Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Losing Confidence iu Their Ability to Garry
the 8tat of Nebraska.
All Kill ill of Monr ) nnil Otlil * IMIrrri
n Sliorl Time \KII , lull : \o
Moneyla Mulit at Hie
I'rrirnt 'I I tins
LINCOLN" , Nov. 7. fSpeclnl. ) Around tin
republican nlntc headquarters there Is an all
ol satisfaction over the > xork of the cam
paign just closing , and the \xurd Is vent on
to the workers over the state that t !
every chance of victory next Tuesday If tlu
full vote Is brought out. r'areful estimate !
dhow that the republican T file ticket x.-ll
bo electM by from " .000 to 7,000 majority
and that the legislature will have seventy
tbreo republicans on Joint ballot , which xIl
Insure the election of a i "publican to MIC-
trod Allen In th0 L'nit -itates l senate , 'liu
newt , from thy congicsslonal districts 'li
rfjually encouraging , and there IB now gooi
irason to claim the election of foui rfpub
Mean congreEsnien xvlth tbo popocratlc inu
Jorltips large j cut down or wiped out In ( in
other two. 'Ihcsc chlms are baped on tin
belief the lepubllears will contlnui
their work up to thn very moment of cv ;
inj ; the r-flls on Tucjday night , and tlia
they will see to It that a fair count Is mad. .
In every voting place
Wrille the fu.slonlatr appear to be aanguln
In their claims , It has been notlcei
for flic last wcsk thit they 1m v
lost ihc atr of confidence that the ;
pcfiBessed before , and that the
mli'.o to tht fullest pxtent the danger a
defeat. Ono of the .a o house attache
who has been ronetnntly on the stum
for six xxeekfi made a wjgcc tc-n dayi ag
that Poyutor xxould have l.iuO ! ; majoiitj
Ho has beun elldlnp down In his estlnuvt
until three dayo ago he made a small wage-
that Poyntcr would bo elected , but dc
tllned to name any majority and decline-
all other offers to bet on nn even thin ?
Jn other partn of the state money Is bolti
freely offered that Hay ward will h
elected. Hvcn money Is being be
In the fouith mid fifth dlstrlrt
mi the election of congressmen. I
the First district the only xxager that ca
bn made is on the size of Hurkctt's mn
.lorlty , and home bets have been made the
he will have 2,500. A republican ninjorit
of i.dOO in thi ! district Is about the usur
nVr , and thcro Is very little fusion mono
at that
In Lancaster county there are some In
dlratlonp of a Inndalldu In favor of th
i "publican ticket and the fuMonlsts ai
trading everything In an offoit to get vote
for onu of their candidate ? for the
bcnate. The spucchpn ol Iluikett on Ft !
day night and Ihtirston Saturday nig !
hnd n gieat effect In enthusing the n
publlcaiiP , nnd It H believed that there wl
be more unecratched ballots jo Into tli
boxes than ever before. There will be n
panne In the hard x/ork until the poll
clofc , and no part of the rtate or lor ;
tlrkets xv 111 bo neglected. In sheer dcspert
lion the fusionlsts have yont for LJrjnn I
rome home on a furlough and will try I
exhibit him nnd his uniform to the voters o
Tuesday In the hopes that the tldu of d <
tertlng voters from the popocratlc cans
can be sxxe-pt back.
Lincoln l.iu-nl > nlr" .
Dr Will A. Do Mav of Danbury , Net
Ins bcfn fined for violating the phnrmat
law which requires that nemo but u regls
tired pharmacist < an sell or dispense drug
medicines or chemicals. Hcnrv S. Hart
of. Lincoln , .ch.ilrinnii < f. ( connnlUoo a
violations , prosecuted him.
Colonel John P. Dratt. Inte commander <
the I'lrst Nebraska regiment at Manlli
arrlxcd hero this afternoon In spite of tt
long and tiresome Journey home , he Is fee
ing hotter than when he left Manila nnd
peels to recuperate rapidly. Ho will pn
cred to his homo nt Bennett tomorrow.
A joung man named Neal was four
alongside the ra'lroad ' track near Roca
thb county this morning , nearly dead fro
bud ruts and bruises about his head. I
was taken care of by partlew In the nolgl
borhrod and It hns tlnce been learned th. .
ho has been working on a farm not far fro
vsbero ho vsns found The soung man Is
tuch n loxv condition that ho is unable
( ell xx hat happened to him
The Unlon-Commeiclnl club held a mee.
