Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    in MUTT ? nxiAiTA A 1 1 .A' in.iir. . A TiTTn A \mvTC-\MnrT ! ? r.
Urgent Foreign Demand for Wheat Drops
Out on Reports from Russia.
December Wheat Cloaoit Ilnlf n Cent
f.invcr , Corn l.imen Tliroe-KlKlillm
of n < : < -iil I'rovlHloim a Simile
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. When Russia's enor-
tnous wheat crop was olllclally announced
today the tirfrcnt foreign ilcmand nnd every-
Ihlng flie of a bullish nature dropped out
of sight and. prices dropped back to the
low point of the scsHlon. December tioftd
U'&S-So under last night's prices. Corn lost
B-Sc. Data declined ' ,4c. 1'ork nnd ribs re
mained unchanged und lard was u shade
The foreign news having nothing sue-
costlvo of war nnd French and English
Kovernmont securities bcliiK fractionally
Jilghcr at the opening , wheat started at a
decline ranging from 6-Su toVic. . That
brought the market Immediately unJer tne
Influence of puts nnd buying on the seru-
rlty afforded by those privileges was a fca-
turo of the early trading. Liverpool quota
tions came B-8d lower nnd a prlvito culle-
pram said there was nothing but a retail
demand for wheat In that market , rut
quoted the tfii'ling steady at the detilne.
Uroomhall reported Argentine crop pros
pects unchanged. As the last prevljua re
port stated that condltlona were favorable
tor a. good vlold the -3ritlno ns dttp-
encd the boarlth impression under wn'ch
business commenced. Northwest iei.t | > ts
xvere liberal , 1,012 loads , as compared wkh
S13 for llir > pamo day u year ago , and the
nrrlvnls hern were WJ cars , double that of
the corresponding day last year.
Heavy clearances from the seaboard and
n. report from Now York that name wheat
offered abroad last night had boon ac-
rpptcd worn about the only diversion In
favor of the bullo. Small offerings at Liv
erpool from Chicago were iilso taken. This
was not sulllulent to wako up the despond
ent bulls , however , and the bears were left
In control of n very small market during
the early trading. Later in the day fur
ther comfort was given the bulls , when
Chicago shippers reported having disposed
of a total of 415,000 bu. for export and New
York said BO to C5 boatloads had been
worked there and at outports. The day's
clearances of wheat and Hour from At
lantic ports amounted to 945,000 bu. About
llfttcn minutes from the close It was an
nounced olllclally from Hussln. that this
year's wheat crop was 120,000,000 bu. larger
than last year nnd that the rrop of rye
exceeded that of n your ago by IIS.OOO.COO
bu. That offset the effect of the big ohls > -
mcnts und prices dropped back near tno
low point for the day. December opened
C-S'Mio ' lower at Co-'iflCCc , sold at Co % ®
3 7-Sc , rose to CCUi1 , then declined to BBc ,
buyers , the closing price.
Increasing receipts and fine weather for
a further enlargement of the movement
from first hands burdened corn. There was
nlso an absence of foreign demand nnd
elevator people sola extensively. Receipts
were 551 cars. December begun J,4e lower
ut 32c , sold up to 321-Sc , then declined to
Bl 7-Sc buyers , the closing price.
Oats shared In the apathy which char
acterized other grains. There was some
Helling by oatmeal manufacturers , but
Jluc'tuatlons were of the narrowest kind.
Ilecelpts were 271 oars. Ulay started at
217-Sc , improved to 217-Sfi25c , then de
clined to 2lc buyers , the closing price.
Heavy buying of lard strengthened pro
visions early. Later , however , the advance
was lost on liquidation by prominent pack
ers. It was largely a changing market ,
traders covering December and selling Jan
uary. January pork opened 2'/ic up at $9.10 ,
declined to $9.05 , advanced to $9.15 , then re-
iicted to W.OT.i ! at the close. January lard
began 'Jhc higher at $5.03 , Bold off to $3.00 ,
rose to Jj.10 , then weakened . . to J5.02V4tj 5.05 ,
the closing ; llgure. January ribs started un-
changed at Jl.fi7"A , sold nt $ ! .G5 , UP to $1.70 ,
ithen back to $ l. ( < ii4.ri71i ( ut the close * .
nstlmatcd iccclpts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
ffiO cars ; corn , COO cars ; oats , 2DO cars ; hogs ,
20,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open. lllsh. Low. Olote. Yes'rt'y
65t | , < W4
, 32
31U an ,
24 24 24
800 807H 705 807W 805
Sill ) 00 } 807H
4f > 5 (505 ( 405 497K 497h
Jnn. . . 60S 610 500 605 D 02) ) ,
JlfO. , 4 05 4,05 465 4 OS 4 05
Jan . . 107k 471) 4U5
No. 2.
Cash ciuotatlons were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; special brands , $4.10 ®
4.30 ; hard patents , $3.60f3.75 : soft patents ,
$3.10fi3.50 ; hari straights , $3.103.20 ; bakers ,
WHEAT-NO. 2 spring. cs ffcc ; NO.
Epring. C2fi65c ; No. 2 nd , 67it ( 7'/ic.
COIJN 37o ; No. 2 yellow , 32V c.
OATS-No. 2 , 25025 l-4c ; No. a white , 27 ®
C7Hc : No. 3 white , 2CQ27C.
KYB-No. 2. 52V4C.
UAULKY-No. 2 , $3.EO.
SKBDS-Flaxsccd , $1.00 ; prime timothy ,
{ 2.35.
PHOVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , 5S.OO
tffS.05. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.02&ffG.05 ; short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.00 5.20 ; dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $ I.37H'S4.C7V4 ' ; short cleur
eldns ( boxed ) . $5,00gc.70.
WHISKY Distillers1 finished goods , per
gal. . $1J5. !
SUGAIlS-Cut loaf. $5.64 ; granulated , $5.14.
The following are the receipts and .ship
ments for today :
Artlclei. Receipts. Shipment
riour , bbls. 11,500 28,80f
Wheat , bu. 25 , lW SS.OOO
Corn , bu. . . . 372,100 S5S,6fiO
Oats , bu. . . . 210,700
llyc. bu. . . . : ! 9.GOO 11,000
Harlcy. _ bu. 7S,000 _ -UC.bOO
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was steady ; creameries. 14ff21 ( .c
dairies. 12VMJ19C. Kggs. stiudy ; fresh , iSc ,
Cheese , dull ; creams , 7ijJ93u. ( !
YOIIIC oixiiiAh M.vuicm1
QnntatluiiH fur the 1)115oil ( Imcm
NEW YORK , Nov. 4.-FJOUR-Reeelpts
C13.3IS bbls. ; exports , 12,541 bbls. ; very quiet
wllh coiislderablo pressure lo sell and the
undertone was weak.
CORNMKAL-Qulet ; yellow western , 73
< KS4c.
RYE Easy ; No. 2 western , SlffSl'/.c , o. i
t. . Ruffalo.
BARLEY MALT Firm : western , STffTfle
WIIEAT-Recelpls , 250,875 bu. : exports
115,130 bu. ; s ] > ot , easy ; No. 2 red , 77c , f. o
p. . afloat. Options at llrst wore weal ; am
lower , following bearish Liverpool cables
foreign selling , big spring wheat receipts
und light export Inquiry. A mibsequen
epurt on big clearances , covering and a
reported larger export trade at Clilcnci
was succeeded by a late reaction mule
e.ales by holders closed '
; S-Siff'/'O not lower
No. 2 red. May. 71Vif71
5-Sc , closed 71 3c !
CORN Recelpls , 103,485 bu. ; exporls , 322
73.1 bu. ; spot , easy ; No. 2. 39 1-Se , f. o. b
( Uloat , Options opened weaker on cables
later rallied slightly with wheat , but de
fllned again under liquidation and closet
HO net lower ; May. 3S 7-Sfi39c , closed 3i7-8i
OATS Receipts. 238,100 bu. ; exports , 3299
lii. ; spot , quiet ; No , 2 , 29Vic. Options wer
BUTTER Receipts , 3,033 pkgs. ; markc
steady ; western creamery , llHu Sc ; Klglns
B3c : factory. llViQllc.
KGQS Receipts , 4,177 pkgs , ; western
firm , 2lVc.
