Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Hamilton's shoo store. 412 Broadway.
Btockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Moore's rood kills norms and fattens.
Dell 0. Morgan , drugs , 142 Broadway.
C. D. Jacquemln & Co , JeAolers and op
ticians , 27 South Main btrcot.
Mr. and MM II. W Tllton have returned
/roirt a wcok'a visit In Wisconsin.
The Girls' Industrial school opens this
nftcinoon for the winter at 2-30 o'clock In
the Klscmnn building.
Teachers and lanttors will receive their
pay today at the office of the school treas
urer. George S. Davis , 200 Broadway.
.1 O. Illxby. healing and sanitary engineer.
Plans ( ind specifications for heating , plumb-
Ins and lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluff
Don't you think It must bo n pretty good
laundry that can please HO mnuy hundreds
of customers' Well -that's the "Kaglc , "
724 Broadway.
Otis Bergman , night sergeant of police ,
celebrated his 48th hlrthdav yesterday and
n box of choice Havanus was on tap at the
police station last night.
l.on Moiolpy of Clailnda , bound over to
HIM federal , grand Jury on the charge ol
bootlegging , furnished ball yesterday and
was released from the county Jail.
A marrlagu license was issued yesterday
to T A. Springer , aged 2J , of Iowa City , and
Nelllo Skclsoy. age < l 18 , of South Omaha.
They married by Justice Uurke.
Rov. Henry Dt'Long returned yesterday
from Chicago , where ho attended the an
nual conference of Iho olllcers and mis-
Blonarlcs of the American Sunday School
Oeoro ; ; ShiMvei , living at Ninth street and
Tenth avenue , reported to the police yester
day that a thief had during the previous night
broken Into his barn and stolen two buggy
( ushlous.
Cashier J. M Fatten of the First National
bnnU Is authority for the statement that n
large and wealthy flnn of tanners In Penn-
wylvanla Is llgtiring on locating here In the
near future
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail-
waIs repairing Its bridges In this vicinity
nix ) has u large force of engineers and
bridge builders In camp at the old Chau-
lamina grounds
S II. Shuaklcy , superintendent of schools
\Vateiloo and president of the Noitheast-
trn Iowa Teachers' association , arrived yr-
lerday to intend the session of the South
western association
William Bolton complained to the police
jestcrdny that his "bright red" cow had
been t'tclcn. Ho suspects that the animal
was taken to Omaha by two men who wort
M > en during the evening loitering around
the premises
Paul Blegelmoyor , who formerly owed n.1-
leglanco to the emperor of Germany , and
Nt'ls Peter Nolson. a former subject of tht
king of Denmark , were granted their natural.
Izatlon papcis last night in the superior
court by Judge Aylesworth.
Today Is the last day for registration for
the election next Tuesday and the registrars
will alt from 8 a. in. to 9 p. m. County
Chairman Everest and Iho members of the
county and city central committees will pul
In today seeing that everyone who ought tc
John Boardman of Atlantic was boum
over to await the action of Iho federal gram
Jury yesterday by United States Commis
sioner Wright on the charge of bootlegging
Boirtltnan , who Is a one-aimed Individual
icceutly served a term In the penitentlarj
for a similar offense.
Ivanhoo commandery. No. 17 , Knlghti
Templar , elected Ihe following offlccri
Thursday night' "Eminent commander , J. C
Mitchell ; generalissimo , ' I. M. Treynor ; cap
italn. C. Kpnlgmacher ; prelate , L. P. Me-
Donald , .senior warden , Andrew McMillan ;
junior warden , W. C. Estep ; treasurer , J. D
.Atkins ; recorder , 0. S. Lcllerts.
The funeral of the late Dick Rlcketts was
held yesterday morning at the family resi
dence on North Elghlh street. Rev. L. P
McDonald of St. Paul's Episcopal churcl
conducting the services. The body was taker
to Avoca for burial. Thu pallbearers were
M. Duquette , U. Terwllllger , D. Harle , J. W
1'eregoy , S , rarnsworth and J. D. Atkins.
W. C. Kstep received word from the State
Uoaid of Health yesterday that be bad suc
cessfully passed thu examination and bad
been granted an embalmer's certificate. Un
der the new state law the bodv of a person
whoso death Is due to a contagious disease
cannot be shipped unless embalmed by an
undertaker holding a state certificate.
Articles of Incorporation of the Standard
OpctatliiR compai y of Council Uluffs have
been filed with the secretary of state. The
capital is placed at $ .25,000 , and the otllcere
arc. President. C. F. Lcfferts of Council
muffs ; secretary , R. D. Dodge of Webster
City ; Ireasurer. George V. Wrlghl of Coun
cil Uluffs The company Is organized tc
operate zinc mines In Missouri.
Mayor Jennings has as yet made no ap
pointment to nil the vacancy In the police
force caused by the resignation of Jallei
Dobbins. U Is understood , however , thai
the appointment will be given to one of tht
faithful hailing fiom the Sixth ward , as the
administration Is anxious to try to pacify
somp of the malcontents In the democratic
ranks In that ward. Mayor Jennings , It Is
said , will present the name of the new
Jailer at the council meeting next Monday
The Vlavl homo treatment removes neces
sity for surgical Interference. For Informa
tion call or address 326 Merrlam block.
