Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1898, Part II, Page 22, Image 22

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Ailtortlneinontii for < licm > ciiluiinm
Trill lie ( nkni until 1in. . for ( lie
rtcnliiK nnil until HlttO for iniirnliiff
nnil Miiinlny cilttloiiK.
Itnlm , 1 J.-o n ivoril flrnt limci-Honi
Jo it woril llicrcnftiT. Mttlilnsr tnUcii
for ICHM Hi nil IMc fur the llrat Inxer-
tlnn. Tilde iKlKTtlHciiicntn iniint be
run ctumratillt rly.
Ailvci-llftcr * , lir rc | ur tltiK n iitini-
tirrcil elicclj , cnn lime iinrmerH nil-
flrcxiMl t n nuiiilHTfd li-nltor In cure
of 'llic lice. Aiiimorn HO nililrestl
trill lie de-lit ereil on presentation of
til check < > nl > .
STENOGRAPHER of experience nnd thor
oughly competent wantH position , young
man with best references. Address I' PI
Bee. A-218
J\ . STENOGRAPHER , when you want ono
IIIPUHC tall up the Remington typewriter
office , 1619 Farnam St. , telephone 1 M
A M9i7 Mi
WANTED , situation , by a Japanese , iin-
demands English ; willing to ilo any Kind
of work. AddrcssO 9. Bee olllco
A M i G3 8
WANTED , position ns managing house ,
keeper , r G6 , Bee. A .64 C
WANTED , a situation as working house
keeper ; nut a good and economical COOK ;
references given nnd required. ( 27. Bee.
A SS3 G *
LADY stenographer wants
ploymcnt , small wages. Address
Bee A-S9I 6 *
SALESMEN for cigars ; $ ! : . " a month and
expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces
sary C. C. Bishop & Co , St. LouK Mo
TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting
618 So. 13th St B-931
WANTED , we hnvo steadv work for n few
good hustlers of good habits and appear-
uncc C. K. Adams Co. . 524 S
VOUNG men to learn barber tindc ; only 6
to 8 weeks required ; we give our gradu
ates employment till they receive ; in
wages ns much ns they pnv for tuition
nnd expends learning. St Louis Barber
cell ge. Odd Fellows' bldg. Dodge and
14th , Omaha. Prof. Randolph. Instructor
* J
WANTED , energetic man or woman for
outside work ; good pay weekly. Hawks
Nursery Co. Milwaukee , -
BALKSMEN to sell office specialties ; fine
side lines : $3 a day ; used by all mer
chants Model Mfg. Co. box B. South
Bend , Ind. B-M532 N29 *
MAN OR WOMAN of energy and business
ability to travel for established llrm : $ oO
a month and nil expenses P AVlegler
& Co. . S22 Dearborn st , Chicago , 111
la MloJ o
WANTED , n few good bell boys , must live
nt home Her Grand hotel B M74u d
ENERGETIC salesman , school supplies ,
country work , $100 salary und extras R
O Ev-yis A. Co , Chlcngo B-821 G
$18 WEEKLY nnd expenses for trustworthy
man to tnke charge of our business ; to
travel nnd appoint ngcnts , salary nnd ex
penses Tlie Peerless Co. , 50 N Gth St. ,
Philadelphia. Pa. B-79S 6 *
GOVERNMENT positions ; thousands of
nppnlntments to bo made In this and for
eign countries : write for booklet "Pros
pects for 1899 , " telling all nbout them.
Sent free to any address by National Cor.
Institute , Washington , D C B-791) ) G
WANTED , salesmen to sell Imported and
domestic liquors , principally flno Ken-
tucl.y whiskies and blends , case and bar
rel goods , to jobbers and saloon trade ;
good chance to the right man , salary or
commission. Address R. S. Strader &
Son , GO nnd 71 E. Water St. , Lexington ,
A COPY of Quo Vadls will be sent free to
any fraternal organizer Address R II10-
209 Dearborn St. , Chicago. B SOI C'
SALARY or side line to traveling furniture
talesmen to sell spring beds and Kindred
goods In middle and western territory-
Address V J4 , care Lord ic Thomas Chi
. " SO } 6 *
cago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JGO A MONTH guaranteed agents. Send
for circular. Franklin Book Co , Phlla-
B-SM '
delphla -
WANTED , , a boy about 15 years old to sol
papers nnd work In lunch counter at
Webster St Depot. B 771-G *
SALESMEN , $1750 weeklv Introducing and
soiling brand new gaslight burners for
kerosene limps , sample free. R Perfec
tion Mfg Co , Cincinnati , O B 770-G"
for any civil soivlce examination wlthoti
seeing our Illustintfd catalogue of In
formation , sent free. Columbian Cor
respondence College , Washington , p. C
B 7G9-G *
WE ARE distillers and want a man In
nvery locality to represent us. selling
direct to consumers from ono gallon up
wards Woodland Distilling Co. . Coving
ton , Ky. B 7CS-G *
WANTED , traveling salesman to handle
n specialty In carpets as n side line on
liberal commission ; samples easllv carried
Addiess Whlto Water Carpet Mills Con
Indiana. B-M830-7
OMAHA representative * of Molcr system o
Bnrbur Colleges , 11 Crelghton Bldg. , 13tl
Douglas Sts , offers trje transportation
to Chicago , St Louis or Minneapolis fo
iinvoun wanting to learn the barber trade
This spfclnl Inducement Is made to np
pllcantx from country to get enougl
Htudcnti ) to tupply demand. Wo have ton
tracts to furnish 300 hospitals with bar
bora $0000 monthly ; 8 weeks competes
we furnish constant ; ractlco ; no 5-een
barbei s ns Instructors. Call or write n
once. B-S26
WANTED , registered dentist In Neb
Hteadv Job. Charles Bcnton , 114R O St
Lincoln. Neb B-M7U 8 *
WANTED , men to learn the barber trnde
special half rate for 15 days ; write fo
catalogue. Omaha Barber College Ding
Ins und 14th St. B-M7C6 7 *
EXPERIENCED salesmen wnnted to sol
our lubricating oils nnd grcnses , commls
slon or salaiy. Merchants Oil Co , Cleve
lund. Ohio. B-7C5 C'
WANTED , salesmen , salary paid weekly
experience unnecessiry. Permanent ,
Brown Bros. Co , Chicago. B
GOOD men to distribute 5,000.000 pieces ndv
matter ; big wages , enclose stamp Mfrs
Adv Co , Dept. A. E. . 1H W. 34th St
New York B
DENTLEMEN can earn money nt homo
can dtvoto whole or part time ; no can
vasslng , s > end stamp for particulars. Nov
city , box 1531 , Boston , Mass B
WANTED , reliable men nnd women I
t-vcrv town to work for us , neat , stcadj
employment ; good wages ; no deception
no delay , send us vour address and wi
will send you work Immediately Ad
dress Standard Art Mfg. Co , 14 , ! We t 2ii
St. , New York City. n
WANTED , engineers and fliemen send 2
cents for u 24-page pamphlet contaln'm
.1 list of questions asked by nn txamlnlm
board of engineers. Address Oeo. A. XP |
ler , books ller. IS So. 4th St. , St. Louis
Mo. Mention this paper. B
SALESMEN experienced to sell state uni
county rights ; r6fcrcnccs. BON SJ3. C'hl
cngo B-S51 G
WANTED , young man as stenographer am
assistant bookkeeper. State ago and ref
erences. Address G 1C. Bee. B ! > G
MANAGER for Omaha and Kansas Clt ;
olllces ; experienced In handling speclaltle
nnd silesmen ; references ; security Bo
K3. Chlcngo. B-S52 b
WANTED , ono person , either sex , to repre
.sent us in each town within n radius o
150 miles of Council Bluffs. Nothing t
( ell and no capital required Investigate
Write stating present occupation nn
whnt part of vour time could glvn to oa
Imsliifsu. Fend references. Addrotm I ,
Bee olllce , Council Bluffs. B S 3 a
ECO TIEMAKERS for Arkansas ; S years
work : weekly pay ; good timber , goo
Cllrrate. Esbfre , 1023 Furnam St.BS1S
B-S1S 6
MU.I2 IIKI.I * .