CHEESE Steady ; largo white an
colored , S'/fcc ; small whlto and colored ,
(39 ( 1-Sc.
METALS The general ruling of the meta
market today was decidedly better tha
on any previous day this week. Copper , tl
und lead nil scored a slight to fair gain I
prices and was moro active than In som
time. At the- close the Metal exchang
called pig Iron warrants quiet at $7.00 bl
nnd $7.20 asked. I iko copper was firmer a
$12.00 hid nnd $12.75 asked. Tin was Urine
nt (1S.30 bid anil $ IS.40 asked. Lead wa
llrm nt $3.72' { . bid and $3.77 > 4 asked. Spelic
was firm 'at J5.15 bid and $5.25 asked. Th
llrm naming thu settling price for leadln
miners and smelters at the west quote
lead at 13.50.
No. 2 red. CSo.
rORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 36r.
OATS-Strong : No. 2 mixed. 27o.
RYK Firm , higher ; No , 2 , 69o ,
I'ROVISIONB-Lard. llrm , $ I.RS. Bui
meats , steady. $1.55. Bacon , steady , $0.15
WH18KY"Flrm ; J1.25.
\ \v OrliMiiiM .llnrkci ,
-Quiet , but steady. Pork , standard ms # ,
* 3-4c. Lard , rcllncd tierce , 33-lc , pun. ,
S-'c , Hoxrd meats , dry rn\t \ shoulders ,
7-se ; Md 'S , 5 S-S fi'-.o. ' Bacon , floor rlbo ,
d"s. Go-bjjti'.aC. Jlams , choice sugar cured ,
RICIC-Ordlnary to fair , C 3-S < ? 7 7-Sc.
teady. Flour , extra fancy , $3.40 ri.50 ; pat-
ntf ) , $ ' ! .SOt(3.0. ! Hay , jirlme , Jlo.00flli.00 :
holcc. tg.Wfifl.SO. Corn , No. 2 sacked , while ,
; mixed , 4ITM2c ; yellow , ISfl)3c ) , Oat. , No.
sacked , 31Q32c.
'nndltlon of ' 1'rndc mill diiotdtlon * on
Simile nnd I'lincjI'riiduce. .
iood stock , 17 - .
HUTTKR-Common to fair. l&U12c : sep-
rater , 22c ; gathered creamery. 20Q21c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens , iQWsc ; old roos-
crs , 4c ; sprint ? cnlekens , O',4o ' ; ducks , CiJ7c ;
ecse , Ml'c.
OA.M15 Teal , blue win , J1.75 ; green wing ,
1.50 ; mixed , $1.75 (2.25 ( ; prairie chickens ,
oung. $4.50 ; old , J4.00.
PIUKOKS Live , per doz. , GOc.
VKAI Choice , -Jc.
CELERY Per bunch , 25aOOe ; Colorado
Celery , 45c.
ONIONS Now , per bu. , S5IJ45C.
UKANS-iland-plcked , nuvy. per bu , , $1.30
J'OTATOHS-35r40c : sacked. 43y ISc.
SWKIJT POTA'rOHS-Per bbl. , $2.002.2o.
\BUAOE Per bu. , crated , Ic.
LKMONS-Callfornla , fancy. $8.0006.50 ;
.holcc , .50Ii5.75 ; fancy Messina , $ G.60 < a7.00.
ORANGES Mexicans , $ l. 0.
BANANAS Choice , largo Block , per
unrli , $2.001(2.25 ; medium sized bunchas ,
11.75 2.00.
APPLES Western Jon Davis , Genllons
.ml Wlncsnns. per bbl. , 51.25Q3.50 ; New
"ork H.ildwlnti , Greenings and others , per
tbl. , $ 'J.DOS3.75.
PEACHES Season over.
PLUMS Season over.
PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the
market ; other varieties , $2.2i. . _ ,
GRAPES California Tokays , JLoO t-Cj ;
S'ew York grapes , 19Q20c.
CRANBERRlES-Capo Cods , per bbl. ,
: " .2.Vff".60 : Jerseys , $0.00 ; per crate , $2.50.
QUINCES Per box , $2.00.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , ll&loj ; Brazils ,
icr lb. , 9f10u | ; English walnuts , per lb. ,
ancy soft shell , Iiai2c ; Illberts , per lb. ,
Oc ; pecans , polished , 7iSc ; cocoanuis , rer
00 , $1.50 5.00 ; peanulp , raw , CVic ; ; toaslod ,
> c ; chestnuts , IWilic.
MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gnl. can , each.
; 2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , , SW ; ttalf-sul.
: ans , $ fl.25 ; quart cans , $11.50.
HONEY-ChoIco white , 325n ; .
DATES Hallowee , 00 to lO-lb. boxes , DJ.jc ;
; alr. 5c ; Fnrd , 9-lb. boxed , tic.
FIGS Imported fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb.
Oxos , lOc ; 5crownlllb. . boxes , 13c ; C-lb.
exes , 22Jf23u per box ; California , 10 lb.
oxcs , JI.IOQI.IS.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , .r./J3.50.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , /c ; No 2 green
Ides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hidejc ; No. 2 salted
ildcs. 7c ; No. 1 vcnl calf , i to Ii Ibs. , 9c ;
Jo. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7o.
TALLOW , GREASE , iTC. 'inslnw , No.
, 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Vjc ; rough tullow , Ic ;
vhlte grease , 2Vj 2ic ; yellow and lnown
reuse , I'fjl2 ( l-4c.
SHEEP PELTS Green Hallu-J , each , ISifi
oc ; green salted shturlngs ( short wook-d
iarly skins ) , each , I3c ; dry snearings sh nt
vooled early skins ) . No. 1 , eacn , Be ; dry
lint , Kansas and Nebraska batcher wool
jells , per lb. , actual weight , 4W5u ; dry Hint
vunsaa nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
> cr lb. , actual weight , 5if4c ; dry flint , Colo-
ado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
vclght , l&5c ; dry Hint , Colorado munulii
vool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3'u4o.
St. l.iniln Market.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 4. WHEAT A fraction
ewer and very slow ; No. 2 red , cash , ele-
ntor , C9'/.c ; track , 70c : December , 09 l-4c
ild ; May , fi3 l-4c bid ; No. 2 hard , cash ,
CORN Followed wheat and closed 1-S ®
Ic off ; No. 2 cash , 311-lc ; December , 307-8
tJSle asked ; May , 32 1-So bid.
OATS Lower and dull ; No. 2 cash. 2tic ;
rack , 2Cc ; December , 23 < ic bid ; Slay , 257-Sc ;
So. 2 while , 25'/iTi291 , < : c.
RYE Strong. 52c.
SEEDS Flaxsefd , strong , higher , 98c ;
irlme timothy seed , unchanged , $2.30.
WHISKY Steady at $1.25.
CORNMEAIStenrty , $1.6001.03.
HAY Timothy , $ G.OOG9-00 ; prairie , $6,007 ! )
BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 19Q23ic ! ;
Inlry. IGJHOc.
EGOS-Steady , IS'-ac.
METALS Lead , firm , $3.C5Q3.70. Spelter ,
trong , $5.05.
PROVISIONS Pork , Heady ; standard
mess. Jobbing' , $8.00. Lard , higher ; prime ,
1.92 < i ; choice. $4.921 * . Dry salt meats , bet-
er ; boxed shoulders , $1.50 ; extra short
Icar , $4.25 ; clear ribs , $5.37' ; clear Bides ,
5.50. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra
horts , $3.62V4 ; clear ribs , $5.75 ; clear sides ,
RECEIPTS-FIour , 5,000 bbls. : wheat , 106-
XX ) bu. ; corn. 73,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. : wheat ,
16,000 bu. ; corn , 64,000 bu. ; oats , 36,000 bu ,
Grain Receipt * nt I'rlnelpiil Market * .
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. Receipts today :
Wheat , 2S9 cars ; corn , 551 cars ; oats , 271
ears. Estimated receipts for tomorrow ;
Wheat , 350 cars ; corn , COO cars ; oats , 2SO
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 4. Receipts today :
Wheat. C59 cars.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 4. Receipts : Wheat , 133
DULUTII , Nov. 4. Receipts : Wheat , 3S3
Receipts nt primary markets : Wheat ,
: ,444,074 bushels ; corn , 648,000 bushels ; oats ,
31,651 bushels.
llnltliiuirf Mnrkpt.
