Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Advrrflnciucnt * for tlirne column *
trill l > p tnkiMi until 13 m. for Hie
evening "ml until 8iIU ! for inornliiK
nnd Sunilny rdltlunn.
ItiitcN , i l-io u word flmt Insertion )
'Jo n troril Ihureuftcr. Nothing tuUcu
for lenH tlinii ar.c for the Hrnt Inner-
lion. Tilt-no advorlUriiiuiitn lunnt liii
run conncoiitUclr.
Ailvertliicrii , Iiy rraticntliiK n nnin-
l > i > rril check , ciin liavc aiiH vern ud-
< Irexxi-d to it iininliorcit letter In cnrc
of The IK-c. Aiihtturn no iiililrunxeil
trill lie delivered on presentation of
( he check only.
STENOGRAPHER of experience nnd thor-
oujfhly competent walto position ; young
inun with host references. Address E 10 ,
Bee ; . . A-21S
A STENOGRAPHER When you vrant one
please cnll up the Remington typewriter
onicc , 1C19 Furnam HI. : telephone 1573.
A M3S7 N17
WANTED , position by young la.iy as
Htenok'rnphtr. Address 1142 S. 29th st.
A-M475 Nt
HALEPMEN.for clgura : $125 a month and
expenses ; old firm ; experlunco unncces-
nary. , C. C. Illshop & Co. , St. Louis. Mo.
TAILORS , 'attend Dyhr's cutting school.
51 S. 12. B-9SlDec2.
men to learn barber trade ; only
to S weeks required : we lvo our gradu
ates employment till they receive In
wages as much us they pay for tuition
nnd expends learning. St. Louis Bar
ber college , Odd Fellows' bldg. , Dodge nnd I
14th , Omaha. Prof. Randolph , Instructor.
fa-MG'JO ' N9
WANTED , we have ntcaoy work for n few
good hufctlcra of good habltn and appcur-
tince. C. F. AdaniH Co. , 021 So. 'l < Uh St.
B-230 N23
WANTED , energetic man or woman for
outnldo work ; good pay weekly. Hawks
Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Win.UMIG1N27
U-MIG1N27 *
WANTED , men to learn barber Undo ; free
transportation to our colleges at Chicago ,
8t , Louis or Minneapolis ! S weeks com
pletes ; outfit of tools * presented ; wages
Saturday from stnrt ? steady postlonn !
guaranteed : wo have contracted to place
SOO 'irrnduates as. hospital barbers , also
old. graduntca out of employment , write
nt once. Call or address Moler Barber
College representative , 11 Crelghton Ulk. ,
15th and Douglas , Omaha. 15 CG2
SALESMEN 10 sell Ofllco specialties ; nne
side llncHi } 5 a day ; used by nil mer
chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box U. South
Bend , Ind. B-M592 N2'J
WANTED , young man n * stenographer
with some knowledge of bookkeeping ;
stutp ago 'and references. F 64 , Uo '
D-MC31 3
WANTED , llrst class barber. Address T.
D. Qlldncr , AtchlHon , Kan. B-6fiO-2
* li. MEN. reliable , totack signs ; $12.50 per
week rtnd cxpensts , stsady work ; send
lOc for postaorc , sample , etc. Young Mod-
Iclne Co. , 2129 N. Colorado St. . Philadel
phia , Pa. B-MCS1 3 *
A BALTIMORE oyster IIOUSP , the largest
except ono In the oyster Industry , would
Ilko to arrange with a few good traveling
salesmen ( as a sld' line1) ) to solicit orders
for them on a commlHBlon of 5 per cent
on sales. Address with reference , stating
section now traveling and present line
of coods. William A. Wheatley & Co.
Baltimore , Mil. B-MG7S3 *
WANTED , ' IBOt girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 876.
WANTED , , girl , for . general housework.
2020 Kmmct. ' ' _ . . .
GIRL fof" general housework. 231R * Woolworth -
worth nve. ' C MG013 *
COMPETENT GIRL who Is a good cook
nnd laundress. Mrs. It. C , Peters , 1311
S. 80th ave. C-S91 N2
WANTED , experienced cook , German pre
ferred ; refsrences required. Apply be
tween 5 and 6 p. in. nt 2528 Dodge St.
GOOD cook wanted ; private family. Cnld-
well , 630 S. 20th. C-MG3S 4
GIRL for general housework ; email family ;
good wages. 1003 Park Av . C G59-3 *
WANTED , a reliable , woman to manage
an otnco for the Vlavi Co. F 59 , B e.
GOOD cook , washer nnd Ironer. 231R Dav
enport. C MG77 4
roii nnvr HOUSES.
CHOICE houses and cottage : ) all over city ;
to J7B. Fidelity , llrst ttoor , N. Y. Life !
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 103 N. 15th St
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , paxion block.
- D-15U
" "
A.FEW cottaces. 43fl IJdard Trade.
( .D-152
FURNITURE'and leasehold of a 7 and 13-
room modern Hat fbr sale ; bargain ; good
location ; rent law.Bemls , Puxton block.
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha van & Storage Co. , 1511Va
Furnam. Tel. . 1559. D-l&l
BF.NEWA'S residence vo rent. 3230 Rurt.
HOUSES , stores. Robblns. 1S03 Farnnm.
COTTAGE on easy payments. 604 Bee Bids.
D Msiil
HOTEL down town ; 18 rooms ; good condi
tion ; convenient to all cor lines ; rent
$15.00 a month. The Byron Re d Co. . 212
S. 14th St. D-11Q
IlOUSES-Chas. E.'Benson. ' 310 Ramgo bldg. I
D-M782Jnni 13
' i
FURNISHED cottage. Lost AngMos. OaL i
1512 Davenport , Omaha. P M9GI ' 1
FOR RENT , 10-room modern house and
barn , with largo shady grounds.
