TTTE OMAHA DAILY JVEEt RT7NDAY , OCTOBER 23 , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICE ! ftir tlimp colnnti will he fnkrn until 1U m. for (1 cvenlnir nn < l until HiflO for uiornlii nnil fluiiilnr pilltlonx. Itiitm , 1 l-2n n word flint Inxertloi 1u n. mini thereafter. Nothing tukc fnr IC N than arfc for the llrnt lime tlnii. Thene nilvvrtlNomenl * in lint t run connrctitlrrl ) . Advertiser * , liy requcntlnrf n nnti hcrnl clpcl < , t'nii linvt * niinwiTii m Ironxpil let n numbered lattrr In oni of The HIMAn finer * HO mlUrt f it III IIP delivered on presentation i the check otilj- . SITUATIONS A STENOGRAPHER AVhcn you want 01 please cull up the Remington typ < ! wrlti uincc , 1619 Kurnam Hi. ; telephone 1672. A-M9S7 N17 AVANTED. Job of any klnn twntcirnui for a one-armed man , Uermun , IS ycut Address 13 29 , Bee. A-1G3-2S' WANTED , board or room In cxchnnRO f rnuslo lessons. Address E 31 , lice. A-176-23' STENOGRAPHER of experience nnd the oughly competent waits position ; yout man with best references. Address K 1 Hoc. A 219 WANTED , situation by a competant pha maclst , reglstired by examination In low capable of managing business If desire Good references furnished. Address C. i Itrld , Cameron. Mo. A Mill-as * BY LADY who can make herself general useful , speaks French , German and En llsli ; understands music ; can tench * work In ofllcc. Address E 13 , Bee. A-29C 23' AS DELIVERYMANor salesman. years' experience 'In grocery buslnes B 64 , Bee. A M337 25 * WANTED MALI ! IICM * . SALESMP2N for clears ; $ i'5 a month ar expenses ; old firm ; experience unnece nary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , M n-ni. TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting sehoc CIS H. 13. B-9S4Dec2. SALESMAN wanted to sell our choli nursery Htock ; a printed guaranlee glvr with every order that this stork Hhnll 1 tlrst class and true to label ; good sularli paid. Write for terms to A. C. Grlcsa Bro. . Lawrence , Kansas. P M92S O24 * WANTED , men and boya to sell IV "Ponce Jubilee Souvenir , " 60,000 will I sold Peace Jubilee week. Apply City Cl : dilution Dept. , Omaha Bee. B M541 WANTED , boys to sell Snap Shots Sir Peace Jubilee souvenir on the Htrci Peace. Jublleo week , Apply Clrculntlr Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. B M4IS YOU can make from $3 to $10 a day s"lllt Peace Jublloo Souvenir and Snap She during the Peace Jubilee Apply Clrculi tlon Department , Omuhn Bee. B M447 YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only to 8 weeks required : we glvo our grndi ates employment till they receive I wages as much as they pay tor tultli : and expenses learning St. Louis Ila her college. Odd Fellows' bid ; ? . , Dodge ar 14th , Omaha. Prof. Randolph. Inslruclo B-M690 N9 SINGLE hands wanted for cornhuskln AVagoH. $20.00 per month and board. Ai dress D. Rnnkln , Tarklo , Mo.BM1S3 B-M1S3 23 * GOVERNMENT positions. Don't prepa ! for any elvll service examination wlthoi seeing our Illustrated catalogue of li formation. Sent free. Columbian Corr spondcnco College , AVnshlngton , n. C. B-M1E4 23 * WANTED , a Rood all-round butcher. A ] ply Immediately R. M. Westphalen. A lantlc , Iowa. B-M1S3 23 "WANTED , clerks for Rcnernl olllce wor State HRC , salary und references. " E : Bee. B-M190 23 BOY WANTED. Omnha Butter Tub Cc 26lh and Union Pacific tracks. B M19 : SALESMEN wanted having general roi experlencu to curry a side line until Ja 1st. No fakes or schemes ; Rood coinml slons paid. Apply with refinrenc B , C lutnblu Jewelry Co. , Iowa City , Iowa. B M214 23' 50 MEN WANTED for farm work ( tJnlon Paclllc road. 60 miles west c Omaha. Stundard Cuttln Co. , Ames. Ne B M216 2S MAN or woman of energy and buslne ability to travel for established firm. 5 a month and nil expenses. P. W.legl & Co. . 322 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. B-M200 23' WANTED , four good carpenters. Come i once or address C. W. Way. Contracto Franklin , Neb. B M204 Si" WANTED , experienced florist , who cr speak German and English ( single mar. Aoply to II. Haas , florist , 1813 Vlnton. H-222 23 WANTED , salesmen ; salary paid woekl experience unnecessary. Permaner Hrown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B GOOD men to distribute 5,000.000 pieces ad matter ; big wages ; enclose -stump. Mfr Adv. Co. . Dept. A. E. , 114 AV. 31th S Now York. B WANTED A 1 salesman to pell the be lire extinguisher known , Plttsburg FI Extinguisher Co. , PlttsbtirR , Pa. n FIXPERIENCED clothing salesman ; cr today. Ill South 17th St. , room 7. B 212-23' \VANTED , several nnergetlo men ai women In each state to travel for Mnf house and appoint agents ; several f local work : salary $75 per month and e penses. Address , with reference ai previous occupation , Century , 3943 Mark St. , Phlla. , Pa , 240-23' EXPERIENCED and successful pollclto can make $100 weekly on our new ) library , "Historic Mntorpleces. " For tc rltory address D. Appleton & Co.1 -1 llewrion Bldg. , Kansas City , Mo. U-511 23 < SALESMAN wanted for dry goods and ge eral trade In Nebraska ; entire time r quired ; Rlvo references and experience application. Address Box 127 , Detrol .Mlch B 243 3 $53.00 MONTHLY salary ; $5.00 outfit fro L. Bachman & Co. , 171 La Sulle St. . Cr. cilgo. B 232 23' GOVERNMENT positions ; thousands appointments to bo made ; full purtlcula concerning position * , salaries , etc. . fu nlshed fre-e by Nat'l Correspondence I stltute. Dept. C. S. E. , Washington , IX < B-231 IV WANTED , wo have steady work for n fe good hustlers of good habits and npuen unco. C. I' . Adding Co. , 524 So. ifith St. U-230 N2" AVANTED , engineers and tlremen send cents for n 21-pago pamphlet contain' ! a list of questions nsked by an examlnli board of engineers. Address Geo. A , / ( lor , bookseller , IS So. 4th St. . St. Lou Mo. Mention this paper. H- AVANTED. bright boy about IS In wholesii house. Address E CO , Bee. B 2 < t y EXPEU1ENOED traveling salesmen to EI holiday line to the dry goods trad must hiivo clean record and give bon Permanent position to right party. A rtres Box SU. Chicago. 