TrTIB OMAHA DAILY KB 13 : St'NDAY. OCTOBEll 'JO , 1SOS. l-OSTi LOST , lady's cold vvntih nl Liberal Arts building , lll > rul reward for return to Florence Klston , Abilene , Knn. Lost--MK5 I * LOST , In International building , Marlon colnrtlto , trimmed with tnllB. Liberal re ward for return to Uee ollkc Lost-Oil SO- LOST , tmcknea of papers In Hirers of All Nations , tiultablo reward for return or Informutlon to party whose address Is on Papon ) . Lost CM SO * LOST , Monday last , dl imond Rtlckpln , n beu with silver anil gold seltlni ; ; return to Heo and gc > t reward. Lout CIS SI * M Iir.MIVATIXO. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 232 TIJNEII. PIANOS tuned , $150 Itose , 1521 Dodge 700N10 i.v roii iJTS. ONLY rorot mnde han \ < s wnlst line. Iloom 10 , Crelglitun Ullc , 15th & Douglas. 317-N22 VIOII > H C. A. CASH , violins repaired. 416 Bhoolv blk. 23S-N14. STATL'AIIY. GONNKLLA manufactures nrtlstlr Htntu- ary Ini'du ornamental work a upeilulty. 317 So. 10th. -M621 N21 IMAM ) FACTORY. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos alwaj'H on hand. C. Hammer , 321 8 lOtti. b73 IHIKVSMAKIM ; . Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2,101 Davenport. -532 No5 NCW wheels , $1750 to $23. 2nd hand wheels , $3 to J10 Omaha IJIcvcio Co , 1G A ; Chlingo 202. not MOVEII. W. COY , removed to 1710 St. Marv'n Ave. -S13 N23 AMI * ' . 1323 Lrnv'w'lh , 222 Nov29 Ki.oci'Tiov. ' ELLA DAY , Ilamge Bldg. , 13 and Harnoy , 15S Jan 1 siwi > c ; MVC MINES. SKCOND hand bowing machines from $3 00 up. Neb. Cycle Co. , cor 15th and Hnrnoy --337 Nl TYI'mVIUTIJIlS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , JIOO per month. The Smlth-I'remler Typewriter Co. , 1CI * Farnam St . telephone 12SI. 132 WE renl aiid sell the best typewriter made , largest Block of peed supplies In Omaha United Typewriter and Suppl Co . 1012 1'nrnam St. 1M REMINGTON "standard typewriter nnd 1 tuppllcs. 1G19 Farnam St. 715 PAW.MIIinieilHS. EAGLE Loan ofllce , 1211 Douglas : oldest established , Most reliable , nccommortal- Ing , busncpi ! < confidential , selling tlO.UOO 1 Htork unredeemed diamonds ; big bar- unlns. 335 Nl AAD iioxiaa ACADEMY. 1212 Farnnm st. , boxing taught efllclently in 1 month ; send for circulars. Col T U Monstery 473 N3 I/INAM-IAI , . SOMETHING new In Htock and bonds ; pays 200 per cent per year on Inv.stmenl ; any amount ; Investors secured , payable any time , no speculation ; best references ; write for purtlculnrB Investoia Trust , 12J1 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. AV11.L repair vour shoos while vrnt wait , only in minutes ; half Holes nnd heels. BO , first-class work guaranteed 710 N ICth hi. , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C U 11. 3tiu N29 SUES & CO. , .PATENT. . . . , LAWURS AND SOI ICHORS ( ten I'dq. , Omaha , Neb Semi for our fief Inven tor's Guide. Tel. 1U2J. FAUMS FOIl CASH Oil i\CIIA.MJi ; . Douglas County : ICO acics adjoining the town of Mlllard new house of S rooms , barn for U horses and 8 cows , corn crib aim Brauary. good well and Iron pump ; 110 acres under cultivation. 75 acres of which is In corn. Price , $15.00 per acre , cash. Phelps County : 3JO acres 2 miles south ot Holdredge ; 2sO acres under cultivation. 40 acres native grass ; nil smooth , level land ; house , 23x2 < i , barn , 24\3J , double corn crib and graimrj , well and windmill , ono quarter fenced and cross-fenced , Will toke one-naif purchase money In clear Omaha realty. We are offering to the public some un precedented birgalns In Hint-class farms , locatwl in the prime counties of Sevvaid , nutler , York , Hamilton , Clay , Flllmorc , Poll ; and Saline. . AV. CAltl.OCK , 209 SOUTH 15TH STREET. OMAHA. CITY OI-TIOIAIj I\OTIC13S. SCHOOL DISTRICT ELECTION. Proclamation and notice to the aujllllnd eleclors and legal voters of the school dis trict of Omaha , In tin counlj of Doug ) is. In Iho state of Nebraska , of a general elec tion to be held In said school dlstilct on Tuesday , Ihe. eighth day ol November , ivjs for the purpose of electing five members of the Board of Education of said school district , to servo on said board from and Includ'iig the llrst Monday In Jauuarv. b9J unlll Iho llrst A'omlay ' In January , iPto , also notice of thii BiHHiilHHlon tu the qualified electors and legal voters of said sdiool dis trict of A proposition the Board of Education of said school dlstric-l to Is sue bonds in the sum of iwo hundred anil tlfiy thousand ( S o.OOOW ) dollars tor the purpose of providing additional H gh school facilities , for the purpose of ereitlns ola school house on the Cass school site , for tlic purpose of erecting a Si hnol houseIn the vicinity of the Paclllc school site , for the purpose of purchasing u si heel site In the vicinity of Fortieth nnd Davenporl slrccu nnd erecting thereon a school house To ho uualltleil electors and legal voters of the cihnol dlstrh t of Omaha , In tht county of Douglas , In the state of Nebraska ; IRC Jordan , president of the Board erin Education of the school district of Omaha In the county of Douglas , In Ihe state o Nebraska , do Issue , this , my proclamation nnd by