Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1898, Part II, Page 24, Image 24

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Goldmnltli , ltn * ( < ntitili .fc I.rt If Il -
olve l'nrliirrnlili | mill ( lu Out
llf llUNlllf'MN *
Lnut week Mr. Al Kosenbush of tbc firm
Bf Onldsmllh , tloflenbish : & Lovle came to
Omaha to Internal Messra , J L Hrandcls &
Eons , proprietor * of the Uoston Store , In
the purchane of their entire wholesale nhoo
Stock In Chicago. The upshot of thn mat
ter resulted In the purchaao fox Boston
Btoro , and on
The stock will go on sale. What wo wish
In Impress upon the mind of the people la
tills , that thin firm have hern In business
only for ft short time nnil the shoes they
carry In stock worn made for them to sell |
Igaln to almost exclusive Chicago trade.
This Bale will undoubtedly he ( he largest
nnd most Important shoe sale ever held In
Omaha. It Includes every known make of
men's , women's misses' nnd children's shoce
.nd the prices will he considerably less than
even half what they were made to sell for.
The men's shoes are without exception
custom made shoes In Goodyear , Upler and
Wardwell hand-sowed work.
The women's shoes are In welts , turns and
Dno custom work.
The children's nnd boys' are also of the
Very best mokes.
As much as possible of this stock will be
placed on bargain squares ready for you to
pick them out without any trouble.
The men's nnd women's shoes that sold an
high as JO. 00 and JO. 00 will be sold for not
more than $1 OS at the outside. Other goods
proportionately low.
IJo sure to read Monday's and Tuesday's
papers for further particulars of this Im
mense shoo sale. Tlemcmber , the sale will
commence Wednesday nt 8 o'clock sharp and
Hint thousands and thousands of dollars are
Involved In this shoe sale.
ICth & Douglas Sts.
Sam'l Burns. 1318 Farnnm. Is selling a
teal "delft" toilet set , 12 pieces , ? G.7G.
Oninliu ( < >
Th Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two mag
nificent electric lighted trains between
Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally
at 5:45 : p. m. . arriving Chicago at 8 ' 25 a. m.
nnd leaving Chicago Gll : > p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8 20 a. m. Bach train Is lighted
throughout by electricity , has buffet smok
ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , din
ing cars and reclining chair cars and runs
over the shortest line and smoothest road
bed between the two cities.
Ticket office , 1604 Farnam street , and nt
Union depot
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , scientific nnd
magnetic physician , has moved his office to
the Tl/ard block , 224 North 23d street. Spe
cial attention to nil long standing or linger
ing diseases and to diseases of women and
nnil Culm ii. ftiilritciiilrncc.
ARCADIA , Neb. , Nov. 2. To the Editor
of The Hco1 Wo hnvo some dispute hero aa
to who Introduced the first bill for the In
dependence of Cuba. The populists nro
claiming that Senator Allen Introduced the
first bill for the independence ) of Cuba and
vro think It was Senator Morgan. Which Is
correct ? L. U. AIAiFIIIN ,
Editor Champion.
Ans. Both wrong. Senator Cameron of
Pennsylvania Introduced February 10 , 1896 ,
the first resolution granting bolllgcrcnt
rights to the Cubans. It was amended by
the senate committee on foreign relations
and passed by the senate February 28 , 1898 ,
nnd by the house of representatives March
3 , 1898.
If Ton Want to Go Rnnt
xcent take the "Northwestern Line" If
you dcslro o , fast daylight trip between
Omaha and Chicago , because no other line
runs a daylight train. Leaves Omaha 6:40 : a ,
m. , arrives Chicago 8:15 : same evening. Closs
connection with eastern linos. A good train ?
Emphatically YES.
City omce. 1401 Farnam.
A sample line of Christmas goods of all
lilnds to bo retailed nt wholesale prices Sat
urday and Monday. Open evenings , 1207
Ilurnoy street.