John W. Robblns , Aft. , 1802 Farnam at.
MAGGARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 16th.
Tel. 1496. D-M311 N22 *
FOR RENT Fanm'ra' Home , Webster
strQet , botwcen 15th and loth ; boarding
IIOUHO. nnd largo barn. Inquire nt 60G N.
Y. Llff Building ' D M4C2
FOR RENT. 7 rooms , brick. 600 8. 29th , ,
J15.00. Selby , 331 Board of Trade. i I '
S-r. modern , 33th nnd Jones ; nicest part
city ; largo yard , tress , etc. C01 Bco bldg.
D M451 I
NICELY furnished S-rootn house , modern
conveniences , walking distance ; ref r-
onccs , 2701 Iloward. D-M5G3 N5
FOR RENT , lower floor of flvo rooms of
2123 Ohio. ' Apply 2C09 N. 22d St.D .
D MGI5 3
FURNISHED house , 10 roomc , north iurt
of city , for the winter. Address F 47 ,
Beo. ' D.-C2S-4 * .
MY house , SOS No. 18th. . 7 rooms , modern ,
except furnace. See Wm. Fleming , 233 1
Has bldg. , or telephone 1742 , D-MSS06 *
FOR RENT , two choice furnished houses.
Pottcr-Shoies Co. , 310 New York Llfn.
, D-M6C97 j
. i
S-noOM houce ; bath , furnaro , cemented
cellar ; $20. Inquire 439. Board of Trade ,
THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st nnd Plnkney
HtB. , ntty daintily furnished rooms : one-
square from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and llrat-chua ; terniH ruu-
sonab E 157
VERY desirable strain-heated front roomo ;
transient or permanent Enquire nt Flat
S. Davldgf Bide , corner 16th and Far-
turn ' Sis. Good reference required.
&TEAM heated rooms , reasonnblc , 2WO
Jiurney SU 13-390 Novi'
( Continued. )
FOR RENT , nlco furnlalud rooms. 2112
Cars St.
THREE nlco roomc , housekeeping. 1112
South nth , E-C61
FURNISHED rooms ; modern. 23SO Hnrnoy.
B 118 NoVS *
WELL heuted rooms with or without
board , for families nnd single gentlemen.
Frunck'x hotel , 32014 N. Ifith street. Rutca
reasonable. U 13S
NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen
In private family. 1701 Capitol avenue ,
won I pOHtolIlre. E302 NoV2 *
FtfRNISHED rooms with modern con
veniences at 2103 Can. Ave. Private family
-T. dil .
FOR RENT , Suite of 2 furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. 1702 Webster St.
E-MG10 N50
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2G23 St.
Mary's Avo. E M6S07 *
ROOMS , , housekeeping. 1712' , Jackson St.
TAKE down that "for eale" or "for rent"
ulcn In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window In a month ; nnd they consult
tbeno columns when they want to buy or
rent. F-S55
THE MERRIAM , first-etas * jamlly hotel ,
25th and Dod > ro Sis. F 15S
FURNISHED rooms with board , 2576
Hartley. F-MS2I NM'
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Ave. . refitted
and reopened by Nov. 15. Apply on
premises or 2100 Locust St. F 493 N4 |
NICELY furnished rooms , ste-am heat , free
baths , $1.50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel. 10th and Wobatcr sts F M827
HANDSOME largo rooms with hoard ;
steam ; references. 203 N. ISth. F Mcr.2 3 *
ROOMS with or without board : gentlemen
preferred. F 55 , Bee. F MHO
FURNISHED rooms with board. 310 South
2Gth ; references. F MG35 S *
FOR RENT , largo room to one or two gen-
tlcm'n with ull homo comforts In private
family. F 60 , Uce. F MCS7 3 *
4 OR 6 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri
vate bath ; references necessary. C 38.
Bee. G M298
5 CHAMBERS convenient for housekeep
ing to a man and wife without children ,
3 blocks from postoffico. 319 N. 17th St.
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk
NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Apply -
ply 2518 Caldwell. I ICO
IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. ( XH Bee Bldg ,
I 161
3-STORY and basement brlcR store build
ing , 1005 Farnam , S2xlOO. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. I-M305
TO JIENT , a line location for a llrst-class
dr Quaker ; that pnrt of the Y. W. C. A.
rooms used .for lodging during the sum
mer. Srd floor Paxton blk , cor. 16th nnd
Farnam. 1 508-3
3-st. store , 1207 Howard st. F. D. Wend.
AGENTS wanted for the only official "His
tory of Our War with Spain , Its Causes ,
Incidents and Results , " civil , military and
naval ; steel plates , maps and engravings ;
by Hon. Henry U. Russell , Senator Proc
tor ( Vt. ) and Senator Thurston ( Neb. ) ;
the greatest seller ever known ; 1,0 < X )
moro agents wanted : we. pay freight and
glvq credit ; wrlto for terms and terri
tory to the sole publishers , A. D. Worth-
lngtou : & Co. , Hartford , Conn. J M5703 *
PLACE your housfB for rent with my
agency ; have more applications than
houses. G , G. Wallace , 313 Brown block.
K 118
HOUSE of S to 12 rooms , west or : < outh-
west part of city , thoroughly modern ,
with stable. Bemls , Pax'on block.K .
