Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1898, Part I, Image 1

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Mnrqnis of Salisbury's Declarations at the
Banquet Unsatisfactory.
Anxiety to Know What is to Be Done with
Remainder of French Missions ,
British Agenta in Egypt Interfere with an
Intrigue at Constantinople.
Lord Mnyor'n PrnccuMnnVeclnenrtnr
Im Hxiiiicteil to Prove nn Klnliornte
Affair Ainerlpnn-I'iiKllHli Alle
gory to lie Hopri'Mciiteil.
( Copyright , 1893 , by Associated Press. )
LONDON , Nov. G. The marquis of Salis
bury's declaration on tbo subject of the
withdrawal of the French mission from
Fashoda made at the Mansion house ban
quet last night In honor ot General Lord
Kitchener it not regarded hero as being
wholly satisfactory.
The entire absence of nny reference to the
extraordinary naval preparations Is consid
erably commented upon and It Is remarked
how careful the British premier was to ex
plain that the evacuation of Fashoda was
only In the nature of oil on troubled waters
nnd that British diplomacy had not yet
weathered the storm which thu Marchand
inlaslou conjured up. It l recognized that
the French premier , M. Dupuy , and his col-
Iraguett , Intend to carry out what they have
promised ; but a factor which must be
reckoned with Is the fact that there are in
fluences at work In Paris which render the
existence of any irinlstry precarious and
which might at any moment In the event of
certain contingencies provoke a general up
The English papers point out that the
evacuation of Fashoda Is only an Install
ment of the satisfaction expected by Great
Britain and that Franco has yet to nw.iltow
the pill of withdrawing from the Bahr-el-
Ghazal region. Under these circumstances
the debate In the French Chamber of Depu
ties on Faehoda next week la eagerly
awaited , as the Fashoda government Is then
expected to explain Its Intentions regarding
the remainder of the French posts In the
Kilo valley , established by Major Marchand.
Shown Conelllntory Spirit.
In diplomatic circles a reassuring Impres
sion hns been made by M , Dupuy's declara
tion of yeaterday evening that the French
eovorntncnt's policy will bo based on well
understood Interests and that Its efforts
Wit ! bo measured by the value of the objects
Jn view. This Is held to Imply that the pres
ent government will show a conciliatory
attitude on the remaining points In dispute.
The attitude of the sultan of Turkey and
the kbedlve of Egypt on the Egyptian quoe-
tlon is being closely watched and It IB eald
the British foreign ofQco has received proofs
ot attempts on the part ot France to Influence -
enco both ot them against Great Britain.
The intrigues at Constantinople , It is added ,
weri greatly checked by the present rela
tions between Great Britain and Germany ,
uud the British diplomatic agent In Egypt ,
Lord Cromer , has taken the khedlvc In bund
and Is understood to have put before him
a sort of ultimatum which may have in
volved his deposition In favor of his brother ,
thereupon the khedlvc became submissive
and Indicated as a token ot submission his
willingness to visit England and pay hla
rpspects to Queen Victoria , a duty which
he has hitherto evaded , although ho has
paid prolonged visits to ( several European
Prepared for War.
A majority of the people here have beet
convinced that war between Great Brltalt
nnd Franco is Inevitable , sooner or later
and many expressions of regret were heari
today at the military and other clubs tha1
the conflict apparently is not to take place
In the uear future , as It Is the general bo <
llof that the army and navy are In a per
foot state of preparedness. The genera
feull'ng In the country Is such as would en
florae any warlike action upon the part o
the government. The whole reserve squad
ron has assembled nt Devonport and Is nov
completely fitted out and ready to sail at i
few hours' notice.
Besldee this olght reserve cruisers a
Portsmouth , three first-class cruisers , thi
Europa , St. George and Crescent , and flvi
second-class cruisers , tbo Latona , Naiad
Bybllle , Mercury and Iris , have been orderei
to ho commissioned for uervlco with tb <
emergency squadron.
tinlei * anil Floodn Abroad.
This has been a wfek of gales , floods ant
storms In all parts ot Great Britain. Th
English lake district has been visited b
the heaviest flood In thirty years. Derwent
n&tcr and Basienthwalt , both well know :
to American tourists , became ono vast lake
Thu southern part of Scotland also euffere
greatly and In the British channel the gal
was to severe that the Calais-Dover servlc
vas suspended for two days.
In the lord mayor's procession on Wednes
day next there will be a car emblematic !
of the English-speaking races , rcpresentln
among other things Britannia and Columbl
seated beneath a canopy , while the Amei
lean ( lag will be borne "by a British sallc
and the British flag will be borne by a
American sailor. There will also bo an II
lustration of Admiral Tatnall's "Blood
thicker than water" ind of Admiral Klrc
bcrly's repetition of the same thing to Cat
tain Kane after the disaster at Apia , Some ;
The duke of Orleans , who Is now at Brut
vela , U being closely shadowed by Frenc
detectives , as the French government hi
be n warned that he Is preparing for son
Important movement. Detectives are llvln
t the same hotel aa the duke and they dc
his footsteps even if be only crosses a coi
The activity of Prince Louis Napoleoi
however , IB causing more anxiety to tl
French government. Ho Is evidently awal
ing an opportunity and his chances ai
Infinitely more favorable than these ot tt
duke of Orleans.