11 301 23' GENTLEMEN can earn money ut hem can devote whole or part time ; no oa viisslng , bend stamp for particulars. No city , box 1531. Boston , Mass. 11- AVANTED , six young men to enter BoyU holiool for a rliifs thU week ; positions a noHitely Ruaranteed ; the demand up > this school for stenographer : ! Is now u always has been fur In excess of t number It Is ublo to supply ; business m tire furnished stenographer ! ] for tcinii ritry or permanent employment ; parti who desire help of this kind , by call ! up telephone 19S4 , are supplied with a : grade of stenographers desired , thu me expert , the experienced umanurnsls or t beginner ; typewriting und mlmeogra work ore uUo done ut reasonable ruti Be building. 11-313 23 AVANTED , by Chicago h. . jae , three truv Ing Bollcllora ; must have good ref , u dresa well ; salary $15 to $50 und R. furcs > : permanent position with bctt Places for real hustlers. Sou K 1 , D llo hotel , Monday a. m. B 312 23 AVANTED , young man who Is thorough competent and experienced In nmnli l-otrlc elevator. None but those hnvli had years of experience need upply. E i Btt. fi9 : ; ( Continued. ) AVANTED , man In every county ; best pa ; Ing buclnesM on earth for man with snis capital ; wo show yon. E 62 , Bee. B-M3IO 23 * AVANTED , traveling men for side line ; sel to banks ; describe territory. The Guard man Printing Co. , Red Oak , Iowa. H-M3M 28" _ _ BOY AVANTED to learn Jewelry Had must live by parents. 1511 Dodge Si room 1. Arlington block. B-M302 23 * MANAGER wanted In every county 1 handle medicines of twenty years' slant Ing ; splendid thing for agents ; sells I everybody under guarantee ; 200 to 500 pi cent prollt. Address , J. Bradford , Roe C3 , 119 Dearborn St. , Chicago. B-32323 * _ AVANTED , young man to work In rcstai rant ; iiui.'t understand the luiflnegi.V dress 112S3. York , Neb. B 329 U WANTED , a man of medical experience tnXo charge of n number of lady ca , v.i-iiers to sell medicines and toilet art clei throughout the Pacific coast state A number of ludy saleswomen will be r quired , who can nlso apply. Salary ai . railroad fare will be paid. Aildrcs Pacific Coast Medicine Co. , Bee ufllce. B-314 23 WANTUII KHMAI.I3 III3t.l > . GIRL for general housework ; si\iall fun My. 3003 Pacific. C M153 23 AVANTED. competent girl , with reference for general housework. Mrs. O. 1 Stebcns. 2201 Webster C M113 23 AVANTED , 130 girls. 1524 DodRO. Tel , 81 C MISS N20 A AVOMAN to flll an Important trust ; smn deposit required. E 33 , Bee. C M181 23 AVOMEN to do plain sewing at horns ; $1. u day ; four months' work guarantee send stamped , addressed envelope f particulars. It. AV. llutton & Co. . Phil ; delphla. Pa. C 231-23" GET RICH , fortunes ore made by Inves Ing $2 monthly In stocks ; no risk wha ever. AVrlte Wllcox & Co. , r.29 Brondwa N. Y. c ; s-23' ! BUSINESS woman to travel , good salar Call today. Ill So. 17th St. Room 7. C-241 ; 23 * LADIES wanted for profitable homo wor ] no canvassing ; easy , fascinating. Fc particulars send stamp to Novelty , be 1531 , Boston , Masa , c- AVANTED , girl about 15 years of age to i light chorea about house for board ar small salary ; party can attend school du inR day. References. Call at 1511 Soul 29th St. C-M321 25 FOR HUNT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over elf $ o to $ .u. Fidelity , llrst floor. N. Y. Llf1 D-IS1 _ _ _ HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th St. D-149 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HOUSES , stores. Bemla. Paxton block. D-150 _ _ A FEAA' cottages. 430 Board Trade ( ID-152 _ FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and 1 room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; RCK location ; font low. Bern Is , Paxton bloc D-151 _ _ ALAVA.YS moving household goods nr pianos. Omaha Van & Storaca Co. , 1511 Farnam. Tel. . 1S59. D-154 _ BENEU'A'S residence to rent , 3230 Hurt. _ _ _ D-M153 HOUSES , stores. Robbing , 1S02 Farnar D-16b _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , 7 rooms ( two floors ) , brl < House. 509 S. 29th. Selby , Board of Trad Telephone 1510. D 903 COTTAGE on easy payments. 601 Bee Bid D-MSC1 _ HOTEL down town ; 10 rooms ; good com ! tlon ; convenient to all car lines : rei $15.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. , " S. 14th St. D-110 HOUSES Chas. E. Benson. 310 Ramgo bid D-M782 Jan. 13 _ FURNISHED cottage , Lost Angeles. Cr 1512 Davenport , Omaha. D M9C1 10-ROOM modern , detached house fop rei Nov. 1. Call 519 So. 25th avenue. D-183 23 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR RENT , 10-room modern house nr barn , with largo shady prounds. John AV. Bobbins. Agt. , 1S02 Farnam s - D-M1SO _ _ _ 10-ROOM modern brick , No. 1031 So. 30 av 7-room modern cottage. No. 3414 N. 27 st. 6-room cottage , No. 3402 N. 27 st. Addre AV. D. Mead , No. 3414 N. 27 st. D M203 22 _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR. RENT , furnished house , eight roon and alcove , Kountze Place , $36.00 p month. Address E 46 , Bee office. D-246 23' _ _ TO OAVNERS OF HOUSES : WANTED , the agency of about flf modern C and 7 room houses ; have a plications on hand ; good tenants. R i Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat. Bonk Bldg. D-M2S2-2.1 _ _ FOR RENT , furnished house , 9 rooms Selby- MODERN br. flat ; nice street. 604 Bee bid D-29 : _ FOR RENT. 11-room house , city water RB furnace , large yard ; price low ; near Ha scorn park. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Yi Llf D-M2S9 U _ _ JIA , < ? GARD'S Vlin & Storage. 