THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JTJXE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MOUNTS G , OCTO.IJE11 J , 185)8. ) SINGLE COPY FI\rE CENTS. ONLY ONE DAY MORE TrauBmisslsalppi and International Exposi tion Ends Its Existence Tonight. PREPARATIONS FOR ITS CLOSING COMPLETE Managers and the People Will Join in Formal Winding Up Ceremonies. EXERCISES WILL BE BRIEF AND SIMPLE No Demonstration or Pageantry Possible to Add to the Fair's Glory , SUNDAY DRAWS A SPLENDID CROWD Blaiiy People from Nenrliy Cltle Conic to Sc-c the Splendor of the White City Once More / . ' Ilefore It VnnlNlicN. Totfil mlnilBnloiiH ycMtcrdny. Tola ! to dale B.BtW.iMIS Juat half nn hour after midnight tonight the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition will exist only In the recollection of the multitudes It lhas Interested and educated and Inspired. The gates will close for the last time on the spectacle that han given the world an unprecedented conception ot western pluck nnd resource. The last day ot the enterprise will be celebrated In a manner I Jilting Us magnitude. Aside from the Im mense crowd that now seems assured there will bo nothing spectacular or elaborate. Anything that could be conceived would be commonplace as compared with the great events that have now become historic. The exercises of the day will bo distinguished rather by simplicity than by pageanlry and will consist largely of n serious and dis passionate examination of the results that have been achieved. There will be a com parison of notc-s between those who have contributed to the undertaking and the men who have expended their money nnd carried It to a successful Issue. It will be a sort of lovefcast at which nil who are Interested In the enterprise will bo given ample reason for gratification. As the last day ot the show promises to register the biggest attendance In Its history the last Sunday very appropriately fell In line with one of the largest Sunday crowds that has over been seen on the grounds Evwi at this late date the sun was warn nnd mellow , while Just enough frost lingered In the atmosphere to make It Invigorating Bevoral thousand people paid 60 cents apiece nt the gates before 1 o'clock and after that hour , when the half rate came Into pluy , the rush at tha turnstiles was suggestive of n prosperous week day. Thousands of strangers from the adjacent towns and coun try came In to see the finish of the show and In spite of the fact that pretty nearly the cntlro population of Omaha Is scheduled to como out today a largo proportion of It mingled with yesterday's arrivals. From noon until late In the afternoon there .was n continual access of visitors and In the end there were as many people In the main court as arc usually apparent on a 40,000 day. The audiences that listened to the two In net ! band concerts would have been a peed deal bigger If the capacity of the Audi torium could have been stretched to hold them , but as It was hundreds of people were unable to find even standing room from which to hear the music. The exhibit build ings were exceptionally well patronized for Sunday and the domain of the spleleir nnd dancing girl was Invaded by the overflow. The exercises that will signalize the for mal end of the exposition will occur In the Auditorium at 3 o'clock. They will consist of short speeches by the members ot the executive committee nnd n somewhat elab orate address by President Wattles. The latter will deal exhaustively with the finan cial results of the enterprise and will give the stockholders a very accurate Idea of the jireclso condition of the treasury. At 6 o'clock the management will tender a dinner nt the cafe to a large number of Invited guests , who .will Include the city and county officials. There are no formal toasts to be given , but President Wattles will probably call on several of the guests to opeak In formally. This accomplished , the guests will bo taken to see the fireworks and later on o. grand round-up of the Midway. PHOSPnt'TS FOH OMAHA DAY. Kvcryhody HopcM to MnU < * It n Hecord Hreitklnu : SuoecNM. Today Is Omaha day , and Its citizens , through whoso generosity nnd energy the exposition has been made the astonishment of the world , will fittingly celebrate the successful close of their undertaking. Its people will drop their work , rloso their chops , forget the worries of the counting room nnd the school house and meet with ono purpose , where their hearts have been eo long on the exposition grounds. The ( streets downtown will look like those of a deserted city. The stores will nearly nil be closed , as well as the banks , ralroad offices nnd schools. The day U to bo observed ns a civic holi day and the various labor organizations have united In passing resolutions to ntli-ii'l the exposition In a body. The employes of of all the large concerns have been notified that their duties today are not bchltrl the counter or the desk but nt the White City. The management of the exposition confi dently expect that there will be 100,000 ad missions to the grounds during the day and 111 bo greatly disappointed If the record for President's day Is not far exceeded. Ren- oral Manager Clarkson has announced that those holding coupon passes may hand them to the gatekeeper and have the turnstiles turned to register nil that nro still outstand ing. The rate for the day will be 25 cents for ndult-s and 10 cents for children. Mayor Moores has sent letters to the mayors of several of the adjacent cities , ask ing them to join with Omaha In making the day a success , explaining that It Is not only Omaha's celebration but also that of all whe contributed by their Interest