PART I. rHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES I TO 10. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOBNINtt , OCTOBER 30 , 1 SOS TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. FAIR'S LAST SUSDAH I End of the Great Exposition Now Only a f Littla Way Ahead. PEOPLE REALIZE AND REGRET THIS FACT Oronnds and Buildings Filled with Those Who Linger Long and Lovingly. 8TILL SHOWERING THEIR ENCOMIUMS Visitors Lavish Their Praise on the Now Past Fleeting Show. TWO TWENTY-FIVE CENT DAYS TO END ON Knnilar anil Moiulny limiilrr tlte Mnii- iiKcment it lth tlic Itellef tlmt There Will He Treiiientloni TJiroiiKfi to Take Cure Of. Total ailmltiloim yentorilaj- ' . . .llt,7Srt Total to oate U.VJ'JtSI : ) ' In less than forty-eight hours the great exposition that has entertained and In structed over 2.600,001) ) people will close Its gates and Its beauties will disappear. Evi dently this Is In the mind of each of the thousands of vlsltorn that are Hocking to have n departing view of Its mai vels. The crowds seem poi ( Bseil by a feverish anxiety to thoroughly exhaust every fea ture of the bhow. Where the people formerly wandered through the buildings , taking superficial glances at the exhibits , they now top and study them by the hour. They seem to realize that thuy are enjoy ing nn opportunity that win never occur again and the myriad features of the booths and buildings acquire additional Interest as the time for their dissolution approaches. "I would rather have my son spend nix weeks In studying this exposition than to send him to college , " said n prosperous ' looking farmer In the Government building ' yesterday , and he expressed a sentiment that | ia In some degree reflected in the minds of thousands of visitors. Appreciation of the | Tast store of general knowledge that Is con- \cycd by the exhibits Is becoming more gen eral and a dozen busily employed note books may bo seen now where scarcely one wns In evidence a month ago. ISven the old-timers , who have been frequent visitors slnco the exposition opened are constantly discovering hundreds of Interesting things that have escaped their attention during previous visits and they are as roud as anyone ono In their expressions of regret that the end Is to close at hand. This disposition was particularly percep tible yesterday. The crowd was not as big I us on the preceding days and It was poa- j Bible to got through the buildings without being Jammed and prodded and elbowed i until patience was exhausted. There seemed to bo Just as many people In the buildings , but they weio not In such constant move ment and they seemed contented to spend | hour after hour In persevering Inspection , | i The prospects for the remaining two days | ' of the exposition are e-xcei'dlnply gratifying. The admission will be 23 cents on both oc- | I caslons nnd It Is believed that there will bo a general anxiety on the part of the people to have a final loundup of the show- before It passes away forever. The hope that the President's day attendance will be exceeded on Omaha day is accentuated by the reports of the railroads that thou sands of people from points within 200 miles of Omaha are coming to participate In the final jubilation. It Is also believed that the population In the immediate vicinity of Omaha will turn out In force. Congressman Mercer has Just returned from a thorough canvass of his district and ho says that the farmers almost without exception were planning to come to the ex position Monday and bring their families. The exercises at the Auditorium Monday afternoon will be largely of a reminiscent character and will consist of short speeches by President Wattles and the members of the executive committee. It Is expected that at that time the officials will be able to give the stockholders a fairly accurate statement of the finances of the enterprise and of the amount that will bo available to be rebated on stock subscriptions. The ex ercises will be followed by a banquet at the cafe , which will bo quite an elaborate affair. TWO WARRANTS HUT I-'Oll IIAIII1T. i\lilliltor riiarue tlie Sniirrlntcmlrnt ultli Manipulation V ardi. The discontent that has been somewhat quietly manifested during the last few days over the manner In which awards of pre miums nt the Tranamlsslssln' ) ! Imposition nro being made broke forth late yesterday afternoon when two complaints against II. II Hardt. assistant manager of the Depart ment of Rxhlblts , charging him with forgery were Illed before Justice of the Peace George 0 Cockroll. The complainants are H. S. Cochran , rep resenting the Scotleld , Shurmer & Teaglo company nnd H. A. Searlr , rep resenting the Monarch Manufacturing compnnv. Accompanied by Thomas Ulackburn , csq. , they called at Justice Cockrcll's court yesterday afternoon nnd after a brief Interview with Assistant County Attorney Jeffries swore to the com plaints mentioned. In both cases the charge is based on n change alltgcd to have been made In the Judges' awards. With the Sco- Ill-Id. Shurmer tc Teagle company It ia said that a silver diploma for excellence In ex hibits of oils was originally awarded to the flrm , but later changed by Hardt. In the case of the Monarch Manufacturing com pany a hlmllar charge Is made with respect to a diploma for honorable mention for ex ' cellence of display of axle grease. Justice ' Coekrcll said that on account of the lateness 1 of the hour the hearing would bu post poned until Eome tlmo this week. Will A k lot i\tra SliiM > lnjf. Today Mamu'er Lindsay of the Ways and Means department will serve notice upon the exhibitors In the various buildings request ing them to keep their exhibits open next Sunday during the entire day and also to Keep the