121 N. 161 _ Tol. 149b. _ D-M311 N22- ' 'iVi " ? ? ( icmn"A1or < iuiek rent list v.'ith J. H. Parrotte , Douglas block. D-at301 23 _ FOR UK.VI'-KtmXISHED HOOMS. THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st nnd Plnkn. Sts. , ilfty daintily furnished rooms on square from the Arch of the state everything new and first-class ; terms rei sonable. _ E 15'i N'n-9j' : Y furnished rooms for transient 2209 bpencer St. , Kountzo Place , near e' tiosltlon. E M143 _ AV13. Home-Rooms' for famtles or parties specialty. Clean beds 25u up. 1712 Cap. Av E-MWH O23 _ _ FURNISHED rooms , with bath : one nlo < from 21th st. car line. S52 South 2Si street. E-567 30 * _ NICE rooms , central , 50c up. 1512 Davei Port. E-M2C2 O29 _ NICELY furnished rooms for genttemi In private family. 1701 Capitol avenu west postofllcp. E M113 25 * ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for trui slonts , steam heated ; reasonable price flat 1 , Davldge building , opposite cl hall , corner 18th nnd Farnam streets , Hr landing. Ask for Mrs. Jeffries. E M193 23 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR RENT A large furnished room , ce trally located In desirable part of tl city , to gentlemen only. Address E : Uee. E-10G 23 3 PUNISHED rooms for man and wlf rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. NICE rooms , warm , central. 1512 Davei port- E-M2C2 O2S FOR RENT , furnished basement to rm nnd wife for care of furnace and gl' lady and child board ; references. 209 ' - * St. E-2S1-23' ' ROOMS , strictly private family , with i without board. Address E 62. Bee. E-M322 23' A'ERY desirable xteam-heuted front room transient or permanent. Enquire at VI S , Davldge Bldg. . corner ISth nnd Fa nam Sts. Good reference required. - rtiiM.smo HOOMS A.MJ HOAUU. SARATOGA HOTEL , 21th St. and Anv Ave.I blocks west from north Rate e : position pounds ; best rooms , $ : , wl meals , $ l.w without ; families und partle $1.2j a day und 50c European ; i erythti new und neut. free baths , double parlor library und pluno ; two lines of utre cars , vast verandahs , best place to s exposition flre work ? , Jolly people and gymnasium. Telephone , 1931. F-777 TWO young men can find a pleasant hon with good board In a strictly nrlva family at 703 Georcla Ave. F-249 23' I't'HMHItnil UOOM.S AM ) IIOAIll ) . ( Continued. ) TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rcnl HlKti In your window. The M e reachi more people In a day than will pass yoi window In a month ; and they consu these columns when they want to buy i rent. F SCJ THE MERRIAM. first-class family hot * 23th and Dodge Sts. F 15S FURNISHED rooms with boTrd ] 23 Harncy. F-MS2I Nil * ELEGANT steam heated rooms , wll board ; flnezt location In city. 19o9 Cm Itol Ave. F M132 26' IN PRIVATE family In city , nicely fu nlshed front room with board , sultnb for two. Address E 45 , Bee. F 24S 23 * FOR RENT , rooms with board : terms re Homihlo. Mrs. Atkins , 1830 Kyner Ave. F-M5I7 30' COXY room with heut nnd bath ; flrst-cla board ; will rent to two young gentleme Hanscom park nclRhborhood : cotivenlc for So. Om.iha employes. E 63 , Bee. -F293 2,1 : NICELY furnished room with board ; i modirn convenience ? : near Hansco park. Addrc.'H B 57. B e. F-M2M 2' HANDSOME large rooms with boar steam ; references. 202 N. 18th.F . F M300 25' KOIl UHXT IJM''II1IMSIII3U ROOMS 4 OR G CHOICE locations , one floor ; pi vale bath ; references necessary. C : Bee. G M29S UNFURNISHED rooms , N. AV. cor. 14 and Leavcnworth , $2.50 and $ .3.00 each. I quire room 331 Board of Trade bids.G00 G-00 ! 3 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th st. G-201 N22' ' KOR IIK.Vr STORES AMJ OFFICES DESK room. G. G , Wallace , 313 Brown B 1-15 ! NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. A ply 2518 Caldwell. I-1C1 IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Ben Bid 3-STORY nnd basement brlcR store bull Ing , 1005 Farnam , $2x100. Inquire 314 Fir National bank building. I-M30E STORE , 1319 Farnam. C. F. Harlrson. 1-177-26' FOR RENT The Manderson block , II nnd Capitol uve. ; 3 floors , 3 stor ? rootr fi flats , connected , 40 rooms. George AVnllacc , 313 , J. J. Brown block , 16th ni Douglas. i is ; AGENTS WANTED. SOLICITOR , first class , on ndvertlsli novelty ; flue side line ; light samples , i N. Manchester. Racine , AVis. J MIS ) 26' LADY AGENTS If you want the be money maker you must have Our Hyge Electric Corsets the standard for twen years. Address AVcstern Corset Co. , Louis , Mo. J AGENTS for Perfection Self-heating He Curler ; elegant holiday gift ; fast celU large profits ; sample 50c ; for circulars ai exclusive territory write Standard Spe < allies Co. , Times Bldg. , New York. J- uuiuv for yourself ; for particulars ai Hat of practical money-making receipt trade secrets and private formulas , wrl postal to AVheatbn & Co. , New Bedfor Muss. J 252 23' AGENTS , wo will pay $100.00 per mon and railroad expenses to any man wl will faithfully represent us In takli orders for the most reliable portrait cop Ing house In the world. AVe pay strict salary. Address at once , G. K. Marti New York City. J 251 B' ONLY perfect bath cabinet ; greatest selle R. M. Irwln , St. Louis , Mo. . Nnshvll ! Tenn. J 2oO 23' AGENTS , big money selling our flro-pro home nnd business safe.s ; $73.40 clear one day by new agent ; capital or e perlcnco unnecessary ; write for s-pecl terms nnd catologue. Alpine Safe Co. , Cl clnnutl. J 253-23' AGENTS , $5.00 to $10.00 a day to Introdu our pure "Asbestos" wicks ; just patonte giving light fully equal to olectrlcl and lasting from S to 10 years. Dept. 45 , Fire-proof Safety AVlck AA'orks , Colin bus , O. j- SALESMEN $ ,200 per month guarante selling Brooks' Oil Gas Generators f generating gas from coal oil for heatli or cooking stoves , ranges , furnaces steam boilers ; no smoke , odors , du : coal , kindling or ashes : territory frt Brooks Burner Co. , Cincinnati , O. J 254-23' ' PORTRAIT agents save big money gcttli our wholesale prices on portraits ni frames. The Grove Art Co. , 295 Fit Ave. , Chicago. j _ \ \ ANTED , lady agents In Omaha and su rounding towns to sell the great remei Preventive and best syringe known f wjmen. $5.00 per day easily made , j correspondence treated professionally ai In strictest confidence. Address Preve tlno Medicine Co. , Room 