virtue of the authority vested in me. as such president , do lieie-by give publli notice to the qualified electors and lega voters of the school district of Omaha In the county of Douglas , In the state o Nebraska , that a general election will bo held In a lid school district on Tuesday , heir eighth day of November , U9i , for the pur nose of ulcctlng live members of the Boar < of Education of Bald school district , to serve an said board from and Including ho llrst Monday In January. lb9'J. until the st Monday In January , I "t SCHOOL BOND ELECTION. IRC. Jordan , president of the Bean of' Education of the School District of Omaha. In the County of Douglas , In ho State of N'braska , do issue this , my proc Inmutlon , and by virtue of the nuthorlt ; vested In mo as such president , do hercb ; Klvo public notice to the qualified elector nnd legal voters of the school dim let o Omaha , In th County of Douglas , In hi Btale of Nebraska , that a geiural electloi will bo held In snld school dlutrlcl on Tues day. the Slh daj of November , 1SSS , nt which the following proposition to vet bonds of said school district will bo sub mltted , to-v\lt. Shall the Boanl of Education of the nchoc district of Omaha , In th county of Deus las , In the state of N hrnnkn , be author Ized to Issue bonds of 8'ild school dlstrlc in the um ot two hundred nnd fifty ll'on cam ! ( } :50 , < XA > ) dollars for the purpose o CITY ori-IUIAIj .NOTICES. ( Continued. ) providing additional High sr-hool facllltlcf ) on Capitol Square , the present site of tiio High school , at n cost of one hundred and fifty thousand ( JIJOOOO ) dollars , for th * purpose of frtctlng a school house on the Cans school HIP ! on Cur.s Direct , between Fourteenth nnd Flfteon'n treels , nt a cost of thirty-live thousand U35i X dollars : for Iho purpos' of eiecllng a school house In tht vicinity of the Put ! fle school site nt a cost of Ihlrty-tlvo thousand ( } 13 000) ) dollar ? , and for Iho purposeof purchasing a idle and ererllnt ? n U'hool houxo In the vicinity of Fortieth timl Davenporl streets nt n coil of tlnrty tiiuusiind ( JU.OOO ) dollars Slid bonds lo bo d-itrd January 1st , 1V. , payable 20 yearn after dale , with interest at Ihe rate of not to exceed 4 per centum p < r annum pavablu feml-umiually on thf socojiu da j s o.f July , ami January Jn each year , both prlnilpnl and Intrrtst pa > nbleu In coin of the United States at the Ne- . bra kn Pisui ! Agency In the city of New ' York Said questions shall bo mrumltted to Bald i el jctors euliro , nnd the votis Ihoreon shall bo "Yc' " or "No , " nnd all ballots having an "X" opposite the word "Yes" shall be considered as authorizing Raid bonds , nnd all ballots having an "X" opposite the word "No" shall be considered us agalnsl tbr > authorization of < ald bonds Thp polls Hhall be open on the day of said election at eight ( S ) o'clock In the morning and Hhall continue open until six ( fi ) o clock In the evening of the same day at the re- : > ecllvo volinf ! places as follows : FIHST WARD. Flrsl Dlfllrlcl-N , E. Corner 12lh nnd Pa cific streets Second District N. W. corner 10th nnd Lincoln nvenuo ( Center street. ) Third D'strlcl N. E corner 13lh nnd Vln- lon streets Fourth District N. E. corner 8th and Pa- cttlr sirens Fifth District N. E. corner Sth and Illrkory streets Sixth Dlstricl N. W. corner 9th nnd Ban- crofl streets Seventh District N. E. corner Cth nnd Plorco streets. Eighth District N. side Lincoln nvenuo ( Center stree-t ) . between 5th nnd Gth streets. SECOND WARD. First Dlstrlel S E. corner IClh and Leavenworth btrects. Second District N. W. corner IDth and M.iHon etrecls. Third Dlslrlcl S. W. corner 20lh and Po'iuleton avenue Fourth DlBtiirt S sldo Pierce street , between 1.1th and ICtli streets. Fifth District S. E. corner llth and Hlekory .streets. Sixth District S. E. corner 17th and William streels bevenlh District N. W. corner ICth and Mnrtha Htrfcts Elrhlh Distrlcl N. E. corner 20th nnd Mnrtha streets. Ninth Dlstrlcl N. "U * . corner 13th and Valley streets Tenth District S. E. corner 20th and Vlnton streets Eleventh Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 24lh nnd Vlnton streets streetsTHIRD WARD. First District N. E. corner 14th and Jn < kson streets. Second District N. E. corner Ilarney and llth streets Third DIfttilcl N. W. corner 14lh nnd Capitol avenue. Fourth DI trlcl S. E. corner 14th nnd Chicago streets. FIflh District S. W. corner 15th ana Bint streels. Sixth District N. E. corner 12th and Jackson streels. Seventh Dintrlet S. W. corner lllh and Douglas streets. ElKiith District N. AV. corner 10th nnd Capitol avenue. Ninth District S. W. corner 12th and Chleauu streets. Teiitli Dlstricl N. E. corner 9th and Howard streets. FOURTH WARD. First Dlstricl E. Hide 17lh slreet , be tween Davenport nnd Chicago streets. Second District N. E. corner i2d and Dodge streels. Third Dlstilel N. Bide Davenport , be Ivveen 21th and 23th streels Fourth Dlstrlcl N. W. corner 25th and Farnnm streets. Fifth District N.V. . corner ISth anil Douglas strcels. Sixth Distrlcl S. E. corner ISlh and St , Mary 8 avenue. Seventh District N. AV. corner