TJJE OMAHA DAILY JOEE : JM.U.DAV , JSOVEMB.EK , 18 8. OMAHA JUDGES AND CLERKS Judge Baxter Names tbo Election Officers Who Will Preside Tuesday , LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES , , f. Srrriity-SIx Votlnw I'reelni'l" of the " ' - Ollli'lnU City Iln - the Hfvi-n HMreteil In TnUp Cure of the llnllot mill Cotintlim. CountT Julgc Baxter has completed hi * nppoUtments of election officers ( or the rlty. TUe list Is a pretty large one , as there are aeventy-sU precincts with five Judges nnd two clerks In each. The total number of election omcera Is 532. Following Is the list of wards and precincts , with the politics and residence of each olllccr : Oniiihn Klrnt AVnrd. First District : Judges J. L. FrancK Tcp. , 1112 South Tenth ; F. J. Hartmann , rep. , lion Marcy ; L. F. Brltt , rep , . 1111 Pacific ; N. A. 1'eterson , dcm. , 1011 South Eleventh ; John Conroy , deni. , 1103 1'nciflc. Clerks James Nesladek , rep. , 1309 bouth Twelfth ; Lew Herrmann , dem. , 1208 Pacific. Bccond District : Judges Rowland Thorpe , rep. , 1403 South Eleventh ; I'hlllppanncr , rep. , 1908 South Eleventh ; Isaac Altman , rep. , 1908 South Tenth ; Timothy Foley. nr. , < lem. , 1408 South Eleventh ; John F. Coffey , tlem. , 1933 South Twelfth. Clerks 0. L. nrotherhood , rep. , 1620 South Tenth , Ed ward J. Dee. dcm. , 1907 South Twelfth. Third District : Judges II. A. E. Bruech- ert. rep , , 1115 Dorcas : Henry A. Morrison , rep. , 1010 Arbor ; Jamer Lynch , dem. , Twelfth and Martha ; Patrick Hyan , ilem , , Twelfth nnd Arbor ; Michael Hlnchcy , dem. , Twelfth and Arbor. Clerks Albert Ayer , rep. , 2201 South Thirteenth : Patrick O'Con- nell , dem. , Eighth and Leavenworth. Fourth District : Judges Charles Hcnn , . . , rep. . 1112 South Eighth ; George Wood , rep. , l ! > 814 South Sixth ; James Henderson , rep. , SOS " South Seventh ; Mike Shinkcr , dem. , Eighth iind Leavenworth ; Luclen F. Hale , pop. , 722 Pierce. Clerks \Vllllam Ilenti , rep. , 812 ' I'iercc ; Oscar Cook , dcm. , 110S Sou'li ' Seventh , Fifth District : Judges William Inman , rep. , 1750 South Ninth ; F. W. Koetter , rep. , (502 ( Dorcas ; Vaclav Prubyl. rep. , 810 Hick ory ; Patrick Farley , fus. , 1320 South Eleventh ; Charles \V. Young , dbm. , 1730 South Ninth. Clerks Ronald McDonald , 1901 South Sixth ; James H. Flnley , pop. , 1718 South Eighth. Sixth District : Judges Charles Ilupp , rep. , 3002 South Ninth ; U. E. Patrick , rep. , 2545 South Tenth ; L. B. Reynolds , rep. , JI712 South Ninth ; Philip Hunth , dem. ; John nnsmussen , dcm. Clerks Adam Kerner , i rep. , Third and Bancroft ; George Sautter , j dom. , Gibson. Seventh District : Judges Peter Heller , icp. , 426 Pacinc ; G. E. Franklin , rep. , 1302 South Fifth ; II. S. Woodward , rep. , 417 Wil liams ; Henry Jensen , dem. , 1201 South Third ; Frank Lcmlneux , dem. Clerkd O. W. Shanahan , rep. , 1422 South Fifth ; AVIIllam Clayburn , dcm. , Sixth and Popplo- ton. Eighth District : Judges M. Boatman , rop. , Third and Hickory ; James McDonald , rep. , 1210 North Twenty-fourth ; John Cllno , rep. , 422 Center ; Jnmea 3. DeLamey , dem. , 403 Lincoln avenue ; Peter Hansen , deui. Clerks Clyde C. Sundblad. rep. , 203 Fran cis ; John Hellwlg , dem. , 219 Center. Second AVuril. First District : Judges S. N. Lesser , rep. , 110S South Thirteenth ; W. J. Stacey , rep. , 1711 Leavenworth ; Theodore Stnpen- horst , rep. , 837 South Seventeenth ; II. Kahro , rtom. , 839 South Seventeenth ; James Mc- Monles , dem. , 814 South Seventeenth. Clerks Loon Aronson , rep. , 1325 Pacific ; John Sullivan , jr. , dem. , 820 South Seventeenth. Second Dlntrlct : Judges E. J. Potter , rep. , 1030 South Nineteenth ; John Klewlt , rep. , 1049 South Twentieth ; David R. Lor- ing , rep , , 813 South Twentieth ; Michael Lovely , dcm. , 1021 South Twentieth : C. Ras- raussen , dora. , 812 South Nineteenth. Clerks A. J. Roberson , rep , , ifllS Leavenworth : Frank D. Sampson , dem. , 828 South Eight eenth. Third District : Judgen W. D. Radcllff , rep. , 820 South Twenty-second ; Samuel A. Corneer , rep. , 1019 South Twenty-fourth ; W. n. Bell , rep. , 325 South Twenty-fourth ; Philip Sclzle , dcm. , 2322 Pierce ; F. R. Silt/ , pop. , 823 South Twenty-fourth. Clerks Ed ward Lang , rep. , 828 South Twenty-first ; Joseph Prltchard , dem. , 840 South Twenty- first. Fourth District- Judges G. L. Burdln , rep. , 1241 South Fifteenth : James O'Rourke , rep. , 1419 Pierce ; John Mathauser , dem. , 1219 South Fourteenth ; Eldrlch Jelen , dcm. , 1233 South Fourteenth ; N. V. Halter , dem. , 12S3 South Sixteenth. Clerks Ant Klein- hample , rep. , 1203 South Sixteenth ; Martin Knllsk. dcm. , 12G1 South Fourteenth. Fifth District : Judges John llotts. rep , , 1443 Gault ; Evan T. Knight , rep. , 173t Soutb Thirteenth ; E. A. Malstrom , rep. , 1137 South Sixteenth' Joseph M. Roucek , dem. , 1419 South Fourteenth ; Frank Krejlc , dem. , 1313 Williams. Clerks Thomas S. Broder- Jck , rep. , 1462 South Thirteenth ; James W. Kranda , dcm. , 1313 Williams. Sixth District : Judges J. W. Korten , rep. . 1410 South Sixteenth ; William Gelsel- man , Jr. , rep. , 1450 South Sixteenth , John J. Sullivan , dem. , 1400 South Nineteenth ; H. P. Spragg. dcm. , 1124 South Sixteenth ; John Kemerllug , pop. , 1724 South Eight eenth. Clerks Charles Ross , rep. , 145E South Eighteenth ; William Grlcb , dem. , 1273 South Eighteenth. Seventh District : Judges E. W. Eayres , rep. . 1917 South Fourteenth ; Julius Waxen- berg , rep. , 2201 South Thirteenth ; Michael Nlttler , dcm. . 2206 South Sixteenth : Michael Courtney , dem. , 1911 South Fifteenth ; Frank Beccher , dem. , 2217 South Seven teenth. Clerks Jeremiah Olavln , rep. , 19K South Fourteenth ; Fred Moore , dem , , 2432 South Fifteenth. Eighth District : Judges Alfred Jordan rop. , 2408 Martha ; K. H. Hubnor , rep. , 231J South Twentieth ; F. I ) . Kenlepburg , rep. , 1823 Dorcas ; Max Grimm , dem. , 1941 Soutl : Eighteenth ; Ben Durham , pop. , 2330 Soutl Twentieth. ClerkB C. F. Eden , rep. , 1911 Dorcas , John J. Cavanaugh , dem. , 221'i South Nineteenth. Ninth District : Judges Fred Rupp , rep. Thirteenth and Spring ; Mose Press , rep. r.OOl South Sixteenth ; E. F. Augustat , dem. , .1174 South Fourteenth ; Hans J. Wlntherllck dem. , 3128 South Fourteenth ; C. L. Rasmus- wn , dem. , 923 South Seventeenth. Clerks- M. E. Harnish , rep. . 