Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    k , '
Corps of Illinois Central Engineers Arrives
in Council Bluff * .
Lni t Doulit Aliont. ( lie IntrntlonH of
CumliiK to O in nil 11 lllHiicIleil
J'rrillctlnn It Will Une the
Union riiclllo IIrlline.
Further confirmation of the report that
the Illinois Central railroad Is coming Into
Omaha hai niaJo Its appearance In local
railroad circles , andtcvcu those who hail
doubted that the great north and south
fjyatcm was heading a line this way now
expect to 100 tralna of the Illinois Central
road running Into Omaha within a year.
A corps of civil engineer ! ] from the Cbl-i
cage headquarters of the company came Into
Council Bluffs on Monday , anil on Tuesday
morning left for Denlson , la. The party uas
composed mostly of young engineers who
have- had tlireo and four years' experience
In laying out lines for the Illinois Central.
On Monday they remained In Council Bluffs ,
looking ever the ground which Is wanted
for terminal purposes there. On Tuesday
jnornlng they were joined by Assistant Chief
engineer Oration of the Illinois Central , and
later took a Northwestern train for Denl-
These engineers expect to he at work
eurveylng ami platting a right-of-way be
tween Fort Dodge and Council Bluffs dur
ing November and December , or as long as
the season will allow field work to be done.
Donlson , la. , will bs the headquarters of the
party , and the engineering work will bo
carried on In both directions from there ,
with ono line to Fort Dodge on the north
and another to Council Bluffs on th ( south.
It Is expected the entire engineering work
will bo completed before April BO that thai
actual work of construction may bo com-
menccd with the opening of the spring sea- '
It Is announced very positively from Chicago
cage that an oindal party , Including Presi
dent Fish , Chief Knglnecr Sloan , General
Superintendent Sullivan and Assistant Gen
eral Superintendent Ilartlgan , all frori Chicago
cage headquarters of the Illinois Cintral ,
will como out hero this week to see how
Knglnccr Grafton and his corps are getting
along with their work and to further look
ever the field which the company proposes
to enter.
Another fact that , ' 3 acceptcdi by railroad
men here as Indicative of the Intention of
the Illinois Central to enter Omaha
next year Is the renewed activ
ity of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal
railway to secure a municipal franchise for
streets leading to the center of this city
fioni East Omaha. A well posted railroad
man of this city sizes up the situation In this
way : "There Is no doubt In my mind about
the Illinois Central's coming in here , but 1
think It will como over the Union Paclflo
bridge. The cloeo connection nf E. H. Harrl-
nnn with the Union Pacific and the Illinois
Central naturally leads to such a belief. 1
think the Omaha. Bridge & Terminal jail-
way Is trying to get hold of valuable ter
minals here , BO that It may hold them out
to the Illinois Central as an Inducement to
cross the river at Kast Omaha. I notice by
your morning paper that General Manager
Webster of the llrldgo and Terminal company -
pany yesterday said that ho would have ono ,
If not two , roads coming Into Omaha over
his proposed tracks within a year. This
may be the" aim of that company , and un >
iloubtedly is , but when the Illinois Central
Mots ready to enter Omaha I bcllcvo It will
UHO the Union Pacific brldgo und the now
union station at Tenth and Mason streets.
"Should thi ! Chicago Great Western enter
the city , I think the Bridge and
Terminal company stands a. very
fair chance of getting that road to
UHO Its terminals here , providing , of
course , the application for a franchise on
the Omaha street ; ! wanted should be granted
by the city. But at present I think the
Brldce and Terminal company has not closed
with either line on an agreement for usu of
its terminals. "
of it Clulct J.lUIe AVnrfiirc
Aiming tll IllK IilllCN.
Western railroads are being tugged and
pulled and" hauled for their support by the
lines east of Chicago engaged In a vigorous
dispute ever the proposed abolition of pas
senger differential ! ; . B. A. Ford , general
passenger agent of the Pennsylvania lines
west of Chicago , has telegraphed to the
western lines that the standard lines have
agreed on the equalization of through rates
by thy abolition of differentials. He has
asked for the support of the western lines.
It Is presumed telegrams from the general
passenger agents of the differential lines to
the effect that they have not agreed on the
abolition of differentials and asking the
western lines to oppose any such movement
will soou bo received.
It Is proposed to t.ut both the standard
and differential Hues on a common basis
on through business , eastbound business
from points west of Chicago and business tcJ
points west of Chicago from the cast. This
will bfl accomplished by cutting off the $3
difference In fares by which the standard
lines now exceed the differential lines. On
transcontinental business this condition Is
practically in effect now , as the Santa Fe
decided to adopt Biich a conrtc soon after
the Interstate Commerce commission ruled
against the Canadian 1'acltlc.