nnd good will to the achievement. ThU , In connection will the low rates that the railroads nro offering is expected to materially swell the crowd. The gates will not be clojed nt the ivgulnt hour , nnd the crowd will be allowed to re main < ' .he grounds until ready lo leave The people on the Midway have made upeclal preparations for the attraction and enter tainment of those who watch the death , and U la expected that that famous street will ECC a merry croud until n late hour. K for Cam. Beginning today the Department of Trans portation will bo kept busy attending to th ( applications of thousanls of exhibitors ant' ' conccfislonlnts who arc preparing to bcglr getting away early Tuesday morning. A large number have already applied for car ; nnd permits and during the next tow days < ho department will be literally Inundated with business. Top number ot cars thai lytll 'bo required to move the material ol > ' ] iivi ! $ ; b.Jg iJiow U coqsMtutcd caunoi easily he estimated. One exhibitor alone has filed an order for sixteen cars In which to carry away his possessions and there are a number that require from six to ten cars. So far the department has been able to meet all demands with commendable promptness. Ono man had to have a fifty-foot car to carry some of his stuff and after a good deal of hustling the department has secured one and It will bo ready as soon as the goods are ready for shipment. The dissolution of the show will be rapid and during the first few days of November the grounds will pre sent as busy a scene as can bo found In the country. SOME SUITS KOH DAMACI2S AVPKAH. CoiirrnNlonnlrcH Prcimre for nn Oii- nlniiKlit oil Hxiioftltlon SurpluH. With the close of the exposition the Indi cations arc that the organization that has managed the big show during the last sum mer -will find Itself with several law suits upon Its hands. In some ot them the papers are prepared and ready for service as noon as the gates close for the last time , while In ethers the facts nro all In the hands ot the attorneys who have been retained nnd who will begin upon their petitions during the present week. Probably the most Important suit that the exposition will have upon Its hands Is that to bo brought by the Streets of Cairo. This company will sue the exposition association for $50.000 and will file Its pelltlon within the next day or two. Manager Nlncl of the treets of Cairo contends that he has a good : auso of action and proposes to leave the natter to a jury to pass upon the merits of Is claims. He contends that when he came ere he was granted the exclusive right to ut in an oriental street , showing the cji ems , costumes , methods and hublts of the coplu of the orient. Contracting with him : o do this , he will allege that later on tlio xposltlon gave a similar concession to the streets of All Nations , thereby damaging lim In the sum lor which he will bring the ult. ult.Tho The proprietors of the Wild West show ire contemplating a damage suit and If It s brought they will ask that they be iwarded $50,000 on n violation of contract. These men contend that when they bought heir concession and paid for the space , It ivas with the distinct understanding that hey were to have the exclusive right to put in sham battles , Indian dances and to ex hlblt Indians as they appear upon their native heath. Ilegardless of this contract , he Wild West men will allege that the ex position management brought 600 Indians lere and that by reason of their appearing n sham battle and dances , their business ivas Injured In the extent for which they propose to bring suit. Kred T. Cummins will allege that his busi ness has suffered to the extent of not less han $2.1,000 by reason of the acts of the Department of Concessions. He will aver an exclusive contract for furnishing reserved seats at several places about the grounds and that after paying his money , the con tract was violated by the exposition and free seats were placed , thus depriving him of his revenue. For another cause of action Cum mins will set up the claim that -without due process of law the exhibit department of the exposition closed up n number of lunch stands that he was operating and for which 10 had paid all fees exacted by the exposi tion. tion.Kvcn Kvcn the Solon Springs Water company men feel that they are entitled to equitable relief. They allege that prior to the open- ng-of1 the.5 exposition they were given the exclusive right to supply water upon the grounds and that complying with the con ditions of their contract , they located tanks nt convenient places about the grounds They were to charge for this water at the rate of a. penny per glass. Soon after th water tanks were located , the Solon Springs men will allege that violating the condi tions of the contract , the exposition man agement put In water tanks and furnished water , free of charge , thus ruining their business. By reason of this the water men will ask about $10,000 damages. Numerous other parties nro getting ready to brluft suit , but ns yet they have not formulated their demands , but will do so within the next few days. MIUAI.S uu.vuY TO UK iiAxnni ) OUT. KvhU.ltorn Will lU-fdve Their Iii- HlKiilii of Merit nt Once. The first shipment of the medals and diplo mas that will be distributed among the prize winners during the next two or three days arrived yesterday. There wore ten cnses containing 1,000 medals , and a number of huge cases , which contained all of the lO.GUO diplomas that have been awarded. There are about 5,000 additional medals on the road and It IK positively announced that these will bo on hand before Wednesday night. Consequently every exhibitor will bo able