Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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General Banger Testifies Regarding Tronblt
b Securing Supplies.
No Senrrlly of I'ooil or ClotlilnM
Wliloh Could Ilnvr Council 1 1m
n ( iriM-rnl Itrooler Did
the llcnt He Coulil.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , Nov. 2. The first wit
ness before the War Investigating commis
sion today was General Joseph 1' . SanRcr ,
who has had command of the Third Olvlslon
Ho said the Second dlvUlon camp at Chlctta-
mauga waa badly located , being In rock }
ground where sinks could not bo deeply dug ,
When asked why the Quartermaster s de
partment could not furnish articles nccca-
ary for supplying the army. General Sangei
Bald : "The complex system of furnishing
supplies to our nrmy Is nt fault. H thcr < <
was one department to oupplv all wants ol
the army there would > .e no clashes , and
these complications tould not arise ,
"At Chlckanmuga the control of my Olvl-
Ion hospital was taken from me and taken
by the chief surgeon of the corps. ' '
The general went Into a discussion en the
complex system of our war regulations , tak
ing away of regimental Burgeons and the
mismanagement which led un to the over
crowding of the * division hospital and the
great spread of typhoid. General Sangei
eald ho consldurod the weak joint In Camp
Thomao was Its ba1 sanitary condition. The
men had ptentv of clothing nnd had rleuty
to cat. It was In a bed tanlury condition.
There were over 110 licensed hucksters who
visited Camp Thomas. Much lemonade wan
sold. "I believe General Brooke tried to
do all ho could to bring the camp lo a gooo
ranltary condition , but he was surrounded
by a racdl-al l < oanl which did not appteuUtc
the serloun londlMan of affairs.
"Dr. Huldekopcr especially thought Dr ,
Griffith was unnecessarily alarmed. Dr ,
Griffith Insists that a case diagnosed aa
typhoid malaria fever was In reality typhoid
fever. He examined Chlckamauca creek
where the Intake was located. An cnglncci
officer examined It and pronounced It bad. "
When asked whether high medical offlcen
at Chlckamauga paid close attention to tholi
duties General Sangcr said : "I don't know
about others , but sow a great deal of Dr ,
Huldekopor , who came through our division
frequently. "
General Sanger thought Chlckamaugo
would have been a healthy place for a camr
had the proper precautions been taken ant !
pure water furnished.
After General Sanger , Colonel E. A. God.
win , Seventh Immuncs , was called. Ho de
clared ho ho.d no trouble In securing wha1
wac needed. Only one other witness was ex.
nmlncd here , Major Cruse , quartermastei
At Camp Hamilton.
I.enven for Chlckniiinnftn.
The commission finished Its work here to
day and left at 2:5D : o'clock this afternoon
over the Queen & Crescent railway for Cin
cinnati. The members of tbo commission
express themselves as highly pleased with
what they accomplished here. They alsc
compliment highly the condition of things
they found at Camp Hamilton.
The members of the , commission who were
In Lexington were General Granvlllo M ,
Dodge , chairman ; JColoncl Scx'toti and Dr ,
Yesterday a corhralttco of .prominent icltl-
* eha of .Lexington , vlu'fcudlngV ( Mayor ; 6lmrall
nnd" exLfeutena'h'GqYernor.'AlfordT ! ' $ vehl
" to "tfco'pYif. , ? wlth.iH)6"pres'idonl )
.fcce- noe'.ihort.Is . f.qr-K.retciitlor
nf at/lWpT hire"clo ' -
, grams received' today say that the t'roopa
must leave for the eoutherri camps , , but that
Secretary Algec has promfsed that they will
t be brought to Lexington In the spring tc
recuperate after they have seen service In
Cuba. Porto Rico nnd the Philippines. The
president promised the committee that he
will probably visit Lexington when ho goes
homo to vote.
Generals Sanger. WHey and Andrews
have returned from Georgia , where they se
lected camp sites for the troops now here ,
All ot them report favorably on the southern
General Wilson Informs the Associated
Prosa that the movement from Lexington
will not begin for ten days or more , not
until -.after payday , anyhow.
Lack of Order In Movement.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The war Inves
tigating commission held a session here to-
da/ for the purpose of hearing the testi
mony of Major Henry Romeyno , a retired
army officer. He said ho had asked at the
beginning of the war for a military assign
ment to go to the front In tijs capacity as
an officer , but It was refused and he then
went as a correspondent of n weekljr news
paper. His testimony covered the embark
ation of troops at Port Tampa and the cam
paign In Cuba. He said that when ho went
to Port Tampa the bank of the cauaj thert
was covered with troops. Ho had wanted
to go over with the Tenth Infantry , which
was his old regiment , b'ut no one could tell
him where the regiment was to bo found ,
He asked a staff officer and several othere
for this Information , but no ono knew where
nny particular troops were to embark ,
There was great confusion as a consequence
nnd a part of a command would go on one
vessel ami part. ° n another , and the com
mands were In some cases separated frora
their stores. He had Been no order for tut
systematic embarkation of the troopj and
ho had heard It said that they were told tc
go aboard helter-skelter.
When asked Jo express an opinion ae tc
* the preparation for the embarkation the
witness hesitated , saying that to do so would
involve criticism ot his superiors. The com
missioners Insisted upon a reply and Major
Romeyne replied' that ho did not think the
preparation was such as It should have been ,
"There was , " he said , "a lack of eurf boats
and also of order , and of preparation foi
landing. When -the landing was undertaken
the troops left the ships Indiscriminately
parts going at one , tlmo and other parts al
By Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"I have been a sufferer with dyspepsia.
I could not cat anything without distress.