ISth and Leavenworlh streets. Eighth Dlstrlct-S. side Harney street , between 20th nnd 24th streelH. Nlntn Dlstrlct-S. E. coiner 25th avenue and St. First District Df "sldef Sherman avenue , opposite Manderson street. Second District S. E. corner Sherman avenue and Hinney street. Third Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 18lh and Fourth District S. \ \ * . corner Grac * . slreel and Sherman avenue. Fifth District S. W. corner 19th and A * , corner 19th am SeventhVblstilct S. E. corner 18th and Chailes * ' " First District. rJ/E."corrier SOlh am Ames avenue. Second Dhtrlcl-S. AV. corner 42d nm Ames iiv-uue. Third District N. E. corner 4oth an < Grant streels. Fouith Dlslrlcl-S. E. corner 2 < th nn Manderbon streela FIflh District N. E. corner 24th an Sponcur slreels. Sl\th District S. A\ . corner 2Sth avenue and Corby Htrcet. Seventh Dl'trlct N. E. corner 33d and Parker streets. Eighth District N. E , corner 27th and Buidette streets. Ninth District N. W. corner 27th and Franklin streets. Tenth Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 22d and Lake slrtels. Eleventh Distrlcl S. E. corner 21th and Grace street ? . SEVENTH WARD. First Dlsttlcl S. W. corner 2Sth and Mason stieets. Sorond Dlstrlcl N , E. corner 30th avenue and Poppleton avenue. Third District N. W. corner 33d and Lin coln avenue ( Ccntr Direct. ) Fourth District N. W. corner 29th and Aibor streets. Fifth District N. E. corner 2Dth and Hlrkory ftreels. Sixth District N. E. corner 29th street and Poppleton avenue. EIGHTH WARD. First District S. E. corner 81th and Paul streets. Second District N. AV. corner 27th and Cnldwt'll strtets. Third Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 2Clh and California streets. Fourth District N. W. corner 25th ave- nuu and Cutnlng strtcl. rifth Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 21st and Cumlng streets. Sixth District W. sldo 21st street be- Ivvfn Cnss and California slreets. Seventh District N. E. coinur 18th nnd Cumlng streels. Elehlh District S. W. corner 17th and California First DIslrlcl-S. W. corner 32d and Cum- Ing streets . Second Dlstrlcl N. AV. corner 40lh and CumliiFf streets. Third DlBlrlcl N. W. corner 40lh and , Farnam slri-ets. Fourth Dl-tiict N. side Davenport eticot , one-half block west 3M sticet. , Fifth Dlstrlcl N. E. corner 3lsi avenue and Farnam Hlreel. Sixth DlMrlrt N. W. corner 29th avenue and Li-avcnworth strerl. In wltn ss whereof I have hereunto set my hand us president of the Hoard of Edu- eallon of the ehool dlstrlcl of Omaha , this 23th day of October , 1S9S R C. JORDAN. President. Altest ! J. M. G1LLAN , Secrelury. O 20 d 101 PROCLAMATION. And election notice to the legal voters and electors of the City of Omaha : In pursuance of un oidlnunro duly passed and approved by Iho mayor and city council of the city or Omaha , , and by virtue of the authority and power In mu vested as ( he major of said tity , I. Frank E. Moores , mayor of : the cliy of Omaha , do hereby Issue my proclamation as t > uch major and hereby - call a special election of said city for Tuts- day , November 8 , lb9S , and do hereby give public notlcu to the legal electors and voters ers of said city that said special election Is bo called for the purpose of submitting to the legal electors of said city of Omaha at such special election the several ques - tions and propositions of Issuing paving bonds In the mini of $50.000 and sewer bonde In the sum of $50.000. which Hald questions and propositions are as follows , to-wlt. QUESTION AND PROPOSITION OF 1SSUINU PAVING BONDS. "Shall bonds of me city of Omaha in the sum of J50.WO be Issued during tht ' year 1S99 for the purpose of paying Ihe i coat of paving , repaying or macadamlz. c. IIIK the Intersections of streets ana spaces i opposite alleys In the city of Omaha , the said bonds to run for twenty years from ri the date thereof , and to bear Interest , ? payable Beml-unnuallv , ut a rate of in- ' tcrest nol exceeding four ( I ) per cenl pei , annum , with coupons attached , to be callec ( . .i > aVnK | UondB , " the said bonds not to bt . ! sold for less than par"1" QUESTION AND PROPOSITION Ol- to ISSUING HEWER BONDS - "Shall bonds of the clt > u ( umaha In tin fiiin of J50.X'J ( be ISKiied during the > eai js93 for the purpose of paying the cost ol IBthe construction nnd maintenance of mall nrg'vvers In the city of Omaha , the n.ik bondi to run for twenty years from thi ud HP thereof and tu bear Interest , payabli ot Beinl-unuually , at u rate of Interest not x- CITY orrictAii MTICIS. : ( Cotillnucd ) ce'dlng four ( ( ) per ecnl per annum , with coupon * attached , tu b called "Sev\er Bonds " the hold bonds not lo bo sold for Irrn I than pur' ' " The said question ) ! and pmpndticns will bo submitted to ald legal electors nf said iy , cntlro and separately , and will be prepared by Ihe city clerk of said city and prop' rly distributed in the form of of- fletal ballots among the several Judges of said election. Under each of slid question * and proposi tion * will be printed on the ortkinl ballot the word "Yes" and Ihe word "No. " All of said ballots having un "X" mark , following