to obtain his medals and diplomas before ho goes away , a result that has been accom plished by no previous exposition. Many of the exhibitors who are in Omaha have been compelled to wait for months for their med als at previous expositions and they nro hugely delighted with the promptitude with which the business of the Omaha show has been conducted. Kach of the medals Is enclosed In a hand some case with a plush Interior , which shows the medal to excellent advantage. All the medals are bronze when they are received by the exhibitor , but the company by which they nro furnished ban representatives on the ground lo do the plating nnd engraving at a nominal price. It will cost the exhibit ors $3 for the plating and engraving of each gold medal and $2.50 apiece for the silver medals. At previous expositions they have been charged $4 nnd $5 nplcce for gold plat ing. Beginning this morning the huge stacks ot diplomas will be filled out for distribution to the exhibitors. A force of six skilled engrossers will be ln work nt once , and It Is expected that the whole lot will be ready for delivery In two or three days. The ill- ploma Is said to be the most artistic pro duction that has over been given by any ex position. FOR GOVERNING THE ISLAND I'orto Itlfiin DolfKHtcN Hold ennt MeelliiK > > < s " ! < " nnil DclltHM-iili- Their lllnh M. SAN JUAN , Oct. SO. The principal thea ter of the city was taxed to Its utmost capac ity this afternoon on the occasion of a pub lic meeting of delegates from the chief towns of the Island to consider nnd draft recom mendations regarding the necessities of the Island for the use of the special commission ers , who will be selected later to represent Porto Ulco nt Washington , when the time comes for settling the administrative sys tem. tem.The The assembly wa ? fairly representative and although the proceedings gave undue prom inence to unimportant details , there was abundant evidence of Intelligent reflection on the part of the delegates nnd of a deter mination not to tolcrnto partisan politics at this crisis In the island's affair ? . ruicii. BMCRSON. Neb. . Oct. 30. ( Special. ) A. A. Davis of this place baa been appointed I republican candidate for representative for Dlxon county to fill the vacancy cau6ed by the death of William Woaock. Mr. Davis Is well and favorably known throughout Uij county ana will naUc a rlille eoaUs ti SIZING UP THE SITUATION Bird's ' Eye View of the Political Contest in Nebraska. REPUBLICAN OUTLOOK APPEARS BRIGHT General Apathy In In Coinninnil of the nnd Funloii Kulli to Fnne the Ineordniit ! Elcmcntn. . BROKEN BOW , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) As the day of election draws nigh Interest In political circles Increases. There has not been a campaign In Ouster county since tha beginning of the populist move In 1885 , when the members of the populist party have manifested so little enthusiasm over their ticket. A large percentage of them are apparently Indifferent as to results , while a number of former leaders ore openly working against part of their ticket. No less than four of the ex-county officers and two of the present officers are among the number that are using their best efforts to defeat the tkket , besides a number of other prominent members of the party who have not held olllcc. Custcr county has two representatives and a senator and county attorney to elect. The populist nominees most objectionable to those opposing the ticket are C. W. Deal , who Is a candidate for re-election to the senate , and L. E. Klrkpatrlck , candidate for county attorney. Unless there Is a reaction between this and election day there Is Ittlo doubt that the populist BOO majority n the county n year ago will be wiped out and a republican majority scored for those two offices. The Republican of this place has bsen wng- ng a hot warfare against the populist nom- nees for several weeks , In showing up their records with telling effect. Many populls's now concede that Heal nnd Klrkpatrlck will bo defeated , while some republicans are more sanguine nnd feel that the dissatisfac tion has become general nnd It will defeat the whole county , legislative , state and con gressional ticket In the county. The middle- of-the-road populists , who are opposed to their elective ofllcers receiving nnd riding on railroad passes , express themselves that they believe In purifying the party by de feating "the whole push , " and as this In cludes every state olllcer renomlnatcd , It looks as If they will all go down together as far as Ouster county Is concerned. In Thayer County. HEBRON , Neb. , Oct. 30.--Spcclal. ( ) As the campaign draws to a close the observer of events can recognize a change from the conditions of the last two years In this county. Numerous causes have been at work to convince thinking men among the fualonlsts that no part of the present pros perity can bo ascribed to either the policy or personality of their representatives In office. In the county campaign very little Interest has been aroused except In the south commissioner's district , where the fusion candidate has Incurred Iho enmity of the popullste. Philip Werner , the republican nominee , will draw largely from their vote and wlfl undoubtedly bo elected. The clos est fight Is over the office of county attor ney. Personal matters have entered Into this contest , making the 'result ' doubtful , with the chances In favor of W. E. Goodhue , the candidate on the republican ticket. But It Is on the legislative and congres sional contests that the Interest of this people ple Is centered. The popocratlc cry Is "Sen ator Allen must be ro-elected , " and the party seems to have