Inn at noon today nnd completed the cle
tlon of r dicers for the ensuing year as fo
lows President , C. H Rudge , vlcei presldct
Cicorgo H. Clarke , treasurer. M J. Waugl
uecretavy , E. R Slzer. The Board of Dlie
: ort consists of C. H. Rudge , .1. C. Hat
ham , J. C. Secrest. E. R Slzer , H.
Young , M. J. Witugh , L C. Burr , N.
Abbott , J. T. Dorgnn. J. D Macfarland , A
I ) Fitzgerald and Oeorge H. Clarke.
TMO r < iiiiinnlfN | IIOIOHP | ( o 1'ut In C
< - IIUIIKH ntV > iniirf.
WYMORE. Neb , Nov. 7. ( Special ) T
Nebraska Telephone eompanj , xxhlch has
long distance wiio iu this city , is bcfc
the city council now with nn appllcitl
for a franchise for a lo.-al exchange , xvhl
It proposes to put In as soon as the fra
rhlso 1 * granted. This company xx-as grant
a franchise for this purpose several ye ;
HUU. but on account of a clause contain
therein , which gave the city council t
right to regulate the price charged sn
wrlbers. no exchange was ever put In a
the company now nsKt ) the council to <
this clause out. The matter ulll bo dtspo *
of at the next council meeting. The f.
that local parties anticipate putting In
exchange Is perhaps the > cause of the sn
don activity of the Nebraska company , I
the local company declares It will noxv
ahead and put In an exchange even If t
Nebraska company puts one In also. 7
Nobr.iska people have refused to glva I
locil exchange- connection with their lor
distance wire.
( 'iinilnu ( mutt ) DUIriot Court.
WEST POINT. Neb. . "Nov. 7. ( Special. )
The postponed fall term of the Cuml
county district court xvlll convene
Wednesday morning next , at 0 o'clock.
number of L'rlmlnil cases will bo trlt
though th" crimes charged are not grai
The usual amount cf Uxv and equity mn
ness vxlll come be > fou > the court.
s ( ilfti for iililloi'M ,
COLUMBUS. Neb. Nov. 7. ( Special. )
Almost 100 boxes containing Christmas pi <
onts were sent from here today to the be
it Manila and H nolulu. The boxes x.tre
the i emulation size adopted by the * ilcpai
ment and wore filled 'with good things a
useful presenn. Nearly all of the bo ;
vero made up by friends of the boys , I
Ihrro woio tome who onlUtul line who h
no rclatixec here and a Mibserlptton vx
taken up and all the boxes were tilled. Tli
were sent to San Francisco ihU ovetilnr ; n
xx 111 leave there Nox ember 15 for their d <
DAVIU CITY. Neb No.7 ( Spe-lol.l
The BIU.JI County Sanlinry and Helli-f M
mission U preparing CbrUtmis buxc * tu
forwartlc l lu Company R at ilaulhi aa-i
rocts to klilp ihtu to Liiucln urnarm
ISvcry m rnher of ( luonir. . . " - w'.U > H- ;
numbered bv tli Ir fr < .nd lieu
Court li < Clntti * loiinlx.
COLVMnilS , Nib. N-v 7 -I > ne , Isl.
The regular Nnvmbcr term of vh * I'U
county dlstrir' eouri convened In thli c
today. Judge \luert presiding The day v
Kxoied lo asslgnlrg the cloi-U * i for t
term , xxhlch U unusually heavy , containl
something o-es 200 civil nnd about a d02
jrlmlnal c The term will pr'ubiy ve
tlnue fr r ihicc werku or morefter nr-
; he > ases in order xvlth the attor-
nev , eourt M adjourned until next Mon
day , November II. In order to give all ate
to attend the election
riiiiim nrnicTID \.r II\HTIM : .
ln > for Prpsli > trrliuiM In tin-
| MtixtllliK : SH.rii l.a ( It ) .
