post , SI
S. 15th. U M312
PILES cured In 7 to 1C days , without palnl
ono treatment does the work : call or
send tor circulars. The Empire Pile Cure.
932 New York Life building , Omaha.
BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 319V4 S. 15th.
U 636
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist : corns removed ,
25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 years' experience ; 12 years in
Omaha : warts , moles and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frenzer block.
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can soon graduate.
Box 196 , Chicago. U-918-N-ilS *
STORM windows , wood turning , band saw-
Ing. Hamilton Bros. , 28 & Dov'pt. Tel. 1179.
RITTKR'S hospital : confinement cases
taken : babies adopted. 2211 Scward ,
Omaha ! Tel. 2234. U-M974-N-16
MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block ,
Business for sale. Entering medical col
lege. U-M316 N-22
BOOKBINDING Burkley Printing Co.
LADIES In poor circumstances can receive
free attendance In confinement by apply
ing to the Crclghton Medical College.
Telephone 1167. U-399-Dec-l
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 11SW N. 15.
U-M576-N-29 *
HALF soles end heels , 40c. 605 N. Kth.
FURNISHED room In exchange for lessons
In bookkeeping. Address G 50 , Bee.
U-107-13 *
A NUDE art , taken from nature : 16 beauti
ful colored pictures , all nude , 25c. French
Art Co. . 249 S. Gth st. , Philadelphia. U
WRINKLES , pockmnrks permanently re
moved ; complexions beautified ; send lOc
for book , photograps before and after
treatment. Madam Mays , 240 Fifth Ave. ,
New York. U-1C3 13 *
ENLARGE your busts , ladles , 4 to 10 Inches ,
at home with Dr. Conway's Bust Tab
loids , at trifling cost ; $1,000 for a case we
cannot : those developed In past 12 years
prove 'tis permanent : sealed facts , 4c
stamps. Conway Specific Co. , 13.1 Tre-
mont St. , Boston , Mass. U 203 13 *
MR. R. E. Cahalan The scalp and hair
specialist , will give free curo-baldo treat
ments , mornings. 2224 Chicago St.
U-M209 16 *
WANTED Dpspeptlcs , sufferers from any
stomach or bowel disorders wishing to
bo cured , to- address BoxJ , Donlphan ,
Neb. U-205 IS *
DO NOT stammer--For the permanent cure
of stammering and stuttering call on or
address E. C. Newcomb , 2621 N. 16th St. ,
Omaha. U 204 13 *
WANTED , t n first-class vaudeville art
ists ; female. Apply Monday 10 to 12 a. m.
Royal Music Hall , 14th and Dodge Sts.
U-227 13 *
REAL ESTATE broker , In prime of life ,
educated , excellent standing and splendid
income , will be devoted husband to lady
like wife. Box 9 , 30 Lexington ave. . New
York. U-26213 *
HAVING novcd to 1704 Webster st . , room
21 , will conduct my business In future un
der the name of The Omaha Matrimonial
and Corresponding club. Several happy
marriages In the last three months : hon
orable dealing to all. Call or write , with
stamp. Alllc Turney , Manager.U282
U-282 13 *
WANTED Choice farm and city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. B. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on- first class
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
5\t \ , per cent money. Bemls. Paxton block.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 662
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Farnam St. W 661
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. :
quick money at low rates for choice farm'
lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri , East
ern Nebraska. . W 663
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th.
150,000,000 CHEAP eastern money for western
Investment. ' Send for free circular. In
vestors' Directory , N. Y.i W 669
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
6 per cent money. F. D. Wead , 16 & Doug.
$50.000,000 CHEAP eastern money for western -
ern Investment : send for free circular.
Investors' Directory , N. Y. W 183
Sit TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council llluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time erIn
In iinv amounts.
306 SOUTH 16TH.
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 S 18th
X M3J7 N-23
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security : easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-670
MONEY loaned on life Insurance pallclex ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse- receipts ,
Jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Grwn ,
room 8 , Barker Blk. X 671
LOANS made to salaried people holding
permanent positions on their personal
note : low rates , easy payments. Room
119 Board of Trndn Bldg. X-M716
FINE business for sale. R. 1. 1524 Dodge.
Y-M1S7 N2U
CHEAP cigar , confectionery , laundry office ,
rent $15 , living rooms. 9J3 N , 21th Hit
y 972 13 *
- -
FOR RENT , dining room privilege. 1512
.Davenport. Y-M102 13
WANTED , capable man with $1.000 cash to
carry clock of goods nnd manage branch
business ; $125 per month nnd expenses ;
also extra percentage : permanent position :
references required. James Barton , lloyce
Bldg. . Chicago. Y 164 13 *
$1,000. INFALLIBLE syrtem : SO p < r cent
monthly turf nprculation : mire nnd posi
tive ; booklet sent free. National Turf In
vestment Co. , 167 Dsurborn St. . Chicago.