2711 South Fourteenth ; Theodore Wlrth , dem. , 2632 South Fifteenth Tenth District : Judges John Keeps , rep. 17QS Vlnton ; O. C. Bartlett , rep. , 3013 Soutl Nineteenth ; Robert O'Donnell. dem. , 241t South Nineteenth ; James D. Murphy , dcm. 240G South Seventeenth ; Lorenzo D. Plckard dera. . 3014 South Seventeenth. Clerks- Christ S , Boysen. rep. . 1825 Ontario ; Janu-f Grace , dem. , 2706 South Eighteenth. Eleventh District- Judges David O'Kecffo rep. , 2024 Oak ; John Sdiaub , rep. , Twenty- first and Elm ; Thomas Boglcy , rep. , 210' Vlnton ; Frank Kelley , dem. , 2713 Soutt Twenty-first ; A. N. Ward , pop. . 2101 Vln ton. Clerks Joseph P. Brown , rep. , 23' ' Boulevard avenue : John II. Murphy , dem. Twenty-fourth and Oak. Third Ward. First District ; Judges Albert E , Harrl ? CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature rep. , 1419 Howard ; Robert I * . Roberson , rrrp. , 1411 Jones ; Jo cph Carr. rep. , 131C Jones , Robert Hcrrlck , pop. , 71 ! > South Fif teenth ; John i : . Boyd , Ocm. , 1213 Jackson , Clerks John Williams , rep. , 518 Soutl : Fourteenth ; John Hochstrasser , dem , , 1101 Jackson , Second District ? Judges P. H. Kills , rep. , fiOl Paxton block ; John Kcan , rep. , 13K Douglas ; Carl Merschrlm , rep. , 324 South Thirteenth. Lyslo I. Abbott , dem. , Sheely block ; Carl T. Schmidt , dcm. , 324 South Thirteenth. Clerks Wing Allen , rep. . Wnrc block ; William M. Cowherd , dem. , 217 South Sixteenth. Third District : Judges Fred P. Strlfflpr , rep. , 102 North Fourteenth ; Seldcn Fcnrn , rep. , 112 South Fourteenth ; Alex Gordon rep. , 1303 Capitol nvenue ; Joe Karpelcs , dem. , 102 South Fourteenth ; F. S. Horton , pop. . Sixteenth nnd Capitol avenue. Clerks- Ike Demoratsky , rep. , 1317 Davenport ; Henrj F. Shuhr , dem. . 102 North Thirteenth. Fourth District : Judges Julius Rich rep. , 1308 Chicago ; Rphralm H. Hall , rep. 1520 Cass ; Otto Schneldewlnd , rep. , 3U North Thirteenth ; Patrick Desmond , dem. 423 North Fifteenth ; Sam S. Jordan , pop. , 317 North Fifteenth. Clerks Kmll Mortz rep. , lull California ; W. R , O'Shaughnessy , dcm. , 1314 Davenport. Fifth District : Judges Loula Peterson rep. , 1518 Hurt ; Fred O. Watson , rep. , 70.1i/ North Sixteenth ; Albert D. White , rop. , 151 Webster ; T. J. Murphy , dcm. , 1614 Webster ; John H. Krck , pop. , Klondike hotel. Clerkt Peter Jessen , Jr. , rep. , rear 1009 Cuming Thomnn Swift , dem. , 1507 Cuming. Sixth District : Judges George L. Conard rep. , 415 South Klcventh ; John L. Wehrer rep. , European hotel ; Harry Smith , rep. Mercer hotel ; William W. Dolan. dem , Barker hotel ; Charles Horde , pop. , 501 Soutl : Thirteenth. Clerks George W. Dunn , rep. , 42'l South Thirteenth ; George MclerselcU , dem. , 501 South Thirteenth. Sc\cnth District : Judges James Carr , rep. , 316 South Eleventh : D. L. Lapsley rep. , 313 South Thirteenth ; Jesse Logue , rep. , 313 South Thirteenth ; Frank Stacy , dem. , 1211 Douglas ; Moses Horwlch , pop. 1018 Douglas. Clerks William A. Grant , rep. , 1211 Hnrney ; Gus Rlchtcr , dem. , 104 South Eleventh. Eighth District : Judges James Smith , rep. , 1111 Capitol avenue ; Than Travis , rep. 1013 Capitol nvenue ; EdwarJ FrHnk-vusteln , rep. , 1113 Capitol avenue ; Thomna Pollard dcm. , 1122 Dodge ; Niles H. Church , pop. 211 North Twelfth. Clerks Harry Curry , rop. , 217 North Twelfth ; Eugene E. Pratt , dem. , 123 North Twelfth. Ninth District : Judges Frank Graves , rep. , 1109 Chicago ; John Hnycs , rep. , 101C Davenport ; Ben Green , rep. , 507 Nor'.li Twelfth ; Ernest Worm , dcm. , 101C Daven port ; John Reeves , dem. , 303 Nortl : Eleventh. Clerks Robert Alton , rep. , 112-1 Davenport ; J. P. Ford , dem. , 1008 Daven port. port.Tenth Tenth District : Judges James G. Smith , rep. , 218 North Ninth ; George H. Wads- worth , rep. . 421 South Tenth ; J. S. Bell , rep. , SIC Howard ; Thomas Connelly , dem. 911 Davenport ; William H. Beck , pop. , 32 ; South Tenth. Clerks Slgmund Rubin , rep. 121 South Tenth ; Thomas Foley , dem. , OH Howard. Fourth Wnril. First District : Judges Julius Janowsky , rep. , 314 North Seventeenth ; G. R. Young , rep. , 181G Chicago ; Thomas W. Magulre rep. , 1C17 Chicago ; G. W. Poynton , dem. 1717 Chicago ; Maxon Dare , dem. , 1717 Chi cago. Clerks J. C. Green , rep. , 306 North Eighteenth ; J. J. Cobry , dem. , 311 North Seventeenth. Second District : Judges S. C. Barnes rep , , 211 South Twenty-fourth ; Wlnslow L Bay , rep. , 2214 Capitol avenue ; II. S. Mann rep. , 2222 Fnrnam ; Charles J. Emery , dem. , 2201 Douglas ; II. C. Yost , dem. , 2205 Doug las. Clerks W. W. Copeland , rep. , 311 North Twenty-second ; James A. Woodman , dem. , 123 North Twenty-fourth. Third District : Judges Dobcrt D. Dun can , rep. , 2628 Davenport ; Augustus Lock- ner , rep. , 2G2C Davenport. Charles R. Tur- ney , rep. , 2536 Capitol avenue ; Eugene M , Bonce , dem. , 307 North Twenty-fifth ; Jaj Burns , dem. , 2415 Capitol avenue. Clerks- Thomas Crelgh , rep. , Twenty-fifth and Cap itol avenue ; W. J. Mount , dem. , 2539 Capitol tel avenue. Fourth District : Judges Theodore F Lowls , rop. , 317 South Twenty-sixth ; E. H Packard , rep. , 302 South Twenty-sixth ; R C. Patterson , rep. , 2513 Farnam ; George C Whltlock , dem. , 124 South Twenty-seventh ; W. F. Howard , dem. , 2671 Dodge. Clerks O. G. Pope , rep. , 324 South Twenty-sixth ; E. G. Whltlock , dera. , 124 South Twenty- seventh. Fifth District : Judges Charles A. Rob ertson , rep. , 1819 Farnam ; William G. An derson , rep. , 1922 Douglas ; John W. Cooper rep. , 1823 Fnrnam ; W. T. Reed , dom. . 