FHE OMAHA DAILY ESTABLISHED JtTXE If ) , 1871. OMATIA , TUESDAY MOANING , XOA EMBER 1 , 1808 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEXTS. OXLY A MEMORY NOW Gates of Onmha's Beautiful White City Are Ulosed Forever. SUMMER DREAM SUCCUMBS TO AUTUMN Ephemeral Beauty of the Fair Will Boon Wholly Disappear , BIG SHOW WINDS UP IN BLAZE OF GLORY Entire City Throngs the Grounds for a Last , Lingering Look. ALL OTHER BUSINESS IS LAID ASIDE I2n < liiixiniHc Crovril Snnteii Iliu'lc find forth In tinCiroiinilN to ' ny rnrc- \\i-\\ \ \ to AVIint HUH CliiiriucU for I'"lc Month * . Tntnl nilnilNKlmiH > cxlenlay. . Ol.lOi ! Totnl to date 2Uiti7l : : The last day of the exposition , like the Jlrst , has become a memory , ; < "or five months U has furnished a spe-ctacle of on- t"rprlsc and beauty that surpassed all prcvl- ous achievement and the world has bowed in admiration before the beautiful White City of the West. Over 1 MIO.OOO people' luvo passed Inside Its git a marvel at its magnificence and become f.i . ' .noted by Its eccnlc charms Thev havt bom dazed by its splendor and Inspired bj tlic lesson that U taught. The > have re id some part of the Ptory of the fututo and rcallred the magni i tude , the pluck ami resource of the new and mighty empire that It represents. After two jours of effort and achievement , of dis couragement and SUCCCSB , the mission of the < utcrprleo has been fulfilled and Us Influ ence will be measured in the years that ore to come. Yesterday Omaha came to bid farewell to the beautiful city that was the creation of its people. All other business was laid aside In order that Omaha day might be made a fitting culmination of the undertak ing. The banks , stores , factories and work shops were silent and deserted while their occupants joined In the- procession toward the grounds. If the attendance failed to reach the proportions of President's day there were all the people who could enjoy themselves with comfort In the Immense inclosuro and tbo exposition ended ns U lived , an Inspired success. The early attendance was not ex traordinary It was mainly composed of strangers who came early to avoid the crush and In order to maku the most of the last opportunity to sec tbo show. It was 10 o'clock before the local patronage mate rialized. Tiion It came with a rush. The street cars were overwhelmed and ono after , another stopped at the gates with their human''frr ! u -"JsT'8 out at'Cbo skips until U scoincd mlraculous that some of It was not spilled on the way. During the next three hours the grounds filled up at a marvelous rate and the scattered crowd merged Into a compact mass that surged through every part of the grounds. Thou sands of people did not attempt to come out until after lunch and the attendance was maintained all through the afternoon. The rule that prohibited the sale of tickets anywhere except at the entrances made It difficult to handle the crowd at times. The people swarmed up to Iho ticket windows by thousands and although the men Inside worked with the rapidity acquired In five months of constant practice they were unable - able to keep up with the rush when it was at Its tide. But the crowds were orderly and patient and If some were Inconvenienced they did not permit It to Interfere with their' enoyimnt. During the afternoon a long line of denfcly packed motor trains pulled up with a big delegation from South Omaha which speedily made Itself noticed even In the big crowd that was already on the grounds The employes of a number of local concerns came to the giounds In a body and the students of the Omaha Medical college , who wore conspicuously distinguished by hand- Bomo blue badges , paraded through the grounds and cheered for Omaha. It was altogether a tremendously en thusiastic crowd and everono seemed to partake In the general felicitations on the triumphant ending of the show. The speeches of tbo afternoon were not of the fprcad-eagle order. They consisted largely of serious discussions of the struggles that had been successfully fought and word pic-i , tures of the results that had been attained. But the big crowd applauded tumultuously at the slightest provocation as though It wished to assure the men who had managed the exposition that their services and sacri fices were appreciated. No disposal will be made of the main buildings until after November 15 , but the exhibitors and concesslonlsts will be at work bright and early packing their goods and getting them ready for shipment. In most cases this will bo accomplished In a few dnya and within a short tlmo the buildings vlll become comparatively vacant romiAi. CLOSU or run Hit ; .snow. A | > pr | irlnte 1'xorflnoRre Held In the Vii'lltorliiin. The final ceremonies of the exposition erc- held In the Auditorium yesterday after noon before an audience that parked the building until a human skeleton could scarcely have found standing loom. The afternoon concert by Inncs1 band was an effective curtain ralsor and when the official party arrived it had difficulty In forcing Us way to the Beats on the stage that had been rcaened. The exercises were neither spectacular nor elaborate. Some of the men who had as sisted most materially In building and main taining the exposition spoke of the experi ences that they had encountered during their two years of unceasing effort and exchanged congratulations on the magnificent success that had been achieved In return they were greeted with the hearty plaudits of those who heard them and expressed their appre ciation of their services In frequent cheers. All congratulated each other that the long struggle was over and spoke hopefully of the results that are > et to come. President Wattles presided and with him v\cre seated on the platform the members of the executive committee and of the Hoard of V Directors , Vice President Saunders , Rev , T. J MncXny. and a number of rlty and county officials The program was Introduced by the band , which plajcd Hosslnl'a beautiful overture from "William Tell" so magnifi cently that the uuJlonco was scarcely willing to permit the music to give place to the rosubr program. The two-step "Love Is IClnr" was played for the encore and the audience insisted on Its repetition before It would allow the chairman to proceed. Then President Wattles Introduced Ilcv Mackay , who delivered an eloquen * and ap- pr ( nrlate iino.