( Continued
50 LABORERS for Union Pacific. Rock
Island nnd I ) A M In Wyoming ; free
fare Esbcrg , 1023 Fariuun , B 817 G
VANTED , a boy about 17 years old to
work In wholesale house. Address n 17 ,
Bee office B SC2 6
WANTED , 150 girls. 152 Dodge. Tel. S7G.
VANTED , girl for general housework.
Mrs D. II. Goodrich , 1117 Park ave.
C-M717 6
VANTED , Klrl for general housework ;
small family. 1545 Georgia avenue.
C M710 C *
VANTED , girl to do general housework on
farm In country. Men to work on farm.
Inquire 219 Board of TradeBldg. .
C M70S 6
VANTKD , a competent cook. Apply 3620
Fnrnam. C-M706 G
VANTED , girl for general house work. 1121
So. 30th ave. C MG9J b
EXPERIENCED cook , wr.sncr nnd Ironer ;
references required. 628 South 37th St.
C-M751 t > *
VANTED , A good girl for ginffil route-
work. References. 1311 So. 29th St.
C Mi (17 (
VANTED , n neat girl for general house
work , German preferred. 216 S. 38th St.
C 736-7 *
VANTED , a girl for general housework.
1120 So 2Sth St. C-759-6 *
LADIES , make money fast selling our new
ho e supporters ; sample free. Norumbega
Manufacturing Co. , Waltham , Muss.
C SOS-6 *
VOMEN to do plain sewing nt home ; $1 60
n , day. four months' work guaranteed ;
send stamped , addressed envelope for
particulars R. W. Hutton & Co , Phllu-
dclpTila , Pa. C S07-6 *
LADIES to work for us at their homes the
year lound , no canvassing ; city or
country : particulars by mall. Hill Mfg.
Co , Gl Park Place. Now York. C S06-b'
jADTES to embroider ; good paying ; easy
work sent to yimr homo ; addressed envelops -
velops for sample nnd materials Emplie
Embioldcry Works , 23 DUane St , New
York City. C-S03-G'
. .ADIES to do embroidery work nt homo ;
good pay experience unnecessary ; reply
envelope for particulars nnd sample.
Mnn Embroidery Co , Pearl nnd Beekman
Sts , N Y. City. C-SOI G'
IALESLADY to call on business houses :
plcniant work ; good pay. Box 27 , Diexel
Hotel. C-772-6'
VANTED , girl for general housework. 2S17
Poppleton Ave. C MS27-7 *
jADIES wnnted for profitable homo work :
no canvassing ; easy , fascinating. Foi
particulars send stamp to Novelty , box
1331 , Boston , Mass. C
'OSITIONS SECURED. It Is the policy of
Boyles' school to secure positions for Its
graduates and It has not failed to do so
In a single Instance. Included In the
shorthand cours-o are typewriting , mimeo
graphing , Indexing , letterllllng , letterpress
copying , manifolding , business correspond
ence , spelling and punctuation. There Is a
demand for this class of olllce help when
well trained Money spent for a pincticn !
shorthand education pays a big icturn
on the Investment Boyles' school Is the
only ono In the city presided over and
directed by an expert reporter , actually-
engaged In the practice of the shorthand
profession , nnd this school hns more en lib
for competent young men and women
than It can supply nnd more than all the
other schools of th Kind In the city com
bined. Get clrculira. Bee building.
WANTED , nn experienced waist hand at
once. Mis. R. Ilenabery , 1G24 Corby st.
C-SS2 6
LADIES everywhere to mall circulars ,
samples nnd copy letters at homo. Reply
with stnmpcd envelope. Peerless Co. ,
South B ° nd , Ind. C 855 G *
CHOICE houses nnd cottngcs all over city ;
$5 to $75. Fidelity , first lloor , N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benowa. & Co. , 108 N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
D C33
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 nnd 13-
room modern lint for sale ; bargain ; good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block.
A FEW cottages. 436 Board of Trade.D636
ALWAYS moving household goods nnd
plnnos. Omaha Vnn & Storngo Co , 1511V6
Farnam. Tel. 1559. D 033
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Burt.
HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1S02 Fnrnam.
COTTAGE on easy payments. 601 Bee bldg.
HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good condi
tion ; convenient to all car lines , rent
$13.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212
So. 14th St. D-641
HOUSES. Chas. E. Benson , 310 Rnmgo bldg
D-M7S2 J13 *
FURNISHED cottage , Los Angeles , Cal.
1512 Davenport , Omaha. D M9G1
I'OR RENT , 10-room modern house and
barn , .vlth large , shady grounds.
John W. Robblns , Agt , 1802 Fnrnam St.
MAGGARD'S Van nnd Storage. 121 N 15th.
Tel 14W D M311 N22'
FOR RENT Farmers' Home , Webster
street , between 13th and 16th ; boarding
house , nnd largo barn. Inquire nt 50fi N.
Y. Life Building D-M162
NICELY furnished S-room house , modern
conveniences , walking distance : refer
ences 2701 Howard. D M563-N5
FOR RENT , two choice furnished houses ,
Potter-Sholes Co , 310 New York Life.
D-MGG9 7
S-ROOM house ; bath , furnace , cemented
cellar , $20. Inquire 139 Board of Trade.
