THE DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUSTE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , THURSDAY MOBNING , SoVEMKEB. 3 , 1808 TWELVE PAG-ES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. * PREPARE FOR ACTION English War Ships All Over the World Practically Stripped for Action , JOHN BULL NOT TO BE CAUGHT NAPPING Greatest Activity Manifest at Every Naval Depot and Ship Yard , FLEET IN CHINA LOADING SUPPLIES Everything in Sight Being Put in Commission with All Haste. FASHODA SITUATION IS UNCHANGED IlrltUh Suumlrnn at Wct-Hal-Wel lit MrlUliiur DlMtnncc of that roliit Prepared to Soil on 11 MoNet - Not Ice. Nov. 2. All the British war ships hero , the first-class battleship Cen turion , the first-class cruiser Narcissus , the second-clans cruiser Hermlon , the torpedo boat destroyer Whiting , the torpedo boat flentroyer Fame , the torpedo boat destroyer Handy and the first-class gunboat Peacock have loaded tor action and are ready tot sea at an hour's notice. The first-class battleship Vlctorlus nnd the first-class crulsor Undaunted at Chce-Foo are coaling to their full capacity. The Greatest secrecy Is maintained as to the men nine of these warlike preparations and there Is no doubt that Instructions are expected at any moment. A largo Russian licet Is assembling at Port Arthur. LONDON , Nov. 2. A semi-official note issued this evening relative to the reports of a settlement ot the Fashodu question says : The matter Is substantially In the same position as when the blue book and yellow book were published. It Is not anticipated that France will take further action until Major Marchand'a arrival nt Cairo on Thurs day , when explanations will be forthcoming us to his rca m for leaving Fnshoda. A Frenchman haa been arrested at Dover for attempting to enter the big gun turret on the Admiralty pier there. HALIFAX , N. S. , Nov. 2. The British tattleshlp Renown Is In full'fighting trim nnd tonight the vessel tested Its electric searchlights. This week the Renown has taken aboard large quantities of ammuni tion and naval stores. SYDNEY , Nov. 2. The British war Bhlps Cordelia nnd Pelican arrived today from Halifax. Their visit la regarded na ex. traordlnary , as both were supposed to leave for homo to go out of commission. The ihlps have submarine mince and heavy guns aboard , specially shipped nt Halifax , and it IB reported they will mine the entrance to Bydnoy nnd Bt. Johns ( N. F. ) harbors. Fnnliinla Sltnntlon. fir- 'LONDON' , Nov.-z' The situation regardIng - ' Ing Fashpda Is practically unchanged. Baron do 'Courcel , the French ambassador , who on Tucaday saw Sir Thomas Sanderson , perma nent under secretary of state for foreign af fairs , was absent from Lord Salisbury's re ceptlon yesterday. The special dispatches from Paris thlh morning repeat the semi-official statement that the evacuation ot Faehoda Is accepted In principle , but that other stations In the Bahr-ol-Ghazal region will be maintained. Various rumors are afloat as to Abyssinian expeditions nearlng the Nile to assist the French , but nothing positive Is known on this point. M. Delcasse. French minister of foreign affairs , Is expected to announce his policy In the Chamber of Deputies Friday. It Is ad mitted on all sides that Fashoda Itself offers no difficulty , provided a way can be found to save French amour propro. The Dally Mall announces the appoint ment as governor of Khartoum of Colonel Kitchener , brother ot the sirdar , General Lord Kitchener. UiiNNlnii Ilonr Ucnehex Out. LONDON , Nov. 2. The dispatch from Wei-Hal-Wei announcing the war prepara tions of the British naval authorities there la regarded here as of grave Impor tance , coupled with the Anglo-French war preparations. It Is surmised that Riibsta , profiting by the present strained relations between Great Britain and France , haa de cided to push forward Its alma In the far cast by forcibly seizing the valuable treaty port of New Chwang , which , It Is said. Great Britain win .permit. A dispatch from London to the Associated Press on October 20 said a cable message had been received there from Shanghai as follows : "A Russian regiment occupied the town of New Chwang ( province ot Leao- Toug ) and the forts at the mouth of the liver Llao , on October IE , thus securing complete possession of New Chwang. The native troops fled without making any oppo sition , under ordera from the empreea dow- nger and LI Hung Chang. A British gun boat was In the river at the time. Its nonresistance - resistance la regarded as the virtual British abandonment of the whole of Manchuria to the Russians and gives Russia an Invaluable Mrotcglc point. Great Britain Is certain to lose the New Chwang trade , ot which It haa had SO per cent. " M'UISIXO IX I.AXD OF Til 13 RED SEA , 3I y Coiuiillciile Matter * lletvreeii Prniiff , ItimNln nnil Abynnlnlii. LONDON , Nov. 3. The Rome corre spondent of Ihe Dally Mall says ; "Tho government haa received news froir IMassowah , In the Red sea , that a thousanc Danaklls. members of a tribe under Itnllar protection , recently attacked a caravan neai Jibuti ) , on the west coast of th ? gulf o ( Aden , belonging to the Abysslnjan envoys who were returning from Paris to the cour of the emperor. Menellk , of Abyssinia , will ( M. Lagarde , the representative of the Frcncl Kovernment , and the late governor of Obok "The Danakllu , who occupy the tcrrltor ; between Obok and the mountains ot Abys alnla , killed four French soldiers and seizin two hundred camels , four thousand rifles , i large quantity ot ammunition and valuabl gifts Intended for the Negus. It Is fearei that the result will be complications wltl France , Russia and Abyssinia. " KASHOIJA WOHTIILUSS TO FHANCI ! Tire Ycnrn to Itcueh I TUrotiKh Frriieh