BALTIMORE Nov. 4. FLOUR Dull , un
changed ; exports , 71,550 bbls.
WHEAT Dull ; spot. 71 < S71'4c. Receipts ,
125,220 bu. ; exports , 99.SIO bu , ; southern
wheat , by sample. GOigCOV-c.
CORN Dull ; spol and the month , 371-S
( ftWtC ; steamer mixed , SGc. Receipts , 131,411
bu. : exports , 93.0 Jyi. Southern white and
yellow corn , ! ta@nc ! , ivew.
OATS Firm : No. 2 white , western , SOUc ;
receipts , 27,207 bu. ; exports. 150,000 bu.
RYE Firmer ; No. 2 western , 5Sc. Re <
celpts , 7,718 bu. ; exports , 25,713 bu.
KIIIINIIN City r ; rn I ii null I'rovlxloiiN.
lower ; No. 2 hard , C2M. > e ; No. 2 , r,0 > ,4 < 8GlUc :
N'o. 3 , 57QCOc ; No. 2 red , GOS67c ; No. 3 , 61 ©
CORN Sleady ; No. 2 mixed , 29ic ; No. 2
White. 30V c ; No. 3 , 29'ic.
OATS Vic higher ; No. 2 white , 26 < * c.
RYE Firm ; No. 2. 50 > fi51c.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 131,000 bu. ; corn , 19-
500 bu. : oats. 10,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 150,600 bu. ; corn ,
25,200' bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu.
ToltMln Mnrkol.
TOLEDO , Nov. 4. WHEAT Dull , lower ;
No. 2 cash , TOc ; December , 70 1-Sc.
CORN Dull , higher ; No. 2 mixed , 33V.C ,
OATS Dull , hleudy ; No. 2 mixed , 25c.
RYE-Qulct : No. 2 cash. 53Vic.
CLOVERSEED-Actlve low ; prime cash ,
old , $1.95 ; November , $1.87 % bid.
MlniirniioIlM IVliont
Sleady ; November , Glc ; May , 045-Sc ; No. 1
northern , tile.
FLOl'R-Llttlo doing ; first patents , $3.SO
< < i390 : second palenls , $3.53Q3.70 ; llrst clears ,
BRAN-In bulk , $ S.50tfJS.75.
Liverpool ( iriiln Murkd.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 4.-Markot quiet , M
lower ; November , nominal ; December , 6s
5'id : JIarch , 5s Wid ; May. nominal.
CORN Market quiet , > , i/fl ? d lower ; No
vember. 3s OTJd ; December , 3a 9'id ; Jlarch
3s 7 1-Sd ; May , nominal ; spot , American
mixed , 3.1 lO'.jd.
Clnclniiiitl l.lvt * Sliu'lc ,
CINCINNATI , Nov. 4.-JIOCS-Steady !
CATTLE-Steady : $2.2 > 5T5.00.
SHEEP Steady ; J2.23 J4.W. (
LAMDS-Steady ; $3.754(3.23. (
J'corlii . lurlictN.
PEORIA , Nov. 4. CORN Market steady
No. 2. 32 > 4C.
OATS Market llrm ; No. 2 white , SS'W
WHISKY Jtarket nrm at $1.25.
.MIMviinlio- Grain Mnrkot ,
No. 1 northern , 07Hc ; No. 2 northern , COc.
RYE-Lowcr ; No. 1. 52',4c.
BARLEY Lower ; No. 2 , 47 ie.
Snunr .llarUi'l.
Flrm : no open kettle ; open kettle , cen
trlfugal , i04c ; centrlfiKral , granulated
4 7-104t4 5-Sc ; whites , 4 3-Sfi9 l-16c ; yellows
3 15-lofel 3-S : seconds , 2 13-1683'-e.
MOLASSES Steady ; open kettle , 350
IGe ; centrlfucal , 145i22c ; syrup. 31fi3lc.
NEW YORK , Nov. 4. SUGAR Raw
nrm : fair retlnlng. 3 l3-16c ; centrifugal , 9
test. 4 5-lCcj molasses sugar , 3 9-10c ; re
flntd , llrm.
CufTpo JliirUot.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady to 5 points higher , on falrlj
favorable cablm , bin ruled quiet : only loca
" adlng , Incre.i'o In world's visible uppl >
was , is expected , too heavy for bullish spec
- ' - - , and prices too low for short Bell
ng , exceptionally featureless local rltua-
Ion , Clnne'd Hleatly , unchanged to 5 points
ilgher S.iles , 5,5uo bug * . December , $5.30 ;
January , $5.40 ; April , $5.70. Spot coffee , Rio ,
narket uleady , held higher. Mllil , steady ,
nit not qiiolably higher.
ix STOCKS AMI no.\ns.
Flutter of KxrltciiK-iit AmoMK SlinrtK
In .SiiKiir on Hi-port of llln Drill.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. There was some
flutter among the shorts In Sugar this
nornlng on the report that the American
ompany had acquired the entire Hawaiian
crop. Operators who had been selling the
Block on Ihe benevolent Intimations of an
luthorlty In the Hawaiian sugar Industry
> f the IOFS Involved In the present rates
or salting the rellncd sugar hastened to
over their short contracts und rushed the
> rlce up H point. The price was sustained
vltli dllllcully , whlrh Increased as the day
irogrcsscd so that the stock closed with n
let loss In spite of the dissemination of Iho
rumors thai the company was In a way to
secure the Louisiana crop also.
Tobacco also , allhough It rose In the early
ratling , dropped over 3 points before the
lose , which was a net decline of. 2 3-S.
The trading In iho specialties wfis hardly
ns active an of late and the Federal Steel
slocks were also rather neglected and In-
lined to heaviness. In the railroad list
hero wuro various points of aggressive
strength and a broadening tendency.
Tim division of business Is somewhat
equalized by the falling oft In activity In
ho grangers nnd I'aclllcs , especially the
alter , the preferred slocks of which did
not suffer n single quotallon until some
line after the opening of the exchange.
On the other hand there was n. notable
ncrease of activity In Denver & Rio Grande
preferred , which rose over a point on the
trength of the conllnucd Increase In earn-
ngs , which was over $00,000 for the fourth
veek In October and $120,700 for the month.
The southern roads were qullo uniformly
slrong also , notable gains being registered
> y Louisville on belief of an early resump-
lon of dividends nnd Southern Railway
> refcrrcd and Mobile & Ohio on good tralllc |
eturns. There were excellent statements
> f earnings for the fourth week In October
ilso from the Wlm onsln Central , Norfolk
t Western , Chesapeake & Ohio. Missouri
. 'ucine , Chicago Great Western , Lake Erie
t Western and other railroads and a
trong statement for September from Cieve.
and , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis. The
- omparative hesitation In the grangers was
argoly duo to the Rock Island statement
'or September , which showed an Increase
of $ G4,3sl In gross earnings moro than wiped
out by the Increased operating expenses.
The decision lo dissolve the Joint Trallle
association was without effect , that action
laving been discounted ns a matter of
The bond market showed a largo demand ,
embracing a wide variety of Issues , the 4
> er cent bonds of reorganized roads con-
Inulng the favorites. The Union PailUc
s took front rank In tills class today ,
crossing the Northern Pacific prior-Hens
and closing at 1011-S. Total sales , $1.075,0(0.
United States 5s , coupon , advanced ' 4 per
: cnt and the new 4s , registered , 1-S per cent
n the bid price.
The Evening Post's London financial ca-
ilegram says : After a comparatively dull
> pcnlng In Ihe sloclc markets hire today
hero was a general Improvement and prices
closed quiet at the top. The upward movc-
nent was led by consols. The feeling to-
ilght Is very cheerful. Should political
levelopments bo as sallsfaclory a Is an-
Iclpaled the present movement In stocks
vould be justified ; otherwise theio will bo
i sharp reaction. Americans were gooJ.
Southern railway stocks were especially
'avored by New York , the continent uud
London. South American stocks were gooil
nit Spanish 4s were lower on the deadlock
n the peace negotiations. Copper shares
, vere booming , Rio Tintos and Anaconda
) elng in special demand.