N. Y. Piumblns company. Tel. 250.
Meals served todav at Odd Fellows' hall ,
by the Congregational ladles. Chicken pot-
plo and roast beef dinner Chicken pot-pie
supper. Potted chrysanthemums , candy ,
aprons and other articles for sale. Meals
23 cents.
Don't fall to hear Hon. A. II. Cummfcs to
night at the opera house
Rooms 50 and 75 cents per day at the New
Dig republican rally tonight at the Dohany
opera house.
Remember the exposition by getting Pom <
copies of Snap Shots at the Council nitiffi
ofllco of The Hee. Ten ceuts each.
Oo and hear Hon. Smith McPherson .at th <
opera house tonight.
A first-class meal at the New Ogden foi
25 emits.
You have an easy tlmo getting your worl
done and It'a done right. Then we're * easj
on clothes. The Reliable Bluff City laundry
North Main stroot.
I < MWI AVniitN ti > l'lu > In Council lllulTx
It Is now fairly well settled that the Iowa-
Nebraska university oot ball game will be
played In this city on Thanksgiving day ,
The game will bo played at the Driving
park , where the grand stand , which can ac
commodate 10,000 spectators , will afford
eplendld view of the game. II. II. Mungcr
manager of the Iowa university team , hu :
written stating that ho has decided to accept -
cept the luvltatlon to play here and that hi
has written to the manager of the NebrasK :
university team to thai effect.
Anditorinm Is Scarcely Large Enough to
Accommodate the Convention.
Ux-Stntc Sni > crln < oiulpnt Snbln Slake *
11 n ArKtinitMit for tlic IllKlier ho-
cliillmii I'lea for Compul
sory Ijditcnlloii.
The tesslons of the Southwestern Iowa
Teachers' association were marked by a
largely Increased attendance over that ol
the opening day Teachers from all parts
of the district commenced to arrive on the
early morning trains , and to these were
added the local teachers , the city schools
being closed for the day to allow them to
attend the meetings. The lists at the railway -
way secretary's office showed by noon that
several hundred teachers were In attend
ance. Many of these came In Just for the
day and left for home aguln after the after
noon session. The day was one of work ,
general meetings being held In the forenoon
anil evening , while the afternoon was dc >
voted to sectional meetings. When the
morning session , which was opened at the
First Presbyterian church , convened ths
large auditorium was completely filled and
It was tome tlmo before seats could bo found
for all these present. The program com
menced with a class exercise In music under
the direction of Mies Portcrfleld , supervisor
of music In the Council BlutTa city schools.
The first address of the session was by
William Wllcox of Atlantic , his subject
being "The Gulf Between the People and
the Schools. "
Mr. Wllcox said If the managers of the
schools would bo moro i h.try In taking ur
the many novelties and fads that present
themselves rn' adhere moro s'-lcily to tin
solid work of the " 'boil Iherj noiild bo lets
opportunity for complaint from the public.
When thu school devot a Itself to Ihe cul
ture of the mind and making It broad am
practical for the best clti.-5n < hlp , tnen wli ;
the school recommend Itself to the cooperation
tion of the patrons. There should be i
closer acquaintance between the pilron am
the school and the school should be hell
above and aloof from politics. Of the teachPi
there should be required thoroughness o
scholarship , broadness of mind , ability to ar
range the course of study and humanltv o.
ward the child. In the High school course :
of study moro thought should be given t <
the quality than to the quantity of studies
Work for All to Do.
Mr. Wllcox was followed by Hon. Henry
Sabln , ox-state superintendent , In an ad
dress on "nducatlonal Socialism , " In whlct
he advocated a number of advanced propos ) .
tlons. Mr. Sabln opened his address with :
description of the desperate energy will
which the Athenians prepared to defem
themselves and their city against the threat ,
cncd attack of Philip , the Macedonian king
"In those hours no ago held Itself alee
from the service of the state. It was a tlm <
when the earth contributed Its trees , the
dead their tombs , the temples their storei
of armor. Some tolled In restoring the walls
BOTOO dug In the trenches , some were build
ing palisades ; there waa no Idleness In thi
city. " His purpose , Mr. Sabln said , was t <
enlist his hearers In all work which makei
for humanity with the same carnestnes :
that animated the Athenians.
Continuing , ho said :
Webster defines socialism as "a theory ol
society which advocates a moro precise ,
orderly and harmonious arrangement of the
social relations of mankind than that which
has hitherto prevailed. " It Is not communism
In any sense of that word. It does not
seek to destroy existing Institutions. It ad
vocates fraternity and equal rights , and
seeks to bring all men under the benign
Influence of Just laws It Is a protection ,
not u menace a means of political grace.
Its tendency Is to free the Intellect and the
body , to arouse the people , to hold up high
the light of truth.
Every thinking man or woman must con
cede that there are certain evils Inherent
In modern society for which some remedy
must be found. It IB not. however , neces
sary to tear down the building to drive out
the vermin In every republican govern
ment there exists the means by which , If
rightly used , all evils can bo corrected.
When the will of the people Is the supreme
law of the land , there Is no possible ex
cuse for revolution. Thli Is socialism the
strength of republics , the redemption of
democracy. U stands for obedience to dl-
vlno law and would shape all human In
If property la unsafe ; If Justice Is not
meted out to rich and poor allko ; If crime
goes unpunished , or money buys off the
law ; these are symptoms of social disease
which demand thoughtful consideration from
all classes , but above all from these charged
with the education of the future citizen.