no legislative policy be yond that one object. H. P. Harding Is op posing J. R. Morrison , the fusion nominee , who Is up for a second term , but whose leg- lar.Ulve record Is not being "pointed to with pride , " and the prospects are that Mr. Hardlng's manly , earnest campaign will bo crowned with success. If Jefferson county docs ns well by Conrad Belsner , republican candidate for float representative , as thla county proposes to do , his majority will pre clude any Idea of a contest over the result. The fuslonlsts are not saying much about Congressman Stark's chances. His speech here a week ago was poorly attended and coldly received. The contrast with the en thusiastic reception accorded Mr. Hlnshaw was most marked and the popocrats are not slow to recognize the difference and the causes for It. Thayer county will give Hlu- ehaw a majority a week from next Tues day. day.Tho The county will give a smaH majority for the republican state ticket , with Hayward and Saylor In the lead. Hope In Antelope Comity. NELIOH , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) The election of the republican legislative ticket In Antelope county Is not without hope , al though the probabilities are that the popu lists will be successful. The chances for re publican success rests wholly upon what percentage of the democrats will this year vote against the populists. As a rule demo crats are dlsaatlslled with their political allies and there are Indications that they will break away upon some portions of the ticket at least. The republican nominee for representative Is O. H. McOee , who was elected two years ago , and his opponent IB H. C. Elwood , who Is without legislative ex perience and of no marked ability. The senatorial district la composed of Antelope , Boone and Oreeloy counties , all of which gave handcomo majorities for the populist ticket two years ago. While the republicans will undoubtedly gain on the vote of that year It Is hardly expected that the change will be sufficient to elect their candidate , J. R. Nichol. The populist nominee Is J. R S. Smith. Both reside la Ibis county. York County Cettlne In Line. YORK , Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) > The last few days of the campaign In York county promises to see a lively hustling for votes. The fuslonlsts have been making a lively schoolhouse - house campaign and have done more talking at schoolhouEo meetings than the repub licans. They admit that they have small audiences , smaller than In campaigns here tofore. When ono drives In the country he sees large * new barns , large granaries and corn cribs being built to hold surplus corn , oats , rye and wheat , which all farmers are now In prosperous condition to hold as long as they care to for better prices. ThU con dition of affairs has never In the history of the county been so general as now. Sen ator John M. Thurston , owing to delayed train eervlcM , disappointed hundreds of far mers who came a long distance to see him A number stayed to hear him at the night meeting. W. A. Poynter was better adver tised than any fuslonlst speaker nnd only a few attended his meeting. It Is believed that York county wilt bo carried by the republicans nnd by Increased majorities. The county ticket Is certain and there are good prospects for the election ot the legis lative ticket. WaxhliiKtoii All ItlKlit. "BLAIR , Neb. , Oct. SO. ( Special. ) The rrosont Indications are that the republicans will elect every member to the legislature this fall. The populists are now concentrat- Ing their forces oa C. 0. Marshall , who Is the opposing candidate of Hon. W. D. Hal- ler for representatlw from this county. Hal- ler always carried the county with a large T'Jj , U Jig hj .0. itWpsQi can didate opposing him. The democrats do not care , as Hnller has always usrd them fair many will vote for him , especially the Qcr- mans. J. H. Chambers has a walkaway , and Mungcr of Fremont will -havo a 'small ma jority for this county. The election depends on Dodge county. In Welntcr Coniity. RED CLOUD. Neb. , Oct. 30. ( Special. ) As election day draws n'-ar the prospects brighten for republican success In this county. J. S. White , candidate for represent ative , Is making a strong canvass. His rec ord Is clear and he has a host ot friends In both parties. Some democrats now con cede his election. Shcpherdson , for senator from this district. Is well and favorably ktfown and from the present outlook will poll a large vote. Republican success In this county for the whole ticket Is not only a possibility but Is now a probability. FREIGHT TRAIN COLLISION Hend-eiiil Crnnli on Union Pacific \eiir Fremont In Which Severnl Trnliuneii Arc Hurt. ' FREMONT , Neb. , Oct. 30.SpccIal ( Tele gram. ) A had wreck occurred on the Union Pacific about 10:30 : o'clock tonight three miles west of Fremont. It was a head-end collision on the main track between two freight trains. The engineers and firemen saved themselves by jumping. Thieo men who were riding In a freight car near the engine were considerably bruised but not seriously ' Injured. The Injured arc : Frank Young , Omaha , hand cut and body bruised , A. Flesher , Chicago , face'cut und bruised. Frank Amcrlunder nnd 6l II. Trunmel , slight bruises. The castbound train was a regular train nnd the westbound a Bpcctnli There Is a slight curve whore the wreck occurred , but trains would bo visible to cach olhcr for Bomo distance. 't The Injured were taken to Fremont nnd cared for by the company's physician. The cause of the accident cannot , be learned to night. : , . FIRED ON WITHOUTj/.VARNING Acfiro SolilliTH Take u Coivnrdly Hc- VCIIKC Upoi ) Polluemuu Green nt Cheyenne. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tel egram. ) Policeman James Oreen of this city was shot and It Is belleved.batally wounded at 10:30 : o'clock tonight by a "soldier of the Twenty-fourth Infantry , ( ty-een1 was at the time of the shooting walking on his bcai along West Eighteenth street , a iiuarter much frequented by negro soldiers. Without warning he was flred "upon"by ono of two colored soldiers at close range , who came out from the shadow of some buildings Green fell to the ground srid his assassin ; ran. Oreen was taken to his home aiVlrnedlca , ° attention given him. It ' . 3 found he was shot through the right lunfc ad was unable to give any details of the ' .Italr. , excepting that he was phot bv C , Twenty-fourth Infantry.- Green had a short tlmo before the shooting stopped a row which was In progrcsu In a saloon be tween McWIIllnms and another colored man nnd was returning to the station house when the soldier fired upon him from nn alley. It Is believed Green's wound will prove fatal , the bullet having passed through both lungs. McWIlllams Is still at large. COMMOTION AT ESQUIMAULT Activity AmonK VcNuelH of Navy Yard IndlcatcH Ilritalii ix PrcpnrliiHT for n Surprlnc Party. VICTORIA , B. C. , Oct. 30. Commotion prevails at Esciulmault and In the clubs of the city frequented by naval men. Admiral Palliser Is said to have received n long ci pher message In the admiralty and Imme diately her majesty's ship Amphlon , the fastest cruiser on the station , was ordered to prepare for sea. It will sail at once for Coqulmbo to moot Its sister ship , Phaeton , and from there the two will proceed to Ta hiti , the French settlement of the Society Islands , The llagshlp Imperlouse , wlilch has Just returned from Comox , Is also coaling , nnd the Loander has been ordered to return from Comox to prepare for any move that may be decided upon. The other ships nro the Dlrlgo , Sparrowlmwk and Icarus. The opin ion among naval men Is that England Is dis patching Ilcots from Halifax to the West I Indies and from Esqulmault to Tahiti to 1 show the French how utterly Its colonies would bo at the mercy of the British should that country make any warlike movements. MOPPY "MUMS" ON PARADE lleiiinrUnlile IllHplny of All Varieties of ChryttaiitucmiimH at Opening of PlltHburK'x tircnt Show. PITTSBURQ , Pa. , Oct. 20. Notwithstand ing the miserable , rainy weather today fully 8,000 people attended the opening of the chrysanthemum show at the Phlppls con servatory , Schcnley park. The exhibition Is said by experts to ibe the finest and largest ever seen In Plttsburg , There are 10,000 plants , cultivated to perfection and set out In the way that Is most pleasing to the eye. Of the 300 varieties that are on exhibition about sixty nro new. There Is not much of u logical connection betwecu the conserva tory 'and ' an experiment In horticulture by a Cornell professor but that Is the -way the collection was Increased. Prof. L. H. Bailey made the experiment at Cornell , gathering together all the known varieties ot the chrysanthemum. He cultivated them and obtained a number of now varieties. Ho took all the plants that were ot value In his collection and presented them to the con servatory here. COMMISSION JN LEXINGTON Will Put In One Day .nt that Point nnd Then Journey Toward WnNh- Vlii CJitoliinntl. LEXINGTON , Ky , , Oct. 30. The yvar In vestigation commission Is expected to arrive In Lexington from Cnlcknmauga at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning over the Queen & Cres cent railway. The program of the ccWimls- slon for the day is not definitely known here. It Is thought , however , that It will not re main hero more than ono day , leaving for Cincinnati probably tomororw night , A man named Qulnu , n discharged soldier from the Second Kentucky volunteers , shot and fatally wounded Roy Morgan this ulter- noou. The trouble between the two VUB over a crap game. Condition of the Hunk of .Spain. MADRID , Oct. 30. The Uank of Spain re port fgr the week ended yesterday shows the following changes : Gold , Increase , 70.000 pesetas ; silver In hand , Increase , 1,100,000 pesetas ; notes in circulation , increase , j p.oco pesetas , MRS , BELICR BREAKS DOWN Regrets the Conduct Which Made Her Hus band a Murderer. TELLS OF HER CONNECTION WITH SARGENT Sny * He Exertcil a. StraiiRp Influence Over Her Which She AVn Unulilc WltliNtniid SnrKcitt Wanted In lovm ( or M > rs , Ik'llck , whose husband ehot her laramour Saturday night and who Is con- Ined In the matron's room , line undergone n change of heart since the awful truth of her husband's deed , for which eho was llrectly responsible , has dawned upon her. She IB In a. state ot tnlnd bordering on lysterla , moaning and orylng for her hus- jand continually 'and cursing the day Uiat fate led her Into the way of Sargent , the barber who was killed. Her only thought now Is for the safety of her husband. When asked If she thought that her hus band had done right In killing her para mour she eald she did and that she now wishes ho had done It long before he did. "I never appreciated the worth of my husband until now , " she said. "If wo get out of this trouble I will go to him , get hla forgiveness nnd with our children leave hero and begin life anew. Sirs. Hellck says that at no time did she love Sargent. She says that he exerted a hypnotic sort of spell over her , which she could not resist. She said when ho was not with her that she sought to forget him and really tried tn bo the wlfo she should be , but his presence always caused her to break her resolutions. She any a she first became acquainted with him In June , meet ing him at the barber