K M490
WANTED : a single lady an1 her Invalid
ulster di-slre room and board In a private
family centrally located. Address , stat
ing terms , etc. F 43 , Bee. K M607
WANTED , three unfurnished rooms with
board for two ; must be reasonable. Ad
dress F 62 , Bee. K MC49 > *
WANTED , R-room modern house ; long
lease. A. House , 14th and Nicholas.
K M648 8
WANTED , by u young lady , board nnd
room In n private family ; Protestant fam
ily. Address F 50 , Bee office. K-M83G 3
WANTED , suitable unfurnished room in
good location ; ground lloor preferred ; no
children. Address F 61 , Bee. K-MG1C !
WANTED , by two adults , small modern
nouso ; state rent. Address F 6S. Uce.
K-MC7G 4
WANTED , by single gentleman , furnished
rojm , with or without board ; locat'on
dcjlrod , .Month of Douglas , rust of 21th
Htreet ; private family preferred ; appli
cant , If suited , will bo permanent and
prompt pay. AddrcsB , giving particulars
as to location and price , F 67 , Bee.
K-M674 3
IF YOU are In nerd of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring vou what you want. N S67
T1IF KEST HOME : J2.000 will buy on cany
terms. 1 am no acent. X 64 , Bee.
HIGHEST price for secondhand household
goods. Largo lota specialty. Brown , 712 N ,
Kith. N-M455 N3
ALL kinds of household goods , notuls , etc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co. , Tel. 2020 , 1406-8-10 Dodsro.
N-AI4.x > N27
HIGHEST prices paid for 2d hand furnl-
ture , stoves , carpets , etc. Boston Furnl.
turo Store. 721 N. ifith. N-699N6
WANTED , first-claws furniture for 6 or S
rooms. Must bo cheap. F 39 , Bep.
N-M564 N3
WANTED , at once. $1,600.00 of second-hand
furniture nnd carpets. Address R. G.
Fritz , Omaha Restaurant. 207 S. 12th.
N-M602 7 *
WANTED , a Chlnsne gong : state descrip
tion nnd price. Address Windsor Hotel ,
Atlantic , la. N-MG5I 3
WANTED , good second hand range ; state
length of time used nnd where It can be
seen. Address F 66. Beo. N-664-4
WILL pay cash for Transmlsslsslppl Ex-
pf > itlon stock. Wood W. Hartley. 21 ? So.
14th St. N-M6S3
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture
nnd stoves below cost : cot beds. 75c ;
mattressea , OOc ; pillows , 20o. 1408-10 Dod o.
BEST nnd cheapftst otoves nnd furniture
sold nt small profits : highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 8. 14th.
Thursday , Nov. 3. 2036 Farnam St. The
entire furniture of the Farnam Terrace
hotel , consisting of bedroom sets , Iron
beds , folding beds , mattresses , rocking
chairs , tables , crockery , carpet * , rugs ,
oak counter , safe , ttc. , everything now
nnd of good quality. Sale to commence at
10 a. m. E. E. Atherton , Auction or.
O-M5C9 N3
FOR 30 days you can buy beat and cheap
est carriages , burden and phaetons , newer
or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge
P-M225 N22
I TOP buggies , 3 open road wagons , 2 nice
carr'ngeH , 3 phaetons , 2 good milk wagona ,
worth looking at Drummond Carriage
Co. , opp. Court House , ISth and Harney.
FOH SALEenUo " ! family horse. 303 S. 17th.
OAK boards. $1G per m , ; alia cheapest ulat
crlbblnn. P01 Douglas street. Q-1G5
U. HAAS , I'lorlst , 1SU Vlnton St. . Tel. 77C ;
plants , cut Mowers , bouquet * , hall , resi
dence , wedding nnd grave decoratlotiB.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; IB
best. Wire Works. 14th and Harney.
2ND-1IAND safe cheap , Doright. 1116 Far'm.
Q-M331 N22
I-ull SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 6 cents ,
nt druggists ; one glvea relief. Q 169
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513
Dodge street. Omaha. Q-M121 N18
WOOLF ZACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plan-
Ishcd Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.60 to
$10. Heaters sold cheap. Q MSS7 Fb24
BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N.
16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost.
Q-M4D5 N4
IF RATS nnd mice annoy you write- . S.
Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III , , for euro exter
minator. q-Mfi7il 3-
ENGLISH ferrets , for killing rats , for
sale , by C. D. Greenwood , Silver City. In.
Q-M6&5 6
2ND-IIAND typewriters cheap. 1116 Fnr'm.
Q-M332 N22
BUFFALO horns , Indian relics. 1114 Fnr'm.
Q-M330 N22
FOR $3.00. pawn ttckct for diamond ring ;
cost $10.00 ; In pawn for ( IS. U 16 , Bee.
Q M10I
PIANOS , exhibited nnd rented at the ex
position nt great bargains ; $ ) S.OO , $60.W ,
$33.00 , $125.00 and up. Terms , $5.00 per
month. Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam
$3.00 PER month , Knnbe upright piano In
first-class condition. 1510 Howard St.
| l Tolephon ? 458. Q-M64I 7
FOR SALE , Garland parlor steve ; cheap
If taken nt once. 2174 Harney. Q GC3
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication illustrating the U. 8. and
Spanish navies , naval commanders , ptc. ;
almost 2uO photographic reproductions ,
with n largo mop of the East und West
Indies , at the offire of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omnrin BPV * R S70
FOR SALE or rent , one 2firohotel range
and can-Ing table. Apply to M. J. Franck
Midland Hotel. R 197
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co ! cleans
cesspools and privy vaults nt reduced
prices : ilenel horses nnd cows removed
free of charge. 621 N. IGth St. Tel. 1779.