I HASTINOS , Neb , Nov 7 ( Special ) The
i dllver arnlverjar ) and dedicatory exercises
| of the PlMt Prcsbvterlan ehureh were hold
t yesterdav The chureb was elegantly de"-o-
j rated for the Flags and bunting
I hung on the vnll while palms and pot'od
.plants . were In prr fusion At the morning
service Rex. David S flchafl. D-D , now of
Cincinnati , the first pastor of the Presbyte
rian church in Hasting ! ) , preached the anni
versary sermon His reminiscences of
church xxork In Hastings twenty-five years
ago were eloquently portrayed nnd were lis
tened to with thr > doipgt attention for over
two hours.
The dedicatory osereUcs were held In the
church at 3 SO o'clock In the nftr rnoon. Rev.
O. Hess Mi'phe-i.son , I ) D , of Chicago.
prenelu'd the dedlcat'on ' sermon. Ills text
, wan "The Church the Pillar of Truth "
i J N. Cla k , on behalf of the ehureh debt
, committee , returned thanks to all who as
sisted lu frfclng the < lnireh fiom debt. He
then rend his rrp rt. which shOAc < l the
church < Ub to be Jooro. ! and al-o showed
thru * J,2l32o had besii subs-rlbpd and paid
in to clear the debt The deed to the church
was then turned ever to the proper odleert.
l The evening sen ices oonsi'toO of rexeral
short priyers > and the ' -eadlnc of Bieetlngr ,
, from former pasto-s of the ehuieh. Every
serxlco was attinrted by over 1,000 people.
ttnoliifhM CliiiliKv nt Kinrrnon.
UMERSON. Neb , Nov 7. ( Special.- )
Will H. Smiley sold his ) CO-acr ) farm neat
Emertou to Rudolph SchopUo for SVflOO.
He then purchased the grororv store ot John
, F. Ilerbuck and T\ill engage In 1 > uslnc s In
' I James Mi-Henry N completing a l..OOf
' bushel capaeitv tlfvator , S. K Cobb In build.
i Ing a new brl-U veneered postonico btilldinp
' nnd W. (1. ( Merten is erecting a ue-v dwell
ing an fine as sny in town
Miot In the rin-0.
ASHLAND , Neb , Nov. 7 ( Spcclal.- )
Saturday evening Mis. Loulo DcSouards ,
wife of a farmer llxlng south of this city ,
while on her return home , xvaa shot in llu
face by an air gun In the hands of a small
bov. The ball struck near the side of her
nose and glanced , lodging under her eye ,
x\hcre the surgeon could not reach It xvltli
a probe. The accident Is a serious one and
may lesult in the loss of the oje.
Hi nUnmiii'n I-'ntnl llnrt.
FAiniUIRV. Neb , Nov. 7 ( Spcclal.- )
Pert Daxxfon , brol.cnian on the RocK
Ifrland , xxhile making a coupling at NarKa ,
t i Saturday night fill under the xxheels ,
l xxhlch passed oxer his light leg. He xxas
, brought to hli home in this city nnd the
amputated , but It xxas impossible to sax <
his llfo < ind ho died las > t night. Ho xvas
t about 2fi years of ago .ind had been mar-
nod only about n year.
Money In Poultry.
ASHLAND , Neb , Nov. 7. ( SpeciaU-
The poultry buslnens has become a goer
source of revenue 1o the farmers of till !
community. Every Frldav a poultry e.n
comes hero fiom Schuyler Exery wcel
the car takes out from Ashland , Walioe
and Schuyler from h.OOO to 12,000 poundt
of llv-o poultry , which are shipped to Sar
> < > ( n TII nil lit n to.
MINDEN , Neb , Nov 7 ( Special ) Me-
Leod W. Chappell , candidate on the demo
cratic ticket for representative from Kcarnej
county , sent out circulars lute Saturdaj
night announcing that lie was not a can
didate. Such , action on his pait vxlli
greatly complicate the situation.
Mnn round Demi.
WAUNETA , Neb. , Nov. 7. ( Special Telegram -
egram ) Word has Just reached WauneU
that Thomas O'Brien , a farmer living ncai
Ough , Neb , wcs found dead , lying in th <
load near his home. Ho xsas absent fron
the house for twentfour hours but vxai
supposed to bo herding cattle.
Merllnu hchoolN Itcopcn.
STERLING , Neb. , Nov. 7. ( Special ) -
The schools opened today , after being closci
for two weeks on account of diphtheria. N <
nexv cases , and these xxho xx-ero sick las
week have recovered , except one , nnd that 1 :
much Improved and out of danger.