the word "Vi 1" will bo counted In favor of Issuing the bonds refened to in i Iho question nnd proposition above cnld word , nnd all ballots of said legal electors " " the word "No" with an "X" mark following upon wilil olllclal ballots test ut cald elec tion , fhall be counlctl and consldtred us apalnsl Ihn Issuing of the bonds mentioned In tlie question and proposition on Which said "X" is placed. The said special election will be open at S o'clork In the morning of Fnld dav , and will continue open until 0 o'clock In the afternoon of the same dav tit the follow ing plans m the bald eitv of Omnha , In Doug las counly , Nebraska , namely. FIRST WARf ) . First District Noilheast tamer Twelfth and Pnclllr streets Second District Northwest corner Tenth stroft and Lincoln avenue. ( Center street ) Third Dlstrlil N'orthen'i corner Thlr- leenlh and Vlnton street * . roiirlh District Northeutt corner Eighth and Pacific Bit cetE. . . . . . Fifth Dlstrlcl Northea l earner Eighth and Hickory streets. Sixth District NorlhwrtBt corner Ninth and Bancroft streels Seventh District Norihcast corner Sixth and Pierce streels Eighth District North pldo Lincoln ave nue. ( Center street ) . Between FIflh nnd Sixth Flrsl DIstrlet Sotilheusl corner of Six teenth nnd Lenvenvvoitli slrccl.s. Second District Northwest corner Nine- ler-nlli nnd Mason flretts. Third District Southwest corner Twen tieth and Poppleton avenue. Fourth Dlstrlot South side Pierce stiett , between rifiecnlh nnd Slxleenlh slreets. _ . Fifth Dlstrlct-fJoulheasl corner Four- leenlh nnd Hlrkory streets. Sixth District Southeast corner Seven teenth and Wllllnm * tref > ls. Seveiilh DIstrlet Northwest corner Six teenth and Martha streets. Eighth Dlhtilr-t-Norlhcast corner Twen- lleth and Mnrlha BlreetH Ninth District Northwest corner Thir teenth nnd Valley street * . Truth District Southeast corner Twen tieth and Vlnton streeln Elfvenlh District Northeast corner Twen ty-fourlh and Vlnton streets. THIRD WARD. First Dlstrlcl Norllu-asl corner Four- twtith nnd Jai kson stieets. Fecond Dlstrlcl Northeast corner Harney and Fourteenth stieets. Third District Northwest corner Four- leei tn slrrcl and Capitol avenue. Fourth Dlstiict Southeast corner Four teenth nnd Chicago streets. Fifth District Southwest corner Fifteenth ami Burl streets Sixth DIstrlet Norlheast corner Twelfth and Jackson streets. Seventh District Southwest corner Elev enth and Douglas uticct ? . Eighth Distrlcl Northwest corner Tenth and Cupllnl avenue Ninth DMrict Southacst corner Twelflh and Chicago streets. Tenth Dlstrlcl Norlheast corner Ninth and Howard ttroets. FOURTH WARD. First Dlstrlcl-Eafel Hide Seventeenth Btrtet , between Davenport and Chicago streets. Second Dlstrlcl Norlheast corner Twen- ly-seeond nnd Dodge streets Third District North fide Davenport between Twenty-fourth nnd Twenly-llfll streels Fourth District Northv.-est corner Twen ty-fifth nnd Fainam streels. . Fifth DIhtilet Northwest corner Elgh teeenth and Douglas streets. Sixth District Southeast corner Eigh teenth fltiPf-t and St Mary's uve'iutu Seventh District Northwest corner Llgh- lernlh and Leavenworth slreel . Elehlh District South side Harney street between Twentieth and Twenty-fourth street * . Ninth Dlstrlct-Soulheast corner Twenty- fifth nvenuo and St. Mary's avenue. FIFTH WARD. First District Eant sldo Sherman avenue opposite Mandcrson streel. Second Dlstrlcl Southeast corner Shcr man nvenuo nnd Blimey street. Third Dlstrlcl Northeast corner Elgh teenlh nnd Lake ftrecls. Fourth Dlstrlcl Soulhwest corner Grace slreet and Sherman avenue. Fifth District Soutnwcst corner Mne teenlh and Burdolte streets. Sixth Dlstrlcl Noilhvvest corner Nine teenth nnd Charles slreets. Seventh Dlstrlcl Southeast corner Elgh teenth and Charles utiert ? SIXTH WARD. First Dlstrlcl Northeast corner Thirtieth street and Ames avenue. Second District Southwest corner Forty- BI < > " 'l nnd Ames avenue. Third District Northeast corner Forty- fifth and Grant Blrcels Fourth DIstrlet Southeast corner Twen ty-seventh nnd Mnnderson Directs Fifth District Northeast corner Twenty- fourth and Spencer Htreets. Sixth Dlstrlcl Soulhwesl rorner Twenty- eighth avenue nnd Corbv street. Seventh District Northensl corner Thlr- ly-lhlrd and Parker slre t . Eldith District Nortne-ast corner Twen- ty-soveplh and Burdette streetf Ninth Dlrtrlef Northwest corner Twenty- seventh and Franklin streets Tenth District Northeast corner Twenty- serond nnd I nke streets. Eleventh District Southeast corner Twen ty-fourth and Grace Btreols. SEVENTH WARD. Flrnt District SoulhweH corner Twenty- eighth and Mabon streels , u ' oud District Northeast corner Thlr- tlelh nvenuo and Poppleton avenue. Third District Northwest corner Thirty- third nnd Lincoln nvenuo , ( Center streel. ) Fourth Dlslricl Norlhvvcsl corner Twen ty-ninth and Arbor strteto. FIflh District Norlheasl corner Twen- tv-n'nth nnd Hickory street's Sixth District Northeast corner Twenty- ninth street and Poppleton avenue. EIGHTH WARD First Dlstrlcl Soulhcast corner Twenty- fourth and Paul streets. Second DlBlrlcl Northwest corner Twen- ty-spvpii'h and Caldweil slreeu Third Dlstrlcl