Tbo French newspapers announce thi
Sarah Bernhardt is going to India to a
and shoot tigers. She has chartered a b !
eteam yacht , which will be commanded I
I'lerra Lot ! .
A novel entitled "Manders , " by EIwj
Ilarron , formerly of th Chicago Time
Herald , has Just been published In Landc
and has received much favorable con
( iiient of All London ,
Apart from politics the attentlc
of London this week has bet
milnly directed to the ceremonies in hon
of Gereral Kitchener yesterday and to t :
resumption of the exposures ot Ernest Ten
Hooloy , the bankrupt company promoter.
Tha e uertl wai the guest ot Que
Victoria at Balmoral during the early part
of the week and ho presented her majesty
with many Interesting relics of the battle ot
Omdurmon. On Thurtday the general went
through the quaint ceremony of being ad
mitted to the freedom of the "fish mongers"
company , and It was as a citizen and fish
monger that ho received the freedom ot the
city of London on Friday.
The sword of honor presented to General
Kitchener at the Guild hall yeaterday Is a
nagnlflcent specimen of the Jeweler's art.
The hilt la ot solid gold , surmounted by a
Igtirc of the British lion , and It bears the
figure of Britannia and Justice and the
monogram of the general in diamonds , rubies
and sapphires , and the British and Egyptian
flags enamcllr l In their proper colors. The
scabbard Is finely ornamented and Inncrlbed
with the names of the sirdar's victories.
The blndo Is of the finest steel , damascened
near the hilt with gold ,
Colonel of the Third Xetirnnka Coin-
IIIK Home on Fifteen
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Nov. C. Colonel Wil
liam J. Bryan , Third Nebraska regiment ,
left Savannah today for Lincoln , Nob. , his
liome , on a fifteen days' furlough. He has
been quite sick and has gone homo to re
Xot Altonetlier Pleuncd with Dcclnlon
to Ahnniloii Fan Im tin Approve
Poiiltlon HejjnrclliiHT Army.
PARIS , Nov. C. The newspapers here ,
commenting today upon the announced in
tention of the French government to cause
the Marcband mission to evacuate Fashoda ,
say that they niunt wait for the declaration
of the minister of foreign affairs , M. Del-
r.ttpae before pronouncing an opinion on the
subject. Tut they point out that this check
hns caused a painful Impression throughout
the country. The ministerial policy an-
noarv nby \ the premier , M. Dupuy , In the
Chamber of Deputies yesterday , has been
generally welt received. The cabinet's pol
icy ot conciliation and Its decision to end
the attacks on the army arc approved and
the Chamber's endorsement of this policy
alno meets with approval.
The Gaulols says the court ot cassation has
decided to hear the minister of war , M. De
Freyclnet , In Its investigation Into the Drey-
fua case , and that the court will content
Itself with his statements without Insisting
upon Gcclng the eecret documents in the
The Frondo says the case of Coloner
Plcquart , who was charged with communi
cating to unauthorized persons the contents
of Important military documents In his de
fense of Dreyfus , ban been quashed and that
the prisoner , who has been closely confined ,
will bo released today.
Compcln the IlemnlnliiR Tnrklnh
Soldiers nt Cniidln to Go
oil Hoard Ship.
OANDIA , Island ot Crete , Nov. 6. Rear
Admiral Gerard Henry Noel , British com-
manador In these waters , today ordered the
Turkish troops , -whose embarkation wdK de
layed by an order from Constantinople , to
embark on a British transport. The sol
diers proceeded to obey , but the Turkish
officer in command stopped the embarkation ,
whorcup the British admiral caused the bar
racks to be surrounded and declared the
Turks prisoners. Ho also threatened to use
force to compel them to embark. The
Turkish commanding officer then allowed the
onibarkatlon to proceed.
KAisisn sBiivun WITH HOT SHOT ,
Editor IN Locked 1'p ' , hut HlH Paper
CirowH Popular.
BERLIN. Nov. 5 , Maximilian Harden , ed
itor and publisher of Die Zukuntt , has beer
sentenced to six months' detention In a
fortress for lese majestc.
Five charges of lese tnajeste were broughl
against Herr Harden. The four articles par
ticularly resented were "Pudel Mojestat , '
In which ho compared the emperor to :
poodle prince ; "An den Kaiser , " In which
he personally addressed the emperor , com'
plaining that he has been charged with los <
majcste for writing the flrst article ; "Dei
Wahrhelt Rach. " written anonymously , ant
"Grossvatcrs Uhr , " In which the Blsmarcl
case was Introduced. A recent dlspatcl
, from Berlin said the circulation of DIi
Zukunft since the prosecutions had In
creased three-fold , reaching 250,000.
Ocean Ijlnera llnek In SerVlee.
SOUTHAMPTON , Nov. 5. A great demon-
stratlon hero today signalized the departure
for New York of the American line Rteamei
St. Louis and the opening of the Araerlcar
line service. The mayor of Southamptot
attended In state and large crowds of pee >
pfo cheered the American steamer. Twc
special steamers took the officers and theli
guests as far as Calshot castle , where tin
farewells were exchanged.
Connnl IK Hurled Abroad.
BERLIN , Nov. 6. The funeral service
over the remains ot Julius Goldschmldt , th
late United States consul general , who dlei
on November 2 , took place today. Man ;
American consuls from various places i ;
Germany were present.