Southern 1'iiclflc Shop * .
SACRAMENTO , Nov. 7. A fire , whlcl
broke out In the extensive railroad shops o
the Southern Pacific nt an early hour thi
morning , caused a loss of oxer $200,000. 1
started In the car and machine shops in th
center of a group of large buildings , aud
fanned by a stiff northxx-est wind , destrojei
the structure and Its eostly machinery li
less than half an hour. It next attackei
10 the big saxv and planing mill and cablne
n shop , filled -\xlth seasoned lumber of al
re Kindh , and In a few minutes the xxhole In
" > terlor of the big brick structure xx-as
'h r.iglng furnace. Hundreds of firemen fough
' the ( lamer , xxhlch xxero got under contrc
-A befoio da > light. The cause of the fire I
rs not posltlxcly knoxxn , but It Is thought t
'd ' haxo started from crossed electric xxlrcs 1
10 the car shops.
' > ! It is only a little more than a year slue
id the pattern shop of the railroad compan
nt xx-as burned , causing a loss of nearlj $500 ,
; d ono.
Ilrenery nt Wlllier.
WILBUll. Neb. , Nov. " . ( Special. ) Th
Wllber brexxery. xxlth all Its Contents , xva
; o totally destroyed by flre on Sunday nigh' '
10 U belonged to Frank J. Hayek , xxho bough
ie the propel ty a fovx months ngo from Kobe
* Son. Insuied for $ ! > 000 In the Western t
Toronto , $3,000 In the Hartford of Haitfor
nnd $1,000 In the Uoyal ot England ; tola
$11,000 , xxhlch xx 111 atout cover the loss. Th
flro xxas fti t swrn in the Ice house at abet
10 o'clocK.
111 | Port ? IliillillutiM . . , , . . . . , . . , . .
' I P1TK1N. Colo. . Nov. 7 All the bulldln ?
' on both bides of Main street from Fourl
P' ' tstreft to Fifth , forty In number , wei
destroyed by flro , bellcxcd to huxe been i
j Incendiary origin , xxhijh started at 1 o'cloc
; this morning. The loss U estimated :
- j $100,000. The heaviest single loss 13 that >
s- I U. II. Williams & Co. . general stole ar
, s bank , $10000.
l- I PrnlrliriiCH. .
id1 SE.XECA. Neb , Nov. 7 ( Special. )
= s prairie lire has been raging betxxeen tt
it Dismal and Loup rlxers for the last fortj
id eight hours , and resists the b-vk-flring (
> fort > rallxvay section and roundhouse mei
' > ' AH thlh la xxrlttcn another flro ha * startt
id in the big grasu on the north side of tt
* - i I.oup river. The toxm la In great danger.
Hum nnil llm-M-x lluriii-cl.
A. Nb. . XnT idpeclaMt
p. m. yesterday t'lo ' lire alarm > xa soundei
! n ihort llroe the i-tnble "i the preml'o
D cu'te ] < ! Uy Iltiam xxas burned i
hiiound. . In n xxere txxo good horf-e
1 'i ih b..o.'M 1 ,1 f'tiei
, f . sumv Mini * lli' lr i > 4il.
[ v I S\OHAMiN'l.l Nox 7 Traxcl on tl
a's Ce-uial I'aottli railroad has bei-n dflayc
He aboat tx\entv alu hours b > a t're In il
IK snoxx shedj ami tunnel between duniml
fll and TrukeeIurh damage xxa < " ' ' "e b >
ufore the fames xxere suudued
Hepnblicans Have Reason to Believe that
They Will Win Today.
f net Ion In Turning ; Dimn
IliM r.iniHT supporter * Drltt *
Mniiy Voter * Into ( InH < -
piilillcmi l-ai-15.