D MG73
FIVE room cottage. Inquire 1512 Davenjjprt
FOR RENT , 3 G ROOM houses at COS N.lSth.
D-727-S *
FOR RENT , furnished house , eight rooms ,
modern , first class location. The O F.
Davis Company. D 729-G
MODERN S-r. , 703 So. 3Sth. 604 Bee Rldg ,
EXTRA line large steam heated residence ,
L. S Skinner , Agent. 309 N. Y. Life.D7CO
FOR RENT House , No 310 North 22nd St ,
Inquire 3i > North 22nd D 7G2
FURNISHED house. 10 rooms , north par (
of city , for the winter. Address F 47
Bee. D-773-6 *
SEVERAL desirable houses for rent. J. II
Sherwood , 421 N Y. Life. D SG6 G
NICE cottage , 2207 Sherman nve. . $27. AVll-
Ham J. Welshans. 109 S 17th. D-M877 8
WANTED houses to rent. Wo have rcntoi
everything on our list but eight houses
Hnvo from 50 to 75 applicants for houses
nnd should like to have landlords Us
houses with us. R C. Peters & Co. , U. S
Nat. bank bldg. D S70 6
2517 Chlcngo , 4 rooms , $12 00.
"ftll Charlep rooms , $000
2K0.1 N 23th , 7 rooms , $1000.
24. 2Burdette , G rooms. $1200
1617 Mandcrson , 5 rooms , $15 00.
110 So 2Sth , b rooms. $16 W.
2042 Dodge. S rooms. $20.00.
162S Howard Hat , $ . ' 000
Garvln Bros , 1613 Farnam. D 835-6
FIVE-room furnished cottage adjoining ex
position ( Kountzo tract ) , ono block fron
car line electrlo lights , gus range , clt-
water G 20. Bee. D 47S 6
THOSE magnificent new- apartment houses
the "Normandlo" nndVlnona , " are nov
open for innpection. There are n fev
i holco Hats atlll to bo had In each build
Ing. which In arrangement , finish nm
equipment excel any similar buildings h
the west. Applications should be made n
once to Fidelity Trust Co , agent , N. Y
Life bldg G. H. Payne , Pros : II. H
Harder , Sec. D SSO 6
ron nr.vr-n UMiinn * ROOMS.
TlIlTBENEFITTlOt'8n7 Bt nnd Plnkuey
Ht . , fifty ctnlntlly lurnlshcd rooms , one.
rqunro from thu Arch of the ritnUs ;
everything now nnd flrst-claja , terms rea
sonable. E 157
VERY desirable steam-heated front rooms ,
transient or permanent. Enquire nt lint
S , Dnvldgo Bide , corner IMh nnd Far-
nam Sts , Good reference required
STEAM heated rooms , reasonable. 20
Harnty Bt. E-33iJ-Nov.-24 *
THREE nice rooms , housekeeping. 1112
South llth. E-C61
FURNISHED rooms ; modern. 25W Harney.
D 418-Nov 8 *
WELL heated rooms with or without
board , for families nnd single gentlemen.
Franck's hotel , 320 < 4 N. ICth street. Rates
reasonable- . E 49 !
FOR RENT , Suite of 2 funiMied rooms for
light housekeeping. 1702 Webster St.
E-MG10N30 *
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2623 St.
Mary's Ave. E MGSG7 *
LARGE room , modern conveniences ; refer
ences. 700 N. 19 * St E G95
FURNISHED rooms , modern conveniences
2215 Capitol avenue. Private family.
E M711 6
DAY or week. Central Hotel , 1122 Dodge.
ROOMS by month. 1512 Davenport , '
E 723-6
NICELY furnished large front room. 720
N. 22nd St. ' E-731-6'
FRONT ROOMS , 2384 Harney , Cor. 2Gth.
E-M748 11 *
LANGE HOTEL , fOI So. nth Bt : best
family hotel In the city ; rooms with or
without board ; modern , steam heat
LARGE S E room , modern comenlences.
1025 S. 31st St. E 757-6 *
THREE furnished rooms with nil conven
iences for housekeeping. 2013 Cass.ES23
HANDSOMELY furnished front room ;
modern convenlencjs , In small family near
Omaha Club , to gentlemen only. Address
G 7 , Bee. E 774-6 *
FOR RENT , furnished room , heat , gas nnd
closets for gentleman. 911 South 20th St.
E-7S7 G *
PLEASANT front room for ono or two
gentlemen : modern conveniences ; desira
ble location ; references. Address G 12 ,
Bee. E-M839 9 *
FOR RENT , nice furnished rooms. 2412 Cnss
FURNISHED rooms In Farnum Terrace for
gentlemen. 203S Farnam. E MS92 7 *
TWO furnished room ; nlso two for light
housekeeping. Address G 26 , Bee
E-MS36 7 *
'OR ' RENT , furnished room. 2219 Capitol
nve. , $300 per month. E SIG G *
ItOOMB , housekeeping , 1712H ; Jnckson.
E-MS418 *
PAKE down that "for sain" or "for rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window In a month ; nnd they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F 863
THE MDRRIAM , first-class family hoTeli
25th and Dodge Sts. F 642
'URNTSHED rooms with board. 2576
Harney. F M824 N14 *
SICT3LY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
baths , $1.60 per week and up. Klondike
hotel , 16th nnd Webster sts. F M627
: IOOMS with or without board ; gentlemen
preferred. F 55 , Bee. F MG50 6 *
URNISHED rooms with board. 31G South
2Gth ; references. F MC33 8 *
NICELY furnished southf-nst front room ;
prlvato family. 702 S. 29th st.
F-M702 S *
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Ave. , refitted
and reopened by Nov. 15. Apply on
premises. F 732-11 *
COMFORTABLE home , for young gentle
man ; board reasonable ; table good ; refer
ences exchanged. Address G 4 , Bee.
F-775-G *
A. YOUNG couple with a comfortable
modern home , desiring company , would
tnko a man nnd wife to board , references
required. G 11 , Bee. F M831-S
MRS. W. H. HOLMES desires n limited
number of bonrders ; gentlemen preferred
references given and required ; hou e
modern : ono half block from car line
2120 Sprague St. F S29-6 *
NICELY furnished room with board , al
modern convenience , on car line near
Hanscom Park G 19 , Bee. F MSG7 8
iiuvr UMi-Mivisiinn noons.