Omaha passenger men anticipate a lively
fight before the matter Is decided and
should the standard lines win out In their
efforts to hive their through rates reduced
to equal those of the differential lines the
latter will seek some way to overcome the
physical Ad van la Res of the standard lines.
It would bo no surprise If this movement
goefl against the differential linen to see
them again Inaugurate the practice of paying
liberal commissions to ticket agents. If they
do they will sccitro an amount ot builncrs
fron. the west that the standard lines can
only hope to capture by paying equally good
commissions to tlio ticket agents for
tickets over their lines.
Colorado fc Southern Itrnrhcn from
tlic .Summit to ( lie * Sen.
DCNVEU , Colo. , Nov. 8. The Denver &
Gulf lallroad , which Is to be sold under
foreclosure November IS , will \ be re-
christened the Colorado & Southern rail
way when the reorganization Is effected.
This title , It Is announced , had been ac-
I i ccpted by llccelver Frank Trumbull , who
' Is to be president of the now company , and
by the leading stockholders. The road will
j i extend from Denver through Wyoming to
Fort Worth , Tex. , with the prospects of
I further extension toward tide water In the
futflre. The South Park line will become a
i branch of the system , thus making true the
I phrase , "From the Summit to the sea. "
Tlinp Cnrrt
On November 20 the Burlington will make
three changes In Its Omaha tlmo card. The
i night train for Kansas City , which now
leaves here at 11 p. m. , will leave considerably -
ably earlier. The new time will bo 10 or
10:30 : o clock , probably the latter , the exact
time being dependent on connections from
the north over the Omaha road. On the
same day the Burlington will start daylight
train service between Omaha and Chicago.
Train No. 6 will le.ivo Denver at 1:40 p. in. ,
and arrive here at 6:30 : a.m. , leave hero at
6-AQ a. m. and arrive In Chicago at 8:15 : p.m.
The Omaha-Hastings local , trains Nos. 11
and 12 , which were put on for the exposi
tion period will bo taken out of service on
the same .date.
Trunk Line Committee lo ninnnlvp.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8. The western trunk
1 line commlttoo Is about to follow the cxam-
I plo of tlio Tralllc association aud BO out of
j business. A special meeting of the trafllo
officials has been * called for next Thursday
and It Is generally agreed that they will
agree to dissolve the commlttoo. This fact
that the committee baa failed to do any real
good In the way of maintaining rates Is said
to have had as much effect on the views of
the , executive officers aa has the recent de
cision of the supreme court in the Joint
Trfflc association case.
Wlnuhcll lU-turiin lo Denver A Gulf.
ST. I/OU1S , Nov. S. It is stated on the
beit authority that B. L. Wlnchcll , general
passenger ngent of the St. Louis & San Fran
cisco railroad , will resign December 1 to re
turn to the Union Pacific. Denver & Gulf
railroad as general traffic manager and as
sistant to tho. president , with headquarters
at Denver. Ills successor on the 'Frisco is
selected , but not yet announced.
Loltoy Q , Phillips of Crete has been appointed -
pointed a , railway ppstul clerk for thu route
between Hnrtlngton and Norfolk.
John H. Erclc of Omaha has Hied a peti
tion In tbo United States court to be declared
a bankrupt. Ho Is ono of the Henry Bolln
bondsmen. His Indebtedness amounts to
over $100.000 , artrto from his liability on
that bond , all of which Is for borrowed
money , and most of It secured on by real
estate In this city. In nearly every case the
securities had been taken under foreclosure
and a deficiency Judgment entered. He rep
resented In his petition that ho had nothing
In the shape of assets upon which his cred
itors could realize ,
Monster air pumps to ! ho used In the ele
vators at the now postcSlce have arrived
at the building. The contractor Is now
working on mall r.rid ash lifts In the build
ing , which ho will have completed In ten
days. Work on the pas anger elevators Is
progrc , lng rapidly and they will bo In
working order before the close of the year
Work of alt kinds toward the completion of
the building \ being rUshrd , and the fourth
floor Is now practically completed. Superin
tendent Latenser says ho will bo able to turn
the building over to the government by
March 1 next.
AVlinM/iiliu'H I.ONN MeniiN ( o Spnln.
The 10s of Cuba means to Spain the loss
of the very sustenance of the nation. Al
ready her lax-ridden people are crying for
bread. In Iho sumo way the loss of your
once vigorous appetite means poverty and
starvation to your body. If any render ot
this pnjier wli'hes ' to be hungry again aa
when a""chlld , aud wants to fully enjoy
hearty meals , wo can recommend Hosteller's
Stomach Dlttcrs. It cures indigestion , dys
pepsia and constipation.