Itpfnsal to Cede the Phlllpplni
Iilatuli IH Not Considered
WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. The report
which the State department has receive *
' from the peace commissioners In Paris indl
cate that that body has proceeded on exact ! ;
the line anticipated , consequently the actloi
of yesterday wns not a disappointment. I
was fully expected that the Spanish commis
aloners would endeavor to make better term
1 than these offered by the American comrals
sloners. It was not expected that they woul
closed at once with the American proposl
tlon. While they have not in exact term
submitted a counter proposition the Span
lards by entering upon the argument ot th
American proposition have shown a dtsposl
tlon to negotiate relative to the Phlllppln
Islands that has proved erroneous the pre
diction' that they would Indignantly spur
any proposition that contemplated a relln
qulshment of Spanish sovereignty over th
U is quite probable that the way la no' '
open to a compromise between the two side
' and that a monetary difference will ba foun
to be the only one of substance. This , it I
believed. Is re-presented by the difference be
twccn about $10,000,000 $ , probably the maxl
mum allowance which the United States wl
be willing to pay to Spain for the improve
ments in the Philippines , and t200.000.00i
which represents about the minimum of tl :
Spanish claim for compensation on aecout
of the cession of the entire group. Wit
about 1150,000,000 at stake In this Itsue ,
will be seen that there U fair reason to ei
pe-ct that the negotiations at Paris betwee
the two partlM will not be spc&Jlly term :
Agreement Equivalent to Armed Alliance
is Eeported Between Them.
Turkey Investing in German Friendship at a
Dear Price.
German Papers Oall Our Demands on Spain a
Piece of Yankee Impudence.
Authorities of Ilelilclherpr tTnlTcrntty
Tnko Flrnt Stenn to 11 Awny with
DuellliiR Clnliu for DamnRC *
United State * .
( Copyright. 1S9S , by Associated Press. )
BERLIN. Nov. C. The Frankfurt Zeltuns
says It learns from a well-Informed source
that Emperor William's visit to Turkey led
to an agreement by which Germany under
takes to support the Integrity of the sultan's
Asiatic possessions , for which Germany will
receive commercial and Industrial privileges.
The paper adds that It Is believed this
agreement Is tantamount to an armed alli
ance between the two countries. A num
ber of rumors as to the real objects o Em
peror William's visit to Constantinople and
the Holy land have been In circulation ever
since the Intention of his majesty to visit
the Orient was announced about a year ago.
These alleged purposes Included Important
railroad concessions to Germany , the ceding
of territory In Syria to Germany for coloniz
ing purposes , the ceding of the port of Hafla
In Palestine , the ceding of the Island of
Rhodes to Germany , and the granting to
Germany the right to plant a large German
colony along the whole frontier at Tripoli.
This last agreement , It was added , was
Intended to protect the sultan against
French encroachments across the Tripoli-
Tunis frontier and would also avoid granting
Germany a concession In Asia Minor , which ,
If added , would Induce Russia to demand
compensation. On the other hand It haa
been announced that some of the powers
have notified Turkey that It will not bo per
mitted to cede any territory to Germany ;
and Russia , It was announced from Berlin
on Saturday last , was arriving at an'under
standing with Austria and Franco to pro
vide against the accomplishment of certain
German plans In the Orient.
German Piipem Crltlelne t' ' .
The news that the United States now de
mands the whole of the Philippine Islands
haa created much Interest hero. The Ger
man newspapers freely comment unfavorably
upon It.
The Cologne Gazette says : "The Interests
of Germany will be especially Injured by
the American annexation , as the policy of
the open door , which has hitherto reigned
under < tbo Spanish -flag , will be quickly
ended. Moreoverj-'tho' Alricrlcan d&timnflj
from a humane point of view , Is unheard of.
It means the sqeezlng of a fallen foe to the
last drop of blood and would sully the name
of the victor. The whole sympathies of the
world would be on the side of Spain , brutally
ground down by her enemy. "
The National Zeltung points out that the
Philippine Islands would , In American hands ,
become not only of Immense commercial ,
but of paramount Importance , "which all
the powers having Interests In the far east
are bound to seriously consider. "
Therefore , the National Heitung thinks
Bomo power may oppose the change oJ
The Vosslche Zlctung lectures the United
States for Us alleged greed and the Deutsche
Zeltung describes the United States demand
as a "piece of characteristic Yankee Impu
dence" and calls upon Europe to "put It8
foot down while there Is yet time. "
The government of Germany and the
semi-official newspapers have been silent 01
extremely cautious. Hut It Is quite evldenl
that Germany will not Interfere In the
settlement of the Philippine question noi
even encourage Interference upon the parl
of others , and It Is understood this hae
been Intimated to the Spanish government
To InveNtlRiite TrniiH.Vtlnntlc lUiuc.
The German government officials have or
dered an Investigation Into the reportei
ocean race between the White Star lln <
steamer Teutonic and the North Germar
Lloyd line steamer Kaiser Frledrlch on theli
last trip to New York. As the Kaisei
Frledrlch belongs to a subsidized companj
the government will also be Interpellate !
In the Reichstag on the subject by lien
Rtchter , the radical leader.
The result of the Diet elections , so fa :
as It concerns the United States , Is rathe :
favorable. The number of conservative :
has been reduced so there will not be i
majority outspokenly hotttilc to Ainerlcai
A serious blow has been dealt to the bis
tortc student dueling by the action of thi
senate of the University of Heidelberg
which has required corps students accusei
of challenging to fight duels to leave th
university for four college half years. Thli
Is the first time any German university ha
taken serious action against dueling , am
the fact that a university of such standlni
has taken the Initiative Is certain to bav
Important influence In the direction of th
entire abolition of dueling.