I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla aud
after the use ot a few bottles ot this med
icine I nm able to cat anything I wl h and
my food does not distress me. Hood's
BareaparlUa has purified my blood and I
believe it to bo tbo bctt of medicines. I
have felt better In every way since taking
It. " EVA CHAIQ , Fort Bcott , Kansas.
"After trying nusy prescriptions for
dyspepsia without benefit I got a bottle
of Hood's Sarsaparllla and tonnd it gave
me great relief. I continued taking it
until I was cured. " Mns , SARAH CABIJJ ,
Dnrachon , Kansas.
If you have decided to take Hood's Sar-
do not buy any other instead.
eaparilla * * v * - *
Sars ? "
Hood parilla
Ii the One True Iloot ! ! Purifier All druggist * .
1'rlco. $ l ; Utor$5. Oetomy Hood's.
_ the best after-dinner
M ,11 r ni are
nOOU'S FillS niiu , aid dlgeiUon. S&e.
other tlmec. " Ho told of the efforts tc
tow two lighten ) over to Cuba , but said thai
one was lent and It was the general Im
pression that It was lot on purpose- be
cause It retarded the progress of the fleet.
In response to n question from General
McCook , Major Romcyne said that while II
was dlfflcult to land anything , ambulance :
and wagons could have been landed as eosllj
as the artillery. He had BCCII only one ambulance -
bulanco at the front at the battle of El
Cancy and It was cot used for convoying
the wounded to the rear.
IIiilloou lit Ilenil of Column.
Speaking of other Incidents of this
he said there was general surprise that at
Inflated balloon had been carried at the heai
of the attacking column , thus giving tin
Spaniards the rxact location of the troops
but ho did not know at whose orders thli
had been done. He said the town of Bl
toncy vas without exception the dirties
place ho had ever seen In his life , and thane
no effort was made to clean It up before tin
favcr broke out. There was a deficiency o
proper food at the fever hospitals and thi
cooking was generally pcor. Anyone li
this hospital was llableto contract yellov
fever. He had been a patient In the hosplti
and said there had been no neglect of pa
ttcnts by the medical attendants at this hos
pltal or at the hospitals for the wounded
Ho had known surgeons In the latter hos
pltals to work alxty hours without cessation
"Why did they not have more surgeons ? '
asked Colonel Denby.
The witness said ho could not answer.
Major Rome ) no said ho had como north ai
a convalescent with many other convales
cents on the transport Concha , and he criti
cized the provisioning of the vessel In seven
terms. Many of the men were compelled t <
sleep on board bunks without blankets 01
pillows , and with no covering at night ex
cept the cotton uniform which they won
during the day. "Tho water was offensive
to both sight and smell" ho said , and th (
food was poor and scanty , none being pro-
vlded especially for convalescents. Thi
meat was canned and Inferior , and mucl
of the baidtack moulded. He also statci
that there was only one physician on bean
the vessel and thnt ho was n convalescent
Six men had died on the way up and Majoi
Romeyno expressed the opinion , In responSi
to a question from Captain He-well tha
with proper attention and good food tin
lives of at least eome of 'those ' men wouli
have been saved. Ho said , he was unablt
to place the responsibility for the neglect
but that the captain of the vessel had statec
that when ho made application to go t <
Jamaica for fresh food and water berori
starting on the voyage from Santiago , thi
request waa refused.
General Wilson , ex-Governor Beaver ant
Captain Howcll go to Camp Meade toraorrov
for the purpose of Inspecting that camp.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2.-General G. M
Dodge , Colonel James A. Sextou uud Dr. P
S. O'Connor of the War Investigation com
mission returned tonight from Lexington
It happened this was the evening for th <
meeting of the Ohio commaudery of thi
m.lltary order ot the Loyal Legion , of whlcl
order these commissioners are members
They , spent the evening as guests of thi
commandery. They began their labors her
by a visit to Fort Thomas and will subse
quently examine witnesses at the Gram
General firnlmm Graven Mcnilc.
CAMP MEADE , Mlddletown , Pa. , Nov. 2.-
Major General Graham was formally re
lleved today of command of the Secom
corps by Major General Young of the Firs
division. The order relieving 'General Gra
ham came this mornrrig nnd was a surprise
as It was thought he was to.remain will
his corps until the troo'psi were fully cstab
lished fn the' The general has. beei
rarix'lbus (6 go ' 16 'Cuba and'no one * dot b'te <
that ho would ttfo hut jUnder tha order
I relieving ilm. aene'ral uoR'.will carryi'qu
the' arrangements 1made"byl'0 * > neral Graham
Colored Virginia Soldier * Mutiny lie
cniiHc Nine White Olllccrn Arc
rincvil In Coiumnitil ,
CAMP POLAND , Knoxvllle , Tenn. , Oct. 2
The camp of the Sixth Virginia , colored
regiment was this morning the scene of i
mutiny. The trouble waa caused by sovera
companies refusing to obey commands o
orders Issued by the nine white officers whi
were recently assigned to the regiment b ;
Governor Tyler of Virginia. The ofllcer
were assigned to the various companies i
few days ago and there has existed durlnj
that tlmo a feeling of discontent with B-nn
of the negroes who preferred to bo com
maudcd by oincera of < helr own rac6 , Thi
feeling has gron'n until It evidenced Itsel
this morning In a positive declaratloi
against the white officers.
The regiment was called for drill at thi
usual hour and the white officers assumec
command. The negroes refused to executi
the drills and when pressed for an ex-
planatlon It was announced that the presence
enco of the white officers was the cause
Colonel Croxton stated very emphatically
that a continuation ot this revolt wouli
mean rigid enforcement of the dlsclpllm
covering such cases , oven to the executloi
of the allowable death penalty.
