Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    r. 10 THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : TfJSSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , * 181)8 ) ,
Dealers in Provisions Got a Small Scare by
a Squeeze in October Eibs ,
JU | < er nn Hnrljr lleellnc AVIiriU lil-
n Onc-iiKhtli : "f " Cent-
Corn nml Unln n Shmlc
CHICAGO , Got. -Donlcr-i In proMxions
loday had a mild sensation In the culminat
ing squeeze of u few chortu In October ribs.
Though few In number , they were crowded
badly , as was e\ldencecl by an nclvanco tit
one tlmo dining the session to $1 15 nbove
Saturday's closing price and a net Kiln for
the day of D3c January pork , lard und ribs
advanced 2'c ' , respectively.
A renewal of the recent war sc.u" , to-
Rother with an Improved export demand ,
KMUBcd an advance In wheat. After nn
early decline December closed 1-Sc higher.
Corn advanced 1-SSUc Oats left off a
nh.ode > higher. The early Infoimatlon from
foroljtn sources was cpjlte bearish und do
mestics receipts BO far us known up to the
tlmo of the opening of the wheat market
were sufficiently liberal to bo u good second
o the foreign load Under thcsu condition' !
trading In December commenced very weak
und considerably below put pi Ices. Tin ?
market became- exceedingly dull after the
preliminary drop nnd kept sluggishly
around the opening prlco for over an hour.
At thii end of that time a report was circu
lated that English consols had declined , > -8
per cent and that set the war fever raging
npaln for about twenty minutes , during
which trade became active and even soinu
excited while thn price forged nheat. until
December showed u. gain of 1 3-Sffl o--c o\er
thn opening decline The advance Old not
hold , howevci. as the amount of thn de-
rllno In consols was soon discovered to
liavo been exaggerated.
The day's Htntlstlcnl Information wns
fairly Well divided between bullish and
bearish Chicago received .US cars , com
pared with 181 the coriesponcllng day of last
yc-ir , whllo Minneapolis and Duluth re
ceipts were 1,871 cars , against 1 131 u week
ngo and 1.S56 cars a yiar ago World's
Hhlpments * weie 8,437,0(10 ( bushels and the
quantity on ocean passage Increased 2,830-
000 bushels , against 1,200,000 bushels in
crease Oie similar week the jear before.
UTho day's receipts at westoin primary nuu-
Uots were very htivy , 2 ! 7.i,000 bushels ,
compared with l.Sfil.000 bushels last year
Clearances from Atlantic seaboard were
equal In wheat nnd Hour to 1,000,000 bushels.
Liverpool recovcicd nearly nil of Its de
cline and reported tlfty boatloads taken for
export , whliu TO.OOO bushels wcro sold hero
for all-rail shipment to the. seaboatd
This resulted in renewed bttjlng by shotts
end the market wound up within a. frac
tion of the high point for the day De
cember openeJ C-Sfi7-8c lower at Gj lifwM-c ,
rose , to C67-Sc , leactexl to CC'ic , then re
covered to bGV sellers , the closing llgure.
A decline at Liverpool and good weather ,
together with the weakness In wheat ,
started corn under put price. There wns
onslderable buying against those privi
leges , which gave the market a tinner ten
dency. The stiength became more pro-
jiounred as the session advanced on good
purchases by shlppsra and active buying
awakened a sharp speculative biijlng ,
awakened by a sharp drop In both Lngllsh
nnd French securities. Uecelpts were JtS
cars. December opened J 8c down ut 32c ,
lose rapidly to 326-Sft323-4c , and closed at
CJ'A'JSZ ' 5-Sc buyers
Oat * started rather easy with the other
grains , but a few outstanding shorts were
disposed to cover and an no offerings were
forthcoming they were compelled to bid up
the price In order to accomplish their ends.
Mocelptsero 305 cars. May started 1-lc
lower nt 213-Sc. advanced to 243-43217-80 ,
* hen reacted to 24 5-84 ! 3-4c , the closing
t for u. squeeze In October ribs pro
visions would have been lifeless and as It
wns the fight over the termination of the
lib deal affected so few people that It did
jiot produce the u-Mial excitement that nt-
nds .a corner on the day of Us climax. The
longs In the rib deal were hoiihos with
Hngll'h connections , whllo the shorts were
paid to bo a couple of Chicago's most prom
inent packers. The result of the matter
was that October ribs that closed Satur
day at $3.r.O made the very substantial ilse
of $1.43 and closed with a net gain of 93c
Trlvnto settlements on the deal during the
nesslon were said to have been made on
about 5,000,000 pounds. The rest of the
jr.arket ruled dull throughout. January pork
opened 2' .e higher ut $3.05 , declined to
$ l.02Vi , advanced to $9.07 < /i'fJ9.10 ' , then 16-
Jicted to $9. ( > 5 sellers nt the close The fluc
tuations In lard and January ribs were of
the narrowest kind.
Kvtlmated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
450 cais ; corn , 4CO cars ; oats , 330 cars , hogs ,
C3.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles Open. lllth. Low. Cioie. Yea rt'y
flOU 65ft
eeuctv 67i ! 67H 07
31 ? .
S'JM S2WJS 3- 351 ,
May * ' * ( ! * >
23H 23T. 93X
J4M 21H
700 7D2) , 790 no rso
9 US 010 002k ous
400 4t5 . 4B5
483 1U7H 4 05
4 05 4e ( ! 4 HO 4 ( VJh 4 R'JVi
4 67 4 Oil ! 4 ns -t ( > '
No. . ' .
Cash quotations were ns follows :
$2.40fi2 50.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , C656G'fco ? ; No. 3
tprlng. blB6fec , No. 2 led , GSc.
CORN No. 2 , 323-tc.
OATS No. 2 , 25c , t o I ) : No. 2 white.
Cfl'4 < B27Hc : No. 3 white. 23i)2G"jC )
RYE No. 2. 50'i < 05l l-4c.
IJARLEY No. 2. 33 < il4So
KLAXSEED-No. 1. $1.01 1.02.
SEED Prlmo timothy. $ J.33.
PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per bbl. , $7 S3 > ff
790 , Lard , per 100 Ib-i , $1.9214(01 ( 93. Short ribs
HldM , ( loose ) , $50W/5.n ! Dry halted shoul-
deis ( boxed ) . $403475. Shoi t clear sides
( boxed ) $110 520
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
The followinc are the receipts and ship-
menti" for todav :
On the Produce excliuiiRo today the but
ter market was steady , cieamerles , 14Ji21'/ic ,
dairies , 12S18c. Eggs , easy , firm , 17Q17' c.
Cheese , unchanged
< ; iiAivrom ; AMI ATMIAT.
Vlnlltle Alien ! Increase * ri S.linO Ilunli.
olN Ditrlnir Inut AVeeK.
NHW YORK , Oct. 31. The- statement of
the visible supply of grain In store nnd
afloat for the week ending Saturday , Oc
tober 29 , us compiled by the New Yoik
Produce exchange , Is ns follows :
Wheat , 15,476,000 bushels , Increase , 52-
000 bushels.
Corn , 2I.SOS.OOO bushels ; increase , 173OfO
Oats. 6,373,000 bushels ; Increase , 209,000
Rye , 1.12S.OOO bushels ; decrease , 211,000
Barley , 3,267,000 bushels ; Increase , 03,000
4uunUiiiii | > for the * liny oil (7 e no nil
NEW YORK. Oct. -KLOUR-RecelptB. .
C3.3S3 bbla ; exports , 21blS bblb , dull und
nominally steadier. Winter patents , $3738
4 00 ; winter straights , $3 5533 65 ; Minnesota
patents , $ J904.23 ; winter extras , $ i.SOf <
5.10 ; Minnesota bakers , $3 10G3.30 ; winter low
Brades. $2.25 I4.45.
CORNMBAL Steady ; yellow western , 7 ;
RY'K Firmer ; No. 2 western , C4fj5l iC. c.