shop' at Sixteenth and Hurt streets , where ho won then em ployed , when she went there for laundry work. Sent WnniliiK to Sargent. She says she knows her husband was driven to commit murder by her actions , and fearing for Sargent's safety sent word to him not to come to the bouse , as she feared her husband would kill him. This message was sent to Sargent Saturday morning. Sargent , In a spirit of braggadocio , went to the house Saturday night. Mrs. Bellck had 'few ' callers while her husband 'was ' besieged with strangers as long as the police allowed him to receive them. Nearly all commended him for his act. Dellck , who ts a manly , straight forward sort of a man , has little to say about the matter other than to admit that ho had been driven to the deed by his vic tim's taunts and sneers. He said ho had fought with himself for four months against committing violence. "Why , " said he , "I regretted buying that revolver five minutes after the act , fearing that I might stnln my hands In blood. When I went homo I extracted the cartridges from the weapon and put them In a drawer , as I did those ot a small rlflo I had bought for my 'boy some time before. God knows I did not want to kill that , man but he forced mete to do so. J am eorry I killed him but X * In' ' ot 'God and' think I did right the eight man. " . .A . , -s with his wife's actions"was on"hcCcmiil his children. He said had It not been for them he would have left his wife to her Inclinations on her flrst offense. Sargent Wanted for IllKnniy. Slnco the murder It has been learned that Sargent Is wonted In Rich Hill , Mo. , and Cbarlton , la. , for bigamy. Ho has a wlfo living In both of those towns and It Is said ho has several other wives In various parts of the west. Ho posed as a conqueror of women and gloried tn his conquests. In Charlton nnd Illch Hill ho was known as Lon Drussln. Sargent Is said to be his right name , however. An Inquest will bo held over Sargent's body Tuesday morning. Meanwhile the po- llco and Coroner Swansea will attempt to learn more of his antecedents , which arc pow unknown. Dellck was originally from St. Louis , where ho has an aged mother living at 1017 Allen avenue. PARIS' INTERNAL IMBROGLIOS Cabinet Reconstruction IN Held In Abeyance Comment on UreyfiiH' Cane. PARIS , Oct. 30. Nowhere Is there a sign of agitation today. The city Is quiet. The anti-Semite papers vainly endeavor , by abus ing the Judges of the court of cassation , to lash the public Into a hostile demonstration , but the people seem rather Inclined to re sent the culpability or Imbecility of the high ofllcers of the general staff who allowed themselves to become the prey of unscrupu lous forgers. This refers especially to the officers de puted to Investigate the Dreyfus affair. It Is believed even now that Important facts are being concealed In order to shield the headquarters staff. Most of the Paris papers approve the de cision of the court of cassation , although the Gaulols and the Eclair declare that even now revision Is by no means certain. The LIbertc bows to the decision but does not think It will end the agitation. The Figaro announces that Count Esterhazy has been deprived of his membership In the Legion of Honor. The Dreyfus decision seems to have de layed a solution of the cabinet crlBls. M. Do Frcyclnot Is again hesitating to accept the portfolio ot minister ot war on the ground that In view of the role the Protest ants have played In the Dreyfus case , It would bo Inadvisable for two Protestants , himself and M. Rlbot , to hold the portfolios of war and justice. SUCCESS OF ARCTIC WHALERS All tlie VcHnclM Are Accounted For Excepting the FearleNN Three Are Wrecked. SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 30. The steamer Portland , which arrived here today from St. Michaels , brings Improtaut news of the Arctic whaling licet. The catch up to October 10 was one of the largest on record and represented In round numbers about $1,000,000. It was divided among various vessels , os follows : Grampus , 36 whales ; Beluga , 50 ; Baleana , 31 ; Narwhal , 22'.i ; Mary D. Hume , 10 ; Karruk. 0 ; William Baylcss , 6 ; Jerome , 2 ; Alaska , 1 ; total , 13S'/i. Of the enormous catch , 123V& whales were taken by the vessels of tbo Pacific Steam Whaling company , eight by vessels owned by Roth , Blum & Co. and six by the William Baylcs.s company , nnd the odd one by the bark Alaska. The Portland also represents the following whalers aa clean : Bowhead , A rice Kuowles , Tharaber , Bui- vldcrc and Alexander. This accounts for the entire fleet which went to the Arctic , with the exception of the Fearless , which was all right when last heard from , and the Orca , Jcealo II. Freeman anj Uc a Hty. hjb ( v P CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Weather Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr ; Warmer ; South Winds. YcRtcrday'n Temperature lit Omiihai TODAY AT TIIH EXPOSITION. At the nroiindni Oitiahn Day. AdmlHNlon I ! , ' Ccnln Xo Free I.Int. lli.'IO n. m. , Ilnttlmhlp llllnolN Docked nt Government lliilldlnir. lit m. . Fire llorncn Illtelied liy lilcc- trlelty. S v. in. , Iiincn Hand nt Auditorium. Part I. Overture , "Tnnnhacuser" 'Uagncr ( a ) "Trnumcrcl" Schumann hi ) "Cupid's Story" ( Intermezzo.limes ( Now ; published for piano solo by John Church Co. ) Trombone solo , "Zlimnornmnla , " ( Cun- cert Polka Klmmennnn Zimmerman. Second Ilungnrlan Rhapsody Liszt ( a ) "Omaha Elks" ( American.Relchardt ) ( b ) 'The Cossack" ( Russian ) Pares Part II. Overture , "William Toll" Tlossinl Euphonium solo , "Rocked In the Crndl < > of the Deep" ( Air Vnrle ) Rolllnson Perfetto. "Peer Gynl" ( Suite No. 1) ) Grlng Solo for Piccolo. "Concert Polka".Uenmro Hcldelbertr. "Tho Barnyard" ( Concert Gallop.Falitbnch ) . " . p. m. , Omaha Day KxcrclHCH at AII- dltorlum. Music Inncs lifinil Invocation Rev. T. I. Mnckay Address lion. Frank M. Muorcs ) Mayor of Oinulin. Address / . T I Indsey Manager Dept. Ways and Mean * , Uxpo- Mualc InneM bond AddrcBH / E. Hosi'Wiiter Manager Dept. Publicity and Proirotlun , Exposition. Address W. N. Unncoek Manager Dept. of Transportation , L'xpo- Kltlun. Address Gurdnn W. Wattles PrealdcMH of Exposlllon. Muslo Innoa Itnnd ! t p. m. , I'nlted StateH I.lfe SavliiK Kihllilt 011 I.IIKOOII. HillO p. m. , ( iraiid Special DUplay of KtriMvorliN. 