exhibits In the same condition as on the other days of the week. The man- ngcrs In charge of the government building will be urged to keep their exhibits open for Inspection from early morning until the usual closing hour. Fireworks ha\e been ordered for tonight and Monday night. They will be upon n \ery elaborate scale both nlghta. On both of these nights the band concerts will close nt 8-30 o'clock In order that those who at tend may have an opportunity of witnrwilnR the fireworks , which wllf bo on the north tract beginning promptly at 9 o'clock. Itetiirnlnur ( lie Klnli i\lill.U. Superintendent Conway of the governmen fish exhibit Is preparing to ship the ox hlblt on the da > after the fair closes. Lieu tenant Ravancl. who represents the flsl commission on the government boird , wll be Irre Sunday and will have charge of thi final d'spodol of the material. During the lust f < w days Supcrintendcn Con way lias fc en tealeced vrlla appll a lions from people who want some of the fish after the exposition closes. It Is more than likely , however , that all that are not shipped back to the government hatcheries will be turned over to the Nebraska State Fish commission. Commissioner May was on the grounds yesterday and secured an un derstanding to this effect that Lieutenant Ravanel will probably approve. The car of Che state commission will be brought to Omaha Tuesday to transport such of the fish as can be secured to the hatcheries at South Dend. Commissioner May Is especially delighted with the prospect of securing the small mouthed black bass , of which Superintendent Conway haa about twenty-nvo In the aquar iums. This fish Inhabits the running streams and Is n decidedly gamier fish than the large mouthed species , which Inclines more largely to the ponds and other still wators. Commissioner May has been trying for aeveral years to secure a supply of tin- small mouthed bass , but until this time hu was unsuccessful. Several of the fish will be old enough to breed next spring and he now hopes to bo able to Install the fish In large numbers In the various Nebraska streams during the next few years. uixnirs ivi > iitiH.\ci : WITH HAUIIT MlNNOiirl I.niiilicrniaii Ciialile to I.earn \liont Illn V-naril. George II. Rlncr , representing a Missouri lumber company , has an exhibit of soft plno lumber In the Agricultural building. That much ho is sure of , but up to date ho has 'been totally unable to dlsco\er where | he is at in connection with the awards. His fruitless quest In search of Information very forcibly Illustrates the difficulty which some exhibitors have in extracting Information from the superintendent of , the Exhlbts de partment. After the awards were made notices were supposed to bo sent to all exhibitors notify ing them of the decision of the Jury nnd giving them twenty-four hours in which to appeal. Mr. Rlner received no notice , and was absolutely unable to find out what action had been taken In regard to his exhibit. Ho called on Superintendent Hardt and asked to BOO the record. Hewas told that this was In the hands of Superintendent Taylor In the Horticultural building. Ho traveled across the grounds to the Horticulture building , only to toe assured that the records were in Superintendent Hardt's possession. A second trip to thit official failed to bring satisfaction. Hardt suggested that his no tice would probably turn up eventually , but Rlnor said that the time In which he could file an appeal had already nearly expired and ho wanted to know where he wns at. Ho was finally ( put off until Mondiy and will now have to accept the award whether It Is satisfactory or not , as his right of appeal lapsed at midnight. StoeKholder * Talk of Hvtennloii. The question of continuing the Trana- mlsslsslppl Exposition next year was dis cussed last evening at a meeting of aljout' ' thirty of the stockholders held In the council chamber. No definite action was taken , It being thought best to give the matter a Ht-1 tie more careful consideration nt a meeting at which a larger representation could be present. There was a division of opinion among the stockholders as to wtiat should be the fate of the exposition. Some of the/m thought that the buildings should be sold as soon as , possible and the affairs of the company wound 'up. President Baum of the Com-1 mercl-al club was In favor of trying It an other year. Ho called attention to the fact that there would not bo the obstacles In the way of Its success that were met with this time. P. K. Her was also in favor of forming a now company , j The stockholders will meet again Tues day evening at the same place , and It is hoped that there will bo a larger at- , tendance. They will discuss the question more fully , and. If possible , decide on what shall be done with tbo buildings. llnlen for IlrilHM Inpr ivliIiltN. The most important action taken by the executive committee yesterday was the adop tion of an elaborate set of rules to govern i the admission of wagons , etc. , after No- | vembcr 1. Thcso will bo made public as I BOOH as the revised copy can be prepared i for publication , | The commissioners In charge of the varl- 1 ous exhibits in the Mines building are getting - | ' ting ready to pack their specimens ns soon as the exposition Is over. This will be n much shorter Job than the unpacking nnd a , few days will probably suffice to practically clear the building. Nearly all the red tape , connected with the breaking up has been | wound up and the exhibitors are ready to j get their stuff out as soon as possible. While the bulk of the specimens will bo shipped back to the public and Individual collections from which they worn contributed , there Is ! ' a largo amount of valuable material