-a'lon. The first address was midst of their onn family and friends. So by Mayor Frank E. Moorcs , who spoke ns fullons. 1ln > or "U Is fitting that the closing day of the Transmlsslssippl Imposition should be set aaldo as Omaha day , for fiom Its Inception this great enterprise has been dependent upon the energy , sagacity and benevolence- of the citizens of Omaha. "Omaha faislghtednais planned this ex position when the leaden skies of adversity hung heavy over the land ; Omaha courage Inspired the Tranamlsslssippl region with faith In the future and secured promises of co-operation and assistance from the west ern cities and states , when financial panic and business depression were trying the stoutest hearts. Omaha liberality and gen- orosltj furnished the vast amount of money required to assure the successful completion of the exposition plins ; Omaha Intelligence and energy have directed and managed the enterprise ; and now most prop erly to Omaha has been accorded the honor of closing thu exposition. I trust Hut when the turnstiles cease clicking tonight they will have registered the largest dally attendance - tendance ever aeon upon these grounds. "This exposition has been n benefit to Omaha In many ways. It has Inspired Omaha people with faith In themselves and In tholr city. It has shown our citizens that no cn'erprlse Is too largo for them to un dertake and carry to successful completion If they work together and glvo It their united loyal suppoit It has tmdo Omaha pcopla proud of their city and they have formed the habit of doing thPlr part to make the city neat , clean and attractive and of siylng the best things about Omaha Instead of always talking to friends and visitors I about the fallings of the city. In fact mimy i of our most hopeless old fogies have become ' ' so accustomed to hearing other people say i good things about Omaha that they somc- I times find themselves praising the city. | I Then again the hundreds of thousands of i pel sons who have visited our city have goni ) to their homes In various parts of the country - try Hinging the praises of Omaha hospitality , liberality , pluck , push , energy and thrift , and hundreds of business men and manu facturers are now looking toward Omaha for the purpose of locating new establishments here. My piedlctlon Is that during the next I ten years Omaha will experience a larger proportion of growth than any other city In the country and that the close of the dccado will see hero a population of 250,000 to 300- 000 with a commensurate Increase In busi ness In all lines. "Tho country nt large believe In Omaha and visitors have not been slow to voice their approval That distinguished states man and diplomat , ex-Governor Crlttendon of Missouri , In an address here on Kansas Cltv day said 'The record Omaha has made In erecting this exposition Is marvellous. Kansas City could not have done U ; St. Louis could not have done It ; In fact no other western city could have accomplished the task. Such an enterprise required a com plete unltv and a fcplcmlld llheralltv and public spirit which no other city I believe possesses. ' "Such words from such n source should fill our citizens with greater pride In their city. city."I "I feel that at this tlmo I should poorly represent the people of Omaha If I should close these remarks without expressing to the dlr < * ctatvand. . luj jally. . to tho-pnicorD and Board of Managers of the exposition the gratitude of their fellow citizens for their devoted unselfish labors which have brought the exposition to this splendid culmination They have succeeded fur beyond our fonden' ' dreams. I wish to thank them In behalf of the citizens of Omaha for what they have accomplished here and for the good they have done the city. "And now fellow citizens as the exposition closes let us look forward to the futurp with , faith and courage and lot us one and all put ] our shoulders to the wheel of Omaha pios- perlty and progress. The future of Gi eater Omaha is In your bands. " MniuiKor 1Inline } SpPiikM. Mayor Moores was vigorously applauded and this was continued when Manager Z , T , ' Lindsey of ths Department of Wajs and Means was Introduced. Mr. Llndspy said : "Away back In the good old times which wo have all heard about and some of us i have seen , there used to bo an occasion at L the close of the district school called the 'last day ' It was a gala day , as It meant L freedom from lessons and restraint and be- cause It ushered In a long looked for holl- day. ) "Tho management has come to the 'last t l day' of the Transmlsslsslppl and Interna tional Exposition , our tasks are almost L ended , and our holiday near at hand. We have all seen on the Midway some wonder ful nvd beautiful illusions , and have been i mystified by many marvelous feats of magic , but the greatest marvel of all has been the exposition Itself. To transform an Irregular cornfield Into a fairy land , with magnificent buildings , stately domes , graceful colon- nadcs , beautiful ( lower gardens , pleasant groves , splashing fountains and the whole Illuminated by a tracery of brilliant lights - to do all this In