Emperor' * Gift.
Emperor William's gift of the abode e
the Virgin ilary to the German Catholic
was a very clever move and has made a pro
found and favorable Impression among th
Catholics. The remarks of the centrist pres
clearly show this , for even the usuall
venomous Germanla accords his majesty un
stinted praise and says :
"Tho possession of the abode , which ha
been the heart's desire of the Germa
Catholics for years and which French ID
( luenco was unable to get from the sultat
was due to the energetic and wnll-dlrecte
efforts of the kaiser , which achieved thel
object Immediately where France notorlousl
failed. "
All the Christian congregations of Jen
salem , Greeks , Russians , Armenians an
French Augustlnes , have repeatedly offere
Urge sums for the * abode and the adjolnln
cocnaculuin , but the Moslems have alwaj
refused. Turkish law gives the owner (
the abode a primary claim upon the coent
culum If It ever changes hands.
Politicians point out that the emperor hi
also done a shrewd stroke of business , as I
has put the centrists under an obligation I
support government measures In the Relchi
There Is much official Indignation at th
fact that the Vienna Argelter Zeltung , tt
i&adlng Austrian socialist organ , aucccedo
° n obtaining Emperor William's gpetches i
Jerusalem before ho delivered them , prefacIng
Ing them1 "Kaiser William will today tank
the following ip cch. " Then would com
the full text of the speech. A rigorous In
vestigation Is proceeding In German court
circles for the put peso of discovering the
person or persons who furnished to the so-
clnllat press full copied of the speeches and
a full report on the subject will bo made to
his majesty when ho returns here.
nift-Clrlnc nt Coimtniitliioplp.
A batch of stories is now arriving from
Constantinople In connection with the visit
there of the emperor and empress of Ger
many. It appears that , apart
ular presents , the sultan of T
number of others. For tnstam
let on the empress' bed ha
crown aud her monogram
embroidered with diamonds
her majesty expressing numl
let was Immediately prcae
A remark attributed to
occasioned great surprlse.
have fin Id :
"During the nine yearsHv my last visit
the decay of Turkey has aWancod rapidly. "
On the return of the empJror of Germany
the court will be transferred to the Potsdam
stadtschloas , aa the new palace ls not yet
Inhabitable , owing to defective drainage.
The university students' associations of
Germany are preparing for a Joint movement
to honor the memory of I'rlnco Bismarck.
It Is proposed to hold an annual celebration
at the grave of the Iron chancellor , begin
ning January 18 next , that being the anni
versary of the crowning of King William of
Prussia as emperor of Oeinany in 187-0 In
the palace of the French kings at Versailles.
It Is understood that the family of the late
Prince Bismarck has decided that the final
Interment of his remains It to take place on
December 27 at Stag 'Hlll near Frledrlchs-
It Is said that Maximilian Harden , the
editor and publisher of Die Zukunft , who has
been sentenced to six months' detention In
a fortress for lose niajeste , does not Intend ro
undergo his punishment , but will emigrate
to Austria and publish a paper there.
Conviction * for Lone Mnjcnte.
There has been a great Increase lately In
the number of convictions for lese majeste
and some of them are outrageous. A re
spectable girl of 19 , named Jenny Dyk , has
been sentenced at Breslau to two months'
Imprisonment In Jail for merely criticising n
picture of the emperor which was exposed
In a store -window ; and a girl 17 years of
age , at Cologne , has Seen entenced to six
months In Jail because. In the presence of
another girl , she tore dow'tt a portrait of
the emperor of the wall of ht r own room.
The climate of the German coaling station
at Kalo-Chou bay , China , In spite of offi
cial denials , appears to be very bad. The
deaths of German soldiers and sailors , chl-fly
from malarial fever , are becoming alarm
ingly frequent.
Two members of the Now York Life In
surance company had their first hearing at
the Prussian ministry of the Interior on
Wednesday relative to the company's re
quest for permission to resume Its Insurance
business In Prussia. The matter will not
be decided for a couple of months yet.
Andrew D. White , the United States am
bassador here , before leaving Berlin on his
vacation , formally applied to the foreign of
fice to obtain for the American church
congregation of Berlin the same rights as
enjoyed by other foreign congregations ,
especially corporation rights.
The heirs of the German cigar manufac
turer , Haas , of Hamburg , , who died on board
the Gorman war uhl ( Vjr la th.ct "harbor
ot Havanr * * - ' i- , ' & & j nK l.'tt rn
' "
Spain and the UnltuV'-fliaieS , "nave'reneweei
their applications to the government for
damages , claiming that his death was due.
to the American operation in Cuba.
War InveBtlRntors Hear Crltlclmnm of
Hoapltnl Mlmnnnniteinent I eare
for Chicago Tonight.