SourceH. WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The critical con dltlon ot affairs between France and Grea Britain Is exciting great Interest among thi diplomatic corps here and on some ot thi phases of the controversy their tnformatloi appears to be more exact than that comlni from ParU and London. The dispatches to day attached murh significance to the ab sence of Baron Courcel , the French ambas under , from London , and It was staled tha France would show Its animosity by no continuing an ambassador at London. Th Journal Official received at the French em bowerer , saya that the appolntmen of M. Paul Cambon as ambassador to Lon don to succeed Baron Courcel was officially gazetted on September 21. M. Cambon U a brothw of M. Jules Cambon , the French ambassador here , who waa conspicuous In the peace engagements between this govern ment and Spain. Ho has been ambassador at Constantinople and U now on his way to London. At the leading embassies hero there Is little Idea that the Fashoda affair will lead to war , although there IB a very general opinion that the Egyptian question In gen eral may lead to a conflict In which other European countries than France and Great Britain may take part. A French diplomat speaking of the Fashoda affair said : "There Is not the Bllghtcst chance that Fashoda alone will lead to war. Although ot strate gical value It Is practically Inaccessible to France , while at the same time easily ac cessible to England. English ships are now well down the Nile and the British troops are not far from Fashoda. Besides the Nile route brings the British within two weeks' travel of Fashoda. On the other hand It took Major Marchand two years and a half to reach Fashoda and at best It would take Franco two years to reach there on the route from the west coast of Africa and across to the Congo country. From a mili tary standpoint , therefore , It would be In expedient If not Impossible for an Issue to bo made on Fashoda. If there IB to bo an Issue nt nil , It will bo on the larger ques- on of Egypt In general and the control hlch Egypt U to exercise In the heart of frlca. " DIE LIKE RATS ON THE VOYAGE ( miner Mntitnerrnt with llcmtrln < c < l Troop * from Culm Arrive * nt CuUIr Mncty-r.lRli * DctitliN. CADIZ , Nov. 2. The Spanish steamer lontserrat has arrived here from Santiago o Cuba with repatriated troops. There ere ninety-eight deaths on board during , ho voyage and 800 other passengers are ; lck. lck.Tho The Spanish newspapers are venting tbeli- plccn on the Americans by publishing flc- lens to the effect that the United Stntca sanitary officers at Glbara Insisted upon the imbarkatlon ot dying Spanish soldiers. AID MONI3Y FOR IXTIIOIJUCTIOXS. 'roinoti-r lament lloolcy Detnilm How He Wan Bled. LONDON , Nov. 2. The examination of ilr. Hoolcy In bankruptcy proceedings was resumed today and attracted much atten- lon. Mr. Hooley continued to testify to ho amounts , largo and small , paid to trus- ces and directors In connection with his romotlons. He created a sensation by say- rig that ho paid Sir William Marriott 1,000 'or Introducing him to the Carlton club , nnd averting later that he paid 10,000 to the marquis of Abcrgavenny , a prominent con- ervatlve , for party funds. The witness did not known whether the money reached the party funds. Subsequently Mr. Hooley ex plained that he paid the marquis of Aber- gavenny 5,000 first and then paid him a second 5,000 because he was told that bo had promised 10,000. "But , " the witness nterjected , "that was a lie. " Mr. Hooley testified that he paid ? 1,000 o Frank Harris , editor of the Saturday Re view , "to flqtmro a man named Blake who hrcntonod to > publish noineti4ng"antagonl5 lo to the companies. " Witness also said1 e did not know Blake , nor did be know what the blackmalf waa for. Sir Joseph Ronals , former lord mayor of iondon , was mentioned by Mr. Hooley as among these who received $25,000 for Joln- ng the board of directors of the British Embroidery _ company. The bankrupt said ilso that Lord Ashburton paid him $250,000 'or a quarter share of his profits from Sop- ember 30 , 1S97 , to the last day of that year. On the other hand , Mr. Hooley paid Lord Ashburton $ CO,000 for an Introduction to a * firm ot solicitors willing to advance him ? 4fiO,000 at 3V4 per cent. Various others were named by the bank rupt ae having purchased shares In his profits. H la announced that C. D , Rose , financial editor of the Dally Mall , who was named by Mr. Hooley today as one of those to whom ho gave money , has resigned his position. FOU3IAI. ALLIANCE : NOT XECKSSAUY Air. Dryec Snyn ICmjlninVn Frlomlnhlr Tor America In Dnrnlilo. LONDON , Nov. 2. Rt. Hon. James Bryce , former under secretary of state for foreign affairs , subsequently president of the Board of Trade and now member of Parliament U he liberal Interest for Aberdeen , speaking there 'this evening , endorsed Lord Salis bury's ( stand In the Fashoda controversy , declaring that the military control o ! 