CHAMnnitLAIN , S D , Nov 7. I Special. )
The campaign now 'closed In south Uakot :
will bo long remembered as the metii acri
monious in the history of the tate. Na
tional iuues haxo been Involved to the ex
tent of ( his campaign bng ! the p'eltmlmrj
skirmish over the election two vears hon-i
of a Micrchjor to Senator I'ettlgrexv th <
struggle' being between I'cltlgrpw , baekei
by the fuslonlats and silver pentlnifnt of tin
stole , anil a straight or administration re
publican. Thus the retult of the comlnj
election will haxe Important bearing on thi
position of the state two years from nov
with refeicnco to I * taking Its place In tin
frco sllxcr or lepubllean column
Although free sliver coin-go has beci
olllclally declared by the chairman of th
populist fitnto committee to be "as big fi
humbug as the tariff question and about ,1
dead pn I'sue. " the fusion orators ha\o n
Interval * fought to Inject life Into it , wll :
ImltlTi'iont siiLtefs. They speedily found Mia
the railroad question furnished them ai
Issue with which they could more cisll ,
hoodwink th - voters of the mate. There
fore their chief bittlo cry has been "Shal
the railroads or ( he people rr.lo. " Penato
I'rttlpre.v has had personal charge of th
campaign for the nnd the DRIIIM- -
he ids of the democrat ! : , populist and pllve
republican state committees b.ixe merol
carried out his wishes In directing the cam
palgn. The cry of nilroad domination o
the state Is expected to fool voters \\h
permit designing politicians to do thel
thinking for them.
How little foundation there li for th
fusionlsts' chpiges that the republican pait
of the ptate Is committed to the Interest
of the railroads and against the Interest
of the people Is shown by the fact that th
republican state platform contains a plan
emphatically pledging the support of th
party to the successful termination of th
now celebrated rate case , which has bee
appealed to the United States supreme cour
by the railroads , which were defeated In th
federal court of this circuit.
riiiuiKC Tlu-lr Attitude- .
The carnpnlsn has developed man
changeof atilltude of prominent men an
In these changes the republicans ha\
much the brtter of It. Colonel Mehli
elected attorney general on th
fusion ticket two years ago , has been a
onts with his party leadnra for some Urn
although ho went to the front durin
the war with Spain and is a competent an >
honorable attorney , lie was denied a renom
Inatlon by I bo fusion mnungers by dlrec
tiou of Senator Pettlgrew. Judge C. S. Pal
mer , one of the most noted political aero
bats in the northwest , a man wholly de
xold ot even a hcmblmice of political prln
clplo aud who is known OH the Jonah c
South Dakota politics , because ho bear
the unen\lable reputation of being able t
make moro political blunders in a gl\c
time than any other man lu the state , xxn
given Origsby's place on the tlcke
fiiigsby Ihes In Slouv Falls , the homo c
Senator Pettlgrew , and it I& the opinion t
well informed men thit If the two me
were candidates for the saiao office whei
both are 5 nown the greater popularity c
( Jrigsby woulil give him nn pvcrnhclm
In ? victory over the "pickerel statesman.
Another prominent man who has icccntl
repudiated the fuslontsts is Senator Kjli
who has many friends amoug the democrat
and populists. Then there la Hon. Bartlel
Tripp , United States minister to Austria
Hungary din Ing Cleveland's last admlnls
( ration , \\lio for years has been thn lead
Ing democrat of the state. Urlgndler Ger
eral Mark W. Shenfo Is another llfelon
democrat who has repudiated the luslo
ticket. There are also Hon. 11 L Louck
for years leader of the populists and tl
father of populism In South Dakota Hoi
D. W. Flick of Uapld City , -who did as muc
or moro than any other one man to can
the Black Hills for the fusionlsts tw
years ago , Colonel J. W. Jones , editor an
publisher of the Lead Dally Call , a man wli
has stood high In the councils of the fuslc
parties and who did valiant work for tl
fusion ticket In that part of the state tw
years ago. Colonel Steele of Deadwood , ot
of the most prominent In the old demi
cratlc organization and ono of the best ar
moat cffe tlxe orators In the state , has all
declined to train longer -with the fuslc
The significance of these changes enn be
ter bo understood when it is iccalled thi
two jears ago all these men , with the c-
ccptlon of Hon. Bartlett Tripp. who had n >
then returned to the United States fro
his foielgn post of duty , acthelj puppoit'
the fusion , which even then was on
partially successful , the governor and tl
few others fleeted by the faslonhts ha-
Ing won by only a. few hundred votes. Th
jcar , with all these men and their frlem
strongly opposed to the fusion ticket , the :
would seem to be good grounds for the bi
lief that the republican ticket will be elect !
by anywhere from fi.OOO to 10,000 majorlt
nniT OK A cuLoiinn soi.niin
Snlllclpnt to Pri'ioiit n Simnluli Ilm
UiHlfinl lnK Too Mnnj ( Incfctlonn.