Mortality H < n < lNtli-ii.
Tho'following births and deaths were re
ported lo Iho health commissioner during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes
terday : ,
Births L. Anderson , 1017 Oak , girl ; Jacob
Gola , 2124 Soulh Thlrty-flrst , girl ; Martin
SunartL'k , 112C South Thlrteenlh , boy ; John
Vacek , 2f > 2 ! ) South Twenty-ninth , girl ; John
Mullen , U10 South Thirty-fifth avenue' boy ;
Harry Sprlnggato , 2640 Dodge , girl ; J. C.
Uurant. 2G2G Capitol avenue , boy ; W. 0.
McCoucl , 2111 South Thirty-fourth , girl.
Deaths Charles Carlson , 2817 Cumlng , 28
years ; William 0. Honor , 1320 Cal.fornla ,
39 years. .
Pr < * nclicrK' L'nioii ,
The following resolution was unanimously
adopted by the Omaha Methodist Preachers'
union of this city on Monday afternoon , No
vember 7 , 1S9S :
Resolved. That In the mailer of ono J , T.
Tamlnoslan. the Omaha Methodist Preachers'
union disavow all connection with or en
dorsement of the said Tamlnoslan , and ad
vise our people to govern themselves ac
cordingly. J. n. MAXFIELD , President.
Secretory of the Omaha Methodist Preachers'
Attention , .Touriioyincn Ilnlcers !
There will be a mass meotlng of Journey
men bakers Saturday eve. Nov. 12th , at
Labor temple , N. E. cor 17th and Douglas
Etc. . at 8 o'clock , to effect permanent or
ganization. All cordially invlled.
The [ xposition flyer
takes you to St. Louis in less than fifteen
hours. Burlington Route.
Leaves Omaha 4:30 : p. in.
Arrives St. Louis 7:19 : a. m.
Sleeper , chair car , smoker , gas , \yicle ves-
tibuled throughout.
Starts from the Big Depot at the south
end of the 10th street viaduct.
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 251) . Telephone 128.
Opening of Night Schools is the Second
( Time for the Venture.
Selt-cllnii of Tenchcm for These
School * AVI 11 He nn Ininnrlnnt
Clement Looking to Their
Bncccii * .
The night school which will b opened
In the Cas3 and Lcavcuworth schools will
bo no Innovation ! " . Four yeara ago the ex
periment was tried , hut later the plan uasi
abandoned because the attendance fell away. I
If the same result occurs this time the
schools will be closed , but It is generally
believed by the board members that the
schools will bo well attended.
The teachers to be employed are to be se
lected by Supcrlntedcnt Pcarso and the com
mittee on teachers and considerable care
Is to bo used In making the appointments. j <
The teachers must be especially adapted fort ,
the work , as they will meet a different class
of scholars than those who attend the day
schools. Some of the board members fear
that a rowdy element will try to secure ad
mission for the sole purpose of getting In
out of the cold , but It In not anticipated that
much trouble will be found In barring out
this class.
Only the elementary branches of Instruc
tion will form the curriculum , consisting
mainly of geography , reading , writing and
arithmetic. Inasmuch as ono teacher will
be In charge of each school , the curriculum
cannot well bo further extended.
Kliulcrtcnrtenn Hun All Hay.
The action of the Board of Education In
ordering that the kindergartens should be
run ail day after next Monday will put thai
department of the public school system upon
the same basts on which the kindergartens
were operated two ycara ago. At that tlmo
the dally term of both kindergartens and
primary grades was cut down from a full
da" In the Interests ot economy. A halt
year later the primary grades wore put
back to full grade sessions , but the kin
dergartens were allowed to run' on the half
day plan.
Superintendent Pcarse declares that the
action was taken to satisfy the demands of
school patrons that the kindergartens should
run all day. Some ot the board members
are nevertheless opposed to the extension.
They siy that the demand Is not based upon
good grounds , they hold that
half a day's school Is sufficient for ( he small
children who attend the kindergartens.
Their objections arc also founded on princi
ples of economy. The added sessions will re
quire the employment of four or flvo more
teachers , which will add at least $200 and
perhaps more , to the teachers' monthly pay
In Superintendent 'Pearso's office Is a full
peck measure , If not more , of money , con
sisting in great measure of pennies and nick
els. The sum total value of this bunch ot
money Is In the neighborhood of $275. The
money Is the proceeds of the collection taken
up from the school children on Lafayeilo
Miss Fisher , teacher In the Columbian
school , wlio has been absent a week on ac
count of illness , has returned to duty.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is a preventive for
Joss of voice and ulcerated throat.
