Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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large Increase in the Visible Sends Wheat
on a Sharp Decline ,
J'nrk Drop * . Fifteen Cciitn , LnrtI Seven
anil n Iliilf Cent * nnil Illlm I'lvc
Cniitn Mnrket Mull mid
i 12n v.
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. A Inrge Increase lu
Iho vlBlblo supply of wheat , UB reported by
llradstrtct's today , caused a sharp dscllnu
Jn prices near the end of the rcsslon. After
an early advance on the sudden rise at Liv
erpool December closed 3-So.lower. Corn
left off at a decline of USS-Sc. Oats are
unchanged. I'ork lost 15c , lard 7&c and
ribs 5Q7'ic. '
Liverpool Btartcd at an advance of Idler
lor spot wheat and 2 1-Sd for futures , while
the next quotation for December showed a
jlso of 31-Sd , and the cloMng cablu reduced
the last prevlouy ( lUotatlon from Id to l ! ' d.
The effect of the bullish Irregularity
n broad upon speculative sentiment here waste
to start December wheat at about last
jilfclit's prlco for calls. Business , however ,
was by no means animated and thu open *
Ing advance was followed by a long Inter
val of dullness , with the tendency toward
n slight downward reaction. The sudden
rally nt Liverpool was said to bo duo to
small Blocks and the unsettled political as
pect. New York sent bullish dispatches ,
ono of which said the continent accepted
wheat offerings last night notwithstanding
Ihe holiday prevailing. Shipping houses
litre also reporled heavy acceptances from
the United Kingdom. London throw cold
water on the bullish new. < , however , by
liiiotliiR a bettar inquiry for cargoes on pas-
uaRe , but at prices SftlHid lower.
The clearances of wheat r.nd Hour from
Atlantic and gulf pertH were again enor
mous amounting to 1,010,0)0 ) bti. Primary
western market receipts all told were 15S-
i < W bu. , against I,2b7uu0 bit. the correspond
ing day last yenr. Chicago receipts wcro
475 earn , against 217 for thu same day a year
ngo , and the northwest received 1,723 cars ,
s compared with 1,402 the Hlmllar day a
weik ago and 1,013 the year before , lirad-
Htrt'lN < t-i.ort imidu wh at stocks east of
the Hocklcs show 2,353,000 bu. Increase. The
iimount ahoui lor Kuropo thowcd an In-
rreaso of S.HOO.UOO bu. , making a total of
0,252,000 bu. , Hgalrist 5,210,000 bu. Increaho the
corresponding wide of last year. Owing to
the Druilatruct report and an absence of
jinythlng more warlike from Europe than
Jmd already been received , thu market
Blumpcd off , closing weak at the lowest
price of the day. December opened ' .fcflii-Sc
Iilgher lit f,7Uifii73-8c [ , held steady at 67 3-Sc ,
declined to fi71-Sc , rose to d7Vic , then
dropped to GC3-S.C . , tils closing price.
Stronger cables and a decrease in stocks
lit Liverpool , together with the upturn In
wheat , started corn higher. The early
strength gave place to a much easier feel
ing , however , on account of the slackness
of shipping demand. The declining ten
dency of wheat In the last half hour had
u depressing effect and caused selling of
; orn , which left off at the lowest price of
the session. Receipts were B01 cars. De
cember began l-8c higher at 32S-S032 : > ic ,
) iold steady at 32-c , then declined quickly
to 32',4o buyers , the closing llguro.
An excellent cash demand developed con-
nldsrable strength In oats. There was a
largo business transacted with heavy buy
ing by professionals. Receipts were 341
earn. May started 1-So up at lil i tT-Sc ,
lUcllned to 21C-S , advanced to 2lo-85j23c ,
then reacted to 21 5-S021Jc , at the close.
Provisions ruled slow and easy. Ile-
relpts were large and prices were weaker.
'J"ho demand was fair. Thcro wa liberal de
mand for lard by house ? with ICngllsh con
nections , which carried the whole list down
ward. Shipments were large 1.857.00) lb ? .
of meats and 4,238,000 Ibs. of lard. January
jmrk opened tW/fcc lower at $ S.03Ci9.00 , de
clined to $8.50 buyers , the closing price.
January lard began a shade lower at JI.92V&
nnd declined to $1.S7'A at the close. Janu
ary ribs started 2fcc ! lower , declined to
51.57'i and closed at . .67''g'4.60 ' ' buyers.
Kstlmatcd receipts for Wednesday :
M'heat , 330 carr ; corn , 310 cars ; oats , 210
cars ; hogs , 35,000 head.
leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open , lllirh. Low. Clone. Ycs'd'y
Nov. . . 06 flo
Dec. . . BBH HfiH
Hoy. . 08 OU 67M 67H
Nov. . . 32M 32 32 S2U
Dec. . . . 3.W
May. . . 34 OJh 34
Dec. . . 24W
May. .
Dec. . . 780 785 777 780 790
Jan. . . . 787W DUO 800 360 905
Deo. . . . 480 480 487 *
Jan. . . . 487K
Illb * .
lice. . . . 4 0 460 4 S7K 46' < H
Jan . . . 467H 4 till 405
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUn Steady ; special brands , $4.10 ©
1.30 ; hard patents , $3.60jj3.75 : soft patents ,
S3.40B3.50 ; huri straights , $3.10 < Q3.20 ; bakers ,
"williAT No. 2 flprliiK , C6 , iii67 c ; No. 3
eprhiK , G3"4S67Vje ( ; No. 2 red , G7jto.e. .
COHN No. 2 , 323-40.
OATS No. 2 , 2U4625c : No. 2 white , 26' . '
CiVic : No. 3 white , 25V65J2C' c.
i IYK Nn , 2 n n .
BARLEY No. 2. 33fi4Sc.
SEKDS KlaxHced , No. 1 , J1.02JT1.03 ; prime
timothy sped , J'.SS.
PHOVISIONS-Pork , mess , per bbl. Jl.SO
( STJ.SS. T.ard , per 100 Ibs. , Jl.S5fTI.SO. Bacon ,
ehort ribs sides ( loose ) , J.V00170.23. Dry salted
rhoulders ( boxed ) , J4.60ifl.73 ; short clear
pldes fboxed ) . J5.10iw.20.
WIIlBKY-Dlstillcrs' flnished Roods , per
gal. , JUS.
Tha followme are the receipt- , and ship
ments for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shipment ! .
yiaur , bbls. 17,0001 2S.OOO
\Vheat , bu. 2.1ono 1U3.000
Corn , bu. . . , ; ; icooo ! 451,000
Oats , bu. . . , 350,000) ) 407,000
llyc , bu. . . . , 41,0m ) : IS.OOO
Jiarlay , bu. 21,000
On the Produce exchange today the but-
Inr market was steady ; , 149i.Ko ;
i dairies , isu j I3c. KKK . dull ; fresh , I7'.iia
JSc. Cheese , imchuiiRed
1'otnl AVIient Supply Show * an Iii-
erenxe of ( l'JSt ; , ( ) ( ) < lIuNhelM.
NEW YORK , Nov. l.-Speclril telepi-aphlc
nnd cables dispatches to Bradstreet's In
dicate the following changes In available
supplies last Saturday as compared with
the preceding Saturday :
Wheat. United States and Canada , east of
the Rocky mountains , Increase , 2,3S,000 ! bu. ;
Liverpool Corn Trade News ) alloat for
nnfl In Europe , Increase , 3,900,000 bu. ; total
uupply , Increase. B.2S3.000 bu.
Corn , United States and Canada , cast of
< he Hocky mountains , Increase , 323,000 bu.
Oats , United States'and Canada , east of
the Rocky mountains , Increase , Sfl.OOo bu.
Among the more Important Increases in
American and Canadian vislblo supplies
ro the ( rains of 1,000,000 bu. at northwest
ern Interior elevators , 315,000 bu. at Ontario
und Manitoba storage points , 203,000 bu. at
New Orleans and HO.Otx ) bu. at Oalveston.
The only Important decrease Is that ot
79,000 bu. at Milwaukee private ulovutors.
The uggreKate stocks of wheat held at
I'ortland. Ore. , nnd Tacoma and Seattle ,
Wash. , show an Increase of 313,000 bu. over
last week.