that I will bo available for permanent location lh ' n museum. Some active steps are being taken along this line nnd there Is a strong j ' probability that an Important announcement In this connection will materallzc in a fcvr days. Fruit Men Still Aetlte , Notwithstanding the near approach of the close of the expoatlon the first exhibit In the Horticultural building Is as fresh and in as perfect condtlon as at any time during the past season. Superintendent Taylor , who has had general supervision over the exhibit nnd who occupied a similar position at the World's fair , states that the record made hero has been astonishing , lie says that at Chicago during the closing weeks of the fair there , tin re was an Inclination among the "xhihltors to allow their tables to grow bare and unattractive. Here , ho says. It has been Just the reverse and each superlnteidcnt has been as care-t.iklng during the past few- days as they were during July and August. All day yesterday the exhibitors In the Horticultural building were hard at work preparing for the reception of the big crowds | that are expected today and tomorrow. They ! got their fruit oi-t of cold storage and with ' it piled their tables high. They had an ubundanc of every variety and will keep It until the close of the exposition Monday night. the L'lillilren , Since the Elkhorn road brought In a crowd nf 1,100 children and struck the exposition In the mldat of n howling blizzard the ex position management ban declined to set any additional children's days. It was thought that the chances of good weathei at this season are unceitatn and that the manatement might be criticised for bring ing children out if any sickness resulted , Arrangements have been made , however , to Bive the reduced rite to any large parties of children by sending out the tickets on de mand ami a number of parties from ad joining towns are being accommodated In this way. This leaves the respinslblllty with the parents and answers the purpose equally well. UN nnVc-t Ili-j end Itciilliatloa. Commissioner Harry R Lee of Coloradc has just returned from a trip to Washington and other eastern points. He says that he was astounded to discover ho A well In- formeJ the people whom he mot had be come with regarJ to the exposition , anj how many of them had usitod it during th > season , Nearly every ono he met In Wash ington had either been here or had friend : ( Continued on I'iftU Page. ) RIFT IS THE CLOUDS One Crisis is Avoided by Marchand's ' Volun tary Return from Fashoda. PRESENT TENSION OF WAR SCARE RELIEVED Story of Origin of Grandiose Plans of Expe dition to Upper Nile Country , MAIN QUESTIONS ARE STILL IN DISPUTE England's Aims in Egypt Compared with America's in Late War. MANY AMERICANS SOJOURN IN LONDON All the I'oticrw Are in Scnil Three HeiireneiitatUc fo the. Dln- iiriniiiiient Conference St. 1'e- tcrnliurK ( < > llniiquet ( Copyright , 1S03 , by Associated Press. ) LONDON , Oct. 29. The arrival of Major Marchand at Khartoum on his way to Cairo , with the portion of his report which was not finished when Captain Baratler left Fashoda , Is regarded as a rift In the clouds overhanging Anglo-French relations , for , In pplto of the seml-olllclal denial Issued In I'arls that orders were sent to the major to go to Cairo , It is fully believed here that the French officer would not bo on his way to Cairo unless ho had received a hint to that effect from the French government , who considers that has leaving Fashoda will take the sting out of the situation and prepare - pare France for the eventual withdrawal of the whole expedition , which now con sists of seven officers and 120 inon. The British vlow of this latest move Is that the marquis of Salisbury and hlc min isters are delighted to afford Major Mar chand the facilities for reaching Cairo. Dut they would hardly care to send him back except in the capacity of a guest or sci entific explorer. That Is to say , Franco will first have to renounce its political claims baked on Oils mission. , Voluntary Itetnrii Itenio e * Illlleulty. Ill the meanwhile In the voluntary return - : turn of Major Marchand the French minis ter of foreign affairs , M. Delcasse , and the government of Franco have got over a great difficulty from a diplomatic amour pnpro point of view. M. Delcasse had declared that the French governmeat could not do the Impossible that is , recall Major Marchand. Therefore the latter's return has enabled the French government to "save Us face , " as the saying goes. It Is recog nised that even If the trl-color of Franco Is hauled down at Fashoda , the main sub ject of dispute remains and may cause anx ious moments before the Dahr-el-Gazal ques tion Is settled , although there has been a confident feeling for the last few days that war would bo averted. The French cabinet crisis Increases the fear , but In the list of I probable ministers the Drltlsh newspapers i see a holy of experienced and capable men I who are able to lead Trench opinion. The retention of M. Deleasso nt the head of the ministry of foreign affairs , however , la not regarded favorably , as ho Is the father of the Marchaud adventure. An Instructive account of the origin of the whole enterprise appears In an Impor tant Paris paper , Le Journal , which says the Marquis do Mores , the Anglo-Phobo French explorer who was assassinated In the Hinterland of Algeria , ically conceived the crandloso clans , which bo submitted to M. Delcasse , who fell In with his views , and dispatched Major Marchand to the upper Nile , while De Mores stalled to the Santana I with a hope to conquer , with the co-opern- i tlon of Marchand , the province of Dahr-el- Gahzal. ! ) < Miiri'H * Plnii nf Campaign. The plan of campaign