DENVER. Nov. 7 ( Special ) "Tho flr
whisky that I secured in Santiago \vi
. ' obtained under exciting circumstances
t said a colored soldier on a South Droidwc
i car coming from Fort Logan to Denver. 1
t , explained that ho was a member of tl
I ! Twenufifth Infantry , which participated :
, i the tight at El Caney , where the bulle
3 flew thirkcst.
"It makes ms laugh every time I thlr
of It , for Uvxas one of the- few amusir
episodes that xxe experienced ixhlle XXP xxe
in that icglon After xxo had taken tl
city and things \\ere being straightened 01
, the f-oldler * xxere xxont to stray around !
a groups xOien off duty , and ono day I ha ]
I pened to be out xxlth four others , all boi
{ on finding recreation. One of the cro\ '
t xvas named Ilroxvn , a colored man , and
, grtat bin ffllo.v. xxlth a big heart. He cou
j speak Spinlsh quite -.xell.
"Ho xentured the remaik that some
the old red liquor that xxu xxere used to
New Orleans and other Mississippi rlv
toxvns xxotild brace us up a gooJ deal ai
j that If any ono had the price of five glass
\ xxe xxould seek a place and set a drink ,
j "We finally found a saloon and entere
Patrons of dramshops there do not stand i
j to bars xxhen they Imbibe. They take sea
i nt tables and are serxed by the bartend *
as xso do In Denx-e-r on Sunday.
"As xxt > passed In xxe noticed seated
several tables a number of Spanish ? oldiei
I but they said nothing to us , nor did \ve
tb-m. \\e had been & | rins at the tal
perhaps the or six minutes xxlihout bell
noticed In any xxay by the bartender , wl
did not appear to be busy xxlth any oth
customers and xxe wire sroxxlng somauh
. ttxxaio of the fact thai ho xxas purposely l
j coring us.
"After a xxhlie the bartender spoke
! some of hU countrymen In a general xx ,
In Spanish to the effect that ho xxould d
1 right t'ic-e
anl he eternally spitted In hd
uefore h * xxculd ser * < - tb e interim ! blai
' YaaVefi ni h anx h ni ;
j Our mui , Iuxu ihc one xxho could U |
I deraiand ibc suunuU UnEuase luaiDtd f)0
the table an 1 made a rush for individual
who was presiding ovr the dr mies of the
! establishment
| "IJrown xxas mad and as he grabbed the
' man around the shoulder * he fell to and
pounJed him over the head with his revolver
and while the fellow ytllert xxlth pain
J Drox-n pulled thu trigger three tlmea and
the rcom echoed xx'ith th" explosions of
three charges of pcrxx-der. Ilroxxn onlj fired
to scare and the bullets fl"\v up oxer the
felloxx's head. IJrown released him ns the
last shot left the gun.
! "The Spaniards In the pUoc < attored like
I dust -n the xxlud when the pistol xxas tired
and the bartender ran out of the door like
' n streik of lightning as soon as nroxxn let
1 him go. Then Hrow u said 'Come on , boys ,
I now we will get a drink. ' He olllelated as
bartender and we took samples from nearly
everything In stock. Some of it was good
whisky , too , but xxo took nothing more than
we wanted at the time , We did not molest
drawer We xvero xct . -
his caah mo.-o consid
erate of the man's Interests \Ve left the
price of one drink all around on hU table
nn.l walked out of the place
\ftirwarl colored and white American
roldltrs allka reeelxcd the moat courteous
attention from the caloon men of Santiago
We were waited upon quitpromptly. . "
lo i' of ritlxriiN nxcliniier * Sliot-t
iiltli tin * ( iiuiR. KlIlliiK Om > unit
rrtliturliiK HcMiiiiliiilr-r.
WOUCtSTEH , Mass. . Nov. 7 Karly today -
day a tosse of cltlzons of North Grafton
sui rounded a gang of burglars xxho had
broken Into the postofflce and captured two
and killed ono of the robbern fjcorgo Allen
discovered the burglars and leaving his
bouse through a rear xvlndow alarmed Auio3
( Jetch ll and William Ctctchell , who are both
( onstablcs. and sex eral other men They
surrounded the postofllce and found three
I men on the outride of th hu'ldlna ' ; . Uoth
the burglars and eltl/ens opened flre with
rexolxeis and after some brisk shooting the
lobbers fled. Substqutntlv the dead body o !
one of tht-m , apparently a rrem-hman. 'xaa
found In a field near bj Hnterlug the
building txxo other burglars xxcro found and
captured. They were armed. The prison
ers xxerc taken to Westboio for preliminary
hearing In the district court
Deinntntlon to Crops In Snnln Clara
Province Will C'liiiHe More Suf
fering In Culm.