Norlheast corner Twenly- slxlh and California slreols. Fourth District Northwest corner Twen ty-fifth avenue and runinin s-r . Fifth District Norlheast corner Twenty- flri t nnd Cumlng streels. Sixth District West silo Twenty-first street , between Cas and California streets. Seventh Dihtrlit Northeast corner Eigh teenth and Cumins streets. Eighth District Southwest corner Seven teenth and California Btitets. NINTH WARD First District Southwest corner Thirty- second and Cumlng Htre.el9. Second Dlsti let Northwest corner For tieth nnd Cumlng streets. Third District Northwest corner Fortlelh and Fnrnom streets. Fourth District North sldo Davenport slieel , onehalf block west of Thirty-second Etiret. Fifth Dlstrlcl Northeast corner Thlrty- drht avenue ai.d Farnnm street Sixth Dlstrlcl Northwest corner Twenty- ninth avenue and Leavenworth street In wlliie's whereof I have hereunto set my hand as mayor of said city of Omaha , this 19th day of October , 1898. FRANK E. MOORES. Mayor. Atlest : BEECIIER HIGBY , Cltv Clerk. Octl9-D20t m * I t 4 A I'VI r l I | l > | I f * /VI for St. Joseph ana I St. Louis 4.30pm 'irOo pro - I Dlly. KAIlA\A' . TiSIK CAIltt. ( Continued. ) Cl 1 ICAao. IJV KLINUTUN it Qulncy Railroad "Tho liurllngton Uoute Tlchiit Office. 1BW Farimm Street. Telophono230 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- Iihono 123Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuted Express * g:0o : pm 1:10 : am Chicago Express. . . 9.4j urn 4:10 : pm Chicago St. Louis Express. . . . 7:15 : pm Sin : am Crcstnti Local 9.1 * . am I'm Hlr J < t'n Local 1155 am E-40 pm Trist Mall 2.SO pm Chicago Special 1 2:15 : am 11:50 : pm Dalb Dallv except Sunday UNION PAfiriC "THE Overland Route" acncrai Olllces , N. 12. Corner Ninth and rarnnm Streets City Ticket Olllce , 1302 l-nrnntn Street. Telcphonu 310. De pot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. TcloDhonu C29. C29.Leave. . Arrive. T h o Ocrlaml Limited" for Den- \er , Salt Lake , and west-rn p'ts. . * 8:50 : am 1:45 : pm Thi > Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:55 : pm C:40 : am 'nst Mail Train for Denver , Malt Lake , Paclllc const and all western points , 4:33 : pin 6:10 : am , lm oln , Beatrice A : StromsbniK Kx. . . . * * 3:30 : pm * * 12:30 : pm 'romont , Columbun , Norfolk , Grand < Island and North Pintle 4:33 : pm 4:13 : pm Columbus Local C:50 : pm " 9.40am Houth Omaha Local Pass Leaves , C:15 : n. n. ; 7.00 u. m ; b.10 n. in. ; J 03 p m. Ar- ! % < , 10 30 a m ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 0 p. in. Council Iluff9 Local Leaves 0:40 : n. m ; :50 : n m ; 7:10 : a in. ; * * 9.10 11. m ; 10:30 : a. n ; 12 SO p. m ; 2 1 ! > p. m. , 4'30 p. m. ; l:3i : i. in. ; 4-l > 5 p. m.j 6 33 p. in ; S 20 p. m. Ar- Ives , 7 20 a in. ; 8.25 a. m.j 9:10 : u. m ; 11 TO i in ; 3:03 : p m ; " 3 " 0 p in ; 4 20 p. m. ; :40 : p m : 6:30 : p. m ; 0:60 : p. in. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 1:55 : p m. Dully. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL- iPSSI nail Omaha Kansas City ft ARTHURI Eastern ] "Tho Port Aithur Route" Ticket Olllce 3115 rariutm Street. Tele phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Street1) ) . Telephone 029. Leave. Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball Express 4.50 pin 11 30 am Kansas City & Qulncy Loral 1 0:30 : am 9:05 : pm Kansas City Ex press 7:45 : am Port Arthur Ex- prest > 1 8:30 : pm Dally. W A 13 A S II RAILROAD- Tlckct Ollkc , 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone , SD2. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 029. Leave. Arrive. 3t Louis 'Canon Hull' Express 4.50 pm 11:30 : am Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllces and Ticket Ollite , Southeast Coi ner llth and Douglas Streels Telephone , 101 Depol , 15th nnd Webster Sts. Telephone 145S. Leave. Arrive , St. Lotils-ICansa & Neb Limited. . . ' . " .03pm I2:35 : pm Kansas Cltv Si St. Joseph Express . . . . 9:30 : pm C'OO am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water 4:30 : pin 9:45 : am Exposition Local via Nebraska City 0:00 : prn 10:03 : am Dally. * Dalley except Sunday. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone , 284. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streels. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express 5:43 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express " 11.00 am 4:13 : pm Sioux City and Dos Molnes Express. . * ] 1.00 am ! 4-15 pm Manila Local . . . . . 7:00 : 1 9:15 : am Dally. Dally exccnl Sunday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MIN- neapolls & Omaha Railway General Ofllces , Nebraska Dlvlblou , Fifteenth ami + y Webster Streets. City Office , 1401 Farnam Streel. Tele phone , EC1. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Stieets. Telephone , 143S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux Clly Accom . 8:50 : am S.33 pm Sioux Cily Accom . " 9:50 : am 7:00 : pm Blair , Emerson Sioux City. I'onca , Haitlngton and Bloomfleld 'l:00pm ' : * ll:55am : Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul it Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9.00 am No. 2. St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stop" lii Neb C:00 : pm No 1 Exposition Limited Makes no slops In Neb . 