172 : Dodge ; Jerry Falvey , dem. , Ill South Eight eenth. Clerks Louis B. Miller , rep. , 192 ! Farnam ; Harry P. Deuel , dom. , 1906 Dodge Sixth District : Judges J. K. Boyle , rep. 1810 St. Mary's avenue ; Daniel Collins , rep. 422 South Eighteenth ; Charles E. Speck rep. , 413 South Nineteenth ; Lawrence Fay dem. , 1822 % St. Mary's avenue ; Charles Van Annan , dem. , 1822V4 St. Mary's avenue Clerks J , S. Thatcher , rep. , 415 South Nine teenth ; P. M. Tobln , dem. , 422 South Eight eenth. Seventh District : Judges D. T. Kroh rep. , 713 South Nineteenth ; Jacob H. Brack- ney. rep. , 620 South Seventeenth ; J. M Hello , rep , , 701 South Seventeenth avenue ; John Little , dcm. , 700 South Nineteenth ; George H. Guy , dera. , 1913 St. Mary's ave nue. Clerks Alex Murray , rep. , 703 Soutl Seventeenth avenue ; Charles I. Webb , dem. 700 South Sixteenth. Eighth District : Judges John W. Bnttln rep. , 531 South Twenty-second ; lewai Adams , rep. , 501 South Twenty-first avenue ; Alphonso Wilson , rep. , 2301 Harney ; Honrj A. Darrow , dem. , 618 South Twenty-second ; G. Adler , dem. , 516 South Twenty-second Clerks Fred P. Candee , rep. , 514 Soutl Twenty-second ; 0. F. Stephens , dem. , 50 ! South Twenty-first avenue. Ninth District : Judges Franklin J. Grif fin , rep. , 561 South Twenty-sixth ; Fran ! Hlnebaugh , rep , , 447 South Twenty-fourth ; W. P. Snowdcn , rep. , 712 South Twcnty-flftl avenue ; A. S. Brown , dem. , 637 Soutl Twenty-fifth ; J. A. Rhode , dem. , 705 SouU Twenty-fifth avenue. Clerks Eugene B Lewis , rep. , 2621 Harney ; Arthur L. Ander son , dem. , 2618 Leavenworth. 1'lfthVVuril. . First District : Judges Milton Bllby , rep. 118 Ames avenue ; F. M. Smith , rep. , 380 ! North Eighteenth ; J. S. Murphy , rep. , 612 : Florence boulevard ; E. H. Richardson , dem. 3)11 ! ) North Nineteenth ; Frank Bague , pop. 1305 Gust. Clerks C. L. McCoy , rep. , 5711 Florence boulevard ; Bernard Sachsse , pen 2116 Laird. Second District : Judge's Arthur E. Frost rep. , 1621 Locust ; A. L. Dille , rep. , 180 Corby ; W. E. Findley. rep. . 2821 Nortl Twentieth ; Ed P. O'Connor , dem. , 1616 Ky. ner ; Frank A. Kennedy , pop. , 2817 Nortl Twentieth. Clerk Edward L. Gradley , rep. 1613 Lothrop ; Bryce Crawford , dem. , 1611 Kyner avenue. Third District : Judges F. L. Barnett rep. . 2531 North Nineteenth ; J. M. Ward rep. , 1811 Ohio ; H. T. Tostevln , rep. , 262 ( North Nineteenth avenue ; C. Dietrich , dem. 1522 Ohio ; D. W. Mcrrow. dem. , 2616 Nineteenth - teenth avenue. Clerks John G. Starbuck rep. , 2532 North Eighteenth ; John J. Fox dcm. , 1631 Ohio. Fourth District : Judges J. A. Wertz rep. , 1517 Burdetto ; Lew Pixley , rep. , 163 ! North Sixteenth ; F. H. More , rep. , 241 ! North Seventeenth ; Dennis J. Keleher , dem. 1712 Spruce ; Brlco Vetrs , pop. , 1S35 Nortl Sixteenth. Clerks J. B. Bruner , rep. , 152 ! North Seventeenth ; T. J. Wiley , dem , , 1841 North Seventeenth. Fifth District : Judges John S. Wood rep. , 2209 North Twentieth ; Robert S. Chris tie , rep. , 2209 North Nineteenth ; J. M. Je- ter. rep. , 2203 North Twentieth ; William F \\eber , dem. , 2115 North Twentieth ; J. W Klnkead , pop. , 2205 North Twentieth Clerks A. G. Plnkcrfon , rep. , 2208 Nor'l Nineteenth ; Frank C. Eckloy , pop. , 200 ; North Twentieth. Sixth District : Judges H. S. Olllesple rep. . 1518 North Nineteenth ; John B. Sides rep. , 1123 North Twentieth ; Alex Rhodes rep. . 1437 North Twentieth ; P. J. Connor dem. , 1420 North Eighteenth ; John E. Em blen. pop. , 1153 North Nineteenth , Clerks- r. C. Gardiner , rep. . 1438 North Nineteenth J.arren Arnold , dem , 1118 North Eight renth. Seventh District : Judges Thomas A Poironnct. rep. . 1411 North Seventeenth Allen I. Rhyn , rep , , 1114 North Seventeenth J. Newstrdni. rep. , 1117 North Seventeenth Michael Morlarty , dem. , 1406 North Six teenth ; Erlck Peterson , pop. , 1145 Nortl Eighteenth , Clerks H. H. Cassel. rep. , 113 Sherman avenue ; Julius Bcrnhard , dem , 1407 North Seventeenth. Slxtli Ward. First .District : Judges LcRoy S. Hand rep , 1(16 ( North Twroty-fiftb ; Bert P. EtllU rep. , 3186 Meredith avenue ; Thomas O'Brien , rep. , Fort Omaha ; Clmrlen McKcnzIc , dem. , 2748 Fowler avenue ; Joseph SI. Robinson , pop. , 341fi Boyd. Clerks F. W. Leusentln , rep. , 2412 Grand avenue ; John Blxton , dem , , 3316 Meredith avenue. Second District : Judges E. M. Robin- soph \J IjUUUUl , | iuji , iii-i iliriiu j-vitiiiu Clurks Frank R. Martin , rep. , 4622 Boule vard avenue ; E. E. French , dem. , 4720 North Thirty-ninth. Third District : Judges Elmer G. Starr , rep. , 3835 Franklin ; T. C. Ooodion , rep. , 3844 Franklin ; Thomas Johnson , rep , , 4203 Burdette ; .David Dunkle. dem. , 3727 Ohio ; Leo J. Howard , pop. , 4321) Ohio. Clerks- George T. Llndley , rep. , 1704 North Thirty- sixth ; J. A. Wlchterman , dem. , 2837 De- calur. Fourth District : Judges J. B. Parrott , rep. , 4013 North Twenty-fifth avenue ; H. E. Jones , rep. , 4020 North Twenty-fifth nve nue ; C. B. Gullck , rep. , 3912 North Twenty- eighth avenue ; J. R. Arnold , dcm. , 2331 Mnnderson ; George P. Garllck , pop. , 3113 Lalk. Clerks B. F. George , rep. , 4007 North Twenty-ninth ; C. W. Joy , dcm. , 100S North Twenty-sixth. Fifth District : Judges W. H. Lawton , rep. , 2502 Spencer ; W. L Stephens , rep. , 2911 North Twenty-fourth : Joseph Vnnder- ford , rep. , 2521 Srenccr ; Leo Helsley , dem. , 2512 Emmett ; Ed Fluery , dcm. , 3421 North Thirtieth. Clerks George H. Moon , rep. , 2909 North Twenty-fourth ; Harry Tlbke , dem. , 2129 Wlrt. Sixth District : Judges Ethan C. Wol- cott , rep. , 2743 Blnney ; John M. Case , rep. , 3211 Maple ; B. S. Anderson , rep. , 3203 Ohio ; James McNeil ) , dem. , 2810 Miami ; John Strlbllng , pop. , 2708 Lake- . Clerks Benja min Maylard , rep. , 2718 North Twenty- eighth avenue ; J. M. Chambers , dcm. , 2902 North Twenty-fifth. Seventh District : Judges George L. Hurst , rep. , 1722 North Thirty-third ; Robert L. Bailey , rep. , 3302 Franklin ; S. 0. Ben nett , rep. , 1703 North Thirty-third ; James Moylau , dcm. , 3414 Decatur ; P. J. McGov- orn , pop. , 1621 North Thirty-fourth. Clerks- Arthur E. Ittner , rep. , 3001 Lake ; Dowltt B. Fisher , dem. , 3174 Grant. Eighth District : Judges Asa P. French , rep. , 2502 Blonde ; C. T. Evans , rep. . 