Included the or- ganlzallon of all the armed people opposed i to Great Drltaln , and Included the cooperation tion of the Kluillfa , whoso forces , led by Frenchmen , would attack tbo Drltlsh and the Khalifa , backed by the French ex- ploieis. would thus Interpose a buffer be tween Egypt and Central Africa , thereby thwarting Drltlsh alms. Ie Mores and hla party were massacred at the outset of their journey but Marchand succeeded In carrying out his part of the plan and there 13 reason to believe the French government wishes ho had no * done so. The Eclair siys today : "Major Marchand returning ? Why then did we go to Faso > a' In order to play the game wo played against the English we ought to have had a navy capable of making a bravo show against the English , Instead of which the fossils of our Navy department have left us disarmed and Incapable of lighting with honor. " French newspapers seem to have llttlo faith In Russia helping her ally in the present - ent crisis , while Russian dispatches to the Drltlsh papers affirm positively that the czar Is decldrdly opposed to war and has coun seled the French to abandon Its untenable attitude. It Is even said the czar has characterized the French attitude as reck less. i In the meanwhile- military and naval preparations continue on both sides of the channel There was talk at Devonport today of a flying squadron being commissioned. Dut a reassuring feature Is the departure of Sir William Henry White , director of naval , construction , on a two months' visit to I Egypt. Nothing serious Is expected , therefore - ] fore , by the admiralty , for tha present at least. AnierlouiiN In London , There are many homoward-biund Ameri cans In London at present , including Mr. and Mrs. Uobert MeCormlck and Robert Patterson of Chicago , who sail on Wednes day. day.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. MeCormlck have been In- vllcd to spend Sunday at i 10 country house of Lord and Lady Curzon of Kedlcston. Lawrence Townsend , the American minis ter to Portugal , and Mrs. Townsend are also here. It Is announced that Mark Twain will shortly visit St. Petersburg and a newspaper of that city says several humorists of St. Petersburg are preparing to celebrate the event with a banquet , PORK PACKERS CLOSE DOWN Coey .t Company of , In. , VJIIN- jienil llccaunc of Poor MUKIU-HN | mill Small 1'roflt. KEOKUK. la. . Oct. 2L Coey & Co. . lim ited , today decided to permanently close their pork packing plant 'because of poor business and small profits. They employed 250 men. HiuiKer * Mn t Ma ml Trial , 'SAS CITY. Mo. Oct 20-It was defined - fined In thn I tutcd States district court that Davll V Hlegcr and Robert P Covlngton president and cashier lespecttvely of the Mls'-ourl National bank which failed ab-ut two yciirs ago , rmm stand trial under the indictments churpr'iiR 'hem with misapplying and cuibizzliUK fuiUs of the bank. RUSSIA GETTING JEALOUS oniolnl IlcliifloiiN with ( Jcrniniiy .Much lliillleil P.iniieror'M .Intent In Turkey SlKiilllcntiti ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Associated Press. ) DERLIN , Oct. 29. The official , relations between Germany and Rus la-lmvo been ruffled recently. This fnct , although denied by the government organs , obtained from a person In high authority and thejmost strik ing proof of the statement Is that Count Muravlcff has Just visited Parls/ahd Vienna and ignored Derlin. The Dferlln papers commented on the omission. f ' Other significant facts are thojalraost out spoken hostile toniK the entjlro Russian press , In which th/KyBproachment between Germany and GriffeAltaln Is described as an underhand plotfgJBst Hussliu'whlch tha latter Is juatlflcfcjBpkccnly rwntlng , in view of her frSHTness to Oormany In China , In the IjSf- tariff negotiations. Moreover , nmr WfWIlllam's \lslt to the Orient Is charfljjflfcd as an Impudent at tempt to umlfl K Russian Influence in Turkey and j Upsnioa of the orthodox church In P HRo. The Russtan clerical authorities tm mcrmnn Protestant rule In Jerusalem , HgHf the orthodoxpilgrims are ten times nioroTiumerous thnnp those of all the other creeds together. Itiia Bald that Russia , In order to counteract the Anglo- German agreement , has como to a closer agreement with Austria , by which those two countries and Franco will jointlyiopposo the Increasing Influence of Germany In the Orient and will In no case permit Turkish cessions to Germany. ) The bulk of the German ne\vsjpnpcrs ox- prebB the opinion that Emperoj William's trip will yield little tangible good , but will create much Jealousy upon the part of the Intel osted poners , who will endeavor to destroy - stroy any German projects In A la minor. The German comic papers ar'e also poking fun nt the emperor and his , , riew crusade , leading In some cases to prosecutions on the charge of lese majesto. The police con fiscated the last number of Slmpllclsslmus owing to Us publication of a poem entitled , "In the Holy Land , " concratulating Palestine on receiving such august visitors " and saying that Golgotha would , be able to boast not only of hearing the last words fiom the cross but the first of Emperor William's. _ f The German newspaper correspondents with Emperor William hlghly pralsed the lavish hospitality of the sultan , of Turkey. This hospitality , however , hafcrcatcd In tense dissatisfaction among the Turks. Placards have been posted on the mosques and In the streets of Stamboul , denouncing the extraordinary sums spent on the em peror , which money. It Is 'further pointed out , comes out of Mohammedan pockets. It Is said the sultan offered id present Emperor William , on the occasion of the latter's ar rival at Jerusalem , with thofamous ; "cham ber