4 OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor : prl
vato bath ; references necessary. C. S6
Bee. G 13
5 CHAMBERS convenient for housekecpl
Ing to n man nnd wife without children
3 blocks from postonice. 319 N. 17th St
5 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th. G-M71D D3 *
FURNISHED or unfurnished , for rentle
man : modern : walking distance ; private
family. G S , Bee. G 733
FOUR unfurnished rooms , second . oor , No
110 Po 25th Ave. between Dodge and
Douglaa. G M7S3 S , *
TWO rooms furnished or unfurnished
pleasant location : all modern eonvenl
ences. Apply at COO S. 28th. G-833-6 *
TWO nice unfurnished rooms light house
keeping , cheap to good people. Mrs. John
son , 93T N Jlth Bt. G SSI G *
FOII KENT STonns AXD omens.
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk
NICE store , corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap
ply 2518 Caldwell. 1 615
3-STORY and basement brick store build
ing , 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 311 Firs
National bank building. I J1647
3-st. store , 1207 Howard st. F. D. Wead.
"ONLY perfect bath cabinet ; " greates
s ° ller. R. M. Irwln , St. Louis Nashville
Tcnn. J & 12-G *
AGENTS , you can make money selling Wei
Puttnt Magazine nnd Music Binders ; eas
to soil ; write for particulars. The Wei
Binder Company. Toledo , O J 811-6 *
AGENTS , greatest puzzle ever Invented
Ju t out ; novel selling system ; chance t
make $300 belling 10 puzzle's , bample 1
cents :'culars free. Hexagon Sttppl
Co. , St. Louis. Mo. J blO-G *
SCHEMES and fakeb , a new book for tli
ng'Ut , mall ordci man nnd fakir ; post
paid. 23 cents C D Varvll Publishing Co
Dept. IS , Racine , Wls. J & 09-6 *
AGENTS , big money selling our tlreproo
homo nnd buslne n safes , $73 40 cleared on
day by new agent ; capital or experlenc
unnec ssary ; write for rpeclnl terms am
catalogue. Alpine Safe. Co , Cincinnati
J 776-C *
AGENTS , to sell our cut-price Chrlstmn
publications ; 50e book , 16c. $1 00 book , 23o
$1.50 book , 50c , $260 book , 75c , credit given
freight prepaid , outfit free. Ferguno
Publishing Company. 994 Vine Str'ct , Cln
clnnntl , Ohio J 777-G *
AGENTS on salary or commission ; th
greatest agents' heller ever produced
every usijr of pen nnd Ink buys It o
sight : 200 to 500 per cent protlt ; on
agent's gales amounted to $ C20 In six days
nnother $1.2 In two hours. Monroe Mfg
Co. , X 16 , LaCrosse Wls. J 781 ( . *
AGENTS , wo will pay $100.00 per mont
nnd railroad expenses to any man wh
will faithfully represent ua In takln
orders for the most reliable portrait ropy-
Ing house in the world ; wo pay strictly
salary Address nt once , G. E Martel ,
New York City. J S40 6 *
AGENTS , free Information ; a real new
thing in self-taught drestimaklng system ,
G. V. Vallentln , SS Washington St. Chi-
caco. jt3S 6 *
AfJP.Vrs WA.NTKll ,
( Continued )
sold six Hygienic Bath Ciililnets In one
week , nnd in the same week established
three local agents , nil of whom ordered
cmo ench to H'urt with. Mr Newcomb
Is a general agent Wo want ono In each
concessional district Address D C.
Burson Ac Co. , Kansas City , Mo. J 7M 6 *
ALESMEN , $200 per month gunrnnteed
soiling Brooks' Oil Gas generators for
generating gas from coal oil for heating
or cooking stoves , ranges , furnace or
ctcam boilers ; no smoke , odors , dust , coal ,
kindling or ashes Territory free. Brooks
Burner Co. , Cincinnati , O. J 77S 6 *
AGENTS. $15000 monthly selling Marvel
Water Proof Shoe Polish : every person
buys ; if you need good wages write for
valuable free samples nnd circular Holla-
day & Co. , 1SJ Dearborn SI , Chicago.
J-7SG G *
\GENTS , $1750 weekly ; reliable men
wanted- handle the newly Invented
Regal Gaslight burner , fits any lump ; no
chimney , no smoke , sample free , write
for terms. Royul MTg Co. , Cincinnati ,
Ohio J-773 G *
GENTS for Perfection Self-heating Hair
Curler ; elegant holiday gift ; fast seller ;
large profits ; sample 60c ; for circulars tmd
exclusive territory write Standard Speci
alties Co. , Times Bldg. , New York.
, ADY AGENTS If you want the best
money maker you must have Our Hy-gela
Electric Corset1 ! the standard for twenty
vcars Address Western Corset Co. , ' St.
Louis , Mo. J
POKTHA1T agents save big money getting
our wholesale price1) ) on portraits nnd
frames The Grove Art Co. , 295 Fifth
Ave. , Chicago. J
AGENTS , $5 CO to $10 00 a day to Introduce
our pure "Asbestos" wicks ; Just patented ;
giving light fully c < iual to electricity
nnd lasting from 8 to 10 years Dept 4x5 ,
Tire-proof Safety Wick Works , Colum
bus , O J
VANTED , agents and solicitors to sell our
new ItoltlU.iy novelties. Write for par-
tlculais. Western Glass Adv. Co , S07
Van Huron St , Chicago J & 39 6 *
AGENTS make $1 nn hour selling our
economy tire kimllers. handy harness
rlvlters nnd other specialties ; sample
kinder , postpaid. 15 cents. Phoenix Mfg.
Co. , Dept. S , Hlllsboro , III J-
ACTIVI2 SOLICITORS wanted everywhere
for "The Story of the Philippines , " by
Mural Halntead , ofllclal historian of the
War department. Written In army camps
nt San Francisco , on the Pacific with
General M'rrltt , In the Insurgent camps
with AgulnaUlo , on the deck of the Olm-
pla with Dewey , and In the roar of battle
nt the fall of Manila Bonanza for agents.
Large book Low prices. Big profits
Freight paid. Ctedlt riven. Outnt free.
Dominion Company , Ltspt. II , Chicago.
J 833 6 *
\.GENTS , extraordinary opportunity ; start
permanent guaranteed business , aveng
ing $25 weekly lowest estimate ; experl-
ciu1 * unnecessary , everything furnished.
Address , Paris Mfg. Co , Station C , Chi
cago. J-S5I 6 *
u'AM'nn TO nnvr.
WANTED , S-room modern house ; long
lease. A. House , 14th and Nicholas.
1C MG48 S
WANTED TO RENT. 30 to CO acres , near
Omaha , So. Omaha or Council Bluffs ,
suitable for ralMng and feeding stock ,
full particulars wanted. F 67 , Bee.
