TIT TO fWrATTA A rT.V 11P.TO. M'TTTTen A A" 1SOS. Prominent Officers In Both Army and Navy Qiye Bomo Inside History. VERY LARGE GRIST OF GOOD READING The Pnthunacr'n 8011 Tell * How the York Nnrrovvly KxcitpcU the Wny of tlic Mnliie Mlntnkc * In Alnitkn. Now that the war with Spain Is at an end the men who acted leading pans In that nhort , but sharp struggle can speak moro freely than they could a few months ago. To have written of the war during Its progress - gross might have been regarded as ft breach of discipline , but now that It Is ancient history the leaders , both In the army and navy , nro at liberty to tell the story of events as witnessed by them. The maga- zlnts for November contain several articles by very prominent officers which will Uo read with moro than usual Interest. Not- nblo among these Is the article by Captain Slgsboe In the November Century on the destruction of the Maine. The captain of the 111 fated ship gives In this article the full Insldo history of the reception of the Maine at Havana , her stay In the harbor , and her destruction. Important facts and details are given which have never before been made public. The article IB profusely illustrated with portraits , pictures and drawings , and facsimiles of the abusive Spanish circular sent to Captain Slgsbee nnd the tatters first dispatch announcing the disaster. There are many other Inter esting articles , together with the usual Blorles In a lighter vain , but an } thing from the pen of Captain Slgsbee that might throw light on that dark tragedy In Havana harbor will bo sulllclont to arrest the at tention of the reading public. This number of the Century presents a novelty In the ways of a colored cover designed by Grasset , the famous poster-maker of I'arls. Ho has pictured Alexander the Great on his Rtecd "Bucephalus , " to mark the opening of 1'rof- Ilcnjamln Ido Wheeler's serial "Life of Alexander , " which will bo a feature of the magazine during the coming year. Grassct's present design Is entirely different from his famous Napoleon poster , "Tho Sun of Aua- tcrlltz , " which ho made for The Century , but It Is none the less striking. The greal gray war-horse Is represented In the Im mediate foreground , reined In until ho has almost fallen on his haunches. On his back Is the determined young Alexander , In rich trappings of cold and purple. Another aitlclo that will bo read with great Interest by reason of the Important position occup ed by the author Is "The Navy In the Wa " bv Captain F. E. Chad- wick of the flagship New York , published In the current Scrlbncr's. It IH a complete nnd authoritative account of the many prob lems that had to be mot In the formation o nn adequate licet and the conclusions to bo drawn from the victory before Santiago as to questions of type , construction and armament of the navy of the future. Cap tain Chadwlck says that the Spaniard had never really faced a civilized fee excepting In guerrilla warfare since the warn wagoii In the Netherlands. Ho had no prepara tlon for war on a large ficale. Ho bough : and built fine ships , officered them by gal lant men , the officers of the Spanish navy having been at all period * of their bes blood ; but there was throughout their service the want of syotcm , the want o drill , the general want of preparation which one would look for In the Turk or Moor but not In' tle European. Other notable features of the November Scrlbncr's are Richard Harding Davis' war stories , Sen ator Lodge's "Vorktown , " and Walter A Wyckoff's "The Workers " Still another prominent contributor to thi magazine literature of the month Is Lieu tenant J. C. Fremont , who commanded thi torpedo boat Porter and who tcll8 of the experiences In that department of thn ficrv- Ice during the war In Harper's. Ho gives to the public for the first tlmo the story of how close to destruction the flagship Now York came whllo the Meet was blockading Havana. The Porter came very near giv ing a practical Illustration of Its powers and the Now York came near being the vic tim. Other prominent features are : "Bis marck , " by Sidney Whitman , with an en graving by K. Schladltz , of H hitherto un published portrait ; "With the Fifth Corps , " by Frederic Remington , Illustrated by the author ; "Our Seaboard Islands on the Pa cific , " by John E. Bennett , richly Illus trated by drawings by Orson Lowell , Henry \ ( McCarter , and Harry Fenn ; "Social Life In the British Army , " Third paper , by a Brit ish offlcer , iriust'ated by n. Caton Wood- vlllo ; "Eastward Expansion of the United Statee , " by Archibald II. Colquhoun , and "Some Kecent Explorations , " by J. Scott Keltle , LL. D. , Sec. R. O. 8. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for No vember Is the Initial number In the new nnd 1 Improved form of this long-time favorite Illustrated family magazine with a handsome cover In colors and gold. Its price Is re duced to 10 cents , $1 per annum. The re turn of Mrs. Prank Leslie to the editorship i of the magazine assures for it a future as brilliant as Its past has been prosperous. The current ( November ) number makes good Its promises In a splendid table of con tents , which Includes : An illustrated sym posium on "Greater America , " with contri butions by Colonel A. K. McClure , General J J Fltzhugh Lee and Senators Chandler and | Davis ; "With Wheeler and Roosevelt at Santiago , " by Rev. Peter MacQueen ; Clara Barton on "Red Cross Work In Cuba ; " Wal ter Camp on "Foot Ball , " Mrs. Frank Leslie on "The Southern Woman , " "Converting ? Silver Into Gold , " an account of the won derful discovery of Dr. SUphen H Kmimns , the opening chapters of "April Bloom , " the J , new serial story by Egerton Castle ( author of "Tho Prldo of Jcnnlco" ) , Illustrated by Wenzcll ; complete short stories by Frank R. Stockton , Margaret E. Songster , Etta W. Pierce and E Louise LIddell , sketches and 1 poems by Louise Chandler Moulton , Lillian Whiting , H. Villlers Barnctt , Madison Ca- \vein , Isaac W , Eaton , Charles Crandall , R. K. Munklttrlck and Henry Tyrrell. Thanksgiving Ladles' Homo Journal ' marks the fifteenth anniversary of that magazine , and Its editor reviews Its past under the unique heading , "Fifteen Years of Mistakes , " revealing his plans for its improvement and for Its greater usefulness in the future. The first chapters of Mary R. Wllklns * now serial are among thn fiction features. Miss Wllklns reverses the novelist's usual order , and makea ludicrous the mistakes of city people In the country. Another that will be followed with keen Interest Is "Tho Girls of Camp Arcady , " also beginning In tbo November Issue. "The Minister of Car thago" grows In Interest , and "The Silk- Lined Girl Is a fascinating short piece of { romance. The current number of McCluro's presents n character sketch of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt In Its full plcturcaqueneas , the personality of ono of the moat Independent , original and forceful of living Americans. "The Inner History of Admiral Sampson's Campaign , " related mainly In hitherto un published offictar dispatches , gives for the first time the full and true story of the finding and securing of Cervera's fleet. "A True Story of the Fire Patrol , " and Mr. E. ! A. FltzGerald'i account of his own experi ence * In leading a party for the first time n bunun record to the tops of the two ilghost mountain peaks In the western hemisphere , and perhaps the highest ever limbed , exhibit human power and cnduri nco In their strongcet , most heroic mini- eatatlon. And Mr. 11. J. W. Dam'a porI royal of "The Mystery of Vesuvius , " an It wan exhibited to him In his own recent xploratlonn of the volcano , given a sonee of the profundity and mightiness of the great catth-dragon not to be had from any ' other writing ou the subject. Then there I are thrro or four very strong short stories ' 1 one by Stephen Crane that shows him to ; rcat advantage In an entirely new fleld. The picture : ) of the number nro notable also Illustrates the Ecveral articles with Ingular truth and spirit , and so contrlbut ng Interest as we ) ? ao beauty. The Pall Mall Magazine for November presents a most readable article entitled 'Alphonso Daudet In Private Life , " by J. P. lUffaelll , a life-long friend of the famous novelist. M. Haffaelll. who Is an eminent French painter , himself Illustrates the arti cle. "The Hcnegade" Is a short story by C. J. Cutcllffo Hyne , dealing with the En glish advance on the upper reaches of the Nile ; n description , copiously and beauti fully Illustrated , of Compton Wynyates , one of the most romantic and picturesque of the historic houses of England. In this number of the magazine Is contained the first of four charming stories of modern society entitled "Tho Inn at Hook , " by II. II. Marriott- Watson. The frontispiece In the Strand Magazine represents the Princess Alice of Albany at work In Mrs. E. M. Ward's stuillo , which Is followed by an entertaining article by Ralph W. M&udo , entitled "Illustrated In terviews , " In which Mro. E. M. Ward tafks of royalties an pupils. The story "Round the Klrc , " by A. Conan Doyle , la continued and other features "A " are : Living Flag , bv Arthur Lord , "The Champion Horse- Breakor. " by Albert II. Broadwcll ; "Miss Cayloy's Adventures , " by Grant Allen , chap ter vlll , "The Adventure of the Pea-Green Patrlcan ; " "Animal Actualities , " chapter Iv , A Uovo and Toad " " a : "Mysteries of Sound ; " "Tho Brotherhood of the Seven Kings , " by L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace , chapter x. "The Doom ; " "Tho Thames Val ley Catastrophe ; " "The Gray Parrot , " by W. W. Jacobs ; "Jack and Jill , " by William O. FltzGorald ; "Barbecues , " by John R. Watkina , and "Fishy Troika , " a story for chlMrcn. The November number of the New Illus trated Magazine Is an especially Interesting Issue , Its leading features being such as will appeal to Americans as well as Eng lishmen. A glance at the table of contents will give an Idea of the character of the number at band. Among the subjects pre sented there are : "The Pharaoho Have Vanished ; the Pyramids Remain , " "The Early Homes of Our Princess , " "The Ad venture of Peter the Moujlk , " "The Dark Prince , " "The Modern Icarus ; the Newest of Flying Machines , " "The Centenarian of Samoa. " David Starr Jordin , the distinguished sci entist and government commissioner to Alaska , opens the November Atlantic by Riving the results of his official experience and scientific observation of the many