R-M613 N30
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1005 Doilgo.
8-M444 N3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 503 N. IGth.
S-MS01 D13
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years here. 1411
Howard. c - " " " > v "
MILTON THE MEDIUM , known to ex-cry
man , woman and child In Omaha , gives
readings dnlly ; all affairs of life nnd busl-
i ness , love , law , Hlckness ; changes evil In-
1 tluences ; heals nil discuses by magnetism ;
readings by mall ; send six questions , $1.
1C23 Dodge. St. , cor. 17th. 8-MC01 4
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge.
EDNA E. LONG , the spiritual medium who
actually materializes flowers , will hold an !
other one of these successful FLOWER
SEANCES Friday evening , November 4 ,
at Patterson's hall , cor. 17th and Farnam :
Bplrltuallitn , Investigators nnd skeptics i
are urgently Invited to witness one of the
most wonderful phases of medlumshlp
ever produced In Omaha. Readings dally.
Room 4. 8-MCS8 4
MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 118'N. . lolh Street.
T393 N24
BATHS , ladles only , Mrs. Porter , , i03.Doug-
las Mock. T MbDl N9
LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag
netic trea , ient. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , upstairs.
Attendant. T 221 N21
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bnth
parlors ; restful and curative. . 417 S. nth.
upstalra. M 605 5 *
LADIES desiring valuable Information con
cerning tli Ir ailments should ncnd or call
for "Tho Vlavi Mebsago" at 318 Bee bldg.
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba
and another of the West Indies ,
showing Cuba. Porto Rico , Iluytl , Han
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
Went Indian islands ; 10 cents , at The Uuo
office , uy mnll , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dcpt. , Omaha Beo. U iCS
$30 RLPTUIIE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller
or wrlto for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 932-933 New York Lite bldg. , Omaha.
Neb. U 172
PRIVATE hospital for ladies before and
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians in attendance. 11W
N. 17th st. , Omaha. U M5SO
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic batha.
New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
ttl. 1716. U-M174
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work : call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure.
932 New York Llfo building , Omaha.
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Poat.
S. 15th. U M312
BATIIS. massage. Mme. Post , 319',4 a 15thT
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed ,
25c up : new method ; no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yrs. In
Omaha ; warts , molea and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frenzer Blk.
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can soon gradu
ate. Box 196. Chicago. U-91S N15
| THE Omaha Social Club , only ono In the
city , a permanent Institution ; honorable
Introductions made ; correspondents
furnlrlud ; strangers welcome. 311 Knr-
. bach Blk. , 15 & Douglas. Alllfi Turney ,
Mgr. U-176-N8
STORM windows , wood turning- , band aaw-
Ing. Hamilton Broa. , 28 & Dav'pt. Tel. 117i .
U-978 N16
HITTER'S hospital : confinement cases
taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward ,
Onnha : tel. 2234. U-M974 NIG
BOOKBINDING Burklcy Printing Co.
U M324 N23
MISS MAYER , leading manlc'ire , chlropo-
dlst and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block.
Business for eale. Entering medical col
lege. U-M316 N22.
LADIES In poor circumstances' can receive
free att'ndance In confinement by apply
ing to the Crelghton Medical College.
( Telephone 1167. ) U-399 Decl
HALF soles nnd heels , 40c. 605 N. 16th.
TEETH should not bo neglected ; they
xhonld be given prompt attention. SPO W.
N. Dorward. Dentist , room 4 , Continental
block. 15th and Douglas Bts. Tel. 130.
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith. 11SH N. 15.
U-M676 N29
LACE Curtains cleaned : nil work guaran
teed ; references. I , Zlegler , UOS Califor
nia , ' u-fir no *
WANTED , pianist , lady or gentleman , for
traveling attraction ; long season ; aura
money ; also A No. 1 specialty p'oplo. Gil
bert Ray Co. , Qultman , Mo. U M655 3
FOR SALE , half Interest In social club and 1
matrimonial bureau. Call at 311 Karbach
blk. U M653 3
WANTED , choice form and rltv loann. R.
C. Petera & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bide.
$100.003.00 special fund to loan on flrstclasa
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
6V4 per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block.
w m
C PER CENT city and farm loan * . Garvln
Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W 173
( Continued. )
- - - - - II ! !
$1.000 nnd upwards to loan on improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , litw
Farnam St. W 178
ANTHONY Loan * TrUJt Co. , 316 N. Y. L.J
quick money nt low rates for choice farm
i land. " In Town , Northern Missouri. East-
I crn Nebraska. W ISO
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brcnnan-Lovc Co. , 219 S. 10th.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Bloclt.
6 per cent money. F , D. Woad , 1G fc Deus ,
W * 7&
60.000,000 cheap eastern money for western
investment. Send for free circular. In
vestors' Directory. N. Y W 1S3
$10 TO $10.000 TO IOAN ON
ein.u lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs ,
No removal of goodii ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In anv amounts.
OMAHA. X-184
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc , C F Rood. S19 S 13th
X-M347 N23
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security : easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-1S5
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8. Barker Bll : . X-M186
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid chancu for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel. Inquire PIcrce " _ ,
FINE business for sale K. 1. JS24 -
WANTED , partner : I want a sober , ener
getic man with $250 to manage business
In Omaha ; $15 per week wages and one-
half Interest In the business ; permanent
situation ; this is a good business clianco ;
references required. Address H. Wllmer-
Ing. Peorln. ill. Y-M410 N4
FORMING company to invest In Cuba and
Porto Rico. Write C. II. Scovlllo , Ona-
tonna , Minn , , for particulars.