less than two years does Indeed seem a feat worthy of Aladdin and 1 bis lamp. "Unlike our friends on the Midway , I nm going to tell jou how this man el was done. First of all It did not conic by chance nor by inheritance. Some would have you be- llovo It was a streak of luck , that good for tune like a pillar of cloud preceded us by day and hovered llko a pillar of fire over us at night Whllo I believe that an over ruling Providence aided us with clear skies , pleasant weather and bountiful harvests , still I must repudiate the good luck theor ) . and attribute the stupendous success of the exposition to the common sense , every day business Ideas , to the sleepless nights , and persistent hard work of the members of the executive committee. ' "Social pleasures , personal comfort and individual business requirements have all been brushed aside , and no obstacle has been allowed to Interfere with the success ful outcome of our aim an exposition worthy of Its name and the great territory it represents. " Continuing , Mr. hlndsey briefly reviewed the work of securing the funds with which to promote such a colossal enterprise and expressed hla grateful acknowledgment of the confidence that the people bad reposed In the management of the exposition. He also paid a tribute to the men on whom the ) had called for advice and encouragement In times of discouragement and trial and ex pressed the thanks of the management to everyone who has contributed to make the exposition what It Is. In conclusion , ho said that while there had been much hard work In the building of the exposition , there was also much that was pleasant , and If , In the stress and worry consequent upon so vast an undertaking there had arisen any un ' pleasant memories he asked that they be consigned to rest and that the people should remember that what had been done had been done for the glory of Omaha , of Nebraska and of the transmlsslssfppl region , tiy Mr , Hnnt < u utcr. Another selection by the band w.u fol lowed by a short address b > Manager Rose- i water , whose Introduction was followed by u vigorous outburst of applause Mr. Rosewater - water said that the birth of most great men creates no rlpplo of excitement except In the ( Continued on I'lfih Page. ) HAD TO RETRACT OR BE TRIED Dr. ] Martin Explains to Oimtuission Rstra ct ing Did Not Change His Opinions. . INVESTIGATION ' IN SOUTHERN CAMPS ENDS Colonel lltiKlieft , DUIiilon Superin tendent of Southern llnlluiiy , Tel In How I'eiuiM ) H niiinnn Itrnkc I'nrnltiirc. CAMP POLAND , KNOXVILUE , Tenn. , Oct. 31. The War Investigating commission 1 concluded ' the work of Its southern tour here today and at 6 o'clock tonight left for Wash ington , expecting to arrive there about 2 o'clock tomorrow aflerno n. It Is the present Intention that the com- mlsal i-i shall go to Camp Mead soon ( fter arrival at Washington and cx-Uovernor j i Woodbury will proceed directly to Vermont ( j as a sub-committee to take testimony there. The commission devoted the forenoon to | ) Inspecting the camps and the afternoon to taking tcstltnonv They found a division of | troops here under the command of Colonel Kurtze cf the Second Ohio and while they had no personal criticism to express against him some of the commissioners expressed the opinion that the command was too larg to be entrusted to an officer below the rank of brigadier. The transfer of Colonel Kurtze to the command of the division leaves the brigade of which his regiment Is a part In command of Colonel Young , the colored colonel of the Third North Carolina lina Dr. Miirtlii ThlnkH Water In Polluted. The first witness before the commission ' was Dr. John F Martin , n contract surgeon from Ohio , who was at Chlckamauga. He repeated his expression of opinion that the | water In the pipe line sjstem at Chlekaj mauga was contaminated by the water from Cave Spring creek. Ho said that after ho had Hist expressed this opinion , saying at the same tlmo that the facts In regard to the existence of Uphold was being suppressed , lie had been summoned by General Sheridan and told that ho must retract Immediately or submit to court-martial. He had then written n letter of retraction , but ho declared that ho had done this to promote discipline and not because he had changed his opinion as to the pollution of the water. Ho read a statement from the pumping station engineer to the effect that the new channel of the- Cave creek was not completed until August 6 and that previous to this tlmo the creek emptied Into Chlcka mauga river , just above the mouth of the In-take pipe of the pipe line system. He also expressed the opinion that the Jay Mill spring at Chlckamauga , Ga. , was con taminated from the surrounding sinks. Dr. Frank L. Triers , a contract surgeon from Ohio , who was engaged In the hospital of the Second division of the First corps at Chlcamauga , differed from most of the phy sicians In his estimate of typhoid. Ho said that whllo many believed ninety per cent of the sickness at the camp to be typhoid , ho did not believe that to exceed twenty per cent was of that character. He alco took Issue with those who charged tjphold to-thjr-nseiicr otv'nies.