Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1898, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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This handsome ladles' C-porcd French
flounced Hcrso Sk rt 'inod
throughout worth J10.CO a nn
tills week # \j (
This beautiful Cape , trimmed -
mod with Klcctilc Bcal ,
full length , with patent
back and high storm collar -
lar strongly made , a
beauty , worth rI e ?
J12.60-thls week. . 6 | 0
Beautiful Cob
bler's ectit , Rock
er In oak or ma
hogany ,
worth $5 , . . .
this salo. . 2 45
nird'u-oye-Maple , curly birch or oak , ladles'
writing desk , hand mnely carved with
piano nnlsh , worth JD.60 a nr
this week 6J OU
Handsome mahogany finish music cabinets
with adjustable shelves and piano llnluh
worth $8.60 1 fIC
this week U 30
E-plece parlor suits , In silk velour covering , oak or mahogany"
frame with spring seats worth $16.00 OC ij
this sale 9 tw
Beautiful 3-pleco bed room suites , in oak or mahogany , handsome
ly carved , nicely tlnisned worth $30.00 1st En
this sale I * * ull
White Iron beds with four coats of whlto enamel fj nj ;
worth * 4.00-thl. ( ale & (0 (
Beautiful upright folding beds In oak , handsomely carved , nicely
llnlnhed-worth J19.W
Bed lounges , nicely covered with velour , solid oak
frames , worth 118.00 this sale 1090
Extension Tables , solid onk , large carved legs , with
piano finish top worth $12 00
this sale
La ice el'gant wardrobe , worth $13.00 625
this sale
Ilandsomo combination desk and bookcases In oak and
mahogany , pl.ino nnlsh worth $35.00 IQ
this sale ID
Elaborate china closets with beveled mirrors , worth l
$32.00-thls sale i
Larcu 5 drn-vor antique chiffoniers' piano nnlsh worth a
$10.00 this ualo < j <
Trunk Sale
Wall Trunks made so thn trunk
can be opened without drawing
from the wall entirely dlffcieiit
from any ordinary trunk ncav-
lly lined throughout with steel
corners ono of the strongest
Trunks that money can buy an < l
: bnrcaln at $11.00 C
week O
Ono Burning Question in Connection with
< Uncle Sam s Headquarters.
Nice Mtilo Conflict of Authority In
volving Three IIlRh Olllulitla nml
Tire Holler Toi | _ ! ) tin at
the New I'oHtolIlcc.
Questions of authority caused no small
decree of stlffnes snnd coldness at the new
postofnco building this week. The right of
prestige around the building has become al
most as delicate a matter as that which
continually threatens the peace of official
roclety at Washington. The conflict came
over the moving of a roller-top desk , nnd It
has furnished a whole lot of amusement to
the employes of the bulldlnc , outside of
these directly Interested In the dispute.
Some time nco the revenue department
stationed a special revenue agcut tn this
city. This was a new Innovation for Omaha ,
and was balled with delight by all patriotic
citizens as a proper recognition of the worth
and standing of the city. Previous to that
time Omaha had been humiliated by being
placed under the Jurisdiction of the agent
stationed at St. Paul. George H. Wheelock of
DCS Molnes was sent hero to take the new
position , nnd his work became so heavy
that It was not long until ho had five assist
ants working with him. This made It nn
important office.
But when Mr. Wheelock came to Omaha
there woreuo quarters which ho could con
vert Into an office , and the custodian of the
new building was authorized to provide a
room and furniture for the new official. A
room was assigned to him on the main floor ,
facing Sixteenth street , which was also oc
cupied by the superintendent of the building.
Two desks were placed therein for the ac
commodation of Mr. Wheelock and his as
sistants. At this time Postmaster Martin
was custodian of the building.
Recently Mr. Martin was deposed from
that position nnd Colonel Champion S. Chase
was appointed. Shortly after this change
Ono Person In Every Voiir SnITerN
From I'lli-H.
About ono person In every four suffers
from some form of rectal disease. The most
common and annoying Is Itching piles , Indi
cated by warmth , slight moisture nnd in
tense , uncontrollable itching in the parts
affected ,
The usual treatment has been come simple
ointment or salve which sometimes give *
temporary relief , but nothing like a per
manent euro can be expected from such
superficial treatment.