FOR RENT , the dining room of Lunge
hotel ; none but first-class , reliable parties
need apply. GOI So. 13th. Y M016 N5
FOR SALE Finest bakery nnd confection
ery In Omaha : 2 ovens , 2 wagons , horses ,
etc. Good store trade. Rent reasonable.
F 21 , Be ? . MC23 NO
FOR SALE , n splendid medical practice In
n live town In eastern South Dakota ; good
reasons for selling ; Introduction given ;
no real estate , no bonus ; good terms ; barn
nnd offic ; outfit to be purchased ; nn ex
cellent chance for an energetic young
man. Address F 63 , care Omaha Bee.
Y MG50 3
$100 WILL buy a good restaurant. 520
South 13th. Y-MG29 3
A GENTLEMAN sailing for Honolulu Nov.
17 dcsiroa to represent some Omaha firms
I or distribute advertising matter. Rca-
sonablo compensatlon.Box 427 , Her Grand ,
Omaha. Y-MGS25'
CHEAP Florida excursion for parties lookIng -
Ing for work nnd home. Call 111 N. IGth
St. at the Florida Colonlzatlon Co.
Y MG79 3 *
FOR EXCHANGE. 8. W | . corner 21th and
Dodge St. . 107x125 feetl two cottages to
exsnnnge for property In California , San-
Francisco preferred. The' O. F. Davis
company , 1505 Ferna'm St. fZ M2H NM5
LOS Angeles cottage forlOmaha. 1512 Dav-
enportf Omaha. ' % ' . Z-MM2
320 ACRES western' ' Nebraska land , sutablo
for stock : trade for' merchandise. Ad
dress J. 3109 Burt St. , Omaha. Z 407-3 *
SO ACRES , 10 miles north , for house and
lot ; 40 acres , 5 miles 'N. W. , for Inside
property. F. D. Wead , 16 and Douglas.
Z G65 4
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
lire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them : let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people * who hnye the
money. HE 866
FOR SALE , desirable residence lotB , 124x
1,10 : In first-class location ; ten minutes'
walk frcm court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61. Bee. RE-189
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farina : sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer. opp. old P. O.
UE 191
BEST nnd cheapest 200-acre farm In Ne
braska , near Omaha , at half Its appraised
valuation. W. A. Belden , 2502 Blonde st. .
Omaha , Neb. RE-M537 N6
FOR , SALE , lot cor. 21st nnd CuBtellnr ,
CG by 81 ; a snap. K .A. Peterson , Blair ,
Neb. RE-141-Nov ! &
CHEAP homes to colonists or others. Will
sell 23,000 ncres all In one body , or In
tracts to suit , for a liberal cash payment ,
with S per cent on deferred payments.
This land Is bounded on south by Nuecea
river , In San Patrlclo county , Tuxas , anu
consists of black waxcy , black sandy and
light sandy soil well supplied with watei
nnd ten windmills. About 900 acres In
cultivation , with nine good tenant houses.
It Is noted for grapes , melons , early veg
etables and cotton. Oranges , pears and
other fruits can be raised. The San An
tonio & Aransas Pass R. R. passes
through this tract. Town Mathls is prin
cipal shipping station , also u siding on
the river. Maps furnished If desired. 1
also offer another tract of ,1,973 acres on
San Antonlo'river , Gollad county. Texas-
very rich land 850 ncrcw all valley land ,
In cultivation , seven tenant houses ; ell-
mate fine and healthful , with good sea
breczo on both tracts.
T. H. MATHIS , Rockport , Aransag county ,
Texas. RE M366 N21 *
9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 624 B. 26th avo.
HE-ME17D1 *
80 ACRES In southwest Iowa ; will take city
propertv nnd cash. Lyman Waterman ,
822 N. V. L. Bide. RB-662-3 *
COTTAGE and lot , 19th , nr. Leaven-
worth $1,400 I
Cottage and lot , 20th St. . south (00 I
Cottnce and lot , 1 block from car 350 !
7-r house nnd lot , nr. Kountze Park. . . . 1,600
F. D. Wead , 16 and Douglas St.
RB-6CO 4
LOST , lady's gold watch at Liberal Arts ,
building ; liberal reward for return to ,
Florence Elston , Abilene , Kan.
Lost-M555 4 *
LOST , rtd cow with white spot : dehorned.
11W N. 19th St. Tel. 1839. LOST-MCOG 3
LOST On Midway , Monday night , pocketbook -
book , containing about $15. Liberal re
ward for return. 1103 North 18th , Mrs.
E. B. L. Lost-619 2
LOST , Monday , near Government building ,
brown pocketbook containing beads , keys ,
papers and about 12.40 In Bllvcr ; Under
please return to Bee office ; may keep
monev. Lout C6S-2
MATHEW'S school for dancing , 313 South
13th. Ratea reasonable. Call or write for
particulars. 630 n8 *
MR. AND MRS. MORAND. 1610 Harney
nt. , now open ; lessons for children and
adults. For terms please call. Always open.
( | 810 N15
MORAND'S assemblies every Wednesday S
p. m. ; opening assembly , November 2 ; you
are Invited ; new dances , orchestra ; ad-
mlfslon , 25c : private leraons day and
evening ; waltz and 2-step guaranteed. $5.
REMOVAL Halo of bicycles und sundries ; i
tlre nnd 2nd-hand wheels a specialty :
everything at cost. Loula Flescher 313-15
a. 13th. ' -6L N29
NEW wheels. $17,60 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheel * ,
I $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co . 18 & Chicago.