The Michigan and Ohio regiments whlel
had appeared upon the scene In double-quid
time and which were armed for battle , Ii
anticipation of an outbreak on the drll
ground , were ordered back to camp. Thi
negroes agreed to send their complaints t <
the governor through the military channel !
and In the meantime to obey their whlti
officers. It is not believed here that tin
white officers will bo removed , because It Ii
a fact that the negro officers who precedei
them resigned on account of lucompetoncy.
Aliniulonvtl VOMHC ! on Fire.
BOSTON. Nov. 2. Pilot Smith of the pllo
beat Hesper No. B reports sighting , eight ]
miles east by south of Boston light , las
Sunday n burning vessel , which dUappeam
beneath the waves as the nllot boat wai
bearlns down upon It to rescue the crew
should any rf them happen to bo on board
There were no signs of life about the vessel
There Is little doubt that the vessel seel
was the two-masted schroner James E
Woodhouse. Captain Newman , from Hills
boro. N. B. , for New York , which sprang i
leak and whoso crew was rescued am
lauded at New York today by the schoonei
Klccta Bailey.
SuiiiinniiH WiiunmnUer for Slniiiler.
PITTSBURO. Nov. 2. Hon. John Wana >
maker , who Is making a tour of Bcavei
county today , speaking at Rochester , Nev
Brighton and Ueaver Falls , was served will
summons of trespass In slander when h
stepped from the train at Rochester. Tin
Plaintiff is Thomas M , Robinson , former ! )
state printer at Harrlsburg. Mr. Wana
maker recently criticised his management cl
the state printing office. The sumr-ons li
returnable thfc first Monday of December.
Grain NlilimientH on Erie Cnnnl.
BUFFALO. N. Y. . Nov. 2. Shipments r-
grain by the Erie canal from the opening o
navlgatlsn to date total 20,844,783 bushels , a
against 21,940,180 buehela lust year aud 32.
H6.3S5 bushels In 1856. There has been n
shipment of flour so far this season. Las
year 1B.414 barrels were carried and in 1891
62,050 barrels.
I.nut of WlllliiuiN ( Junu Arrcnteil.
VINITA. I. T. . Nov. 2. Paul Andrews
who killed Bill Nave over a year ago , nai
, lxtn captured after a hard fight with mar
shals. He will bo taken to tall at Muskogee
Andrews was Injured gerlrusly while resist-
Ing. Ho was once leader of the Wllllarai
gang of outlaws , all of whom save ho havt
been killed In reilstliiK arrest.
Atliintii'n I'eiu-e Jubilee.
ATLANTA. Ga. , Nov. 2. The cltlzeni
having In charge the arrangements for At
Unta's peace jubilee have decided upon De
cember 14 and 15 for the big event. Prosl
dent McKlnley has signified his Intention o
bclns present.
Over Torty Deatta from Teyor nt Cavl' <
During lit nth of September.
Typhoid Fever Develoiii to n Serloni
nt Manila mill
Ilnnilreil Men Arc Unfit
for 1)11(5- .
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. The Asso
clattd Press has received the following ; correspondence
respondenco from Manila :
The health of the troops hero nt present ii
far from being good , notwithstanding thi
statements of the medical department to thi
contrary. At Cavlte the conditions are ver ;
bad. There have been forty death :
there since September 1 , mostly fron
typhoid fever. One-third of the officers o
the Montana volunteer regiment are on tin
nick Hit , Including the colonel and llcutcn
ant colonel , who arc unfit for duty.
lu ono battery nlono over 76 per cent o
the men stationed there have been on tin
sick list within a month , the officers belni
affected as well as the prlvaten. The hos
pltal accommodations there arn Inadequate
The supply of medicines was exhausted a
ono time and for days there was nathlni
mcdleiiially to administer to ( he patients
The place Is unhealthy at best. The mci
are quartered on ground lloors where It 1
damp and In this country especially tha
sort of thing Is conducive to Illness. Man ;
of the men worked themselves 111 during th' '
process of cleaning Cavlte , but now sanl
tary conditions nro being looked after am
an Improved health record will doubtles
In Manila the condition ! * are better. Tin
men are fairly well quartered and are belui
given better accommodation nu fast as pos
slblo and It will not now bo long before al
reason for complaint will have passed. Mucl
of the sickness of the past can be traced ti
the overcrowding of the men while prope
quarters were being prepared. Malaria I
the most common of the diseases among thi
troops. A malarial condition Is the nuturn
result ot the climate and sanitary condl
tlous which prevail.
Typhoid fever was also developed to :
serious degree. The average number of slcl
In the hospitals , In addition to the numbei
of men relieved from duty by order of th (
physicians , Is 800. The now cases rep ortci
to the hospitals dally average about forty.
There have been twelve cases of small
pox among thq soldiers EO far , six of whlcl
have proven fatal. The regimental physl ,
clans have advised the whitewashing ot tht
soldiers' quarters and the liberal use of cor
rosive sublimate , but thcro la not sufflclcni
lime or corrosive sublimate , or even a BOCK
substitute , to be had. Smallpox la always
prevalent among the natives , many havlnf
It as children. The doctors are doing every
thing possible to confine It among the no.-
lives. No cases have been reported In thi
last five daj-n. The hospitals , which In thi
pant have been nothing more than death ,
traps , are being put Into sanitary condition
They are abundantly supplied with food ant
medicines are now obtainable at a moment
notice. The Red Cioss has been greatl ;
mismanaged and gives little assistance.