'all the navigable waters In the Bahr-el-Ghazal basin , as well as the Nile , must be secured to Hgypt. Referring to the Increasing cordiality be twcon the United States and Great Britain Mr , Bryce said : When last In the United States I wa uuch struck with the chanc-j li : nuhllc mn tlmcnt. The spontaneous outburst of feel Ing In Great Britain , when the Curopcai powers wished tr > Intervene against th United States during the rccont war nit ! Spain , made the AmnrK'noi ncOeri.'ind IHM cloae we felt ( he tie between ttionselvi > s am ourselves. They have shown that thcv ap predate and reciprocate our sentiment. I wish never to advocate a formal all ! ance. At all events the olniarlcs at prcscn are serious , but all the conditions exNt fc u solid and durable friendship b twe'si America and Grrat Britain. They have n adverse Interests anywhere 'n the world an they have common alms ir. pumlry regions Everywhere each can render a m'eat nervlc to the other ; the Americans understand eac : other better than they cm understand an foreign country. Nature and history meant them to b friends and the closer nnd deeper Jha friendship Is the better lf wl'i bo for th greatness and welfare of both. Ilrnvy I'piinlty for Contempt. LONDON , Nrv. 2. Martin D. Ruckei a turmer promoter of bicycle companies , wh was charged with contempt ot court In en deavorlng to Induce Ernest Terah Hooley , th bankrupt company promoter , to nlte evidence which reflected upon the Humbe company directors , was fined 200 and cost today and was further ordered to pay th money Immediately or go to prison. Mi Hoolcy declared that Rucker , in behalf c four directors of the Humber companj offered him 5,000 to change some of th evidence preesnted In the bankruptc proceedings. Simla I'ropnrcii to .Move , NEW YORK , Nov. 2. A dispatch to th Herald from Havana says : The Spanls authorities arc preparing to oloao all mat tera ot the administration of the Island. , decree baa been Issued by the minister c finance elating that October 31 was the laf day for the Inauguration of new business and that all current affairs would be ende during the month of November , when Inven torles ot the different departments would b > completed and filed and packed , to bo ser to Spain. Mil roh u nil nt Cnlro. CAIRO , Nov. 2. Major Marchand an two other Frenchmen , accompanied by Cap tain Flttno of the Egyptian army , arc ex pected to arrive here tomorrow ( Thursday evening. ROUSING REPUBLICAN RALLY Mooting at Oreighton Hall Last Night a Remarkably Successful One. POPOCRATICTUBS THOROUGHLY SMASHED Rims of the McICItilry Party Do Tcrrlllo DiininRe to the Hulks Which Kir the Finn of I'liHton. Oh , what a bombardment ! The volleys fired by the big guna of the republican party at C'rolghton hall last night did not leave a ship of the popocrats that was not left a smoking wreck. Judge Den 3. Baker sent holes clean through the sllverclads of the enemy , amidships , Ex-Congressman E. J. Halner raked them fore and aft ; a few tor- rlflo shots were sent by Dave Mercer at the miserable fortifications on shore , and , finally , Judge M. L. Jlayward , by one grand coup , sent the flagship of the' demopop squadron' to the bottom of the sea. It was a glorious engagement another Manila and shouts went up for "Old Glory" In the triumph of victory. The hall was packed. It was under the auspices of the Swedish-American Garfleld club that the meeting was held and those who couldn't find chairs had to stand. For three solid hours the guns of the McKlnley patriots belched away at the enemy. Presi dent John Norberg of the club couldn't help expressing his gratitude to It for bringing such a crowd , grea In numbers and grand In enthusiasm. The Swedish Military band was there to play patriotic music and the Swedish singing club. "Norden , " was on hand to sing the "Bed , White and Blue. " The Immense audience Joined In the chorus of Iho latter with cheers. I.oeal Men Lend Off. By way of finding the range of the enemy there were a few prellmlnarj shots from the local candidates. Phil B. Winter , candidate for county attorney , called attention to the respective devices of the several parties on the ballot. That of the republicans Is the American eagle , which rightfully belongs to It ; the popocrats -misappropriated the one-story cottage home ot the farmer and the laborer , and the silver republicans had monopolized the liberty bell. If any party ought to claim the home and the liberty bell It la the republican party. As for the rooster tho'democrats are entitled to that- "ever scratching for something , always kicking , and keeping honest people awake of nights with Its unearthly crowing. " William I. Klerstead , candidate for re election as county commissioner , alluded to the proportionate representation of the Swedish Americans In the county patronage and passingly referred to some of the attacks made upon him by the popocratlc organ as characteristic falsehoods , too absurd to bo regarded seriously. His record In the past was n good enough guaranty ot what It would ho In the future. The legislative can didates , J. O. Detweller , Isaac Noyes , Joseph Crow , Frank Burman and J. A. Beverly , followed. Mr. Beverly called attention to the necessity for registering on the Bth. G. H , Williams , thecandldato < _ , .ror , , . , c impis- sloner of public lands.arid buildings , also talked briefly. Dnve Mercer's Stnrter. The first of the big guns was "Our Dave" Mercer. He had been cheered repeatedly from the time of his appearance on the stage. Said he : This meeting Is Indeed a compliment to i the patriotism and republicanism of the > Swedish-American Garfield club. It shows i their Interest In the cause of e"d > oem inent. Omaha has been n scene of great ex citement during the last lvf m. n'ti * , but : now that our splendid exposition Is over the voters will have time to r.ttind to poll- tics. The difference between the World's i Fair at Chicago and the TransmUslsslppl Ex position nt Omaha Is that the former was followed by democratic misrule and hard I times , whereas under the wise administration of President McKlnley the good times Omaha has had will be continued In the McKlnley prosperity enjoyed by the country at large. The other side Is making a great < 'eal of noise , but , my friends , -lo you remember the story of Grant at Galena ? Oca night ho heard a terrific howling. Ho asked wnot It was. He was informed It was 'Voyotes. ' "There must be six hundred of them " ob served the general. "Oh , no , " r ° pll ; d hla Informant , "you will discover th're are only two of them If you take