of the last supper , " but th"e Qerman em peror thanked the sultan , and decllned the present , on the ground that'J.he building also contained the Turkish r < ftlous relics. The emperor , It Is further Jt'u. will got some other valuable presen' ' V.tead. The French crisis Is anxlc B watched In Germany , In the Fashoda c Kf > the Ger man government asvo' Bthe | Ger man newspapers distinctly tilth ' Great Britain , as Drltlsh dorrBL'n-er the Is In every way especially from a com The German Navai upon special reports from the naval at- tachee of the German legation at Washing ton , and others , has resolved to discard the use on German war ships of guns of the largest caliber. The largest used up to the present has "been of ll',4 Inches. Henceforth 9 1-8 Inch guns will be the highest caliber constructed. The United States ambassador , Andrew D. White. Is leaving Derlin on two months' leave of absence. He Is going north of Italy and to the French Riviera. NURSE PECHA STILL LIVES Treatment of 1'laKuc Victim with the .Serum IH Apparently Effectual. LONDON , Oct. 29. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Medical ex perts hold that serum Injection treatment 1 for ths bubonic plague has been highly successful - cessful In the Vienna cases. Applied in an early stage of the disease ' It has been I effectual. Even Nurse Pccha , who was 111 ' five days and apparently at the point of I death at the time of the first injection , Is still lingering on. She has received since Sunday -100 grammes of the serum. For three days the unfortunate girl apparently j was In the death agony. Miss Pecha Is very I beautiful , She was sent to the hospital to be trained as a nurse at the expense of a wealthy Irish Invalid who saw her first when she was a chambermaid at a hotel at Carlsbad. FIXING UP FRENCH CABINET Anti-Semite Members of Chamber of DepntlcN Deelarc that Country In Under Yoke of Jcwa. PARIS , Oct 29. M. Dupuy hopes to com plete the cabinet tomorrow. It Is announced that M. do Freyclnet has accepted the war office portfolio , subject ter the proviso that the selections for the remaining cabinet of ficers meet with his approval. M. Paul Pey. trals , minister of finance In the late cabinet of M. BrlBson , has declined to accept the colonial portfolio , on the ground of 111 health. The mill-Semite members of the Chamber of Deputies have Issued a manifesto to the ! country , declaring that the government or i the rcpubUc must be divorced from Jewish I Influences , "which are ruining It aud sub jecting Franco to the yoke of the Jews. " REVISE THE DREYFUS CASE Court AeceptN the Condition * Ad vanced by .11 , Hard Secret Documents Hunted. PARIS , Oct. 25. The court of according to the newspapers , will accept the conditions of M. Bard , the reporter In the Dreyfus case , and order a supplmentary In vestigation. M. Yes Ouyoto of the Slecle to day asserts that the secret documents In the Dreyfus case were burned some days ago , The court of cassation has decided to grant a revision of the Dreyfus case and will Institute a supplementary Inquiry. The court , however , has declined to grant the release of the prisoner. WITHIN TIIIJ t.ATIJh OF JKHUS U.I3M. nmnernr William and HIM Suite Vltlt ( "hiireh of Holy Sepulelier. JERUSALEM. Oct. 29. Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria , with their suites , arrived In perfect health at the en campment outside the town today. At 11 o'clock their majesties ended the Jaffa gate and at 3 o'clock visited the Church of thu Holy Scpulcher. The streets presented a lively appearance and were lavishly deco rated. tieorK" Moore l.'etn Life M-alenee. TORT WORTH. Tex , Oct. 29 Ocorgo Moore , one of the four robbers who held up a Santa Fo train last Julj four miles from here , during which the engineer nnd nremtn .were killed , was today found guilty of I murder nnd given a life sentence. VERY SWELL FROCKS Lady Gnrzon Prepares an Array of Costumes that Dazzle the Eyes. WILL WEAR THEM IN HER INDIAN HOME Vicsroyalty Will Ba Decked in Really Magnificent Style. HER WARDROBE IS PREPARED IN PARIS Orders to Worth Alone Are Said to Aggregate 815,000. , MRS. BRADLEY-MARTIN STILL CUTS A DASH Her DliiinonilN CmiNe Smiirt Women in it Iiiinilon ItCNtatiraiit to Ione Their A iinMl ten W Knee In Iletter. ( Copyright , 159' , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Oct. 29. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Lady Curzon of Kedlcston Is getting togethei such nn ar ray of costumes for the Indian vlceroyalty as has never been seen In the Indian court before. She has Just returned after a week In Paris , where the whole tlmo was devoted to frocks. She stayed at the Hotel do Franco ct de Cholseul and had a special reception room , where for several hours dally pile saw n succession of the most famous Parisian cos tume designers. The orders to Worth alone are said to reach $ ir > ,000. Lord furzon came to London Wednesday to meet her. Then they took formal possession of the splendid mansion on Carlton HOUBO Terrace , pre sented to them by Mr. Loiter , Mrs. Curzon's father. It cost $198,730. The Curzons rent Arthur Balfour's house next door , us he now occupies the first lord of the treasury's of ficial residence on Downing street. Lord Curzon's health Is Improved , but It vns noted last night at the Etonian dinner given to him which wns pieslded over by Lord Rosebery that his complexion as sumed that odious hectic him when speaking that was remarked so much In Parliament at the last session. The duchess of Mnrlborough Is about again. She will return to Blenheim palace next week with the now baby. William K. Vanderbllt sailed on the Campania today. He has been on a visit with the duke ot Marlborough to the