Monnuiiith CnllfKU flutn a Gift.
MONMOUTH. III. , Nov. 5. James Law , n
wealthy citizen of Chicago , has offered tc
donate $50,000 to the trustees of Monmouth
college on condition that they ralso a like
amount by commencement day next June ,
frho money Is to go to thn endowment of the
chair of literature and sociology. The cropo-
slllon was accepted by the trustees.
M Oiler.
In order to bring people early for Xmaa
work , thereby giving them and us plenty
tlmo we've again decided to give free from
Nov. 6 to December 1st. with each dozen
platlno cabinets or largo photos a beautiful
high class lloccoco frame , In Itself a hand
some Xmns gift. This Is decidedly the
finest souvenir we've over given. Sco
samples In street cases.
Wo wore awarded gold medal by experl
Judges at 1898 Nebraska State and Inter-
Btato Photographers' convention.
313-15-17 So. IBth St.
Diamond rings , $10 to { 500. Beautiful as
sortment to choosu from. Edholm. opp , P. 0 ,
Steve repairs of any description. 120t
Douglas , Omaha Stove Repair Woiks.
TriulliiK StniiiiiN ,
are hero to stay , lluy coal of Victor Whlti
nnd get them.
Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele
Rant rooms , ladles' nnd gents' cafe and grll
room. Cor. ICth and Howard.
The Only Iliillriuiil ( o Chicago ,
With a daylight train. Leaves
Omaha GIO : n. in. every day ,
arriving Chicago the same
evening at 8-15 , when close connections
nro made with nil lines
beyond , This train IB CO years
ahead of the times nnd Is proving
Immensely popular with Omaha
people. Other Hying
trains leave for Chicago nt 4-55 and CB5 :
p. m. dallv. rttv ticket nfllce ,
1401 Farnnm St. ,
"The Northwestern Line. "
Good alarm clocks , 65c ; Edholm , Jeweler.
IIOHTO.V sToitn ninno.N U
TnpNitn ? IlnKlnn n Hullof PliirM I.nt
million Itriiinnntn liver In Oninlin.
From the best American ribbon mill we
bought a year's accumulation of ribbon rem
A bolt of ribbon always contains ten yards
and when the loom runs out leas than ten-
yard pi ex. oa uro thrown Into tbo remnant
lot , and once a year these are sold to the
customer who buys the biggest lot of regular
goods from this mill , You nil know thn phe
nomenal ribbon business wo do and this
year wo were by far tbo biggest purchasers
from this mill and consequently they fold
us the cntlro year's accumulation of ribbons
bens , running from one to nlno yards. They
arc In all kinds of ribbon , from the narrow
No. 2 to the fine , double faced , cord oil go ,
black entln ribbon ; there are two-toned ribbons
bens , double-faced satin ribbons , fancy
moire ribbons , t a ( let a glace ribbon , fancy
colored ribbon , fancy plaid ribbons , fancy
10-Inch sash ribbons , the new IJayadcre
striped ribbons , black and \\hllo striped I
ribbon , polka dot ribbon. In fact , there Is
nothing In the ribbon line but what will bo
represented at thin sale and they are all
of the best quality manufactured nothing
but alt silk , and that of tbo best grade.
These ribbons will bo on sale on four of
our large bargain counters. Prices ranging
from lo to 2ic ! yard ,
Remember , the sale begins Tuesday.
ICth & Douglas Sts.
Notice tn the Pulille.
The undersigned brewers of Milwaukee and
St. Louis desire to ntate to the public that
they did not plnco on cxhlltlon for competi
tion at the Transmlaslaslppl Exposition beer
manufactured by their respective companies
or In any manner competed for any medals
or premiums.
Otto Slcmssen , Mgr.
Geo. Krug , Gen. Agent.
A. J. Short , Mgr.
C. S. Culllnghatn , Mgr.
P. J. Boyscn , Mgr.
The New Mercer Hotel.