er rors of our management in Alaska , by which the vast resources of that wonderful country furs , food flsh , timber , mines , etc. , havu been and still are recklessly squan dered and wealth and property needlessly thrown away by the nation ; and he sound * a much needed note of warning as to the > probable results of the administration of tbo prospective colonies , should they be treated In the same wasteful , corrupt and ruinous fashion. In "The Intellectual Movement In the West" Hamilton W. Mable shows the nature , rleo'nnd oxtcnslon"of our educational Institutions. John Mulr's paper on the "Ani mals In the Yosemltn" Is one of the most attractive of this fascinating scries , and la lnterspercd with anecdotes and adventures The brilliant and characteristic letters of Carlylc continue , saddened In tone by the emigration of the writer's sister to Canada. Charles T. Copeland , the editor of the Car lyle series , accompanies this Installment with an appreciative paper upon the merlin and beauties of Carlyle's letters. "The Bat- I tie of the Strong" Increases In Intensity as It approaches the end. Short stories , poems and an Interesting and Judicious paper on Thackeray by Henry D. Sedgwlck , Jr. , make up a well balanced and vigorous number. The leading features of the American Monthly Review of Reviews for November are ; The editorial comment on the state and congressional campaigns ( Illustrated ) ; nn Illustrated account of the work of the "Young Men's Christian Association" In connection with the army and navy during the war with Spain , by Albert Shaw ; an I article on "The Newspaper Correspondents I In the War , " with numerous portraits ; Mr. I Creelman's own story of his Santiago adventures - | ventures ; "Oulda's" "Impeachment of Mod , ern Italy , " with Slgnor Vecchla's reply ; "Tbo Nicaragua Canal In the Light of Present Politics , " by Prof. L. M. Keasbey ; and "The Nicaragua Canal and Our Com1 merclal Interests , " by Dr. Emory R. John- . son. | Other Mnunzlnen. i Captain Mahan discusses the question o American Imperialism In the current num- her of The Sowanee Review. Other features of Interest Include "Tho Visual Image In Literature. " "Bodley's France " " i , "Demo- cratlo Criticism , " etc. The Engineering Magazine for November will bo fnund 'both ' Interesting and valuable by specialists In that department. Some of the articles , as the one on the mining and refining of nlcklo and the manufacture of window glass , would be Interesting to most general readers. Municipal Engineering Is another maga- ziue that appeals especially to one class of readers , hut at the same tlmo Is not entirely devoid of matter of general Interest. "Tree Planting In the Streets of Washington" might be read with profit by property own- era who contemplate setting out shade or ornamental trees. The usual entertaining list of fiction Is to be found In Llpplncott'a Magazine for this month. There arc both short and continued stories , but while fiction forms the leading feature of this publication , It Is not the only ono as the present number contains several entertaining articles that could hardly bo classed under that head. The Wldo World Magazine for November contains among other features "The Ad- ventures of Louts do Rougemont , " "A Woman's Zoo , " "Queer Scenes In Sumatra , " "Washing Day In India , " "Entombed In a Cave , " "The Romance of the Mission Field , " "The Strange Life of Lone St. Hilda. " | "Through Storm and Flood. " "Tho Hasheesh Smugglers' Museum , " "A Fight with Conger. " The American Sentinel , edited by General Joshua L. Chamberlain , Mrs. John A. Logan nd and Henry Austin , is a profusely Illustrated monthly devoted to the blehest Interests of itr the homes of America. The first number Is a beautiful specimen of the printers' art and is replete with many Interesting artl- cle * . The editors announce that It will ' aim to create and perpetuate In the heart of > every dweller In the land , whether born un i- der the flrg or not , a love of country and a love of freedom. The Issues of the Youth's Companion for the four weeks of November will contain a ' number of unusual features. Frank R. Stockton will contribute a humorous paper , ' "Somo of My Dog ; " Rudyard Kipling's new story , "The Burning of the Sarah Sands , " I will come out In tbo November 10 number ; Lord Dufferln will relate some of the sen- national experiences of a pleasure trip In war i time In "My First Cruise , " In the IMUO of November 17 , and to the Thanksgiving number i ( November 24) ) Mary E , Wlfklns will contribute a glimpse of the good old times I In her sketch of "A New England Girl Seventy I Years Ago. " I St. Nicholas for November Is as enter- talnlng | as ever and Us readers will find no end , of Interesting matter. The tabfo of contents , notes among the features : "The arrival , of Jlmpson , " "Margaret Clyde's Ex- tra | , " "Tho Sole Survivors , " chapters I , II ; "Catching a Brownie , " "Bright Sides of History ] , " chapters I , II ; "Chugglns ; a Tale of Santiago , " "A Visit to Bismarck. " "Pets In | the Navy , " "How Mr. Drake Went to Court " "Tho Bashful " " , Earthquake , "Tho Discontented Boy , " "Tho Sigh of the Sum mer Fairies , " "Princess Madrigal's Wish. " Those who are Interested In our