The only permanent cure for itching piles
yet discovered Is the Pyramid Pile Cure ,
Y not only for Itching piles , but for every
other form ot piles , blind , bleeding or pro
truding. The first application gives Instant
relief and the continued use for a short time
causes a permanent removal of the tumors
or the small parasites which cause the In
tense Itching and discomfort of Itching1
Many physicians for a long time supposed
that the remarkable relief afforded by the
Pyramid Pile Cure was because it contained
cocaine , opium or similar drugs , but such
la not the case. A recent careful analysis
of the remedy showed It to be absolutely
frco from cocaine , opium , or In fact any
poisonous , Injurious drugs whatever. Sold
by druggists at SO cents per package.
Send to Pyramid Co. , Marshall , Mich. ,
for free book on cauao and cure of piles.
This Ladles' Electric
Collarette , finest qualIty -
Ity , with three rows
marten tails , trimmed
with Astrakhan , satin
llnrd throughout a
bargain at 115.50 tf ( T
this week . . . .J I J
Bargain No. 1 Large t\7.o \ Cora-
fortt ) , good covering , well
made , worth $3.50
I Tr
this week I | O
Bnrcaln No. 2 Cotton Blankets ,
gray , with red strlpo border ,
bis bargain at { 1.75 this
Bartraln No. Z All Wool Blankets
In grey or red 10-4 size yj
worth JD.OO-thls week . . *
Bargain No. 4 Six-pound Pillows-
well Jllled with coed ticking-
worth J2.W-thla I in
week I IJ
This ladlrs' benutl.
ful bla k Melton
Jacket , lined thro'-
out with satin
large buttons , lat
est cut. doubte-
breastptl. In all
sizes , this \
h\ji ;
week i } ! iU !
30x01) )
SALE Saknl
worth S3 60 ,
i rrn
ealo . [ 75
27x04 A.xmlnster
ruup ) boalltlful
pattern , worth
this Kilo ( J 25
Beautiful 27xM French Wilton C QC
Bugs , worth (975 , this sale . . . . tJ J
6x9 Snknl Hugs , Oriental pattern -
tern , Worth JIG this sato .
Cocoa door mats worth 75c
this sale .
3x3 all wool art squares In
many patterns , wuith * i.50. .
Sewin *
In this department
vo offer our hifih
tjiodo Scwlrv Ma
chine called ' /he
Grand. It Is a perfect machine In
svery reispect. All joints nnd beatings
are cast hardened steel , .irtjust-
uble scrown , so that the natural v.tur
can b ? taken up. thereby maklne the
machine as well adjusted after years
of usage as when first used. Has ml
the veiy latest attachments , wltn
which we ? lvo a 5-year written Kiuir-
antco to do the work of any $ Co ma
chine In the Unltsd States , AJ KJl
this week < fr OU
Nottingham lace
tlful piittorns.
wuilli ti.DU.
try Unit tins In
alt Hi" ne'.v col-
ors. worth
to. CO , thli sale
Kopo Portieres In all colors
worth JC.OO this
sale . 320
Genuine Bamboo Portieres
tieres , worth $1 this sale 175
Bo-autlful Brussels Net Curtains
manv m > w patterns A nt
worth J9.EO-thl3 sale . . . . ly Oil
Finest Irish Point Lace Curtain
61-in. wide. 3Vi yards long / ] Crt
worth J9 60 this alo. . . < " * '
Window shades 35 Inches wide , 7
feet long1 , worth 35e this ti.j.
sale .7. . IOC
was made Mr. Martin had one of the doaks
assigned to the revenue agent removed and
transferred to the postofflco work room.
As this did not occasion any crcat Incon
venience nothing was said about It , but a |
couple of dajs ago , acting under the orders of I
the postmaster , the assistant custodian of
the building , Louis Bochme , removed the
remaining desk and put it in the postoluco
work room.
Lnteimcr KIICTN the ( ininc.
Now fcmong these who have some author
ity about the new building John Latenser
Is no silent partner. Ho is superintendent
of the structure , nnd as such ofilcinl has
some rights which even the custodian can
not abrogate. It Isn't far from his olP.ce to
that occupied by the postmaster , but as the
latter la In his olllco only a few hours a
day , and Is therefore hard to find , Mr. La-
tenser wrote a letter making Inquiries as
to what authority Mr. Martin had for re-1
moving the desks , nnd requesting that ono | |
of them be returned. The letter was rigid ;
In Us formality.
Mr. Martin replied in his characteristic
English , also using the malls , asking Mr.