The following art : the closing quotallons
of the leading stocks on Iho New York
narket today :
U 'hlson l1i St. L. & S. F 7 i
pfd 3351 do ufd tn4 !
Ualtlmoro & Ohio. . . 4m do 2d pfd SS i
Canada 1'ae'llo . M St. U & P. W " , *
Cjiniula Southern . K ! I do nfd
A-ntral I'aclllo 25 'St. ' 1-aul
Chon. & Ohio SlUi < 3' > nfcl tf.l's
& Alton . .15111 ( ft. I > . & Om SI
C. . H. .t Q .IK | cto | > W ICW
Chi. & K. Ill . ' 1 St. 1' . M. .t M ItW
do ! > fd I So. Pnrlllc S2M ;
Chicago G. W m'aKo. Hathvnv SVi
Chi. Intl. & L " ! 2i do nfil S.l'i
do Dfil 13 Texus & raclflo . . . . IK *
Chi. & N. W 13214 Union 1'iv.Hlle S3
do pftl l"i' < lo ofd 01
C. C. C. & St. L. . . . 38 U. P. U. & G Kit
do nfd S * Wnbit.1i 7
Del. & Hudson Wl do r > fd 19 %
Del. L. & W 140Vhec | . & L. I ! S
Den. & Hlo G 12'i do pM Ki
do pf < l f"7' ' ' Adami n.rnrcss . . . .110
le ( new ) 1U American Kt ISS',4
. do 1st pfd Si's , If. S. Kxp 40
Ft. Wnyno 170 i Wells Partro 12
Ot. Nor. ofd. . . < 1S Ajiier. Cotton OH. . . .T7'i
Hocking Vnlley . . . . 2'j | do pM 87
Ill'nols Central . . . . .101 American Pnlr'ts ' . . 1U1
Uiko Eric & W. do pfd . SJ
do v > M - . Amrr. Tobacco . W4
UtUt * S1ior < k 192v do pfd . Wn
I.ouls. & Nash 'Mi Cons. fa ! . 1W
Manhattan L 96-4 . Cable Co . 17S
Met. St. HV 1UV. Col. F. & Iron . 221 !
Michigan CVIitral . .107 % < lo Pfd
Minn. & St. It 2C'/i Oen. liloctrlo SI'.a
do 1st DM W 'Hawaii ' Com. Co. . . . a
Mo Pacific 2i'l Illinois Rteel lft >
Mobile & Ohio . . . . -1 ilntor. P-in r 0'i
Mo. K. & T lO'l' ' dri pfd SS
do pfi' 33 La Clede Gas . . . . . . . . 47' 1
N . J. Central ,
N. Y. Central 11" do t > fd 1M
N. Y. Chi. & St. I * 12 Minn. Iron 1"
do 1st pM 70 Nat. Lin. OH S
do M nfd * " Pacino Mn'l 33
Nor.Vost 12
No. Acier. Co _ M4 Pnllmiin Pal ISWi
Silver Certment.'K . . C1U
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
do prd. . . . . . . . . . . 7.- . ' * .Standard It. & T. . . " "
Ontario AV l"i Susar
Ore. II. & Nnv KNi do pfd ItV1 ; !
Ore. Klioit L'ne. . . . 2S T. C. .t Iron IS' &
Pac. Coast 1st pfd. 79 U. S. Leather C'l
, lo at rfd fit do pfd fl-Vl
170 U. S. Rubber 40',1
Reading ' ; 'T < i do pfd ,
do 1st pM 3S'i West Union
R. CI Federal Slrcl 311) ) !
do Dfd M do pfd . 73
Rock Island 1021 lirooklvn R. T. Co. C
Total sales of stocks today were 255,400
shares. Including : Atchlson preferred , 5oSl ;
Federal Sleel1,720 : Federal Steel preferred ,
93lD7 ! ; Sugar , 37,633.
K > w York Money MnrUi-1.
Nominally V'.fil2 per cent.
TlBRWNO BXCIIANO13 Market easier.
with actual business In bankers' bills at
SI.So-MN.SG for demand and $ l.2 < < ! 4.2li : for
sixty days ; posted rates , $1.83 nnu 5I.S7 ;
commercial bills , $4.M--v ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
U. S. now 3n J. O. fls .Ill
U. S. n w4H. me 1 N. C. ( . i an
U. P. do coup l ' i ' C IB ' ' ' .111 : )
U. S.In. . ret ? .Ill I'a'o. Vacl'tic'lsti ! . ! .not. ;
II. S. do coup . . . .lia No. 1'acltlc 3 ' '
U. H.lidH. res . HK 'No. ' 1'acinc 4n .101
II. S. 6s , rec .HIM N.Y. C'.JtSt. L. 4s , . .iu.t
U. S. ftR , coup .Hi ! IN. A w. n * .ISO
District3.Ills . . . . .1174' N.V. . Consols
" { .W. Dob. Ks
' ' ' ' ' ' '
Ala'clans ! It' . . . . . .lur , ( ru. N. iHta in
Ala. . claHn C .100 cn-u. N. 4s
Ala. . Currency. . . . .IDlKi o. s. rc t. r
Alchl on4s . no ( ) . S. L. rn t. r 107
1)0. iid ) . 4s flsofUS. . . .1024
Canada So. 'Jda. . .
Chi. Terms. , 4s. . . . . aovj u. o. w. ism
C. A.O. Bs . llRm-St. Ii. It I. M. con f 9 8
f . 11. , t I ) . < H . . . . . .101S St. I. . AS. F. Gen. 0. 121
1) . &U. ( . . Inta . .1071 * St. 1' . OoiiholH inst
I ) . A. U. G. in . . 97',4 ht. I1. C. A P. tsts. . urn. ;
KaHtTcnn. IBU. . . . .107 > t St. I' . C. &I > . Oft ll-H
KrloOrn. 4n . , 70 80. Ky.Ss
V.V. . A D. Isli ) . t. r. 7tih S. n.iT.llH
Gen. Elec.68 . .in'JJi Tcnn. new snt 8s. . . U4
G. H. i S. A. OH. . . . . .106 T. P. L. O. l t urn
G. H. iS.A. Sd . . . 101 T. 1' . He. ! d
11. A.T. Cent. fit. . . . .111UIU. P. D. 4 ; G. lala.
II. i. T. C. roil. 6s. . .110) ) Wab. 1st 3s u m
lowaC. IBIS , .1UB t Wan. Ma
I.a. New Con. 4n. . . .10(1 W.Shore 4
U4.N. Unl. 4 . . . . . . D1W Va. Conturled
MlBHOUrt ( lH . .100 Va. nefurrc < l
M. K. A.T. ' 'ds. . . . (14 Win. Cent. Ista
M. K. A.T. 4H ( Mif | U. P. 4a
N. Y. C. 1 ta
San I'ranclMco Milling ( Iniitntloiix.
SAN FUANCISCO , Nov. 4. The closing
quotations for mining stocks today were us
folio ws :
Alpha Con . . . .lurtlce .
10 Kentucky Con .
Ucfcher Mexican .
Ilewt & llelcher . . . . 29 occidental Con .
Iliilllnn 4 Ophlr .
clialVi.-iKB Con II oxrrman .
Chollar 14 Pete | .
CVimUvnvn oi
Con. Cal. ninl Va..ll.r > Soornlon . 4
Crmvn 1'olnt Ii Plerrn Nevada . 79
Kxohequer 1 Union Coil . 21
ciouW & i-urrle . . . . " I'iflh Con . '
Halo & Norcros . .lX ( > Yellow Jacket . 21
Julia I Standard . ISO
Silver bars , 60 7-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 47li(3i (
47 ic. Drafts , eight , 17'j ; ; telegraph , 2vc.
I'on-lKii I'liiiinrlnl.
PARIS. Nov. I. 1'rlven on the bouise to
day opened higher In consequence of the
London newspapers foreshadowing a peace-
fill solution of thu Kashoda question. But [
they soon relapsed , led by Spanish 4s , whlrh ,
declined owing to n bourse rumor of the
rupture of thu peace negotiations on uuJ J
I count of a failure to agree on the Philip *
, pine question. Illo Union jumped up In
, sympathy with the nftvnnrn In the price of
copper nnd the covering of the bears , Three
per cent rente. * , lOlf U'lto for Iho account.