CINCINNATI , Nov. B. The War Investi
gating commission began Its last days' work
In this city with ono of the three members
absent , General Sexton having gone to his
home in Chicago in advance of the others ,
who will proceed there as soon as the work
here is completed. The commission will
meet at 9 a. m. next Monday at the Audi
torium hotel In Chicago , and they requesl
all persons who have already filed com
plaints or have been summoned to testify tc
be present at that time , They also ear
nestly request any others having persona' ' ,
knowledge of abuses and mlsmanagemenl
to appear and testify on Monday or Tues
day.Dr. . C. L. Bonfleld of Cincinnati testified
to visiting the Chlckamauga hospitals It
July last. Ho saw no patients lying on the
ground and no cases of neglect or filth o !
any sort of gross carelessness in the man
agement of the hospitals. The chief troubli
was In the fly nuisance , which was averted
as much as possible 'by ' the use of mosqultt
Surgeon F. W. Henley of the First Ohli
testified to stopping the forced march fron
Chlckamauga to Rlnggold , In which om
soldier was overcome by heat , and becami
insane. The water was bad at all theli
He gave extended testimony of his ex >
perlence at division hospital at Fernandlna
saying he had been notified by wire of thi
shipment of a full equipment for a 200-bet
hospital , but it never reached him , and hi
does not yet know why. There was suffer
ing for lack of it , but temporary arrange
ments were soon made. The surgeon general
oral Invariably acted promptly when re
Dr. Cameron testified to anallzlng wntei
at Chlckamauga and finding sewage con'
lamination but no typhoid baccIlH.
Corporal James Weaver testified to neglec' '
at the Fernandlna hospital , but receive <
good care when transferred to Atlanta.
Private W. H. Sloan testified to grosi
carelessness in eating and beer drinking am
lying in the dew unnecessarily and attrlb
uted most of the sickness to such causes.
Thomas Reed of Covlngton , Ky. , testl
Ded to finding his son in a crowded hos
pltal at Chlckamauga. Some were on blank
cts on the ground. He transferred his soi
to the Sternb rg hospital , where he dle <
two days afterward. Reed severely critl
clsed Major GlCten , who managed the hos
Dr. B. F. Landy of Cincinnati , wlio hai
experience with the First Ohio cavalry a
Fernandlna , denied that the camp was bad
or that there was any unnecessary suffer
Ing for want of clothing , food or supplies.
Here the examination closed , except tba
Mrs. G. F. Geat , who Is ill , was examlnei
at her homo by Dr. Connor , concerning he
visits to southern camps and hospitals a
agent ot the Cincinnati Army and Nav ;
General Dodge and Dr. Connor leave to
Chicago Sunday night and , with Colon * .
Sexton , resume tbo examination at the Audi
torlum at 9 a. in. Monday.
dnperor ProinlNeit 1'roteution.
BEYROUT , Nov. 6. The emperor and em
press of Germany arrived here today , bu
they will remain on board the Imports
yacht Hohenzolleru until Monday , who
they will start for Damascus. The heat I
tropical. Before embarking at Jaffa Em
peror William promised bis protection to th
German colonlite at that place , who chrere
his majesty enthusiastically.
Campaign in Forty-Two States Draws to a
Olose Amid Much Enthusiasm.
Questions Are Left with the Voters to Bo
Decided at the Polls.
Factional Fighta in Some States Obscure
Party Supremacy.
Tivoiity-Tn-o Slate * KIcct a
ture thnt 1VI11 Name n Senator nnd
In Thirty-One State * tlic Vote
in for State Olllucrn.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 5. There will be
elections In forty-two states Tuesday In
Alabama , Arkansas , California , Colorado ,
Connecticut , Delaware , Florida , Georgia ,
Idaho , Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Ken
tucky , Louisiana , Maryland , Massachusetts ,
Michigan , Minnesota , Mississippi , Missouri ,
Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , New Hamp
shire , New Jersey , Now York North Carolina
lina , North Dakota , Ohio , Pennsylvania ,
Rhode Island , South Carolina , South Dakota ,
Tennessee , Texas , Utah , Virginia , Washing
ton , West Virginia , Wisconsin and Wyo
In nine of them Alabama , Arkansas ,
Georgia , Kentucky , Louisiana , Maryland ,
Mississippi , Hhodo Island and Virginia only
congressmen will be voted for ; In two West
Virginia and North Carolina congressmen
and a legislature. In addition to West Vir
ginia , twenty-two other states California ,
Connecticut , Delaware , Florida , Indiana ,
Massachusetts , IMlchlgan , Minnesota , Mis
souri , Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , New
Jersey , New York , North Dakota , Pennsyl
vania , Tennessee , Texan , Utah , Washington ,
Wyoming and Wisconsin elect a legisla
ture which will choose a United States sen
ator. In thirty-one states a governor and n
full or partial set of state officers are al
stake. The following elect a governor-
California , Colorado , Connecticut , Idaho , In
diana , Kansas , Michigan , Minnesota , Ne
braska , New Jersey , New York , Nevada , Now
Hampshire , Massachusetts , North Dakota
Pennsylvania , South Carolina , South Da
kota , Tennessee , Texas , Wisconsin and Wyo
ming. In Illinois , Iowa , Florida , Delaware
Missouri , Montana Ohlo , Utah and Wash
ington one or more minor state officers ,
treasurer , auditor or justice of the suprcim
couit , etc. , have been contended for.
Iteiiulillcnii Majority In the
ture Will He SIlKlitly Uertnectl.