Latenser when he got Into the game and
making other remarks about Eomo people
crossing the line which defines their own
Mr. Latenser would not be bluffed out ,
and again used the malls and a 2-ccnt
stamp. He dropped formality In this com
munication , and told the postmaster that
"sticks and stones may wound our bones ,
but words can never hurt us. " He then re
minded the postmaster that the roller-top
desk belonged to the old postofllce building ,
and had been removed by the postmaster
without orders from Washington , contrary'
to the rules of the department , and v.'as still
scheduled as among the effects left In the
old building. Ho reminded Mr. Martin that
the desk occupied the new building uiilaw-
fully , and that if It was to bo moved anywhere -
whore It should be taken back where it be
longed , and wbcie the government officials
supposed it was. He also asked by what
right the postmaster gave orders to the as
sistant custodian , when Mr. Martin had
ceased to be custodian some three weeks
This was the last communication to pass
between them , so far as the record shows
but the isiue has not stopped there. It Is
promised that the whole transaction will be
known In Washington before another Sun
day , when instructions are expected which
will define the powers of the various officials
about the bulldlnc. In the meantime Mr.
Wheelock Is using the desk of Mr. Latenser ,
and the latter is doing his correspondence
on the face of a draughting board.
Yesterday afternoon Colonel Champion S.
Chase , as cuotodlan of the government bullJ-
inc in Omaha , received a telegram from the
Treasury department requesting him to fur
nish the dcrertment with an explanation of
whv Mr. Wheelock was deprived of his office
facilities 80 suddenly. The colonel didn't
know anything about the case until ho read
the etorv In The Bee and In due tirer will
start out to learn the particulars from the
nartles In Interest. He hopca to have a
comprehensive report of the situation pre-
nnred In time to forward to Washington
Bomo time within the coming week.
Chlim'M Uniiicror linn HrlKM'a
NEW YORK. Oct. 22. A dispatch to the ,
Herald from Pekln says : The emperor has i
been examined monlly by tun physi
cian of the French l atlon , and the diag
nosis discloses the fact tbnt he Is suffering ;
from chronic neorltls , better known as 1
Rrlcht's disease. Albumen has been dis '
covered in marked degree. The emperor
Is very pule , his eyes are puffy , his feet
slightly swollen and , although there seems i
( o be no Immediate danger , It l manifest ;
that the oinroror la IP B verv critical state.
Civil scrvleiUiniiilitntluni. .
. There will be civil service examinations ,
nt the old postofilce bulldlnc next week for
the departmental service. Thev will be held I
This handsome Misses
Jnrket. In Braver ,
Melton , Hough Irish
Frlezu goods , Hires
from 8 years to 10 , In
all colors , nicely made ,
with patent back ,
trimmed with tmclUe
and braid , honestly
worth J7.50 thisff
week > f 0
lot Oiass
Genuine cut glass water
bet les , extra heavy ff& ° |
carving , worth $5,50 _ * tt S )
this salu * ' "
Large 7-iuch bowl in cut
glass , worth K fi
* S.f)0 ) , thl3
Genuine cut glass vine-
par cruets , worth tfJl
$4.50 , this > 7
week *
Thursday , Friday and Saturday. Sixty-two
applicants have Bonified their intention of
taklnc the examination , apportioned among
the different departments as follows : As
sistant mlcroscoplst. 31 ; bookceper. 7. farmer
er3 : observer In the weather bureau. 1 ;
physician In the Indian service. 1 : seam
stress In the Indian Forvlco. 1 : assistant ex
aminer In the patent office , 2 ; oto-k cx-
auilner. 4 : teacher in the Indian service. t .
DelcKiitci In tinAnurlinii A Mocn-
tlau MeutliiK Ilvnuli Oiniilni
\Vcll Alifiul ot Tiino.
Ohio's delegation to the annual meeting
the American Association of Fair and Expo
sition Managers Is the first to arrive In the
city , reaching hero yestcrdav. The as
sociation will meet at the Mlllard
hotel next Tuesday and Wednes
day , and the Buckeye visitors will
spend the Intervening time in looking over
the exposition. The members of the party
make up the Ohio State Board of Agricul
ture , and they are : C. Bordwell , president ,
and wife , of Batavla : L. G. Ely , vice
president , and daughter , of Fayette ; J. C.
Bower , treasurer , and wife , of Columbus ; W.
W. Miller , secretory , and wife , of Columbus ;
J. II. Fleming , assistant secretary , and HCC-
rctary of the American association and
wife , of Columbus ; A. J. Clark and wife ,
Cambridge ; 0. Leggett and wife , Watklns ;
Albert Halo nnd wife , Mogadon ; E. C. Gills
and daughter , Crestone ; S. H. Eller and
daughter , Sprlngboro ; II. S. Grums and
wife , Portsmouth.