2 , 214 South 12 St. , Omaha , Neb , J M254 2S' AGENTS In till sections to handle our Un ! < Lamp Burners ; entirely new , cheap a : an article that fells on sight ; exclusl territory. The Union Burner & AVlck C 48-50 Long St. , Cleveland , Ohio. J 23C-231 METAL CAT" BEST seller of the century , the Black C Trap supercedes the cat ; 100 per ce profit ; we pay the freight ; sample 10 cen particulars free. A. F. lieese , Davenport , Iowa. J 235-23' SCHEMES nnd fakes ; a new book for t ; agent ; mall order man and fakir ; pos paid. 25 cts. C. D. A'arvll Publishing o Dept. IS , Racine , WIs. J 2Sfi 2.T AGENTS to sell our holiday goods. Ne line Just completed. Fast sellers. AVes ern Glass Adv. Co. . Chicago , 111. J-M326 23' AGENTS nnd solicitors are making $25.00 $50.CO per week selling our new edition , ju nut. "War with Spain.I" 750 pages , beaul fully Illustrated , written by Congressim A'oung. Big line cut-price , holiday 01 Juvonllo books ; big money makers. Wrl quick. Patriotic Art Co. . 120-122 Randoli St. , Chicago. J 325 23' WAXTBD TO RUNT. GENTLEMAN wants desk room with u of telephone. Address E 15 , Bee. K M103 25' _ WANTED , by November 1 , a 7-room mo ern house , central location preferre will take long lease and pay good rent suited. Address E 21 , care of The Be < > . K-131 23' _ WANTED TO RENT , one or two unfu nlshed rooms , with heat and light : mu be strictly first class and within 7 blocl of P. O. B st ot reference given. A dress E 26 , lice. K M156 2U < SUITE of two unfurnished rooms , wl heat , by Nov. 1st. E 32 , Bee. 1C-M1SO 23 _ AVANTED , u small modern house or u furnished rooms , with or without boar Address E 42 , Bee. K M212 23' 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED rooms for Up housekeeping ; steam or furnace ; modcr centrullv located. E 40 , Bee. K-M209 23' _ AVANTED , rooms , cither furnished or u furnished , for light housekeeping , by Nn 1st. Address E 37 , Bee. K M200 23' AVANTED , 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms wl steam heat , by gentleman and wife ; cc trnl location : references exchanged. A dress E 3S , Be ? , 1C S' 1 UNFURNISHED rooms for light houa kevplng on 1st floor. Address D 52. lit K M12S-23' AVANTED , on or before Nov. 15th , lady a'l 2 gentlemen want 2 or 3 furnished roor with board , within S blocks of City hoti Prlvnts family preferred ; ref. exchange stale terms , etc , E 44 , Bee. . K 259-23' ' TWO or three rooms with board for wint by man. wife and baby ; references. 43 , Bee , If 25S-23' ' AVANTED , B or 6 room cottage near c , line ; modern : give rent and location. A dress E 41 , Bee. K 257-23' AVANTED. to rent , n 5 , 6 or 7-room hou by Nov. 1 , In good neighborhood. Addrc E B6 , care Bee. K-201 23' AVANTED for man nnd wife and one chll two rooms and board , E 03. Bee , K-318 2J WANTIM ) TO HUNT. ( Continued. ) AVANTED TO RENT , by Nov. 1 , I or B ui furnished , heated rooms for light housi keeping ; references exchanged , E 4S. Be K-25S-23 * AVANTED , not latYr than November 1 , I couple without children , furnished or ui furnished rooms- for light houfekeeplni permanently ; give location nnd terms. 49 , Bee. K-235-23 * AVANTED , rooms , two or three for llgl housekeeping. In n steam heated hous Address E 5S , Bee. K 2SS 23' AVANTED , board and rooms by two Indlt In steam heated house. Address E P Bee. . K-2S7 23 WANTK11 TO IIUY. IF YOU are In need of anything try tl AVant Columns of Thu Uco ; they wl bring vou what you want. N So ? THE MCST HOME ; $2,000 will buy on cus terms. 1 urn no ugtnt. X 64 , Bee. N-M1GI OMAHA Savings nccts. AVnllace. Brown bl N Mill HOUSES to move. AVallace , 313 Brown hi ! N-M763 HIGHEST price for secondhand houscho : goods. Largo lots specially. Brown. 712 I 16th. N MI65 N3 AVANTED at once , $1,500 worth or secom hand furniture nnd carpets. Call or ai dress Omaha Restaurant , 207 So. 12th St. N-977 23 AA'ANTED TO BUY. good residence lot c monthly payments , give loca"oi T price. Box 796. N-2CO-23 * FOR SALE CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furnttut nnd stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75i mattresses , 60c ; pillows , 20c. 140S-10 Dodg O-674 N8 FOR SALE , horss ; call at Paclllc Exprej Co.'s stable , corner llth st. and Capitol a O-MH4 20 BEST and cheapest stoves and furnltu1 sold at small profits ; highest prices pa for good goods. D. Brodkcy , 110 S. 14t O-174 rillA'ATE SALE : furniture of 10-roo brick ; almost now ; special bargains. 5 North 19th at. O-285 23 * SACRIFICE SALE ; hotel furniture ; 20 bei room s ts , 12 Iron beds , 8 folding bed. , mattresses , 50 rocking chairs , table crockery , carpets , rugs , stoves , oak coin ter. Iron safe , etc. ; these goods are no nnd of good quality and will bo so cheap. Apply 2036 Fnrnam st. O M309 2 FOR SAM : HORSES , WAC.ONS , KTC FOR 30 days you can buy best and cheai est carriages , buggies nnd phaetons , ne or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1109 Dodf 1' M225 N22 HORSE for sule. good , cheap dcTlvci horse. Apply S30 So. 33th Ave. P-225 23 FOR SALE MISCiMAMi20US. OAK boards. $1G per m. : also cheapest si : cribbing. 801 Douglas street. Q 165 B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 A'lnton St. , Tel. 77 plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , res dence , wedding and gruve decoration Orders by mail or express promptly Hilt Q-167 HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; best. AVIre Works , 14th and Hurncy. Q-166 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cent at druggists ; QUO gives relief. Q 169 IlIERAVIN-AVILLIAMS CO. . mixed paint Sherman Si McConnell Drug Co. , 13 Dodge street , Omaha. Q M121 N1S AVOOLF XACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plai Ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.50 i $10. Heaters sold cheap. Q-M8S7 Fb24 PRINTING , good , quick , cheap. 