Yoiuc < ; FMU.VI ,
( luoindnim for I lie Day on ( icnernl
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. PIXDUR-Hecelpts.
43,474 bbls. ; exports , 41,521 bbls. ; quiet and
utealv. closing eaiv with \vheat.
HVE Steady ; No , 2 western , BlflSlHc , c.
d. f. , Huffalo , atloat to arrive.
WHEAT Receipts , 351.500 bu. ; exports ,
15,637 bu.j spot , easy ; No , 2 red , 77c. f. o.
ti. , afloat. Options were strong on bullish
Liverpool cables and irregular during the
day on a scalping trade. The afternoon
veiling wns prompted by easier late cables.
Chicago hammered the market and nil ad
vances were tlnally lost , the close hulng
practically unchanged from thu previous
day : May , TJ'.S.Tac , closed 72 3-Sc.
CORN. Receipts , 192.400 bu. ; exports. SJ-
O bu. : spot , No. 2 , 23 5-So. f. o. b. , u float.
Options opened firm on cable news , but
tvas llnatly easier under realizing sales ,
closing- lie net lower : May closed at 39 3-Sc.
OATS Heo-elpts. 24I.7UO bu. : exports. EO-
412 bu. ; spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 29 < ,4C. Options
vtre neglected.
CHEESE Steady ; largo white und
colored , & < c ; small white und colored , l > fi :
0 l-8c.
METALS Although several departments
woru lees active today the general under
current of sentiment was very llrm , with
tfomt > nietuli , In fact , exhibiting a strong
front on a withdrawal ot eellcra and press-
Inp tnnniln ( from buyer * . , nn rtur-
Ing the Inut few dayc , was very encourag
ing to holders. At the close the Metal ex-
i li'iiiire called t'lg ' Iron warrants < tulet tit
J7.00 bid nnd J7.25 nsked. Uike. coppti- wax
llrm at JI2.M bid nnd J12.70 asked. Tin wan
quiet ut J18.25 bid nnd J1S..17H asked. Load
was rtrmcr nnd higher nt J3.,0 bid nnd J3.73
n ked , Spi'H'jr wns very llrm nt J5.20 bid
und J3.25 asked. The llrm naming the set
tling price for leading western miners und
smelters quotes lend at J3.50.
Condition of Trnile nnil Quotation * on
Staple null I-'iiney 1'roiluce.
EOOS Oood stock , 17c.
HUTTEH-Comrncin to fair , I&ni2o : sop *
arutor , 22c ; gathered creamery , 20tJ21c ,
liivij l'OUl/1 HV Hens. 4H'o6c ; old roos-
terx , 4c ; spring chickens , Cc ; ducks , 6Q7c ;
( JCC.MC , ( i'fl7c.
GAME Tral , blue wing , J1.75 : green wing ,
Jl.CO ; mixed , J1.75fi2.U3 ; pralrlo chickens ,
young , J4.BO ; old , J4.
IMOKONS Live , per doz. , 75c.
Y13AL Choice , flu.
C1SLERY Per bunch , 23t30e ? ; Colorado
ceirry , 45c.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 33S43c.
HEANS-Iliuid-plcked navy , per bu. , 51.30
POTATOES .WHOc : sucked. 43i-4r r.
BWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , J2.00U2.23.
CAUHAGES- bu. , crated , Ic.
LEMONS-Callfornla , fnncy. SB.OOWC.BO ;
cholc"- ; . J5.50iii5.75 ; fnncy Messina , JG.COQ7.00.
ORANdES Mexicans , SI.
BANANAS f'holce , large stock. per
bunch. $2.CK > 32.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES-Wcstern Ben Davis , CJenltons
nnd Wlnesnps , per bbl. , J3.2503.50 ; New
York Ualdwlni , Greenings nnd others , per
bbl. . $3.fiims.75.
I'l-'Ai'ttEB-Sonson over.
PI.UMS Oregon , J1.0&Jfl.23 ; season nbout
PEARS Hartlett. California , out Of the
market ; other varieties , J2.25.
OHAPESillrornla Tokuys , Jl.BOffl@l.G3 ;
New York grapes , ISc.
PRANHEHniES Wisconsin. r > cr box ,
J1.2.Capo ; Cods , per bbl. , JG.23Q6.53 ; Jerseys ,
QUINCES-Per box , J2.
NUTS AlmondH , per Ib. , 14fJ15c ; Brazils ,
per Ib. , Sf/lOc ; English walnuts , per Ib. ,
fancy soft shell. IlftU'c ; filberts , per Ib. ,
lOc ; pecans , polished , 7QSc ; oocoanuts , per
100 , Jl.50ff5.CO ; peanut-- , raw , 6'Jc ; roasted ,
" ' .ic ; I'ht'Stnuts , 1151120.
MAPLE HYHt'P Klve-rnl. fan. pneh ,
J2.r,0 ; pal. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal ,
cans , J8.23 ; quart cans , J3.30.
HONEY Choice White. 12Til3c.
DATES Hnllowec , CO to 70-lb. boxes , D'/Jc ;
Salr. 5e ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Oc.
I' IOS Imported fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , ] ( ! < 5-orown. 4)-lb. ) borfs. 13c ; 3-lb ,
boxes , 2252Jc per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , Jl.lOi51.15.
CIDER Pur half bbl. , $3.2333.50.
IIIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
green hides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8ie ;
No. 2 salted hides , 7ic ! ; ; No. 1 veal coif ,
S to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. a veal calf , 12 to 15
Ibs. , 7c.
l , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2'ic ; rough tallow , I' o :
white grease , 2Vi&2ic ; yellow und brown
grouse , If721ic. ?
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , ISt ?
"Be ; green salted shearings ( short wooied
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
woolcd early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Gc ; dry
Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher tvno,1
sells , per Ib. , actual weight , 4StBc , dry flint.
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per Ib. , actual weight. Scrflc ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 4ft5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3U4c.
St. IntilN MnrUet.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 1. FLOUR Very little
business passing nnd market dull and easy ;
patents. J3.GOfM.75 ; straights , J3.35ff3.43 ( ;
clear , J2.9M/3.10 : low tn medium. J2.00i)2.7n. | )
Hyo ( lour , jobbing , $3.00 in sacks nnd $3.20
pur bbl. ; buckwheat Hour , western , pure ,
$1.00 per bbl. ; eastern , J4.50.
\\HEAT-Lowcr nnd weak ; No. 2 red
cash , elevator , GDV c ; track , K9 fi-Sc ; Novem
ber , G9 ? > c ; December , CD a-SSJGMijc : May ,
C9 G-SP ; No. 2 hard cash , G5fiG5 3-Su.
OATS Firm but slow ; No. 2 cash , 2Gc ;
track , a7c ; December , 25c bid ; May , 234c ;
No. 2 white , 29if(30c. (
HYE-Hlghcr at 52c.
SEEDS Flaxsced , higher at J1.01U ; prime
tlmothv seed , nominally at J2.SO.
WHISKY Steady at J1.23.
CORNMEAI Quiet at Jl.60ffl.65.
nuAN gn i-t , > . - . k , B3c.
HAY Steady ; timothy , JO.OOQ9.00 ; prairie ,
JG.OOffl7.50. . ,
UUTTER Steady ; creamery , ! 9 23'/4c ' ;
dairy. lGu21c.
EGGS-Hlgher at IBc.
GAJH'3 Ducks , Mallard , undrawn , J3.00
per doz. ; drawn , J2.75 ; redhead. J3.50 ; canvasback
vas-back , JG.OO : bluo-wlnjr teal , J2.00 ; green-
wing teal , J1.75 ; wood duck. J2.00 ; mixed ,
J1.50 ; deer carcasses , lOQllc per pound ;
plover , Jl.COin.ll ) per doz. ; young squirrel ,
Jl.OO : snipe. J1.50 ; rabbits , Jl.0081.10 ; Jack-
rabbits. J2.00.
BAGGING Quiet at ifctViC.r ,
METALS Lend , higher at $3.5o ; spelter ,
higher at J5.00.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard
mops. Job' ' " ? . $7 > \vf
steam , J4.77H ; choice , JI.S2V4. Dry salt
$3.75 ; shorts , J3.93.