I The members of the party assembled at
Columbus , and left that city for their west-
' '
crn trip Thursday night. At the conclusion
of the cssoclatlon'a meeting here the vis
itors will scatter , some continuing their
Journey , others remaining In this vicinity
' to visit friends , and still others returning
home. They are stopping at the Mlllard
while In the city.
Ohio will be represented on the program
of the association by two papers one by
Mr. Fleming on "What Can We Do to Es
tablish Uniformity In Kules of Admission , "
and another by Mr. Ellis on "The Fair , the
Farmer and the Community at Largo. "
HUtory Committee of the KxpoNltloi
AUs Inhibitors mill Conri-KHlon-
nlreN lo I.enve Some MementoH.
A circular asking for curios of all doscrlp-1
tlons , mineral and geological speclmcnts ,
works of art , bric-a-brac , mementoes of the
I Transmlsslsslppl Exposition of all kinds , has
I Just been addressed by the hltorlcal com-
' mlttce of the exposition directory to all
exhibitors and concessionaires of the expo3l-
tlon. It Is proposed to collect as many
souvenirs of the exposition as possible for
permanent display in the Omaha Public
Library In order to form a "lasting remem
brance of the great exposition , which has
achieved such phenomenal and satisfactory
success. "
, Among other things the circular
| says : "The Omaha Public Library
which Is owned and controlled by
tha city of Omaha , has a splendid
fire proof building , and It U proposed to
place In commodious and well arranged rooms
In the library building a museum In which
shall be stored for preservation exposition
articles of Interest and value. Wo ask that
I you will glvn to the city such articles as
you may think may prove of Interest In n i
free museum , such as It ii desired shall be
established. All articles thus bestowed
should bo accompanied by a statement glv-
ing a description of the article , any hls-
torical IncUent that may be connected with
It and the uame and address of the donor.
, Such articles can bo transmitted to the
-librarian of tha Omaha Public Library , or if
the librarian is notified where and when the
articles can bo obtained they will b called
for and receipt clven. " i
This handsome Silk
Plush Cnpc , In all
sizes , with Thibet fur ,
lined throuehout
actual value
$9.bU-thla w K.
This Indies Mllltu-
ry Effect , swell
high collar jacket ,
In royal or navy
blue. In all sizes ,
pntrpt 1'fl '
velvet collar , hand-
eomcly braided , uc-
u..n.j wurin t.t.M
Closely woven ingrain oarpots In
all the now shndoa
worth 41c a yard ,
this tnlo
All wool incrrnln oarpots , 100
different patterns to select from
guaranteed to bo all
wool , worth Too per
yard , this sale
Tapestry Brussels Carpet , beautiful pat
terns , large assortment , worth Jl.OO per
yard this sale
Velvet Carpets with borders to match , large , variety ot the latest
patterns worth $1.15 79c
this sale
Smith Bros. Axmlnstcr Carpets , with or without borders to match ,
largo new conslgnm ent , lineal and richest colors ever shown
In this Omaha Enlc , worth $1.50 GOc
100 rolls of Japanes o matting in all different patterns and
colors this sale worth 35c - I8c
Extra heavy floor oil cloth In all patterns worth B3c per yard 22c
this sale
Extra heavy linoleum , In many patterns , worth SO cents per 45c
yard this sulu
weelc or $ I.OO prr mouth.
On it hill of $20.00 S1.OO per
On n 1)111 ot IjCJO.OO IJI1.5O per
ivcelc or $ (1.0(1 ( per month.
On n hill or 950.00 92.00 ] ier
week or IfS.OO per month.
On u hill of 9T5.0O ? 2.25 per
week or $ n.OO per month ,
Ou n hill of 91OO.OO ( per
Tvcek or lO.OO per month
On n hill of $200.00 $ < 4.OO per
week or $15.00 per month.
Railroads Preparing to Haul in Some
Immense Crowds.
CoiiceMNlonn Cover Nearly a ThniiMiml
Mllcn Kant ami Went mill I'romlnc
to Move nn IJiuiniiiil Num
ber of People.
The Indications all point to large crowds
for Omaha during Its last week of the ex
position. Commencing on Sunday a remark
ably low line of rates will bo put Into effect
on all Omaha terminal lines , and most ot
the railroads have advertised the reduced
roles for next week exceedingly well. Spe
cial train service has been arranged on every
railroad entering the city , and the passen
ger men this morning declared that If the
sun would just shine tn the same bright
way It appeared this morning , the attend
ance of the week would prove a record-
Rates as low as $4 from > the extreme west
ern edge of Nebraska and of $5 from the
eastern boundary of Iowa have been made
for the round trip to Omaha during the wrek. |
At some points these rates nre offered as
early as Sunday , and at other places not'
until Monday or Tuesday. The tickets will
bo good for five days. Graded down from
the rates nnmwl are proportionately low
rates from all points In Nebraska , Iowa , '
Kansas nnd South Dakota. I
City Ticket Agent Piummer of the Rock
Island Is in the city arranging for a big
party next week from Rock Island , Daven
port and Mollnc. The mayors of the three
cities hnd a meeting on Friday at Davenport ,
nnd It wns agreed thnt the three municipal
governments uhould bo well represented at
the exposition for the trl-clty celebration.