Kxchango on London , 25f Sic for checks ,
Spanish In closed at 41.22'i.
LONDON , Nox % 4. American securities
opened llrm In response to the ndvanco In
New York yesterday. The market remained
llrm nil day , but trading was professional.
The amount of bullion gone Into the Hank
of Knglnnd on balance today was 1CO,00 < ) .
Spanish 4s closed at 40.7-S. Gold Is quoted
ot liucnos Ayrcs at 141.70. liar gold , 77s
9'iid. American eagles , 7Cs 5d.
11KIU.1N. Nov. 4. International securi
ties were llrm on the bourse loday , In re-
Hponso lo western advices. American find
Canadians were active. Hank shares
steady. Kxchango on London , 20m 40 pfgs.
for checks.
lloNtuu StooU ( Imitation * .
BOSTON , Nov. 4.-Cnll loan ? . 2ftfl3 per
cent ; time loans , 2t,2'rtl ' per cent. Closing
quotallons on stocks , bonds und mining
shares :
, Uoh. T. & 8. r. . . 12' ( fen. ii - \ pfd i < vi
Amur , tu i AH-h. nfd S3
do nfd lOO'.i ' Atch FOII ! S' >
Ifciy State Una 2 New F-jisrliuul fs..lim
Hell Tel ITS Alloliez Mining Co. 5 %
Hn ton & Albany..S45 Atlantic 3) )
Hostnn & Mulntj . . .1CI lioston & MontU
C. . H. & Q It1) ) ! Itittto > t Hoston 50U
1'lfhburg 10-Hi Calumet S : llecla . . 'M
dm. Klvotrlo 81 Centennial 'MYi
Mexican Central . . . 4' ; rmnklln 1.1
Old Colony IS. ) OM Dominion SI
40 Osctlola fit
I'nlon PncHle S3 Qulney 12
Went ISid M Tnmaiack ITS
do pfd w Wolverine. S < ? i
WcHtlngli. Klec S31 ; Parrott It
do pfd 6714 Ilumboldt J
Hd. Klec. Tele 1W
York MliiiitK Qiiolnlloim.
NEW YOUK , Nov.I. . The following nro
the closing quotations on mining slock :
Cliolor 14 Ontario S.V )
Cro Ti Point 10 Ophlr 70
COB. Cal. nnd V.1..100 Plymouth 10
Di-adwood 45 QuIeUBllvfr 12.1
( lould & Currlc . . . . 27 do nfd 42.j
Hale & Norcrofii . . 9" iSlcira Nevada . .
HoniPstnke r/K Htnnilanl 17S
Iron S'lver 64 ; ITnlon Con 33
Mexican 20 .Yellow . Jacket 18
lnndmi Slock < liiotnUoiij.
LONDON , Nov. 4. I p. m. Closing.
Consols , money. . 109 1-14 N. Y. Central 118
Consols , ncc't . 109 % ranra 'lvanla GO'S '
Oanadlan Pacific . . S4' ! , IK-adlne R'S
Un'on Taclflo pfd. . 6.,1 ! !
IJrle 1st TM . S2\ \ < , Atchlson 13
Illinois Central . UMi
Northern Pac. pfd. 77S Grand Trunk ?
Flniiiiolnl IVotcx.
OMAHA , Nov. 4. Clearings today were
S1.2IO,90fl.25 ; balances. $103,173.2 ? . Clsarlngs
last year were $1,03.1,521.02 ; balances. $3S-
713.1. ' ! . Increase In clearings , $207nS2.23.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. Clearings. $20.697,272 ;
balances , $2,27iSOI. ! New York exchange , 15
cents premium. Sterling exchange posted
rates. $ I.S3VWJ4.SG'4 ' : actual , $1.S2 3-4 4.85 3-4.
Sixty days , $4.S1 3-4-rJI.St 3-4. Stocks active.
Ulscult , 3.1ii : Dlscult preferred , 8S : Diamond
Match. 1393-1 ; North Chicago , 232 ; Strawboard -
board , 33 ; West Chicago , 101 1-4.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 4. Money , 2' fJG per
cent. Kxchange , 25c premium. Clearings ,
° T I.OITTS Nov. 4. Clenrlngs , $5.459S2I ;
balances , $ ) CC,3SS. Money , 51TS per cent ; ex
change on New York , 30c discount bid , 0c
I10STON. Nov. 4.-CIcarlngs , $ oC,502,820 ;
balances. $3.J19,13I. !
NKW YOUK. Nov.Clearings ( , $123,620-
779 ; balances , $7.600,789.
r-HILADKLl'JIIA. Nov. 4. Clearings. $11.-
SS4.032 ; balancrp , $1.425,132.
BALTIMORE. Nov. 4.-Clearlngs , $3,110-
493 : balances. $41R.577.
NKW ORLEANS , Nov. 4-ClearlngS ,
$1,52 ,711 ; New York exchange bank , par ;
commercial , $1.25 discount.
YORK , Nov. 4. COTTON Futures
made a now low record again today , No
vember contracls selling at $1.93 and sllll
Inter at $1.9S. The. rest of the market fol
lowed suit. The lowest level of the session
showed a loss of ' . { 13 points as compared
with yesterday's closing figures. Middling ,
3 -16c ; net receipts , 693 bales ; gross , 2.S33
bales ; sales , 71 bales ; stock , 77,255 bales.
Total today : Net receipts , 69,313 bales ; ex-
porls to Great Uritain , 10.97J bales ; to
France , 31,430 bales. Consolidated : Net re
ceipts , 3,781 bales ; gross , 21,02 $ bales ; ex
ports to Great Britain. 4,231 bales ; to
Franco , 1,119 bates : to the continent , 1,510
bales ; forwarded. ' 2 , 158 bales ; sales , 3,750
bales ; salnncrs , 230 bales.
Steady ; sales , 6,600 , " . bales ; ordinary , 3 3-Sc ;
good ordinary , K.1G-1SC : low middling.
4 5-Wo ; middling , 4-rtc ; middling , fair , 55-Sc ;
receipts , 18,193 bales ; slock , 230,721 bales.
Futures were steady ; Novembcr , _ $4.01 ; De
cember , $1.69 ; January , $1.73J4.74 ; Febru
ary. $ l.7SJrl.79 ( ; March. $ I.Slftl.S3 ; April ,
$1.8904.90 ; May , $1.9I@1.93 ; June. $3.005.01 ;
July , $5.0435.05.
fair demand ; prices easier ; American mid
dling , fair. 3'id ; good middling , 3 S-lCd :
middling1 , 3d : low middling. 2 13-16d ; good
ordinary , 2 21-32d : ordinary , 2 15-32d. The
pales of Ihe day wer 10,000 bales , of which
500 bales were for speculation and export ,
and included 9,400 bales American ; receipts ,
17,000 bales , Including 12,500 bales American.
Futures opened quiet with n moderate de
mand and closed quiet , but steady ; Amer
ican middling , 1. in. c. , November , 2 58-61 ®
2 60-61d. sellers ; November and December ,
December and January , 2 57-64SJ2 KS-fild ,
sellers : January and February. 2 57-64 ®
2 BS-64d , buyers ; February and March ,
J BS-64'd2 59-64d , sellers ; March and April ,
2 59-64d , buyers ; April and May. 2 C0-64d ,
buyers ; May and June , 2 61-64d , sellers ;
Juno and July , 2 62-6ld , sellers : July and
August. 2 C2-G4ft2 63-64d , buyers ; August and
September , 2 63-64j3d , buyers.
AVool Mnrkol.
BOSTON , Nov. 4. The Boston Commer
cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the
wool market :
Wool has been selling very freely at the
prices which dealers accepted two weeks
ngo. The chief saliv ? huvo been In terrl-
torles , on whlcn buyers have oblalned con
cessions. The sales of the week are G-
f.22,600 Ibs. domestic and 361,000 Ibs. for
eign , against n total of r > 9SOOo Ibs. last week
and 7,3(13,600 Ibp. for the same week last
year. The sales lo dale show u decrease of
110,309,100 Iba. domestic nnd 163,451,200 Ibs.
foreign from the sales to the same date
In 1S'.I7. The receipts show a decrease of
223,110 bales domestic and 390.UOS bales for-
XIMV York Dry fiooilM 'Market.