WANTED , for light housekeeping , 2 rooms
In some good , private family state pi Ice
and location. Address F G4 , Bee
K 730-10 *
WANTED , two or three good rooms In
South Omaha. R. J. Cole , Clifton House ,
South Omaha. 1C 7SG C
WANTED , three unfurnished rooms ,
heated , for light housekeeping ; state
terms nnd location. G 10 , Bee. 1C 783 6 *
A SINGLE gentleman desires a room with
connecting or adjoining bath In a solecl
boarding house. Good price for the right
kind of board ai.d accommodations G IS ,
WANTED , two or three unfurnished rooms
In private family ; light housekeeping. G
22 , Bee. K 861 G
WANTED , on November 14 two warm sep
arate rooms for two men ; gas and bath in
house ; within 10 minutes' walk of post-
olllce ; state terms. Address G 25 , Bee.
1C 842 G
IP YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll
bring you what you want. N Sb7
THE BEST HOME ; $2,000 will buv on easy
terms. I am no agent. XG1 , Bee.NMG43
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc
In largo or small quantities Chicago
Furniture Co. , Tel. 2020 , 140G-8-10 Dodge
N-M435 N27
WANTED , nt once , $1,50000 of second-hand
furniture and caipets. Address R. G
rrltz , Omaha Restaurant , 207 S I2th.
N-MC02 7
WILL pay cash for Transmlsslsslppl Ex
portion stock. Wood W. Hartley , 212 So
14th St. N MCS3
WANTED , large map of Omaha. Lymai
Waterman , N Y. Life Hldg. N M713 b *
HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds o
household goods. Inquire Klond Ke Hotel
Mclntyro Bros , shippers. N 722-G *
WANTED , nt once , ofllce deok ; must bo r
good one and cheap. Robert Ivens. Per
sia , Iowa. N-M713 6 *
WANT to buy , good upright piano for cish
must be reasonable in price. G 21 Bee.
N S73 G *
WANTED , No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter
Will pay $75 cash If In good condition
G 23 , Bee N 849 G
MIMEOGRAPH cheap. GOI Bee Bldg.
N-MS44 10
CHICAGO Furniture Co. , will sell furniture
and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 73c
matttresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 140S-10 Dodge
O-G74 N8
BEST nnd cheapest stoves nnd furniture
hold at small profits ; highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th
FOR SALE , 6-holo kitchen range , $600 01
South 20th. O-788 G *
IRON b ds , etc. . 30 rooms. C04 Bee Bldg.
O MS45 7
FOR SO days you can buy best and cheap
est carriages , buggle * nnd phaetons , ne\
or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1401 Dodge
P M223 N22
4 TOP buggies. 3 open road wagons , 2 nlc
"nrrlages. 1 phaetons , 2 good milk wagons
worth looking at. Drummond Cnrrlag
Co , opp. Court Hoube , ISth nnd Harnej
FOR SALE , gentle family horse. 309 S 17th
I * \IC50
FOR SALE Cheap , span of horses ; gentle
Apply W7 North 19th St. I' 761
GOOD driving horse , phaeton and harncs
for sale cheap 2038 Farnam P MS93 7 *
FOR SALE , highbredyearold bay horse
Apply 401S Izard street. I1 S9Q
ron sin
OAK boards , $16 per m : nlso cheapest sla
cribbing 901 Douoglas street. Q-CI9
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS co. . mixed paints
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co. 151
Dodge street , Omaha Q M121 MS
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776
plants , cut flower * , bouquets , hall , rc-sl
denc\ wedding and grave decorations
Orders by mail or express promptly filled
Q C30
2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Fnr'm
Q M331 N22
HOG poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; 1
beat. Wlro Works , llth nt-.d Harney
FOR SALE , ton RTLP.A.N.B. for 5 cents
nt druggists ; one gives isllcf. Q C52
2ND-HAND typewriters cheap. 1118 Far'm
Q-M33 : N22
rou SAI.E MiHciiiAMot ! < .
( Continued )
VOOLF EACHARIA'B. 1207 Farnnm Plan-
( died Steel Peninsular Range * . $22 M to
$10. Heaters s < old cheap. Q-MSS7 Kb2l
ENGLISH ferrets , for killing rats , for
solo by C. D. Greenwood , Silver City , la
JUFFALO horns , Indian relics. lnFrar-m.
Q-MJ30 N22
OR $300 pawn ticket for dlamortd ring :
ccst $ il > 00 ; In pawn for J1S. E 16 , Bee.
PIANOS , exhibited and rented nt the ex
position nt great batgalns ; $1800 , $ COOO ,
$ S300 , $12500 nnd up Terms , $500 per
month. Bchmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam
"OR SALE , Garland parlor stove ; cheap
If taken nt once. 2474 Hnrney. Q Gtxt
FOR SALE , bull buffalo , line specimen
Inquire nt Pngp Woven Wire e\hU > lt , Ex
position grounds. Q M704 10 *
F RATS and mice annoy you write S S.
Mfg Co. , Chicago , 111. , for sure , exter
minator , y M73 $ 0 *
'HONOGRAPH nnd graphophone owners
sending name nnd nddrccs will receive
free booklet entitled "How to Mnko Rec
ords " It gives valuable Information nnd
covets yearn of experience ; wo manufac
ture new style reproducing nnd records
horns ; our records hnve world-wide icpu-
tatlon Hnwthorno & Sheble , G02-C04-WH !
Chestnut St , Philadelphia , Pa.
Q-S14 6 *
FOR SALE , one of the largest nnd most
profitable laundries In Chicago , splendidly
situated , doing n business of over $30000
n year ; building built especially for
laundry nnd will rent or sell v ry reason
able ; stable In connection ; $15,000 cash re
quired , will pay 35 per cent on Invest
ment ; stand fullest investigation ; satisfactory -
factory reasons for selling. O 33 , Lord &
Thomas , Chicago , 111. Q S13-G *
. > .
. ' 'OR SALE , steel kitchen range , water
front ; nlso elegant base burner ; both first
class and good as new. Addret-s G G. Use
Q-791-6 *
FOR SALE , prairie wolf , hand raised. O.
D. Dickinson , Columbus. Neb. Q 790-6 *
FOR SALE or Trade , parlor billiard table ,
6 feet by 3 feet G Inches , worth $2300 ,
what have you ? G 3 , Bee olllce.
Q-7S ) G *
EXPOSITION booth. 8x16 feet. Including
platform , rails , matting and drapery. A ,
Phenls , Omaha Printing Co. Q SbG C *
HALF-PRICE , handsome silk-lined jacket
bust 36. cost JJ3 In New York ; too small
for owner. G 28 , Bee. Q E87 6 *
FOR SALE thoroughbred re-nlstereil Scotch
collie Address 221 South Seventh street ,
Council Bluffs. Q MM > 1 7
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S and
Spanish navies , naval commandcts , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East and West
IndlnH , nt the olllco of The Bee If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department. Omnhn Bee It S7n
FOR SALE or rent , one 2-flro hotel range
nnd carving table. Apply to M. J. Franck
Midland Hotel R 197
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co cleans cess
pools , privy vaults at reduced prices , dead
horbcs < Scows removed free b21 N 16th.