A special train will leave Davenport on
Tuesday evening at 11-15 p. m , and will ar
rive hero on Wednesday morning at 10
o'clock. It Is thought that about COO excur
sionists will take advantage of the low rate ,
offered to join this party to the exposition. I
The Iowa Central railroad has arranged a
big party from Peorla , III. , to spend a couple
of the latter days of the exposition on the
grounds. Although 500 of thcso latter-day
saints are surely coming from Pcorla , there
Is a little controversy among the railroads
ns to what rate they shall pay. The Iowa
Central made a round trip of | 5 from Pe-
orla ro Omaha , but when It com
menced to figure with connecting lines to
deliver the party In Omaha theao lines re
fused to accept a proportional share of the
J5 rate. The party was to have
been turned over to the Northwestern
at Marshalltown , la. , but that line
declined the proposition , Tbo Rock
Island was then offered the business ,
but up until Saturday noon hnd not made up
Its mind to accept It. If the Iowa Central
cannot get Hs party hauled Into Omaha , It
will probably raise the rate Just enough to
meet the wishes ot the general passenger
agents of the Iowa lines , although if a num
ber of prairie schooners can bo secured an
overland trip from the middle of Iowa to
Omaha might bo a novel attraction to ad
with KrniHili Ijlnex ,
TOPEKA , Oct. 22. All the branch lines
now Included In the Santa Ke system are to
lose thHr Identity as peparate conwnMons
and be Incorporated urdcr the 'I lo of the At-
chUon , Topeka & Santa Fe railway. Man ) of
the lines will bo formally Bold to rhe pres
ent corporation , but these that are in such
shnro .hat a formal purchase cannot be
in a da will bo conveyed to the company by
lease. This scheme will bo officially rati-
This ladles' bMiutl-
rul Bilk Wa' t. In
plaid , terlse , black
and magenta , lined
throughout , with
detachable collar ,
latent bln corded
front , worth
1960-thls * Of ?
wuck * ? tlU
This beautiful Bouele
Ladles' Cape , full IctiKth ,
lined throughout with
silk , hlKh storm collar ,
trimmed with Th bet
fur , In all sizes , a beauty
worth $11 CO-
thls week 595
$2.60. thia
sale ,
Ten Pin Alloys ,
worth Jl.OOQ [ *
this salo. . . 45SC
WhcolottcF , a now
, worth
this week .
Silver plated teaspoons
worth 75c a set ,
seae , oc
porsot . O9C
\SIlvor \ plated do crt
( spoons worth $1.60 .
ra sot , this sulo . . .
Sliver plated table
spoons worth $2.00
a B.-I , this sale
Silver plated butter knlvtf
north 1.00-thls sale
Silver plated knives and forks I
worth $3.50 per set , this die I
Big Picture Frams Salt
1,600 feet Flore"tln pattern , gold
burnished points r-.culdlnfr , ft-
worth S3c foot , thiii 7 ek. , Jfu
675 ft. Imitation Ulrrta' Kye Maple
Moulding something now lsn
worth 25c-thls week PT ft Qu
359 fe t large 4-inch gold Burnished
Mouldings , worth -3u fool , Cn
thli week , ucr fee Ob
l.G'X ' ) itct Koom Moulding , In oak
or mahogany , this wctk , Q
per foot Ou
We ir.ake th above Mnnlrtln * ini
in any size frame desired free of
lied by the board of directors of the Santa
Fo system at the annual meeting In this
city on December 8 , and the formal trans
fers of the property will be made Immedi
ately afterward. It will be an economical
move , doing away with a large amount of \
accounting and statistical work which has
boon made ncceesary by the separate cor
porations. All the stock and bonds ot the
branch lines are held by the Santa Fe Rail
way company. The branch lines Vo bo con
solidated number about twenty In all.
I'ormatloii of the Anuoclntioii In Noiv
AI in out an Acooniiillnlied Knot.