7 p. m. , limes Hand at Audttorliim. Farevrell Concert. SLEEP THE SLEEP OF BRAVE Three Xehra.slca Hey * Succumb to Dlx- eiiHe In I'hltlpplneN From .llndl- HOII , David City and lleiinett. WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. The following cable was received at the War department today from General Otis at Manila : MANILA , Oct. 30. Adjutant General , Washington : Following are the deaths since last report : EARL W. OSTKRIIOUT of David Cl'y , pri vate , Company E , typhoid fever , October 27 , ALFRED J. EISMAN of Bennett , private , Company I , typhoid fever , October 22. ARTHUR C. SIMMS of Madison , private , Company F , ncuto dlarrhoae , October 23. EDWARD MARCHES , private , First South Dakota , typhoid fever , September 8 ; not re- ROYAL II. SMITH , corporal , First South Dakota , smallpox , October 27. ROY W. HOVER , sergeant , First Soutl K"j.'J'VH ' " ' J.VlH .fever. Octpb'er 21 * -x 1' , ' ' " * " ' " ' ' ' JOHN talmUA'N"l''llrs"ta' N'o'rth'-BaKota acute dysentery , October 26. Other deaths : October 22 , Privates Henry H. Weaver , Tenth Pennsylvania , chronl dysentery ; Thomas W. P. Haruey , Four teenth Infantry , malarial fever ; October 23 Frank H. Hcely , hospital corps , typholi fever ; October 25 , Private D. Leo , Twenty- third Infantry , smallpox ; October 20 , Prl vates Charles J , Jorgctiscn , Eighteenth in fantry , typhoid fever ; October 27 , Private J McLean , First Montana , typhoid fover. HOLDS AN INFORMAL "SESSION Authoritatively Stated that No Ncvi Development * in Peace NCRO- tlatloiiM Have Arlncn. WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. An Informal ses slon of the cabinet was held tonight at thi White House. The president embraced thi opportunity afforded by the presence of several oral members of the cabinet to discuss with them their forthcoming annual reports. The peace negotiations nt Paris were re ferr d to , but were not seriously considered , It Is understood. The statement Is borne out by the fact that Secretary of State Hay was not a party to the Conference. It IB said authoritatively that no new developments In the Paris situation have arisen during the past Ihlrty-slx hours. JUST A MOMENT TOO LATE Onieern Seize n Snlelde JiiMt IIM He Shootn HIiiiNclf llnd Only One Cent Left. DETROIT , Mich. , Oct. 30. A man who registered at the Michigan Exchange hotel as J. H. Granlill killed himself thla afternoon Just as the police officers were attempting to prevent the act. The slranger had not quitted his .room all day and through the transom was seen to be pacing about nour ishing a revolver. The officers burst In the door , but Granfill nhot himself just as a de tective grasped his arm. The suicide bad previously taken morphine from a bottle labeled by a London , Ont. , druggist. Only 1 cent was found on his person. DYNAMITE IN THE LUGGAGE AiinrehlHtlc 1'anHcnucrH Create n Sen- nation on I.aiidliiK nt Ponce trlth KxploNlvcM. PONOE , Oct. 30. A sensation was caused hero yesterday on the arrival of the Red line steamer Philadelphia from the Spanish main by the discovery In the handbags of two passengers of a number of explosive cartridges containing dynamite. The dis covery was made by tbo customs officials and the passengers were arrested on the sup position that they are anarchists. The police , who fear that others belonging to the gang have escaped , are making a strict search. i Itccnll lleeker mill I.f-c. HAVANA. Oct. 30. Colonel Hecker and Colonel Leo of the United States special transportation commission received cable grams from Washington last night directing their return to Washington by the first steamer available. The messages which were from Secretary Alger. were very brief , sim ply directing the recipients to report to the War department , and there Is considerable perplexity ns to the object of the recall. Olive and I.cinon Crop Dextroycd. MENTONE , France , Ocl. 30 , This district was visited by a terrific hall storm this aft ernoon , which Is continuing this evening. The stones are of Immense size. The olive and lemon crops have been completely de stroyed. nt Tnlile Hock. TABLE ROCK , Neb. , Oct. 20. ( Spcclal.- ) Laat night between C and 9 o'clock burglars entered the house of W. A. Conklln and car ried away a lot ol Jewelry , a revolver , shot- GIVE THEM ALL UP American Commission Will Demand Oesaloa of Pbllippiue Group , INSTRUCTIONS SENT FROM WASHINGTON President MoKinley Directs His Agcnta Exactly What to Do. SPAIN'S ' REPRESENTATIVES WILL RESIST Ultimate Decision HcaU on Diaposal of Philippine Djbt , SUCCESS OR FAILURE HINGES ON THIS Fact * ConecriiliiK tliu Debt Ohtalncil from lllKli TniNtworthy nnil Olllclnt Soul-ecu Money ir eil Simply to Suhdnc the \utlvcM. Copyright , 1S9S. by Press PubllHhlng Co ) PARIS , Oct. 30.