2912 Grant ; William Mack , rep. , 2427 Lake ; George B. Miller , dem. , 2624 Burdotte ; E. F. Rutherford , pop. , 2202 North Twenty- seventh. Clerks Charles Hansen , rep. , 2208 North Twenty-seventh ; E. L. Adams , dem. , 2006 North Twenty-sixth. Ninth District : Judges Nelson C. Pratt , rep. , 2712 Decatur ; George W. Wlnshlp , rep. , 2931 Franklin ; J. II. Phelps , rep. , 2436 Franklin ; Jamca J. McCabe , dem. , 2431 Par ker ; E. R. James , dem. , 161S North Twenty- seventh. Clerks C. H. Pratt , 2913 Frank lin ; Charles McEchron , dem. Tenth District : Judges George H. Ax- ford , rep. , 2418 North Twenty-first ; M. H. McConnell , rep. , 2011 Grant ; Frank L. Eg bert , rep. , 220fi North Twenty-first ; J. A. Ramoy , dem. , 2103 Miami ; Jesse E. Christy , dora. , 2221 Spruce. Clerks Wilfred M. Par- dee , rep. , 2109 Ohio ; John P. Nestlebusn. dom. , 2119 Maple. Eleventh District : Judges W. F. White , rep. , 2215 Grace ; M. C. Meaney , rep. . 2017 Grace ; A. T. Hays , rep. , Twenty-fourth and Clark ; John Lutzelraan. dem. , 1841 North Twenty-third ; E. T. Edwards , dem. , 1618 North Twenty-third. Clerks Charles Holla , rep. , 1621 North Twenty-second. Seventh Ward. First District : Judges W. J. Stevens , rep. , D25 South Twenty-fifth ; Patrick Clynn , rep. , 2616 Recs ; Sam M. Moxham. rep. , 010 South Twenty-fifth avenue ; M. F. Klnney , dem. , 181 South Twenty-eighth ; Ashbel Pat terson , dem. , 814 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Clerks Charles L. Thomas , rep. , 1012 South Twenty-ninth ; B. J. McCabe , dem. Second District : Judges Harry E. Coy rep. . 1044 South Thirty-fourth ; M. G. Mc- Leod , rep. , 816 South Thirty-fifth avenue ; H. E. Cochran , rep. , 1021 South Thirty- sixth ; James H. Sherwood , dem. , 1102 South Thirty-second ; Stephen A. Wheeless , dem. , 3211 Leavenworth. Clerks Hnrry B. Allen , rep. , 1334 Park avenue ; John E. Hordin dem. , 1328 South Twenty-ninth nvenue. Third District : Judges Matt Hoowr , rep. , 1003 South Thirty-eighth ; Joe ) Griffin , rep , ; Forty-second and Grovqr ; Orlow M Hart , rep. . Fifty-third and Center ; P. . J. Brennan. dera. , 5101 Center ; .1. H. Wlthnell , pop. , 4422 Pierce. Clerks Edward Walsh , rep. , 1314 South Forty-eighth : William J. Kennedy , dem. , 1510 South Thirty-second avenue. Fourth District : Judges Joseph Krejcl. rep. , 2901 Arbor ; A. Clarendon , rep. , 2927 Dorcas ; John Kowalewskl , rep. , 2801 Du- pont ; John G. Dennett , dcm. , 2525 South Thlrty-pecond ; F. Jones , dem , , Twenty- fourth and Frederick. Clerks George H. Wlttuin , rop. , 3641 Boulevard ; A. L. Pszan- owskl , dem. , 2905 Elm. Fifth District : Judges Fred B. Dale , rep , , 1535 Park avenue ; J. T. Coatsworth rep. , 1513 South Twenty-fifth ; George Sa- blno. rep. , Twenty-eighth and Hickory ; J. H. Maus. dem. , 1601 South Twenty-eighth- Erenst Flncke , pop. , 1908 South Twenty- sevcnth. Clerks Charles S. West , rep. , 2808 Shirley ; Peter Hansen , dom. , 1936 South Twenty-sixth. Sixth District : Judges Leo Yntcs rep rep. , 2406 Woolworth ; Robert W. Baldwin' rep. , 1323 South Twenty-ninth ; Charles P ! Stromsberg , rep. , 1321 South Twenty-eighth- F.T . LUPltchett. dem. , 1116 South Twentyl eighth ; George Ring , dem. , 1310 South Twenty-fifth avenue. Clerks Charles WeaVer - Ver > rocrpn'i ,113 ? Pierce ; J- Everlngham , pop. , 2501 Pierce. ElKhtu AVnrd. First District : Judges John W. Furnas rep. , 1418 North Twenty-fourth ; An drew Bevlns. rep. , 2511 Hamilton ; S1D < I100TCP" ' -428 Hamilton ; Daniel P. Angell , dem. , 2416 Charles ; James McDonald. dem. . 1210 North Twenty-fourth. Clerks E. M. Tracy , rep 1411 North Twentv-slxth ; R. A. Wegener , dem. , 1105 North Twenty-first. Second District : Judges Edward Stringer , rep. , 2622 Caldwell ; Fred Renncr. rep. . 2722 Hamilton ; Henry Brown , rep. , 1424 North Twenty-slxth ; Frank S. Simpson , dem. , 2701 Cuming ; James McNelll , dem. , 960 Twenty- eighth avenue. Clerks George E. Turklng- ton. rep. . 1208 North Twenty-sixth ; John A. White , dem. . 1414 North Twenty-ninth. Third District : Judges James C. Lind say , rep. , 2885 Burt ; Clark Hutton , rep. , 2557 Cumlng ; John Fyfe. rep. , 2526 Chicago ; A. J. Smith , dem. . 2504 Chicago ; George Burkbard. dem. . 2759 Webster. Clerks C. S. Bell , rep. , 2766 Webster ; William J. clshans , pop. , 2412 Cnss. Fourth District : Judges James Stock- dale , rep. , 940 North Twenty-fifth ; S. S. Swltzer , rep. . 949 North Twenty-fifth ; A. L. Anderron , rep. , 2614 Cumlng ; Fred C. Wey- muller. dem. . 939 North Twentv-slxth ; John Jeffcoat , pop , , 2568 Cuming. Clerks Henry E. Easton , rep. , 913 North Twenty-fifth ; L. F. Maglnn , pop. , 919 North Twenty-seventh. Fifth District : JudKcs Charles Stevens , rep. , 917 North Twenty-first ; John Wallace , rep. , 2002 Webster ; \\Mliiam Parrott , rep. , 916 Cuming ; Peter Casey , dem. , 2011 Burt , James M. Tavlor , pop. . 714 N'orth Twentieth. Clerks D. C. Middle-on , rep. . SI5 North Twentieth ; Daniel Carey , dem. , S07 North Twenty-fourth. Sixth District : Ju'Jecs-L , . 13. Rex , rep. , 1909 Webster : P. R. Sulllviin , rep. , Oil North Twenty-first ; E. C. Brownlee , rep. , 407 North Twenty-third ; Joseph Butler , dem. , 2221 California ; George A. Maguey , pop. , 2212 Cass. Clerks C. L. Allen , rep. . 2019 Web ster ; Roy W. Ayer , dem. , 2212 Cnss. Seventh District : Judges Edwin Davis , rep. , 818 North Seventeenth ; Charles J. Meyer , rep. , 818 North Seventeenth ; C. J , Wcsterdahl , rep. , 1717 Burt ; John McGorry , dcm. , Seventeenth and Cuming ; Michael No- Ian , dem. . Seventeenth and Hurt. Clerks- Will Whltmoro. rep. . 1818 Webster ; C. W. White , dem. . 1715 North Seventeenth. Eighth District : Judges Homer J. Drlcsbach , rep. . 406 North Sixteenth ; J. H. Wlllett. rep. , 1602 Cass ; S. Fawcett , rep. , 424 North Sixteenth : William H. Spauldlng. dem. , 1612 Cass ; Billy Shane , dem. , Nine teenth and Cass. Clerks George L. Igoe , dem. , 1821 Cass. .Ninth Wnr.l. First District : Judges Henry J. Matth ews , rep. , 3308 Charles ; Paul B. Floth , rep. , Thirty-first and Burt ; O. E. Shrumm , rep. , Thirty-sixth and Charles ; John T. Qulnn , dem. , Thirty-third and Burt ; R. J. Gentel- raan. dem. , 322J Burt. Clerks George P , Hodder. rep. , 3424 Charles ; George Ketchum , dem. , 323C Webster. Second District : Judges W. A. Gard * ner. rep. , 3S51 Charles ; P. A. Gavin , rep. , 1106 North Forty-seventh ; Martin Case , rep.t 4204 Charles ; A. Landergren , dem. , 4721 Hamilton ; F. J. H. Larson , dcm. , 4041 Sow- ard. Clerks J. IL Stephens , res. , TMrty- eighth and Charles ; Mark M. Partner , dcm. , 4109 Lafayette. Third District ! JudKCGeorgo H. Do- vercaux , rep. , 4112 Douglas ; F , J , Delavegn , rep. , 3835 California ; G. P. Butts , rep. , 4202 Harney : James P. O'Htuilou , dcm. , 424 North Fortieth : C. C. Shrlvcr , pop. , Fortieth nnd Hnrney. Clerks Allen Lawry , rep. , 4430 Harney ; J. I. Nlchol , dem. , Forty-fifth mid CumliiK. Fourth District : Judges M. Q , Edwards , rep. , 142 North Thirty-seventh ; Eugene L. Pcckham , rep , , 3503 California ; Alvln Metz- ler , rep. , SOS North Thirty-third ; Bll Gor- relt , dem. , 144 North Thirty-third ; Charles L. Hopper , dem.i 3015 Webster. Clerks- Fred Sullivan , rep. , 140 North Thirty-sev enth ; Joe Rapp , Jr. , dcm. , 3119 California. Fifth District : Judges Samuel T. Wig gins , rep. , 2923 Douglas ; Max Bellman , rep. , 114 South Twenty-eighth avenue ; Burt Mur ray , rep. , 308 North Thirty-eighth ; Jerry Taylor , dera. , 109 South Twenty-eighth ; Mark J. Goad. dem. . 