9:00 : am Nos. 21 nnd 22 Exposition Local , to Emerson , stops all stations except Brlggs . 0:15 : pm 8:30 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. CHICAGO & NORTIIWEST- ern Rallwav City Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Streel. Telephone. 501. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streels. ' I'elephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special ' " " 6:10 : am 11:55 : pm Mo. Valley'"sibux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : am 10:45 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City 743 ; am 9:00 : pm Carroll , Dennlson , Council Bluffs. . . 11:30 : pm 9:40 : nm En stern EDCS Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids and Chicago. . . 11:03 am 4:20 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage and East 4:55 : pm 1:20 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omalia 3:15 : pm Northern Express. , 5:30 : pm 8:10 : am Omaha-Chicago Spe cial 6:55 : pm 8:25 : am Omaha-Chicago Ex press 8:00 : pm 0:35 : nm Dally Daily except Saturday. ' "Dally except Monday. FREMONT. EIKHOKN & Missouri Valley Rallwnj General Oillces United Stales Nallonal Bank Bids. Soulhvvcst Corner Twolttn , ana Karnam Streets. Ticket Otllce. 1401 I Farnam Stieet. Telephone 5til Depot , 15th land Webster Streels. Telephone 143s. 143s.Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood - wood , Hot Springs 1 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming Casper nnd Douglas 3:00 : pm 5.00 pm Hustings , York , Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter If Sewnrd 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Not folk Vcrdigre and Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont 8-15 am 10:45 : am i Fremont Loral . . . . S.15 am York passenger 10:00 : pm 9:40 : nm Daily. " Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. Dally except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General OIllccs. United States National [ Bank Bin i us. A ner Twelfth and Farnam > street Ticket Olllce , 1101 I'arnam htrcet Telephone , DC1. Depot , Tenth and Mason ! Streets. Telephone , iJ.i iJ.iLeave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kiitu. St Puul , 6 00 am 8:10 : am ( Minneapolis 5 M pm 10 43 pm i Sioux City Local. 7.15 am 9.60 pm Daily. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paelllc Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route " City Ticket Olllce , 1323 Farnam Streel. Telephone : 4iS Depot , Tenth and Mason Streels. Telephone 829. Leave. Arrive. DCS Molnes Local. . " 7.15am " 11.23am Chicago Express . 11.30am " 8:00 : am Chic tgo Fast Ex press . . . C:00 : pm 1:23 : pm Ht Paul Fast Ex press 5:00 : pm 11:23 : nm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denvet' , ' Pueblo nnd \ \ est 1 30'pm 4 25 pm Des Maine * , Itoik Ihland and Chi- 7 15 S M pm Col rule Flyer 64) pm S 50 am Dally. Dalley except Sunday. cenes at the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. WASHINGTON MINERAL EXHIBIT AT TRANSAUSSISS1PPI EXPOSITION. I . " ' . . . . If/I T l > ( r The Washington state mineral exhibit ftt the TransmlsslsslppI and International Imposition consisted of a car load of gold sil ver , copper and load ores from every part of the state. There \\as also a smalt exhibit of bituminous coal , mi exhibit of oru.unt.ntal stone , a slate- exhibit , a Miiall exhibit of Iron ore , marble , bullion ami concentrates The exhibit was arranged ol out In form ot pyramids nnd In small cases , classllled on the predominating mineral , and In Its rnttrity a commercial exhibit. Following < > " > 'ho names of the gentlemen connected with this exhibit : Hon. 1) . 13. Waul , chairman , Lovett M. Wood , secretary ; Captain ( ' II Thompson , E M. commissioner In charge of the dcpaitmcnt , ami I. K Armstrong and N. Kudebeck , superlntcn Icnts Suitable signs nnd banners , as well as cards and labels , were dlbtrlbuttd through the exhibit , which explained the exhibit fully and clearly , and one or the other , or both of the superintendents alwajs present during the exposition to show people through the exhibit and explain Its merits Altogether the display \\aa aery creditable one , nnd represented an entirely new Held to the investor nnd prospector. Arranged beside thU was the llrltlsh Columbia exhibit , In which region many of the Washington people arc financially In terested , and which shows a great variety of very rich ores. The mineral bills of the two sections pass from ono sldo to the other of the international boundary , and therefore represent together a section of gieat extent and richness. KEEP ALL OF PHILIPPINES I Such 8aitl lo Be the Present Determination of the Administration. CHANGES WROUGHT BY WESTERN TRIP Prexlilcnt nml Seorc'Uirles Previous lo tluit Im'lliifil lo Ivecp .Notfi- lliU ( ml Islainl of I.ll/oll ill the > los ( . NEW YORK , Oct. 29. A special to the Herald fiom Washington says : President McKlulcy is coinlnced that there Is no way In which the United States cau escape the