I. f. Buffalo.
BAULKY MALT Steady ; western , .57Q
70c WHEAT Receipts. 431750 bu ; \poits ,
44S.53S bu. Spot steady. No. 2 red , 77c. f. o
b. . uflodt. Options opened weak under liq
uidation low or cables nnd big receipts
Tl ey subsequently rallied on excited cov
ering , due to a break in cables and small
vlslblo supply , und closed 3-S5-Sc uel
lilgher. Sales ; No. 2 red. May , 71 > 4 < B'24e ,
closed 72 3-Sc.
CORN Receipts , 155,000 bu. ; export ? , 20S , .
M4 bu. Spot firm ; No. 2. 9 7-8c f. o. b ,
afloat , Options opened easier , with when I
but developed Independent strength on cu-
I bles , smull visible Incrrano and covering !
clrsed VfJo-'ic higher , May , SS gsOo-Sc ,
clef ed. 33 6-Sc.
OATS-Recelpts. 212,000 bu. Spot firmer ;
No. 2.2l"4c. . options dull nnd featureless
CHEESE-Steudi , large white nnd col
ored. 8'50 ; small white nnd colored , 9c.
METALS-The market for metals ronltn-
ties to exhibit gratifying stability and even
pronounced strength , with prices steadily
tending upward on bullish news , growing
demand und reluctance of holders to sell ,
with the outlook favorable forti rtlll further
advance. At thn clew today the metal ex-
thnngo called pig Iron warrants quiet nnd
slendv , $7.00 bid. $7 25 asked Lake copp r
very firm , buyers und sellers nt $12.0. Tin
llrm. $1S23 bit ] , $1841 nskcd Lead quiet ,
$103 bid , $3 70 nskcd Speller very firm ,
$3 15 bid , $3 20 asked The firm naming the
settling price for loadltur inlneis nnd smelt
ers nt the west quoted lead $150.
OMAHA. ( iliMMlAl- It 1C UT.
Coiiillllon of Trade mill Uiiolntionn on
staple nml raiicy Produce.
EGOS Good iOrk , 17c.
HUTTER-Common to fair. 10J712o : sep-
nrator , 2"c , guthoted creamery , 20B21c.
LIVE POl'LTRY Hens 1'Vyi.c : OKI roosters
ters , 4c , spring chickens , Oc , ducks , 6ft7c ,
( jet so , Ii'l77e. '
GAME Teal , blue wing , $175 : green wing ,
$150 , inltori , $ i75if/223 / ; pralrl * chickens ,
jfiuiiB. $4.60. old , $4
PlonoNH Live , per doz , 75c.
VCAL ClioltP. 9c.
CELERY Per bunch , SOU33c ; Colorado
celeiv , lie.
ONIONS-Ncw , per bu. , 3543c.
I1EAN8 Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.30
POTATOES W40o. sacked. 43f/M1e.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2 OOQ2.25.
CABUAGES Per bu , crated Ic.
LEMONS-Californln. fancy. $6 ( W6.23 ;
cholc" , $5 WS5.75. fancy Messina , $65087.00.
ORANGES Mexlutns , $1.
BANANAS Choice , largo stock , per
bunch. V 0022 23 , medium sized bunches ,
$1 7502 00.
APPLES Western Ben Davis , Genltons
and Wlncsaps , per bbl , $3.25'5'5.SO ' ; New
Yoilc Baldwins , Greenings and others , per
bbl . $ l.503.75. .
PEACMIES-Scason over
PLUMH-OroRon , $1 OfVSl 23
PEARS-TJartlett California , out of the
market , other vaiietles , $2.25.
GRAPES-Cullfornla Tokay s , $1 50S < 3L65 ;
New York grapes , ISc.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin ner box.
$1 " 23. Cape Cods , per bbl , $6.2536.30 ; Jerseys ,
$ "i 75'iTG 00 i
QlTlNCES-Per box , $2 I
NUTS Almonds , pei lb. , H lSc ; Brazils ,
per lb , 9'J10c. English walnuts , per lb ,
fancy soft shell , ll12c ( , filberts , per lb. ,
lOc , pecans , polished , 70Sc ; coco.inuto , per
100 , $ i.50 3.00 ; peanuts , raw , C'i-c ; i ousted ,
7Vfcc ; chestnuts. 11TH2C.
MAPLE SYRUP Klve-cal. r-an. eaob.
$2 50 ; gal cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal ,
cans. $6 23 ; quart cans , $ J 00. .
1ION13Y Choice white. UfilSc.
DATES-Hnllowee. 60 to 70-lb boxes , 5 c ;
Snlr , 5o , Fard , 9-lb boxes , 9c. |
KIGS Imported fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb.
boxes , lOo 5-crown. 44-lb boxes. Uc ; R-lb.
boxes , 22ifi2'3c per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $1 walls.
CIDER Per half bbl , $3 23n 50.
HIDES-No. 1 giceu hide * , . 'c. No. 2
green hides , 6c , No 1 salted hides , S'ic ,
No. 2 salted hides , 7'.iC , No. 1 veal coif.
8 to 1. Ibs. , 9c ; No. a veal calf , 12 to 15
Ibs , 7c.
1 , .Ic , tallow. No 2 2'ic , rough tallow , l e ;
white grease , 2'4fo2'1c ! ; yellow and brown
grease , I' < . < fi2'ic
SHKEP PELTS Green sailed , each , 15 ®
73c. ereen salted shearings ( .short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c , dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No 1. each. 5c ; Cry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska !
elts , per lb. , actual weight , I1j5o , dry flint
? Kansas und Nebraska mun.iln wool peltN ,
per lb , actual weight , 3tlc ( , dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 405c , dry flint. Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb , actual weight , '
S | . Loiiin Marl.'i-t.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. Sl.-FLOUR-DulI and
WHEAT Declined early , but rallied later
and closed 3-Sc above the Saturday price ;
No. 2 red cash , elevator , CD'sc ; track , ( iJ'jc ;
December , tti 5-Sc ; May , Cb 7-Sc ; No. 3 hard ,
cash , ijGQCTc.
CORN Opened ' 40 off , but turned and
closed HOS-So above Saturday : No. 2 cash ,
3Jc ; December , 31' < 33l 5-Sc , May , 32 7-So
OATS Higher nnd strong ; No. 2 cash ,
2Gc ; Hack , 2W > fi27c : December , 25Uc bid ;
Mav , 23 7-hc asked ; No. 2 white , 2S'i'cj29c.
UYU Firm nt 51 ic.
SEEDS Flaxseed , higher at 99'4c ; prime
timothy seed , nominally J2.30.
WHISKY-Slcady at $1.25.
CORNMKAL Quiet nt $1.60fl ( B.
HHAN Dull ; sacked , east track , 53c.
HAY Steady ; timothy , $ G001iS.50 ; prairie ,
$6 OOfi.7.50
HUTTKR Easier ; creamery , 192.3c ;
dairy , 16f20c. |
KGGS-Steadv nt lor.
POULTRY Dull ; chickens , lower at 5 > 4J5
6V c ; ducks , SHSGVic ; geese , bo ; turkeys , 9
VETALS-Load , quiet at $ J 50 ; spelter ,
higher at $ t97's.
PROVISIONS Pork , better : standard
mess , jobbing , $8 00. Lard , steady ; prime
fetenm , JIS5 ; choice. $490. Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders , $4 25 , exlra shorts , $313 ;
libs , $325. shorts , $5 10. U.icon , boxed shoul
ders , $173 ; oxtio. sborts , $570 ; clear libs ,
$375 , clear sides , $393.
RECEIPTS Flour. 8,000 bbTs. : wheat , 28 , .
000 bu , corn. 182,000 bu ; oats , 31,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 8,000 bbls. , wheat ,
135,000 bu , coi n , 12G 000 bu , ; oats , 13,000 bu.
KniiNiiN Cliy Grain mid Trot Inlniii.
half cent lower , No. 1 hard , GIVae ; No. 2 ,
KP'-c. No. 3. CO c ; No. 4 , 5Se , No. 2 red , G3c ;
No. : . fiic. No. 2 spilng , 59V4c.