-attrlliutlnB It tothe water. Ho thought most of the disease nt Chlcamauga was malsmatlc. He said It was true that on some occasions It had been necessary to have patients at this hospital lie on the ground for as much as ten hours at a time , until provision could bo made for them. Co'onel G. K Hughes , division superinten dent of the Southern railway , gave the com mission information as to the trouble en countered In moving troops. He said that as a rule the soldiers had operated In the work of the railroad company , but that there had been some disorder at times Ho men tioned ono Instance In which Company F of the Fifth Pennsylvania had broken up all the furniture of two cars near Lexington , Ky. , on the plea that the coach was not fit for soldiers to travel In AVII NO n Uken ChleUninmiKU. ' Major General James II Wilson , now com- mandlng the First army corps , said he was In charge of the First division. First corps , at Chlckamauga Park. Ho left there with his command about July 1 , bound for Porto Rico At Charleston ho was kept some two ] weeks or more ; he did not know whether 1 It was on account of a lack of transports or what. Here typhoid fever broke out and when he did get off he had to leave seventy cases of It behind. Ths disembarkation at Porto Rico he said , took eleven days , when It should have been accomplished In two. This , ho claimed , was on account of not having steam launches for which ho asked 1 the department In vain In Porto Rico the health of his troops was good on the march , but as soon as they came to a standstill I sickness broke out. i General Wilson said he had found the gov- ernment rations good and sufficient. The ' moat of the sickness among the troops was caused by the men eating fruit and trash. "I consider Chlckamauga Park ono of the finest camps In the world , " said General Wilson. "I never sawUs superior unless It Is Camp Hamilton , here at Lexington. " Captain Charles W. Golden , commissary of the Second brigade , Third division. First corps , testified that on nearly all occasions ho had found the rations good and In sufn- clent quantities and that all requisitions made had ho thought been honored na promptly as possible. He said at one time a lot of baron was found that had become In fected with maggots , but that as soon as It was brought to the attention of the authori ties It was promptly condemned. SfiiNntlonnl Testimony. Lieutenant Colonel Frank D. Baldwin , Inspector specter general on General Wilson's staff and who was on General Wade's staff nt Chlckamauga , gave tome sensational tcstl mony concerning the conditions there. "When the camp was first established there , " ho said , "I did not Inspect a single hospital but what I found It In a filthy con dition. Reports were made of this to the commanding general and Improvements could bo observed for a few days , but In a short time matters would get as bad as ever. About the time the camp was broken up this had been corrected to a largo ex tent. " Colonel Baldwin further snld he had known requisitions to be made frequently that were not honored. Thla was especially true In regard to the Second division , Third corps. Dr Connor of the commission said- "There has been more disgrace brought upon the United States hospital system by the Second division , Third corps , than by any other In the service. I can readily see how this was , since no sort of attention was paid to the complaints made. " Colonel Ualdwln said that so far as he knew General Compton , commanding the Second division , only Inspected his com mand on Sunday morning and that he did not know either General Compton or Gen eral Wade , the corps commander having In spected tha Second division hospital Colonel Baldwin said that ho Knew of one Missis Klppl regiment that did not get Us clothing when It should and suffered greatly In con sequence , as the weather was wet and nasty. ' I do not consider Chlckamaugd park a J suitable place for a large Dumber of troops for many reasons. My observation was that sinks could not bo dug oyor six feet with out striking rock. The only water supply was Cblckamauga creek. On two occasions I observed the water entering the pipes to be In fxceodlngly bad condition on account of tilth and refuse. It was explained that the breaking of dams caused this. I saw the creek nearly every day and I never saw tha water In such condition that I should have liked to drink It. Moreover , the park has entirely too much timber land to make n good camp. * "General ganger's division had to send three or four ralfcs forflwater. I knew positively that no ruglmqnt remained two mouths and a half without striking tents and lalsing the floors , orfrlso changing IU encampment. " i | ' Asked If the men were allowed to drink water from a certain spring , Colonel Bald win said n "It Is true that they Were not , but as one officer humorously rfcnmrkcd , to keep the men from drinking water from any pool It was necessary to put ajsentlnel over the pool and then put another ecntlnol over him to keep him from drinking. Colonel Baldwin stated ! ( hat no euch ar- rangmcnts were made toVtako care of the sinks as have been made here at Camp Hamilton. Ho said that "Ilia ground finally got so perforated with s iks In the Umber portion J of the park that was really un- safe to rldo through It ; ' b/at his horse had gone Into them up to his bolly. Colonel Baldwin said t tat It was a com mon , complaint that frequently regiments dumped their worst men oft on the hospitals for nurbce. Ho said thai"-the camp of the First Mississippi was one'of the worst he had ever seen , largely on account of the leniency of tbo colonel with his men. He | stated further that thcrq was great dimI i culty In getting lime , duetto the Inefficiency | of the quartermaster's department. On one j I occasion ho said that hottvas notified that ' , there was an abundoncejof lima ; that he , , in turn notified several } regimental com manders. ' They made requisitions and were ' ' j I given j ono barrel of llmojeach and notified i ' that that was all that could bo granted ' them. Dtccllciit Honpitnl rnelllilen. The next witness was Captain Benjamin Johnston , now depot quartermaster at Camp Hamilton. Captain Johnston nerved as as- slstant chief quartermaster of the Fifth corps at Santiago from _ Juno 17 to Au gust 22. Ho