I come to you , then , this morning as a
socialist In the high sense of that term ,
which Includes 11 who believe that a gov
ernment of the people must bo adminis
tered by the people , and who are ready to
address themselves to the correction of Im
pending evils through the agency of the
law. Are we not all socialist * then ?
The divine right of kings has given place
to the divine supremacy of law. From this
point wo approach the right of the state
la support schools , to demand the cduca-
'tlon of the child and to enforce Its de
mands against the wishes of the parent
Under our Institutions the parent Is the
natural guardian of his offspring. If he
neglects his duty. If ho Is unable to dis
charge It through poverty or sickness , then
the state exercises Us rights as the lawn
of humanity and self-preservation dictate
and teaches the vouth to earn a living , to
be honest , to bo patriotic , that ho may be
a wise and virtuous member of the body
Kut or ComuulHory nilncnttoii.
I advocate the passage of a compulsory
law requiring attendance at school. I want
a law that will provide for Its own execu
tion , that would take the truant child from
the core of Its parents and place it where
It could not escape the environments of a
gcod school. I think the state has the
same right to do this that It has to estab
lish and enforce other regulations necessary
to Its piotectton and perpetuation the right
of eminent domain.
I would have the kindergarten In every
city and village of the state , and would sc
regulate the law that children 4 years old
could bo taken off the street and put In
the kindergarten. I would have a night
school In every city under Just as good con
trol and with luit as competent teachers
as the day schools , Girls and boys who
have to work for a living should have thla
advantage. I would also have half-time
schools for the same purpose , so that a boy
who has to earn his living might spend a
couple of hours a day under a good teacher.
I would educate the hand with the head and
r2t w niiARAMTFFn I Tn PIIRF ? lloiueness : - , Influenza , Catarrh , nnd all iS
fcy * luni ; anil throat iioubli'i- , . ' eiiil lurproof of It. It docs not Mckcn or disagree
* vvltli ttie etoinach. bate for all ages.
Kay's Lung Balm. iSI
\Vrlto u . civ In ? nil cynuitumt vlalnly and oin rhylclan will el'
ii : : AD1CK. . u ils.naK luok of > V Solil br UriigKlitk ur if nt by mall ,
{ * { rirlpe * and a I'KKK .VVMI'LU. I'rltc , 10 rrntu and XT cent * .
* § * Aidreji Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( V/MlirnOffice / ) Omaha , Neb.
* M * " ? * * ? ? ? * > jLy r j ? * a . * ? T
the heart. I would have In the Bthools the
bath tub nnd the free lunch , too. It neccs
8,1 ry. All tcnclirrs know that many chlldrcr
come to school half clothed nnd hungry
Mr. Sabln also urged the propriety of the
free text book law. Ho would Include In
such a law all Ihe books and supplies needed
by the pupils , so that the children of the
rich and poor might be on an equality.
President W. M. Bearshear of the Ames
Agricultural college delivered a scholarly
addrees , tailing as MB subject "Thrco ICR
and One Tie , " v\hlch ho said were , "Peda
gogics , ethcs ( , aesthetics and therapeutlcH. "
The morning program was brought to n
close with an address by Prof. A. B
Warner , superintendent of schools at Mis
souri Valley. His subject was "Literature
as a Moans of education , " and the address
nas a strong plea for radical reforms In
the common school curriculum and for Its
Improvement through Ihe means of teaching
of good literature. Mr. Warner said In part
On entering school the average child Is li
a deplorable state of undovclopnicnt Com
pared with the child who has seen and bean
much worth seeing and hearing , who ha :
been caicfully trained by cultured people
whose senses have been quickened an
whose mind has been filled with a grea
number of beautiful Images by home alien
tlon , by kindergarten and by travel , thli
average child Is an object of pity. Ho hot
been robbed of the rich heritage of moderi
childhood. Ills hungry soul has beet
rtarved. The spelling book , \vlth Its drear ;
columns of Isolated words cannot qulckei
his mind and develop the best human quail
ties. Definitions and talks cannot do It. Ii
fact no formal instruction and arbltrar ;
usages ran breathe into this soul the breatl
of life , neal ihlngs must appeal to tin
BCHSOH. Tbo mind must be Blocked will
pcnro images. The emotions must b <
touched and through them Iho will stirred t <
action. The maslcry of the processes o
reading , writing , spelllnc and compostllon li
only an Incident In the education of a child
Neither would I neglect true nature stud ;
or Industrial training. Hut In literature wi
hnvo material that Is euttcd allko to tin
nature of the child and to the exigencies o
the school room No doubt Iho Gicck will
his gymnastics , music and Iliad was able t
touch every human chord This Is mon
than wo can do with Ihree "Us" and spell
What we must have now In every schoo
room Is a teacher who knows and love
literature and who knows how to use It li
the development of tr.lelllncncc and char
acler. And wo must have adequate bookn.
Committee * Viiiioniioeil.
The following committees were announce
by President French-
Finance H. B Hayden , Council Bluffs ; . >
C. Parsons , Creston.
Nominations W N. Clifford , Counc !
Bluffs ; A. A. Taylor , Greenfield , county su
porlntendent of Adalr county ; T. H. Stem
city miperlntendent at Wlrttersct.