now co lonial possessions should read nnd scrupu lously preserve the copies of Leslie's Weekly In these times. Hawaii , tha Pearl of the Pacific , la 'beautifully ' Illustrated In the cur rent Issue , and an exhaustive and Interesting - ing descriptive article accompanies the pic tures. The Indian outbreak In Minnesota Is Illustrated by a number of pictures , em bracing a double-page , and In this connec tion a unique full-page picture of the Indian method of signalling Is given , accompanied I by a description that will bo a revelation of tbo cunning of our savages. How a coward became a hero Is the sub let of the last chapter of "Tho Recruit" In he November What To Eat. Sol Smith Rus sell and his story nnd telling character by preferences for perfumery form the subject of an amusing article. Among the rest of the contents are "How to Carve a Turkey , " 'Red , White and Blue Dinner , " "A New England Dinner , " "Use of Water as a Bev erage , " "Thanksgiving "Possum , " "Ameri can Girls In Paris , " poems , sketches , prac tical menus , etc. , etc. A clever cover de sign , "Let Us Have Peace , " and colored pictures galore complete the largest numbet- of What To Eat yet Published. The cover design as well as the frontis piece of the Home Magazine are very ap propriate for the season , As a whole It Is a very readable number , containing many articles of Interest on current nnd other topics , as the following from the table of contents will show : "Tho Unexplored Parts of the World , " "A Soldier Boy at Mantra , " Shall We Keep the Philippines ? " "Tho Future of Our Island Conquests , " "Thoughts oa National Expansion , " "Photographic Mysteries , " "Tho Paris Exposition of 1900 , " "Andrew Jackson's Romance , " "Frenchmen Who Made History , " "Somo Japanese Fairy Tales , " Part II ; "Tho Whirligig of Time , " etc. Outing for November Is an all alive num ber , wldo In Us scope and timely In Us sub . "The Horse In Show " jects. the Ring , the "Football Pla > cr on the Gridiron , " the "Golfer In Championships , " the "Tennis Player at the Nete , " the"Yacht on the Storm- Tossed Bosom of Old Ocean , " the "Trapper In the Woods , " the "Athlete In his Chicago Homo , " the "Salmon , the Deer nnd the Goose" are only some of its varied contents by such well known authorities as Walter Camp on foot ball , J. Parmly Parct on ten nis , A. II. Godfrey on the horce , Edward W. Sandys on rod nnd gun , A. J. Kenealy and E. L. H. McGlnnls on yachting and H. L. Fltz Patrick on golf. A charming Thanksgiving story by Clara Loulso Durnham and the last of the series of Unscnt Letters , " by Rita , are features of the Thanksgiving Issue of The American Queen. "lAdvlce for Beginners In the Lit erary Life , " by the successful and famous author , < innte S. S-an , and "Sugsistlons for Beginners in Journalism , " by Kate Up- son Clark , are the subjects of two excellent papers. iMarguorlte Merlngton's second arti cle on the drama treats of the plays of to day and Is very Interesting.V , / Thanksgiv ing menu , the usual departments , a page of photographs of the Interiors of studios of fa mous artists as suggestions for furnishing and decorating the home. The artistic cover design of the November Woman's Home Companion , an Interpreta tion of Keats' beautiful poem to autumn , Is but one of the many attractive features of the Thanksgiving number. The new story , "A Conspiracy , " by Harriet Prescott Spot- ford , Is a tale of wealth and Washington society. Further chapters of Francis Lynde's romance. "A Worshipful Ancestry , " devel ops unexpected complications. "A Thanks , giving In Bohemia , " by Josephine Hill , car bo readily adapted as a homo play for a holi day house party. Other stories are by Rob. crt C. V. Meyers , Pauline Shacklcford Col- yar and William O. Stoddard. Ella Wheeler Wllcox , under the title , "A Man's Limita tions , " champions the simple arts of the toilet for keeping a woman's good looks , despite a man's Intolerance of anything but soap and water. Recently by broadening Its field The Bookman has become moro popular In Us appeal , covering a wider range of living In terests , without becoming less literary and dignified , and this Important development cannot but result In Its enjoying a larger circulation. For example , the November number contains Mr. Norman Hapgood'a "Drama of the Mouth ; " the first Install ment of a series on "A Century of American Illustration , " by Mr. Arthur Hoe-ber ; the first appearance of "A Literary Causerle. " by Mr. Clement Shorter , the well known London editor and lltcratcur ; an apprccla tlon by Prof. Harry Thurston Peck erf "Ste phone iMallarme , " the "Prince of French Poets , " who died lately ; the third paper on "The First Books of Some American Au thors , " iby Luther S. Livingston ; besides the usual book reviews , novel notes , literary Paris , book mart and literary gossip. Over a quarter of this number Is devoted to "Chronicle and Comment , " and the number of Illustrations have been doubled. The Art Amateur for November has for Its color plate a gorgeous mass of chrysan themums In whlto and yellow. The articles and illustrations throughout the number are excellent. "The London Letter , " by Man * tague Marks , tells us about the Painter Watts' scheme for