RECEIPTS Flour , 7.000 bbls. : wheat , 119-
000 bu. : corn. 111,000 bu. ; oats , 13.WO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
110,000 bu. ; corn , 130,000 bu. ; oats , 38,000 bu.
Ilnltlinore. MarUet.
BALTIMORE. Nov. ] . FLOUR Dull and
unchanged ; receipts , 23,233 bbls. ; exports ,
1.4S9 bbln.
WHEAT Firm ; spot , 71 5-Sc ; receipts ,
98,022 bu. ; exports , 155.000 bu , ; southern
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 29JJ30c ; receipts ,
20.irrJ u. : exports. 33,242 bu.
KY13 Firmer : No. 2 western , Si c ; rc-
colnts. 7.372 bu.
IUJTTEH Steady and unchanged.
KOOS Firm and unchanged.
CHEESE Sternly and unchanged.
Crnlii HeeelptH nt Principal Market * .
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 1. Receipts :
Wheat , 527 cars.
ST. LOUIS .Nov. 1. Receipts : Wheat , 157
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. Receipts today :
Wheat , 175 cars ; corn , 501 cars ; oats , 310
cars. Estimated cars for tomorrow :
Wheat , 350 ; corn , 310 : oats , 240.
DULUTH , Nov. 1. Receipts : Wheat , 1,193
Receipts at Primary Markets : Wheat ,
S5S.072 bushels ; corn , C01.WU bushels ; oats ,
KANSAS 'CITY , Nov. 1. Receipts :
Wheat , 212 cars.
rineliinntl Market.
and steady.
WHEAT Steady : No. 2 red , GSc.
CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 33c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 27c.
H\i : Firm : No. 2 , 05e.
PROVISIONS-Lard , easier at $4.70 ; bulk
meats , quiet and easy at $3.23 ; bacon , steady
at JC.40.
WIHSKY-FIrm at $1.25.
Toledo MarUcl.
TOLF.UO , Nov. 1. WHEAT Active and
weak : No. 2 cash. 70 > ic ; December. 70'.je.
COHN Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , S3c.
OATS Dull and hlKher ; No. 2 mixed. 25c.
HYK Dull nnd higher ; No. 2 cash , 53'Ac.
C'LOVEHSEED Active and lower ; prime
cash , old , SI.73 ; November , new , $1.93.
Slock * mill I'rovlxloiiM In Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL , Nov. 1. Following- the
stocks of brcndstuffs and provisions In
Liverpool : Flour , 41.000 sacks , wheat , 3CS-
00) ppulnls ; porn , 49,00 < ) centals ; beef , none ;
pork , none ; bacon , lli. OO boxes ; hams , 6,300
boxes ; shoulders , 5.MM boxes ; lard , -15,000
tlerees : cheese , & 3.000 boxes ; butter , 9,100
California Dried Fruit * . ,
DRIED FRUITS Firm ! evaporated uiinlec ,
common , "fiSc ; prime wire tray , 7liU"4c- :
choice , 7-iiiSe } ; fnncy , SHc ; prunes , 5UW
9V' ; apricots , Royal , llC14c ; Moor Park ,
13iil7ipeachep / ; , unpccled , SVJSHe ; peeled ,
"Mllivanliee drain l
Hlcher ; No. 1 northern , 6S'ic. '
HYE-Hlgher ; No. 1. B2c.
BAHLEY-FIrm ; No. 2 , 4S'-c ; sample. 39
5 ? ISc.
" , . , , , . , , , . , , | -\Vlient Mnrkrt.
Steady ; No. 1 northern. C4 5c.
FLOUR First patents , J3.$0 < g3.90 : second
patents. J3.65f ( < 3.75 ; first clears , J2.SOQ2.90.
URAN-In bulk , JS.DOB9.00.
Liverpool ( Jrala .tlnrket.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. l.-WHEAT-Steadv ,
I'iQlH" ! higher ; November. nominal ;
December , Cs l 4d : March , Es ll .d.
CORN-Steady , Hflsid higher ; November.
3a 103-Sc ; December , 3s 9 7-Sd ; March , 3s
i i-Sd.
I'll lladeliih In Produce ,
St ady : fancy went'rn crenmcry , 23c , west
ern creamerv , prime , 24c.
ir. . .i . wtstern , 20e.
TriiKt Sloekn niiKnuc the Prluolpnl
Attention on 'ClimiKe.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The trust stocks
continued to absorb n. largo share of atten
tion In Wall street today. Thu fluctuations
were violent nnd nt times conflicting , hut
owing to the predominant Influence of To
bacco In this class of securities most of
HID group closed the day at net losses. Thu
trading in ( ill of tncm was with full mjs-
ttry on' nnd theru WUH no conclusive
reason known to the puullc either for the
curly mivuncu or u subsequent decline.
1'robiiuiy the inherent weakness ot Hugar
In view ot the formidable tradu In pros
pect was the root of the difficulty and wiis
precipitated by thu fact that the now rtvut
companies hud commenced melting Sugar
today , lucre has been support ot Sugar ,
for sevcrul days with the obvious Intunt
of aiding the nso In Tobacco and when It
proved too heavy today Tobacco took a
sudden drop ot over 0 points und fluctuated
feverishly for the rest ot the duy. It Is
qlillo Jiunsllile Tuuiui'o wns uilowul to fall
with n view to shaking oft an Indescribable
speculative following , out whatever the ob
ject of the movement the price was purely
manipulative- under control. The
Federal Steel stocks fell oif from
the sympathy , but fluctuations In
these was much narrowed und the
support more substantial. The securl-
, lies of the new Standard Distilling coin-
puny , the twin company of the American
Helming company , were the latest acces
sions to the list of so-called trust stocks on
the exchange , with an added capitaliza
tion of K4WA > ,000 to this class of securities.
They rose from 2 to 2'b ' points over the
j eaily quotation , but sagged before the closu '
In general heaviness of thu market. The
always vulnerable coalers came in for somu
severe raps on the ground of the unfavorable -
blo beptember statement ! * of Reading and
New Jersey Central nnd general depression
In the unthruclto trade.
Extreme declines ranged from 2 to 3U
points in the group , which uncovered
stop-loss orders , but which was followed
by a rally on of shorts. A rise of
1 6-S in Manhattan on talk of new nnd pow
erful interests in the company aided the
hardening tendency of the market In the
lute dealings. '
Changes in the railroad list nre very
small us a rule nnd though losses predom
inate there is u fair sprinkling of gains.
1 Norfolk A : Western preferred is a conspicu
ous example on Its strong September state
ment , showing last year's high level of
earnings well maintained. There was not
lacking a feeling of uneasiness over the
threatening portents on the European po
litical horizon , reflecting the spasmodic
rlso of the Liverpool wiieat market in the
absence of trading on the London and
Paris stock exchanges. Railroad stocks as
a whole , however , showed themselves re
markably llttlo affected either by this or
the weakness In the specialties. Thcro was
more activity shown in railroad bonds than
In stocks and though prices us a rule were
easier there were exceptions on the side
of gains. Totul sales , $2,110,000. United
States 3s , registered , and the old 4s , recls-
tcred , advanced 1-8 In the bid price. The
3x , coupon , sold as high as 103 G-S Inter-
tst , which Is equivalent to the bust pre
ceding price with the Interest on.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : Today's discount market
was firm , wholly on political grounds.
There was no stock market today here OP
In Paris ; the Berlin bourse was , however ,
open , and wns reported tlrm. Tomorrow ]
the fortnightly settlement In consols be
gins and it Is anxiously awaited because
It is believed that the- future policy of the
Bank of England borrowing from the open ,
market may then bo Indicated.