responsibility of taking all the Philippines. He has anhed at this conclusion after ma- tine dellbeiatlon. lie at first fa\ored keep- lug nothing moie than a military and a\al base and thought that the Untied States should In no o\e nt retain more than the island of Luion. When the American peace commissioners left for Paris It was not con- temprated that they bhould demand from the Spanish government more than the absolute cession of this one Island to the United States , and a revlslomuy Interest In the other islands of the group. U ib found , however - over , that there were many piactlcal dllll- cuttles in the way of such a solution , not the least of them being the oldeut Impossi bility of Spain's te-catablluhlng authoiity over Iho remaining Islands without a pro longed and bloody struggle with tbo Insurg ent forces. Amillilliitcn iMinnlnli SnvorlKiitr- Information , coupled with the opinion of military and na\al commanders famirlar with the Philippine filtuatlon , has led the president to believe that Admiral Dewey's destruction of the Spanish fleet In Manila bay and General Merrill's capture of Ma nila , annihilated Spanish sovereignty in the islands , and it became the duty of the United States to establish a better government than the ono which was dcstrojed by Amer ican arms. The president has been deluged with letters from all parts of the United States nnd with resolutions from commercial and religious bodies urging that American sovereignty Bhould be maintained wherever the flag has been planted. In tlila eauio line Iho prceidenl's recent western trip was a rovelutlon to him and the members of his cabinet who accompanied him. The further ho went west , the stronger he found the ben- timent in favor of holding all the Philip pines and establishing an American govern ment over them. Secretary Gage , who wont west before the president and who wont as far as Denver , found the sentiment there even btronger than In Omaha. In all the meetings of the cabinet before the peace commissioners left for Paris secretary Gage was the most conservative of all the president's advisers. He doubted the wis dom of taking even as much as the Isfand of Luzon and would have been glad If a way had been found of relinquishing all the Philippines. Since his return from the west , however , he is an advocate ot holding all the Islands. Conmil.HMlon HUH I.iilltudf. Although It has been finally determined that the Philippines shall bo retained , the peace commissioners may bo given consid- I crablo latitude us to the terms on which I they are to be retained. The Philippines arc 1 I regarded as standing on a different basis I fiom Cuba and Porto Rico , and some of the | ' members of the administration believe that If all the Islands are taken Spain should bo given some measure of compensation for them , especially as the Philipplnea have been by far the most varuablo of all Its colonies. It can bo eald that It Is qulto probable that the American commlBsIoncrs will bo authorized to go so far as to offer to pledge the United States to assume the Philippine1 debt , or at least fauch portion of It as has been expended on public works In the Uland. The exact amount of the debt ' that could be properly charged to the United States under ituch nn arrangement could not bo accurately stated without a fuller an at } sis of this debt lhan as yet has been made , but It Is believed that It will be less than $40,000,000. A high ofllclal of the ad ministration last night said It might bu de cided that the Spanish government should rccelvo an actual cash payment for the Philippines In addition to the assumption of the debt , or a part of It , by tbo United States. Di'inanils Art * I'luul. WASHINGTON , Oct. 21. Advices from Paris are to tl o effect that there Is no change In the peace commission sltuallon. The ad ministration has the same hopeful foiling of success that was entertained yesterday at the cabinet meeting and the statement Is reiterated that negotiations aiu in > i fair way to be brought to a speedy termination. The question of the Philippines has nol been formally considered by the peace eommln- I slonora , but theie has been toino InformM discussion between the American and SpanIsh - Ish representatives , with th'j result that the American commissioners have Indicated to . the administration that Iho settlement will not ho as dllllcult as anticipated iomo time ago. As Indicated In the Associated Press dispatches from Washington a few days ago the determination eccnis o have becu reached by .the United States govetmnent to retain all of the Phlllppluq Islands , and the question for controversy will bo oxer the allowance to Spain for the lalan Is. This feature of the ease Is now being carefully considered by the administration In Wash ington and by the American commissioners In Paris. In this matter the conclusions of the United States government will bo based on what Is believed Just and proper , nnd , as in the case of the Cuban article of the protocol , the United States position will bo in effect an ultimatum If accepted by the Spanish coniuifbioncrs , as Is believe 1 to be likely , the details