1302 Far'i Q-M212 O27 BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 I 16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost. Q-M455 N4 $150 NAT'L tandem , $47. Omaha Bicycle C C-M22S O28 STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortonpoi 404 N. 16th. Q-M271 O29 FOR $3.00. pawn ticket for diamond rini cost $40.00 ; In pawn for $18. E 16 , Bee. Q-M104 FOR SALE , ' .4 Interest In six new Invci tlons. AVrlte J. M. McCnulcy. 172 AVasl ington St. , Blnglmmton , N. Y.QM155 Q-M155 25 * FOR SALE , two flne Jersey cows wll calves by side. 718 South 2Sth St. Co afler 5 p. m. Q 19S-24 FOR SALE , tents , bedsprlngs , mattresse almost now , chairs , tables , stoves , lamp mirrors , waterpalls , etc. , at 2231 Shermu avenue. Call nt once for bargains. 23 * CJ-M213 FIRST class upright pluno. Rolltop des ! sewing machine , household goods. 2 ! Leavchworlh St. Q 219 23 * FOR SALE , 11 soda fountains , fixtures. It cream freezers , packers' material , bulli Ings , chairs and table ? of the beautlfi exhibit of the Onyx Soda Fountain Co. ; Fair grounds , to be delivered about Nov.Q -Q NATIONAL cash register , total adrte nlmost new. A. bargain. Call 15 ; Douglas St. Q-263-2J * GOOD AVestmlnster. No. 5 , Baseburner fi sale cheap. Call 1502 No. 20th St. Q-2C2-23 * FOR SALE , folding bed , gas stove. 616 S 2Sth. Q-261-23 * MACHINE tools , engines , pumps , etc. , ft sale or trade ; machinery built or r paired Sprague Machine \Vorks , 12 Jones St. Telephone 15S3. Q M227 30 * LADIES , clean your kid gloves with Ml ler's gloverlne , for sale only by Thompsi Belden it Co. , headquarters for nlovs nr solo agents fo rtho genuine Fosler lacln gloves , nil the most desirable H | .I Gloves nttfd and warranted. Q 237-23 * SEWING machines from $5 up. all make : Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15th & Harney. Q-M320 23 SINGER sewing machine good as nei cheap for cosh. Nebraska Cycle Co. , 15t & Harney. Q M319 23 FOR SALE , sows with litters ; shouts n sizes. Inquire at 711 So. 16th St. , Oman : Q-S33 23" BUFFALO horns , Indian relics. 1114 Fnr'n Q M330 N22 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Dcright. 1116 Far'ti Q-MS31 N23 2ND-IIAND typewriters cheap , lllfi Fnr'n Q-.MIU2 N22 FOUR high grade pianos used ot Trans mlsslsslnpl cheap. Hurdman , Emersoi Chickcrlng and Fisher ; cash or tm ! < diamond or wulch part payment. AVlu Imva you to trade ? E 65 , Bee Q ' 34'n FOR SALE , Red Cross range. Call at IS' Leavenworth , flat 4. C. A. Bell. Bell.Q Q 239 23 * FOR uAI.E. Art Garland base burnc cheap. 2530 Chicago. q 33 > j 23 * .MI.SCILIA.MCOUS. TWENTY-FIVE cenls will buy Ihe latcs publication Illustrating the U. 8. an Spanish navies , naval commundcrs , etc almost 200 photographic reproduction ! with a large map of Ihe East and Wei Indies , at the ofllco of The Bee. If 01 dered by mall , address Navy Photograp Department , Omaha Bes. R S70 Cl.AIRVOV.lXTS. " TIIAP WONDERFUL AVOMAN.- So all Omaha speaks of the famot MME. GYLMER , PALMIST AND LIF READER. This marvelous woman hn the power to lift the mystic vrlj from o the future , to expose the hidden myi terles of the past. In the simple lines < your hand she. sees your entire life ; en tell you things that have been , that uj nnd are to be. Her advice , based upa this knowledRo , Is of Incalculable benefl Consult her In strictest confidence. Mmi Oylmer has been here more than u yeat the public knows her , the press Indorse her , She Is no stranser no fakir. Mone refunded If not sallsfaclory. Hours , 9 l 7:30 : Sundays , 10 to 4 p. m. Parlors , la Dodge , opp , new P , O. 8 305 23 MME. Gylmcr , genulno palmist , 1005 Dodc < S-MIU N3 CLAIRVOYANTS. ( Continued. ) MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOT N. ICth. B-MtQl D13 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIENNA fortune teller , IS years hire U Howard. S MSOO N13 EDNA E. I JoNQ * w"m "glvcTnorher"wo"iide" fill flower seance Friday S p. in. , Octobi 21 , Patterson hall. Thl sennco will 1 open to pplrltuallsi * only : consult th ludy on nil matters of business , you wl bo repaid for your efforts ; she Is ei do cd by press and public. S-177-N3 ANOTHER wonderful scanco will bo he ] nt Patterson hall , 17th nnd Farnam , 1 Milton , the medium , Sunday night at p. m. ; skepllcs , scoffers nnd know-ul especially Invited ; collection , 10c ; prlvu fittings dally ; all affairs of life , bttslnei and disease ; sntlsfucllon or no charg 1623 Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours , 9 n. m. I S p. m. Open Sundays same hours , Reni Ings by mall. S 217 23 MASSAC.K , IIATIJS , KTC. MADAME SMITH. 118 North 15th strec massage nnd baths ; room 2. T W3 21 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Dnui las block. T M091 N9 _ MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bal parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. lit upstairs. T 170-2C * LAt'IlA Ellison , baths , massage & mui netlc irealmcnt. 119 N. 10 , R. 12 , upstair Attendant. T 221 N21 BEATRICE HARLOW. Elegant massag Egyptian treatment , vapor , tub bath 17ul Leavcnworth. New attendant. T MJI" 20' _ LILLIAN HOWARD , new mabsage ut bath ; Australian treatment. R. :9. it , Farnam streel. T M3I2 24 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and AVnrehousc Co. , 90 1110 Jones .general storage and forwardln -M1B2 OM. A'nn & Storage , 15U < J Farnam. Tel. 15 -M163 1'ERSONAL. A'IAA'1 CO. , 316 Bee building. U 171 A LARGE map of the world , one of Cut and another of the entire West Indie showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , SM Domingo , Martinique and all the othi AVest Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bi ofllce. By mall. 14 cents. Address Cubi Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. u S6S $30 RLPTURE cured for $30. No dulcnllc from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Ca or write for circulars. Empire Uuptui Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Orrmh Neb , U 172 PRIA'ATE hospital for ladles before ai during confinement ; babies adopted ; t : perlenccd physicians In attendance. 