\ Iw lu *
, - _ i
WANTED , representative In every city and
largo town in the United States anil
Canada , where we are not already repre
sented , for our ro-opratlvo plan of Block
hpeculatlon. which pays from 5 to 15 per
cent monthly security of Investment ab
solutely guaranteed ; applicants * must bo
between the ages of 21 and 45 years , pner-
Ketlc , of good habttM , and l > i 'ubkto In
vert at least $500 under the same stipu
lations as mentioned ubovo ; be t of refer'
cncex given and required ; to such we offer
lucrative and permanent employment ; only
wide awake purlieu of either ex , who
can comply with the above requirements ,
need apply. For full particulars , uddreas
AV. II. Dunlop & Co. , 131 Monrot St. . Chi-
cago. III. Y-166 13 *
FOR 5ALE. half Interest In a net of best
abstract books In the wet ; also shoe
store. Geo. E. Smith , Longmont , Colo.
Y-Z77 1J
( Continued. )
ARE you Interested In the poftslbllltlc * of
Porto Rico and how to make money there ?
If you are und desire the best Investment
wrlto for our prospectus , Porto Rico
Transportation and Trading Co. , Burllnc *
ton Bldg. . St. Loulx. Mo. Y-167 13 *
START a mail order buslneat home ;
particulars for stamp. Ormond Co. , Dcpi ,
63 , Chicago. Y
CIGAR store fore sale at a bargain at once.
1315H Farnam st. Y 234 13 *
STATE .agent wanted for Iowa : attractive
sr e alty. for merchants only : $250 In
vested will secure $2,000 yearly. Address
"Specialty , " G 66 , Omaha Bee.
Y M 207 14 *
ESTABLISHED real cstatn and broker
firm wants honest , sober business mart
with $5no to tuko Interest In firm and
office manAgcment ; chance to clear good ,
money ; references. Address 626 , Nelson
building. Kansas City. Mo. Y-W 13 *
FOR EXCHANGE. 8. W. corner 24th and
Dodgb St. , 107x125 fret , two cottages to
exchange for property In California , Ban
Francisco preferred. The O. F. Dnvla
company , 1503 Farnam St. Z M211 NIB
FREE and clear , two one-story frams
dwellings , Fnod location , In the city of
Omaha ; will exchange for property In
Brooklyn. N. Y. . or vicinity. For particu
lars address "Real Estate. " Bee office ,
210 Temple Court , New York City.
a-M12S 13 *
WANTED , 501 second hand blcycres In ex-
r.hango for 30-Inch wheel bicycles , ' 99 pat
tern ; write quickly , giving description ,
American Machine Company , Flint. Mich.
Z-168 13 *
TO EXCHANGE , a fine home 9-room mod
ern house , close in. worth $7,000 , for
cheaper rental , property. Addresst , with ,
full description , G 67 , Beo. Z M235
HORSE , harness and rubber-tired buggy ,
costing $275 , und In first-class condition.
What have you ? G 65 , Beo.
Z 208 13 *
IMPROVED 10-acres close In for house and
lot or vacant lots. J. H. Sherwood , 421
N. Y. Life. Z-M25014
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is th
time to dispose of them : let the pcoplo
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE-866
_ _
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 124x
130 ; In first-class location ; tysn minutes'
walk from court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61 , Bee. RE 673
BARGAINS In houres , lots , farm * ; sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOR SALE , lot , cor. 21st and Castellat ,
66 by 94 ; a snap. K. A. Peterson , Blair ,
Neb. RE 141 NovlJ *
CHEAP homes to colonists or others , will
sell 23.000 acres all In one body , or la
tracts to suit , for a liberal cash payment.
with S per cent on deferred payments ,
This land Is bounded on south by Nuecci
river , in San Patrlclo county , Texas , and
consists if black waxcy , black sandy and
light sandy soil well supplied with water
and ten windmills. About 900 acr s la
cultivation , with nine good tenant houses.
It Is noted for grapes , melons , early veg
etablM and cotton. Orangas , pears and
other fruits can be raised. The San An *
tonlo & Aransas Pass R. R. passef
through this tract. Town Mathls Is prin
cipal shipping station ; also a sldinr on
the river. Maps furnished If desired. I
also offer another tract of 1,973 acres oq
San Antonio river. Gollad county. Texas- *
very rich land 850 acres all valley land ,
In cultvatlon , seven tenant houses ; ell-
mate > fine and healthful , with good sea
brrez * on both tracts.