The Sale of Itlliliou II ennui lit * Cannes
n Scnnbtlon.
Never before wore there mich ribbon bar
gains. Never again ivlll there bo such a
All the finest quality strictly all silk rib
bon remnnntfl on sale at less than * 4 their
regular price. Every kind of ribbon from
'ie > narrow No. 2 to the eight Inch wldp ( us1
Ibbon. Satin ribbons , gros grain ribbons ,
moire ribbons , Uvffeta ribbons , fancy llaya-
dcro striped ribbons , fancy plaid ribbons ,
sash ribbons , neck ribbons , double faceJ
satin cord edge ribbons , in fact every kind
of ribbon. Today the sale will be just
as attractive as yesterday , as almost an en
tire new lot will be placed on sale and from
time to tlmo as the goods sell out the coun
ters will bo replenished.
BO niunoNS FOU xc YD.
All the narrow ribbons that generally sell
at 5c , go on sale at 1c yard.
All the 7c , lOe , 12'XiC and 15c ribbons , on
sale at S'/ic yard.
AH the lOc and 25e ribbons at 7"/4o.
AH the double faced , cord edge , satin ribbons
bens that generally sell at S5c and 50c , are
on sale at I5card. .
All the llnest quality 8-ln. wide sash and
Bayadere ribbons , doilble faced satin ribbons
bens , etc. , worth up to $1.25 yard , go on
sale at 2'c yard.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Girl Iln Hyntcrln.
Mary Murry , IB years old , arrested last
night with two younger companions named
Ella and May Johnson on the charge ol
incorrlglblllty developed a violent attack of
hysteria In her cell yesterday morning. She
became so bad that a straight jacket had to
be applied. When the attack had abated
some the girl was taken to her home ,
Twenty-ninth and Chicago streets , in a
carriage. The gloominess of nor cell and
her surroundings Is supposed to have
brought on the attack.
The Xcw Mercer Hotel.
Wo can board you this winter cheaper
than you can keep house. Electric light ,
steam heat , fifty baths.
Omnhn to Chicago.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has just placed In service two'mag
nificent electric lighted trains between
Omaha nud Chicago , leaving Omaha dally
at 5:45 : p. m. . arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m.
and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8:20 : a. m. Each train Is lighted
throughout by electricity , has buffet smok
ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dinIng -
Ing cars and reclining chair cars and runs
over the shortest line and smoothest road
bed between the two cities.
Ticket office , 1B04 Farnam street , and at
Union depot.
Her Grand European hotel now open. , Ele
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and'grlll
room. Cor. 16th and Howard.
Thr Only Ilnllroiitl to CUlcnco.
With a daylight train. Leavei
Omaha 6:10 : a. m. every day ,
arriving Chicago the same
evening at 8:15 : , when close connections
are made with all lines
beyond. This train Is 60 years
ahead of the times and is proving
Immensely popular with Omaha
people. Other flying
trains leave for Chicago at 4:53 : and 6:55 :
n. ta. dally , r.liv tlrknt office ,
HOI Farnam St. .
"The Northwestern Line. "
.luntlce Shoim Take Holiday.
Around the lustice courts Iho clerks and
contablcavero having , a holiday. The
justices had wisely refrained from setting ;
cases for trial on election day and consequently
quently there was liltlo to do. The attor
neys were all or at leant most of them
busy in thu political field and did not
have tlmo to attend to court matters , cqn-
sequently they were not starting any new
Conetlratlon prevents the brdy from ridding -
ding , itself of waste matter. De Witt's Lit-
euro sick heaAarhc. btlloiinnrbs Inactive
tie Knrly Illieru'\\lll remove the trouble and
liver , and clear the complexion. Small ,
sugar-coated ; don't grips or rauso nausea.
Sam'l Burns. 1318 Farnam , Is selling a i
Genuine llavlland dinner i t , KO.OO , for- '
mtrty $35.00. ,
n.f mi us.
CJold Mcilnl Ilutter.
Clold medal butter , Wo all know that the
cremorlos which won gold medals foi mak
ing the beet butter sent to the exposition
surely must bo the best butter makers , so
we have made auangtmcnts with them to
send all their butter to us , because It Is
the best buttermade. . Gold medal creamery
butter. I9c , 21c nnd 22'Ac ; line fresh
dairy butter , only 14Hc , 16c and 17 ic ; good
country butter , 124c.