3221 Farnnm. Clerks R. B. Guild , rep. , 205 South Thirty-sixth ; T. V. Mulcahy. dem. , 317 South Twenty- ninth. Sixth District' : Judges H. P. Stoddnrt. rep , . 621 South Twenty-ninth avenue ; V. E. Kcllner , rep. , 615 Georgia aveuuo ; H. L. Akin , rep. , 625 South Thirty-first ; John L. Keyeu , dem. . 623 South Thirty-third ; D. W. Combstock. dem. . 3304 Leavenworth. Clerks C. H. Lchmann. rep. . 607 South Twenty- ninth avenue ; John 0. Yclser , pop. , 3615 Jones. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. In hie monthly report for October Chief Carroll of the police department recom mends that a number of police telephone stations bo established In different parts of the city so that communication can be held with oincera on their beats. Further than this Uie chief , eays that such a system would Insure vigilance on the part of the patrolmen , os he would Insist upon each officer calling up police headquarters at .stated Intervals. A large amount of ter ritory has to bo covered by a few men and a great saving In tlmo could bo made by placing such a system In service. Busldca this , fire alarms could be sent In from these patrol boxes at any time of the day or night. WhlTo the present telephone system ex tends to all parts of the city , ofllccrs do not like to wake .residents up at night to use a telephone , nnd as most of the busi ness places close early there la nothing for a policeman to do but walk to headquarters when he has anything Important to report. Now when the chief desires to communl- cato with an officer on his beat ho has to drive around In his buggy until he finds him and this takes a great deal of time. The chief recommends that these boxes be placed In the following localities : Twen ty-fourth and D streets , Twenty-fourth and N streets , Twentieth and S streets , Twen ty-eighth ana Q streets , Thirty-second and L streets and If possible one near the Hock Island depot. When the matter was brought to his at tention yesterday Manager Holland of the Nebraska Telephone company said that the service contemplated would cost but little. It the city furnished the patrol boxes the telephones would be Installed nnd main tained for a coet of about $3 per montb each. This would bo at the regular party line business rate. As no more than four telephones will bo placed on a single cir cuit , It woufd take two circuits to handle the business properly , as Chief Carroll has recommended .that- six patrol box. stations bo established. For a two-party circuit the rate would bo $3,00 per month , for a three- party circuit $3.25 per month and for a four-party circuit $3 per month for each station. v The idea Is cpnsldcrcd a good ono and a number of city qfjflclals appear to bo In favor of It. It Is assorted that the total cost will not amount toua.ny thlng as compared with the convenlenxyfjja such a eastern. , * Park People. HcsldcuO of' brown "park arc delighted at the prospect of obtaining flro protection. The question of erecting a flro hall In the Second ward whs brought up by Henry Mies a number of years ago , but for lack of funds the project had to bo abandoned. Ever since P. J. Barrett has been in the council he has been talking about the mat ter at Interval's , but It was only recently that he obtained the support of enough mem bers to carry the project through. At Wednesday night's meeting of the city fathers a resolution was passed directing the purchase of a lot on Twentieth street , near Q street , the purchase prlco being $323. In speaking about this action yeatcr- day the mayor said that If the property was all right and sufficient funds were at hand to complete the purchase he would offer no objection. If the lot Is bought the next thing will bo the erection of a suita ble flro hall and the purchase of the equip ment needed. Just where the money to pay for all this Is to como from Is not evi dent , but no doubt some arrangements can be made. One resident of the ward sug gested that as some of tbo breweries owned costly buildings In the neighborhood of the site of the proposed flro hall It might not be unreasonable to suppose that the orew- erles will purchase a team and present It to the city , the same as the packers did when the fire hall In the Third ward was established. If this Is done the city can probably see its way to complete the Im provement. neccptlpii nt 9lra. The Informal tea and reception given by Mrs. W. H. Sago yesterday afternoon In honor of her mother , Mrs. William Guthrle , and her sister , Mrs. A. P. Durkcc , was a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. Mrs. Sago had her parlor and reception room prettily decorated with potted plants , while tastily arranged bouquets of carnations with smllax gave a natty effect to the little ta bles bearing refreshments. The forty guests were delighted with the piano selection ren dered by FreJ H. Guthrle , brother of the hostess. The departing friends left many neat compliments for the hostess for the charming manner In which they were en tertained and the pleasure of the afternoon reception. MeCiliiNMon-TIioiiipNoii. Elza T. McGlasson of Grand Island and Miss Marlon A. Thompson were married Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents In this city , Ucv. Robert L. Wheeler performing the ceremony. The bride U the accomplished