R Mt.13 N-30
WANTED , principals of schools nnd strong
bookmen to sell the new $100,000 Century-
Atlas and Cyclopedia of Names ; said by-
leading dallies , magn7lne - , Stanley nnd
others to have no equal. We have unique
plan for securing holiday business. Good
opening and permanent place for business
getters. Address , Room 800 , Woman's
Temple , Chicago. R 859 6 *
NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand
furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices
by carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture
Co. , 1106-8-10 Dodge. R-87G J5
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N IGth.
S M801 D13
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years Here 1411
Howard. S MSOO N13
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , IGOT Dodge.
S MS9 ( F3
ANOTHER wonderful seance will be , held
at Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by
Milton , the medium , Sundav nlgnt at S
p. m : skeptics , scoffers nnd knnw-alle es-
paclally invited ; collection , lOc ; private
sittings dally , all affairs o' llf" , Imsmss
nnd disease ; satisfaction or no charge.
162T Dodge , cor 17th. Houis , 9 n. in to 8
Em. ; open Sundays same houis lend'ngs '
y mall. t5 .M7500
So all Omaha speaks of the famous
READER. This marvelous woman has
the power to lift the mystic veil from oft
the future , to expose the hidden mys
teries of the past. In the simple lines of
your hand she. sees your entire life ; can
tell you things that hnve been , that are
nnd nro to be. Her ndv-Ice. based upon
this knowledge. Is of Incnlculnble benefit.
Consult her In strictest confidence Mme.
Gylmer has been hero more than a year ;
the public knows her , the press Indorses
her. She Is no strange' no fakir Money
refunded If not satisfactory. Hours , 9 to
7.30 , Sundays , 10 to 4 p. m. Parlors , 1G03
Dodge , opp. new P. O. S S75 G
MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 11S',4 N. 15th Street.
TJ93 N24 *
BATHS , ladies only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug
las block. T Mf91 N9
LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag
netic treatment. 119 N. lu. R 12 , upstairs.
Attendant late of 1112 Farnnm.
T 22I-N21 *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful nnd curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T M872 12 *
1 > UH9O.\AI. .
LADIES deshlng valuable Information con
cerning thtlr aliments should send or call
for "Tho Vlavl Message , " at 318 Bee bldg.
A LARGE map of the world , ono ot Cuba
and another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands , 10 cents at 'Ihe Bco
ofllco. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U iw
$ iO RLPTURE cured for $30 No detention
from business ; b years In Omaha. Caller
or wilte for circulars , l mplre Rupture
Curt , 932-9.S New York Lift ) bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb U-17J
TEETH should not be neglected ; they
shuuld be given prompt attention See \v.
N. Dorward , Dentist , room 4 , Continental
block , 15th nnd Douglas Sts. Tel. 130.
U M17J N2S
PRIVATE hospital for ladleo before and
( hiring confinement ; babies adopted , ex
perienced physicians in attendance lJo |
N. 17th St. , Omaha U M5iO
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic biths.
New Hyclennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg
tel. 1716 U M174
PILES cured in 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work , call or
send tor cliculars The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New York Life building , Omaha
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319 %
S. loth. U-M312
BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , 319V4 S. 15th.
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed ,
25c up ; new method : no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yr in
Omaha ; warto , moles nnd superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frenzcr Blk
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can coon gradu
ate Box 190 , Chicago U 915 N15 *
STORM windows , wood turning , band naw-
Ing. Hamilton Bros , 28 & . Dav'pt. Tel 117b.
U-978 N16
HITTER'S hospital , confinement cases
taken , babies adopted. 214 Sewnrd ,
Omiha ; tel 2231 U-M0' ! VIP.
MISS MAYER , leading manlc'ire , chlropo-
dint nnd hnlr dresser. 400 Paxton block.
Business for sale. Entering medical col
lege. U-M316 N22.
DO NOT stammer ; for the permanent cure
of stammering- stuttering call on or
address E. C. Newcomb , 2621 N IGth at. ,
Omaha. U-837 6'
( Continued )
BOOKBINDING-Burklcy Printing Co.
U-M32I N22
LADIES In poor circumstance * can receive
free attendance In confinement by apply
ing to the Crelghton Medical College.
( Telephone 1167) ) U-3M Peel
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 11SV4 N. 15.
U-M570 N.3 *
LACE Curtains cleaned ; nil work gunran-
teed ; references. I. X.ieglcr , 1 IS Catllor-
nla U W5 3' ' ) *
HALF soles nnd heels , 40c. 71fi N. 16th.
U-MS14 N14
SKIN diseases , ulcers nnd fever soies cnn
bo cured. Address Specialist , F 67. Bee
U-M735 n *
I-RINTER with good newspaper outfit
wants to luar of location to establish
country paper. Address Box 13OTV Omaha.
PERSONS who saw elderly gentleman
thrown from street car nt 24th nnd Ohio
Stsi , Saturday evening. October 15th ,
please s ml nddro s to M. O. Cunnlngh un ,
301 Karbach Block U-79I-G *
UNENCUMBERED widow , handsome , relined -
lined , excellent reputation , Independently
wealthy , solicits kind , devoted husband ,
Mrs ? . Grant , 135 East Kith St. , N. Y
U-793-G *
"PERSONAL , " voung widow , with child
to support , with business ability and ex-
pcrlenc * , wishes position ; good solicitor
nnd saleslndv ; can give references Ad
dress Box 121 , City. U-792-G *
MEN suffering from Impaired vitality ,
weakness , prostration , etc. , may le irn ,
free , of n prompt cure by addressing Dr.
Mnddock , Box 450 , Fnrgo , N DUS16
U-S16 G *
I WANT nn envelope , sclf-nddressed , nnd
I'll tell you how to euro drunkenness
without pntlents' knowledge ; don't send
money. Mrs. Mary Hawkins , Grand
Raphis , Mich. , Lock Box 131 , E T
U-S13 6 *
GRADUATED dentist would like location
In Nebraska or lown. Address O 13 Bee
onice U S3S G *
YOUNG nnd charming girl , good fnmllv ,
$25 000 nnd more to Inherit , seeks Ideal
husband. L. , care Bcrger , 131 E 23th st ,
N Y U-S7I 6 *
A NUDE nrt , taken from nature. 10 beauti
ful colored pictures , all nude , 2"c French
Art Co , 219 S Gth st , Philadelphia -U
IF this should catch the eye of refined
traveling or business man he may tin el
educated and up-to-date widow by ad
dressing G 24 , Bee. U-SU 6 *
SEWING machines cleaned and repaired.