CORN Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 293-4c ;
No 3 29c. No 2 white , 31 c
, OATS Stead > . No 2 white , 2Gc.
UYK Firm ; No. 2 , 50c
HAY Good demand , choice prairie , $700 ;
choice timothy , $ b,7507.00.
BUTTER Lowci ; s-eparator , 20c ; dairy.
IGo Fens Steadv. 15" " .c
nnCKlPTS Wheat. 350,400 bu ; coin , 33.-
700 bu. : oats , 15,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 99,000 bu. ; corn , 4-
500 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
IMV OrleniiH Mnrkt-t.
-Quiet but fteady Pork Standard me s.
S'V.f/Sc. Laid Rellned tierce1 , 3ic ; pure ,
K 3-Sc. Uoxed incuts Dry wait shoulders ,
S 7-Sc ; bacon , clear libs sides , ti 3-SfVic.
Hams Choice sugar cured , 854 < g9He.
COFFEE Rio , ordinal y to fair , C 3-S@
7Sc !
RICH Quint ; ordinary to good , 4 5c.
rirm. Flour , extra fancy , $3 45f3 } 55 ; pat
ents. $395fl03. ( | Cornmeal $1.751SO. Bran
We. Hay Prime , lO llc ; choice , 1212Hc.
Corn No. 2 sacked , white and mixed , 40 ®
41c ; yellow , 4104.'c. OiitsKo. . 2 sacked , 30
< 331c.
Ilaltliuort * 'llnrUct.
nALTIMOUK. Oct 31 FLOUR-Dull ; re
ceipts. 21900 bbls , exports , 131 bbls.
WHEAT-rirmer Spot , SO-WlSO 7-Sc ; re
ceipts , 131S5S bu , exports , 18,000 bit ; south
ern wheat by sample. bSF72e.
CORN Firmer. Spot , 37'4 < ! f17 5-Sc ; re-
celptf. . 11,777 bu. , exports , 8,000 bu ; south
ern whlto coin , 3.rifi37c.
OATS No. J white , western. 2j'-c ; re
ceipts , 7,000 bu . exports , 1J0.225 bu.
UYK Plrm , No. 2 western , CSc ; receipts ,
11,000 bu.
Cliii'liiiintl MiirKol.
WHUAT-Qulct , No 2 red , CSc.
CORN Firmer , No. 2 mixed , 35c.
OATS-Qulol. No 3 mixed , 27c.
RYH-FIrm ; No. 2. ! i5o
PROVISIONS Lard , nrmer at $4.77ii ;
bulk meats , steady nt $5 35 ; bacon , steady
ut $ G4o
WHlSKY-Flrm nt $1 25.
TOLKDO , Oct Sl.-WHKAT-Hlgher ;
casli October and December , 70 7-Sc ,
CORN Quirt ; No 2 mixed , 33c. .
OATS Stead v ; No. 2 mixed , 2lc.
RYi : Dull. No. 2 cash. 63o.
CLOVnilSKUD Actlxo and higher ; prime
cash old , Jl.bO.
niahi Hi-i'i'lplH nt I'rliiulpal ? lnrl < pt .
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. -r.ecelpts :
Wheat. 1.SCS cais
riHCACIO , Oct 31-Ueceluts todn"-
Wheat , 2J9 cars ; e-orn , 2G3 cars ; oats , 31X5
cars. Estimated cars for tomonow : Wheat ,
450. corn , 460 , oats , 250.
Rece-lpts at primary markets : Wheat ,
3,37.,914 bu . corn. 013.4SJ bu ; oats. 33,437 bu.
Ml I \ wmUrcirnln JlnrUot.
Hlcher. No. 1 norlhein , GSc1
UYK Firmer. No 1. BHifiSlHc.
IIAULKY-rirm , No. 2 , 4S4c , sample ,
I'll 11 n del | > li In I'roilne'f.
Bleady : fancy western creamery , I3c.
IIGGS Firm ; fresh western , 19c.
Cnllfiirula Urleil
DRIED FRUITS-Stoudy. Evaporated up-
pies , common 79iSe ; prime wire truv , 7l O
8\c ; choice , 7s4SSc ; fancy , s'C. ' Prunes ,
n S'tc , nn to size nnd quality. Apricot.
Rcvnl , Ilijl4c ( , Moor Park , 14 i7 Peaches
Unpcelcd , S'iflllc ' , peeled , 11'jf/ISc. /
Ilitlter Hale .
ELGIN. 111. , Oct. 31.-BUTTER-rirm ; of-
fcrlncs all Bold , 1SSO tubs , at 22c.
Tobaeeo .Iiiinpn t p Seven Titlnts anil
I.enili In AclU lt.v.
NEW YORK , Oct. 31. Some obvious effort
was ma Jo to sustain prices today above the
level of Saturday and the midday rls was
not maintained to the close , prices In some
cas s declining below Saturday's level. An
Inspection of the list will reveal that outside -
side of a very few cas .s net changes nre
tnlmportnnl. Some observers bellevo that
such strength as the market has is due to
the support of a very powerful uggregu-
lion of capital , which lire In the Interest
of high prices for new securities.
Quite a largo proportion of the business
today was In Tobacco , the price of which
was rushed up seven points to 143 3-S. Quite
n large proportion of business Is taken up
by the federal steel securities , the ptefemil
frtock rising nearly two points to 753-1.
The stosl slocks are dealt In "when Issued "
There nre to bo $200,000.01X1 of the federal
steel stocKs. There are to be $ bO,000,000 of
securities of the new Continental Plug To
bacco , annex , of the American Tobacco
company As these securities arc In process
of flotation , the effort of sustaining values
for their benefit Is undsnlnblc The tack
of doing this today wus not nn cn y one
nnd In the late dealings with selling of
Northern Pacific on a largo scale nnd talk
of fresh complications In connection with
that road's relations with other roads the
burden apparently became too heavy nnd
pretty much nil the earlier gains were
wiped out Tobacco and Federal Steel were
conspicuous exceptions
Thofo VVETO other point * of strength In
the market during the dav , particularly
among the western and southern railroads.
St Paul's Scptetrfoer statement , show Ing nn
Increase ) In net earnings of $ . ' 51,3.11 , In spite
of large additional outlay for operating expenses -
penses , served to counteract the effect of
Burlington M poor showing , published Sat
urday. There were strong statements also
from Denver & Rio Grnndo nnd Chesapeake
iV : Ohio , while In the Erie statement the
decline In gross earnings was offset by
economics In the operating department ,
leaving nn lncren e In the net earnings of
nearly $50,000 But there was no general
public Interest In the market and some at
tention was paid to the largo military prep
arations making1 In Great Britain. The
weakness of the whant market early In the
day on the big Russian shipments wns also
rin influeneo on the maiket. The small
demand for money Is not legnrdod ns u fa
vorable Indication now that there are
abundant funds In the market. There was
continued activity In the bond market , the
speculative nnd reorganization bonds being
the favorites. The Union Pacific Is sold
most'of the dny at par. which pi Ice they
touched for the first time on Satuidav
Total sales , 3,090,000. Government bond"
were unchanged.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : The stock markets here
opened good today , but business was re
stricted on the holiday All Saints' tomoi-
row , nnd the market finally closed dull
on the weakness In the Parts bourse. It Is
difficult to Fay how far the Paris Is af
fected bv politics and how far by clearer
money. This 1 option day In Paris und con-
tangoes promise to bo stiff thsre tomonow
riench rentes , which throughout the 10-
cent political scares have barely moved a
fraction , fell half a point today. Ameri
cans were the best market today but the
close wns under the best. Copper shaics
were strong on the rise In the price of the The buying was almost entirely
EnglNli , the Paris market selling. The
general tone hero late this evening : Is de
cidedly cautlou" , paitly explainable by the
holiday tomorrow but partlv also due to
the impression that the Fashoda question
Is not yet closed.