-Ncw ( York World Ca- legram Special Tolegrum. ) President Me- Clnlcy has Instructed the American commls- lon to demand tomorrow the cession of the 'hlllpplno group , though the American com- ulsslon itso.f Is divided. Day , Davis nnd Frye ro for and Gray and Reid against cession. Tomorrow will bo the cruclul sea- ion of the joint peace commls- lon. It appears to bo assumed her * hat the American communion will demand ho whole of the Philippine group. This ho Spanish wilt resist by the method al- endy explained by cable , but the ultimate cclslon will bo determined by the manner n which the United States proposes to deal vlth the Philippine debt. From the hlgh- st otllclal sources the following facts have iccn obtained concerning this , the pivotal liiestlon , on which success or failure of the leuce commission depends. The Philippine debt was created by law 'une ' 10 , 1SU7 , which authorized the Spanish [ overnment to grant a general guarantee of ho nation to operations considered neces- ary lo n release for the Philippine treasury o cover such obligations as in consequence if disturbances had not been nnd could not > e covered by the ordinary resources of the ' 'hlllpplno budget. Then the royal decree of luno 18 , 1S97 , was authorized to Issue $400- 100 In bonds of flOO each , bearing C per cent nterest , redeemable In forty ycara , with a ipcclnl lion on the customs revenue of the 'hlllppincs. Besides the above national gunr- autco 250,000 of these bonds , representing nominal value of $25,000,000 $ , wer placed In Spain , chlctly at llarce- ona , Madrid nnd Bilbao. The re- nalnlng 150,000 bonds were originally ntcnded to be plated nt Manila or given u payment for advances made to the Phil , pplno treasury by the local Manila savings janks nnd other establishments for war ex- itmses. The government not having suc- : eeded In placing In Manila the amount al lotted , later on placed the balance In Barce lona. The proceeds of the Philippines loan served mainly for the expenses of the atrug- clC agalniit the.'Tagal rebellion and tha . - penses of the pacification of the colony. Part of the loan served to make the Cuban treas- iry advances and was afterward reimbursed Ijy the Madrid colonial ministry whnn Spain had to send General August ! money to prepare - pare for the defense of the Philippines. No part of this loan , therefore , was ever de-voted to public works or any object of colonial utility. It was devoted wholly to maintaining Spanish rule. I understand the United States will apply to this loan the same rule as to the Cuban debts , namely , to throw the onus on Spain ot proving by official and duly controlled statistics com- > lled from the decrees and budgets that the imount really applied to purely Philippine objects outsldo the wars and efforts to main tain Imperial rule apalnst the will ot the natives. Spain Will Nut OARTHAGBNA , Oct. SO. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegtaiu. ) There are no signs of military or naval ac tivity hero at the principal Spanish arsenal and dock yards. Several torpedo boats and destroyers of Camera's squadron are lying In , the harbor dismantled and neglected with scratch crews and only a skeleton staff ot officers. The war vessels hero are In a state of entire unpreparediiPBS , officcia and sailors having got an unlimited furlough for economy's sake. The 'torpedo school Is pur suing In Its leisurely way Us usual atudlog In submarine defenses and mines , but tha work on fortifications begun before the close of the war Is entirely abandoned. The Idea of Spain provoking a renewal of hostilities Is treated as ludicrous. CADIZ , Oct. 30. ( New York World Cable gram Special Telegram. ) Special Inquiries here show that Admiral Chorruca Is en deavoring to keep the warships under hla command In tolerably good trim but lack of funds despite repeated appeals at Madrid cripples him severely. Ono battleship , two cruisers , one destroyer nnd four torpedo boats could bo got ready here with a month'a notice. The only activity noticeable at Cadiz Is at the stores of the Spanish Transatlantic company In preparing anil bringing homo the nick and wounded from Cuba. Bitter complaint Is heard from the government yards and private shipbuilders because work Is being gradually abandoned on the ships already on the stocks , or/Ing to shortness of money. FERROL , Oct. 30. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) I find the arsenal and dockyard hero In a state of . < > m- pleto quiet , though the land and marine de fenses are In n more forward state than In any other Spanish place of arms. Fcrrol could provide one battleship , one cruiser and several gunboats If a lack of guns or war Flares did not render them useless , repeat ing the old story of Camnra'a ptiar'om squadron. There is a great want of propar coal here , as at Cartegena and Cadiz. SRV13HU .STOIl.1I HACKS l.V I.OMIOX. Violent Wind DoeH ImmciiHC liimii O to Properly. LONDON , Oct. 20. During a severe storm last night a small area , about half a mlle equaro , around Denmark bill , Camb.-rwcll , London , was visited by a cyclone. Cabs were overturned , windows , doors , lamp posts , trees and chimneys were blown down and a number of houses unroofed. The content * of numerous hawkers' stalls were carried hundreds of yards In the nlr by the Kin 1 ana many people were Injured by the fljlng de bris , which did also Immense dai.ia e to property. Illen of Hit- ( Copyrl-lit. U9S. by Pres 1'ubllxliinr : Co. ) VIENNA. Oct. 30. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Nurse Peoha , who caucht the plague while taking cara of the first patient , died In the hosjdial hero at 2 30 a. m. today. For several 0 > jd last wool : she was at the point of death but in * Jectlono of the plague Eeruai brought front the Pn tcur Institute at Paris Improved hut co3.iuuu EO much whenever applied. Um ( it > v. . hoped Bfcc might lie envcd *