NEW YORK , Nov. 4. Business In tn dry
goods market today was not abovu the re
cent average proportions and In other re
spects without any new feature of material
Importance. The demand for bleached cot
ton continued light. Special spring lines
of cotton goods were In request , but prlcea
did not suit buyers. Fine printed fabrics
are gelling well under orders without the.
larger buyers operating upon an exlendcd
scale. There was no business In regular
print cloths reported today. The market
continued steady on the basis of 2c for
Oil Mnrkct.
OIL CITY , Nov. 4. Credit balances. $1.18.
Certitlcnles opened at $1.19 bid , closed of
fered $ 3-S. Sales , 2.000 bbls. , cash , ut
J1.19. Shipments. 1,230 bbls.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Nov. 4.-OILS-
Splrlls of turpentine , quiet , 31 < , , 32Hc.
Rosin , nothing dolmj. Crude turpenllno ,
quiet , $1.23 , $1.90 , Tar , firm , $1.13.
California Dried I'rullM.
DRIED FRUITS Generally llrm ; evapo
lie ; peeled , lSI(20c. (
loiiM i\iilonloii In ( llilo.
ZANESVILLE. O. . Nov.I. . A terrific ex
plosion at 10:15 : last night was heard
throughout the Ihree counties of Musk-
Ingum , Morgan and Guernsey. The shock
rocked buildings In this city like nn earth
quake. So far , however , all efforts to dls
cover whence the shock originated have
proved futile. That it was something other
than a quaking of the earth seems certain ,
from Iho very dlslant report like the firing ;
of a cannon , which preceded a long rever
berating rumble.
Ili-HNH AVorkcr Find * lienth.
CLEVELAND. Nov. 4. A man appar
ently CO or 63 years of age. who registered I
nt the Jefferson hotel a dy or two ago as
John Jones of Boston. Mass. . was found dead i
In his room late last nlehl. An empty vial i ,
labeled chloral hydrate , accompanied by u
note , told the story of a suicide. The note
was ns follows ; "Mv name Is Smith , and I
llvo In Hoslon. I are a brass moulder by
trade. Am out ot work ; Jet the grave dig
ger do the real. "
Whole City Mmle Spcclnl ( inircm.
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov.I. . A special to the s
Journal from Spokane , Wash. , eays the
mayor lian declared an emergency and issued I
a proclamation enrolling all persons over 211 I
years ot age as special constables to assist ,
In arresting the robbers who have be n
rampant lately , A reward of $500 Is offered 1 J
for the conviction uf any ouc of the robbers. .
nit i ii i i ivr' oTnfMf 114 Mtmv
Light Receipts of Cattle the Main and
Almost Only Feature.
\ot In MKI ! ( < < > Test
tlic Triule HOKH Higher bill a
Mill.SliMV Sheep Slow
and .Steady.
Cnttlu. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today 1,5. . I
Oniclal Monday . 3,657 2.71U tf,21 ! >
Otllclal Tuesday . 7,272 7,607 3,178
OlllclalVodniuday . 5.SSI 6.SS7 2i,0tf ,
oincml Thui-Hilny . 5,450 613 ! ' 5,111
Hvu days this week 2lSili' ,
rfamc days last week. . . . 22W)1 ) , 28 , 7fi
JuniQ diiM * WOfk before. . 33ytO 31.947 JS.353
Sumo thtue Weeks ugo..27r30 Sd,2D ! ) wu\
Average price paid for hogs lor Ihe lasl
several day , wllh comparisons :
1S9S.1S97.U9118S3.1S9I.1S | | ! | | | > 3.1S92. |
Ocl. 25. . . , 3 6S | 3 4(5 ( | . 4 411 6 25 | 5 4S
Oct.M. . . . . : ; 5ii ; i 41 3 26j 3 4 4t > > U 11 5 46
Oct. 27. . . . 3 171 3 3S 3 17 | 4 W fi 05 5 49
Oct. 2S. . . . 3 5' ' ! 3 42 3 13 3 44 I 0 12 h 53
Oct. 29. . . . s 5i | : i 3s 3 15 S 39 I 37 | 5 43
Ocl. 30. . . . 3 31 3 3d 4 35 C 17
Ocl. 31. . . . 3 3 191 40 411 0 03 5 34
Nov. 1 3 53 ! 3 29 ! * I 3 42' ' 4 II 5 ! > i 37
Nov. 2 3 45 3 41 ! 3 27 | 3 411 I 151 5 9S | 5 18
Nov. 3 3 47 3 43 | 3 3 ! ) | * J 4 39 | U 07 , 5 25
Nov. 4 u 51j ! > 4j | u ulj u * > i5 |
Indicates Sunday.
The otllcial mimoer of cars of atonk
brought In today by each road waa :
Cattle. Ho3. Sheep. Horses.
C. . M. & St. P. Ry. . . I i
O. & St. L. Ry 3
Mo. i'aclllc Ry. . . 16 -i
Union 1'ae. System. II 17 2 5
C. & N. AV. Ry 2 . .
R , K. & M. V. R. R. 9 21 5
C. , St. 1' . . M. & O. . 1 ! I
H. & M. R. R. R. . . . 7 21
C. , H. & Q. Ry 21S
K. C. & St. J 10
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , K 1 3
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W. . . 2
Tolal rccelpls G9 SG il 5
The dlspostllon of Ihe day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 113
O. II. Hammond Co 15U 1,110
Swift and Company 88 1.47S
Cudahy 1'acklng Co 2'JS 1,302
P. D. Armour. Chicago , . . . 17 1,512 ,
R. Becker and Dcgan 120
Ynnsant & Co 50
J. L. Carey 182
Ucnton fc Underwood 'J' )
L. R Husz 40
Cudahy P. Co. from K. C. 335 453
Other buyers (153 ( S 997
Left over 200 COO
Totals 2,357 6,1)52 2,359
CATTLE The cattle receipts were the
smallest of any day since last Saturday
and ! not since the llrst week In the month
have so few cattle been received on a Fri
day. At the same tlmo there were a goon
many II I stale cattle In lirst hands In addi
tion I to the large number held by specu
Not far from twenty loads of cornfed
cattle ( were reported on sale , and , as the
demand was gcoi. ' , desirable lots changed
hands 1I 1 early at good , strong prices. Among
the 1I I offerings were IL few right good cattle
that I sold at $5.00ft5.10. Undesirable and
half-fat or rough sluff as n. matter of
course did not move off HO very readily ,
but 1 still the market as a whole was entlicly
satisfactory a. " regards the corn cattle.
There was also a good demand for grass
beef \ at fully steady prlcea. but the supply
was i small.
if Cows and hclfeis vero in such small
supply that there were nardly enough to
make i a test of the market. It Is safe to
say , however , that values were not ma
terially changed as compared with y-stcr-
day and the day before. There appeared
to be a. very fair demand for good killers ,
especially lor anything on the helferish
order that was fat and of good quality.
The situation in the feeder market was
rther peculiar , in that salesmen were dif
fering widely In their opinions. Ono seller
would report the market as a little moro
acllvo and Ihe next one would-call it Hat.
In one way they were both right. If a
seller had something that happened to
strike the cyo ot a country buyer heould
In some cases get more money than ho
may have been offered by speculators the
day before. On the oilier hand , specu
lators had a good many slalo eattlu on
hand and were not anxious to take on many
moro at the end ot the week , o that If a
seller was not fortunate In having what
some country buyer wanted ho found it
in many cases almost Impossible to get a
bid. As a matter of course It was the
good cattle that were most sought after ,
but still there were gt > od cattle in the
yards that were hard to sell. When it
came to common cattle they wore almost
unsilable , ns no one. wanted them , and no
one would make a bid. While it Is no
easy matter at a time like the present to
tell how much lower the market Is from
day today , It Is safe to say that feeders
are 25B35c lower than last week and in
extreme cases possibly worse than that. .