perpetuating the bravo deeds of the bumble classes , the alleged finding of the portrait of the "Duchess of Devonshire , " by Gainsborough , and the counterfeiting of old English Silver. Roger Rlordan writes on WInslow Homer , "the most American of all American painters. " This Is Illustrated with six superb examples of Homer's work. The newest additions "At the Art Dealers" are discussed , and there Is a bright article on "The Study of Negro Character , " with sketches by Miss Dee Bcebe. The Art Student will be especially Interested In the article on crayon drawing , drawing for reproduction also Illustrated. Flower painting , tapestry paintIng - Ing and China painting. For the Interior decorator "Tho House" offers a wonderfully effective and comfortable "Modern Dining Room , " and a "Rearrangement for a Back Parlor , " which Is charming In the extreme. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup can be depended on to euro tonsllltls or bronchitis , electrical Conoexulon. CHICAGO , Nov. 2. The Siemens & Halske Electric company of America Is considering a proposition from the Japanese government to form in Chicago a syndicate with a capl- tallzatlon of about $10,000,000 , to Install and operate all electric street car lines and incandescent lightning and electric power iplants which are to be established In the domain of the mikado , as another step In the modernizing movement In progress there. I The franchise to be granted Is to be ex clusive and would bo one of the most valu- able If not the moat valuable permits ever granted to one syndicate or corporation. It Is understood that the Elklns-Wldener syn- dlcate of Philadelphia will bo interested in the new company If It Is formed. To He Content unit Happy Uie "Gtrland" Stoves and Ranges. SOME REPUBLICAN NOMINEES II. A. I ) I ( in it r , ( Moo Count- . R. A Dltmar , the candidate In the float district composed of Otoo and Cess counties , Is | a resident of Nebraska City. Ho was born | In Germany , but removed to Williams- port ] , Pa. , In 1849 , where he attended the public ] schools until he was 13 jcars of age.U i that age , through the death of his parents | , he was thrown on his own resources and worked on n farm for four years for a very meager salary , He then returned to the i city and entered mercantile pursuits , and i later In the business of contractor. In that i capacity ho built several systems of water works and gas plants. After com pleting [ a contract to erect a gas plant In Parkersbunr , In 1893 , ho removed to Ne braska City nud took charge of the gas works in that place. It was at the Instance of the business element that ho consented to i bo a candidate for the legislature , and his long and upright career as a buslnes man Is a promising omen of his value as n legis lator. I Peter llrrlrtt , Jtilmintt County. In the Fifth representative district , a float composed of Nemaha and Johnson counties , the republicans have nomi nated Peter Bcrlott. Ho Is a na tive of Franco , where be was botu In 1841 ; came to this county with his par ents In 1855 and settled In Hancock county , Illinois. In 1S65 ho came to Nebraska and settled in Nemaha county on government land. Ho engaged In farming nud stock- ralslnc. In 1885 ho moved to Talmago and engaged in "banking , building up a business which ho sold In 1892 at an advance of 75 cents on the dollar of the original capital stock. He then removed to Johnson county and engaged In tbo banking business. Ho Is still extensively engaged In the stock-ralslnn business and has several farms In Nemaha and Johnson counties to which he devotes a considerable portion of his attention , and In which a largo portion of his money Is In vested. He still owns his original home , purchased when ho first came to the state. OcnrKe II. McOee , Antelope Comity. The republicans of Antelope county have renomlnatcd the present member of the lower house , George H. McGco. The county has had a normal populist majority of about 230 , and In fact cave the ponullst state ticket about that In 189G , but in spite of this Mr. McGee was elected by a small majority , and his good record In the legislature Is cal culatcd upon to secure hla re-election. He was born in Dubuque county , Iowa , In 1848 Ho was raised on n farm and his earlier edu cational facilities were those of the country school , but ho later attended Cornell col- egc. He taught school for a time , and later learned surveying. Ho settled in Antelope county In 1871 , the country at that time being very now. He located a claim near Clearwater , on which ho has since erected o grist mill which he still operates. He has been county survejor for ten years , and for ; wo years was chairman of the county board , He has always been a. republican. GcorRC L. Ilotmo , Antelope Comity. The republicans of Hall county have re nomlnatcd George I * Rouse for ono of the members of the lower house and W. A Prlnco for the other member. Mr. Prince Is n lawyer by profession. Ho was raised on a farm and all his relatives are farmers. He was born In Ashtnbula county , Ohio , where they do not grow anything but republicans At the age of 21 ho entered Hlllsdalo college and graduated from that Institution In 1880 Ho came from school to Neb aaka and studlci law with the firm of