Best Minnesota flour. Fancy high patent
flour per Back , OSc. Wo guarantee It to be
the best or your USc back. Pure York stale
buckwheat , per sack , TCc : pure Nebraska
buckwheat , per sack , 25o ; yellow or whlto
cornmeal , per sack , 10c : now red chanber-
rles , per pound , 74c ; self-raising pancake
flour , 2-pound packages , only S l-3o ; now
raisin cured prunes , per pound , 64c ! ; new
Valencia raisins , per pound , 3Acj } Armour's
new inlnco meat , only 7'/4c ' : assorted eoups ,
Anderson's , tall cans , 7e. This Is the finest
soup made. Try It. Twenty pounds fine
'granulated sugar for $1.00.
Moats. Meet our prices on meats. Best
brand California hams , D4o ; cooked corned
Goof , lOc ; potted or deviled ham , Ic ; prime
roast beef , ICc ; fresh spare ribs , 5H !
Armour pork oausage , 7V c ; No. 1 sugar
cured hams , Sc ; boneless cottage ham , 8'Xic ;
our beat brand bacon , lOo : very good bacon ,
7ic ! : Gorman summer sausage , 12'/ioj New
England cooked ham , Oc ; pickled pork , 6c ,
chipped beef , 12\4c ; 3 pounds best kettle
( rendered lard , 20c ; 6 pounds best kettle ren
dered lard , 35e ; spring chickens. So.
to He DlRonnneil nt the Con
vention Which McctH nt Trinity
Cnthcdrnl Wednesday Mulit.
The topics of discussion and papera to be
read at the third annual meeting of the
Sunday School Institute held at Trinity
cathedral , November 9 and 10 , will bo as
follows :
Wednesday , November 0. S:00 : p. m. , "Tho
[ deal , Sunday -Schcol ; " "The Sunday School
Not a Substitute for the Church. "
Thursday , November 10. 10:00 : a. ra. , hnly
communion. 11:00 : a. m. . business meeting.
11:30 : a. in. , "What Shall Wo" Sing In Sun
day School ? " "What Is the Best Arrange
ment of Services , Lessons , etc. " "What is
the Best Method for Sunday School OfferIng -
Ing ? " 1:00 : p. m. , luncheon. 2:30 : p. m. ,
"How Can We Retain the Older Children In
Sunday School ? " "What Is the Best Method
to Interest Parents in Sunday School ? "
"How Can We Persuade Men to Take an
Interest In Sunday School ? " * "What Prepa
ration Ought to Bo Made by Sunday School
Teachers ? " 6:00 : p. in. , supper. "What
Shall Wo Teach Our Various Grades ? " "Can
We Have a Uniform System of Lessons ? "
General discussion.
Leon Herrmann has been pronounced by
the crlUr ! > tu every city ho has visited as
the most skillful , onterlalnlng and success
ful magician now on the stage.
Together with Adelaide Herrmann ,
the handsome young danscuso and
prostldlgltalrlce , ho will appear at
Boyd's theater for two nights , commenc
ing tonight. Leon Herrmann's Illusions are
now and original and are said lo be the most
mysterious and marvelous ever performed.
Ills palming and card tricks are past all
understanding and are so deftly done as to
hint nt collusion with the arch demon him
self. Adelaide 'Herrmann ' will give many of
the novelties lhat have made her popularity
worldwide. In a magnificent Japanese costume -
tumo she will introduce many of the mys
teries of the Orient. Her dances ore famous
the world overand , the offerings for the pres
ent season have been pronounced bewllder-
Ingly beautiful.
The International Grand Opera company
and Mmo. Clementine De Vero will open a
season of grand opera here at Boyd's thea
ter on Thursday , November 17. Clementine
De Yerc , the brilliant soprano , will be heard
hero" for the first tlmo In grand opera. Slit
made a tremendous success In London at the
Covent Garden theater , also at thn Metro
politan opera1 house 1n New York , nnd It
goes without tfoy'lng 'that her surroundings
will bp as coniftlflo as possible. The operas
to bo given hcrefTvlll be newly mounted with
elaborate 'scendry. beautiful costumes and
accoutrements There will be an orchestra
pf twenty-five musicians and thn chorus
numbers fortyjflvo voices. Signer H. Saplo
Is the conductor and for the last llvo mont'in
has been rchearelng steadily the forces under
his baton. '
The Peace Jubilee fair for the benefit of
the Sacred Heart church will open November
14th , 189S , In Thurston Rifles' hall.
A Winter I'mrnloii.
If sick you can find holp. If crippled with
rheumatism you can bo cured. If tired you
need rest and the place to go Is Hot Springs ,
South Dakota.
The expense Is less than you Imagine.
"Tho Northwestern Line" has announced
special excursions , certain days this month
at cheap rates.