daughter of G. W. Thompson of the stock yards and Is well and favorably known In this city , hav ing resided hero since girlhood. For the lost few years fche has been principal ot the annex of the High school. The groom Is one of the principals ot the Grand Island public schools. City ( iONHlll. A plumber's license has been Issued to Leo Buroch. The repairs to the Twenty-fourth street pavement arc about completed. Mr. and Mrs. Phllln Munroe , Thirty-third ind U fitreers. announce the birth of a daughter. Upchurch lodge. Degree of Honor , gave a dance at Workman ball last nlcht which proved to be n very pleasant affair. The Board of Trustees of the Twenty-fifth Street Presbvterlan church will hold a meeting In the church parlors tonight A special meeting the the Ladles' Aid so ciety of the Presbyterian church will be held at the home of Mrs. U. B. Montgomery this afternoon. Cltf Davis has been sent to the county Sail for thirty days by Judge Babcock for being drunk and conducting himself In on unbecoming manner. Last month the- police made fifty-four or- rests , the crimes charged being divided as follows ; Murder. 1 : suspicious characters. 17 ; vagrancy , C ; malicious destruction of property. 2 ; Intoxication , 19 ; assault , 7 ; larceny , 2. Danderine Does Do Dandruff. T Doerf Dui | ru D ° Deep D're ' Des ru ° ve D'luth'uft D ° cs D ° DC ° P' Dii'e Daugoi'ouB Des ruc ve Damase- > v./ ( Dlllldei > ino Doubtless Does D ° Dft"ll'"ff ( Deep , D 'e > Double Drcadful I JL/estructive JLaiiuige. ) , \ , TT\ . v , . . aiuleriiie JL/estroys X-landruiE. * : JL/on't Jjelay. - JL/andrufE's ' JJangerous ! ' ; ' Jjanderine - JL/ouble Jjistilled. - JJollar. - .Druggist. Bostoii Store Drug Dept. , Omaha , Distributers. TRIAL SIZE , 25 CENTS. SOME NUTS FOR HITCHCOCK Populist Asks Some Questions of the Multiple Platform Candidate. ISSUES INVOLVED IN THIS CAMPAIGN Intelligent Voter Tclln AVhy Uuvu Mercer .Should He Kloe.tcd and Why Ills Opponent In Unworthy of Dcociit Men' * Support. OMAHA , Nov. 3. G. II. Hitchcock , Ksq. , Omaha : My Dear Sir I am in receipt ol one of your Illustrated requests for my sup port of your ambition to bo congressman from this district. In which you claim my support as a populist because you have re ceived the fusion nomination for that of- Uce. Uce.I I have a high regard for you personally , Mr. Hitchcock , and have- been a reader o ( your newspaper for many years. I cannot , however , give you my support at this time , as against ( Mr. iMorcer , for reasons which I believe , after election , you 'Will ' agree arc entirely good. I was a populist until a year ago. I was a populist because I 'believed what yoursel ! and a great many other public men an nounced as the truth. I believed firmly , two years ago , that If William AIcKlnley were elected president of the United States that commercial ruin would como upon this country. I nnd that you and the other orators were either mistaken or purposely attempted to mislead the people. Instead ol the country going to ruin , U has steadily Improved every day since 'McKlnley ' was elected president , and stands today where It stood In 1892 , when Benjamin Harrison was president of the United States. " > ! Cannot , * therefore , accept your predic tions at this time and I am unwilling In view of this exporlenco to bellovo that what you predict will occur In case a republican con gress Is elected. IlnKn tcd with Democratic I have been pretty thoroughly disgusted with the democratic party many times In my life. I have never known of a single campaign when that party adopted a gen uine and sincere platform. In every cam paign within my recollection the democratic party has attempted to win votes by bring ing up false Issues and misrepresenting Its own purposes as well as maligning the op position. When you say that the McCleary bill Is a republican measure , I know that the statement Is false , because no republican state or district convention had declared Itself In favor of this bill or any other currency bill pending 'before ' congress. You are simply resorting to the tactics of that party , and I am not frightened by your hysterical double column comments upon that measure. In your personal platform you ask my support because you have announced that you are In favor of the free coinage of sil ver at the ratio of 16 to 1 , and yet It Is not many years nlnce I read editorials from your pen denouncing this Idea as the "free silver fallacy , " and later , I remember when you came out with a double leaded editorial , suggesting as a compromise that silver be coined at the ratio of 21 to 1. You can hardly expect me to believe that a man whose money Ideas are so vacillating Is a safe representative of this district In con gress. You say that you are In favor of the "de feat of the bills now pending In congress providing for the Issuance of more Inter est-bearing bonds. " Frankly , Mr. Hitchcock , do you suppose that the people of this coun try are BO wanting In Intelligence as to b mislead by you In this sentence ? If such bills are pending , why did not the three parties which nominated you for congress declare themselves upon the question ? Shy on Connlntenuy. What bills are now pending In congress providing for the retirement of greenbacks , treasury notes and silver certificates , In place of which It Is proposed to Issue either bondn or national bank notes , and If there are any such bills pending what responsi bility has the republican party for such pending bills ? You are now extremely solicitous for the smaller banks , and yet , remembering your vicious attacks upon banks and bankers dur ing the last two years , I have no more faith In your consistency upon the bank nnd paper- currency question than In your consistency upon the coin question. There are five paragraphs of your plat form which , In iny opinion , are traitorous and unworthy of any American citizen. If I had no other reason for refusing to sup port you for congress , these flve paragraphs would bo sufficient. You know that In each of these paragraphs you seek by contemp tible Innuendo and exaggeration to dim ths glory of the page of history which has been made during the administration of William