Harwood , Ames A Kel- Icy of Lincoln during the summer months and taught school during the winter. He was admitted to the bar In David City and removed to Grand Island , which has since been his home.Ho' rfs city attorney of Grand Island for two years and county at-1 torney for two years. IV. A. 1'rlnce , Hnll Comity. W. A. Prince , the other candidate from Hall county , was a member of the last house , and also of the preceding one. He resides on a farm near Alda. Like his run ning mate , ho Is a native of Ohio , having been born In Ottawa county in 1846. He en . tered Baldwin university when ho was 16 years of age and completed his education at t Oberlln college. On his graduation ho taught school for several years In Ohio and Illinois and then removed to Nebraska. He at once purchased a farm In Hall county and has ever Blnco been engaged In tilling the soil 1 and raising stock. He was for several years a member of the county board. During the session of the ihouso both four and tw o years ago he was one of the hardest working mem bers. Two jcars ago ho received 300 more votes than ho did the first time ho ran for the legislature , and his popularity , If any thing , Is still on the Increase. I'ctcr JnnHon , JefTeriton County. For member of the lower house the re publicans of Jefferson county have nomi nated one of the best known republicans In the state. Peter Janscn of Jansen. Mr. Jansen Is a native of Bcrdjansk , south Russia , where ho was born in 1852. Though a native of Russia his parents were Germans , his father being the German consul at that place for fifteen years. In that country where people are not even allowed to think Independently his family got into trouble of a political nature and was compelled to flee the country and seeking one In which they could have freedom they come to America. Mr. Jansen came to Nebraska In 1874 , set tled In Jefferson county and engaged In farming , devoting particular attention to sheep raising. Ho has been In that busi ness ever since and for several ) cars has been ono of thn most extensive sheep raisers In the state. He has always been n stalwart republican. Ho was a delegate to the na tional convention In 18S4 , which nominated Blalno and a delegatc-at-targo to the con vention In St. Louis In IMG , which nomi nated McKlnloy. Ho has never sought office of any kind. Wrmloy T. iVIloox , Lincoln Count ) . Wesley T. Wllcox Is the nominee for the lower house In the Fifty-fourth district , comprising the counties of Lincoln , Chey enne , Kleth , Perkins , Dfuel , Klmball , Ban- ncr , Scotts Bluff and McPhcrson. Ho was born -10 yean ago In Trumbull couuty , Ohio , In the Western Rieervo. Ho was reared on a farm and obtained his education In the common echoo ? and In the Western Reserve academy. F-rom there he went to the law department of the State University of Ohio , graduating In 1S82. Ho came to North Platte In April , 1SSG , which place has since been his home. Ho was elected county a- torney lu the fall of 1883. For six juars ending In January , 1S96 , he was a rivv partner - ner of Judge Grimes , and since that tlmo has been a member of the firm of Wlleox & Halllgan. In September , 1S98 , l > c was ap pointed b > the supreme court a member of the commission to examine f ppllcaute for admission to the bar of the Jtate. Jnmes WnllltiR , IlnuHoii County. In Dawson county the republicans have nominated James Walling for member of the loner house. Ho was born In Holland In 1842 , and with hla parents came to this country when a child. They first settled In New York , near Albany , whore his parents died while James was still a child. Ho found a homo on a farm , where ho was reared , and obtained his education In the common schools. Ho cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln for president , and In 1862 enlisted In the Ono Hundred and Forty- ninth New York. He went Into the army a private and came out a first lieutenant. Ho participated In many of the hardest fought battles of the war , staying with his regi ment until II was mustered out. After the war ho went to Kansas and later came to Nebraska. Ho settled In Cozad In 1SS6 , where ho still resides. He has held numer ous positions of trust , always with credit and fidelity , and Is very popular in the com munity in which he lives. .1. A. Price , Ilnonc Comity. The Boone county republicans have as their candidate for the lower house of the legislature J. A. Price of Albion. He Is a native of Ohio and Is 45 years of ago. He re ceived an academic education , and later graduated from the Cleveland law ochool In 1872. Ho taught school for several years In his native state and then removed to Ne braska and settled In Boona county , where he has resided for fifteen years , and during all that tlmo has been engaged In the prac tice of his profession. He has nlwajs been a republican. Ho has never held any office , except that of county attorney , to which ha has been elected three times on the republi can ticket , In spite of the fact that the county has given a populist majority for state and other county officers during each of those years. \V. II. I.elRli , NnekoIlK Comity. The candidate for the legislature from the Forty-third district , comprising Nuckolls county , Is W. H. Leigh , president of the