Colonel Llpplncott has steadily refused ti
give out any Information to the press iron
, hls office up to today and only then , througl
gi'iieial orders. Colonel Llpplncott said
"With cooler weather a radical Improvcmen
Is looked for. " * . >
1 - > i' ' " . ' n < i.t - \ ,
J. - . . .ti -it /a
Show n Hi-uvy Increase In Spite it
" llcdiipoil Utttlcii. ' '
NEW YORK , Nov. 2. A dispatch to thi
Herald from Santiago do Cuba says : Walte
A. Donaldson , collector of customs , has lllci
an exhaustive report of the organization
conduct nnd the results of the customs In thi
province ot Santiago , with recommendation
for the betterment of the service. The re
port embraces the statement of the condltloi
of afl'airs In Santiago , Guantanamo ant
Baracao for September , with the aggregati
figures for October In Santiago , Guantanarai
and Manzanlllo. Glbara is not reported
but Colonel Hood reports satlsfactor :
progress there. The organization at presen
shows the employment of forty men In San
tlago , consisting of the collector , two depU'
'ties and clerks , guards and boatmen. Ii
Guantanamo there are ton men whoso sala
rics aggregate $5,000. In Baracao there an
seven employes , with salaries aggregating
$32,000. The number of men employed It
Manzanlllo and Glbara are not reported.
The report shows receipts from all sourcec
of customs In October to be $44,227 , ah In
crease of more than $9,000 over last year
In Santiago alone , despite the greatly re-
djiccd tariff charges. To this add $107,732
bought over from August , and It shows t
great Increase In customs under the present
eyetem , though with a reduced tariff. II
Is shown by the figures for October that th (
receipts for Santiago , In round numbers , art
$01,000 ; for Guantanamo , $ j,30U ; for Man
zanlllo , $3,300 ; a total of $ C9.COO.
Mr. Donaldson recommends Improvements
of the service at all ports , especially al
Guautanamo , such as suitable buildings , o
revenue cutter and steam launch , Othei
recommendations are that there be an oath ol
office for all employes ; the free admission ol
cattle aud fresh meats , : he present price be
ing practically prohibitive ; a. reduction froir
19 cents to 8 cents per gallon on petroleum
a harbor Improvement tax In Santiago , to Ix
made applicable to the support and reestablishment
lishment of the board ot harbor improve
ment , with an army engineer and the use ol
customs Btampa , by which It Is estimated
there would be an additional Income of $10C-
000 annually. The recommendations wl |
probably bo favorably received by Genera
Quartermasters nnd commissaries as
signed to the different districts of the prov
ince by the heads of those departments Ir
Washington to supply the troops under command -
mand of the governor of the province , I
was decided 1 General Wood today canno
act without his authority. General Woot
was Informed that at Glbara and Man-
zaulllo volunteer captains and quarlermas
tern had landed to take charge of the Hoi
guln and Manzanlllo dlstrlts , garrisoned b ]
Colonels Pcttlt and Hood , without reportlnt
here , evidently acting under orders fron
their respective departments. Genera
Wood Instructed Adjutant General Beacon t (
order Colonels Pettlt aud Hood to make thel
requisitions for supplies to department head'
quarters , Ignoring the quartermasters n
I'nttery fioeii to Manlln.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The War depart
ment has ordered tbo muster out "of thi
Twenty-second New York regiment , Colone
Franklin Bartlctt , member ot congress , coin
mandlng. The regiment is now at Fort Slo <
The department has substituted the Wy
oming battery for the Utah battery , In mak
ing designation of troops to go to Manila.
ITiitea Anniiinen ronininiiil.
KNOXVILLE , Tenn , Nov. 2. Major Gen
cral J. C. Bates and Major John A. Logan o
his staff arrived hero toil ay. Five of thi
seven regiments at 'Camp Polant
will be under command ot Gen
eral Bates when be takes chargi
of the First division , First corpj , at Macon
under the reorganization. General Bates I ;
Inspecting the regiments.
ChiifTee TnUeN UN \ < MV Commniiil.
HUNTSVILLE , Ala. , Nov. 2. Major Gen
eral Cbaffee hai assumed command ot tbi
First division , Fourth corpi , with quarter
east of Huntirllle. A squitdron of ( he Fifth
cavalry will go to Savannah Thursday int
embark for Porto Rico. Lieutenant Colone
Whtlcsldp ot thft Fifth cavalry was promotei
to n colonelcy , and 1 * In command of tin
Tenth cavalry.
Jtnut no I'nnctnrril or I'linlnheil.
2. The men of the Fifteenth Minnesota re
futed to bo vaccinated and General Graham
has baued an order directing the surgeons
to begin vaccinating at once. If the men
again tcfuse they will bo punished.
Conumnj- Which Ilnn Ileen lit Worh
on SimttlNli Shlim to He Ilc-
lleveil from Service.
NEW YORK , Nov. 2. A dispatch fron
Washington says : The Navy departmen
has practically decided to abandon wrecking
operations under existing contracts on thi
Spanish cruisers Cristobal Colon , Vlzcays
and Almlranto , Oquendo , near Santiago
which have become onerously expensive tc
the government , anil to approve the recom <
i mendatlons , In part a least , of Naval Con-
I structor Hobson. and other officers who havi
' been superintending the work ot resculnj
these vessels. The department has rcachei
, the conclusion thai the Vlzcaya and thi
j Almlrante Oquendo will probably never bi
t rescued and the Cristobal Colon , If savet
at all , will not be- brought to the Unltet
States by the Mcrrllt & Chapman Wreck-
f ing company of New York , which has beci
working on this Vessel under the special
contract Involving the payment of $829.25 i
day sinceJiily 29 without visibly Improvlni
the chances ol that vessel's salvage.
The department will send n cable dlspatcl
to Captain Colby M. Chester , senior nava !
officer on the south coast of Cuba , directing
him to concentrate Iho wrecklns work foi
the prcs'cnt altogether on the Retna Mer
cedes , which Is submerged In still watei
and capable ot 'ready raising.