ALL woninn who can't rnlso family should
commit the renowned Qermnn spsclnllst ,
Dr , Pries , 1513 Dod e St. Letters 2 cents.
Mol ) 1W.I
CHHOXIC Disease * In nit forms trcatcil In
the most successful mnnncr tind tlpnn the
low fee system , HO Hint alt may bo cured
nt a small expense. The Draper .Medical
Institute , N. E. corner ICth and Dounlas
Streets. 26 N30
LADIES , Chlchestcr's English Pennyroyal
I'illK ( Diamond brand ) uro the beat ; safp ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamp- ) ,
for particulars , "Relief for Ladle * , In
letter by return mnll ! at druggists.
Chlchcster Chemical Co. , Philadelphia ,
LADIES. Dr. llornud'x Prliicr * * IVrlolle
pills uro safe ; always euro euro and re-
ilnble ; got the bust ; send 4e. rtnmps , for
"Suro llellof for Ladies , " scaled , by
mall. Prlnoess Chemical Co. , U2 BUto
House. New York. -MC71 3
TYPEWRITERS for rent , M.OO per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1023
Furnam St. ; telephone 12S1. 1D2
WE ' rent nnd neil the best typewriters
mnde ; largest 1 stock of good supplies In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. . 1012 Farnam St. 3
REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd
supplies. .1619 Farnam St. 715
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers room 519
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
reitl estate , merchandise , fnrnlturts live
stock , etc. 197
WAIT for stove slaughter nt auction , No.
COS No. 10th ; 200 stoves ; cook stove ranges
nnd heater ; must go Saturday , Nov. 5.
Snlo commences at 10 a. m. E. E. Ather-
ton , Auctioneer. M 560 N4
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Llfo. Night
school from Sept. 20. 131
AT OMAHA Bus College , 10th & Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to.dnte , tnupht by court
reporters. Boylcs' School , 403-5-7 Bco bldg
EAGLE loan ofllce , 1211 Douglas ; oldest
established , most rcllabls , accommodat
ing ; business confidential ; selling $10,000
Block unredeemed diamonds ; big bargnlna.
-641 Dl
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , cleans and niters
ladles' Jackets. Boyd theater. 701 N10
MAX FOGEL alters ladles' jackets. S07 3.
17th. -705 N10
UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen. 1523 Leav'th.
-222 Nov29
KARLING'S shop , 1220 Harney. Tel. 2031.
6G3 N29
1212 Farnam at. , boxing tuught efficiently
In 1 month ; send for circulars. Col. T. H.
Monstery. 475 N3 *
H. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 17. 15.US
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th.
Phone 1025. Wrlto for catalogue ;
159 NJ9
WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. ,
115 N. 15th. 229 N22
PACIFIC Storage and' Warehouse Co. , 90S-
1)10 ) Jones .general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 15114 Farnam. Tel , 1559
MASONWORK jobwork. E. Henly.1822 Claik
424 N2G
FKENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month.
Prof. Chatolaln. 301 Boyd theater.
226 N22
EYES tested free. Optical Institute , She-oly
block. -JOl N30
SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughn. 300 N. Y. L. bide. 122 N18
GOOD cnre ; $1.50 per mo. W. F. Snvder ,
69th & Lcavenworth : write 814 S. 2Gth st.
4S3 N"
GOLD , silver and nfckelplatlng , get your
baseburner nlckclplntcd. Omaha Plating
Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance-on 13th.
815 N14
ACCORDION pleating , pinking nnd cordIng -
Ing done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas hlork.
65S N9
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St.
698 N29
M. 8. WALKL1N , 2111 Cuming. Tel. 1331.
PIANOS tuned , $1.50 Rose , 1521 Dodge.
70G N10
ONLY corset made having waist line. Room
10 , Crelghton Blk. , loth & Douglas.
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk.
GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu
ary. Insldo ornamental work a specialty.
31.7 So , 10th M621 N24
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand. C. Sommer , 321 8. 10th.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Calif.
ALL mirror work done. 70S N. ICth.
747 Nil
WILL repair vour FHOPS while yon wnit ,
only 15 minutes ; half soles and heels.
60u , llrst-clasM work guarumccu. Viu .S.
ICth at. , also No. 19 So. Main at. , C. B. . la.
5Cu N29
II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.
M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlnff , Te K 1331.
W. COY , removed to 1718 Bt. Mary's Ave.
' 545 N23
WE SOLICIT and furnish poiltlom for
stenographers tre , The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12S4 , 193
Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2504 Davenport.
-S32-NOV-6 *
Ltnv'w'th. 722
ELLA DAY , Hamgo Bldg. , 15 and Hnrnoy.
1SS Jnn.19
SUES < S CO , ,
. . , ,
Ore illdq. , Umnha. Neb ,
Send for our free Inven
tor's Guide. Tel. 1G23.
( Should bo read dally by all Interested , as
changes may occur nt any time )
i'oii'iKH malls tor the week cmdlug No
vember 5 , 1S9J , will close ( PRlMPTLY In all
cases ) at the General Postolllce as follows :
PAiiCbLS POST MAILS cloap out- hour
earlier tlmn closing time shown below.
Trann-Atinnto Mull * .
SATURDAY At CisiTn ! m. for FRANCE ,
USH INDIA , per 8 , s. La Touiirlne * . via
Havre ; nt 6:30 : n. m. for GERMANY ,
( Chrlstmnln ) , nnd RUSSIA , per s. s.