Resolutions 0 E Smith , city supcrln
tendent at Shenandoah , George I. Mlllci
city superinlendeut at Boone , C. M. Youni
county superintendent of Giithrle county , I !
E Dealer , counly superintcndenl of Pag
county ; Miss Henrietta Brayton , Neola.
The election of officers will be held thl
morning. The following teachers , who ar
rlvod yesterday morning , registered : Mar ;
M. Tolles , Ernestine Houston , Frank Star
buck , Florence Klskadon , LIIn C. Hurlburt
Glcnwood ; Grace Berkley , Missouri Valley
Maud Burket , Mary Arthur , Mary Patton
Bertha Lovell , Millie Ford. Logan , J. II
Holmes , Dcnlson. Grace Taylor , Dunlap
Celya Van Alstlne , Bertha Maish , Logan
Flora B. Purcell , Fannie Ames , Almlra Ixidd
Glenwood ; Minnie R. Downs , Spauldlng
Charles M. Peters , Jennie McEachron , Ores
ton ; W. B. Woods , Hastings ; Anna E. Ivory
Emerson ; O. E. Smith , Shenaudoah ; Ora H
Horine , Henrietta Biayton , Florence A
Bolser , Neola ; Nellie McAlvln , Ina Graham
Mamie Gardner , Alice Hawk , Shelby ; Jen
nlo Kelly , E. A. Benson , Ellzabelh Mlcklo
May Crandall , Red Oak ; Dcsslo Pattec
Charles S. Cobb. Shelby ; Madgo Lowry
Helen Strobchn , Tilda Slrobchn , Mlssour
Valley ; Mrs. M. J. Moody , Sioux City ; Flor
ence Ockcrnon , Malvern ; Irene Ockcrion
lied Oak ; Paula Wllcke , Louise Bartlett
Mabello Hellman , Mlssouil Valley ; A. A
Weaver , Webster City ; Theodora C. Wads ,
worth. Des Moines ; B. M. Taylor , W. L
Embree , Randolph ; J C King , Hamburg :
Frank M. Statler , Essex ; Eva Trimble
Roxy Peterson , Dunlap , Mrs. A. M. Hop
kins. Creston ; W. J. McDonald , Mlnden ; r
P. Hocker , R. G. Spencer , Audubon ; H. E
Kratz , Sioux Oily ; Jessie G. Nulling , Sar :
M. Nallen , Ida L. Goodell , Glenwood ; J. M
Rnpp , Logan ; William Wllcox , Mrs. Wil
liam Wllcox , Allanllc ; Pearl B. Cecil , Mln.
den ; F E. Lalk , Onawa ; Emma C. Do Groff
Missouri Valley ; E. U. Graff , Red Oak ,
Bertha D. Meier , Avoca ; Estella Marshall
Lovara Roland , Neola ; May Scott , Berth ' ,
Clark , W. D. Young , Panama ; Eva II. Moore
M. Ella White , Annie Moore. Kato Mitchell
MIna Hughes , Red Oak ; M. E. Crozlor
Bertha Wyant , Emma Sherrett , Anna Mont
gomery , Edna Burton , Bella Do Pen , Anne
Belle Light. Walnut ; Mrs. J. L. Laird
Glenwood ; Mary Brennan , Creston ; N. E
Larlmora. Oakland ; O. H. Maish. Stella G
Marsh , Glenwood ; Jesslo B. Cheney , Hattli
Klrkpatrlck , Henderson ; Sadlo Pyrlle
Emma Greenwood , Marian Tale
Stella Bcnner , Lorena Luke , Thurman ;
George I. Miller , Boone ; Eula Van Vanken ,
Jessie E. Moore , W. P. Wortman , Emerson ;
Mary Schmidt , Agnes B. Cole , Olive B. Het-
zel , Avoca ; Verge Perkins , Maude Cole ,
Florls Gohagan , Cora J. Stockreger , Nellie
F. Miller , Helen A. Blackstone , Red Oak ;
G. W. Lee , Denlson ; H. G. Lalneon , Ne
vada ; Nellie Richards , Osceola ; Maude Clal-
borne , Rose Clalborne , Glenwood ; T H.
Stone , Wlnlersel ; A. A. Taylor , Gteenflcld ;
Jennie. Shearer , Missouri Valley ; Mary An
derson , Pigeon ; Laura Shurts , Grace Pat-
din , Ida A. Mosher , Mary A. Wilson , Mis
souri Valley ; Mrs Belle Anderson , Llflar
Moore , Susie Purlnton , Essex ; Jennlo F ,
Harwood , Helen M. Stone , Red Oak ; E. II ,
Hamilton , Claude Hume , Hendereon ; Ade
line Felllngham , Carroll , J. W. Radebaugh ,
St. Charles ; Hattle Baraford , Keown ; J. C ,
Pearson , R. A. Campbell , Red Oak ; Slella
Westcotl , C. C. Williamson , Vllrlsca ; J. J ,
McConnell , Iowa City ; W M. Moore , Myrtle
McNutl , Pacific Junction ; H. O. Tailor ,
Denlsou ; C. W. Martindalo , Webster City ;
Mary J. Lepper , Anna Holway , J. Peasley ,
Nelle Healy , Avoca ; R. C. McConnell , Coon
Rapids ; May A. Brown , Neola ; Delia M ,
Jay , Ella M. Duke , Carrie H. Lake , Shenan
doah ; Noretta E. Johns , Essex ; Wlfllam E.