the pilns to find out , " and , sure enough , when they Investi gated , they found that all ho noise -v.s made by only two coyotes fighting. ( Laug'i- ter and cheers. ) This Is the way It will turn out with the other side when the co.iut Is made on election day. Thera will b < ! only two popocrats howling nnd they will be fighting. ( Roars of laughter and appla-i'.f. ) I We have a great , grand , glorious country It Is a scandal upon our patriotism that tht yellow Journals continue to devote them selves to abusing such a splendid adminis tration as President McKlnley's has proved to bo. So far as my claims to your suffrages go I will simply fctand upon my record. Mj , opponent has a newspaper at hla dlsposa nnd he. through some agency , Is attempting to mislead the publlo by misrepresentation ! of myself. But It Is not necessary for me t ( do other than to leave my record with yo\ and trust to your patriotism and Integrity ( Loud and prolonged applause , and cries o : "You nro cure of our votes , Dave ! " ) JmlRc nnlcer'n Speech. Judge Benjamin S. Baker followed Mr Mercer. He said : 0d If It had been left to the Swedlsh-Amer lean Garfield club to say who was to be th < 3'- candidate on the republican ticket for ernor of Nebraska , It would not have be-oi Judge M. L. Hayward. but the state con ventlon knew beat what was for the bes Interests ot the whole state. There ore many questions In this com palgn , but there are a few particular onei upon which a few republicans nnd no popu lists talk. Ono of them is the money ques tlon. Senator Allen in his speech at Blali the other day nowhere mentioned the slngli gold standard or 16 to 1. They have aban < doned 16 to 1 , save that they want slxteei offices to our ono The only thing they nov claim Is that the republicans In their ad' ministration of the affairs of this state wen dlshcncst. Well , no party should be con < dcmned for the acts of only one or two mei any more than the religion of Je'.ois Chris should be condemned because of the pecca dlllos of a few erring church members. No where can you find two republicans talklnj together or ono soliloquizing and endorslni the acts of Bartlcy and Moore , and thesi two men are not before you now for you suffrages. If they were they would be 01 the populist ticket. Just hero Judge Baker took occasion t put In a word fcr Mr. Merrer and Mr. Kler stead. Anent the farmer ho observed : "Goi Almighty could not have done more to Omaha than has Dave Mercer , and Dave ha the happy faculty of getting everything h goes after whether It be an exposition o an election. " For Mr. KlerMead he recallei his close relations with htm for the las four years and did not forget that the mo rigid economy was Insisted upon even In th mutter of court supplies. e More ShotN at Silver. Then be went right after the silver bug aboo , saying. The silver question to me Is not an Issue yet it Is for liat | only that the trlpartlt arrangement In this state holds together else It U for the leaves and fishes , Ou - | | friend , Bryan , a gcod man personally , want O-o J3AJII jo oauuo3 | p3tinan | | | puv ojaj on. 1 the fre and unlimited coiage of silver ac cording to what ho saldllu his joint debate with Mr. Hoecwater MrTj Uosewntcr asked him : "How much will the prlce of silver rise If wo have the free and Unlimited colnare of silver ? " If Mr. BryanfCould not answer that , who could ? ForTjno was the "tin around which all the satellites of his party revolved. His answer vrns : "You cannot tell until you try It , andtyhcae who will not try It will never know.'v Now 1st mo Bay , my friends , while we think Wv * gt > t the greatest country In , nnd the smartest , most honest , InteHlocnnt and keen people In the world , nndfl believe we have , yet we mustn't thlnlr we've got all the smart people on the globe. There are about a billion and a quarter of people In the whole world. Of this number n arly nlna hundred millions , or nearly three-fourths of the world's population , had the free and unlim ited coinage of silver tor a good many years , and though they did many times more business than we as a riatlon can do , yet the prlco of silver gradually went down as the metal Increased In abundance. According to Mr. Bryan , If the mints ot our country were open to silver coinage. It would not make anydfferonce ; | where wo locate the mints , whether.-In Now York , on the Gulf of Mexico or Sanyrnnclsco all they a k Is that the hopper bfiopened ; and never closed would it make any difference If the hopper was put Just over , the border , say , In i Mexico ? The argument of Mr. Bryan nnd his followers Is that If two go ahead and coin the silver of the world we can compel the other nations to come ( to the prlco we fix by coinage. Yet Mexico hils free nnd unlim ited coinage and the Mextran dollar Is worth only 16 cents. From Mix Bryan's point of view wo could take cither 371U grains of pure sliver or only forty : grains nnd make It worth whatever prlco wo should fix. Concluding he showed ( hat there had been more silver coined since the "crime of 1873" than over before In the hfj < tory of the coun. try. It Is the silver mlnirn who are really behind the clamor for free coinage , because the price ot silver has fallen and they hope to bolster It up by favorable legislation. Legislation , however , cannot create values. The workingmnn , If anybody Is , Is entitled to the best dollar In thelworld. Prosperity had been enjoyed under republican rule al ways In the history ofjthls country. He told a story of a votorjin the last cam paign who had been collared by a sllvcrlto and told that a depreciated dollar would enable htm the easier to pay off a mortgage. "But I happen to hold ttie mortgage , " said the victim. He advlied all those present to make their little mark