Saalo * . via. Bremen ( letters for other parts
of Europe via Cherbourg must be di
rected "per Sanlo" ) ; tit 6:30 : u. in. for
NORWAY ( Bergen ) , per B. 8. Etrurlo * ,
via Queenstown ( letters for other parts
of Europe , must bo directed "per Et-
rurla" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS
direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotter
dam ( lutters must be directed "per Rot
terdam" ) , at 9 a. in. for ITALY , per P. s.
Auguste Victoria , via Naples ( letters must
bo directed "per Augusto Victoria" ) ; nt 10
n. in. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. K ,
Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letttra must bo
directed "per Ethiopia. " } .
steamers palling on Tuesdays take Printed
Mutter , etc. , for G-ermnny , and Specially
Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other
parts of Europe. American nnd White
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , und Cunard ,
French and German steamers on Satur
days take Printed Matter , etc. , for nil
countries for which they are advertised
to carry mall.
After the closing of the Supplementary
Trans-Atlantic Malls named nbove , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. English ,
French and German steamers und remain
open until within Ton Minutes of the hour
of Balling of steamer.
Mall * for South iinil Central Amurlcn ,
Went IiullvN , Etc.
THURSDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary
1:30 : p. in. ) for BERMUDA , per B. .
Trinidad ; nt 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 :
p. in. ) for ST. DOMINGO and TURKS
ISLAND , per s. H. Now York ; nt 3:00 : p.
in. for JAMAICA , per 8. s. Ardanrose
( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortcz and
Guatemala must bo directed "per Ardan-
roso" ) .
FRIDAY At 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:30 :
n. m. ) for AUX-CAYES , JACMEL and
SANTA MARTHA , per s , s. Holste-ln.
SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Corcan from
Philadelphia ; at 10 n. m. . supplementary
10:30 : a. m. for PORT AU PRINCES nnd
PETIT GOAVE , pur H. . Alps ; at 10
a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for
Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rica must
bo directed "per Adirondack" ) : at 10:30 :
a. m. for CASlPECHE , CHIAPAS , TO-
BASCO and YUCATAN , per s. s. City of
Washington ( letters for other parts of
Mexico and Cuba must be directed "per
City of Washington ) ; at W:35 : n. m. lor
HAITI , per s , s. Prlns Wlllem V ( letters
for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , Brlt-
isn and Dutch Gu4una ! must be directed
"per Prlns Wlllem V" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m.
TRIES , per s. s. Galileo , via Pcrnam-
buco , Bahta nnd Rio Janeiro ( letters for
North Brazil must bo'dlrected "per Gali
leo" ) ; nt 11 n. m. for BRAZIL and LA
PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Capri , via
Rio Janeiro ( letters must bo directed "per
Capri" ) : at 12 m. for NEWFOUNDLAND ,
per s. B. Silvia ; nt J2 m. for BRAZIL
nnd LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. 8.
Roman Prince , via Rio Janeiro ilo'tcrs for
North Brazil must be directed "per Ro
man Prince" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for NORTH
BRAZIL , per B. B. Llsboncnse , via Para ,
Maranham and Ceara ; at 1 p. m. ( sup
plementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for PORTO RICO ,
cao , per s. s. Philadelphia ; at 8:30 : p. m.
for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer
from North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax ,
and thcnc ; by steamer , close at thl olllce
dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlrjuelon ,
by rail to Boston nnd thence by steamer ,
close nt this office dnlly nt 8:30 : p. in. Malls
for Cuba close at this office dally at 7 a.
in. , for forwarding by steamers sailing
Mondays and Thursdays from Port
Tampa , Fla. Malls for Mexico City , over
land , unless specially addressed for des
patch by steamer , close at this office
daily nt 2:30 : u. m. and 2:30 : p. in. * K < g-
Istered mall closes nt 6 p. m , prevlOiie
TrniiM-Paclllc Mall * .
Malls for China and Japan , per B. s. Em
press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close
hero dally up to October * 31st at 6:30 : p. m.
Mulls for Cnma , Japan nnd Hawaii , per
s. s. City of Rio Janeiro ( from San I'rnn-
clHco ) , closa here dally up to November
4th nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , > er s.
s. Australia from San Francisco ) close
hero dally up to November 10th at 6:30 :
p. m. MallH for Australia ( except Wont
Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI
Islands , per s. s. Aorangl ( from Van
couver ) , close hero dally after October
2Sth and up to November 10th at 0:30 :
p. m. Malls for Ch'na and Japan , per
H. s. Olympla ( from Tacoma ) , close , here
dally up to November * 2lst nt 6:30 : p. in ,
Malls for the Society Islands , per shli
Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close hero
dnlly up to November 25th at 6:30 : p. in.
Malls for Australia ( except those forWent
Wont Australia , which uro forwarded vu
Europe ) , New Zealand. Hawaii , FIJI and
Samoan Inlands , per s , s. Mo.ina ( from
San I'runclsco ) , close here dally up to No
vember * 25th at 7:00 : a. m. . 11 n. m , anil
6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of
a. s. Etrurla with British malls for Aus
Trans-Parlfic malls are forwarded to port of
Balling dally nnd the schedule of closing Is
arranged on the presumption ot tlml. ' un
interrupted overland transit. Registered
mall closes at G p. m. . previous day.
Postofllce , New York , N. Y. , October 23
Overland Route" Genera
Offices , N , E. Corner Ninth
nnd Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnam
Street. Telephone 310. Depot
pot , Tenth und Mason
Streets. Telephone 629.Leave.