The following are the iiubm quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today ;
Alctilson )2'ii ' < lw fil -U
do ofd 3o"i , do Sml pM " 91 *
lUltlmoni & Ohio. . 4IU St. U , .t S. W S'J
Canada P.vlflc . . . . Sl'A ' do t > td IS' ' *
Canarta Southern . . . V5 , St. Paul lOO'.fc
Central I'aclllo . . . . 25 clo pM ICOli
rhcsaoenko & Ohio. 21'St. . P. & Oni S1H
Chi. & Alton r.2Vjl do nf. ' , 161U
r. , U. & Q 115 % St. P. M. & M..1C7
C. & 13. Ill M .uo. Pacific 22
rk > DM M5 , So. Hallw v S %
Chi. G. AV 13T' | ilo flfd 14 > i
C. , Ind. & L 7',4 ' TPXIIS Pacific 8
do nfd 25 .Union 1'ncltlc 3n ;
C. l& N. W .131UI lo DM C3li
do rifd 17.V.4 TT. p. D. &G Cli
r1. . C. . f * . & St. 1. . . W AVnbnsh 7U
do pfd S4 I lo i > M I9U
Pel. & Hit "ion ! " 'i Wheel. & L , . E 3
. . UV 110 I do jifil IG'i
Den. & Iln ! ' " . . . . . 121i Adams Kxp 110
do nfl BS 'American Ex 137
Total sales of stocks today wore 33S.5PO
shares. Including : Atchlson preferred , 7,853 ;
Burlington , 7,233 ; Manhattan , 10,032 ; Delu-
ware & Hudson , 2,522 ; Louisville & Nash
ville , 9,515 ; Union Pacific preferred , 3,732 ;
Hawaiian Cable preferred , 3 , 00 ; Northern
Pacllic , 5.2.1S ; St. Paul , 11,385 : American Cot
ton Oil , 12.300 ; Tobacco , 84,120 ; Sugar , 47,200 ;
Chicago Great Western , 3,420.
N * w York Money Market.
Nominally. l'02 < per cent.
414 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills ut $4.S51.Ji
4.S531 for demand , and $4.S2'.i for sixty days ;
posted rates , 14.S31TI.S3H' . and $ l,8Cf/4.S7j
commercial bills. $4.SlffJ4.&lVi.
GOVERNMENT BONDS-Steady ; 3s. ex-
Interest , lOSVi : new 4s , reg. , 126 ; coupon ,
ox-Interest. 12G',4 : 4 ? , reg. , HOTi ; coupon ,
111 ? * ! 2s , ! > &H ; lis , rcg. , lll'i : coupon , ex-
Interest , 111 ? * ; Pacllic 6s of ' 93 , 102V-i.
Closing quotations on bonds wera as fol
U.S. now 3 . lll.UU. , . P. 4i
U. S. new4B. ree . . .lZ7it.V. ! J. C. s .
U. ? . do coup . l7tN. ! | C. BH . 12'J
TI. S. 4s , ret . 111HIK. C. 4s' . 1(14
U. S. docoup . 11VH No- Pacific 18IS..117U
U. S.Jdb , ri'ff . nyif No. I'.ielno .In . MS" *
U. S. 6 , rer . 11S > $ No. Vnclflo 4 . lOOl !
u. s. r.s.ooim . IIHH N.Y. r.jtst. L. 4s. .11141 ,
DlHtrlot U. lifts . 1 1 7h N. & . W. ( Is . U'3
Ala. , class A . 108 | N. W. Consols . 14'JS
Ala. , class li los N.W. D b. r us
Ala , , clans O 100 ( rti. N. iHtu 114
Ala. . Currency 100 Oro. N. 4s
AtchlKon 4 ! M"iO. S. L. Us t. r . _ .
Do. adj. 4 mWiO , S. L. 5s t. r 1U7H
Canailn So.Jiln HIUUI Pucltlp OH of U.I 10214
Clil. Terms. , 4s OOU Keaillnr4H !
C. AO. fis 1H 4 U. O. W. l"t „ „ . - ,
O. 11. .V D. " St. I , . A. I. M. eon A KM
D , A U. R. Ists 1071.'St. ' J , . A.S. Ffen. ! . G.12UK
I ) , i. K. O. 48 97 < St. 1' . TonxolH 15fl'
KiiHt Tenn. l8ts i. 1" . C. A P. Ints. . l
KrloOcn. 4b VlH < Bt. P.'.Ss 118Vi
K. W. A D. iRts. t. r. 70 So. Uy.fis OHI- ,
Ucn. KlKC-Os lO-h S. R. XT.IIs 77 i
( i. H. AS. A. OR 10.1 Teim. new net 3 . . . ( II
O. H. AS.A. L'ds. . . 10' ' T. P. IG. ihU " ' ' " 107VJ
II. A.T. Cent , fn lll * iT. P. fig. > ri ; . . . . . 4'iij
H. XT. O. con. Us. . . lioi j U.P.D..VR. IBIS. . HH
lowaU.Istii 114 iWati. ! Ul S * HUj
La. NcwCon. 4S..101 jXVab M < t SlllJ
L.&N Unl. 4 H0) | I W. Shore 48 11IV *
MlKHonrl OH 100 Va. Centuries 7lJi !
M. K. A.T. 2dn. . . . IIl ! ( Vii- ( inferred 7
M. K. AT. 4 ! KI Wl . Cent , lau 00
N. Y.C.l _ ts 117H
lloMton Stoek ( liiolnl IOIIK.
BOSTON , Nov. 1. Call loans , 2fi3 per
cent ; time loans , 2401 per cent. Closlns
quotations on Hiocitb , bumla and imiinitr
sharta :
A. . T. & S. T I" * . (1.-I1. Klec. uM . . . ,17t
Am. Sunar 11J' > AtchUun pM Mr'i
do ufj lOMj AtcliFun H Ul
Hav Stale Oas IS Gen. Klec. Sa 1U ?
lii'.l Telephone 5WVU. . CVniral Is. . . . 6)
llostoii .t Albany. . . ! * . lAllouez Mlnlnu Co. . OU ,
llostr-n & Maine Iftl Atlnn.tlo Ci'.a
C. , II. & 0 HS'i lloston & Mont 1STU
Kltchburc f 1 44 Ilutle & lirMtnn. . . . t 'i
Uon. Kluclrlo > H3 Calum' < t Ilecla..K > *
Mexican Central . . . 5 Ccntenolal J6i
Hubhr 41 1'ranklln li -
Union Pacltlo 3lti OM Uumlnlon S !
AVrat liml S7U Ojceota 70
do pfd 1(0 ( Quliicy 1 4
Wemlnsh. URv 33ij Tumamck 1774
du ofd 57 Wolvw'na I2ii
Ilautt.n Kl Ti ) rarrott
B4. Uleo. Tel. SX > Huniboldt ! ,
Treninrv Sin lenient of IMilillc lrbt .
WASIUNOTON , Nov. 1. The treasury
Ktatemcnt of the public debts shows that
nt ths close of business Octob' ' r 31 , 1S9 * , the
debt , Icsa net ra h In the treaHury ,
( imountid to IM10.9tiii.Oi2 , an Increase for
the month of J13,157,717. This Increase is
ncconnted for by the Iraiio during th
month of nbout p,6SO,000 ) of the now 3 per
cent bo nil a nnd a decrease of about t'.Z.IS.OOO
In the cash on hand. The entire amount of
the now loan PO far token tip In thu
monthly statement In J179,3M,180.
The debt In recapitulated as follow * ;
Interest bearing debt , llK6,7C8,9CO ; dbt on
which Interest has ceased since maturity.
S1,2I6S70 ; debt bearing no Interest , $383,191 , *
S67 : total , 11,111,203,1117.
This amount , however , does not Include
$533,1)31,9.1.1 ) In certificates nnd treasury notfg
ottlstandlng , which are affect by nn equal
nmount of cash In the treasury held for
their redemption.
The cash in the treasury Is classified as >
follows : Gold. $273,224,071 : Bllver , $305,927,773 :
prper , $5J,62D,237 ; bonds , deposits In national
banks , disbursing1 officers' balance ? , etc. ,
Wi,5fiG,313 ; total. $933,249,397 , against which
thcro arc liabilities outstanding amounting
to $633,011,122 , Icuvlup a net cash balance In
the treasury of $300,238,275.
Sun I < "rnneleo .lllnlnir Unotntloni.
SAN KHANCISCO , Nov. 1. The. clns'n ?
quotations for in I ill up stocks today were as
Silver bars , 60ic ; Mexican dollars , 47'i ®
47 ic. Drafts , sight , 17V , : ; telegraph , 2Uu.
York MlnlllK Qunlntlon * .
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. The following are.
the closing quotations on mining Btock !