Captain Cheater will also , In all proba
bility. be directed to proceed at once t <
destroy the collier Merrlmac , utilizing foi
this purpose the naval vessels under hli
command and their explosives , this plan be
ing calculated to relieve the government o ;
additional expense and at the same tlnu
giving naval men desirable practice In conn-
termlnlug and the removal of channel ob
structions. Naval officials have not ex
pressed any particular dissatisfaction will
the work of the Merrill & Chapman WreckIng -
Ing company , which has received $1,600 t
day for more than 'three months at Santi
ago , but the experts nro thoroughly ngrc-ec
that little more can bo accomplished be
yond the raising of the Mercedes with th <
present -plant at Santiago. This decision ha-
been Influenced to some extent by the ar
rival In Washington of representatives of i
great Swedish wrecking corporation whlcf
succeeded in rescuing the British battleshlf
Howe from a condition comparative wltl
that of the Cristobal Colon , and which polnti
to a record of over BOO ships which It hai
extricated from more or les& serious po-
sltlonz , nearly all ot them being submergct
at considerable ! deptbsi This company , 1
appears , is not only confident of its ability
to bring the Cristobal Colon and the othci
Spanish vessels to the United States , but Is
ready to guarantee the delivery of the Malm
'In the big dry "dock at the New York navi
yard. The Swedish wreckers propose to taki
all the risks' ot 'failure without expense t <
the government . , and to rely , If they succeed
for compensalrdnawhoily on arbitration.
U vtiwj. - - -i-f n
Governor4 Wot" * , UlNco'ver - n 'Trail * .
port fAhoH-o/Snll UnntteU to
. Solillern. ' \
SANTIAGO..KOV. 2. rjo 'united state
transport , Port Vilctor , was to have left to
day at noon for , , the United States with i
number of sick officers and men. For
tunately , just before the hour -fixed for It
departure , General Wood , military governo
of the Department of Santiago , went 01
board. To his amazement , ho found no pro
visions specially suitable to sick persons , ai
entire lack of delicacies and an Insufficient
of medical supplies.
General Wood .declares that hereafter hi
will pay a personal visit to every transpor
before It leaves the harbor. He thinks I
very strange that , after all. the expcrlenci
had here In this line , the medical depart
ment Is not able to manage Its affairs bette ;
and that the personal supervision of thi
commanding general should bo necessary.
Calm to Huvo ThuiikNKlvlnir liny.
SANTIAGO. Nov. 2. General Wood Is preparing
paring a Thanksgiving proclamation , belnf
-f the opinion that the Cubans ought te
glvo thanks for the blessings they have re
ceived. The Americans want to keep tu <
day In old-fashioned style and are writing
to their friends in the north to send or
The customs bouse receipts nt the ports
In the military department of Santiago foi
the month of October aggregated nearl )
DETROIT , Mich. , Nov. 2. Governor Pin
greo tonight denied an application by Gov
ernor Tanner of Illinois , for the extradltior
cf Rufus Johnson , a Detroit colored man
wanted In Chicago on the charge of forglnf
and uttering counterfeit steamer tickets
Governor Plngreo's denial cf the nppllcatloi
was because the charge against Johnsot
specified the commission of the offense at i
time when the latter was In Jail In Detroit.
Inillnn Tronhlen
SALT LAKE , Utah. . Nov. 2. A ppeclol ti
the Tribune from Price , Utah , says : Thi
reports from Denver and other points todaj
concerning Indian troubles In western Colorado
rado and northeaster Utah nro at great varl
unco with facts In the case. Your corre
spondent can state upon reliable authorlt :
that only a few Indians have left the resor
vatlon at all and these- only for a qule
In making
The Delicious Pood.
Into Grnpe SnKnr ni Nntnrc.
Does It.
Starch ( a Carbo-hydrate ) is pasted oui
of the stomach into the duodenum or ceconi' '
stomach and there treated by the pancre
atic juices , when In time a microscopic
fungi Is grown from a part of the grain
( if that , has been eaten , ) and these element *
with moisture , heat and time , transform the
starch , Into grape-sugar , which Is the flrsl
act of digestion.
The processes 'are duplicated In an arti
ficial or mechanical way In the manufac
ture'of Grape-Nuts , the new breakfast food
made by the I'oatum Cereal Co. , Llm , . 01
.Battlo Creek , Mich.
In this food one finds the delicate sv.-cel
taste of grape-sugar and when eaten It wll
bo found to quickly digest and fatten anil
atrenstben the entire body.
\nv > - IK'tinrttiieiit CnimlilorM
lilllty nf Iiii-rcMNlnjj Hire front
UTOO Ton * toIOOO Tnim.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The Navy dc
partmcnt Is considering the advisability o
modifying the plans for the four new harl o
monitors by Increasing their size from 2,701
tons to 4,000 tons , enabling them to earn
four 12-Inch guns In two turrets Insteat
of only two guns In one turret. Lewis Nixon
one of the successful bIJdern for bulldlnf
the monitors , was at the Navy dcpnrtmcn
toJay In consultation with Secretary Low
on the subject , which was later In the da ;
considered by the board of bureau chiefs.
AiiNiirniiccn ( lint KM Action * Wilt No
IU AntnKitiilNtlc to Our roller.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. President Masi
of the provisional Cuban government hai
cabled from Santa Cruz del Sur to Seno
Quesada , secretary of the Cuban dclegatloi
here , saying : "Assembly has not yet me
owing to the absence of quorum. "
This was called out bv an Inquiry b ;
Scnor Quesadn for reports coming by way o
Santiago , representing the Cuban asscmbl ;
as In session nt Santa Cruz del Sur and en
gaged In Important questions relating to th
future of the Island , the disarmament of th <
Cuban nrmy and extent of co-operation o
former Insurgent forces aud the Unltci
States army.