Prince and Princess Victor Dhulep Singh at their homo In Norfolk. The duke and duchess have taken a hunting lodge nt Melton Mow bray nnd will pass mobt of their time there during the winter. MNM | Coelet'M Matrimonial IMaiiN. Miss May Goelet's matrimonial plans con tinue to keenly exercise the curiosity of smart society. She undoubtedly is the big gest financial prize now in the English market , and it la quite understood that she Intends to marry an English nobleman , but , although she has had several opportunities she still preserves her fiecdora. With her mother she has Just been on a xlslt to the carl and countess of Mar and Kelllu at Allen house , Flrthshlre , Fifeshlre , where the countess' brother , the earl of Shaftesbury , has been paying marked attention to Miss Goclct. Ho Is handsome , Is 29 years of ago , a captain In the crack prince of Wales own Tenth Iluzzars , comes of a notable family and is much liked. His sisters , coun tess of Mar and Kellle , Baroness Hagbera- more nnd Lady Maud Warrender , arc among the most noted aristocratic beauties of thn day. It Is rumored , however , that Shaftes bury has failed In his suit. The marquis of Tulllbardln ( the future duke of Athol ) who was among the eligible swells whoso families were anxious that they should become suitors for Miss Goelct last season , has Just returned wounded from the Soudan campaign and his engagement Is announced 4o a beautiful but penniless Scotch Klrl , Miss Ramsay , a. relative of the earl of Dalhousle. It Is believed that Miss | Goolet would have accepted Tulllbardln. Mrs. Bradley-Martin Is constantly seen about with her daughter , the countess ot Craven. They were dining In the prince's restaurant the other evening as usual. Mrs. Bradley-Martin's diamonds took away the appetites of many smart women present. The Martins' deer drives this year were very successful and they provided numbers of swells with excellent sport. It has been estimated that each deer killed on the pre- berves cost the Martins at least ? 2f > 00. Merrltt anil IIIN New Wife. General and Mrs. Merrltt , 'who have been staying at Brown's hotel on Dover street since their wedding , will leave tomorrow for Paris , where the general's presence Is nec essary in vlow of the Philippine ) question before the commission. Mrs. Merrltt Is bet ter but not yet recovered from the feverish attacks she contracted coming over on the steamer. There is to too a grand reunion of the Wales family at Sandrlngham on the prince's birthday. The princess will arrive on Monday from Copenhagen from Marlborough - borough House , where the prince has been j staying the last week. Owing to mourning for the queen of Denmark , the prince has only lunched privately with a few special friends. I saw him yesterday. He looked pale and somewhat thin , but It Is said his knco Is making a rcmarKublo cure. lie can walk with the aid of a stick , but Is for bidden to use the leg much yet. Mary , the dowager duchess of Suther land , was last night at Drury Lane theater where Is being played "The Great Ruby , " of which a Jewel robbery Is the central In cident. The duchess wore as her only orna ment the costly pearl necklace which was accidentally saved from the recent robbery In ft Paris railway Elation. I heir that overtures have been made In behalf of the thieves to her husband. Sir Albert Rolllt , to restore the stolen gems for $10,000. This would 'bo ' compounding a felony , an offense which Rolllt , as a lawyer , does not desire to commit. SntlNlIen the Proprieties The London county council has put a stop to Charmlon's undrccslng act on the trapeze. It was proving a great attraction nt the A1- hambra when It was Intimated to the mana ger that the performance was suggestive. In the opinion of some members of the council commltteo on theaters. These are the same gentlemen who some years ago had a private dance with Zaeo at the aquarium and asked her to show them her bare back In order to make certain that It was not Injured by her j being fired out of a cannon. Tin proprieties have been satisfied In Charmlon's case by her coming In a dressing gown , which she threw off. revealing her acrobatic costume Instead of divesting herself of her garments on the trapeze. Iluraoo J Smith of Philadelphia has started a movement to erect a memoilal to I William Venn for his service to the cause of individual freedom by asserting In the faro of government prosr-utlcn the rmht | of British Juries to refuse to b directed In THE BEE BULLETIN , Wenllicr Forecast for Nebraska Fnlr , Colder ; Westerly Winds. YeMcrdit } ' * Teiniieratme nt Oinnlitu Puce. 1 l.iiNt Sunday at the IXpoNltlon , Ilirt In I'liropcMin War ( 'loud * . l.nily Ciii-ron'M .Svicll tlouiin. Ilrl-Klu > rr Shoots n Itnrher. - Satnrilii ) on Ihe tSrlillron. SI-UK anil Comment. In Nebraska Politic * . I I , ant Week In Omaha Soolety , . - > DnliiKi In Local Political World. ( I Council HlnlTN Local Mailer * . 7 Woman's rontcroHM HnilN. 8 In the AtntiNiMiient World. .MiiHlcal IlevliMt of the Week. TNiMin of the ItallroailH. AVIth tin * Wliceln mill Wheelmen. 10 Sporting Hot le of the Week. Coi ili of ( he Rrlillron. II a ic Hall rielitliiK Uecordx. 11 raiiltnl of the MiiKellaii * . 1 In the Domain of Woman. it : Parlor Manic. 1 I Editorial ami Comment. ir > l.ant Day" of Snaiilnli little. Kuhnei at the Atite-Hoont. 