Tne following arc the closing quotations
of the. leading stocks on the New York
market todaj :
Atrhtaon st L , s. s. rile
do DM ilo pM .
llMtlmoro 4. Ohio. . 44' , do 'nil pfd . . 2M ,
sr St. L i. S. W. . . ,
Canada Southern . do ufd . . .
Central Pnc'tlo . . . St Paul
Che'UDeako & . Otilo. Jo 1 > M .ICO'j '
Chi A Alton : St P. K. Om . . fl
C1 . H At Q : , df > ufd .101
c * n. in St. P M A. M . .165
dr > pfd : .So. Paclllc . . .
Chi n w . ho. Italhvay .
C . llld & . I , . . . I do ufd
do ufd ' J" Texas . Paclllo .
C .t N W. 'ill' ' . Union Picnic
do ufd . . 176 * ' '
C C. C. & . bt. L . O'j ' 1 * P D. . < L U .
ilo pftl . . . . 84 \ValMsli . .
net. . Ilud/ou . . . 101' ' t I do ofd
U. . L & . \V UTS .Whenl & Jj H . .
lCl & Rio U . . . I do pfd
do tir Adams Cxp 110
irlo : ( nsw ) , 12't American ilx 133
do 1st nfd . . . . , 32\ U S Kxp . 42
rt. Wasne . . . ,17J - - . 120
Gt Nor pM 137 A. Cot Oil . 31' i
Hocking Valley . . . . 2ni do nfd . . . . . S7' ,
Illinois Centra ! . . Ifts's ' Amei1. Spirits . . . . ir
Lake Krie S , W. . . , IIH do pfd . . . 34
I do pM Cl Amer. Tohaco . . . .
Lake Shore 1 do nfd . . . .
I/nuls . Nash . . , 57 Cons Gas .
Manhattan L . . . . , M > 4 Com > if Co . .Uo
Met St. Iv ! I'M Col P. & Iron .
Midi Central 107 do pM
Minn A. St I. . . . 107M'i Gen. niectrle
do Ut pfd Hawaii Com. C
Mo Pacific M'i ' Inter. Paoer
Mobile S. Ohio. . I do t > M . . .
M . K . T . In- ; La C'ledo Gas
N .1. Central do uM .
N Y. Ontial . . .114" ado Minn Iron . . . .
Nat Uu OH
do l t pfd . < 0 il'ac'no Mall . . . Mil
'o M pfl il 1'eoule'i fas .1C P.
Nor S. West . 12 II * ' Ilinau l lace lit
! No Amor. Co . C' ; ( . "IffTt . . bl
Xo Pacllla Wt f-tninl n & . T . . 6V
do cfd . . . "J'i Surar . . . 113'i '
Ontailo * . AV . .111' . [ rte nfd . . . .
Ore It & Nav 53 iV c' . Iron .
Oi. ' Short l.lue K U H I-eather . .
. Coast 1st pfd . 7 < lo uM . . .
.la ! t\i \ ufd . 5 < t \ ' h. Rubber . 41' ,
Plttsburs . . .170 < ! o nfd . . .102W
ieud'nc ' . H West. 1 plon i ,
do 1st ufd uJ I fneral ( ( > # 1 . .I' " ,
R 0 W. . i7 do Tfi ) ! 7 > '
do pfd . CO tlrK 15uu Tian CC' ,
Rock Island . 103' .
Total sales of stocks today weie 311.100
shares , liiPludlut" Atchlfcon preferred , 7,7Sf > ,
HurliiiRton , II'.37 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
27,120 , Chicago Great Western , -1,273.
Ne Aork Moiiev lnrk < ' .
Nominally , IU'3'2 ' per cent.
Der cent.
actual business In bankers' bills ut $1 S iW
4 S.V $ for demand , and $4 8224 S2U for slxtv
days ; posted rates , $1 S3fit S3 > 5 and J4 S6Q )
487 : commercial bills , $181
BAR SlLVKR-61 e.
BONDS Govcinment bonds , flim : V. 8.
3s. 10) ) ; 4s , reg. , 12Gli , coupon , 127 . Is , iec ,
110's. coupon. 111&4 ; 2s , 9V. 6s. reg , 1111 ! ;
coupon. 111 , Pacific Gs of ' 00. 102' {
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
IIoHlon Slock Qiiolntloim.
BOSTON , Oct. 31 Call loans. 2 < | 3 per
cent , time loans , 2'ifjl per cent Closing
( luotatlons on siocKh , bonds and iiiinuig
of tlie month the clearings und comparisons
arc :
| 1S9' . 1S97 Increase.
'Oct. ' 1 . . .T 1.1SS.M1 Vi $1.041.17594 $114,51341
Oct. 3. . . . l,7M,707a ! 1100,02543 291,01 W )
Oct. 4 . . ] ,2,41047 919 316 53 : .57,094 W
Oct 5. . . . l,20S.01Sr < S l,09't,7717fi 195,247.22
Oct. fi . . . ] ,197,215.4t 1.027.S41.22 160,17421
Oct. 7. . . . 1,23",23C1C 86 ,799 93 265,45621
Oct S. . . . 1,267,412 SS 95. 819 00 314,61188
Oct. 10. . . . 1,441,97914 1,134V4 90 307,581.24
Oct. 11. . . . 1,425,13S.21 1.07S.K24.45 346,611.78
Oct. 12. . . . 1,367,937 S1) ) lOti2,78S10 305,14979
Oct 13. . . . l.fW.fioS t9 1,031.36147 46,2912J
Oct. 14. . . 1,560,912 d'J 1,021.302.40 536,010 29
Oct. 13. . . . 1,379,957.50 997.49130 r.S2,43S 20
Oct. 17. . . . 1,841,607.51 1.011,88641 S29.721 12
Oct. IS. . . . 1,203,03157 911,04093 203,99062
Oct 19. . . . 1,225 243 3 854,12521 371,11803
Oct. 20. . . . 1,214,11466 ' 959,73liS 251,35963
Oct. 21. . . 1,201,57761 9M.WO 60 201,95701
Oct. 22. . . I,107,7ii5 ( ( .1 SG6.41J 01 SOIV \ 68
Oct , 24 . . 1,181511 SS 1.0S3.232.64 400,35071
Oct. 25. . . 1.310.SS6 41 1.027.S17 OJ 302,989 39
Oct. 26. . . . 1,294.494.77 856,711 GJ 437,78115
Oct. 27 . . . 1,322,2575. ? 811.411 9S SOS.SJiSo
, Oct. 2S . . . 1,146,5 67 904.4212S 242,10339
Oct. 29. . . . 1,256,22959 S11.828 43 444,40314
Total" ? . $12.798,529 CD $21,653,81808 $ S 142 710 71
CINCINNATI , Oct. 31. Money. 2'iJifi ' per
cent ; New Yoik exchange , 25 1Uc premium ;
clearings. $2.9J1,450.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 31. Clearings , $5.S63312 ;
balances , $736,001 ; money , steady at 5fjS per
cent ; exchange on Now York , 23c discount
bid , lOc discount at > ked.
NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 31. Clearings , $1-
018,000 ; New York exchange , bank , * 1 ner
$1,000 premium ; commercial , $1 per $1,000 dis
CHICAGO , Oct -dealings , $19,833,677 ; '
balances , $2,311,718 ; Now York exchange ,
par : sterling exchange , posted , $ i iviM-ftl b6 ,
actual , $1 S2 = 4f < 4 83 < i ; sixtv dnvs , * 4 SK > I MH.
Stock weie active and strong. Alley L , 74 ;
Biscuit , , ! ' ; Biscuit preferred , 97 , Diamond
Match , 131 North Chicago 2.'l , Stiaw-
board 34 ; West Chicago , 94 ? ; .
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. -Clearings to-
tliij , $7,391,291 ; balances , $1,405,521. For tbo
month , dealings , $291,044,015 ; balances , $29-
BALTIMORE. Oct. 31. Clearings , $2,141- I
871 : balances. $374'JG1. 1
NEW YORK , Oct. 31. Clearings , $93,311-
CS6 ; balances , $ lS5o.S94. I
BOSTON. Oct. 31.-Clearinss , $11,641,079 ;
balances , $2,454,727.