Senor Quosada was considerably surprise !
at these reports as ho was likely to be not !
fled of the convening of the Cuban nsscm
bly , particularly ns he has been choseti :
member of the assembly representing on
of the districts of the Important province o
Puerto Principe. Ho accordingly telegraphs
President Maeo for Information and thi
foregoing answer was received.
There nro evidences that President McKln
ley and his cabinet have assurances that tin
action of the Cuban provisional governmen
will not be antagonistic to the policy a
Washington , but rather In sympathy will
the execution of that policy. Speaking o
the Cuban assembly Senor Qucsada said :
"It Is only the llrst step toward a rcgula :
and constitutional form of government ; am
it will glvo way later to an assembly trul ;
representative of all the people of Cuba. I'o
tha present President Mnso has called to
gethcr this provisional body , which Is neces
sarlly crude because of the unsettled condl
tlon of affairs In Cuba. It Is , however , no
a military assembly , only eight or ten ou
of a membership of forty-eight being fron
the military ranks. The others are fron
civil life doctors , lawyers and planters-
and represent the best elements In the com
raunlty. This assembly will not form a con
stltutlon but will provide for a constltu
tlonal convention which will toke up thi
Important work of framing a constltulloi
and establishing a permanent govcrumcn
for the Island. With this program In vlev
It Is hardly expected that the question o
annexing Cuba to the United States wil
assume large proportions for the present.
Marino Hoxpltnl Sei-rlce linn MUli
Fenr of Spread of the 1'lnfjiif.
WASHINQTON. Nov. 2. The Marino hos
pltal service has recslved through the Slat
department a dispatch from United State
Consul General Hurst at Vienna , statlni
that three deaths have occurred there fron
bubonic plague and that there are no\
six cases In the entire city and these ar
all hospital attendants. Mr. Hurst add
that the Infection of emigrants Is Imp rob
able. Dr. Wyman , surgeon general of th
Marino hospital service , says that no un
ubUal delays to the landing at New 'York o
emigrants 'from ' Austria-Hungary are con
itmplated. tThd .consuls at the 'ports of dc
purture will examine each emigrant befor
bo Is allowed to go aboard ship and if h
comes from the Infected district his bag
gage will bo disinfected and every otlie
precaution taken to prevent the spread o
the disease. In no case will on emlgran
bo allowed to proceed If there Is any rcasoi
to believe that he has been In contact wltl
the Infection. Dr. Wyman Is of the oplnloi
that there Is little or no danger of th
plague being brought to this countr ;
through emigrants or otherwise.
Survivor * of Civil War Reinrinlicrc <
by the Govrrniiirnt.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) Pen
eloris have been granted to the following :
IBHUO of October 21 :
Nebraska- Original Samuel F. Colhj
Blue Springs , $ G ; William Jameson , Weep
Ing Water , 6. Additional Stephen Will
cock , Stockham , $4 to $8. Original widows
etc. Emma Van Cleave , Plattsmoutli. ? 8.
Iowa : Original Samuel H. Aton , Garde ;
Grove , $12 ; Robert G. Turbot. Alnsworth , $ C
Hmanuel P. Trlslor , Gloinvood. Jfi ; Hlrnr
Adams , Wall Lake , $8' HenrDonaldson
Corwlth , $6. Additional Thomas Flc'rlus
Montezuma , $ G to $10 ; ( special. October ! l
Jacob Harr , lllverelde. ? S to f2. Renew a
and Reissue Jonathan C. Beadn , Wllto :
Junction , { 8 ; Moses Edwards , Albl.i. ? 6. in
crease Harvey Enyart. EMon ti5 to $8
Joseph B. Downer , Muscatlne , | 6 to $ S.
South Dakota : Original Charles rounds
ford , Hot Springs , $6.
Colorado : Original John A. Sklnaei
Boulder , $6 ; William S. Sbeek. Mancos. Jij
Lewis Hahn , Trinidad , $6. Original widow
etc. Mlanda A , Kldder. Grprley. JS.
Wyoming : Original Joseph J. Hauphofi
Badger , $8.
Home IloillfH of Demi.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The followln
cable has been received at the War depart
ment :
SANTIAGO , Nov. 2. Adjutant General
Washington : Transport Panama sailed yesterday
torday with remains of the following named
Captain William M. Dickinson , Llcutenan
Dennis M. Mitchle. Seventeenth infantry
[ Lieutenant Thomas A. Wansboro , Sovont
I Infantry ; Sergeant M. O. Russell , First vol
untecr cavalry ; Privates Fred B. Tnft. Slla
Undorgraves , Junior W. Hakenson , Harve
Randall , W. S. Greene , J. C. King , Secon
Massaehu ictts volunteer Infantry ; C. C. Cull
man , Thirty-fourth Michigan volunteer In
fantry ; Privates A. Gelsman , Sidney A
Schofleld , Seventy-first New York volunteers
Private John Nloden , First Illinois voluntee
Infantry ; James W. Wheeler , Second Massa
chusetts volunteer Infantry ,
WOOD , Commander.
1'ofltiiiiiNtiTn Appointed.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The prcslden
has appointed the following postmaitors :
Arizona Wlnsl6w , Julia Mohoney , Illinois
Foreston , J. M. Myers ; Lebanon , J. C
London ; Nunda , Albert S. Carl. India !