Kline , Mae Miller , A. I. Jones , Mrs. Cooper ,
Miss Follet , Miss Grsen , Mrs. Young , Miss
Ockcrson , Malvern , O. J. McManus , Neola ;
Alice Fordo , Missouri Valley ; Blanche
Chambers , Armour ; Luella Rogers , Mis-
> url Valley ; Jeunlo Qulst , Coon Rapids ; J ,
S. Estee , Thurman ; Anna Dcnlson , Marie
DenUon , Margarel Porler , Helen Goddard ,
Dunlap ; Lizzie StcvcnKon , Red Oak , Jennie
Palmer , Olive Henderson , Lo vela ml ; Edltli
Harris , Angle Mlddreton , Emma Bradley ,
Myrtle Gllltey. Mae Gllkoy , Missouri Valley ;
Halllo Jennings , Logan , W. F. Cole , Web-
ter City. B. P. Hoist , Boonsboro ; Carrie
Shank , Pearl B. Prle t , Red Oak ; Elizabeth
T. Dunn , Neola , W. A McCord , Des Molncs ,
Sectional .Mfrtlnif.
The afternoon was devoted to sectional
meetings , which were held at the First Pres
byterian , English Lutheran and Baptist
churchrs. The county superintendents and
rural school section meeting was a notable
gathering of prominent educators. Trot.
J. J. McMahon of Carroll , In the absence ol
Prof. J. W. Wllkereon of Mount Ayr , prc-
elded. The principal subject of discussion
was the "Place and Work of ine County
Normal Institute , " which was presented by
Dr H. W. Sawyer , county superintendent o !
Pottawaltaml * county , part In the dUcus-
elon being taken by StaU > Superintendent * It.
C. Barrett , ex-SUlo Superintendent Henry
Sabtn , Prof. B. II , Shwkley. prealdcnt of the
Northeastern Iowa Teachers' association ,
nuil Superintendents Taylor of Adalr coun'/ ,
Deatrr of Page county and Lark of Monona
In the evening a general meeting waa
hold In the Presbyterian church , the audi
torium being crowded to the doors. Presl-
detit Homer H. Seerlcy of the Stale Normal
school addressed Iho meeting on "The
Struggle Tor a Place. " In which ho held that
a person In these days , to get to the tor
of the ladder and make a name , must be
original , not an Imitator or successor of any
one. He must carve out a line for hlmsell
distinct and original from anybody else.
No man who essays to bo a second edition
of another person con make a place fet
himself In this world.
State Librarian Johnson Brlgham spoke on
"The Library Movement , " strongly advocat
ing the extension of the state circulating
There will bo a general meeting this mornIng -
Ing , the strong f aluro of which promises tc
be the address by Dr. Arnold Tompktns ol
Champaign. III. His subject will ho "Tht
Religion of Education. " In the afternoon n
business meeting will be hold , tit which tht
election of officers will take place. A kinder
garten symposium will close the mooting
nnd bring Ihe session to an end.
Part 4 of The Boo's phologravures of the
exposition la now ready and can bo had A )
the Council Bluffs office.
Twenty rooms at the Now Ogden to let b ]
the week or month.
Miss Julia Oftlccr. teacher of piano , 533
Willow avenue. Fall and winter term.
Rooms at the New Pacific from $1.25 pel
week upward.
Snap Shots all go at 10 cents each at the
Counrll Bluffs office of The Bee.
When you have any family washing t (
send out It would bo a good Idea to get Ir
touch with the Eagle laundry , which makei
a specialty of table linen , line woolens , etc
72J Broadway.
Grand German ball will be given by Bluf
City lodge , Sex-Ennlal Icpgue , Saturda ;
evening , November 5 , at G. A. R. hall Ad'
mission , 23 cents.
Nothing ulcer to send your friends at i
distance than Snap Shots of the exposition
Get Ihem while Ihey last at the Councl
Bluffs office of The Bee for 10 cents.
Ladles wanting fine medicinal wines am
liquors call Jarvls Wine Co , 223 Mali
slreet. upstairs. Lady In attendance.
rrllh Krrplne VCOIIK | |
William Russell of 1417 Third street wai
taken Into cuilody yesterday on the chargi
of keeping a vicious dog. The police asser
that they notified Russell to kill the dog
but that Instead he sent It to the country fo
a few days and then brought It back. Rus
sell says the dog Is not vicious nnd feel
that his arrest Is entirely unwarranted.
Those dealrlnc copies of the Jubilee ertl
lion of The Dallr Boo can secure them a
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of thi
exposition , containing reproductions of al
Ihe promlnenl buildings , together with :
blrd'-eye nnd general views of the grounds
can bo had at the Council Bluffs offlce 01
The Bee for 10 cents. It Is Juit the thlnj
to send to your friends at a distance.
The New Pacific cafe , open all day am
Those deslrlnc conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Bee can secure them al
the Council Bluffs ofllec of The Bee.
Every lady visiting Robinson Brothers' '
Jewelry store'this" afternoon at 2:30 : and In
the evening at 7(30 ( will bo given a beautiful
For sale , thoroughbred registered Scotcl
collie. Address 221 South Seventh street.