1(1 ( "Tin- lIlncKIloiiKlan. . " 17 Condition of Omaha' * Trade. Commercial and I'liianclnleirn. . It ) ( ionulp of the Phllliiiilncn. TODAY AT T11I5 I2\1 > HMT1O\ . T enty-Secoinl Sundaj A < linlNlnn iCiMttx. . At the ( JroillHlM p. in. , limed' Hand nt Auditorium. Part I. Ovrture Jubcl Weber ( n ) Nnrclsso ( from "Water Scenes" ) . . Kevins ( h ) Cupid's Story ( Intermezzo ) Innes Solo for ICupboiilum Cujus Anlm.un ( from "Stabat Muter" ) itosslnl 1'nuFirrro. Ix-s Preludes ( Symphonic Poem ) Liszt Part II. Overture Alfonso and nstrella . .Schubert D.inHtv Macabre Saint Siens Melodies ot irin ( Irish Fnntasl.i.ftiooru ) Tiombono Solo There Is a Green Hill Far Away Gounod Innoa. Russian Military March The Cossack. . Pares 7 p. in. , IIIIU-H' Hand at Auditorium. Part I. Overture Mnsanlello ! Auber ( n ) Intermezzo ( b ) Fjist r Hymn ( from "Cavnllcrlo. Rustlc.ina" Mnbcngnl Fa-itiiHia on the works of Sir Arthur Sullivan Tiombono Solo The Palms Faure Zimmerman. Part II. The Country Wedding ( Descriptive Oveiture ) ICulo Ave Maria Schubert Fiu't ( Suite No. 1) ) Gounod Piccolo Solo Scotch Fnntasla , Burns JIf-iilclb rg. England to America ( Popular Fantnsia ) Haetens Concluding with an original transcription of the interwoven melodies , "America , " "St. Patrick's Day , " "Tullocligonim" and "Hulo Britannia.11 their verdicts , by Judges but to glvo them ac cording to their own conscience. There Is at present 3talng at the Scan dlnaviau Temperance homo In the east end of London an American girl named Alice McKlnley , who passed for one complete j voyage nnd part of a second as a boy and a I member of the crew on board the British steamer Blgnon. She is 16 years of age and was born ftt 12 , Clark street , Chicago. | During the voyage she performed satisfac torily all the duties of a common seaman , Including that ot steering the vessel. Her | sex was only discovered on her own con- ' fesslon. The American consul has charge of the case and Alice McKlnlcy expects to re turn to America shortly. PROF. NORTON IS RABID AGAIN I.eettireM to Harvard Griiiliiiiten oil Illn Idea * of "Thee > v American" Radical Theories. ) CAMBRIDGE , Mass. , Oct. 29. Prof. Charles Ellott Nortoi. , In an address , ' before | the Graduates' club of Harvard college , expressed sentlmen'ts which are likely to 1 arouse as much discussion among Harvard men nnd others ns has followcd many of I Prof. Norton's recent utterances. The ' speaker's subject was "Tho Now American. " In the course of his remaiks ho reviewed I the conditions which made this republic ' In many ways an experiment In the history of democracies. In continuing he said : No ono would ha\e thought the American nation EO de\old of seiibe as to go to war In the beginning of a hot reason In n tropical climate and without any adequate prepara tions to cairy that war to a successful Issue. This war was a levelatlon. The old America came to an end with a declaration of The now America threw over many of the old Ideals which have hern maln- l talned by this old America and substituted j for them those of the other nations of the 1 world. Wo must make up our minds as to i the new conditions. We arc to be a military nation. Moreover , all brutal tendencies wii'l bo encouraged by the recognition of force as the last appeal by the ccntial gov ernment Itself. And , too , entanglements with other nations must arise. Meanwhile we have no leaders nnd hence we llnd our selves with great responsibilities and no guidance for the Ignorant , uninformed , In- i flammable populace , anil wo are allowing I o\cn this to carry us into thn most danger- j ous situation. The whole system of gov ernment was needed to be revised and re- I organized. The pension list is a list of cor ruption and has lowered the morals of the ic'jlplciits , whlro it has Increased the na tional Indebtedness. Is there nothing to bo done ? The situa tion is to bo met with courage and a de termination to get the best out of a bad case , We must dlvo'cc the government of thrso dependencies from politics or else they will become dens of corruption. Prof. Norton advocated leaving the Philip pines to the care of Spain. Search for a ( iermaa Defaulter. CHICAGO. Oct. 29. Lambert Wilt , charged with the embezzlement of $50,000 from the Dresden Savings bank. Is l > elng sought In Chicago. Pollco olficlals received a letter from the head of the Dresden police department today requesting them < o search for Wilt , who It Is believed came here shortly after his alleged defalcation last September. Wilt , who Is 32 years of age , the letter says , was comptroller of the bank mil prior to his dejarturc from Dresden vas a leader In social and political circles of that city. Mo\cmcili < of Ocean Vennelx , Oet.l. \ . At Liverpool Sailed Campania , for New- York At New York Arrhed Augusta Victoria , from Hamburg ; ntrurln , from Liverpool. Salle-d La Normnndle. for Havre ; Maas- dam. for Rotterdam ; Ems , for Naples ; Pcnn- land , for Southampton ; Furncsela , for ( ilus- sow ; NorgefT Copenhagen ; Lucanla , for Liverpool ; Ncuntrla. for Marseilles ; Penn sylvania , for Hamburg. At Havre Sailed La Oascogne , for New- York. York.U U Naples Sailed Fulda , for Now York \t Antwerp Sailed Fouthwurk. for New I York \ > Ouccnstown At rived t'mbna , from . New York , for Liverpool \ Sou hampton - Arrived Rhyntaud , I from New York. MURDERS HIS RIVAL John Belick Visits Punishment on His Wo'i Paramour. HE SHOOTS ALBERT SARGENT DEAD Long Suffering Husband Takes Law Into His Own Hnmls. HIS ERRING WIFE TAKES ALL THE BLAME Confesses Her Infidelity and Accuses Hersalf of Wrongdoing. SAYS SHE LOVED TONSORIAL ARTIST BEST .Matrimonial Infelicity HenullK In a TrnKedy In Which Iliiiniin Illuoil In hhed mill l.lfc In lllof- tcd Out. John Dcllck , a long suffering husband , shot and almost Instantly kli'led Albert Sargent in the rear of hlr. residence at 1827 Nor h Twenty-fourth street shortly after 11 o'clo'U last night. Sargent had been Intimate with Bellck'fi wife and last night drove to tin house with an express wagon with the 11- tcntlon of removing Mrs. Belick and all li > t effects