Territory , Durant , Amelia. C. Butler ; Vln
ton , Joseph H. Butler. Iowa , Dyeart , Johi
, Kullmar , jr. ; Ida Grove , Anna Burns
Madrid , George A. Young ; Remsen , Mosei
I ) . Moslcr. Nebraska , Osceola , Henry H
Campbell. South Dakota , Alexandria , Johi
Dobson. Wyoming , Lander , James A , Me
I'OrtO IllCO'X I'OMtlll
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The Porto Rlcai
postal commission Is at work framing It :
report on the postal wcrks on the Island
They will suggest the retention of the posta
service now In operation , to be under tin
direct charge of a superintendent of malls
pending legislation that may bo enacted ot
the subject at the next sf-salon of congress
I'rrtnluiiiK 10 I'cmtofllccii.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The postofilco at Rochester , Boyi
county , Nebraska , Is discontinued ; mall tc
go to Spencer.
J , C , Ilonnall has been appointed post'
master at Nlleavlllc , Flpyd county , Iowa.
The postmaster general today authorizes
the postmaster at Omaha to continue the
service to the exposition two weeks longer
I.IMV Wiilt-r SOIM ( | Nut luiitloti.
KINGSTON , OnL. Nov. 2. Owing to the
Insurance companies refusing to * accept
risks the Atlantic Transport company have
notified the Connelly Wrecking company
not to take any of their barge * down the
rapids , as the risk U too great. This rneana
that ten hargen will have to wait until the
spring , when the water la higher. Thirty-
three of the barges have been taken dowh.
Wive * of Ofllcerx MIIIIIIKC. ( o Get oil
llonrtl TriiiiNiiorlii Iloiinil for
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 2. The mall
steamer Doric and the transport Ohio , now
on their way across the Pacific , carry orders
from General Morrlam directing that tht
troop uhlp Indiana bo Intercepted at Honolulu
lulu aud ltd commander , Colonel Fttnston ,
ordered to land several stowaways , wives of
volunteer officers of the army. Two of these
are said to bo mentioned specifically In tbo
order and both are brides of Kansas officers.
They arc Mrs , J. G. Schlleman , wife ot the
chaplain , and Mrs. F. E. Buchan , wlfo ol
Captain Buchan , who sailed on the Senator
In command of the Oregon recruits. The
Ohio Is not expected to overtake the Indiana ,
but the Doric may do BO. In such case the
women may proceed on the vessel to Hong
Kong and fiom there go to Manila to Join
their husbands. The transport Pennsyl
vania will sail today , carrying the Fifty-first
Iowa regiment.
I.urtrcInercniM1 111 llvporln AKrllmteil
to United State * mill KiiKlanil.
BERLIN , Nov. 2. The Imperial statistical
office has Issued tables regarding the German
trade for the first nine months of the prfB-
cnt year , which show n total Increase lu ex
ports of DS,639,000 marks over 1897.
This is largely accounted for by the In
crease In exports to the United States dur
ing the third quarter of the year , when tne
exports totaled S3.100.000 marks , as com
pared with 63,300,000 marks for the corresponding
spending quarter of 1897.
U 1s asserted that both England and
Franco show also a large Increase ot ex
ports to the United States during the same
period , but both eountrles had a largo total
decrease In exports for the nine months. The
official statistics Indicate that German trade
Is prosperous and Industry rcvlvlne.
Able to rroleel ltn Siilijref.i.
JERUSALEM , Nov. 2. Emperor William
of Germany , In thanking the colony of Tem
plars for their hearty reception , said :
"I hope that In the future , as In the past ,
my friendly relations with Turkey , and es
pecially the friendship existing between tht
pultan and myself , will facilitate your work ,
Whenever ono of you nceil my protection I
am there. Let him come to me , no mattei
what his crcad may be. Happily , the Ger
man empire Is In a position to afford its
fUbjccts a broad , effective protection. "
For the Hrltlnh STnvy.
CAPE TOWN. Nov. 2. In the Cape Col
ony Assembly today W. P. Schrelner. the
premier , introduced a bill proposing an an
nual contilbutlon by the colony of 30,000
to the British navy.
TO cinn A TOLD IK O.\E oiv.
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to
euro. 2. > c. The cenulnu has L. B. Q. on
each tablet ,
SninllcHt of Iiiillnn HeNervntlonH In
the City of I'hllmlelnliln.
Philadelphia contains one relic of the day <
of William Penn which Is unknown to mosi
j Inhabitants of the Quaker city. It Is s
small portion of ground which still retain ;
by virtue ofa provision In the charter Ui
[ orlslnal charvatlon , ' ' Rlcht" In the heart o :
, the buslndsa Section of the city it lies , th <
I only place for miles around that bears m
j footprints of the march of progress am
' commerce , the only building lot In the cltj
I which has never been near the hands of :
real estate oreut.
j You have but to go down Walnut strec
to Second , turn up Second until you comi
to a little Iron gate on the cast side of th (
street , swing It back and enter , and yet
stand within the Indian reservation.
In the days when Philadelphia used to b (
the metropolis of the red men , and thej
came by various trails across the countrj
and down the Delaware to hold councl
there. It grew necessary for them to havi
some appointed spot for their conclaves
William Penn dedicated this reservation t (
them as n try&tlne place , and provided thai
It should bo sacred to their use forever.
It is n forlorn enough place now , shut ir
as it Is by high buildings on nearly everj
side. The old Union Telegraph office confronts -
fronts it on ono side , a wholesale llquoi
dealer's store backs up against It on am
other , and a high board fence chokes ofl
the last hope of any outlook from the place ,
There Is no mark to tell of Its original
use or to stamp It as ono of the curiosities
of the day. Due's only solace for this griev
ance Is to Imagine that the stealthy tread
ot moccaslncd feet Is still echoing there , ami
that the strange words of the redskln'f
tongue have left Eome spell upon the place
In size It Is a poor comment upon Penn' ;
generosity , for It scarcely affords room suf
ficient to turn -wagon and a pair of horses ,
Perhaps because of Its microscopic dimen
sions there has never been nny attempt tc
encroach upon the rights of the old reserva
KMKI ; XOT Tim suitcno.vs
I-\VILT ; , OF couitsi : 111-3
I'j-riinilil I'llc Cure Ciiron IMU-H Quick
ly , I'nliileNNly , Without DniiRer.