11 N. 17th St. . Omaha. U M3SO MASSAGE , electric and magnetic bath New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Ben Bldg tel. 1716. U-M171 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without Pali one treatment does the work ; cull c send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cur 932 New York Llfo building , Omaha. U-173 MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith. 118 % N. 1 U-2S5 029 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post , 319' S. 15th. U-M312 BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , 31914 S. 15tl U-M313 DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removci 25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless 01 eratlon ; 23 yrs. experience : 12 yrp. i Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous ha removed by clectriclly. Frenzer Blk. U--321 HALF soles and heels , 60c. 605 N. 16th. U-MS14 Nil HOAV doctors , dentists , pharmacists , con petont undergraduates can soon gradi ate. Box 19o , Chicago. U 91S N15 * STORM windows , wood turning , bind sav Ins. Hamilton Bros. , 2S & DaVpt. Tel. 117 U-978 NIG THE Omaha Social Club , only one In tl city , a permanent Institution ; honorab Introductions made ; corresponded furnished ; strangers welcome. : ili KUI bach Blk. , 15 & Douglas. Alllo Turnc ; Mgr. U-176-NS PERSONAL , lady managers , $25 a montl AVomcn of tact or executive ability ai wanted to conduct branch ofllces for tl Perfection Treatment ; no medical e : perlence , but much common sense r quired. Tcrhune Remedy Co. , DeH. 1 Grand Rapids , Mich. U-23S-23' SUPERFLUOUS hair , moles , etc. , permi nently removed by electricity ; reference Mrs. Cronyn , 10 Crelghton block. U NUDE IN ART , taken from nature , beautiful colored pictures , all nudes , 25 French Art Co. , 249 So. 6th St. , Phllade phla , Pa. U GENTLEMAN 43 , derives from properl $10,000 a year , will do his fhnre to wan domestic happiness wh'cn he finds h nfllnlty. Home , care Berger , 131 E. 25 Si N. Y. U-26S-2V HANDSOME widower , flne physique ; chili less , refined , accomplished , temperat educated. Irreproachable character , wll lovable disposition ; In fact possessing n these rare noble , generous qualities < heart and mind that make happy homi nnd contented wives , with $200,000 In rr own right , seeks lovable , sensible wlf "Honesty , " 135 Eas-t 65th St. , N. V. U-267-23 * AGNES A' . SAVETLAND. M. D. , speclaf u tentlon to women's diseases. 301 Bi Bldg. , 3rd floor. U 266-23 * "MARRA" , Denver Corresponding CIn members worth $100 to $100.000 , prlva lists 2c , scaled ; no $5 fee. R. L. Lov Denver , Colo. " U 2C1-23 * HITTER'S hospital ; confinement case token ; babies adopted. 2214 Sewnn Omiha ; tel. 2234. r M174 NTH ] AVHAT gentleman will lend middle apt widow $25 on small interest. AVIII gfv security. Ciirrle AI. Warner , General D < llvary , Omaru. U Vfi ? : ! HYPNOTISM , magnetism explained. Tli power v.-ithln us. How to mesmerlai Send stamn for particulars. B. Fran Moloney , 131 Ashland Blvd. , Chlcaco , II U 303 2T BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co. l'-M12l N22 MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chlropr dlsl and hair dresser. 400 Puxlon blocV Business for sale. Entering medical col lego. U-M316 N2 > . THIS wonders of hypnotism sent free ; glvi the key to nil secret power ; richly Him tratid by largo half-tone engraving' * anybody can learn and exert a mafic u fluenco over others ; cures difcascs un bad habltH nnd gives the finest pailc entertainment ever wltnesssd ; write U day ; number Iliplled. National Pub. Co Dept. 54 , H06 Park nve. . New Y--ik. MONEY TO LOAN 'IRA ! . P.STATI AVANTED. choice farm nnd cltv loans. I C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bld [ \V-175 , _ $100,000.00 special fund to loan on flrstclut * Improved Omaha properly , or for build Ing purposes. Fidellly Trust Company. \V-I76 _ _ _ S'i per cent " money. Bemls , Paxton 'bloc ! AV-177 _ _ $1,000 and upwards to loan on improve property. AV. Farnum Smith & Co. , IP : Farnam St. AV-I7S _ 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvl Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. _ AV 179 ANTHONY Loon * Trust Co. , 315 N. A' . L. quick money nt low rates for choice fart land.o In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East ern Nebraska. _ W ISO MONEY to loan on improved OmaYa ren estate. I'.rennan-I.ove Co. , 219 S. ICth. _ W-1S1 MORTGAGES. AVallace , 213 Brown Blocl ; AV M182 _ 6 per cent money. F. D. V/ead , 1C & Doui AVANTED , bonds , stocks , form and rlt mortgages , circular for brokers only. In veslora' Directory. N. Y. \V-lSt SCHOOL OF I.A.NKUARKS. FRENCH. German , Spanish , $2 per montl : Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. 226 N22 MOM3V TO l.OAN-l'IIATTKI.S. $10 TO $10,010 TO 1OAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR IMAGES , \VAm-.IIOt'8i : RECEIPTS , ole.t loweiit rates In Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluff ! Jso removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlal you co.n pay the loan oft at any time c in am .immint. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , , 3Vi ( SOUTH 16TII. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONI. INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY L OMAHA. X-1SI BUY good notes nnd loan on good ehul lels ; 10 per cent per annum. C. U. Olovoi COJ Ktubuch ; notary public : < le d * . morl gages , leases legally executed. X M4I MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 S 131 X MSSO O23 MONEY loaned salaried people holdln permanent positions with responsible coi : corns upon their own name , wlthou security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 70i N. Y. Life Bldg. X ISa MONEY loaned on life Insurance pnllcloi Pianos , furniture , warehouse iccclpli Jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Gieri room S , ll.irker Blk. Ilt'SlM' S C1IANI-K5. SULPHt.Ml Springs Sanitarium boon read for business ; splendid chance for doctor : Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce. A 47 FNE business for sale. R. 1. . 