from beneath her husband's roof , llcllck Is under arrest on the charge ol muider mid Sargent Is at the morgue. Mrs. Dcllck , who Is detained at the sta tion , takca all the blame upon herself. She soys she mot Sargent ulx months ago , whin ho was employed at a barber shop near In r house , and became quite wclf acquainted with him. Sargent finally got Into the habit of stopping In during the absence of Hi lick , who Is a brleklajer , and finally proposed to Mrs. Belick to leave her husband's roof. Mis. Belick , In spite of the fact that slu > had lived with her husband for eighteen yearn and had three children , agreed to go She says eho cared for him In such a way that nothing else was of any consequence Accordingly she left her husband about September 15 and lived with Sargent for a week in rooms on Sixteenth street , ovei McGovern's barber shop. In which Sargetn was employed. At the end of that time flli > repented of her action and returned to hut husband , who was wilting to receive her She was unable to entirely sevev her re Intlonshlp with the barber , however , and saw him at frequent Intervals. She nlvvnvt arranged the meetings so that the two men did not meet until last Sunday night , when Belick encountered the barber at Lund' ? saloon across the street Just after Sargent had left the Belick house. Sargent ha < ' been drinking and chairs and beer bottle- were exchanged between the men before they were separates ! . Last Tuesday noon Mrs. Belick admits that she received Sat gent at the house and that the door wa * locked when her husband endeavored to get In. She admitted him , however , and he ordered - dored Sargent out doors , enforcing his de mand with a fence picket and discoloring Sargent's eyes. Sargent used vile language nnd threatened to shoot Belick on sight That night Belick bought a. thirty-eight caliber bulldog revolver. She 1'acKn Her Trunk. Yesterday noon Mrs. Belick says she met the barber by appolntmsnt at Sixteenth ami Burt streets. It was one of many surli meetings and the toarber once morn asked her to leave tier husband. She agreed as befoio and told Sargent to come at 11 o'clock last night with an express wagon. Thun she went homo and packed her trunk and It was afterwards opened t > y detectives nnd found to bo ready for removal. Her storv from that point Is Identical with her bus band's , who was seen later nt the pollco station. Mrs. Belick says she was born In Omah i forty years ago and Tias lived hero ever since. Her name was formerly Mary Wc-1 bcrn and she has a number of relatives in the city , ono of whom is Mrs. Flske , her sister , living at Twenty-seventh and Frank- lln streets. She says her husband has nl ways treated her well and that she has been very happy with her children , two boys nnd a girl , aged between 10 and 1 years. Her only explanation of her coursu In the affair Is that she loved Sargent bet tor than oil the world beside. Belick apoko of the shooting very calmly nnd said he had bomo every possible Insult to avoid the trouble. He had not suspected anything Irregular until his wife left home and remained away for a week. When sh' > returned she confessed to him whore she had been and he had forgiven her. Several times slnco .she remained away from home for considerable periods and ho had suspected that she had been wi'h the barber. BellcK described the encounter In the saloon on Sunday night when Sargent had boasted bi fore a number of men of his success. II bald ho bore the Insult , but when It was rv pcated he was aroused by the taunts of thn men and struck the barber with n chair. On Tuesday Belick said he returned to find hl door locked and when he was finally ad mitted ho met the barber , who once more- Insulted and threatened him. Last night hi said ho reproached his wife with being fals to him and his children , as ho had discovered that she had not been at her sister's house In accordance with her excuse to him I1U wife then admitted that she had seen Sar gent and Intended going away with him. Belick urged her to avoid the seamlal for the sake of the children and added that If she was really attached to the barber ho vvoul'i make It possible for her to go to him quie'h nnd help her to get a divorce. Mis. Ht-lUL consented but asked that she bo allowed 'o go out on Sargent's arrival nnd send him away. This the husband would not allo * and matters werr at this point when th was a knock at the door. DetallN of the ShootliiK. Bollck went to n side door , commandln , ' n vlow of the kitchen entrance , ami looki-i out , Sargent was standing at thn lattr door and when ho saw Belick he IH said > have put his hand upon his hip pocket and threatened the bricklayer's life. Bcllck or dered him away and when there wns no dlt- poFltlon to obey he ran to a drawer and , re turning with a revolver , ho fired and fol lowed It up until the chambers were ex h.iuxted. Sargent , who , It afterward devel oped , was only armed with a long hunter e Knife , turned at the first ohot and ran to ward the rear gate , outtddo of which was s'anding a horse and wagon. Brlltk pur sued him and fired his last t > hot as Sargent started to climb on board. The stricken man wavered and fell with his foot on the hub of the wheel. Ho died almost Instantly with wounds In his head and back. Oflleer Gibbons was attracted by the fihuts and arrested liellck. who made no resist ancc. A hurr > rail uab sent tu HIM ntatloi and a nitiad | of officers , Including Captain Ha/e and Chief White , hurried to the BI ene The eoioner was notified and removed the body to the morgue W H Kcene driver of thr > express uagoo had a narrow CE ape from the fusillade of bullets. Hu says that hu was h ro'l ' by 'a- to "go and get a trunk , ' When h