NEW YORK , Nov. 5. There are -five state
tickets in nomination In New York , ee fol-
mknown quantity , probably Important onlj
f that of the two old parties shall bo close ;
hat of the socialist-labor party may ap >
iroxlmato 20,000 , while the prohibition vott
ins not often been much In excess ol
[ 0,000. Besides state officers there will be
elected on Tuesday next a legislature , thai
will choose a United States senator to suc
ceed Edward Murphy , democrat. Thirty-
'our ' representatives in congress will alst
) o elected.
The republican campaign has been an ag
gressive ono and notable for the energj
with which Colonel Roosevelt conducted hi :
canvass. Within ono week the lost weel
of October he traversed the state from casi
Lo west and from wtst to east , delivering
close upon 100 addresses , some of them o
considerable length.
The democratic candidates for state offlce !
and for congress persistently refused to hi
led Into discussion ot the currency or othei
national Issues.
The potency of Greater New York as t
factor is shown by the fact that it cast !
nearly as many ballots ns all the rest o
the stnto and that there arc greater varla <
tlons In the party tides In the city tbai
up the state. For example. In 1S96 , Black
republican for governor , had a plurality o
30,031 over democrats of both the free sllve
anil the gold standard wings , while In ISO' '
the democratic Judicial nominee had a plur
allty of 95,354. There has been this yea
a local diversion which may exert i
marked Influence on the vote of Create
Now York. This consists In the allegattoi
that Richard Croker has sought to mak <
the Judiciary dependent upon his pcrbona
will and pleasure.
The state senate has a membership o
fifty and the assembly of 100. As nt prescn
constituted , there Is a republican majorlt ;
of 28 on Joint ballot. The republicans nr
disposed to concede a reduction of their ma
Jorlty in the legislature , but profess a con
fidence that they will have a working ma
Jorlty in both houses. The democrats con
fldcntly expect to gain three or more con
gressmen in districts below the Harler
river and possibly as many up in the stat
districts. The republicans do not feel Ban
gulne of maintaining the preponderance o
28 as against six democrats In the New Yor !
The registration In Greater New York thl
jear , while not ns heavy as last year , give
promise of a large vote being brought oul
the figures being : This year , C56.389 ; las
year , 667,192. The vote ordinarily Is abou
7 per cent less than the registration.
HOT FIOHT IN iiAWMJY's nismici
Sole Feature of Iiitcrext In the Cnin
pulKii In Teini.
DALLAS , Tex. , Nov. 5. The close of tt
campaign In Texas la without interes
There is a certainty of eleven democrats I
congress , out of a total of thirteen , t\v
doubtful districts being the Tenth an
Twelfth. In the Tenth Congressman Haw
ley , republican , claims the election , but tl
whole force of the state organization h :
been thrown against him and the fight h :
been fast and furious. National and loc ;
Issues both figure largely In the canvas
Tha betting is slightly In favor of Hawle ;
In the Twelfth Congressman Slayden , derat
crat , who voted for the Dlngley protect ! !
tariff bill , Is opposed by ex-Congressmt
George H. Noonan , and they have canvass <
the district for several weeks. This fig !
has been so overshadowed by the fierce coi
test In Hawley'n district that llttlo attci
tlon has been paid to the result.
Coneeile Hepnlilleiiii Victory In Onl
One UIMrlct.
LOUISVlLLi : , Nov. C. The ve of elei
tlon next Tuesday for representative * flt
the democrats enthusiastic. They claim th ,
the Kentucky congresilonal delegation wl
have an Increased democratic majority. Tl
delegation now stands ( even democrats ui
Weather Forecast for Nebraska
Fair ; Northwest Wind * .
I Statin , of the FiiHhoiln Matter.
Knl ir ami Hullnn .Inln llnndx.
Hemline of Political Situation.
Unit Smiinli-l p in Conned IllulTi.
- Wnr .Ship Maria Teremi Onrn DOMII.
\eliriift1m TVe n.
ItepnhlleiiiiN In a llnpiiy 'Mood.
Mellitejohii Clone * tin * C'niiiiuilKii.
Smooth Swindler nt llentrlee.
1 Hltelieock'N CIimiKe of front.
lleeordn of Walker mill KontxUy.
5 f'eriiiim HepiiltlleniiN In Iilne.
( t I.nNt Week In Oiimlin Society.
7 fiinti fur nvpoNltlnn StoeUlinl.lcrn.
Morlen of tin * Klondike.
8 Couin-II HIiiIlN Local .Matter * .
IOMU Xevrw null Comment.
O \clirasl.-a Kent * Knnnn.
( ooil Outlook for Winter Trnel. .
Mcaramia Canal Iteport Preparing
10 Spnrtlnw Itorloiv of tinWeek. .
11 With the Wheeln nnd Wheelmen.
Wine from nil 12xpert' View.
"I- Term ilel PUCKO In ISOS.
I lit the Domain of Wnninii.
13 In the Amusement Worlil.
Munlcal llevle\r of the Week
HehoeN of the Ante Itooin.
Ill "The lllnvk DoiiRliiM. "
17 "The Cnt ntul the I'lKiir SlKii. "
IS IMItorlnl uiul roniment.
11) XIMV Hook * nt the Iilhrnry.
Sehenie to Save Clt > Money.
Memories of the IXpoiltlon.
-0 I'reMlilent ainno rieiulN for Culm.
Some SlNtern of Krent Men.
21 Condition of Oninhu'i Trnile.
Comiiierelnl nnil Fliinnelnl \ MVH.