PARIS. Oct. 31. Prices were weak on the
bout so early today nnd the tiansactlons
were chletlv realizations , due to apprehen
sions of a dear settlement nnd dear money.
The ministerial combination was also
looked upon ns being unsatisfactory to the
speculators Th rowns a slight , temporary
rally duiins : the nfteinoon , but the close
was dull. A sfA-fclal feature of the day's
business was1 this buoyancy of Rio tlntos.
which ndvancccrin I'esponbo ' to the higher
pilco ot cofipeiv" Gold mine shales were
bteacly. Three per cent icntes , lOlf 70c for
the account , exOhanee on London , 25f 3lc
for checks.
BERLIN , Oct. 31. Dealings on the bourse
today were restricted , owing to disinclina
tion to operate. This was occasioned by
the closing of the London. Paris nnd
Vienna bourses tomorrow. The tendency
vias toward llrm prices. Spanish Is nnd
Italian securities finished easier and Ar
gentines improved , owing to tlTe ( pending
definite settlement of the dispute with
Chile. Local secuiltles were llrm und Amei-
Icans were maintained. Exchange on Lon
don , 20 marks , 48 pfgs. for checks.
LONDON , Oct , 31 American securities
after a dull and rather weak opening were
llrmer , but inactive. Trading was profes
sional. The maiket closed steady. Calcutta
llnteed , spot , 37s 3d , The amount of bullion
gone Into the Bunk of England on balance
today was 133,000 Gold Is quoted nt Buo-
noh Ay res today at 14360 , bar gold , 77s 9d ;
American eagles , 76s 5'id.
Cotton "MnrK-el.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31. COTTON Dull :
middling , 5 6-16c ; net receipts , 117 bales ;
croas , 1.702 bales , bales. 419 bales ; stock ,
70,505 , bales ; expoits to the continent , 3,861
bales ; to France. l,21i bales Total todav ;
Net receipts. 92,501 bales ; cxpotts to Great
Britain , 18,760 bales ; to France , 70,27. ! bales ;
to the continent , H567J bales , stock , 1,003,542
bales. Consolidated' Not receipts. 150,221
bales ; exports to Great Britain , o9,757 bales ;
to France , 25,582 bales ; to the continent , 38-
397 bnlfB
tures weie steady ; November. $ l.d7 ; Decem
ber. $172 471 , January. $4.77T(4.7S ( ( ; Febru
ary. $181(0483 ( : March , $4 87 < & 4.i > S. April , $1.91
(5193 ( : May. $497ffi9S ; June , $5035/5.07 / ; July.
$5 07S5 OS. Spot , easy ; sales , 2,650 bales ; or
dinal y , . ! 3e ; Rood ordinary , 4 1-lCc ; low
middling , 4 7-lGc : middling. 4 13-16o. good
mlddllnc r. 4c ; middling , fair 511-16ccie- ;
ceipts. 22,591 bales ; stock. 201,554 bales.v -
good business clone nnd prices easier ;
American middling , fair , 3 s l : good mld-
elllng , 37-32d ; middling , 3 l-32d ; low mid
dling , 2 7-Sd ; good otdlnary , 2 2-1Jd ; oi-
dlnary. 2 17-32d. The sales of the day were
12,000 bales , ofwhich COO bales were for
speculation and export , and Included 11,500
bales American : iccelpts , 2),000 bales , in
cluding 28,000 bales American. Futures
opened quiet with a moderate demand and
closed quiet , but hteady , American mid
dling , 1. m c. , November , 2 60-64Q2 61-61d ;
November and December , 2 5'J-Gld ; Decem
ber and January , 2 59-64d ; January and
rcbmarv , 2 59-61ii2 M-6td ) , February and
March. 2 60-64f2 ( ? Ol-Old ; Match and April.
2 Cl-04d : April and May. 2 62-Gld ; May and
June , 2 C364d.nlue , Juno and July , Id ;
July nnd August , Jd ; August and Septem
ber , 3 l-6ld , biij ors _
> IMI lork IJry OOIM MnrUc-l.
NEW YORK. Oct 31 Improved condi
tions In seveial branches ot the market
for cotton goods made the opening of the
day's dry goods market of considerable In
terest There is nn element of btrength In
cottons which has been lacking for weeks.
The moro settled conditions In print cloths
nnd the steady gain in the demand for ex
port goods have tended to add strength to
the market , both locally and In other llrst
hand centers. There was a fair showing of
buyers In the market and they were In
clined to bo slightly freer In their trading
today. The print cloth situation Is n quiet
one. Buyers are not clamorous for goods at
the prices fixed by the trustees. Staple cot
tons showed somewhat more activity today
than has been , the en e heretofore. There
was n pronounced demand for brown goods
of nil kinds.
OH aiirkrt.
OIL CITY , Oct. 31 Credit balances.
$1 IS : certificates opened $1 19. closed at
$1 1S' $ . Sales , 8OuO cash nt $1 19 , 2,000 cash
at $1 IS1 , * . ShipmenlH , Including New York
Transit , Southein nnd Crescent , 27th. not
reported on that date , 232.2JS bbls. Runs ,
191,377 bbls
SAVANNAH , Ga . Oct. 31 OIL Spirits
turpentine , llrm , 31'ic. bid. Rosin , firm nnd
Spirits turpentine , llrm , St'ifiJSc Rosin ,
dull , $1 10ft 1 40 Crude turpentine , llrm , $1 90.
Tar , llrm , $1 15 ,
CofTee llurUet ,
NEW YORK , Oct 31.-COFFEU-Or.Uons
opened steudv at 5 points advance ; further
Improved and uiled generally steady ou
higher European and Rio cables nnd sub
siding Brazilian movements ; well sustained
warehouse deliveries In this country offset
by continued Indifference of snot buyers ,
speculation exceptionally slack , local cover
ing the feature ; closing1 tlrm and 10 13
points net higher ; sales , 13.WO bags ; March.
$553 Spot coffee , Rio , dull anil nominal ,
middling , quiet ,
To He duil en * null Happy
Use "Gotland" Stoves and Ranges.
October Ends with a Half Holiday and a
Hurry at the Yards ,
\ot niiniin.1i Here in Tent Hie StrritKlti j J
of the 'I'milc lloitn Oieu
btrunner mill 1'nlrly AetUc
. „ Mieep Stenilj.
' - SOUTH OMAHA , OU. , " . !
Cattle. lloKi Shi cp
ilccolptH today Jfi ! . ' 2MO iu7
Sump day lust week. . . .IMP 2,171 1.SV.
Sumo dav week before7.510 4iOJ 12,171
Same throe weeks a o. M77 3. ( ) h r > , U91
fanmo fourck HRO. . 7.2 < W 3W 4,2o9
Receipts for October , \\ltli comparisons
, , , . ,
Total , October lb9S 10-im L n in i -
, 127,140 Ibl.GUi 131,425 , October , U97 112,102 103,361
Totnl , October , 1MK > .V.,730 ir ! l22
Total , October , l O'i lbo707 | 25 , lOti
Total , October , 1X91 112.J27 1H.010 45,426
Total , October , isgt 107.3IU 107.5.SI 21,151
Totil , October , 1X9.2 . . . i ' , u i 115,824 15.43S
Receipts for the year to date b > months.
January 43,400 159,551 S7.313
- - - - - -
February 50 141 101,512
March i > 5,21 $ 136.0S5 112,795
April M.fiGI 147r,1S 135fiSS
May „ ( jtilS4 181,312 115,201
Juno ia,3n 1S3.144 27.01J
July 43,707 183.4SS 41 , SOI
August 77,727 1S1.212 67,334
September 101,500 139,415 111,391
October 127140 1G1.61C 131,123
Average prlco paid for hogs for the. last
several days , with comparisons , :
FE9S.lS97.lS3 | | < ! . | lS93.1lS94.18JI.lS92. | |
Indicates Sundni.