HAVANA , Nov. 7. Oxvlng to the constant
rains which have fallen recently thr > streams
In the province of Matanza-s have nvcrfloxvp ] ,
flooding oxer 1,000 acres in the ] QW district
of that province. The land inundated had
ju t been planted with sugar cane and fiult
trees , after three years of n-glec-t , and the
disaster has again plunged the Inhabitant"
of this district Into the deepest misery Thn
Yumlrl valley Ins also been tl od d. The
evacuation of the cities of Sanctl Splritu- ,
and Trinidad in the province of Santa Clara
Is expected to be completed on November
MlKKonri Tovrti Mroiit by nNnntroun
Tire nnil I.nrKe DnniaRo Done
riiurchen Drxtroj eil.
SEDALIA , Mo. . Nov. 7. The town o ;
Green Rldgo , twelve miles south of here , wa :
almost swept out of existence by flre today
Among the buildings destroyed arc th' <
Baptist and Christian churches. Losses an
not given.
Iiiteiitor of Hie Mfr Vrenerver.
NEW YORK , Nor. 7. OtUd Kahnweller
Inventor of the cork Jaoket life preserver
died yesterday at his home in this city.
I'onuder of Cohilen Club.
| LONDON. Nox7. . T. B Potter , thf
founder of the Cobden club , the once famous
free trade organization , is dead.
Vitntlirr limit In Ilir imilorlitinl
flintier WreoU n1 Hclrnll
l Hrcoi rrril.
DKTIIOIT. Mich . Nox 7 Tlu terribly
mangled holy of the twelfth victim of Satin-
day's theater colhp e > x\i taken from the
mini of Wojdcrland today II xxas that of
Charles Mlelke , a laborer , dUeox-
t red In a corner of the top gallery , nearly
coxerctl by wreckage. When finally extri
cated , the remains xvcte x\r.irpcd 'n ' nn un"
uufikci's blanket ni il loxxcred to the sfeot |
xxith a rope In full xietx of .1 ciovxd of spec-
1'homo de Mnn , a member of the firm
which hml the contract for looting and flru-
proofing the Jtrtictute , assetH that onu
01 Ms men ilcovorel ! one of the root
tnt5 c ; ha'l deflected nn Inch and a Inlf , but
' that .he man considered It was only .1
"settling" of the roof structure * The weight
of the roof was borne by thrco atcel trussed
each fourteen feet wide , from top to bnt-
toni , and long enough BO that the ends were
1 let Into die walls en racli side of the build-
I Ing.
> nniHilaU n\trr | < iH .MumDniilil nx
to Wlirdu-r ( | | ( . ship m-nll }
Point tltrt * < l.
CHICAGO. Nox 7 A special to the Nexx *
from Washington cavs Na\y department of
ficials feel a ions wa > from certain that
the Maria Teresa is really at the ocean'
' bottom Ai n n.atter of fact the fear th.H
| I' would sink caused It to be abandoned.
i It Is prolnble that a searcher x. Ill be sent
I out to team the Chip's fate , for It Is felt
1 It ma" now be a derelict
I'nrftt rionilj nnd Mnoh ( older In
Nrl > rn .Kn , lthVlnils In
the Vcirdi.
I _ _ _ _
j WASHINGTON. Nox 7. Forecast lor
I Tueslay
| For Nebraska and Kansas Pnitly cloudy
and much colder , north x\lnd
For Iowa and Mttisourl Generallv fair ;
much colder north winds.
For North .ind ' South Dakota Partly
I cloudy nnd continued told norlh wind ?
For Wvomlnc and Montana Snow flur
ries , north to northeast winds.
l.ocul [ teooril.
oFi'iri : OF inn WKATHIR nunicAf.
OMAHA , Nov. 7 Omaha record of tcm-
ppr.ituro and i.ilnfall , compirod xvltli I IIP
corresponding dav of the lupt three j-ears - :
1S31 1S17 ! , 1M6.