Wo can board you this winter cheaper
than you can keep house. Electric light ,
steam heat , fifty baths.
$1.00 sterling mounted hair brush. Edholm.
On Inhibition.
The Cudahy Packing Co extend an Invi
tation to their friends to visit their demon
stration nt the Thos. Kllpatrlck Dry Goods
store and partake of a sample cup of their
famous Rex beef tea.
She Licked Her Ilnnlinml
Because ho did not order Omaha Van and
Storage Co. to do the moving.
A. D. T. Co. : messengers furnished : bag
gage delivered. 1302 Douclas St. Tel. 177.
To AH Principal AVeMorn Point Vln
Union Pacific.
TWO trains dally. 4:35 : p. m. nnd 11:55 p. m.
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , 8:50 : a , m. nnd 4:35 : p. m.
Utah and California points.
ONE train dally , 4:35 : p. m.
Utah , Idaho , Montana nnd Oregon points.
For full particulars call at City Ticket
ofllco , 1302 Farnam St.
The Northwestern line Is the official route
to St. Paul , Minn. , for delegates to W. C.
T. U. National Con'xontlon Nov. D-16. Join
the other delegates , buying your tickets over
that lino.
Buy your shoes of Cartright's nnd get
Trading Stamps.
Look at sample line of toys to bo retailed
at wholesale prices Saturday and Monday.
Open evenings. 1207 Harncy street.
Boston Store
Drug Dept ,
We guarantee the lowest prices and the
best of everything In drugs or patent med
pecial Premium
For sales amounting lo $1.00 on any of the
following goods wo will plvo as a premium
ono of the best receipt hooka ever published
\\orth Jl.OO.
Jl.OO Ur. Kay's Renovator , our price. . 75c
I 25o Dr. Kay's Renovator , our price. . 20c
25c Dr. Kay's Lung Dalm , our price. . 20c
$1.00 Dr. Kay's Kldneycura , our price 75c
Some People
Talk with their mouths , others with theli
fingers. Wo talk through our goods. Nc
matter how much we talk about the goods
1 If the goods did not talk for themselves all
our descriptions would fall lint.
When wo tell you
Is the best pleco of goods for the money-
we mean It. If It wasnt true wo wouldn't
have such a tremsndous sale of them. Yoi
better try one If you want a good smoke.
Paxton Block ' igarMore ,
inth and Fnrnain.
Jacob .Tasknlok Prop.
if you take the right train. The right train
is the Exposition Flyer , Burlington Route.
Why right ? Best equipped. Runs
over best track. Makes fewer stops. Al
most always on time Leaves Omaliu4 :30 : p.
m. ; arrives St , Louis 7:19 : a. m.
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 128.
COOPER Jeremiah , aged 71 years.
Funeral from residence , 620 South ISth
street , Monday , November 7th , at 101
o'clock to Forest Lawn cemtory. Friends
of family Invited ,
I'ALIlC-Jos. F. , aged 42. of North Bend ,
formerly of Omnhn. Funeral Sunday ,
November C , at 2 o'clock p. m. , from 13th
and Wlllnm street. Interment Bohemian
cemetery. Friends Invited ,
Thirty days , Ireland In Pictures bound for
85 cento. A. I. Root , 1C09 Howard St.
Have Root print It.
Miss Julia Officer , piano , Karbach Blk.
Huberman , Jeweler , est. 1S < ! 4. absolutely
reliable , lowest prices guaranteed. 13 & Doug.
Call at 1207 Marnev street and see the large
display of holiday goods to be retailed at
wholesale prices Saturday and Monday.
Open evenings ,
Go nnd see the Beautiful Chrysanthemums
at Hess & Swoboda. Florists. 1411 Farnam.
Guaranteed watch , $2.50. Edholm , op. P. O.
IIlKhcnt Annril nnil Golil Moilnl.