YeMerdny'n Temperature nt Omnlini
Hour. DeK > Hour. Deur.
a n. m it : i p. m. . . . . . 57
( i n. m in u P. m r.s
7 n. in lit 't p. m BH
H n , m. . . , . . -II I p , m. . . . . . . " > ) )
t ) n. in ! . > . " > p. in "
10 a. in m II p. m .M
11 n. m "i.'t 7 p. in. . . . . . r > "
'our ' republicans. The democrats figure that
only In the Eleventh district are the repub-
leans certain of electing their candidate.
Vincent Borelng , while In the Fifth , Eighth
nud Ninth , where the republicans now have
the representatives , the democrats concede
their opponents have no more than a faU
chance to win. On the other hand , the re-
lubllcans arc certain of returning Walter
Evans from the Fifth or Louisville district ,
where the democrats are not working en-
; lrely In harmony. They also clulm that
I'ugh , In the Ninth , will certainly bo re-
: urned , and maintain that Davidson , in the
Eighth , has a strong fighting chance.
Wnlte , Former Popullnt , In Support
ing Hvpnlitlenn Ticket.
DENVER , Colo. , Nov. G. The speaking
campaign In Colorado closed tonight. Sen
ators Teller and Wolcott have both stumped
the state. Senator Wolcott has claimed the
only hope for free silver Is through the
republican party by International agree
ment , possibly with a new ratio.
Ex-Governor Waltc , former populist
leader , supports the cpublXcan ticket. Al
though three parties aro'named on the offi
cial ballot tbo contest Is really between
omotf , gubernatorial candidate of the
demucra'tlc , people's , Teller , silver repub
lican , national people's and liberty union
parties , nnd Henry R. Wofcott , leading the
republican , silver republican and western
republican tickets. B6th sides claim victory ,
the bllver republicans by 15,000 and the
fuslonlats by C.OOO to 6,000 majority. The
only other gubernatorial candidates are
Robert Rhodes , piohlblttou , and N'lxoi :
Elliott , socialist labor.
Congressmen Shafroth , silver republican
and Bell , populist , It Is generally believed
will be re-elected. The fuslonlsts will carrj
the legislature , but the republicans hope tc
elect a majority ot eighteen senators wbc
will hold over aud vote In the election ol
Senator Wolcott's successor In 1901.
Itepnlillcniin Clnlin to Have the Hen
of It In California.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 5. The politics
campaign , which was practically ended It
California tonight , has been a most vigor'
ous one all along the lino. California till ;
year elects a full sot of state officers , sevei
congrefsmen and a legislature that wll
elect a United States senator to succeed
Stephen A. White.
This year the democrats , silver repub'
Means and populists have fused and namoc
a ticket , opposed to which are the rcpub
llcau and prohibition tickets. Tbero wai
n split at the democratic-fusion convcntloi
and the mlddlo-of-the-road populists brolti
away and nominated a ticket of their own
Their candldato for governor , however , ha
withdrawn and thn discontented populist :
are not expected to make much of a abort
ing. Congressman Jaines G. Mngulro Is thi
fusion party candidate nnd Henry T. Gage
a Los Angeles lawyer , heads the repub
llcan ticket. There has been a large amoun
of money wagered on the novernor's llgh
and Gage rules a slight favorite over Jin
gulro. The republicans claim the legldntur
and expect to elect most of the congress
PopiillNt nnd Silver IlepuMlcnn Con
KreNMiiinn Will AVIii In Montniin.
HELENA , Mont. , Nov. 6. At the ctectlo :
next Tuesday there Is no reason to bellev
the republican state ticket will come nea
being elected. The democrats , imulnlstra
tion republicans and populists and sllve
republicans combined , have state tickets 1
the field. The democrats will doubtless doc
all their candidates. For congrcHsrnan th
populist and sllvrr republican candldati
Secretary of State Hogan , will run ahea
of other candidates on his ticket on accour
of some disaffection because of opposltlo
to the eight-hour law by Campbell , th
democratic nominee , and support by Mar
shall , the republican nominee , of a la1
making It a crime for anyone * personally o
representing a union to urge or persuade
j btril'er to remain out or anyone < ! oc froi
j taklut a striker's place. Hogan'a Increase
. vote will be to Marshall's advantage , bi
3 It Is not believed either one will como nea
5 election. The fcglslaturo Is bound to t
3 anti-republican and the majority will Y.
I made up of democrats , populists and &llvc
| republicans.
FIVIS Ticicirrs ix I.WHAX ;
e Ilciiultllcaiin' FlKht In for Gold nn
1 Majority of l.i'Klnlntiire.
1 INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Nov. 5. The pollt
t'cal ' campaign practically closed tonight t
both parties. The chairmen have issue
statements claiming victory for their n
spectlvo parties , a majority of the thlrtee
congressmen and a majority of the leglsli
ture that will elect a United States sonatt
in January to succeed the present Incumben
David Turplo.
There are five at a to tickets prluu-d on tl
ballots viz. . Democratic' reuubllran
ll , , , pou
lift , prohibition and socialist. The deni <
crats niul republlcann have nominated cand
1 , datea for congress lit all ot the thirteen dli
( Continued on Second Page. )
Port Arthur Passenger Train Runs Into a
Union Pacific Freight.
Engineer Burnley Wns Unable to Stop His
Train in Time.
Oanght Between Baggage Car and Engine
nnd Orusbed to Death.