eatno away with General * Shatter and served at Montauk Point until j I tint camp was abandoned , when he came | i to Lexington. , "At Santiago , " said Captain Johnston , | "from the tiino I landed until I left , there was an abundance of ctathtng ; many of the troops had only dog tents'but , In my opin ion , these were good and healthy. No com plaint could bo found with the transport In which I went to Cuba , .or that In which I returned. ; "At Montauk Point I visited both the de tention and division hospitals and , though not a competent judge In Mich matters , I considered both excellent. "There Is on abundance of clothing and other supplies hero , all of good quality , win ter clothes have ben Issued. To my Knowl edge there Is no reglmoiu her enow where men arc -wearing unllnei * blounes. Some of the tents hero have be' fondemned and they will bo Immediate1 replaced. There Is a great deal of clotr'J' ! ' > Jvn too depot and an abundance on the vvi > / nilclllong have always" been promptly honored : " The commission adjourned at 6:30 : for din ner and resumed Us ecsslon at S o'clock. Colonel William A. Pow of the eighth Massachusetts , who was called In the even ing , said that the principal complaints he made were of the difficulty his regiment ex perienced In securing medical rupplies. He said his surgeon would make out a requisi tion and hand It to the proper officers and they would return it with the statement that there were no supplies and It was not use to make requisition. Colonel Pew said his regi ment had difficulty In "ecurlng Its wagons at Chlcamauga park. He said his camp ground wat , very poor. Money from it Prltitte Piir e. Colonel W. D. Leonard of the Twelfth New- York , testified that the surgeon of his regl- ttent was continually clamoring for medi cine to glvo the man in quarters. He could cot secure this , he said , so the colonel spent 1500 out of his own pocket for medicine. Colonel Leonard admitted that his men were sometimes not sent to the division hospital because tLey were opposed to It. "If you would not send your men who needed medlclno to the division hospital , how can jou lay Hame for not receiving medicine ? " asked Dr. Connor. "If no had sent all our sick men to the division hospital , " said the colonel , "wo would have had no need for our surgeons. " Colonel Leonard then said the commissary supplies had been good and so abundant that the men could not consume them. Con sequently each company has a fund of JoOu or more obtained by selling superfluous sup- piles. The colonel complained of the quar termaster's supplies , especially of the shoes. He said that ho had spent nearly $600 out of hlb own pocket for shoes for his men. He said that the supplies were Issued In peace meal and frequently the quartermaster's do partmcnt got the requisitions "bulled" up. Colonel W. K. Caffee , Second Missouri , stated that his regiment did not receive all equipment until a few days before leaving Camp Thomas for Lexington. Among the last things Issued , ho said , were the boilers for boiling the water , which were ordered more than two months before. Colonel Caffee said that sinks could bo dug at the Second Missouri's camp at Chlckamauga only four feet before striking rock. This , ho stated , was represented to the brigade com mander and the Inspector , but no action was taken. Colonel Caffee said that ho had no sur geon and only ono assistant surgeon for some time after the regiment went to Chlckamauga. ercrowilert HoMiltnl. "Several men from my regiment were sent to division hospital and could not be re ceived because the hospital was already overcrowded , " gild the colonel , "We had no medicine In the regiment. I visited the Hospital dally whllo I had men there and I frequently found the tents unftoored , the cots crowded so closely together that ono could not pass 'between. The tents were so leaky that when It was raining the men In tha tent had to bo covered with ponchos and rubber blankets to be protected from a drenching. "Dr. Griffith was In charge of the hospital and alter visiting all the others I concluded this was the best conducted one at the park. Dr. Griffith and his assistants were doing all they could with the means at command. This objectionable condition of affairs lasted eight or ten weeks. The nurses were , In many cases , obpecttonable , but I came to the conclusion that this was a necessary evil under the circumstances. " Colonel Caffee said his regiment received not only enough barrels to boll the drinking water , but not even enough to haul It the four miles necessary , despite requisitions made. | "When we could not get men in the division hospital on account of Its over-1 i crowded condition , " said Colcnel Caffee , "we had no medlclno to give the sick. We made , requisitions for It and they were returned | i with this endorsement from the chief aur- ( Contlnued on Second Page. ) ANOTHER MURDER IN OMAHA Bartender J , E , Jones Stabbed iu the Breast by Unknown Person' . TWO MEN ARRESTED ON SUSPICION niflVrrnpo O\or I'lijnirnt for tin * UrlnUn I.piidn to n Itlood } Trnweily In n AVohsli-r Mrcet Snloon. A drunken row last night in a saloon at the corner of Thirteenth and Webster streets culminated In a stabbing nffra } In which J. H. Jones , the bartender , received a wound from the effects of which ho died In less than five minutes. Two men were locked up in the city jail , as they were known to have been Implicated In the affair , and the police are looking for a third man. who Is supposed to have donn the cutting The names of the men In confine ment ' am S. J. Maher and William F. Orady , both being employed as machinists In the Union Pacific shops. The man for whom the police are searching is George M. Chall- man , also