would then remain to NEBRASKA AGRICULTURAL EXHIBIT. In connection with the agricultural Interests of the elate Is also closely allied that of Its live stock Interests , which is particularly successful In the central and western purtlono of the state , wHrc lands are- yet cheap , and which prjliro the finest pasturage , and particularly where the/ are successfully raising alfalfa , wnkh is III tst forage plant l.nown , and wb'Jh yields from eight to tnclve tons pe1 a're rcr jiar which , together with the corn and root crops which they produce , renders suc-i ccssful competition on the part of the eastern stock rals > er Impossible. The pro duction of the sugar beet In this state Is as yet but In its Infancy , and Nebraska Is capable of producing moro than enough sugar to supply our whole county and the production of the 1 > eets with a fair market would bo a source of great wealth to our farmers. There are now two beet sugar factories In the ttatr one at Orand Island , In the Platte valley , and the other at Norfolk both being operated most successfully. SCHLITZ PAVILLION. 1"- Schlltz's Pavilion has been ever since the opening of the exposition the family re- eort , where all nations have made their headquarters. The enterprising proprietor , Mr. Fritz Mueller , who Is well known In Omaha as a business man , as well as an cx- lenslvo properly owner , has made a great success of his pavilion and his stork yards exchange. Ho Intends to represent Schlltz at Paris , France' , and has mode all neces sary preparations. The present orchestra , under the leadership of A. E Dlaufuss , has been playing at the Pavilion from Ihe opening day of Ihe exposition until Ihe close , and has been considered Iho best on the Midway. They have entertained thousands of people vvllli their high class selections and ovcitures. There has only been one Schlilz on the Midway , and the place will bo remembered by every cue Ibat visited the same after Ihe exposition Is a thing of Iho past. bo arranged , but no difficulty Is anticipated after the main question is settled. GREAT SANITARY EXPERT DIES Colonrl AVurliitf , Who Wont tu Havana to Inv Htluati * , t onli-ac'lH \rllow I'Vvi-r. ' i NEW YORK , Oct. 29 Colonel George E. j Waring , Jr. , died of yellow fever today at | his homo In this city , where ho lias been since he arrived from Havana on the Yucatan on Tuesday lasl. Ho was 07 years of age. I Colonel Waring had been sent to the city I of Havana as a special commissioner of this | government to ascerlaln the exact sanitary ondliions of lhal clly and lo form ideas for I Iho best methods of putting the place In first class sanitary shape. He wai to report | 1 to Iho presldenl , and on the day he returned he said ho expected to go to Washington | the next day. He aald he felt unwell , but was not thought that ho had more than on ordinary Illness. Ho said that he had u great deal of Information which ho Ihought would lie of service to the president , The plan of the commission was to plica the city of Havana and the coast towns of Cuba/ / In such a good sanitary condition that the | re'-urrcnco of jellow fever and Ha entrance Into the gulf cities of the United States would bo prevented. Colonel Waring was apparently well when ho left Havana , and ho felt only slightly 111 during the latter part of Ihe vo > .ge , but when ho reached his home hu waa' ' obliged to take to his bed It wai ihrn dis- j covered that I'o was suffering from yellow fever. Colonel Waring Vtus Immediately | Isolated In his apartments on the ninth floor of the Rutherford , the apartment house In which ho lived There ore nine families In the houso. Precautions were at once taken to prevent the spread of the dis ease. No ono but the physicians and Mrs Waring , who has had the disease and Is therefore Immune , were allowed to see Colonel Waring. Eveij thing that was taken In or out of the apartment was dis infected. Inspectors of the Hoard of Health were stationed In the house to prevent peo- plu from getting near th slik man The doctors did not at first think lhal Iho case was a malignant one. When Colonel War- Ing's temperature rose to 105'i , however , the physician , became alarmed and the case was considered In Its moat serious fonn and Colonel Waring was treated accordingly. It was plain thai ho was getting worse. The l > lack vomit , the most serious symptom , was fausht off for some time , but Ibo end came six hours later. Rev , Edmund Dent < o of the famous old Pilgrim church nt Sherborn , Mass , has just celebrated the sixtieth vear of tilb pastorate , n term unequalcd In Now England , U not In the Uiiltud States. The Buildings nnd Grounds Department of TraiiHiiiUH < gpil | | and Inii-rn inon l i\poKltlcin : will hnvi for Hah Uu ttron- tnulH and plants of various ku.di. iiK In part of line olennd > rs in tubs , hydrangeas In tubs , agives > cciuury pliiiitB ) , plain Mini vur i-xnlc , ] , also and < -tinihhcry of eviry d H nptlou. Fur furihir particulars np | > i > at tinof - fl < - ' t ' ! n r il Suprilniuidcnl on th expo-itkn grounds 1' ' P KIRKEVDXLL. Mrr fJrour''i A ; PiliiinrIV it Trans- mlc Is Ippi k. I'xno OctCO-31 lev