The movement to establish a passenger as
sociation of the transmUsouri lines has ad
vanced 'far enough for another meeting of
the general passenger agents of the Inter
ested lines. This will be held tn this city ,
convening on Thursday morning ot next
week. It will bo atl'sntled by the general
passenger agents of all lines west of the
river , and probably a number of the repre-
scntatlves.of the Iowa lines.
The principal business of the meeting will i
bo to consider the form of agreement for
the lines composing the proposed association.
An agreement has been prepared by Gen
eral Passenger Agents Lomax of the Union
Pacific , Francis of the B. & M. and Buch
anan of the Elkhorn road. Thesp were ap
pointed a committee several months ago to
draft the agreement and have completed
tlhelr task.
The organization of the now Transmls-
Bourl Passenger association has not been
urged forward during the summer on ac
count of the lax condition of all passenger
aEreeinontK. Even the ono that Is supposed
tn hold all the linen In the Western Pas
senger association together has been Inoper
ative during the summer. The unsettled
condition of rates In the west Is rcapons.blo
for this. The rates between Chicago and St.
Paul have been tn the worst condition , and
the situation between Chicago and Kansas
City has been notably bad. Except for the
reduction made to Omaha on account of the
exposition , rates hero have been well main
tained. It was deemed unwise , however , to
trv to make the association agreement effec
tive until after November 1. At that time ,
It Is oredlctcd. all rates will bo advanced to
tariff through the way of clearing up the
remnants of the rate war with the Canadian
The formation of the transmlssourl asso
ciation will mark the end of the control of
passenger matters In this part ot the coun
try from Chicago. Western passenger men
Imvo grown tired ot going Into Chicago , and
tbo meetings of the now association will be
! held In turn In Omaha , Kansas City and
Denver. The new association will work In
| harmony with the Western Passenger asso
ciation , as two of the general passenger
agents who have drawn up the new agree
ment are representatives of Chicago lines
and will not do anything to Jeopardize the
Interests of the Chicago Institution.
Short Line nnil Oregon Ilnllwny and
Navigation Are to He CoiiNoIl < laril.
SALT LAKE , Oct. 22. It Is stated hero
i that the expected reorganization of the
Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line and
the Oregon Railway & Navigation companies
will have tbo effect of consolidating the
Short Line and Oregon Railway & Naviga
tion concerns Into ono syitem to bo operated
from Portland , Ore. Inquiry at the general
ofuco of the Short Line brought out the
statement that this Is what has been ex
pected all along by the officials of the road.
One who U well Informed In the secrets ot
the Union Pacific laid that the rumor was
well founded and made the further state
ment that la lets than ono year the same 1
combination would control the Central Pa-
| ctflc as well , and that the meeting In thla '
1 city and the election of the Union Pacific >
This ladles' beau
tiful Jacket , In
bouole , melton ,
kersey nnd braver
In all sizes nnd
colors , n'lk lined
throughout , wither
or without storm
collar , worth $18 6rt
. . (0 ( 75
Now splendid , oi
huntorfl , guaranteed
to louvo no odor ,
worth J0.5U . _ _
this weak. . 4 10
Nice laundf-y fltovos
with heavy cn5 > tlngi , worth Q Cfl
Jo.EO-thts sulo
Cannon Stoves worth J3.00 Q
this sale . O
Air tight heaters , guaranteed to hold
Hro 24 hours oarts all closely riveted
making It alr-tlght worth O nn
J7.60-thls snle . 0 Oil
Coral-dak stoves , nicely trimmed In
nickel-worth J15.00
this sale . 975
The Wonderful Estate Oak stove ,
guaranteed to keep flro CO hours
with soft coal equipped with screw
registers and made with u
ash pit , making It absolutely alr-tlght ,
the finest soft or hard coal heating
stove In the wo rid ono worth $18.00
Ills sale. (075 (
Coral base-burners , all parts tnado with tlio best tempered steel ,
nicely nlcklcd-worth J35.00 IA 1C
this sale 14 10
Nice large cook stoves with extra largo oven , guaranteed to be a
baker In every respect worth $15.00 ft * JC
this week U 10
Star Estate Steel Ranges , the finest steve In the world , all parts
closely riveted , lined throughout with tempered steel and asbestos
filling , extra large oven , guaranteed by the factory and byOQ en
us-worth $50.00this sale OC Oil
Mexican Drawn Work
Wine Glass Dollies-worth
Soc-thls week
Fruit Plate Doilies-size V4x6H
worth Kc this * JKn
week OOO
Beautiful Lunch Cloth slz 10x15
forth $2.25 this
week , Q5c
Largo beautiful Lunch : ioth
beautlful patterns with Immense
lot of work worth $5.50 O * jt\
-this week L lU
Hxtra large Lunch Cloth sizes
J4s.H with an Immcnug lot of
work down the center
actual valuft $12.50 C TC
this week Q 10
Americanized Kncyrlopnedla Brit-
annlca revised and amended a
dictionary of art , sclcncru nml lit
erature , to which U added biog
raphies of living fsubjuuts , 91 ! col
ored maps nnd numerous illustra
tion * , edited by W. II. Del'uy ,
D. D. , LL. D. , and a corps of
eminent writers , consisting of ton
volumes nicely bound theao books
have never been sold less than
$25.00 a set we offer for this sale
a complete sot for $12.50 tn CO
$1 down and $1 per week l& UU
officers on the Short Line board were only
the beginning of the working out of a do.