O 29 , Bee U SSS G *
WANTED , choice farm and city loans R
C. Peters & Lo. . U. S. Nat'l Bank Bids.
$100,000 00 special fund to loan on llrstcla's
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 176
M : per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. J613 Fnrnam St. W-179
$1,000 nnd upwards to loan on improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co , mo
Farnam St. W-17S
ANTHONY Loan * Tru t Co , 315 N. Y L
quick money at low rates for choice farm
UuulH In Iowa , Northern Mlssuuil , East
ern Nebraska. W ISO
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
.estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th.
50,000,000 cheap eastern money for western
Investment Send for free circular. In
vestors' Directory. N. Y \V-1S3
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
W M182
G per cent money. F. D. 'Wead , 1G & Doug.
W 479
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
etc.u lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly conlldenllal ,
you can pay the loan off at any time erIn
In any amounts.
303 SOUTH ir.TH.
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 S 13th
X-M347 N23
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R 706 ,
N Y. Life Bldg , X 185
MONEY loaned on life insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room I * . Barker HI I : X M1SG
LOANS made to salaried people holding
p-rmanent positions on their personal
note , low rates , easy payments Room
119 Board of Tmde Bldg X M716
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium foon ready
for business , splendid chance for doctors
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquiio Pierce.
FINE biiflness for sale. R. 1 15.24 Dodge.
Y-M187 N20
FOR SALE , Finest bnktry and confei tlon-
c-rv in Omaha ; 2 ovens , 2 wagons , boi-es ,
etc Good Htoro trade. Rent reasonable.
F 21 , Bee. M62S N
FOR SALE or trade , first class hotel doing
n good business In n good town Inquire
of J. J. Wanke , Silver Creek. Neb
Y M702 10
FOR SALE , n weM established butcher
shop , everything complete , buildings and
inach'nery , In good locality ; thfi re"i.son
for selling Is on account of health. Thos.
J. Llbertln , Tyndall , So. Dak.
Y-M697 6 *
WANTED , Manager for a god paying
business. Must have $ > 00 Hoom
8. Crelghton block. } M7I110 *
PERSONS with small or large capital wish
ing to make Investments that promise
large returns should send for a copy of
our prosno' tus Columbia Poultry Co ,
limited , 23 Duane St , New York City
Y-817 G *
FOR SALE a good paying ladles' business
In a nlco country town , long established ,
on account of Ill-health. Address far par
ticulars , F 41 , care Bee. Y S20 G
SINCE Januniy , ISfG , our customorn have
received dividend' averaging 27 per cent
weekly nn their Investments : last weekN
profits were 40 per cent ; tin * week previous
10 per tent , send for circular Barrett
Bros . & Co , 78 LuSalle St , Chlcngo. Ill
Y T93-fi *
FOR SALE , n Hrsl-rlasH meat market at a
bargain , In a good , thriving town doing
a good business ; good reasons for selling
Address O 3 , Bee Y 797 b
WHEAT. $10000 will make Jl 50000. nbho-
lutely Hureby our method of operating
Best references ; write nt once Speaker
& Co . Grain & . Seeds , Minneapolis , Minn.
Y-79 < 5f > *
START a mall order business nt home ,
particulars for stamp. Onnond Co , Depi
55 , Chicago Y
CHARTERS for companies from $12 up ; dif
ferent Htntes : no taxes , no liability ;
shares sold , capital procured : companies
organized. Interstate Law Asao. , 40 Wall
St . N. Y. Y
will pay 200 per cent. $150 to $300 required
Address G 15 Bee Y S.1I-C *
FOR SALE , grocery , centrally located , do
ing good business clean stock , good
fixture * * , good run of custom , each d'al
Address G 14 Be Y M812-12 *
VAN8A. . school. 717 N. Y. Life. NhTht
bchool from Stpt. 0. b
AT OMAHA Bus. College , IClh & Douglas
_ , _ _ _ 677
SHORTHAND , up-to-date tnught by court
reporters. Boyle's Bchool , 403-5-7 Bee bldg.
ron r\rii\Mn. ;
FOR EXCHANGE. S W. corner Sllh nn <
Dodgei St. , 107xl.5 feet , two cottages It
exchange for property In California , Pat
Francisco preferred. The O. F. D.all
company , 1503 Farnntn St.M211 N15
! list * residenio propel ty near Hnnseoti
park to exchange for good fnrni. Addrcwt
Hicks' Real Efitate Co , 1C ! Farnam
X. M71S 6 *
LXCHANOE , SO-acro farm In Decntur Co.i
lovv.a , well Improved , for land In eastern
Nebraska , Address Box 17Vnyne , Neb ,
2-M701 7
1'INE California property for Omnha
property 1512 Davenport. 726-6
T\VO good Insldo res deneo properties , clear ,
In good location , In Des Molnes , for samn
In Omaha or 8. O Addreus Owner , 919
10th st . DCS Molnes , Iowa. 7. M736 fi *
FOR SALE or exchange for farms , hotel
doing peed trnde , live town
2.000 , stock , fuinlturcs undertaking , etc. ,
belt location , good trnde , lovvn town
3liOO , reasons for selling upon application.
Addreits box ( GO , Hartan , In. 2C-M743 11
FREE nnd clenr , two one-story frnmo
dwellings , good location , In the city of
Omaha : will exchange for property In
Ittooklyn , N Y. , or vicinity. For par
ticulars ndditss "Real Estate , " Bee olllco ,
210 Temple Court , New York City
Z-MMS 9 *
$1,200 STOCK of millinery to exchange for
ge > od property , or furniture. W. A Spen
cer. Kill Furnani St. Z-MSGO 7
FOR BALE or trndo , Improved 10 ncres
close In , to trad" for house und lot or
vncnnt lots. J H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y.
Life. 55-S6S 6
HOUSES , lots , fnrms , lands , loans ; ala
lira insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell' . ' Now Is tlu
time to dispose of tlrm. let the peopli
Know that you wnnt to dlspo < e of them.
The Boo reaches tha peopie who hnvo the
money RE SG6
FOR SALE , deslrnble residence lots. 12U
130 ; In flrst-clnss location , ten minutes'
walk from court house , clie.ip for cash ,
Address O 61 , Bee. RE 073
BARGAINS In houses , lots , fnrmn ; sale or
trade. J. N. Frsnzer , opp. old P. O
_ _
BEST and cheapest 200-riero farm In Ne-
brnsk.i , near Omaha , at hnlf Its nppralsed
Miliinllon W. A. Beldcn , 2502 Hondo st ,
Omnln , Ccb. RE-M537 N6
FOR SALE , lot , cor , 21st and fnstellar.