Morrln Peterson nnd l.enlx .Ineolmon ,
litiliorerM. Hurl So Tlie > Jlny Ille
An I'liNKen erN liijureil lleyonil
n Slim-p SlinkliiK l'l > .
The cnsthound Omaha & St. Lrmls train ,
which leaves Omaha at S:30 : p. m. , collided
last evening \\lth a Union Pnclilc freight
train at what is known us "tho Junction
about a quarter of a mile cast of the Union
Paclllc transfer on the Iowa Bide. One mail
was killed nnd two seriously Injured. Thn
deail man is :
WILLIAM 110WEH , Union Pacific flro.
man , who lived at 11I3 North Twelfth utroot ,
Seriously Injured :
Morris Peterson , 1816 South Seventh
street. Council Bluffs ; may die.
Lewij Jacobson , South Eleventh street ,
Council Bluffs ; may die.
Bert Hotchklss nnd Bob Heath. Wells ,
Forgo & Co. express messengers , escaped In *
Jury by what eeems almost a miracle , The
car In which they were riding Is a ma-n
of Hpllntcrs and twisted Iron and they came
out of It without a scratch.
None of the passengers on the train wore
Injured bejond a sharp shaking up. \
careful t > earch failed to disclose any who
were hurt badly enough to warrant a de
scription of their Injuries.
Engineer George Burnley of the passenger
train says bis airbrakes failed to work
He and his fireman , Hughes , saved them
selves by Jumping. No one on the Union
Pacific train was In any danger at any
\Vlierr flip WreeTfe Oecurreil.
' . . .
The place where the wreck occurred Is
the point nt which the various tracks of
the different lines using the bridge converge.
An extra freight train , made up of cnrs
loaded \ylth rails , was Just leaving the
Union Pacific yards lu Council Bluffs , and
was about half way across the switch lead
Ing on to the bridge track when the Port
Arthur passenger train crashed Into It. The
engine and baggage car of the passenger
train and three or four flat cars of the
freight train went Into the ditch. It made
an ugly looking wreck , and blocked the
track for several hours. All the night trains
through the transfer were delayed. The
passengers , \vero forced to walk around thu
vrrcsk to get ncrosa the river.
All of the men who" were Injured were
on the front end of the baggage ear , which
was smashed. Fireman Hewer was on his
way tii the Union Pacific round house to tnko
his engine out. The other two were labor-
era from South Omaha and were stealing
a rldo homo. They were all caught with
no warning , and \vcro crushed in the mass
of timbers and Iron. Hewer was lustautlv
killed. The others are smashed BO that the
extent of their Injuries could not bo tolil
last night They were removed to a ho ?
pltal and given such surgical attention lu
was possible.
Hewer was unmarried and lived with his
brother-in-law , Bob O'Neill , who Is yardmaster -
master for the Union Paclllc.
to Do lint .III in p.
Burnley , the engineer of the Port Arthur
train , lives at Stanberry , Mo. , nnd Jim
Wayland , the conductor , lives ut Qulney , 111.
They both tell the same story of the air
brakes refusing to work. Burnley says he
did not see the freight train across the
track until ho wua nearly on It and then
when ho could not stop the train there was
nothing left for him and his Oremuu to debut
but jump and save themselves.
t'nrs Loaded tilth Coal Drop IO\MI a
Mine Mi lift Mllh Fatal
WILKESBARRU , Pa. , Nov. B. Seven men
wrro killed and three fatally Injured at the
Exeter colliery of the Lehlgh Coal company
at Wcat Plttstou , near hero , today. Thu
accident was duo to thu alleged carelcssnehs
of Engineer David Price , who , acting In din
obedience of positive ordert * , caused three
cars to run Into the top ot the uhatt. Thcae
cars , loaded and weighing cloven tons , fell
down the 300-foot shaft and crashed with
frightful force upon the carriage carrying
ten men. Seven were almost Instantly
killed. They are ;
MICHAEL SMITH , 35 years , miner ,
married , leaves widow and four children.
ANDREW TINKO , 40 years , married ,
leaves widow and nix children.
minor , unmarried.
M10HAEL BRAZUKE. 33 years , miner ,
JOSEPH CUIXCK , 23 year , married ,
leaves widow and one child.
MICHAEL WABLCmSKi , ili years , un
JOSEPH ANDREWOSKI , 30 years , un
The injured are :
William Pukes , miner , Internal Injuries.
Joseph W. Leer , laborer , head and back
Paul Lecksnonea , laborer , contusion ot
Moll of CltlreiiM SwIlIK" Mull Who Had
Miirderonii Intention * to
n Tree.
SELMA , Ala. . Nov. 5. News of a lynch
ing In Autnugo county reached here toda >
Mrs. Btrldler , wife of a merchant and Jus
tice of the peace at Jones' Switch , while
preparing to retire laet night , discovered
a negro under her bed. While screaming
for help the roan sprang for the door , mak
ln his escape and leaving behind a stilp
of bar Iron with which he Intended to do
hie murderous work. A negro suction man
named Jamen Williams was suspected nnd
placed uuder arrest. He was trle < l ami com
mitted to Jail. Constable Queen Htarte < l to
1'rattvlllo with him and when about a mlle
from Jones' Switch was m t by a crowd
who took the negro aud swung him to a tree
The negro admitted that tbu Iron bar aiV
ooniu clothing found In Mrs. Stridlcr'a room
j were Ills property.