Choler 10 Ontario svi
Crown 1'o'nt ID 50
Con. Oil. & Va. . . S3 Plymouth 8
Deartwoocl 45 Quicksilver in
noiiid & CHITV IS do pfd vw
Hnl < " & Nmx'ross . . . S3 Rlctra Nevada til
Homcs'nUe sow Stondant ir ,
Iron Silver Cfi T'nlon Con is
Maxlcnn 15 Yellow Jacket 15
I'lnanclnl No < c' .
OMAHA , Nov. 1. Clearings today at the
banns were J1.510.4S4.93 ; balances , $121,08.10.
Ono year ago clearings wcro J1OOS,7S3.SO ;
balances. $100,932.03. Increase In clearings ,
CINCINNATI , Nov. 1. Money , 2K.fi6 per
cent ; New York exchange , 15o premium ;
clenrlims , J2.0I9.330.
CHICAGO , Nov. ] . Stocks wcro active ;
Alley L , 74 : Biscuit , 33 ; Biscuit preferred ,
9 < ; Diamond Match , 139 ; North Chicago ,
223 ; Strawboard , 33V& ! West Chicago. 93 7-S , ;
clearings , J20,30I,01G : balances , Jl.938,933 ; New
York exchange , par ; sterling exehance ,
posted , J 1.835 ! , : nctual , J4.S25J4.S3 7-S ;
sixty days , J4.81 < , if4.Sl' , .
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 1. Clearings , J1,522S2G ;
balances , J3G5,91S ; money , steady at 5trS per
cent ; rxrhnngo on New York , 40o discount
bid. 20o asked.
BALTIMORE. Nov. l.-Clcarlngs , Jl.GSO-
CS7 : balances , J717.453.
NEW YORK , Nov. l.-ClearlnffS , J1S3-
529.823 : balances. J10.H9.12S.
BOSTON , Nov. 1. Clearings , J2S,923,12S ;
balances , J3.525S'20.
'PHILADELPHIA. Nov. l.-Clearlngs ,
$13,901,543 ; balances , $1.011,474.
LONDON , Nov. 1. Today la a holiday on
the Stock exchange ; money , 303'i ' per cent.
Ihe rate of discount 4n the open market
for both short and three months' bills 'Is
3 5-SO31 ! , tier cent. Gold Is quoted at Buenos
Ayres today at 114.50 ; at Lisbon , 50.50 ; Mud-
rid , 49 ; Rome , 108.22 ; American eagles , 7Gs
6'Xid. Gold ut Rome , after opening at
118.02 , advanced to 115.87. The amount of
bullion gone Into the Bank of England on
balance today , 7,000. Bar sliver uncertain
at 2S 5-16d.
BERLIN , Nov. l.-The dealings In Inter
national securities were restricted on the
bourse today. Americans wcro dull and
bank shares were well supported , notably
so In the case of Dlsconto Gescllachaft ,
which advanced on a rumor that the insti
tution Is about to make an advance of
money to the Argentine Republic on the
basis of alcohol monopoly. Exchange on
London , 20 marks 47 pfgs. for checks.
PARIS , Nov. 1. Today Is a holiday on
the bourso.
ColTva Mnrlcet.
opened steady nt 5 'points advance : ruled
moderately active' with little further
change ; showed fairly steady undertone
following Hamburg-ami Rio advance , small
receipts nt Rio and Santos , larger ware
house deliveries In this country and steadier
spot market , causing lo'cal covering with *
out Increasing opaculatlve or Investment
Interests ; closed steady with prices un
changed to 5 points , higher ; sales , 11,000
bags. Including March at J5.50. Spot , Rio ,
steady ; No. 7 , Invoice , 5 7-Sc. Mild , steady.
Oil M.lrUcl.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Nov. 1. Credit balances ,
J1.1S ; certificates closed with cash offered at
Jl.lS',4 ' ; no sales or bids during the day ;
shipments. 70.3SS bbls. ; runs , 57.827 bbls.
WILMINGTON , N. C. . Nov. l.-OIL
Spirits of turpentine and rosin , nothing
doing ; crude turpentine , llrm at J1.25H1.90.
Tar , llrm at $1.15.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Nov. 1. OIL Spirits
of turpentine , firm at 3IVic. Rosin , tlrm.
Quote closing : A , B , C , D , $1.00 ; E , J1.03 ;
F. $1.25 ; G , J1.25 ; H , I. J1.10 ; K , J1.43 ; M ,
J1.55 ; N , $1.75 ; W G , $2.10 ; W W , $2.10.
Xt'W York Ilry ( iunilN Market.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1 , The dry goods
market was rather quiet today with a fair
number of buyers seeking goods. The
homo buyers have not changed their pur
chasing policy , but their actual require
ments nro enough to ensure n steady de
mand for cotton goods for prompt delivery
of fair proportions. Staple cottons are
still slow and without new features.
Printed fabrics were in moderate request.
Print cloths show no change , with regulars
quoted at 2c ,
Sup-fir Inrki't.
Steady : centrifugal , 313-lGJtS 13-16c ; cen
trifugal granulated , 4 7-lGfT4 ? 9-lGc ; white ,
4Hfi49-lGc ; yellow , 3 15-1G03 7-lCc ; seconds ,
27-8f)33-8c. )
MOLASSES-Strong ; open kettle , S3Q3Sc ;
centrifugal , 12 < 024e ; syrup , 31&37c.
NEW YORK , Nov. 1. SUGAR Raw ,
strong : held higher ; fair refining , 313-16c ;
centrifugal , 96 test , 4 5-lGc ; molasses sugar ,
39-lGc ; rclined lirm.
Strlku in Avorleil.
JOLIET , 111. , Nov. 1. Threatened strike
of the galvanlzers of the American Steel
nnd Wlro company , which Involved 3.000 em
ployes , Is off. The reduction that was to have
taken place today has been averted. The
men notified the company that they would
not accept , declaring that Governor Tanner's
action In the mining districts In using the
state troops to keep out Imported labor had
ret a precedent that would prevent the repe
tition In Illinois of the Importations of labor ,
said to have been practiced at the company's
Ohio and Indiana plants. In addition , local
political conditions nro Bald to have cut a
figure. It Is also said that Governor Tan
ner's aid was Invoked to Influence Colonel
Gates , Colonel Lambert and Colonel Elwood ,
the three big wire and steel magnates , all of
whom are on Governor Tanner's staff.
] . 'cvi > r Ilplilpnilc nt .MontiTi-y.
LAREDO , Tex. , Nov. 1. Mexican ofllclnls
report four deaths from yell > w fever lu
Monterey Sunday. Entire families are
known to be stricken. Reliable information
Is to the effect that the business In that
city Is paralyzed.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday ,
November 1 , 1SOS :
Warranty Ili-od * . .
J. AV. Stone and wife to E. V.
Morearty , lot 2 , block 11 , Shull's 2d
add $ 2,000
Edward Richelieu unit wife to S. L.
Calhoun et al , lot 1 , block 11 , Bed
ford Place i
G. II. Payne , trustee , to II. C. Pearse ,
lot G. block 5 , Urnmmercy park 1
John Kostal to Barbara Kostal , lots
3 and 4. block 110 , South Omaha 1,000
Jane Cassldy to John Benson , lot 12 ,
block 9. Patrick's 2d add 400
Clara Cook and husband to W. D.
Klerstend , lots 1 to 7. block 4 , Smith-
Held add k50
A. F. Moore , trustee , to Michigan Mu
tual Life Insurance Co. , w 33 1-3 feet
lot 20to nnd o 33 1-3 feet of w Cfi 2-3
feet lot 20',7. and o 33 1-3 feet of w
100 feet lot 2IA4 , Mlllard & C'H fldd. . 4,873
AVilllam Frlcklo and wife to C.
Herpst , lot 3 , block 13 , Jotter's 1st
add. . . . . 800
C. M. Rylander and wife to A 8. An
derson , lot 10 , Cnln Place l
J. A. Bent to P. J. Persons ut al , n 50
feet lots 13 and II , block 1. Jetter's
add 830
< iult Claim llocilH.