These deslrinc copies ol Ihe Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Bee can secure thorn at
Ihe Council Bluffs ofllco of The Bee.
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary , Sapp blk.
Collections made everywhere In U. S
ChnrlfN MntlieMvsoii Snlil to II ( he
Coming ; Aiiont for Wliim-linRocK.
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) It Is learned from reliable authority
thai Charles Malhewson of Dakota county ,
Nebraska , will be appointed agent for the
Wtnncbago and Omaha Indians to succeed
Captain W. A. Mercer , U. S. A. , who has
requested that ho bo transferred from the
Infanlry to Iho cavalry service. Malhnwson
H said to have the endorsement of Assistant
Secretary of War Melklejohn and Senator
Thuiston of Nebraska. U Is considered thai
his appointment Is so certain thai four of
the flvo olher applicants for the place have
wtlhdrawn. Major Malhewson , falher of
Charles Malhowson , forty years ago was
agent of the Wlnncbagoes and he made n
very good record with the tribe. He secured
his appointment through the Quaker Influ
ence from Philadelphia. The son Is about
-10 years of age and bos lived In this sec
tion of the country all his life. He waa
chief clerk for Agent Ashley , who was ap
pointed by President Harrison. He Is well
liked by the Indians and It Is thought be
will bo a good man for the place.
Talk About tin. Different Fcntnrr * of
Their Work.
ATLANTIC , la. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The second day's program of Ihe
State Epworth League convcullon had sev
eral Interesting numbers. The social re
forms of the day were discussed and papers
read upon work In the literary and mercy
and help departmenls. The report of the
State Epworth League Assembly commls-
i slon appointed three years ago was ac
cepted , which makes It a separate organiza
tion and places It on Its feet. Already It
baa had three assemblages , generally In
July near Colfax , on ground secured for the
purpose , and to ten acres of which they have
a clear title. The remaining seventeen
acres they get clear when seven more an
nual assemblages have been held. Al
ready Improvements to the value of over
J3.000 have been placed thereon. This even
ing Dr. J. r. Berry , editor of the Epworth
Herald , Chicago , lectures on tbo subject ,
"Tomorrow. "
! \PTT IIMTH roriiorntloiiN.
DES cMOINBS , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator J. L. Carney , an allorney
al Marshalltown , senl In some articles ol
Incorporation to the secretary of stale this
morning which are more Interesting than
the usual ones. They announce the organ
ization of Ihe "Clear Creek ( Mining Company
of Alaska. " The Incorporators are Iowa
people who established their organization
on board the steamboat Iowa at the mouth
of Clear Creek , Alaska , August 12 , 1898.
with a capital stock of { 50,000. The parties
to the organization Include E. 0. Abbott , T.
T Harbour , J. C. Bonham , E. M. Vail. 0. F.
Hazelman , J. B. Koables , F. A. Benjamin ,
I' . W. Foster. C. E Hlitt. J. D. Thomas.
Jennie Thomas. W. M. Sherlock. W. W. G.
'Michaels , Charles Brldguman , Con Doran ,
Edward Hoyer and B. F. Boycr.
The Independent Malting company of
Davenport has amended Its articles of In
corporation and added $ .10,000 lo Its capital
stock of 1100,000.
The Press Publishing company of Ot-
tumwa IB a new Incorporation with a stock
of J20.00Q , George Rlley , Atvln Crall , E. A.
Jones and Jane Jones are the Incorporators.
To hn r Vour IllKentloti
1'te "Garland" Stove * and Nantes.
No Enslavin \
As Opium , Morphine , Chloral , Cocaine , etc. , are Used , Even
111 the Most Minute Quantities in the Compounding' of
It is a Great Nerve Medicine That Cures Without Enslaving
Dr. Miles' N'orvlno lias boon before
the public for ninny years , and 1ms by
Its wonderful our"1 * , earned nn enviable
reputation as n cure for nervous dl < < -
en-'es. It Is perfitlly harmless and eon-
tains no trace of opium , morphine ,
ehloral , cocaine , or other stupefying nar-
eotle and pol onotis ( Imp * . It doe not
make slaves of week and helpless in
valids , but It assists the debilitated and
diseased nervous system to regain its
normal , healthy condition. The record
for tills great specllle for nervous dis
eases has been one. of unbroken tri
umphs , tile like of which was never
kno\vn before. So confident are its mak
ers that it will do more than is claimed
for it , and so desirous are they tint
every one MifTerinjr Irom nervous trou
bles should give It a trial , Unit all dint :
SlKts have been authorised to . 11 Hist
bottle on a positive Kuaiatitco that It
will benefit. Should It not do MJ , return
the bottle to your druggist and get jour
Des Moines High School Gets Its Only
Touchdown on n Fumble.
I'enverly KalloWH the Dull Down mut
Grabs It on tlir TTro-Yiiril I.lne
When Trncy Fumblm WlK-
Oer the 1,1 no.
DES MOINES , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The West Ues Molncs High school
today defeated the Omaha High fcchool by a
score of 5 lo 0. A Ihousand people saw
the game and there was great enthusiasm.