In' the circle at the head of the republican column ot candidates on their ballots. < jJ Hulncr'x Happy ITItn. The Swedish club , Norden , sang a. solo and then the "Red , White and , Bltje. " the audi ence joining In the choruVjpf the latter with cheers. After this cx-C6ngressmnn E. J. Halner took the rostrumNoticing that a workman had been at' ' > vork ( pa\ntlng \ the walls In the gallery during Judge Baker's speech , he said It was fay grand thing to I see that , under McKlnley/prosperlty , workingmen - ! ingmen are forgetting Sundays and night * , and haven't tlmo to Btop'ifurthermore { they nro being paid in 100-cent dollars. "Tht > fact Is the McKlnley 'administration with thlrtecn-lnch Krupp guns has been knocking holes In the popocrntlc armor. " His atten tion was then directed to . Hitchcock , tha fuslonlet candidate for congress , whom ha called "Multiple Platform Hitchcock. " He took up the leaflet clrcu utedtby Mr. Hitch cock and dissected it Vera are two good things to bo found In ItJ et remarked , "on that he was fortunate je' ' tKh to have boon born In Omaha , niiotr ei-V Us.'t Ills lather'Vas a republican. " On this hfe commented : Ho claims credit for being the son of n senator cf the United States who voted for the demonetization of silver In 1873. He says that ho left the republican party in 1885 , ono year after Mr. Blalnc made bis memorable campaign. If ho was with Blalno In 18S4. he was with that magnificent man who was In favor of putting 100 cents worth of silver in a , dollar. But he left Blalne and went over to Grover Cleveland. j that man who never learned anything and never had anything to forget. I , Mr. Hitchcock makes a great ado about I the silver question , but ho was In favor of the repeal of the silver purchasing clause , ' ot the Sherman act. and If he stood with | Grover Cleveland he was opposed to the < free coinage of silver. These things were simply suggested to me by the remarks of Judge Baker , for the silver question , though i not quite dead. Is not a living Issue today. Under Mr. McKlnley It Is making a splendid hcEpttal record for Itself. There is ono Idea which I want to impress upon laboring men. From the name of your i organization I Infer that you , like myself , l were born on foreign soil. I was born in Hungary , that country which saved Europe and Christianity as a bulwark of civilization i against the Mohammedan hordes. ' AVaKen nnil LlvlnR. I find that In the country where there is the highest wage paid there Is the highest standard of living. In China they eat rats , [ but In America every worklngman has his t beefsteak. The popocrats say that the la- 3 boring men are ground down. Mr. Bryan 3 would have you think there Is an antagonism between the laborer and hla employer , but , on the contrary , their Interests aie identical , j for the relation between capital and labor . is that of a partnership. The claim that the . | Interests of the two are antagonistic Is the j fundamental rot upon which the opposition builds Its Insecure fabric. Yet we hear Sen ator Allen constantly harping on the delu- slon of a conflict between the "masses and I the classes. " The republican party stands up for general prosperity regardless of sec tion , regardless of class , regardless of em ployment , all united together with a com mon Interest , a common purpose , a common country , a common flag , a common destiny. ( Loud applause. ) It Is not a question ol what shall be legal tender ; It is not a ques tion of what shall be the standard , but the real labor question Is that you shall have plenty of work. Every policy that gives you more work is the policy which you should espouse and vote for. In 1868 there was $400,000,000 paid out in wages in this coun try. In 1892 the amount was } 2,250,000,000- the population had doubled only , yet the 1 wages were six times more. During the nexl t four years the amount dropped almost one half to $1.260,000.000. Do > ou wonder thai we heard ro much about hard times then' The greatest calamity which can befall n nation is to have brave , strong men golne about peeking work and finding none. There has never been any such calamity under i republican administration. He made a beautiful peroration In closing calling the attention ot the men In the audi ence wearing the Grand Army button tc remember that they shot out sectionalism in the civil war ; that this is now a real United States a uniting of conditions as well as of commonwealths and he pointed to the glorious destiny ahead of the nation at the end of this century , hoping Nebraska would comet Into the republican column and j help support that "grand statesman ; thai 1 noble patriot , Major William McKlnley. " r Mr. Halner quoted freely from the World' n Herald of July and August , 1893 , to shov that Mr. Hitchcock had then opposed UK present 16 to 1 theory of free coinage. Jmlue IInyivnrd'n Adilremi , r Mr. Halner had been applauded at ever ; utterance almost , but the audience had beoi manifesting Impatience to hear Judge Hay ward and yelled for him vociferously. Whet he was presented be received a splendid ova tlon of prolonged cheers. As usual thi gubernatorial candidate's speech was ful ot telling points and he made the mnthc matlcal claims of the popocrata seem rldtcu lous. Ho eald : When we started this compalgn the nppo sltlon said to us , "show us whcro prosperlt has struck the state of Nebraska. " Senate Allen left word wherever be went cballeng Ing me to point It out. Well , we did. W ( Continued on Fourth Page. ) Indications that it and Another Power May Dome Into the Gatno. RUPTURE IN PEACE PROPOSALS EXPECTED Olllclnl Announcement of Crlftln In NcKotlntlonn Slay Conic Friday n Killtom Score United State * . ( Copyright , 1S.1S , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Nov. 2. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) The Stand ard's Berlin dispatch says that Russia and another power are credited with nn Idea emanating from Washington that annexa tion by the United States of the whole of thf > Philippines twould have to bo preceded by a common ncrecmont on future action to betaken taken In certain circumstances. On this question German papers express their feelings very frankly. The Hambur- glschc Corrcspondenz , a semi-official organ , says that Mr. McKlnley , whom nobody hitherto recanted as a hotspur , now de mands the complete surrender of all the Philippines only because victory at the elec tions on the 8th Inst. Is dependent on It. It concludes as follows : "At bottom the American demand Is less a blow to Spain than to the European powers , which Bccm desirous ot selecting naval stations In the Philippines. " LONDON , Nov. 3. The Paris corre spondent ot the Morning Post says : "It la expected that a rupture of the peace negotiations between the United States and Spain will be officially announced on Fri day. The feeling hero Is that the attitude of the Spaniards Is Irrational In view of the financial proposals of the Unted States and that they may ultimately regret having failed to agree quickly with the adversary. " The Vienna correspondent of the Time * says : "Tho Spanish commissioners cannot bo surprised , neither can the Spanish govern ment , by America's decision to take the Philippines. Possibly the Spanish people were not prepared for It nnd the commis sioners are pretending surprise so , that the government.may be better able to face pub- He opinion. Certainly everybody outside of Spain must have understood that the archipelago pelage was lost to Spain. " The Vienna correspondent of the Dally Telegraph says : The Austrian cabinet considers an English protectorate of the Philippines the only proper solution of the question. " PARIS , Nov. 2. The Sollel today , com menting editorially upon the position as sumed by the American Peace commission ers says : ' 'No monarchical government would hayo 3arei to conduct Itself after the f.isb'.on- > lha * Amoj enns , . . whx . > i ) > | o 6re c * talking EO much ot right and liberty. The plan of the Americans Is now evident. It Is to take all of Spain's colonies and leave Spain the debts of all those colonies. This Is the result of the holy war undertaken tc Insure the Independence of the Cubans. What base hypocrisy do these liberals , these democrats , these republicans show ! " ST. PETERSBURG , Nov. 2. The Novostl , commenting upon the United States' deter . mination to claim the Philippine Islands , says : "Tho great powers can , like Spain , protest against the proposed cession , as sev eral of them are directly Interested In the maintenance of the statu quo. In an ex treme case the question should be arbi trated. " IMMUNES STONE A TRAIN Coloreil Solillern Highly ImllKimnl Ileennne They 'Were Not Allowed In the Ladles * Car. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Nov. 2. Threi private soldiers of the Eighth United State : Volunteer Infantry , colored Immuncs ' camped at Chlckamauga park , were ejectei from the ladles' car of the Chattanongi Rapid Transit company's line , which runs t < the park , by the conductor and trainmen to night. The negroes were very dlsorderlj nnd ugly aleut It and when they reached thi park they went to their camp and gatherec together several hundred of their comradei and went to the station at Lytle , whore the ; began stoning the train Just as It was pull Ing out for the return trip to the city. The ; broke all the windows out of the cars am seriously Injured a brakeman named Far cloth. Fortunately there were few passen gers aboard. Afterward they stoned anothe passenger and three freight trains \\hlcl passed the station , doing great damage ' They have declared that they will ston every train on the road until they ar allowed to ride In the ladles' car. This ca was put on during , the tiuramer for the us of officers and ladles and no privates , ovei white soldiers , were allowed to ride In It. FLOWERS FOR MAINE VICTIMS Graceful Act of Cnlinnn In I'rPiiurliif n Flornl Crows for Amer- Icun HerouM. HAVANA , Nov. 2. This morning Genera Wade and General Butler of the Unite States Evacuation commission went to tb Colon cemetery to lay flowers on the grave of the victims of the ( Maine disaster. I ; the course of the afternoon a number o other officers visited the cemetery. Just after Generals Wade and Butler ha left the Hotel Trocha for the cemetery , car rylng the floral crown made by the commit tee ot young Cuban girls who had asked th privilege of paying this tribute to the dead a carriage was driven up to the hotel wit : representatives of the Cuban club , wh , brought an Immense floral cross to lay upo ; the grave. On learning that Generals Wad and Butler had already gone to the ccme tery the Cubans followed and overtook then In tlmo to place both offerings together. KRUPP PLATERECEIVES TES1 _ Wltlmtnnd * Perfectly the Impact o il 25t-Pouiul : Projectile nt 1,800 Feet Per Second. BETHLEHEM , Pa. , Nov. 2. Armor plat manufactured by the Krupp process wa given Its first test this afternoon by th Bethlehem Iron company at Its provln grounds. Many notable engineers witneue It , besides the Russian ordnance englneei who came from Philadelphia. It was th first test of Krupp armor of American mak and was a great success. Three shots wer fired from an S-lnch gun , the projectile ? weighing 253 pounds and the velocity rang Ing from sixteen to eighteen hundred fei per second. The plate was not cracked. Th Bethlehem company has received a big orde i for this makei of pUto from Ruiala. RUMOR SHIP PANAMA IS LOST , Tniimporl , HaiitlaRo to Ntnv A'ork , Cnr- ryliipr : ! - < ( I'minciiKcrH ) Montly Sol- < llcr , May Hnvc Keen Wrecked. NEW YORK , Nov. 3. Advices from Sanll- ace say a rumor Is current there that the United States transport Panama , which left Santiago for New York last Tuceday with 320 passenccrs has been lost off Cape Mays ) , Cuba. The news is said to have been brought to Santiago by a fishing schooner which , cruis ing along the coast , nlghted wreckage , among which was a life preserver marked "Panama. " Most ot the Panama's passengers ivero soldiers. Among the civilians were Con gressman John Dalzell ot Pennsylvania and ex-Congressman George Huff ot Grccns- burc , Pa. Cape Maysl IB on the extreme eastern end of Cuba. It Is not Improbable that the Panama may have suffered severely In the hurricane which swept over that part of the world nnd may possibly have lost some of Its rigging , accounting for the assumption that the vcs. scl is lost. COLONEL BRATT RETURNS ILL Ilrnclien San Friinclxoo on rionnl the Traiiniiort I'crn front Mnnlln. BAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 2. The United States Transport Peru has arrived , twenty- five days from Manila , via Nagasaki , Japan. It brought about twenty soldiers , who re turned homo on leave on account of lllncea or because their terms of servlco have ex pired. The few that were sick on the de parture of the veesel are now nearly re covered. Colonel John R. Bratt of the i First Nebraska regiment Is an exception. , Ha In seriously 111 with gnjtrltls and was confined to his bed during tno voyage. The other passengers are ns follows : Captain Le-e L-lnn , commtni ; . ' ry , , on spool il mission ' > Pettlt , 'M. L. Henry , citizen ; Arthur L. s Robinson , assistant engineer , U. S. N. ; Lieutenant - ! tenant George TuIIy , atgnal corps ; Llcuten- i ant Richard C. Hooker of the Brutus ; Lieu- i tenant W. J. Rlghwlre of the navy ; Joseph . Nelson , sailor of the Concord , sick ; WIN j 11am Moore , water tender of the Olympla ; Color Sergeant Harry Palmer , Tentt Pennsylvania regiment , ordered discharged by the secretary of war ; Sergeant Harry B Carr , Battery H , Third artillery , time expired ; Private E. E. Davis , Battery G Third artillery , time expired ; James , Walsh , sailor ot the Raleigh ; Anthony - thony Thomas , Company A , battalion ol engineers ; Gay Adams , Fourteenth In fantry , discharged ; James C. Woodward First Nebraska regiment , sick ; Paul Shulz sailor of the Olmpla , alck ; J. J. Mumford 01 | the Boston ; J. A. Green of the Monadnock ] ! David B. Crawford , Eighteenth Infantrv tlmo expired ; a. R. Jones , First California regiment , nearly recovered from dysentery ; Sayer Jensen , Company 0 , First South Dakota - kota , accidentally wounded while expert- 8 1 mcntlng with a shell after the fight , the ex- 3 plosion of which Injured his hand nnd face ; Henry Smith , headquarters cook , Tentl * Pennsylvania. 11 The trip was uneventful. The color ser- 0 ceant , Palmer , says that many of the volun- * tccr officers say that as eoon as It becomcf y evident that this country will hold the 0 Philippines they will send In their eslgna' 11 tlons Immediately. When the Peru Iff 8 Manila there were l.fJQO sick among the y . men and the physicians were terribly dls < * mayed at the progress that smallpox wa < y making. According to Palmer , In ono da ] fl there were ten deaths from smallpox. Cap > * I tain Linn said that he knew ot but fiv < * deaths from that disease In a single day r The filth poured Into the canals by thi h Chinese wan said to bo a prolific source o disease. e With regard to the rumor from Rli e Janeiro that there were fatalities in thi f Pennsylvania regiment which had beoi e caused by the misdirected fire of a detach ment of the First California , Palnwr eal ( that Private Baker of company I was she from behind through the head , and Imme dlately an officer rushed back to tell thi Callfornlans In the rear to cense thel : firing. WILL PUNISH BELLIGERENT ; AKiilnnlilo UMUCK Another I'roclama tlon to Certain Filipino * Who Have Offrndeil the Aiiirrlcnim. MANILA , Nov. 2. Aeulnaldo , the Insur gent chief , has Issued a proclamation point Ing out that , although the stringent order previously Issued by him have been gener ally obeyed , a few Flllplnoi have refuse obedience and offended ( n various ways an ho now warns all such that they are llabl to be declared outlaws and to Incur the extreme tremo penalty. The reference is apparent ! o to the anti-American' Flllplnoi. n In another proclamation , heucd slmul lo taneously , Aeulnaldo allows all armed for i- elgners , except Spaniards , to travel I Philippine territory , but all such are for bidden to approach the fortifications or tak photographs of defensive works. The United States cruiser Charleston ho gone southward for a raonth'i cruise. Adopt the Dnwc * Treaty. MUSCOOEE , I. T. , Nov. 2. In accordanc with the proclamation of Ispnrhcchcr , prln clpal chief cf the Creek nation , and th n agreement entered Into by the Dawcn com mission nnd the commission representing tli Muscogee or Creek tribe of Indians , tb Creek people today ad < pted the treaty by Kl majority vote of 311 , Three more small pre r clncts are to be heard from. This will nc ' change the result materially. The ratified tlon bv the Creek Indiana of the treat makes It the law , except In so far as itT res provldonu conflict with > he CurtU act , re s cently enacted by congress. 