1521 Doilp WHEAT Is due for an advance ; If you win tc make money from It write us for secure plan of Investment. Hughes It formallon nnd Invcslment Company , 6J-1 AVnll Streel , New A'ork ; hlghcsl rofereiu' * 1io9 * o AVANTED , partner with $150 to $300 In bus ness that will bear investigation. E 4 Omaha Bee. Y-M209 24 * WHY go to Alaska for gold when yo can get gold nearer home and In goo ollmale ; valuable finds in gold nnd sllv < at Glorlotu. Santa Fe county , N. Mex great enthusiasm among the mining pc < pie ; prospects of great boom In tnlnln property will take place In the near fi tuns at that place , us very rich ore < gold and silver has been discovered then one claim In the heart of the locality owned by Oscar Dahlstrom , which claimed by experts to be cheap at $100,01 A' 275 23' an It lays now. BOO PER CENT profit paid on amounts c $25 and upwards Invested through J'ri dcntlul Investmcnl Co. , incorporatci Fisher Blilg. , Chicago. A'-271 23 * 20 PER CENT prollt every month renllzc from AVItho's class C Investments , whlc represent the only rational meilum i conservative speculation ; third year ; Hi e.rnture explains entire system. A. I AVlthe Corporation , Omaha Bldg. . Chen Y-270 23' - eno - _ _ _ _ _ MEAT MARKET for s > 'le ohmiv. alt- ' flne ponies ; nice to ride or drive. 17 ( Cumlnz st. _ V 273 2. ! * CHARTERS for companies from $12 up ; dli ferent states : no tuxes ; no liability shares sold ; capital procured ; compnnle organized. Interstate Law ABSO. , 40'a St. . N. Y. Y- START a mall order business at homi Particulars for stamp. Ormond Co. , Ch cago. Y AVANTED , to buy part or whole of f.ilrl profltuble mercantile or itro business. Address E 60 , DO. Y . 7 ' - ! GOOD clgnr "lore for sal0 ; best locatiton 1 Omuhn. 1513'A Farnam. Y-3r , r. * FOR SALE OR RENT , a mnnufncturln business established 14 years. Owne wants lo rellre. Address E 6G. Bee. Y-M340 30 FOR UXCHANKH. FOR SALE ; will take Omaha Saving Bank accounts , German Savings Ban accounts or clear vacant lots as par payment on homes In Clifton Hill. A P. Tukey , Board of Trade. 55-M733 FOR EXCHANGE. S. AV. corner 2lt an Dodge St. . 107x125 feet , two cottages t oxcnango for property In California , San Francisco preferred. The O. F. Davl company. 1505 Farnam St. Z M211 N15 LOS Angeles cottage for Omnha. 1512 Dav enport , Omaha. 6 M962 FOR TRADE , residence at No. 30SO S. SI Lincoln , worth $5,000 , for farm. M. Edglngton , Edgar , Neb. 52 280-23 * KOH SAI.K RKAI. ESTATE. HOUSES , lotf. farms , lands , loans ; als < fire Insurance. Bcmls. Paxton Block. RE-1SS HAA'E you porno lots to sell ? Now Is th time to dispose of them : let the peopl know that you want to dispose of them /The Bee reaches the people who hove th money. RE S6G FOR SALE , desirable residence lots. 124 : 110 : In tlrsl-class location ; ten minutes walk frrm court hou e ; cheap for cash Address O Cl , Bee. RB-189 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sale o trade. J. N. Frenzer. opp. old P. O. RE-191 9-ROOM modern house. Inq. J24 F. 20th avt RE-250 O2S * BEST and cheapest 200-acre farm In Ne hraska , near Omaha , nt half its appralsei valuation. AV. A. Belden , 2502 Blonde st , Omaha. N-b. RE-M537 N6 FOR SALE , 32 ft. nnd brick building ; oppo situ library ; rented to A. D. T. people A. P. Tukey , B'll of Trade. RE S34 FOR SALE or Irude , SO acre ? nnd ] fi acres good land within one mli : of R. H town In N. W. Nebraska ; wll ( iriule fo second-hand furniture. Mrs. . P. ' ' . Mnrsli Nebraska Sod House , Exposition grounds ME M119 26 * FOR SALE , lot cor. 21st and Castellai M by 91 ; n snap. K .A. Peterson , Blnli Neb. RK 141-Nov IS * FOR SALE or trade. 80 acres and 16 acres good land within one mile of R. II town In Enftern Nebraska ; will trade fo second-bund furniture. Mrs. p. c. Mar li N3bmfkn Sod House , Exposition grounds RE-M119 2fi * FOR SALE. If you want to buy an Im proved ICO-ucrc farm , mile and half fior market , address AV. F. L. , Box o54. Fremont mont , Neb. RE-M20J 23 * WILL trade nice place , S rooms , clear , 1 minutes walk from car. on boulevard , fo small cottage with full lot. cast or soutl front , with barn , or equity In coed rentn property. E 37. Bee. RE 274 23 * DESIRABLE store and flat building , clca of encumbrance * , to exchange for farm I eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. 5-acre tract on Dodne street road west o Dundee1 , for $ ( .00. This Is u great bargalr 400-nu-e stock farm In Loenn county , Ne brnska : this can h boimht for just wha the buildings are worth ; the use of s.K ncres of government land , fenced , gee with It. COrt-fiTc stock farm In Snunders cnunu M.50A water works fy.'tem. good build Infrs npil nr > li'eol t < v ! { farm and homt inn bo bought for $10.00. cheaper than an ; uth'r land In sumo locality . Wo have one of the finest ranch's In th west. 4.000 acres , with good bnll < lln < * s < innntly vnlley land ; will also sell Ih Mock If dp'lreil : Ihl.-i Is offered nl a bar en III "nil Is food onnortuultv for oin p ' . R. C. Pctrs & Co. . U. S. Nit. Riml Bldg. RK-2S3-23 TWENTY iicres orinnd. one.foi'rth" ! ' frori city limit * of S' > rlti"IlfId. Mo. ; It I flrpt c'n ji rrnrden land' been uped as i ' rrenl'lo warden slri'fl 1SS4 : "Me flvroon hoiiB , barn ni'd olher out bulldlntrs nn tli ' - oem hnn . never falllnc water out bu'li'lngs ' : nbout three ncres nf npnli nnd pnaeli orchard : rentlncr for JI1.50 r , ; aire : w'M sell narl or nil on rcaHonnhli terms- for further narMeulnrs nddr-Bi npn w. F'-'ti" , 2di rotnwereinl St. PprlngfUld. Mo. RE-M27S-23 * I'OR HA'.R : Fin * mo.ifr'i home on Pt > - > uleton Ave. . eo t * 4.500.fjt. can be bought M"ndo'for J2.40rtfO. \Irdern ' " > ' < > e. > " - bloiU north of Hanscon Pnrk. llfOOM ! f liQiinht soon 3even-rof > m modern bouse , full lot , front. $ l. ! > oo mi very easy Pivmentq. I'lvo rnomed hoi' e fi'll fnfit front lot , flm