DCS Moines won on a chance play. The
game was a close contest all the way
through , lloth the DCS Moines and Omaha
elevens played their best ; they felt that
they were representing Iowa and Nebraska
and their tie game ending In 0 to 0 at Omaha
last Saturday gave them an Incentive for
still harder work. The ball changed hands
constantly. Terrell's punts sent It flying for
long distances often. There were several
spectacular runs , flno tackles and terrific
plunges , which often resulted In gains
through Ihe Des Moines lines. Captain
Pcaverly of West Des Molne-s made the only
touchdown of the game. Terrell had punted
hard for the forty-yard line. Peaverly tore
down the field. Tracy of Omaha stood on
the live-yard line to receive thu sphere from
Terrell's punt. He muffed and Peaverly fell
on the ball tvvb yards from' the goal line.
Then he rolled and wriggled over the line
for a touchdown.
The first half closed soon after that.
In the second half the ball was kept In
West Dt's Moines territory most of the
time and at several 'times ' it looked us
though Omaha would score. Terrell's puntIng -
Ing was the feature of the game. Peaverly's
wotk In getting down the field on all punts
was star foot ball. "Jimmy" Klnkcad , Des
Molncs' little quarter , did fine work. On
defense ho reinforced the line and spoiled
many smashes that would have been long
gntns. On punts ho ran back , made line
catches and also made a forty-yard run
through many tacklcrs. Tor the Omaha
team , Thomas , at left end , did fast work
in breaking through and spoiling plays be
hind the line Griffith , at right end , also
played a good game. Englehart , fullback ,
was their best ground gainer , going through
the line. Right Tackle Dickinson was
pushed over for good gains. Thurkles , the
colored boy at right half , was carried back
by the right end players whenever he took
the ball. Guards Cathroo and Roberts , for
Omaha , made good line gains In the last
half. DCS Molnen had much the better In
terference on Iho end plays , but the Omaha
boys were the stronger on going through
the line. The Omaha Hue was somewhat
stronger , but Des Moines played with raoro i
ginger. There was more kicking done In
the game than any played In les Moines
this year.
A coincidence of the game was that the
Omaha team had hern coached by Frank
Thomas , coach for Nebraska. The Des
Moines team has been coached by Potter ,
who coaches Drake. When Potter did his
first star work at the Northwestern , Thomas
was .coaching the Northwestern team.
Thomas and Potter are great friends. Line
up :
West DCS Moines. Position. Omuhn
Craig . center . freeman
Taylor . right guard . Cii throe
Crulslnbcrry. . . right tackle . Dickinson
lilake . right end . fJiIIIlth
Illbhy . left guard . Uoh its
U Hollins . left tackle . Moiso
Peaverly ( capt ) . . . loft end . Thomas . qiuu terback . Prltchwid
and Davidson
Miller . right halfback . .Tlturkles
liutler . left halfback . . .Tracy ( cupt )
Tenell . fullback . Knelohttrt
S. Duller . . . substitutes . Lehmer
Vim Voorhecs bub-nltutcs . . . rtassmusfcen
II. Uolllns. . substitutes . MaDlarmld
Score : WCbt I > es Molnps , 5 ; Omaha , 0.
Touchdown. Pi-avcrly. Time. First half ,
twenly-llvo minutes , second half , twenty
minutes. Umplri > nnd referee nil's of
Drake and Whli le of Omaha. Linesmen.
Hush of DPS MolneH nnd Morrison of
Omaha. TlmirnMcCowan of Des Moines
and Sadler of Omaha.
Ilonnl of Control Cnlln n M
DBS MOINES , Nov. 4. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The State Board of Control has Just
Issued orders to tbo miperlntendenta and
wardens of the thirteen state Institutions
under Its control to meet In Des Moines
December 14 at 2 o'clock p. m. This meet.
ing is called under the provisions of the
new board of control Uvv and is the first
one of Its kind. Such meetings are to be
held hereafter peml-annually as provided
by law ,
Dlntliu'tloii for n Confederate.
MAHSHALLTOWN , la , Nov. I ( Spe
cial. ) General J. H. Gordon , an e\-confed-
crate officer , will deliver a lecture under
the auspices of the Young Men's Christian
asroclatlon on November 7 , and the F. M.
Thomas post , Grand Army of the Republic ,
will act as an escort for him from the hotel
to the lecture hall. General Gordon has
done much to cement the lira between the
north and south probably more than any
other confederate ofllcer.
of I'orrclomirc.
KEOKUK. la. , Nov. 1. Judge Woolson , In
the United States court this afternoon , tsuM !
a decree of foreclosure agalnM thn Chicago - |
cage , Fort Madison & fes Molncs railroad i
The amount duo bondholders Is Jl.3n.000. |
The sale will occur about January 1 ,
A New York count oyster 'ew ' at the New
I'acinc for 20 cent * .
money back. Xol one bottle In ( en
thousand ! rotnined.
Early la the spring of IS'il Mrs. Laun A
Voyli'.i , Lincoln , III. , contracted a hard rold
which caused a derangement of the delicate
organs peculiar to her sex. This trouble wa ?
followed by severe headaches and finally by
hemorrhage of the lungs , which threatened
to terminate fatally. She writes " 1 giliu-d
sulllclent stiength to got up and move
around , but our family physlclin sefined tn
be unable to relieve me of all my trouble.
My blood was thin and colorless , and gleatly
lacking In nourishment , but my neivcs weic
worse. I felt hungry all the time but could
not stay at the table long enough to cut.