C. E. Morln and wife to R. ICeppler ,
w U of tax lot 8. In 10-15-13 1
Sheriff to Frank Thompson wxccutor ,
ft al , lots l to 5 , block 3 , Union
Place 503
Sheriff to Michigan Mutual Llfo In-
Muranro Co , , lot ti , block 1 , Ilrennam
Place ! , ? < )
Total amount of transfers , . , ,
Stiff Kun of Stuff Proves Too Much for
Unstable Prices ,
Xo Very MnrUril HoiTennc In
but Only ( lie Ilrnt llrliiun Steady
the Oilier Sorts CiolimrVonk
to Shnilc
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today 7,211 7 , I4 3.17S
oniclal Monday 3.K57 2.791 (1,219 (
Two days this week..10,833 10,40 < 9,397
Home days last week..10,417 s.sno 11 , W7
Same days week before. . 1,1,291 H.93S 17.M5
Sumo three weeks ago..13,217 11,811 1IS07 ,
The olllclal nuntopr ot cars of
brought In today by each road watt :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U'r's.
c. , jr. & st. P. hy. . y
o. & St. L. Hy
Missouri Pacllic Hy. . a 2 . .
Union Pacllic System.117 li 5 u
C. .t N. W. Hy
K. , E. & M. V. R. R. 42 35 U
C. , St P. , M & O. Hy. : i .
H. & M. H. R. R. . . SU 2. . 2
C. , H. fi : Q. Hy U
K. C. & St. J 1
C. , H. 1. & P. Hy. , e. . . 2
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W. - H
Total receipts 257 ll'J ' 13 0
The disposition of the day'H receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Unuina Packing Co 13f Wl
G. H. Hiimmoml Co 139 1,31 21i
Swift and Company 412 1,729 413
Cudnhy Pack.tig Co ! > S9 1.071 665
H. Heuker & iJegan 455 . . . . .
Armour & Co 322 2,27 210
Vunsant & Co lit !
J. L. Carey 17
Lobman & Co V.V )
W. 1. Stephens C2s
llenton & Umlcrwood. . . 272
Huston & Co 235
Hill & Huntzinger 270
Livingston & Scnaler. . . . Ill
Hamilton & R to3
McCreary 32 $
Other buyers 600 2-OS
Left o\cr 2,5i ) 100 300
Totals 7,925 7,721 3,903
CATTLE Today's receipts of cattle were
the heaviest slnco Tuesday of last week ,
but , notwithstanding the large number of
cattle In the yards , there wns almost no
beef , at least very littlethnt was of any
conscqjence. There were a few loads of
cornfcd cattle , for the most part light stuff ,
and not of a kind or finality calculated to
attract buyers. Some of the cornfeds sold
at J1.55. and some were not good enough to
bring oven that price. In spitu of the fact
that the cattle were not attractive , they
sold , as a rule , in fair season , and It is
safe to say that the. market Is In a little
better condition than at the close of last
week. Grass beef wan In good request at
steady prices , some sales being reported at
$1.15 and J1.30.
Cow and heifers were only In moderate
supply and killing siulf brought just about
steady prices. While the market was by no
means active , the offerings sold reasonably
well , nnd the most of the cattle changed
hands before midday. The feeder buyers
were pretty good buyers of anything in the
way of hclferlsh stuff that would do for
their purpose and that helped to clear the
yards of she stuff.
The supply of Mockers and feeders was
again heavy , a very large proport.on of all
the cattle hero coming under that head. It
was a noticeable tact , however , that there
was no surplus of right good kinds , the
most of the cattle being only fair , with a
large sprinkling of common stulf. Ihere
was no reason why buyers should pay very
strong prices , with liberal receipts In sight
and the prospect of a large run next aay ,
while the country demand was apparently
no larger than usual of late , and they did
not.rlho most desirable kinds were proo-
nbly steady , but the market on the general
run was Inclined toward slowness and wan ,
to say the least , weak. Representative
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
7..12'J2J100 L.1530 ? ! 20 41..1011 $153
. .137fl 420 25..1320 4 20 5..1114 4 63
2. . 1520 4 20 0..1000 4 20 45..11SO 4 70
1..12SO 4 20 17..1075 4 45 37..1324 4 SO
10. . SSO 22 7..102S 300 1..1270 310
1..5GO 225 1..1130 3 00 2. . MO 310
1..10SO 2 Go 1..1010 3 00 6..100S 3 15
1..11CO 270 1C. . 737 3 00 4. . S95 325
1. . 870 275 1..10RO 3 00 3 , .984 320
1. . 720 275 2..1105 3 10 3..119S 320
2. . 930 275 1..1240 3 10 1. . b''O 330
1..1070 2 85 5..10S2 3 10
20. . 872 3 30
S20 300 3. . S60 3 30 1..1100 350
G2G 3 10 1. . HO 3 40 4. . 432 3 50
750 7. . 728 3 40 12. S8S 3 S3
1..1440 3 40
L. 350 4 00 1. . 110 0 50
G7. . 781 1ft 17. . 721 S5 21. . so ; 3 ! > 0
20. . 754 3 10 5. . CIO 3 S3 10..1IS6 3 95
L. 310 3 75
20 feeders. SCO $4 50
31 feeders. 921 4 15 B steers..1060 4 : ,0
8 feeders. 652 4 10 1 steers..1250 3 75
1 feeder. . 540 3 73 CO calves. . . 297 1 55
69 feeders. 844 3 CO 26 COWS 821 2 40
CO feeders. 8G9 3 00 25 cows 93G 3 10
11 luedert ) . . s > ' .o 3 to ti u iji's. .
G feeders. . SCI 300 1 bull..1400 . 2 CO
31 feeders. . 8.S3 4(0 2 bulls 1275 2 CO
2 bulls 1475 2 40 3 steers..1170 3 75
2 cows 1093 250 3 heifers..1250 3 S3
2 cows 1100 250 55 feeders..10 8 3 DO
2 feeders. . 93fl 3 10 29 feeders. . 777 4 25
20 feeders. . 951 335 1 steer 11 BO 4 : ;
2 cows.-.1110 340 30 steers..1323 4 30
1 bull 1410 2 CO 1 bull 1070 2 GO
4 cows 1013 3 15 2 cows IISS 3 15
3 cows 1143 315 13 steers..1176 4 0)
* R. Whlttakor.
1 bull 1350 2 53 1 steer 1010 3 00
7 cows 812 2 S5 16 cows 915 3 15
42 steers..10G6 3 35 31 steers..10CR 3 33
Ibull 1530 2 25 ! i feeders. . 840 3 33
1 stag ISM ) 2 73 33 feeders. . 921 3 S5
C feeders. . 7C8 3 Ot > 1C feeders..1U1S 3 S5
7 cows Pfil 3 25 6 steers..l'M3 3 93
3 feeders. . 890 3 23
2 steers..IOCS 1 oft
22 bulls 1IC3 2 50 45 feeders ! ! lOHl : 3 SO
S cows. " 910 2 73 I feeders. , 87 3 SC >
1 stag. . . .1290 3 00 2r feeders. . S71 : i w
17 cows. . .1172 3 15 fi steers..121S 3 90
4S cows 874 325 3 feeders. . 1233 3 SO
47 cows SSI 323 B steers..110 3 SO
93 feeders. . 63G 3 es 2.steers..1010 3 90
19 feeders. . C11 3 03 I steers..1152 3 ! )
27 feeders..1119 3 80 23 steers.138U 3 95
49 feeders..1011 3 80
llarrard i Spear.