For example , speculators would offer $3.50
for such cattle as sellers claimed to have
sold last week at $3.85fl3.90. Kven at the
decline the. movement was very slow and
It took a long time to dispose o a. very
few cattle. Representative sales :
No. Av. rr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
20..1391 $ J 40 20..1201 $1 70 35. . 1251 $4 M
19..1264 4 45 41..1214 4 70 40..1371 5 00
.1100 4 45 23..1227 4 70 20..1230 5 10
, . 1)50 ) 4 50 21..1200 4 75 24..1400 5 15
, .1337 4 55
. sso 2 CO 1..1110 2 00 64..1011 3 05
.1100 2 65 1..1160 2 90 .1220 3 05
. 933 1..1210 3 00 see 3 20
. 963 23. . 791 3 00 960 3 23
. 620 3 00 1. . 070 3 55 4. . C27 4 10
.1010 3 35
1. . 430 200 1..1250 275 1. . 720 3 50
460 3 no 2. . 430 5 ! ' 0 , 135
370 4 23 1. . 220 G 00 115
4B. . 595 1. . 820 CO Oil 3 75
17. . S5S 3 40 8. . 933 3 7bO 3 SO
( ! . . t > 70 3 40 2.,1130 3 380 3 SO
77. . 700 3 40 5. . 648 3 869 3 93
715 3 50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 feeders. . 850 $3 r > j 1 slcer 1570 $1 00
24 steers..12')2 ) 4 00 10 sleors..llos 31.0
9 steers..1422 3 M I now 1160 3 ai
12 feeders..1055 3 60 5 feeders. . % t ; 3 60
5 feeders. . 820 3 00 45 feeders..1009 3 20
39 yearlings 6S1 4 00
11 cows. . . 9.11 2 40 7 cows 870 3 00
17 cows. . . 921 2 50 1 cow 10'iO 300
4 cows. . . 100' 2 50 1 feeder. . . cno 3 1.0
1 cow. . . . .1030 2 5D 1 feeder. . . 920 3 00
5 sleers. . . SSG 2 85 10 feeders..1017 3 ( M
1 steer. . . .100) ) 3 00 16 feeders. . 870 3 91
27 feeders 955 3 Ki 29 feeders. 97G 3 05
fWUT3..1210 I ! 75 3 feeders. ' 9 < l
2.1 feeders..10SO 3 00 5 feeders. 914' 3 W
2 feeders. . 930 3 CO 22 feeders. 936 3 75
18 steers..10)0 3 90 21 steers. , .1073 3 85
1 steer. . . .1300 3 CO 4 steers. . .1212 3 Ci )
5 stags. . . . .11S4 3 la 4 cows. . . . ! Ji7 ( 3 00
U cows. . . . D55 3 IK ) 17 cows. . . .1011 3 10
J. Wiley.
20 steers..lir > 5 400 9 steers..1220 415
; cows JXu 235 3 fesders. . 821 250
9 cows 921 2 35 30 feeders. . KO 3 30
S row ? 770 235 4 feeders. . 5UO 370
42 feeders..1204 3 M 3 calves. . . 25ti 450
1 steer 1130 300
George 13. Shoup.
5R feeders..10SS 3 50 51 feeders..1105 350
13 feeders..1074 350 2 steers..1015 3 00
1 feeder. . . 450 2 00 I feeder. . . 410 3 23
1 feeder..1050 2 85 2 fo ° ders. . 720 3 23
IS feeders..1070 355 46 feeders..1005 3 65
HOGS Today's receipts of hogs , with the
exception of yesterday , were the smallest
of any day since Monday , but Mlghtly larg , r
than a week ago , though little moru than
half as large as two weeks ago. It was ,
however. 11 fair avrage run for a Friday.
The market opened fairly active at prices
that were strong to 5c higher , and the bulk
of the early arrivals changed hands In
good season. Salesmen as a rule were all
trying to get a Cc advance , but an buy-m
were n little backward about pulling on
qullo lhal much In all cases tint trade wan
hardly as active as It might otherwise have
Heavy hogs sold very largely on iho
early market al J1.50 , and medium weights
right around $ ' 1.55 , with light lomls
principally at $3.55f < 3.67H. The lat-r trains
Mild at about the same prices us were paid
in th ? morning , though , as Is very apt 10 bu
the cano after the more urgent orders nru
tilled , it was not quite t > o easy to get the
full extent of the advance on the last
As will be noted from tin ( able of aver-
age prices totlay advanc > went u long way
toward wiping out the decline In valu's thl * .
week and Iho market Is now back again
about where It was on Friday of last week
Monday was th high day of the w rk t"i
far and Wednesday the low day thu dU-
SHRI3P Ther ? xvns a very modern t" run
today of all kinds , still there wan n little
of everything In the pens' . The murkfi
opened slow and was at no time very notlve.
A bunch of western yearlings , the same that
sold lust week at $1.25 and $1.30. brought
$1.00 today , Hhowlng In n. pretty clear way
the amount of declining on that kind of
stuff since last week. While , us already
remarked , the market was not very active ,
killers appeared to want wlmt there was
here und about everything that was desira
ble sold In good sen > on.
In some cases sellers who had fenders
thought they were able to s < 11 out u little
more readily than yesterday , but the imirk-t
as a whole was not much rhnngrd from
what It was yesterday on feeders or stock
sheep and lambs.
< i nt-i < , , , .
| ( ! is [ Oood qrnss westerns ,
$4.10574.20 ; fair to good , $4.0iWl.lO : choir ,
yearlings. SI.OOji 1.20 ; fair to good year
lings , $3.90ff4.00 good to cholc
lambs , $5.15 10. 0 ; fair to good lambs , $4 ! ' <
5.00 ; feeder withers , 2-year-olds and over ,
$3.S50I.OO ; feeder yearlings. $ I.Ofi4.5 ) : : feeder
lambs , $4..Wtl.S5 ; cull sheep , J2.DOIi3.oO ; cull
lambs , $1.007/1.25. Hepresentntlvo sales :
No. Av. IV.
12 Wyoming ewes ! ' . " > $3 no
1C9 Wyoming ewes fis : i 50
82 Colorado ewes , feeders 91 3 S5
25 Colorado owes , feeders 103 3 Si
510 native wethers M ) If" )
2S Wyoming lambs' G > ! SO
11 ewes , culls si 300
3S native ewes 101 3 75
25 native ewes 105 " S5
92 native ewes TO 35
124 Colorado yearlings 07 1 03
Cnffle Active , linen Sleudj' nt Tiiioil
I'rleoN mill Sliccp .Slcaily. '
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. There was an active
demand for cattle today , owing to light
arrivals , and prices were advanced 10'n2. > c.
Choice steers , $5.30 5.75 ; medium , $4.75 4.9) ;
beef steers , $3.90 4.80 ; stockers and feeders ,
$3.00fi4.55 ; bulls , $2.50f ? 1.20 ; cows nnd heifers ,
$3.30fi4.20 ; calves , $3.00ffi7.00 ; western rang
ers , $2.55Stl.55 ; western fed steers , $1.00Q5.40 ;
Texas grass steers , $3.20 3.50.
Hogs wore In good demand at steady
In the absence of any Improvement In
the demand for sheep , prices ruled weak
at former prices. Western sheep. $2.101/3.20 ;
feeders , $3.50jT4.00 ; muttons , $ t.oo2o ( ) ; in-
ferlor to choice lambs , $ : ! .50Ti5.EO ; leeders ,
$ l.50fi5.00 ; yearlings , $1.25f(4.75" ( .
UKCEII'TS Cattle , 3,500 head ; hogs , 27,000
head ; sheep , 5,0iO ( head.
ICuiinns City Llv < > Slock.
cclpts , 3,180 natives and 220 Texuns. Light \
supply created an active demand ; desirable
stock active , steady to Phadc higher ; com
mon cattle slow ; steady to trllle lower.
Cholco heavy steers , $5,15Tf5.25 : medium ,
J4.15fi5.15 ; light weights , $3.55 5.15 ; stockers ,
and feeders. $3.00fi4.50 ; butchers' cows and
heifers , $2.GOT(4.0fl ; western steers , ( S.lOff
4.GO ; Texas ste'r.s , $3.0jf(4.15 ( ( ; TCXUH butclier
cows , $2.G01(3.00 ; canning stock , $2.005(2.55. (
HOGS Ilecnlpts , 12,375 head. Excellent
demand for all grades at 5fylOc advance in
prices. Heavies , $3.55jj3.70 ; mixed , $3.50J/ /
3.ffi : lights , $3.45 3.53.