a machinist. The trouble happened about 0-30 o'clock , icsttltlng from the refusal of the proprietor of the saloon to give these three men credit for some liquor thry wished to purchase. Jim Johnson , the proprietor , was Hitting nt a table In the rear of the saloon engaged In a game I of cards with two friends , Ftank Dougherty I and J. W. Hackthorn , whin Chollman I , Maher and Gradv entered und called < for drinks. They were waited on by Jones , the bartender , and they settled for the I first round of drinks In cash , Maher pnjlng l the bill. Thun Grady proposed another round , but he 1 had no money and nskcd for credit for the I amount of the purchase. This the bar tender i refused to allow and Grady appealed to i the proprietor. "Say , " he called back to Johnson at the card table , "Isn't my credit good for 45 cents ? " He was told that It wasn't and a war of words Immediately fol lowed. 1 I/envo In a I In IT. The outcome of the verbal encounter was that Maher , Grady and Challman loft the saloon In a very bad humor , and as the card game had been broken up , Johnson stood at the bar and discussed the trouble with his frit nds. It was a , few minuter after the trio wont out that those Inside heard a scuffling on the sidewalk , and someone shook the door as If he were trjlng to open it. This con tinuing the bartender stepped to the door to learn the cauao of the commotion. Ho opened It part way and asked : "What do you fellows want out there1' " There was no answer audible to the men In the saloon , but they saw Jones fall back ward Into the room , exclaiming "Hoys , I've caught It , " and when they picked him up they saw that a knife had been plunged Into his breast Just nbovo tlirheart. . Ho lived only a few minutes afterward Frank Dougherty , one of the men who had been In the bar room during the whole proceeding , carried Jones to a place near the stove and asked him who bis assailants were.Jiut Vbe nun w unconscious and did not answer. The polite were notified and succeeded In arresting Maher and Grady not long afterwards. Dougherty , Hackthorn and C. Cosgrovo were held as witnesses. The police secured an accurate description of Chatlmnn and watched all the railroad trains and yards In the hope of apprehend ing him. As neither Maher nor Grady would talk it is not known whether or not Challman Is the murderer , and some of the 1 police think Grady was the guilty person , DECISION ON DREYFUS CASE 1 Itn niVeot Will IJo to Ilrlni ? Out the Wholr Truth Ilofoic the HlKhcit Court l > tiTm7jV Tlirrnta. PARIS , Oct. 31. By Saturday's decision 1 the court of cassation obtains the most absolute - lute control over the Dreyfus rase. It can 1 demand and examine any documents what ever. Including the dossier , of any case ; bearing upon the Dreyfus matter and can examine under oath any witness , however high his position. In short , If the court makes a sincere use of Its powers the truth will have a much letter chance of being discovered than would have been the case had It merely ordered revision before another court-martial , whoso actions might have been actuated by a de sire to shield the general staff. Having concluded Us Inquiry It can present - sent a new dossjer to either a civil or n military court for the final decision. Its proceedings will not bo public and there can , therefore , be no objection to n communica tion to It of the alleged secret dossier , If this is still In existence , while the numer ous generals who have expressed their be lief In the guilt of Dreyfus will now be called upon to explain the grounds of their convictions. Although the libelatlou of Dreyfus has not been ordered , the court can order him brought to Franco at any moment and will probably do so at an early stage of the In quiry. The court refrained from ordering his release on Saturday because It would have been a presumption of his Innocence. As President Fauro left the Grand opera house tonight about 11 o'clock ho was greeted with prolonged shouts of "Viva 1'armee , " and "A bas Jo julfs. " Court Esterhazy , It Is reported , has writ ten to several generals demanding money under threats of exposure. SCALDED BY ESCAPING STEAM Six Men I'rolmlily Fntnlly Injurrd hy nil KxnloNlon ofntnral ! GnN la Steel Work I * . COLUMnUS , 0. , Oct. 31. A special to tbo gtute Journal from Hcllalrc , 0. , says. An explosion at 11 o'clock toi'ay la 'he main boiler room at the Bellalrc Htel com pany's furnace demolished the entire build- \UK \ and fatally Injured and scaldo'1 six men. ' The iccldent was caused by the explosion of ' n.v.'ial gas that escaped from i rna'n ' and C'llectwl In the top of the boiler house. The Intured are- areIllshop. . Woodrum. . 'ohn Murray. Fred Glatzer. Charles Glatzer. Iert ! Conroj. . All were caught under falling walls and scalded by escaping steam. I Mot finrntN of Oi'rnn Vcuncln Oct. t1. At New York Sailed State of Nebraska , for Glasgow. Arrived Rotterdam , from Rotterdam , La Tournlne , from Havre. At Liverpool Arrived Sylvanla , from Do&ton. At Gibraltar Arrived Werrn , from New York. At Glasgow Sailed Hestin , for Baltimore October 29. At Gibraltar Sailed Fulda , for New York. At Antwerp Arrived Weslernland , from Now York , October 30. At Quecnstivvn flailed Campania for New York. October 30. ARMOUR J CAUGHT IN SQUEEZE Combination to Corner the Itlli .Miir- ! ! ( 'oinuiuimitcK H Drnl tlint s n rhirry on 'C CHICAGO , Oct 31. P. D. Armour gave up a snug sum todaj us the result of a little squeeze In October short ribs If the gossips on 'change Know whereof they speak. It w as the last day of the October delivery and ribs , which could have been bought wltn comparative ease nt $5.30 a hundred pounds , and on Friday ns low as $3 12 > fc , weic ap parently scarce with the price soailng up toward $7. The price was only stopped at $8 75 by private settlement of about 3,000,000 pounds. 