McKlnley. I cannot characterize this con duct without resorting to Invective , nnd as > this letter Is Intended to be a friendly one , I will pass that subject over by simply sayIng - Ing that any man or any party seeking po litical advantage or promotion by means of malicious attacks upon the government at a time when peace negotiations are pending and not concluded , deserves the oblivion which I believe will follow these efforts. You know that the yellow journals are giv ing at this moment aid , comfort and hope to the yellow flag of the enemy and their mouthlngs arc delaying the proceedings in Paris. Ilcllherntely MlnIeiulIiiK. The last three paragraphs in your plat form are net up for the sole purpose of misleading the people. You know that no republican platform has declared ) n favor of an entangling al liance with England or any other monarchy ; against < the postal savings banks ; In opposi tion to the election ot senators by the direct vote of the people or against the plan ot the Initiative and referendum. You also know that David II. Mercer , the republican nominee for congress In this dis trict , has a bill pending In the lower house for the establishment of a system of postal savings banks nnd that ho has voted In the house several times In favor of bills pro viding for the election of senators by the direct \ote of the people , but you seek l-y Indirection to make people believe that you favor and he opposes this measure. Your platform Ignores all the live issues of tbo day. It Is not the democratic plat form , upon which you say you stand. It la not the populist platform , which you say you are ready to defend , and It Is not the free silver republican platform , which you say you are ready to defend. It Is your Idea of a brief , vote-catching statement , wherein you seek to avoid the direct re sponsibility ot great Issues and fool the voters. Where Do Von Stnmlf Where do you stand on Hawaiian annexa tion ? What policy will you favor in regard to the Philippine Islands , Porto Rico and Cuba ? Where do you stand on the Nlc- araguan canal question ? How will you vote on pension legislation ? Are you still of the opinion that the soldiers ot the late re bellion and their widows and orphans are government paupers ? Do you favor govern ment ownership ot railways , of the telegraph and telephone ? Are you In favor of pro tection or free trade ? Would you vote for the Increase of the standing army ? Are you In favor of n great navy ? 1 observe also that you boost of being tno son of a republican senator , who was In the senate when Nebraska republicans favored free silver. How did your father vote on the so-called "crlrao of 1873 ? " Why did you leave the republican party ? Was It because you were defeated as a can didate for the city council or was It be cause the republican party refused to sub- sldlzo your paper ? * i Were you a republican or were jou a democrat when you sold out two coluinna of your paper dally to the republican * tate committee for the pittance of $201. Have you ever , until the present campaign , sup ported honestly nnd sincerely the entire democratic ticket ? In fact , did you ever , In all your life , vote or support a straight democratic ticket ? How About Hartley nnd Ilollti ? Did you or did you not borrow .noney froia Joseph Hartley , the late state treasurer ? What was the consideration for that ? 2,000 check , signed by you , found among the as sets of a defaulting city treasurer. You say you left the republican party thir teen years ago. To what party did you give allegiance during the tlmo you conducted the World , nnd afterward the World-Herald , as an Independent newspaper. Did you over discover that you were a democrat prior to the campaign of 1896 ? IB It not a fact that you became a free silver man only after the silver barons of the west contributed funds to the support of your paper , and Is It not true that up to the early days of 1896 you were opposed to every prin ciple of populism , democracy and of free silver republicanism , which you now pretend tend to advocate ? Would you now be a fu- slonlst If you owned your own newspaper and had not received this nomination for congress ? Why did you fight Holcomh when ho was the populist nominee in 1894 and support him In 189C. Why did the Jacksonlan club unanimously repudiate you In 1895 ? Hilton n a Sample. Why do list Frank Hilton , late oil Inspector specter , as a republican defaulter , and at the same time hire him to manage your campaign In Washington county ? You will excuse my inqulsltlvcness under the circumstances , but I have been told that you were greatly surprised to learn that I am for Dave Mercer , and several of your ad mirers have Been mo at your request. As you acemcd eager to know what Is the mat ter with me I have attempted In this com munication to satisfy your curiosity and also to obtain some light In regard to your- eerf. C. JOHNSON. IIAI1Y IX TUB HISVENTH WAIIIl. Handier , Knlpy mill OtlicrM ArK'ie for the .StrnlKiit Ticket. The republican cally , under the auspices of the Seventh Ward Republican club , held at 1312 Park avenue last night , was at tended by a largo number of enthusiastic voters and after the transaction of some routine club business J. J. Boucher spoke nt some length. Ho urged the voters to sup port the legislative nominees , as their elec tion means the selection of a United States senator from Douglas county to succeed Sen ator Allen , who has not been able to rise above the petty matters of party politics. The election of a republican to succeed Sen ator Allen means , the speaker declared , a man who will be In sympathy with the re publican administration and not working against tbo best Interests of the country. Relative to congressional matters , Mr. Boucher said that the republicans have a candidate , Dave Slorcer , who needs no In troduction. He has erected his monuments all over the district , In the way of an expo sition , new pojtofflcfn , an Indian supply depot and many other things. He 'Is a level headed man , whose judgment Is-tho best and who Is always found on Inn right side of every question. Hitchcock at Washington could do nothing , would have no weight and bis election