nelebborhood , $ l.f/i0.fiO , on very easy pay [ liivo F"eelnl bircolnr In nil n.'irts of thi cltv and Home of the finest modern Inunei tltnt en" be boupht. fit verv low nrlces I cnn il you treed quarter section of lai'i Inr $175.00. nnd from that < iroo | un tf JlOfiOfi" n dunrter ; flno prnlrl * Innd a frnm J2.00 to JI.OO nor ncrc : well witerei nnd near town. Cnn sell vou coed rc l denre lots for from $ ? Y ( > 0 to Jo | < von for nni k'nd ' of n snlo or trmin. call o * write mo Lyman AVaHrman , S22 N Y T if. RE-276-23 * FOR SAl.K-RHAI. F.STATI3 , ( Continued. ) NINE ncres choice gardening land or poul try farm , S-r. house , good barn , fiO clinic * fruit trees , near Hcnson school , on car line ; your own price ; must bo sold. CM Bm . - 25 ALL women who can't raise fnmlly should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. -M8S3 OJ3 MORPHINE , opium , cocontnc und alcohol diseases absolutely nnd permanently cured la from thrco to llvo diiys. Treat ment pleasant nnd harmless. Every cnso cured or no charge. Best bank nnd other references. Call or address Hill late Rlu / Company , 410 Shccly Block , Omnhn. I 739 25 * J LADIES ! Chlchestcr's English Pennyroyal Pills ( Diamond brand ) arc the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamp ! " , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall ; nl druggists. Chl- ohester Chemical Co. . Phllndelnhlii Pn LADIES. $2 will cure every cusi1 ot sup pressed menstruation : scud stump for parllculnrs. Address E 01 , Bee. M307 24 * SHORTHAND ANII TYPHAVIUTING. VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. "NlBhl school from Sept , 20. 134 AT OMA1IA Bus College. ICth & Dougliu ? -193 SHORT-HAND , up-to.tlatc , taught by court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bco bids -IK OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping , rinvd'o thcate- . 513 O25 * SHORTHAND thoroughly taught by mall In twenty lessons by expert stenographer. Addiess C. A. T. , CO Thctford Ave , .Dor chester , Muss. 27 ! > 23 * TVIM3WUI.TI3US. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1023 Farnam SI. ; telephone 12bl. 192 WE rent and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter nnd Supply Co. . 1512 Fnrnam St. Ii3 REMINGTON sTriminrd typewriter nml Hiippllcs. 1019 Farnam Si. 715 FINANCIAL. SOMETHING new In stock nnd bonds ; payn 200 per cent per year cm Investment ; any amount : inveslors nocured ; payable any time ; no spoculatlrin ; best references ; wrlto for particulars. Investors Trust , 1221 Arch St. . Philadelphia. Pa. _ LOST. TUESDAY evening , pocketbook containing f bracelet set with Jewels and engraved ' with owner's name. Leave with Mrs. AVilllam Lyons , SGTJ N. 21th.LostM210 Lost-M210 23 * LOST , collarclle. sealskin and marten near 13th and Wlllliims ; liberal reward for re turn. 1209 Doilglur. Lost 331 23 * SIIOi : REPAIRING. AVILL repair your shoes whllo you wait , only 15 minutes ; half soles and heels for \ 60c : first class work guaranteed. 710 N. m 16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la. / -264 O23 IIARDAVOOD LUMIIER. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick , ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Calif. 128-O26. TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN. the tailor , Boyd theater. 704 N10 MAX FOGEL niters Indies' Jackets. 5 < V 8. 17th. 70S N10 DANCING SCHOOL. MATHEW'S school for dancing. 313 South 13th. Rates reasonable. Call or write for particulars. 630 us * MR. AND MRS. MORAND , 1510 Harney st. , now open ; lessons for children ami adults * . For terms please call. Always opon. 846 N15 WORAND'S assemblies every AA'ednesday S p. m. ; opening assembly , November 2 ; you are Invited ; new dances , orchestra ; ad mission , 23c : private lessons day and evening ; waltz nnd 2-stcp guarnnled. $3. . . 197-N20 _ lUillllER STAMPS AMI STKNCILS. OMAHA Rubber Slump Co. . 215 So. 13th. Phone 1023. AVrlto for catalogue , i _ _ 159 N19 \ _ _ _ I i FURNITURE REPAIRING. \ ' UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen , 1523 Leav'th , 222 Nov29 I STENOGRAPHERS. \VE SOLICIT and furnish positions fcr stenographers freo. The Smith-Premier Typewrllcr Co. , Telephone. 12JI. 199 ELECTRO PI.VTI\fJ. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St. M827-Oct29 SCHOOL FOR DRESS CUTTING. LATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded. Mrs , Martin gcn'l ngl teacher 2235 Charles. 772 024 siicrn.iss. N'EAV wheels , $17.50 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheel ? , $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 1 & Chlcaco , 20 ? . FENCING AND 1IOXINO ACAIIHMV. 1212 Farnam St. . boxing taught efficiently In 1 month ; send for circular * . Col. T. H. Monslery. 475 N3 * STAMMERING AND STUTTI3IUNO. SCHCiOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. A'aughn. 300 N. Y L. hldg. 122 N18 .SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. CIIATELAINS language school , French German. Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater. day and evening class. 909-O23. iioiisn.s vvi.vrnitKi ) , GOOD care ; $1.50 per tno. AV. F. Snyder , 59th & Lcavcnworlh : ivrltc 814 S. 26th si. 483 N3 OPTICAL. UYK8 tested free. Optical Institute. Sheely block. ; oi N30 NICIvEM'LATINfi. GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng , get your Imseburner nli'kelplatcd. Oniulia 1'latlns Co. , 1302 Fnrnam , entrancu on 13th. -S15 N14 At'CTION , I. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room SID Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stack , etc. 197 IIICYCLK REPAIRING. IVORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. , 115 N. 15th. 229 NT- MATTIir.SS RENOVATING. hi. 8. AVALKL1N , 2U1 Cumlng. TfiTliniT * " -292 IIMMIIIV cousin's. ) NLY cornet ninda havlni ; waist lino. Room 10 , Crelghton Blk . J5th & Douglas. 317-N22 -x WANTED TO HOU HOAV. 109 AT ONCE for short time ; good terur- Hy. E 64 , Bee. . .joj " 3. VIOLINS 7 , A. CASE , violins repaired , 416 Shrelv hllc.