T. H. MATHIS , Rockport , Aransas County ,
Texas. RE-M366-N-24 *
i ROOM modern house. Inq. 524 S. 26th ave.
RE-M647 Dl *
NOW Is your chance ; pleasant homr , north
west part of city , non-resident ; must have
money within ten day * : would consider
vacant tot or western land In part pay
ment ; see us quick. M. J. Kennard & Son ,
310 Brown block , sole agents. RE 889 IS
We are authorized to sell 16 33-foot lots , tht
usual depth , near 22nd and Grace streets
at a phenomenal bargain. This location
is lew than one mile from th.e P. O. , U. P.
Shops , Smelter , Webster Street Depot ,
Ry. Yards , etc.
They are worth today $1,200 to $1,600 each.
Th * owner must sell , and makes this
proposition to close them out.
Price , $600 ; terms , $50 cash , baanco | $10 per
month , or will glvo discount of 10 per
cent for all cash , or any cash payment
above $50.
As an Investment these lots will beat any
Building Association or Saving Bank In V
the city.
Fidelity Trust Co. ,
ft" N. Y. Life'Bldg. . , Solo Agents.
ALL bargains ; Investigate.
714 N. 28th house , good con
dition , rents. $12.50 per month ; price re
duced to $1.000.
Walnut Hill , 7-room house and large lot ; v
eastern owner says sell for $900.
A good corner and E-room house on Corby ,
paved street , for $1.600.
Near 27th and Grant , 5-r. house , $6W.
Muut sell several lots In Omaha and South
Omaha : want offers.
RE 221 13
FOR BALE , the modern house located at
140 No. 33rd street , at $6.600 ; terms to suit
at 6 per cent. Address E. J. Street. Kan
sas City. Mo. RE-21313
YOU never will have an opportunity to buy
property so low as at present ,
House and full lot , Central park. . . . $ ISO
House and full lot. Central park . 300
6-r house and full lot , 3022 Lindsay ave 00
6-r house and full lot , 3029 Emmett. . 700
! i-r houie , modern , 1703 Manderson. . . . 1,100
C-r house and lot. I'M and Pierce . 1.200
6-r house , full lot , 2418 Hamilton . 1.500
9-r house , modern , 4215 Farnam . 2,000
7-r bouse , modern , 3Gth and Jackson 2,600
9-room houce , modern , 35 and Howard 3,600
3 R-r houses and full lots on Cumlng
and 26th at . 4,000
All on easy terms. Apply to J. II. Parrotte.
RE-258 13
FIVE-ROOM cottage , full lof. near car
line , cheap. J. 11. Sherwood. 423 N. T.
Life. RE-M249 14
FOR SALE , fruit and farm lands. A bar
gain. One of the best ultunted , fully
grown , unlncumbcred , orchards. In Cal
ifornia , In city limits. Abundant pure
water ; healthiest und cholceut climate ;
prsttlly furnished cottage. Reasons for
mile , etc. : Herbert J. Goudge , Herman-
American Bank , Los Angeles , California ,
No agents. RE
WE CAN offer a GG-ft. lot on Georgia ave.
with paving taxes all paid. free. It U
just llko finding It. All that we ask In
that the customs r will purchase the hou e
at lex than It can bo duplicated for to-
c'ny , and considerable IcJtj than It cost ,
It Is ( i beautiful colonial home of 11 rooms' ,
all modern , of course. Thu location can
not be equalled In Omaha for residence
purposes. Ll'tl turth required ,
Wo have a beautiful Grt-ft. oulh front lot
on paved street within a mile of the P. O.
ThlH Irtt Ims fcold for $1,000. Improvements
consist of a 6-room IIOUHC In poor repair ,
but will intiko a comfortiblo home. This K
is u forced sale to nettle an eitatn and can I *
bo had for $1.500 on very easy terms.
Wo have a very cosiy four-room house and
a largo corner lot on W. Leavenworth nt.
which wo will sell for $575. The lot I *
fcncsd , bus city water , lloun * ha * brick
foundation , good cellar , In good condition ;
monthly payments.
We have a three or four-room house on
VInton St. Special taxes all paid. About
40ft. front. Price , $450.
Throe are samples of many bargains which
wn have. Call and examine 100 photo
graphs of houser , many of which can be
had on monthly payments at little mor
than rrntal value.
O. II. PAYNE. Pro.
1 ' -c . H. H. HARDER.