The Evans hotel will remain open an' U
and all other hotels and boarding honsc ?
are giving good service with low rales dur
ing the winter.
Hound trip rates ; Omaha , $16.40 ; Missouri
Valley , $16.55Sioux City. $14.80. and corresponding
spending reductions from other points west.
Climate , water , scenery and hotels sre un
excelled. Thirty days' time allowed and any
agent P. , E. & M. V. H. It. , or J. H. GabK
Trav. Passenger Agent , Denlron , Iowa , can
tell you moro about It.
The next date will bo November 22 , 1898.
Currt of 1
The undersigned desire to tender their
heartfelt thanks to Banner lodge. No. 120 ,
Modern Woodmen of America , and to the
Orhaha Street Railway employes nnd frl'nds
for their kind atlentlon In the bereavement
over the death of our husband and father.
AUornej'K * IH-nrliiK fioc-H Over.
The hearing of David Van Etteu. H. E.
Rich and Martin Quick , recently arrested for
forging bonds In Justice Baxter's court and
for issuing forged bonds , was continued from
Monday afternoon until Saturday afternoon ,
next , The failure to produce Martin Quick
In court was the reason Judge Gordon
granted a continuance.
This Is the second time the defendants
hnve , been granted a. continuance , owing tp
the failure of Quick to show up. He was
released on bonds at the time of his arrest ,
with Thomas Murray as his surely. He Im
mediately disappeared and since has not
been heard of.
Dry nn Stan * for Itrcnltfant.
Colonel W. J. Bryan stopped over In
Omaha yesterday long enough to take
breakfast at the Paxton while on his way
homo from Savannah on leave. He wus met
hero by G. M. Hitchcock , but as he was
In the cltv but a few minutes few others had
the pleasure of meeting him. He Is re
ported to be looking well and wore a
colonel's fatigue Uniterm. '
Overcome evil with good. Overcome your
coughs aud colds with One Minute Cough
Cure. H Is so coed chtlldren cry for It.
It cures croup , bronchitis , pneumonia , grippe
and all throat and lung diseases.
Pnnernl of Flremnn Howcr.
The funeral of William O. Hewer , the fire
man killed a few days ago In the wreck at
Council Bluffs , occurred ot 2 yesterday
afternoon from the Lowe Avenue Presbyte
rian church , under the auspices of the Broth
erhood of Locomotive Firemen. Intermeno
wao In Prospect Hill cemetery. The funeral
and services were largely attended.
Will Mull the Chccli * .
A change has been made In the matter
of paying exposition dividends. Instead of
receiving their checks at the banks , stockholders -
holders will receive them by mall. This
applies to nil certificates nlixJ on Monday or
Iherenftcr. Stock certificates and checks
will bo mailed as fait as p-sslble.
Ilolilifil HIT Trunlc.
During the temporary absence of Mrs. M.
A. Hlchard'on. Seventeenth and Caplt 1 ave
nue , last night , pome one entered her room , '
forced open her trunk and stole two
watches and n quantity of clothing.
iojM' I nlon ninlianiln.
Omaha Newsboys' union hca dis
banded. All b ys who want to sell papers
can get their stock by calling on Mogy. ,
I The eooner a cough or cold Is cured with
out harm to the sufferer the better. One
Minute CoUKh Cure quickly cures. Why euf-
fer when such a cough cure ta within teach ?
It U plpasant to the taste. I !
The Great Chicago Wholesale Shoo Stock of
Goldsmith , Ro enlmsh & Lovio ,
All Three Mine Uenartnicnt * Trans
formed Into Mummoutli llnrKalu
Counter * Snlc Start * H O'clock
Shnrn Thin Mornlnu.
Ono lot ladles' hand turn. French patent
calf , silk top Oxford ties , muda to tctnll nt
$ j.l)0 ) a pair , go on bargain counters nt b'JO
per pairbllRhtly damaged.
MEN'S $3 , 4. $5 AND $6 SHOES , $1.98.
Your cholco today of thousands ot
men's black nnd tan calf skin , box calf , wil
low calf , Kungnrco , colt skin and cordovan
shoes all welt soles and made to retail from
$3 to $6 ; your cholco of the entire lot , $1.93
per pair.
For the convenience ot customers , nnd the
easy and quick selection , \\o have assorted
these lots into sizes ; all thn No. 6 , for In
stance , are on one Immense bargain square ,
nil the No. 7 on another , and BO on.
LADIES' $3 , $1 , $3 AND $6 SHOES AT $1.9S.