5 ( ! steers..1295 4 15 r,2tUcers..l309 , I 13
47 steers. . . . 127S 4 15 55 steers..1297 4 13
2 steers. . . . 975 3 00
HOGS Today's hog receipts were the
heaviest of any day since Thursday of last
week , which was something of a bear lac-
tor , and when advices from Chicago and City indicated lower prices at those
points the pressuie was stillicknt to
weaken the market here. At the opening ,
however. .1 few loads sold ut very , IOPP to
steady prices , mat Is , at J3.tiVfi3.C3 , the
medium weights J3.551Q35f'and '
a few light at $ ! .5tXi3.fa5. Those prices were
it short duration , and the market was very
soon a shade lower , in fact it weakened EO
noon that n good many culled the opening
n shndo lower. Uuyers were then offering
$ ' ! .BOf73.521 ; > for most everything , but were i
apparently in no hurry to fill orders , as
trains came In heavier than reported , nnd
the- feeling seemed to bo that they could get
the hogs still lower by waiting. Tim rpsult
was that the market wuu not particularly
active , but on the contrary Inclined to drag ,
us sellers could not see matters In Jiiht the
same light as buyers. The market closed
n big Ic lower , $1.60 being practically the
outsldo price on good loads. While , us
noted above , the trade was at no time very
active , the IIOSH kept moving toward the
scales , and about everything was sold xome
timu before midday. Representative sales :
No. Av. Ell. i r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
71 237 160 3 4 > CO. 201 iO 3 52'X-
15 39.J 8' ' > 3 45 74 21 * 17-1 3 32 < 4
42 37 ! ) ' 69. 284 ICO 3.Zi
. .21U 320 i 4i',5 50. 2S2 40 3S..i
. .230 ICO 360 ( .r 317 ICO .1 Ofa
. .303 3 60 r. 32S 120 3 fiSVi
. .356 360 SS 223 ' . ' 00
. .2M 120 3 60 85 215 240
. .311 80 3 60 49 _ _ . „ . . . ' 2ST 110
. .314 2M 3 60 ( 40 : : v > -
, .312 10 3 60 ( H . 210) 210 8 2
. .339 3 50 * . _ . . . . .2fu so 3 K
63. , .330 J20 350 na . m KM .1
46. . .307 SO 3 60 7. . , . . . . ' 7 * 120
66. . .278 . . . 3 60 K.,27K
55 318 ItfO 360 75 'J54 Iffi ) 3XS
61 280 40 3 M lh , ts . . . 3 .ns
10 310 2SO 3 60 XS. 23C Ml
64 231 SO 360 EV 255 MlHI . : > >
73 /r : w 3 SO * ; ? . . .so &D I 5i
co ss ; 3 50 7 ! _ SM 240 i 55
' ' " ' iw 360 260 110 3 K
M.231 ! 80 3 50 12 253 10 3 55
C9 311 3 W 10 153 355
Ul 2. ' $ 3 & CO SKI 120 .1 53
S5 2-.G 200 S fO 70i..271 160 355
711 SU so u n tfj rji J3J79 80 3 53
M ) t ui 62 2S2 365
77.217 M 360 73 243 iil ) 3K
17. 317 8A uc-vi ffi .TG 353
80 35s M 320 ICO
was In very fair condition. That Is the
dennnd was good on the part of local kill-
ore , and Iho most of the offering * * changed
hands In good season. The market , however -
over , Is Just about 15c lower than last week
on mnttun grades. Thn demand for feeders
Is good and the market on that kind HO far
has shown little or no change as regards
Quotation * are : Good grass westerns ,
J4.KX54.30 ; choice yearlings , * 4.25'a4.40 ; frtlr
to good yearlings , S4.1&fH.30 ; fair to good
Krass westerns , $1.0C f4.10 : good to choice
lambs , $5.161/5.30 ; fair to good lambs. JI.IKMr
B.OO ; feeder withers , 2-year-olds and over ,
$3.Soff4.00 : feeder yearlings. $4.0ftii'4.25 ; feeder
lambs , mOTM.S ; ; cull sheep , $2.5Vfr3.00 ( ; cull
' "mbs , JJ.OO'ql.2o. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
iu California wethers 115 M u
197 owfa 102 390
52 western wethers C2 I W
65 western wethers f,2 4 90
2S1 iambs Gii 323
309 lambs ; 72 3 23
103 lambs 73 523
123 lambs C9 52.1
15 lambs 7. ! 52)
120 lambs , (17 5 23
81 lambs 72 6 25
1'H ' lambs 74 525
210 California wothcrs 113 3 C5
23S lambs , feeders 50 4 70
121 lambs , fodders HI > 7ft
1C7 native y'r'gs and ewes , mlxrd. 93 4 15
1G3 native y'r'gs and cwe. , mixed. S3 4 13
SS native lambs OS 483
Simill Supply of Cuttle CinrN lit Sternly
CHICAGO , Nov. l.-CATTLE-The small
supply of entile tud.iy WUB disposed of at
steady prices ; choice steers , $5.iSiJ5.70 ; mp-
dlum , $1.70i 1.83 ; brpf Etccrs , $ l.00jri.65 ;
stockers unu feeders , $1.0084.70 ; bulls , $2.23
( JTI.15 ; cows and heifers , $3.307(1.20 ( ; cnlvus ,
$ , ! .255'7.00 : western rangers , $2.53TI.55 ( ;
crn fi.cdliig steers , $ ! .MXtj6.if , Texas grass
steers , $3.16fJ4.30.
HOGS \\ith a largo numbpr of bogs left
over , the supply was greater than the de-
mum ! ind prices suliercd a decline of 2',4
t1 . "
v *
at weak prices - ; "inferior"to ciiblci ? Tots. ' $2.23 „
(54.50 ( ; muttons. $1.25 4.10 ; common to choice
lambs. $3.75 5.65 ; feeding lambs $4.7if5.10. ?
RECElPTS-Cattle. 4.600 head ; hogs , 2)i,000 )
head ; sheep , 15,000 head.
KnnniiK City l.lvc Stnc < . ' .
, l.-CATTLE-Re-
celpts , 15,510 natives , 1.3S5 Tcxans ; dressed
beef steers , good butcher stock , good na
tlvo and choice feeders steady ; common
slaughtering and feeding cattle , slow and
lower ; no choice heavy steers offered : me
dium , $4.S5fI5.15 ( ; light steers. $ UOfi5.15 ;
stockers and feeders , $3.00 31.50 ; butcher
cows and heifers , $2.6004.40 ; western steers.
$2.9034.75 ; Texas steers. $3.0033.50 ; Texas
butcher cows , $2.C01i3.W ; canning stock ,
HOGS Receipts , 15,200 head ; choloc heavy
hogs In good demand ; steady jirlcps ; com
mon kinds large supply and 5c lower ; heuv-
les. $3.553.65 ; mixed , $3.5CVij3.CO ; lights , $3.40
< g3.63.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,900 bend ; light sup
ply , mostly westerns of inferior quality ;
trading slow at steady to a shade lower
prices ; western lambs , $5.00fi5.25 : western
muttons , $4.10ji4.25 ; western feeding lambs.
$1.23574.60 ; western feeding shrep , $3.755/1.00 ;
stock ewes , $3.754,25.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. l.-CATTLE Receipts ,
6,200 head , Including 2,000 Texuns ; ship
ments , 200 head ; market steady to strong ;
fair to fancy natlvo and export > tetrs , $1.20
R5.50 ; bulk of sales , $ l.50/g3.25 ; dress'd beef
and butcher steers , $4.15(34.85 ( ; bulk of pales ,
M. f4.7P"tpprs I'nder 1,000 Ibs , , $3.50f/4.75 ;
bulk of sales , $3.60 4.40 ; stoekcra und feed-
vrs , $2.50Ti4.50 ; bufk of sales , $3.20W1.00 ;
tows nnd hPlfers , $2.00'ij 1.40 ; bulk of sales ,
$2 25 3.75 : Texns and Indian steers , $2.75Ti |
4.00 ; bulk of sale ? , $3.1533.75 ; cows and
heifers. $2.00fi3.10.
HOGS Receipts , 9,200 head ; shipments ,
600 head ; market 5c lower : yorkers , $1.43 ( &
" . 0 ; packers , $ .1.55fi3.70 ; butclifcrs , $3.70jj
SHEEP Rfceipts , 4,200 head ; shipments ,
200 head : murk t a shade lower ; native
muttons , J3.75 4.75 : culls und buck ? . $1.50fl
3.25 ; stockers , $2.5053.50 ; lambs , $4.5006.00.
\eiv York l.lve StoeU.
cplnts , nonp ; feellncr steady ; cables un *
changed : oxixirts , 691 cattlp and 2.6CO quar
ters of beof.
CALVES Rpp lnts. ICO head ; market
quiet : veals , J3 OOJ7.75.
SHEEP AND LAJinS Receipts. 1,008
hoid ; market barely steady ; lambs , llrm
for choice grades : sheep , medium to prime ,
Sl.15fl'4.70 : selected wethers , $3.00 ; lambs ,
fn'r to choice , $5.35fi3.80.
HOGS Receipts , 622 head ; firm at $3.751 ?