'Ihcro Is no telling where the deal would have gone had the people running It pushed It to extremes They demonstrated their ab solute control of the situation. It WTIS the culmination of n deal by n svndlcato of what are known ns the "English" packers , with a number of concerns associated with them , I said i to have been against John Cudahy and I P. D. Armour though his representative dc- j nles It and has been under way for two months. Just who constitute the sjndlcate Is not jet public proper ! } , but It Includes Swift and Company , the Chicago Packing company , the Continental Packing company , the International Packing company and probably several commission concerns which nro made up of the people largely Interested In the packing companies namca. The actual head of the combination was Samuel McLaln , the manager of the Anglo American Packing company , t'p to Sntur- dcy night nil the members had ribs to sell for October delivery at $ , " > 30 This morning there were practically no offerings and of the buying not to exceed 225,000 pounds b > Logan , Lump on and other commission con cerns the price was put up from a nominal opening nt $3 S"Vi to about $6 62'i A. 11. Farnum toward the latter part of the stsalon was credited with buvlng 100,000 pounds at $ fi 75 , and a few- minutes later It was prac tically confirmed that a private settlement had been made on 2,030,000 pounds nt 56 75. McLaln , who acted for the people running ' tbo deal , confirmed a private settlement on this quantity , but refused to say with whom the settlement had been made. The quantity of ribs on which a settle ment has been made was raised by common gossip to 3,050,000 pounds nftcr the close No ono but the people In direct Interest know just what settlements were made pri vately tonight on the basis of closing prices. TEN WOMEN CLAIM ONE MAN of Mniiylln < i , In CM- HrlcliMvell .Sunpcoicd ol Killed AVoninn. CHICAGO , Oct. 31. A bridewell prisoner of many aliases and who ten women claim as their husband has been identified ns the original of a picture forwarded from Wheel ing , W. Va. , ns the likeness of Jacob Adolph Huff , who Is suspected of complicity In j causing the death of Mrs. Jacob Hoh , to 1 whom he was married on April 15 and whoso | death occurred two months later. The prisoner Is known at the bridewell as Martin I Doty. The letter Inclosing the picture was ' received by the Chicago police Saturday and ! , was signed by Hev. Herman Haaso of j I | Wheeling. i Mr Haaso said Jacob Adolph Huff married | ' Mrs. Hoh , a widow , April 15 , 1805. Two months later the woman died suddenly and the day after her burial Huff disappeared 1 Hlb clothing and watch were found on the l ' bank of the Ohio river and It was thought grief had caused htm to commit suicide. Discovery that he had drawn $900 from the bank and pawned his wife's jewelry caused the Wheeling authorities to change their minds and an examination of the woman',8 body was made. It was discovered , the clergj man's letter Indicated , that she had not died a natural death. A week ago Ilcv. Haase , after reading of the arrest of n polygamlst In Chicago , ono of whoso aliases was Hoh , sent the picture. Today detectives recognUcd Doty ns the original of the pic ture. ture.Doty Doty denied having over boon In Wheeling. Ho has been In the bridewell several w celts Nearly a month ago It was discovered that ho was wanted In Milwaukee for bigamy An Investigation developed that nt least ten women claimed him as their husband. POWDER HOUSE DEMOLISHED Tvveiitj ini | > t05 on of HiiioUelcxx I'nn- dor Factory r > cnpe from Driith h > Timely WnrnliiK. SOUTH ACTON , Mass , Oct. 31 The powder house of the New Yoik and New England Titanic Smokeless Powder company was demolished by an explosion today. There wore twenty men employed In the building , all of whom escaped with the exception of two , who were slightly Injured In the rush to get out. The exact cause of the explosion has not yet been determined but a few minutes previous to the trouble the engineer noticed that something appeared to bo wrong with the machinery and shut oil steam and gave the danger signal. Thu building In which the explosion occurcd was about 1EO feet long by 75 feet wide and ono story In height The structure was almrat totally demolished and all the ma chinery , Including the engines and boilers , were dentroyed. YELLOW FEVEJUJN MARYLAND Infeeteil Venue ! Hull * from Hntunii In Had Shape nnd HIIN > ol Sliouu Lit nt Itiininntlnc. NORFOLK. Va. , Oct 31. The where aboiits of the Maryland , on which vessel there developed five cases of yellow fever , resulting In three deaths at Havana , IB a mystery. The Marland sailed from Havana Octo tor IS for Baltimore against the advice and protest of Dr. Brlnmoycr of tbo Marine has pltal , who advised the captain to proceed to Tortugas quarantine , The Maryland skipper refused. The Maryland had entered tht capes at Virginia and would have been ii [ ' at quarantine , but the oillclala today salt * nothing had been eren of the vessel and U Is feared other cases of the dreaded disease havei developed I'eek I'reiteiited to I'reMdent. PARIS , Oct 31. The United States am- basnador , General Horace Porter , this mornIng - Ing presented Mr , Ferdinand W. Perk , the I'nlic l States coir.tnli loner to tbo Paris cjtpottlt'on ' of HOO , and the lat'or'a ' col league 9 , to President I'aure. , DEMAND EVERYTHING American flommissioners Onll for Ocssioii ol Philippine Islands , ASK SPAIN TO GIVE UP ENTIRE GROUP Policy of the United States Govemmont Benders Tbia Necessary , UNCLE SAM MAY ASSUME PORTION OF DEBT Will Not Bo EcEporsillo for Spain's ' Ex- pendltnro for War , SPANIARDS RECEIVE PROPOSAL CALMLY .1lon l > Aik fur nil AdjonrnnicMtt Till Frldn > to r.nnlilr Tin-in to Delib erate on Whnt llcnly tit -Mnkc. . ) Oct. 31 ( New Voik World Ca- Special Tclegram.