Hardy bank , and well known In the business circles of that community. Mr. Leigh was born In 1844 , and Is a native of Now York. At the age of 10 he accompanied his family to Stcplienson county , Illinois , where he lived until 1870. In that wear Mr. Leigh left ! for the west with other hardy young pioneers neers and took up a homestead In Kansas , Just over the Nebraska line and only six miles from his present location. During the winter of 1880-81 Mr. Leigh was selected by the citizens of the community as their repre sentative In the Kansas legislature. At the end of his term Mr. Leigh moved over the line to Hardy , where he has built up a repu tation as ono of the leading men of that district. Mr. Leigh engaged In the war of the rebellion , serving In the Ono Hundred and Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry. Dr. .T. E. Hntliorn , Hod AVIIIow County. Dr. J. E. Hathorn of Hartley , Is candidate for the house from the Sixty-fifth district , Including Rod Willow county , and will rc- celve the support of the large circle of friends formed In his twelve > ears' practice of medicine in that vicinity. Dr. Hathorn Is a native of Maine , where he was born In 1845. At the ago of 17 Dr. Hathorn on- listed In the First Maine artillery and served until the close of the war. After the war he returned to his school work and graduated from the State seminary of Maine , later from the medical department of Bowdoln college , and after further study received the degree of Bachelor of Science. Dr. Hathorn took post graduate work at the Rush Medical college , Chicago , and hss ! carried off high honors In his profession. He practiced for twelve years In Bureau county , Illinois , and then moved to Nc- bra-ika. _ J. II. ClinmliorH , Montgomery Couuty. Thu choke of Burt and Washington county republicans for representative from the Thirteenth dlstrlt la J. H. Chambers of Herman. Mr. Chambers was born In I1II- nols and came to Nebraska In 1883 , where ho has since remained. He began life In the west as a laborer , working by the day , but later he opened a small store at Va- coma , Neb. , and did a good business for three years previous to his settlement at Herman. At Herman be became Identified The New Military Last- The -very Infest lu n woman's slioo cither In tun or bluck vlci kid winter weight with the new broad too the foot form shnpe with svviuc ; on the out- sld ( > Hniss eyelets nnd full military heel Invisible cork soles genuine welt A manlsh shoe with all the refined qualities so pleasing to the ladles Wo have priced this new shoo at only $4.00 which ought to add much to Its popu larity Usually a shoo of Its worth brings ? r > .00 even with us Ask to see this shoe We are here to show them. Drexel Shoe Co. , Omnun'a Dn-to-dute Shoe 1419 FARNA3I STREET. While This Weather Lasts- You should take tlmo to look at our Jewel Stove offerings When It gets cold we won't be able to keep up witty our orders besides our line of base burners is now complete In rrll sizes nnd styles-a handsome stove with just nlckle enough Wo price them at $20-l5 ! $ .tO-Ti : ! and .f JO and wo can refer you to over 500 now in UHO In Omaha Wo nlso sell the Jewel all steel range and Jewel cook stoves. stoves.A. A. RAYMER , WE DEUVEIl YOtHl PURCHASE. 1514 Famam St , I r YOU l\ : \ ! it Head a Sunday advertisement , entitled "Wonderful Dar- galns" about like this : $2U sideboards now $0.75. $24 bedroom suits now $13.58. $7 rockers now § IJ. M. $35 stoves now § 17.03 and so on. It must liavo occurred to you that this shopkeeper is a wonderful liar , if not worse. Would it bo safe for you to trade at such a place ? Could you rely on any statement made by such dealers ? We think not. ( | , If you don't like these methods of doing business don't care to be humbugged , if not worse , come to us. Wo don't do business that way. If you want a depend able and serviceable article at a reasonable price wo can supply you if you buy anything here that te not satis factory you can have your money back. Easy Weekly or monthly payments if you like-No extra charge. with the Plateau 1 > ank , and his affairs have since prospered until his Institution Is one of the pillars of the community. Mr. Cham bers has also engaged In farming and stock raisins near Tckamah , where ho owns 1,400 acres of land , all In cultivation. The place Is stocked with seventy thoroughbred cows and over 300 fine horses. J. S. White , WetiMor County. The candidate for representative of the re publicans of the Forty-fourth district Is J. S. Whlto of Red Cloud , Webster county. Mr White U a native of Illinois , the date of his birth being June 3 , 1845. He enlisted at the beginning of the civil war and was mustered out at Us close , In Brownsville , Tex. He removed to Iowa In 1869 , which ho made his home until 1S85. Since that time has has lived in Red Cloud and has been quite prom inent in the affairs of that neighborhood. In 1893 he was complimented by the republican nomination to the county treasuryshlp and wan elected by a good majority. In 1895 he was once moro nominated and was elected on this occasion by a majority of 433 , running ahead of the rest of the ticket by over 200 votes. Trnnlc I'nlnk , Snntulorn County. His associate on the ticket is Frank Polnk , a