sign that will be far-reaching In its effect.
Knimnit Ilnllronil Sold.
KANSAS CITY. Kan. . Oct. 22. The St.
Louis. Kansas & Southwestern road was eold
at auction here at moon today by Master In
Chancerv Hiram P. Dillon , under a decree
of the United States circuit court for tbo dis
trict of Kansas , to satisfy a claim of the
Farmers Loan & Trust company of New
York. The line is sixty miles long , run
ning from Arkansas City to Anthony and
was at one time part of the 'Frisco eystem.
The sale Included rolling stock , telegraph
Ilnc3t etc. The ralltoad and equipment were
nurchaeed for J1SO.OOO by Samuel Baker of
Hamilton , Ont. , as representative of the
creditors , who hold J800.000 of the company's
bonds. The ealo was subject to lease , which
expires on Juno 30 , 1809 , and which is now
held bv Colonel F. S. Eaton , who Is at pres
ent operating the road.
Ilnllronil Noted.
A notice has been posted In the elevator
at Union Pacific hcadounrters that no more
than eight passengers will bo allowed to
rldo In It nt the same time.
The period of transition on the Union Pa
cific has reached the Wyoming division
Agent Hobbs at Granger , Wyo. , has given up
his position to Agent Smith.
Jack O'Hearn. for many years In charge
of the Union Pacific mechanical shops at
Cheyenne.Vyo. . , Is now general foreman of
thn Lake Erie & Western road In Ohio.
Conductor McKrown of an extra Block
train on the Union Pacific reports that as the
train was picking up a car of stock at
Buda. Neb. , on Friday on unknown man was
struck and killed.
Ilenolvp to Grant th County lOin-
ploye u Holiday on Omiilm Day
nt the lOxponltlon.
At the meeting of the county commis
sioners vceitordny morning the board took
, nosltlvo action In favor of Omaha day at
the exposition by adopting the following
resolution. Introduced by Mr. Klcrstcad ;
Whereas. The Board of Directors of the
TrannmisslHslppl Exposition has designated
Monday. October 31 , ns Omaha day ; and
Whereas. It is the wish of the Board of
County Commissioners to assist all in its
power to make the day the greatest in the
point of attendance of any day during the
exposition : therefore , be It ,
Resolved. That nil employes of the county
bo Klvcn a hrllday on thnt dny , with the
exception of leaving one mnn In each office
to attend to such business as mny be neces
The board allowed a bill for the work
connected with covering up the lawn on
the court liouse grounds to protect It from
the crowds watching the Ak-Sar-Ben
parades. The expense for erecting the
stand In front of the court house was borne
by the members of the board and the county
officials , and was not taxed up to the county.
The board allowed the usual number ot
bills for county work , passed the regular
appropriation sheets , and adjourned until
next Saturday.
Ilolilx the lloilj ,
While the Identity of the man who com
mitted pulclde nt tlio Public Library build
ing \\eanesday morning , has been estab
lished as John Relcard of New York City ,
Coroner Swaneon has not been able to learn
anything of his relatives or friends. Ho will
keep the body twenty-four hours lcn er and
If no claim Is made for it be will burv
it at the county's expense. Meanwhlln he
will telcsranh the Now York police and ask
. their aid in looklne up the dead man's
relatives in New York.