-Cesslou ) of the whoru I'hllljiplno archipelago was demanded by the United Stales commissioners today at the Joint session of the pcaeo couimlK- sloim. The American propobal was drawn with the iitmwt care and set forth the reasons why the United States considered It essential th.it the entire group rather than any pirt of the archipelago should bo ceded The principal of thcso reasons was that the future of the Philippines thcmschcn us well an considerations of the United States' policy rendeicd It necessary that all the Islands should bo under a. uniform 6) ( item of government. In ielation to the Phlllpplno deht the United States declares Us wllr.ngness to aa- aumo such n portion of It as has licoll ox- pencled for objects of public utllltv In the Islands , whllo declining to accept any finan cial obligations occurring from prooecutlon of war. The Spanish commissioners icculvod thaso proposals without any expression of opin ion , Montcro Rlos merely asking that the commission should adjourn until Friday to enable the Spanish commission to dcllber Uo on Its reply to the American pioposal. Though definite Information \\as not put foiwaril In any way tut to an ultimatum and. whlfo the Spaniards cannot coticn.il fropi themselves that the American demands for cerslon of the aichlpelago are not llltcly to bo modified. H0y hope that Bomo Important concessions in connection with the debt can bo sccuna One Spanish com missioner declared subrpqucntly that under the conditions stlpulat < 1 by the United States It would bo Impossible for Spain to prove that more than f2,000,000 out of $40 - 000,000 of the Phlllpplno debt had been ex pended otherwise than In connection with the war. Though In Trench official diplomatic cir cles tonight the American dr-ninud * arc treated as ovcttsivu and uifoj.lli.R . Kioutuls for the Spanish eon mission to throw up the mission in despair , It can bo stated on tliu moat reliable Span'eh authority that the Spaniards are not Inclined to adopt such a policy unless so Instructed fiom Madrid , but will make a strenuous effoit to obtain a substantial monetary compensation from the United States In return for the surrender of the Philippines. Madrid political financial papers received today very significantly advocate peace .it 1 I any cost and advlso the nation to accept the burden of the Cuban debt as the Inevitable I result of the war , but the Phlllpplno debt Is I placed on quite a different footing , It being j I argued that the cession of Porto Ulco Is ample equivalent for any Indemnity the United States might feel entitled to demand for war expenses and also for all claims lodged by American subjects during the Cuban civil war from February , 1805 , to the end of April , 1SOS. Whatever temptation Sagasta might feel to make the Philippine question a ground for the rupture of negotiations Is tempered by the knowledge that such proceedings would simply mjan Unit the conservatives would take ofllcc , resume negotiations and carry them to a conclusion. Spain Is utterly helpless tu face the renewal of hostilities The Spanish commission had a confcrcnca < of an hour and a half duration this cvcn- Irg , after which Monlcro RIos sent a lou.-j telegraphic dispatch to Madrid. Three of thfl Spanish commissioners have arranged to leave Paris tomorrow which being the Feast of All Saints Is a public holiday hero. IN FAVOR OF DISSOLUTION ItcprriirntMtlY UN of Culinii Army Want tO Hl'llll CoillIlllNXllHl < < > WllNlllllM- tiin unit Al in < Ion rim crnnif ill. HAVANA. Oct 31. Advices received hero from Santa Cru del Sur say that a nw Jorlty of the representatives of the Cuban army at the meetings held there are In favor of a dlholutlon of the Cuban Insurgent gov ernment and the appointment of a commls slon to go to Washington for the purpose of thanking the American government for ita Intervention In favor of the Cubans and to put themselves unconditionally at the disposal of the Washington authorities so as to en able the latter to develop their program without any hlnderance. The Cubans arc also said to bo In favor of the dlsbandment of the Cuban army. The Cuban leaders who will probabjy as- scmble at Mariano are to be presided ove- by Manuel Sansullly , who has been 111 with fever for ( -.evci.il days at Clenfucgos , on hlu way to Santa Cru del Sur NINETEEN DAYS TO BAHIA llatflrnhlliM Oregon mill Iowa Arrlie nt Ilrnzllluii Port In Hood Condition. WASHINGTON , Oct. 31 A cablegram received at the War Departmen this after noon announced the arrival at Bahla , Brazil of the battleships Oregon uud Iowa. They are nineteen days from Tompklnsvlllo , mak ing an exceptionally smooth and rapid run down the toast. The collier Abarcnda , now at Rahla , consumed thirty-one days maJ < lng the same trip Because of Us lack of speed U will bo allowed to return to the Unit oil States , Instead of going along to Honolulu as was first Intended. The battleships stop at Rahla a few days , rcplonlshlng their coal bunkers from the Abaranda and the Celtic and will then proceed to Rio , where they are to take part In the demonstration there on Novembtr 15 , to commemorate the anni versary of the birth of the republic of Rrazll Indlniix liidnlK' ' In Thfi WICHITA Kan Oel 31. Sixty Cheyenne Sioux and Araiahoe Indians , Including ( twenty squaws , arn In the city and will ' Ktvo a public war danca thin evening lhc 1 ngrnts have consented to their trip They will go all over the country and cxh'Mt. taklpg up , collcc'loni. They will travel Jovirjand In vvacoui an& on Douk'/i.