prominent farmer and business man of Prague. Mr. Polak came to Saunders county with his parents twenty-five years ago when lie was a boy of 10. Although his early life was spent on a fa-m , Mr. Polak was able to attend the public schools and received a good education. When the railroad was built through Saunders county and the town of Prague was Incorporated Mr Polak started a hardware and Implement business , nnd li'a ' energy and thrift broucht him th- same suc cess in that line tha ho hid wo as a fa m- . . Mr. Polak has been prominent In republican councils for many years , hut never held an office until he was appointed postmaster of [ 'raguo by the McKInley administration. C. It. Gtintnfftou , Suuiult-m Connlr. Saunders county , comprising the Twenty- seventh legislative district , will elect two members to the house , and for these po sitions the republicans have offered C. H Gustafson and Frank Polak. Mr. Gustaf- son was born of Swedish parentage In U69 , and represents the Intelligent and progres sive class of Americanized foreigners. Ho only cacaped being a native Nebraskan by a few months , as he came to Ashland , Neb. , from Illinois In 18C9 , the year of hlfl birth. He worked on the homestead of his father until 1893 , when he was married and moved upon an adjoining form In the same sec tion. He is still engaged as a farmer and has never been previously a candidate for office. II. P. HnrdlnK , Thnyr Couuty. The republican candidate for the legisla ture from the Thirty-fifth district , embrac ing Thayer county. Is H. P. Harding of Hebron. Mr. Harding has lived in Thayer county for twenty-nine years nnd Is per sonally known to a large proportion of the citizens. 111,1 father Is one of the pioneers of the west , as he removed to Iowa In 1851 , two jcars after the birth of his son In In diana In I860 the family became pioneers of Nebraska and settled In Thayer county. Mr. Harding has witnessed the growth ana assisted In the upbuilding of the county from the tlmo when lumber was hauled ICO miles for a homo and when It was fifty miles to a market. Wr. Harding Is the on ncr of a fine stock nnd fruit farm of ICO acres which ho has developed from the bare prairie. He uses the most advanced methods In promoting bin lands , and Is ono of the farmers ivho have made a marked success of alfalfa growing In Nebraska. G. W. CninlriKN , Mnillnnn County. The choice for representative of the re publicans of the Twenty-third district Is O. W. Cumlngs of Madison , Madison county. Mr. Cumlngs was born In Dane county , Wis consin , from which state ho enlisted as a drummer boy nt the ago of 13. Ho served In the Forty-ninth Wisconsin during ths four years of the war and upon receiving his d a- chaige removed to Fremont county , lOA'a. Ho engaged In the grain and mercantile busi ness there until 1891 , when ho went to Mad ison county , Nebraska , for his health. Dur ing the time since he has been engaged In farming and stock raising and has como to bo reckoned as one of the staunch repub licans of the community. Mr. Cumlngs wishes It understood that his Interests are those of the common people , with whom big tot has been largely cast. Chniiipngno is a rcstomtlvo If pure. Cook'o Imp-rlal Clnmpngne , extra dry , has a cen- tiny record for purity. PROSPECTORS ARE ENGULFED Californium * I.ONC Tlu-lr AVny mill Arc Siiall < M\iMl liy nil Alaskan VICTORIA. II. C. , Nov. 2. Frank J. Walker of Atlln City , who came down by the Fnralon enrouto to Chicago , brings tha report that a party of sevsn Callfornlana headed by A. F. Hnglehardt of Pasadena , fiom which locality all seven hailed , have perished. The casual ! ) occurred In a snamp between the new sold fields and the terminus of steam navigation from Bennett lake. lake.As As nearly as could be ascertained , the party lost the trail , and , wandering Into the quicksand forming the bed rf a dry creek , -were engulfed. A searching party was sent from Atlln City to Investigate. For broken snrM" s , sores insect bites , burns , skin diseases , and especially iillrs , there Is one reliable retredy , DeWltt's Witch Hazel Palvc. When you call for DoWltf * don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will not be disappointed with Uo\Vltt' Wltcli Hazel Salve And the Gold Medal Here The Klmbnll piano Is always carrying away the prizes wherever exhibited At the Omaha Imposition Just closed this famous Instrument BO sweet of tone and delicate of touch was awarded the highest honors the "Ciold Medal" and we feel Justly proud of being the Ne braska representatives We buy these In such quantities that you pay no moro and In many cases a great deal less for a Klmball than any other piano ou the market Wo make very easy terms If desired. A. HOSPE , nfl fin 1513 Douglas Here You Are The Karonn camera the greatest lilt of the year the camera has single aero- nmtlc lenses of the finest quality bran uew Gunlach shutter Is pneumatic with Iris dlophragm-tline , bulb and Instantaneous - stantaneous movement and speed regulator later two try pod sockets ground glasi screen telescopic bed mahogany wood covered with best grade of leather- takes a picture 4x5 In size Complete with carrying case only $10.00. TheAloe&PenfoldCo Amntvar Photo 9 p - Joule. 1401 F rn m Street. Oneo.lt * raxton HoUL