The awards on beer nt the exposition have
excited the liveliest comment. The most
merited awards were those given to Mie
Omaha Brewing Association the highest
award on draught h * < ? r art1 the gfld mnUl
on bottled beer. The gret crcret of their
success Is the aggressive business methods
pursued and the fine quality of their l > osr ,
made possible by the exclusive use of pure
rrteslan well wafer pro-s-i * ! from a well
driven on the company's plant. "Purity
Strength Ago" will be the motto of the
Omaha Brewing Association In the future
as it bos been in the past
Sterling top vaseline Jar , IGc. Edholm.
To Whom It Concern * .
This la to certify that I have received
from Messrs. Rathbone , Sard A Co , through
their Omaha agents , John HusMo Hardware
Co. , the Active Acorn range given away by
them at their exhibit of Acorn stoves nt
Transmlss. and Int. Exposition. ( Signed )
2215 Locust St. , Omaha.
Six sterling teaspoons , $3.00. Edholm.
Just as a sample of
the perfume bargains wa
are now giving and ehall
continue to glvo during
the holiday Reason , wo
show cut of the bottle
of extract we are selling
for lOc. This comes In
and CRAB APPLE. The ,
bottle has a sprinkler
top and usually retails
for 25c.
I Another big bargain Ii our long green
bottle of Souvenir Violet Water , which wo
' sell for 25c. Wo do not ibelleve as good
and largo a bottle of Violet Water can bo
bought elsewhere In Omaha for leas than
BOc. The bottle of Florida Water wo sell
for 34c is the regular EOc size.
Call and see and smell our perfume har-
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
IO | RC Street , Omnhn.
Middle of Block.
Our Shatter
Last for Men
One pair will con
vince you it is the only
last for comfort they
lit and hold their shape.
Our Patent Leather nt S5.00
Popular priced cash shoo house.
Howe-Talmage Shoe Co , ,
1515 Douglas St.
LAST , 93.00.
Four Lots of Suits
Just Purchased
The daily increasing sales in this department , prove the
people's appreciation of an opportunity to buy the very best
at the very lowest prices. This week you can select from
for lines of suits $5. $7.50 , $8.50 and $9.50 , that are on
special sale.
AT $5 00 400 men's nicely tailored suits in all wool
cassimeres and cheviots ; new four button cutaway sack styles ;
Italian cloth or sateen lining , fit and wear guaranteed , sold
elsewhere at § 8.50 to $10 , while they last in this sale at $5 ,
AT $7. SO 350 men's fancy worsted
suits , strictly all wool , the swell fabric of the
season , artistically finished and fitted , retailed
elsewhere at 812.50 , while this lot lasts your
choice for $7-50 ,
AT $8.50 and $9.50 Two lots com
prising over 600 suits in handsome and ser
viceable wool cheviots , elegantly tailored , fit
ted to living models in the making , satin faced
double breasted styles. Italian cloth lining ,
thoroughly dependable , shape holding , nobby
suits that are retailed elsewhere at § 15 and
817.50 ; while this lot lasts your choice at @
.50 and $9.5O.
Men's Hats and Caps
If you want the best hat made for $2.50 come here this
week. The same blocks , same shades , same stock as other
hatters sell with some maker's label in them for 84 and $5 ,
you can get here for 82.50. A nice line of the new shapes
and shades in Derbies and Fedoras on sale at 75c and 81.00 ;
worth $1.25 and $1.50. Men's caps in all the new styles ,
warm and neat , at 15c , 25c , 45c , 65c.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
I Helpful things |
for housekeepers g
Always now Interest for housekeepers In this wonderful money saving K
basement. Convenient and useful articles , and yet a wagon load of them * fc"
requires but a small investment. '
Enameled handled Rolling Plna 5c 10-quart Galvanized Palle lOc eg
Clothes Pins , 6 dozen for 5c Good Japanned Coal Hod for. . . . lOe jjjS
Washboards , laundry size lOc Heavy Tin Dish Pans for lOe <
Braided Clothes Lines , DO-ft lOc 3-quart Covered Palls for lOe C
Wood Knife and Fork Boxes. . . . lOc Hand Lamp , complete with burner lOc J2 ? >
Our picture framing department
Is In ohargo of Mr. A. C. Kay , which is a guarantee of satisfaction , All the
now mouldings have been added to our stock and our popular low prices
1519-15213 = ] 1519-1521
Douglas = Douglas
Street. Street.