. Mnxiniiim tcnippr.itiuo . . ft ) Ifi " 0 , li
Mltilmvm temperature . 1rt 4l > 'JJ " 1
\x rase- temp inture o' 4' 21 "I
' llnlnfnll . 10 fll T .2 >
of tempoiature and pieelnltatlon
I at Omaha for the day nnd Mnc < ? Maic-h I ,
, 1 5
Normal for the flax' . . . II
i n\c' PS for th < > dux . . . 1
! Ac. umiilated excess since M ireh 1 . . -Wi
Nuiiml nilntali IDI the dav .i > l lucn
| DelU lenev for the day . . C > l iucli
'in'iil ralnf'll Klivo March I . .2" 01 Inches
Peilc leticv Hlnro March 1 1-12 Inch"
Petleloni-v for co > period. IMt" 11. i > 7 Indies
Uxee ° s for eor period. 1S90 . . . . I 44 Inches
IlenorlH from Stutlonn nt 8 p. in.
Omnha. clear I fii , (0. ( 0.1
Noith Plitte , partly cloudy .141 0" "
Salt Lake , clear 12 IV 1
rhejenne. Miox ! nt * M' ' ! Ci T
Ftnplil City , lourtx 2S on i no
Huron , partly oloudv | ? ,152 \ M
AVIllNton . . . . , partly . cloudy 2V . 2fil T
Chicago , eiear p. j
Pt. I.otilp , rjoiidj .ft )
Ht. Paul , p-irtly tloyjy ! so
l . .ivenportlrit : . . i' . . . fiO B8
Ilslena , cloudy . . . 31 3S CO
Kaii'-as City , ele-ii . 671 70 |
1 lavre , snoxx Ins 11
Hl'mi-rlc. Mioxxlng . ] 24 36' ' .01
( ! alve ton. olnudy . . . | 66 70' ' , f )
T indlc itiB trnee of preclnltnt'on
Local ToreraHt OHH'
.ViViVfWiV/.ViWiViViViVix-Wi'iWiYrViVVi'iSWuV. . . . . . . .
M > n 'iitMX ' | g
FREE ADVICE lv * our I'll Mi-Inn nndn FREE SAMPLE , ,
of ui mciTulmnnil ni pnto 1'rro Itnnk treat ne n" di in \tliu Muvcolltnt
in i | > ei > nto noi'ie of Uic Ttlir rou thoiild urlln tit ,
( iiic the ten > in onof I\riep | < la , Con tlpallon , Hrndai'lit , I.lifr ami
Kldlir- } ill vnrft t-ond foi Jirnuf of It Mn r.unrnntr. . II. Vtltr u * ftlMnit
nil nt xour i < /tnntiiiiii | ) i Kny'n Itunnviiloi ! olil h > < lriiKRl > > * ot cut
li mall on receipt of ) > Hrr , : . % rt-nto und 81.00.
AdJrfH Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( WnttmOffice Omahn , Nob.
That you will line I under our roof llio most liberal assortment
of Fall nnd Winter woolens in the city. A generous va
riety of over 2,000 styles draped on table ? , side by
side , for easy and quick comparison.
We're anxious to have you r-ee them. We want you to com
pare our as-bortmenl with the average variety about town.
We gladly oiler you samples and price * for comparison
feeling a f-snivel that your order will come back to UP.
The fabrics we offer you at Slo. $18 and 520 will compare fa
vorably with the a\erage s'Jo suit of the imitauHs. They
are f-crupulonsly tailored in the latest fashion the lit-
ting and ( hushing receives the same careful attention as
the higher priced garments and are in every way adapt
ed to the requirements of the most exacting dresser.
The fabrics we offer at S25. $ HO and $85 need no special com
mendation. They are the best that foreign or domestic
mills produce and the tailoring is in keeping with the
It costs as little to command a thoroughly first class tailored
suit , as we sell them , that wevonder who can bo satis
fied with the shoddy productions so common.
All our garments are made by the best skilled tailors of
TROUSERS , $4-$5-$6-$7 and $8 SUITS , $15 to $50
FALL OVERCOATS , $15 to $40.
209 and 211 S. 15tli St : , Karbach Block
Tly Tld
Is fl
jf i
r ,
B ,
? s