People co along for years suffering with
piles. Then try this and that and the other
thing , from carrying a buckeye to getting
treatment from a physician. They obtain
temporary relief , maybe , but they are never
quite cured. A little strain In llftlnc , ex
cessive fatlcue , a little constipation or a
little diarrhoea , and the piles como back.
They don't seem to amount to much , but
they banish sleep and appetite. No position
Is comfortable. There Is intense local pain
and that dreadful feeling of weight In the
Maybe In the early stages some of the
many salves on sale will afford temporary
relief. If the case Is of long standing thcro
Is only ono speedy and euro remedy. It Is
Pyramid Pile Cure. Even In light cases it
Is the safest thing to use. Other applica
tions may cure and may not. Pyramid Cure
U ahvnja certain , always reliable , jilwayu
brings comfort at once. Its promp t ute
saves months of severe suffering. In ex
treme cases it will save surgical operations
and their attendant dangers nnd discomforts.
It Is better than a knife. Will cure easier ,
quicker and safer. Thousands have used it.
Thousands have been cured by It. The cost
Islfllng ! compared with what It does , Th
prlcu In DO cents. Most anybody would
gladly pay $10 to be rid of piles.
Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure. Send
to Pyramid Drug Co. , Marshall , Mich. , for
book ou cause and euro ot plies.
13th and Douglas St.s. , Omalu
- -AMiillCA.\ ) nUItOI'UAX
J. U , MAHKIiL * SOX , Prop *
If They Itnil Only I'o i < eN eil u I-'cw nt
HIP (3 rent .Modern UlMiicillrNl
The old-tlmo country doctor who carried
hl druRs In bts faitdlo-bAge , did not know
ns much ns his professional descendants. He
did not know that typhoid fever la caused by
ft thousands of germs present In polluted
water , In adulterated milk and In Improper
food of other kinds. But ho did know that
the. weakness , headache and nausea charac
teristic of U.o dlsennc call for prompt treat *
mcut Increasing to rouse the forces of re
sistance. Unhappily the old-tlmo doctor did
not POEBCSS any valuable sarm-klllcr , while
today wo have the finest of all known dis
coveries for killing germs Duffy's Pure.
Malt Whiskey.
This great whiskey destroys the microbes
of typhoid fever. Mix a little of It stiy a
tablcepoonful In your glass of drinking
water , and you render the germs of illpcneo
harmless ,
Please observe the proprietary utatnp on
the bottle. The government says thnt
Duffy's Pure Malt Is a medicine. This surely
OOCB not apply to any other whiskey.
When ono is away at college a good
newspaper IB better than letter from
wo will send the Sunday Bee from
now to Juno 20 , 1839 , for $1.50. The
Dally and Sunday Bco costs only $2.00
for three months.
Have the Bee
Mailed You.
Address Circulation Department ,
Omaha Bee.
Cor. Ill i
llama ? ill.
Telephone 2217.
Lentz & Williams. Props , and
W. W. COLE. Act , Manager.
AIiTiiyn the howl Hhow III O in nil u.
The diminutive comedian assisted by th
clever sotihrette , Miss Ma tie N hols , rrv-
sentlng their little comedy , "Tho Actress
and the Bell Boy. '
Miss Pearl Hlght The American Anna
Hold. Muxmllllon and Shields Knocka
bout Comedian * . Del Babes Hensatlonal
AerlnllBti" . McCabe nnd Emmett Comedy
Sketch Team. Leroy nnd Morris Comedy
Bar Act. Howard Trio Singing nnd Dane-
Ing Comedians. SCiska Modern Mephlsto
of Miigic.
Matinee ? 230. Nights 8:30. : Tickets 2Sc ,
25c nnd DOc.
_ PAXTON & mmoicss ,
Managers Tol. 1919.
The lKKent Yet. Two Continent !
Knilorne. It. ,
25 I'KOI'I.E. . - . JIOHHUS.
Clrent Hunting Scene.
THE Coniliut on IIorHehnclc.
ICxiiloHlon. f
The Creighton |
O. \\oouwiird \ , AiuUuimtrit Dlruotor.
Special Fenture CLIVKTTI3.
Aext Sunilii } IKON RIASTEIt.
Frlilny niul .Sntnrdny , Nov.15. .
Mntlnec Siidirclny.
All Star Cast. Chorus of(0. ( .
Wonderland Theatre
l3l5-17Farnam St
Special Attraction * 'for
IN TIIR CURIO HAI.L-\Vlllh > m Cook.
the great fire cater ; Millie Martini , and
her den of monster serpents ; Mlle Bates ,
America's greatest Juggler ; The Do cialr-
vlllei ) , double trupcBe artists ; AHI Baba ,
the oriental magician ; Prof. Mla'tu , won
derful troop of ! rnlnc < l ( lotrn ; May Warren ,
lady magician ; Mine. Owens , phrenologist.
oN 'Jiii JiljoU b'j AUt. j-rof. Knees'
Marionettes Prof. Warren , English Shad
IfVHWll , butterfly Unncer ; The Hoffman. ,
Curl and Helen. In opera ; Dell Leon , char
acter nrtlstlll ; Howard , comedian : 2
HownrilH , tikotch nrtlstn ; Florence lirock-
way , onK nd dunce ; John Hlmnnoii.
negro speclalilcH ; Uouenii Hunks , the lady
drum ninjor , |
lOo nil in Kit to till. Open from to .
in. lo 10 p. in. A rciliicil place nf
nmuieuient for voiueu and clilldre.u >