Near 10th. 3t. Near 10th at.
It's a bad coat that will not bear brushing. Pick all the
flaws you can in
and when you've done , you'll say it outshines them all.
VICTOR WHITE , 16O5 Farnam St.
Telephone 127.
Attention Sir
The members of Mt. Calvary Coramandcry
No. 1 , K. T. , arc requested to meet at their
asylum on Sunday , November 6 , 1S98 , nt 2
o'clock , p. in. , to act as escort to Capitol
lodge No. 3 , A. F. nnd A. M. nt the funeral
of Urother Champion S , Chase. Sojourners
Invited. Per order
JAMES W. MAYNARD. Commander.
Members of Capitol lodRp , No. 3 , Ancient ,
Free and Accepted Maiona , will plea e as
semble at Free Masons' hall nt 2 o'clock Sunday -
day afternoon , November C , for the purpose
of attending the funeral of Brother Chant-
| plon S. Chase. Interment at Prospect Hill
I cemetery. All master Mn"ons Invited.
We Hake Monday a Red Letter Sale Day
If wo printed the calenders , we'd use red ink
for Monday , November 7.
You can depend on our special sales.
Wo never advertise a fire sale or wet
good's sale , smoke or whitewash sale.
Our specials are close profit , . Sales on
clean new shoes , at $1.50 , $2.00 , 82.50
and $3.00.
Come in Monday with the shoe buy
ers and get red letter bargains at
Moil Orders. T. B. Norris
1413 Dongas. . . ,
frorri $39 up.
Until November 10th we will of
fer onr entire stock nothing re
served at a fraction of their real
value. A call will convince you
vve are making the right prices on
the light kind of goods.
' oods sold and shipped during the past week into
Nebraska , South Dakota , Idaho , Montana , Wyo
ming , Colorado , Iowa and Kansas. Call on user
or write for cuts and prices. Mail orders promptly
attended to. All goods guaranteed for one year. One
price to all. No old stock.
15th and Dodge Streets , Omaha.
That is the kind
of shoes that
the men like to
wear you
should look at
other offerings
then let our
Balebman show you
the style on shoos
there Is a vastdill'cr-
once In style as well
as qualities the lat
est has the broad ,
round too and heavy
extension solo every year we soil morn Bhoea than the
year before , which proves the worth of our shoes.
N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas.
Wo can show you that we have
some taste In shoes , aa your dress
maker In her ROWHS or your milliner
In her ImtB. This Is the tlmo of year
when there IB a big demand for
dressy street shoe ? shoes that will
sot off the Ilnest walking or street
Ladles' fine 75o Melton Cloth 45c
Lace Ladles' Shoes felt lined $1.75 Felt 1 25
Ladles' fine J5.00 Brooks Bros. ' o
make Lace Shoos , A to 13 . . . . < - '
Ladles' flno Silk Vesting Top >
Vicl Kid Lace $3 BO Shoes - *
Ladles' fine Dongola Kid Lace \ QQ
and Button J3.00 Shoes - ' * - '
lien's new Box Calf nnd Winter Tan
Lace She s new hull dog too - - - -
$1 nnd $5 Shoes for *
No Flies No Gnats No Dust.
No blistering heat. This Is the best season for outsldo palntlnR.
TON'S SUN PROOF MIXED PAINTS are the best materials obtainable. They cost
no moro than Whlto Lead paint , because they cover more surface. They last lonper
because they are made of the best Whlto Lead combined In proper proportion * with
Zinc and Silica. \
If you want to ho nn old fogy and stick to white lead In spite of the fact that It
won't aland the heat and dry air of this climate we have It , and will supply you tt
i manufacturers' price.