On Immense bargain counters thousands ot
ladles' finest black and tan kid nnd fancy
vesting top , hand-turn shoes nnd hand-welt
shoes , made to retail from $3 to $0 n pair ;
your cholco ot the entire lot. nny size , at
Remember these Indies' shoes nro all on
bargain squares , assailed , tied together and
ready for your quick selection ,
300 pairs ladles' knee-high black kid bicy
cle boots on bargain squares at $1.25 per
pair. '
600 pairs misses' nnd children's dongohx
box calf and kangaroo shoes ; go at G9c , 75c ,
S9c , OSc nnd $1.15. * e
300 pairs boys' , youths' and little gents'
shoes , at 7Cc , S9c , OSc and $1.15.
1,200 men's warm-lined nrctlcs , 79c pair.
1,000 children's arctics , 39 pair.
200 misses' arctics. 09c pair.
All the above bargains are just simply
picked out to give you nn idea at what the
entire stock will go. It Is Impossible for us
to commence to tell you of the wonderful
snaps thcro are in this sale. There Is this
much sure , that no sale ever held offered
the high qualities , line shoemaklng and now
styles at prices as wo do In this Bale.
Selling out Goldsmith , Rosenbush & Levlo
Chicago wholesale stock.
N. W. Cor. 16th pod Douglas.
Diadem cremery butter , 25c. Clcland & .
Smith , 1403 Douglas bt.
If 1'on Want to Go Kant
except take the "Northwestern Line" If
you desire a fast daylight trip between
Omaha nud Chicago , because no other line
runs a daylight train. Leaves Omaha C:10 : a.
m. , arrives Chicago 8:1B : same evening. Close
connection with eastern lines. A good train ?
Emphatically YES. *
City ofllce. 1101 Farnam. /
To All Principal Wentcrn Point Via
Union I'aclllc.
TWO trains dally. 4:33 : p. m. and 11:55 p. m.
Denver nnd Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , SDO : a. m. and 4:35 : p. m.
Utah and California points.
ONE train dally , 4:35 : p. m.
Utah , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points.
For full particulars call at City Ticket
office , 1302 Farnura St.
Thomns , at the home of
his eon , John T. , 2113 South Forty-sixth
street , Monday , Novsmbcr 7. ' Funeral
Wednesday , 2 p. in. Interment , Ever
green cemetery. Scotch and. Australian
papers please copy.
ALEXANDER-Mrs. Sarah Jane , wife of
nenjnmin Alexander , 27th nnd Armour
streets , South Omalm. Funeral 3 p. m.
Wednesday ut the Episcopal church. Chicago
cage and London , Out. , papers copy.
HOPPER-SADIE , aged 12 yenrn. 9 months ,
Tuesday morning at 1 o'clock , of perni
cious anaemia , daughter or Chns. Hopper ,
tit residence of uncle , V. W. Corliss , 2312
South 24th Bt. , Omaha. Funeral 2 p. m.
Wednesday , at 2912 S. 21th st. Interment
Thursday , Nov. 10 , U3S , nt Waterloo , Neb.
Received fhe highest award
on their Draught Beer and a
Gold Medal on their Bottled
Beer at ihe Transmississippi
Exposition , proving conclu
sively that their Beer is Pure.
Artesian well water only Is used in
the mnuufucturo of this boor.
Deeper Cuts
on Drug Prices
The old-fashloncd way of running a
drug store Is not She style for today.
PEOPLE1 will hnv'i the new remedies nnd
toilet nrtlcIes-PHYSICIANS Insist on
having now chemicals and Pharmaceu
ticals. "QUICK SALES and small profits"
Is the maxim now where It used to be :
No goods sold without 100 per cent profit.
Drug buyers will find our sioro comprises
every variety of drug , medicine or sur-
great appliance which can possibly be
needed by the physician or public.
Wo aia also in position to give prompt
and competent service , ns our force at
THAN DOUIJLE that of any other store
In Omaha or Nebraska.
Jloll orders promptly attended t > > .
Wrlto for Catalogue of prices.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co
of Ulock.
ir.l.'l DIHIKU Street , Oinnlin.
and the Fred Krup Hi-owing Co. hii3 the
diploma nnd medal at their ofllco to
prove it.
73 \F.ARB
Ol *
"Thcro nro others" but hone equal ,
KltUG GAHINET for purity , strength
and excellence of quality. .
Hcc , Nov. 9 , 'M.
" \Vlien \ wo told you yesterday that we were soiling
littio boy's suits worth three dollars and four dollars
for 1.75 and 2.50 wo told it to you in all seriousness.