would be ono of the greatest calamities that could befall this section ot tbo country. J. L. Kalev declared that h U for the entire republican ticket , from top 10 bet tom. While thuy may not all be Methodists or Baptism they are all superior tu the heat of tbr nominees on tht * populldt ticker who favor cheap money , repudiation , damna tion and soup houses. U has been the s , the Intelligence and the great worth of the republican party that has performed all of the great deeds of the country. There never has been an equal to It nnd the ques tion is , Shall It be sustained In Its great ness ? To bo a republican means being ft 'republican ' from the- first name to the last on the ticket ttnd this Is the way that the most of them will vote next Tuesday. Mr. Kaloy declared he could not flee how nny man In Omaha , republican , democrat or populist , can refuse to vote for Dave Mer cer for congress. Ho has accomplished nioro for the district than have nil of the sunatorx and congressmen ever sent from tbe state. His usefulness has Just begun aud to retire him now would bo suicidal to every Interest of the district , county and city. The speaker eulogized Judge Hnyward , who was designated as an able lawyer , a man of sound judgment and n candidate who can bo trusted after being elected. F. C. O'Hnlloren , who was out doing duty as a soldier during the recent war with Spain , explained 'that the unsanitary condi tions of the camps were not duo to lack ot attention bj- the federal authorities , RS has been reported , but were so on account of natural causes and the topography of the country. The meeting closed with speeches by J. 0. Dctwcller nnd V. B. Walker , legislative candidates , who predicted a sweeping re publican victory at the polls next Tuesday. nt Forent Unit. A meeting of the fuslonlsts was held at Forefit hall , Sixth and Pierce streets , last evening. W. A. Poyntor. popocratlc can didate for governor , was the principal speaker and his speech was a repetition ot what he had said at the previous meetings of the campaign to attract votes to him self. John Llddell , popocratlc candidate for the legislature , also spoke and was followed by C. J. Smyth. G. M. Hitchcock put In a bid for some votes for himself. Ho devoted considerable time to explaining away the charge that ho was not cord.fal or sociable and , thaj he did not remember his friends when he passed , .tlicm. pji ho"streets. . 'J { said that since carl'y'youth' hn'ha'd been BO completely occupied With business trials that ho knew but llttlo else. He- declared that there had 1 > ecn many mornings In the last few years when he had gone down to the World-Herald office not knowing how bo could possibly get through the day. Ho pleaded as an excuse for his apparent un friendliness to the worrlment of keeping the paper going and the troublesome clays nnd sleepless nights Involved. \nlln Another Hltt'hfnke. Paul Floth Is ono of the men who takes special delight In nailing one of the lies circulated by 'the World-Herald. In tuat paper under date of November 2 a Htory U printed which In substance Is to the effect that County Commissioner Klorstead pro posed to Mr. Flolh that he , Floth , lay In . large supply of shrubs and flowering plants to bo unloaded upon the exposition nnd that afterward Kierstead Induced Floth to place the plants In his , Kierstead's , greenhouse , where they remained for several months. Speaking of the matter Mr. Floth said : "There never was any conversation between Mr. Klorstead and myself regarding any plants. None of my plants were ever In his greenhouse and ho never said anything about plants for 'the ' exposition. In fact -I never talked with Mr. Kierstead about plants , flowers or shrubbery. " Welmter ArrniiKeM for HeKlitrntlon. Republican headquarters yesterday after noon were a scene of great activity. Nearly 100 men were there getting Instructions OB r to the method of work In getting out voters to register tomorrow. John L. Webster , wearing a troubled look , was personally supervising tbo assignment of men to the different voting districts , assisted by Chair man Burbank of the county committee. The fuslonlsts are also making vigorous efforts to get out a full registration tomor row , and will have a small army of men employed for that purpose , and the Indica tions nro that with favorable weather the registration tomorrow wll | bo heavy. PopiillNt ConinilttreN Confer , The populist city nnd county committed held a Joint session lobt evening bohlnl closed doors nt the county headquarters on Fourteenth street. The purpose of the mootIng - Ing was to look over the work of the cam paign , nn ( } take such final stops as might bo considered necessary. Hun u Hroken Ami. Henry Frank , an exposition visitor from Weeping Water , Neb. , met with an accident last evening about S p'clock that resulted In breaking both bonpa of his right arm between the wrlet and elbow. Frank came to the city several days ago and has been stopping at Dlllranco's stable at the corner of Seventeenth street and St. Mary's avenue" . Last night after an after noon at the exposition grounds he started for the stable , taking a Sherman avenue car. At Sixteenth and Howard streets ho attempted to step from the car while It was In motion , and missing his footing fell to Iho pavement , striking on his Mdcs and rm. The Injured man was taken to St. Joseph's hospital , where ho was attended by City Physician Spaldlng and the bones were et. Frank was a farm hand , being about M years old. V Dr. Mnrunn' * Sunday Snlijent. On next Sunday Rev. Dr. Vyonwy Moran - ; an will preach nt the First Baptist church Dn "The Relationship of the Church to the Masses. " Dr. Morgan bad wide experience * unong the massea In We work In London and will bring the fruits of this to bin dla- Will Sell Mllineiotlt A private telegram was received last alght from Minneapolis , Maying ) "Tho. Min nesota rommUtiloners have decided to elf the Minnesota building at the expedition grounds , derpltn the proipeit of the renetl- Uon of tbo exposition.- . Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup will cure a cough > r cold in one day. U Is sate ami alway * reliable1. Price. 25 cents a bottle. * \