GENERAL H being the last day at the
exposition eveiy one In the yards was anx
ious to ge thiough and take .a half holiday
to that business cluilng thj morning houis
was pushed along us last as possible. The
oflerlngs of stork on the market were also
\eiy light , though there was considerable
Mock reported received , tor that reason no
Ei eat number of s-ales uie reported below.
The olllclal iiumncr or cars of Mock
biought in today by each load wan :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C , M. fc St. P. Ry. . . .
MIssowl Pacific Ry. . . . 4 . . 1
I'nlon Paclllc System. 15 ! 21
C. < SL N. W. Rv 2 2
I" , E. & M. V. R. R. . Gl S
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Uy . 2
U. & M. R. R. R 13 11 1 1
C. , B. At Q. Ry 7
K. C. & St. J 10
C , R. 1. & V. Ry. , e . . . 2
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , w
Total receipts . . . 131 42 25 2
Thn disposition of the day's receipts was
'as rollouts eacli buyer puiclmslng the
number of head Indicated :
Buyeis Cattle. Hoc * . Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . . . . .9 120
G. II. Hammond Co 119 . . . . 305
Swift and Company 1U 1,179 437
Cudahy Packing Co . ! 21 1,157 789
Aimour , Chicago 171 36 J
Lobmuii & . Co'J -
\V. I Stephens 100
Rcnton & Underwood . . . 109
Hill & Huntzlngcr 1J5
L. F. Husz 50S
Livingston & Schalcr . . . 321
H. Hamilton & R 31fi
Other buyers 367 . . . . 437
Left over 1,150 2,500
Totals 3,010 2,894 4.46S
CATTLE While the receipts looked rea
sonably largo , there was in leallty very
little on sale that was of any account.
Twenty-two cars that came in yesterday
and were counted In today's lecelpts wcie
shipped out again last night , HO that there
were not nenily us many cattle on tale as
the receipts would seem to Indicate The
market us a whole did not show much ;
change as legards value.
There wns only a lo id or two of
cornfed cattle In the jards and not
much In the war of grass beef , there being
hardly enough to make a test ot the mniket.
Advices from Chicago Indicated a belter
market , and still there would f cm to be
no very good iea on for an advance , as
packers In all .soctlpiis of the county ap
pear to be well fllleil up "with cattle. Buy
ers at this point did not appear to feel
that there was any occasion at the present
lime for putting up prices , and they v.erc
talking just about steady prices on all
tows and heifers were In fair demand ,
but the matket was not particulatly active ,
and the trade as a whole was without
feature of inteiest or change of any Im
The supply of stockeis and feeders con
sisted foi the most part of commonish cat
tle , which wcro neglected to a great e\-
tent , as usual , of late. Desirable kinds
were good sellers , and the market wa at
10 feeders 97 ! 3 0 S feeders 1070 423
1 feeder DUO 4 00
1IOC1H The ri'ii'ipts of IHIK were about
the name an a week OKO , but aside from
Hint It was the ( imnlle t .Monday's inn of
HIP month , n * will b noted from the table
of tecelptfl at hood of column. The mar
ket from a sellerV point oflrw wac In
pretty fair condition It opened n little
stroiiKcr than Saturday' * elope , or nbnut
llko Saturdaj's curly market andn
falrlv uctlxc. Sellria wcie KCilcriilly ask-
IIIR pretty strong prices and Inclined to hold
until they Rot \\hnt tliov wanted , so Hint a
ilenrtmro was not effectril quite as early
as mlKMt have bocu expected , with such
IlKht lec-clptw , but still about everything
solil In mind "en'on The prices paid
laiiRfd ftom J1Mfl3,0 ( for the bulk of the
sales , the iamo an on SntiiHlav morning
It will bo noted from the table of nveniRO
prlcfs at the head of the column that the
week opens with \nlues nbnut where they
wcio tin Mondm of last week , but consider
ably lower than two , three and four weeks
IIRO. Representative s.ilcs
No Av Sh 1'r No Av. Sh. IT.
11 . . ' 114 . n 4J'i ' 75t . .312 . 3 S5
47 . . oil IdO ,1 M'3 ( irt . 2VI 13) 3 M
5(1 ( . 100 SO 3 tt' < , 55 ,111 2dO 3 ( fl
in . . 117 . . u R2'9 ' . : . . . . : r. ire 3 M
r > n . . . .rjii L'SO , 352" . 01 KKI to 35.- ,
41 . . . V > 2 40 3 M 62 . ,17 100 3 "M
f . ta . " B4 . . . . 2S1 ICO 3 57"j
47 . . . 115 40 BBS ( , " ! . . . .i ) . 367 ! . ,
Bl . . . 24li SO J 53 f/l . . 23.'i 40 3 67 4
49 . . . 3.7 120 353 . . . 301 1TO 3 57 * ( .
11 . . .2X9 . . 3 BS 77 2fiO 120 "
tvi . . . .211 IfO 3 S3 fl , 2i7 40
BO 3'iS ICO 3 S3 76 . . . . 231 SO . . . . , , .
74 . . . 214 SO 363 61 269 . . 3 G7 < < .
7J 2S2 12rt .163 CO 3M ilxO 36 , ' .
70. . . .212 280 363 74 2W 40 S fiO "
50. . . 3JS 160 353 6 ? 360 . . . 3 CO
14 270 . . . 363 34 1M 40 .1 62 > i
62 310 160 353 74 171 40 3 C. .j
64 2 < v 10 353 ( ! S . . . . 257 SO 3 C2'j
B3 . . . . 277 240 365 61 300 . . 'I i .
71 214 160 365 SO 117 . . . 3 03
2 . . . . 3T3 . . . 200 B 24 ! . . . 3 52'n '
5 . . . .Tifl . . . 1 6f > 4. . .317 . . . 352' .
6. . . . US . . . 3 52Vj ( i 26G . . . 365
4. . . .137 . . 3 3J'i
SHni iJ Uccei . but
< | < 4.o werei llbetal today ,
unfoitunately > few of the Hheep and
lambs reported In the pens were oiTeml
for sal \ There weie three or tout loads
of pretty uooil owv-4 and lambs , and that
constituted the. most of the klllluR stuff
offered The market In about the .inu
condition as noted at the close of last week
There were a few stocKers and feeileis and
Hipy , too , were Just about steady
Quotations are : Good grass we tcrnn ,
$ l.lOJfl M ; choice ycarlliiRs , $4 40fT4 30 , fair
to KOO < I yeai lings , tt 25fi I.J3 ; fair to ijood
Krass westerns , $1 Ooj4 { 10 , Rood to cho'co- '
lambs , J316Q530. fair to Rood lambs , $4 90J |
10J western withers
Ciooil Di-iiiiinil foi * HIIKS nnd I'rlcrH
Hull- ! ' ! > OrlltN HlKlx'l' .
CHICAGO. Oct 31 A snnll run of cattle
tod.u c iusc < l a stiong feellne and us pik
ers were anxious to piocure good beeves
prices \\cio amwhcio troin I.MI.JC liiniioi
Choice steers , $5 25T5 75 , medium , $4 7M4 | * j ,
beef leer , $ ! Wu I 70 , stookers and feed
ers. $ 'S5 < it470 , bull" , $225f100 , cows and
heifers $13&ir420 , calves , $3251(725 , west
ern rangers , ? 255fi410 , western fdt""i ,
JCKWoSi , Texas grass steeis , $515fi4 00.
Tilers was iin excellent clemaiui ror hops
and prlcen avciaged 5c 'ilpliei Fair to
choice , $3707i3M > , packing lots , f J 21f I 70 ,
butcliPis' , $3401J3 SO , mixed , $ J55fi'i s3. iight ,
$330ft375 ; pigs , $ .J.3tfJ ( | S3.