I was fo weak and nervous that I seemed
to be in a hurry all the time. At night I was
restless nnd could not slcrp more than an
hour or two , while my legs would bn cold
and the upper part of my body and my
head would be hoi. A friend lold mo how
Dr. Miles' Nervine cured her of slrk hcad-
achr , and I detcimlnpd to try It. The very-
first two doses helped me , and In a few
weeks I felt well and strong as I ever did in
my life "
A merchant of Mlddlcbury , Vt. , write * :
"Two years ago 1 was suffering from Indi
gestion bordcilnK on dyspepsia , and ncrvou -
ne > M which was co severe Urn * I was unablu
.H times to control myself Through .1 filind
I v\as persuaded to try Ir Miles' Ucstori- j
live Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pllla
After udlng four bottles of Nervine and on *
hoof Pills , I was decidedly a new man
and n turned to my business can's with In-
cic.ibed cnirgy. FHANK A. UOND.
Mlddlobury , Vt.
Dr Mlle-a' Ncivlne will positively cur
headaches of long standing and Is exceed
ingly beneficial In such troubles as epilepsy
and hysteria.
All drugelsts aieauthorbed to sell Dr.
Miles' Nervine on a guarantee that first
bottle will benefit cr money will be rpfuntied ,
lie sure and get Dr. Miles' Nervine. Take
nothing else. Wilte us .ibout jour troubles
and ailment ! ! and wo will glvi you , abso
lutely free of charge , the honest advice of a
trained specialist. Booklet on Heart and
Norvcs scut free. Address ,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO. , Elkhart , Ind.
Vitalliar will quickly euro all nervous ol dlacaaooof the Kmerntlvo or-
runs brourht on by youthful errors or excesses such as Lout Manhood ,
Insomnia. Sptrmntorrhoea. Pulnn lu Back. EMI Dreams. Seminal Krnln-
ilona. Nervous liability. Plmplt-s. Headache , UnlUness to Marry. Ex-
hiuiatliiir Drains Vnrlcoeele and Coimtlpatlun. Stops louses by day o *
night. Prevents quickness of dlnclwiifo. wlilch lends to Hponn torrhct
and Imrut-incy Cloansck the liver , Iiltlns and urinary orrnna of ull
Impurities StrvMictlivna 4nU restores sinnll weak orxAiis. * 1.00 a box.
Bfor4-50U. OmrnnlLnd to cure Cand ( or free circular and 6000 tontl-
Oavol ilt < liclu Oo. , Bin Franolaco , Cal. Foraalo bUeyra , Dillon Dru * Oo. Otnaha , Nab.
Searles & Searles.
Gam-mitre to curr npiTillly nuil rntll *
cnlly all NKIIVUUH , ( J1IUOMC AND
PHIVATK iIlncnseH of men mid i > umt > a
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
NUht Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy-
drocele , Vcrlcocele , Oonorrhea , Gleet , Syph
ilis , Stricture. Piles FlatuU and Uectal
Ulceru , Diabetes. Drlght s Disease cured.
Sf rictus1a gleet S''i ' .
by new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address \rlth stamp Treatment
br mall.
For Rats , Mice , Roaches ,
* Other
After efttlnsF , all \rrmln ftrck watrr and tlir oprn air ,
Hcncelhls Llllcr U the most cleanly oncatth.
Per Sale by all Dniezlsto , Price , IS Cents.
OS WHIIanj Ctrcst. New Vcrl
101. y\ . \ jiu , Uioadwuy. Counrll Bluffs.
Kates , } 1 Zj ptr day , 70 roonin riml-claai
l > every napcU .Motor line to all ilcnola.
local aurnry for Iho Cilebrated St t'otl'v
A n C Ilccr. 1 bar In con
Sppolnl Announcement.
SO acres Rood land for sale In Putnam
county , riorida , one mile from Kenko.
Will trade for Council Bluffs property.
160 acres Rood land In Drulo county.
So. Dak. , sl\ miles from railroad. Will
trndo for Council Bluffs nronerty.
Wo have several houses for rent in
desirable locations.
Several farms for Bale on easy terms.
We have for sale
an S-room bouse ,
with stable , located on lot 6fi feet front /
in llucat residence portion of the city
This property can be bought at a bar-
Kaln if taken at once.
Small fruit farm for sale at a low
Pi Ice. Now Is the tlmo to Invest in a
homo If vou want one. Real estate
% allies arc low , but are plcklnc up with
Increased Bales. Wo have a number
of small residence properties that can
bo boiiKht at low price * .
Ilemrinber that wo are raaklnc loan *
and w minis lire Insurance at as low a
rate as any one else , nnd wo would DH
pleased to bo favored with a share of
your business.
No. 102 South Main Street.
Council BluffP. la. -
Fees Gas
| i Gasoline
Sjto 2BO
Horse Power
rw i -
Murliliirr- All Klniln ,
Call on us or write for prirei R. description *
iiAVii ) IIH im.nv A co. .
Co u null lllnir . IOTTH.
, > ce .Bto-c u J
Abuw or olUr EII MI toil fiuir
creliom. ifinriucJUv ami lur
r toro Lot \ Itallir la old
In Urovvn , DruVs' ' !
RflcGREW ,
8ti7E ? . OMAHA. NE3.