1'rlnonrr Jnmpx from Morlnif Trail TOLUMBUS. O , . Nov. 2 , Ben Wheelei white , handcuffed , Jumped from the vrlndo T ot a train running at the rate of sixty will an hour , and made good his KYLE CHANGES BASE South Dakota's Junior Senator Leaves tha Populist Party , REPUDIATES ITS PRESENT MANAGEMENT \Vill Oppose Fusion Until the State Eas Been Redeemed. NOT IN TOUCH WITH ELEMENT IN CONTROL Charges His Colleagues in Congress with Being Unpatriotic HE BELIEVES IN SUPPORTING THE PRESIDENT Decline * to He Counted ns n Traitor nnd I'ropoiM-n Henceforth to , Stnuil l > y UlN Country , Come Wlmt Will. ABERDEEN , S. D. , Nov. 2. United Stntca Senator J. II. Kyle In nn Interview In thn News today says : "I repudiate the popu. list party management In this state. " Although still nn Independent ho will oppose - . pose the fusion until the state has been redeemed from the hands of the element that now controls that party. Ho charge * his populist colleagues In congress with be ing unpatriotic In not , supporting President MoKlnley In the war against a common foe. Ho says : "I am an American citizen , proud of our country , proud at our president , proud of our army and navy and proud of our flag , and as long na I have breath to cast a vole It shall be recorded for my country , comu what will. " uniaiiT SKIES WYOMIMJ. Every Heiinon to Hfllcvc tlint llpnuli- llcniifi Will Curry the * Ntiitc. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) Chairman J. A. Van Orsdel of the republican state central committee today Issued the fol lowing address to the voters of Wyoming : To the People of Wyoming : I desire to extend my congratulntlonB to the republicans of Wyoming regarding the situation ! throughout the stato. What three weeks ago seemed to be an apathetic condition , on the part of the voters , has changed as far as the republicans are concerned to an ear nest determination to save the state from n return to democratic depression. The I largo majority of these who value pros- i porous times and who are looking forward I to the future with hope , Jwvo enrolled them- i selves under the republican banner and will to the polls next. Tuesday to repel the yw nym jfi muvawyKajaitAi".1"1" ! * * tries' ft the state Ttlih to RecjTnhctn ttfiu getting control of the next congress. At this tlmo there Is every reason to believe that 'the ' republicans will elect the entire state ticket , member of congress and a majority of the legislature. The chair man of the democratic committee has made a last desperate appeal to the democrats and sllvcrmen to stand by the ticket , but his words Inspire no enthusiasm among the rank nnd fllo of the party , who have al ready given up the contest. Lifelong demo crats all over the state say that their party this year promises nothing to the people but a debased currency that they are standing In opposition to all that has been gained by the prosecution of the most successful war over waged by n nation. The republican party , after eighteen months of administration of the affairs of the government , presents Its clalme for the suffrages of the people without any apolo gies. The prosperity promised In the cam paign of 18)6 ! ) has been morn than realized. Democratic orators In this campaign have persistently declared that the times nro no better than they were under democratic rule. The bank deposits ot the state have lucteased one-fourth during the last four teen months. This prove. * conclusively that the restoration of confidence ban brought Into the country the Increased currency necessary to conduct the business of the country and disproves the declaration that the republican policy haa contracted tha currency. Prosperity Is not an Intangible- thing. The man who Is receiving today double the price for his wool , double the price for bis beef , double the price for h'u mutton and almost doubfe the price for all tba products of the farm that be received under the last democratic administration , has a demonstration of prosperity that can not be disproved by the simple declarations j of the democratic stump orators of the state ( to the contrary. With such evidences of prosperity at hand , with the Increased de mand and higher prices of labor , with the 1 general contentment that prevails over the Improved conditions , the people are not ready to return to the cheap prices nnd tha Cheap statesmanship of 1S93-9C. I have only to urge the republicans and all pthora who desire a continuance of the present prosperous conditions to go to the polls next Tuesday and Insure the success of the republican ticket from top to bottom. The eyes of the nation arc on Wyoming and wo are to determine at this election whether we are to be clashed with these other Rocky Mountain utatcn which arc considered hoc- tlle to foreign Investments. Let every man and woman who has suffered during the democratic times , previous to the election of President McKlnley , and who have been made prosperous through rcpubMcan meth ods , show their appreciation by supporting the republican ticket at the coming election. THIRTY-SIX MILES AN HOUR Torpedo Hunt DeMroj-er , Fnrrnirut , llevclonii Great Sin-oil on the Trial Trip. SAN FRANCIBCO , Nov. 2. The torpedc boat destroyer' Farragut went out on Its official trial trip today and when It had all but accompl'chcd ' the requirements ot the government an air pump'broke down and spoiled It all. The requirements of the contract are that thn vessel whall run an hour nt a speed of thirty knots. For forty- two minutes the Farragut cut through the water at a epeed of 31.3 knots , or more than thlrty-elx miles an hour , then the break came Ionium SnlI Tnilny. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 2. The Flfty- rlrat Iowa regiment. Colonel Hoper command ing , will embark on the Pennsylvania to morrow and the transport will sail early to morrow afternoon , the tldo permitting. The City of PutblH. with the remaining Tennes see troops , the First tnxp rf Nevada ca\- airy and eighteen recruits for the regular army , who enlisted at Portland , will sail Saturday , The Newport will not go until next Tuesday , but it l such fa t ship it will aahltr overUko ho ethers.