SIIBKI" Receipts. 2,170 head. Demand
much better ; all deMrable hlieep Felling
quickly at steady prices. Natlvi Limits.
$4.00T5.30 ; native muttons , $ ! .0yii4.40 ; west
ern lambs , $ I.SGji5.23 ; western muttons , tiflo
( JJ4.25 ; western feeding lambs. Sl.Wii I.tin ;
western feeding sheep , $ J.75ii3.90 ; stock
ewes , $3.00183.75 ; cull ? , $2.25 3.25.
St. I.niilN l.lvo Stock.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. l.-CATTLK-Recelpts ,
1,900 head , including 900 head Texans ; ship
ments , 1,100 head. Jlatket steady to strong.
Fair to fancy shipping and export steers ,
$4.258-5.50 , bulk of sales , $4.50 (5.25 ; dressed
beef and butcher steers , $4.155i4 > .5. bulk of
sales , $1.2W4.75 ; steers , under l.OOiJ Ibs. , J.51 ; !
5/4.75. bulk of sales , $3.COi(4.40 } ; stockers and
feeders , $2.50iH.5'i ' , bulk of sales. $3.00fr I.OUj
cows and heifers , $2.00tt.40 , bulk of hales ,
$2.25f3.76 ; Texas nnd Indian steers , $17rfi
4.00 , bulk of sales , $3.00g3.75 ; cows and
heifers , J2.fjCS1.40.
HOOS Hecclpts , C/,00 head ; shipments ,
2,100 head. Market strong to 5c higher ;
yorkers , $3.4iH/.55 ! ; packers , $3. i5f3.C5 ;
butchers , $ ] .CO < (3.75.
SI1J5KP Hecclpts , fOO head ; shipments , 701
head. JIarkct steady , but slow ; native
muttons. $ 'J.75fl.75 ( : culls and bucks. Jl.GO
( 3.25 ; stockers , $25G < & 3.50 ; lambs , $ l.50t5.75. |
w York Iilvi * Slnolc.
NKW YOUK. Nov. 4.-IJIiiCVKS-Ile- :
celpts , 2,577 head ; market .slow , closing lOo
lower ; steers. $ l.35f(5.25 ( ; tops , $5.:0 : : : oxen
and stags. $310 4.40 ; bulK $2.G5'ii3.5i ( : fat
bulls , $3.GOf(3.9 < J ; cows , $20CVi 3.33 ; few choice ,
$3.85tc4.00 ; cables were weak ; exports , none.
CALVK8 Heculpts , 117 head ; market
Bteucly : veals , common to choice , $5.50 5.03 ;
gmsoers , $3.75 ; fed calve. , $1.00i450.
SlllCnP AND LAMliH-Ufitlpts , 3,211
head ; sheep , dull und icyioc lower ; lambs ,
lev lower , sheep , common to primp , Jl.oOtf
4 flrt ; liuiibn , fair lo choice , J5.8 > 1Jfi.SO.
HOOS-Recelpts. 3.197 head ; no sales. \
S . .loM'iili l.lvo Stork.
ST. JOSKP1I. Nov. 4.-Speelan-rAT- (
TLK Receipts. 1 W head. Market uteUtly
on lust nnd weak on others. Nothing good
here , Natives" , $ UVn5 iw ; Tvxnns and west
erns. $1.10tfl.N > ; < ows and heifers , } 1.75yi.W ( ;
stockers and feedern. $ .1.11011.10.
11OOS Receipts , 3.00J head. Market ac
tive and 5 < - higher , selling at $1.I3W3.65 ; bulk.
" s'flKlii" liecelpts , none ; good demand for
Stock lii Slulit.
Record of receipts of llvo stock nt the
four principal markets for November 4 :
Catlle. Hogs. Shuon.
Omaha 1.1K " .311 l.S. t
ChlcaKO 3.MVJ 27.KK ) 5,0ll
Kansas Cliy 3 , id ) 12.11. , > 2.1,0
St. Louis l.WO G.CW MJ )
_ - . _
Totals ll.WO 52.SJ (
OMAHA I'ltOIM'.ll'I'V.
PlNon County 2(0 ( acres. 3V3 miles from
New C'nMtlo : 110 acres vuulcr cultivation ;
balance meadow anil piu < ture ; tlvo room
house ; barn : ! ft.\.0 ( ; two \\ells and pumps ;
some apple trees , bearing. This farm Is
feii' ed und cross-fenced. Worth $3omi. Will
exchange for Inuirovetl Omaha really.
Knnx County : 5 rx > acres , four mlle.t eji t
of Verdigris : 200 acres under cultivation.
balance pasture nnd meadow land. A HIM-
Block farm ; two-story frame house , 1S\24 ,
with two ml'lllloiis ; b.ini 2li\24 : II foot
post with addition Ux2G ; cornorib 2lx4' ' , und
other biilMlugs. 1'rlco W.OOO cash. Knslly
worth JlO.Offi.
\V ure uiTerlng Mome ullractlvo farms at
attractive figures In Heward , liutler. 1'olk.
Hamilton. Clny and Adams counties ? , the
prime counties of the state.
( . W. C Mil , ( II 1C ,
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated at horns for nnrno
price under same gunruntv. If you
prefer to come hero wo wfll contract
to pay railroad fare nnd hotel bill * ,
and no chalet * If we fall to cure.
taken mnrcury. Iodide potash nnd ntlll
have aches and pains , Mucous Patches
In mouth , Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop
per Colored Spots Ulcers on any part
of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. It Is this secondary
We Ouarantse to Uurc
We solicit the most obotlnnte rases
and challenge the world for a cnso wo
cannot euro. This disease has always
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physicians ,
$ 00,000 capital behind our uncondl-
tlonnl guaranty , Absolute proofs sent
sealed on application. 100 page booh
sent free.
Aililren * COOK UI3M12DV CO. . 1401
Trmple , C'hlcado. III.
Dr. Hudwny : Dear Slr-I huve been ns
Ing your mi'dlcln.'S-that Is , your 1'llls and
Heady Uel'ef ' These two medicines hav *
done mo and my fHmlly more good than
a whole drugr store I urn 63 years old.
' used about six boxes of your pills since
last spring. I nm as regular now 'ind feel
ke a healthy man of 20 years.
Now , I want to llnd out about your K'1-
colvent. to use In case of a youne Indy
fete. , etc ) Ilespcctfully August Wltm r ,
542 I3" it 134th St New York. AnIt98. .
- EJ M a V
Purely vegetable , mllu . . „ > . .
Cause perfect uigestlon , cominuto abxorp *
tlon and healtniul r < gulartiy. l < or tuo
euro of all disorders of thu blomach , Bow
els , Kidneys , liladdcr , JN'ervous Dn > ea uu ,
Piles , SICjv HUADACHI'J and all disor
ders of the liver. Price , 2sc per box. bold
by all druggists , or sunt by mall on re
ceipt c.f price.
ItAOWAY .V CO. , 55 Kim St. , New York.
Ee sure to cet "Radway'B. "
Is a preparation of the Drug by which ItJ
Injurious effects are removed , while the val
uable medicinal properties are retained. It
possesses all the sedative , anodyne and atitl-
opasmodle powers of Opium , but produces
no sickness of tlio stomach , no vomiting , no
costlvcneES , no headache. In acute nervous
disorders it is an invaluable remedy , and ' *
recommended by the best physicians.
: 72 Ponrl St. , New York.
JAfriIS , . BOYO & GO , .
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Neb
Direct tvlre lu i.'iiuufio nu New York.
Correspondent ! ! John A. Warren & Co.
Itouiii , \ , Y. I.lfc Illdiv. , Oninlin , Net *
StGcSsGrasnProvisions (
Direct Wlr/- \ " v York , Clilcmio nnd
OP THE. . .
IYTY-FOUR handsome \
photogravures covering
every feature of the ex
position bound in a hand
some cloth portfolio
Twenty-five Cents extra for express
iT Kant out of town.