Buyers of sheep wrio disposed to wait
on account of the onoimous arrival ) ind
thn laigei pan of the offerings icmalnrd
unsold Prices weio weak and mostly
lower , lambs selling olT about 15c and sheep
about lOc. Western range sheep , $ J50llu" ( ,
feeders , $400 , common to uood miitlen ,
$250ii470 , common to choice lambs , ? 175&
570 , feeders. J4 50f5 ? 10
RECEIPTS-Cattle , 10,000 head , nogs , 30-
000 head , sheep , 27OuO head
KIIIIMIIM City Iilfc MooU.
celpts. 5,710 head natives , 1,315 head Tfx-
ans. Th.9 light supply and excellent de
mand advanced prices , all desirable cattle
selling lOiJTlSc higher. No dressed beef
steers offered. Light weight stesrs , J5 OOfr )
515 ; stockers and feeders , $ J 22VS'ff4 M ) ;
butchers' , cows and heifers , $2 G5S74 50 , - western
ern steers , J100ffi425 , Texas steeis , $2. < ! 3'g )
390 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.65 3 00 ; can-
nine ? stock , $ . ' 10i2.6'i.
| HOGS Receipts , G.4TO head Competition
was active , the increase In values amount
ing to fully 5c. Heavies. M55Q3G3 ; mixed ,
i $3 SOfCJ GO ; lights , $3 50JT.J GO.
I SHEEP Receipts , 10,770 head. Liberal
supply of rather common quality slaught
ering sheep causqd a decline in price of
i 10(15c ( Feeding stock steady tn 'vo
lambs $3 15Q5.75 , nati\e muttons , $1 25 4 50 ;
i wv < itc'rn lambs , jl Wiu 10 , westein inu > .UIM ,
? l OO-T/4 35 , west ru feeding lambs , $4 Iti4 < 75 ;
wcstcm feeding sheep , $ ' ! .75tfJ100 ; stock
ewes , $ J25'54 25
St. I.oillM Lite Mod. .
ST LOl'IS Oct ,
, 31-CATTLE-Rccelpts ,
2Uf > head. Including 1,400 Te\ans : shlp-
menlx , 1.100 , maiket steady to lOc higher ;
fair to tancv nati\e .shipping nnd export
steers , $1201(550 , bulk of tales , J4 SOftXi 2.1 ;
dressed be pf and butcher steers , $1 15ti4 S5.
bulk of saleo , $4 2o'u4 75 ; hteeis under l,000
pound" , $150 < fjl75. bulk of sales. $3GOT44) ) :
stoi'keis and feeders , J250Ti450 , bulk of
sales. , $ i 2flf/4 00 : cows and heifers , $2 0j ! I 50 ,
bulk of sales , $225ft3.75 , Texas and Indian
steeis , $275tj00 ! , bulk of bales , $31&BJ75 ;
cows and heifers. $200'n140
HOGS Hecelpts , 5,700 liend ; shipments ,
2.SOO , maiket , fie lilghei , yorkers , $ JrOTi3C5 ,
pafkeis $ j 60SJ 75 ; buteheis , ' , $3701)380 )
SHEEP RerHpts , . ' ,200 head , shipments ,
400 head ; maiket steady to stiong , native
muttons $4 004 75 ; culls and bucks , $1 50tJ
J 00 , stockers $2 5003 50 , lambs , $4 50J6 W
f York ! , ! Stock.
NEW YORK. Oct. 31 BEEVES-Recelpts ,
3d)3 ! ) head. Market opened steady to lOc
higher , closed llrm on Chicago advice *
Oxen and stags , , $3 005J4 50 , bull * . $2 755T4 50 ,
eows , $173i38G : cables , higher , American
steers , $1025f(11.25 ( ; refrigerator beef , 9 3-Sc ,
exports , 206 head cattle. Calves Receipts ,
1.5b2 head : firm , 25c higher ; closed ciulet.
\e-.ils , $400 775 , tops $ SCO
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts 11,592 ;
sheep steady ; lambs steady to 15c higher ,
closed dull , advance lost. Sheep Poor to
cho'cc ' $4 756 5 75 , extra. $3 SVfI5 ( 90
HOGS Receipts. 14,355 had , firmer but
blow , nt $3.75 (395
XIM-U 111
Recoid of receipts of ll\e stock at the
four pilnclpal markets for Octobei 31
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Omaha 3,622 2,610 1,177
Chicago 10,000 noooo 27,000
Kalians City fl,710 ( > ,41l ) 10,770
St. Louis 2.COO 5,700 2.200
Totals 21.9J2 44,710 41,117
CliiclninifI lt\o StoeU *
CINCINNATI. Oct 31 -HOOS-Actlve.
higher. Jl.10fi1.75
C'ATTDJ Sternly , lower , $2.25 4.75.
SUUUP Steady , $2.23ff I.OOj lambs , easy ,
$3.75Si 40.
open kettle ; centrifugal , 3 15-lGc , off granu
lated. 4 7-1Cc ; whites , 4'4Ti 1 5-SV1 ; yellowy
3 13-lGiT4 ( 7-K.f . , seconds , 2 7-SJT3 3-ft.-
MOLASSES Slrong , open keltic. $33TO >
343 rentrlfujral , d& Ic.
NEW YORK. Oct 31 SUGAR-Slronir ,
held higher , fair rcllnlng 3 l3-1fc. lentil-
fugal. 96 test , I 5-lGc , molasses sugar , 3 l-lfio ;
retlncd , film but cjulel
SIXTH 111 M.MJMON TIIH M'llti : .
LlKlidiln - llnKlim : n Pine Hoc-oril on
n Coiinri'llciil I'liiircli.
The Episcopalians of Seymoui. Conn , are
wondering what the lightning lias against
them that It should single out their church
for Its mark * o frequently. Tor the sixth
tlmo a bolt' made a target of the church
splro and lipped things up In a lively
fashion. What makes this persistence the
more peculiar Is that the llghlnlng has
struck almost the same spot each time.
Recently a storm came up from the west ,
and when the lightning began to flabh and
dance o\er the electric light wires on Main
street the loungers began to speculate as
to the chances of the church being hit
again. They had hardly tlmo lo make bets
on the subject when a terrific clap of
thuuder came nnd Hie crowd knew lhat the
game old bullscyo had been hit , for the
metallic ihig showed that the church bell
had been disturbed After the shower was
o\cr the crowd eaw a big gaping hole on
the side of the spile , and visitors to the
churcn found u rafter split Into pieces snull
enough for kindling wood.
The first tlmn tbo church was struck was
on June 1. 1S22. A collection taken up to
repair the damages amounted J1E2 SS ati'l It
cost $1SJ SI to fix things up. On May IS.
1861 lightning Mruck In the same spot but
the damage was alight The third tlmo was
Juno 27 , 1875 , when $50 was required lo
make good the damage of the clcctrlci fluid.
Now comes a coincidence. In Scptembsr ,
1VJ3 and 1897 , as well as la September of
this year , the iplre was lilt by a bolt la
exactly the same place , and almost exactly
the dime amount of ilnmnKO was done. Thrm
Units the snme rnftcr hus been shattered
co na to require taking out. The church la
well covered with lightning rod * , but they
don't seem to have any value. Possibly the
situation of the building has namuthlng to
do with Its attractiveness for electricity. It
Is on a high hill and Is Mirroundpd on
three sides by rocky crags , which go by the
naiiu'S of Illmmon Hock , Castle Rosk and
Ilctt's Mill. It Is a conspicuous mark for
the lightning .nul nc.irt'residents laugh
at the rod agents who come to them , pointIng -
Ing to the church splro as their best pro-
County Judge Uuxtcr Issued the follow \
ing nmrilngo licenses yesterday :
Name and Residence. Apr.
liiuolil Reid. St Louis Mo 2i
Adu rintnmle , Minneapolis at
John II P. Glllesplo. Omaha 2T
Mao J. llamblet , Omaha < ! l
Phil AV. Kolsom. Oakland. Neb 22
Clnui Huffman , Oakland , Neb
Chillies W. Crawford , rnlrburv , Neb . . 21
lleulah Mackey , Reynolds , Neb 21
John llobermnnn. Lincoln 5s
Mrs. Amelia Kllllnn , Omaha 4i >
1'uvrorricu XOTICU.