Leave. Arrive
"The Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
und western p'ts. , SCO : am 4:45 : pn
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. * 11:65 : pm 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , bait Lake ,
Pacific coast und
all western points. 4:35 : pm GIO ; am
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . . 3:30 : prn ' 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Columbus ,
Norfolk , Grand
Inland and North
Platte 4:35 : pm 4:15 : pm
Columbus Local . . . . 6:60 : pm 9:10 : am
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 0:15 : a
m. ; 7:00 : a. m , ; 9:10 : a , m. ; 3:05 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 0 p , m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m.
6:50 : n. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; 9:40 : n. m. ; 10:30 : u
m. ; 12-30 p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:3j :
p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:5i : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : u. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:3 :
n , m , ; 3:05 : p. in. ; " 3:30 : p , in. ; 4:20 : p. m. ;
6:40 : p , m. ; 6:30 : p , m. ; 6:50 : p. m. ; 'j05 ; p , m. ;
11:55 p. m.
IMIly. Dally esrept Sunday.
St. Paul Railway - City
Ticket Office , 1601 Farnam
Struct. Telephone , 281. Depot -
pot , Tenth nnd Muson
Streets , Telephone , 629 ,
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Express 6:45 : pm 8:20 : nm
Omuha & Chicago
Express " 11:00 : am 4:15 : pm
.Sioux City and De
Molnea Express. . 11:00 : am 4:15 : pm
Manila Local 7W ; pm 9:15 : am
Dully Dally except Sunday.
It A11.A * 1 i .U I ; I Alt D.
( Contlniloi ! . )
neapollH & Omaha Railway
General Offices , Nebraska.
Division , Fifteenth nnd
AVcbstPr Strouts , City
Ticket" Office 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele
phone. 6C1. Depot. Fifteenth nnd Webster
Streets. Telephone , 145S.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom. . * 8:50 : am 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson
Sioux City , Poncu ,
Hurtlngton und
Bloomlleld 1:00 : pm 11:53 : am
Sioux City. Mnn-
kato. St. Paul i :
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 1 9:00 : am
No. 2 , St. Puul Lim
ited Makes no
etops In Neb 6:00 : pm
No. 1 Exposition
Limited Makes no
stops In Neb 1 9:00 : am
Nos. 21 and 22
Exposition Local ,
to Emerson , stops
nil stations except
Brlggs 6:15 : pm 8:30 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sun-
day only.
Missouri Valley Railway
General Offices. United
States National Bank Bide ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
and IPaniam Streets. Ticket Office. 1401
? ? , nit'sjMr ' ' 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm
Hastings York. Da
vid City , Superior ,
3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
and Fremont 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo &
Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : am
Fremont Local 8:15 : am
fork passenger. . . . . ' 10:00 : pm * 9:40 : nm
Daily. Dnlly except Sunday. Sun
day only. Dally except Saturday.
crn Railway-City
Office , 1401 Farnam Street.
Telephone , 501. Depot ,
Tenth nnd Mason Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago
Special 6:40 : nm 11:55 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis C:00 : am 10:45 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm
Carroll , DonnlBon ,
Council Bluffs 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molnoa , Marshall-
town , Cedar Rup-
Ids und Chicago. . . 11:0 : ? am 4:20 : pm
Atluntlc Flyer. Chl-
cugo und : East ! * 1:55 : pm 4 4:20 : pm
Fast Mull , Chicago
to Omuha 3:15 : pm
Northern Express. . 65 : pm 8:40 : am
Omaha-Chicago Spe
cial C:55 : pm 8:25 : am
Omaha-Chicago Ex
press * 9:00 : pm 6:55 : am
Dally. Dully except Saturday. Dally
except Monday.
I Railroad General Offices.
I United States National
Bynk nu . „ , rf. ( .
Twelfth nnd Farnam
is - * * f ncr
atrecu Ticket Office , 1101 Farnam Htreet.
Telephone , 561. Depot , Tenth und Maaon
Streets. Telephone , ifift ,
. 6:00 : am 8:40 : am
Minneapolis . . . . . 5:30 : pm 10:45 : pm
Sioux City Local. 7:45 : um 9:00 : pm
& Pacific Railroad "The
Great Rook Island Route. "
City Ticket Office , 132J
Fnrnam Street. Telephone
42S. Depot , Tenth an.d
Mason Streets. Telephone
Leave. Arrlvo.
Dea Molnes Local. . . 7:15 : am 11:25 : am
Chicago Express- . . . * * 11:30 : am 8:00 : am
Chicago Fust Express -
press 5:00 : pm 1:25 : pm
St. Paul Fast Ex
press 5:00 : pm ll:25am :
Lincoln , Colorado
SprlngH , Denver ,
Pueblo and West. . 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pm
Dea Molnes , Rock
Island and Chicago
cage 7:15 : pin 8:50 : pm
Colorado Flyer. . 6:40 : pm * 8:50 : am
Dally. " " except Sunday.
road General Offices und
Ticket Office , Southeast Cor
ner lltli and Douglas Streets
Telephone , 101. Depot. 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
. . . . Leave. Arrive.
St. Lous-Knnsa ! &
Nob. Limited 0:05 : pm 12:53 : prn
KUIIBOB City & St.
Joseph Express 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Wntrr . . 1:30 : pm * 9:45 : am
Exposition Local Via
Nebraska City . . . . * C:00 : pm 10:03 : nm
Dully. Dalley except Sunday.
Tlckft Olllce , 1415 Farnam ,
Street. Telephone , & 'J2. DC-
iHit , Tenth und Muaoti
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive ,
St. Louis "Canon
Ball" Express . . . . * 4:50 : pm * n:30 : am
Results Tell.
The Bee
Want Ads
Produce Results.