Wo meant it. Wo mean it today. Wo repeat that I
the suits which wo placed on sale yesterday , the new
suits are far and away the best values that has over
been seen in this town. They are nobby little Ju
nior suits for boys 4 to S years , made up in hand
some cheviots , in Scotch Thibots , in splendid un
dressed Worsteds , and with fancy braided collars of
cashmere and broadcloth , and wo have divided them
into two great lots , ono lot marked 1.75 and ono
marked 2.50 a suit. You want to bear in mind that
these are not old stock , they are not the left-overs
from the Exposition stock , they aroTiot a lot of un
saleable goods marked down to get rid of them , for
every ono of them was made up for us within the
past forty days , and they haven't been in Omaha
much longer than 48 hours. Wo have plenty of sizes -
es , plenty ot patterns , plenty of suits , but we would
advise you to come and see them as early as possible.
Nebraska bargains have a way of disappearing as
soon as they are thoroughly noised around.
A Regular $12.5O All Wool .
Kersey Overcoat for $5.OO. \
300 blue , black and brown ,
raw , edge , all wool , Kersey
Overcoats , lined with line leatli-
erine body lining , Skinners ealin
sleeve linings , sizes 3d to 44 , ele
gantly made and finished ; regular
$12.50 garments ; while this lot
lasts for only
A Regular $12.5O All Wool
Kersey Overcoat for $5.00.
Selling the Most Clot hi 112 in Omaha *
We are selling them at prices that afford economical pur
chasers the opportunity of a lifetime.
$1,500 Stelnway Pianos $1,300 $150 Ivertt & Pond Pianos Si !
$1,150 Stelnway Pianos 1,000 $100 Ivers & Pond Pianos 338
$1,050 Stelnway Pianos 900 $500 Voso & Sons Pianos 385
$400 Voso & Sons Pianos 338
$900 Stelnway Pianos 810 $500 Emerson Planoa 365
$800 Stelnway Pianos C75 $375 Emerson Pianos 275
$750 Stelnway Pianos C25 KImball Upright Pianos 85
$700 Stelaway Pianos UOO Hohman Pianos 100
$600 Stelnway Planoa COO Knabe Pianos 115
$600 Ivors & Pond 1'lanos 4uO Smith & Barnes Pianos 125
$500 Ivers & Pond Pianos 385 New England Pianos . 135
Other pianos 40.00 , snO.OO and $ GO.OO.
Organs , slO.OO and upwards.
Now upright pianos on < 5 monthly installments.
1313 Farnam St.
Sciimoller & IViueiier
, Open ( -'veilings.
.t soxs
the decay In your Iceth by slaving us a cnll
or some day tin decayed tooth will stop you
from your \\ork and compel you to take a
IW oft to Ket It attended to. and it always
ccmcs when moat Inconvenient. Consult-
3rd Floor Paxtrn Blk. ,
10th and Farnam 8ts. Telephony 10 < B. Lady
Attendant German nnd Bohemian Spoken
Teeth exlracted nviolutcly without the
( lightest pain , without gas or cocaine. Gas
and vitalized air kept constantly on hand ,
fVXOTfi Til SA MK.
11111111111111111111111111111II11 111 III 11HI 111 111111111 I
I flr * you Qoina east ?
5 HJMI r luring f < * * romfvruUt trln , itirrouadtd by !
r * imiti Jtllxttlful Mvntrrytlu going to Xtw Yfcfk , Il-JU- ]
dell tU , or nabcrt i < eau | , ) ou rtcuot do Uu r tbta to
. - , „ . _ . Fklli tt t rJ.
- Tbi runt * U tbrougU r ifioo ot
IntJuJlnif _ . hUtork . . . v llt . > t. mounUto ,
i i l.i. Vi - " oa ibtlJItln. ThU U lb f U
" UI MU ll.iflaVi nj .N.w Ywk , rtU . ) , lr.bltk
jiau.Uoinr * Irftla in th wcU.
Alt through < L > ,7 trilui r rry djalug tvi MivUf
C for , | , * , ] \ ixwAi on tliU t < u , n l > toim -
r- Ilia M la rMn ' ( f r l lu 1 > nl , wllh four frail
- ln.ii nrii , , ( ia .f. . J.w , it rin.Api > i , > iwVoik.
Si 1 1 1 U 1 14 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | iu 1 1 1 1 U I'l ' M
Lrciltti vuuaoud llruA.
OrlMln l naOiilrCe
-TVsJJlsie. itajji ilu tu rlkUn Ta'.o
tt" \ yiioolirr.VS.K ( tfa.i 'r.u. tutir.ii , .
ia tuirri f > r turt'UuUri. l. Ui * &l4U B4
* Ualkf for r.o4lt .Mf * itttif. tr rl r
k U bj all L t | Printiii. ' 'l'JJILAUjS If2j