St. Jonriili I.lvo Slnok.
ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 1. ( Spec-lal.-CAT- )
TLE Receipts , l.COO head ; market fairly
active and sli-ady ; nothing choice offered :
natives. Jl. frG.Oii ; Texans and westerns ,
J.1.0W4.S3 ; COWB and heifers , J1.C5&4.20 ;
stocknrs and feeders , J3.0oS(4.2ii. (
HOGS Receipts , 3,700 head : market avor-
np-cil rf lower , Belling at J3.43S3.GO ; hulk ,
J3.5V&3.55. (
SHEEP Receipts , SOO head ; market active
and strong.
S ( < -k lit Slich .
Record of receipts of live stock nt the
four principal markets for November 1 :
Cattle. Hoifs. Sheep.
Omaha . . . 7,241 7.CII 3,178
Chicago . 1,50ft 28,000 15IK)0
Kansas City . Ifi.Wi 15,200 4Mft
St. Louis . 5,2i ) 9,200 4,200
Totals 3-SGG ! 60,014 27,275
r'liifliiiinil llvo Slof.k.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 1. HOGS-Actlve and
btronc at J3.10ff3.SO.
CATTLE-Stcody at J2.2.r,1T1.73.
SHJ3KP Steady at J2.25f4.'ft | ; lambs , dull
at $3.7fi(5.IO. (
Will Turn Out > ? : ! OO ( n ( litTon nnil
IN One of tin1 ( irentcNt I < " ) > IIN
.llnile on ( InC'onllin'Ml. .
SI'OKANi : , Wash. , Xov. 1. A telcphono
message from Republic Catnp on the north
half of the Colvillo rescrvition says th..t thai
miners have cross-cut twenty-four feet of
ore In the bs ! ledge on the 430-foot level
and the drills wore still In ore. The ncnvs j
of the big strike has spread to the BitrrounJ *
Ing mining districts and the excitement ib
Intense. Confervatlve mining men say that
such an ore chute with such values J300 per
ton IB unprecedented lu the mining history
of the continent. The great chute has now
been proved for a depth of thirty feet and „ .
length of 400 feet. It It nowhere less than
five feet wide and the width runs as high as
twenty-five feet. Contrary to the general
rule In gold mining the ledge Is the richest
at the widest points. The mine Is eighty
miles from a railroad and the ere Is
freighted that distance over a mountain
road and shipped to a I'uget Sound smelter.
MIES E. 30YD & GO , .
Telephone 1031) ) . Omaha , Neb
Direct wiretu iJbli iKOnu N w York.
Corr'ipondrnUi John A , Warrtn A Co.
TRI-RPHOXB in.-.n ,
Itoom , \ , Y. 1,1 fe llldR. , Omnliuct. . .
Direct IV'Ir'iiew York , Clilcucu aud
tVcuterii I'oluli.
IVhoii Traveling ; ,
Read The Bee
Here Is Where
You Will Find it in the
Principal Cities.
ICInilmll lliume .No Slnnd.
Jnmesi 91. tiodtinl.
niLLiNns , MONT ,
J. O. Sncrrjr.
Pnlille I/llirnrj- .
Veil do me llotrl
lloiton 1're"Club , 14 HnnvTitrth St.
n ne ce Hotel IVovm Slnnd.
Cltr XOTVDepot. , . Cor. Mnln nnd Hrnaa *
wii jr.
Harvard Uiiivvrntty Library.
13. A. I-ocnn , Iliacst 10th St.
Clirycniio Clnli.
AmHtorlnm Hotel Norn j ;
Ornnil Pacific lintel XCTV- ,
llrenturtheirn Hotel > 'ev Stand.
I'n I liter lloime Ne v Stand.
I'oitofllceewit Stnnilo , 217 Denr *
linrn Street
AiNoelnted Advcrtlner'n Club , I'ulmrr
XVeililell llouxe.
TinHollenileii. .
Coiiiinerclnl TrnTelerm' Association *
Mnsoniu Temple.
Ilrlncot < llrn * . , Vo. IK ) Month Tcjoit St
Printer * , ' Home.
finite ! t Co.
Mnx I'i.Hbel.
llrotvii Hotel \OATH Stnn < I.
llniiillton & KenilrleU , ! ) OII-IM2 17th * V.
> lolnln , pin . . Co. . 8.13 Sixteenth St.
I'rntt Mercniitlle Co. . 1517 Liirlninr St.
The Stationer Co. , Kith and Lnrvrenoa
Wlnilxor Hotel Xewn Stand.
Mo-en .IncohN , Hock Inlunil Depot.
V. 31. C. A. IteaiiliiHT Itoom.
j I Wlte < t ncnnott , 214 W. anperlor S .
U , S , A. Heiullnc Itoom .
\V. A. Moore , nth nvciiuc nnd Mnin S6
Helenn Public Mlirnrj.
re ill II lliiriccnn
Cvorsrc C.lli-nn
It. C. Fnrln .fc Co. ,
lintlipr Clevolnnil :
O. H. Weaver & Co.
noliert TtelU , lO llrdcc St.
Conif * llotigc \ < MVH St.-ind.
Ulit oiirl Iteiiuhllcnii Club , DOS Haiti *
more AVI- .
Public Library.
HlcUnecUer Clunr Co. , Oth nnd Walnal
0lIONltt > I . O.
P.nlliviiy V. M. C. A. , room 27 Ttnlott
Dcliot , ICnnnni Cltr , 3Io. -
W. S. IZilml.iton , 112 : : O Street.
Oliver AUntile * , 1OO S. Spring St.
I.OH Aucelcei > > Co. , 212 12
K St.
CharlcK A. Olllltf' " American UschnnBTi
2 Cockninif St. , TrnfalEiir Sq. , S. W.
miille Illii-nrj- .
Went Hotel \cw Stand.
Cooper Union Mhrury.
I'l fill Avenue Hotel Ncvrn Stnnil.
I'lflh Avenue Hotel lten < llnc noom.
Itroniutt Street Ijlbriiry.
Holland Ilounc IteuillnHT Hoom.
Iloftiiinn Houne.
Imperial Hotel Xcn * Stnnil.
Jlcchnnlcfi' anil Triuler * ' Kree Library
\ < i. IN KnHt Slxtceirth Street.
Pre H Club , 12OliynHii St.
\Ve tmlnn1er Hotel Heading : noom.
Windsor Hotel HeocHner Hoom.
V. M. C. A. , 2id : Street ami 4th
W. Webb. 1MO3 Wiuihlncton Ave.
McCartney A Co. , 'IOU 2Bth St.
N > IT York Herald Ileudluy Hooin ,
Ave. lie ropern.
13 , H. HurroiiBli * . AVeat Center St.
W. R. . .loin1)1 Aliler St
I'ortlnntl Hotel XeiT Stnnil.
Mercantile Llbrnr.v.
Public I.ll.rnry.
Public Library.
I , . P. Hummel , Lyceum Theater.
S'Hll Ijikr Xe vi Co.
PuliHc Library.
C. ft. Oyninn , I'ostollloi1
Hotel SenUlee.n'n Stnuil.
F. Ward.
CarrellHon Hotel \IMTK Stand.
Moinllillllli Hotel Neiv * Stand.
Hocl Venilonic Xe > T Stnuil.
I'liblle I.llirnry.
( U-rnlil Fltzurllihiin , 70U I'ntirth St.
Allen , "Ml Center St.
John AV. Grnlinm 7 .1-72.1
Ilrnnilo-T'B Xetvit Stuinl , 7-1 Kdmond
Htrect. "S
JiinutlonTI Stnnil , 301 Kdmond St V
I're Cliili.
VVIiid.or Hotel. ,
D. J. .left. 80(1 Olive SI. - > ,
I'lntiterii' Hotel Neni Stnnd , K
I'ulillc Llbrarj- . " i
\Vlllnnl' * Hotel \err StnnA , > .
ArlliiKtou Hotel. ,
CoiiKrrnslonnl l.llirnry. .
ItlKK * lloiiHe.
Avrlciilturiil Deparlnieut Library.
Semite llenillnir Hounu
Tremiury Ueiiiirliiient Llbrnry.
ncvubllcaa .Vnl'l , Cuiuiulttcc