We sell everything In the Paint and Glass line.
You can't afford to buy PLATE GLASS or FRENCH PLATE MIRROR without
getting our prices.
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cut Price Druggists , 14th & Douglas.
Are Docs Like Fish ?
A n li will not nlwnys bltn nt tiatt-no
nutter aow tempting it I * but a doc H
i'lf' ' ' > ' , " ' , " " riiiuln * only 0110 kind of
lull I '
uric Hum's slmoleons-nnd for thai
Kind of bait ho im-s nil kinds of method *
to Kf-t it Tin1 larger perrentago you of
fer him. the more proHcrlpUmis he'll wrttiv.
Our bait Is for Hah only and not for
Mcnnen's Tnlcum Powder ISo
Wlno of Marliml . .
Follo.v'K Hypophnsphltes
Malted Milk 40c , 7Se , 1.M
rhlcliesicr'8 Pennyroyal PIIU J1.75
OzotmilMon sso
Physclno J273
Vine Kol.ifrn fc.xj
Huffy Malt WhlHkey S5o
Warner's Sato OUH\ : xxj
1'ulno'n Celery Compound , 75o
I'o-ru-nu . . . . " 5o
I'lniuid's Enn do Qulultio SSc , 7Sc
William's P'uk Pills . . 4M (
Hlrtuy's Catarrh Cure 40o
Allcock's Plnitprs | jo
laxative Hromo Quinine I5o
10th nnil Chli'iiao ,
Selling Popular History of Spunlsh-Amcr-
le-in \\ar Just what people want.
right i < rlre Active Audits easily earn J15
| The AcornQak
Absolutely thn best fitted soft coal
steve mndo. The doora have ground
edRC-s that draw them perfectly tight.
The Kurew draftn nt ay tightly aa a
watch case , and It
with soft coal without special atten
tion. The Acorn Stoves and Ranges
received highest award nnd gold
medal nt Tr.iiifuiil.islsslpn ! Exposition
over all competitors. Wo are eolo
BKents for Omaha.
Jclm Kussie Hdw , Go , ,
2107-2109 CuinliiR St.
There'll Come
a Time
and It won't tie Ions , either , befor *
you'll wont
\Vo are the exclusive agonta for W. T.
Wood & Co.'s celebrated Ice Tools
None better mado. We'll lend you a
catalogue and prlco list if you will write
Gas Fixtures
Fancy Globes
We are solo agents for the
unbreakable mantle for mean-
descent lamps. One year guar
antee with each mantle. We
employ no agents or solicitors.
J , Morrissey Plumbing Go , ,
319 South 15th Street.
Open Night's. Telephone 720.
4th Floor Brown Rlk. , 16tb and Douglas
Gold Al'oy lining $1.00
Gold Filling $1.00 and up
Cold Crowns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
HestTeth $7.50
waits on appetite and health on both.
Shakcsfrcire. A good set of teeth are the
essentials which bring good digestion , after
getting the appetite and without which
one is poorly equipped for properly prepar
ing food for its entrance into the stomach.
Many a case of dyspepsia ; preceding despon-
loncy has been traced to a poor sot of teeth.
Fake time by the forelock , remembering that
a stitch in time naves nine. Particular at
tention given to the preservation of the na
tural teeth. A few small fillings at the right
time will save your natural teeth , which if
allowed to go will bo irretrievably lost.
Set Teeth $5.00 Ucbt Teeth $7.80
Thin HI istlc I ' tc . , ? ! ( ) ( .ompo-iltioii Filing50ctu >
Pure GolU l < 'HUn$2 ; up Uold Crown $1 to $8 :
BAILEY , Leading Dentist , JK
Telephone 1085. German and Bo icmian spoken , Lady attendant.