5G by 94 ; a snap. K. A. Peterson. Blair ,
I > eb RE-141 NovlG *
CM 1 LAP homes to colonists or others. Will
sell : iOCO ncies all In one bodv. or In
tracts to suit , for n llbeial cash payment ,
v lth S per cent ott deferred payments.
This land Is bounded on south by Nueees
river In San Pntriclo county. Texas , and (
consists of black wn\ey , blaek sandy and \
light sandy soil-well snppl'ed ' with water \
and ten windmills About 900 acres In *
cultivation , with nine good tenant houses.
U Is noted for grapes , melotm , earlv veg
etable * ! and cotton Oranges , pears and
other fruits cnn be raised. The San An
tonio .t Aiansas Pass R R passes
through this tract Town Mathls Is prin
cipal shipping station , nlBo a siding on
the ilvei Maps furnished If desired 1
also offer another tract of 1,971 aeres on
ban Antonio ilvei. Ciollad count v. Texas-
very rich land s50 actfs all vnllev land ,
In cultvatlon seven tenant houses , ell-
mate line and healthful , with good sea \
biec/A on both tractr L
T H MATH IS , Rockport , Ar.uisas County , 7
Texas. *
9-ROOM modern house. Inq 524 8 26th nve.
RE-MGI7 Dl *
FOR SALE , have lovely fruit farm , nbout
l.CWO pear and other trees , seven years old ,
on tide water , near Galvcston , Tex. , nlco
buildings , excellent neighborhood , flno
fishing shooting and oystcis e-lose to two
railroads , have other business , must sell :
want $40000 , cash and time , or exchange
for dcslrablo farm , title perfect , stand
Investigation , particulars W. I. Brokaw ,
217 Buffalo St. . Houston , Tnx. RE-S19 G1
5-ROOM house , good lot. 31 Jl Hurt , $1.10000.
6-room house on lot 12 , block 2 , Arbor Place ,
3 small houses renting for $11.00 per month ,
good lot , on car lino. $300 00
: ; -room house , 15th A\e , near Locust St ,
$430 00.
9-1 oem modern house , 1733 Georgia Ave ,
Six lots fronting south on Dodge St. , be
tween 23lh nnd 27th Sts , each lot being 3J
xllft feet In size , ns'ihalt paved street ,
permanent sidewalk , se'wer , gas nnd water
also In stre t : can bo sold on favorable
terms ; price , $30000 each.
Lot 2 , block "O , " Prospect Place , on grads
nnd good building lot , $250 d )
Potter & George Company , 1601 Fnrnnm St.
fi-room house , 1022 N. 21st St. . $1,000 00
3-room new hoube , eight blocka _ S. W.
Armour'a packing house , $63000.
9-room hou e on lot 2 , block 02 , South
Omaha , $2,73000.
7-room house on lot 15 , block 123 , South
Omaha $1 30000
Southeast coiner 27th and "H" Sts. . $33000.
Southeast corn'r 31st nnd "S" Sts , $25000
Lots in rinloncv's Addition , flvo blocks
Miuthwest of Armour's packing house ,
f 2'0 DO
Potter .t George Company. 1G01 Fnrnam St ,
RE MS25-8
WANTED houses to rent We have rented
everything on our list but eight houses ,
HHVI- from llttv to seventy-five applicants
for houses nnd should like to have land
lords HF ( houses with us R. C Peters &
Co , U. S Nat bank bldg. RE-S71 6
FOR SALE , 1 acre with l-room house nnd
barn , newly papered nnd painted , plum
grive. grapes nnd other sinnll fruits , . R.
C Peters & Co . U S Nnt bank bldg
RE SC9 6
A SPLENDID investment , two cottages ,
with larre lot ; splendid neighborhood ; will
rent for $132 per annum , or owner can oc-
cupv. one nnd lent the other foi ( > per
cent on the entire Investment , price , $ l,75n.
Hicks Real Estate Co , 16th nnd F.irmtm.
RE-S83 6 *
12 PER CENT Investment ; good Improved
property yielding $120 for $930 Hicks Real
Estate Co RE-M8S4 6 *
IT has been Just year since wo have ad-
vtrtlsed our bargains In The Bee. In thn
meantime we > ha\e advertised nbout 150
specific bargain ) ) In the World-Hernld ,
fully 100 of which we hnve sold Thin
proves thnt we nro advertising bargalnn
only , nnd w desire to state that we havn
n few left Kor InstanceNo 793 , nory
attractive cottage , 7 rooms , bath , washbowl -
bowl , closet , sewer , gas mantel and grate ,
double ( loots and well built , good barn ,
s-outh front on paved street , cost , now
U9t > , $1,500 , will sell for tl.Wl
No 64ft. a 9-room all mo lorn house. 2 blockt
north of Hanscom park , asphalt street
iii.d wnlks good h irn trcos , etc , choicest
renlelenei lornllty In Omaha , cost In 18S9 ,
JS.OPO will soil for $ ! 9W
No 911 , fo-fl lot and 5-room house , good
repair , $ J50
No 764 , pretty 5-room house , gas , etc , near
20tb nnd Bancroft , for $1,023.
Vacant lots at anv old price 100 flats anil
houses on monthly payments Call at
oneo for particulars.
Fldolitv Trust Co N. Y. Llfo hKlg. G. II.
Payne , pres ; H H. Harder , sec.
sec.RES79 0
LOST , watch senl locket , picture on Inside.
J3 reward Address F C3 , lire.
Lo t-M715G *
LOST , pair eve rlnsses and chain. Return
to 2006 California St. and-receive reward.
Lost-S28- ( > *
LOST. Sntiirdny on Dodge car. side comh
sot with brllllnntH. Please return to BM
H l < "h Lost-8C4 G *
n.v\rifj : SCHOOL.
MATHEW'S pchool for dancing , 311 South
ISth RateH reasonable. Call or write fop
jMrtleulor 630-N- ! , *
MR AND MRS SIORAND. 1510 barney
b 'i.n ° K ° licnlesnons for children anil
adults. For terms please call. Always open.
846 N-13
MORAND'B nssiemb'ies ' nvery Wednesday a
p m . opening assembly Novemb.r 2 ; you
are Inv ted ; new dances , orchestra ; a/1-
mlHs on , 25e private ICSSOIIB day ami
evening ; waltz nnd 2-step guaranteed. $5
_ 197-N-2Q
J , R MAXCY & CO , auctioneers , room 519
Paxton block , wont your auct'on sales ot
mcrchulldlsc- furniture , llva