When Relrard came to Omaha Mr. Dem-
Ing , the lodging liouuo keeper who Identified
the body said that be had a bin telescope
satchel with him. What disposition he
made of thlu satchel the coroner Is trying
1 to learn , as It may contain uomethlne that
mlcht rut him on the track of the man'H
This benut'ful ' Tirorn-lM FUM ' .
est cut velveteen faced In blur ,
black mid blue IMHIN , an i. > , > l
throughout-In all sizes-
worth } 4.50-thls sale I
Ilandsomo 65-
pleco Dinner Sot ,
made of the finest
English seml-iior-
celain decorat
ed with beautiful patterns worth A TK
$9.00-thls sale . 4 fO
100-ploce Dinner Sets made of the finest
English semi-porcelain decorated with
beautiful spray patterns worth fl Cft
$13.00-thls sale . U OU
Beautifully decorated In assorted colors-
largo sized pieces , very finest of ware
Toilet Sets-worth $1.00 this I
sala . I
A No. 17 high Bradley & Hubert Banquet
Lamp made of heavy lacquered brass-
has a large No. 3 burner and equipped
Klobo and decorated In natural olors-
worth $5.00 this O OC
weak OO
Memories of the Exposition Will Be Only
Vague Dreams.
The Ilrniitlfnl IlnllilliiRa Have Ilccii
Iteproilnceil Iiy the Mnnter HnuilM
of n KmnoiiH Artlit In Purple mill
Gold nml Green ami White.
Tbo Bee Publlshlnc company begs to'au <
nounco the publication of wnl 'o vlrv/i It
color of the Transmlsslmlppl Exposition.
These nro reproductions In thirteen colors
of the original paintings of John R. Key. the
famous American artist , from the nrcra of
the Tnber-Prnnc Art company. Boston.
Mr. Kev is well known ns the nalntcr cl
the Clilcaco World's Fair , and his pnlntlnEi
have been exhibited in a sncclal callcrv. the
annex of the Illinois bulldlmr. on the Trnns-
mlsslsslppl Exposition grounds , where thou
sands have viewed and admired them , and
brought back pleasant memories of the Co
lumbian Exposition. Mr. Kev is distinctly
nn American Artist belnc a grandson of
Francis Scott Key , the author of "The Star
Spangled Banner. " Ho hns added new
laurels to his name bv his palntlncs of tha
Transmlsslsslppl Exposlton.
The name of "Pranc" of Boston is miffi-
clent cunrantv of the fnlthfilllness of the
artistic reproduction , There views are llxlfl
Inches , nnd are handsomely hound In a
portfolio cover , maklnc the most benutlful
collection of pictures of the exposition , which
can bo Imnclned.
Wo will be pleased to send vou the two
scrlea of six pictures each for 12.60 without
mnts. or { 4.00 with mats : slnele scries
$1,2.1 without mats , or S2.00 with mats.
The sublccts of the pictures nro : First
series 1. Government Bulldluur. 2. ATI ! of
States. 3. Procession of All Nations Fourth
of July. 4. The Plaza Marino Band G
Horticultural and Stain Butlillncs. C. Even
ing on the Lagoon. Second series 1. The
Lagoon Looklne West from Collonado , 2.
View from West Door of Mining Bullillne.
3. The Midwnv. 4. Grand Illumination. G.
The Indian Encampment. C. Entrance Ac-
rlcultural DulMlnir.
With mats , suitable for frnmlni ; . thcso ( U'
35 cents per copy , or without mats pJ 2fl
cents per copy. If sets are seiit out of town ,
please remit 35 ccntu extra for uxpressnge. or
10 cents extra for postage for slnclo copies.
As the edition is limited , it would bn well
to send your order at once tn lnsn * Its
being filled. The Bee Publishing Co. ,
Omaha Neb.
The followinc births nnd deaths were re
ported to the health commissioner durliu
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yea
terday :
Births Robert Oravnor , Twenty-sixth and
Oak , boy ; Hans Cook , 1210 Pacific , girl ;
Chris Pedersen. 2031 South Eighteenth , xlrl ;
P. W. Andereon. 2521 North Fifteenth , hey
Deaths Elmer Coolcv. Douclnn county
hospital , 2S years : Gladdlu Or ear , 2639
Charles. 1 year ; John Ilalley , 3720 Ohln , 71
years ; Jane Ives Wnahburn , Mlllard hotel ,
75 years.
Druerlptlon of 11 Driul .11 nn.
A description of the unknown man sup
posed to bo an Omahan. who died In thu
Paddock hospital at Tacoma on the 18th ,
was received by the police yesterday ,
The description Is as follows ; AKO about 27 ;
five feet eleven inches in helghtj weighed
100 pounds ; of dark complexion and slender
build , On a card found In ono of his picket ]
wau the name "William Knock. " Although
the clothes worn by tbo dead man wcra
these of a laborer , the Information sava that
the man's face and bauds show him to Uuv <
been a man ubovo that station in life.
Snap abota 10 cento ; cut price from 23
cents ; 4S Excosltlon views. Satuiduy only ,