( Should bo toad dally by nil Interested , a
changes may occur at any time. )
I 1-orelRii malls for the week ending No
vember B , isas. will close ( PROMPTLY In all
' ( nscs ) at the General Postofllco as follows.
PAHCULS POST MAILS eloso ono hour
eaillcr than i losing time shown below.
Trniift-AtlntiUc' Mnllft.
WEDNESDAY At 0 n in ( supplementary
10 30 n m 1 for Ut'ROPi : . per s H. lirltan-
nlc * . vl.i Queenstown. at 10.30 n in. for
, UlILGll'M dluct. per t , e. Nooi-lnnd
I via Antweip ( lotteis must bo directed
"per Noordland" )
SATl'RDAY-At fi.30 „ m. for KRANCK ,
1811 INDIA , pel s. s La Touarlno'la
Hiivte. nt C.Ji ) a in for GERJiANY.
( Cbrlstianla ) , nnd RUSSIA , per s s
Sail * . vli Uremen ( letters for other parts
of liiiioe ] via ChcrbourK must bo di-
lettul "ier Sanlo" ) , ut ii.SO n. in lot
NORWAY ( Hergen ) , per s H Etrurla *
via Queinstown ( letters for other paits
of Euioiiei must bo dlieeted "pei Kt
lurla" ) , at S a m for NETHERLANDS
direct , per a. s. Rotterdam , via Rotter
dam ( lotteis must be directed "per Rot-
toidam" ) ; nt 9 a in for ITALY , per s s
Augusto % 'lctorln , via Naples ( letttrs must
bo directed "per Auguste Victoria" ) , nt ID
n in for SCOTLAND direct , pei s f >
Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must bo
directed "per Ethiopia" ) ,
steamoiH on Tuesdajs take Printed
Matter , etc , for Germany , nnd tipeclullv
Addressed Printed Matter , etc , foi other
parts ot Europe. American and Whlto
Star stoamcis on Wednesdajs , German
steamers on Thursda > s , nnd Cunnid ,
1'iencli and German steamers on Satut-
days take Pi luted Matter , etc. , for all
countiles for which they arc advertised
to cany mail.
After the clo = lnK of the Supplemental y
Trans-Atlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers ot the American , English ,
riench and German bteamois nnd remain
open until within Ton Minutes of the houi
ol sailing' of steamer.
Malls for .South niul Oiilrnl Aiuerlen ,
Went InillttN , ! ] ! < .
WEDNESDAY-At 10 a. m. for PORTO
RICO , per United States Trnnspoit , .at
12 m. for GRENADA , TRINIDAD and
TOBAGO , per P. s. Irrawaddy ; ut 12:10 :
p m. ( supplemental v 1 p m.l for ST
toria ( letters for Grenada. Trinidad and
Tobago must be dlieeted "per Pretoria" ) ,
nt 1 p. m. for CUBA , pel s. s Yucatan ,
via Havana , ut 1 p. m. ( supplementary
1A : ) n. m ) for NASSAU , N. P. , per a. a
THURSDAY At 1 p m. ( supplementary
1:30 : p. in ) for BERMUDA , per B. s
Tilnldad , at 1 p. in ( supplemental v ljn :
P in ) tor ST. DOMINGO nnd TURKS
ISLAND , per s s. New Yoik ; at 3.00 p.
m for JAMAICA , per s. s. Ardanrose
( letters for Belize , Pucrtli Cortez and
Guatemala must be directed "per Ardan-
1OSO" ) .
FRIDAY At 10 a. in ( supplementary 10.30
n. m ) foi AUX-CATES , JACMEL und
SANTA MARTHA , pel s. s. IlohUoin
SATURDAY-At 2 30 a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND. per s. s Corenu from
Philadelphia ; at 10 a. m , supplementary
10..0 n in for PORT AU PRINCE anil
PETIT GOAVE. nor H. Alps ; at 10
n. in ( supplementary 10JO : a m. ) for
Adirondack ( letters foi Costa. Rica must
bo dltectcd "per Adirondack" ) , at 10:10 :
13ASCO and YUCATAN , per s s City of
Washington ( letters for other parts ot
Mexico nnd Cuba must be directed "per
City of Washington ) , nt 10 50 a m lor
HAITI , ner s s Prlns Wlllein V ( letters
lor Venezuela. Curacao , Trinidad. Brlt-
isu and Dutch Gul'imi must bo directed
"per Prlns Wlllcm V" ) ; nt 10.30 a infer
TRIES , per s s Galileo , via Pernam-
buco , Bahla and Rio Janclio ( letters for
North Brazil must bo directed "per Cull-
leo" ) : at 11 n in for BRAZIL and LA
PLATA COUNTRIES , per s H. Capri , via.
Rio Janelio ( letters must be directed "per
Capri" ) , at 12 m for NEWFOUNDLAND.
per H s Silvia ; at 12 in for BRAZIL
Roman Prince , via Rio Janel.'o ( h tiers for
North Brazil must be directed "per Ro
man Prince11) ) ; at 1 p. m for NORTH
BRAZIL , per s. n Llhbonensc , via Para ,
Maranham and Ccnra ; at 1 p. m. ( sup
plementary 1.30 p. in ) for PORTO RICO ,
cao , per s. a Philadelphia , at S:30 : p m
for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer
from North Sidney
Mails for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax ,
and thence by steamer , close at thlo ollli o
dally at 8:30 : p. in. Moils for Mlquelon ,
bv rail to Boston and thence by steamni ,
ole o at this olllce daily at S-,10 p in. Malls
for Cuba close at this otllco d.illv at 7 n
m , for forwarding by steamers sailing
Mondays und from Port
Tampa , Kin. Malls for Mexico Citv. over
land unless specially addressed for des
patch by steamer , cloto at this office
dally at 2..0 a m and 2:10 : p. in MUg-
Isteied mall closes at Opm , previous
Malls for China and Japan , per s s. Km-
prcss of Japan ( from Vancouver ) . eloHO
here dally up to October * 31st Ht b.JO p m
Malls for Cnina , Japan nnd Hawaii , per
s B City of Rio Janeiro ( from Han irran-
elHco ) , close here dally up to November
4th nt ft 30 p m Mails for Hawaii , mr P
s Australia from San Francisco ) oloco
lieio dally up to Novimber 10th at i > .30
11 in Malls for Australia ( except West
Australia ) Now Zealand. Hawaii and FIJI
Islands , per s Aorangl ( tiom Van-
louvci ) , COHO | her * dally aftei October
" 2Sth und up to November 10th at fp .10
p in Malls for Ch'na and Japan , per
s s Olvmpla ( from Tneomn ) , close hem
dallv up to November * 21nt at 6 JO p m
Mulls for the Society Islands , ptr ship
Galilee ( ftom Snn Franolxco ) , close hero
dally up to November 25th nt 0.10 p m
Malls for Australia ( except these for
West Australia , which are forwarded via
Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , njl and
Samoan Inlands , per H H Moana ( from
San 1'ranclsco ) , close hei dally up to No
vember * 25th at 7.W H m , 11 n m and
6.30 p in ( or on arrival nt New York of
s s Etrurla. with British malU for Aus
Trans-Paelflf malls arc forwarded to port of
sailing dally and the schedule of closing la
arranged on the presumption of < .hi ) ! . % un
interrupted overland transit. Registered
mall closes nt 6 p m . previous dny.
Postofllce. New York , X. Y , October 28 ,
JAMES E- BOYD & GO , . \
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Nefc
Dlrft r.lrt * to Chicago and New Turk.
Corr ipondfnUi John A , IV'arrtn It Co.
.M : tnr : ( .
. . CO. ,
Iluum I , N. Y , LIfn Illilu. , Oniobn , NcU ,
Direct AVIf * New York , Cblcaicu and
1'olnti ,